403 ошибка cloudflare


4xx codes generally are error responses specifying an issue at the client’s end, potentially a network issue.  

  • 4xx codes can be used as a response to any request method.
  • Origin server should include an explanation which should be displayed by User-Agent, with the exception of a HEAD request
  • Custom rules can return any response code in the range 400-499 in your HTML page, if the site owner has created a rule with Block action and configured a custom response code. Refer to custom response](/waf/custom-rules/create-dashboard/#configuring-a-custom-response-for-blocked-requests) for more details.

The following are common 4xx codes and their definitions:

The request was not sent with the proper authentication credentials

  • Server must send with at least one challenge in the form of a WWW-Authenticate header field according to section 4.1
  • Client may send a second request with the same credentials and then if the challenge is identical to the one before, an entity will be provided by the server to help the client find what credentials are needed.

402 Payment Required (

Not yet implemented by RFC standards but reserved for future use.

403 Forbidden (

If you’re seeing a 403 error without Cloudflare branding, this is always returned directly from the origin web server, not Cloudflare, and is generally related to permission rules on your server. The top reasons for this error are:

1. Permission rules you have set or an error in the .htaccess rules you have set 2. Mod_security rules. 3. IP Deny rules Since Cloudflare can not access your server directly, please contact your hosting provider for assistance with resolving 403 errors and fixing rules. You should make sure that 
Cloudflare’s IPs aren’t being blocked. 

Cloudflare will serve 403 responses if the request violated either a default WAF managed rule enabled for all orange-clouded Cloudflare domains or a WAF managed rule enabled for that particular zone. Read more at 
Understanding WAF managed rules (Web Application Firewall). Cloudflare will also serve a 403 Forbidden response for SSL connections to sub/domains that aren’t covered by any Cloudflare or uploaded SSL certificate.

If you’re seeing a 403 response that contains Cloudflare branding in the response body, this is the HTTP response code returned along with many of our security features:

  • WAF managed rules/firewall rules challenge and block pages
  • Basic Protection level challenges
  • Most 1xxx Cloudflare error codes
  • The Browser Integrity Check
  • If you’re attempting to access a second level of subdomains (eg-*.*.example.com) through Cloudflare using the Cloudflare-issued certificate, a HTTP 403 error will be seen in the browser as these host names are not present on the certificate.

404 Not Found (

Origin server was unable or unwilling to find the resource requested. This usually means the host server could not find the resource. To serve a more permanent version of this error one should use a 410 error code.

These errors typically occur when someone mistypes a URL on your site when there is a broken link from another page, when a page that previously existed is moved or removed, or there is an error when a search engine indexes your site. For a typical site, these errors account for approximately 3% of the total page views, but they’re often untracked by traditional analytics platforms like Google Analytics.

Website owners usually implement a custom page to be served when this error is generated.

Cloudflare does not generate 404s for customer websites, we only proxy the request from the origin server. When seeing a 404 for your Cloudflare powered site you should contact your hosting provider for help.

405 Method Not Allowed (

Origin server is aware of the requested resource, but the request method used is not supported.

  • Origin server must also provide an Allow header with a list of supported targets for that resource.

An example would be a POST on an unchangeable resource the thus only accepts GET.

406 Not Acceptable (

Resource is not available at the origin that adheres to negotiation headers that were  set prior (e.g. via Accept-Charset and Accept-Language headers)

This status code can be replaced by simply serving the less preferred method to the User-Agent in lieu of generating this error.

407 Authentication Required  (
RFC 7235)

The client did not send the required authentication with the request.

408 Request Timeout  (

The origin server did not receive the complete request in what it considers a reasonable time.

  • Implied the server does not wish to wait and continue the connection.
  • Not used much because servers typically choose to use the “close” connection option.

409 Conflict (

The request did not complete because of a conflict with the current state of the resource. Typically happens on a PUT request where multiple clients are attempting to edit the same resource.

