Broken pipe ошибка python

Currently I am using an app built in python. When I run it in personal computer, it works without problems.

However, when I move it into a production server. It keeps showing me the error attached as below:.

I’ve done some research and I got the reason that the end user browser stops the connection while the server is still busy sending data.

I wonder why did it happen and what is the root cause that prevents it from running properly in production server, while it works on my personal computer. Any advice is appreciated

    Exception happened during processing of request from ('', 34226)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 284, in
    self.process_request(request, client_address)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 310, in process_request
    self.finish_request(request, client_address)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 323, in finish_request
    self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 641, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 694, in finish
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 303, in flush
error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

In this article, we will discuss Pipe Error in python starting from how an error is occurred in python along with the type of solution needed to be followed to rectify the error in python. So, let’s go into this article to understand the concept well. 

With the advancement of emerging technologies in the IT sector, the use of programming language is playing a vital role. Thus the proper language is considered for the fast executions of the functions. In such a case, Python emerges as the most important language to satisfy the needs of the current problem execution because of its simplicity and availability of various libraries. But along with the execution, the errors during the execution also comes into existence and it becomes difficult for the programmers to rectify the errors for the processing of the problem.

The Emergence of Broken Pipe Error

A broken Pipe Error is generally an Input/Output Error, which is occurred at the Linux System level. The error has occurred during the reading and writing of the files and it mainly occurs during the operations of the files. The same error that occurred in the Linux system is EPIPE, but every library function which returns its error code also generates a signal called SIGPIPE, this signal is used to terminate the program if it is not handled or blocked. Thus a program will never be able to see the EPIPE error unless it has handled or blocked SIGPIPE.

Python interpreter is not capable enough to ignore SIGPIPE by default, instead, it converts this signal into an exception and raises an error which is known as IOError(INPUT/OUTPUT error) also know as ‘Error 32’ or Broken Pipe Error.

Broken Pipe Error in Python terminal

python <filename>.py | head

This pipeline code written above will create a process that will send the data upstream and a process that reads the data downstream. But when the downstream process will not be able to read the data upstream, it will raise an exception by sending SIGPIPE signal to the upstream process. Thus upstream process in a python problem will raise an error such as IOError: Broken pipe error will occur.



for i in range(4000):


When we run this file from unix commands:

python3 | head -n3000

Procedure to avoid Broken Pipe Error

Approach 1: To avoid the error we need to make the terminal run the code efficiently without catching the SIGPIPE signal, so for these, we can add the below code at the top of the python program.

from signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL  


from signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL  


for i in range(4000):





The above code which is placed on the top of the python code is used to redirect the SIGPIPE signals to the default SIG_DFL signal, which the system generally ignores so that the rest part of the code can be executed seamlessly. But Approach 11 is not effective because in the Python manual on the signal library, which is mentioned that this type of signal handling should be avoided and should not be practiced in any part of the code. So for this reason we will go for the second approach.

Approach 2: We can handle this type of error by using the functionality of try/catch block which is already approved by the python manual and is advised to follow such procedure to handle the errors.

import sys, errno  
   # INPUT/OUTPUT operation #
except IOError as e:  
   if e.errno == errno.EPIPE:  
       # Handling of the error  



import sys

import errno


    for i in range(4000):


except IOError as e:

    if e.errno == errno.EPIPE:





In the above piece of code, we have used the built-in library of python which is the Sys and Errno module, and use the try/catch block in order to catch the raised SIGPIPE exception and handle it before it stops the program execution.

Last Updated :
23 Sep, 2021

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В настоящее время Python считается зрелым языком программирования, который широко используется специалистами по обработке данных и инженерами по искусственному интеллекту (ИИ) из-за его простоты и легкочитаемого синтаксиса.

В данном руководстве мы обсудим [Errno 32] Broken pipe в Python, известное сообщение об ошибке, которое мы часто видим при взаимодействии с файловой системой. Мы разберем причину ее возникновения, а также способы ее избежать и исправить в коде.

