Cisco ошибка connection attempt has timed out

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Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2015, 14:15
Сообщения: 10

Сообщение Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

Столкнулся с проблемой… После, казалось, вполне себе стандартной установки, программа отказывается куда-либо подключаться с ошибкой:


18:26:24    Connection attempt has failed.
18:26:24    Unable to contact хх.хх.хх.хх

Выводя сообщение о следующей ошибке:


Connection attempt has timed out. Please verify Internet connectivity.

Якобы, программа не видит интернет… Хотя всё на самом деле в норме.
Устанавливал везде пакеты anyconnect-win-4.0.00051-pre-deploy-k9
Установка производилась на чистых машинах с Windows 7/8.1… Везде результат один и тот же. НО! Так же один клиент был установлен на рабочую машину, которая давным давно в эксплуатации и AnyConnect успешно производит подключение к одному и тому же хосту.
Гугление по этой ошибки сводилось лишь к мануалу Cisco, где указано истечение внутреннего таймера таймаут.
Пробовал отключать фаервол, безрезультатно…
Так же пробовал ставить режимы совместимости, проверять корректность названия подключения в реестре, всё безуспешно… Такое ощущение, что клиенту явно чего-то не хватает для подключения. На старой машине работает идеально, на свежих не хочет, в виду отсутствия некоего компонента. Установка Java ничего не даёт, т.к. она нужна только в случае загрузки того же самого клиента с веб-морды шлюза.
Который день не могу разобраться с этой проблемой. В требования указана лишь совместимость с той или иной OS.
Причём, хочу заметить, та же ситуация и с OS X! Поставил AnyConnect на OS X, аналогично — не видит инет.
Очень признателен за помощь!

21 мар 2015, 18:45



Зарегистрирован: 01 янв 1970, 03:00
Сообщения: 1877

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

Это, конечно, хорошо, что Вы везде (верояно, руками) устанавливаете anyconnect-win-4.0.00051-pre-deploy-k9.
А на самом роутере/ASA какой pkg стоит?
С новых машин на портал WebVPN зайти можете?

21 мар 2015, 20:09



Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2015, 14:15
Сообщения: 10

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

На самом ASA стоит 4.0.00051 — аналогичный устанавливаемому.
Дело в том, что WebVPN закрыт, клиенты устанавливаются с флешек. Один такой клиент с флешки и был установлен на рабочую машину, где он идеально подключается даже с разделением туннеля.
Ещё добавлю, что если в адрес вбивать любой, придуманный из головы, то ничего не изменится, будет так же ругаться на отсутствие подключения к интернету. Следовательно, делаю вывод, грабли не в настройках ASA…

21 мар 2015, 20:52



Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 03 апр 2013, 16:21
Сообщения: 1517

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

Прокси и закрытые порты, не?

22 мар 2015, 07:04



Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2015, 14:15
Сообщения: 10

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

Без прокси, порты открыты…

22 мар 2015, 08:47



Зарегистрирован: 01 янв 1970, 03:00
Сообщения: 1877

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

Адреса удаленных сетей split tunnel и сети в которой находится хост с any connect не одинаковые?
Попробуйте открыть портал и зайти на него каким-нибудь броузером.

22 мар 2015, 11:28



Зарегистрирован: 18 янв 2013, 13:28
Сообщения: 94

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

Если в настройках anyconnect адрес сервера указывали не IP, а FQDN, то проверьте что резолвится адрес нормально в нужный IP.

22 мар 2015, 12:19



Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2015, 14:15
Сообщения: 10

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

Доберусь до железяки, отпишусь! Спасибо!

23 мар 2015, 11:16



Зарегистрирован: 14 май 2009, 12:57
Сообщения: 2067
Откуда: Волгоград

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

На 8/8.1 часто надо ставить фикс MicrosoftFixit51033.msi
Если не помогает — переустанавливать стек tcp/ip.

23 мар 2015, 11:22

Профиль ICQ


Зарегистрирован: 01 янв 1970, 03:00
Сообщения: 127

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

А что в логах на ASA ? Ошибка на клиенте конечно говорит что сервер не видит, но не очевидно…
С лицензиями как ? Для AnyConnect 4 нужны новые лицензии (Plus или Apex), со старыми циска говорит что нельзя (хотя по факту работает, но это я думаю «пока работает»).

23 мар 2015, 11:50



Зарегистрирован: 01 янв 1970, 03:00
Сообщения: 499

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

У меня была похожая проблема на некоторых клиентах (на клиенте писал тоже самое), после смены провайдера. Решилось все пересозданием сертификатов

23 мар 2015, 16:36



Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2015, 14:15
Сообщения: 10

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

В общем проблема решилась включением SSL (Clientless SSL IPSec)… Все машины, включая смартфоны, коннектятся без проблем. Видимо, забыл учесть этот маленький нюанс, ведь давно не перенастраивал ASA с нуля…WebVPN тоже поднят теперь для удобства пользователей. :) Осталось теперь пересоздать правильный белый сертификат и проблем совсем не будет.
Вопрос только в том — стоит ли заморачиваться с платными белыми сертификатами типа Comodo/Norton и прочими? Или же можно как-то в самой ASA создать правильный?

23 мар 2015, 22:55



Зарегистрирован: 01 янв 1970, 03:00
Сообщения: 1877

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

Ваш платный сертификат даст только то, что клиент при подключении не будет ругаться на untrusted server.
Больше ничего.

24 мар 2015, 09:11



Зарегистрирован: 10 окт 2012, 09:51
Сообщения: 2678

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

и не надо говорить пользователю, что зайдите в настройку и галочку там уберите. Так что, если не хочется лишний раз пользователям объяснять, то можно и купить :)

24 мар 2015, 09:14



Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2015, 14:15
Сообщения: 10

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

То есть, такие правильные сертификаты создаются только за деньги? Или же есть варианты создать белый абсолютно бесплатно? :)

28 мар 2015, 13:51



Зарегистрирован: 14 май 2009, 12:57
Сообщения: 2067
Откуда: Волгоград

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

28 мар 2015, 16:43

Профиль ICQ


Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2013, 06:44
Сообщения: 239

Сообщение Re: Чистая установка Cisco AnyConnect — не коннектит

Что вам мешает с клиентским сертификатом устанавливать CA сертификат в trusted?

28 мар 2015, 20:57



The objective of this document is to show you basic troubleshooting steps on some common errors on the Cisco
AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client. When installing the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client, errors may occur
and troubleshooting may be needed
for a
successful setup.

Note that the errors discussed in this document is not an exhaustive list and varies with the configuration of the device used.

For additional information on AnyConnect licensing on the RV340 series routers, check out the article AnyConnect
Licensing for the RV340 Series Routers.

Software Version

  • AnyConnect v4.x (Link to download)

Basic Troubleshooting on Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Errors

Note: Before attempting to troubleshoot, it is recommended to gather some important information
first about your
system that might be needed during the troubleshooting process. To learn how, click here. 

1. Problem: Network Access Manager fails to recognize your wired adapter.

Solution: Try unplugging your network cable and reinserting it. If this does not work, you may
have a link issue.
The Network Access Manager may not be able to determine the correct link state of your adapter. Check the
Connection Properties of your Network Interface Card (NIC) driver. You may have a «Wait for Link»
option in the Advanced Panel. When the setting is On, the wired NIC driver initialization code waits for auto
negotiation to complete and then determines if a link is present.

2. Problem: When AnyConnect attempts to establish a connection, it authenticates successfully
and builds the Secure Socket Layer (SSL)session, but then the AnyConnect client
crashes in the vpndownloader if using Label-Switched Path (LSP) or NOD32

Solution: Remove the Internet Monitor component in version 2.7 and upgrade to version 3.0 of

3. Problem: If you are using an AT&T Dialer, the client operating system sometimes experiences a
blue screen, which causes the creation of a mini dump file.

Solution:   Upgrade to the latest 7.6.2 AT&T Global Network Client.

4. Problem: When using McAfee Firewall 5, a User Datagram Protocol
(UDP)Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) connection
cannot be established.

Solution: In the McAfee Firewall central console, choose Advanced Tasks >
Advanced options and
 and uncheck the Block incoming fragments automatically check box in McAfee

5. Problem: The connection fails due to lack of credentials.

Solution: The third-party load balancer has no insight into the load on the Adaptive Security
Appliance (ASA)
devices. Because the load balance functionality in the ASA is intelligent enough to evenly distribute the VPN
load across the devices, using the internal ASA load balancing instead is recommended.

