Просмотр полной версии : Carel uTrack проблемы
Уважаемые коллеги, такая проблема- смонтировали станцию из 2 компрессоров на 4 испарителя температура кипения -5, но не можем разобраться с процессором. Выдаёт следующие ошибки А01, А02, А16 и А19. В инструкции написано таким языком, что чёрт ногу сломит. С пультом прилагался датчик всасывания, который по ошибке подключили к нагнетательной линии, теперь поменяв на всас, он показывает стабильно 4,1 что ни делай. Станция стоит:( Подскажите, может как убрать ошибки и что с датчиком, может сгорел:confused:
05.10.2010, 21:04
A16 Высокое давление всасывания
A19 Датчик всасывания 1 неисправен или отсоединен
A01 Компрессор 1 выключен
A02 Компрессор 2 выключен
zausenets, хмм, а у нас в инструкции вобще другое описание…может мы о разных процессорах говорим?
06.10.2010, 10:31
может мы о разных процессорах говорим? Говорим мы скорее всего о контроллере Carel mRack. Инструкцию на него можешь найти здесь. (http://holodforum.ru/downloads.php?do=cat&id=26) Проверьте правильность подключения датчика давления к блоку.
может мы о разных процессорах говорим?
Просто есть «меню аварийных сигналов» и есть «описание аварийных сигналов» внимательней читайте инструкцию.
06.10.2010, 14:00
Проверьте правильность подключения датчика давления к блоку Так они же его
по ошибке подключили к нагнетательной линии
06.10.2010, 16:54
Так они же его
zausenets, это я видел… На практике у Carel датчики достаточно крепкие и так быстро не сдаются… Хотя все может быть… Тем не менее, если всас с нагнетанием попутали, мож и V+ с GND тоже при подключенииhttp://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/happy.gif (http://smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/index.html)
Спасибо всем, разобрались:) Датчик сдох)) Помогли ваши подсказки) Действительно попутались с таблицей аварийных сигналов и описанием аварийных сигналов)
Зато я теперь герой!)) Мои наставники, работающие по 25 лет в холодильной промышленности не могли запустить, а пацан 23-х лет поковырялся с процом и сделал))
Кстати, Frigoriste, мы не всас с нагнетанием попутали, мы не знали какой это датчик;)
06.10.2010, 18:13
Саняга, ну хрен его знает…На нем же обычно написано… Характеристики его — датчика:) И диапазон применения…Без обид http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/scenic.gif (http://smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/2/index.html)
Frigoriste, я не обиделся, просто я не смотрел датчик, его без меня к нагнетанию прикручивали
07.10.2010, 22:02
Саняга, стоит то на сателлитке? если нет то зачем оно там?
07.10.2010, 23:44
Мои наставники, работающие по 25 лет в холодильной промышленности не могли запуститьДай им ссылку на форум. )
Скажи — будем рады общению.
muravei77, стоит на всасывающем коллекторе…
zausenets, да они даже компьютер включать не умеют)) а ты говоришь…)
08.10.2010, 12:38
Саняга, ёпама… понятно что на всасе)) я имел ввиду сателлитную ЦХМ для которой этот м.рак и выпущен! блок то может управлять компрессорами по двум давлениям всаса независимо. для работы на один всас дешевле (и проще) использовать 400 серию от эливелл..
muravei77, ох понять бы теперь ещё, что ты сказал!)) У нас имеется дохлый датчик всасывания, а также 3 рд низкого давления-2 на компрессора и 1 на общий всас…
Я холодильщиком работаю 4-й год, так что не жди от меня больших познаний!)) Я ещё учуся!))
09.10.2010, 00:21
muravei77, ох понять бы теперь ещё, что ты сказал!)) У нас имеется дохлый датчик всасывания, а также 3 рд низкого давления-2 на компрессора и 1 на общий всас…
Я холодильщиком работаю 4-й год, так что не жди от меня больших познаний!)) Я ещё учуся!))
я тоже учуся. самому до специалиста крупного как до китая раком… вот для чего предназначен этот блок. http://www.ostrov.ru/item_19.htm хорошо для небольших магазинов. тупо дешевле. конденсатор-ресивер общие и для с.т и для н.т
люди, помогите пожалуйста! не совсем получается разобраться с блоком мRack.Срабатывает аварийное реле,высвечивает ошибку АО1,АО2?
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Контроллер Carel mRack может быть настроен на управления одним и двумя контурами. Максимальное количество устройств, компрессоров + вентиляторов составляет 5 (максимальное количество реле). Сначала последовательно распределяются компрессоры, потом вентиляторы.
Реле № 5 может быть сигнальным реле или использоваться для управления вентилятором. Выбор производится автоматически в соответствии с количеством выбранных устройств.
— Общие функции:
Считывание датчиков давления, отображение данных в бар/°C (в зависимости от типа хладагента).
Управление компрессорами с одинаковыми и различными мощностями.
Управление компрессорными агрегатами с двумя контурами, MT и LT.
Задание количества компрессоров – вентиляторов на агрегате.
Чередование компрессоров (FIFO (первый вкл первый выкл) и по наработке). FIFO чередование вентиляторов конденсатора.
Регулирование скорости вентиляторов конденсатора (PWM выход).
Управление зоной нечувствительности компрессоров и вентиляторов.
Возможность ввода заданного значения давления всасывания в барах и отображение значения в °C путем нажатия одновременного кнопок “UP” и “DOWN” при отображении значений параметров.
Возможность ввода заданного давления конденсации в барах или градусах Цельсия, в зависимости от используемого контрольного датчика (давления или NTC).
Многофункциональный вход: общий аварийный сигнал HP (высокое давление), ON/OFF (вкл/выкл), изменение заданного значения.
Изменение заданного значения по сигналу на цифровом входе.
Возможность настройки аварийного сигнала тепловой перегрузки/типового аварийного сигнала как автоматического/ручного.
Пуск компрессоров с экрана “Maintenance” (техническое обслуживание).
Пропорциональная плюс интегральная функция для инвертора вентилятора.
«Плавающая» уставка давления конденсации.
Опционные температурные датчики с возможностью настройки аварии по верхнему порогу: наружный воздух; воздух окружающей среды; температура нагнетания компрессора; температура всасывания.
Основные характеристики
— Основные функции: регулировка давления всасывания компрессора, регулировка давления конденсации (нагнетание компрессора), полное управление имеющимися выходами, гибкая настройка аварийных сигналов; возможность работы в составе системы мониторинга.
— Управляемые устройства: компрессоры (до 4 герметичных компрессоров, без частичной нагрузки), вентиляторы конденсатора (максимум, 4), управление регулятором скорости вращения вентиляторов конденсатора сигналом PWM.
— Программирование: отображение и контроль измеряемых значений на светодиодном дисплее; три уровня защиты параметров: SEL (ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЬ), PRG (ИНСТАЛЛЯТОР), SEL+PRG (ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЬ); возможность конфигурирования всех параметров устройства с использованием ключа-программатора, возможность конфигурирования основных параметров устройства через последовательный интерфейс, возможность модификации уровня доступа к параметрам с клавиатуры (только ядл уровня ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЬ).
— Варианты исполнения: изделие поставляется в готовом виде для установки на панели, 32×74 или с монтажом на направляющей DIN.
Table of Contents
Quick Links
Standard compressor racks single/two circuit
User manual
Related Manuals for Carel MRK0000000
Summary of Contents for Carel MRK0000000
Page 1
µRack Standard compressor racks single/two circuit User manual NO POWER & SIGNAL CABLES TOGETHER READ CAREFULLY IN THE TEXT! -
Page 3
Each CAREL product, in relation to its advanced level of technology, requires setup / configuration / programming / commissioning to be able to operate in the best possible way for the specific application. The failure to complete such operations, which are required/indicated in the user manual, may cause the final product to malfunction; CAREL accepts no liability in such cases. -
Page 5: Table Of Contents
CONTENTS PRODUCT ………………………………….7 General functions ………………………………..7 Main characteristics ………………………………..7 USER INTERFACE ………………………………..8 Buttons — LEDs — Icons ………………………………..8 LED display and Icons ………………………………..9 STARTING THE UNIT ………………………………10 Starting for the first time ………………………………10 Unit configuration ………………………………..10 Meaning of the inputs / outputs …………………………….10 COMPRESSOR MANAGEMENT …………………………….
Page 6
Page 7: Product
(only from MANUFACTURER R level). Hardw ware • The product co omes ready for pa anel installation, 3 2×74, and DIN rai il mounting. Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12…
Page 8: User Interface
/fan set point high/lo ow threshold to switch the displ lay of the same pa arameter from BA AR to °C. Tab. 2.a Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12…
Page 9: Led Display And Icons
2) If flashing indicates the ON/OFF call for a new compressor step, while the device is awaiting the expiry of the delay times. 3) If the controller is used for fan control only (“/01”=0) then the icon shows the status of the fans. Tab. 2.b Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12…
Page 10: Starting The Unit
RIC pressure probe e (0 to 5 Volt) or NTC if /16 Room tem perature probe (d display) / auxiliary y probe CAREL NTC temperature prob be (-50T100°C; R/ /T 10 k at 25°C) Outside air r temperature pro obe (floating cond…
Page 11
Power contactor for starting the fan / voltage-free contact for signalling unit alarm Tab. 3.c Analogue outputs Outputs Description Fans speed controller (PWM) Tab. 3.d 3.3.2 Wiring diagrams: Panel installation: Line PSOPZKEY* 24 V MCH2004850 Line TRADR1W04 Fig. 3.a Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12… -
Page 12
µRack DIN rail installation: Rack FCSER00000 Line Rack FCSER00000 24 V Line TRADR1W04 Fig. 3.b Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12… -
Page 13: Compressor Management
In this cas se too, the first de evice stops immed diately, while the o others wait the de elay time between n stops (r09). Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12…
Page 14: Number Of Compressors Started With Probe 1 Fault
For two circuits, the parameter relating to the second circuit /08 must also be set. This will be related to the probe in the 2nd circuit. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12…
Page 15: Compressors With Different Capacities
On unit models with capacity control (/01=9,10,…14) the compressors cannot be manually enabled/disabled directly. To exploit parameters M01,..,M08, the unit model needs to be changed (/01=1 for configurations 9, 10 and 11; /01=3 for configurations 12 and 13; /01=4 for configuration 14). Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12…
Page 16: Special Mt-Lt Units
(par rameter C01). Comp ressor call T[s] Comp ressor MinOn Minim mum ON time Time T[s] TMinOn Fig 4.f Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12…
Page 17
This parameter limits the number of starts per hour. If, for example, the maximum allowable number of starts per hour is 10, to guarantee this limit simply set a value of 360 (parameter C05). Key: Compressor call T[s] Compressor TSameSw Minimum time between starts of the same compressor Time T[s] TSameSw Fig 4.i Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12… -
Page 18: Fan And Inverter Management
-calculated base d from actual num mber of fans a vailable. Two d ifferent types of r rotation can be s Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12…
Page 19: Inverter Management
Discharge set point + Fan differential Min In Minimum value of the inverter control output Fig.5.d Proportional control, set by parameter r21, may be proportional only (parameter r21=0) or proportional + integral (parameter r21=1). Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12…
Page 20
Key: InPress Discharge pressure Set point + differential StpM HP set point DOnZ Activation zone DOffZ Deactivation zone Dead band T [s] Time Inverter Inverter status NFan Number of fans on Fig. 5.f Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12… -
Page 21: Pwm-Ppm Management
T[s] Fig. 5.g The PWM signal controls, for example, the CAREL FCS* series, CONVONOFF, CON0/10A0 modules. ON/OFF fan control board (code CONVONOFF0) The CONVONOFF0 modules convert the PWM signal sent from terminal Y to an ON/OFF signal. In practical terms, Y can be used to control a relay. Switching power 10A at 250 Vac in AC1 (1/3 HP inductive).
