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  • 7/28/2019 IGS NT 2.6 Troubleshooting Guide



    Compact Controller for Stand-by and Parallel Operating


    , InteliSysNT

    Modular Gen-set Controller

    Troubleshooting guide


    Software version IGS-NT-2.6, IM-NT-2.9, November 2011


    Copyright 2011 ComAp s.r.o.

    ComAp, spol. s r.o.Kundratka 2359/17, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech

    Tel: +420 246 012 111, Fax: +420 266 316 647: [email protected],

  • 7/28/2019 IGS NT 2.6 Troubleshooting Guide


    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents



    RS232(x) communication doesnt
    4RS232(2) / RS485(2) / USB communication doesnt
    4Problem accessing controller after configuration programming
    error…………………………………….. 4Modem TC35i does
    not respond to SMS
    4Unsuccessful controller programming
    5How to check that CAN communication between controllers works
    ………………………………………. 6CAN communication
    does not

    8Setpoints setting cannot be changed
    8Controller does not react to buttons
    8Controller mode cannot be

    Some setpoints cannot be changed even if correct password is
    used……………………………………. 9Unknown alarm is
    9Wrong display HW message
    9Configuration table error
    9Display is blank and LEDs are neither blinking nor
    10Display is blank, but backlight works
    10INIT is displayed and controller mode can not be changed
    ………………………………………………… 10

    External display
    10No reaction to pushing command buttons or setting
    10InteliVision/InteliVision 8 and image

    Synchronizing, Load
    12GCB is opened before the Load ramp time is over
    12Sync fail alarm is issued

    MGCB is not closed even all conditions are
    12IM-NT BTB connects dead buses together

    Power management
    13Gen-set doesn’t share load with other gen-sets
    13Running Hours Equalization does not work
    13Load shedding is active although not all gensets are
    13MGCB is not closed although gensets are running

    15There is no history in .ant
    15History is not complete

    15Controller measures wrong generator/mains/bus voltages or
    currents…………………………………. 15Power
    measurement does not work

    17Statistic values window contains strange numbers upon
    start-up………………………………………… 17Alarms
    stays in Alarm list even though Fault reset was used to acknowledge
    them………………. 17No active call after some protection has
    been activated
    18Forgotten controller password
    18PID regulator doesn’t work in the same way as in
    18MCB fail / GCB fail alarm is issued after switching controller
    on………………………………………….. 18

    How to
    19Special applications

    Setup your controller to work as the SSB
    19Setup your controller to work as the SPM

    List of Abbreviations

    List of Possible Events

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    General guidelines

    This manual provides list of typical problems you may come
    across when installing / operating the

    IG/IS/IM-NT controllers. It also incorporates the How to…
    section with examples of some non-standard or interesting
    applications of these controllers, List of Abbreviations and List
    of PossibleEvents which contains information about alarm messages
    which can be displayed by a controller.This manual is intended for
    everyone who is concerned with operation and maintenance of

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    CommunicationRS232(x) communication doesnt workSolution:

    a) Setpoint RS232(x) mode is set to different setting than
    DIRECT change its setting toDIRECT.

    b) Converter to RS485 is active at this communication channel
    change setpoint RS485(x) DISABLED position.

    c) Earthing problem exists between the PC and the controller,
    i.e. the battery negative potentialhas different levels in the two
    devices. IG/IS/IM-NT controllers has a built-in protection
    whichdisconnects battery negative (GND) from the RS232 terminal.
    Re-activation takes some time(~ 1 min) after you disconnect the
    cable (component cools down).You can temporarily disconnect your
    laptop PC from the grid (e.g. if you intend to downloadcontroller
    configuration only). You can disconnect the earth wire from your
    PC. The bestsolution is to use the RS232 galvanic separation
    device, e.g. one of those which arementioned in the
    InteliCommunication Guide, section Converters.

    RS232(2) / RS485(2) / USB communication doesn t

    Relates to IG-NTC/EEC versions of IG-NT family and to IS-NT /
    IS-NT-BB. Controller FWversion is lower than 2.0 and/or controller
    was shipped from ComAp before September 2006.It is necessary to
    download new FW into the communication sub-processor. It can be
    done bysending unit to ComAp or by downloading the latest version
    of Peripheral modules upgradepackage and following procedure
    described in the attached documet.

    Problem accessing controller after conf iguration programming

    It can happen that remote configuration programming attempt
    fails (e.g. due to bad phone linecondition) and from that moment on
    controller shows on its display CONTROLLERCONFIGURATION ERROR.

    Solution:In this stage, even with damaged configuration,
    controller is still able to receive another phonecall with another
    attempt to program configuration.However, if the situation is to be
    solved locally (i.e. a local technician intends to re-program
    theconfiguration), it is possible to switch the RS232(1) port back
    to the DIRECT connection modeby simultaneous pressing up+left+right
    arrows on the controller.It is strongly recommended not to upgrade
    controller firmware using a remote connection,because in case of
    programming failure problem has to be solved locally using boot
    jumperprogramming procedure. See Unsuccessful controller
    programming chapter for informationabout this procedure.

    Modem TC35i does not respond to SMS commandsSolution:Do the

    1. SendAT+CPMS=»MT»,»MT»,»MT» command via hyperterminal or using
    theRS232()MdmIni parameter.

    2. SendAT+CPMS=»SM»,»SM»,»SM» command via hyperterminal or using
    theRS232()MdmIni parameter.

    3. Restart the modem.

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    Unsuccessful controller programmingProcedure which is described
    in this chapter is part of the Boot Jumper Programming video which
    youcan watch

    It is necessary to use the boot jumper for controller
    programming in case of unsuccessful controller

    firmware programming. It may for instance happen due to an
    accidental cable disconnection,computer failure or remote
    connection drop out. If controller firmware programming was
    notsuccessful, it is not possible to open connection to a
    controller, it does not respond and controllerscreen is blank. In
    such case you need to use this procedure for controller

    1. Close connection to controller and start GenConfig2. Check
    communication port setting in GenConfig. Go to Options Select
    connection and select

    the right communication port. It is necessary to use the RS232
    (1) controller interface, boot jumperprogramming does not work with
    the RS232 (2) or USB controller interface.

    3. Go to File Firmware upgrade and Cloning FW upgrade (default
    configuration) and selectfirmware you would like to upload into a

    4. Follow instructions in the notification window:

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    Opened BOOT LOADER jumper is marked on the picture:

    Close the jumper for programming.

    5. Follow instructions in the notification window after

    It is possible to configure and program controller in the
    standard way after this procedure is done.

    How to check that CAN communication between controllers
    worksCheck strings CAN16 and CAN32 to see if controller
    communicates with other controllers via theCAN2 bus
    (Intercontroller&Monitoring CAN2). Use InteliMonitor, go to
    Values — Info to check state ofthe strings. These strings contains
    information about addresses of other controllers whichcommunicates
    with a particular controller. Position of each controller in the
    strings is given by setpointComms setting: Contr. address.

    Strings looks like this if you are checking strings on
    controller with Comms setting: Contr. address setto 1 and
    controller does not communicate with any other controllers via

    CAN16 I000000000000000CAN32 0000000000000000

    Strings looks like this if you are checking strings on
    controller with Comms setting: Contr. address setto 1 and
    controller communicates with controllers with Contr. address set to
    2, 16 and 31:

    CAN16 I I 0000000000000 ICAN32 00000000000000 I 0

    Strings Reg16 and Reg32 are available directly on controller
    screens if MINT, Combi or COXapplication is used in controller.
    These strings contains information about addresses of
    controllerswhich belongs into the same logical group as controller
    which displays this information. Strings Reg16and Reg32 contains
    the similar information, however the symbol I is displayed only for

    that belong to the same logical group as this controller.

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    For more information about logical groups see description ofPwr
    management: Control group,GroupLinkLeft and GroupLinkRight
    setpoints (these setpoints are part of the ProcessControl group
    inthe COX application) in a relevant IGS-NT-xy-Reference Guide.

    CAN communication does not workProblem:

    CAN communication (either via CAN1 or CAN2 interface) does not

    a) Check if CAN bus is properly terminated. Measure resistance
    between the H and L CANterminals when all devices connected to a
    CAN bus are switched off. Resistance between theH and L should be
    about 60 , because two 120 resistors has to be used to terminate
    CANbus at the both ends of a CAN line. See External modules
    connection chapter in IGS-NT-Installation Guide for information
    about CAN bus connection.Be aware that some ComAp devices has a
    built in 120 resistor which is connected to a CANbus if jumper next
    to a CAN interface is closed! Make sure that the terminating
    resistor jumperis closed only in devices which are at the ends of a
    CAN line.

    b) Check if each device connected to a CAN bus has a unique CAN

    In case of the CAN 2 bus it means that Comms settings: Contr.
    address setpoint has to be

    set to a unique number in each controller which is connected to
    the CAN2 bus. SeeAddressesof Modules on CAN2 chapter in Inteli
    Communication Guide for information about setting ofCAN addresses
    in ComAp communication modules and InteliVision to avoid conflict

    In case of devices connected to the CAN 1 bus make sure that
    addresses are set according toinstructions which are displayed upon
    module configuration on the GenConfig card Modules.On the picture
    is example of information which is displayed about IGS-PTM module
    jumperssetting. Similar information is displayed for all extension

    c) Check wiring topology of the whole CAN bus cable. The
    topology must be linear (straight), notstar type and must not
    contain any loops.

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    Control ler interface

    Setpoints setting cannot be changedSolution:

    a) Setpoints are password protected and password is not entered.
    Go to menu ->

    Users/Password and log in. If your user profile has sufficient
    access rights, setpoints editingwill be unblocked. System
    administrator can change controller configuration to give youaccess
    to setpoints.

    b) Password is entered (= user is logged in), but setpoints
    cannot be changed. That means theseare probably blocked by some
    higher protection level than the current user has got. You needto
    log in as a user with sufficient access rights or contact system
    administrator to give youaccess to setpoints.

    c) Access lock function is active. Switch the Access lock
    function off.