  • The server should generate a payload that includes enough information for the client to recognize the source of the conflict.
  • Clients can and should retry the request again

Cloudflare will generate and serve a 409 response for a 
Error 1001: DNS Resolution Error.

410 Gone (

The resource requested is permanently missing at the origin.

  • The server is suggesting the links reference the resource should be removed.
  • The server is not qualified to use this status code over a 404 response nor required to have this response for any specific period of time.

411 Length Required (

Client did not define the Content-Length of the request body in the headers and this is required to obtain the resource.

  • Client may resend the request after adding the header field.

412 Precondition Failed  (
RFC 7232)

Server denies the request because the resource failed to meet the conditions specified by the client.

For an example of version control, a client is modifying an existing resource and thus sets the If-Unmodified-Since header to match the date that the client downloaded the resource and began edits. If the resource was edited (likely by another client) after this date and before the upload of the edits, this response will be generated since the date of the last edit will come after the date set in If-Unmodified-Since by the client.

Cloudflare will serve this response. For more information, refer to: ETag Headers

413 Payload Too Large  (

Refusal from the server to process the request because the payload sent from the client is larger than the server wished to accept. Server has the optional to close the connection.

  • If this refusal would only happen temporarily, then the server should send a Retry-After  header to specify when the client should try the request again.

414 URI Too Long (

Refusal from the server that the URI was too long to be processed. For example, if a client is attempting a GET request with an unusually long URI after a POST, this could be seen as a security risk and a 414 gets generated.

Cloudflare will generate this response for a URI longer than 32KB

415 Unsupported Media Type (

Refusal from the server to process the format of the current payload. One way to identify and fix this issue would be to look at the Content-Type or Content-Encoding headers sent in the client’s request.

416 Range Not Satisfiable (

The 416 error response code indicates that a server cannot serve the requested ranges. For example:

HTTP/1.1 416 Range Not Satisfiable

Content-Range: bytes */12777

The most common reason is that the file doesn’t include such ranges. Browsers usually either request the entire file again or abort the operation.

417 Expectation Failed (

Failure of server to meet the requirements specified in the Expect header of the client’s request.

429 Too Many Requests (

Client has sent too many requests in the specified amount of time according to the server. Often known as “rate-limiting”. Server may respond with information allowing the requester to retry after a specific period of time.

Cloudflare will generate and send this status code when a request is being 
rate limited. If visitors to your site are receiving these error codes, you will be able to see this in the 
Rate Limiting Analytics.

451 Unavailable For Legal Reason (

Server is unable to deliver the resource due to legal actions.

Typically search engines (e.g. Google) and ISP (e.g. ATT) are the ones affected by this response code and not the origin server.

  • The response should include an explanation is the response body with details of the legal demand.

499 Client Close Request

Nginx specific response code to indicate when the connection has been closed by the client while the server is still processing its request, making server unable to send a status code back.

  • This will be shown in 
    Cloudflare Logs and status code analytics for Enterprise customers.

The Cloudflare 403 forbidden error is super annoying. It may result from changes or updates that your hosting company made in their system or configuration errors at your end.

We will examine the possible solutions to fix 403 forbidden errors on your site.

Cloudflare 403 Forbidden Error Nginx

Sigh, this is not what I wanted to see when I opened my site 🙃️

What is Error 403 Forbidden Cloudflare-Nginx?

403 Cloudflare is an error that occurs when a client sends a request the origin is unable to authorize or process. The forbidden-error is an HTTP status code showing denied permissions.

Let’s examine the causes of Cloudflare errors and how to fix them on your site.

Causes of 403 Forbidden Cloudflare Error?

Cloudflare will typically only serve 4xx responses or Cloudflare access denied for the following reasons:

  • If your request violates a Web Application Firewall (WAF) rule enabled for all Cloudflare domains.
  • If the request violates the WAF rule enabled for the particular zone you tried to reach.
  • SSL connections to domains /subdomains with no correct SSL certificates.

You may contact Cloudflare support if you have questions and include a screenshot of the message you received. The Cloudflare community is also a good platform to find help for 4xx and other related errors.

