Carel easy коды ошибок

  • Page 1: User Manual

    / easy compact / easy split electronic digital thermostats with defrost control User manual NO POWER & SIGNAL CABLES TOGETHER READ CAREFULLY IN THE TEXT! I n t e g r a t e d C o n t r o l S o l u t i o n s & E n e r g y S a v i n g s…

  • Page 3
    The technical specifi cations shown in the manual may be changed without prior warning. The liability of CAREL in relation to its products is specifi ed in the CAREL general contract conditions, available on the website and/or by specifi c agreements with customers; specifi cally, to the extent where allowed…
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Content 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Main characteristics ………………..7 1.2 Models ……………………7 1.3 Main diff erences between easy, easy compact and easy split ..9 1.4 NTC and PTC probes ………………9 1.5 Accessories ………………….9 1.6 Defi nitions …………………..9 2. ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION 2.1 Assembly …………………..10 2.2 Electrical connections ………………11…

  • Page 7: Introduction

    1.1 Main characteristics The following table lists the main features of the easy, easy compact and easy split controllers. Features…

  • Page 8
     fan management with comp. off 4.10   night-time operation with light 4.11 management Table 1.b * available but cannot be set from the keypad nor the programming key. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
  • Page 9: Main Diff Erences Between Easy, Easy Compact And Easy Split

    PTC, and 10 kΩ for the NTC. The type of probe installable depends on the model (order code). The easy split models, on the other hand, only use NTC and high temperature NTC probes (50 KΩ at 25°C), selected by parameter.

  • Page 10: Assembly And Installation

    (formation of corrosive patina with possible oxidation (*) do not over-tighten the screws. and reduction of insulation. To install easy, easy compact and easy split: make an opening in the panel based on the drilling template, 71×29 mm. Dismantling using the screws from the front •…

  • Page 11: Electrical Connections

    • the probes can be installed up to a maximum distance of 30 m from the controller (10 m for easy split). To extend the distance of the probes, 230Vac or use cables with a minimum cross-section of 1 mm2, shielded where…

  • Page 12
    (*) For codes PJEZ*8**5* the temperature range is -10T50 °C and the maximum current is 16 A. See the table of technical specifi cations. ———— = recommended internal power supply connections. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
  • Page 13: Wiring Diagram For Multiple Units

    120 ohm Fig. 2.h easy split: The serial connection for the easy split models with 4 relays depends on the setting of parameter H7, as the management of the fourth relay (RL4) and serial communication are mutually exclusive. The factory setting is H7=1, which means the fourth relay is enabled. To enable connection to the supervisor network: power down the controller;…

  • Page 14: User Interface And Start Up

    EZY together (2 — more than 3 s: accesses and 3) activate Keypad functions for easy and easy compact M models the parameter setting menu parameter (models with keypad only) (enter password 22) reset — mutes the audible alarm…

  • Page 15: Easy Split

    Display the controller to make it operative. CAREL then recommends to check that the display does not show any alarm signals (see par. “5.1 Table of alarms and signals” on page 31), then set the time and date (in the models fi tted with RTC, see par. “4.11 Clock and time band parameters”…

  • Page 16
    Press DOWN for more than 3 s (activated only if the temperature conditions are right, for easy split only if the light output is not set, H1≠4). Alternatively, on easy split models, if the light output is set (H1=4), the defrost can be activated by pressing UP and DOWN together, when H6=1).
  • Page 17: Functions And Parameters

    This chapter describes all the functions of the easy, easy compact and Example: In the case of bottle coolers, typically used in supermarkets, easy split. See Table 1.b for the compatibility of the functions with the when the doors are opened frequently, due to the greater thermal inertia model used.

  • Page 18: Temperature Control

    Used to enable or disable the temperature display with the resolution to Value that automatically increases the set point temperature during the the tenths of a degree between -20 and + 20 (easy and easy split) or -10 night-time operation time bands.

  • Page 19: Continuous Cycle

    (H1=7). 4.6 Compressor protection The easy, easy compact and easy split controllers are fi tted with an automatic compressor protection system to avoid continual starts or stops of the unit. The protection is based on the times in minutes set for parameters c0;…

  • Page 20: Defrost

    • from the keypad pressing the DOWN button for 3 s (manual defrost) (for easy split H1 must be ≠4. If H1=4 the UP and DOWN buttons can be pressed together, when H6=1); dt: end defrost temperature set point/defrost temperature threshold •…

  • Page 21
    (only manual defrosts from the keypad or multifunction contact) or to set dI to a value which is greater than the maximum set interval. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
  • Page 22: Alarm Parameters

    A4: 3rd input confi guration (easy compact) The multifunction input is only available on the easy models with three inputs; is not available on the easy compact models. A0: alarm and fan temperature diff erential This parameter is used to set the functions of the input.