    Controller does not react to buttons pushingProblem:

    Controller does not react to Start, Stop, Fault & Horn
    reset, GCB, MCB, MGCB or controllermode, buttons pushing.

    Solution:a) Controller is not in MAN or SEM (IS-NT only) mode,
    switch it to one of these modes. See

    OFF-MAN-AUT-TEST mode chapter in IGS-NT-x.y-Reference Guide for
    information whichbuttons works in a particular mode. For example
    GCB, MCB, Start and Stop buttons does notwork in the AUT mode.

    b) There are active alarms in controller alarm list. Button
    function can not be performed becauseof an alarm activity. Get rid
    of an alarm first and use a button again.

    c) Setpoint Basic settings: Local buttons is set to position
    EXTBUTTONS, which means thatonly external control using binary
    inputs is enabled. Set this setpoint to position PANEL orBOTH to be
    able to control genset using its panel buttons.

    d) Access lock function is active. Switch the Access lock
    function off.

    Controller mode cannot be changedProblem:

    Controller mode cannot be changed,Solution:

    a) The Basic settings: ControllerMode setpoint is password
    protected and password is notentered. Go to menu ->
    Users/Password and log in. If your user profile has sufficient
    accessrights, setpoint will be unblocked. System administrator can
    change controller configuration togive you access to commands and

    b) Function for controller mode forcing is active. Go to
    Measurement IO / Binary inputs andcheck if binary input with Remote
    OFF, Remote MAN, Remote AUT or Remote TEST functionis active. If
    present and active (check also input polarity using GenConfig input
    function can

    be inverted), controller mode cannot be changed from mode
    selected with a binary inputfunction. It is necessary to change
    binary input state or disconnect binary inputs fromcontroller to be
    able to change controller mode. There may not be binary input with
    one of theabove mentioned functions.

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    Check the LBI card in GenConfig to see if e.g. PLC output is
    used to force controller into a particularmode:

    Some setpoints cannot be changed even if correct password is

    Force value function is probably configured to a setpoint and
    activated. If the function is active(i.e. alternative value is
    forced), the original value is not visible and cannot be changed.
    Tomodify the original value, deactivate the Force value function(s)
    related to this setpoint first.Letter F is displayed next to a
    setpoint if its setting is changed using the Force value
    function.You can check in GenConfig if Force value is configured to
    a setpoint which can not bechanged and how it is activated.

    Unknown alarm is disp layedProblem:

    Alarm which can not be found in this guide or a Reference Guide
    is displayed by controller.

    Solution:All texts which are displayed by controller can be
    changed using Trasnlator in GenConfig.Try to find an alarm text on
    the Translator card, use the Ctrl+F function to find and alarm
    textand match it with the default English text. Check PLC functions
    Force protect setting andcustomized protections (see card
    Protections in GenConfig) to find alarm messages which arenot
    listed in the List of Possible Events.

    Wrong display HW messageProblem:

    WRONG DISPLAY HW message is displayed if wrong display hardware
    is detected.Solution:

    It is necessary to send IS-Display/IG-Display to ComAp for
    repair if the message is displayed.

    Configuration table errorProblem:

    Configuration table error message is displayed by controller.
    There are two possible reason:1. Controller configuration upload
    was not done properly (typical reason is cable disconnection

    during configuration upload)2. Controller was set up incorrectly
    during production

    Solution:Try to upload your configuration into controller again.
    Use one of default configuration files if itdoes not help (in case
    that the original configuration is corrupted).In case that
    configuration uploads does not help, connect InteliMonitor to the
    controller andcheck if it is in the INIT state. It is necessary to
    send controller to ComAp for repair if themessage is displayed and
    controller is in the INIT state. In case that InteliVision is used,

    two messages has the same meaning as Configuration table
    error:Comm. error (24492:080000F7)

    NT NT

    Timeout (24571:080000BC)

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    Display is blank and LEDs are neither blinking nor

    There is nothing displayed by controller, display backlight is
    off and LEDs are not flashing orglowing.

    Solution:a) There is no power supply voltage. Check the power
    supply voltage.

    b) Boot jumper is closed, switch controller off, open the jumper
    and switch controller on.

    Display is blank, but backlight worksProblem:

    There is nothing displayed by controller, but display backlight
    is on.Solution:

    a) Previous controller programming failed, follow instructions
    in the Unsuccessful controllerprogramming section.

    b) IG-NT, IG-Display: Display contrast is set to an extremely
    low value. Hold Enter and push thearrow up button then to increase

    INIT is d isplayed and controller mode can not be changed

    Problem:The unit shows «INIT» and does not work, controller mode
    can not be changed. This situationoccurs after controller reset.
    Reason of the problem are either incorrectly set setpoints or
    flatRTC battery.

    Solution:a) A new firmware containing new setpoints was uploaded
    into a controller. Use InteliMonitor

    online connected to the controller to check all setpoints and
    fix setting of those which are set ina wrong way. You have to
    change at least one setpoint setting. If all setpoints are
    correct,change one of them and put it back to the original value to
    recalculate the checksum. It maybe necessary to switch controller
    off and on after changing setpoints setting. You can tickReset from
    Init state function in Options in GenConfig to avoid repeating of
    this problem (Initstate reset is done automatically by GenConfig if
    this function is active).

    b) The RTC backup battery is flat. Send a controller to your
    distributor for battery exchange if the

    RTCbatteryFlat message is displayed4.

    External display problems

    No reaction to pushing command buttons or setting

    It is not possible to adjust any setpoint setting and issue any
    command using IG-NT panel,IG/IS-Display module or InteliVision

    Solution:Access lock input is active for that particular
    terminal, therefore this terminal can be used onlyfor monitoring.
    You can check this by looking on the first measurement screen
    (press Esc to

    enter menu and select Measurement).

    These symbols are displayed if access lock is active:IS-Display
    crossed hand symbol is displayed in the upper left cornerIG-Display
    and IG-NT lock symbol is displayed in the upper right
    cornerInteliVision crossed hand symbol is displayed in the upper
    right corner of the Status bar

    part of measurement screens (see Operator Interface chapter in
    an InteliVisionReference Guide for information about the Status bar
    part of measurementscreens)

    Binary inputfunction

    Locked display module

    AccessLock int IG-NT/EE internal display, IS-Display and IV with
    Terminal address = 1

    AccessLock D#2 IG-Display, IS-Display and IV with Terminal
    address = 2

    AccessLock D#3 IS-Display and IV with Terminal address = 3

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    InteliVision/InteliVision 8 and image retention

    Problem:In general LCD screens are susceptible to image
    retention at varying degrees. Imageretention is caused by a
    parasitic capacitance build up within the LCD cell, which prevents
    theliquid crystal molecules from returning to their normal relaxed

    Image retention (reversing burn-in) can be observed during using
    InteliVision, when retentionof the main screen, which is displayed
    for most of the time, is strongly visible also on otherscreens.
    This image retention is not permanent change. After some time it

    Solution:DECREESE BRIGHTNESS of screen to approx. 50-60%.This
    solution helps to decrease recovery time of a screen to less than 2
    minutes, when animage retention fades (the time can be longer if is
    used IV in too hot or too cold environment).

    There are two brightness settings available:

    Day mode

    Night mode (especially for Marine applications)

    Changing the modes can be done by holding the ESC button for 1

    Display brightness can be adjusted in range from 0 % to 100 % in
    both modes. Brightness of

    the display can be increased/decreased by holding Esc button and
    repeated pushing .See the picture below:

    Push ESC + PgUp buttons orESC + PgDn buttons to select mode
    which should be adjusted.

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    Synchronizing, Load cont rol

    GCB is opened before the Load ramp t ime is over

    Problem:After reverse synchronization and during generator
    unloading is GCB opened before the Loadramp time is over.

    Solution:a) AMF settings: BreakerOverlap time is shorter than
    the Sync/Load ctrl: Load ramp time

    setting. Set Breaker overlap to the same or longer time than
    Load ramp setpoint.b) GCB is opened during generator unloading as
    soon as generator power level given by

    setpoint Sync/Load ct rl: GCB open level is reached. Decrease
    the GCB open level setting toavoid premature GCB opening.

    c) Load in island was much lower than gen-set nominal power. The
    real time of load ramp isLoad ramp x Pinitial_island / Nomin power;
    controller switches off GCB immediately (with 1sdelay) as soon as
    generator power gets below the GCB open level.

    Sync fail alarm is issuedSolution:

    a) Setpoint Sync/Load ct rl: Sync timeout is set to too short
    time -> set it to a longer time to allowcontroller to match all
    synchronizing conditions.

    b) Speed governor or AVR control is not setup correctly. See
    chapters Speed Governor InterfaceList and AVR Interface List in
    IGS-NT Installation Guide for information about properconnection of
    a speed governor and AVR. See Sync/load control adjustment and
    Volt/PFcontrol adjustment chapters in an IGS-NT Reference Guide for
    information how to setupcontroller speed and voltage regulation
    loops correctly.

    MGCB is not closed even all conditions are

    a) IM-NT Bus protect: Bus >V Hst, Bus f, Bus

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    Power management

    Gen-set doesn’t share load with other gen-setsSolution:

    Check if the gen-set is not running in the local baseload mode.
    This mode is active if setpoint

    ProcessControl:LocalBaseload is set to other value than OFF. If
    this setpoint is not set toOFF then the gen-set is taken out of
    Load sharing and Power management. Fof rmore detailssee
    chapterLocal Baseload in IGS-NT-MINT-x.y-Reference Guide.

    Running Hours Equalization does not work properlyProblem:

    Gensets priority switching based on engine running hours (Pwr
    management: PriorAutoSwapis set to RUN HOURS EQU) does not work
    properly and some or all gensets has the samepriority. It means
    that gensets with the same priority behaves as one large genset and
    runs atthe same time.

