8002a224 ошибка ps3

В сегодняшней статье мы с вами рассмотрим довольно неоднозначную проблему в виде ошибки 8002a224 на PS3. Несмотря на то, что консоль PS3 является продуктом предыдущего поколения, огромное множество игроков все еще проводят кучу времени за ней. Тем не менее за последнее время многие пользователи при попытке войти в PSN сталкиваются с кодом ошибки 8002a224.

8002a224: ошибка на PS3


Сразу нужно указать, что практически во всех случаях с данной ошибкой встречаются владельцы прошитых PS3, которые пытались изменить CID своей консоли, чтобы снова получить доступ с сервисам PSN. По-сути, ошибка 8002a224 является сигналом того, что пользователь ввел некорректно CID.

Если вы столкнулись с такой ошибкой, то вам нужно убедиться, что вы правильно ввели свежий CID. Знайте, что даже один пробел в начале или конце идентификатора может вызвать данную ошибку. Например, если пытаетесь заменить CID на PS3 с помощью программы SEN Enabler, то убедитесь, что вы корректно копировали идентификатор в нужный вам текстовый на USB-хранилище.

Тем не менее существует еще один небольшой способ, с помощью которого вы можете попробовать избавиться от ошибки. Итак, откройте на своей PS3 программу Rebug Toolbox и перейдите в раздел «Utilities». Опуститесь в самый низ списка утилит и выберите опцию «Change Active PS3ID», после чего выберите «Use EID5: 87 (CEX)». Как только вы это сделаете, закройте Rebug Toolbox и попытайтесь зайти в PSN – на этот раз ошибки 8002a224 на PS3 быть не должно.

  • Оффлайн


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    Подменяю CID ? с помощью sen enabler на

    100% рабочий


    Пытаюсь зайти в psn. Не пускает с ошибкой 8002A224.

    Народ спасайте! Гугль все советы даёт по dex прошивкам.

    Которые у меня никогда не стояли.

    Хэлп кароче!)


    Сообщение отредактировал ave187 13.09.2014 в 22:40

    Прошивка PS3,/PS2/Nintendo 3DS/2DS
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    13 Сентября 2014 — 20:53 / #1

  • Оффлайн


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    8002A224:не существующий CID.Тоесть ConsoleID введен некорректно.
    P.S. сам когда-то столкнулся с данной ошибкой,пока не вставил CID точно по текущему шаблону:

    # #
    # SEN Enabler patch file #
    # #

    ConsoleID: 000000010087000B1404C0BХХХХХХХХ
    В моем случае ошибкой было отсутствие пробела

    ave187 нравится это сообщение.

    я в вконтакте http://vk.com/unknown_russ

    14 Сентября 2014 — 05:53 / #2

  • Оффлайн


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    unknown, У него ID правильный, рабочий.

    #420 #187 #1337

    14 Сентября 2014 — 09:32 / #3

  • Оффлайн


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    У него ID правильный, рабочий.

    Понятное дело,я имею ввиду,что возможно он не правильно копировал ConsoleID в шаблон.Вот поэтому и вылазит ошибка 8002A224.Сам с подобной проблемой сталкивался.

    ave187 нравится это сообщение.

    я в вконтакте http://vk.com/unknown_russ

    14 Сентября 2014 — 10:22 / #4

  • Оффлайн


    Звание: Профи!


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    Цитата: unknown

    В моем случае ошибкой было отсутствие пробела

    Где конкретно?

    Цитата: unknown

    ConsoleID: 000000010087000B1404C0BХХХХХХХХ
    В моем случае ошибкой было отсутствие пробела

    А в моём случае один пробел был лишним!

    Спасибо тебе огромное, человечище!

    Респект и море благодарности!!!

    Сообщение отредактировал ave187 14.09.2014 в 23:26

    Прошивка PS3,/PS2/Nintendo 3DS/2DS
    Freeboot Xbox 360

    14 Сентября 2014 — 21:49 / #5

  • @rootboot


    That is probably happening because, fckpsn masks your PS3’s ID with a fake one, so banning the fake ID, would stop all fckpsn users from accessing PSN.


    All they had to do was ban this ID ‘00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000’


    cant it be changed by one digit to regain access?