«Сломанный канал» обычно считается ошибкой IOError (сокращение от «Ошибка ввода-вывода»), которая произошла на уровне системы Linux. Обычно она возникает при чтении и записи файлов или, другими словами, при выполнении ввода / вывода файлов или сетевого ввода / вывода (через сокеты).

Эквивалентная системная ошибка Linux – EPIPE, взятая из кодов ошибок GNU libc.

Макрос: int EPIPE

“Broken pipe.” означает, что на другом конце конвейера нет считывания процесса. Каждая функция библиотеки, вызывающая код ошибки, также выдает сигнал SIGPIPE; этот сигнал завершает программу, если не обрабатывается или не блокируется. Следовательно, программа никогда не отобразит EPIPE до тех пор, пока она не обработает или не заблокирует SIGPIPE.

Из приведенного выше утверждения мы можем сделать вывод, что система, отправляющая сигнал SIGPIPE, вызывает ошибку [Errno 32] Broken pipe в механизме межпроцессного взаимодействия Linux.

Например, система Linux внутренне использует другой сигнал, называемый SIGINT. В Linux команда Ctrl + C отправит сигнал SIGINT, чтобы завершить процесс, или мы можем использовать команду kill для достижения того же эффекта.

Python по умолчанию не игнорирует SIGPIPE. Однако он преобразует сигнал в исключение и вызывает ошибку – IOError: [Errno 32] Сломанный канал каждый раз, когда он получает SIGPIPE.

Ошибка “сломанный канал” при подключении к терминалу Linux

Всякий раз, когда мы сталкиваемся с ошибкой [Errno 32] Broken pipe при попытке передать вывод скрипта Python другой программе, например:

$ python | head 


Вышеупомянутый синтаксис конвейера создаст процесс, отправляющий данные в восходящем направлении, и процесс, читающий данные в нисходящем направлении. Когда нисходящему потоку не нужно читать данные восходящего потока, он отправит сигнал SIGPIPE процессу восходящего потока.

Когда нисходящий поток не должен читать данные восходящего потока? Давайте разберемся в этом на примере. Команда head в этом примере должна прочитать достаточно строк, чтобы сообщить восходящему потоку, что нам больше не нужно его читать, и она отправит сигнал SIGPIPE процессу восходящего потока.

Всякий раз, когда восходящий процесс является программой Python, возникает ошибка типа IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe.

Как избежать ошибки “сломанный канал”?

Если мы не заботимся о правильном перехвате SIGPIPE и нам нужно быстро запустить процесс, вставьте следующий фрагмент кода в начало программы Python.


from signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL  
#Ignore SIG_PIPE and don't throw exceptions on it...( 


В приведенном выше фрагменте кода мы перенаправили сигналы SIGPIPE на стандартный SIG_DFL, который система обычно игнорирует.

Однако рекомендуется остерегаться руководства Python по библиотеке сигналов, чтобы предостеречь от такой обработки SIGPIPE.

Перехват IOError во избежание ошибки Broken pipe

Поскольку ошибка Broken pipe является ошибкой IOError, мы можем разместить блок try / catch, чтобы ее перехватить, как показано в следующем фрагменте кода:


import sys, errno 
    ### IO operation ### 
except IOError as e: 
    if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: 
        ### Handle the error ### 


В приведенном выше фрагменте кода мы импортировали модуль sys и errno и разместили блок try / catch, чтобы перехватить возникшее исключение и обработать его.

Возможное решение проблемы в многопроцессорной программе

В программах, которые используют рабочие процессы для ускорения обработки и многоядерные процессоры, мы можем попытаться уменьшить количество рабочих процессов, чтобы проверить, сохраняется ли ошибка или нет.

Большое количество рабочих процессов может конфликтовать друг с другом при попытке взять под контроль ресурсы системы или разрешение на запись на диск.

Изучаю Python вместе с вами, читаю, собираю и записываю информацию опытных программистов.

At age 30, Python has been considered a mature language. The programming language is hugely popular among data scientist and AI engineers thanks to its simplicity and easy syntax. Despite that, its vague errors usually makes new users pull their hair out to debug.