Page 22: Various Settings
). This alarm has a automatic reset, w with a fixed differe ential of 2°C. Examp ple of HT alarm m management Diff. 2°C Alarm ON temperature Set Poi Alarm OF Fig. 6.a Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12…
Page 23: Prevent High Discharge Pressure
Prevent HP activation threshold Time between compressor stops with prevent HP active Dprev1 Step activation delay after end prevent HP (prevent time 1) Dprev2 Minimum time for activation of high prevent frequency alarm (prevent time 2) Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12…
Page 24: Alarm Management
OFF CIRC 2 automatic (from multifunctio on input) General discharge e pressure switch All com mps. OFF Settable (from multifunctio on input) Low discharge pre essure All fa ans OFF automatic settable Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12…
Page 25: Alarms From Analogue Inputs: Temperature Probe And Pressure Transducer
1.0 bar discharge Example of LP alarm management Diff. Alarm on Alarm off Low press. Set Point Fig. 7.a Diff. Example of HP alarm management Alarm on High press. Set Point Alarm off Fig. 7.b Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12…
Page 26: The Supervisor Network
1. For fur rther information, refer to the corre esponding manua l or contact CAREL User interf face The pa arameters are divi ded into 2 catego ories. Display…
Page 27: List Of Parameters
Config uration menu Set the typ e of unit, LT, MT or two circuit 0) LT Type o f unit 0 to 2 1) MT 2) TWO CI RCUIT Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12…
Page 28
0) probe not connected B1 probe type 0 to 2 1) NTC probe 2) 0 to 5 V probe MIN suction pressure Set the minimum value of suction probe -1.0 to /19 -1.0 Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12… -
Page 29
Used to change the password to access the Manufacturer branch 0 to 999 B4 probe set: 0) probe not connected B4 probe type 0 to 2 1)0 to 5 V probe 2) 0 to 5 V probe Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12… -
Page 30
0 to 20.0 Fan differential Fan differential For single circuit only °C 0 to 20.0 15.5 Only if the inverter is Inverter set point Fan inverter set point r25 to r26 °C 35.7 enabled Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12… -
Page 31
On the 3rd activation, within the set time, the low pressure alarm from 0 to 999 alarms pressure switch changes from automatic to manual reset. Enable unit OFF due to probe disconnected/alarm OFF due to probe 0) NO disconnected 1) YES Maintenance menu Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12… -
Page 32: On/Off Fan Control Board (Code Convonoff0)
O ON/OFF control of the condenser fa ans. The co ontrol relay has a s switching power 1 10A at 250 Vac in AC1 (1/3 HP indu uctive). Fig. 11.a Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12…
Page 33: Pwm To 0 To 10 Vdc (Or 4 To 20 Ma) Conversion Board For Fans (Code Conv0/10A0)
To assist t the identification o of the key to be u sed, CAREL has a pplied a label that t can used to desc cribe the program mming made or th he unit that the da ta refers to.
Page 34
Reset compressor 1 hours Reset compressor 2 hours Reset compressor 3 hours Reset compressor 4 hours Enable floating condenser control Enable unit Off due to probe fault Enable fans with compressor ON Tab. 14.b Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12… -
Page 35
Version of the application Type of refrigerant Capacity of compressor 1 Capacity of compressor 2 Capacity of compressor 3 Capacity of compressor 4 Inverter readout % “ Multifunction DI configuration B1 type probe Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12… -
Page 36: Default Configurations
3 Fan 1 Normally y open contact, re elay no. 4 Fan 2 Normally y open contact, re elay no. 5 Generic a alarm b. 15.d Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12…
Page 37: Glossary
Buffer (memory): memory y on the board used d to save the default t values selected by CAREL for all the pa arameters. Permane nt memory, saves th he values even whe n power is disconne ected.
Page 38: Product Codes List
-1…9,3 bar -1…12,8 bar 0…34,5 bar probe MRK0 00010DK MRK0 000200K panel panel MRK0 00030DK MRK0 000400K panel panel MRK0 00050DK MRK0 000600K panel panel MRK0 00090DK MRK0 000800K panel panel Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12…
Page 39: Appendix: Compressor Rack Controller, Examples Of Application Diagrams
C4 C3 C2 2 C1 Fig. 17.a 2 com mpressors un it + 2 conden ser fans F2 F1 C2 2 C1 Fig. 17.b Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12…
Page 40
3 compressors unit with 2 fan steps and speed regulator (no alarm relay output) F1 C3 C2 C1 Fig. 17.c 2 compressors unit + 3 condenser fans F2 F1 C2 C1 Fig. 17.d Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 2.2 dated 10/02/12… -
Page 41
The default val lue has been chan nged from 90 sec to 60 min The max. value e has been change ed from 999 sec t to 500 min Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12… -
Page 42
/01= 9,10,11,12,13 an d 14” CARE EL reserves the ri ght to make mod difications or chan nges to its produc cts without prior notice. Cod. C CAREL +03P220 0431 rel. 2.2 date d 10/02/12… -
Page 44
CAREL INDUSTRIES HQs Via dell’Industria, 11 — 35020 Brugine — Padova (Italy) Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 Fax (+39) 049.9716600 http: //www.carel.com e-mail: carel@carel.com…
Page 1: User Manual
/ easy compact / easy split electronic digital thermostats with defrost control User manual NO POWER & SIGNAL CABLES TOGETHER READ CAREFULLY IN THE TEXT! I n t e g r a t e d C o n t r o l S o l u t i o n s & E n e r g y S a v i n g s…
- Page 3
The technical specifi cations shown in the manual may be changed without prior warning. The liability of CAREL in relation to its products is specifi ed in the CAREL general contract conditions, available on the website www.carel.com and/or by specifi c agreements with customers; specifi cally, to the extent where allowed… -
Page 5: Table Of Contents
Content 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Main characteristics ………………..7 1.2 Models ……………………7 1.3 Main diff erences between easy, easy compact and easy split ..9 1.4 NTC and PTC probes ………………9 1.5 Accessories ………………….9 1.6 Defi nitions …………………..9 2. ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION 2.1 Assembly …………………..10 2.2 Electrical connections ………………11…
Page 7: Introduction
1.1 Main characteristics The following table lists the main features of the easy, easy compact and easy split controllers. Features…
- Page 8
fan management with comp. off 4.10 night-time operation with light 4.11 management Table 1.b * available but cannot be set from the keypad nor the programming key. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010… -
Page 9: Main Diff Erences Between Easy, Easy Compact And Easy Split
PTC, and 10 kΩ for the NTC. The type of probe installable depends on the model (order code). The easy split models, on the other hand, only use NTC and high temperature NTC probes (50 KΩ at 25°C), selected by parameter.
Page 10: Assembly And Installation
(formation of corrosive patina with possible oxidation (*) do not over-tighten the screws. and reduction of insulation. To install easy, easy compact and easy split: make an opening in the panel based on the drilling template, 71×29 mm. Dismantling using the screws from the front •…
Page 11: Electrical Connections
• the probes can be installed up to a maximum distance of 30 m from the controller (10 m for easy split). To extend the distance of the probes, 230Vac or use cables with a minimum cross-section of 1 mm2, shielded where…
- Page 12
(*) For codes PJEZ*8**5* the temperature range is -10T50 °C and the maximum current is 16 A. See the table of technical specifi cations. ———— = recommended internal power supply connections. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010… -
Page 13: Wiring Diagram For Multiple Units
120 ohm Fig. 2.h easy split: The serial connection for the easy split models with 4 relays depends on the setting of parameter H7, as the management of the fourth relay (RL4) and serial communication are mutually exclusive. The factory setting is H7=1, which means the fourth relay is enabled. To enable connection to the supervisor network: power down the controller;…
Page 14: User Interface And Start Up
EZY together (2 — more than 3 s: accesses and 3) activate Keypad functions for easy and easy compact M models the parameter setting menu parameter (models with keypad only) (enter password 22) reset — mutes the audible alarm…
Page 15: Easy Split
Display the controller to make it operative. CAREL then recommends to check that the display does not show any alarm signals (see par. “5.1 Table of alarms and signals” on page 31), then set the time and date (in the models fi tted with RTC, see par. “4.11 Clock and time band parameters”…
- Page 16
Press DOWN for more than 3 s (activated only if the temperature conditions are right, for easy split only if the light output is not set, H1≠4). Alternatively, on easy split models, if the light output is set (H1=4), the defrost can be activated by pressing UP and DOWN together, when H6=1). -
Page 17: Functions And Parameters
This chapter describes all the functions of the easy, easy compact and Example: In the case of bottle coolers, typically used in supermarkets, easy split. See Table 1.b for the compatibility of the functions with the when the doors are opened frequently, due to the greater thermal inertia model used.
Page 18: Temperature Control
Used to enable or disable the temperature display with the resolution to Value that automatically increases the set point temperature during the the tenths of a degree between -20 and + 20 (easy and easy split) or -10 night-time operation time bands.
Page 19: Continuous Cycle
(H1=7). 4.6 Compressor protection The easy, easy compact and easy split controllers are fi tted with an automatic compressor protection system to avoid continual starts or stops of the unit. The protection is based on the times in minutes set for parameters c0;…
Page 20: Defrost
• from the keypad pressing the DOWN button for 3 s (manual defrost) (for easy split H1 must be ≠4. If H1=4 the UP and DOWN buttons can be pressed together, when H6=1); dt: end defrost temperature set point/defrost temperature threshold •…
- Page 21
(only manual defrosts from the keypad or multifunction contact) or to set dI to a value which is greater than the maximum set interval. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010… -
Page 22: Alarm Parameters
A4: 3rd input confi guration (easy compact) The multifunction input is only available on the easy models with three inputs; is not available on the easy compact models. A0: alarm and fan temperature diff erential This parameter is used to set the functions of the input.
- Page 23
(1) contact open= alarm detected unit 1 contact closed= normal operation. When A4=1 easy can be connected to an external contact for immediately dP (2) d5 (2) signalling alarms. The alarm signal can be delayed by setting parameter unit 2… - Page 24
14 Product probe again). Table 4.o AC-AE/2 A4=0, 1, 2, 3: see A4=0, 1, 2, 3 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. AC-AE A4=4 Curtain switch and night-time operation See the previous paragraph. In easy split models if the light output is Fig. -
Page 25: Door Open/Closed Management
Door switch with evaporator fan off and light not managed A4=13 for easy split). See A4=7 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. In easy split models with light output confi gured (H1=4), the status of the light output remains unchanged.
- Page 26
Easy split Closing the door the fi rst time: the controller maintains the previous status: In easy split models the algorithm for managing the door depends on • the fans and/or compressor (see parameter ‘A4’) remain off ; the type of unit selected, according to parameter Ado, and the setting •… -
Page 27: Evaporator Fan Management Parameters
The evaporator fan control temperature is measured by probe 2, (connector 10). To know which output is associated with the fan, see the wiring diagram for the “easy” model used (see par. “2.2 Electrical connections” page 11). Important: these parameters are not available in the compact models.
