█ 06.08.2013 12:55
BIZERBA GLM-I при включении выдается «Ошибка иницианализации CAN-BUS» и на мастере и на слейве. Все платы ставили с рабочих голов, ничего не помогает. Кто сталкивался помогите советом!!??
█ 29.08.2013 09:43
Зюганов ➤ BIZERBA GLM-I при включении выдается «Ошибка иницианализации CAN-BUS» и на мастере и на слейве. Все платы ставили с рабочих голов, ничего не помогает. Кто сталкивался помогите советом!!??
Там еще дополнительно должно быть сообщения с № модуля, с которым проблема.
█ 09.01.2015 12:53
у нас это было из за плохого контакта клеммника, такой с маленькими проводами и разноцветный весь, он там один такой
█ 14.01.2015 15:12
Была такая проблема GLM-E70 менял Аддон-контроллер
█ 15.01.2015 06:48
Для решения проблемы сделайте скриншот с истории сообщений сразу после загрузки
Историю сообщений можно найти в меню по кнопке «i»
█ 16.03.2016 16:13
Возможно уже не актуально, но всё же вдруг кому пригодится. При такой ошибке меняли плату CPU167 — I/O + PROGRAMM GLM—I/CWM.
█ 01.11.2017 12:54
Доброго времени суток, товарищи!
Тема старая, но у нас она возникла, поэтому нужна помощь. И, дабы не плодить темы (уважаемый OlegON читал ваше предупреждение, но, полагаю, будет вернее) пишу сюда. Аппарат GLM-E.
Эта же ошибка при включении «Ошибка инициализации CAN-BUS», что и у топикстартера, но дополню ещё, что когда включится выдаёт такое сообщение: «CAN: функциональный блок отсутствует: ES (SI 3)»
Замена платы, как и у HEKTO_KOT-а? Или что другое?
█ 01.11.2017 18:14
Вечер добрый.
В. электрошкафу, внизу, проверьте наличие питания на плате низковольтового питания Logic Power Supply. Там три диода — красный желтый и зеленый по линиям питания: 5; 24 и 40 вольт. Бледность одного из них — феил соответствующей цепи.
Предохранители проверьте два «классических» один «бочонок»
Самое важное и наиболее частое — проверьте шлейф к Backward плате от этой платы питания — плотность посадки в колодках.
Там на самой плате диоды по линиям питания есть. 12; 5; и т.п. вольт.
S образные ключи S15 и S16 должны быть замкнуты. DIP переключатели 1 и 2 OFF остальные ON.
Диоды на выше указанной плате и CPU167 тоже. Их там два. Оба должны гореть.
S образные ключи S1 и S2 должны быть открыты. DIP переключатели все OFF.
█ 03.11.2017 10:49
И ещё здравствовать всем!
Что сказала поддержка Bizerba Rus: Функциональным блоком, на отсутствие которого жалуется аппарат, является Addon Controller (небольшая плата, которая расположена впереди основной платы), т.е. или она ненадёжно посажена в разъём, или неисправна.
Что сделали: Поставили с аналогичного аппарату эту плату — всё пошло, кроме того, что принтер перестал видеть этикетку, но это другая история. Хотя может что и основная плата чувствует себя нехорошо, т.к. на неё приходит шлейф с датчика этикетки, сам датчик этикетки меняли.
PS. Всё это выполнялось не мной, поэтому простите за сленг, т.к. не являюсь киповцем, а, походу, человек по связям с общественностью
█ 03.11.2017 11:19
Прошу прощения за офтопик,
Так бородатый гном и есть BizRus )))
Часовой пояс GMT +3, время: 01:45.
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Каток AMMANN очень надежная техника и редко подводит. Но даже и у нее иногда случаются поломки. Бывает очень неприятная ситуация, когда двигатель AMMANN заглох и не хочет заводиться. При этом на дисплее панели приборов горит сообщение с соответствующим описанием кода ошибки неисправности. Но бывают и исключения, когда ошибки не высвечиваются. Специалистами нашей компании накоплен солидный опыт по диагностике и ремонту описываемых неисправностей. Есть два кардинально различных вариантов «незапуска» двигателя:
- При повороте ключа в замке зажигания, стартер прокручивает двигатель экскаватора
- Стартер не включается и не крутит двигатель
Постараюсь более подробно рассказать про каждый из вариантов неисправности техники.
Запуск двигателя на выезде
Специалистами нашего предприятия накоплен огромный опыт оказания услуг по запуску двигателя AMMANN, когда техника заглоха при выполнении работ. У нас имеются автомобили техпомощи, опытные мастера готовые в любой момент приехать на помощь. Специализированное диагностическое оборудование.
Не крутит стартер AMMANN
Если система управления вышеуказанной техники при повороте ключа зажигания на старт, не включает стартер, то причина поломки заключается в электрическом оборудовании или электронных системах грузовика. Причины могут быть следующие:
- Неисправность блока реле и предохранителей
- Отсутствие контактов в разъемах электропроводки
- Неисправность главного реле грузового автомобиля
- Выход из строя замка зажигания Выход из строя стартера
- Обрыв или замыкание шины КАН
- Отсутствие “массы”
- Отсутствие напряжения питания на блоке управления двигателем
- Обрыв или замыкание жгута проводки
- Неисправность втягивающего реле стартера
- Выход из строя замка зажигания
- Выход из строя блока управления двигателем
Стартер крутит — не заводится
Если стартер описываемой техники при повороте ключа в замке зажигания крутится, но при этом мотор не подает никаких признаков. Причина неисправности может заключаться как в электрооборудовании автомобиля, так и в механике. Неисправности автоэлектрики могут быть как описанные выше, кроме неисправностей связанных со стартером и его цепями, плюс следующие причины:
- Неисправность топливного насоса высокого давления (ТНВД)
- Механическая поломка двигателя
- “Завоздушивание“ топливной аппаратуры
- Неисправность иммобилайзера
- Отсутствие солярки в баке
- Засорение топливного фильтра
- Неисправность чипа в ключе
- Засорение топливопроводов
- Поломка обратного клапана
- Механические неисправности форсунок
Теги: трамбовщик амман перестал запускаться
CAN Bus Failure
Figure 1.1 — CAN Bus Failure (Murphy PowerView) |
Definitions of CAN Bus:
Controller Area Network (CAN) is a serial bus that connects multiple electronic control modules
(ECM’s) or components together to send or receive messages in order to facilitate correct Machine/Engine operation. This data link consists of two copper wires twisted as a pair, with
approximately one twist per inch (40 twists per meter). Often this twisted pair is shielded, but not
always. One wire of the pair is designated as CAN High (+), and the other wire is designated as
CAN Low (-). CAN data link transfers real time communication between control units (ECM’s,
displays, service tools, and other components that require network communication for proper
Figure 1.2 — A typical CAN bus |
CAN is a simple two-wire differential serial bus—information is transferred using a differential voltage between CAN High and CAN Low. Voltages of both CAN High and CAN Low are relative to shield or ground. The formula used to define the relationship of the differential to these relative voltages is:
*CAN diff = CAN high — CAN low
CAN Buses can have one of two logic states—dominant and recessive. Typically, the voltage level associated with recessive (logic state «1») is 2.5 V for CAN High and Low. Voltage levels for dominant information (logic state «0») are 3.5 V for CAN high and 1.5 V for CAN low. The voltage level on the bus is recessive (2.5 V) when the bus is idle.
The CAN Bus is terminated with a 120 ohms resistor on each end. These resistors aid in keeping the total circuit impedance to 60 ohms (two 120 ohms resistors in parallel=60 ohms).
CAN Bus Failure — Engine Controller
When this diagnostic code occur, the following responses will occurs:
• Engine display NOT detect the ECM on the CAN bus (J1939 CAN System).
• Engine will NOT STARTS (Cranking only).
A. Murphy PowerView Display:
→CAN Bus Failure, as Figure 1.1 above
→No Parameter Received
Figure 1.3 — No Parameter Received |
→NO DATA on all Engine parameters
Figure 1.4 — No Data (All Parameters) |
B. CAT Messenger Display:
→Only «Engine Speed» and «Desired Engine Speed» are displayed (with **** values).
Figure 1.5 — Engine Speed (**** RPM) |
C. Electronic Engine Commander (EEC) on Detroit Engine:
→EEC’s Information Center Message Display: EEC Data Fault
Figure 1.6 — EEC Data Fault |
D. Detroit Diesel — Electronic Controls (Electronic Display Module/ EDM) on Detroit Engine:
→All Parameter values will be 0 (zero).
Figure 1.7 — EDM (Zero values) |
#Perform the Following Test Procedures:
→Turn the main disconnect switch to the OFF position.
→Inspect all harness connections that are related to the CAN Bus. Make sure that connectors are clean and tight.
→Check each pin and each socket of the engine harness connector. Ensure that the contacts are properly installed.
→Check and measure the resistance for CAN Bus (expected result: 120 ± 12 ohms).
→Check and measure the input voltage to the ECM, both (+) «Battery Unswitched» and «Battery Switched (Keyswitch/ Ignition)», and the (-) Battery/ Ground.
Read More:
Operating the Detroit Diesel Electronic Engine Commander (EEC)
Open Fault Codes on DETROIT Engine using Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link (DDDL)
81.99596-4772 SD 812a en
Page 1 of 203
SD 812a en
Page 2 of 203
For notes on setting or repairing the individual systems
please see the repair manuals or the relevant Service Infor-
mation sheets.
After completing repairs delete the fault memory.
The last page folds out; on the inside you will find the FMI
code and its meaning.
