В общем вчера взялся изучать C++ по книге «C++ Базовый курс, 3 издание» Г. Шилдта.
И тут такая запара.
C++ | ||
При попытке компилить, выдаёт -«error C2872: неоднозначный символ», дважды, на 11 и 19 строках, если же заменить «count» на «x», то компилит без проблем.
Может кто пояснить, что конкретно ему не нравится и почему этот пример (представленный в книге и 20 раз перепроверенный на очепятки) не работает в предоставленном автором виде?
Пользуюсь компилятором из Visual Studio 2012, версии 17.00.50727.1 для x86.
I keep having this issue with this program involving templates. I apologize for posting the entire code, but it’s extremely short. The problem I keep having is it claims there’s an error in c2872.
#include <iostream>
#include "pair.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
pair<char> letters('a', 'd');
cout << "nThe first letter is: " << letters.getFirst();
cout << "nThe second letter is: " << letters.getSecond();
cout << endl;
return 0;
Class .cpp file
#include "pair.h"
template <class T>
pair<T>::pair(const T& first, const T& second)
f = first;
s = second;
template<class T>
T pair<T>::getFirst() const
return first;
template<class T>
T pair<T>::getSecond() const
return second;
template<class T>
void pair<T>::setFirst(const T& first, const T& second)
T temp = first;
first = second;
second = temp;
header file
template <class T>
class pair
T f;
T s;
pair(const T&, const T&);
T getFirst() const;
T getSecond() const;
void setFirst(const T&, const T&);
asked Apr 10, 2014 at 1:52
There is already std::pair
. Since you also go using namespace std;
, the issue could be that compiler cannot tell whether you mean std::pair
or your pair
To fix this, either stop doing using namespace std;
, or call your pair something else. Preferably both!
answered Apr 10, 2014 at 1:56
138k21 gold badges204 silver badges357 bronze badges
First, delete pair.cpp
because templates can’t be defined in separate source files. Next, replace pair.h
with this concatenated source from pair.cpp
namespace notstd {
template <class T>
class pair
T f;
T s;
pair(const T&, const T&);
T getFirst() const;
T getSecond() const;
void setFirst(const T&, const T&);
template <class T>
pair<T>::pair(const T& first, const T& second)
f = first;
s = second;
template<class T>
T pair<T>::getFirst() const
//return first; //possible error?
return f;
template<class T>
T pair<T>::getSecond() const
//return second; //possible error?
return s;
template<class T>
void pair<T>::setFirst(const T& first, const T& second)
T temp = first;
first = second;
second = temp;
} //end namespace notstd
Finally, delete using namespace std
and add using notstd::pair
, OR prepend all pair
with notstd::pair
answered Apr 10, 2014 at 2:30
2,5043 gold badges22 silver badges41 bronze badges
- Remove From My Forums
I am getting the error
……ServProv.h(93) : error C2872: ‘IServiceProvider’ : ambiguous symbolwith the following code.
#include «stdafx.h»
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting;
#import «.RemotableObject.tlb»namespace mynamespace {
class myclass { … }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
{ return 0; }
}RemotableObject.tlb is generated from a c# dll.
I am not using IServiceProvider directly in the fileBased on a note in msdn library, I have moved the native header files to the top of the list. Even then I am getting the error.
Help is tremendously appreciated.
Just to close my last post
The error I had was
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7PlatformSDKIncludeServProv.h(47) : warning C4935: assembly access specifier modified from ‘public’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7PlatformSDKIncludeServProv.h(92) : error C2872: ‘IServiceProvider’ : ambiguous symbol
could be ‘c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7PlatformSDKIncludeServProv.h(47) : System::IServiceProvider IServiceProvider’
or ‘Form1.cpp(0) : System::IServiceProvider’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7PlatformSDKIncludeServProv.h(99) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilationIt was so frustrating becuase I hadn’t edited either of the two files listed. This was solved was simply moving the #include <altstr.h> declaration (in a different file to either of the ones mentioned above) from below, to above the ‘using namespace’ directives
#pragma once
#using <mscorlib.dll>
#include <windows.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;
Once this was done, everything compiled and ran without a problem (other than the actual logic problems in my code…)
description | title | ms.date | f1_keywords | helpviewer_keywords | ms.assetid |
Learn more about: Compiler Error C2872 |
Compiler Error C2872 |
11/04/2016 |
C2872 |
C2872 |
c619ef97-6e0e-41d7-867c-f8d28a07d553 |
Compiler Error C2872
‘symbol‘ : ambiguous symbol
The compiler cannot determine which symbol you are referring to. More than one symbol with the specified name is in scope. See the notes following the error message for the file locations and declarations the compiler found for the ambiguous symbol. To fix this issue, you can fully qualify the ambiguous symbol by using its namespace, for example, std::byte
or ::byte
. You can also use a namespace alias to give an included namespace a convenient short name for use when disambiguating symbols in your source code.
C2872 can occur if a header file includes a using directive, and a subsequent header file is included that contains a type that is also in the namespace specified in the using
directive. Specify a using
directive only after all your header files are specified with #include
C2872 can occur in Visual Studio 2013 due to a conflict between the Windows::Foundation::Metadata::Platform
enum type and the C++/CX-defined Platform
namespace. To work around this problem, follow these steps:
Remove the «using namespace Windows::Foundation::Metadata» clause from the project files.
Specify the fully qualified name for any type that is included in this namespace.
The following sample generates C2872, because an ambiguous reference is made to a variable named i
; two variables with the same name are in scope:
// C2872.cpp // compile with: cl /EHsc C2872.cpp namespace A { int i; } using namespace A; int i; int main() { ::i++; // ok, uses i from global namespace A::i++; // ok, uses i from namespace A i++; // C2872 ambiguous: ::i or A::i? // To fix this issue, use the fully qualified name // for the intended variable. }
I have creating a new project and I am adding existing project reference and calling one class from the existing one. I am getting the below error — Error c2872 : ambiguous symbol
asked Oct 1, 2015 at 6:40
This happens when the compiler sees two identical symbols, e.g., you write your own cout
in namespace yours
, then use using namespace yours;
and using namespace std;
, and then use cout
(without the namespace). The compiler is unable to identify which cout
you actually meant. So in this situation you could use yours::cout
answered Oct 1, 2015 at 7:57