If the message you are seeing is without Cloudflare branding, it is a client-side error from your web server and not Cloudflare.  It has to do with permission rules on your server.

Top Reasons Why You May See the HTTP Status Code On Your Screen

  1. Empty website directory
  2. Permission/ ownership error in the rules you have set
  3. No index page

If the above is the case, you should contact your hosting provider to resolve the issue since Cloudflare can’t directly access your server. However, ensure that your Cloudflare’s IPs are working correctly.

How To Fix Error 403 Forbidden Cloudflare

  1. Empty Website Directory
  2. No Index Page
  3. Permissions and Ownership

Now that you know the different reasons why your web server returns the HTTP status code error, it is time to see how to fix it.

1. Empty Website Directory

First, check if your site contents have been uploaded to the correct directory.

  1. Plesk server: /var/www/vhosts/website.com/httpdocs/
  • Navigate to the httpdocs directory once you connect with your FTP user.
  • Also, replace website.com with your real domain name.

2. cPanel server:/home/website/public_html/

  • Navigate to the public_html directory once you connect with your FTP
  • Ensure you replace the website with your cPanel account username.

Note: Ensure you create this folder if it does not exist on your site

2. No Index Page

Your website’s home page must be named index.php or index.html, and note that file names are case sensitive. You may upload an index page to your public_html or httpdocs directory to fix the problem.

In case you already have a home page named something else, say log.html, below are options to try.

  • Rename your home page from log.html or whatever you call it, to index.php or index.html.
  • Redirect from the index page to your actual home page you want
  • Set a different default page in the .htaccess file

3. Permissions and Ownership

You may also experience this issue due to incorrect permissions or ownership in your web files or folders.

Here’s the correct permission configuration:

  • Folders: 755
  • Static Content: 644
  • Dynamic Content: 700

Other Ways to Fix The 403 Forbidden Cloudflare Error

  1. The issue may be a temporary message due to the upgrade from free to a pro subscription. It is possible to receive the error 403 Cloudflare while replacing the free account certificate with the pro account on your site.
  2. The client DNS cache could be pointing to the origin server. Use a private browsing mode or switch your browser entirely.
  3. Try disabling Browser Integrity Check for the site.
  4. If the error only appears from certain countries, then check the origin server’s configuration for a country block.
  5. Suspend Cloudflare temporarily until you can fix the root cause of the problem. (To pause Cloudflare, navigate to your Cloudflare dashboard and select ‘Pause Cloudflare’ in the ‘Advanced Menu’)
  6. Visit the Cloudflare community for tips on how to fix 4xx errors; you may also reach out to the Cloudflare community for help from experts.

Consider the above steps only if you’ve tried the regular solutions and still unable to fix the Cloudflare 403 forbidden error. 


4xx Cloudflare is a message you may receive due to various reasons, and it can sometimes be frustrating for users. We have provided the causes and steps to fix the issue.

We are sure you will be able to restore your site to a working state by following the steps outlined above. Remember that your hosting provider and Cloudflare support are ready to help you out!

If you’re looking for (free) tips to optimize your site speed with Cloudflare and rank higher on Google,
you can follow me on Twitter 👉🏻 @bitofseo.

Please DM me if you have any questions about this Cloudflare article (or have some feedback to make it better 😄️).

About Jake Sacino

After working as an engineer and consultant for a bunch of big companies, Jake now works as a full-time SEO & software engineer.

В этом посте мы расскажем, как исправить ошибку 403 Forbidden On Cloudflare?

Запрещенная ошибка Cloudflare 403 довольно утомительна. Это может быть следствием системных модификаций или обновлений, сделанных вашим хостинг-провайдером, или ошибок при настройке с вашей стороны.

Я рассмотрю возможные исправления для запрещенных ошибок 403 на вашем сайте.