The SPN for the door module – driver’s and co-driver’s side
– can be read out only with MAN-cats II; the SPN is not
shown in the display.
If one SPN refers to the same fault/component in several
control units/systems, only the generic term of the system is
Example: «03512 EBS OBD, request, red warning lamp for
diagnosis»: this SPN applies to all EBS variants although
they are not all expressly named (EBS2, EBS5 etc.)
Ifo ne SPN refers to different fauls/components in several
control units/systems each relevant variant is named.
Example: 03099 EDC (Common Rail) fuel pressure sensor –
rail pressure
03099 EDC (no Common Rail) fuel pressure sensor
This SD supersedes SD 812-
© 2006 MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft
VAST, mr 02.2006
SD 812a en
Page 3 of 203
Main instrument
Message in display Message via check lamp panels
SD 812a en
Page 4 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
ABS in trailer
Line to trailer ABS to earth, fault in
trailer ABS or trailer ABS speed sen-
sor test
ABS in trailer, failure
Power supply to trailer ABS is not
between 100mA and 2A
ABS in tractor, failure
yes ABS function is restricted
CAN network failure
yes Reaction stored in instrument
ASR failure
Connection to engine control unit
EBS failure
red yes EBS not on CAN
Reservoir pressure too low
red yes
Pressure is below warning pressure
ECAM substitute function in ZBR
Reservoir pressure K1
red yes
Reservoir pressure K2
red yes
Reservoir pressure K3
red yes
Reservoir pressure K4
red yes
Reservoir pressure implausible,
shown only with ECAM
SD 812a en
Page 5 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Reservoir pressure K1 too low
red yes
Reservoir pressure K2 too low
red yes
Reservoir pressure K3 too low
red yes
Reservoir pressure K4 too low
red yes
Pressure below warning pressure or
ECAM substitute function in ZBR or
short-circuit/interruption in sen-
sor/sensor cable or pressure
constantly below reservoir pressure
ECAM failure
red yes ECAM not on CAN
Fault in trailer brake
red yes CAN brake, tractor to trailer
CAN network failure
red yes Reaction saved in instruments
Brake pads/linings warn
red yes
INFO Not driving level
yes No valid ride level set
ECAS failure
red yes ECAS not on CAN
Lock cab!
red yes
t least one of switching contacts for
cab lock is open
Tipper operation
red yes
Cable from tipper switch contact to
SD 812a en
Page 6 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Lock liftgate
red yes
Cable from liftgate switch to High
Gas filter contaminated
red yes
Comfort Shift defective
red yes Comfort Shift cannot be used
Reservoir pressure – do not shift
red yes No reservoir pressure on gearbox
Gearbox temp. too high
red yes Gearbox temp. much too high
Change air filter
yes Partial vacuum has exceeded limit
Oil pressure too low
red yes
Oil pressure too high
red yes
Coolant level too low
red yes
Cooling system
red yes
Gradient for coolant > 102° C too
Cooling system – switch off en-
red yes To EDC anti-boiling feature
Coolant temp. too high
red yes
Engine speed too high
red yes EDC speed monitoring
Engine brake failure
red yes EGR valve above/below position
SD 812a en
Page 7 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Engine oil temp. too high
red yes
ESP failure
ESP no onCAN or CAN message
with ESP contents is missing
ESP failure
FDR function is restricted or not pre-
— No text
ABS switch-off or
— No text
Reaction in instrument saved on
CAN in event of failure
— No text
Reaction in instrument saved on
CAN in event of failure
— No text
no No ABS on trailer
No text
red no
Comes on when ignition is switched
on, remains on after bulb test ,
No text
red no Cable for belt check is on earth
— No text
ASR intervention (LED comes on) or
SD 812a en
Page 8 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
No text
grün no Flasher check for trailer
No text
no ESP (FDR) interventions
— No text
blau no High beam function check
No text
red no Parking brake function check
— No text
no Flame start function check
— No text
Overload on rear axle or
overload on front axle
— — yes
Level not reached — — yes
Ride level implausible or cannot be
set by ECAS
TCO failure — — yes EU tachograph not on CAN
Check TCO — — yes EU tachograph not in order.
Brake lights without function — — yes Brake light signal failure on CAN
SD 812a en
Page 9 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Tractor brake lights failure — — yes
Lamp defective short-circuit, cable
Trailer brake lights failure — — yes
Lamp defective short-circuit, cable
Trailer flashers rh failure or
Trailer flashers lh failure
— — yes
Failure of flasher lamp, or lamp load
out of tolerance
Tractor flashers rh failure or
Tractor flashers lh failure
— — yes
Clear lighting monitoring — — no
Block lighting monitoring — — no
Flasher test — — no
Light test — — no
Light test aborted — — no
Light test again — — no
End of light test — — no
SD 812a en
Page 10 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
New trailer, learn light test — — no
High beam rh failure or
high beam lh failure
— — yes
Add. headlight failure — — yes Relay for add. high beam (roof)
Add. headlight lh failure or
Add. headlight rh failure
— — yes
Foglamp lh failure or
Foglamp rh failure
— — yes
Rear foglamp failure on tractor
rear foglamp failure on trailer
— — yes
Fault in lh side marker lights or
fault in rh side marker lights
— — yes
Failure of at least one side marker
light on tractor
Parking lights failure — — yes Relay for parking lights (ZBR output)
Trailer parking lights lh failure or
trailer parking lights rh failure
— — yes
Tractor parking lights lh failure or
tractor parking lights rh failure
— — yes
Winter service lighting failure — — yes
Relay for winter service cannot be
SD 812a en
Page 11 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Switch defective — foglamps — — yes
Switch defective – low beam — — yes
Switch defective – high beam — — yes
Switch defective – headlight flash — — yes
Switch defective – parking lights — — yes
Brake pad/lining wear —
Limit of wear reached in at least one
brake lining/pad
Parking brake display defective — — yes
Parking brake display not possible,
as CAN signal not available
Apply parking brake — — yes
Pre-glow — — yes Refers to pre-glow period
Pre-glow again — — yes
Shows that readiness for starting
has expired, pre-glow must be re-
Start engine — — yes Refers to readiness for starting
SD 812a en
Page 12 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Flammstart Ausfall — — yes
Danger black ice — — yes Refers to black ice
Clutch lining worn — — yes Limit of wear for clutch lining
Clutch overloaded – shift down — — yes Load too high during moving off
Actuate clutch — — yes Clutch did not open during shifting
Clutch oil level too low — — yes Clutch fluid level too low
Alternator display defective — — yes
When ignition is on cable from ter-
minal L is not on earth
Alternator failure — — yes
Terminal L is on earth and engine
Charge voltage too low — — yes Charge voltage constantly too low
Tension V-belts — — yes
Charge voltage too high — — yes
At rated speed (engine) charge
voltage is too high
Battery undervoltage — — yes
Battery undervoltage after standing
too long
Switch defective – warning
— — yes
SD 812a en
Page 13 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Service due — — yes
TBM failure — — yes TBM not on CAN
Apply parking brake — — yes Tells you to apply parking brake
Engage neutral — — yes Tells you to shift gearbox to neutral
SET xxkm/h — — no
MEMO xxkm/h — — no
LIMIT — — no
Info ! Fault or
grease fault in central lube
— — yes
EDC failure — — yes EDC not on CAN
Boost pressure sensor defective — — yes
Boost pressure cannot be measured
No text — — no
Engine brake (in vehicles without re-
FFR failure — — yes FFR not on CAN
LGS failure — — yes LGS not on CAN
SD 812a en
Page 14 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
KSM failure — — yes KSM not on CAN
No text — — no
Engine brake (in vehicles with re-
RET P failure — — yes
Primary retarder (water pump) not
on CAN
RET S failure — — yes Secondary retarder not on CAN
Retarder temp. too high — — yes
Oil temperature at retarder outlet too
high (advance warning)
Retarder temp. too high — — yes Retarder temp. much too high
No text — — no
CAN Verbund Ausfall — — yes
T-CAN BusOff,
Reaction saved in instruments
Low beam lh failure or
low beam rh failure
— — yes Low beam lh on tractor
Headlight height lh failure autom. — — yes
Automatic beam regulator
implausible on lh side
Headlight height rh failure autom. — — yes
Automatic beam regulator
implausible on rh side
Steering oil level fault — — yes Oil level too low
SD 812a en
Page 15 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Steering oil pressure too low — — yes
Switch for flow meter in emerg.
steering pump is closed
TCU failure — — yes Automatic gearbox not on CAN
Comfort Shift defective — — yes
Comfort Shift button is not being
Engage higher gear — — yes
Speed difference between engine
and gearbox too high
No idle gas — — yes Tells you to take foot off accelerator
Gearbox temp. too high — — yes
Temperature in gearbox oil sump
(advance warning)
Fill tank — — yes Tank on reserve
Tank pickup failure — — yes Monitoring of tank pickup 1 in ZBR
Tank pickup 2 failure — — yes Monitoring of tank pickup 2 in ZBR
Coolant level too low — — yes Coolant level below min.
