Can you borrow me your mobile ошибка

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больше года назад

И еще 17 самая ужасная ошибка:

Неправильно: I want that she do/ will do/ does/ did.

Правильно: I want her to do.

Многие забывают, что после want нельзя ставить ни that, ни she. В английском такое русское сложноподчиненное предложение переводится простым предложением, с одним подлежащим. Пожалуйста, говорите They want me to come, а на русский переводите Они хотят, чтобы я пришла.


  • #1

Hello to everybody! It’s the first time I’ve posted a new thread! I would like to know which answer is the correct one: Yes, ok or You can? It’s a multiple-choice exercise I found in an English book. In personal opinion I think they could be considered both correct acconrding to the situation in which we are, but maybe the best answer would be Yes, you can. Thank for your help!

    • #2

    Both choices are plausible answers, but since the exercise is looking for the best answer, «Yes, you can» would be my choice. If you said, «Yes, OK,» people would certainly understand you, but it does sound rather strange.

    As a side note, in AE, we do not use «mobile phone,» we use «cell phone» or simply «phone.» Just for your knowledge. :)

    • #3

    thank you so much! But I think I didn’t make me understood; the two answers are: 1) Yes, ok. 2) You can (not «Yes, you can»). What would you suggest? 1 or 2? thanks a lot!

    • #4

    If your only choice is «You can» then the other answer has to be the right one. (Yes, OK.)

    • #5

    Thank you very much for your help!!! That’s very kind of you!

    1. Complete the table. Use the words below.

    an argument      a bed      the bus      the cleaning      a conversation

    a drink      friends      the hoovering      housework

    nothing / something      a shower      somebody’s advice


















    do    1 the cleaning    2 the hoovering   3 housework   4 nothing / something

    have    5 an argument   6 a conversation   7 a drink   8 a shower

    make   9 a bed   10 friends take    11 the bus    12 somebody’s advice

    2. Complete the dialogues. Use the correct form of do, make, have and take.


    Elvina    How are you, Jed?

    Jed         Not very well. I’ve got a bad headache.

    Elvina    Lie down. 1……………………… a rest. 2……………………… a drink of water and 3……………………… some painkillers.

    Jed         I’ve done those things. I’m going to 4……………………… an appointment to see the doctor.

    Elvina    Do you want to borrow my phone to 5……………………… the phone call?

    Jed         Yes, please. And can you 6……………………… me another favour? Can you give me a lift to the doctor’s?

    Elvina    Sure. No problem


    Amelia    Shall we 7……………………… a game of cards?

    Alfie        No, sorry. I haven’t got time. I have to 8……………………… the washing up. Then I have to 9……………………… the rubbish out and 10……………………… my homework. That will 11……………………… ages!


    1 Have   2 Have   3 take   4 make   5 make   6 do

    7 have   8 do   9 take   10 do   11 take

    3. Complete the sentences with the words below.

    your best      breakfast      dinner      the exam      mistakes      a photo

    the shopping

    1   What time did you have ……………………… this morning?

    2   When you take ………………………, don’t worry if you make ……………………… . Just do ………………………

    3   I took ……………………… of the beautiful sunset.

    4   Mum’s doing ……………………… at the supermarket.

    5   Dad’s in the kitchen. He’s making ……………………… for us.


    1 breakfast   2 the exam, mistakes, your best   3 a photo

    4 the shopping   5 dinner

    4. Complete the rules. Use away from and towards.

    1   We use bring when the direction of travel is ……………………… the speaker: Please bring me a glass of water.

    2   We use take when the direction of travel is ……………………… the speaker: Don’t forget to take your homework to school.


    1 towards   2 away from

    5. Circle the correct verbs to complete the sentences.

    1   Don’t forget to bring / take your passport when you go to the airport.

    2   I’m hungry. Can you bring / take me a sandwich?

    3   Can I bring / take a friend to your party?

    4   Please bring / take this letter to the post office for me.

    5   Bring / Take an umbrella when you go out.

    6   Bring / Take your holiday photos to show me.


    1 take   2 bring   3 bring   4 take   5 Take   6 Bring

    6. Choose the correct answers.

    1   Can I borrow your mobile? I need to ……………….. a phone call.

         a   do               b   have

         c   make          d   take

    2   Tom and Kiera stop talking to each other every time they ……………….. an argument.

          do               b   have

          make          d   take

    3   Can you ……………….. the rubbish out later, please?

         a   do                have

         c   make           take

    4   You don’t have to win the race; just ……………….. your best.

         a   do               b   have

         c   make          d   take

    5   It’s too far to walk; let’s ……………….. the bus.

         a   do               b   have

         c   make          d   take

    6   I always ……………….. my bed before I go to school.

         a   do               b   have

         c   make          d   take

     I’m going to ……………….. a party on my birthday.