Page 28: Clock And Time Band Parameters
Parameters for setting up to 4 defrost time bands 4.11 Clock and time band parameters d1d…d4d Defrost event day setting The RTC (Real Time Clock), not available on the easy compact models, is d1d…d4d=0 no defrost event used to manage the defrost function, curtain switch/night-time operation d1d…d4d=1…7 Monday to Sunday…
Page 29: Rapid Parameter Set Selection (Ezy)
Examples of operation: the digital input. On easy split models there are also the light and second compressor outputs, with or without rotation. example 1…
- Page 30
When set to a positive value (values from 0 to 31 are used REQ2 by CAREL for the basic models), if a parameter, including the set point, is modifi ed from the keypad, the value becomes negative. This allows any modifi cations made the parameters compared to the initial settings to be monitored. -
Page 31: Tables Of Alarms And Parameters
5. TABLES OF ALARMS AND PARAMETERS 5.1 Table of alarms and signals Note: in easy split controllers, when starting control (powering up When an alarm is activated, the display shows the corresponding message the controller and/or switching from OFF status), the high that fl ashes alternating with the temperature;…
Page 32: Data Error
• press the SET button for more than 3 s to permanently save the parameters and exit the parameter setting procedure. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
Page 33: Table Of Easy Parameters
X, Y, C (*) AUX time band ON day days X, Y, C (*) AUX time band ON hours X, Y, C (*) AUX time band ON minutes X, Y, C (*) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
Page 34: Table Of Easy Compact Parameters
S (with 1 & 2 probes) Table 5.d Warning Warning the easy compact models only display two digits. If the range is below -99 and above 99, the terminal will display “- — “. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
Page 35: Table Of Easy Split Parameters
S,C (*) night time band ON day S,C (*) night time band ON hours S,C (*) nOM night time band ON minutes S,C (*) night time band OFF day S,C (*) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
Page 36: Table Of Ezy Parameter Sets
(reverse) digital input alarm management defrost with temp. control (d0= 4) defrost by temperature (d0=4) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
- Page 37
(reverse) digital input alarm management defrost with temp. control (d0= 4) defrost by temperature (d0=4) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010… -
Page 38: Troubleshooting
• F1 (evaporator fan control set point) too low. • post-dripping delay set 3. if F0=0 • F2=1 and the compressor is off • dripping in progress • post-dripping in progress Table 5.i easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
Page 39: Technical Specifications
Warning : do not run the power cable less than 3 cm from the bottom of the device or the probes; for the connections, only use Fig. 6.b copper wires. 65,29 71×29 Fig. 6.a easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
Page 40: Easy Split Technical Specifi Cations
(**) Minimum T OFF between two starts must be greater than 1 min. (***) Conformity to UL873 only corresponds to models without plastic case. Terminal Power board 103.5 Ø 4 38,29 71×29 Fig. 6.c Fig. 6.d easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
Page 41: Electromagnetic Compatibility
6.4 Electromagnetic compatibility The easy and easy compact series is compliant with the EU standards on electromagnetic compatibility: • for household appliances EN 55014-2 and EN 55014-1; • for residential, commercial and light industrial environments EN 50082-1 and EN 50081-1;…
- Page 42
Notes… - Page 44
Agenzia / Agency: CAREL INDUSTRIES — HQs Via dell’Industria, 11 — 35020 Brugine — Padova (Italy) Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 — Fax (+39) 049.9716600 e-mail: carel@carel.com — www.carel.com…
µRack Standard compressor racks single/two circuit We wish to save you time and money! We can assure you that the thorough reading of this manual will guarantee correct installation and safe use of the product described. IMPORTANT WARNINGS BEFORE INSTALLING OR HANDLING THE APPLIANCE PLEASE CAREFULLY READ AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS DESCRIBED IN THIS MANUAL. This device has been manufactured to operate risk-free for its specific purpose, as long as: it is installed, operated and maintained according to the instructions contained in this manual; the environmental conditions and the power supply voltage correspond to those specified. All other uses and modifications made to the device that are not authorised by the manufacturer are considered incorrect. Liability for injury or damage caused by the incorrect use of the device lies exclusively with the user. Please note that this unit contains powered electrical devices and therefore all service and maintenance operations must be performed by specialist and qualified personnel who are aware of the necessary precautions. Disconnect the machine from the mains power supply before accessing any internal parts. Disposal of the parts of the controller: The controller is made up of metal and plastic parts and contains a lithium battery. All these parts must be disposed of according to the local legislation in force. Disposal of the product The appliance (or the product) must be disposed of separately in accordance with the local waste disposal legislation in force CONTENTS 1. Product ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 1.1. General functions ...................................................................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Main characteristics .....................................................................................................................................................................................3 2 User interface 4 2.1 Buttons - LEDs - Icons..................................................................................................................................................................................5 2.2 LED display and Icons..................................................................................................................................................................................6 3. Starting the unit .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 3.1. Starting for the first time.......................................................................................................................................................................6 3.2. Unit configuration ..................................................................................................................................................................................6 3.2.1. Input configuration................................................................................................................................................................................7 3.2.2. Unit ON/OFF.........................................................................................................................................................................................7 3.3. Meaning of the inputs / outputs ..........................................................................................................................................................7 3.3.1. Table of analogue inputs........................................................................................................................................................................7 3.3.2. Wiring diagrams: ..................................................................................................................................................................................8 4. Compressor management.................................................................................................................................................................................................9 4.1. General settings......................................................................................................................................................................................9 4.2. Compressor rotation..............................................................................................................................................................................9 4.3. Compressor control...............................................................................................................................................................................9 4.4. Number of compressors started with probe 1 fault ......................................................................................................................11 4.5. Compressors with different capacities.............................................................................................................................................11 4.5.1. Proportional band control with different capacity compressors .................................................................................................................11 4.5.2. Dead band control with different capacity compressors...........................................................................................................................11 4.5.3. Example of compressors with different capacities...................................................................................................................................11 4.6. Manually enable/disable the compressors......................................................................................................................................12 4.7. Special MT-LT units .............................................................................................................................................................................12 4.7.1. Management of compressor racks with LT and MT circuits and condenser only. ........................................................................................12 4.7.2. Probes and values controlled................................................................................................................................................................12 4.8. 5. Compressor time settings ..................................................................................................................................................................13 Fan and inverter management ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 5.1. Fan management .................................................................................................................................................................................14 5.1.1. Fan control.........................................................................................................................................................................................14 5.2. Dead band control ...............................................................................................................................................................................14 5.2.1. 5.1.2 Fan rotation ...............................................................................................................................................................................14 6. 5.3. Inverter management ..........................................................................................................................................................................15 5.4. PWM-PPM management.....................................................................................................................................................................17 5.5. Floating condenser control ................................................................................................................................................................17 Various settings ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................18 6.1. Manual device operation ....................................................................................................................................................................18 6.2. Compressor hour counter and maintenance alarm ......................................................................................................................18 6.3. Set point variation from digital input................................................................................................................................................18 6.4. Type of refrigerant ...............................................................................................................................................................................18 6.5. Auxiliary probe management ............................................................................................................................................................18 6.6. Prevent high discharge pressure ......................................................................................................................................................18 7. 8. 9. Alarm management............................................................................................................................................................................................................19 7.1. Alarms with automatic reset ..............................................................................................................................................................19 7.2. Alarms with manual reset...................................................................................................................................................................19 7.3. Semiautomatic alarms ........................................................................................................................................................................20 7.4. Alarm relay ............................................................................................................................................................................................20 The supervisor network ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 7.5. Alarms from analogue inputs: temperature probe and pressure transducer:.........................................................................20 8.1. Serial boards .........................................................................................................................................................................................21 8.2. Communication protocols..................................................................................................................................................................21 User interface .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 10. List of parameters ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................21 11. ON/OFF fan control board (code CONVONOFF0) .............................................................................................................................................28 12. PWM to 0 to 10 Vdc (or 4 to 20 mA) conversion board for fans (code CONV0/10A0) .......................................................................28 13. Programming key (code PSOPZKEYA0) ...............................................................................................................................................................29 14. Supervisor management.............................................................................................................................................................................................29 15. Default configurations ..................................................................................................................................................................................................32 16. Glossary.