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№8701 10 02 2015, 19:20 Народ подскажите, есть ли вариант установить альтернативный датчик положения коленчатого вала на Н42Б20 ? заказывать долго, может от других авто подходит ?
№8702 10 02 2015, 19:32 Замир : Народ подскажите, есть ли вариант установить альтернативный датчик положения коленчатого вала на Н42Б20 ? заказывать долго, может от других авто подходит ?
0,5литра—это бутылка водки.1,0литра-это пакет молока.1,5литра-это бутылка газировки.2,0литра-это чайник на кухне.3,0литра-это банка соленых огурцов.4.0литра-это с чего.начинается двигатель V8 POWER!
№8703 10 02 2015, 22:36 Всем привет. Принимайте в клуп любителей N42, я уже думаю полноправным стал, победил мёртвый N42 , снимал голову, менял МСК, ваносы пару раз перекидывал, ну и остальные любимые вещи. В итоге работаем тихо, обороты ровные, едем бодро.
№8704 11 02 2015, 00:11
N46b20 2cf8 контакт на дрос.заслонку есть 100%, ошибки не удаляются, диагностил инпой..
№8707 11 02 2015, 12:13 Don_OMAR
Ремонт сервопривода системы Valvetronic: http://bmwfanatics.ru/forumvb/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=132045
Рекомендуем почитать на тему Клуб владельцев мотора N42
№8708 11 02 2015, 12:22 VIA шприц там вколхожен как переходник-уплотнитель, ничего другого под рукой видимо не было…
продам/дам в аренду инструмент н42/н46 ценнег вкусный http://e46club.ru/forumvb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=50591
№8709 11 02 2015, 12:41 Fedya316 : Pifon07 : 2cf8 2cfa Лямбда сосет воздух либо неисправен потенциометр дроссельной заслонки. Вобщем если дроссель впорядке, надо смотреть лямбды предкатовые. началось после неудачной замены фишки на дросельнйо заслонке. с лямдами вопрос, у меня калининградка, ни катов ничего с завода нет
№8711 11 02 2015, 13:56 Fedya316 : А ну тог Pifon07 : началось после неудачной замены фишки на дросельнйо заслонке. с лямдами вопрос, у меня калининградка, ни катов ничего с завода нет Ну тогда проверяй то что ковыряли до этого. Может при замене фишки контакты на место не встали либо вообще перепутали местами их. дело в том что контакты 100% на дрос заслонку есть, вроде не перепутал, хотя допускаю такое..
№8713 11 02 2015, 14:22 Fedya316 : в интернете есть WDS там все расписано какой коннектор и какой цвет. можешь помочь с ссылкой?
№8715 11 02 2015, 15:41 Pifon07
продам/дам в аренду инструмент н42/н46 ценнег вкусный http://e46club.ru/forumvb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=50591
№8716 11 02 2015, 16:15 Fedya316 : http://f.b-m-w.ru/wds/ не хочет она у меня работать..замучался
№8717 11 02 2015, 16:17 Fe1ix : Pifon07 ты в курсе что эта деталь отдельно продается как блок проводов и ниодин адекватный человек этого делать не станет Ты хотьвообще понимаешь от чего ты фишку отрезать предлогаешь? Кто нибудь сфотайте или напишите как провода по цветам стоят?
Рекомендуем почитать на тему Клуб владельцев мотора N42
№8718 11 02 2015, 17:57 Pifon07 на большинстве разборов косы и патрубки режут для быстрого демонтажа.
продам/дам в аренду инструмент н42/н46 ценнег вкусный http://e46club.ru/forumvb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=50591
№8719 12 02 2015, 09:59 Pifon07 : Fedya316 : http://f.b-m-w.ru/wds/ не хочет она у меня работать..замучался enternet explorer должен быть 6 ой версии не выше
№8721 15 02 2015, 17:52 Доброго вечера, очередной подход сделан и очередные вопросы: 1. Отключили датчик Вальвотроника, отключили клемму с сервопривода — запустили двигатель. 2. Отключили клемму с сервопривода, датчик Вальвотроника включен — запустили двигатель. 3. Клемма на сервоприводе одета, датчик Вальвотроника включен — запустили двигатель. Вывод: не исправна система Вальвотроника, ибо дроссельная заслонка при корректно работающей системе не должна открываться Как проверить работу системы Вальвотроника? Вопросов масса, прошу помочь!
Ремонт сервопривода системы Valvetronic: http://bmwfanatics.ru/forumvb/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=132045
№8722 15 02 2015, 20:59
не знаю как протестить всю систему, но по отдельности: мотор валветроника можно на прямую подключить к АКБ-должен крутить, меняешь полярность- соответственно вращение в противоположную сторону..датчик эксцентрикового вала даже не представляю как проверить вручную, наверно не реально..если только как-нибудь через комп(INPA или DIS), кстати датчик у меня есть если что..я летом свой менял,а зря..дело оказалось не в нем, а в ДМРВ.
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Приветствую! Имеется BMW X5 E70 2010г вин 5UXZV4C53BL404675. Проблема в том что после интенсивной езды (газ в пол) отключаются 3 и 4 цилиндры. Присутствуют ошибки 2efe, 2F02,2F01. Форсунки 3 и 4 цилиндра заменили на новые, свечи тоже заменили, катушки зажигания меняли местами, результата не дало, компрессия тоже в норме. Посоветуйте пожалуйста в чем может быть проблема!
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Это DME бензин- 2F02,2F01-ошибки по пропускам в 3 и 4 котлах . Видимо , осцилки надо снимать для начала по КВ и РВ
Изменено 6 августа 2015 пользователем 052
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Форсунки прописаны
Изменено 6 августа 2015 пользователем Alexandr77
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Я ответил на вопрос, у меня спросили форсунки прописали? и какие каталожные номера форсунок установлены
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ошибка была б спорадичной по цилиндрам…
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Вариантов много. Шатуны 3 и 4 гнутые, к примеру. Мотортестер нужен.