6. Problem: The AnyConnect client fails to download and produces the following error message:

Solution: Upload the patch update to version to resolve all dll issues.

7. Problem: If you are using Bonjour Printing Services, the AnyConnect event logs indicate a failure
to identify the IP forwarding table.

Solution: Disable the Bonjour Printing Service by typing net stop “bonjour
 at the
command prompt. A new version of mDNSResponder ( has been produced by Apple. To resolve this issue, a
new version of Bonjour is bundled with iTunes and made available as a separate download from the Apple web site.

8. Problem: An error indicates that the version of TUN or network tunnel is already
installed on this system and is incompatible with the AnyConnect client.

Solution: Uninstall the Viscosity OpenVPN Client.

9. Problem: If a Label-Switched Path (LSP) module is present on the client, a
Winsock catalog conflict may occur.

Solution: Uninstall the LSP module.

10. Problem: If you are connecting with a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
router, DTLS traffic may fail even if successfully negotiated.

Solution: Connect to a Linksys router with factory settings. This setting allows a stable DTLS
session and no
interruption in pings. Add a rule to allow DTLS return traffic.

11. Problem: When using AnyConnect on some Virtual Machine Network Service devices, performance
issues have resulted.

Solution: Uncheck the binding for all IM devices within the AnyConnect virtual adapter. The
dsagent.exe resides in C:WindowsSystemdgagent. Although it does not appear in the process list, you can see
it by opening sockets with TCPview (sysinternals). When you terminate this process, normal operation of
AnyConnect returns.

12. Problem: You receive an “Unable to Proceed, Cannot Connect to the VPN Service” message. The VPN
service for AnyConnect is not running.

Solution: Determine if another application conflicted with the service by going to the Windows
Tools then make sure that the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Agent is not running. If it is
running and the error message still appears, another VPN application on the workstation may need to be disabled
or even uninstalled. After taking that action, reboot, and repeat this step.

13. Problem: When Kaspersky 6.0.3 is installed (even if disabled), AnyConnect connections to the
ASA fail right after CSTP state = CONNECTED. The following message appears:

Solution: Uninstall Kaspersky and refer to their forums for additional updates.

14. Problem: If you are using Routing and Remote Access
Service (RRAS), the following termination error is returned to the event log when
AnyConnect attempts to establish a connection to the host device:

Solution: Disable the RRAS service.

15. Problem: If you are using a EVDO wireless card and Venturi driver while a client disconnect occurred, the
event log reports the following:


  • Check the Application, System, and AnyConnect event logs for a relating disconnect event and determine if a
    NIC card reset was applied at the same time.
  • Ensure that the Venturi driver is up to date. Disable Use Rules Engine in the 6.7 version
    of the AT&T Communications Manager.

If you encounter other errors, contact the support center for your device.

For further information and community discussion on AnyConnect licensing updates, click

For AnyConnect Licensing FAQs, click here.

The following user messages appear on the AnyConnect client GUI. A description follows each message, along with recommended user and administrator responses if applicable. The recommended administrator responses apply to IT representatives with monitoring and configuration access to the secure gateway configured to provide VPN access.

A new PIN has been generated for you: PIN.

Description    The server generated a new personal identification number (PIN) for use with the SDI authentication token.

Recommended User Response    None.

 A security threat has been detected in the received server certificate. A VPN 
connection will not be established.

Description    A security threat was detected in the received server certificate. The threat is likely the result of a null character prefix attack.

Recommended User Response    Report the issue to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Provide instructions to obtain the certificate required for VPN access.

 A user other than the one who started the VPN connection has logged into the 
computer locally. The VPN connection has been disconnected. Close all sensitive 
networked applications.

Description    AnyConnect disconnected from the VPN because another user logged into the local console, the AnyConnect client profile Retain VPN on Logoff parameter is enabled, and the associated User Enforcement parameter is set to «Same user only.» Thus, the client is configured to retain the VPN connection following the logoff of the local console user, and to disconnect from the VPN if a different user logs into the local console. The different user was not authenticated by the secure gateway for access to the private network, so the VPN connection has been disconnected to ensure the protection of the private network.

Recommended User Response    Ask the unauthenticated user to log off, then try a new VPN connection.

 Account expired.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The ASA rejected the VPN access request because your account is locked or expired.

Recommended User Response    Report the issue to your organization’s technical support.

 An internal error occurred while creating the DART bundle. Please try again later.

Description    Creation of the DART bundle failed due to an internal processing error.

Recommended User Response    Restart the computer. Install the latest release of DART and run it to attempt the collection of another DART bundle. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) If the problem persists, report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

 An unknown error has occurred in the VPN client service while trying to reconnect.

Description    The VPN connection was terminated without a reconnect reason code because of a flaw in the client software.

Recommended User Response    Try starting a new VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 An unknown error occurred while creating the DART bundle, possibly due to 
restricted file permissions. Please try again later.

Description    Creation of the DART bundle failed. Common causes may include a failure to write to, read from, or move a file, possibly due to restricted user access to it.

Recommended User Response    Try recreating the DART bundle.

 An unknown reconnect error has occurred in the VPN client service.

Description    The client was attempting to establish a VPN connection, but the connection was terminated without a reason code because of a flaw in the client software. Typically, a reason code is generated, exposing a more detailed message.

Recommended User Response    Restart the computer and device, then try starting a new VPN connection. If the error reoccurs, run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle if you cannot resolve the issue.

 An unknown termination error has occurred in the client service.

Description    The VPN connection or AnyConnect client service was terminated without a termination reason code, due to a flaw in the client software. Typically, a reason code is generated, exposing a more detailed message.

Recommended User Response    Restart the computer and device, then try starting a new VPN connection. If the error reoccurs, run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle if you cannot resolve the issue.

 Another user has logged into your computer locally, and only one local user is 
allowed. The VPN connection has been disconnected. Close all sensitive networked 

Description    AnyConnect disconnected from the VPN because another user logged into the local console, the AnyConnect client profile Retain VPN on Logoff parameter is enabled, and the associated User Enforcement parameter is set to «Same user only.» Thus, the client is configured to retain the VPN connection following the logoff of the local console user, and to disconnect from the VPN if a different user logs into the local console. The different user was not authenticated by the secure gateway for access to the private network, so the VPN connection has been disconnected to ensure the protection of the private network.

Recommended User Response    Ask the unauthenticated user to log off, then try a new VPN connection.

 Another user has logged into your computer, and only one user is allowed. The VPN 
connection has been disconnected. Close all sensitive networked applications.

Description    AnyConnect disconnected from the VPN because another user logged into the local console, the AnyConnect client profile Retain VPN on Logoff parameter is enabled, and the associated User Enforcement parameter is set to «Same user only.» Thus, the client is configured to retain the VPN connection following the logoff of the local console user, and to disconnect from the VPN if a different user logs into the local console. The different user was not authenticated by the secure gateway for access to the private network, so the VPN connection has been disconnected to ensure the protection of the private network.

Recommended User Response    Ask the unauthenticated user to log off, then try a new VPN connection.

 AnyConnect cannot confirm it is connected to your secure gateway. The local network 
may not be trustworthy. Please try another network.

Description    AnyConnect cannot validate the secure gateway server certificate. The local network may not be trustworthy or the secure gateway certificate may not be trusted.

A device between the endpoint and the secure gateway is attempting to intercept the VPN connection data (man-in-the-middle attack).

The secure gateway was not properly provisioned with a valid server certificate. If strict mode is configured on the secure gateway, all remote access users experience the error.

Recommended User Response    Try moving to a different network, then try a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Ensure the secure gateway is provisioned with a valid server certificate from a proper certificate authority (CA).

 AnyConnect is not enabled on the VPN server.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. Access to the secure gateway through AnyConnect is not allowed.

Recommended User Response    Try connecting to another secure gateway.

Recommended Administrator Response    Make sure that AnyConnect is enabled on the secure gateway and the user is authorized to use AnyConnect.

 AnyConnect profile settings mandate a single local user, but multiple local users 
are currently logged into your computer. A VPN connection will not be established.

Description    AnyConnect is configured to permit access only to the local console user whom the secure gateway authenticated. AnyConnect disconnected from the VPN to protect it from unauthorized use by another user who logged into the local console.

Recommended User Response    Ask the remote users to log off, then retry the VPN connection.

 AnyConnect was not able to establish a connection to the specified secure gateway. 
Please try connecting again.

Description    A network connectivity problem caused a VPN connection attempt to fail after a successful authentication.

Recommended User Response    Retry the VPN connection.

 Authentication failed.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The VPN connection could not be established, most likely because of invalid credentials.

Recommended User Response    Confirm your credentials and retry the VPN connection.

 Automatic profile updates are disabled and the local VPN profile does not match 
the secure gateway VPN profile.

Description    The secure gateway is configured to upload an AnyConnect XML profile. AnyConnect is configured to skip profile updates, but cannot update to this version of the profile. Because the profile can specify a security policy, AnyConnect cannot establish a connection. The most common cause of this condition is connecting to a secure gateway with a version of AnyConnect, such as the Palm Pre, that does not support profile updates, or connecting with the BypassDownloader setting configured in the local policy file.

Recommended Administrator Response    Configure a group policy that does not require an AnyConnect profile.

 Cannot verify required local security policy. This device is not supported. Please 
contact your network administrator.

Description    The AnyConnect profile requires the endpoint to be protected by a mobile device policy, but the endpoint OS could not be identified.

Recommended Administrator Response    To ensure maximum device compatibility, ensure that the endpoint is running the latest version of the AnyConnect client, and the ASA is running the latest software release.

 Certificate Enrollment - Certificate import has failed.

Description    AnyConnect failed to import the just-enrolled certificate. This failure can occur if the user declined a certificate store provider prompt, such as one for a password or a permission request.

 Certificate Validation Failure

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The ASA declined to accept the certificate provided by AnyConnect because it could not be validated. Please verify that the correct certificate is available in the certificate store.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support and ask for the proper certificate.

Recommended Administrator Response    Provide instructions to obtain the certificate required for VPN access.

 Certificate enrollment succeeded. Your session will be disconnected. Please login 

Description    Certificate enrollment through SCEP succeeded.

Recommended User Response    To use the new certificate, start a new VPN connection.

 Clientless (browser) SSL VPN access is not allowed.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The ASA requires the user of a full tunnel client such as AnyConnect for network access.

Recommended User Response    Report the problem to your organization’s technical support.

 Connect not available. Another AnyConnect application is running or the 
functionality was not requested by this application.

Description    AnyConnect is connected in a diminished mode. This can be the result of a specific request by a custom application or because of another AnyConnect client already running.

Recommended User Response    Try restarting the computer or device, then try a new VPN connection.

 Connecting via a proxy is not supported with Always On.

Description    AnyConnect is configured for Always-on VPN, which does not support connecting through a proxy.

Recommended User Response    Remove the local proxy and try a new VPN connection. To access the proxy settings on Windows, choose the Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections tab, and go to LAN Settings.

 Connection attempt failed. Please try again.

Description    An initialization error caused the VPN connection to fail.

Recommended User Response    Try establishing a new VPN connection.

 Connection attempt has failed (error in response data).

Description    Communication with the secure gateway failed because it detected an error in the HTTP response body it received.

Recommended User Response    Try starting a new VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 Connection attempt has failed (error in response header).

Description    Communication with the secure gateway failed because it detected an error in the HTTP response header it received.

Recommended User Response    Try starting a new VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 Connection attempt has failed due to invalid host entry.

Description    A profile URL or user-entered address does not resolve to a valid secure gateway.

Recommended User Response    Choose another gateway from the VPN list or request the URL from your organization’s technical support.

 Connection attempt has failed due to network or PC issue.

Description    An unexpected error in the HTTP protocol was detected. This error is unlikely and indicates an error state on the endpoint, such as loss of either connectivity to the secure gateway or network connectivity in general.

Recommended User Response    Ensure your computer or device has network access. Restart it if necessary. Then try a new VPN connection.

 Connection attempt has failed due to server communication errors. Please retry the 

Description    Thee connection attempt was terminated for one of a number of reasons. These can include too many redirects at the secure gateway, a host changed from one connection to the next, etc.

Recommended Administrator Response    Look for additional errors in the log.

 Connection attempt has failed.

Description    The VPN connection could not be established.

Recommended User Response    Look for additional error message that identifies the cause.

 Connection attempt has failed: Gateway/proxy received an invalid response from the 
host or was unable to contact the host. Verify the host is valid.

Description    The failed connection attempt was done through a proxy. Possible causes of this failure are that the proxy could not resolve the selected host, the selected host does not exist, or the host is unavailable and therefore the proxy did not get a response.

 Connection attempt has timed out. Please verify Internet connectivity.

Description    AnyConnect canceled the connection attempt because the wait for a response exceeded an internal time-out value.

Recommended User Response    Try a new VPN connection.

 Connections to this secure gateway are not permitted.

Description    The VPN connection to the selected secure gateway is not allowed because the Always On feature is enabled, which restricts VPN connections to only secure gateways found in the profiles.

Recommended User Response    Choose another gateway from the VPN list or request the URL from your organization’s technical support.

 Cookies must be enabled to log in.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. In order to log into the secure gateway, cookies must be enabled. The secure gateway detects that it is unable to correctly set a cookie.

Recommended User Response    Add the domain to the browser list of trusted sites.

 Could not connect to server. Please verify Internet connectivity and server 

Description    AnyConnect could not contact the secure gateway. This error indicates a failure to establish a network connection. Possible causes of this failure include:

Lack of network connectivity to the secure gateway.

Connection to the wrong server host name or IP address

Problems with the secure gateway.

Recommended User Response    Verify network connectivity. Check whether other applications, such as a web browser or a ping tool, can contact the secure gateway.

Recommended Administrator Response    Check whether other applications, such as a web browser or a ping tool, can contact the secure gateway.

 Error retrieving username from CSD data.

Description    The username from the certificate feature is configured to use the Cisco Secure Desktop Host Scan data when a certificate is unavailable. The secure gateway failed to get the username from the host scan data in the absence of a certificate.

Recommended User Response    Try starting a new VPN connection. Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

 Error saving preferences. Please retry, or restart AnyConnect.

Description    An unexpected error occurred while saving the user or global preferences file.

Recommended User Response    Restart AnyConnect.

Recommended Administrator Response    Reattempting to store preferences might solve the issue.

 Exiting. Bypassing start before logon.

Description    The start before logon GUI is exiting because of one of the following reasons:

AnyConnect disconnected from the VPN because it detected a trusted network.

The user may be located at a coffee shop, airport or hotel, where an Internet service provider is restricting access to the Internet.

Recommended User Response    None necessary if you are in the corporate network. Otherwise, start a web browser and satisfy the conditions of the local Internet service provider, then try to connect to the VPN.

 FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing have not been 
enabled on this system.

Description    As part of the AnyConnect FIPS verification process, the Windows operating system FIPS registry key is checked to ensure that the system is in a FIPS compliant mode. The registry key value is not set to enable FIPS.

 FIPS mode requires TLS to be enabled to establish a VPN connection

Description    FIPS mode requires that the TLS protocol be enabled. AnyConnect failed to enable the TLS protocol through the registry key setting.

Recommended User Response    Choose the Control Panel > Internet Options > Advanced tab, and check Use TLS 1.0 under «Security.»

 Failed accessing AnyConnect package. This may be due to IE security settings that 
are set too high.

Description    An error occurred while trying to download contents from the AnyConnect package located on the secure gateway. An Internet Explorer security setting could be blocking HTTP file downloads.

Recommended User Response    Change the Internet Explorer security settings to permit downloads.

 Failed to load preferences.

Description    An unexpected error occurred while reading the profiles or preferences files. The files might be corrupt or an initialization failure may have occurred.

Recommended User Response    Restart AnyConnect and try a new VPN connection.

 Failed to verify FIPS mode.

Description    An unexpected error occurred during the AnyConnect FIPS verification process. The most likely cause is an AnyConnect flaw.

Recommended User Response    Try starting a new VPN connection. If the problem reoccurs, run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 Failed to verify required local security policy. Please contact your network 

Description    The following table shows the explanations of this message and the recommended actions.


Recommended Administrator Response

A generic error occurred when attempting to verify the mobile device security policy specified by the AnyConnect profile. This error occurs when AnyConnect attempts to monitor the Windows Mobile device registry to ensure it conforms with settings in the AnyConnect profile.


The AnyConnect profile requires the mobile device to be protected by a device lock such as a personal identification number (PIN), but the device does not conform to the specified policy.

Make sure the value of the DeviceLockRequired element under MobilePolicy in the AnyConnect profile is correct.

The AnyConnect profile requires the mobile device to be protected by a device lock with a minimum password length, but the device is either not configured with a password, or has a password that is too short.

Make sure the value of the MinimumPasswordLength attribute of the DeviceLockRequired element under MobilePolicy in the AnyConnect profile is correct.

The AnyConnect profile requires the mobile device to be protected by a device lock with a minimum device lock time-out, and the device is configured with a time-out that is too short.

Make sure the value of the MaximumTimeoutMinutes attribute of the DeviceLockRequired element under MobilePolicy in the AnyConnect profile is correct.

The policy for the device lock password is usually set only after the device synchronizes with an enterprise exchange server. One of the following is true:

The AnyConnect profile fails to specify the complexity required of the device lock password.

The password does not meet the password strength required by the AnyConnect profile.

Make sure the value of the PasswordComplexity attribute of the DeviceLockRequired element under MobilePolicy in the AnyConnect profile is correct.

AnyConnect detected that the device is not synchronized with an Exchange server configured with a security policy. The AnyConnect profile requires the mobile device to be protected by a mobile device policy set when the device synchronizes with an enterprise exchange server.

Make sure the MobilePolicy settings in the AnyConnect profile are correct.

Recommended User Response    Report the issue to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    See the previous table.

 Firefox certificate libraries could not be loaded. VPN connection cannot be 

Description    AnyConnect could not access the Firefox certificate store and there was no alternative store located. A failure to verify server certificates results in the inability to verify the identity of the secure gateway. Also, AnyConnect cannot respond to certificate requests.

 Hostscan Configuration error.

Description    The Host Scan module could not be configured properly. Possible causes include errors loading the DLL or errors setting up the command line parameters to launch the stub executable for Host Scan.

 Hostscan Initialize error.

Description    Host Scan could not launch. Possible causes include the Host Scan executable stub as well as the Host Scan initialization routines.

Recommended User Response    Report the issue to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

 Hostscan Installation error.

Description    Host Scan could not be loaded to perform the system scan. Possible errors occurred when loading the DLL and errors finding the stub executable for Host Scan.

Recommended User Response    Report the issue to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

 Hostscan Prelogin error.

Description    During the pre-login check, Host Scan detected the local violation of a rule configured on the secure gateway. Examples of pre-login checks include:

Host Scan detected a keylogger.

A dynamic access policy matched an endpoint criterion disqualifies AnyConnect for VPN access.

Recommended User Response    Restart the computer or device and try a new VPN connection.

 Hostscan Run error.

Description    Host Scan experienced an error while scanning the endpoint.

Recommended User Response    Try a new VPN connection.

 Invalid authentication handle.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The authentication ticket was removed before the user responded.

Recommended User Action    Try logging on again.

 Invalid host entry. Please re-enter.

Description    The URL requested was not found.

Recommended User Action    Verify that the URL is correct and try again.

Recommended User Action    Verify the URL in the secure gateway configuration.

 Invalid session/bad session parameters while processing Config Request

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The session cookie is invalid and cannot be used to request parameters needed to establish a VPN tunnel.

Recommended User Action    Try a new VPN connection.

 It may be necessary to connect via a proxy, which is not supported with Always On.

Description    AnyConnect is configured for Always-on VPN, which does not support connecting through a proxy.

Recommended User Response    Remove the local proxy and try a new VPN connection. To access the proxy settings on Windows, choose the Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections tab, and go to LAN Settings.

 Leave both boxes blank to continue using current password

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The user password will expire soon. The user has the opportunity to change the password immediately.

Recommended User Action    Enter a new password into the text boxes or leave them blank if you want to defer the password change for later.

 Login denied, unauthorized connection mechanism, contact your administrator.

Description    The secure gateway is not permitting AnyConnect or clientless access by the user.

Recommended User Response    Report the issue to your organization’s technical support.

 Login denied. Message 

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The secure gateway enforced a dynamic access policy that rejects the login credentials.

Recommended User Response    Report the issue to your organization’s technical support.

 Login error.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The secure gateway detected an error during login.

Recommended User Response    Try a new VPN connection.

 Login failed.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The VPN connection could not be established. The most likely cause of this error is invalid credentials.

Recommended User Response    Verify your login credentials and try a new VPN connection.

 Login failed: Message 

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The VPN connection could not be established. The message following «Login failed:» indicates the reason.

Recommended User Response    Try using the reason in the message to resolve the issue and try a new VPN connection.

 Network access is restricted due to an administrator configured timer expiration. 
The connection must be retried manually.

Description    AnyConnect is configured with a connect failure policy of «closed» and a captive portal remediation time-out setting expired. You may be located at a coffee shop, airport or hotel, where an Internet service provider is restricting access to the Internet. AnyConnect grants full network access for a limited period specified by the remediation time-out so you can attempt to satisfy the Internet service provider requirements. To protect the endpoint, AnyConnect restricts access after the timer expires.

Recommended User Response    Start a web browser and satisfy the conditions of the service provider. The remediation timer restarts. Retry the connection.

 New PIN way too big.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The length of the personal identification number (PIN) entered exceeds the maximum length allowed.

Recommended User Response    Consult your corporate guidelines to change your PIN or report the issue to your organization’s technical support.

 New Password Required but user not allowed to change

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. A password change is required to log in. An expired password is most likely the cause. The user does not have permission to change his/her own password.

Recommended User Response    Report the issue to your organization’s technical support.

 New password way too big.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The length of the password entered exceeds the maximum length allowed.

Recommended User Response    Consult your corporate guidelines to change your password.

 No certificate store has been found. VPN connection cannot be established.

Description    AnyConnect could not access the certificate store, resulting in the inability to verify the identity of the secure gateway by performing verification of server certificates. Also, AnyConnect cannot respond to certificate requests.

Recommended User Response    Make sure Firefox is installed or the file store is provisioned with certificates.

Recommended Administrator Response    Make sure the Local Policy file does not exclude all potential certificate stores. Ensure the user has Firefox installed or the file store is provisioned with certificates.

 No valid certificates available for authentication.

Description    The secure gateway did not accept any of the certificates AnyConnect provided. No more certificates remain.

 Password change required.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. A password change is required to log in. An expired password is most likely the cause.

Recommended User Response    Report the issue to your organization’s technical support and request an account for VPN access.

 Please establish an Internet connection. If a browser or other application opened 
a connections dialog window, please respond so that AnyConnect can proceed.

Description    If Internet Explorer is configured to always dial, or dial if no other connection is present, when the browser is launched the user is prompted to select a connection. If the user does not connect, or cancels the dialog and opens AnyConnect, the connection becomes unresponsive while AnyConnect contacts the secure gateway.

Recommended User Response    Dismiss the connection dialog box. AnyConnect displays a new dialog box and proceeds with the connection.

 Posture Assessment: Failed

Description    A Host Scan error occurred. Common causes include failures to download or launch the Host Scan components, and the system scan exceeded 10 minutes to complete.

Recommended User Response    Try a new VPN connection.

 Posture assessment with authenticating proxy is not implemented.

Description    Host Scan could not perform posture assessment of the endpoint because AnyConnect is configured to use an authenticating proxy. Host Scan does not have access to the credentials for the authenticating proxy.

Recommended User Response    Try to bypass or disable the proxy, then try a new VPN connection.

Recommended User Response    Disable authentication completely, or selectively when accessing the ASA.

 Server reboot pending, new logins disabled. Try again later.

Description    The secure gateway is being restarted.

 Session terminated.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. The authentication ticket was removed before the user responded.

Recommended User Response    Try logging on again.

 System configuration settings could not be applied. A VPN connection will not be 

Description    AnyConnect attempted to apply system configuration settings received from the secure gateway. The error occurred in the System Network Abstraction Kit (SNAK) layer, which could indicate an error with vendor-supplied plug-ins external to AnyConnect.

Recommended User Response    Restart the computer or device, then try starting a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, run DART (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information) and report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    If the problem persists, open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The AnyConnect package on the secure gateway could not be located. You may be 
experiencing network connectivity issues. Please try connecting again.

Description    The AnyConnect package file could not be located on the secure gateway.

Recommended User Response    Make sure you have network connectivity, then try a new VPN connection.

Recommended Administrator Response    Make sure an AnyConnect package file for the user’s operating system is present on the ASA configuration.

 The AnyConnect protection settings must be lowered for you to log on with the 
service provider. Your current enterprise security policy does not allow this.

Description    You may be located at a coffee shop, airport or hotel, where an Internet service provider is restricting access to the Internet. Corporate policies do not permit VPN access in this setting.

Recommended User Response    Retry after relocating.

Recommended Administrator Action    Change the AnyConnect client profile Always-on VPN ConnectFailurePolicy setting if you want to permit captive portal access.

 The Connect Failure Policy will not be applied because the Secure Gateway could 
not be found in the profile.

Description    AnyConnect could not apply the Always-on VPN connect failure policy specified by the ConnectFailurePolicy profile setting, despite the connection failure. The target secure gateway is not present in the profile. AnyConnect permits connections only to the hosts specified in the profile because the Always-on VPN policy restricts traffic to other destinations.

 The FIPS verification of the OpenSSL libraries have failed. Reinstalling 
AnyConnect might fix this issue.

Description    AnyConnect failed to configure OpenSSL into FIPS mode. The OpenSSL shared libraries installed with AnyConnect could have been tampered with or might be corrupt.

Recommended User Response    Reinstall AnyConnect and try a new VPN connection.

 The MTU of the physical adapter is too small. An MTU of at least 1374 bytes is 
required for an IPv6 connection. Please contact your network administrator.

Description    The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the endpoint system physical network interface is too small to support IPv6 data through a VPN connection.

Recommended User Response    Use the SetMTU utility that comes with the legacy Cisco VPN Client to set the MTU to 1374, the minimum MTU for IPv6 on the physical adapter, or set it to a greater value. You will likely need to consult with your organization’s technical support to perform this task.

 The VPN GUI and Agent Process are not both in FIPS Mode.

Description    Both the VPN GUI and VPN Agent are not operating in FIPS mode when configured to do so.

Recommended User Response    Restart the computer or device and AnyConnect to synchronize the operating modes of both processes.

 The VPN client agent SSL engine encountered an error. Please retry, or restart 

Description    AnyConnect encountered an unexpected and unrecoverable error in the SSL protocol stack. One possible cause is an AnyConnect flaw.

Recommended User Response    Restart the computer or device, then try starting a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, run DART (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information) and report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    If the problem persists, open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent attempt to signal readiness to the plugin thread failed.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while initializing the main thread of the AnyConnect for Apple iOS VPN plug-in.

Recommended User Response    Try restarting the device and starting a new VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent decryption engine encountered an error.

Description    AnyConnect service encountered an unexpected and unrecoverable error in the protocol decryption engine.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent encountered a secure gateway protocol failure.

Description    The AnyConnect service encountered an unexpected and unrecoverable protocol error in an exchange with the secure gateway.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent encryption engine encountered an error.

Description    The AnyConnect service encountered an unexpected and unrecoverable error in the protocol encryption engine.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent experienced a failure initializing a required timer.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while initializing a required internal timer object.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent experienced a failure initializing trusted network detection.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while initializing the trusted network detection subsystem.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent experienced an internal failure with the interprocess 
communication depot.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error with its inter-process communication subsystem.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent experienced an unexpected internal error. The VPN connection 
has been disconnected. Please restart your computer or device, then try again.

Description    The client has experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error. The error is possibly due to one of the following:

Unable to access an internal data structure that is expected to always be available.

Unable to retrieve a profile setting for which a value, at the very least a default, should always be available.

A Windows Terminal Services operation failed.

Recommended User Response    Please restart your computer or device, then try a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, run DART (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information) and report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    If the problem persists, open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent failed in receiving a message from an IPC peer requesting the 
creation of a VPN connection.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while processing a request from another client process to initiate a VPN connection.

Recommended User Response    Try restarting the VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent failed in receiving a message from an IPC peer requesting the 
launch of an application.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while processing a request from another client process to launch a client application.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent failed to create a necessary processing component and cannot 

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create its main execution thread.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent failed to create an event necessary for agent service 
notification processing.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create a required internal event object for internal notification processing.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent failed to create an event necessary for agent termination 

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create a required internal event object for internal termination processing.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent failed to create an event necessary for network adapter change 

Description    AnyConnect experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create a required event object for local network adapter change notifications.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent failed to create an event necessary for system suspend 

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create a required internal event objects for local suspend processing.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent failed to launch the client user interface application.

Description    The VPN connection was started via a web browser, requiring the start of the AnyConnect UI, but it failed to start.

Recommended User Response    Restart the computer or device and try again. If the problem reoccurs, report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Try using the same OS to initiate a WebLaunch of AnyConnect. If it fails, open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

 The VPN client agent failed to load the SNAK system plugin required by this version 
of AnyConnect.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to initialize its System/Network Abstraction Kit (SNAK) subsystem.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable create the plugin loader.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create its plug-in loader subsystem.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to create a necessary timer.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create a required internal timer object.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to create the client VPN configuration manager.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create its VPN connection configuration management subsystem.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to create the client host configuration manager.

Description    AnyConnect experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create its local configuration management subsystem.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to create the client preferences manager.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create its preferences management subsystem.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to create the interprocess communication depot.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create a required internal interprocess communication object.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to create the network environment component.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create its network environment monitoring subsystem.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to create the trusted network detection component.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to create its trusted network detection subsystem.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to enable FIPS Mode.

Description    The AnyConnect service experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to initialize its Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) operation mode.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to initialize the system network socket support.

Description    AnyConnect experienced an unexpected and unrecoverable error while attempting to initialize its local network socket subsystem.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to send a failure response to an IPC peer 
requesting the creation of a VPN connection.

Description    The AnyConnect service received a request from another client process to initiate a VPN connection. The service encountered an unexpected and unrecoverable failure while attempting to send an error notification back to the requesting client process.

Recommended User Response    Try restarting the VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to send a failure response to an IPC peer 
requesting the launch of an application.

Description    The AnyConnect service received a request from another client process to launch a client application. The service encountered an unexpected and unrecoverable failure while attempting to send an error notification back to the requesting client process.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to send a success response to an IPC peer 
requesting the creation of a VPN connection.

Description    The AnyConnect service received a request from another client process to initiate a VPN connection. The service encountered an unexpected and unrecoverable failure while attempting to send a success notification back to the requesting client process.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client agent was unable to send a success response to an IPC peer 
requesting the launch of an application.

Description    The AnyConnect service received a request from another client process to launch a client application. The service encountered an unexpected and unrecoverable failure while attempting to send a success notification back to the requesting client process.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client driver has encountered an error. Please restart your computer or 
device, then try again.

Description    The AnyConnect service could not configure or start the virtual adapter driver needed to perform a VPN connection. A likely cause is a problem with the virtual adapter installation or registry settings.

Recommended User Response    Restart your computer or device, then try a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    See «Microsoft Windows Updates» in the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Administrator Guide, Release 2.5.

 The VPN client driver has encountered an error. Close all sensitive networked 
applications. Please restart your computer or device, then try again.

Description    AnyConnect received a notification from its virtual adapter indicating it is terminating communication. The likely cause of the error is a virtual adapter driver failure.

Recommended User Response    Restart your computer or device, then try a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client failed to establish a connection.

Description    The AnyConnect service failed to establish a secured connection to the secure gateway. Possible causes include the following:

Proxy authentication failure

Protocol handshake failure

Bad client or server certificate

Layer 2 communication failures

Recommended User Response    Retry the VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client service has been stopped. The VPN connection has been disconnected. 
Close all sensitive networked applications.

Description    AnyConnect disconnected from the VPN because it received a stop notification from the endpoint.

Recommended User Response    Restart AnyConnect and retry the VPN connection. If the problem persists, run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    If the problem persists, open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client was unable to modify the IP forwarding table. A VPN connection will 
not be established. Please restart your computer or device, then try again.

Description    AnyConnect failed to apply all the VPN configuration settings to the endpoint IP forwarding table. A VPN connection is not permitted because this failure could compromise both its security and operation. This error is unrecoverable.

Recommended User Response    Restart your computer or device, then try a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client was unable to setup IP filtering. A VPN connection will not be 

Description    AnyConnect failed to apply the VPN configuration settings to its IP filtering subsystem. A VPN connection is not permitted because this failure could compromise both its security and data integrity. This error is unrecoverable.

Recommended User Response    Restart the computer or device. Restart the VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 The VPN client was unable to successfully verify the IP forwarding table 
modifications. A VPN connection will not be established.

Description    AnyConnect could not verify the successful application of all the VPN configuration settings to the local IP forwarding table. A VPN connection is not permitted because settings that are not applied could compromise both its security and operation. Other software running on the endpoint might also be actively altering the IP forwarding table, interfering with the AnyConnect configuration.

Recommended User Response    Restart the computer or device. Exit all applications. Restart the VPN connection. If necessary, report the error to your organization’s technical support.

 The VPN configuration received from the secure gateway has an invalid format. 
Please contact your network administrator.

Description    AnyConnect received a VPN connection configuration from the secure gateway containing an invalid format. The secure gateway could be malfunctioning.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Make sure the AnyConnect profile is an .xml file.

 The VPN configuration received from the secure gateway is invalid. Please contact 
your network administrator.

Description    AnyConnect received a VPN connection configuration from the secure gateway containing invalid or conflicting information.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Examine and correct the VPN configuration settings on the secure gateway. Try using the AnyConnect profile editor to open and validate the AnyConnect profile.

 The VPN connection could not be automatically re-established following a mobile 
device wakeup. A new connection is necessary, which requires re-authentication.

Description    Automatic VPN reconnection attempts failed after a local OS sleep-and-wake-up cycle.

Recommended User Response    Verify the device network connectivity. Try a new VPN connection.

 The VPN connection could not be automatically re-established following a system 
resume from standby or hibernate. A new connection is necessary, which requires 

Description    Automatic VPN reconnection attempts failed after a local OS suspend-and-resume cycle.

Recommended User Response    Verify the computer or device network connectivity. Then try a new VPN connection.

 The VPN connection could not be re-established when attempting to resume from the 
paused connection state.

Description    Automatic VPN reconnection attempts failed after a local pause-and-continue cycle.

Recommended User Response    Try a new VPN connection.

 The VPN connection has been disconnected due to the mobile device sleeping. The 
reconnect capability is disabled. A new connection is necessary, which requires 

Description    In accordance with the AnyConnect configuration, AnyConnect disconnected because the endpoint went to sleep.

Recommended User Response    Try a new VPN connection.

Recommended Administrator Response    Because mobile devices sleep more frequently than portable computers, consider configuring a different profile and group for mobile devices with the DisconnectOnSuspend preference set to «Reconnect on resume» if mobile device end-users encounter this message frequently.

 The VPN connection has been disconnected due to the system suspending. The 
reconnect capability is disabled. A new connection is necessary, which requires 

Description    In accordance with the AnyConnect configuration, AnyConnect disconnected because an endpoint system suspend occurred.

Recommended User Response    Try a new VPN connection.

Recommended Administrator Response    None. Change the AnyConnect client profile Auto Reconnect Behavior value to another value if you want to change the reconnect policy.

 The VPN connection is not allowed via a local proxy. This can be changed through 
AnyConnect profile settings.

Description    In accordance with the AnyConnect configuration, AnyConnect prevented the use of a local proxy to establish a VPN connection.

Recommended User Response    Remove the local proxy and try a new VPN connection.

Recommended Administrator Response    None. Check Allow Local Proxy Connections on the AnyConnect client profile if you want to permit the use of a local proxy.

 The VPN connection to the secure gateway was disrupted and could not be 
automatically re-established. A new connection is necessary, which requires 

Description    Automatic VPN reconnection attempts failed. The VPN connection required an automatic reconnection because of a connection failure or disruption. Possible causes include a local network failure, internet device failure, or secure gateway failure.

Recommended User Response    Verify network connectivity, then try a new VPN connection.

 The VPN connection was re-established but the secure gateway assigned a new 
configuration that could not be successfully applied. A new connection is 
necessary, which requires re-authentication.

Description    Automatic VPN reconnection attempts failed. A modified VPN connection configuration from the secure gateway requires another automatic reconnection.

Recommended User Response    Verify network connectivity, then try a new VPN connection.

 The VPN connection was started by a remote desktop user whose remote console has 
been disconnected. It is presumed the VPN routing configuration is responsible for 
the remote console disconnect. The VPN connection has been disconnected to allow 
the remote console to connect again. A remote desktop user must wait 90 seconds 
after VPN establishment before disconnecting the remote console to avoid this 

Description    AnyConnect detected a remote console disconnect within 90 seconds of the establishment of a VPN session. AnyConnect terminated the session because it detected an interruption of the remote console session, indicating the necessity of restoring the local IP forwarding table to permit the re-establishment of the remote console session.

Recommended User Response    Remote console users should wait more than 90 seconds following VPN connection establishment before disconnecting the remote console session to avoid this condition.

 The VPN connection was terminated by the secure gateway and could not be 
automatically re-established. A new connection is necessary, which requires 

Description    Automatic VPN reconnection attempts failed. The VPN connection required an automatic reconnection because the secure gateway closed the connection.

Recommended User Response    Remote console users should wait more than 90 seconds following VPN connection establishment before disconnecting the remote console session to avoid this condition.

 The VPN connection was terminated due to a Windows connection manager failure. A 
new connection is necessary, which requires re-authentication.

Description    Automatic VPN reconnection attempts failed because of a Windows connection manager failure. The VPN connection requires an automatic reconnection.

Recommended User Response    Repair the network connection or restart the device. Verify network connectivity, then establish a new VPN connection.

 The VPN connection was terminated due to a different client IP address assignment 
by the secure gateway and could not be automatically re-established. A new 
connection is necessary, which requires re-authentication.

Description    Automatic VPN reconnection attempts failed. The VPN connection required an automatic reconnection because the secure gateway returned a different private network IP address in response to an IP address renewal request.

Recommended User Response    Try to start a new VPN connection.

 The VPN connection was terminated due to a rekey failure and could not be 
automatically re-established. A new connection is necessary, which requires 

Description    Automatic VPN reconnection attempts failed because of a failure to rekey the encryption protocol.

Recommended User Response    Try to start a new VPN connection.

 The VPN connection was terminated due to a system routing table modification and 
could not be automatically re-established. A new connection is necessary, which 
requires re-authentication.

Description    The local host configuration management subsystem could not correct a change in the local IP forwarding table. Automatic VPN reconnection attempts failed.

Recommended User Response    Try to start a new VPN connection.

 The VPN connection was terminated due to an IP address renewal failure and could 
not be automatically re-established. A new connection is necessary, which requires 

Description    A failure to perform a DHCP renewal of the private network IP address used by AnyConnect requires a new VPN connection. Automatic VPN reconnection attempts failed.

Recommended User Response    Try to start a new VPN connection.

 The VPN connection was terminated due to incorrect tunnel MTU and could not be 
automatically re-established. A new connection is necessary, which requires 

Description    AnyConnect detected that the tunnel MTU is incorrect. The VPN connection was torn down, but a new connection to enforce the correct tunnel MTU could not be established.

Recommended User Response    Try a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Change the secure gateway group-policy svc-mtu setting. To do so using ASDM, go to the MTU parameter on the Configuration > Group Policies > Add or Edit > Advanced > AnyConnect Client panel.

 The VPN connection was terminated due to the loss of the network interface used 
for the VPN connection.

Description    The endpoint network interface used for the VPN connection lost its network connectivity. The interface either disconnected or no longer has a usable IP address. As a result, the VPN connection attempt failed, or the VPN session or idle time-out expired, halting VPN reconnect attempts.

Recommended User Response    Repair the network connection or restart the device. Verify network connectivity, then establish a new VPN connection.

 The VPN connection was terminated due to the loss of the network interface. A new 
connection is necessary, which requires re-authentication.

Description    The VPN connection lost its physical network interface, requiring a new VPN connection.

Recommended User Response    Repair the network connection or restart the device. Verify network connectivity, then establish a new VPN connection.

 The Windows Routing and Remote Access service is not compatible with the VPN 
client. The VPN client cannot operate correctly when this service is running. You 
must disable this service in order to use the VPN client.

Description    The Windows Routing and Remote Access service lets Microsoft Windows Server 2000, 2003 and 2008 function as a router, and as such it actively monitors and modifies the system IP forwarding table. AnyConnect cannot coexist with a running Routing and Remote Access service because it interferes with the AnyConnect configuration of the endpoint IP forwarding table for VPN connections and, if configured, the security of Always-on VPN.

Recommended User Response    Disable Routing and Remote Access. To do so, choose Start > Administrative Tools >Routing and Remote Access, right-click the server icon, choose Disable Routing and Remote Access, and click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Then establish a VPN connection.

 The certificate on the secure gateway is invalid. A VPN connection will not be 

Description    A rare problem was encountered with the server certificate.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Check the validity of the secure gateway server certificate.

 The client agent has encountered an error.

Description    AnyConnect encountered an unexpected and unrecoverable initialization failure.

Recommended User Response    Try restarting the computer or device, then start a new VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Report the problem to Cisco TAC and include the DART bundle.

 The client could not connect because of a secure gateway address resolution 
failure. Please verify Internet connectivity and server address.

Description    The client was unable to connect due to a DNS resolution error. Common causes can include a hostname that does not properly resolve to an IP address, incorrect DNS settings on the client, or unreachable or non-responsive DNS servers on the client.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Work with the user to verify local access to a DNS server.

 The client service has encountered an error and is stopping. Close all sensitive 
networked applications.

Description    AnyConnect encountered an unexpected and unrecoverable failure while interfacing with the local control subsystem.

Recommended User Response    Try restarting the computer or device, then start a new VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Report the problem to Cisco TAC and include the DART bundle.

 The configuration of the VPN Server has changed. Please try again.

Description    The secure gateway configuration changed after AnyConnect first contacted the secure gateway.

Recommended User Response    Start a new VPN connection.

Recommended Administrator Response    Try starting a new VPN connection from another location.

 The required license for this type of VPN client is not available on the secure 
gateway. Please contact your network administrator.

Description    AnyConnect attempted to establish a VPN session with a secure gateway that is not activated with an AnyConnect license.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Obtain an AnyConnect Essentials or Premium license from your Cisco Sales Engineer and activate it on the ASA.

 The secure gateway failed to reply to a connection initiation message and may be 
malfunctioning. Please try connecting again. If this problem persists, please 
contact your network administrator.

Description    An extended timer expired while AnyConnect was establishing a VPN connection with the secure gateway. The secure gateway probably failed to respond to a protocol handshake request. A flaw in the secure gateway software could be the cause.

Recommended User Response    Try starting a new VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Report the problem to Cisco TAC and include the DART bundle.

 The secure gateway has rejected the connection attempt. A new connection attempt 
to the same or another secure gateway is needed, which requires re-authentication.

Description    AnyConnect received an error response (that is, an HTTP error code) from the secure gateway during the negotiation for a VPN session. AnyConnect logged the error code and any error description text provided in the secure gateway error response.

Recommended User Response    Try starting a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Examine the log. If you cannot resolve the problem, report it to Cisco TAC and include the DART bundle.

 The secure gateway has terminated the VPN connection.

Description    The secure gateway terminated the VPN connection. In the case of SSL, the message displayed to the user from the secure gateway indicates the reason for the termination.

Recommended User Response    Try starting a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Examine the log. If you cannot resolve the problem, report it to Cisco TAC and include the DART bundle.

 The secure gateway is responding, but AnyConnect could not establish a VPN session. 
Please retry.

Description    The Always-on VPN connect failure policy specified via the ConnectFailurePolicy profile setting will not be applied, despite the connection failure. While the UI failed to connect, AnyConnect could not contact the target secure gateway. Thus, the connection failure could not be confirmed and any existing network restrictions are maintained.

Recommended User Response    Try starting a new VPN connection.

 The server certificate received or its chain does not comply with FIPS. A VPN 
connection will not be established.

Description    In accordance with the AnyConnect configuration, AnyConnect disconnected from the VPN because the server certificate received from the secure gateway or the certificate in the server certificate chain is not compliant with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS).

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Verify the secure gateway server certificate uses both the FIPS-required minimum RSA public key length and a FIPS compliant signature algorithm.

 The service provider in your current location is restricting access to the 

Description    The user may be located at a coffee shop, airport or hotel, where an Internet service provider is restricting access to the Internet. A VPN connection cannot be established.

Recommended User Response    Look for a second message for actions to correct the situation. Open a web browser and satisfy the conditions of the service provider. Then retry the connection.

 The service provider in your current location is restricting access to the secure 

Description    The user may be located at a coffee shop, airport or hotel, where an Internet service provider is restricting access to the Internet. A VPN connection cannot be established.

Recommended User Response    Look for a second message for actions to correct the problem. Open a web browser and satisfy the conditions of the local Internet service provider. Then retry the connection.

 Unable to complete connection: Cisco Secure Desktop not installed on the client

Description    A login was attempted but no CSD data was sent for the connection. There may have been an error installing or running CSD.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Install CSD or verify that it is installed.

 Unable to contact SecureGateway.

Description    The secure gateway could not be contacted because of a DNS resolution error or an unreachable or non-responsive secure gateway.

Recommended User Response    Check for an additional error message for more detail about the cause.

 Unable to establish connection with newly imported Certificate.

Description    AnyConnect could not locate a certificate recently obtained via enrollment. Common causes include the following:

Misconfiguration of the secure gateway, such as missing trust points.

Invalid certificate date.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Verify the secure gateway configuration and certificate date.

 Unable to proceed.

Cannot contact the VPN service.

Description    A user attempted to perform an action such as connect and AnyConnect is not able to communicate with the AnyConnect agent. An alert message informing the user of this condition precedes this one.

Recommended User Response    Restart the computer or device, then start a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Examine the log. If you cannot resolve the problem, report it to Cisco TAC and include the DART bundle.

 Unable to process remote proxy request. Please try again.

Description    An unexpected error occurred while processing the user response to proxy authentication.

Recommended User Response    Remove the local proxy and try a new VPN connection.

 Unable to re-register for IP forwarding table change notifications. The VPN 
connection has been disconnected.

Description    AnyConnect encountered an unrecoverable error when it attempted to re-register for local IP forwarding table change notifications. The VPN was disconnected because the error prevents AnyConnect from ensuring both its security and correct operation.

Recommended User Response    Restart the computer or device, then start a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Report the error to Cisco TAC and include the DART bundle.

 Unable to retrieve logon information to verify compliance with AnyConnect logon 
enforcement and VPN establishment profile settings. A VPN connection will not be 

Description    AnyConnect cannot enforce the user logon limit settings configured in the client profile because it cannot retrieve the local user login information. To ensure the protection of the private network, the VPN connection is not permitted.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Verify secure gateway access to the AAA server.

 Unable to send authentication message.

Description    There was an error communicating with the authentication server.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Verify secure gateway access to the AAA server.

 Unable to send authorization message.

Description    There was an error communicating with the authorization server.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Verify secure gateway access to the AAA server.

 Unable to update the session management database

Description    The secure gateway encountered an error when attempting to add the VPN connection to the session database.

Recommended User Response    Try a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, report it to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Try a new VPN connection.

 Unable to verify the necessary registry keys for FIPS

Description    The AnyConnect client could not access the local registry keys needed to verify FIPS compliance.

Recommended User Response    Report the problem to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Try a new VPN connection.

 Unknown challenge.

Description    The authentication server returned an unrecognized challenge code.

Recommended User Response    Report the problem to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Verify secure gateway access to the AAA server.

 Unknown error.

Description    The secure gateway experienced an unknown error.

Recommended User Response    Try restarting the VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 Unknown login status.

Description    The secure gateway did not perform one of the expected actions (accept, reject, or challenge the login, or return an error).

Recommended User Response    Retry the VPN connection. Report the problem to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Verify secure gateway access to the AAA server.

 Unwilling to perform password change.

Description    Message originated from the Cisco ASA. A password change is required to log in. An expired password is the likely cause. The server cannot modify the password.

Recommended User Response    Report the problem to your organization’s technical support.

 VPN Server could not parse request.

Description    The secure gateway could not parse the request sent by the VPN client.

Recommended User Response    Try restarting the VPN connection. Run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and include the DART bundle.

 VPN Server internal error.

Description    The secure gateway encountered an internal error such as low memory.

Recommended User Response    Try restarting the VPN connection. Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

Recommended Administrator Response    Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) if you cannot resolve the memory issue.

 VPN Service not available.

Description    The AnyConnect agent is not communicating. Likely causes include one of the following:

The AnyConnect agent did not start.

AnyConnect is not installed.

Recommended User Response    Ask your organization’s technical support for instructions on how to reinstall AnyConnect, then start a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, run DART. (See Using DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Report the problem to Cisco TAC and include the DART bundle.

 VPN Service not available. Exiting.

Description    The AnyConnect agent is not communicating. Likely causes include one of the following:

The AnyConnect agent did not start. Because AnyConnect is configured to run in Start Before Logon mode, it exited to keep from blocking the user.

AnyConnect is not installed.

Recommended User Response    Try a new VPN connection. If the problem persists, ask your organization’s technical support for instructions on how to reinstall AnyConnect, then start a new VPN connection. If the problem continues to persist, run DART. (SeeUsing DART to Gather Troubleshooting Information.) Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Report the problem to Cisco TAC and include the DART bundle.

 VPN connection terminated, Smartcard removed from reader.

Description    The smartcard used to authenticate the VPN connection was removed from the Smartcard reader. The VPN was disconnected to ensure the protection of the private network.

Recommended User Response    Re-insert the smartcard and try a new VPN connection.

 VPN established. Continuing with login.

Description    The start before logon components established a VPN connection. The GUI exits to let the user log in to the OS.

Recommended User Response    Log in.

 VPN establishment capability from a remote desktop is disabled. A VPN connection 
will not be established.

Description    AnyConnect is not configured to permit the establishment of a VPN connection from within a remote desktop session on the endpoint.

Recommended User Response    Log in directly, then connect to the VPN.

Recommended Administrator Response    Refer to «Allowing a Windows RDP Session to Launch a VPN Session» in the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Administrator Guide, Release 2.5 if you want to enable VPN access from an RDP session.

 Warning: The following Certificate received from the Server could not be verified:

Description    The certificate presented by the secure gateway could not be verified. Possible causes include:

Certificates could not be verified to a trusted Root Certificate.

Misconfigured certificate names.

Invalid host names entered by user causing name check failure.

Expired or revoked certificates.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response    Validate or replace the certificate.

 When in the Secure Vault, use the "Launch Login Page" button on the desktop to 
relaunch the client.

Description    Cisco Secure Desktop was detected as running on the endpoint.

Recommended User Response    Click Launch Login Page inside the Secure Desktop to launch the client inside the Secure Desktop to continue using the VPN connection.

 You have no dial-in permission.

Description    The user’s account does not have permission to access the network remotely.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

 You need to log on with the service provider before you can establish a VPN 
session. You can try this by visiting any website with your browser.

Description    The user may be located at a coffee shop, airport, or hotel, where an internet service provider is restricting access to the Internet. A VPN connection cannot be established.

Recommended User Response    Look for a second message for actions to correct the situation. Open a web browser to see if you can satisfy the conditions for Internet access. Then retry the VPN connection.

 Your VPN connection has exceeded the session time limit. A new connection is 
necessary, which requires re-authentication.

Description    The VPN session was terminated because it exceeded the time permitted by the secure gateway for a VPN session. This feature helps protect the private network by requiring the user to re-authenticate with the secure gateway.

Recommended User Response    Start a new VPN session.

 Your account is disabled.

Description    The user’s account is disabled and cannot be used to access the VPN.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support.

 Your certificate is invalid for the selected group

Description    The secure gateway validated the certificate provided by AnyConnect, however, the applied connection policy (tunnel group) does not permit the certificate. The certificate might be valid for another connection policy configured on the secure gateway.

Recommended User Response    Report the error to your organization’s technical support and ask for the proper certificate.

Recommended Administrator Response    Provide instructions to obtain the certificate required for VPN access.

 Your client certificate will be used for authentication

Description    Certificate-only authentication is in use. Instead of providing a username and password as credentials, the user’s certificate will be used for authentication.

Recommended User Response    None.

 Your connection to the secure gateway has been suspended longer than the allotted 
time limit. A new connection is necessary, which requires re-authentication.

Description    The VPN session was terminated because it exceeded the VPN session idle timer limit configured on the secure gateway. This feature helps protect the private network by requiring the user to re-authenticate with the secure gateway.

Recommended User Response    Start a new VPN session.

Recommended Administrator Response    None.

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— Пал Андреич, Вы шпион?
— Видишь ли, Юра.

Сообщение оказалось полезным? Поблагодарите автора, нажав ссылку Полезное сообщение чуть ниже.

Для отключения данного рекламного блока вам необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти с учетной записью социальной сети.

Praveen Kumar

Probable Cause — “DNS entry for the network card is set to static”
Action 1) Verify that you can ping your VPN server. You can run this by going to Start > All Progarams > Accessories > Command Prompt; then type ping YourServerName/IP address and hit enter. If you are able to connect to other internet sites and not able to ping YourServerName/IP address, ensure that the DNS setting for network card is set for automatic.


Добрый день, хочу подключиться удаленно к рабочему столу через vpn. Использую для этого Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client v. 4.2.01035. При попытке подключения возникает ошибка: Connection attempt has timed out. Please verify Internet connectivity. Ранее vpn работал. При подключении с телефона через мобильный интернет vpn работает. ОС: Windows 10 x64. Прошу дать разъяснения, почему перестал работать vpn? Благодарю.

Так же происходит и с телефоном, когда используется wi-fi, на 3G все работает.

Отмечено как решение

Добрый вечер!
Прошу Вас проверить дополнительно следующее:
1. Перезагрузите маршрутизатор, отключив примерно на 15 секунд.
2. При наличии возможности проверьте работу подключения к удалённому рабочему столу при подключении к линии АКАДО-Екатеринбург напрямую, без использования маршрутизатора.

Попробовал и тот и другой вариант, проблема не исчезла.

Сергей, если возможно, вышлите снимок окна Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client с открытой вкладкой «Massage History», содержащей информацию о неудачных попытках подключения.

Сейчас попробовал с мобильного интернета зайти, заходит. Использовал телефон в качестве модема. Оператор tele2

Сергей, спасибо за уточнение​. Прошу Вас выполнить трассировку до узла при работе с сетью АКАДО-Екатеринбурги и прикрепить к сообщению.


Связь с узлом есть, время ожидания ответа близкое к минимальному. Специалистами дополнительно подтверждено отсутствие каких-либо блокировок с нашей стороны. Вопрос с маршрутизацией с нашей стороны также исключается присланными Вами результатами проверки. Необходимо озадачить специалистов, занимающихся администрированием сервера Cisco AnyConnect VPN. При возникновении встречных вопросов с их стороны они смогут связаться со специалистами АКАДО-Екатеринбург, так наши контактные телефоны у них вероятнее всего есть. Или же могут быть получены при обращении по адресу

Проблема не решена, к сожалению.
Почему с мобильного интернета или в других сетях я могу зайти, а именно с вашей сети я не могу попать, мне это не понятно.

Причина отсутствия соединения вероятнее всего заключается в настройке маршрутизации со стороны ЕЭСК, так как связь с их оборудованием предоставляется без каких-либо ограничений. Как был сообщено выше, Вам необходимо связаться со специалистами, обслуживающими сервер Cisco AnyConnect VPN, и передать полученную в ходе этого разговора информацию.

Вопрос решился. Видимо что-то сделали на сервере VPN и связь появилась. Благодарю за консльтации

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use dbi;
$dbh =…

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  • Cisco очистить ошибки на порту
  • Cisco vpn ошибка 429
  • Cisco vpn ошибка 27850
  • Cisco vpn client ошибка 442
  • Cisco vpn client windows 10 ошибка