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Learn more about: ML Nonfatal Error A2008 |
ML Nonfatal Error A2008 |
12/17/2019 |
error-reference |
A2008 |
A2008 |
ca24157f-c88a-4678-ae06-3bc3cd956001 |
syntax error :
A token at the current location caused a syntax error.
One of the following may have occurred:
A dot prefix was added to or omitted from a directive.
A reserved word (such as C or SIZE) was used as an identifier.
An instruction was used that was not available with the current processor or coprocessor selection.
A comparison run-time operator (such as
) was used in a conditional assembly statement instead of a relational operator (such as EQ). -
An instruction or directive was given too few operands.
An obsolete directive was used.
See also
ML Error Messages
Ferreira 1 / 1 / 0 Регистрация: 12.11.2018 Сообщений: 5 |
1 |
MASM 18.09.2019, 23:37. Показов 7091. Ответов 2 Метки нет (Все метки)
Начал изучать книгу «Самоучитель Ассемблера» Александра Крупника, и в первой же программе ошибка.
PowerShall: PS D:Asemblersum> ml /c /coff new.asm Assembling: new.asm
0 |
Programming Эксперт 94731 / 64177 / 26122 Регистрация: 12.04.2006 Сообщений: 116,782 |
18.09.2019, 23:37 |
2 |
Ушел с форума 15893 / 7467 / 1012 Регистрация: 11.11.2010 Сообщений: 13,449 |
19.09.2019, 04:01 |
2 |
Ferreira, new.asm(7) : error A2008: syntax error : in instruction в 9 строке после ExitProcess должна быть запятая new.asm(9) : error A2166: structure field expected
2 |
1 / 1 / 0 Регистрация: 12.11.2018 Сообщений: 5 |
19.09.2019, 19:20 [ТС] |
3 |
Спасибо, разобрался.
0 |
I’m trying to write a bootloader for an OS I’m developing.
I’m getting a syntax error on the first line.
Here is my assembly code:
.286 ; CPU Type
.model TINY ; memory of model
;---------------------- EXTERNS -----------------------------
extrn _BootMain:near ; prototype of C func
org 07c00h ; for BootSector
jmp short _start ; go to main
;----------------------- CODE SEGMENT -----------------------
mov ax,cs ; Setup segment registers
mov ds,ax ; Make DS correct
mov es,ax ; Make ES correct
mov ss,ax ; Make SS correct
mov bp,7c00h
mov sp,7c00h ; Setup a stack
; start the program
call _BootMain
END _start
END _main ; End of program
Here’s my compile line:
"*location*14.10.25017binHostX86x86ML.EXE" /c StartPoint.asm
The error I’m getting:
StartPoint.asm(1): error A2008: syntax error : .
As far as I know, this line shouldn’t be a problem.
Thanks for the help
What is «error A2008: syntax error: integer» and how do I solve it?
before, I have the error A2008: syntax error : .
and error A2008: syntax error : integer
, then I looked at one post, asking me to download older version of MASM, which I did, and the .
error was resolved but error A2008: syntax error : integer
is still there.
.MODEL flat,C
longestSequence PROTO, theArrayOFFSET:PTR DWORD, theArraySize: DWORD ;proto declaration
longestSequence PROC USES esi edi eax ebx ,
theArraySize: DWORD
LOCAL temp: DWORD 10 DUP(?) //error happens here
LOCAL lengthc: DWORD
; some irrelevant code
I am sure I declared the LOCAL correctly, seems like something is happening with the size of the temp
array. (I am trying to call this procedure from a c++ method)
Asmc Macro Assembler
Asmc Macro Assembler Reference
ASMC Nonfatal Error A2008
syntax error :
A token at the current location caused a syntax error.
One of the following may have occurred:
- A dot prefix was added to or omitted from a directive.
- A reserved word (such as C or SIZE) was used as an identifier.
- An instruction was used that was not available with the current
processor or coprocessor selection. - A comparison run-time operator (such as ==) was used in a conditional
assembly statement instead of a relational operator (such as EQ). - An instruction or directive was given too few operands.
- An obsolete directive was used.
* ML 6.0 compatible error
See Also
ASMC Error Messages