No text — — no
No text — — no Function feedback from rear foglamp
SD 812a en
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Text in display
lamp panel
No text — — no
No text — — no
No text — — no
Display message for moving-off aid
ECAS Nordland or
ECAS EFR Nordland
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
SD 812a en
Page 17 of 203
00001…..all except MTS…………………………… Date, time, mileage in km
00001…..MTS ………………………………………….Expansion module door 2
00002…..MTS ………………………………………….Expansion module door 3
00002…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….. Engine Speed
00003…..MTS ………………………………………….Expansion module door 4
00003…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Oil pressure
00004…..MTS ………………………………………….Expansion module door 5
00004…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 1
00005…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 1 (front)
00005…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 2
00006…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)
00006…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 1
00007…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 2 (front)
00007…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 2
00008…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)
00008…..ZBRO………………………………………..Accelerator pedal position
00009…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 3 (front)
00009…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Preselected gear
00010…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 3 (rear)
00010…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….. Engaged gear
00011…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 4 (front)
00011…..ZBRO……………………………………….Cooling water temperature
00012…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 4 (rear)
00012…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Tank fill level
00013…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 5 (front)
00013…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 1
00014…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 5 (rear)
00014…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 2
00015…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 1
00015…..ZBRO……………………………………………………On-board voltage
00016…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 2
00017…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 3
00018…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 4
00019…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 5
00020…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 1
00021…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 2
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
SD 812a en
Page 18 of 203
00022…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 3
00023…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 4
00024…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 5
00025…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 1
00026…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 2
00027…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 3
00028…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 4
00029…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 5
00030…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 1
00031…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 2
00032…..all except MTS………………………………………………Split position
00032…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 3
00033…..all except MTS……………………………………Clutch travel sensor
00033…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 4
00034…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 5
00035…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 1
00036…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 2
00037…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 3
00038…..all except MTS……………………………………………Fuel fill level 2
00038…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 4
00039…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 5
00040…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 1
00041…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 2
00042…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 3
00043…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 4
00044…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 5
00045…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 1
00046…..EMOS …………………………………. Cruise control nominal speed
00046…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 2
00047…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 3
00048…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 4
00049…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 5
00050…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 1
00051…..CNG……………………………………………………….Throttle butterfly
00051…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 2
00052…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 3
00053…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 4
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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00054…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 5
00055…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 1
00056…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 2
00057…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 3
00058…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 4
00059…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 5
00060…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 1 (front)
00061…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 1 (rear)
00062…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 2 (front)
00063…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 2 (rear)
00064…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 3 (front)
00065…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 3 (rear)
00066…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 4 (front)
00067…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 4 (rear)
00068…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 5 (front)
00069…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 5 (rear)
00070…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 1
00070…..OBDU……………………………………………..Parking brake applied
00070…..ZBR2…………………………………………..No ‘parking brake’ signal
00071…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 2
00072…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 3
00073…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 4
00074…..all except MTS……………………………Lamp, road speed limiting
00074…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 5
00075…..all except MTS……………………………Steering axle temperature
00075…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 1
00076…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 2
00077…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 3
00078…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 4
00079…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 5
00080…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 1 front
00081…..EDC …………………………………….. Exhaust differential pressure
00081…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 1 rear
00082…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 2 front
00083…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 2 rear
00084…..all except MTS………………………….wheel-based vehicle speed
00084…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 3 front
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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00085…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 3 rear
00086…..all except MTS………………………….Road speed, cruise control
00086…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 4 front
00087…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 4 rear
00088…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 5 front
00089…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 5 rear
00090…..MTS …………………………………………………………………C3 signal
00091…..all except MTS……………………………Accelerator pedal position
00091…..MTS ……………………………………Checklamp driver’s workplace
00092…..all except MTS……………….Current torque to maximum torque
00092…..MTS ……………………………………………………….. Pneumatic seal
00094…..EDC …………………………………………………Fuel supply pressure
00094…..MTS …………………………………………………….Red/green display
00095…..MTS ……………………………………………….Depressurised buzzer
00096…..all except MTS……………………………………………Fuel fill level 1
00096…..MTS …………………………………………………………Bus-stop brake
00097…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request display driver
00098…..all except MTS…………………………………………..Engine oil level
00098…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage display driver
00100…..all …………………………………………………………………Oil pressure
00102…..all …………………………………………………………….Boost pressure
00105…..all …………………………………………………Charge air temperature
00107…..all ………………………………………………………….Air filter pressure
00108…..all …………………………………………………….Barometric Pressure
00109…..all …………………………………………………Cooling water pressure
00110…..all …………………………………………………….Coolant temperature
00111…..all ………………………………………………………………Coolant Level
00119…..RET………………………………………………………Housing pressure
00120…..DIW5…………………………..Temperature acquisition retarder oil
00132…..CNG………………………………………………………………….Air mass
00157…..EDC, Common Rail…………………………….. Fuel pressure in rail
00157…..EDC6, not Common Rail……………………………….Fuel pressure
00158…..all …………………………….. Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched
00159…..all ……………………………………………………Gas Supply Pressure
00161…..all …………………………………………………….Gearbox input speed
00168…..all …………………………………………………………….Battery voltage
00171…..all …………………………………………………….Outside temperature
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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00173…..CNG………………………………………Exhaust temperature sensor
00173…..EDC ………………..Exhaust temperature before particulate filter
00174…..all ………………………………………………………….Fuel temperature
00175…..all ………………………………………………….Engine oil temperature
00177…..all ………………………………………Transmission fluid temperature
00190…..all ………………………………………………………………Engine speed
00191…..all …………………………………………………. Gearbox output speed
00228…..RAS………………………………….Speed speedometer and sensor
00245…..all ……………………………………………………………Vehicle mileage
00359…..all …………………………………………………Kickdown switch signal
00512…..EMOS ……………………………………………..Driver request torque
00513…..all ………………………………………………………………Engine torque
00514…..CRT…………………………………………………………..Friction torque
00514…..EMOS ………………………….‘Engine friction loss moment’ signal
00518…..all ……………………………………………………….Requested Torque
00520…..all …………………………………………………Current retarder torque
00521…..all ………………………………………………………Brake pedal setting
00523…..all ………………………………………………………………..Current gear
00525…..EMOS ……………………………………………….Nominal gear signal
00544…..CRT…………………………………………Faulty engine speed signal
00556…..all …………………………………….Reference torque of the retarder
00558…..all …………………………………………Unladen driving switch signal
00560…..CRT…………………………………………………CAN message ETC 1
00561…..all …………………………………………….. ASR engine check switch
00562…..all ……………………………………………….ASR brake check switch
00563…..all …………………………………………………………ABS active signal
00572…..all ……………………………………….Retarder switch shift assistant
00578…..all ………………………………………………….Rear axle temperature
00582…..all …………………………………………………………………….Axle load
00595…..all ……………………………………………Cruise control active signal
00597…..all ………………………………………………………Brake switch signal
00598…..KSM…………………………………………………. Clutch switch signal
00601…..all …………………………….. Road speed governor resume switch
00603…..EBS………………………………………Pedal brake module switch 2
00609…..EBS…………………………………Central control unit — B-controller
00609…..EDC …………………………………………………………….Engine CAN
00617…..all …………………………………………………….Parking brake output
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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00620…..RAS………….Electrical power supply to steering angle sensors
00627…..EBS………..Monitoring of voltage supply on PIN X1/16 — X1/17
00627…..RAS………………………………………….Voltage supply terminal 30
00629…..all ……………………………………… No text! Specific to control unit
00637…..all ……………………………………………………………..Timing Sensor
00638…..all …………………………………………………………….. Rack Actuator
00639…..all …………………………………………………….Sae J1939 Data Link
00645…..EBS..External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition
in communication with tachograph on CAN (SA=0xEE)
00645…..RAS…………………………………………………..Speedometer signal
00647…..all ………………………………………………………………….. Fan clutch
00651…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 1
00651…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 5;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 6;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 12
00652…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 2
00652…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 5;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 10;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 8
00653…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 3
00653…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 6;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 10
00654…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 4