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................32 µRack 1. Product 1.1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. General functions Read pressure transducers, display data in BAR/°C (depending on the type of refrigerant gas) Management of compressors with the same and different capacities Management of compressor racks with two circuits, MT and LT Setting of the number of compressors – fans on the unit Rotation of the compressors (FIFO and by time). FIFO rotation of the fans. Fan speed control (PWM OUTPUT) Compressor and fan dead band management Possibility to enter the compressor set point in BAR and display the value in °C by pressing the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons together when displaying the parameter values. Possibility to enter the fan set point in BAR or degrees centigrade, depending on the control probe used (pressure or NTC). Multifunction input: general HP alarm, ON/OFF, change SET POINT,… Set point variation from digital input Possibility to set the compressor-fan thermal overload/generic alarm as automatic/manual Enable compressors from the “Maintenance” screen Proportional plus integral function for the fan inverter. Floating condenser set point Optional temperature probes, with high temperature alarm threshold: a- Outside air b- Ambient air c- Compressor discharge temperature d- Suction temperature 1.2 Main characteristics Main functions • Control of compressor suction pressure • Control of condensing pressure (compressor discharge) • Complete management of the outputs available; • Complete alarm management; • Connection to serial line for supervision / telemaintenance; Devices controlled • Compressors (up to 4 hermetic compressors, no part load) • Condenser fans (max 4) • PWM speed control Programming • Display and control of the values measured, on LED display • Three levels of parameter protection: SEL (USER), PRG (INSTALLER), SEL+PRG (MANUFACTURER) • Possibility to configure all the unit parameters using a hardware key. • Possibility to configure the main unit parameters via serial line. • Possibility to modify the access level to the parameters from the keypad (only from MANUFACTURER level). Hardware • The product comes ready for panel installation, 32x74, and DIN rail mounting. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 3 µRack 2. User interface The product uses a 3 digit LED display with minus sign and decimal point to display the monitored values, and ICONS for the status of the devices and operating modes. As well as displaying the values measured and the operating conditions of the unit, the user terminal (display and keypad) can be used to modify the unit operating parameters. The following figures show the µRack for panel installation and for DIN rail mounting. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 4 µRack 2.1 Buttons - LEDs - Icons Button Description a) Press the button, when switching the instrument on, until the string “DEF” is shown on the display, to load the default values. b) Press the button for more than 5 sec, to set the password for accessing the INSTALLER parameters. c) Press the button for more than 3 sec, when the list of parameters is displayed, to accept the modifications and return to the main display (control pressure/temperature) d) Press the button for more than 3 sec when the list of parameter groups is displayed, “-/-”, “-C-”, “-r-”, “-A-”, “-M-”, to return to the main display (control pressure/temperature) a) Press the button for more than 5 sec to select between the display of the values in “BAR” or “°C”. b) Press the button when the list of parameters is displayed to move to the next parameter. c) Press the button when the numeric value of a parameter is displayed to increase the value. d) Press the button when a digital value is displayed (YES-NO) to change the setting a) Press the button for more than 5 sec to set the password for accessing the USER parameters. b) Press the button when the list of parameters is displayed to show the numeric value of the parameter. c) Press the button when the numeric value of a parameter is displayed to accept the numeric value and return to the list of parameters. a) Press the button to display the other controlled values. The “label” of the probe will be displayed, and then the numeric value. Example: Unit “A” single circuit -standard LP1 -the arrows scroll to HP-S3 –S4 Unit “B” two circuit -standard LP1 -the arrows scroll to LP2-HP-S4 + + b) Press the button for more than 5 sec to select the probe displayed permanently as the main probe. c) Press the button when the list of parameters is displayed to move to the previous parameter d) Press the button when the numeric value of a parameter is displayed to decrease the value. e) Press the button when a digital value is displayed (YES-NO) to change the setting Press the two buttons together for 5 seconds to set the PWD for accessing the MANUFACTURER parameters and thus configuring the controller. Press the two buttons together, when the numeric value of one of the following parameters is displayed: 1. comp/fan set point 2. high/low threshold 3. differentials to switch the display of the same parameter from BAR to °C. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 5 µRack 2.2 LED display and Icons The display shows the control value, temperature or pressure. depending on the selection made from the keypad. In the event of alarms, the display shows the monitored and the alarm information in sequence. ICON Description On when the unit of measure selected is BAR On when the unit of measure selected is °C On when there is an ACTIVE ALARM 1) On when the MANUFACTURER parameters are being configured 2) If flashing with the ALARM icon indicates the compressor maintenance hours have been exceeded. 1) On when the value read by the suction probe is displayed 2) If flashing with the ALARM icon indicates the activation of suction probe alarms: High Temp. Low Temp. Probe not connected 1) On when the value read by the discharge probe is displayed 2) If flashing with the ALARM icon indicates the activation of discharge probe alarms: High Temp. Probe not connected 1) On when the fan parameters are being configured. 2) On when at least one fan is operating 3) If flashing with the ALARM icon indicates the activation of fan alarms 1) On when the compressor parameters are being configured. 2) On if at least one compressor step is active 3) If flashing with the ALARM icon indicates the activation of the compressor alarms 1) Indicates the number of compressors on. 2) If flashing indicates the ON/OFF call for a new compressor step, while the device is awaiting the expiry of the delay times. 3) If the controller is used for fan control only (“/01”=0) then the icon shows the status of the fans. 3. Starting the unit 3.1. Starting for the first time After having checked the connections, power-up the unit. When started for the first time, the controller performs a LAMP TEST and uses the default values selected by CAREL for all the configuration parameters: Unit with 2 compressors + 2 fans + alarm relay. 3.2. Unit configuration The unit can be set as single or two circuit, the number of compressors for one or two circuits using parameter /01; the number of fans can then be set using parameter /09. The maximum number of devices, compressors + fans, is 5 (maximum number of relays). First the compressors and then the fans will be allocated, in sequence. Relay no. 5 may be: • an alarm • a fan The selection is made automatically according to the number of devices (fans and compressors) selected. If 4 devices are selected (e.g.: 2 compressors + 2 fans) relay 5 can be used as an alarm relay (default setting), while if 5 devices are controlled (e.g.: 2 compressors + 3 fans), output no. 5 is automatically used to control a fan. In addition, the use of speed control, by phase control or inverter, can be set for the fans, managed using the PWM signal. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 6 µRack 3.2.1. Input configuration Inputs from 1 to 4 are alarm inputs for the compressors and fans configured. If 5 devices are controlled by the unit, input no. 5 is automatically an alarm input (fan alarm only). The user can decide whether the alarm inputs are normally closed (the alarm condition exists when the contact is open) or normally open (the alarm condition exists when the contact is closed) by setting parameter /14. If 4 devices are connected to the controller, input 5 automatically becomes a multifunction input. Parameter /15 can be used to configure the multifunction input: • 0: no function • 1: unit ON-OFF (ON contact NC) • 2: change set point (set1- set2) • 3: general high pressure switch NC • 4: general high pressure switch 1 NO • 5: general low pressure switch circuit 1 NC • 6: general low pressure switch circuit 1 NO • 7: general low pressure switch circuit 2 NC • 8: general low pressure switch circuit 2NA • 9: liquid level alarm NC • 10: liquid level alarm NO • 11: fan thermal overload/generic NC • 12: fan thermal overload/generic NO 3.2.2. Unit ON/OFF The controller is normally configured as always ON. The unit can be switched on and off by: 1. Alarm (parameter A22 can be used to select whether or not a broken probe alarm should switch the unit off). 2. Supervisor (parameter /38 can be used to enable unit shutdown from the supervisor). 3. Digital input (parameter /15 can be used to configure the multifunction input as ON/OFF). 4. Parameter (parameter /39 can be used to switch the unit on or off) Shutting down the unit, as shown on the display by the message “OFF”: • switches the controller off • stops the management of the various devices and the related alarms. 3.3. Meaning of the inputs / outputs 3.3.1. Table of analogue inputs The tables below describe the type of the probes that can be connected to the inputs and their characteristics. Analogue inputs Input Description B1 Ratiometric discharge pressure probe B2 B3 B4 Type of probes that can be connected RATIOMETRIC pressure probe (0 to 5 Volt) Room temperature probe (display) / auxiliary probe CAREL NTC temperature probe (-50T100°C; R/T 10 kΩ at 25°C) Outside air temperature probe (floating condenser control) / auxiliary probe Ratiometric suction pressure probe / probe in 2nd circuit CAREL NTC temperature probe (-50T100°C; R/T 10 kΩ at 25°C) RATIOMETRIC pressure probe (0 to 5 Volt) Table3.1 Digital inputs Input Description ID1 Compressor 1 / fan alarm ID2 Compressor 2 / fan alarm ID3 Compressor 3 / fan alarm ID4 Compressor 4 / fan alarm ID5 Fan alarm / Multifunction input Digital outputs Input No1-C1 Compressor 1 / fan No2-C2 Compressor 2 / fan No3-C3 Compressor 3 / fan No4-C4 Compressor 4 / fan No5-C5 Alarm / fan Type of device connected Generic compressor/fan alarm. Voltage-free contact. Generic compressor/fan alarm. Voltage-free contact. Generic compressor/fan alarm. Voltage-free contact. Generic compressor/fan alarm. Voltage-free contact. Generic alarm: - compressor/fan. - from general high/low pressure switch. - fan thermal overload. - liquid level. Unit On-Off. Voltage-free contact. Description Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version Type of device connected Power contactor for starting the compressor / fan Power contactor for starting the compressor / fan Power contactor for starting the compressor / fan Power contactor for starting the compressor / fan Power contactor for starting the fan / voltage-free contact for signalling unit alarm 7 µRack Analogue outputs Outputs Description Y1 Fans speed controller (PWM) 3.3.2. Wiring diagrams: Panel installation: DIN rail installation: Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 8 µRack 4. Compressor management Inputs used: • Suction pressure probe/probes • Digital inputs dedicated to the compressor safety devices • Multifunction input for generic alarm (general suction pressure switch 1 and 2) Outputs used: • Compressor outputs 4.1. General settings Parameters used for ON OFF control: • number of compressors • compressor times • type of control The compressors are managed by the controller based on a pressure set point (parameter r01) and differential (parameter r02), measured by the suction probe. In the case of two circuits, the set point and the differential also need to be set for the second circuit (parameters r03 and r04). 4.2. Compressor rotation Rotation (parameter r05) of the compressor calls ensures that the number of operating hours and the number of starts of the different compressors balance out. Rotation automatically excludes any compressors with alarm or that are disabled. If a compressor is stopped due to an alarm or has been disabled, another will be immediately called to satisfy the load. In the default configuration, FIFO rotation has been selected. Three different types of rotation can be set: LIFO rotation The first compressor to start will be the last to stop. • Start: C1,C2,C3,C4. • Stop:C4,C3,C2,C1. FIFO rotation The first compressor to start will be the first to stop. • Start: C1,C2,C3,C4 • Stop: C1,C2,C3,C4. This selection enables the rotation of the compressors so as to even out as much as possible the number of compressor operating hours. Rotation by time The compressor that starts will be the one with the lowest number of operating hours. When stopping the exact opposite is true, that is, the compressor with the highest number of operating hours will stop. 4.3. Compressor control In the default configuration, “dead band” control is activated (parameter r06). Proportional band Proportional band control calculates, based on various parameters (SP, DF and the number of devices set) the points where the devices must switch on and off, inside the differential band. Parameters r01 (set point) r02 (differential). Figure 4.1 shows the activation points for a system with 4 steps. Setting the parameters listed above, each individual step will have a differential as follows: SP + 1 *DF/ (No. of steps) SP + 2 *DF/ (No. of steps) … SP + DF for the first; for the second; for the last. Key: SP DF RP ON OFF Compressor set point Compressor differential Pressure read RP DF Fig 4.1 Dead band This type of control features the definition of a dead band to the side of the set point, within which no device is started or stopped. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 9 µRack The devices are activated when the measured value exceeds the limit to the right (measured value greater than SP + DZN, see Figure 4.3). The number of devices to be activated varies according to the time elapsed outside of the dead band. The first device will start immediately, while the others will wait the set time between starts (r07). Similarly, the devices are stopped when the measured value falls below the dead band (measured value less than the set point), and remains there for a period equal to the time between device stop requests. In this case too, the first device stops immediately, while the others wait the delay time between stops (r09). Also see the paragraph on Time settings. The program will switch the devices on according to the start-up logic configured and the availability of the devices DOffZ NZ Key: DOffZ DOnZ NZ DZN RP SP DOnZ DZN RP SP Device deactivation zone Device activation zone Dead band Dead band differential Suction pressure read Set point Fig. 4.2 Compressor dead band with variable times The user can decide to set a variable time between calls, depending on whether the pressure is moving away from the dead band. In particular, the activation / deactivation time of the outputs decreases as the distance from the dead band increases. To set this function, the following parameters must be configured: • Maximum compressor on time (parameter r08) • Minimum compressor on time (parameter r07) • Pressure differential within which the time varies. (parameter r11) • Maximum compressor off time (parameter r10) • Minimum compressor off time (parameter r09) DTNZ DTNZ RBM TOffMax TOnMax TOffMin TOnMin DOffZ NZ DOnZ STPM B InPress [ºbar] Fig. 4.3 Key: InPress STPM RBM NZ DOnZ DOffZ Suction pressure Control set point Control band Dead band Device activation zone Device deactivation zone DTNZ TOnMax TOnMin TOffMax TOffMin Differential within which the time varies Maximum compressor on time Minimum compressor on time Maximum compressor off time Minimum compressor off time In the activation phase, the following cases are possible: 1. Pressure equal to point b same call time as the “maximum compressor on time” 2. Pressure between point b and point b + DTNZ type of call between “Max on time” and “Min on time” 3. Pressure greater than or equal to point b + DTNZ same call time as “Min on time” In the deactivation phase, on the other hand, the following cases are possible: 1. Pressure equal to point STPM same call time as the “maximum compressor off time” 2. Pressure between point STPM and point STPM - DTNZ type of call between “Max off time” and “Min off time” 3. Pressure greater than or equal to point STPM - DTNZ same call time as “Min off time” N.B. To make the device call time constant in the activation phase, simply set the times TOnMax and TonMin to the same value. The same is true for the deactivation phase. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 10 µRack 4.4. Number of compressors started with probe 1 fault In the event of a suction probe fault or not connected alarm, parameter /07 indicates the number of compressors forced on, so as to ensure minimum cooling/operation of the installation. For two circuits, the parameter relating to the second circuit /08 must also be set. This will be related to the probe in the 2nd circuit. 4.5. Compressors with different capacities Parameter /02 is used to choose the option of compressors with different capacities. This allows more load steps and therefore finer control. Once the capacity of the individual compressors has been defined (parameters /03, /04, /05, /06), the software, based on the requirements of the installation and the compressors available (without alarms or timers), will calculate the most suitable combination to satisfy the requirement. Whenever the requirement changes, the software recalculates the most suitable combination. The combination will always be greater than or equal to the requirement. If two compressors have the same capacity, the compressor with the lower index will always be the first to start. 4.5.1. Proportional band control with different capacity compressors Based on the pressure, the set point and the differential, the software will proportionally calculate the capacity required to bring the pressure back near the set point. At the set point plus differential the requirement will be at the maximum value, while it will be null for pressure values around or less than the set point. Capacity _ required = Max _ Capacity × ( Setpoint − press ) Differential 4.5.2. Dead band control with different capacity compressors The software will calculate the maximum number of combinations possible with the compressors available. At certain intervals of time (see the paragraph on Compressor dead band with variable times), the software will call a sequence with a higher capacity. In the deactivation phase, the opposite will occur, while in the dead band no compressors will be started or stopped. An increase in the requirement will correspond to a different combination. DOffZ NZ Key: DOffZ DOnZ NZ DZN RP SP DOnZ DZN RP SP Device deactivation zone Device activation zone Dead band Dead band differential Suction pressure read Set point: compressors (S2); fans (S1) Fig 4.4 4.5.3. Example of compressors with different capacities The following example looks at an installation featuring 3 compressors with different capacities, using proportional band control. As can be seen, there are 8 possible combinations available. Set point bar “r01” 2.0 bar “r02” Comp1 5 kW “/03” Comp2 7 kW “/04” Comp3 15 kW “/05” Maximum capacity 27 kW “/06” Requirement kW Comp1 1.0 Differential Pressure Comp2 Comp3 Total active capacity kW 1.1 1.35 X 1.6 8.1 1.8 10.8 2 13.5 X 15 2.1 14.85 X 15 2.4 18.9 X 20 2.5 20.25 X X 22 3 27 X X 27 X 5 X 7 X 12 X X Table 4.1 Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 11 µRack 4.6. Manually enable/disable the compressors A compressor can be temporarily disabled from the control sequence. This function is very useful when needing to perform maintenance on an individual compressor. The corresponding alarms are still managed. The following parameters are used: M01,M02,M03,M04 to enable the manual operation of the compressors. The function is managed using parameters: M05,M06,M07,M08. 4.7. Special MT-LT units 4.7.1. Management of compressor racks with LT and MT circuits and condenser only. The hardware features of the µrack controller can be adapted for the control of a special type of compressor rack that is becoming more widely used in small and medium installations, having the advantage of being compact and offering low cost solutions. These are compressor racks with only the condensing section, and with fan speed managed by the speed controller or external pressure switches, and separate management of the compressors in the MT and LT units. Below is an example diagram: This type of system can be controlled by µrack in the following conditions: 1. 2. 4.7.2. the compressors must have the SAME CAPACITY the max number of compressors in the MT unit and LT unit is 4. There can therefore be combinations of 2+2, 3+1, 1+1. One compressor rack will be allocated to probe LP1, and the other compressor rack to probe LP2. Probes and values controlled Value Low pressure BP1 Low pressure BP2 High pressure HP1 Probe Label LP1 LP2 HP Temperature 1 S1 (pressure) S2 (pressure) S2 (pressure) S3 (temperature) S3 (temperature) Temperature 2 S4 (temperature) S4 Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version S3 12 Type of unit: A- Single circuit compressor rack B- Compressor racks with 2 circuits (MT-LT) A -B B A (press – temp) B (only temp) A (AUX probe) B (not used) Always present µRack 4.8. Compressor time settings The following is a list of all the time parameters used for compressor management. Time between stop requests with HP prevent active Parameter C06 sets a stop delay between one compressor and the next, if the high pressure prevention (prevent) function is active. This applies both in the dead band and in the proportional band. Minimum compressor ON time Sets the minimum time the compressors stay on, that is, once activated, must remain on for the time set by this parameter (parameter C01). Key: R Cmp TMinOn T R T[s] Compressor call Compressor Minimum ON time Time Cmp T[s] TMinOn Minimum compressor OFF time Sets the minimum time the compressors stay off. The devices are not started again if the minimum time selected (parameter C02) has not elapsed since the last stop. Key: R Cmp TMinOff T R T[s] Compressor call Compressor Minimum OFF time Time Cmp T[s] TMinOff Minimum time between starts of different compressors (proportional band) This represents the minimum time that must elapse between the start of one device and the next. This parameter allows simultaneous starts to be avoided (parameter C03). Key: R Cmp1 Cmp2 TDiffSw R T[s] Cmp1 T Compressor calls Compressor 1 Compressor 2 Minimum time between starts of different compressor Time T[s] Cmp2 TDiffSw T[s] Minimum time between starts of the same compressor Sets the minimum time that must elapse between two starts of the same compressor. This parameter limits the number of starts per hour. If, for example, the maximum allowable number of starts per hour is 10, to guarantee this limit simply set a value of 360 (parameter C05). R T[s] Cmp Key: R Compressor call Cmp Compressor TSameSw Minimum time between starts of the same compressor Time T T[s] TSameSw Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 13 µRack 5. Fan and inverter management Inputs used: • Discharge pressure probe • Digital inputs for the fan safety devices • Multifunction input for generic alarm (general discharge pressure switch) Outputs used: • Condenser fan outputs • Condenser fan speed control (PWM output) 5.1. Fan management The operation of the fans depends on the value read by the discharge pressure (or temperature) sensor. One thermal overload is featured for each fan step. This has a settable immediate reset and will only be valid for the specific fan. In the default configuration, “proportional band” control is set (parameter r21), and FIFO rotation (parameter r20). 5.1.1. Fan control Proportional band Proportional band control calculates, based on various parameters (SP, DF and the number of devices set) the points where the devices must switch on and off, inside the differential band. Figure 5.1 shows the activation points for a system with 4 steps. Setting the parameters listed above, each individual step will have a differential as follows: SP + 1 *DF/ (No. of steps) SP + 2 *DF/ (No. of steps) … SP + DF for the first; for the second; for the last. Key: SP DF RP ON OFF Fan set point Fan differential Pressure read RP DF Fig. 5.1 5.2. Dead band control This type of control features the definition of a dead band to the side of the set point, within which no device is started or stopped. The devices are activated when the measured value exceeds the limit to the right (measured value greater than SP + DZN, see Figure 5.2). The number of devices to be activated varies according to the time elapsed outside of the dead band. The first device will start immediately, while the others will wait the set time between starts. Similarly, the devices are stopped when the measured value falls below the dead band (measured value less than the set point), and remains there for a period equal to the time between device stop requests. In this case too, the first device stops immediately, while the others wait the delay time between stops. The program will switch the devices on according to the start-up logic configured and the availability of the devices DOffZ NZ DZN Key: DOffZ NZ DOnZ DZN RP SP DOnZ RP SP Device deactivation zone Dead band Device activation zone Dead band differential Discharge pressure read Fan set point Fig. 5.2 5.2.1. 5.1.2 Fan rotation The rotation of the fans, settable by parameter r20, is aimed at balancing the number of operating hours and starts of the different fans. Rotation automatically excludes any fans with active alarms. A fan with an active alarm is automatically stopped, and another will immediately be called, so as to satisfy the load. Two different types of rotation can be set: Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 14 µRack LIFO rotation (no rotation parameter r20=0) The first fan that to start will be the last to stop. • Start: Fan1, Fan2, Fan3, Fan4. • Stop: Fan3, Fan3, Fan2, Fan1. FIFO rotation (parameter r20=1) The first fan that to start will be the first to stop. • Start: Fan1, Fan2, Fan3, Fan4. • Stop: Fan1, Fan2, Fan3, Fan4. The rotation of the fans is implemented when called. Various fan parameters In the event of a discharge probe fault or not connected alarm, parameter /12 sets the number of fans that are forced on. 5.3. Inverter management The fan controller is enabled by parameter /10. A minimum limit value can be set for the inverter (parameter r29), as a percentage. To assist the start of the inverter, a time can be set, expressed in seconds, during which the inverter is forced on at 100%. This parameter is called “Speed Up Time” (parameter r27). RBI Key: 10 Volt STPI RBI Min In C Min In C STPI Fan inverter set point Inverter differential Minimum inverter opening Fan set point + differential OutPres Fig. 5.3 Management of the fans slaved to the compressors Parameter “/13” defines whether the fans can be activated independently or whether at least one compressor must be on. This is used to prevent the condenser fans operating with high outside temperatures work when no compressor is operating. Typical application: cold rooms – cold stores. Parameter “/13” default = 0 (independent control). Inverter control Proportional band This control requires the inverter set point STPI to be set (parameter r18 ), plus an inverter differential RBI (parameter r19). If the value measured by the discharge probe is less than or equal to the value of the inverter set point, the inverter output will be 0. Between the inverter set point STPI and point C (set point + differential), the value of the inverter output will be proportional to the value read by the discharge probe, and in any case not less than the minimum inverter output MinIn. If the value measured by the discharge probe is greater than or equal to the inverter set point + differential, the output will be at the maximum value. The control is not associated with any fan and can work without fans being configured. Inverter Key: RB RBI STPM STPI C B Min In RB RBI 10 Volt F1 F2 F3 F4 Fan differential Inverter differential Discharge set point Inverter set point Inverter set point + inverter differential Discharge set point + Fan differential Minimum value of the inverter control output Min In STPM STPI C B OutPress Fig.5.4 Proportional control, set by parameter r21, may be proportional only (parameter r21=0) or proportional + integral (parameter r21=1). Proportional and integral control (PI) To minimise any deviations in stable operating conditions between the controlled value and the set point, typical of proportional control, a proportional plus integral strategy (P+I) can be sued. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 15 µRack This strategy helps overcome situations of stalemate in which the working point remains steadily at a value other than the set point. PI control adds the integral action to proportional control. This action, when a control error persists, has an increasing effect over time on the overall control action. The parameter that defines the integral action is the integral time (r22). The default value is 600 s (10 min). The integral time corresponds to the time taken by the integral action, with a constant error, to balance the proportional action. The lower the integral time, the faster the response of the control. For further information, refer to classic control theory. N.B.: Make sure the integral time is not set too low, otherwise control may become unstable. The following figure highlights the difference between the proportional control and proportional plus integral control (with inverter): Proportional control Proportional + Integral control RP RP SP SP T[s] 10 Volt T[s] 10 Volt Min In T[s] Key: RP SP T Min In Min In T[s] Fig. 5.5 Pressure read Set point Time Minimum inverter output value Dead band control This control requires the setting of inverter set point, the inverter pressure differential for “dead band” control (parameter r21) and the “inverter ramp up time” (parameter r28). Three zones are defined: activation zone DOnZ, dead band NZ and deactivation zone DOffZ, in which the program behaves differently (see the figure). In the activation zone DonZ, the fans are started as follows: The inverter is activated as soon as there is demand, with a value no less than the minimum inverter opening MinIn; The inverter output is increased according to the times set by parameter r23. If the inverter output reaches 100%, the situation persists In the dead band NZ, the inverter output does not undergo any variation. In the deactivation zone DoffZ, the fans are stopped as follows: The inverter output is progressively brought to the minimum value, according to the times set by parameter r24. When reaching the minimum value, the fans are stopped. OutPress DOnZ Key: B Discharge pressure NZ STPM InPress DOffZ T[s] Inverter [V] 10 V T[s] NFan 4 3 2 1 T[s] Fig. 5.6 Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 16 B StpM DOnZ DOffZ NZ T [s] Inverter NFan Set point + differential HP set point Activation zone Deactivation zone Dead band Time Inverter status Number of fans on µRack 5.4. PWM-PPM management On the controller, the “fan control” output generates a PWM signal. This output is used to drive phase control modules that directly control the fan speed. The output, depending on how it is configured, can generate a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal. The example below shows two graphs representing the two modes. In the graph, it can be seen that the request is 80% of the maximum value. PWM V [5 Volt] V [5 Volt] PPM T[s] T[s] 80% 50% Fig. 5.7 The PWM signal controls, for example, the CAREL FCS* series, CONONOFF, CON0/10A0 modules. The PPM signal controls, for example, the CAREL MCHRT*** series modules. ON/OFF fan control board (code CONVONOFF0) The CONVONOFF0 modules convert the PWM signal sent from terminal Y to an ON/OFF signal. In practical terms, Y can be used to control a relay. Switching power 10A at 250 Vac in AC1 (1/3 HP inductive). PWM to 0 to 10 Vdc (or 4 to 20 mA) conversion board for fans (code CONV0/10A0) The CONV0/10A0 modules convert the PWM signal sent from terminal Y to a standard 0 to 10 Vdc (or 4 to 20 mA) signal. Calculation of the minimum and maximum fan speed This procedure should only be performed if fan speed control boards are used (code MCHRTF*0*0). It must be stressed that if the ON/OFF modules (code CONVONOFF0) or the PWM / 0 to 10 V converters (code CONV0/10A0) are used, the “Min. triac” parameter should be set to zero, and the “Max. triac” parameter to the maximum value. Given the range of different motors existing on the market, the voltages supplied by the electronic board that correspond to the minimum and maximum speed can be set. For this purpose (and if the default values are not suitable), proceed as follows: 1. Set the fan inverter to always On. Force inverter parameter, M17. 2. Set “Max triac” and “Min triac” to zero. 3. Increase “Max triac” until the fan operates at a speed considered sufficient (make sure that, after having stopped it, it starts rotating if left free); 4. “Copy” this value to the “Min triac” parameter; this sets the voltage corresponding to the minimum speed; 5. Connect a voltmeter (set for 250 V, AC) between the two “L” terminals (the two external contacts). 6. Increase “Max triac” until the voltage stabilises at around 2 Vac (inductive motors) or 1.6, 1.7 Vac (capacitive motors); 7. Once the optimum value is found, it should be seen that even when increasing “Max triac”, the voltage no longer decreases. 8. Do not increase “Max triac” any further, so as to avoid damaging the motor; 9. Set the force inverter parameter back to AUTO. The operation is now complete. 5.5. Floating condenser control If this function is enabled using parameter r32, the following parameters need to be set. a) DELTA T (r33) (condenser exchanger parameter, typically related to the type of exchanger used) b) Minimum condensing pressure (r25) c) Maximum condensing pressure (r26) The condenser set point is the value resulting from “DELTA T + Outside air temperature”, as with high outside temperatures the condensing temperature cannot be too low (no possibility of energy savings). This is used to optimise the operation of the fans. The maximum and minimum pressure values are the range in which floating control can operate. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 17 µRack 6. Various settings 6.1. Manual device operation The individual devices can be activated manually, ignoring the times and the rotation, and independently from the temperature control functions, by setting the related parameters Mxx. The only support provided in manual operation is the alarm management function. The manual activation of the speed controllers sets the corresponding outputs to the maximum value. When even just one manual procedure is enabled, the “MANUFACTURER” icon on the display will FLASH! If switching the board off and on again, the function is terminated. Important: Use this function with care! Operating the devices manually may cause damage to the installation! 6.2. Compressor hour counter and maintenance alarm Parameter C07 is used to set the alarm threshold for the maintenance of the 4 compressors. This parameter is expressed in the tens of hours, as the resolution of the display is only 3 digits. Parameters C08 C10 C12 C14 are used to check the number of operating hours of the compressors installed. These parameters are also expressed in the tens of hours, as the resolution of the display is only 3 digits. Parameters C09 C11 C13 C15 are used to reset each individual hour counter. The compressor maintenance alarm is shown by an alarm code, as well as by the simultaneous activation of the Maintenance and Alarm icons. 6.3. Set point variation from digital input This function is useful when needing to increase or decrease the set point during night-time operation. An offset is added to the compressor set point when the multifunction input, set for this function, is closed. The offset can be defined using parameter C16. 6.4. Type of refrigerant By selecting the type of refrigerant used in the installation(parameter /35), the software will automatically calculate the conversion of the pressure to temperature. The following table lists the types of gas managed: Refrigerant R134a R290 R600 R600a R717 R744 R404A,R407C,R410A,R507C 6.5. Complete name Tetrafluoroethane Propane Butane 2-methyl propane (isobutane) Ammonia (NH3) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Mixes of gases Auxiliary probe management The software can manage two auxiliary temperature probes, in addition to the suction and discharge probes. The two probes can be configured with parameters /21 and /22: No. 1 Channel B2 2 B3 NTC probe -room temperature probe, read-only -auxiliary probe -outside temperature probe for Floating condenser control -auxiliary probe If the auxiliary probe selected, a high temperature threshold can be set (parameter A16, A17). This alarm has automatic reset, with a fixed differential of 2°C. Diff. 2°C Example of HT alarm management Alarm ON Alarm OFF 6.6. Set Point temperature Prevent high discharge pressure This function is enabled by parameter /32. In order to prevent the activation of the general high pressure switch (total shutdown of the compressors, with manual reset), a “prevention” function can be enabled by setting a pre-alarm threshold; this function gradually decreases the capacity of the unit. The high pressure prevention (Prevent HP) function is only enabled during the activation and deactivation of the compressors. If the discharge pressure exceeds the threshold set (parameter /33), the activation of any compressors is disabled and a prevent alarm is generated. In addition, all the compressor load steps are deactivated, observing the times set for parameter C06. If the discharge pressure falls below the Prevent threshold, any other compressor start calls are ignored, for a set time called Prevent time 1 (parameter A13). Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 18 µRack If between the start of two prevent cycles a time less than Prevent time 2 (parameter A14) elapses, the “Excessive prevent frequency” alarm is generated, A29. The “Excessive prevent frequency” alarm (display only) is reset automatically, if, within Prevent time 3 (parameter A15), the prevent function is not activated again. This alarm can be reset manually by the user, momentarily disabling the PREVENT function, using parameter /32. OutPress STPpr T[s] ALPrv T[s] Dprev2 NCmp 4 3 2 1 T1 Dprev1 T[s] Fig 7.1 Key: OutPress T NCmp ALPrv STPpr T1 Dprev1 Dprev2 Discharge pressure Time Number of suction steps required High pressure prevention alarm Prevent HP activation threshold Time between compressor stops with prevent HP active Step activation delay after end prevent HP (prevent time 1) Minimum time for activation of high prevent frequency alarm (prevent time 2) 7. Alarm management The activation of an alarm, from digital input, causes the direct action on the devices involved, at the same time activating: the LED and a signal on the display. If the compressors are called, the activation of an alarm on one compressor sends the call to another compressor. The alarm information appears is displayed alternating with the value read by the control probe. If more than one alarm is active, the information appears on the display in sequence. If the alarm situation is resolved, the relay is reset and the alarm message is cancelled. In the case of alarms with manual reset, the Reset Alarms parameter (A19) needs to be accessed. The alarm from digital input is typically detected when the contact “opens”, however the logic can be selected using the “digital input logic” parameter, /14. 7.1. Alarms with automatic reset When one or more automatic reset alarms are detected, these are signalled by: • Red ALARM LED on; • Alarm relay changes, if enabled. Press the PRG/MUTE button. If the cause of the alarms is resolved, the devices that have shutdown will restart normal operation, and the status of the signal devices changes as follows: • The alarm relay changes to normal status; • Red ALARM LED goes off.. If, in this situation, new alarms are activated, the initial situation will return. The signal will remain active until the operator manually sets the reset alarms parameter A19. 7.2. Alarms with manual reset The compressor thermal overload (parameter /29) fan thermal overload (parameter /30) alarms can be set as manual reset. When one or more manual reset alarms are detected, these are signalled by: • Red ALARM LED on; • Alarm relay changes, if enabled. If the cause of the alarms has been resolved, the red LED stays on to inform the user that alarms have been activated during the day. In this situation, the alarm relay remains in an alarm condition and the devices remain disabled until the user deleted the alarm messages using parameter A19. If, in this situation, new alarms are activated, the initial situation will return.. If the causes no longer exist, the status of the signal devices changes as follows: • The alarm relay changes to normal status; • Red ALARM LED goes off.. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 19 µRack If, on the other hand, the cause of the alarms is still present, the initial situation will return. 7.3. Semiautomatic alarms The low pressure alarm from transducer is a semiautomatic alarm. It acts as an alarm with automatic reset, however if it is activated at least 3 times within a set time (default 10 minutes), it becomes an alarm that must be reset manually, that is, using parameter A19. This alarm obviously causes the unit to shutdown. 7.4. Alarm relay Based on the configuration (no. of devices < 5) relay no. 5 (multifunction) can be used as an alarm relay. A delay time can be set (parameter A20) between the activation of an alarm and the change in the status of the signal relay. If the time is set to 0, the activation of the alarm relay is immediate. Code A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 Alarm description Compressor 1 Compressor 2 Compressor 3 Compressor 4 Compressor 1 maintenance Compressor 2 maintenance Compressor 3 maintenance Compressor 4 maintenance Liquid level (from multifunction input) General suction pressure switch 1 (from multifunction input) General suction pressure switch 2 (from multifunction input) General discharge pressure switch (from multifunction input) Low discharge pressure High discharge pressure Low suction pressure 1 High suction pressure 1 Low suction pressure 2 A18 High suction pressure 2 AIN all comps. ON automatic settable A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 HtE HtA Suction probe 1 faulty or disconnected Suction probe 2 faulty or disconnected Discharge probe faulty or disconnected Fan 1 thermal overload Fan 2 thermal overload Fan 3 thermal overload Fan 4 thermal overload General fan thermal overload Prevent high discharge pressure Compressors off for Prevent HP Excessive prevent frequency High outside temperature High ambient temperature AIN AIN AIN DIN DIN DIN DIN DIN AIN AIN AIN AIN AIN Settable no. comps. ON Settable no. comps. ON Settable no. fans ON Fan 1 OFF Fan 2 OFF Fan 3 OFF Fan 4 OFF All fans OFF Compressors OFF Compressors OFF / manual manual manual Settable Settable Settable Settable automatic automatic automatic settable Automatic Automatic 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds no no no no no no no no No No A10 A11 A12 7.5. Generated by DIN DIN DIN DIN --------DIN Action performed Comp.1 OFF Comp.2 OFF Comp.3 OFF Comp.4 OFF Comp.1 OFF Comp.2 OFF Comp.3 OFF Comp.4 OFF / Type of reset Settable Settable Settable Settable Settable Settable Settable Settable manual Delay Settable Settable Settable Settable no no no no settable DIN COMP OFF CIRC 1 automatic no DIN COMP OFF CIRC 2 automatic no DIN All comps. OFF Settable no AIN AIN AIN AIN AIN All fans OFF All fans ON All comps. OFF all comps. ON All comps. OFF automatic automatic automatic automatic automatic settable no settable settable settable Notes See compressor management with probe broken. See compressor management with probe broken. Force fan inverter to 100%. Display only Alarms from analogue inputs: temperature probe and pressure transducer: fixed differentials: 0.2 bar suction 1.0 bar discharge Diff. Example of LP alarm management Alarm on Alarm off Low press. Set Point Diff. Example of HP alarm management Alarm on Alarm off Set Point High press. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 20 µRack 8. The supervisor network µRack can be connected to the most common supervisory systems, using suitable interface boards and protocols. In particular, the following data is exchanged with the supervisor: • The status of the inputs /outputs • The status of the devices enabled • Alarms present and active • Enabling of the devices, various settings etc. In addition, this function allows the possibility to modify a series of parameters from the supervisor, such as: set point, differentials, times, unit status, reset alarms etc. Also see the paragraph Supervisor communication variables. 8.1. Serial boards For connection to supervisory systems, the control uses the standard Carel RS485 serial protocol. Serial connection options: Product code MRK0000000 MRK00000D0 MRK0000AD0 8.2. RS485 serial Code MCH2004850 FCSER00000 ---------------- option Notes External option connected by cable to µRack compact Serial output board for DIN version, to be fitted in the instrument µRack with serial option FCSER00000 already FITTED by Carel Communication protocols. Communication protocol: CAREL. To enable the correct operation of the communication protocol, as well as installing the board, a number of parameters need to be set, such as the identification number (parameter /36). Each controller must have the address set so that: • There are NO other devices with the same address on the same serial line • The addresses on the same serial line must be set in progressive order, starting from 1. For further information, refer to the corresponding manual or contact CAREL. 9. User interface The parameters are divided into 2 categories. Display information that is NOT password-protected: show the values of the probes, alarms. Display information that is password-protected: 1. 2. 