  • Page 23
    (1) contact open= alarm detected unit 1 contact closed= normal operation. When A4=1 easy can be connected to an external contact for immediately dP (2) d5 (2) signalling alarms. The alarm signal can be delayed by setting parameter unit 2…
  • Page 24
    14 Product probe again). Table 4.o AC-AE/2 A4=0, 1, 2, 3: see A4=0, 1, 2, 3 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. AC-AE A4=4 Curtain switch and night-time operation See the previous paragraph. In easy split models if the light output is Fig.
  • Page 25: Door Open/Closed Management

    Door switch with evaporator fan off and light not managed A4=13 for easy split). See A4=7 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. In easy split models with light output confi gured (H1=4), the status of the light output remains unchanged.

  • Page 26
    Easy split Closing the door the fi rst time: the controller maintains the previous status: In easy split models the algorithm for managing the door depends on • the fans and/or compressor (see parameter ‘A4’) remain off ; the type of unit selected, according to parameter Ado, and the setting •…
  • Page 27: Evaporator Fan Management Parameters

    The evaporator fan control temperature is measured by probe 2, (connector 10). To know which output is associated with the fan, see the wiring diagram for the “easy” model used (see par. “2.2 Electrical connections” page 11). Important: these parameters are not available in the compact models.

  • Page 28: Clock And Time Band Parameters

    Parameters for setting up to 4 defrost time bands 4.11 Clock and time band parameters d1d…d4d Defrost event day setting The RTC (Real Time Clock), not available on the easy compact models, is d1d…d4d=0 no defrost event used to manage the defrost function, curtain switch/night-time operation d1d…d4d=1…7 Monday to Sunday…

  • Page 29: Rapid Parameter Set Selection (Ezy)

    Examples of operation: the digital input. On easy split models there are also the light and second compressor outputs, with or without rotation. example 1…

  • Page 30
    When set to a positive value (values from 0 to 31 are used REQ2 by CAREL for the basic models), if a parameter, including the set point, is modifi ed from the keypad, the value becomes negative. This allows any modifi cations made the parameters compared to the initial settings to be monitored.
  • Page 31: Tables Of Alarms And Parameters

    5. TABLES OF ALARMS AND PARAMETERS 5.1 Table of alarms and signals Note: in easy split controllers, when starting control (powering up When an alarm is activated, the display shows the corresponding message the controller and/or switching from OFF status), the high that fl ashes alternating with the temperature;…

  • Page 32: Data Error

    • press the SET button for more than 3 s to permanently save the parameters and exit the parameter setting procedure. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 33: Table Of Easy Parameters

    X, Y, C (*) AUX time band ON day days X, Y, C (*) AUX time band ON hours X, Y, C (*) AUX time band ON minutes X, Y, C (*) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 34: Table Of Easy Compact Parameters

    S (with 1 & 2 probes) Table 5.d Warning Warning the easy compact models only display two digits. If the range is below -99 and above 99, the terminal will display “- — “. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 35: Table Of Easy Split Parameters

    S,C (*) night time band ON day S,C (*) night time band ON hours S,C (*) nOM night time band ON minutes S,C (*) night time band OFF day S,C (*) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 36: Table Of Ezy Parameter Sets

    (reverse) digital input alarm management defrost with temp. control (d0= 4) defrost by temperature (d0=4) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 37
    (reverse) digital input alarm management defrost with temp. control (d0= 4) defrost by temperature (d0=4) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
  • Page 38: Troubleshooting

    • F1 (evaporator fan control set point) too low. • post-dripping delay set 3. if F0=0 • F2=1 and the compressor is off • dripping in progress • post-dripping in progress Table 5.i easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 39: Technical Specifications

    Warning : do not run the power cable less than 3 cm from the bottom of the device or the probes; for the connections, only use Fig. 6.b copper wires. 65,29 71×29 Fig. 6.a easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 40: Easy Split Technical Specifi Cations