    Solution:This problem is caused by incorrect priority switching
    system initialization. Follow these steps

    to get rid of the problem:1. Set #PriorAutoSwap setpoint to
    DISABLED2. Set Priority setpoints in all controllers to unique
    numbers3. Set #PriorAutoSwap setpoint to RUN HOURS EQU

    Load shedding is active although not all gensets are

    Load shedding outputs (LdShed stage 1,2 and 3) are active
    although not all available gensetsare loaded (running and connected
    to bus). The reason is that Load shedding and Powermanagement
    control systems are independent and it is necessary to set
    controller properly toavoid this situation.

    Solution:Use controller power management in relative mode. It
    means that Pwr management: #Pwrmgmt mode has to be set to REL (%).
    Make sure that Pwr management: #%LdResStrt x isset below Load
    shedding: Ld shed level so idle genset is started before load
    shedding outputis activated.

    Example of correct Power management and Load shedding setting is
    on thispicture:

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    You can see that the Pwr management: #%LdResStrt1 limit is
    crossed first when system loadgoes up and request to start
    additional genset is issued before the load shedding
    request.However, it is not enough to set limits in the suggested
    way to make system work properly. Itis important to set Pwr
    management: #NextStrt del much shorter than Load shedding: Ldshed
    delay so there is enough time for starting genset to start,
    synchronise and take over loadbefore a load shedding output is

    MGCB is not closed although gensets are runningProblem:

    All available gensets are running and connected to bus (GCBs are
    closed), but IM-NT doesnot close MGCB.Reason of the problem is that
    Act Reserve (Actual load reserve) value is not higher than valueof
    currently used Pwr management: LoadResStrt x setpoint (binary input
    functions Load resx can be used for switching between LoadResStrt x
    setpoints). Act Reserve has to exceed aLoadResStrt x value so IM-NT
    evaluates system reserve as sufficient to connect load togensets
    (this evaluation is not done when system should run in parallel
    with mains).Check state of the Syst res OK signal in InteliMonitor
    (go to Values/Log Bout/LogBout 4) to

    see if Act Reserve is evaluated by IM-NT as sufficient enough
    (condition for MGCB closing isActReserve > LoadResStrt x)

    Solution:a) Check if setpoint Pwr management: Pwr management is
    set to ENABLED in genset

    controllers (there is no such setpoint in IM-NT itself). Act
    Reserve value (PBNom) in IM-NT isbased on information it receives
    from gensets power management system. There is noinformation about
    available power sent from gensets controllers to IM-NT
    ifPwrmanagementis set toDISABLED.

    b) Decrease value of a currently used Pwr management:
    #LoadResStrt x setpoint so availableAct Reserve (PBNom) is higher
    than the #LoadResStrt x setpoint. Do that if you consideravailable
    Act Reserve power sufficient enough to cover a system load.You can
    use alternative #LoadResStrt x setpoint with setting low enough to
    enable MGCBclosing (use a Load res x binary input function for
    switching to a different LoadResStrt xsetpoint).

    c) Set Pwr management: #LoadResStrt x setpoint to a negative
    value if you can not set Pwrmanagement : Pwr management setpoint to
    ENABLED in gensets controllers (e.g. IGS-NT-LSM+PMS dongle is not
    used in genset controllers and power management function is
    notavailable then). It is necessary to fulfill the following
    condition to enable MGCB closing:

    PBNom > PAkt + Reserve

    PBNom Sum of the nominal power of all running gen-sets
    (displayed as Act Reservevalue by IM-NT)

    PAkt System loadReserve selected setpoint #LoadResStrt x

    Setting setpoint Pwr management to DISABLED in genset
    controllers means that PBNom is

    always 0 in IM-NT (no power information is received from genset
    controllers) and it isnecessary to set #LoadResStrt x to a negative
    value to meet the condition for MGCB closing.

    It is sufficient to set #LoadResStrt x to -1 if only one MGCB
    needs to be closed (PAkt is always0 before the first MGCB breaker
    is closed). However, this setting is not sufficient if severalMGCBs
    should be closed and it is necessary to set #LoadResStrt x to a
    lower value.E.g. it is necessary to set a #LoadResStrt x setpoint
    to -101 (or a lower value) to achievesecond MGCB closing if PAkt is
    100 after closing of the first MGCB:

    PBNom > PAkt + Reserve0 > 100 + (-101)

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    PC software

    There is no history in .ant fileSolution:

    a) InteliMonitor / Settings / History the Typical program
    setting is to Site monitored from this

    computer only. If this is not true, i.e. some other computer may
    be connected sometimes tothe site (controller), it may read out the
    history records and after this computer is connectedagain, there
    appear to be no records in the archive. In such a case (especially
    can happenwith remote, e.g. modem connections), please switch to
    Site monitored from morecomputers , which ensures proper history
    reading. The first option provides faster historyreading if there
    are only few new records, but with more computers accessing the
    same siteleads to the above mentioned behaviour.

    b) Archive was saved with GenConfig tool with version lower than
    2.1. GenConfig is offline toolfor configuration purposes, so
    archives saved using this tool does not contain actual historydata.
    Thats why history is not saved at all with this tool. Starting from
    version 2.1, GenConfigis able to read history from controller and
    save it as part of controller configuration file.

    History is not complete

    Problem:Some history records which are available in controller
    are not included in downloaded history.

    Solution:This problem is caused by InteliMonitor setting. It
    happens if history reading is set to Sitemonitored from this
    computer only and more computers are used to read data from
    acontroller. InteliMonitor with Site monitored from this computer
    only setting reads only historyrecords which were not downloaded
    during the last connection and records are missing if thelast
    connection was done using a different computer.Go to Settings ->
    History and change setting from Site monitored from this computer
    only tosetting which matches your needs. Recommended settings are
    Site monitored from morecomputers or Service tool (see
    InteliMonitor-x.y-Reference Guide manual for moreinformation).

    Electr ical measurement

    Controller measures wrong generator/mains/bus vol tages or

    Controller measures wrong generator/mains/bus voltages or
    currents, because setpoint Basicsettings: CT ratio prim /
    Im3ErFlCurCTp / VT ratio / Vm VT ratio is set to a wrong
    value.Setpoint setting does not match CT / VT ratio of used
    measurement transformer.

    Solution:a) Change it to correct value according to the VT/CT
    specification.b) For IS-NT-BB or IG-xxC HW types, setpoint Basic
    settings:CT ratio sec / Im3ErFlCurCTs /

    VgInpRangeSel / VmInpRangeSel is set to a wrong secondary
    voltage/current range. Set it tocorrect range (5A or 1A, 120V or

    Power measurement does not workProblem:

    It may happen that controller measures correct
    generator/mains/bus voltages and currentsvalues, but active and
    reactive power values displayed by controller are not correct or
    evenzero. Power Factor (PF) value is incorrect too and there is a
    big difference in PF betweenphases (e.g. phase L1 power factor is
    0,9 and in phase L2 power factor is 0,2).

    Solution:Solution is to adjust CTs connection, it means changing
    polarity of CTs and/or swapping theirorder.

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    Correct voltage and current measurement connection:

    Imagine that a generator is loaded with a load bank which burns
    100 kW in each phase. Loadbank Power Factor (PF) is 1. If power in
    each phase is 100 kW, total generator power (PTOT)displayed by
    controller is 300 kW. Calculation is as follows:UL1=UL2=UL3= 400
    VIL1=IL2=IL3= 250 APFL1=PFL2=PFL3 = 1PL1=PL2=PL3=
    UL1xIL1xPFL1=400x250x1= 100 kWPTOT=PL1+PL2+PL3= 100+100+100= 300

    Example of incorrect connection with CTs swapped between phases
    L2 and L3:

    In this case 100 kW is still burned in each load bank phase, but
    PF in phases L2 and L3 is not1 from controller point of view. PF in
    phases L2 and L3 is -0,5 due to phase shift betweenvoltages and
    currents which is caused by CTs swapping. The result is that total
    generatorpower displayed by controller is 0 kW. Calculation is as
    follows:UL1=UL2=UL3= 400 VIL1=IL2=IL3= 250 APFL1=1PFL2=PFL3=
    -0,5PL1= UL1xIL1xPFL1=400x250x1= 100 kW

    PL2=PL3=UL2xIL2xPFL2= -50 kWPTOT=PL1+PL2+PL3= 100+(-50)+(-50)= 0

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    Example of incorrect connection with wrong CT polarity in phase

    In this case 100 kW is still burned in each load bank phase, but
    PF in phase L2 is not 1 fromcontroller point of view. PF in phase
    L2 is -1, because current goes in the opposite way due towrong CT
    polarity. The result is that total generator power displayed by
    controller is 100 kW.Calculation is as follows:UL1=UL2=UL3= 400
    VIL1=IL2=IL3= 250 APFL1=PFL3=1PFL2= -1PL1=PL3=
    UL1xIL1xPFL1=400x250x1= 100 kWPL2=UL2xIL2xPFL2= 400x250x(-1)= -100
    kWPTOT=PL1+PL2+PL3= 100+(-100)+100= 100 kW

    Many different combinations of incorrect CTs connection are
    possible so check both, order ofCTs and their polarity. Reactive
    power measurement is affected by incorrect CTs connectionin similar
    way as active power measurement.


    Statistic values window contains strange numbers upon

    All NT controllers produced till March, 2007 (serial numbers
    0703xxxx and lower) haveundefined values in statistics. Controllers
    produced later have all statistics values set to initialvalue

    Solution:Should you come across a controller with undefined
    statistic values, run InteliMonitor, go tomenu Monitor, select Set
    statistics, and click on button Clear all. Wait until all numbers
    losetheir bold form (writing in process) and close the window.

    Alarms stays in Alarm list even though Faul t reset was used
    toacknowledge themProblem:

    Fault reset was used to acknowledge active alarms displayed by
    controller, but alarms stayedin alarm list after they became
    inactive, because controller does not allow an alarm to
    beacknowledged by pressing the fault reset button while the alarm
    is still active. It is caused bysetpoint Engine protect:
    ResetActAlarms setting to DISABLED. This is a new option whichwas
    not available in IG/IS classic you can now disable resetting of
    alarms that are currentlyactive by setting the setpoint to DISABLED
    (Marine authorities requirement).

