Судя по всему сдохла батарейка сигналки. Какая там и как ее поменять?)
постоянно горит? у меня она то горела,то не горела) Кетны обычно то по блочку молотком постучат,то клему подергают-оно и пропадало)
Да, горит постоянно после недельного стояния в гараже… хз. попробую постучать пошатать))) Дилеры говорят, там батарейка типа «крона» в блочке
для начала подключите байк к зарядке — мне помогло
но думаю лучше конечно заменить батарейку и забыть
мот какого года?
у меня 10го потому и спросил — меня не удивило что батарейки сдохли на моем, а если 13-го то рановато они умерли…хотя, чего гадать — надо менять. если нет под рукой, как уже писал — подключил зарядку к моту и ошибка ушла
у меня как раз после зарядки загорелась) 2 дня горела,потом сама перегорела))))
а там че,батарейки? не акки?)
посмотрел в Repair Manual — да, батарейки литиум на 3V CR123A — 2 штуки
Не,красный не сочетается с цветовой гаммой моих четких белокрасносиних кроссовок
у меня другая проблема:
все работает, встает на охрану правильно снимается правильно.
НО, если стоит на охране по-дольше (час,два) то не снимается пультом с охраны.
то есть мот на охране, подхожу, с пульта не снимается. сигналка продолжает работать. с ключа конечно ж снимается, но с пульта нет.в гараже когда тестирую, ставлю на охрану пультом и снимаю минут через 5 тоже пультом без проблем.
ВОПРОС: на моте как и на машине, через 15 минут все блоки засыпают?
зачем вам это бесовская фуфляшка? Поставьте в паре Занозу и любой тпс треккер.
Это в полтора миллиарда раз эффективней этого заводского говнищща) -
Батарейки купил.
Внимание вопрос: где этот блок находится? -
прямо под пассажирским сиденьем
Участник тусовки- Регистрация:
- 24 ноя 2013
- Сообщения:
- 109
- Пол:
- Мужской
- Регион:
- Москва
Это глюк, я менял батарейки, все равно. Просто включите и выключите сигналку с брелка, должно помоч
это мне? я включал/выключал — не помогает.
но у меня с завода не было сигналки, я сам дооснащал
- Регистрация:
- 29 сен 2015
- Сообщения:
- 5
- Пол:
- Мужской
- Регион:
- Волгоградская обл.
у меня подобная проблема, мот 10 года, горит та же ошибка. поменял батарейки в сигналке, ошибка не пропала, ставил на охрану и снимал с брелка, не ушла ошибка. правда акум у меня(тот что на мопеде стоит) дохлый оооооочень, прям ооооочень, уже даже зарядку не берет. осталось его поменять, может поможет. в случае если не поможет установка нового акума, сколько примерно стоит в сервисе сбросить эту ошибку?
- Регистрация:
- 29 сен 2015
- Сообщения:
- 5
- Пол:
- Мужской
- Регион:
- Волгоградская обл.
я пробовал включать и выключать с брелка, но не помогло.
Поделиться этой страницей
Загорелась и горит лампа аккамулятора, отключение зажигания ее не обнуляет, проехал более 100 км-горит и не гаснет.:dash2: в мануале написано, она должна только мигнуть и погаснуть. Никто не сталкивался? Моту год.Стоял в теплом гараже.С начала сезона езжу почти каждый день.
Последнее редактирование: 11 Июл 2015
Загорелась и горит лампа аккамулятора, отключение зажигания ее не обнуляет, проехал более 100 км-горит и не гаснет.:dash2: в мануале написано, она должна только мигнуть и погаснуть. Никто не сталкивался? Моту год.Стоял в теплом гараже.С начала сезона езжу почти каждый день.
DWA — это блок сигнализации
Видимо в нем сели батарейки
Тема замены батареек в блоке DWA обсуждалась тут на форуме
если не изменяет память — вроде бы сигнализация — заменить батарейки в блоке под сидением
более опытные товарищи пусть меня поправят если не прав
если не изменяет память — вроде бы сигнализация — заменить батарейки в блоке под сидением
более опытные товарищи пусть меня поправят если не прав
Посмотрел темы, похоже оно. Завтра к официалам, мот гарантийный,ошибка зафиксина в компе, пусть сами исправляют. По факту здесь отпишусь.
Посмотрел темы, похоже оно. Завтра к официалам, мот гарантийный,ошибка зафиксина в компе, пусть сами исправляют. По факту здесь отпишусь.
Потом напиши, считают официалы севшие батарейки гарантийным случаем или у тебя не в них было дело.
Уже сейчас могу написать, что нет. В незе честно сказали, что работают след.раз во вторник, в доме сказали, что все до вторника забито так, что батарейки не поменять ну никак))),в авангарде по человечески посоветовали поменять их самому, сказали cr123a,2 штуки. Расходники, при замене гарантия не слетает. Пойду поменяю и отфоткаю, для будущих поколений, попробую, хотя бы
Поверь, там фоткать обсолютно нечего!
В RSD написано как менять батарейки.
я сам поменял, самое долгое — искал батарейки, пришлось на савеловский ехать
я правильно понимаю, блок сигнализации это алюминевая крышка под задней части сидушки? Вторая версия,пластиковая коробка под кофром…? Очень лень разбирать под дождем 1/3 мота.
— — — Добавлено — — —
Поверь, там фоткать обсолютно нечего!
В RSD написано как менять батарейки.
В пульте управления,насчет блока сигнализации вообще ни гугу, даже где он не отмечено(
Последнее редактирование: 12 Июл 2015
я правильно понимаю, блок сигнализации это алюминевая крышка под задней части сидушки? Вторая версия,пластиковая коробка под кофром…? Очень лень разбирать под дождем 1/3 мота.
— — — Добавлено — — —
В пульте управления,насчет блока сигнализации вообще ни гугу, даже где он не отмечено(
я менял на r1200r
это была пластиковая коробочка черного цвета расположенная под местом пассажира у начала платформа для центрального кофра
инструмент — оч мелкая крестообразная отвертка
я менял на r1200r
это была пластиковая коробочка черного цвета расположенная под местом пассажира у начала платформы
Моя вторая версия. Снимать кофр,площадку, блок…Вот блин, вечером тогда займусь, сейчас на работу надо. Сенкс))
У меня тоже dWA загоралось.