    Changing the odd digit still gives the error, also tried using PSIDpatch with same results


    Maybe Sony is checking for a valid Console ID (like Microsoft), you can try to fake an «almost-valid» Console ID.
    Actually I have the flash of my PS3 in a bad state and I need to buy a flasher to restore it, so I can’t test


    I have tried multiple console IDs including almost identical to my own but still the same error, I do have a 4.25 ps3 which I have blown the logic board so its no good to me. Is there any way to get the console ID from this using a proxy, I then could try this ID in fckpsn?


    drizzt, is there a way to NOT spoof your consoleid and just run fuckPsn like that? I tried to remove the console ID code all together but it wouldnt work


    Its not the console ID. I also commented out the consoleid code and threw some debug output to make sure it’s sending my valid id, and it is, still 8002A224. I also tried updating the X-I-5 version from ps3devwiki, still no luck. The code is dying at line 188 of the current git revision.


    yea im thinking ssl server checks for something present or not present in cert.key or the cert.pam file. i know nothing of ssl :-(.. all ive gathered is cert27 is to trust fuckpsn as ssl server. fuckpsn is middleman. i went as far as using new certs and adding new psn encrypted passphrase to vsh at correct offsets per devwiki and spoof 4.25. still asks to upgrade. :-(


    can it be that psn is blocking every console id from 3.55 so that its running a control and if its that can it be solved by letting fuckpsn work on only the 4.25 spoofer?


    It’s definitely not the cert’s.I was able to create my own key, self sign a cert; and put it on ps3 only for it to come up with the same error. The key, pem and ca27 are only used so ps3 trusts ruby as dns. I’ve tried using a legit console id, and changed my psid. Only thing i haven’t done is to spoof my ps3 mac id. I really don’t think that’s the cause though. Oh well guess I’ll get back to my single player games. Psn was fun while it lasted though.


    yh i can confirm everything amrioray says. hope some 1 gets it working soon


    Since the release of 4.11 pass key has not changed, f * ckPSN its uses, but drizzt eblan to ololo-conspiracy to forge a single ZERO ID prefix when connecting through this flawed a program, as a result — this ID ban quickly. Now found a way to snitch pass key, so no matter how much they did not change the Sony, the next day will be a new network. Well fuck you, I’m sitting in the last month on PSN 3.55, ololo in MAG


    yh ok changing the id from 000 to spoof or another real 1 does not work and i dont have a clue what else your saying.

    im voting troll on this 1


    When I looked at the Ruby script, it did appear as if the error being shown is the PS3’s connection to the proxy ending abruptly. That leads me to be believe there is a problem with the way the proxy was handling the traffic, not necessarily PSN banning the zeros or the passphrase being wrong.

    I was not able to get the proxy to work at all with the substitutions commented out, even with CA27 replaced with the right key.



    here is the source code from the modded version of fuckpsn the v0.9c version, the reason the «roblem with the way the proxy was handling the traffic» is due to the obvious differnce between these 2 sources


    I’m still getting the same error code while using Charles with all of the headers set and local file mapping, and using the modified version luckystar posted, which only comments out the console id substitution.

    Are you able to sign in when previously having 8002A224?


    yh its not the only difference. for a start the platform version is different aswell.


    made a pullrequest with the required changes, to get psn working again.




    Omg do you got fckpsn working ?


    yep its working download the latest official fuckpsn — version 1.0




    Jou must spoof to 4.25 or else it wont work


    i am not on 4.25 spoof im just on 3.55 no spoof

    On 15 October 2012 06:47, lanaiscool notifications@github.com wrote:

    Jou must spoof to 4.25 or else it wont work

    Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/6#issuecomment-9434875.

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    • #1

    Access PSN error 8002A224 on PS3 CFW DEX, use the original Console ID (CID) of your PS3
    In this tutorial we will explain how to resolve error 8002A224 on CFW DEX when attempting to connect to the PSN.

    This method is applicable on CFW REBUG DEX from 4.65 to 4.81


    This error is due to the absence of the ID console (CID) of the LV2 contained in the CFW DEX.
    We will use the functions of webMAN to manage the ConsoleID of the console.
    This can be the original ID Console or another found or bought on the internet.
    For CFW 4.65.2 Rebug you do not need to install webMAN, just activate it from the Rebug ToolBox


    If all is well spent your PS3 reboot and you get a notification at the top right that webman is well loaded.