Изменено 11 августа 2015 пользователем 052
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Тема про прописку форсунок на бензомоторе. Эксклюзивно.
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Тема про прописку форсунок на бензомоторе. Эксклюзивно.
Ответ улыбнул )))
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Две недели трудился над N55 с той же проблемой,процедуры ремонта были те же,ничего не помогло! Отдал машину,подозревал задиры в цилиндрах,так ка такой случай был с N63.
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N63 разобрали,точно задиры,дальше не занимался ремонтом.Авто с N55 ,не знаю что с ней, забрали…..но поменяли все новое,касаемо 3 и 4 цилиндра,и насос топливный новый,точно такие же симптомы были на 63-м.С Наступающим!
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Позже выяснилось, что очередная замена свечей зажигания решила проблему с пропусками (продали некачественные свечи)
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P1084 Fuel Control Mixture Rich (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
P1085 Fuel Control Mixture Lean (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
P1086 Fuel Control Mixture Rich (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
P1087 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response in Lean Control Range (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
P1088 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response in Rich Control Range (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
P1089 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response in Lean Control Range (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
P1090 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Lean Bank 1
P1091 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Rich Bank 1
P1092 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Lean Bank 2
P1093 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Rich Bank 2
P1094 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response in Rich Control Range (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
P1095 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Switching From Lean to Rich (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
P1096 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Switching From Lean to Rich (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
P1097 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response after Coast Down Fuel Cutoff (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
P1098 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response after Coast Down Fuel Cutoff (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
P1111 Engine Coolant Temperature Radiator Outlet Sensor Low Input
P1112 Engine Coolant Temperature Radiator Outlet Sensor High Input
P1115 Coolant Temperature Sensor Plausibility
P1116 Mass Or Volume Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem (Bank 2)
P1117 Mass Or Volume Air Flow Circuit Low Input (Bank 2)
P1118 Mass Or Volume Air Flow Circuit High Input (Bank 2)
P1120 Pedal Position Sensor Circuit
P1121 Pedal Position 1 Range/Performance Problem
P1122 Pedal Position 1 Low Input
P1123 Pedal Position 1 High Input
P1132 O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
P1133 O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
P1134 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Signal Intermittent (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
P1135 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
P1136 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
P1137 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Signal Intermittant (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
P1138 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
P1139 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
P1140 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem
P1145 Solenoid Valve Running Losses Control Circuit Electrical
P1151 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Signal Intermittant (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
P1152 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
P1153 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
P1155 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Intermittant (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
P1156 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
P1157 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
P1158 Fuel Trim Additve Bank 1 Low
P1159 Fuel Trim Additve Bank 1 High
P1160 Fuel Trim Additve Bank 2 Low
P1161 Fuel Trim Additve Bank 2 High
P1162 Fuel Trim Additve Per Ignition Bank 1 Low
P1163 Fuel Trim Additve Per Ignition Bank 1 High
P1164 Fuel Trim Additve Per Ignition Bank 2 Low
P1165 Fuel Trim Additve Per Ignition Bank 2 High
P1174 Fuel Trim Adaptation Additve Bank 1 Malfunction
P1175 Fuel Trim Adaptation Additve Bank 2 Malfunction
P1176 O2 Sensor Slow Response Bank 1
P1177 O2 Sensor Slow Response Bank 2
P1178 O2 Sensor Signal Circuit Slow Switching From Rich to Lean (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
P1179 O2 Sensor Signal Circuit Slow Switching From Rich to Lean (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
P1180 O2 Sensor Signal Circuit Slow Switching From Rich to Lean (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
P1181 O2 Sensor Signal Circuit Slow Switching From Rich to Lean (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
P1182 O2 Sensor (Bank 1 Sensor 2) Open Circuit During Coast Down Fuel Cut-off
P1183 O2 Sensor (Bank 2 Sensor 2) Open Circuit During Coast Down Fuel Cut-off
P1186 O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
P1187 O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
P1188 Fuel Control (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
P1189 Fuel Control (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
P1190 Pre-catalyst Fuel Trim System Bank 1
P1191 Pre-catalyst Fuel Trim System Bank 2
P1192 Post-catalyst Fuel Trim System Bank 1
P1193 Post-catalyst Fuel Trim System Bank 2
P1221 Pedal Position Sensor 2 Range/Performance Problem
P1222 Pedal Position Sensor 2 Low Input
P1223 Pedal Position Sensor 2 High Input
P1270 Control Module Self-Test, Torque Monitoring
P1271 Ambient Air Pressure Sensor Electrical
P1283 Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 1 Control Circuit Electrical
P1284 Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 1 Control Circuit Signal Low
P1285 Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 1 Control Circuit Signal High
P1287 Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 2 Control Circuit Electrical
P1288 Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 2 Control Circuit Signal Low
P1289 Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 2 Control Circuit Signal High
P1313 «A» Camshaft Position Plausibility
P1317 «B» Camshaft Position Plausibility
P1327 Knock Sensor 2 (Bank 1) Low Input
P1328 Knock Sensor 2 (Bank 1) High Input
P1332 Knock Sensor 4 Low Input
P1333 Knock Sensor 4 High Input
