Случается так, что из-за нерасторопности или невнимательности некоторых владельцев BMW, а также отсутствия желания во время поменять лампочку — блок FRM отключает линию питания на тот или иной потребитель, с регистрацией ошибки 009CBB «FRM: Короткое замыкание» и лампа после её замены всё-равно не работает.
В отличии от более старых машин, здесь срабатывает защита блока FRM от замыканий, ведь в BMW традиционно отсутствуют предохранители на органы освещения. Для того, чтобы произошло отключение линии питания на лампу, должно произойти 30-40 неудачных попыток включить световой прибор, если по логическому счётчику лампа так и не заработала, то линия будет отключена.
Никакое стирание ошибок в различных автосервисах вам не поможет, даже профессиональные диагносты не всегда владеют знаниями по работе с инженерным программами для работы напрямую с блоком управления и помочь не смогут.
Проблема встречается только на Е серии, самые частые гости BMW e60, e90, e81, e70, e71
Если вы решили установить светодиодные лампы вместо например галогена или поставили такие лампочки в подсветку заднего гос. номера, то вы гарантированно получите ошибку по КЗ и световые приборы будут отключены!
Чтобы такой ситуации не возникало, проверку нестандартных ламп нужно обязательно отключить, существуют случаи, когда блок FRM всё-таки перестаёт работать из-за переполнения виртуальной памяти ошибками о неисправностях, при этом отказывают не только ВСЕ световые приборы, а также стеклоподъёмники и центральный замок. Восстановление такого блока дороже стоимости фирменной лампочки, поэтому подумайте дважды или перед заменой на LED, обратитесь ко мне для отключения проверки и обновлению софта в FRM.
Стоимость 1800 р.
Сделать заказ
12-18-2011, 08:06 PM |
#1 |
Drives: 2009 E90 LCI 328i 6MT Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Miami, FL |
Eror code 9CBB I have this error code on my FRM2 can someone please tell me how to fix the error? I had a short in my HID angel eye kit and as a result, the FRM stopped supplying power to the angel eye socket so i cant get a signal to power on the kit. Can someone please tell me how to fix this error? __________________ 2009 BMW E90 328i | Xenons | MT | Space Gray | Beige-ette | CF Fabric Trim | iPod/USB | 20% Tints | Euro-Plate | Rear Fog Switch Lego Mod | Painted Reflectors | Performance Short-shift Kit | Style 197 Wheels | OEM Sport Suspension | |
08-02-2012, 02:33 PM |
#2 |
Enlisted Member Drives: BMW 335XI SEDAN Join Date: May 2011 Location: Montreal, Qc |
i have the same problem any help?? |
08-02-2012, 04:35 PM |
#3 |
Drives: 2009 E90 LCI 328i 6MT Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Miami, FL |
I was able to fix this. I had to use tool32 I dont remember exact details. let me find my post from a while back __________________ 2009 BMW E90 328i | Xenons | MT | Space Gray | Beige-ette | CF Fabric Trim | iPod/USB | 20% Tints | Euro-Plate | Rear Fog Switch Lego Mod | Painted Reflectors | Performance Short-shift Kit | Style 197 Wheels | OEM Sport Suspension | |
08-02-2012, 04:49 PM |
#4 |
Drives: 2009 E90 LCI 328i 6MT Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Miami, FL |
Originally Posted by Dark335Xi i have the same problem any help?? read this thread http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=495535 you need to have daten V41 files. Quote: Originally Posted by Nr!que from another thread. If you still haven’t gotten the issue fixed maybe this can help. you need an ODB cable and Laptop and use toolset.exe Found in this forum I have yet to try this since my car is in the shop.. I will try this and get back here so other people can find out easily aaand the name of the value on toolset.exe is called steuern_reset_kurzschlussabschaltung This is what helped me from bmw coding and i was able to fix it. Quote: Try this,the complete text is from an coder in another forum (copy paste) Connect cable to your car, launch Toolset32 and load FRM70.prg (for FRM2). Note: I don’t know the mapping between each lamp and lamp_nr, so I simply sent the command 64 times for all lamp_nr from 0 to 63. Try this — I guess it can’t do any harm. Since lamp_nr is supposed to be an integer, I guess possible values for lamp_nr are 0-255. When you have sent kurzschlussabschaltung-commands for all lamp_nr, do the first job again (check COUNTER). If everything is good, the counters which were > 0 before should now be = 0. Also, I see there are two jobs which are named quite similar — steuern_lampen_kurzschlussabschaltung and _reset_kurzschluss_sperre. I don’t know the difference between these two, but if one doesn’t clear your counters, I would try the other one too. Both jobs require the lamp_nr-argument. I wish you the best of luck!! I know when i finally figured out how to do this i hadnt had an angel eye for 6 months and i felt like __________________ 2009 BMW E90 328i | Xenons | MT | Space Gray | Beige-ette | CF Fabric Trim | iPod/USB | 20% Tints | Euro-Plate | Rear Fog Switch Lego Mod | Painted Reflectors | Performance Short-shift Kit | Style 197 Wheels | OEM Sport Suspension | |
