Adb error closed ошибка

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от romanlinux 09.01.21 07:43:28 MSK

Проблема в том, что нет доступа до андройда. Как это можно сделать без доступа до OS?

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от continue 09.01.21 07:52:06 MSK

Как это можно сделать без доступа до OS?

Из download mode штатным самсунговским обновлятором? А после этого включив отладку по usb делать то что там задумано?

init_6 ★★★★★

(09.01.21 07:56:29 MSK)

Последнее исправление: init_6 09.01.21 07:57:22 MSK

исправлений: 1)

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от init_6 09.01.21 07:56:29 MSK

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от continue 09.01.21 07:58:12 MSK

А через adb/fastboot вообще никак?

У тебя отключена отладка по usb и/или вообще заблокирован загрузчик. Я правильно вангую? Ппц почему информацию от вас надо клещами вытаскивать. Чтоб поставить twrp необходимо сперва разрешить отладку по usb и разблокировать загрузчик. Дальше думай сам если тебе лень написать нормально всю информацию.

init_6 ★★★★★

(09.01.21 08:05:23 MSK)

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от init_6 09.01.21 08:05:23 MSK

Нужна перепрошивка OS. Человек забыл пароль от гугл аккаунта. Какая дополнительная информация нужна?

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от continue 09.01.21 08:21:26 MSK

Человек забыл пароль от гугл аккаунта.

Восстанавливай пароль от аккаунта. Входи. Разблокируй отладку по usb. Проходи процедуру разблокировки загрузчика. И вперед.

Можешь попробовать то что я написал выше но учти, в большинстве случаев, это, скорее всего, тебе не поможет. Так устроена защита в android у современных аппаратов. Пароль от аккаунта на телефоне надо знать. Мало того установка многих сторонних прошивок начинается с удаления аккаунта на стоке.

init_6 ★★★★★

(09.01.21 09:26:59 MSK)

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от init_6 09.01.21 09:26:59 MSK

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от continue 09.01.21 09:47:29 MSK

Нет возможности восстановить пароль.


init_6 ★★★★★

(09.01.21 09:51:21 MSK)

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от continue 09.01.21 09:47:29 MSK

Отжал телефон, а пароль отжать забыл?


(09.01.21 11:10:17 MSK)

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от continue 09.01.21 08:21:26 MSK

по идее можно попробовать сбросить к заводским настройкам и войти в новый гугл аккаунт

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от romanlinux 09.01.21 21:28:38 MSK

Не прокатит, если аппарат был заблокирован. Там будет особый секс с затиранием особых разделов.

Radjah ★★★★★

(10.01.21 03:09:43 MSK)

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от romanlinux 09.01.21 21:28:38 MSK

по идее можно попробовать сбросить к заводским настройкам и войти в новый гугл аккаунт

Ага и на старых телефонах это даже работало. А вот в более новых девайсах если ты «забыл» пароль от аккаунта аппарат тебя его спросит даже после сброса к заводским настройкам. Потому как владелец всегда может восстановить явки, пароли.

init_6 ★★★★★

(10.01.21 03:42:53 MSK)

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Удваиваю пожелание страдать. Ты не ознакомился даже с базовой теорией и скрываешь «некрасивые» подробности, влияющие на решение задачи. Тут таких не любят.

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от izzholtik 10.01.21 04:10:33 MSK

А что я скрываю? Что мне нужно сказать? Нет доступа вообще никакого к google аккаунту. Я хочу поставить TWRP и потом с 4pda поставить прошивку для телефона. Я не понимаю, какие я подробности скрываю? Может вы спросите, а я отвечу?

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от continue 10.01.21 13:37:19 MSK

Чек-коробка имеются? Обратитесь в сервис-центр. «забыл пароль» – звучит как стандартная проблема, должны помочь.

the1 ★★

(11.01.21 16:00:39 MSK)

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Ты темнишь, но всё же подскажу, гугли «frp unlock samsung MODEL», adb и перепрошивка тебе никак не помогут.

ddidwyll ★★★★

(11.01.21 17:33:26 MSK)

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Вы не можете добавлять комментарии в эту тему. Тема перемещена в архив.

Click here follow the steps to fix Adb Shell Error Closed and related errors.



To Fix (Adb Shell Error Closed) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Step 1:

(Adb Shell Error Closed) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the «Scan» button

Step 3:

Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done!

Windows 7, 8, Vista, XP

Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. To unlock all features and tools, a purchase is required.

Adb Shell Error Closed Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files
in your windows operating system.

If you have Adb Shell Error Closed errors then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Adb Shell Error Closed) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Adb Shell Error Closed
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Adb Shell Error Closed error code that you may receive.

This article was updated on 2023-05-28 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. What is Adb Shell Error Closed error?
  •   2. What causes Adb Shell Error Closed error?
  •   3. How to easily fix Adb Shell Error Closed errors

What is Adb Shell Error Closed error?

The Adb Shell Error Closed error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.

This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Adb Shell Error Closed error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Adb Shell Error Closed format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.

What causes Adb Shell Error Closed error?

The Adb Shell Error Closed error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.

There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware
attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives
may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows
system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly
linked information and files needed for the proper working of the

How to easily fix Adb Shell Error Closed error?