    To access the setup functions you have 2 possibilities:
    From the XMB (console interface)
    From your internet explorer (Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer etc …)
    Depuir the XMB go in «webMAN Games», «My GAMES» or «My Games»


    Then go to «webMAN Setup» or «webMAN configuration»


    You will access the management interface, as below.
    From the WEB interface, simply enter the IP address of your console in the WEB browser navigation bar.
    Click «Setup» or «Setup»


    Scroll down to the IDPS section and enter your original IDID or IDID.
    Check IDPS for webMAN to load the new ConsoleID every time the console starts


    Scroll down to save the newly saved data.
    Click on «SAVE» or «SAVE


    To finish making a reboot of your PS3 by clicking «here» or «here»


    Now webMAN will support your new ConsoleID when you start your console.

    Thread: PSN Error 8002A224 fix and sticks

    applejacks2023's Avatar

    If you are getting this error and hate that you have to manually change your IDPS every time you turn on your ps3, then follow these few easy steps

    Firstly make sure on rebug toolbox that your Lv2 kernal and target type is on dex, system mode on rebug, and toggle cobra mode and webMAN are enabled and restart your ps3

    Now that your ps3 has restarted, go to webMAN Games under the games tab and click on it, then click on webMAN setup, then click on (PS3)webMAN setup

    Next scroll down till you see 2 boxes that say IDPS and PSID (Note: Take a picture or write down all the four boxes (2 by 2) before doing the next step) under “change idps and psid in lv2 memory at system startup. MAKE SURE YOU CLICK ON THE TWO BOXES TILL IT HAS A CHECK MARK.

    In the first box next to IDPS, look for the number 82 and change 82 to 84; then scroll down and save

    After you click save, Follow the text (Click (Here) to restart your playstation 3 system)

    And last do what you need to do to sign in and try signing in and it should work and stick so you don’t have to go to rebug and ps3ita manager and manually change the IDPS every time you restart your ps3

    I take no credit for this, i just found someone explaining it on another site and just wanted to clarify and share to everyone who’s having the same problem.

    You must login or register to view this content.

    Tested on Rebug D-REX 4.75.1 CFW and Rebug D-REX 4.75.3 CFW

    Also i am not responsible if anything goes wrong, so do this at your own risk!!!

    The following 9 users say thank you to applejacks2023 for this useful post:

    The following 2 users groaned at applejacks2023 for this awful post:

    applejacks2023's Avatar

    Is this tutorial working for all those who tried it

    Falcon's Avatar

    Originally posted by applejacks2023

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    If you are getting this error and hate that you have to manually change your IDPS every time you turn on your ps3, then follow these few easy steps

    Firstly make sure on rebug toolbox that your Lv2 kernal and target type is on dex, system mode on rebug, and toggle cobra mode and webMAN are enabled and restart your ps3

    Now that your ps3 has restarted, go to webMAN Games under the games tab and click on it, then click on webMAN setup, then click on (PS3)webMAN setup

    Next scroll down till you see 2 boxes that say IDPS and PSID (Note: Take a picture or write down all the four boxes (2 by 2) before doing the next step) under “change idps and psid in lv2 memory at system startup

    The first box next to IDPS, look for the number 82 and change 82 to 84; then scroll down and save

    After you click save, Follow the text (Click (Here) to restart your playstation 3 system)

    And last do what you need to do to sign in and try signing in and it should work and stick so you don’t have to go to rebug and ps3ita manager and manually change the IDPS every time you restart your ps3

    I take no credit for this, i just found someone explaining it on another site and just wanted to clarify and share to everyone who’s having the same problem.

    You must login or register to view this content.

    Tested on Rebug D-REX 4.75.1 CFW and Rebug D-REX 4.75.3 CFW

    Also i am not responsible if anything goes wrong, so do this at your own risk!!!