12-21-2013, 09:44 AM |
#5 |
Private Drives: BMW E90 325d Join Date: May 2011 Location: FRANCE |
Hi, i’ve testing the method but, i didn’t find lamp nr. Tool32 always says that i doesn’t select lamp …. Any issues ? |
12-29-2013, 01:37 AM |
#6 |
Drives: AW 135i 6spd Join Date: Sep 2011 Location: Belmont, Ma |
Originally Posted by Nr!qUe READ EVERYTHING BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING read this thread http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=495535 you need to have daten V41 files. This is what helped me from bmw coding and i was able to fix it. I wish you the best of luck!! I know when i finally figured out how to do this i hadnt had an angel eye for 6 months and i felt like This is the second time im trying this now and for some reason i cannot figure out the lamp_nr part. I dont know what to put into the arguments area. No matter what i put, i get an error in the job status.. What were you putting in to subtract from the counter?? I also dont have the steurn reset i have _reset_kurzschluss_sperre which has the lamp_nr option and also the only «reset» available that i have listed.. __________________ 2010 AW/BLK 135i VM 6465 Single Turbo, JB4 + MHD, VRSF CP & Tial, Big Tom, Fuel-It PI + Stage 3 + Return + Ethanol Sensor, BMW PE, MFactory LSD, Spec 3+ & MFactory SMFW, RB External PCV |
01-03-2014, 07:40 PM |
#7 |
Drives: 2015 M4 Join Date: Jun 2013 Location: NJ |
Solved I figured this out. You have a newer E-Series I assume, use reset_kurzschluss_sperre, enter just a number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and so on, individually but with out the comma, get it? Some people just go through 0-255 but I went through 0-64, cleared every error in my FRM. If this is not clear, let me know. Quote: Originally Posted by BostonBeemah This is the second time im trying this now and for some reason i cannot figure out the lamp_nr part. I dont know what to put into the arguments area. No matter what i put, i get an error in the job status.. What were you putting in to subtract from the counter?? I also dont have the steurn reset i have _reset_kurzschluss_sperre which has the lamp_nr option and also the only «reset» available that i have listed.. |
01-17-2014, 09:31 PM |
#8 |
Drives: AW 135i 6spd Join Date: Sep 2011 Location: Belmont, Ma |
Originally Posted by undermine I figured this out. You have a newer E-Series I assume, use reset_kurzschluss_sperre, enter just a number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and so on, individually but with out the comma, get it? Some people just go through 0-255 but I went through 0-64, cleared every error in my FRM. If this is not clear, let me know. Just got mine fixed as well. Turned out to be a software issue on my computer. Ended up creating a Virtual Machine and loading all the software back on and now I have working angel eyes!! Thanks for the help! __________________ 2010 AW/BLK 135i VM 6465 Single Turbo, JB4 + MHD, VRSF CP & Tial, Big Tom, Fuel-It PI + Stage 3 + Return + Ethanol Sensor, BMW PE, MFactory LSD, Spec 3+ & MFactory SMFW, RB External PCV |
06-08-2015, 11:14 PM |
#9 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Originally Posted by Nr!qUe READ EVERYTHING BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING read this thread http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=495535 you need to have daten V41 files. This is what helped me from bmw coding and i was able to fix it. I wish you the best of luck!! I know when i finally figured out how to do this i hadnt had an angel eye for 6 months and i felt like
06-08-2015, 11:56 PM |
#10 |
Enlisted Member
Drives: 2006 E90, 2010 E92 Join Date: Apr 2012 Location: Hong Kong |
Quote: Originally Posted by fazman
Read post #4 and go read the thread on bimmerforum, it should have everything you need to know. __________________ 2011 E92, 2006 E90 |
06-09-2015, 12:16 PM |
#11 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Quote: Originally Posted by miata22 Read post #4 and go read the thread on bimmerforum, it should have everything you need to know. Thank you… the part I’m confused on is where do I get the counter and how do I send a value. I’ve dig down into Tool32 to the correct place. |