3. USER parameters (password 22 modifiable by parameter /40): set the main functions of the devices connected (times, set points, differentials); INSTALLER parameters (password 44 modifiable by parameter /41): periodical checks on the devices, calibration of the probes connected, manual operation of the devices. MANUFACTURER parameters (password 77 modifiable by parameter /42): configure the compressor rack, enable the main functions and select the devices connected. Once the password is entered, it remains in the memory until automatically returning to the main screen, so as to make it easier to move around within the same level of protection. IMPORTANT: To change the level of parameter protection from the keypad (from the MANUFACTURER level only), proceed as follows: 1. Once having entered the correct PWD MANUFACTURER, the system displays the string “S-P” (Set Parameters); 2. Then either press “SEL”, directly accessing the parameter menu to change the values or press “DOWN” or “UP” to display of the string “L-P” (LevelParameters). 3. If modifying the level, pressing “SEL” accesses the parameter menu as described, where parameters are scrolled no longer displayed with the associated value, but rather the level of protection. 4. Using the same procedure as for modifying the parameters, change the level, choosing between the 3 possible levels available: “_U_” :parameters visible at User level, “_I_” :parameters visible at Installer level, “_C_” :parameters visible at Manufacturer level. 10. List of parameters This table contains the list of all the parameters, with the corresponding description. Parameter: description; Type: (R) read-only, (R/W) read/write; Pos.: position: USER-INSTALLER-MANUFACTURER; Description: synthetic description of the parameter; UOM: unit of measure of the value in question; Range: range of possible values for the parameter; Default: factory-set value of the parameter. Notes: column available for user notes. IMPORTANT: Not all the screens listed below will be displayed when scrolling the display; enabling a certain type of configuration will mean that new screens are displayed that were previously not available. The display therefore depends on the initial configuration! Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 21 µRack USER PARAMETERS Press the SEL button for at least 5 secs PW 22 INSTALLER PARAMETERS Press the button PRG per at least 5 secs PW 44 Press the PRG + SEL button together for more than 5 seconds MANUFACTURER PARAMETERS + THIS PASSWORD OFFERS THE POSSIBILITY OF DISPLAYING ALL THE PARAMETERS FOR PROGRAMMING THE UNIT AND CHANGING THE LEVEL OF PROTECTION: PW 77 Structure of the parameters: Sinottico principale: Password LP1 LP2 HP S2 S3 Parametri “S-P” -/-C-r-A-M- Visibilità “L-P” Pressing “PRG” for 3 seconds returns to the main screen. Table of parameters Parameter Type Pos. Display Description UOM Range Default 0 to 2 0 0 to 8 2 0/1 0 Notes Configuration menu Set the type of unit, LT, MT or two circuit 0) LT 1) MT 2) TWO CIRCUIT Set the unit model: SINGLE CIRCUIT 0) 0 compressors 1) 1compressor 2) 2 compressors 3) 3 compressors 4) 4 compressors TWO CIRCUIT 5) 1 compressor + 1 compressor 6) 2 compressors + 1 compressor 7) 3 compressors + 1 compressor 8) 2 compressors + 2 compressors Enable management of compressors with different capacities 0) NOT ENABLED 1) ENABLED Type of unit R/W C /00 Unit model R/W C /01 Compressors with different capacities R/W C /02 Capacity comp 1 R/W C /03 Capacity of compressor 1 kW 0 to 500 0 Capacity comp 2 R/W C /04 Capacity of compressor 2 kW 0 to 500 0 Capacity comp 3 R/W C /05 Capacity of compressor 3 kW 0 to 500 0 Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 22 For single circuit only Only if comp. with different capacities are enabled Only if comp. with different capacities are enabled Only if comp. with different capacities are enabled µRack Parameter Type Pos. Display Description Capacity comp 4 R/W C /06 Capacity of compressor 4 R/W C /07 If the suction 1 probe fault or not connected alarm is activated, this number of compressors are started. These are in any case managed by the individual alarms and general pressure switches. /08 If the suction 2 probe fault or not connected alarm is activated, this number of compressors are started. These are in any case managed by the individual alarms and general pressure switches. Number of compressors ON with suction probe 1 fault Number of compressors ON with suction probe 2 fault Configure number of fans R/W C UOM Range Default Notes kW 0 to 500 0 Only if comp. with different capacities are enabled 0 to 4 0 0 to 4 0 R/W C /09 Set the number of fans 0 to 4 2 Enable fan inverter R/W Display inverter output R value C /10 Enable control of the fans with inverter 0/1 0 U /11 Display the inverter output as a percentage 0 to 100% 0 0 to 4 0 0/1 0 0/1 1 /17 /18 If the discharge probe fault or not connected alarm is activated, this number of fans are started. These are in any case managed by the individual alarms and general pressure switches.. 0= independent operation of the fans 1= fans on only when at least one compressor is on Set the logic of the digital inputs. 0) N.O.: with no alarm the contact is open 1) N.C. : with no alarm the contact is closed Set the type of multifunction input: 0: no function 1) unit ON-OFF (NC contact ON) 2) change set point (set1- set2) 3) general high pressure switch NC 4) general high pressure switch NO 5) general low pressure switch 1 NC 6) general low pressure switch 1 NO 7) general low pressure switch 2 NC 8) general low pressure switch 2 NO 9) liquid level alarm NC 10) liquid level alarm NO 11) general fan thermal overload NC 12) general fan thermal overload NO Define the type of discharge probe: 0) probe not connected 1) NTC probe 2) 0 to 5volt probe Set the minimum suction value Set the minimum discharge value bar bar C /19 Set the end scale of the suction probe bar C /20 Set the end scale of the discharge probe bar Number of fans ON with probe fault: R/W C /12 Enable fans with compressors ON R/W C /13 Digital input logic: N.O. R/W =No alarm C /14 Multifunction input configuration: R/W C /15 Type of discharge probe R/W Ratiometric/NTC C /16 MIN suction pressure R/W MIN discharge pressure R/W C C MAX suction pressure R/W MAX discharge pressure R/W Type of probe B2 R/W C /21 Type of probe B3 R/W C /22 Probe B4 calibration (suction): R/W I /23 Probe calibration B1 (discharge) : R/W I /24 Probe B2 calibration R/W I /25 Probe B3 calibration R/W I /26 0 to 12 0 to 2 Configure probe B2: 0) probe not connected 1) ambient air temp. probe 2) auxiliary temperature probe (used for HT alarm) Configure probe B3: 0) probe not connected 1) outside air temp. probe/ for two circuit, condenser probe 2) auxiliary temperature probe (used for HT alarm) Suction probe calibration Discharge probe calibration Room probe calibration Outside probe calibration Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 23 3 2 -1.0 to /18 -1.0 -1.0 to /19 0 /16 to 0 to 4.1 40.0 /17 to 0 to 40.0 34.5 0 to 2 0 0 to 2 0 bar -12 to 12 0 bar -12 to 12 0 °C -12 to 12 0 °C -12 to 12 0 For two circuits only Number limited by the number of compressors already enabled NO / NC µRack Parameter Type Pos. Display Description UOM Probe displayed as default 0) probe b1 1) probe b2 2) probe b3 3) probe b4 Logic of the alarm relay. 0) NC 1) NO Type of thermal overload/generic alarm reset relating to the individual compressor. Automatic: when the alarm ceases, the compressor starts again. Displayed only if the parameters are enabled 0) AUTO 1) MANUAL Type of thermal overload/generic alarm reset relating to the individual fan. Automatic: when the alarm ceases, the fan starts again. Displayed only if the parameters are enabled 0) AUTO 1) MANUAL Type of general high pressure switch reset 0) AUTO 1) MANUAL Display probe R/W U /27 Alarm relay logic: R/W C /28 Type of compressor thermal overload alarm R/W reset C /29 Type of fan thermal overload alarm reset C /30 C /31 C /32 Enable high discharge pressure prevention High discharge pressure prevention set point R/W Type of general discharge pressure R/W switch reset Prevent high discharge R/W pressure Set point R/W C /33 Unit bar/°C psi/°F R/W C /34 Refrigerant conversion R/W C /35 Serial address R/W C /36 Delay restart after black R/W out I /37 Unit On/Off from the supervisor : R/W I /38 Unit On/Off by parameter R/W U /39 New User password: R/W New Installer password: R/W New Manufacturer R/W password: U I bar Range Default 0 to 3 3 0/1 1 0/1 1 0/1 1 0/1 0 0/1 0 0 to 99 18.0 0/1 0 0 to 11 3 1 to 200 1 0 to 999 0 0/1 1 0/1 1 /40 /41 Select whether to display the parameters in bar /psi 0) bar/°C 1) psi/°F Type of refrigerant used 0) No refrigerant 1) R22 2) R134a 3) R404a 4) R407c 5) R410a 6) R507 7) R290 8) R600 9) R600a 10) R717 11) R744 Supervisor configuration. Identification number of the µRack board for the supervisor serial network Enable delay at start-up after a black out, with the set time. If 0 no s delay Enable unit ON/OFF from the supervisor. If unit off from supervisor, the display shows “--.-” 0) YES 1) NO Enable unit ON/OFF by parameter 0) OFF 1) ON Used to change the password to access the User branch Used to change the password to access the Installer branch 0 to 999 0 to 999 22 44 C /42 Used to change the password to access the Manufacturer branch 0 to 999 77 C C01 Minimum on time for same compressor s 0 to 999 10 C C02 Minimum off time for same compressor s 0 to 999 120 C C03 Minimum time between two start call s for different compressors. Avoids simultaneous starts s 0 to 999 20 Compressor menu Min. compressor ON time R/W Min. compressor OFF R/W time Min. time between starts of different R/W compressors : Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 24 Notes If alarm relay enabled µRack Parameter Min. time between stops of different compressors : Min. time between starts of same compressor : Time between compressor OFF call with prevent active Compressor operating hour threshold for maintenance alarm Compressor 1 operating hours Type Pos. Display Description UOM Range Default Notes R/W C C04 Minimum time between two stop calls for compressors. s 0 to 999 20 R/W C C05 Minimum time between two effective starts of the same compressor s 0 to 999 360 R/W C C06 Time between compressor stop call with high pressure prevention active. s 0 to 999 30 Only if prevent active R/W I C07 Compressor operating hour threshold for maintenance alarm. If set to h X 10 0 to 999 0, no maintenance alarms. 200 This means 2000 hours R I C08 Display compressor 1 operating hours R/W I C09 Reset comp.1 operating hours 0) NO RESET 1) RESET R I C10 Display compressor 2 operating hours R/W I C11 Reset comp.2 operating hours 0) NO RESET 1) RESET R I C12 Display compressor 3 operating hours R/W I C13 Reset comp.3 operating hours 0) NO RESET 1) RESET R I C14 Display compressor 4 operating hours R/W I C15 Compressor set point 2: R/W Offset I C16 R/W U r01 R/W U R/W RESET Compressor 1 operating hours Compressor 2 operating hours RESET Compressor 2 operating hours Compressor 3 operating hours RESET Compressor 3 operating hours Compressor 4 operating hours RESET Compressor 4 operating hours h X 10 0 to 999 0/1 h X 10 0 to 999 0/1 h X 10 0 to 999 0/1 Reset comp.4 operating hours 0) NO RESET 1) RESET Auxiliary compressor set point offset. Used when changing the set point from digital input. h X 10 0 to 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 bar -99.9 to 99.9 0 Compressor set point first circuit bar / °C min to max comp. set 1.0 r02 compressor differential first circuit bar /°C 0 to 20.0 0.5 U r03 Compressor set point second circuit bar / °C min to max comp. set 1.0 R/W U r04 compressor differential second circuit bar /°C 0 to 20.0 0.5 R/W C r05 Type of compressor rotation 0 = LIFO 1 = FIFO 2 = Time 1 0/2 1 Control menu Compressor set point circuit 1 Compressor differential circuit 1 Compressor set point circuit 2 Compressor differential circuit 2 Comp. rotation Compressor control: Min call time start in dead band Max call time start in dead band Min call time stop in dead band Max call time stop in dead band Dead band diff. pressure in which the time varies Min compressor set point R/W C r06 Type of compressor control: 0) Proportional, 1) Dead band. 2) Dead band with time R/W I r07 Set minimum call time for compressor starts in dead band s 0 to 999 20 R/W I r08 Set maximum call time for compressor starts in dead band s 0 to 999 60 R/W I r09 Set minimum call time for compressor stops in dead band s 0 to 999 10 R/W I r10 Set maximum call time for compressor stops in dead band s 0 to 999 60 R/W I r11 Pressure differential in which the compressor start/stop time is proportional to the suction pressure bar 0 to 20.0 0.5 R/W C r12 Set the lower limit of the compressor set point circuit 1 bar 0 to r14 0.1 Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 25 For two circuits only For two circuits only Only if dead band control is enabled Only if dead band control is enabled Only if dead band control is enabled Only if dead band control is enabled Only if dead band control is enabled µRack Parameter Max compressor set point Min compressor set point circuit 2 Max compressor set point circuit 2 Type Pos. Display Description UOM Range Default R/W C r13 Set the upper limit of the compressor set point circuit 1 bar r13 to 40.0 2.5 R/W C r14 Set the lower limit of the compressor set point circuit 2 bar 0 to r16 0.1 R/W C r15 Set the upper limit of the compressor set point circuit 2 Fan set point R/W U r16 Fan set point Fan differential R/W U r17 Fan differential bar /°C 0 to 20.0 Inverter set point R/W U r18 Fan inverter set point bar / °C Fan inverter differential R/W U r19 Fan inverter differential bar /°C 0 to 20.0 Fan rotation C r20 Fan control R/W Type of fan rotation. 