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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00654…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 6;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 8;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 8;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 6, slave cyl. 7
00655…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 5
00655…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 11
00656…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 6
00656…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9
00697…..all ……………………………………..Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal
00698…..all ……………………………………..Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal
00699…..all …………………….Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal
00702…..KSM………………….Earth switch output, adjustable parameters
00703…..KSM…………Switch terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00704…..KSM………Switch 2 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00705…..KSM………Switch 3 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00706…..KSM………Switch 4 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00707…..KSM………Switch 5 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00708…..KSM……………….Earth switch 2 output, adjustable parameters
00709…..KSM……………….Earth switch 3 output, adjustable parameters
00711…..EDC …………………………………………. Duration of main injection
00723…..all ……………………………………….Auxiliary engine speed sensor
00731…..CNG………………………………………………………..Knock sensor 1
00734…..all …………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 1
00735…..all …………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 2
00736…..all …………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 3
00737…..all …………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 4
00738…..all …………………………………. Solenoid valve pressure regulator
00739…..all …………………………………………. Solenoid valve regeneration
00743…..RET………………………………………………………………On/off valve
00744…..RET……………………………………………………..Proportional valve
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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00746…..EBS……………….Differential lock valve (differential lock switch)
00748…..all ………………………………………………………..Retarder actuated
00764…..RET………………………………Pressure sensor housing pressure
00767…..all …………………………. Transmission Reverse Direction Switch
00770…..all ……………………………………………………………………….. Split H
00771…..all …………………………………………………………………………Split L
00773…..all …………………………………………………………………DNR switch
00780…..all ………………………………………………Gearbox neutral indicator
00789…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 1
00790…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 2
00791…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 3
00792…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 4
00793…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 5
00794…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 6
00833…..all …………………………………………….Fuel Rack Position Sensor
00835…..RAS…………………………………………………………..Oil level signal
00876…..GKR………………………………………………..Compressor coupling
00877…..GKR………………………………….Evaporator temperature sensor
00898…..all ……………………………………….Maximum speed limiter switch
00904…..all ………………………………………………………….Front axle speed
00929…..TPM …………………………………………………………………Tyre data
00932…..EBS…………………….Pressure regulating valve left intake valve
00933…..EBS…………………. Pressure regulating valve right intake valve
00938…..EBS………………….Pressure regulating valve left exhaust valve
00939…..EBS………………. Pressure regulating valve right exhaust valve
00944…..AB…………………………………………………Driver’s airbag (loop 1)
00944…..all except airbag………………….. No text! Specific to control unit
00946…..AB…………………………………………………………… left BT (loop 2)
00946…..all except airbag………………….. No text! Specific to control unit
00948…..AB…………………………………………………………………..SRS lamp
00948…..all except airbag………………….. No text! Specific to control unit
00959…..all ……………………………………………………………………..Seconds
00960…..all ……………………………………………………………………… Minutes
00961…..all ………………………………………………………………………… Hours
00962…..all …………………………………………………………………………….Day
00963…..all …………………………………………………………………………Month
00964…..all ………………………………………………………………………….. Year
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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00974…..KSM………………………………………………….. Pedal value sensor
00976…..KSM……………………………………………………………Ready output
01007…..ZBR2…………………………… Trip Drive Fuel Used (Natural Gas)
01031…..ZBR2………………………..Trip Average Fuel Rate (Natural Gas)
01042…..EBS……………. ISO 11992 (trailer CAN): Data bus switched off
01043…..ECAS…………………………………. Supply voltage for peripherals
01045…..all ………………………………………………………………Gate interlock
(auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01056…..EBS………………………. Trailer control module pressure control,
maximum pressure
01057…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
Implausible pressure from trailer control module pressure sensor,
when brakes not applied
01058…..EBS……………..Trailer control module — pressure sensor signal
01060…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 1
01061…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 2
01062…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 3
01063…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 4
01064…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 5
01065…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 6
01066…..EBS………………………………………………..Service brake module
01067…..EBS…………………..Service brake module signal 1 (increasing)
01068…..EBS………………….Service brake module signal 2 (decreasing)
01072…..all ……………………………………………………..Engine brake switch
01079…..CNG…………………………………………..Supply voltage sensors 1
01079…..EDC …………………………………… Supply to rail pressure sensor
01079…..HDS …………………………………………….Supply voltage sensor 1
01079…..RET………………………..Supply voltage pressure sensor 5 volts
01080…..CNG…………………………………………..Supply voltage sensors 2
01080…..EDC ………………………………………Supply fuel supply pressure,
charge air pressure and oil pressure sensor
01080…..HDS …………………………………………….Supply voltage sensor 2
01086…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 3
01087…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 1
01088…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 2
01089…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 4
01090…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 5
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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01131…..EDC ……………………..Charge air temperature ahead of engine
01210…..all ……………………………………… No text! Specific to control unit
01213…..KSM…………………………………………………….Checklamp output
01231…..CRT……………………………………………………………..Engine CAN
01231…..EDC …………………………………………………………….Engine CAN
01235…..all ……………………………………………………….J 1939 Network #3
01352…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 1
01353…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 2
01354…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 3
01355…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 4
01356…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 5
01357…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 6
01376…..all ……………………………………………………….Tl. 30-1 connected
01485…..HDS …………………………………………….. Main relay switched off
01542…..HDS ……………………………………Voltage supply metering valve
01624…..all …………………………………………………………………Road speed
01669…..KSM…………………………………………………………..A-CAN busoff
01673…..ZBRO………………………………………………… Status body 3 CAN
01675…..EMOS ………………………………………………..‘Engine start’ signal
01676…..ZBR2…….No ‘Break light request’ signal in ERC_RX (timeout)
01761…..HDS ……………………………………………………..Urea fill level tank
02000…..OBDU………………………………… No text! Specific to control unit
02001…..OBDU…………………………………………… EDC slave not on CAN
02003…..OBDU……………………………………………….Gearbox not on CAN
02009…..OBDU………………….MAN Hydro Drive control unit not on CAN
02011…..OBDU………….EBS not on CAN (pneumatic backup operation)
02015…..OBDU…………………………………….Retarder engine not on CAN
02016…..OBDU…………………………………..Driveline retarder not on CAN
02023…..OBDU……………………………………..Instrumentation not on CAN
02037…..OBDU……………………………………….Radio module not on CAN
02039…..OBDU……………………………………………………. FFR not on CAN
02042…..OBDU…………………………………………………….ACC not on CAN
02047…..OBDU…………………………………………………..ECAS not on CAN
02048…..OBDU………………………………………………….ECAM not on CAN
02051…..OBDU………..Tyre pressure control system (TPM) not on CAN
02056…..OBDU Control unit of the steering rear axle (RAS) not on CAN
02061…..OBDU..Control unit of the exhaust post-treatment not on CAN
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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02062…..OBDU…………………………………………………….ESP not on CAN
02064…..OBDU………………………………………………..ECAS 2 not on CAN
02067…..OBDUTorque converter and clutch system (WSK) not on CAN
02114…..OBDU…………………………………………………….VSM not on CAN
02120…..OBDU……………………………………………………. ZFR not on CAN
02232…..OBDU………………………………..Lane guard system not on CAN
02238…..OBDU………………………………………….Tachograph not on CAN
02251…..OBDU……………………..Telematic onboard module not on CAN
02253…..OBDU…………………………………………………….KSM not on CAN
02987…..INST……………………….Parameter set in combination gauge or
chassis number in tachograph not adapted to the vehicle
02987…..STON……………………….Parameter set in instrument cluster or
in tachograph not adapted
02987…..ZBR2………..Parameter record in central on-board computer 2
or chassis number in tachograph not adapted to vehicle
02999…..ECO2……………………………………………. Retarder reduction if a
temperature threshold is exceeded
02999…..RET……………………………Power limit (temperature adaptation)
03000…..EBS…………………………………………………………………….No fault
03000…..EHLA……………………………Electronics error function computer
03000…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC1.
03000…..SKG ….. Temperature at outfeed of evaporator (KTT n. KTBV)
03000…..TBM ………………………….An unexpected RESET has occurred
03000…..TPM …………………………………………………………..Tyre pressure
03000…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………… ZBR system
03001…..ACC ……………………………………………. Additional information 1
03001…..EBS………………..Control unit defective; unknown µC interrupt,
µC self-test, RAM or ROM test
03001…..ECAS………………………………………..Control unit (internal fault)
03001…..EDC …………………………Engine speed sensor, reverse polarity
03001…..EHLA………………………………..Electronic error safety computer
03001…..FFR……………………………………..Term. 30, continuous positive
03001…..GKR……………………………………Interior air temperature sensor
03001…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC2.
03001…..RET……………………….Temperature sensor before engine (T1)
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03001…..SFFR……………………………………………………….Driver’s request
03001…..SKG .Temperature at outfeed of ice accumulator (KTT n ESP)
03001…..TBM …………………………………………………Real-time clock TBM
03001…..ZBR2………………………………………………….Wake up, computer
03001…..ZBRO……………………………………………… External wake-up ZR
03002…..ACC ……………………………………………. Additional information 2
03002…..AST…………………………………………………..Y2 valve splitter low
03002…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective,
timeout in data exchange µC active – µC passive
03002…..EDC ………………………………………………………..Segment speed
03002…..EHLA………………………………………….Digital output parameters
03002…..GKR………………………………….External air temperature sensor
03002…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC3.
03002…..RET………………………….Temperature sensor after engine (T2)
03002…..SFFR……..Speed request ship vehicle management computer
03002…..TBM ……………………………………………………..Fault in EEPROM
03002…..ZBRO……………………………………………. External wake-up1 ZR
03003…..ACC ……………………………………………. Additional information 3
03003…..AST………………………………………………….Y3 valve splitter high
03003…..EBS…. Control unit defective; redundancy fault µc input signal
03003…..EDC ……………………………………………….Engine speed sensor/
auxiliary speed sensor swapped over
03003…..GKR…………………………………Blow-out air temperature sensor
03003…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC1.
03003…..RET….Fault (watchdog drop-out / internal error in control unit)
03003…..SFFR…………………………………………………………….Terminal 15
03003…..SKG …………………………………………………………Motor / valve B
03003…..TBM ……………………………………………………..Fault in RAM disk
03003…..TUER………………………………. SIDE_INFORMATION_ERROR
03003…..ZBRO……………………………………………. External wake-up2 ZR
03004…..ACC ……………………………………………. Additional information 4
03004…..AST…………………………………………Y4 valve gate position 3 / 4
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03004…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective,
checksum data exchange µC active – µC passive
03004…..EDC ………………………………………………….. EGR valve position
03004…..GKR………………………………..Bypass flap motor potentiometer
03004…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message CcVeh_speed.
03004…..LGS……………………………………………………………….Control unit
03004…..RET……………………………………….EEPROM (data record fault)
03004…..SFFR……………………………………………… Voltage selector lever
03004…..SKG …………………………………………………………Motor / valve C
03004…..TBM ………………………………………Operating temperature TBM
03004…..ZBRO…………………………………….External wake-up ZR by IKN
03005…..AST…………………………………………Y5 valve gate position 1 / 2
03005…..EBS………………………….Control unit defective; EEPROM fault:
Checksum not correct
03005…..EDC ……………………………………Timeout, message location 13
03005…..EHLA……………………………………….. Proportional valve outputs
03005…..GKR…………………………………………………………..Heating valve
03005…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EEC1.