Решалось так: Ставим на сигналку, снимаем. И вуаля, ошибка ушла. Да, мопед 800ГСА.
А по поводу батареек- так там ошибка другая, dWA low battery чтоль.
Как раз недели три назад заезжал в Ён-сервис с этой же проблемой на гусе.
Под сидением пассажира этот блок, откручивается снизу, 4 винта. Отгибается пластиковая панель, там этот блок. Вся операция заняла полчаса, если не меньше.
Название Ён-Сервис становится нарицательным…. :->
Ну,панель тоже надо снимать,потом открутить блок, потом его разобрать, потом уже менять и в обратном порядке. Да,где-то полчаса. Вопрос в том, что ошибка не погасла пока. Сколько она горит после замены?
В моем случае, погасла сразу же и не возникала больше.
Если возникает, проблема была не в батарейках.
у меня тоже погасла. но до этого мот постоял на включенной сигналке пару часов.)))
Обмен опытом
Ремонт R-серии
Вам необходимо обновить браузер или попробовать использовать другой.
ошибка DWA+RDC,батарейки все живые.
Автор темыscooby
Дата начала30 Апр 2020
- Регистрация
- 6 Апр 2020
- Сообщения
- 11
- Имя
- R 1200 R
Перечитал все сходные темы и не только на русских сайтах.
Началось все с ошибки АБС, точнее — не удалось завершить диагностику АБС. При этом задний датчик менял на новый прошлой осенью.
Затем стал отрубаться спидометр, но на скорости за 100 включался и работал до выключения зажигания.
Поехал считать ошибку, результат: ошибок много, в том числе, из-за подсевшего аккума. Аккум новый, ошибки стерли и при цикле проверки ошибки АБС не вылезли…
Не удалось связаться с блоком DWA и RDC, и ошибка 2082, ошибка при стирании Flash-памяти. Батарейки в DWA поменяли на свежие, не помогло.
В итоге, поехал домой, немного отключалась/включалась подсветка приборки и не работал спидометр, на скорости 90 спидометр заработал, подсветка тоже стабилизировалась. Горела только ошибка RDC (система контроля давления в шинах, но она завязано на DWA, все логично) и моргала незавершенная диагностика ABS.
Собственно вопрос: что это? Возможно кто-то подобное решал? В БМВ я дилетант, к кому бежать? Или куда копать? Вольтметром пользоваться умею, все ключи в наличии, RSD владею.
- Регистрация
- 3 Мар 2011
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- 9,218
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Читали ошибки мотоцикла с телефона?
Попробуйте прочитать ошибки при помощи Ista-d. Она о каждой ошибке подробно пишет и можно сразу выполнить пошагово проверку мотика что бы выявить проблемное место.
Мотоцикл ваш или купили с неработающей сигнализацией/rdc?
- Регистрация
- 15 Апр 2020
- Сообщения
- 3
- R 1150 R
- Регистрация
- 6 Апр 2020
- Сообщения
- 11
- Имя
- R 1200 R
Какой-то венигрет написан в симптомах. Есть на моте доп свет «китайский»?
Читали ошибки мотоцикла с телефона?
Попробуйте прочитать ошибки при помощи Ista-d. Она о каждой ошибке подробно пишет и можно сразу выполнить пошагово проверку мотика что бы выявить проблемное место.
Мотоцикл ваш или купили с неработающей сигнализацией/rdc?
Мотоцикл мой, собственно накануне заезда в сервис сигналка работала, ставил и снимал.
- Регистрация
- 15 Апр 2020
- Сообщения
- 3
- R 1150 R
- Регистрация
- 6 Апр 2020
- Сообщения
- 11
- Имя
- R 1200 R
Я так понимаю что была попытка программирования мотоцикла Истой. Блок сигнализации не запрограммился. В конце Иста написала что приборка и ZFE не общаются с DWA. Есть три варианта: сдох блок DWA(можно подставить с исправного мотика).Нет питания (проверить тестером) или нет CAN шины(проверить тестером). Можно посмотреть на разъём DWA (отсутствие окислов) и пины на блоке DWA должны быть целые. Был случай на R1200RT вода попала в разъём и DWA сдох.
Все описанное сделали и все ОК, кроме подмены самого блока. Под руками рабочего блока нет, чтобы проверить. будем копать дальше, спасибо!
- Регистрация
- 15 Апр 2020
- Сообщения
- 3
- R 1150 R
- Регистрация
- 24 Янв 2020
- Сообщения
- 150
- Имя
- K 1600 GTL
Блок DWA можно подставить для проверки с любого мотоцикла BMW у которого нет центральных замков (на пример гантеля).
У гантели есть центральные замки
- Регистрация
- 6 Апр 2020
- Сообщения
- 11
- Имя
- R 1200 R
- Регистрация
- 24 Янв 2020
- Сообщения
- 150
- Имя
- K 1600 GTL
Мотоцикл с центральными замками для меня вообще новинка, центральный замок только на дверях представляю. в Бюргер записался, будем посмотреть
Для меня это новинка, причём очень приятная. В кофр центральный постоянно лазить приходится. В боковые реже, можно и ключиком, но если есть центральный, то это приветствуется ))
Обмен опытом
Ремонт R-серии
Setting clock
Switch on ignition.
Briefly press SET 2 repeatedly
is displayed.
Press and hold SET 2.
Briefly press SET 2 repeatedly
is displayed.
Press and hold SET 2.
menu is opened.
Briefly press SET 2 repeatedly
is displayed.
Press and hold SET 2.
Minutes 4 flash.
Briefly press TRIP 1 to in-
crease minutes.
Briefly press TRIP 2 to de-
crease minutes.
When the minutes have been
set as desired, press and hold
SET 2.
Hours 3 flash.
Briefly press TRIP 1 to in-
crease hours.
