Blind spot alert на джип ошибка

Are you getting the Blind Spot Alert Unavailable Service required message but don’t know what it means or how to fix it?

We have compiled this useful guide to help you understand the Blind Spot Monitor feature, its meaning, symptoms, causes and how to fix the error message. 

The blind Spot Alert, an Unavailable error message, is peculiar in most vehicles equipped with the BSM feature. These include Toyota, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodger,  Ram, and Hyundai.

For the sake of our discussion, we will take a more general approach to this error message. We will also let you know if specific points only apply to a particular car brand. Let’s dive in!

What is the Blind Spot Monitor?

The BSM feature functions as an assist to the driver while being passed by other vehicles.

It is designed to alert you when a car or other object is at your right or left blind spot. 

In addition, the  BSM is installed on both sides of the rear bumper, with a blinking warning light on the car’s side mirror.

The BSM works with the Rearview mirror indicator. When an object or vehicle is detected in the blind spot of the car, the outside rearview mirror indicator will light up (While the turn signal is not used) or flash (While the turn signal is operated).

Some advanced features include a buzzing sound underneath the Steering wheel to alert you of incoming danger.

Furthermore, the BSM relies on sensors installed on each side of the rear bumper. It should not be mistaken for the parking sensor. 

The BSM is much bigger and functions differently, as stated above.

Many conditions and events may cause abnormalities in the Blind Spot monitor. It depends on the design, weather conditions and model of the car. 

For instance, snow, mud, ice or other contaminants may have found their way into and around the sensor causing it to malfunction.

You can easily resolve this by clearing the contaminants around the sensor, which will return to normal operation.

Weather conditions can also influence the proper operation of the sensor.  

Toyota reported that customers that drive in extremely hot environments might experience the blind spot indicator light staying on. (Temperature within 170- 180F).

The indicator will return to normal when the temperature cools below 170F.

Furthermore, heat from the exhaust pipe has also been reported to damage the Blind spot sensor causing a rippling heat effect.

Other causes of the error message include wiring issues, short-circuiting, leakage, etc.

 You can physically inspect the sensor to find out the cause.

Symptoms of the Blind Spot Alert Unavailable Service Required

The first symptom of a malfunction of the BSM system is the error message that appears on your information cluster. 

Other symptoms are peculiar to the brand and design of the vehicle.

Along with the error message, Toyota reported that you would get DTC C1AC1- Master Module Horizontal Axis Misalignment and C1AC2- Slave Module Horizontal Axis Misalignment. 

Hyundai reported related DTC, including C120D15 – Left Led Circuit Short To B, C120B15 – Right Led Circuit Short To B Or Open, and C160A88 – BSD Local CAN bus off.

Other related DTC codes include:

  • U0232 – Lost Communication with Blind Spot Monitor Slave Module  
  • U0233 – Lost Communication with Blind Spot Monitor Master Module 
  • C1AB6 – Blind Spot Monitor Master Module  
  • C1AB7 – Blind Spot Monitor Slave Module

Instances where the BSM functions Unnecessarily 

It will do our discussion justice to list conditions that may cause the BSM to function unnecessarily. They include:

  • Misalignment of the sensor due to strong-impact accidents
  • Where there is a short distance between a wall and your vehicle
  • Where accessories such as bicycle carriers are installed close to the sensor
  • Where an object or vehicle is too close to the detection area. 

How to Fix the Blind Spot Alert Unavailable Service Required Error Message

Depending on what you want to achieve and the causes of the malfunction, there are so many ways to fix the error message.

Method 1

Firstly, clearing the contaminant will fix the error if the error message results from dirt or contamination around the sensor area. 

You may need to gently remove the rear bumper to access the sensor and carefully clean out the contaminants around the sensor.

While you are at it, inspect the conditions of the sensor for cracks, dents or any damage to it. 

Also, inspect the sensor plug for cuts or wiring issues. Replace and repair all wiring and damaged parts.

Method 2

Furthermore, you may decide that you don’t need the feature anymore. You can easily disable it by following these steps.