P1340 Multiple Cylinder Misfire During Start
P1341 Multiple Cylinder Misfire With Fuel Cut-off
P1342 Misfire During Start Cylinder 1
P1343 Misfire Cylinder 1 With Fuel Cut-off
P1344 Misfire During Start Cylinder 2
P1345 Misfire Cylinder 2 With Fuel Cut-off
P1346 Misfire During Start Cylinder 3
P1347 Misfire Cylinder 3 With Fuel Cut-off
P1348 Misfire During Start Cylinder 4
P1349 Misfire Cylinder 4 With Fuel Cut-off
P1350 Misfire During Start Cylinder 5
P1351 Misfire Cylinder 5 With Fuel Cut-off
P1352 Misfire During Start Cylinder 6
P1353 Misfire Cylinder 6 With Fuel Cut-off
P1354 Misfire During Start Cylinder 7
P1355 Misfire Cylinder 7 With Fuel Cut-off
P1356 Misfire During Start Cylinder 8
P1357 Misfire Cylinder 8 With Fuel Cut-off
P1358 Misfire During Start Cylinder 9
P1359 Misfire Cylinder 9 With Fuel Cut-off
P1360 Misfire During Start Cylinder 10
P1361 Misfire Cylinder 10 With Fuel Cut-off
P1362 Misfire During Start Cylinder 11
P1363 Misfire Cylinder 11 With Fuel Cut-off
P1364 Misfire During Start Cylinder 12
P1365 Misfire Cylinder 12 With Fuel Cut-off
P1384 Knock Sensor 3 Circuit
P1385 Knock Sensor 4 Circuit
P1386 Control Module Self-test, Knock Control Baseline Test Bank 1
P1396 Crankshaft Position Sensor Segment Timing Plausibility
P1397 Camshaft Position Sensor «B» Circuit (Bank 1)
P1400 Heated Catalyst Battery Voltage or Current too Low During Heating (Bank 1)
P1401 Heated Catalyst Current too High During Heating (Bank 1)
P1402 Heated Catalyst Power Switch Overtemperature Condition (Bank 1)
P1403 Carbon Canister Shut Off valve Control Circuit Electrical
P1404 Heated Catalyst Current too High During Heating (Bank 2)
P1405 Heated Catalyst Power Switch Overtemperature Condition (Bank 2)
P1406 Heated Catalyst Internal Control Module Checksum/ROM Error
P1413 Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay Control Circuit Signal Low
P1414 Secondary Air Injection System Monitor Circuit High
P1420 Secondary Air Valve Control Circuit Electrical
P1421 Secondary Air System Bank 1
P1422 Secondary Air System Bank 2
P1432 Secondary Air Injection System Incorrect Flow Detected
P1438 Purge Control Valve Control Open Circuit
P1439 Purge Control Valve Control Circuit Signal Low
P1440 Purge Control Valve Control Circuit Signal High
P1441 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Control Open Circuit
P1442 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Control Circuit Signal Low
P1443 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Control Circuit Signal High
P1444 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Pump Control Open Circuit
P1445 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Pump Control Circuit Signal Low
P1446 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Pump Control Circuit Signal High
P1447 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Pump Too High During Switching
P1448 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Pump Too Low During Switching
P1449 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Pump Too High
P1450 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Switching Solenoid Open Circuit
P1451 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Switching Solenoid Control Circuit Signal Low
P1452 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Switching Solenoid Control Circuit Signal High
P1453 Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay Control Circuit Electrical
P1454 Secondary Air Injection Pump With Series Resistor Control Circuit Electrical
P1456 Heated Catalyst Heater Power Supply Open Circuit (Bank 1)
P1457 Heated Catalyst Heater Power Switch Temperature Sensor Electrical (Bank 1)
P1459 Heated Catalyst Heater Power Supply Open Circuit (Bank 2)
P1460 Heated Catalyst Heater Power Switch Temperature Sensor Electrical (Bank 2)
P1461 Heated Catalyst Gate Voltage Signal Low
P1462 Heated Catalyst Internal Control Module Checksum/ROM Error
P1463 Heated Catalyst Battery Temperature Sensor 1 Electrical
P1464 Heated Catalyst Battery Temperature Sensor 2 Electrical
P1465 Heated Catalyst Battery Temperature Sensor 1 or 2 Plausibility
P1466 Heated Catalyst Power Switch Temperature Sensor Plausibility
P1467 Heated Catalyst Comparison Battery Voltages of Power Switches Plausibility
P1468 Heated Catalyst Battery Disconnecting Switch Plausibility
P1470 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Control Circuit Electrical
P1472 Diagnostic Module Tank leakage (DM-TL) Switching Solenoid Control Circuit Electrical
P1473 Diagnostic Module Tank leakage (DM-TL) Pump Current Plausibility
P1475 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Reed Switch Did Not Close
P1476 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Clamped Tube
P1477 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Reed Switch Did Not Open
P1500 Idle Speed Control Valve Stuck Open
P1501 Idle Speed Control Valve Stuck Closed
P1502 Idle Speed Control Valve Closing Solenoid Control Circuit Signal High or Low
P1503 Idle Speed Control Valve Closing Solenoid Control Circuit Signal Low
P1504 Idle Speed Control Valve Closing Solenoid Control Open Circuit
P1505 Idle Speed Control Valve Closing Solenoid Control Circuit Electrial
P1506 Idle Speed Control Valve Open Solenoid Control Circuit Signal High
P1507 Idle Speed Control Valve Open Solenoid Control Circuit Signal Low
P1508 Idle Speed Control Valve Opening Solenoid Control Open Circuit
P1509 Idle Speed Control Valve Opening Solenoid Control Circuit Electrial
P1510 Idle Speed Control Valve Stuck
P1511 DISA Control Circuit Electrical
P1512 DISA Control Circuit Signal Low
P1513 DISA Control Circuit Signal High
P1519 «A» Camshaft Position Actuator Bank 1
P1520 «B» Camshaft Position Actuator Bank 1
P1522 «A» Camshaft Position Actuator Bank 2
P1523 «A» Camshaft Position Actuator Signal Low Bank 1
P1524 «A» Camshaft Position Actuator Signal High Bank 1
P1525 «A» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1
P1526 «A» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 2
P1527 «A» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Signal Low Bank 1
P1528 «A» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Signal High Bank 1
P1529 «B» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Signal Low Bank 1
P1530 «B» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Signal High Bank 1
P1531 «B» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1
P1532 «B» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 2
P1533 «B» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Signal Low Bank 2
P1534 «B» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Signal High Bank 2
P1540 Pedal Position Sensor
P1541 Pedal Position Sensor Double Error
P1542 Pedal Position Sensor Electrical
P1543 Pedal Position Sensor
P1544 Pedal Position Sensor
P1545 Pedal Position Sensor
P1546 Pedal Position Sensor
P1550 Idle Speed Control valve Closing Solenoid Control Circuit Electrical
P1551 «A» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1
P1552 «A» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1
P1556 «A» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1