    Originally posted by applejacks2023

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    Is this tutorial working for all those who tried it

    Didn’t work for me. Im on Drex 4.75.3
    still same message.

    applejacks2023's Avatar

    go to rebug toolbox and see if you debug menu is on debug menu type CEX QA. if not change it to CEX QA. Also go to Debug settings on your xmb menu under settengs, look for System Update Debug and turn it on and restart your ps3. if that doesnt help ill try to look more into whats the problem

    applejacks2023's Avatar

    Originally posted by superzdar

    View Post

    Didn’t work for me. Im on Drex 4.75.3
    still same message.

    one last thing i forgot to mention in the post where it says «Next scroll down till you see 2 boxes that say IDPS and PSID» is that you have to click on the check boxes for both so that they have a check mark next to them, and then save that. Maybe thats the problem

    Falcon's Avatar

    Originally posted by applejacks2023

    View Post

    one last thing i forgot to mention in the post where it says «Next scroll down till you see 2 boxes that say IDPS and PSID» is that you have to click on the check boxes for both so that they have a check mark next to them, and then save that. Maybe thats the problem

    Its good now! Kryptus

    applejacks2023's Avatar

    the tutorial helped you out with your problem. Thats good to hear.

    rothwell2014's Avatar

    Originally posted by applejacks2023

    View Post

    If you are getting this error and hate that you have to manually change your IDPS every time you turn on your ps3, then follow these few easy steps

    Firstly make sure on rebug toolbox that your Lv2 kernal and target type is on dex, system mode on rebug, and toggle cobra mode and webMAN are enabled and restart your ps3

    Now that your ps3 has restarted, go to webMAN Games under the games tab and click on it, then click on webMAN setup, then click on (PS3)webMAN setup

    Next scroll down till you see 2 boxes that say IDPS and PSID (Note: Take a picture or write down all the four boxes (2 by 2) before doing the next step) under “change idps and psid in lv2 memory at system startup. MAKE SURE YOU CLICK ON THE TWO BOXES TILL IT HAS A CHECK MARK.

    In the first box next to IDPS, look for the number 82 and change 82 to 84; then scroll down and save

    After you click save, Follow the text (Click (Here) to restart your playstation 3 system)

    And last do what you need to do to sign in and try signing in and it should work and stick so you don’t have to go to rebug and ps3ita manager and manually change the IDPS every time you restart your ps3

    I take no credit for this, i just found someone explaining it on another site and just wanted to clarify and share to everyone who’s having the same problem.

    You must login or register to view this content.

    Tested on Rebug D-REX 4.75.1 CFW and Rebug D-REX 4.75.3 CFW

    Also i am not responsible if anything goes wrong, so do this at your own risk!!!

    Retail console id target should be 87 not 84
    I have always used 87 on every jailbreak i do but im in the UK maybe its something to do with the regions.

    The following user thanked rothwell2014 for this useful post:

    applejacks2023's Avatar

    well i live in the US so maybe its different by region

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    rednaxela1123's Avatar

    When I try to sign in the error went away but a system update pops up. How do I bypass this?

    In today’s article, we will consider a rather ambiguous problem in the form of error 8002a224 on PS3. Despite the fact that the PS3 console is a product of the previous generation, a lot of players still spend a lot of time behind it. However, recently, many users have encountered error code 8002a224 when they try to log into PSN.

    How to fix PS3 8002a224 error?


    At once it is necessary to specify, that practically in all cases with the given error there are owners of the sewn PS3 which tried to change CID of the console to again get access with services PSN. In fact, the error 8002a224 is a signal that the user entered an incorrect CID.

    If you encounter such an error, then you need to make sure that you entered the correct CID correctly. Be aware that even a single space at the beginning or end of the identifier can cause this error. For example, if you try to replace the CID on the PS3 with the SEN Enabler program, make sure that you have correctly copied the identifier into the desired text file into the USB storage.

    However, there is another small way with which you can try to get rid of the error. So, open the Rebug Toolbox on your PS3 and go to the “Utilities” section. Go down to the bottom of the list of utilities and select the option “Change Active PS3ID”, then select “Use EID5: 87 (CEX)”. Once you do this, close the Rebug Toolbox and try to go into the PSN – this time the error 8002a224 on the PS3 should not be.

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    • #1


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    I finally got everything set up on new jailbroken PS3 and after using psn patch and psninja. I try to login psn and get error 8002a224. Everything I read I have tried. I go to rebugtools and change it to cex (I am on 4.81 dex). I have never been on psn while it was jailbroken. Everything I look up is either years old or No help. Please is anyone has any insight I would appreciate it.

    • #2

    I finally got everything set up on new jailbroken PS3 and after using psn patch and psninja. I try to login psn and get error 8002a224. Everything I read I have tried. I go to rebugtools and change it to cex (I am on 4.81 dex). I have never been on psn while it was jailbroken. Everything I look up is either years old or No help. Please is anyone has any insight I would appreciate it.