    (**) Minimum T OFF between two starts must be greater than 1 min. (***) Conformity to UL873 only corresponds to models without plastic case. Terminal Power board 103.5 Ø 4 38,29 71×29 Fig. 6.c Fig. 6.d easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 41: Electromagnetic Compatibility

    6.4 Electromagnetic compatibility The easy and easy compact series is compliant with the EU standards on electromagnetic compatibility: • for household appliances EN 55014-2 and EN 55014-1; • for residential, commercial and light industrial environments EN 50082-1 and EN 50081-1;…

  • Page 42
  • Page 44
    Agenzia / Agency: CAREL INDUSTRIES — HQs Via dell’Industria, 11 — 35020 Brugine — Padova (Italy) Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 — Fax (+39) 049.9716600 e-mail: —…

Подробнее устранение неисправностей описано в руководстве по эксплуатации каждой модели.

На нашем сайте представлены запасные части для оборудования Carel.

Для подбора запасных частей Carel сообщите нам полную маркировку блока и наименование запчасти любым удобным способом.

Коды ошибок управляющих блоков для систем вентиляции и кондиционирования Carel (PCOxs электро)

Код Описание ошибки
E01 Поступил сигнал от пожарной сигнализации
E02 Неисправен датчик наружной температуры 
E03 Неисправен датчик температуры в помещении
E04 Неисправен датчик температуры приточного воздуха 
E05 Неисправен датчик температуры возвращаемого теплоносителя
E08 Неисправен датчик температуры возвращаемого теплоносителя после нагревателя второго нагрева
E09 Неисправен датчик влажности приточного воздуха 
E10 Неисправен датчик влажности воздуха в помещении 
E12 Неисправен датчик температуры насыщения
E13 Один или несколько аналоговых входов под ручным управлением
E14 Один или несколько аналоговых выходов под ручным управлением
E15 Один или несколько дискретных входов под ручным управлением 
E16 Один или несколько дискретных выходов под ручным управлением
E17 Нет сигнала статуса от приточного вентилятора
E18 Нет сигнала статуса от вытяжного вентилятора
E19 Нет сигнала статуса от вытяжного и (или) приточного вентилятора 
E20 Низкая наружная температура для использования режима «лето»
E21 Запуск заблокирован. Низкая температура возвращаемого теплоносителя или клапан в контуре нагревателя открыт менее чем на 80% (или иное значения согласно St13)
E22 Защита от замерзания водяного нагревателя. Предварительная тревога
E23 Защита от замерзания водяного нагревателя. Основная тревога 
E24 Неисправен насос в контуре водяного нагревателя
E25 Защита от замерзания водяного нагревателя второго нагрева. Предварительная тревога
E26 Защита от замерзания водяного нагревателя второго нагрева. Основная тревога
E27 Неисправен насос в контуре водяного нагревателя 2
E28 Перегрев электронагревателя
E29 Активировано оттаивание рекуператора
E30 Неисправен привод ротора рекуператора
E31 Неисправен компрессорно-конденсаторный агрегат (ККА)
E32 Фильтр на притоке загрязнен
E33 Фильтр на вытяжке загрязнен
E34 Фильтр загрязнен
E37 Отсутствует связь с платой расширения
E39 Получен внешний сигнал тревоги
E40 Перезапуск после подачи питания
E41 Термозащита приточного вентилятора 
E42 Термозащита вытяжного вентилятора
E43 Термозащита вентиляторов
Carel Easy

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инструкцияCarel Easy

Integrated Control Solutions & Energy Savings

easy / easy compact / easy split






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Электронные цифровые термостаты с функцией


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6. Troubleshooting common alarms:

until the condition is corrected and /or alarm is reset.)

Probe 1 Error – replace control probe

Hi Temp Alarm – no refrigeration

Defrost Timeout – check defrost probe

7. «Display alternates ‘OFF’ / Temp»:

8. If icons are blinking:

time (i.e. minimum compressor off time of «x» minutes as a compressor protector).