  1. Put your car in start mode, and on the display screen, select settings.
  1. Select safety and driving assistance
  1. Scroll down the option and select blind spot alert
  1.  Turn the blind spot alert off (You should notice the blind spot warning light go off).


Method 3

Sometimes, you may be required to run a diagnosis on the car using an OBD II scan tool. 

Only do this after trying the first method above. 

Here, you must confirm the existence of the listed DTC above using your scanner. If yes, you can proceed to clear the stored code.

The stored code will give you a hint as to what the underlying problem may be. 

For instance, the U0232 and U0233 will indicate a loss of communication with the blind spot slave module, and you can proceed to fix or update the module.

Final Thought

We examined the Blind Spot Alert Unavailable Service Required Message answer and identified that it is a common issue with vehicles using the BSM feature.

If you have tried the three methods listed above and cannot fix the issue, visit an expert mechanic or technician for help.

Remember, your car is an extension of yourself, and you want to treat your car with care and love.

Thank you for reading!

  • Edmond

  • #1

Has anyone seen/gotten/serviced the alert: Blind Spot Alert Unavailable Service Required? It comes and goes with no real rhyme or reason??

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  • #2

I had everything turn off/on for no reason… dealer just updated DASM 18-20-09-94… still to early to tell if it resolves the issue.

  • #3

Blind Spot Alert sensors are in your rear tail lights. Be sure that they’re clean.

  • #5

Has anyone seen/gotten/serviced the alert: Blind Spot Alert Unavailable Service Required? It comes and goes with no real rhyme or reason??

Yes…Wish I seen this earlier. I started getting the warning on my 2019 2500 Laramie about 3 months after I took delivery in March 2020. It interfered with a lot of other systems as well. The radio would cut in out and in…driver and passenger windows would work intermittently…my heated/ventilated seats would not work etc and my surround camera was not working to name a few. It got so bad while waiting for my appointment that it did nothing but ding every 30 seconds. Finally was able to take it in, after 4 days of troubleshooting they found a bad module in the drivers door. Replaced the module and all was good until last week when the symptoms came back. Same warning with similar issues. radio, windows, heated seats camera not working etc… I have yet another appointment to have them look at it again. It is becoming an aggravating issue at this point.

  • #6

I had that pop up a couple weeks ago. I contributed it to being in a work zone that had jersey walls on both sides of me, but that also could have just been a coincidence.

  • #7

Jersey walls shouldn’t activate a warning and if you got a message on your info screen than it was probably what I experienced. It starts out very intermittent and worsens over time. I took my 2019 Ram into the dealer 21 Oct. for the second time. Again they tech downloaded 27 pages of codes that were saved in the computer. Now they are talking to engineers at Chrysler and a lead mechanic for the region. They think at this point, it may be a bad wire bundle that was installed in many 2019 and 2020 ram trucks. I will try and keep this thread posted as I get information. Keep and eye on your information panel. If it worsens and other things like heated.cooled seats are inop, radio cuts out and in front driver/passenger windows work intermittently are examples of further degradation. If so, take it into your dealer and have them look into it. So glad I bought the extended warranty with this truck. Good luck.

  • #8

Jersey walls shouldn’t activate a warning and if you got a message on your info screen than it was probably what I experienced. It starts out very intermittent and worsens over time. I took my 2019 Ram into the dealer 21 Oct. for the second time. Again they tech downloaded 27 pages of codes that were saved in the computer. Now they are talking to engineers at Chrysler and a lead mechanic for the region. They think at this point, it may be a bad wire bundle that was installed in many 2019 and 2020 ram trucks. I will try and keep this thread posted as I get information. Keep and eye on your information panel. If it worsens and other things like heated.cooled seats are inop, radio cuts out and in front driver/passenger windows work intermittently are examples of further degradation. If so, take it into your dealer and have them look into it. So glad I bought the extended warranty with this truck. Good luck.