06-10-2015, 03:23 AM |
#12 |
First Lieutenant
Drives: 2014 F10 535i x-drive Join Date: Jun 2013 Location: Regina, CA |
Quote: Originally Posted by fazman Thank you… the part I’m confused on is where do I get the counter and how do I send a value. I’ve dig down into Tool32 to the correct place. Read this thread here: http://www.bimmerforums.com/forum/sh…-to-FRM2/page3 Can you get to stuern_lampen_kurzshlussabschaltung in tool32? That is for newer modules. If you can’t find that, use _reset_kurzschluss_sperre, you might have an older module. One you get there, you should see lamp_nr. This requires a hexadecimal value (NOT a decimal value) so when you see people talking about resetting all counters between 0-63 (decimal values) they mean you have to convert all those values to hexadecimal before sending the reset job. For example: 0x3f is actually the hexadecimal way of saying 63. Here is a decimal to hexadecimal converter: http://numbermonk.com/ So in the argument box, type the hexadecimal value 0x1 (which means the number 1 in decimal format) and click the «run once» button. Then in the argument box, type the hexadecimal value 0x2 (which means the number 2 in decimal format) and click the «run once» button. Keep doing this until you reach 0x3f which is 63 in decimal format. If you do this, it’ll reset all the counters for all bulbs between 0-63 so you won’t miss anything. After that, go back to INPA and check the code, and delete it. You should be good! |
06-10-2015, 10:27 AM |
#13 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Originally Posted by chmsalman Read this thread here: http://www.bimmerforums.com/forum/sh…-to-FRM2/page3 Can you get to stuern_lampen_kurzshlussabschaltung in tool32? That is for newer modules. If you can’t find that, use _reset_kurzschluss_sperre, you might have an older module. One you get there, you should see lamp_nr. This requires a hexadecimal value (NOT a decimal value) so when you see people talking about resetting all counters between 0-63 (decimal values) they mean you have to convert all those values to hexadecimal before sending the reset job. For example: 0x3f is actually the hexadecimal way of saying 63. Here is a decimal to hexadecimal converter: http://numbermonk.com/ So in the argument box, type the hexadecimal value 0x1 (which means the number 1 in decimal format) and click the «run once» button. Then in the argument box, type the hexadecimal value 0x2 (which means the number 2 in decimal format) and click the «run once» button. Keep doing this until you reach 0x3f which is 63 in decimal format. If you do this, it’ll reset all the counters for all bulbs between 0-63 so you won’t miss anything. After that, go back to INPA and check the code, and delete it. You should be good! Awesome! I think this is the missing piece of my puzzle! thank you!!!! What I did find was the following last night: |
06-10-2015, 02:53 PM |
#14 |
First Lieutenant
Drives: 2014 F10 535i x-drive Join Date: Jun 2013 Location: Regina, CA |
I haven’t read about that anywhere. I’ve ordered an OBD cable, just waiting for that to arrive before I do this on my car as well. I’m having the same issue, no driver angel eye |
06-10-2015, 10:50 PM |
#15 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Yeay, i got my AE’s working… not gonna give any more update other then that just kidding. Okay here is what i did: |
06-11-2015, 01:38 AM |
#16 |
First Lieutenant
Drives: 2014 F10 535i x-drive Join Date: Jun 2013 Location: Regina, CA |
Originally Posted by fazman Yeay, i got my AE’s working… not gonna give any more update other then that just kidding. Okay here is what i did: Wow, I’m so relieved you got yours working haha that means mine should be good too once I get the cable in the mail!!! Congratulations on getting it to work!!! |
06-11-2015, 05:59 AM |
#17 |
Captain Drives: 320d 2012 Join Date: Dec 2013 Location: AS |
where did you order your cable? |
06-11-2015, 11:41 AM |