In this article, we will discuss about [Errno 32] Broken pipe – a popular error message you often see when interacting with the file system. By the end of the article, you will understand why it happens and how to avoid it as well as how to fix your code. You might also be interested in finding out more about other common error messages of Python, such as locale.Error: unsupported locale setting.

What causes “[Errno 32] Broken pipe” in Python?

“Broken pipe” is essentially an IOError error (short for input/output error), which happened at the Linux system level. It usually occurs when reading and writing files, or in other words, doing file input/output or network input/output (via sockets).

The corresponding Linux system error is EPIPE, excerpted from GNU libc error codes:

Macro: int EPIPE

“Broken pipe.” There is no process reading from the other end of a pipe. Every library function that returns this error code also generates a SIGPIPE signal; this signal terminates the program if not handled or blocked. Thus, your program will never actually see EPIPE unless it has handled or blocked SIGPIPE.

From what we’ve just read, we know that [Errno 32] Broken pipe is caused by the system sending SIGPIPE signal, which is an inter-process communication mechanism of Linux.

For example, SIGINT is another signal used internally by Linux system. In Linux, Ctrl C will send a SIGINT signal to end the process, or we can use the kill command to achieve the same effect.

Python does not ignore SIGPIPE by default. Instead, it translate the signal into an exception and raises IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe every time it receives a SIGPIPE.

[Errno 32] Broken pipe when pipe outputs in Linux terminal

If you encounter [Errno 32] Broken pipe when trying to pipe output of a Python script to another program such as the below example, read on.

python .py | head

This pipeline syntax will create a process that sends data upstream, and a process that reads data downstream. When the downstream does not need to read upstream data, it will send a SIGPIPE signal to the upstream process.

When downstream no longer needs to read upstream data? For example, the head command in the example only needs to read enough lines to tell the upstream that I no longer need to read it, and it will send the SIGPIPE signal to the upstream process.

When the upstream process is a Python program, an error such as IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe will occur.

Details about other cases :

Avoid [Errno 32] Broken pipe by ignoring SIGPIPE

If you don’t care too much about properly catching SIGPIPE and just need to get things running quickly, add the code snippet below to the top of your Python program.

from signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL 
#Ignore SIG_PIPE and don't throw exceptions on it... (

What the code does is redirecting SIGPIPE signals to the default SIG_DFL, which the system usually ignore.

But beware, the Python manual on signal library warn against this type of handling SIGPIPE

Do not set SIGPIPE’s disposition to SIG_DFL in order to avoid BrokenPipeError. Doing that would cause your program to exit unexpectedly also whenever any socket connection is interrupted while your program is still writing to it.

Properly catch IOError to avoid [Errno 32] Broken pipe

Since [Errno 32] Broken pipe is actually a IOError, you can place a try/catch block to catch it like the code snippet below :

import sys, errno
    ### IO operation ###
except IOError as e:
    if e.errno == errno.EPIPE:
        ### Handle the error ###

Possible solution for [Errno 32] Broken pipe in multi-process program.

In programs that uses worker processes to speed up processing and make use of multi-core CPUs, you can try reducing the number of the worker processes to see whether the error disappear or not.

A large number of worker processes may conflict with each other when they try to take control of system resources or the permission to write into disk.


Properly fixing [Errno 32] Broken pipe requires time and a close look at your code. Most of the time, you can safely ignore the problem if the Python program is relatively simple. Some other times, the solution involves in reducing worker processes in multi-process programs. But we hope that this article offer useful information and help you solve your problem.

The brokenpipeerror errno 32 broken pipe error message occurs due to long programs that cause delay, and when the Python terminal blocks the SIGPIPE signals.Brokenpipeerror Errno 32 Broken Pipe

In this article, the reader will read about the causes and solutions of this error message. Let’s start with the reasons why this error occurs.


  • Why Does the Brokenpipeerror Errno 32 Broken Pipe Error Message Occur?
    • – Blocked SIGPIPE Signals
    • – Syntax Error
    • – Faulty Python Terminal
    • – The Request Procedure Is Too Long
  • How To Resolve the Brokenpipeerror Errno 32 Broken Pipe Error Message?
    • – Running the Program Without Catching the SIGPIPE Signal
    • – Use the Try/Catch Block Function
    • – Don’t Let the Request-side Timeout
    • – Don’t Use More Than One Method in a Program
    • – Correct the Syntax Errors
  • Conclusion

Why Does the Brokenpipeerror Errno 32 Broken Pipe Error Message Occur?

The why the brokenpipeerror errno 32 broken pipe error message occurs due to various reasons that include a blocked SIGPIPE signal or the program being too slow that it crossed the time-out limit and the compiler didn’t compile the entire program.

Other common causes of this error include:

  • Blocked SIGPIPE signals.
  • Syntax error.
  • Faulty Python terminal.
  • The request procedure is too long.

– Blocked SIGPIPE Signals

The blocked SIGPIPE signals are the major reason why this error exists in the first place. An input/output error that occurs at the Linux system level is typically referred to as a broken pipe error.

The issue appears when the programmer is reading or writing the files, and it mostly happens when working with files. While any library function that gives an error code also creates a signal called SIGPIPE, which is used to end a program if it is not addressed or blocked. The error that happened in the Linux system is known as EPIPE.

Thus, unless SIGPIPE has been handled or blocked, a program will never be able to detect the EPIPE fault. The default behavior of the Python interpreter is to transform SIGPIPE into an exception and raise an error known as IOError (INPUT/OUTPUT error), often known as “Error 32” or the Broken Pipe Error. Let’s take an example below.


Traceback (most recent call last):

File “/usr/lib/python2.9/”, line 283, in _handle_request_noblock

self.process.request(requests, client.address)

File “/usr/lib/python2.9/”, line 319, in process_request

self.finish.request(requests, client.address)

File “/usr/lib/python2.9/”, line 328, in finish_request

self.RequestHandlerClass(requests, client.address, self)

File “/usr/lib/python2.9/”, line 647, in __init__


File “/usr/lib/python2.9/”, line 657, in finish


File “/usr/lib/python2.9/”, line 307, in flush


Error: [Errno-32] Broken pipe


In this program, a SIGPIPE writing to a socket has been received by the server process. This typically occurs when the user writes to a socket that is completely closed on the client side. This may occur when a client software closes a socket without waiting for all the data from the server to arrive.

Normally, the users would try setting the SIGPIPE signal to ignore it or setting a dummy signal handler for it in a C programming language.

If this is true, writing to a closed socket will result in a straightforward error. Python appears to throw an exception in such a situation, which can be solved by prematurely disconnecting the client.

– Syntax Error

Another reason why this error occurs is due to syntax errors. The programmer mistakenly writes something wrong or uses a wrong operation, due to which the error under consideration occurs. Some common errors are listed below.Brokenpipeerror Errno 32 Broken Pipe Causes

  • Brokenpipeerror: (errno 32) broken pipe pytorch.
  • Brokenpipeerror: [errno 32] broken pipe python.
  • Brokenpipeerror: (errno 32) broken pipe windows.
  • Brokenpipeerror: (errno 32) broken pipe python multiprocessing.

– Faulty Python Terminal

Another common reason for the occurrence of this error is the Broken Pipe error that occurs in the Python terminal. The following command causes an error: Python <filename>.py | head. This pipeline command creates a process that sends the data upstream and a process that reads the data downstream.

However, when the downstream process is not able to read the data upstream, it will raise an exception by sending a SIGPIPE signal to the upstream process. Therefore, an upstream process in a python problem will, as a result, raise an error known as IOError: Broken pipe error. Let’s see an example.

For example:

For b in range(4000):


However, when this file is run from a unix command, an error will occur.

For example:

Python3 | head-n3000

– The Request Procedure Is Too Long

If it’s a python web application or service such as Flask or FastAPI, this error might occur if the production server is configured to timeout a request that takes too long.

There are relevant parameters in Gunicorn and Uvicorn, such as GRACEFUL_TIMEOUT and TIMEOUT that need to be configured according to the needs of your application. You may also want to check your reverse proxy or gateway timeout thresholds.

How To Resolve the Brokenpipeerror Errno 32 Broken Pipe Error Message?