  • #9

It’s been almost a year now since I first posted on this site. Not sure if readers a still interested in the blind spot unavailable anomaly. Anyway, just had my 2019 RAM 2500 laramie in the shop for the third time concerning this issue. This time I insisted on the dealership contacting chrysler to get system experts on this matter and called RAM customer service it insure this is happening. Initially, this visit, the truck dropped 51 error codes as a result. The have had my truck now for three weeks. Stripped the interior including the dash and began chasing wires checking the entire vehicle and all associated systems. At first they found nothing. Further action involved checking the radio. As a result, they determined that I had a bad radio from the factory causing network errors throughout the truck. Who would have thought. So….for those who are having this issue and intend on taking it to the dealer (and you should if its under warranty) keep this in mind when you speak to the mechanic. I should get my truck back tomorrow after they rebuild it LOL. Hopefully this will be the final cure and will not see this issue again.

  • #10

I had this error, along with “power running boards — service required”. I got the dealer “we can’t repeat it excuse” even after I showed them video of the error. I gave up, the error only occasionally shows up now.… I made it my friend.

  • #11

I had this error, along with “power running boards — service required”. I got the dealer “we can’t repeat it excuse” even after I showed them video of the error. I gave up, the error only occasionally shows up now.… I made it my friend.

Wow…well, if you are still under warranty and it continues, suggest they download your fault codes. This anomaly isn’t easy to simply «duplicate» but will leave a sheet of faults showing that there is and issue. Good luck

  • #12

Wow…well, if you are still under warranty and it continues, suggest they download your fault codes. This anomaly isn’t easy to simply «duplicate» but will leave a sheet of faults showing that there is and issue. Good luck

Been a while since I posted. So just to update in case you are curious. On my third visit, the dealership, after 3 weeks of trouble shooting, determined it was the radio causing my problems. They replaced the radio and I picked it up the next day. Exactly 2 days later….Ding ding ding, blind spot unavailable service required. everything controlled through the radio was turned off or intermittent. Windows would not work either. Sitting in my driveway totally pissed at this moment and wondering how I can sue for this; I opened my door with the engine running. As luck would have it, the chime stopped, my controls worked on the radio and the windows went up and down. Shut the door and the warning returned., I did this a few times, wiggled the wire harness going from my door to the chassis. Silencio for about a week. When it returned, I repeated my efforts 2 more times than video recorded what was happening on the third event. I went in and showed the service manager and mechanic. He took the truck back in and studied the harness. They found 2 pins in a connector that were loose enough to fit sloppy in the connector. They actually duplicated the problem. They have ordered me a new harness and will install on Monday. Hopefully I have stumbled across my ghost and this will fix the issue I have chased for 14 months. Boils down to…a blind dog finding a bone I guess. Even the mechanic said, while shooting wires, he never moved the door from its full open position. What he also said was, the door modules, both left and right, were showing the doors open all the time.

  • #13

good troubleshooting. Wiring harness connectors have downsized considerably in recent years while the harness have packed on additional wiring. My errors have been gone for a few months. Nothing the dealer did to help, they just went away on their own

  • #14

Well done! I have had wiring issues in two vehicles in the last 10 years. The first was a Grand Cherokee. Every time I set the parking brake things quit working. After several trips to the dealer I realized it was happening when I set the parking brake. They pulled up the carpeting and found smashed wires that were pulling apart when the parking brake was set. The second one was an F350. It would die just driving down the road. It left me stranded 4 times. Eventually it got bad enough that when I released the parking brake the truck wold die. When I showed the dealer they were able to fix it.

  • #15

Been a while since I posted. So just to update in case you are curious. On my third visit, the dealership, after 3 weeks of trouble shooting, determined it was the radio causing my problems. They replaced the radio and I picked it up the next day. Exactly 2 days later….Ding ding ding, blind spot unavailable service required. everything controlled through the radio was turned off or intermittent. Windows would not work either. Sitting in my driveway totally pissed at this moment and wondering how I can sue for this; I opened my door with the engine running. As luck would have it, the chime stopped, my controls worked on the radio and the windows went up and down. Shut the door and the warning returned., I did this a few times, wiggled the wire harness going from my door to the chassis. Silencio for about a week. When it returned, I repeated my efforts 2 more times than video recorded what was happening on the third event. I went in and showed the service manager and mechanic. He took the truck back in and studied the harness. They found 2 pins in a connector that were loose enough to fit sloppy in the connector. They actually duplicated the problem. They have ordered me a new harness and will install on Monday. Hopefully I have stumbled across my ghost and this will fix the issue I have chased for 14 months. Boils down to…a blind dog finding a bone I guess. Even the mechanic said, while shooting wires, he never moved the door from its full open position. What he also said was, the door modules, both left and right, were showing the doors open all the time.