0) NO ROTATION 1) FIFO Type of fan control: 0) Proportional 1) Proportional + integral 2) Dead band Integral time with P+I control Minimum time between two successive calls to start different fans. r15 to 2.5 40.0 min to max 15.5 bar bar / °C fan set 35.7 °C bar 0.5 min to max 15.5 bar fan set 35.7°C 0/1 0.5 1 R/W C r21 Integral time (P+I only) R/W Time between fan start R/W call Time between fan stop R/W call C r22 C r23 C r24 Min fan set point R/W C r25 Set the lower limit of the fan set point Max fan set point R/W C r26 Set the upper limit of the fan set point Fan inverter speedup time R/W C r27 Fan inverter speedup time s 0 to 999 2 Inverter ramp up time R/W I r28 Set the time taken by the inverter to reach full load s 0 to 999 10 R/W C r29 Set the minimum operation of the fan inverter % 0 to 100 0 R/W C r30 Set the maximum operation of the fan inverter % 0 to 100 100 Triac impulse duration R/W C r31 Duration of the impulse applied to the triac ms 0 to 10 0 Enable floating condenser control R/W C r32 Enable the floating condenser control 0) NO 1) YES 0 to 1 0 Condensing Delta T R/W C r33 Temperature difference for floating condenser control -40 to 150 10 HP suction 1 alarm R/W I A01 Suction probe 1 alarm: high threshold setting HP suction 1 delay R/W I A02 Suction probe 1 alarm: delay setting LP suction 1 alarm R/W I A03 Suction probe 1 alarm: low threshold setting LP suction 1 delay R/W I A04 Suction probe alarm: delay setting HP suction 2 alarm R/W I A05 Suction probe 2 alarm: high threshold setting HP suction 2 delay R/W I A06 Suction probe 2 alarm: delay setting LP suction 2 alarm R/W I A07 Suction probe 2 alarm: low threshold setting LP suction 2 delay R/W I A08 Suction probe alarm: delay setting HP discharge alarm R/W I A09 Discharge probe alarm: high threshold setting Minimum fan inverter output Maximum fan inverter output Minimum time between two successive calls to stop different fans. 0 to 2 0 s 0 to 999 600 s 0 to 999 2 s 0 to 999 2 0 to r27 0 to r27 r26 to 40.0 bar / °C r26 to 150 bar / °C Notes For two circuits only For two circuits only For single circuit only For single circuit only Only if the inverter is enabled Only if the inverter if enabled For single circuit only For single circuit only Only if PI Only if dead band is set Only if dead band is set 1.0 -31.2 25.0 55.3 Only if the inverter is enabled Only if the inverter is enabled Only if the inverter is enabled Only if the inverter is enabled Alarm menu Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 26 bar s bar s bar s bar s -0.5 to 7.0 bar 0 to 999 -0.5 to 7.0 bar 0 to 999 -0.5 to 7.0 bar 0 to 999 -0.5 to 7.0 bar 0 to 999 -95T95 or bar /°C 0T30 4.0 60 0.5 60 4.0 For two circuits only 60 0.5 60 20.0 For two circuits only µRack Parameter Type Pos. Display Description UOM LP discharge alarm R/W I A10 Discharge probe alarm: low threshold setting bar /°C Discharge delay Compressor thermal delay HP prevention Prevent time 1: HP prevention Prevent time 2: HP prevention Prevent time 3: High temp. probe threshold: B2 High temp. probe threshold: B3 Delay liquid level alarm: R/W I A11 Discharge probe alarm: delay setting s -95T95 or 0T30 0 to 999 R/W I A12 Compressor thermal overload alarm: delay setting s 0 to 999 0 R/W I A13 Time in which start calls are ignored after prevent HP m 0 to 99 5 R/W I A14 m 0 to 999 6 R/W I A15 m 0 to 99 30 R/W I A16 High temperature threshold, probe B2 °C R/W I A17 High temperature threshold, probe B3 °C R/W I A18 s Reset ALARMS R/W U Alarm signal delay Exchange auto->man LP 3 alarms R/W I R/W I R/W I Enable compressor 1 R/W I Enable compressor 2 R/W I Enable compressor 3 R/W I Enable compressor4 R/W I Force Comp 1 R/W I Force Comp 2 R/W I Force Comp 3 R/W I Force Comp 4 R/W I Enable fan 1 R/W I Enable fan 2 R/W I Enable fan 3 R/W I Enable fan 4 R/W I Off due to probe disconnected: If two prevent alarms occur within this time, an excessive prevent frequency alarm is generated If no prevent alarms occur in this period, the high prevent frequency alarm is automatically reset Set the liquid level alarm delay from multifunction input Reset the alarms with manual reset A19 0) NO RESET 1) RESET A20 Set alarm signal delay On the 3rd activation, within the set time, the low pressure alarm A21 from pressure switch changes from automatic to manual reset. Enable unit OFF due to probe disconnected/alarm A22 0) NO 1) YES Range -40 to 150 -40 to 150 0 to 999 Default 10.0 60 100 100 90 0/1 0 s 0 to 999 1 m 0 to 999 10 0/1 0 0/1 1 0/1 1 0/1 1 0/1 1 0/1 0 0/1 0 0/1 0 0/1 0 0/1 1 0/1 1 0/1 1 0/1 1 Maintenance menu Enable operation of compressor 1 in automatic mode: M01 0) NO 1) YES Enable operation of compressor 2 in automatic mode: M02 0) NO 1) YES Enable operation of compressor 3 in automatic mode: M03 0) NO 1) YES Enable operation of compressor 4 in automatic mode: M04 0) NO 1) YES Manually operate compressor 1 M05 0) NO 1) YES Manually operate compressor 2 M06 0) NO 1) YES Manually operate compressor 3 M07 0) NO 1) YES Manually operate compressor 4 M08 0) NO 1) YES Enable operation of fan 1 in automatic mode: M09 0) NO 1) YES Enable operation of fan 2 in automatic mode: M10 0) NO 1) YES Enable operation of fan 3 in automatic mode: M11 0) NO 1) YES Enable operation of fan 4 in automatic mode: M12 0) NO 1) YES Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 27 Notes µRack Parameter Type Pos. Display Description Force fan 1 R/W I Force fan 2 R/W I Force fan 3 R/W I Force fan 4 R/W I Force inverter: R/W I UOM Manually operate fan 1 M13 0) NO 1) YES Manually operate fan 2 M14 0) NO 1) YES Manually operate fan 3 M15 0) NO 1) YES Manually operate fan 4 M16 0) NO 1) YES Manually operate the inverter at 100% M17 0) NO 1) YES Range Default 0/1 0 0/1 0 0/1 0 0/1 0 0/1 0 Notes Only if the inverter is enabled Tab. 10.1 11. ON/OFF fan control board (code CONVONOFF0) The CONVONOFF0 modules allow the ON/OFF control of the condenser fans. The control relay has a switching power 10A at 250 Vac in AC1 (1/3 HP inductive). 12. PWM to 0 to 10 Vdc (or 4 to 20 mA) conversion board for fans (code CONV0/10A0) The CONV0/10A0 modules convert the PWM signal sent from terminal Y on the µRack to a standard 0 to 10 Vdc (or 4 to 20 mA) signal. The FCS series three-phase controllers can be connected to the µRack without requiring this module. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 28 µRack 13. Programming key (code PSOPZKEYA0) The programming keys PSOPZKEY00 and PSOPZKEYA0 for Carel controllers are used to copy the complete set of parameters to the µRack. The keys must be connected to the connector (4 pin AMP) on the controllers, and can operate when the instruments are either on or off, according to the instructions for the specific controller. There are two main functions, which are selected using the two dipswitches (located under the battery cover). These are: • Load the parameters from a controller to the key (UPLOAD); • Copy from the key to one or more controllers (DOWNLOAD). Warning: The parameters can only be copied only between instruments with the same product code. The upload operation, on the other hand, is always possible. To assist the identification of the key to be used, CAREL has applied a label that can used to describe the programming made or the unit that the data refers to. IMPORTANT NOTE: The key can only be used on µRack controllers that have the same firmware version. Refer to the programming key instruction sheet for further details. 14. Supervisor management The controller can be connected to a local or remote supervisor/telemaintenance system for managing the unit. The variables sent and received by the supervisor are shown in the tables below, with reference to the following key: R Read Send from the µRack to the supervisor. Not modifiable R/W Read- Write Received and sent from the µRack to the supervisor. Can be modified by the supervisor. Analogue variables Flow Index R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R/W 5 R/W 6 R/W 7 R/W 8 R/W 9 R/W 10 R/W 11 R/W 12 R/W 13 R/W 14 R/W 15 R/W 16 R/W 17 R/W 18 R/W 19 R/W 20 R/W 21 R/W 22 R/W 23 R/W 24 R/W 25 R/W 26 R/W 27 R/W 28 R/W 29 R/W 30 R/W 31 Description Probe B4 Probe B1 Probe B2 (ambient air) Probe B3 (outside air ) Suction set point circuit 1 “r01” Differential circuit 1 “r02” Suction set point circuit 2 “r03” Differential circuit 2 “r04” Min suction set point 1 “r12” Max suction set point 1 “r13” Min suction set point 2 “r14” Max suction set point 2 “r15” Fan set point “r16” (bar) Fan set point “r16” (°C) Fan differential “r17”(bar) Fan differential “r17”(°C) Min fan set point “r25”(bar) Min fan set point “r25” (°C) Max fan set point “r26”(bar) Max fan set point “r26”(°C) Fan inverter set point “r18” (bar) Fan inverter set point “r18” (°C) Fan inverter differential “r19” (bar) Fan inverter differential “r19” (°C) HP suction 1 alarm threshold “A01” LP suction 1 alarm threshold “A03” HP suction 2 alarm threshold “A05” LP suction 2 alarm threshold “A07” HP discharge alarm threshold “A09” HP discharge alarm threshold “A09” (°C) LP discharge alarm threshold “A10” (bar) Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 29 µRack R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Digital variables Flow Index R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 R 9 R 10 R 11 R 12 R 13 R 14 R/W 15 R/W 16 R/W 17 R/W 18 R/W 19 R/W 20 R/W 21 R/W 22 R/W 23 R/W 24 R/W 25 R/W 26 R/W 27 R/W 28 R/W 29 R/W 30 LP discharge alarm threshold “A10” (°C) Suction probe 4 calibration “/23” Discharge probe 1 calibration “/24” Room probe 2 calibration “/25” Outside probe 3 calibration “/26” Min value suction transducer “/17” Min value discharge transducer “/18” End scale value suction transducer “/19” End scale value discharge transducer “/20” Set point prevent high pressure function “/33” Set point offset to change set from DI “C16” Differential pressure for dead band by time “r11” Condensing temperature delta for floating control “r33” High temp threshold probe B2 “A16” High temp threshold probe B3 “A17” Description Unit on Status of compressor 1 Status of compressor 2 Status of compressor 3 Status of compressor 4 Status of fan 1 Status of fan 2 Status of fan 3 Status of fan 4 Status of digital input 1 Status of digital input 2 Status of digital input 3 Status of digital input 4 Status of digital input 5 Reset alarms “A19” Digital input logic “/14” Alarm relay logic “/28” Enable fan inverter “/10” ON/OFF from supervisor Enable “prevent” control on condenser “/32” Enable management of different compressors “/02” Type of compressor reset “/29” Type of fan reset “/30” Type of reset for general high press. switch “/31” Reset compressor 1 hours “C09” Reset compressor 2 hours “C11” Reset compressor 3 hours “C12” Reset compressor 4 hours “C13” Enable floating condenser control “r32” Enable unit Off due to probe fault “A22” Alarms sent to the supervisor Flow Index Description R 1 Alarm: compressor 1 “A01” R 2 Alarm: compressor 2 “A02” R 3 Alarm: compressor 3 “A03” R 4 Alarm: compressor 4 “A04” R 5 Alarm: fan 1 “A22” R 6 Alarm: fan 2 “A23” R 7 Alarm: fan 3 “A24” R 8 Alarm: fan 4 “A25” R 9 Alarm: liquid level “A09” R 10 Alarm: general low suction pressure 1 (from multifunction DI) “A10” R 11 Alarm: general low suction pressure 2 (from multifunction DI) “A11” R 12 Alarm: low discharge pressure “A13” R 13 Alarm: high discharge pressure “A14” R 14 Alarm: low suction pressure 1 “A15” R 15 Alarm: high suction pressure 1 “A16” R 16 Alarm: low suction pressure 2 “A17” R 17 Alarm: high suction pressure 2 “A18” R 18 Probe B1 faulty or disconnected “A19” Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 30 µRack R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Integer variables Flow Index R/W 1 R/W 2 R 3 R/W 4 Probe B2 faulty or disconnected “A20” Probe B3 faulty or disconnected “A21” Probe B4 faulty or disconnected Compressor 1 maintenance “A05” Compressor 2 maintenance “A06” Compressor 3 maintenance “A07” Compressor 4 maintenance “A08” General discharge pressure switch (from multifunction DI) “A12” General fan thermal overload “A26” Prevent high discharge pressure “A27” Compressors off due to prevent “A28” Excessive prevent frequency “A29” High outside temperature “HtE” High room temperature “HtA” R 5 R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Description Type of unit “/00” Unit model “/01” Number of compressors Number of fans “/09” Unit status 0 = Unit ON 1 = OFF from alarm 2 = OFF from supervisor 3 = OFF from remote input 4 = OFF from parameter 5 = Manual operation 6 = Install default 7 = PREVENT IN PROGRESS Minimum call time for compressor start (dead band) “r07” Minimum call time for compressor stop (dead band) “r09” Minimum compressor ON time “C01” Minimum compressor OFF time “C02” Minimum time between starts of different compressors “C03” Minimum time between starts of the same compressor “C05” Fan start delay (dead band) “r23” Fan stop delay (dead band) “r24” Liquid level alarm delay “A18” Minimum fan speed Number of compressors on in circuit 1 with probe damaged “/07” Number of compressors on in circuit 2 with probe damaged “/08” Number of fans on with probe damaged “/12” Version of the application Type of refrigerant “/35” Capacity of compressor 1 “/03” Capacity of compressor 2 “/04” Capacity of compressor 3 “/05” Capacity of compressor 4 “/06” Inverter readout % “/11” R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W 26 27 28 29 30 Multifunction DI configuration “/15” Type of discharge probe “/16” Type of probe B2 “/21” Type of probe B3 “/22” Delay restart after black out “/37” R/W R/W R/W R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Min time between two stop calls for different compressors “C04” Time between compressor stop call with Prevent function “C06” Operating hour threshold for maintenance “C07” Compressor 1 hours “C08” Compressor 2 hours “C10” Compressor 3 hours “C12” Compressor 4 hours “C14” Type of compressor rotation “r05” Type of compressor control “r06” Maximum call for compressor starts in dead band by time “r08” Maximum call for compressor stops in dead band by time “r10” Type of fan rotation “r20” Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 31 µRack R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W 15. Signal B1 B2 B3 B4 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Type of fan control “r21” Integral time for P+I fan control “r22” Time between 2 fans starts in dead band “r23” Time between 2 fans stops in dead band “r24” Inverter speed up time “r27” Inverter ramp up time “r28” Minimum inverter output % “r29” Maximum inverter output % “r30” Triac impulse duration “r31” High suction pressure 1 alarm delay “A02” Low suction pressure 1 alarm delay “A04” High suction pressure 2 alarm delay “A06” Low suction pressure 2 alarm delay “A08” Low discharge pressure alarm delay “A11” Compressor thermal overload alarm delay “A12” Prevent time in which no compressor starts are enabled “A13” Prevent time in which the activation signals the alarm “A14” Time to reset prevent alarm “A15” Alarm signal delay “A20” Time to change low pressure alarm from automatic to manual “A21” Default configurations type of analogue inputs description Discharge pressure probe Ambient air temperature probe Outside air temperature probe Suction pressure probe analogue input 1 analogue input 2 analogue input 3 analogue input 4 Signal type of analogue outputs Y PWM analogue output Signal ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 N.C. digital input no. 1 N.C. digital input no. 2 N.C. digital input no. 3 N.C. digital input no. 4 N.C. digital input no. 5 description Fan inverter type of digital inputs Signal Description Comp. 1 thermal overload Comp. 2 thermal overload Fan 1 thermal overload Fan 2 thermal overload General high pressure switch type of digital outputs Description NO1 NO2 normally open contact, relay no. 1 normally open contact, relay no. 2 Compressor 1 Compressor 2 NO3 normally open contact, relay no. 3 Fan 1 NO4 normally open contact, relay no. 4 Fan 2 NO5 normally open contact, relay no. 5 Generic alarm 16. Glossary Analogue value: integer value with minus sign and decimal point. Buffer (memory): memory on the board used to save the default values selected by CAREL for all the parameters. Permanent memory, saves the values even when power is disconnected. Buzzer: buzzer fitted on the external terminals; this sounds in the event of alarms or the limits set for the parameters are exceeded. The Built-in terminals do not have a buzzer. Digital value: value with only two states. Differential: defines a pressure (or temperature) difference from the corresponding set point. Discharge: pressure or temperature measured at the compressor outlet. This is an analogue value. HP : High pressure Integer value: integer value without decimal point. LP : Low pressure Proportional band: this defines a temperature (or pressure) zone of a few degrees starting from the set point, inside which the system manages the control devices. Range: range of values available for a parameter. Step: defines an area of the proportional band (pressure or temperature) inside which a device is on, and at the same time also defines the device on/off values. Set point: defines a pressure (or temperature) value to be satisfied; the system activates or deactivates the devices so that the value measured reaches the set point. Suction: pressure or temperature measured at the compressor intake. This is an analogue value. Upload: the operation used to copy the application software from the computer or programming key to the Rack. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 32 µRack Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 33 µRack CAREL SpA reserves the right to make modifications or changes to its products without prior notice. Cod. CAREL +03P220431 rel. 0.0 del 08/09/05 - preliminary version 34 CAREL S.p.A. Via dell’Industria, 11 - 35020 Brugine - Padova (Italy) Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 - Fax (+39) 049.9716600 http://www.carel.com - e-mail: [email protected] +03P220431 rel. 00 del 08/09/05 preliminary version Agency: