Частотник frenic 5000g11 ошибки

The errors detected by inverter as relating to communication are roughly categorized into transmission error,

logic error and communication interrupt error, and the treatment at detecting error differs respectively.

At detecting the transmission error (error codes 71 – 73), the information using with a negative response frame is

not performed. This is to avoid to be respond by plural inverters.

At detecting the logic error (error codes 74 – 81), the information using with a negative response frame is

performed. Because the negative response informs the cause (content of the error), perform the treatment (see

«4.3 Procedure on the host side») according to the content. However, in a case of the option frame, the cause is

not informed because of a frame configuration of prior processing speed and having no frame to send the cause.

If necessary to treat the error every cause, the cause can be confirmed by reading in M26 in the standard frame.

(In M26, the newest communication error code is stored.)

4-5-1 Communication error code

Error code

Check sum error

71 (47


Parity error

72 (48


Other error

73 (49


Format error

74 (4A


Command error

75 (4B


Priority of link error

76 (4C


Error of no writing right

77 (4D


Function code error

78 (4E


Error of forbidden writing

79 (4F


Data error

80 (50


Error during writing

81 (51


4-5-2 Action at communication error

In case of occurring transmission errors (8 times continual) or transmission interruption error, the following

actions can be selected. However, if not receiving the first SOH ((normal data) after switching on of inverter

power supply or not operating by the communication (frequency command/operation command), the error action

is not performed.

1) Selecting action when occurring error (H32)



Immediate forced stop


Continue operation within H33 time and stop


Continue operation till restoration of the

communication, and follow to designation of

communication. However, when not restoring

after H33 time, immediate forced stop


Continue operation till restoration of the

communication, and after the restoration,

follow to designation of communication.

2) Setting time of timer at occurring error (H33)

0.0 – 60.0s

Error name

Not matching check sum values in the frame for own station.

Not matching the parities

Received error other than the above errors

Incorrect transmission request character

The characters of end of text are not in the specified position.

Not existing command is sent.

Intending to write operation command in the state mounted a link

option(If a link option has been mounted, the command data and

operation command cannot be written through RS485.)

Intending to write new function data during writing from a link option

Requesting not existing function code

Intending to write the function of forbidden writing or function of

forbidden writing in operation during operation.

Writing data exceeded an available range of writing.

Intending to write new function data during writing a function.

Action at occurring error





Automatic restoration

after restoring




Keep the command just before

the error within H33 time, but

when restoring, operate

following to the designation of


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Frenic Lift Инструкция по эксплуатации (рус.)
Frenic Lift Инструкция по эксплуатации (англ.)
Frenic Lift LM2 Инструкция по эксплуатации (англ.)
Frenic 5000G11S Инструкция по эксплуатации (рус.)
Frenic Ace Инструкция по эксплуатации (рус.)
Frenic Ace H Инструкция по эксплуатации (англ.)
Frenic VG (Unit) Инструкция по эксплуатации (англ.)
Frenic VG (Stack) Инструкция по эксплуатации (англ.)
Mini/Eco/Multi/Mega Сравнение серий (рус.)
Frenic Eco Многомоторный режим (англ.)

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Данный сайт носит информационно-справочный характер и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой, которая определяется положениями Статьи 437 (2) Гражданского кодекса РФ.

background image


Data format [21]

Auto tuning


14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0





0: Without forward rotation command
1: With forward rotation command.
0: Without reverse rotation command.
1: With reverse rotation command.

Example) If P04 (motor 1 auto — tuning)=1: Forward rotation

0000 0001 0000 0001




9-4-8 Communication Errors

Exception Response
When the inverter receives a message that does not contain communication errors but the message can not
be processed, the inverter will return an exception response. The exception response contains an error
sub-code in the data field that represents the problem.

Exception Response Errors

Sub-Code Name



Illegal Function

Received RTU Function other than 03, 06 or 16


Illegal Data Address

• The starting parameter address is an unused inverter parameter.
• The starting parameter address plus the offset refers to inverter

parameter greater than the last parameter in a Function Code sort.

• The number of registers is greater than 16.


Illegal Data Value

Data contains an out of range value for an inverter parameter


Negative Acknowledge

• Requested data cannot be changed while the inverter is running.
• The inverter parameter function is owned by the network interface

option card and cannot be changed.

Communication errors
Communication errors occur when the inverter receives an invalid message. The inverter will not return a
response to a communication error. A code that represents the last communication error is stored in
inverter parameter M26. Typical communication message errors include parity, framing, and CRC errors.

Подновлю тему . Станок САК 3665d . Китаец континентальный . Тормозной резистор есть , родной , от Fuji . DC реактора нет. Полазил по клавишам программатора (панели) 

привода . Любопытная картина . Ошибка вылетает при выходе частотника на частоту 22 Гц , напряжение на двигатель менее 150 В , нагрузки на двигателе реальной  нет , 10%

по контролю момента , нагрузка шпинделя на мониторе Fanuc вообще не просматривается , контроль оборотов система ведёт . Единственное , что — контроль величины

выпрямленного напряжения . По той-же панели 760В при 20 об/мин , на 330 об/мин ( а в ошибку уходит на 350 ) подпросаживается до 750.( питание 3х380В , в реале вечером

3х390В ). Стрелочным встать не удалось ,завтра попробую , цифровик дешёвый — ересь показывает . Параметры на английском погрызу .Спасибо всем .

Изменено 01.11.2021 18:16 пользователем sermor

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