Thanks for the updates. I’m having BSM issues as well. The dealer opened a Star Case and they decided to replace the module (hoping this fixes it). The module was on backorder, but is supposed to be in next week. Hopefully that does the trick.

I bought my 2020 3500 used last month, and I know from paperwork they had in the truck when I test drove it, that the BSM system had service done to it before they sold it. I wish I’d paid more attention to exactly what the service paperwork said…something about a short and something was resoldered.

  • #16

Yes…Wish I seen this earlier. I started getting the warning on my 2019 2500 Laramie about 3 months after I took delivery in March 2020. It interfered with a lot of other systems as well. The radio would cut in out and in…driver and passenger windows would work intermittently…my heated/ventilated seats would not work etc and my surround camera was not working to name a few. It got so bad while waiting for my appointment that it did nothing but ding every 30 seconds. Finally was able to take it in, after 4 days of troubleshooting they found a bad module in the drivers door. Replaced the module and all was good until last week when the symptoms came back. Same warning with similar issues. radio, windows, heated seats camera not working etc… I have yet another appointment to have them look at it again. It is becoming an aggravating issue at this point.

  • #17

Yes…Wish I seen this earlier. I started getting the warning on my 2019 2500 Laramie about 3 months after I took delivery in March 2020. It interfered with a lot of other systems as well. The radio would cut in out and in…driver and passenger windows would work intermittently…my heated/ventilated seats would not work etc and my surround camera was not working to name a few. It got so bad while waiting for my appointment that it did nothing but ding every 30 seconds. Finally was able to take it in, after 4 days of troubleshooting they found a bad module in the drivers door. Replaced the module and all was good until last week when the symptoms came back. Same warning with similar issues. radio, windows, heated seats camera not working etc… I have yet another appointment to have them look at it again. It is becoming an aggravating issue at this point.

My BSM issue was finally resolved when they found that the rear wiring harness was shorting out somewhere along the way. So they overlayed new wires and I haven’t had an issue since. Your issue sounds pretty similar to mine, except the areas affected is different. I’d suggest they look at replacing the wiring as it may be what’s making the modules go bad.

  • #18

Yes…Wish I seen this earlier. I started getting the warning on my 2019 2500 Laramie about 3 months after I took delivery in March 2020. It interfered with a lot of other systems as well. The radio would cut in out and in…driver and passenger windows would work intermittently…my heated/ventilated seats would not work etc and my surround camera was not working to name a few. It got so bad while waiting for my appointment that it did nothing but ding every 30 seconds. Finally was able to take it in, after 4 days of troubleshooting they found a bad module in the drivers door. Replaced the module and all was good until last week when the symptoms came back. Same warning with similar issues. radio, windows, heated seats camera not working etc… I have yet another appointment to have them look at it again. It is becoming an aggravating issue at this point.

Here it is, 2022 and my RAM is doing it also. You think they’ll would have figured it out by now. The service department took my dash apart and replaced two modules, thinking they were the problem. My daughter picked it up and was driving it home and…you guessed it, it came back…again. Has anybody received a recall for this problem?

  • #19

Dealer never figured out the issue on my truck. It went away, came back and bugged the **** out of me for a week before going away again. About 3 weeks ago, it started. On one frustrating commute of 60 miles, I think it went off the entire time. Today was the first day in this episode that I drove the truck without that damn warning beep beep beep going off.

  • #20

Dealer never figured out the issue on my truck. It went away, came back and bugged the **** out of me for a week before going away again. About 3 weeks ago, it started. On one frustrating commute of 60 miles, I think it went off the entire time. Today was the first day in this episode that I drove the truck without that damn warning beep beep beep going off.