#18 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Quote: Originally Posted by cryptomit where did you order your cable? I got mine in 2011 from someone on ebay with software for about $40. I would suggest you to just google «bmw coding cable» and see what prices you find (should be under $20 now a days). I found the following by doing the quick search (I’m not suggesting you buy this one… just showing an example): http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/1717147…lpid=82&chn=ps If your doing something on ebay, always ask the following of the vendor thru the ebay system: Once you have them reply to these questions and you are okay with the terms… go ahead and bid on the item. Even if you find a local online retailer selling it for about $20 or under… always ask those questions and keep it in your email as proof. Use Paypal to make the sale so you are covered (NEVER SEND AS GIFT, you will have no recourse if it is a garbage product…. pay the stupid 2% fee for the transaction because it’s cheap insurance). If you are having problems getting the software working, you can probably find someone on these forums who will help you OR for a fee will set you up (usually includes the remote coding of your car too so they can test it out and you benefit from getting the car done too). Go with someone who seems to have a good rep and lots of positive feedback with coding on the forums if you plan to have someone do remote coding. Last thing you want is for someone to learn on your car |
06-12-2015, 03:03 AM |
#19 |
First Lieutenant
Drives: 2014 F10 535i x-drive Join Date: Jun 2013 Location: Regina, CA |
Quote: Originally Posted by cryptomit where did you order your cable? I ordered this one here: Its expensive but probably the most reliable one I found. I didn’t want to go through the trouble of ordering cables from china, waiting 30 days for shipping, finding out it doesn’t work, and then having to deal with returning/etc. This one has gotten great reviews and is known to work on the newer windows versions as well as pretty much any BMW. I got the software from some guy online. He gave me everything I needed with all updated files. Saved me the frustration of having to look around on forums for latest software files as well as the latest DATEN files for my car. |
06-13-2015, 10:17 AM |
#20 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Originally Posted by chmsalman Wow, I’m so relieved you got yours working haha that means mine should be good too once I get the cable in the mail!!! Congratulations on getting it to work!!! map 0 meaning i have a JB4 and it blocks communication over the obd2 port if you are using any of the tuning maps, map 0 means the jb4 is disabled and allows communication on the obd2 port with the car. |
06-14-2015, 03:41 AM |
#21 |
First Lieutenant
Drives: 2014 F10 535i x-drive Join Date: Jun 2013 Location: Regina, CA |
Quote: Originally Posted by fazman map 0 meaning i have a JB4 and it blocks communication over the obd2 port if you are using any of the tuning maps, map 0 means the jb4 is disabled and allows communication on the obd2 port with the car. So this doesn’t apply to me in any way? I don’t have the JB4. |
06-15-2015, 02:35 AM |
#22 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Quote: Originally Posted by chmsalman So this doesn’t apply to me in any way? I don’t have the JB4. As a 328, it does not apply to you. |
- e91 335D M-Pack
- Минск
Отправлено 01 Февраль 2015 — 01:41
Добрый! Подскажите плиз куда лезть и где искать по данной причине?
зы. Обсолютно всё горит и работает, кроме двух габаритов на крышке багажника. Не приходит 12в.
- Наверх
- e81 130i
- Minsk/Bialystok
Отправлено 01 Февраль 2015 — 02:47
и что — нет ошибок в блоке света ?
- Наверх
- e91 335D M-Pack
- Минск
Отправлено 01 Февраль 2015 — 01:15
Конечно есть — задняя лампа левая лампа не исправна и правая не испрана.
- Наверх
- Skoda
- минск и область
Отправлено 01 Февраль 2015 — 02:00
- Наверх
- E91 montego / кампахт
- Minsk / Serebryanka
Отправлено 01 Февраль 2015 — 02:46
Либо перетерлись…..
- Наверх
- e91
- Минск/Беларусь
Отправлено 01 Февраль 2015 — 03:19
А у меня вопрос как добраться к правой задней стороне фонаря е91 (тот который на крыле) С лева понятно, дверцу открыл есть доступ , а вот с права всё зашито …
- Наверх
- Skoda
- минск и область
Отправлено 01 Февраль 2015 — 03:54
А у меня вопрос как добраться к правой задней стороне фонаря е91 (тот который на крыле) С лева понятно, дверцу открыл есть доступ , а вот с права всё зашито …
поднять пол, два пистона и дверца ваша.
- Наверх
- e91
- Минск/Беларусь
Отправлено 01 Февраль 2015 — 03:58
- Наверх
- e91 335D M-Pack
- Минск
Отправлено 05 Февраль 2015 — 01:02
Что-то тут сложнее, висит ещё в FRM ошибка 9CBB — замыкакие. Может кто подскажет что делать?
- Наверх
- e81 130i
- Minsk/Bialystok
Отправлено 05 Февраль 2015 — 01:29
так проводку починили ?
потому что блок выключил цепь потому что 50 раз замыкание зафиксировано
надо сначала починить проводку и потом поехать к электрику который спец программой решит эту проблему
- Наверх
- Skoda
- минск и область
Отправлено 05 Февраль 2015 — 01:59
спецпрограмма тул32 называется.
кстати вроде как рейнголд еще стирает курцшлюз.
Сообщение отредактировал Gladj525: 05 Февраль 2015 — 08:52
- Наверх
- e91 335D M-Pack
- Минск
Отправлено 22 Февраль 2015 — 02:25
Итог: Пересмотрел проводку — всё целое, всё звониться. Полез изучать ista — там не понял как стереть это кз, пробывал «сброс блока», вообщем потыркал — но сходу так и не разобрался. Через tool32 сбросил и всё стало отлично
спс огромное.
Сообщение отредактировал Oput: 22 Февраль 2015 — 02:26
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- 9 сообщений
- e36 touring m52
- Бремен Германия
Отправлено 29 Ноябрь 2016 — 09:09
Всем привет) Подскажите пожалуйста от куда можно прозвонить проводку габаритов которые находятся на крышке багажника? Или стоит снять кожух и визуально посмотреть на состояние проводки?
- Наверх
Отправлено 29 Ноябрь 2016 — 11:28
Всем привет) Подскажите пожалуйста от куда можно прозвонить проводку габаритов которые находятся на крышке багажника? Или стоит снять кожух и визуально посмотреть на состояние проводки?
лучше визуально. так как прозваниваться могут хорошо а провода уже надломаны.
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- 9 сообщений
- e36 touring m52
- Бремен Германия
Отправлено 30 Ноябрь 2016 — 09:42
лучше визуально. так как прозваниваться могут хорошо а провода уже надломаны.
А как этот кожух снять? не будет ли он потом пропускать воду?
- Наверх
12-18-2011, 07:06 PM
#1 |
Drives: 2009 E90 LCI 328i 6MT Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Miami, FL |
Eror code 9CBB I have this error code on my FRM2 can someone please tell me how to fix the error? I had a short in my HID angel eye kit and as a result, the FRM stopped supplying power to the angel eye socket so i cant get a signal to power on the kit. Can someone please tell me how to fix this error? __________________ 2009 BMW E90 328i | Xenons | MT | Space Gray | Beige-ette | CF Fabric Trim | iPod/USB | 20% Tints | Euro-Plate | Rear Fog Switch Lego Mod | Painted Reflectors | Performance Short-shift Kit | Style 197 Wheels | OEM Sport Suspension | |
08-02-2012, 01:33 PM
#2 |
Enlisted Member Drives: BMW 335XI SEDAN Join Date: May 2011 Location: Montreal, Qc |
i have the same problem any help?? |
08-02-2012, 03:35 PM
#3 |
Drives: 2009 E90 LCI 328i 6MT Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Miami, FL |
I was able to fix this. I had to use tool32 I dont remember exact details. let me find my post from a while back __________________ 2009 BMW E90 328i | Xenons | MT | Space Gray | Beige-ette | CF Fabric Trim | iPod/USB | 20% Tints | Euro-Plate | Rear Fog Switch Lego Mod | Painted Reflectors | Performance Short-shift Kit | Style 197 Wheels | OEM Sport Suspension | |
08-02-2012, 03:49 PM
#4 |
Drives: 2009 E90 LCI 328i 6MT Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Miami, FL |
Originally Posted by Dark335Xi i have the same problem any help?? read this thread http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=495535 you need to have daten V41 files. Quote: Originally Posted by Nr!que from another thread. If you still haven’t gotten the issue fixed maybe this can help. you need an ODB cable and Laptop and use toolset.exe Found in this forum I have yet to try this since my car is in the shop.. I will try this and get back here so other people can find out easily aaand the name of the value on toolset.exe is called steuern_reset_kurzschlussabschaltung This is what helped me from bmw coding and i was able to fix it. Quote: Try this,the complete text is from an coder in another forum (copy paste) Connect cable to your car, launch Toolset32 and load FRM70.prg (for FRM2). Note: I don’t know the mapping between each lamp and lamp_nr, so I simply sent the command 64 times for all lamp_nr from 0 to 63. Try this — I guess it can’t do any harm. Since lamp_nr is supposed to be an integer, I guess possible values for lamp_nr are 0-255. When you have sent kurzschlussabschaltung-commands for all lamp_nr, do the first job again (check COUNTER). If everything is good, the counters which were > 0 before should now be = 0. Also, I see there are two jobs which are named quite similar — steuern_lampen_kurzschlussabschaltung and _reset_kurzschluss_sperre. I don’t know the difference between these two, but if one doesn’t clear your counters, I would try the other one too. Both jobs require the lamp_nr-argument. I wish you the best of luck!! I know when i finally figured out how to do this i hadnt had an angel eye for 6 months and i felt like __________________ 2009 BMW E90 328i | Xenons | MT | Space Gray | Beige-ette | CF Fabric Trim | iPod/USB | 20% Tints | Euro-Plate | Rear Fog Switch Lego Mod | Painted Reflectors | Performance Short-shift Kit | Style 197 Wheels | OEM Sport Suspension | |
12-21-2013, 08:44 AM
#5 |
Private Drives: BMW E90 325d Join Date: May 2011 Location: FRANCE |
Hi, i’ve testing the method but, i didn’t find lamp nr. Tool32 always says that i doesn’t select lamp …. Any issues ? |
12-29-2013, 12:37 AM
#6 |
Drives: AW 135i 6spd Join Date: Sep 2011 Location: Belmont, Ma |
Originally Posted by Nr!qUe READ EVERYTHING BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING read this thread http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=495535 you need to have daten V41 files. This is what helped me from bmw coding and i was able to fix it. I wish you the best of luck!! I know when i finally figured out how to do this i hadnt had an angel eye for 6 months and i felt like This is the second time im trying this now and for some reason i cannot figure out the lamp_nr part. I dont know what to put into the arguments area. No matter what i put, i get an error in the job status.. What were you putting in to subtract from the counter?? I also dont have the steurn reset i have _reset_kurzschluss_sperre which has the lamp_nr option and also the only «reset» available that i have listed.. __________________ 2010 AW/BLK 135i VM 6465 Single Turbo, JB4 + MHD, VRSF CP & Tial, Big Tom, Fuel-It PI + Stage 3 + Return + Ethanol Sensor, BMW PE, MFactory LSD, Spec 3+ & MFactory SMFW, RB External PCV |
01-03-2014, 06:40 PM
#7 |
Drives: 2015 M4 Join Date: Jun 2013 Location: NJ |
Solved I figured this out. You have a newer E-Series I assume, use reset_kurzschluss_sperre, enter just a number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and so on, individually but with out the comma, get it? Some people just go through 0-255 but I went through 0-64, cleared every error in my FRM. If this is not clear, let me know. Quote:
Originally Posted by BostonBeemah This is the second time im trying this now and for some reason i cannot figure out the lamp_nr part. I dont know what to put into the arguments area. No matter what i put, i get an error in the job status.. What were you putting in to subtract from the counter?? I also dont have the steurn reset i have _reset_kurzschluss_sperre which has the lamp_nr option and also the only «reset» available that i have listed.. |
01-17-2014, 08:31 PM
#8 |
Drives: AW 135i 6spd Join Date: Sep 2011 Location: Belmont, Ma |
Originally Posted by undermine I figured this out. You have a newer E-Series I assume, use reset_kurzschluss_sperre, enter just a number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and so on, individually but with out the comma, get it? Some people just go through 0-255 but I went through 0-64, cleared every error in my FRM. If this is not clear, let me know. Just got mine fixed as well. Turned out to be a software issue on my computer. Ended up creating a Virtual Machine and loading all the software back on and now I have working angel eyes!! Thanks for the help! __________________ 2010 AW/BLK 135i VM 6465 Single Turbo, JB4 + MHD, VRSF CP & Tial, Big Tom, Fuel-It PI + Stage 3 + Return + Ethanol Sensor, BMW PE, MFactory LSD, Spec 3+ & MFactory SMFW, RB External PCV |
06-08-2015, 10:14 PM
#9 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Originally Posted by Nr!qUe READ EVERYTHING BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING read this thread http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=495535 you need to have daten V41 files. This is what helped me from bmw coding and i was able to fix it. I wish you the best of luck!! I know when i finally figured out how to do this i hadnt had an angel eye for 6 months and i felt like
06-08-2015, 10:56 PM
#10 |
Enlisted Member
Drives: 2006 E90, 2010 E92 Join Date: Apr 2012 Location: Hong Kong |
Originally Posted by fazman
Read post #4 and go read the thread on bimmerforum, it should have everything you need to know. __________________ 2011 E92, 2006 E90 |
06-09-2015, 11:16 AM
#11 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Originally Posted by miata22 Read post #4 and go read the thread on bimmerforum, it should have everything you need to know. Thank you… the part I’m confused on is where do I get the counter and how do I send a value. I’ve dig down into Tool32 to the correct place. |
06-10-2015, 02:23 AM
#12 |
First Lieutenant
Drives: 2014 F10 535i x-drive Join Date: Jun 2013 Location: Regina, CA |
Originally Posted by fazman Thank you… the part I’m confused on is where do I get the counter and how do I send a value. I’ve dig down into Tool32 to the correct place. Read this thread here: http://www.bimmerforums.com/forum/sh…-to-FRM2/page3 Can you get to stuern_lampen_kurzshlussabschaltung in tool32? That is for newer modules. If you can’t find that, use _reset_kurzschluss_sperre, you might have an older module. One you get there, you should see lamp_nr. This requires a hexadecimal value (NOT a decimal value) so when you see people talking about resetting all counters between 0-63 (decimal values) they mean you have to convert all those values to hexadecimal before sending the reset job. For example: 0x3f is actually the hexadecimal way of saying 63. Here is a decimal to hexadecimal converter: http://numbermonk.com/ So in the argument box, type the hexadecimal value 0x1 (which means the number 1 in decimal format) and click the «run once» button. Then in the argument box, type the hexadecimal value 0x2 (which means the number 2 in decimal format) and click the «run once» button. Keep doing this until you reach 0x3f which is 63 in decimal format. If you do this, it’ll reset all the counters for all bulbs between 0-63 so you won’t miss anything. After that, go back to INPA and check the code, and delete it. You should be good! |
06-10-2015, 09:27 AM
#13 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Originally Posted by chmsalman Read this thread here: http://www.bimmerforums.com/forum/sh…-to-FRM2/page3 Can you get to stuern_lampen_kurzshlussabschaltung in tool32? That is for newer modules. If you can’t find that, use _reset_kurzschluss_sperre, you might have an older module. One you get there, you should see lamp_nr. This requires a hexadecimal value (NOT a decimal value) so when you see people talking about resetting all counters between 0-63 (decimal values) they mean you have to convert all those values to hexadecimal before sending the reset job. For example: 0x3f is actually the hexadecimal way of saying 63. Here is a decimal to hexadecimal converter: http://numbermonk.com/ So in the argument box, type the hexadecimal value 0x1 (which means the number 1 in decimal format) and click the «run once» button. Then in the argument box, type the hexadecimal value 0x2 (which means the number 2 in decimal format) and click the «run once» button. Keep doing this until you reach 0x3f which is 63 in decimal format. If you do this, it’ll reset all the counters for all bulbs between 0-63 so you won’t miss anything. After that, go back to INPA and check the code, and delete it. You should be good! Awesome! I think this is the missing piece of my puzzle! thank you!!!! What I did find was the following last night: |
06-10-2015, 01:53 PM
#14 |
First Lieutenant
Drives: 2014 F10 535i x-drive Join Date: Jun 2013 Location: Regina, CA |
I haven’t read about that anywhere. I’ve ordered an OBD cable, just waiting for that to arrive before I do this on my car as well. I’m having the same issue, no driver angel eye |
06-10-2015, 09:50 PM
#15 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Yeay, i got my AE’s working… not gonna give any more update other then that just kidding. Okay here is what i did: |
06-11-2015, 12:38 AM
#16 |
First Lieutenant
Drives: 2014 F10 535i x-drive Join Date: Jun 2013 Location: Regina, CA |
Originally Posted by fazman Yeay, i got my AE’s working… not gonna give any more update other then that just kidding. Okay here is what i did: Wow, I’m so relieved you got yours working haha that means mine should be good too once I get the cable in the mail!!! Congratulations on getting it to work!!! |
06-11-2015, 04:59 AM
#17 |
Captain Drives: 320d 2012 Join Date: Dec 2013 Location: AS |
where did you order your cable? |
06-11-2015, 10:41 AM
#18 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Originally Posted by cryptomit where did you order your cable? I got mine in 2011 from someone on ebay with software for about $40. I would suggest you to just google «bmw coding cable» and see what prices you find (should be under $20 now a days). I found the following by doing the quick search (I’m not suggesting you buy this one… just showing an example): http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/1717147…lpid=82&chn=ps If your doing something on ebay, always ask the following of the vendor thru the ebay system: Once you have them reply to these questions and you are okay with the terms… go ahead and bid on the item. Even if you find a local online retailer selling it for about $20 or under… always ask those questions and keep it in your email as proof. Use Paypal to make the sale so you are covered (NEVER SEND AS GIFT, you will have no recourse if it is a garbage product…. pay the stupid 2% fee for the transaction because it’s cheap insurance). If you are having problems getting the software working, you can probably find someone on these forums who will help you OR for a fee will set you up (usually includes the remote coding of your car too so they can test it out and you benefit from getting the car done too). Go with someone who seems to have a good rep and lots of positive feedback with coding on the forums if you plan to have someone do remote coding. Last thing you want is for someone to learn on your car |
06-12-2015, 02:03 AM
#19 |
First Lieutenant
Drives: 2014 F10 535i x-drive Join Date: Jun 2013 Location: Regina, CA |
Originally Posted by cryptomit where did you order your cable? I ordered this one here: Its expensive but probably the most reliable one I found. I didn’t want to go through the trouble of ordering cables from china, waiting 30 days for shipping, finding out it doesn’t work, and then having to deal with returning/etc. This one has gotten great reviews and is known to work on the newer windows versions as well as pretty much any BMW. I got the software from some guy online. He gave me everything I needed with all updated files. Saved me the frustration of having to look around on forums for latest software files as well as the latest DATEN files for my car. |
06-13-2015, 09:17 AM
#20 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Originally Posted by chmsalman Wow, I’m so relieved you got yours working haha that means mine should be good too once I get the cable in the mail!!! Congratulations on getting it to work!!! map 0 meaning i have a JB4 and it blocks communication over the obd2 port if you are using any of the tuning maps, map 0 means the jb4 is disabled and allows communication on the obd2 port with the car. |
06-14-2015, 02:41 AM
#21 |
First Lieutenant
Drives: 2014 F10 535i x-drive Join Date: Jun 2013 Location: Regina, CA |
Originally Posted by fazman map 0 meaning i have a JB4 and it blocks communication over the obd2 port if you are using any of the tuning maps, map 0 means the jb4 is disabled and allows communication on the obd2 port with the car. So this doesn’t apply to me in any way? I don’t have the JB4. |
06-15-2015, 01:35 AM
#22 |
Brigadier General
Drives: 335 e90 Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Los Angeles |
Originally Posted by chmsalman So this doesn’t apply to me in any way? I don’t have the JB4. As a 328, it does not apply to you. |
На чтение 3 мин. Опубликовано 27.02.2020
Самое главное, что при таких симптомах под вопросом была работоспособность непосредственно блоку управления двигателем, который стоит под тр. В процессе диагностики выявлено: На фото черная коробочка внутри bmw ошибка 9cbc предохранителя, но поменять их нельзя — на фото крышка срезана болгаркой — сам блок является герметичным и не разборным.
- Коды ошибок
- Reset FRM BMW X6 E70 (устранение ошибки 9CBB короткое замыкание FRM)
- BMW E60 2004г. отключить «cornering light»
Коды ошибок
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Reset FRM BMW X6 E70 (устранение ошибки 9CBB короткое замыкание FRM)
To look beautiful and exciting test drive, arranged by the creators, and a careful reading of specifications. Such content is quite pleasant and very bmw ошибка 9cbc. Sometimes it helps in choosing a car much better than the reviews rather questionable.
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BMW E60 2004г. отключить «cornering light»
And this kind of prosperity in this category, because the transport and race bmw ошибка 9cbc literally inseparable things. Even seemingly unsuitable for racing conditions machine manage to participate in street racing.
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04-09-2019, 04:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2019, 10:12 PM by mrkulcsos.)
Hello .
Can you help me ?
FRM2 module
BMW part number : 9166708
coding index :9
Diagnosis index:3680
Function SW:5.80.61
Operating SW:4.0.5
Variant Index : 21068
BMW e90 320d 2008
FRM2 module DTC : 9CBB short circuit fault .
high Beam not work .
Thank you guys for help . Toolset32 great perfectly .
Thanks thanks .
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04-09-2019, 04:59 PM
(04-09-2019, 04:56 PM)mrkulcsos Wrote: Hello .
Can you help me ?
FRM2 module
BMW part number : 9166708
coding index :9
Diagnosis index:3680
Function SW:5.80.61
Operating SW:4.0.5
Variant Index : 21068BMW e90 320d 2008
FRM2 module DTC : 9CBB short circuit fault .
high Beam not work .
hello you can resett short circuit fault with tool32
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04-09-2019, 05:03 PM
I have Abrites , and i reset FRM short circuit but not good :/
The program may not be good or some other problem ?
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04-09-2019, 06:54 PM
Software or Hardware problem ?
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04-11-2019, 05:16 PM
I have toolset32 and K+DCAN cable . But i dont know how to reset .
I see the program : STAT_BIX_short_circuit_counter = 50
This is the problem , but how to reset ?
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04-16-2019, 02:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2019, 03:00 PM by M_Riol.)
Here you have a complete guide in order to solve your problem:
I would suggest you to reset every single short circuit counter of all the available lamps.
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На БМВ с блоком FRM3 (кузова E серии и MINI) из — за замыкания ламп освещения может возникнуть ошибка 9CBB, которая не стирается.
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