    Have you tried going to Rebug toolbox > going to last column > scrolling all the way to the bottom > changing Active PS3 ID to CEX.

    • #3


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    Yes, I saw that worked for most people. Mine changed successfully but still cannot sign in. I make sure I change it before applying psnpatch.

    • #4


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    are you still able to spoof idps and psid? Or are you no longer able to do that with Sony. I use psnpatch to do it.

    • #5

    are you still able to spoof idps and psid? Or are you no longer able to do that with Sony. I use psnpatch to do it.

    Yes, I always used to use PSN Patch to spoof my IDPS and PSID.

    • #6


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    Yes, I always used to use PSN Patch to spoof my IDPS and PSID.

    Do you have any other idea than changing my active PS3 ID to CEX that would be causing the problem then? I’m using the up to date psnpatch and psninja. And it’s never been online since jailbreak.

    • #7

    Do you have any other idea than changing my active PS3 ID to CEX that would be causing the problem then? I’m using the up to date psnpatch and psninja. And it’s never been online since jailbreak.

    Try Pianist’a method:

    How to fix Rebug DEX error code 8002A224 when signing on PSN

    First click the word -> «Irisman» <- download and place pkg on your USB

    Go plug your USB Device into your PS3 then go to Package Manager > Install Package Files > Standard Package Location

    Then Irisman will appear on the XMB, go to it hit x

    Then hit x for save settings then hit start

    Go to Tools then go to Spoof Console ID

    Hit x to Restore Console ID then hit x for ok

    Now you will be able to sign on Rebug DEX

    • #8


    Reaction score

    I have installed Irisman before and tried to this one. But it keeps saying my SYSCALLS are disabled and have limited functionality so when i try to restore default PSID and my CID stays all «0»s and still getting the error on sign in

    • #9


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    Should I enable syscalls? Is that an option?

    • #10

    • #11

    • #12


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    I did and still get the same error. Do you know why my console id in all 0s in irisman. Or is that normal?

    • #13

    I did and still get the same error. Do you know why my console id in all 0s in irisman. Or is that normal?

    I’m not sure to be honest, usually if I was on Rebug 4.65 it show the cid in Irisman but like the updated firmware like 4.80 and up it just show all zeros.

    going to Rebug toolbox > going to last column > scrolling all the way to the bottom > changing Active PS3 ID to CEX should had fixed the error so make sure you do this after you boot your game from Multiman then sign in or do rebug toolbox then boot the game then psn patch then sign in.

    • #14


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    I ended up getting it to work. I decided to try and reinstall Irishman after thats it works perfectly now. When I restore the defaults psid ans idps everything changes accordingly. Even though it was a headache I learned a lot about a few other things during the process. Thank you for the help!

    • #15


    Reaction score

    I finally got everything set up on new jailbroken PS3 and after using psn patch and psninja. I try to login psn and get error 8002a224. Everything I read I have tried. I go to rebugtools and change it to cex (I am on 4.81 dex). I have never been on psn while it was jailbroken. Everything I look up is either years old or No help. Please is anyone has any insight I would appreciate it.

    Tony, I also have a PS3 jb and having exactly same problem. I have gone as far CcPI to create new Console ID and anything and everything I do ends up with that same error 8002a224 after signing in. I was wondering if u could talk me thru the steps u followed to finally get it working?

    • #16

    Tony, I also have a PS3 jb and having exactly same problem. I have gone as far CcPI to create new Console ID and anything and everything I do ends up with that same error 8002a224 after signing in. I was wondering if u could talk me thru the steps u followed to finally get it working?

    All you have to do is go to Rebug toolbox > go to the last column > scroll to the bottom > Change ACTIVE PS3 ID to CEX. Now try to log online.

    • #17


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    Did you enable cobra yet on the PS3?

    • #18

    I know this is like five years old but that error is a console ban for those who are new to moddding. You’ll need a new CID (Console Identification Number) to be able to get back on. The CID ban is permanent, meaning it is forever; no turning back. If you have a superslim that got console banned for whatever wild reason, you’re ****ed.

    • #19


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    Iv got same code someone told me I have no cid and to get a new one is this right of help me out

    • #20


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    Where can you get a new console ID? Need one in order to log in with my ps 3. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Last logged in a year ago, played a few hours the other weekend and got console banned.

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