Have you gone to FCA directly for answers to your problem. I just finished up a letter asking what they are planning to do for us.

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Blind Spot Monitoring issue

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    Aug 22, 2022


Apr 6, 2022
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Austin, TX

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2014 JLUR

  • #1

Ok so I have 400 miles on my 392 and the passenger mirror triangle for the Blind Spot is on and I am getting the message that Blind Spot Alert Unavailable. The brake light is clean and just for shits and giggles I cleaned the bumper sensors even though they are not part of the system from what I have read. I have not removed any doors either to mess up the door pins as this was something I read on another forum. Also, I checked the fuse and it is ok.

I went ahead and thought it might be the sensor/module in the passenger taillight, so I ordered a new sensor/module and installed it. Still not working.

I assume it is only the passenger one and did not try the drivers side swap since that light is not on.

Anyone have any suggestions?


Aug 11, 2022
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2022 JLUR

  • #2

Pins may be bent in connection. Had JT with same issue, bought new, doors never off. It’s covered under warranty. I figured it occurred at factory during assembly.


Apr 6, 2022
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Austin, TX

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2014 JLUR

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  • #3

Pins may be bent in connection. Had JT with same issue, bought new, doors never off. It’s covered under warranty. I figured it occurred at factory during assembly.

Thanks I’ll take a look at them! Just odd it worked fine for 400 miles then now it’s not with no changes. That’s why I thought the module.


Aug 11, 2022
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2022 JLUR

  • #4

Thanks I’ll take a look at them! Just odd it worked fine for 400 miles then now it’s not with no changes. That’s why I thought the module

Mine threw the message when I put on Rear Window Defroster, was driver side connection.


Apr 6, 2022
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Austin, TX

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2014 JLUR

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  • #5

Mine threw the message when I put on Rear Window Defroster, was driver side connection.

what did the dealer do to repair ths issue?


Aug 11, 2022
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2022 JLUR

  • #6

what did the dealer do to repair ths issue?

I believe they just put the pins straight; unsure if the module male/female was replaced. I never bothered to look at the invoice they gave me, just was happy the problem was resolved. I’m in the if it’s under warranty, it’s Jeep’s problem mode.
If they give you a hassle, just mention you’ll be calling the 800 number for Jeep. Somehow that statement changes the dealership’s attitude that I go to.


Apr 6, 2022
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Austin, TX

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2014 JLUR

  • Thread starter
  • #7

I believe they just put the pins straight; unsure if the module male/female was replaced. I never bothered to look at the invoice they gave me, just was happy the problem was resolved. I’m in the if it’s under warranty, it’s Jeep’s problem mode.
If they give you a hassle, just mention you’ll be calling the 800 number for Jeep. Somehow that statement changes the dealership’s attitude that I go to.

Yeah agree, I jsut don’t want to go to the dealership and let them have it for X amount of time, teaaring thoguh stuff if it an easy fix or say $100 part (hence hwy I bought the module and took 10 mins to swap out). I will look at the pins again, thanks!!!


Feb 12, 2022
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Flagler County

  • #8

I had to take a good clean to those rear sensors like you mentioned … took more than once to clear this one for me.


Apr 6, 2022
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Austin, TX

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2014 JLUR

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  • #9

Ok, so I have an update but no fix yet. AFter messing with fuses, changing the blond spot sensors, etc I was still getting errors. The past few weeks I was drivining without any cable/phone plugged into either of the USB ports and while it took a day or two the Blind Spot Sensors have been working flawlessly for the last week. My radio/uconnect is up to date so I am not sure how to fix the problem.
Any thoughts other than dealer as I will bring it up to the dealer when I head in for my first oil change?

Sep 20, 2021
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Denver, Co

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2 Jeep Wrangler 392’s

  • #10

The actual sensor lives in your tail light. Assuming it’s clean, I’d pull the sensor and double check the connection. YouTube it and check it out.

Another issue could show up when you take off your/swap doors. The wiring harness has little ‘pins’ that can get bent when you disconnect/reconnect the harness.