P1560 «B» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1
P1564 Control Module Selection
P1565 «B» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1
P1569 «A» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 2
P1580 Throttle Valve Mechanically Stuck
P1581 «B» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 2
P1589 Control Module Self Test, Knock Control Test Pulse Bank 1
P1593 DISA Control Circuit Electrical
P1594 «B» Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 2
P1602 Control Module Self Test, Control Module Defective
P1603 Control Module Self Test, Torque Monitoring
P1604 Control Module Self Test, Speed Monitoring
P1607 CAN Version
P1608 Serial Communicating Link Control Module
P1609 Serial Communicating Link EML
P1611 Serial Communicating Link Transmission Control Module
P1619 MAP Cooling Control Circuit Signal Low
P1620 MAP Cooling Control Circuit Signal High
P1622 MAP Cooling Control Circuit Electrical
P1623 Pedal Position Sensor Potentiometer Supply
P1624 Pedal Position Sensor Potentiometer Supply Channel 1 Electrical
P1625 Pedal Position Sensor Potentiometer Supply Channel 2 Electrical
P1632 Throttle Valve Adaptation; Adaptation Condition Not Met
P1633 Throttle Valve Adaptation; Limp Home Position
P1634 Throttle Valve Adaptation; Spring Test Failed
P1635 Throttle Valve Adaptation; Lower Mechanical Stop Not Adapted
P1636 Throttle Valve Control Circuit
P1637 Throttle Valve Position Control; Control Deviation
P1638 Throttle Valve Position Control; Throttle Stuck Temporarily
P1639 Throttle Valve Position Control; Throttle Stuck Permanently
P1640 Internal Control Module (ROM/RAM) Error
P1690 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Electrical
P1734 Pressure Control Solenoid «B» Electrical
P1738 Pressure Control Solenoid «C» Electrical
P1743 Pressure Control Solenoid «E» Electrical
P1744 Pressure Control Solenoid «A» Electrical
P1746 Transmission Control Module Output Stage
P1747 CAN Bus Monitoring
P1748 Transmission Control Module Self Test
P1749 Secondary Pressure Solenoid Communication Error
P1750 Secondary Pressure Solenoid Circuit Range/Performance
P1751 Secondary Pressure Solenoid Open Circuit
P1761 Shift Solenoid Malfunction
P1765 CAN Throttle Valve
P1770 CAN Torque Interface
P1780 CAN Torque Reduction
BMW Codes
29CC misfirings, several cylinders
29CD misfirings, cylinder 1
29CE misfirings, cylinder 2
29CF misfirings, cylinder 3
29D0 misfirings, cylinder 4
29D1 misfirings, cylinder 5
29D2 misfirings, cylinder 6
29D9 misfirings in case of tank filling level too low
29DA crankshaft sensor, segment adaptation
29DB smooth running, Segment time measurement
29DC cylinder injection switch-off
29E0 fuel mixture control
29E1 fuel mixture control 2
29E2 fuel injection rail, pressure sensor signal
29E5 fuel mixture adaptation, upper speed range
29E6 fuel mixture adaptation 2, upper speed range
29F1 fuel pressure, plausibility
29F2 fuel high pressure system, fuel pressure
29F3 fuel pressure sensor, electrical
29F4 catalytic converter conversion
29F5 catalytic converter conversion 2
2A0C exhaust fume return, systemfunktion
2A0D exhaust fume return valve, input signal
2A0E exhaustfume returnvalve, deviation postioncontroling
2A0F exhaust fume return valve, adaptation
2A10 exhaust fume return valve, signal
2A12 DMTL diagnosis module tank leakage, magnetic valve, input signal
2A13 DMTL diagnosis module tank leakage, leakage diagnosis pujmp, input signal
2A15 DMTL diagnosis module tank leakage, fine leakage
2A16 DMTL diagnosis module tank leakage, finest leakage
2A17 DMTL diagnosis module tank leakage, system failure
2A18 DMTL diagnosis module tank leakage, heating: input signal
2A19 tank ventilation valve, input signal
2A1A tank ventilation system, function
2A1B tank lid
2A1C tank filling level, plausibility
2A26 catalytic converter, conversion during shift operation
2A27 catalytic converter 2, conversion during shift operation
2A2B fuel mixture control
2A2C fuel mixture control 2
2A2D fuel low pressure system, fuel pressure
2A80 inlet-Vanos variable cam control test, input signal
2A82 inlet-Vanos variable cam control test
2A85 outlet-VANOS variable cam control test
2A87 outlet-Vanos variable cam control test, mechanics
2A94 crankshaft sensor, signal
2A95 crankshaft sensor, synchronisation
2A96 crankshaft sensor, tooth failure
2A97 crankshaft sensor, gap failure
2A98 crank shaft — inlet camshaft, correlation
2A99 crank shaft — outlet camshaft, correlation
2A9A camshaft sensor inlet, signal
2A9B camshaft sensor outlet, signal
2A9E camshaft sensor inlet, synchonization
2A9F camshaft sensor outlet, synchronization
2AA0 camshaft sensor inlet, signal
2AA1 camshaft sensor outlet, signal
2AA2 camshaft sensor inlet, gap loss
2AA3 camshaft sensor outlet, loss
2AA4 camshaft sensor inlet, tooth failure
2AA5 camshaft sensor outlet, tooth failure
2AA8 variable suction unit adjustment motor: input signal
2AA9 variable suction unit adjustment motor 2: input signal
2AAA variable suction unit, plausibility
2AAB variable suction unit, self diagnosis
2AAC variable suction unit 2, self diagnosis
2AAD fuel pumpe, emergency off
2AAE Fuel pump
2AAF fuel pump, plausibility
2AB2 DME, internal error: RAM
2AB3 DME, internal error: checksum
2AB4 DME, internal error: RAM-checksum
2AB5 DME, internal error: knocksensor
2AB6 DME, internal error: multi outputstage
2ABC charging pressure sensor, electrical
2ABD intake pressure sensor, re-running
2AC6 Taster driving dynamics control (sports button), signal
2ACB DME digital motor electronics main relay, input signal
2ACC DME digital motor electronics main relay, switch delay
2AD0 gear control
2ADF idle running control, speed
2AE0 idle running control during cold start
2AE4 motor venting/heating relay, input signal
2AF0 nitric oxide sensor, heating
2AF2 nitric oxide sensor, Lambda linear
2AF4 NOXsensor, electrical
2AF6 nitric oxide sensor, Lambda binary
2B00 overspeed, lean-range
2C24 Lambda proben in front of catalytic converter, muddled
2C27 Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter, system check
2C28 Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2, system check
2C2B Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter, system check
2C2C Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2, system check
2C2D Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter, thrust control
2C2E Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2, thrust control
2C31 Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter, trimming control
2C32 Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2, trimming control
2C39 Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter, dynamics
2C3A Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2, dynamics
2C3B Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter, not plugged
2C3C Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2, not plugged
2C3D Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter, Leitungsfailure
2C3E Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2, Leitungsfailure Kabelcable oder Ubertragungsfehler transmission?