03005…..RET…………………………………………ROM (checksum incorrect)
03005…..SFFR……………………………………….Voltage pedal value sensor
03005…..SKG ………………………………………………………………Main pump
03005…..TBM …………………Overcurrent at digital power current outputs
03005…..TUER………………………………………………….. ILLEGAL_EVENT
03005…..ZBRO……………………………………………Status ZR fault number
03006…..AST…………………………………………Y6 valve shift position 1 / R
03006…..EDC ………………………………………………………….Primary speed
03006…..GKR……………………………..Recirculation ventilation flap motor
03006…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EEC2.
03006…..RET………………………………….CAN data bus, TSC1 — message
03006…..SKG …………………………………………………..Recirculating pump
03006…..TUER…………………………………………………Window lifter motor
03006…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..K3-CAN activation
03007…..AST…………………………………………Y3 valve shift position 2 / 3
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03007…..EDC ………………………………………… DM4 request, invalid PGN
03007…..GKR…………………………………………………….Bypass flap motor
03007…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message Eng_Temp.
03007…..RET………………………………… CAN data bus, EEC1 — message
03007…..SKG ………………Communication control element – control unit
03007…..TUER…………………………………………..right/left switch (mirrors)
03007…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….T-CAN activation
03008…..AST………………………………. Y3 valve range-change group low
03008…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
test transfer from µc to CAN trailer IC
03008…..EDC ………………………..FFR3: Retarder oil temperature invalid
03008…..EHLA…………………………………………..Sensor supply, deviation
03008…..GKR……………………………………………….Blower control voltage
03008…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EngFlui_LevPre.
03008…..RET…………………………………CAN data bus, TCO1 — message
03008…..SKG ………………Filling/bleeding mode not completed correctly
03008…..TUER……………………………………………… Window lifter shut-off
03008…..ZBRO…………………………………… Central computer running on
03009…..AST………………………………Y3 valve range-change group high
03009…..EBS..Control unit defective; redundancy fault µc output signal
03009…..EDC ……………………………………………………………… Overspeed
03009…..EHLA………..Voltage supply switched on when vehicle moving
03009…..KSM………………………………………………………….CAN data bus:
Time overrun when receiving EDC message Amb_Cond.
03009…..RET…………………………………CAN data bus, ERC1 — message
03009…..SKG ………………………………………………………. Controller mode
03009…..TUER……………………………………..Mirror adjust time exceeded
03010…..AST………………………………………………………… Y10 main valve
03010…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
wheel diameter compensation value not correct
03010…..ECAS………………..Control unit (checksum ECU-specific data)
03010…..EDC ………………………………….Control deviation, injection start
03010…..EHLA………………..Signature EOL parameter advance warning
03010…..FFR……………………. Torque and engine speed limiting system
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03010…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ECAM message ECAM1.
03010…..LGS…………………………………………………..Turn indicator signal
03010…..RET……………………………CAN data bus, start error monitoring
03010…..SKG …………………………………..On-board voltage (terminal 30)
03010…..TBM ………………………………………………………… No GPS signal
03010…..TPM ………………….Slight leakage: Slight pressure loss at min.
one tyre > approx. 20 mbar/h
03010…..TUER…………………………..incorrect CAN command, door lock
03011…..CNG……………………..Heating probe before catalytic converter
(output stage)
03011…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
error in service brake valve characteristic
03011…..ECAS……………………………Control unit (checksum parameter)
03011…..EDC ……………………………………………….Angle of injection start
03011…..EHLA…………………………………………Signature EOL parameter
03011…..FFR…………………………………………………EVB pressure sensor
03011…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Aux_Stat_Zbr1.
03011…..LGS………………………………………………………. Left loudspeaker
03011…..TBM …………………………………………………… GPS aerial current
03011…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 1
03011…..TUER……………………………………Central locking does not lock
03012…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
incompatibility in data record version number
03012…..ECAS.Control unit (checksum calibration data travel sensors)
03012…..EDC …………………………………………………………….CAN module
03012…..EHLA……………………………………..Value range EOL parameter
03012…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Time_Date.
03012…..LGS……………………………………………………..Right loudspeaker
03012…..RET………………………Pressure from cooler valve (brake lamp)
03012…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 1
03013…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
characteristic in EEPROM not plausible
03013…..ECAS…………………………………………………………….Control unit
(checksum calibration data pressure sensors)
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03013…..EDC ……………………………………………………………..CAN bus off
03013…..EHLA………………………………………….Steering pressure sensor
03013…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Veh_Dist.
03013…..RET…………………………………… Axial thrust (outside tolerance)
03013…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 1
03014…..EBS………………….Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30a)
03014…..EDC ……………………………………………………Main relay blocked
03014…..EHLA………………………………………………………Pressure supply
03014…..KSM………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving C34.
03014…..LGS…………………………………………….. Camera module too hot
03014…..RET…………………………..Pressure sensor positioning pressure
03014…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 1
03015…..EBS………………….Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30b)
03015…..ECAS……………..Control unit (checksum permitted axle loads)
03015…..EDC ……………………max. time after TERM. 15 OFF exceeded
03015…..EHLA…………………………………………..Pressure supply warning
03015…..KSM……………………………………………………Control unit (RAM)
03015…..LGS………………………………… Output driver’s seat vibration left
03015…..TBM ……………………………………………………………GSM modem
03016…..EBS……………………Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 15)
03016…..ECAS…………………………………………………………….Control unit
(checksum calibration data acceleration sensors)
03016…..EDC …………FFR1: Bit error zero quantity due to engine brake
03016…..KSM……………………………………………………Control unit (ROM)
03016…..LGS………………………………. Output driver’s seat vibration right
03017…..AST…………………………………………………………Y1 clutch brake
03017…..EBS…………………………………….. ECU supply (external supply)
03017…..EDC …………………………………. FFR1: Bit error, nominal torque
03017…..KSM……………………………………………..Control unit (watchdog)
03018…..AST……………………………….Small valve for opening the clutch
03018…..EBS…………………….Control unit defective; brake switch 1 or 2
03018…..EDC …………FFR1: Bit error top-speed governor parameter ID
03018…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Oil level in tank
03018…..KSM……………………………..Control unit (EEPROM parameter)
03019…..AST…………………………………Small valve for closing the clutch
03019…..EBS……Setpoint sensing (accelerator to brake pedal position)
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03019…..EDC ………………..FFR1: EDR min. nominal value not reached
03019…..EHLA……………………………………………………… Oil filter blocked
03019…..KSM…………………Control unit (internal relay voltage supply or
short-circuit terminal 30 — terminal 30 switched output
03020…..AST……………………………….Large valve for opening the clutch
03020…..EBS………….Faulty supply voltage (5 volts) for analog sensors
03020…..EDC …………………………… FFR1: Bit error, EDR nominal value
03020…..FFR………………………………….Accelerator pedal, PWM1 signal
03020…..KSM………………………….Control unit (EEPROM fault memory)
03020…..SFFR……………………………………………………….. Supply voltage
03020…..TBM …………………………………………………….Breakdown switch
03020…..TPM ……………………….Medium leakage: Pressure loss at min.
one tyre approx. 80 mbar/h
03021…..AST…………………………………Large valve for closing the clutch
03021…..EBS……………Faulty pedal brake module potentiometer signal
03021…..EDC ………………FFR1: Bit error intermediate speed governing
system parameter ID
03021…..EHLA………………………………………………CAN message ‘EEC1’
03021…..FFR………………………………….Accelerator pedal, PWM2 signal
03021…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Fuel_Cons.
03021…..SFFR…………………………………………………. Pedal value sensor
03021…..TBM …………………………………………………………….Alarm switch
03021…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 2
03022…..AST….Electrical power supply, speed sensor ASTronic output
03022…..EBS……………………………………………Faulty axle load sensor 1
03022…..EDC …………………………………………..FFR1: ISG nominal value
03022…..FFR…………………Accelerator pedal, PWM1 and PWM2 signal
03022…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message Dash_Disp.
03022…..SFFR………………………………………………………….Selector lever
03022…..TBM ……………………………………………………….Chassis number
03022…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 2
03023…..EBS……………………………………………Faulty axle load sensor 2
03023…..EDC …………………. FFR1: Bit error request torque overrevving
03023…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS/ECAS message Veh_Weight.
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03023…..SFFR……………………………………….Idling speed harmonisation
03023…..TBM ……………………………………………………..Geographic width
03023…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 2
03024…..AST……………………….Current WSK retarder torque in percent
03024…..EBS….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency between the axles
03024…..EBS_K1 ……………………………….Dynamic pad trend fault axles
03024…..EDC …………………………FFR1: Bit error, request ramps off/out
03024…..EHLA…………………………………………………………….Engine revs
03024…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Eng_Hour/Rev.
03024…..SFFR…………………………………………………..Default driving unit
03024…..TBM …………………………………………………….Geographic length
03024…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 2
03025…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 1
03025…..EBS_K1 ……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault front axles
03025…..EDC ………………………………………FFR1: reserved Bits & Bytes
03025…..EHLA…………………..Cab position, impermissible change when
vehicle moving
03025…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message Veh_Ident.
03025…..SFFR……………………………………………………………Engine CAN
03025…..TBM …………………………………………………….GPS position data
03026…..AST………………………CAN data bus engine configuration from
the EDC, engine configuration
03026…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 1
03026…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 2
03026…..EBS_K1 ……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 1
03026…..EDC …………………………………………………………FFR1: Timeout
03026…..EHLA……………..Cab position, vehicle moving when swivelling
03026…..EMOS …………………………Timeout of Engine_Config message
03026…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Service.