Apr 6, 2022
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Austin, TX

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2014 JLUR

  • Thread starter
  • #11

The actual sensor lives in your tail light. Assuming it’s clean, I’d pull the sensor and double check the connection. YouTube it and check it out.

Another issue could show up when you take off your/swap doors. The wiring harness has little ‘pins’ that can get bent when you disconnect/reconnect the harness.

Yeah I actually replaced my sensors on both taillights. Doors have not been removed either.

The issue seems to be when something is plugged into either USB port. If nothing is plugged in then the blind spot works fine. It’s very weird for sure.

Sep 20, 2021
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Denver, Co

Current Rides
2 Jeep Wrangler 392’s

  • #12

Yeah I actually replaced my sensors on both taillights. Doors have not been removed either.

The issue seems to be when something is plugged into either USB port. If nothing is plugged in then the blind spot works fine. It’s very weird for sure.

I changed to the Oracle flush-mounts and neither side works very well. Are your taillights still stock? If so, pull the door harness and double check the pins. After that, Ive maxxed out my usefulness and it sounds like an issue for the dealer.


Sep 18, 2022
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Current Rides
2022 Rubicon 392

  • #13

Ok so I have 400 miles on my 392 and the passenger mirror triangle for the Blind Spot is on and I am getting the message that Blind Spot Alert Unavailable. The brake light is clean and just for shits and giggles I cleaned the bumper sensors even though they are not part of the system from what I have read. I have not removed any doors either to mess up the door pins as this was something I read on another forum. Also, I checked the fuse and it is ok.

I went ahead and thought it might be the sensor/module in the passenger taillight, so I ordered a new sensor/module and installed it. Still not working.

I assume it is only the passenger one and did not try the drivers side swap since that light is not on.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Scroll down to post #6 on this thread. It shows the layout of the system and all of the parts involved. There’s a lot more involved than just your tail light sensors. It could be an issue with your BCM (body control module):

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  • #1

Hello! I know this was an issue for many of the 21 L’s, but it didn’t really happen to mine until a month ago or so. I’m constantly getting the «Blind Spot Alert Unavailable Service Required Error’. I took it to the dealer, but of course they couldn’t replicate it, even though I have a video. As far as I know, I’ve done every update there is, as did the dealer. Does anyone know if this issue was resolved? I find that if I immediately drive or put in reverse from starting, that it happens less frequently. Thank you.

  • #2

See photo

  • 64B8A4F4-54AD-4B5E-BB55-26642A239ECE.png


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Коллеги, всем привет. Пересел со своего джипа на рестайлинговый, поэтому снова — добро пожаловать в клуб. Почитал, посмотрел, поездил — снова не нашёл альтернативу гранду на имеющееся и постоянно дешевеющее кол-во ден.знаков. Свою машину продал на удивление достаточно быстро. Думал, что буду продавать дольше, но как Акуру MDX продал в свое время оперативно, так и гранд уехал. Думаю, тут состояние техники и личная коммуникация решают :) Пока продавал, начал искать, и вот тут — грусть-печаль… Отчёты/подборщики… Совсем все грустно. Даже фото пересматривать на ночь не хочется, в каком состоянии машины за вполне себе рыночную на сегодняшний день цену… Мой 2010 года свежее гораздо и значительно более ухожен/обслужен. Нашлась одна более-менее приличная машина в Казани. Живая, сухая, без особых косяков, выпущена в 2013, на учет встала в 2014 и первые 1.5 года почти не ездила. Первым владельцем был «ЭР-Си сервис», у них, как я понял, канал на ютубе и компактный сухопарый дяденька стращает дизелями :) По-моему, они были даже официальным дилером Jeep. Думаю, машина была у них в салоне. ПТС мне достался еще оригинальный. Меня сначала смутила комплектация Laredo, но с плюшками…

  • Мультимедиа с большим экраном, камерой;
  • Комбинированный салон типа алькантары с кожей;
  • Руль от SRT;
  • Чёрный потолок;

Предыдущий хозяин-перекуп сделал свет, поставил новые линзы/отражатели и BiLed, не сравнивал с ксеноном, но сейчас свето-теневую границу видно даже днём, ночью-отлично. Со слов продавца супруга не смогла привыкнуть к ручке АКПП…