9. Controller is cooling below the set point

hold both UP and DOWN arrow together for 3 seconds to deactivate continuous cycle. If compressor icon is not lit but compressor

still runs, troubleshoot the appliance’s compressor, wiring, external contactor, or the control’s

10. Not Starting / Skipping Defrost:

1 = direct (cooling only, no defrost); 2 = reverse (heating)] Also, check the defrost parameters decsibed above.


set to terminate defrost by TEMPERATURE? If so, check that the defrost probe is accurate and paramter


set to terminate defrost by TIME? If so, confirm paramters

(Alarm indicator will light, and the code will alternate with the temperature on the display

Controller is in OFF status. Press and hold power button for 3s to toggle ON / OFF.

the controller is calling for this activation, but a delay is keeping this activation off for a period of a set

: first check if the compressor icon is blinking (Continuous Cycle mode). If blinking,

check if defrost has been disabled by parameter

Probe 2 Error – replace defrost probe

Low Temp Alarm – cooling below set point

Dirty Condenser – from probe 3 (A4=10)


are correct. (A value of 0 in either will disable defrost.)

output for an electrical short.

(operating mode) [0 = direct+defrost;

is correct.

  • Contents

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  • Troubleshooting

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easy / easy compact

digital electronic thermostats with defrost control

User manual


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Summary of Contents for Carel easy

  • Page 1: User Manual

    / easy compact digital electronic thermostats with defrost control User manual…

  • Page 3
    The technical specifi cations shown in the manual may be changed without prior warning. The liability of CAREL in relation to its products is specifi ed in the CAREL general contract conditions, available on the website and/or by specifi c agreements with customers; specifi cally, to the extent where allowed…
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    5.6 Table of easy parameters …………….25 5.7 Table of easy compact parameters ………….26 5.9 Troubleshooting ………………..28 6. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.1 easy technical specifi cations ……………..29 6.2 easy compact technical specifi cations …………29 6.3 Electromagnetic compatibility …………..29 easy/easy compact +030220791 — rel. 2.0 — 30.05.2007…

  • Page 7: Introduction

    PJ32 range, with the objective of off ering a product that only, and a simplifi ed display. is simpler and more economical. The structure of the parameters has 1.1 Main characteristics The following table lists the main features of the easy and easy compact controllers. Features Models…

  • Page 8: Ntc And Ptc Probes

    1.3 NTC and PTC probes 1.5 Defi nitions All easy and easy compact models use PTC and NTC probes conforming Continuous cycle: function that runs the compressor for the set time. to the CAREL standard, with resistance values of 985Ω at 25°C for the PTC, and 10 kΩ…

  • Page 9: Assembly And Installation

    (formation of corrosive patina with possible oxidation Fig. 2.c and reduction of insulation. (*) do not over-tighten the screws. To install easy and easy compact: make an opening in the panel based on the drilling template, 71×29 mm. Dismantling using the screws from the front •…

  • Page 10: Wiring Diagram For Multiple Units

    IROPZ485S0 serial option cables separate from the original 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 wires (relay outputs and power supply). The RS485 converter (IROPZ485S0) is used to connect the easy and easy 230Vac or compact instruments to the supervisor network, allowing complete 115 Vac or 12 Vac/Vdc control and monitoring of the easy units connected.

  • Page 11: User Interface And Start Up

    3. USER INTERFACE AND START UP 3.1 Display 3.2 Keypads easy Keypad functions for easy and easy compact models C, S, X, Y Fig. 3.c Fig. 3.a but. normal operation start up but. function normal operation start up pressing the button…

  • Page 12: Preliminary Confi Gurations

    (Fd). Warnings: • when fi rst connected, easy is already on and ready to be used; • the instrument can be switched on from a supervisor PC and via an external contact (setting A4= 5). The latter has priority over the other modes.

  • Page 13: Functions And Parameters

    /6: disable decimal point Used to enable or disable the temperature display with the resolution to Table 4.b the tenths of a degree between -20 and + 20 (easy) or -10 and +10 (easy compact). /6= 0 temperature displayed to the tenth of a degree;…

  • Page 14: Duty Setting

    OFF time of 15 minutes, see Fig. 4.b. the low temperature alarm is delayed for the time c6. In any case, the continuous cycle is deactivated at the temperature (set point-AL). easy/easy compact +030220791 — rel. 2.0 — 30.05.2007…

  • Page 15: Compressor Protection

    4.7 Defrost The easy and easy compact controllers are fi tted with an automatic For the correct and safe use of the easy and easy compact controllers, it is compressor protection system to avoid continual starts or stops of the essential to program defrost cycles.