03026…..SFFR…………………………………………………………… MMDS CAN
03026…..TBM …………………………………………………..CPU TRAP register
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03027…..AST……….. CAN data bus engine configuration from the EDC,
engine configuration
03027…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 3
03027…..EBS_K1 ……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 2
03027…..EDC …………………………………………………FFR2: Driveline fault
03027…..EHLA……………………………………………………………Cab position
03027…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message TCO1.
03027…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC1
03028…..AST….CAN data bus retarder check from secondary retarder,
ERC1_RD (current retarder torque)
03028…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 4
03028…..EBS_K1 ………………….Dynamic pad trend fault additional axle
03028…..EDC ……………………………FFR2: Nominal torque value too low
03028…..EHLA……………………Cab position, swivelling is taking too long
03028…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message ERC1_RX.
03028…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC2
03029…..AST……………………………… CAN data bus retarder check from
secondary retarder, ERC1
(additional heating of the engine,
engine coolant load increase)
03029…..EBS………………………………………………………….SPN undefined
03029…..EDC ……………………………FFR2: Bit error, nominal idling value
03029…..EHLA……………………Emergency steering pump, no oil volume
03029…..EMOS …………………………..‘Request engine speed increase in
braking mode’ signal
03029…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message BAM_MTCO_VIN.
03029…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC3
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03030…..AST…………………………… CAN data bus retarder configuration
from secondary retarder,
Ret_Conf driveline retarder configuration
03030…..EBS……………………..Faulty brake pad wear and retarder relay
output stage checkback
03030…..EDC ……FFR2: Bit error, idling speed governing parameter ID
03030…..EHLA………………………………………..Emergency steering pump
03030…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message P_MTCO_VIN.
03030…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC4
03030…..TPM …………….. Severe leakage: Severe pressure loss at min.
one tyre approx. 200 mbar/h
03031…..AST……………………………… CAN data bus retarder check from
vehicle management computer engine brake torque
‘ERC1_ REX retarder percent torque’
03031…..EBS………………..Faulty retarder relay output stage checkback
03031…..EDC ……FFR2: nominal idling speed governing value too high
03031…..EHLA…… Pressure build-up in pressure accumulator too short
03031…..HDS ………………………………………………Urea tank temperature
03031…..KSM………………………..Adjustment lever angle reduction input
(throttle butterfly reduction request)
03031…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC5
03031…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 3
03032…..AST……………………CAN data bus engine brake configuration,
‘engine retarder configuration’
03032…..EBS……………. Faulty brake pad wear output stage checkback
03032…..EDC ……………………………FFR2: Bit error, stand alone request
03032…..EHLA…………………………………………… Centring circuit warning
03032…..KSM……Signal frequency at adjustment lever angle reduction
input (throttle butterfly reduction request)
03032…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EngineConfig
03032…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 3
03033…..AST……………………CAN data bus engine brake configuration,
‘engine retarder configuration’
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03033…..EBS………Invalid checkback signal for the yellow warning light
03033…..EDC ……………………………………..FFR2: Bit error, start request
03033…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Centring circuit
03033…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
body CAN message KSM2_A.
03033…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message TSC1-FME.
03033…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 3
03034…..EBS…………..Invalid checkback signal for the red warning light
03034…..EDC ……………………………FFR2: Bit error, engine stop request
03034…..EHLA……….. Actuator test of axle behaviour in centring circuit,
03034…..KSM………………………………………………..Power take-off output
03034…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message Time/Date
03034…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 3
03035…..EBS…………………………Electrical power supply axle modulator
03035…..EDC ………………………………………FFR2: reserved Bits & Bytes
03035…..EHLA…..Actuator test of pressure behaviour in centring circuit
03035…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message ERC1_RD.
03035…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message VehDistance
03036…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 2
03036…..EBS………….. Short-circuit on one of the module output stages
03036…..EDC …………………………………………………………FFR2: Timeout
03036…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message ERC1_RE.
03037…..EBS…………….Vehicle dynamics control steering angle sensor
electrical power supply
03037…..EDC …………………FFR3: Bit error, pedal value sensor position
03037…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_1.
03038…..EBS…………………………………………………………….Interaxle lock
03038…..EDC …………………………………… FFR3: Bit error, standstill info.
03038…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_2.
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03039…..EBS………………………………………………….Lock relay, front axle
03039…..EDC ………………………………………FFR3: reserved Bits & Bytes
03039…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_3.
03040…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 3
03040…..EBS……………………………………………… Display bus-stop brake
03040…..EDC …………………………………………………………FFR3: Timeout
03040…..EHLA……………………………………..Angle encoder configuration
03040…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_4.
03041…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
permanently low, > 400 ms
03041…..EDC ………DM4 request frequency too high ( docu. page 172 )
03041…..EHLA……………………………………………… Angle encoder supply
03041…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 4
03042…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
permanently high, > 400 ms
03042…..EDC ………………………………….FFR2: Input shaft speed invalid
03042…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, differential
03042…..KSM……….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving FFR
(vehicle management computer) message Fuel_Eco.
03042…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 4
03043…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
frequency > 220 Hz
03043…..EDC ………..Fault memory info., timeout, message location 10
03043…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, total voltage
03043…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 4
03044…..CNG………………..Lambda control adaptation additive (bank 1)
03044…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
mark-to-space ratio > 95 %
03044…..EHLA…………………………………. Angle encoder, steering axle 1
03044…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 4
03045…..CNG……………………………………………..Starter control: Blocked
03045…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
mark-to-space ratio < 5 %
03045…..EDC …………………………………………Starter activation defective
03045…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, track 1
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03046…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
mark-to-space ratio > 95 %
03046…..EDC ………………………………… Atmospheric pressure detection
03046…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, track 2
03047…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
permanently low or high 80 – 400 ms
03047…..EDC …………………. Overrun test gate array monitoring module
03047…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, differential
03048…..EDC ………………………….Overrun test undervoltage monitoring
03048…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, total voltage
03049…..AST…………………………………………………………Y1 clutch brake
03049…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
03049…..EDC ……………………………Overrun test overvoltage monitoring
03049…..EHLA…………………………………. Angle encoder, steering axle 2
03050…..AST……………………………….Small valve for opening the clutch
03050…..EBS………………………………….. CAN data bus driveline, bus off
03050…..ECAS………………………………………Control unit, supply voltage
03050…..EDC ………………………………………..After-run test, zero quantity
03050…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, track 1
03051…..AST…………………………………Small valve for closing the clutch
03051…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
EEC1 message from the EDC
03051…..ECAS…………………………………………………..Operator unit data
03051…..EDC ………………………………………. After-run test, MES1 output
03051…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, track 2
03051…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 5
03052…..AST……………………………….Large valve for opening the clutch
03052…..EBS………………………….CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded in
message EEC2 from the EDC
03052…..ECAS………………………………………………….Operator unit clock
03052…..EDC ……………………………………..Timeout, message location 5
03052…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, differential
03052…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 5
03053…..AST…………………………………Large valve for closing the clutch
03053…..EBS……CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message CFG_E
03053…..ECAS………………………………………………..Operator unit 2 data
03053…..EDC ……………………………………..Timeout, message location 6
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03053…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, total voltage
03053…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 5
03054…..ECAS……………………………………………….Operator unit 2 clock
03054…..EDC ……………………………………..Timeout, message location 7
03054…..EHLA…………………………………. Angle encoder, steering axle 3
03054…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 5
03055…..EDC ……………………………………Timeout, message location 14
03055…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, track 1
03056…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
ERC1_D message from retarder
03056…..EDC ………..Checksum HW calibration date in serial EEPROM
03056…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, track 2
03057…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
ERC1_E message from retarder
03057…..EDC ………………….Ser. EEPROM data not equal to checksum
03057…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, differential
03058…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
ERC1_EX message from
vehicle management computer
03058…..EDC …. Ser. EEPROM: Data main relay monitoring checksum
03058…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, total voltage
03059…..AST………………………………………. Checkback power take-off 1
03059…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’ message
from tachograph
03059…..EDC ……………..Ser. EEPROM: Data error memory checksum
03059…..EHLA…………………………………. Angle encoder, steering axle 4
03060…..AST………………………………………. Checkback power take-off 2
03060…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
‘Supply pressure’ message from the ECAM
03060…..EDC .Ser. EEPROM: Data operating hours counter checksum
03060…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, track 1
03060…..FFR…..Engine CAN sending message timeout (time overrun).
03061…..AST………………………………………….Switch off power take-off 1
03061…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in EEC3 message from the EDC
03061…..ECAS…………………………………..Interruption in communication
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03061…..EDC ……………………… Ser. EEPROM: Actuator test checksum
03061…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, track 2
03061…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message engine configuration.
03062…..AST………………………………………….Switch off power take-off 2
03062…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
‘Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed’ message from
the EDC via vehicle management computer
03062…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message VSC1
03062…..EDC ……………….Ser. EEPROM: Starter monitoring checksum
03062…..EHLA………………………… Angle encoder, front axle, differential
03062…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC1.
03063…..AST………………………………………….Switch on power take-off 1
03063…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in vehicle weight measurement message
from the ECAS
03063…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message EEC1
03063…..EDC ……………………………………………. After-run not completed
03063…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, front axle, total voltage
03063…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC2.