По косякам:

  • Вибрация на руле (дрожание) в диапазоне 120-140, до и после пропадает. Как я и думал — колёса;
  • Задняя камера немного рябит и полосит, пару раз показала синий экран;

Дополнительно выяснил по приезду у парней в сервисе и сам:

  • Пыльник шруса внешний слева с повреждением, давит смазку (заказал новый);
  • Кондиционер не работает. Дали давление, по корпусу компрессора пузыри, муфта не вращается (заказал новый, рекомендовали аналог в сервисе с практикой успешной замены);
  • Когда меняли компрессор, сняли и промыли радиаторы, масло в коробке черное. Приняли решение заменить с поддоном;
  • Обнаружена течь по корпусу термостата (заказал новый).

В остальном — все более чем прилично. Компрессор уже поставили, заправили систему. Все работает. Сход-развал в зеленой зоне, заменил резину, отбалансировал колёса, вибрация на скорости пропала. Ошибка только по правой ручке бесключевого доступа, все остальное — штатно. 

Жду прихода комплекта для частичной замены масла в коробке и корпус термостата, пыльник шруса заменили, смазку набили, камеру уже купил б/у за 6 тыс. руб. на Авито. Надеюсь, полосы на картинке перестанут появляться. 

Фото пока мало, заберу из сервиса, скину.

Предыдущий владелец занимался внешкой, салон вычищен, вкусно пахнет, сделаны фары, отполирован и покрыт жидким стеклом кузов в 6 слоев, блестит как зеркало :) Техникой человек особо не утруждался, ездил так. Поправим сами :) 

Впечатления при езде из Казани — все прекрасно, кроме вибрации, от которой уже избавился. Какие отличия заметил со своим дорестом:

  1. Руль гораздо легче, интересные ощущения. Понравилось больше;
  2. Машина гораздо легче заводится, это, опять же, по ощущениям;
  3. Расход поменьше;
  4. Салон свежее, приборка интереснее, подсветка приятнее, свет лучше (но мой доработан, как в базе, не в курсе).
  5. Вид вставок в салоне гораздо лучше, чем у верхних комплектаций с этими хромированными полосками снизу. У меня они однотонные под темное матовое дерево. Гораздо лаконичнее и, что интересно, дороже смотрится :) 

По приезду заменил резину, сделал балансировку, проехал еще до Пензы около 500 км. в обе стороны, вибрации нет. Без кондиционера — такое себе ;) Появилось солнце, уже тоска.

По приезду загнал в сервис, сейчас сделаем всё необходимое — поменяем, помоем, обслужим… 

Настроен кататься долго и счастливо… Сначала долго сомневался, браться ли Laredo, но в итоге взял, ибо — самая живая оказалась машина из всего что посмотрел и уже утомился искать.

Что не получил:

  • Багажник открываю рукой (не напрягает, херня);
  • Нет саба в багажнике, но звук на удивление вполне, покрутил эквалайзер, и низкие бахают, и звук ничего такой;
  • Нет подогрева задницы, тут под мою шкуру барана придётся колхозить зимой подкладку с подогревом от прикуривателя, но тоже не смертельно;
  • Система полного привода у меня, судя по расшифровке — VIN QUADRA-TRAC II (R) 4WD. Я не планирую лазить по «говнам», не думаю, что потерял что-то ощутимое для себя.

Больше прямо критичного ничего не вижу. По-крайней мере пока. Шумка по ощущениям еще лучше, стекла впереди так же двойные.

Но руль от SRT — бомба! Толстый, снизу скошеный, приятный, выглядит богато. Комбинированный салон — бомба! И кожа, где надо и алькантара, где соприкасается с телом. В жару и холод приятнее и вид — пушка, лучше, чем мой прошлый салон из кожи. Чёрный потолок, тоже — пушка… В целом, очень уютно и всё нравится.

В общем, все обслужу, еще останется заменить все фильтра, масло в моторе и начну вести наблюдения… 

Так что, снова здравствуйте! :) 








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