To resolve the brokenpipeerror errno 32 broken pipe error, the programmer has to go through stages of fixes, such as trying to catch block functions or removing syntax errors. However, there are other reasons that can easily resolve this issue, such as running the program without catching the SIGPIPE signal.

– Running the Program Without Catching the SIGPIPE Signal

In order to avoid this error message, the user needs to make the terminal run the code efficiently and effectively without catching the SIGPIPE signal. Therefore, to do this successfully, the user has to add the below code at the top of the python program.


From signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL


Now let’s take an example.

For example:

From signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL


for p in range(4000):























In this program, the preceding code, which is added on top of the Python code, is used to divert SIGPIPE signals to the system’s default SIG DFL signal, which it typically ignores, allowing the other portions of the code to run without interruption.

– Use the Try/Catch Block Function

The try/catch block’s function can be used to handle this kind of issue, and the Python manual already recommends doing so in order to manage failures. Therefore, the programmer should use the following command.


Import sys, errno


# INPUT/OUTPUT operation #

except IOError as a:

if a.errno == errno.EPIPE:

# Handling of the error

For example:

Import sys

Import errno


For q in range(4000):


except IOError as a:

if a.errno == errno.EPIPE:


# Handling of the error



In the above example, the user has used the Sys and Errno module from Python’s built-in library. They also used the try/catch block function to capture and handle any SIGPIPE exceptions before they prevent the programme from running.

– Don’t Let the Request-side Timeout

In order to resolve the error, the programmer has to be careful with the timeout limit. The broken pipe error typically happens if the request is delayed or stopped.Brokenpipeerror Errno 32 Broken Pipe Fixes

After the request-side timeout, the connection will be closed, and the server will then give the broken pipe error when it tries to write to the socket. However, it actually depends on how the user tests it. Moreover, there are variations in how the server and computer implement the TCP stack.

For example:

On a PC, if the “sendall” function consistently completes instantly (or very rapidly), the connection may never drop out during sending. But if the If your browser is running on the same system, it is quite likely that the error will arise because there will be no real network latency).

In other words, the user only needs to handle the exception in the case where a client disconnects before the user is done.

– Don’t Use More Than One Method in a Program

Another efficient way to resolve the error is by limiting the program to one method only. Using two methods will slow down the process, which will cause an error message to arise.

The user may be using two methods to insert data into the database, which is slowing down the website. Let’s take two examples below.

Wrong example:

Def add.subscriber(requests, emails=None):

If request.method == ‘POST’:

Emails = requests.POST[’emails_field’]

A = Subscribers.objects.create(emails=email).save() // Here is the error.

Return Http.ResponseRedirect(‘/’)


Return Http.ResponseRedirect(‘/’)

Correct example:

Def add.subscribers(requests, emails=None):

If requests.method == ‘POST’:

Emails = requests.POST[’emails_field’]

A = Subscribers.objects.create(emails=email)

return Http.ResponseRedirect(‘/’)


return Http.ResponseRedirect(‘/’)

– Correct the Syntax Errors

A simple solution to this error message is by looking through the program to find syntax errors. This can be done manually or through software. Resolving syntax errors from a program can resolve multiple other errors, such as:

  • Brokenpipeerror: (errno 32) broken pipe jupyter.
  • Brokenpipeerror: [errno 32] broken pipe ffmpeg.
  • Brokenpipeerror: (errno 32) broken pipe dataloader.
  • Brokenpipeerror: [errno 32] broken pipe hackerrank.


After reading this guide, the reader will understand all the possible reasons behind this error and what procedures they can opt for in order to resolve it. Some important points from this article are:

  • [Errno 32] Broken pipe usually occurs due to delays in the program.
  • To properly fix this error, the user needs to give the program their time to closely examine the program and its flaws.
  • Mostly, it is easy to resolve this error. However, sometimes, the solution involves reducing the working process in a multi-process program. That takes a lot of time.
  • The fastest way to resolve this error is by running the program through software to find and correct syntax errors.

We hope that this article offers useful information to its readers and helps them solve their problems easily. Thank you for reading!

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