  • Что такое ошибка 403 Forbidden Cloudflare-Nginx?
  • Как исправить ошибку 403 «Запрещено в Cloudflare»? Причины ошибки?
  • Ошибка Cloudflare 403 Forbidden: как это исправить?
    • 1. Пустой каталог веб-сайтов
    • 2. Нет индексной страницы
    • 3. Разрешения и право собственности
  • Вывод: как исправить ошибку 403 Forbidden on Cloudflare?

Что такое ошибка 403 Forbidden Cloudflare-Nginx?

Ошибка 403 Cloudflare возникает, когда клиент отправляет запрос, который источник не может одобрить или обработать. Код состояния HTTP-запрещенной ошибки указывает на отказ в разрешении.

Давайте рассмотрим источники проблем Cloudflare и способы их решения на вашем веб-сайте.

Как правило, Cloudflare будет предоставлять только ответы 4xx, в противном случае доступ к Cloudflare будет запрещен по причинам, перечисленным ниже.

  • Брандмауэр веб-приложений Cloudflare (WAF) потерпит неудачу, если ваш запрос нарушит какое-либо из его правил.
  • Запрос будет отклонен, если он нарушает правило WAF, включенное для зоны, к которой вы пытались получить доступ.
  • Домен или субдомен с недействительным SSL сертификат не может быть достигнуто через SSL.

Если у вас есть вопросы, вы можете обратиться в службу поддержки Cloudflare и отправить скриншот полученного сообщения. Сообщество Cloudflare также является полезным ресурсом для поиска помощи с 4xx и подобными проблемами.

How to Fix Error 403 Forbidden on Cloudflare

Если полученное вами сообщение об ошибке не содержит логотипа Cloudflare, это проблема на стороне клиента, вызванная вашим веб-сервером, а не Cloudflare. Он должен иметь дело с правилами авторизации сервера.

Основные причины, по которым вы можете увидеть код состояния HTTP

  • Каталог сайта пуст
  • Вы установили правила с ошибками разрешения/владения
  • Индексной страницы нет

Поскольку Cloudflare не может получить доступ к вашему серверу напрямую, вы должны связаться со своим хостинг-провайдером, чтобы решить эту проблему. Тем не менее, убедитесь, что ваши IP-адреса Cloudflare работают правильно.

Ошибка Cloudflare 403 Forbidden: как это исправить?

  • Каталог веб-сайта, который пуст
  • Индексной страницы нет
  • Право собственности и разрешения

Теперь, когда вы понимаете множество причин, по которым ваш веб-сервер создает проблему с кодом состояния HTTP, пришло время изучить, как решить эту проблему.

1. Пустой каталог веб-сайтов

Первый шаг — проверить правильность загрузки содержимого веб-сайта.

  1. Плеск-сервер: /var/www/vhosts/website.com/httpdocs/
  • После подключения к FTP-пользователю перейдите в каталог httpdocs.
  • Вместо Website.com используйте свое фактическое доменное имя.

2. Сервер cPanel:/главная/веб-сайт/public_html/

  • Перейдите в каталог public_html после подключения к FTP.
  • Ваше имя пользователя cPanel должно быть заменено на веб-сайт.

Примечание: Если его нет на вашем сайте, создайте его немедленно

2. Нет индексной страницы

Главная страница вашего веб-сайта должна называться index.php или index.html, а имена файлов вводятся с учетом регистра. Вы можете решить эту проблему, загрузив индексную страницу в общедоступный каталог html или httpdocs.

Если у вас уже есть домашняя страница с другим именем, например log.html, рассмотрите следующие варианты.

  • Ваша домашняя страница должна быть переименована из log.html в index.php или index.html.
  • Индексная страница должна быть перенаправлена ​​на желаемую домашнюю страницу.
  • Сделайте файл .htaccess страницей по умолчанию

3. Разрешения и право собственности

Вы также можете столкнуться с этой проблемой, если права или права собственности на файлы и каталоги вашего веб-сайта неверны.