Briefly press TRIP 2 to de-
crease hours.
When the hours have been
set as desired, press and hold
SET 2.
The hours no longer flash.
The clock is now set.
Anti-theft alarm (DWA)
with anti-theft alarm system
Switching on ignition (
DWA Adjusting (
Switch off ignition.
If the DWA is activated, the
DWA is automatically activated
after the ignition is switched
Anti-theft alarm (DWA) is active
after approx. 30 seconds.
Turn indicators are illuminated
Confirmation tone sounds
twice (if programmed).
DWA is armed.
Alarm signal
The DWA alarm can be set off
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Rider’s Manual
Vehicle data/dealership details
Vehicle data
Vehicle Identification Number
Colour code
Date of first registration
Registration number
Dealership details
Person to contact in Service department
Phone number
Dealership address/phone number (company stamp)
Welcome to BMW
We congratulate you on your choice of a vehicle from
BMW Motorrad and welcome you to the community of BMW riders. Familiarise yourself with your new vehicle so that you can ride it safely and confidently in all traffic situations.
About this Rider’s Manual
Please read this Rider’s Manual carefully before starting to use your new BMW. It contains important information on how to operate the controls and how to make the best possible use of all your BMW’s technical features. In addition, it contains information on maintenance and care to help you maintain your vehicle’s reliability and safety, as well as its value.
This record of the maintenance work you have had performed on
your vehicle is a precondition for generous treatment of goodwill claims.
If the time comes to sell your BMW, please remember to hand over this Rider’s Manual to the new owner. It is an important part of the vehicle.
Suggestions and criticism
If you have questions concerning your vehicle, your authorised BMW Motorrad dealer will gladly provide advice and assistance.
We hope you will enjoy riding your BMW and that all your journeys will be pleasant and safe
BMW Motorrad.
01 40 8 388 251
Table of Contents
1 General instructions …. 5
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Abbreviations and
symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Actuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 General views ………… 9
General view, left side . . . . . . . 11 General view, right side . . . . . 13 Underneath the seat . . . . . . . . 14 Multifunction switch, left . . . . 15 Multifunction switch,
right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Instrument panel . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3 Status indicators ……. 19
Indicator and warning
lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Multifunction display . . . . . . . . 21 ABS Pro indicator . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4 Operation……………. 37
Ignition switch/steering
lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Emergency off switch (kill switch) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Daytime riding light. . . . . . . . . . 42 Hazard warning lights sys-
tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Turn indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Multifunction display . . . . . . . . 47 Anti-theft alarm (DWA) . . . . . . 50 Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Anti-lock brake system
(ABS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Automatic Stability Control (ASC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Dynamic Traction Control
(DTC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Electronic Suspension Adjustment (ESA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Riding mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Cruise-control system . . . . . . . 59 Heated handlebar grips . . . . . 61
Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5 Adjustment ………….. 63
Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Headlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Windscreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Spring preload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6 Riding ……………….. 71
Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . 72 Comply with checklist . . . . . . . 75 Starting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Running in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Shifting gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Parking your motorcycle . . . . 84 Refuelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Securing motorcycle for transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
7 On the race track ……. 89
SETUP MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 SETUP EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . 94 LAPTIMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
RACE INFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 SETUP RACETRACK . . . . . 108
8 Engineering
details …………….. 113
General instructions . . . . . . . 114 Anti-lock brake system
(ABS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Dynamic Traction Control
(DTC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Electronic Suspension Adjustment (ESA) . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Riding mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Riding mode RAIN . . . . . . . . 120 Riding mode ROAD . . . . . . . 121 Riding mode DYNAMIC . . . 122 Riding mode DYNAMIC
PRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Deactivatable suspension
and running-gear control systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Shift assistant Pro . . . . . . . . . 125
9 Maintenance ………. 127
General instructions . . . . . . . 128 Toolkit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Front-wheel stand . . . . . . . . . 129
Rear-wheel stand . . . . . . . . . 129 Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Brake system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Coolant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Rims and tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Light source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Trim panel compon-
ents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Jump-starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Diagnostic connector . . . . . . 162 Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
10 Accessories ……… 165
General instructions . . . . . . . 166 Power sockets . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Topcase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Navigation system . . . . . . . . . 172 Socket for optional accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
11 Care ……………… 181
Care products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Washing the vehicle . . . . . . . 182 Cleaning easily damaged components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Preserving paintwork . . . . . . 184 Laying up the motor-
cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Restoring motorcycle to
use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
12 Technical data …… 185
Troubleshooting chart . . . . . 186 Threaded fasteners . . . . . . . 187 Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Final drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Chassis and
suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Wheels and tyres. . . . . . . . . . 195
Electrical system . . . . . . . . . . 197 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Riding specifications . . . . . . 199
13 Service …………… 201
BMW Motorrad Service . . . 202 BMW Motorrad Mobility services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Maintenance work . . . . . . . . . 202 Maintenance schedule . . . . 205 Confirmation of mainten-
ance work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Confirmation of service . . . . 220
14 Appendix…………. 223
Certificate for Electronic Immobiliser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
15 Index …………….. 226
General instructions
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Abbreviations and symbols . . . . . . . . . . 6 Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Actuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
An important aspect of this Rider’s Manual is that it can be used for quick and easy reference. Consulting the
extensive index at the end of this Rider’s Manual is the fastest way to find information on a particular topic or item. To first read an overview of your motorcycle, please go to Chapter 2. All maintenance and repair work on the motorcycle is documented in Chapter 12. This record of the maintenance work you have had performed on your vehicle is a precondition for generous treatment of goodwill claims. When the time comes to sell your BMW, please remember
to hand over this Rider’s Manual; it is an important part of the motorcycle.
Abbreviations and |
Instruction. |
symbols |
Result of an activity. |
CAUTION Low-risk hazard. |
Reference to a page with |
Non-avoidance can lead to |
slight or moderate injury. |
more detailed informa- |
WARNING Medium-risk |
tion. |
hazard. Non-avoidance can |
Indicates the end of a |
lead to fatal or severe injury. |
passage relating to spe- |
DANGER High-risk haz- |
cific accessories or items |
ard. Non-avoidance leads |
of equipment. |
to fatal or severe injury. |
Tightening torque. |
notes and precautionary |
measures. Non-compliance can |
Technical data. |
lead to damage to the vehicle or |
accessory and, consequently, to |
voiding of the warranty. |
OE |
Optional extras. |
NOTICE Specific instruc- |
The vehicles are as- |
tions on how to operate, |
sembled complete with |
control, adjust or look after items |
all the BMW Motorrad |
of equipment on the vehicle. |
optional extras originally |
Indicates the end of an |
ordered. |
item of information. |
OA |
Optional accessories. |
You can obtain |
BMW Motorrad |
optional accessories |
through your authorised |
BMW Motorrad dealer; |
optional accessories |
have to be retrofitted to |
the vehicle. |
Electronic immobiliser. |
Anti-theft alarm (Dieb- |
stahlwarnanlage). |
Anti-lock brake system. |
Automatic Stability Con- |
trol. |
Dynamic Traction Con- |
trol. |
Electronic Suspension |
Adjustment. |
VDS Vertical Down Sensor
(drop sensor).
When you purchased your BMW motorcycle, you chose a model with individual equipment. This Rider’s Manual describes the optional extras (OE) offered by BMW and selected optional accessories (OA). This explains why the manual may also contain descriptions of equipment which you have not ordered. Please note, too, that your motorcycle might not be exactly as illustrated in this manual on account of country-specific differences.
If your motorcycle contains equipment that has not been described, its description can be found in a separate manual.
Technical data
All dimensions, weights and power ratings stated in the Rider’s Manual are quoted to the standards and comply with the tolerance requirements of the Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (DIN). Versions for individual countries may differ.
The high safety and quality standards of BMW motorcycles are maintained by constant development work on designs, equipment and accessories. Because of this, your motorcycle may differ from the information supplied in the Rider’s Manual. Nor can BMW Motorrad entirely rule out errors and omissions. We hope you will appreciate that no claims can be entertained on the basis of the data, illustrations or descriptions in this manual.
General instructions
General views
General view, left side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 General view, right side . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Underneath the seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Multifunction switch, left . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Multifunction switch, right . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Instrument panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
General views
General view, left side
1Power socket
2Adjuster for front compression-stage damping (red scale) ( 68)
3Adjuster for spring preload, rear ( 66)
4Seat lock ( 62)
5Table of tyre pressures Payload table
Chain settings
6Engine oil level indicator ( 130)
General views
General view, right side
1Brake-fluid reservoir, rear ( 134)
2VIN and type plate (on steering-head, right)
3Brake-fluid reservoir, front ( 133)
4Adjuster for front reboundstage damping (yellow scale) ( 69)
5Check coolant level ( 136)
6Socket for optional accessories ( 177)
7Oil filler neck ( 131)
8Adjuster for rear reboundstage damping (yellow scale) ( 69)
Underneath the seat
1Fuse box ( 161)
2Battery ( 156)
3Rider’s Manual
4Toolkit ( 128)
5Diagnostic connector ( 162)
Multifunction switch, left
1High-beam headlight and headlight flasher ( 41)
2Cruise-control system ( 59)
3Hazard warning lights system ( 45)
4ABS ( 52) ASC (
with Dynamic Traction Control (DTC)OE
DTC ( 54)
5Dynamic ESA ( 118)
6Turn indicators ( 46)
8TRIP/INFO rocker switch Multifunction display
( 47)
Selecting readings ( 48) Resetting trip distance recorder (
Setting the clock ( 52) Selecting submenu
( 91)
Individualising lap timer ( 99)
9Multi-controller ( 174)
10Daytime riding light ( 44)
Multifunction switch, right
1Heated handlebar grips ( 61)
2Control for selecting the ride mode ( 57)
3Emergency off switch (kill switch) ( 40)
4Starter button
Start engine ( 75)
Instrument panel
1Indicator and warning light fields
Indicator and warning lights ( 20)
2Engine speed display
3Gearshift light ( 80)
4Photosensor (for adapting the brightness of the instrument lighting)
with alarm system (DWA)OE
DWA light-emitting diode ( 50)
5Multifunction display ( 21)
Status indicators
Indicator and warning lights . . . . . . . . . 20 Multifunction display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ABS Pro indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Indicator and warning lights
1ASC ( 31) DTC (
2ABS ( 30)
3Turn indicators, left
4General warning light, in combination with warnings in the multifunction display ( 22)
5Turn indicators, right
6Daytime riding light ( 44)
8High-beam headlight
9Malfunction indicator lamp ( 28)
10Cruise-control system ( 59)
Multifunction display
2Gear indicator; «N» indicates neutral.
3Dynamic ESA adjustment ( 118)
4Heated handlebar grips ( 61)
5Coolant temperature
6On-board computer ( 48)
7Clock ( 52)
8Automatic for daytime riding light ( 44)
9Fuel level
10Riding mode RAIN ROAD
Setting riding mode ( 57)
with riding modes ProOE Additional riding modes DYNAMIC
DYNAMIC PRO (with coding plug)
ABS Pro indicator with ABS ProOE
During the Pre-Ride-Check, the availability of the ABS Pro function is indicated by «ABS Pro» showing in the multifunction display.
Mode of presentation
Warnings are indicated by the corresponding warning lights.
Warnings for which there is no dedicated warning light are indicated by ‘General’ warning light 1 showing in combination with a warning such as, for example, 2 appearing on the multifunction display. The ‘general’ warning light shows red or yellow, depending on the urgency of the warning.
If two or more warnings occur at the same time, all the appropriate warning lights and warning symbols appear, alternating with warning words as applicable. The possible warnings are listed on the next pages.
Warnings, overview |
Telltale and warning |
Warning symbols in the |
Meaning |
lights |
display |
lights up red |
EWS! appears on |
Electronic immobiliser active |
( 27) |
the display |
flashes red |
Coolant-tempera- |
Coolant temperature too high |
( 27) |
ture reading flashes |
lights up yellow |
Engine! is dis- |
Engine in emergency-operation mode |
played |
( 27) |
flashes yellow |
Engine! is dis- |
Severe fault in the engine control |
played |
( 28) |
The malfunction |
Emissions warning ( 28) |
indicator lamp lights |
up |
LAMP! appears |
Bulbs for flashing turn indicators defect- |
on the display |
ive ( 28) |
lights up yellow |
LAMPR! appears |
Rear light defective ( 29) |
on the display |
Telltale and warning |
Warning symbols in the |
Meaning |
lights |
display |
lights up yellow |
LAMPF! appears |
Front lights defective ( 29) |
on the display |
lights up yellow |
LAMPS! appears |
Rear light and front lights defective |
on the display |
( 29) |
lights up yellow |
VDS! appears on |
Motorcycle dropped ( 30) |
the blank display |
lights up yellow |
VDS! appears on |
Drop sensor defective ( 30) |
the display |
flashes |
ABS self-diagnosis not completed |
( 30) |
lights up |
ABS switched off |
( 30) |
lights up |
ABS fault ( 30) |
quick-flashes |
ASC intervention |
( 31) |
Telltale and warning |
Warning symbols in the |
Meaning |
lights |
display |
slow-flashes |
ASC self-diagnosis not completed |
( 31) |
lights up |
ASC switched off |
( 31) |
lights up |
ASC fault ( 31) |
quick-flashes |
DTC intervention |
( 32) |
slow-flashes |
DTC self-diagnosis not completed |
( 32) |
lights up |
DTC switched off |
( 32) |
lights up |
DTC fault ( 32) |
The gear indicator |
Gear not trained |
( 33) |
flashes. |
Telltale and warning |
Warning symbols in the |
Meaning |
lights |
display |
lights up yellow |
DWALO! appears |
DWA battery weak ( 33) |
on the display |
lights up yellow |
DWA! appears on |
DWA battery flat ( 33) |
the display |
lights up yellow |
D-ESA! appears |
Dynamic ESA fault ( 34) |
on the display |
lights up red |
NO CAN appears |
CAN open circuit/short circuit |
( 34) |
on the display |
lights up yellow |
No coding ( 34) |
appears on the |
display |
lights up yellow |
Service-due date has passed |
( 34) |
displayed |
lights up yellow |
FUEL! appears |
Fuel down to reserve ( 35) |
on the display |
Electronic immobiliser active
General warning light shows red.
EWS! appears on the display. Possible cause:
The key being used is not authorised for starting, or communication between key and engine electronics is disrupted.
Remove all other vehicle keys from the same ring as the key used for the vehicle.
Use the reserve key.
Have the defective key re-
placed, preferably by an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
Coolant temperature too high
General warning light flashes red.
The coolant-temperature reading flashes.
Riding with overheated engine
Engine damage
Compliance with the information set out below is essential.
Possible cause:
The coolant temperature is too high.
If possible, ride in the part-load range to cool down the engine.
If the coolant temperature
is frequently too high, have the fault rectified as soon as possible by a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
Engine in emergencyoperation mode
General warning light shows yellow.
Engine! is displayed.
Unusual ride characteristics when engine running in emergency-operation mode
Risk of accident
Adapt your style of riding accordingly: avoid accelerating sharply and overtaking.
Possible cause:
The engine control unit has diagnosed a fault. The engine is in emergency-operation mode. In exceptional cases, the engine stops and refuses to start.
Have the fault rectified as quickly as possible by a specialist workshop, preferably
an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
You can continue to ride, but bear in mind that the usual engine power or the full range of engine rpm might not be available.
Severe fault in the engine control
General warning light flashes yellow.
Engine! is displayed.
Engine damage when running in emergency-operation mode
Risk of accident
Adapt your style of riding accordingly: ride slowly, avoid sharp accelerating and overtaking.
If possible, have the vehicle brought in and the fault
rectified by a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
Possible cause:
The engine control unit has diagnosed a fault which may cause severe secondary faults. The engine is in emergency-operation mode.
Avoid high load and rpm ranges if possible.
Have the fault rectified as quickly as possible by a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
It is possible to continue to ride but not recommended.
Emissions warning
The malfunction indicator lamp lights up
Possible cause:
The engine control unit has diagnosed a fault which affects the pollutant emissions.
Have the fault rectified by a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
You can continue riding; pollutant emissions are higher than the threshold values.
Bulbs for flashing turn indicators defective
LAMP! appears on the display.
Vehicle overlooked in traffic due to failure of the lights on the vehicle
Safety risk
Replace defective bulbs as soon as possible; always carry a complete set of spare bulbs if possible.
Possible cause:
Bulb for turn indicator defective. Replacing bulbs for front and rear turn indicators (
Rear light defective
General warning light shows yellow.
LAMPR! appears on the display.
Possible cause:
Bulb for combined rear light and brake light is defective.
The LED rear light must be replaced. Consult a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
Front lights defective
General warning light shows yellow.
LAMPF! appears on the display.
Vehicle overlooked in traffic due to failure of the lights on the vehicle
Safety risk
Replace defective bulbs as soon as possible; always carry a complete set of spare bulbs if possible.
Possible cause:
Bulb for front parking light is defective.
Replacing bulb for left parking light (
Replacing bulb for right side light (
Possible cause:
Bulb for low-beam headlight or high-beam headlight is defective. Replacing bulbs for low-beam headlight and high-beam head-
light ( 147).
Possible cause:
with daytime riding lightOE Daytime riding light defective.
The daytime riding light has to be replaced. Consult a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
Rear light and front lights defective
General warning light shows yellow.
LAMPS! appears on the display.
Possible cause:
Bulb for front parking light is defective.
Replacing bulb for left parking light (
Replacing bulb for right side light (
Possible cause:
Bulb for combined rear light and brake light is defective.
The LED rear light must be replaced. Consult a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
Motorcycle dropped
General warning light shows yellow.
VDS! (Vertical Down Sensor) appears on the blank display. Possible cause:
The drop sensor has detected a drop and has cut out the engine. Bring the motorcycle to the
upright position.
Switch the ignition off and then on again or switch the kill switch on and then off again.
Drop sensor defective
General warning light shows yellow.
VDS! (Vertical Down Sensor) appears on the display. Possible cause:
A defect in the drop sensor has been detected.
Seek the advice of a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
ABS self-diagnosis not completed
ABS telltale and warning light flashes.
Possible cause:
The ABS is not available, because self-diagnosis did not complete. The motorcycle has to move forward a few metres for the wheel-speed sensors to be tested.
Pull away slowly. Bear in mind that the ABS is not available until self-diagnosis has completed.
ABS switched off
ABS telltale and warning light shows.
Possible cause:
The rider has switched off the ABS.
ABS Switching on (
ABS fault
ABS telltale and warning light shows.
Possible cause:
The ABS control unit has detected a fault. The ABS function is not available or the functionality is subject to certain restrictions. You can continue to ride the
vehicle, but make due provision for the fact that the ABS function is not available or is only
conditionally available. Bear in mind the more detailed in-
formation on situations that can lead to an ABS fault ( 115).
Have the fault rectified as quickly as possible by a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
ASC intervention
ASC telltale and warning light quick-flashes.
The ASC has detected a degree of instability at the rear wheel and has intervened to reduce torque. The warning light flashes for longer than ASC intervention lasts. This affords the rider visual feedback on control intervention even after the critical situation has been dealt with.
ASC self-diagnosis not completed
ASC telltale and warning light slow-flashes.
Possible cause:
ASC self-diagnosis not completed
The ASC function is not available, because self-diagnosis did not complete. (The motorcycle has to reach a defined minimum speed with the engine running for the wheelspeed sensors to be checked: min 5 km/h)
Pull away slowly. Bear in mind that the ASC is not available until self-diagnosis has completed.
ASC switched off
ASC telltale and warning light shows.
Possible cause:
The rider has switched off the ASC.
ASC Switching on (
ASC fault
ASC telltale and warning light shows.
Possible cause:
The ASC control unit has detected a fault.
You can continue to ride. Bear in mind that the ASC is not available or the functionality
is subject to certain restrictions. Bear in mind the more detailed information on situations that can lead to a ASC fault ( 117).
Have the fault rectified as quickly as possible by a specialist workshop, preferably
an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
DTC intervention
with Dynamic Traction Control (DTC)OE
DTC telltale light quickflashes.
The DTC has detected a degree of instability at the rear wheel and has intervened to reduce torque. The warning light flashes for longer than DTC intervention lasts. This affords the rider visual feedback on control intervention even after the critical situation has been dealt with.
DTC self-diagnosis not completed
with Dynamic Traction Control (DTC)OE
DTC telltale light slowflashes.
Possible cause:
DTC self-diagnosis not completed
The DTC function is not available, because self-diagnosis did not complete. (The motorcycle has to reach a defined minimum speed with the engine running for the wheelspeed sensors to be checked: min 5 km/h)
Pull away slowly. Bear in mind that the DTC function is not available until self-diagnosis has completed.
DTC switched off
with Dynamic Traction Control (DTC)OE
DTC telltale light shows.
Possible cause:
The rider has switched off the DTC system.
DTC Switching on (
DTC fault
with Dynamic Traction Control (DTC)OE
DTC telltale light shows.
Possible cause:
The DTC control unit has detected a fault. Bear in mind that the DTC function is not available or the functionality is subject to certain restrictions.
You can continue to ride. Bear in mind the more detailed information on situations that can lead to a DTC fault (
Have the fault rectified as quickly as possible by a
specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
Gear not trained
with shift assistant ProOE
The gear indicator flashes. The Pro shift assistant is
not available. Possible cause:
with shift assistant ProOE
The gearbox sensor is not fully trained.
Engage neutral gear N and, with the vehicle at a standstill, let the engine run for at least 10 seconds to train the idle gear.
Engage all gears with clutch actuation and ride at least 10 seconds with the engaged gear.
The gear indicator starts to flash when the gearbox sensor has been trained successfully.
Once the transmission sensor has been fully taught-in, shift assistant Pro will operate as described ( 125).
If the training process was not successful, have the fault rectified by a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
DWA battery weak
with alarm system (DWA)OE
General warning light shows yellow.
DWALO! appears on the display.
This error message shows briefly only after the Pre-Ride-Check completes.
Possible cause:
The integral battery in the antitheft alarm has lost a significant proportion of its original capacity. There is no assurance of how long the anti-theft alarm can remain operational if the vehicle’s battery is disconnected.
Seek the advice of a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
DWA battery flat
with alarm system (DWA)OE
General warning light shows yellow.
DWA! appears on the display.
This error message shows briefly only after the Pre-Ride-Check completes.
Possible cause:
The integral battery in the antitheft alarm has lost its entire original capacity. There is no assurance that the anti-theft alarm will be operational if the vehicle’s battery is disconnected.
Seek the advice of a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
Dynamic ESA fault
General warning light shows yellow.
D-ESA! appears on the display.
Possible cause:
The Dynamic ESA control unit has detected a fault. In this condition, the motorcycle has too much damping and is uncomfortable to drive, especially on roads in poor condition.
Have the fault rectified as quickly as possible by a
specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
CAN open circuit/short circuit
General warning light shows red.
NO CAN (Controller Area Network) appears on the display. Possible cause:
A fault in the Controller Area Network has been detected.
Seek the advice of a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
No coding
General warning light shows yellow.
NO CODING appears on the display.
Possible cause:
A coding fault has been detected.
The reading remains visible for 10 seconds before disappearing automatically.
Seek the advice of a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
Service-due date has passed
General warning light shows yellow.
SERVICE! is displayed.
Service-due indicator
The service-due date 1 shows when a service is due within one month.
When a service is due within 1000 km (US model, 700 miles), countdown distance 1 is shown
and counted down in steps of 100 km (US model, 100 miles). This reading appears briefly after the Pre-Ride-Check completes.
If service is overdue, the due date or the odometer
reading at which service was due is accompanied by the ‘General’ warning light showing yellow. The word «Service» remains permanently visible.
If the service-due indicator appears more than a month before the service date, the date saved in the instrument cluster must be adjusted. This situation can occur if the battery was disconnected for a prolonged period of time.
If you want to have the date set consult a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
Fuel down to reserve
General warning light shows yellow.
FUEL! appears on the display.
Irregular engine operation or engine shutdown due to lack of fuel
Risk of accident, damage to catalytic converter
Do not run the fuel tank dry.
Possible cause:
The fuel tank contains no more than the reserve quantity of fuel.
Fuel reserve
approx. 4 l
Refuelling (
The range readout 1 RANGE indicates how far you can ride with the fuel remaining in the tank.
This distance is calculated on the basis of average consumption and the quantity of fuel on board.
When the motorcycle is propped on its side stand the slight angle of inclination means that the sensor cannot
register the fuel level correctly. This is the reason why the range is calculated only
when the side stand is in the retracted position.
The range reading appears automatically on the multifunction display when fuel is down to the reserve level.
After a refuelling stop, range is recalculated if the amount of fuel in the tank is greater than the reserve quantity.
The calculated range is only an approximate figure.
Ignition switch/steering lock . . . . . . . . . 38
Emergency off switch (kill
switch) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Daytime riding light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Hazard warning lights system . . . . . . . 45 Turn indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Multifunction display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Anti-theft alarm (DWA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Anti-lock brake system (ABS) . . . . . . . 52
Automatic Stability Control
(ASC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) . . . . 54
Electronic Suspension Adjustment (ESA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Riding mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Cruise-control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Heated handlebar grips . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Ignition switch/steering lock
You receive 2 ignition keys. Please consult the information on the electronic immobiliser (EWS) if a key is lost or mislaid ( 39). Ignition switch/steering lock, fuel filler cap lock and seat lock are all operated with the same key.
If you wish you can arrange to have the cases and the topcase fitted with locks that can be opened with the ignition key as well. Consult a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
Lock the handlebars
Handlebars turned in wrong direction when motorcycle propped on side stand
Risk of damage to parts if vehicle topples
On level ground, always turn the handlebars to the left to set the steering lock.
In all other cases it is the lie of the ground that determines the direction in which the handlebars should be turned.
If the camber of the roadway permits, turn the handlebars all the way to the left.
Turn the vehicle key to position 1, while moving the handlebars slightly.
Ignition, lights and all function circuits switched off.
Handlebars are locked.
Vehicle key can be removed.
Switching on ignition
Insert the vehicle key into the ignition switch and turn it to position 1.
Side lights and all function circuits are switched on.
Engine can be started. with daytime riding lightOE
When the ignition is switched on the daytime riding light comes on briefly (welcome light). The welcome light goes
out immediately in the following circumstances:
Turn indicators or hazard warning lights are switched on. Light switches are operated. Engine is started.
Pre-Ride-Check is performed. (
ABS self-diagnosis is in progress. (
ASC self-diagnosis is in progress. (
with Dynamic Traction Control (DTC)OE
DTC self-diagnosis is in progress. (
Switching off ignition
Turn the ignition key to position 1.
When the ignition is switched off, the instrument cluster remains switched on for a short time and displays any existing fault messages.
Handlebars not locked.
Electrically powered accessories remain operational for a limited period of time.
The battery can be recharged via the socket.
Vehicle key can be removed.
with daytime riding lightOE
The daytime riding light goes out soon after the ignition is switched off (headlight courtesy delay feature).
Electronic immobiliser EWS
The electronic design of the motorcycle allows it to access data stored in the ignition key by means of a ring antenna located in the ignition switch/steering lock. The engine control unit will not permit the engine to be started unless the key is identified as “authorised”.
A spare key attached to the same ring as the ignition key used to start the engine could «irritate» the electronics, in which case the enabling signal for starting is not issued. The
EWS! warning appears in the multifunction display.
Always keep the spare key separately from the ignition key.
If you lose your key, you can have it barred by your authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
If you wish to do this, you will need to bring all other keys for the motorcycle with you. The engine cannot be started by a barred key, but a key that has been barred can subsequently be reactivated.
You can obtain emergency/extra keys only through an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer. The keys are part of an integrated security system, so the dealer is under an obligation to check the legitimacy of all applications for replacement/extra keys.
Emergency off switch (kill switch)
1Emergency off switch (kill switch)
Operation of the kill switch while riding
Risk of fall due to rear wheel locking
Do not operate the kill switch when riding.
The emergency off switch is a kill switch for switching off the engine quickly and easily.
AEngine switched off
BNormal operating position (run)
Low-beam headlight and sidelights
The side lights switch on automatically when the ignition is switched on.
The side lights place a strain on the battery. Do not switch the ignition on for longer than absolutely necessary.
The low-beam headlight switches on automatically when the engine is switched on.
with daytime riding lightOE
In daytime the daytime riding light can be switched on as an alternative to the low-beam headlight.
High-beam headlight and headlight flasher
Switching on ignition (
Push switch 1 forward to switch on the high-beam headlight.
Pull switch 1 back to operate the headlight flasher.
Headlight courtesy delay feature
Switch off the ignition.
Immediately after switching off the ignition, push button 1 to the back and hold it in this position until the headlight courtesy delay feature comes on.
The vehicle lighting lights for one minute and is automatically switched back off.
This can be used after parking the vehicle, for example, to light the way to the house door.
Parking lights
Switching off ignition (
Immediately after switching off the ignition, push button 1 to the left and hold it in this position until the parking lights come on.
Switch the ignition on and off again to switch off the parking lights.
Daytime riding light with daytime riding lightOE
Automatic or manual daytime riding light
The daytime riding light is switched on and off either automatically or manually.
You can switch the automatic function for the daytime riding light on or off in the menu.
Recommended setting:
SETUP EQIP: DRL AUTO ON (DRL: daytime riding light)
You can switch the automatic function for the daytime riding light off temporarily by pressing the button. Pressing the button for the daytime riding light has no effect on the setting in the menu.
Automatic daytime riding light
The automatic riding light control system cannot replace your personal assess-
ment of lighting conditions, particularly in foggy or misty weather.
Safety risk
Manually switch on the lowbeam headlight in poor lighting conditions.
Start engine (
The changeover between daytime riding light and lowbeam headlight including front side lights can be effected automatically.
Symbol 1 for the automatic daytime riding light appears on the display.
If symbol 1 does not appear, this is because the SETUP EQIP:DRL AUTO OFF is
active. Proceed as follows in order to switch the daytime riding light to automatic:
Repeatedly short-press INFO 2 until SETUP MENU ENTER
appears on the display. Long-press INFO 2.
The SETUP MENU opens.
Repeatedly short-press TRIP 1 or INFO 2 until SETUP EQUIPMENT ENTER
appears on the display. Long-press INFO 2.
The SETUP EQUIPMENT menu opens.
Repeatedly short-press TRIP 1 or INFO 2 until SETUP EQIP:DRL AUTO appears
on the display.
Long-press INFO 2 to switch |
4 |
automatic daytime riding light |
ON. |
43 |
Long-press TRIP 1 to return to |
the default reading. |
Operation |
Symbol 1 for the automatic daytime riding light appears on the display.
If the ambient brightness decreases below a certain value, the low beam headlight is automatically switched on (e. B. in a tunnel). When sufficient ambient brightness is detected, the
daytime riding light is switched back on.
The indicator light for the daytime riding light shows if
the daytime riding light is active.
Manual operation of the light when the automatic system is switched on
Automatic for daytime riding light is switched on.
Press button 1 (e. g. when you ride into a tunnel, and the response of the automatic daytime running light to the
change in ambient brightness is delayed).
Automatic for daytime riding light is switched off.
The low-beam headlight and the front side lights are switched on.
Press button 1 again.
Automatic for daytime riding light is re-activated.
The daytime riding light is switched on again as soon as ambient light is bright enough.
The indicator light for the daytime riding light shows if
the daytime riding light is active.
Manual daytime riding light
Automatic for daytime riding light must be switched off.
Activation of daytime riding light in the dark.
Poorer vision and oncoming traffic dazzled.
Do not use the daytime running light when it is dark.
By comparison with the lowbeam headlight, the daytime running light makes the vehicle more visible to oncoming traffic. This improves daytime visibility.
Start engine (
Repeatedly short-press INFO 3 until SETUP MENU ENTER
appears on the display. Long-press INFO 3.
The SETUP MENU opens.
Repeatedly short-press TRIP 2 or INFO 3 until SETUP EQUIPMENT ENTER
appears on the display. Long-press INFO 3.
The SETUP EQUIPMENT menu opens.
Repeatedly short-press TRIP 2 or INFO 3 until SETUP EQIP:DRL AUTO appears
on the display.
Long-press INFO 3 to switch
automatic daytime riding light
Press button 1 to switch on the daytime riding light.
The low-beam headlight and the front side lights are switched off.
The indicator light for the daytime riding light shows if
the daytime riding light is active. In the dark or in tunnels: Press button 1 again to switch off the daytime riding light and switch on the low-beam headlight and the front side lights.
If the high-beam headlight is switched on while the daytime riding light is on, the daytime riding light is switched off after approx. 2 seconds and the highbeam headlight, low-beam headlight and front side lights are switched on.
If the high beam headlight is |
4 |
switched off again, the daytime |
running light is not automat- |
45 |
ically reactivated, but must be |
switched on again if required. |
Hazard warning lights |
system |
Operation |
Operating hazard warning flashers
Switching on ignition (
The hazard warning flashers place a strain on the battery. Do not use the hazard warning
flashers for longer than absolutely necessary.
If you press a turn-indicator button with the hazard warning flashers switched on, the turnindicator function is activated
instead of the hazard warning flashers, and remains active until you release the button. The hazard warning flashers
recommence flashing as soon as the button is released.
Turn indicators
Operating the turn indicators
Switching on ignition (
The turn indicators are cancelled automatically after the defined riding time and distance. The defined time and distance
can be set by an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
Factory setting: Riding time = 10 s
Distance travelled = 300 m
Press button 1 to switch on the hazard warning flashers.
Ignition can be switched off.
To switch off the hazard warning flashers, switch on the ignition and press button 1 again.
Push button 1 to the left to switch on the left turn indicators.
Push button 1 to the right to switch on the right turn indicators.
Centre button 1 to cancel the turn indicators.
Multifunction display
Overview, main menu
1Odometer Default display
Selecting readings in multifunction display ( 48).
3RACE INFO ( 102)
5TRIP 1 / TRIP 2 Resetting trip distance recorder ( 49).
6Average consumption and average speed
Resetting the average values ( 49).
—Solid line means: shortpress the TRIP/INFO rocker switch.
Broken line means: longpress the TRIP/INFO rocker switch.
Selecting readings in multifunction display
Switch on the ignition.
All the information necessary for riding on public roads is presented in the multifunction display by the on-board computer.
Repeatedly short-press TRIP 1 until the value you want appears in panel 2.
The following values of the on-board computer can be displayed:
Odometer ODO (default display)
Range RANGE Tripmeter 1 (TRIP 1) Tripmeter 2 (TRIP 2)
Average consumption AVG in units of volume per unit of
distance or in units of distance per unit of volume
Average speed AVG in units of distance per hour
Selecting other readings
Short-press INFO 2 to view other readings.
Press TRIP 1 briefly to return to the odometer reading ODO (default display).
Repeatedly short-press INFO 2 until the reading you want is selected.
The display readouts at your disposal are as follows:
LAPTIMER: lap times and other data can be logged here
and subsequently retrieved in the RACE INFO menu.
RACE INFO: the information logged with the LAPTIMER
can be retrieved for viewing here. RACE INFO can be
called up only when the vehicle is at a standstill.
SETUP MENU: the instrument panel can be configured
to suit the rider’s preferences here. SETUP MENU can be
called up only when the vehicle is at a standstill.
When the display shows the LAPTIMER, long-press INFO 2