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    Solution:If you dont need this functionality, switch the
    setpoint to ENABLED, which is the modecompatible with IG/IS classic

    No active call after some protection has been

    a) Setpoint that enables active calls for a particular
    protection type is not set to ENABLED.Check it inAct. calls/SMS
    setpoints group.

    b) SetpointAct. cal ls /SMS:AcallCHx-Type is set to a wrong
    option. E.g. it is set to SMS-GSM,while analog modem is actually
    connected. You have to change this setpoint to such optionthat
    matches used type of connection.

    c) Phone number or e-mail address is wrong. Check the setting
    (Act. cal ls/SMS:AcallCHx-Addrsetpoints), including the prefix
    codes for local phone calls or intercity calls.

    Forgotten controller passwordSolution:

    a) For all users, except the user 0 = administrator, password
    can be reset by the administrator. Ifadministrator is logged in, he
    can set password to any value for a particular user. Controller

    panel or PC can be used to do that:Controller panel: log in as
    administrator (default user name of the administrator is U0), go
    toUsers/Password in the menu and select user for which you intend
    to reset the password. Youwill see Reset password option on the
    screen, select it, press Enter to confirm your choiceand press Esc
    to get back into the menu. Now that user has password set to 0 and
    it can beset to any value.PC SW (InteliMonitor): log in as
    administrator (default user name of the administrator is U0),go to
    menu Monitor / Admin users. A window opens where you can set up
    access rights etc.Select the user for which you intend to reset its
    password and press the crossed lock icon inthe upper left corner.
    You can also reset passwords for all users at once. Password is set
    to0 and it can be set to any value.

    b) If the highest (level 7) administrator password is lost, you
    need to provide your distributor thisinformation: controller serial
    number and PasswordDecode number.

    Serial number and PasswordDecode number are available in
    InteliMonitor in Monitor /Controller/Archive info… Both serial
    number and PasswordDecode number are available oncontroller Info
    screen 2. Hold Enter and push the Esc button to enter the screen on
    IS-Display,push the right arrow then to display information on
    IG-NT / IM-NT screen.

    PID regulator doesn’t work in the same way as in

    a) If the PID regulator in internal PLC of the controller
    doesn’t behave in the same as you wereused to with the classic
    IS-CU controller, set the parameters 10 times higher than for the
    PIDregulator in classic IS-CU.

    MCB fail / GCB fail alarm is issued after swi tching controller

    Problem:Breaker fail alarm is issued if a breaker feedback
    signal is not connected directly to acontroller and controller
    receives information about breaker state after initial reading of
    itsbinary inputs. This happens if breaker feedback is evaluated in
    controller PLC or it isconnected to controller via an extension
    module (standard or virtual).

    Solution:a) Connect breaker feedback signals directly to a
    controller binary input. Feedback signal is

    delayed if it is connected to an extension unit, using a virtual
    periphery or it is output ofcontroller PLC logic. States of binary
    inputs are evaluated immediately after switchingcontroller on. It
    takes some additional time to run PLC or establish remote
    communication viaCAN (virtual periphery-SHBIN) or with a standard
    extension module (e.g. IGS-PTM). Breakerfeedback is very important
    signal for correct controller function and it is strongly
    recommendedto connect it directly to binary input of a controller

    b) Check if either breaker control signal logic (e.g. GCB
    close/open signal) or breaker feedbacksignal logic (e.g. GCB
    feedback signal) is set correctly (BI/BO option Inverted is set

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    How to

    Special applicationsSetup your controller to work as the SSB
    applicationSSB application is known from IG/IS classic controllers,
    but it is no more present among NTapplications. So you have to
    modify behaviour of the SPtM application to achieve that. This type
    ofapplication can be handled with IL-NT AMF controllers.Start with
    the default SPtM archive and set the following setpoints in the
    ProcessControl group ofsetpoint:

    Island enable = YES (stand-by application needs to work in
    island when mains is gone)

    ParallelEnable = NO (no mains paralleling is allowed)

    SynchroEnable = NONE (no synchronizing is allowed)

    MFStart enable = YES (basic function of the SSB application
    start upon mains failure)

    Setup your controller to work as the SPM applicationSPM
    application is known from IG/IS classic controllers, but it is no
    more present among NTapplications. So you have to modify behaviour
    of the MINT application to achieve that. This type ofapplication
    can be handled with IL-NT MRS controllers.Start with the default
    MINT archive and follow these instructions:

    Controller has to be alone (no other controllers connected via
    the CAN2 bus) if firmwareversion up to 2.3.6 is used and state of
    logical binary output MCB STATUS is 0 (in otherwords genset works
    in the Island mode after starting). Starting with firmware version
    2.4, therecan be other controllers connected to the CAN2 bus as
    long as these conditions are fulfilled:Setpoint ProcessControl:
    Synchro enable = NONE and Pwr management: Pwrmanagement =
    DISABLED.If the above conditions are fulfilled, there is no Dongle
    incomp message displayed in

    controller Alarm list. This message is normally displayed by
    controller with MINT application asthe IGS-NT-LSM+PMS dongle is
    expected to be used for standard use of the MINTapplication. In
    this special case and providing the stated conditions, the message
    issuppressed to allow controller to work in the SPM mode.

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    List of Abbreviations

    AMF Auto Mains Failure (controller starts automatically on mains

    AI Analog Input

    AO Analog Output

    ATS Automatic Transfer Switch (switches load to supplied bus (by
    mains or generators))

    AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator

    BI Binary Input

    BO Binary Output

    BOC Breaker Open & Cool-down — protection type (see
    application manual for details)

    BTB Bus-Tie Breaker

    CAN1 CAN bus for ComAp extension modules (e.g. IGS-PTM) and
    engine ECUconnection

    CAN2 CAN bus for communication between ComAp controllers and
    communicationmodules connection (e.g. I-LB+)

    COX Application for Complex Systems where actions are taken by a
    PLC and controlleronly follows orders => needs an external
    driver (cox)

    CT Current Transformer

    ECU engine Electronic Control Unit

    ESF Engine Specific File

    Forward synchronisation Synchronisation of unloaded genset to
    mains (GCB closing process)

    FMI Failure Mode Identifier

    GC Graphical Characters — option for additional support of one
    «graphical» language

    GCB Generator Circuit BreakerCHP Combined Heat & Power —
    cogeneration application, usually with gas engine

    I-AOUT8 Extension module with 8 AO

    I-CB Communication Bridge — interfaces IS, IG/IS-NT, ID
    controllers and non-standardengine ECU

    IG-AVRi IG Automatic Voltage Regulator interface

    IG-EE InteliGen for Electronic Engines (HW optimized for
    connection to an engineequipped with ECU)

    IG-EEC InteliGen EE controller with extended communication
    possibilities + switchablesensing ranges of AC voltages and

    IG-IB IG-Internet Bridge — for internet/ethernet

    IGL-RA15 Indication panel with LEDs signalizing state of 15

    IG-NT InteliGen New Technology gen-set controller

    IG-NTC InteliGen NT controller with extended communication
    possibilities + switchablesensing ranges of AC voltages and

    IGS-NT-LSM+PMS Dongle for IG-XX and IS-NT to enable Load Sharing
    and VAr sharing control loopsand PMS

    IGS-PTM Extension module with 8 BI/BO, 4 AI and 1 AO

    I-LB Local Bridge for direct and modem monitoring and control of
    multiple gen-sets

    IM-NT InteliMains New Technology — Mains supervision controller;
    the same controller witha different SW configuration can work as a
    bus-tie synchronizer

    I-RB Relay Board

    IS-AIN8 Extension module with 8 AI.

    IS-BIN8/16 Extension module with 8 BO and 16 BI.

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    IS-NT InteliSys New technology gen-set controller

    IS-NT-BB InteliSys New Technology Basic Box (without

    KWP2000 Key Word Protocol of Scania S6 unit (for engine

    LAI Logical Analog Inputs (card in GenConfig which is used to
    assign source signal tocontroller Logical Analog Input functions,
    e.g. Oil press)

    LBI Logical Binary Inputs (card in GenConfig which is used to
    assign source signal tocontroller Logical Binary Input functions,
    e.g. Sys Start/Stop)

    LS Load Sharing — analog load sharing line to interconnect
    gen-sets on site (for islandparallel or mains parallel operation of
    multiple gen-sets); IG/IS/IM-NT controllersuse digital Load Sharing
    via the CAN2 bus

    LSM Load Sharing Module

    LT Option for Low Temperature modification (display equipped
    with heating foil)

    MCB Mains Circuit Breaker

    MGCB Master Generator Circuit Breaker (sometimes used with
    multiple gen-sets in islandparallel or mains parallel

    MINT Multiple application with INTernal control loops — for
    multiple gen-sets in islandparallel or mains parallel operation;
    Load Sharing and VAr Sharing controlled

    internally; PMS availableMP Mains protection

    MultIslOp Multiple Island Operation (MCB is opened, GCBs are

    MultParOp Multiple Parallel Operation (MCB is closed, GCBs are

    NPU Mains protection relay (voltage, frequency, vector shift

    OC Occurrence Count (number of fault occurrances transmitted in
    diagnostic framefrom ECU)

    OfL Off load — protection type (see application manual for

    PF Power Factor

    PGN Parameter Group Number (refer to SAE J1939-71)

    PMS Power Management System — ensures optimization of running
    gen-sets on sites

    with multiple gen-sets; based on kW/kVA spinning reserve or on
    relative (%) load;no-master system ensures high reliability

    Reverse synchronisation Synchronisation of loaded genset to
    mains (MCB closing process)

    RTC Real Time Clock

    SG Speed Governor

    SHAIN Shared (virtual) Analog INput module

    SHAOUT Shared (virtual) Analog OUTput module

    SHBIN SHared (virtual) Binary INput module

    SHBOUT SHared (virtual) Binary OUTput module

    Soft load Generator soft loading according to Load ramp loop

    Soft unload Generator soft unloading according to Load ramp loop

    SPI Single Parallel Island application — for single gen-sets in
    parallel with mains or inisland operation; suitable for CHP
    applications; no MCB control

    SPM Single Prime Mover application — for single gen-sets without

    SPN Suspect Parameter Number (refer to SAE J1939-71)

    SPtM Single Parallel to Mains application — for single gen-sets
    in parallel with mains or inisland operation, with AMF support;
    both MCB and GCB controlled

    SSB Single Stand-By application — for single gen-sets with mains
    and break transfer tomains

    VPIO Virtual periphery I/O module internal SW wires linking
    binary outputs to inputs

    VS VAr Sharing — ensures VAr sharing between gen-sets on site
    via the CAN2 bus (forisland parallel or mains parallel operation of
    multiple gen-sets)

    VT Voltage Transformer# Setting of setpoints (with this
    character in front of them) is shared between

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    controllers via intercontroller CAN2

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    List of Possible EventsHint:Be aware that it is possible to
    change alarm messages using Translator in GenConfig. Try to find

    alarm text in the Trasnlator card if you can not find it on this
    list. Use Ctrl+F function to find an alarmtext.Check PLC functions
    Force protect setting and customized protections (see card
    Protections inGenConfig) to find alarm messages which are not
    listed below.