         a   do                have

         c   make           take

     We stopped on the way home to ……………….. some shopping.

         a   do               b   have

         c   make          d   take


    1 c   2 b   3 d   4 a   5 d   6 c   7 b   8 a

    Тесты по Английскому языку для студентов обучающихся по специальности «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит» по теме «Бытовая сфера». В тесте необходимо вставить пропущенный ответ. Правильный ответ указан значком «+»

    Grandmother: “Happy birthday, my dear!”
    Grandchild: “____”

    -: Thank you ever so much indeed, grandmother of mine!

    -: Where shall I put your box?

    +: Thank you for your present, grannie!

    -: Thank you, my ancestor.

    Passenger: “Thank you very much, you’ve been very helpful.”
    Conductor: “_____”

    +: You are welcome. Always glad to help you.

    -: How nice of you to have been able to help me.

    -: How can I help you?

    -: I’d be grateful.

    HostesAre you enjoying yourselves?
    Guest: ___

    -: No. We are going back home

    -: I don’t know.

    -: What have you said?

    +: Oh, yes, we’re having a fantastic time, thank you.

    You: Can I borrow you mobile phone, please? I need to make a quick call to my mother.
    Your friend: _____

    -: What do you want?

    -: I am pleased to hear it.

    -: You’ll do me a favour.

    +: OK, Here you are.

    Jane: “Kate is twenty-one today, Michael.”
    Michael: “____”

    +: Many  happy returns, Kate!

    -: Happy anniversary!

    -: Have a good day!

    -: Well done!

    Mother: “____”
    Daughter: “Thank you!”

    -: Are you ready for your lessons?

    -: Have you any chance to do it now?

    +: Have a nice weekend!

    -: What a nice day we are having today!

    Father: “I see you have a problem with a software task. Do we have to buy a computer for your home work?”
    Son: “____”

    -: Thank you, it was very kind of you.

    -: I am not sure that I’m good at solving problems.

    +: Sure, if only we can afford that.

    -: Solving this problem is not connected with a home computer.

    HostesThank you for coming.
    Guest: ___

    -: Not at all. You are welcome.

    +: Thank you for inviting us, it was a lovely evening.

    -: Good bye! See you later.

    -: Many happy returns!

    Выберите  реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
    John: “I have been waiting for you for two hours!”
    Ann: “____”

    +: Sorry. It was wrong of me.

    -: Never mind!

    -: That’s all right.

    -: I don’t think so.

    Ann: “I go shopping. Do you want to come with me?
    Helen: “____”

    -: Do you have enough money?

    -: I can’t do it.

    +: I’m afraid, I can’t. My parents are waiting for me.

    -: Why? What for?

    Guest: “______”
    Hostes“Oh, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

    -: Enjoy your meal.

    -: The meal wasn’t as bad as I expected.

    -: The meal was rather good.

    +: The meal was absolutely delicious.

    Mother: “____”
    Daughter: “Thank you!”

    -: Are you ready for your lessons?

    -: Have you any chance to do it now?

    +: Have a nice weekend!

    -: What a nice day we are having today!

    Daughter: “____”
    Mother: “You’d better return home now.”

    -: I want to do the shopping just now.

    -: I am going back home.

    -: It is great to be at home again.

    +: It looks like raining. I don’t know what to do.

    HostesThank you for coming.
    Guest: ___

    -: Not at all. You are welcome.

    +: Thank you for inviting us, it was a lovely evening.

    -: Good bye! See you later.

    -: Many happy returns!

    John: “I have been waiting for you for two hours!”
    Ann: “____”

    +: Sorry. It was wrong of me.

    -: Never mind!

    -: That’s all right.

    -: I don’t think so.

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