  • Page 16: Dt End Defrost Temperature Set Point/Defrost Temperature

    If, at the start of a defrost cycle, the temperature measured by the defrost to a diff erent time for each unit. probe is greater than “dt”, the cycle is not performed. Furthermore, to avoid unnecessary defrosts controlled by the instrument’s easy/easy compact +030220791 — rel. 2.0 — 30.05.2007…

  • Page 17: Alarm Parameters

    1 ≤ St + AL= 0 — AL r4 — AL d/: defrost probe reading Used to display the value measured by the defrost probe on the Table 4.f instruments where this is fi tted. easy/easy compact +030220791 — rel. 2.0 — 30.05.2007…

  • Page 18: Absolute/Relative Temperature For High Temperature Alarm

    + AH r4 + AH Table 4.g When A4=1 easy can be connected to an external contact for immediately signalling alarms. The alarm signal can be delayed by setting parameter Note: the low and high temperature alarms are automatically reset — this means that if the temperature returns within the allowed range, the alarm signal is automatically cancelled.

  • Page 19
    • if the AUX auxiliary output is “linked” to the digital input (H1=3), the When A4=3 easy can be connected to an external contact for managing auxiliary relay will be activated. the opening and the closing of the curtain on the refrigerated cabinet and activating night-time operation.
  • Page 20: Evaporator Fan Management Parameters

    To know which output is associated with the fan, see the wiring diagram • the buzzer sounds (to mute this, press SET or to disable deactivate set for the “easy” model used (see par. “2.2 Electrical connections” page 9). H4=1); •…

  • Page 21: Clock And Time Band Parameters

    Defrost event minutes setting 4.10 Clock and time band parameters The RTC (Real Time Clock), not available on the easy compact models, is Example: To program a defrost call (d1d) every Saturday & Sunday at used to manage the defrost function, curtain switch/night-time operation 19.31, set: d1d=10 (days) d1h=19 (hours), d1m=31 (min).

  • Page 22: Rapid Parameter Set Selection (Ezy)

    By setting parameter EZY=1, 2, 3, 4, one of the 4 lists made up of a by CAREL for the basic models), if a parameter, including the set point, is maximum of 25 parameters (for the lists see par. “5.8 Table of EZY modifi ed from the keypad, the value becomes negative.

  • Page 23: Tables Of Alarms And Parameters

    Only shown if d6= 0. dOr fl ashing open door alarm: cht fl ashing • check the multifunction input and parameters A4 and A7. dirty condenser pre-alarm: • check parameters A4, Ac, AE and Acd. easy/easy compact +030220791 — rel. 2.0 — 30.05.2007…

  • Page 24: Data Error

    Warnings: if no button is pressed for 60 s, all the changes made to the parameters, temporarily saved in the RAM, will be cancelled and the easy/easy compact +030220791 — rel. 2.0 — 30.05.2007…

  • Page 25: Table Of Easy Parameters

    ON minutes X, Y, C night time band OFF day days X, Y, C night time band OFF hours X, Y, C night time band OFF minutes X, Y, C easy/easy compact +030220791 — rel. 2.0 — 30.05.2007…

  • Page 26: Table Of Easy Compact Parameters

    S (with 1 & 2 probes) Table 5.d Warning Warning the easy compact models only display two digits. If the range is below -99 and above 99, the terminal will display “- — “. easy/easy compact +030220791 — rel. 2.0 — 30.05.2007…

  • Page 27: Table Of Ezy Parameter Sets

    20.0 25.0 20.0 20.0 temperature alarm delay Table 5.f Key: normal temperature no defrost defrost by time heating output defrost with temp. control (d0= 4) easy/easy compact +030220791 — rel. 2.0 — 30.05.2007…

  • Page 28: Troubleshooting

    • F1 (evaporator fan control set point) too low. • post-dripping delay set if F0=0 • F2=1 and the compressor is off • dripping in progress • post-dripping in progress Table 5.g easy/easy compact +030220791 — rel. 2.0 — 30.05.2007…

  • Page 29: Technical Specifications

    71×29 copper wires. 6.3 Electromagnetic compatibility 65,29 The easy and easy compact series is compliant with the EU standards on 71×29 electromagnetic compatibility: • for household appliances EN 55014-2 and EN 55014-1;…

  • Page 30
  • Page 32
    Agenzia / Agency: CAREL S.p.A. Via dell’Industria, 11 — 35020 Brugine — Padova (Italy) Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 — Fax (+39) 049.9716600 e-mail: —…

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