    IGS-NT Alarm/Historyrecord




    BIN 1-121 A+H Indication of error in communication with binary

    extension module.Check if the unit with corresponding CAN
    address is

    — powered up- address of the module is set correctly (see

    Modules card in GenConfig and an extensionmodule manual)

    — correctly connected and check connection ofterminating
    resistors on the CAN1 bus (see IGS-NT-2.6-Installation Guide,
    External modulesconnection chapter)

    — the CAN bus Low and High wires are not swappedTo check module
    communication activity look at the Txand Rx LEDs of the CAN bus
    port. Fast flashing meansthat communication is OK.

    ANA 1-10


    A+H Indication of error in communication with analog inputs

    extension module.Check if the unit with corresponding CAN
    address is

    — powered up- address of the module is set correctly (see

    Modules card in GenConfig and an extensionmodule manual)

    — correctly connected and check connection ofterminating
    resistors on the CAN1 bus (see IGS-NT-2.6-Installation Guide,
    External modulesconnection chapter)

    — the CAN bus Low and High wires are not swappedTo check module
    communication activity look at the Tx and

    Rx LEDs of the CAN bus port. Fast flashing means
    thatcommunication is OK.

    BOUT 1-121 A+H Indication of error in communication with binary

    extension module.Check if the unit with corresponding CAN
    address is

    — powered up- address of the module is set correctly (see

    Modules card in GenConfig and an extensionmodule manual)

    — correctly connected and check connection ofterminating
    resistors on the CAN1 bus (see IGS-NT-2.6-Installation Guide,
    External modulesconnection chapter)

    — the CAN bus Low and High wires are not swappedTo check module
    communication activity look at the Tx andRx LEDs of the CAN bus
    port. Fast flashing means that

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    IGS-NT Alarm/Historyrecord




    communication is OK.

    AOUT 1-41 A+H Indication of error in communication with analog

    extension module.Check if the unit with corresponding CAN
    address is

    — powered up- address of the module is set correctly (see

    Modules card in GenConfig and an extensionmodule manual)

    — correctly connected and check connection ofterminating
    resistors on the CAN1 bus (see IGS-NT-2.6-Installation Guide,
    External modulesconnection chapter)

    — the CAN bus Low and High wires are not swappedTo check module
    communication activity look at the Tx and

    Rx LEDs of the CAN bus port. Fast flashing means
    thatcommunication is OK.

    ECU1 A+H Indication of error in communication with ECU.

    Check if the ECU is:- correctly connected to the CAN1 port of

    controller (see Comap Electronic Engines Supportmanual for
    information about ECU connection)

    — powered up- terminating resistors are properly connected- the
    CAN bus Low and High wires are not swapped

    SHBIN 1-41 A+H Indication of error in communication with SHBOUT

    module.Check that

    — one of the controllers on site is configured as aSOURCE
    controller (has SHBOUT (x) moduleconfigured)

    — the SOURCE controller is powered up- TARGET and SOURCE
    controllers are connected

    to the CAN2 bus and Tx and Rx LEDs of the CAN2bus ports are

    — the controllers can «see» each other checkCAN16/CAN32 values
    on the Power managementscreen (each controller is indicated by 1 on
    theposition given by its address)

    — CAN2 bus connection is done according to
    theIGS-NT-Installation Guide, Recommended

    CAN/RS485 connection chapter.

    SHAIN 1-41 A+H Indication of error in communication with SHAOUT

    module.Check that

    — one of the controllers on site is configured as aSOURCE
    controller (has SHAOUT (x) moduleconfigured)

    — the SOURCE controller is powered up- TARGET and SOURCE
    controllers are connected

    to the CAN2 bus and Tx and Rx LEDs of the CAN2bus ports are

    — the controllers can «see» each other checkCAN16/CAN32 values
    on the Power management

    screen (each controller is indicated by 1 on theposition given
    by its address)

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    IGS-NT Alarm/Historyrecord




    — CAN2 bus connection is done according to the

    IGS-NT-Installation Guide, RecommendedCAN/RS485 connection

    SHBinCfgErr1 A Shared Binary module configuration error i.e.
    more than

    one source module (SHBOUT) were configured (on theCAN2 bus).
    Make sure that only one SHBOUT x module isconfigured in

    SHAinCfgErr1 A Shared Analog module configuration error i.e.
    more than

    one source module (SHAOUT) were configured (on theCAN2 bus).
    Make sure that only one SHAOUT x module isconfigured in

    PLC State 12 A PLC state 1 indication (for more information

    description of Force protect PLC function)

    PLC State 22 A PLC state 2 indication (for more information

    description of Force protect PLC function)PLC State 3

    2 A PLC state 3 indication (for more information see

    description of Force protect PLC function)

    PLC State 42 A PLC state 4 indication (for more information

    description of Force protect PLC function)

    ActCall Fail A Indication of failed Active call.Refer to an
    InteliCommunication Guide to checkmodem/internet connection and
    active call setup.

    ECUDiagBlocked A Alarm is active when Comms settings: ECU diag
    =DISABLED. This setting means that ECU alarms are notdisplayed and
    considered by controller and this alarm isthe setting

    Wrong config A+H Wrong controller configuration
    indication.Indicates that controller hardware doesn’t support
    PLCused in configuration. To check it send the IDch and Dngl


    from controller Info screen 2 and archive to your

    technical support.

    RTCbatteryFlat A This warning message «RTCbatteryFlat» appears
    inAlarmlist when battery is close to be completely flat.If power
    supply cut comes when the RTC battery is flat, thestatistic values,
    history and setpoints settings are lost.Send a controller to your
    distributor for battery exchange if

    the RTCbatteryFlat message is displayed4.

    Al/Hist. msg 1-165 A+H Al/Hist. msg 1-16 activity indication
    (Al/Hist. msg means

    Alarm/History message). Al/Hist. msg can be used as a

    customized message for additional protection configured toany
    controller internal value. See GenConfig manual -Protections.

    Batt volt A+H Indication of battery voltage protection activity.
    Thisprotection is based on Analog protect : Batt >V, Batt

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    IGS-NT Alarm/Historyrecord




    between phase voltages.

    Gen I unbal A+H Generator current asymmetry (unbalance) alarm is
    basedon Gener protect: Gen I unbal and Gen I unb delsetpoints. The
    current unbalance is calculated as amaximum difference between
    phase currents.

    BusL I unbal A+H Left bus current asymmetry (unbalance) alarm is
    based onGener protect: BusL I unbal and BusL I unb del
    setpoints.The current unbalance is calculated as a
    maximumdifference between phase currents.

    Mains V unbal A+H Mains voltage unbalance alarm is based on
    Mainsprotect: Mains V unbal and MainsV unb del setpoints.
    Thevoltage unbalance is calculated as a maximum differencebetween
    phase voltages.

    Mains I unbal A+H Mains current asymmetry (unbalance) alarm is
    based on

    Mains protect: Mains I unbal and Mains Iunb delsetpoints. The
    current unbalance is calculated as amaximum difference between
    phase currents.

    Bus V unbal A+H Bus voltage unbalance alarm is based on Gener
    protect(Bus protect): Bus V unbal and Bus V unb del setpoints.The
    voltage unbalance is calculated as a maximumdifference between
    phase voltages.

    BusL V unbal Left bus voltage unbalance alarm is based on
    BusLprotect: BusL V unbal and BusL V unb del setpoints. Thevoltage
    unbalance is calculated as a maximum differencebetween phase

    BusR V unbal Right bus voltage unbalance alarm is based on
    BusRprotect: BusR V unbal and BusR V unb del setpoints. The

    voltage unbalance is calculated as a maximum differencebetween
    phase voltages.

    Dongle incomp A+H Incompatible (usually missing) dongle
    indication.IGS-NT-LSM+PMS dongle (green one) is required if
    loadsharing and power management functions are used inMINT, COX or
    COMBI application.Check a Reference Guide for information whether a
    dongleis required for requested functionality or not.

    Emergency stop A+H Emergency stop activity indication. Check
    binary input withEmergency stop function.

    CAN2 bus empty A+H This alarm is active if controller doesnt see
    any othercontrollers on the CAN2 bus. Alarm activation can
    beenabled/disabled using setpoint Comm settings:CAN2emptDetect.
    This setpoint should be set toDISABLED for single genset
    applications.Check Reg16/Reg32 strings to see which controllers are

    the same group18


    ChrgAlternFail A+H Charger fail detection. This alarm means that
    voltage onthe D+ terminal is lower than 80% of controller
    powersupply voltage and it means that battery is no longercharged.
    Check function of engine alternator orindependent battery

    Sd Stop fail A+H Engine stop fail indication. Stop fail means
    that enginedoes not reach still engine state within Engine
    params:Stop time.