03064…..AST………………………………………….Switch on power take-off 2
03064…..EBS………….CAN data bus driveline, values for vehicle weight
in the ‘Vehicle Weight’ message from
the ECAS outside the range
03064…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message EBC2
03064…..EDC …………………………………………….Stand alone mode EDC
03064…..EHLA………………………………………….Angle encoder, front axle
03064…..FFR……………BotCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC3.
03065…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in TSC1_ACC message from the ACC
03065…..ECAS……………………………………………..CAN message FFR_1
03065…..EDC ……………………………………Triggering individual operation
03065…..EHLA………………………………Angle encoder, front axle, track 1
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03065…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC4.
03066…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
for EEC2 message from the EDC
03066…..ECAS…………………………………………. CAN message ECAM_1
03066…..EDC …………………………………………………………Time after start
03066…..EHLA………………………………Angle encoder, front axle, track 2
03066…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC5.
03067…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in TCO1 message from tachograph
03067…..ECAS………………. CAN message EBS (axle load, driven axle)
03067…..EDC …………………………………………………………………..Self-test
03067…..EHLA…………………………… Angle encoder, joystick, differential
03068…..EBS………………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
‘TCO1 Vehicle Speed’ message from
tachograph not plausible
03068…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message EBC5
03068…..EDC ………………………………………Monitoring module defective
03068…..EHLA………………………….Angle encoder, joystick, total voltage
03069…..EBS………….CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message TD
03069…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message EBC1
03069…..EDC ……………………………………..Redundant speed monitoring
03069…..EHLA…………………………………………….Angle encoder, joystick
03070…..EBS……CAN J1939 receive time exceeded in message ETC1
from the vehicle management computer
03070…..ECAS………………………Incorrect CAN message time and date
03070…..EDC ……………………………………..Status of plausibility violation
03070…..EHLA…………………………………Angle encoder, joystick, track 1
03071…..EBS……CAN J1939 receive time exceeded in message ETC2
from the vehicle management computer
03071…..EDC ……………………………………………Operating noise analysis
03071…..EHLA…………………………………Angle encoder, joystick, track 2
03072…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
for ETC2 message from VMC
03072…..EDC ………………………………………Status of defective cylinders
03072…..EHLA…………………………………………Speed signals, differential
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03073…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03073…..EDC ………………………………………………..Amount violation sign
03073…..EHLA……………………………………………Speed signal parameter
03074…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03074…..EBS…CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message AS1-ZBR
03074…..ECAS……….Incorrect CAN message display instrument panel
03074…..EDC ………………………………………………………..ID number FFR
03074…..EHLA………………….Can message ‘Wheel speed information 2’
03075…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03075…..ECAS………………………….. Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2C)
03075…..EDC ……………………………………..Fuel pressure sensor (phys.)
03076…..CNG…………………………………. Immobiliser: No quantity due to
incorrect vehicle management computer ID
03076…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03076…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2A)
03076…..EDC …………………………………. Immobiliser: No quantity due to
incorrect vehicle management computer ID
03076…..RAS…………………………………………………………..Oil level check
03077…..EBS………………CAN data bus driveline, message XBR (ACC)
03077…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2B)
03077…..EDC …………………………………. Immobiliser: No quantity due to
vehicle management computer ID being
‘not ready’ for too long
03077…..EHLA……………………………………..CAN message ‘Tachograph’
03077…..RAS…… Comparison between tachometer / EBC speed signal
03078…..EBS……………………… CAN data bus driveline, message ETC7
03078…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6A)
03078…..EDC ……………Immobiliser: Invalid FR ID after quantity enable
03078…..RAS………………………………….CAN signal speed speedometer
03079…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6B)
03079…..EDC ………………………………………….Governor linkage position
03080…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal CCVS (parking brake)
03080…..ECAS………………………….Incorrect CAN message door status
03080…..EDC …………………………………………………….ID number of EDC
03080…..EHLA……………………………………………….CAN message CCVS
03080…..FFR..Driveline CAN sending message timeout (time overrun).
03081…..EBS……………………………..Impermissible signal CCVS (clutch)
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03081…..ECAS………………………………..Incorrect CAN message TCO 1
03081…..EDC …………………………Charge air pressure governor shut-off
03081…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC1.
03081…..RAS……………………………………….CAN signal road speed EBC
03082…..CNG…………………………………..Oil pressure sensor plausibility
03082…..EBS…………………….Impermissible signal EEC1 (rated torque)
03082…..ECAS……………Incorrect CAN message mileage reading (km)
03082…..EDC …………………………………..Oil pressure sensor plausibility
03082…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC2.
03082…..RAS………………………………………….. CAN signal engine speed
03083…..EBS……………………Impermissible signal EEC1 (actual torque)
03083…..EDC …………………………………Fuel pressure sensor plausibility
03083…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 1
03083…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message ERC1_RD.
03083…..RAS……………………………………………………..CAN signal weight
03084…..EBS……………………..Impermissible signal EEC1 (engine revs)
03084…..EDC …………………………….Stop position test, governor linkage
03084…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 2
03084…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC3.
03084…..RAS………………………………………………..CAN signal lifting axle
03085…..EBS………….. Impermissible signal EEC2 (idling speed switch)
03085…..EDC ……………………………………FFR3: Vehicle distance invalid
03085…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 3
03085…..RAS…………………………………………..CAN signal parking brake
03086…..CNG………….Monitoring exhaust gas recirculation throughflow
03086…..EBS….Impermissible signal EEC2 (accelerator pedal position)
03086…..EDC ……………Exhaust gas recirculation actuator position limit
03086…..EDC_7 ………..Exhaust gas recirculation actuator position limit
03086…..EHLA………………………………………………………… Speed signals
03086…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
Astronic message ETC1.
03086…..RAS……………………………. CAN signal bus transmitter/receiver
03087…..EBS…………..Impermissible signal EEC3 (nom. friction torque)
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03087…..EDC …………………………………………………..Oil pressure sensor
03087…..EHLA…………………………………………Speed signals, differential
03087…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
Astronic message ETC2.
03087…..RAS………………………………………..Parameter value calibration
03088…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal ERC1_MC (ret. mode)
03088…..EDC ………………………………………………Boost pressure sensor
03088…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message TCO1.
03089…..EBS……………….. Impermissible signal ERC1_MC (ret. torque)
03089…..EDC …………………………………..Charge air temperature sensor
03089…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message Veh_Dist.
03090…..AST………………………..ECU (communication controllers 1 + 2)
03090…..EBS…………………………. Impermissible signal ETC1 (driveline)
03090…..EHLA………………………………………..Axle monitoring parameter
03090…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message Time/Date.
03091…..AST………………………….CAN data bus EBS1 from EBS, EBC1
03091…..EBS……………….Impermissible signal ETC2 (gear information)
03091…..EDC ………………………………Cooling water temperature sensor
03091…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 1
03091…..EMOS ……………………………………..Timeout of EBC1 message
03091…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message RE_Fluids.
03092…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal SP (reservoir circuit 1)
03092…..EDC ………………………………………………….Time/date: Timeout,
03092…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 1
03092…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message RD_Fluids.
03093…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal SP (reservoir circuit 2)
03093…..EDC ……………………………. TIME/DATE: reserved Bits & Bytes
03093…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 1
03093…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
Astronic message TSC1_TE.
03094…..EBS…………….Impermissible signal CFG_MC (ref. ret. torque)
03094…..EDC ………………………………………Timeout message position 8
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03094…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 2
03094…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message TSC1_AE.
03095…..EBS…………… Impermissible signal CFG_E (ref. motor torque)
03095…..EDC ……………………………..Nominal quantity value percentage
03095…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 2
03095…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message Veh_weight.
03096…..EBS….. CAN data bus driveline, ‘Lighting on trailer 1 detected’
in message AS1_ZBR
03096…..EDC ……………………………………………………..Accelerator pedal
03096…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 2
03096…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message AUX-STAT-ZBR1.
03097…..EBS……………………………………………..CAN data bus driveline,
‘Actual Inner Wheel Steering Angle’ in message ESC1
(steering angle)
03097…..EDC ……………………………………………Fuel temperature sensor
03097…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 3
03097…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ECAS message ECAS1.
03098…..EBS……………….CAN data bus driveline, ‘Steering axle status’
in message ESC1
03098…..EDC ……………………………………….Control path: Loose contact
03098…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 3
03098…..FFR……………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun when
receiving message ERC1_RE.
03099…..AST………………………………………………………… Output speed 1
03099…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, ‘Percentage clutch slip’
in message ETC1
03099…..EDC, Common Rail……….Fuel pressure sensor — rail pressure
03099…..EDC, not Common Rail………………………Fuel pressure sensor
03099…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 3
03099…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ECAM message ECAM1.
03100…..CRT………………Exhaust differential pressure via the CRT filter
03100…..EBS…………….Pressure control module, left front axle, no fault
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03100…..EDC ………………………………………Fuel supply pressure sensor
03100…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 4
03100…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 0
03101…..AST………………………………………………….. Output speeds 1+ 2
03101…..CRT………………. Exhaust temperature in front of the CRT filter
03101…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03101…..EBS_K1 …………………………………. Wheel sensor front axle left
03101…..ECAS…………………………………Travel sensor left REAR AXLE
03101…..ECAS2……………………………. Height sensor FRONT AXLE left
03101…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 4
03101…..EMOS …………………………………………….Gearbox output signal
03101…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 1
03102…..AST………………………………..Gearbox input and output speeds
03102…..CNG………………..Exhaust gas recirculation valve output stage
03102…..CRT………………………………………………..Current engine torque
03102…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03102…..ECAS……………………………….Travel sensor right REAR AXLE
03102…..ECAS2………………………….Height sensor, FRONT AXLE right
03102…..EDC ……………..Exhaust gas recirculation system output stage
03102…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 4
03102…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 2
03102…..ZBR2……………………………………………………ZBR power supply
03103…..AST………………………..CAN data bus vehicle speed from EDC
03103…..CNG……….. Lambda probe before catalytic converter (bank 1)
03103…..CRT…………………………………..Status of the regeneration logic
03103…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03103…..ECAS…………………………………….Travel sensor FRONT AXLE
03103…..ECAS2……………………………….. CENTRE AXLE height sensor
03103…..EHLA……………………… Calibration mode when vehicle moving
03103…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, bytes 3 and 4
03103…..OBDU………………………………………………………..Tension V-belt
03103…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Analog ground
03104…..CNG…………………………………….Lambda probe heating before
catalytic converter (bank 1)
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03104…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03104…..EHLA………………………………… Calibration data steering axle 1
03104…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, bytes 5 and 6
03104…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Analog ground
03105…..CNG…………………….Lambda control adaptation multi (bank 1)
03105…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03105…..EHLA………………………………… Calibration data steering axle 2
03105…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 7
03105…..OBDU……………………………………………Water pump V-belt torn
03106…..CNG…………………………… Idling speed control, nominal speed
03106…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
long instability wheel sensor A
03106…..EHLA………………………………… Calibration data steering axle 3
03106…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 0 and 1
03106…..OBDU………………………………………………….. Cooling defective:
Water temperature gradient too steep
03107…..AST………………………………………………Voltage (clutch sensor)
03107…..CNG…………………………… Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
03107…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03107…..EBS_K1 …………………………..Impulse wheel fault front axle left
03107…..EHLA………………………………… Calibration data steering axle 4
03107…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 2 and 3
03107…..ZBR2……………………………………………Ignition ON (relay tl. 15)
03108…..CNG………………………………………………..Gas system pressure
03108…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03108…..EHLA…………………………………………Calibration data front axle
03108…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 4 and 5
03108…..ZBR2………………………………… Electrical battery master switch
03109…..EBS….Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination front axle left
03109…..EHLA……………………………………………Calibration data joystick
03109…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 6 and 7
03109…..HYD ………………………..Water pump malfunction or fuse blown
03109…..ZBRO………………………………………..Ignition lock radio position
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03110…..CNG………………Engine speed sensor crankshaft toothed disc
03110…..EBS……………………….. Pressure control module, left front axle
03110…..EHLA……………………………………………Number of CAN objects
03110…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 0 and 1
03110…..HYD …………………………….Vehicle blower control discontinuity
03110…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ignition lock ignition on
03111…..AST….. CAN data bus message timeout time/date information
from central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE
03111…..CNG……………………………………………..Reference mark sensor
03111…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
03111…..EHLA………………………………………………..CAN communication
03111…..EMOS ………………………………Timeout of Time_Date message
03111…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 2 and 3
03111…..TPM ……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1
03111…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Ignition lock starter tl. 50
03112…..AST…….CAN data bus signal error time/date information from
central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE
03112…..CNG…………………………………………………………..Phase sensor
03112…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03112…..EHLA…………………………………….. CAN data has been falsified
03112…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 4
03112…..TPM ……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
03112…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ignition lock ignition off
03113…..AST….CAN data bus message timeout retarder configuration,
Ret_Conf (driveline retarder configuration)
03113…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03113…..EHLA………………………………………………..CAN communication
03113…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 5
03113…..TPM ……………………Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
03113…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Battery undervoltage
03114…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03114…..EHLA……………………………… Steering wheel sensor — not used
03114…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 6
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03114…..TPM ………………….. Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1
03114…..ZBRO………………………………………………Battery master switch
03115…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03115…..EHLA……………………………..Steering wheel sensor — operating
03115…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 7
03115…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Battery main relay
03116…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
long instability wheel sensor B
03116…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 0
03116…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………….. Ignition on
03117…..AST……………………………………….Clutch self-adjustment faulty
03117…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
03117…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 3
03117…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………….. Ignition on
03118…..AST…………………………………………………Clutch does not open
03118…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03118…..EMOS ………………………………Clutch regulator switched on but
no clutch opening valve available for opening clutch
03118…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 3
03118…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Ignition on check
03119…..AST……………Clutch does not close / does not transmit torque
03119…..CNG…………………………………………………………Altitude sensor
03119…..EBS……………………….. Pressure control module, left front axle
03119…..EMOS ………………………………Clutch regulator switched on but
no clutch closing valve available for closing clutch
03119…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 4
03119…..ZBRO……………………………………………Battery master switch 1
03120…..AST…….. Mechanical fault (small valve for opening the clutch)
03120…..EBS………………………Electrical power supply pad wear sensor
(front axle left or front axle)
03120…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, bytes 5 and 6
03120…..ZBRO……………………………………………Battery master switch 3
03121…..AST……….Mechanical fault (small valve for closing the clutch)
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Добрый день! MAN TGA 2004г. WMAH05ZZ05M399495 загорелось ZBRотказ СAN сопряжение отказ не могу найти причину перед этим варили телегу но масса была отключена сутки проверяли проводку в очередной раз отключили питание от блока c синими фишками под торпедой где предохранители подсоединили обратно все заработало обрадовались оставили до утра , с утра пришли заводить все также и что только не делали никаких изменений подскажите может кто сталкивался
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а массу как отключали? с акума сняли или ключик просто повернули?
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блок с синими фишками — это EBS
зебра — стоит вертикально, все разъемы у нее сзади.
считывайте ошибки по борткомпьютеру…
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Массу просто ключом отключали
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самодиагностику по борткомпьютеру не получается сделать
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Массу просто ключом отключали
Отключая массу ключом, вы не полностью обесточили авто(там остаются гореть плафоны в салоне), в связи с чем цепь не «разорвана». Большая вероятность что вы спалили блок ZBR, т.к. он не выходит на связь диагностики
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Массу просто ключом отключали
ключ размыкает не массу, а силовой +. При этом некоторые цепи остаются в полной боеготовности.
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На следующий день он заработал если бы сгорела зебра он бы я думаю не пришёл бы в себя и почему предохранители не сгорели?
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Пока до сих пор не нашли причину а когда ключом отключаем массу (+) у нас в кабине ничего не работает мы весь плюс на эту массу посадили
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Попробуй обойти ключ на прямую. Бывает сам ключ глючит. Плохой контакт внутри
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Пока до сих пор не нашли причину а когда ключом отключаем массу (+) у нас в кабине ничего не работает мы весь плюс на эту массу посадили
Проверьте предохранители 243, 244, 245, 246. Тестером или контролькой удостоверьтесь что на них имеется +24 вольта. На 246 предохранителе плюс появляется после включения зажигания.
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Предохранители проверили 24 вольта на всех на 246 после включения зажигания , сканер дилерский не видит
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Предохранители проверили 24 вольта на всех на 246 после включения зажигания , сканер дилерский не видит
Тогда пробуйте подкинуть ваш блок на другую машину, выйдет ли он там на диагностику. Или снимите его и разберите, осмотрите внимательно плату возможно будут сгоревшие элементы.
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возили блок ZBR электрику сказал все рабочее
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возили блок ZBR электрику сказал все рабочее
далеко не факт, что так и есть на самом деле.
самый лучший способ проверить — подкинуть на другой авто
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возили блок ZBR электрику сказал все рабочее
Сегодня тоже возил блок на проверку к электронщику(но только мерсовский), и тоже сказал что горелого ничего нет и значит на 90% рабочий… а я уверен что беда в нем у меня, поэтому буду искать донора для испытания
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У меня ZBR 81.25806.7051 стоит ,во Владивостоке нашел 81.25806.7103 он подойдет мне как можно узнать? Все подозрения на него
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У меня ZBR 81.25806.7051 стоит ,во Владивостоке нашел 81.25806.7103 он подойдет мне как можно узнать? Все подозрения на него
тот, что у вас стоит — не родной. Родной номер …7096.
да, 81.25806.7103 подойдет. Это последующий номер.
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есть с номером 7096
цена 12000 руб
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Добрый день! Я за 12000р заказал 81.25806.7103 послезавтра придет будем пробовать
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У меня ZBR 81.25806.7051 стоит ,во Владивостоке нашел 81.25806.7103 он подойдет мне как можно узнать? Все подозрения на него
тот, что у вас стоит — не родной. Родной номер …7096.
да, 81.25806.7103 подойдет. Это последующий номер.
блок зебра ТГА.JPG
нет на сервере при запросе выдаёт …..-7051.
а там что выше по номеру можно зашить MANCATS..ом.
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нет на сервере при запросе выдаёт …..-7051.
а там что выше по номеру можно зашить MANCATS..ом.
ну, я за что у MANTISa купил, за то и продал…
а вы согласованием и прошивкой блоков занимаетесь?
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нет на сервере при запросе выдаёт …..-7051.
а там что выше по номеру можно зашить MANCATS..ом.
ну, я за что у MANTISa купил, за то и продал…
а вы согласованием и прошивкой блоков занимаетесь?
я без претензий.. просто разговариваем….
уже 4-й год программированием …и всё учимся…….и учимся….
вырезаем разные не нужные компоненты из авто по просьбе владельцев.. . мощность в разумных пределах добавляем…ну и так по мелочи.
сам за советом заглядываешь…. смотришь что люди пишут…..
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MAN 8180
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А скажите, кто знает как кроме сервиса убрать сообщение «Servise Due», и существует ли такая возможность. МАН ТГЛ 8.180.
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