Вот правильная настройка разрешений:

  • Папок: 755
  • Статическое содержимое: 644
  • Динамический контент: 700

Альтернативы Forbidden 403 Cloudflare Error

  • Временное сообщение может появиться из-за перехода с бесплатной на профессиональную подписку. Изменение сертификата бесплатной учетной записи на профессиональную учетную запись может привести к ошибке Cloudflare 403.
  • Возможно, кэш DNS клиента указывает на исходный сервер. Смените браузер или используйте приватный режим просмотра.
  • Сайт может быть отключен от проверки целостности браузера.
  • Определите, настроен ли блок страны на исходном сервере, если ошибка возникает только в определенных странах.
  • Если Cloudflare вызывает проблему, приостановите ее, пока вы не сможете ее исправить. Опцию «Приостановить Cloudflare» можно найти в «Расширенном меню» на панели инструментов Cloudflare.
  • Вы также можете обратиться к сообществу Cloudflare за помощью с ошибками 4xx; там можно найти советы по их устранению.

Вы должны попробовать эти шаги только в том случае, если вы пробовали обычные решения и все еще испытываете трудности.

Быстрые ссылки:

  • Как написать увлекательный контент на «скучную» тему?
  • Как начать блог: Шаг № 1 Выберите доменное имя
  • Как создать онлайн-курс за 15 минут с Everlesson

Вывод: как исправить ошибку 403 Forbidden on Cloudflare?

4xx Cloudflare — это сообщение, с которым пользователи могут столкнуться по многим причинам, и иногда оно может раздражать. Я изложил причины проблемы и рекомендуемые решения.

Я уверен, что вы сможете восстановить работоспособность вашего сайта, следуя приведенным выше инструкциям.

Помните, что ваш хостинг-провайдер и служба поддержки Cloudflare всегда готовы помочь вам.

Cloudflare 403 forbidden error can occur due to many reasons. It includes Ip block, faulty rules set in .htaccess file, cache, and so on.

Here at Bobcares, we receive requests on these Cloudflare errors as a part of our Server Management Services.

Today, let’s see how our Support Engineers resolve this error.

How we fix Cloudflare 403 error?

This error must be fixed from the server end as the error will be usually caused by the server itself.

Here are the steps our Support Engineers follow to fix this error message.

1. First, we check if there are any IP blocks set in the account. For that, we run the below command to check for any IP block.

iptables -L INPUT -v -n

2. Next, we check the .htaccess file to see if there are any faulty rules set in the file. In case, if there are any such rules then we remove those rules and test the website if it works.

3. We try clearing the browser cache. A browser cache can also cause this error because the DNS cache might be pointing to the old server in case if there are any recent changes made in the DNS,

Or else, we simply access the website using some other browser and check if it works. If it works well without any error then it confirms the issue to be with the browser cache.

4. Also, we suggest customers enable the SSL on the domain. If there are no SSL certificates uploaded in Cloudflare for any subdomain then Cloudflare will display this error message.

So, it is necessary to have an SSL set for the domains if we are accessing the website with a secure connection.

[Need assistance in fixing Cloudflare errors? – We’ll help you]


In short, the Cloudflare error is caused by server end. The major reasons for this error are IP deny rules, permissions rules, or browser cache. Today, we saw different reasons for this error and how our Support Engineers fix it.


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Accessing websites with no SSL certificate may be the cause

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Passionate about technology, Crypto, software, Windows, and everything computer-related, he spends most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. He also enjoys… read more

Updated on March 27, 2023

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Alex Serban

Alex Serban

After moving away from the corporate work-style, Alex has found rewards in a lifestyle of constant analysis, team coordination and pestering his colleagues. Holding an MCSA Windows Server… read more

  • Cloudflare 403 Forbidden can appear when a client’s request can’t be processed or approved.
  • It may be due to permission issues and corrupt browser caches and cookies.
  • Managing Cloudflare firewall rules and clearing your browser data may be worthy alternatives to troubleshooting.

Cloudflare 403 Forbidden


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Error 403 Forbidden on Cloudflare is a critical error that indicates an HTTP status code showing denied permissions. It explains the impediments between internet communication and can be due to different reasons.