2C3F DME, internal error: Lambdaprobe, evaluation component
2C40 DME, internal error: Lambdaprobe 2, evaluation component
2C41 DME, internal error: Lambdaprobe
2C42 DME, internal error: Lambdaprobe 2
2C6A Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, muddled
2C6B Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, system check
2C6C Lambda probe behind catalytic converter 2, system check
2C6D Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, aging
2C6E Lambda probe behind catalytic converter 2, aging
2C73 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, signal
2C74 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter 2, signal
2C75 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, signal
2C76 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter 2, signal
2C77 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, signal
2C78 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter 2, signal
2C79 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, signal
2C7A Lambda probe behind catalytic converter 2, signal
2C7B Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, signal
2C7C Lambda probe behind catalytic converter 2, signal
2C7E Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, trimming control
2C7F Lambda probe behind catalytic converter 2, trimm control
2C87 exhaust fume temperature sensor, signal
2C9C Lambda probe heating in front of catalytic converter, input signal
2C9D Lambda probe heating in front of catalytic converter 2, input signal
2C9E Lambda probe heating behind catalytic converter, input signal
2C9F Lambda probe heating behind catalytic converter 2, input signal
2CA6 Lambda probe heating in front of catalytic converter, function
2CA7 Lambda probe heating in front of catalytic converter 2, function
2CA8 Lambda probe heating behind catalytic converter, function
2CA9 Lambda probe heating behind catalytic converter 2, function
2CAA Lambdaprobe before catalyst, temperature
2CAB Lambdaprobe 2 before catalyst, temperature
2CEC throttle valve actuater, short locked
2CED throttle valve actuater, reamains locked
2CEE throttle valve actuater, rough running
2CEF throttle valve actuater, activation
2CF6 throttle valve potentiometer 1, plausibility with regard to air mass
2CF7 throttle valve potentiometer 2, plausibility with regard to air mass
2CF9 throttle valve potentiometer 1
2CFA throttle valve potentiometer 2
2CFB throttle valve adaptation value
2CFC throttle valve, start test
2CFD throttle valve adaptation value missing
2CFE throttle valve, continuous adaptation
2D06 air mass system
2D07 Throttle valve
2D0B throttle valve heater, Relais
2D0C throttle valve, defrosting
2D0E air mass meter, electrical
2D0F air mass meter, signal
2D15 air mass gauge, measurement range
2D16 air mass meter, signal
2D1B accelerator pedal module, pedal sensor signal 1
2D1C accelerator pedal module, pedal sensor signal 2
2D1D accelerator pedal module, pedal sensor 1, voltage suppy
2D1E accelerator pedal module, pedal sensor 2, voltage suppy
2D1F accelerator pedal module, pedal sensor potentiometer, signal
2D20 accelerator pedal module, pedal sensor, plausibility between signal 1 and signal 2
2D28 differential pressure sensor, suction pipe: Signal
2D29 differential pressure sensor, suction pipe: plausibility
2D2A differential pressure sensor, suction pipe: adaptation
2D2B pressure sensor of the intake pipe, re-running
2D2E angle of throttle valve — intake pipe underpressure, Korrelation
2D33 Absolutpressuresensor, intake pipe: Signal
2D35 Absolutpressuresensor, intake pipe: adaption
2D50 DME digital motor electronics, internal failure: driving speed contro
2D52 DME digital motor electronics, internal failure: control motor speed
2D53 DME digital motor electronics, internal failure: control speed limitation
2D55 DME digital motor electronics, internal failure: control driver pedal module
2D56 DME digital motor electronics, internal failure: control idle running
2D57 DME digital motor electronics, internal failure: control external torque requirement
2D58 DME digital motor electronics, internal failure: control nominal torque?
2D59 DME digital motor electronics, internal failure: control actual torque?