There are two (2) ways to fix Adb Shell Error Closed Error:

Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):

1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.

2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.

3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.

4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.

5) Click Next on the confirmation window.

6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.

Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):

1) Download (Adb Shell Error Closed) repair utility.

2) Install program and click Scan button.

3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.

4) Restart your computer.

How does it work?

This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent
pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)

I am trying to reverse-forward port through ADB, but it just returns cryptic error of error: closed. Normal forwarding works. Session snippet:

$ adb forward tcp:59778 tcp:59778
$ adb forward --list
015d2109ce0c1a0f tcp:59778 tcp:59778
$ adb forward --remove-all
$ adb forward --list
$ adb reverse --list
error: closed
error: closed
$ adb reverse tcp:59778 tcp:59778
error: closed
error: closed

I am connecting via USB to non-rooted Nexus 7 2012 Android 4.4.4 from Windows 7 Pro x64 on Boot Camp.

asked Jul 20, 2015 at 20:08

Konrad Jamrozik's user avatar

Konrad JamrozikKonrad Jamrozik

3,2345 gold badges29 silver badges59 bronze badges

adb reverse was introduced in Android 5.0

answered Jul 20, 2015 at 21:50

Alex P.'s user avatar


Since adb reverse is not supported in Android versions lower than 5.0, you need to use an alternative method, for example connecting via Wi-Fi instead. If you are using React Native, Facebook has added official documentation to connect to the development server via Wi-Fi. Quoting the instructions for MacOS, but they also have them for Linux and Windows:

Method 2: Connect via Wi-Fi

You can also connect to the development server over Wi-Fi. You’ll first need to install the app on your device using a USB cable, but once that has been done you can debug wirelessly by following these instructions. You’ll need your development machine’s current IP address before proceeding.

You can find the IP address in System Preferences → Network.

Make sure your laptop and your phone are on the same Wi-Fi network.
Open your React Native app on your device.
You’ll see a red screen with an error. This is OK. The following steps will fix that.
Open the in-app Developer menu.
Go to Dev Settings → Debug server host for device.
Type in your machine’s IP address and the port of the local dev server (e.g.
Go back to the Developer menu and select Reload JS.

Community's user avatar

answered Dec 7, 2016 at 9:09

Jesús Carrera's user avatar

Jesús CarreraJesús Carrera

11.3k4 gold badges63 silver badges55 bronze badges


Follow these steps carefully.

Note: All commands need to run inside a project only.

  1. Run this command first:

    npm react-native start
  2. Open another window in the same project and run:

    curl "http://localhost:8081/" -o "android/app/src/main/assets/"
  3. This will create in the assets folder

  4. Run:

    npm react-native run-android

Now you can get apk in the build folder which will work fine.

Paul Roub's user avatar

Paul Roub

36.3k27 gold badges83 silver badges93 bronze badges

answered Jul 22, 2016 at 22:49

Ale Paciotti's user avatar


adb reverse requires Android 5.0+. For devices previous to that, you’ll need to use a workaround like so.

If you have busybox installed on your Android device (most Genymotion images do), you can emulate adb reverse using this incantation:

adb shell busybox nc -ll -p {guest port} -e busybox nc {host IP} {host port}

In this case, «guest» is the Android OS running in the emulator and «host» is the computer running the emulator.

answered Jan 13, 2017 at 17:22

slipheed's user avatar


7,1503 gold badges26 silver badges38 bronze badges


cause of adb reverse isnt working on android prior 5 you could propably use adb forward with a service listening on android and tunneling other connections through this inbound connection. I am doing this mostly with ssh, but you would need an ssh server on android. you than can connect using ssh -R incommingreverseportonandroid:hostyouwanttoforwardto:portyouwanttoforwardto sshuseronandroid@localhost -p portyouhaveusedforadbforwaqrdtoaccessandroidssshserver

but i dont know how to enable an ssh server on android and maybe there is a better way cause ssh uses encryption which isnt needed over usb and using up cpu.

i am using this way with my server to share a service when i am forced behind a nat…

hope someone will find a way to bring this teoretical way into practical possibility

answered Aug 7, 2016 at 10:59

Tim's user avatar

Just use instead of localhost/ for your hostname. It will directly try to connect to the port on the host machine (same affect as reverse).

answered Sep 18, 2019 at 16:34

a o's user avatar

my device got broken but i am still able to connect usb in the stock recovery mode.

if i try to start a shell via adb while the device is in recovery mode, i fail. my terminal echos the line: «error: «Closed».

i think, because this device isnt rooted/cfw, the official firmware blocks the shell access in recovery. but there must be a way to connect.

what could i do to open a shell on this device?

just reinstalling another OS through sideload isnt a option, the only way to access data is through adb

-there is a option in the recovery: «update via adb/sideload». when i choose this mode i can execute via adb a sideload update. the device recognizes the file and executes it.
— if try this with the same setup but another rooted device, i success.


You are using adb sideload to communicate with your Android device (e.g. to flash the Nexus 4 using Clockworkmod recovery), but every time you try to execute `adb sideload` you get this error message:

error: closed


As the error message isn’t really specific, there might be numerous possible reasons for it. For me (on Ubuntu 12.10), this worked:

As the same user that executes adb sideload, run

adb usb

After that you should be able to use sideload without any error.

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