    Still engine conditions:- Engine speed (RPM) = 0 and-AI: Oil
    press < Starting POil and

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    — D+ terminal is not active and

    -BI: RunIndication 1 and 2 and 3 are not active and

    — Generator voltage < 15V (in all phases) and- Generator
    frequency = 0 Hz- if all these conditions are fulfilled, additional
    2s delay isused to confirm still engine state.

    Overspeed A+H Gen-set over speed alarm is based on
    Engineprotect:Overspeed setpoint setting.

    Underspeed A+H Genset under speed alarm indication. Under speed
    limit isbased on Engine params:Starting RPM setting. Thisprotection
    is activated after successful engine start ifengine speed drops
    below value given by Starting RPMsetpoint setting (for more
    information see Engine startingprocedures description in a
    Reference Guide ).

    Pickup fail A+H Pickup fail indication. Pickup fail means loss
    of RPM signalin running state (engine running state is
    active).Engine running conditions:- Engine speed > Engine
    params: Starting RPM or-AI: Oil press > Starting POil or- D+
    terminal active (this condition is used only ifEngineparams: D+
    function = ENABLED) or

    — BI: RunIndication 1 or 2 or 3 is active or- Generator voltage
    > 15V (in any phase)See Speed pick-up input section in the
    Technical datachapter in IGS-NT-x.y.-Installation Guide manual
    forinformation about requested pick-up signal parametres.

    Sd BatteryFlat A+H Alarm is activated if controller wakes up
    after a start

    attempt which caused battery voltage drop (voltage dropbelow 6V)
    and consequently controller switch-off. ComApI-LBA module may help
    to solve this problem, forinformation about this module see
    IGS-NT-x.y.-InstallationGuide manual.

    WrnServiceTime A+H This alarm is acivated when at least one of
    controller countdown service timers Engine protect:Service time X
    hasreached zero. It is necessary to set again a non-zero valueto a
    corresponding setpoint to reset this alarm.

    Not lubricated A This Alarm list message is active until the
    first lubricationcycle has been finished.See Engine states chapter
    in IGS-NT-x.y-ReferenceGuide.

    Start fail A+H This alarm is issued if genset start-up fails. It
    means thatseveral crank attempts has been done (number of
    attemptsis given by Engine params: Crank attempts) and enginedid
    not start.For more information see Engine starting
    procedureschapter in IGS-NT-x.y-Reference Guide.

    Start blocking A This message means that a binary input with
    Startblockingfunction is active and engine start is blocked. If
    active,NotReady state is shown on the controller screen and
    themessage appears in the Alarm list. As soon as input
    isdeactivated, engine start is enabled again.

    Wrn CylTemp1-32 A+H Warning protection on AI Cylinder
    temperature 1-32 is

    active. Check corresponding setpoints in the Engineprotect

    Wrn MCB fail A+H MCB failure was detected.

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    See Circuit breakers operation sequence, GCB/MCB fail

    detection chapter in IGS-NT-x.y-Reference Guide.Stp GCB fail A+H
    GCB failure was detected.

    See Circuit breakers operation sequence, GCB/MCB faildetection
    chapter in IGS-NT-x.y-Reference Guide.

    Wrn BTB fail A+H BTB failure was detected.See Circuit breakers
    operation sequence, GCB/MCB faildetection chapter in
    IGS-NT-x.y-Reference Guide. Itapplies to BTB breaker too.

    Wrn MGCB fail MGCB failure was detected.See Circuit breakers
    operation sequence, GCB/MCB faildetection chapter in
    IGS-NT-x.y-Reference Guide. Itapplies to MGCB breaker too.

    Sd Oil press B A+H Engine shut-down was activated by binary
    input with Oil

    press function (see LBI card in GenConfig for informationabout
    source signal for this function).

    Wrn RSync fail A+H Reverse synchronization failure indication,
    genset or groupof gensets was not synchronized to mains
    withinSync/Load ct rl:Sync timeout time.Check setting of setpoints
    in the Sync/Load ctrl andVolt/PF ctrl groups. Frequency regulation
    loop, Angleregulation loop and Voltage regulation loop are
    activeduring synchronisation and you may need to adjust
    theirsetting.Actual state of synchronization is visible on the
    controllermeasurement screen with synchroscope where speed
    andvoltage regulator’s outputs, slip frequency and generator

    and mains voltages can be observed during thesynchronization

    Stp Sync fail A+H Synchronization failure indication (alarm Sync
    timeout isactive), gen-set or group of gensets was not
    synchronizedto mains/bus within Sync/Load c trl:Sync timeout
    time.Check setting of setpoints in the Sync/Load ctrl andVolt/PF
    ctrl groups. Frequency regulation loop, Angleregulation loop and
    Voltage regulation loop are activeduring synchronisation and you
    may need to adjust theirsetting.Actual state of synchronization is
    visible on the controllermeasurement screen with synchroscope where
    speed andvoltage regulators’ outputs, slip frequency and

    and mains/bus voltages can be observed during thesynchronization

    Wrn Sync fail A+H Synchronization failure indication (alarm Sync
    timeout isactive), gen-set or group of gensets was not
    synchronizedto mains/bus within Sync/Load ct rl:Sync timeout
    time.Check setting of setpoints in the Sync/Load ctrl andVolt/PF
    ctrl groups. Frequency regulation loop, Angleregulation loop and
    Voltage regulation loop are activeduring synchronisation and you
    may need to adjust theirsetting.Actual state of synchronization is
    visible on the controllermeasurement screen with synchroscope where
    speed andvoltage regulators’ outputs, slip frequency and
    generatorand mains/bus voltages can be observed during
    thesynchronization process.

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    BOC L1, L2 or L3 under A+H Generator L1, L2 or L3 voltage was
    under the Gen V BOC and Gen V delsetpoints. This alarm is issued if
    voltage protections arebased on phase to neutral voltages. It means
    that Basic

    settings: FixVoltProtSel is set to PHASE-NEUTRAL.19

    Sd L1, L2 or L3 over A+H Generator L1, L2 or L3 voltage was over
    the Gen >V SDlimit for Gen V del time. Overvoltage protections
    arebased on Gener protect: Gen >V SD and Gen V delsetpoints.
    This alarm is issued if voltage protections arebased on phase to
    neutral voltages. It means that Basic

    settings: FixVoltProtSel is set to PHASE-NEUTRAL.19

    BOC L12, L23 or L31 under A+H Generator L12, L23 or L31 voltage
    was under the Gen V BOC and Gen V delsetpoints. This alarm is
    issued if voltage protections arebased on phase to phase voltages.
    It means that Basic

    settings: FixVoltProtSel is set to PHASE-PHASE.19

    Sd L12, L23 or L31 over A+H Generator L12, L23 or L31 voltage
    was over the Gen >VSD limit for Gen V del time. Overvoltage
    protections arebased on Gener protect: Gen >V SD and Gen V
    delsetpoints. This alarm is issued if voltage protections arebased
    on phase to phase voltages. It means that Basic

    settings: FixVoltProtSel is set to PHASE-PHASE.19

    BOC fgen under A+H Generator frequency was under the Gen

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    settings: FixVoltProtSel is set to PHASE-NEUTRAL.

    MP L1, L2 or L3 over A+H Mains L1, L2 or L3 voltage was over the
    Mains >V MPlimit for Mains V del time. Overvoltage protections
    arebased on Mains protect: Mains >V MP and Mains V delsetpoints.
    This alarm is issued if voltage protections arebased on phase to
    neutral voltages. It means that Basicsettings: FixVoltProtSel is
    set to PHASE-NEUTRAL.

    MP L12, L23 or L31 under A+H Mains L12, L23 or L31 voltage was
    under the Mains V MP and Mains V delsetpoints. This alarm is issued
    if voltage protections arebased on phase to phase voltages. It
    means that Basicsettings: FixVoltProtSel is set to PHASE-PHASE.

    Mains Avg x >V A+H If the value of 10 min. average mains
    voltage of any phase(Mains Avg V1, Mains Avg V2, Mains Avg V3)
    exceedvalue given by setpoint Mains Avg >V MP (Mains
    protectgroup) the MCB is opened and message Mains Avg x
    >Vappears in alarm list and history record. BO Common MPis
    activated (x indicates number of phase).

    MP fmns under A+H Mains frequency was under the Mains fand Mains
    f del setpoints.

    ROCOF H If measured value of df/dt (mains frequency) exceedROCOF
    df/dt (setpoint in Mains protect group), ROCOFprotection is
    activated. ROCOF protection trips mainscircuit breaker (MCB). The
    message ROCOF is writen inhistory of controller. Value of df/dt is
    evaluated from mainsvoltage.

    BusL L1, L2 or L3 under H Left bus L1,L2 or L3 voltage was under
    the BusLeft

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    record are requested. Voltage has to be below the BusLeft

    >V limit if BTB synchronisation should be started, becausethe
    BusLeft >V setpoint is used for healthy bus detection(this
    condition applies only if BusL Volt prot is set toENABLED).This
    alarm is issued if voltage protections are based onphase to neutral
    voltages. It means that Basic settings:FixVoltProtSel is set to

    BusL L12, L23 or L31 under H Left bus L12, L23 or L31 voltage
    was under the BusLeft V setpoint is used for healthy bus
    detection(this condition applies only if BusL Volt prot is set
    toENABLED).This alarm is issued if voltage protections are based
    onphase to phase voltages. It means that Basic
    settings:FixVoltProtSel is set to PHASE-PHASE.

    BusR L1, L2 or L3 under H Right bus L1,L2 or L3 voltage was
    under the BusRight V setpoint is used for healthy bus

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    detection (this condition applies only ifBusR Volt prot is

    to ENABLED).This alarm is issued if voltage protections are
    based onphase to neutral voltages. It means that Basic
    settings:FixVoltProtSel is set to PHASE-NEUTRAL.

    BusR L12, L23 or L31 under H Right bus L12, L23 or L31 voltage
    was under the BusRightV setpoint is used for healthy busdetection
    (this condition applies only ifBusR Volt prot is set

    to ENABLED).This alarm is issued if voltage protections are
    based onphase to phase voltages. It means that Basic
    settings:FixVoltProtSel is set to PHASE-PHASE.

    BusL f under H Left bus frequency was under the BusLeft fand
    BusLeft f del setpoints.

    BusR f under H Right bus frequency was under the BusRight fand
    BusRight f del setpoints.

    Vb L1, L2 or L3 under H Bus L1, L2 or L3 voltage was under the
    Bus < Hst limit forBus V del time. Undervoltage protections are
    based onBus protect: Bus < Hst and Bus V del setpoints.
    Thisalarm is issued if voltage protections are based on phaseto
    neutral voltages. It means that Basic settings:FixVoltProtSel is
    set to PHASE-NEUTRAL.

    Vb L1, L2 or L3 over H Bus L1, L2 or L3 voltage was over the Bus
    > Hst limit forBus V del time. Overvoltage protections are based
    on Busprotect: Bus > Hst and Bus V del setpoints. This alarm
    isissued if voltage protections are based on phase to
    neutralvoltages. It means that Basic settings: FixVoltProtSel

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    set to PHASE-NEUTRAL.

    Vb L12, L23 or L31 under H Bus L12, L23 or L31 voltage was under
    the Bus < Hst limitfor Bus V del time. Undervoltage protections
    are based onBus protect: Bus < Hst and Bus V del setpoints.
    Thisalarm is issued if voltage protections are based on phaseto
    phase voltages. It means that Basic settings:FixVoltProtSel is set

    Vb L12, L23 or L31 under H Bus L12, L23 or L31 voltage was over
    the Bus > Hst limitfor Bus V del time. Overvoltage protections
    are based onBus protect: Bus > Hst and Bus V del setpoints.
    Thisalarm is issued if voltage protections are based on phaseto
    phase voltages. It means that Basic settings:FixVoltProtSel is set

    f bus under H Bus frequency was under the Bus fand Bus f del

    Bus meas error A+H Bus measurement error is issued if bus
    voltage is out oflimits. For details see description of the
    Generprotect:BusMeasError setpoint in

    OfL StartBlck A+H This alarm indicates wrong setpoints setting
    that disablesengine start or load takeover. Incorrect combination
    ofProcessControl: Island enable; ParallelEnable; Synchroenable; MF
    start enable setpoints setting is the reason why

    this alarm is issued.See AUT mode section of the OFF-MAN-AUT
    modechapter in IGS-NT-x.y-Reference Guide for SPTM, SPI orCOMBI

    StartBlck A+H This alarm indicates wrong setpoints setting that
    disablesstart of gensets. Incorrect combination ofProcessControl:
    Island enable; ParallelEnable; Synchroenable; MF start enable
    setpoints setting is the reason whythis alarm is issued.See
    OFF-MAN-AUT mode chapter in IM-NT-MCB-MGCBReference Guide.

    BOC IDMT A+H Indicates current IDMT protection activation.
    Current IDMTprotection is inverse definite minimum time
    protectionwhich is based on the generator current.
    Protectionreaction time depends on overcurrent value.
    Highovercurrent means short reaction time whereas lowovercurrent
    means longer reaction time. Protection isbased on setpoints
    Generator protect: 2Inom del andBasic settings: Nomin current.

    MPR Imains IDMT A+H Indicates current IDMT protection
    activation. Current IDMTprotection is inverse definite minimum time
    protectionwhich is based on the mains current. Protection
    reactiontime depends on overcurrent value. High overcurrentmeans
    short reaction time whereas low overcurrent meanslonger reaction
    time.This protection is active if the Mns2Inom prot setpoint isset
    to ENABLED. Protection is based on setpoints Mainsprotect:
    Mains2Inom del and Basic settings: Nomin

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    BOR IbusL IDMT A+H Indicates current IDMT protection activation.
    Current IDMTprotection is inverse definite minimum time
    protectionwhich is based on the left bus current. Protection
    reactiontime depends on overcurrent value. High overcurrentmeans
    short reaction time whereas low overcurrent meanslonger reaction
    time.This protection is active if the BusL2Inom prot setpoint isset
    to ENABLED. Protection is based on setpoints BusLprotect: BusL2Inom
    del and Basic settings: Nomincurrent.

    BOC ShortCurr A+H Generator short current protection was
    activated.Generator current was over Generator protect: Ishortlevel
    forIshort del. time.

    BOC Overload A+H Indicates overload IDMT protection activation.
    OverloadIDMT protection is inverse definite minimum timeprotection
    which is based on the generator power.Protection reaction time
    depends on generator powervalue. High generator overload means
    short reaction timewhereas low generator overload means longer
    reactiontime. Protection is based on setpoints Generator
    protect:OverldStrtEval and 2POverldStEvDel.

    MPR Pmains IDMT A+H Indicates overload IDMT protection
    activation. OverloadIDMT protection is inverse definite minimum
    timeprotection which is based on the mains power.
    Protectionreaction time depends on mains power value. High
    mainsoverload means short reaction time whereas low mains

    overload means longer reaction time.This protection is active if
    the Mns2POvrldProt setpoint isset to ENABLED. Protection is based
    on setpoints Mainsprotect: OverldStrtEval and 2POverldStEvDel.

    BOR PbusL IDMT A+H Indicates overload IDMT protection
    activation. OverloadIDMT protection is inverse definite minimum
    timeprotection which is based on the left bus power.
    Protectionreaction time depends on the left bus power value.
    Highleft bus overload means short reaction time whereas lowleft bus
    overload means longer reaction time.This protection is active if
    the BusL2POvrldProt setpoint isset to ENABLED. Protection is based
    on setpoints BusLprotect: OverldStrtEval and 2POverldStEvDel.

    BOC NCB fail A+H NCB fail is detected if the NeutralCB fdb input
    doesn’tfollow Neutral CB C/O output within 400 ms.

    Wrn BadPwrCfg A+H Power format is set differently in controllers
    which are partof the same control group. Check Power formats
    setting inGenConfig on the Miscellaneous card (available in the

    Advanced mode only).21

    WrnTstOnLdFail A+H This alarm is issued if the Test on load
    function is activated(by closing corresponding BI) and genset is
    not able totake over mains load completely (mains import = 0)
    withinthe Sync/Load ctrl: Load ramp time. MessageWrnTstOnLdFail is
    recorded into controller history in caseof this failure. It is
    either necessary to extend the Load

    ramp time or check engine speed regulation.20

    Wrn SpdRegLim A+H This alarm indicates that controller Speed
    governor output

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    has reached its limit. Warning is issued if Speed governor

    output stays close to one of the limit values for more than2
    seconds. Close to one of the limits means that Speedgovernor output
    value is within SpeedGovLowLim+0,2Vrange orSpeedGovHiLim-0,2V
    range.This alarm gives you information that engine speedgovernor is
    either connected in a wrong way or one of the

    speed control related regulation loops6

    is set in a wrong

    way.Warning is blocked if binary output functions SPEED upand
    SPEED down are configured.Refer also to Sync/load control
    adjustment chapter in anIGS-NT-x.y-Reference Guide.

    Wrn VoltRegLim A+H This alarm indicates that controller AVRi
    output has

    reached its limit. Warning is issued if the AVRi output
    staysclose to 0% or 100% limit for more than 2 seconds. Closeto
    limit means that AVRi output value is either 98%.This alarm gives
    you information that generator voltageregulator is either connected
    in a wrong way or one of the

    voltage control related regulation loops7

    is set in a wrong

    way.Warning is blocked if binary output functions AVR up andAVR
    down are configured.Refer also to Volt/PF control adjustment
    chapter in an IGS-NT-x.y-Reference Guide.

    G L neg


    A Generator phase is inverted. Check generator phases

    connection, one of generator phases is connected theother way
    round (swap generator coil leads connection).

    G ph+L neg8 A Wrong generator phases sequence

    14, additionally one

    phase is inverted.

    G ph opposed8 A Wrong generator phases sequence


    M L neg9 A Mains phase is inverted. Check mains transformer

    connection, one of transformer phases is connected theother way
    round (swap transformer coil leads connection).

    M ph+L neg9 A Wrong mains phases sequence

    14, additionally one phase

    is inverted

    M ph opposed9 A Wrong mains phases sequence


    B L neg


    A Bus phase is inverted


    B ph+L neg

    13 A Wrong bus phases sequence

    14, additionally one phase is


    B ph opposed13

    A Wrong bus phases sequence14

    BL L neg12

    A Left bus phase is inverted22

    BL ph+L neg12

    A Wrong left bus phases sequence14

    , additionally one phase

    is inverted

    BL ph opposed12

    A Wrong left bus phases sequence14

    BR L neg13

    A Right bus phase is inverted22

    BR ph+L neg13

    A Wrong right bus phases sequence14

    , additionally one

    phase is inverted

    BR ph opposed


    A Wrong right bus phases sequence


    hist PLC 1-4 H Default message which indicates activity of PLC

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    Force Hist. 1-4.2

    Fault reset H Indication of the Fault reset function activation.
    Fault resetfunction can be activated using the Fault reset
    button,binary input with FaultResButton function, Modbus or
    viaremote communication (InteliMonitor).

    ActCallCH1-OK, CH2-OK,CH3-OK

    H Indication of successful active call 1-3.

    ActCallCH1Fail, CH2Fail,CH3Fail

    A+H Indication of unsuccessful active call 1-3.See Inteli
    Communication Guide for information aboutactive calls. See an
    IGS-NT-x.y-Reference Guide fordescription of setpoints which are
    part of theAct.calls/SMS group and are used for active call

    Switched On H Controller was switched on.

    Watchdog H Indication of internal watchdog. Send controller

    with history records to ComAp for investigation.System H These
    messages may be recorded as System reasons:

    Firmware prog.error (controller programming error)Disp.error
    (problem in communication with

    controller display)RTC battery flat (see information about

    RTCbatteryFlat in this list)

    SetpointCS err (setpoint setting error)15

    StatisticCS err (statistics value error)16

    Wrong config (wrong configuration was uploadedinto a

    Power Fail (controller power supply voltage

    dropped below 8V)17

    System Log H This history record gives you information that
    controllerhistory was deleted using the Clear History function
    inGenConfig. This function is part of the Options toolbar.

    SetpointChange H Setpoint change indication in controller
    history. Historyrecord contains communication object number of a

    which was changed10

    Password set H Controller password was set

    Password chng H Controller password was changed

    PassInsertBlck A Break through password function can
    beENABLED/DISABLED from the password managementwindow in
    InteliMonitor (initial status is DISABLED).Warning PassInsertBlck
    appears in alarm list whencontroller is blocked.It is not allowed
    to insert the passwordin case that controller is blocked. There is
    information thatcontroller is blocked for next password attempt and
    timeremaining till the end of blocation instead of passwordinput
    window at the terminal screen. The controller islocked for 5
    minutes when the password is 6 times wrongentered (in case of next
    6 wrong attempts (correctpassword was not inserted at all) for 30,
    60, 120, 240minutes). Incorrect password message appears in
    thehistory of the controller when the invalid password is used.

    Incorrect password H Read information about alarm

    AccessCodeSet H Controller access code was set

    AccessCodeChng H Controller access code was changedAdmin

При обработке данных спутниковых измерений в программе Trimble Business Center (TBC) может появиться сообщение об ошибке: «Ошибка корректировочной секунды», в англиской версии — Invalid leap second.
Эта ошибка появляется из-за того, что некоторая служебная информация, необходимая для обработки, устарела.

Для решения проблемы установите обновление с помощью программы Trimble GPS Configuration Files Utility. 
Установка обновления доступна для любой версии TBC и не зависит от гарантии.

Установить обновление можно напрямую через TBC в разделе Проверка обновлений.
Для запуска проверки обновлений выберите закладку 
Поддержка, раздел Лицензия, функция Проверить обновление.

Отдельно обновление Trimble Office Configuration Files Update Utility можно скачать по ссылке.

Регулярное обновление программы обеспечивает стабильную работу системы, поэтому рекомендуем своевременно проверять доступные обновления.
Если ПО находится на гарантии, большинство обновлений будет бесплатным, кроме обновления самой программы TBC.
Будьте внимательны, до загрузки и установки новой версии TBC рекомендуется проверить срок окончания гарантии на ПО.

Если вы установили новую версию TBC, которая не входит в период бесплатного обновления, вы можете столкнуться с проблемой открытия проектов.

Если у вас остались вопросы, вы всегда можете задать их нашей службе технической поддержки.

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Таблица ошибок

Коды ошибок Cashcode SM / Cashcode MFL
Число сигналов Неисправность Способ устранения неисправности
1 Отсутствует кассета в купюроприемнике Проверить правильность установки кассеты
2 Неверный тип датчиков или нарушена связь с датчиками Проверить надежность контактов с платой процессора
3 Кассета заполнена Заменить кассету пустой
4 Заклинивание банкноты в кассете или сбой двигателя укладчика 1. Снять кассету с валидатора и вынуть застрявшую банкноту 2. При включенном питании протестировать работу двигателя укладчика
5 Отказ емкостных датчиков Обратиться в территориальную сервисную службу
6 Отказ оптических датчиков Открыть направляющие и очистить оптические датчики.
7 Отказ индуктивных датчиков Обратиться в территориальную сервисную службу
8 Отказ двигателя транспортирующего механизма 1. Открыть направляющие и очистить приемный канал. 2. Снять кассету и открыть крышку. Проверить механические и электрические соединения
11 Приемный канал не свободен Открыть направляющие и проверить состояние приемного канала
12 Заклинивание банкноты на входе в кассету. Нет условного кредитования. Снять кассету и прочистить приемный

Ошибки при  загрузке обновлений Cashcode SM

Кол-во сигналов Ошибка Способ устранения ошибки
1 Зеленокрасный Внешняя ошибка
в ходе загрузки
Проверьте правильно ли выбран тип программы для обновления. Повторите операцию.
2 Зеленокрасный Ошибка CRC
карточки памяти
1. Выключите электропитание, выньте и снова вставьте карточку памяти, включите электропитание.
2. Замените карточку памяти новой.
3 Зеленокрасный Ошибка данных
в карточке памяти
Проверьте, или программа карточки соответствует типу вашего купюроприемника.
Вставьте нужную карточку.
4 Зеленокрасный Карточка не вставлена Вставьте карточку памяти надлежащим образом
5 Зеленокрасный Неверный тип
карточки памяти
Вставьте правильный тип карточки памяти CashCode.
6 Зеленокрасный Сбой в ходе загрузки Выключите электропитание. Выньте и снова вставьте карточку памяти, а затем включите электропитание. Повторите операцию загрузки.
7 Зеленокрасный Ошибка в месте соединения карточки памяти. 1. Выключите электропитание, выньте и снова вставьте карточку памяти, включите электропитание.
2. Замените карточку памяти новой.
Таблица ошибок CUSTOM VKP80-2
Постоянно горит зеленый Принтер включен: ошибок нет
Мигает зеленый Число миганий Описание
1 Прием данных
2 Ошибка приема (parity, frame error, overrun error)
3 Команда не распознана
4 Истекло время на прием команды
Мигает оранжевый 2 Перегрев печатающей термоголовки
3 Закончилась бумага
4 Замятие бумаги
5 Неверное напряжение блока питания
6 Открыта крышка
Мигает красный 3 Ошибка RAM
4 Ошибка EEPROM
5 Ошибка автообрезчика
Таблица неисправностей Citizen PPU-700
Таблица Зеленый Красный Ззумер (звуковой сигнал)
Закончилась бумага Горит Горит 3 коротких — 1 длинный — 3 коротких
Бумага заканчивается Горит Горит Нет
Крышка открыта Горит Горит 3 коротких — 1 длинный — 3 коротких
Заклинило автообрезчик Горит 2 коротких — 1 длинный 2 коротких — 1 длинный
Перегрев термоголовки Горит 2 длинных Нет
Ошибка проверки памяти 4 коротких Горит Нет
Низкое напряжение Горит 3 коротких — 1 длинный Нет
Высокое напряжение Горит 4 коротких — 1 длинный Нет
Ошибка проверочной суммы 4 коротких 4 коротких — 1 длинный Нет
Ошибка презентера Горит 2 коротких — 2 длинных 2 коротких
Ошибка обнаружения черной метки Горит 2 длинных — 3 коротких 2 коротких — 1 длинный
Ожидание общего исполнения Горит 1 длинный и 1 бесконечно длинный Нет

Приведенный ниже список кодов ошибок для Ninebot сигнализируют о тех или иных неисправностях. С их помощью вы можете определить проблемы, связанные с двигателем, аккумулятором, контроллером и другими системами, что в дальнейшем существенно упростит процесс диагностики и ремонта.

Код ошибки Описание и способ решения Неисправный элемент
10 Нет связи между панелью приборов и панелью управления, проверьте контакты. Панель управления, панель приборов
11 Нет тока (или недостаточен) фазы А на электродвигателе, проверьте Панель управления. Панель управления
12 Нет тока (или недостаточен) фазы B на электродвигателе, проверьте Панель управления. Панель управления
13 Нет тока (или недостаточен) фазы C на электродвигателе, проверьте Панель управления. Панель управления
14 Неисправность дроссельной заслонки, проверьте контакты дросселя, панель приборов и соединяющие контакты. Панель приборов, дроссельная заслонка
15 Тормозная система, проверьте контакты тормозов, панель приборов и соединяющие контакты. Панель приборов, электронные тормоза
16 Контроллер аккумулятора неисправен, проверьте Панель управления. Панель управления
17 Контроллер внешнего аккумулятора неисправен, проверьте Панель управления. Панель управления
18 Неисправность электродвигателя, проверьте электродвигатель, Панель управления, соединительные провода. Панель управления, электродвигатель
19 Ошибка напряжения на аккумуляторе, проверьте Панель управления, соединительные провода. Панель управления, аккумулятор
20 Ошибка напряжения на внешнем аккумуляторе, проверьте Панель управления, соединительные провода. Панель управления, аккумулятор
21 Потеря соединения с аккумулятором, проверьте Панель управления, соединительные провода. Аккумулятор
22 Не удается считать код аккумулятора, замените аккумулятор. Аккумулятор
23 Неверный серийный номер аккумулятора, замените аккумулятор. Аккумулятор
24 Не пройден тест напряжения, проверьте Панель управления. Панель управления, аккумулятор, внешний аккумулятор
25 Не определено
26 Ошибка записи во флэш память, проверьте Панель управления. Панель управления
27 Ошибка контроллера, замените Панель управления. Панель управления
28 Короткое замыкание на верхнем мосту контроллера электродвигателя. Панель управления
29 Короткое замыкание на нижнем мосту контроллера электродвигателя. Панель управления
30 Не определено
31 Ошибка прошивки, проверьте Панель управления. Панель управления
32 Не определено
33 Не определено
34 Не определено
35 Ошибка чтения серийного номера, замените Панель управления. Панель управления
36 Не определено
37 Не определено
38 Не определено
39 Ошибка термодатчика аккумулятора, замените аккумулятор. Аккумулятор
40 Ошибка температуры панели управления, проверьте Панель управления. Панель управления, аккумулятор
41 Ошибка температуры внешнего аккумулятора, замените внешний аккумулятор. Внешний аккумулятор
42 Ошибка связи с внешним аккумулятором, проверьте внешний аккумулятор, Панель управления, соединительный кабель. Панель управления, внешний аккумулятор
43 Ошибка чтения данных с внешнего аккумулятора, замените внешний аккумулятор. Внешний аккумулятор
44 Неверный серийный номер внешнего аккумулятора, замените внешний аккумулятор Внешний аккумулятор

Внутренняя батарея слишком разряжена и не может заряжаться. Замените батарею.

Внутренний аккумулятор
46 Плохой контакт внутри аккумулятора, замените внешний аккумулятор. Внешний аккумулятор
47 Не определено
48 Неисправна плата защиты внешнего аккумулятора, замените аккумулятор. Внешний аккумулятор
49 Дата обновления не соответсвует, обновите прошивку батареи. Внутренний аккумулятор.

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