2D5A control motor torque limitation
2D5C DME digital motor electronics, internal failure: control hardware
2D5F reset
2D60 fuel mass, monitoring
2D61 throttle valve, monitoring
2D64 control stoichiometric mixture
2D67 DME digital motor electronics, internal failure: control processors
2DB5 driving speed control, signal
2DB6 speed controling, switch mulitfunctional steering wheel
2DB7 driving speed control, time limit of data transfer achieved
2DBE active speed control, locked for driving cycle
2DC0 longitudinal dynamics management
2DC3 control Klemme 15
2DC5 torque requirement via CANcontroller area network, plausibility
2DC8 message of electronic gear control? missing, electronic gear control? 1
2DC9 message of electronic gear control? missing, electronic gear control? 2
2DE1 value of left tank-fuellevel, plausibility
2DE2 value of righttank-fuellevel, plausibility
2DEB power management, vehicle wiring system control
2DEC power management, battery control
2DED power management, standby current control
2E18 ignition, cylinder 1
2E19 ignition, cylinder 2
2E1A ignition, cylinder 3
2E1B ignition, cylinder 4
2E1C ignition, cylinder 5
2E1D ignition, cylinder 6
2E30 injection valve cylinder 1, input signal
2E31 injection valve cylinder 2, input signal
2E32 injection valve cylinder 3, input signal
2E33 injection valve cylinder 4, input signal
2E34 injection valve cylinder 5, input signal
2E35 injection valve cylinder 6, input signal
2E68 knock sensor signal 1
2E69 knock sensor signal 2
2E77 ignition, voltage suppy
2E7C bit serial data interface, signal
2E81 elctrical cooling pump:, speed deviation
2E82 elctrical cooling pump: switch off
2E83 elctrical cooling pump, low-power mode
2E84 elctrical cooling pump, communication
2E85 elctrical cooling pump, communication
2E8B intelligent battery sensor, signal
2E8C intelligent battery sensor, function
2E8D intelligent battery sensor, signal transmission
2E8E intelligent battery sensor, communication
2E96 generator, under excitation
2E97 Generator
2E98 generator, communication
2E9F oil condition sensor
2EA1 oil condition sensor, communication
2EAE message of nitrogen oxide sensor 1 missing
2EAF message of nitrogen oxide sensor 2 missing
2ECC generator, communication
2ECD Generator, electrical
2ECE generator, plausibility: electrical
2ECF Generator, overtemperature
2ED0 generator, plausibility: temperature
2ED1 Generator, mechanical
2ED2 generator, controler wrong
2ED3 generator, wrong model
2EE0 coolant temperature sensor, Signal
2EE1 coolant temperature sensor, plausibility
2EE2 coolant temperature sensor, plausibility, Signal konstant
2EE3 coolant temperature sensor, plausibility, gradient
2EE6 cooling fluid sensor, measurement range
2EEA temperature sensor radiator outlet, signal
2EEB temperature sensor radiator outlet, plausibility, gradient
2EEC temperature sensor radiator outlet, plausibility
2EF4 map thermostat, mechanics
2EF5 map thermostat, input signal
2EFE electrical fan, input signal
2EFF electrical fan, self diagnosis
2F08 inlet air temperature sensor, signal
2F09 inlet air temperature sensor, plausibility
2F0A inlet air temperature sensor turbo charger, signal
2F0D radiator blind, input signal, (GLF)
2F10 radiator blind, bottom
2F11 radiator blind, top
2F12 air conditioning compressor, input signal
2F49 EWS manipulation protection
2F4A interface EWS-DME electronic vehicle immobilization/digital motor electronics
2F4B DME digital motor electronics, internal failure: EWS (electronic vehicle immobilization) data
2F4C message EWS-DME digital motor electronics electronic vehicle immobilization-digital motor electronics failure
2F4E vehicle speed, signal
2F4F vehicle speed, plausibility
2F58 start automatics, input signal
2F63 brake light switch, plausibility
2F64 brake light test switch, plausibility
2F67 clutch switch, signal
2F6C exhaust fumeflap, input signal
2F71 E‑box-fan, input signal
2F76 ambient pressure sensor, signal
2F77 ambient pressure sensor, plausibility
2F79 sensor of environment pressure, re-running
2F7A sensor of environment pressure, re-running
2F7B oil pressure switch, plausibility
2F80 motor shutoff time, plausibility
2F85 DME digital motor electronics, internal failure: inside temperature sensor, signal
2F8F accelerator pedal module and brake pedal, plausibility
2F94 fuel pumpen relay, input signal
2F99 outsidetemperaturesensor, plausibility
2F9A outsidetemperaturesensor, communication
2F9E thermic oil level sensor
2FA3 coding missing
2FA4 wrong data set
2FAB Actives Motorbearing, electrical
2FBC fuel pressure control valve, signal
2FBD fuel pressure steuer ventil, plausibility
2FBE fuel pressure after motorstop
2FBF fuel pressure at injection release
2FC0 fuel pressure, measurement range
2FC6 energy save mode active
3070 cylinder same adjustment via irregular running cylinder 1
3071 cylinder same adjustment via irregular running cylinder 2
3072 cylinder same adjustment via irregular running cylinder 3
3073 cylinder same adjustment via irregular running cylinder 4
3074 cylinder same adjustment via irregular running cylinder 5
3075 cylinder same adjustment via irregular running cylinder 6
307C cylinder same adjustment via Lambda cylinder 1
307D cylinder same adjustment via Lambda cylinder 2
307E cylinder same adjustment via Lambda cylinder 3
307F cylinder same adjustment via Lambda cylinder 4
3080 cylinder same adjustment via Lambda cylinder 5
3081 cylinder same adjustment via Lambda cylinder 6
30A0 ignition coil cylinder 1, input signal
30A1 ignition coil cylinder 2, input signal
30A2 ignition coil cylinder 3, input signal
30A3 ignition coil cylinder 4, input signal
30A4 ignition coil cylinder 5, input signal
30A5 ignition coil cylinder 6, input signal
30AC injection valve cylinder 1, input signal
30AD injection valve cylinder 2, input signal
30AE injection valve cylinder 3, input signal
30AF injection valve cylinder 4, input signal
30B0 injection valve cylinder 5, input signal
30B1 injection valve cylinder 6, input signal
30BA DME digital motor electronics, internal failure
30BB DME digital motor electronics, internal failure
30C0 motor oil pressure control, dynamically
30C1 motor oil pressure control, statically
30C2 oilpressure-controlvalve, activation
30C3 motor oil pressure sensor, signal
30C4 motor oil pressure control, mechanically
30C5 oil pump, mechanical: oil pressure
30C6 motor oil pressure sensor, plausibility
30C7 motor oil pressure system
30CF Wastegate, input signal
30D0 Wastegate 2, input signal
30D6 nitric oxide sensor, plausibility
30D8 NOXsensor, Sensor damaged
30DA NOXsensor, heating time
30DC nitric oxide senor, heating
30DE NOXsensor — Lambdaprobe before catalyst, Korrelation
30E0 NOXsensor, Offset
30E2 nitric oxide sensor, thrust test
30E4 nitric oxide sensor, aging
30E6 nitric oxide sensor, dynamics
30E9 nitric oxide catalytic converter, aging
30ED glow ignition: cylinder 1
30EE glow ignition: cylinder 2
30EF glow ignition: cylinder 3
30F0 glow ignition: cylinder 4
30F1 glow ignition: cylinder 5
30F2 glow ignition: cylinder 6
30FC exhaust fume turbo charger, density
30FE exhaust fume turbo charger, high pressure side
30FF exhaust fume turbo charger, low pressure side
CD8B local-CAN communication failure
CD94 message (outside temperature/relative time, 310)
CD95 message (operation cruise control/ACC active cruise control, 194)
CD96 message (torque requirement ACCactive cruise control, B7)
CD97 message (torque requirement AFS active front steering, B9)
CD98 message (torque requirement DSCdynamic stability control, B6)
CD99 message (torque requirement EGSelectronic gear control?, B5)
CD9A message (torque requirement SMG, BD)
CD9B message (vehicle mode, 315)
CD9C message (speed, 1A0)
CD9D message (gear data, BA)
CD9E message (gearboxdate 2, 1A2)
CD9F message (kilometer reading/coverage, 330)
CDA0 message (terminal state, 130)
CDA1 message (steering wheel angle, C4)
CDA2 message (power management battery voltage, 3B4)
CDA3 message power management load voltage, 334)
CDA4 message (status ARSactive roll stabilizing module, 1AC)acceleration?
CDA5 message (status DSCdynamic stability control, 19E)
CDA6 message (status electrical fuel pump, 335)
CDA7 message (status reverse gear, 3B0)
CDA8 message (Status KOMBI, 1B4)
CDA9 message (heat flow/load torque climate, 1B5)
CDAA message (status crash shut off EKPelectric fuel pump, 135)
CDAB message (lamp condition, 21A)
CDAC message (status water valve, 3B5)
CDAD message (requirement road wheel torque drive line, BF)
CDAE message (time/date, 2F8)
CDAF message (status trailer, 2E4)
CDB0 message (display gear data)
CDB1 message (Status central lock, 2FC)
CDB3 message (torque requirement steering, B1h)
CDB4 message (gear data, 3B1)
CDB5 PT-CAN communication failure
CDB9 message (status EMF, 201)
CDBA message (actuator request EMF, 1A7)
11-19-2011, 05:19 PM
#1 |
Drives: BMW 335i Coupe Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Cincinnati, OH |
2CFB, 2D09, 2CF7 and 2CF6 error codes I am getting all sorts of errors and I’d like some help. First I was getting 2CF7 AND 2CF6 Throttle valve potentiomenter. RPM at ide were rapidly changing 300 rpm at idle. I removed JB4 and Now I get 2CFB: 2D09: Did I mess something up when I removed JB4? The throttle is comply unresponsive now. (I have no other engine/drive train mods) oops wrong forum, sorry. __________________ 2007 E92 335i / 6MT / Monaco Blue Metallic / Gray Dakota Leather / Comfort Assist / Premium / Sport / Heated Seats / Navi / Active Steering / Active Cruise Control / Park Distance Control / Rear Sunshade / Sirius MODS PicoTray / M3 Steering Wheel / Front OEM Aero Lip / Bimmian Aluminum Pedals / CDV / Ram Air Scoops / Painted Reflectors / HID 5000k / LED Angels / M Perf. Shifter / Euro Light Switch / 8500 x50 / Center Armrest Pouch / JB4 / BT
Last edited by i2iSTUDIOS; 11-19-2011 at 05:27 PM..
11-19-2011, 06:29 PM
#2 |
Some dude
Drives: E92 335i Join Date: Sep 2011 Location: Northern VA |
Check for bent pins in your ECU connectors. If you didn’t touch the throttle, either there is a supreme coincidence that the throttle failed at the exact same time or there are bent or damaged pins in the harness. Or the harness has a defective crimp on one of the pins and you’ve aggravated it by unplugging the JB. Recheck all your connectors. __________________ RRT |
06-01-2012, 03:07 PM
#3 |
Private First Class
Drives: E92 335i MT Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: Bavaria |
I’m getting the same errors with Procede Rev3. Any ideas? __________________ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] |
07-07-2012, 03:38 PM
#4 |
Drives: E92 2008 335xi Coupe Join Date: May 2011 Location: Bellevue, WA |
Any updates? I was getting 2CF6 and 2CF7, I reset the adaptations and unplugged the battery and let the car sit. Currently its not surging while idling. I just really hope it doesn’t come back. Maybe Terry will chime in. __________________
07-21-2012, 01:31 PM
#5 |
Drives: E92 2008 335xi Coupe Join Date: May 2011 Location: Bellevue, WA |
Codes and problems came back today… __________________
05-07-2013, 10:46 AM
#6 |
Second Lieutenant Drives: EVO8,EVO9,E90,E82 Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: PR |
Dude did you resolve this problem? Im getting the same codes. |
05-22-2013, 11:45 PM
#7 |
Captain Drives: 135 Join Date: Apr 2012 Location: United States |
Same shit for me. Happened for the 3rd time today. Last time I had to get a ride to work, then when I got home it started right up just fine and no problems until today. Seems that people can usually get things back to normal temporary by clearing codes, resetting adaptations, or something else like removing the tune, but like I said, I had an undrivable car in the morning, then it ran perfectly fine in the afternoon. I’m led to believe I need to buy and replace the whole throttle body. I think that’s the only way anyone has permanently resolved this issue. I just hope it’s drivable in the morning. It’s drivable now, but it bucks a bit with the the throttle surging slightly. |
06-08-2013, 10:30 PM
#8 |
Lieutenant Drives: a lot Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: CA |
Bump.. I started having the same issue today. Anybody get this fixed? |
06-08-2013, 10:46 PM
#9 |
Drives: 2009 e90 335i Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: Chicago, IL (South Burbs) |
your fu*@ed __________________ //|Phil |
09-30-2013, 03:15 PM
#10 |
Second Lieutenant Drives: 07 335I e90 Join Date: Apr 2011 Location: Las Vegas |
Bumping this thread. I have the same problems as the OP, except its everytime I start the car the throttle surges. It throws 2CFB and 2D09. It all started happening after water got in the ECU and caused arching on the pins. My case seems obviously like I will have to replace the ECU. :/ Big money. __________________ |
10-03-2013, 02:55 PM
#11 |
Colonel Drives: 2011 BMW 1M Join Date: Mar 2010 Location: So Cal |
I may have answer to this SHITTY problem that no one seems to know or speak about! If you are getting these codes, check your chargepipe connection to the actual throttle body. If it becomes loose, you will throw these codes. If it becomes really loose, there could be a chance of the o-ring in the charge pipe getting sucked into your throttle body. If you restart the car after resetting throttle adaption and it is gone, it probably could be a boost leak. But if you keep starting the car and it is not starting up normally after the reset, take off the charge pipe and check in the butterfly of the throttle body, chances are your o-ring may have got sucked into there and is messing with the butterfly valve. The main thing to check is for a secure connection with the charge pipe and throttle body. __________________
05-09-2015, 01:09 PM
#12 |
Private Drives: 07 335i Join Date: Feb 2010 Location: easton pa |
I am getting these codes also after removing all my mods my car is completely stock. Can anyone confirm these tips from above worked. Even changed the throttle body and codes still persist |
05-15-2015, 11:22 AM
#13 |
Private First Class Drives: 2006 330i Join Date: Feb 2013 Location: Winnipeg, CANADA |
Throttle issues here too (and I’m in a 330i). Hope I don’t have to replace the entire TB. Last time I took it off it was spotless. Anyone have a solution? Before I thought it was the cold weather causing it, now that it’s warm out, I just recently had it happen. Actually, the car is running fine with the half engine light on (throttle response is a little sluggish though). And, it did surge the other day while I was at a light. |
07-24-2015, 10:23 AM
#14 |
New Member Drives: E92 335i JB4 Join Date: Mar 2013 Location: Czech Republic |
Hi, I am here with 2CFB and 2D09 codes. E92 FBO, JB4.. These codes appeared after resetting throttle adaptations. The problems came on 2 times when WOT, after reaching 6500 rpm So, is there a solution? I read it might be: fuses, relays, chargepipe connection, throttle body, ECU |
07-24-2015, 11:48 AM
#15 |
Drives: 2008 335XI E90 Join Date: Jun 2015 Location: Ohio |
Bump for you gl.. Getting cda7 myself __________________ Formerly Ian_N54 — @b1mmr |
10-05-2015, 09:43 AM
#16 |
New Member Drives: 08 335i Join Date: Oct 2014 Location: Palm Beach, Fl |
Seriously?!! Anyone fix this?! I’ve changed the battery since someone said that fixed it. I’ve checked the O-ring. I’ve changed the plugs. I’ve changed the throttle body. I’ve reset everything possible. It still throws 2cf7 and 2cf6 and some random other codes. But the throttle body codes are the consistent codes. ANYONE?!?!?!?!?! |
10-27-2016, 01:22 PM
#17 |
Private First Class Drives: 08 135i AT Join Date: Sep 2016 Location: Austin, Texas |
I know this is an old tread but i just wanted to share my experience with this. I pulled the throttle body and intake off to clean my valves and when i put it all back together everything was fine for a bit then i started getting some codes for the throttle valve potentiomenter and butterfly valve. clearing codes and resetting adaptations would fix it for a few mins but it kept coming back. I pulled everything back apart and the electrical plug for the throttle body was loose!!!! i never touched that plug when taking things apart i just left the TB sitting down in the engine bay so long story short double check your connections, that plug at least doesnt seem to have a very good connector on it |
11-03-2016, 07:56 PM
#18 |
Drives: Was ’07-335e92 — Now ’13-335IS Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Texas |
DO NOT reset throttle adaptions with bav tech or inpa cable (via mhd). Using either will CAUSE this problem. Reset it using the factory accelerator pedal method.. Check youtube If you still get these codes after resetting TA with the accelerator then you might have a problem.
Last edited by 335e92tx; 11-03-2016 at 10:11 PM..
12-05-2016, 10:13 AM
#19 |
New Member Drives: alpine white Join Date: May 2008 Location: New York |
Darn I’m just getting that stupid code and have exact same issues, did anybody finally get ride of it?
Last edited by wooboodoo; 12-05-2016 at 10:21 AM..
01-06-2017, 11:28 AM
#20 |
Registered Drives: 2008 BMW 535i Join Date: Jan 2017 Location: Charlotte, NC |
Same problem here with the E60 (N54). I removed my JB3 at the same time I replaced fuel injectors, coils, valve cover gasket and cleaned intake valves. I will try resetting TA with accelerator before checking TB electrical & mechanical connections and then look for a loose o-ring inside per advice above. I, for one, will be posting what solves the codes I currently have: |
01-10-2017, 08:32 PM
#21 |
Registered Drives: 2008 BMW 535i Join Date: Jan 2017 Location: Charlotte, NC |
After unsuccessfully trying to reset my engine adaptations, I took her to the shop. Shop said they reset DME, installed the correct «program,» reset all adaptations, re-learn throttle body and reconnected some turbocharger plumbing. Drives fine for now, hope this helps. |
01-11-2017, 06:56 PM
#22 |
Drives: Was ’07-335e92 — Now ’13-335IS Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Texas |
Yep, once this random hunting situation occurs it seems most BTech — nor IPNA interface can resolve. Sometimes it can be the completely erratic bouncing idle from 800-1500 and that generally can be fixed by foot reset TA. But I was also getting an occasional idle stumble almost die and then correction to over 1000 rpm when at lights. That seems to require some reset process performed at most indy or dealers. Never could figure out what it was myself. Still get a closed loop surge at very light throttle openings myself even after vanos solenoids and front O2 sensors __________________