However, this guide will discuss ways to fix it. Also, our readers can check ways to fix Cloudflare checking your browser error in this guide.

What is Cloudflare 403 forbidden?

The main features of Cloudflare are to make everything you connect to the Internet secure, private, fast, and reliable. However, these features can be futile due to errors like 403 Forbidden that impede global network security.

Furthermore, Cloudflare 403 forbidden is an HTTP status code indicating that permissions aren’t established in the connection. It occurs when a client submits a request, and the origin cannot approve or process it.

What are the causes of the Cloudfare 403 forbidden error?

  • Permission/Ownership issues – The error may occur due to permission settings, incorrect file or directory permissions, or an error in the .htaccess rules you have set. It can also be due to issues with the Cloudflare account membership.
  • Cloudflare’s Web Application Firewall (WAF) rules – If the request you’re sending violates any of the Web Application Firewall (WAF) rules enabled for all Cloudflare domains, it will lead to the 403 Forbidden error.
  • Subdomains with no correct SSL certificates – Building connection links via subdomains that don’t have valid SSL certificates can trigger the error because of Cyber attack threats.
  • Browser issues – You can run into the error due to corrupt or old browser caches and cookies affecting the browser performance. Also, it can occur when the web hosting provider is not well configured or has been deleted or moved.

However, we’ll take you through how to bypass Cloudflare 403 Forbidden and resolve the error.

How can I fix Cloudflare 403 Forbidden error?

Before proceeding with any advanced troubleshooting steps, go through the following:

  • Turn off background apps running on your computer.
  • Fix network congestion.
  • Temporarily disable Antivirus software.
  • Restart Windows in Safe Mode and check if the error persists.
  • Switch to a different browser – read our detailed guide about the best browsers to download on your PC.
  • Contact the website owner – the last resort is to contact the website owner or administrator to access first-hand information about the access policies of the site.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

If you can’t resolve the error, try the steps below:

1. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies

  1. Launch the Google Chrome browser on your PC, then click three dots to open the Menu. Go to More tools and click Clear browsing data.
  2. Choose a time range for the data to be cleared, then select All time to delete everything.
  3. Check the boxes for Cookies, other site data, and Cached images and files, then click Clear data.
  4. Restart your browser and check if the Cloudflare error persists.

Clearing your browser caches and cookies will delete the corrupt files impeding the Cloudflare connection.

2. Manage Cloudflare Firewall Rules

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard, and select your account and website.
  2. Go to Security and click on Web Application Firewall (WAF).
  3. Click on Firewall rules to show the list of all rules available, then Use the toggle switch associated with a firewall rule to enable or disable it.
  4. Restart your browser and check if the 403 forbidden error appears.

You can toggle the firewall rule based on your preferences and knowledge of the error. So, managing it allows you to disable the rules that impede your request approval.

Read more about this topic

  • Chatsonic Network Error: How to Bypass it
  • Why is Perplexity AI Not Working? 4 Ways to Fix It
  • 0x80040216 Import Failed: How to Fix This Error
  • Jasper AI Not Working: 5 Ways to Quickly Fix it

3. Upgrade your Cloudflare account to a Pro subscription

  1. Launch your browser and log in to the Cloudflare dashboard.
  2. Open the external link and click on your account and domain.
  3. Go to Overview.
  4. Click on the Change option to access Plan Extensions.
  5. Choose the appropriate plan type, then click on Continue.
  6. Click the Confirm button to verify that you want to make the upgrade.
  7. The upgrade should be effective immediately, and you should be able to access the website again.

Upgrading to a Pro subscription allows you to access more features and help safeguard your website against threats liable to cause a 403 Forbidden error.

Alternatively, check our articles about the best browsers with the highest support for HTML for your computer. Also, our readers can go through ways to bypass Error 1005 Access Denied in a few steps.

If you have further questions or suggestions, kindly drop them in the comments section.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

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