Clickhouse коды ошибок


What is ClickHouse?¶

ClickHouse is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).

In a «normal» row-oriented DBMS, data is stored in this order:

Row WatchID JavaEnable Title GoodEvent EventTime
#0 89354350662 1 Investor Relations 1 2016-05-18 05:19:20
#1 90329509958 0 Contact us 1 2016-05-18 08:10:20
#2 89953706054 1 Mission 1 2016-05-18 07:38:00

In other words, all the values related to a row are physically stored next to each other.

Examples of a row-oriented DBMS are MySQL, Postgres, and MS SQL Server.

In a column-oriented DBMS, data is stored like this:

Row: #0 #1 #2 #N
WatchID: 89354350662 90329509958 89953706054
JavaEnable: 1 0 1
Title: Investor Relations Contact us Mission
GoodEvent: 1 1 1
EventTime: 2016-05-18 05:19:20 2016-05-18 08:10:20 2016-05-18 07:38:00

These examples only show the order that data is arranged in.
The values from different columns are stored separately, and data from the same column is stored together.

Examples of a column-oriented DBMS: Vertica, Paraccel (Actian Matrix and Amazon Redshift), Sybase IQ, Exasol, Infobright, InfiniDB, MonetDB (VectorWise and Actian Vector), LucidDB, SAP HANA, Google Dremel, Google PowerDrill, Druid, and kdb+.

Different orders for storing data are better suited to different scenarios.
The data access scenario refers to what queries are made, how often, and in what proportion; how much data is read for each type of query – rows, columns, and bytes; the relationship between reading and updating data; the working size of the data and how locally it is used; whether transactions are used, and how isolated they are; requirements for data replication and logical integrity; requirements for latency and throughput for each type of query, and so on.

The higher the load on the system, the more important it is to customize the system set up to match the requirements of the usage scenario, and the more fine grained this customization becomes. There is no system that is equally well-suited to significantly different scenarios. If a system is adaptable to a wide set of scenarios, under a high load, the system will handle all the scenarios equally poorly, or will work well for just one or few of possible scenarios.

Key Properties of the OLAP scenario¶

  • The vast majority of requests are for read access.
  • Data is updated in fairly large batches (> 1000 rows), not by single rows; or it is not updated at all.
  • Data is added to the DB but is not modified.
  • For reads, quite a large number of rows are extracted from the DB, but only a small subset of columns.
  • Tables are «wide,» meaning they contain a large number of columns.
  • Queries are relatively rare (usually hundreds of queries per server or less per second).
  • For simple queries, latencies around 50 ms are allowed.
  • Column values are fairly small: numbers and short strings (for example, 60 bytes per URL).
  • Requires high throughput when processing a single query (up to billions of rows per second per server).
  • Transactions are not necessary.
  • Low requirements for data consistency.
  • There is one large table per query. All tables are small, except for one.
  • A query result is significantly smaller than the source data. In other words, data is filtered or aggregated, so the result fits in a single server’s RAM.

It is easy to see that the OLAP scenario is very different from other popular scenarios (such as OLTP or Key-Value access). So it doesn’t make sense to try to use OLTP or a Key-Value DB for processing analytical queries if you want to get decent performance. For example, if you try to use MongoDB or Redis for analytics, you will get very poor performance compared to OLAP databases.

Why Column-Oriented Databases Work Better in the OLAP Scenario¶

Column-oriented databases are better suited to OLAP scenarios: they are at least 100 times faster in processing most queries. The reasons are explained in detail below, but the fact is easier to demonstrate visually:

Row-oriented DBMS


Column-oriented DBMS


See the difference?


  1. For an analytical query, only a small number of table columns need to be read. In a column-oriented database, you can read just the data you need. For example, if you need 5 columns out of 100, you can expect a 20-fold reduction in I/O.
  2. Since data is read in packets, it is easier to compress. Data in columns is also easier to compress. This further reduces the I/O volume.
  3. Due to the reduced I/O, more data fits in the system cache.

For example, the query «count the number of records for each advertising platform» requires reading one «advertising platform ID» column, which takes up 1 byte uncompressed. If most of the traffic was not from advertising platforms, you can expect at least 10-fold compression of this column. When using a quick compression algorithm, data decompression is possible at a speed of at least several gigabytes of uncompressed data per second. In other words, this query can be processed at a speed of approximately several billion rows per second on a single server. This speed is actually achieved in practice.


$ clickhouse-client
ClickHouse client version 0.0.52053.
Connecting to localhost:9000.
Connected to ClickHouse server version 0.0.52053.

:) SELECT CounterID, count() FROM hits GROUP BY CounterID ORDER BY count() DESC LIMIT 20

FROM hits

│    11420856057344 │
│    11508051619590 │
│      322844658301 │
│     3823042045932 │
│    14526342042158 │
│     9124438297270 │
│    15413926647572 │
│    15074824112755 │
│    24223221302571 │
│    33815813507087 │
│     6218012229491 │
│     8226412187441 │
│    23226112148031 │
│    14627211438516 │
│    16877711403636 │
│   412007211227824 │
│  1093880810519739 │
│     740889047015 │
│    1150798837972 │
│    3372348205961 │

20 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.153 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 4.00 GB (6.53 billion rows/s., 26.10 GB/s.)



Since executing a query requires processing a large number of rows, it helps to dispatch all operations for entire vectors instead of for separate rows, or to implement the query engine so that there is almost no dispatching cost. If you don’t do this, with any half-decent disk subsystem, the query interpreter inevitably stalls the CPU.
It makes sense to both store data in columns and process it, when possible, by columns.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. A vector engine. All operations are written for vectors, instead of for separate values. This means you don’t need to call operations very often, and dispatching costs are negligible. Operation code contains an optimized internal cycle.

  2. Code generation. The code generated for the query has all the indirect calls in it.

This is not done in «normal» databases, because it doesn’t make sense when running simple queries. However, there are exceptions. For example, MemSQL uses code generation to reduce latency when processing SQL queries. (For comparison, analytical DBMSs require optimization of throughput, not latency.)

Note that for CPU efficiency, the query language must be declarative (SQL or MDX), or at least a vector (J, K). The query should only contain implicit loops, allowing for optimization.

Original article

Distinctive Features of ClickHouse¶

True Column-Oriented DBMS¶

In a true column-oriented DBMS, no extra data is stored with the values. Among other things, this means that constant-length values must be supported, to avoid storing their length «number» next to the values. As an example, a billion UInt8-type values should actually consume around 1 GB uncompressed, or this will strongly affect the CPU use. It is very important to store data compactly (without any «garbage») even when uncompressed, since the speed of decompression (CPU usage) depends mainly on the volume of uncompressed data.

This is worth noting because there are systems that can store values of different columns separately, but that can’t effectively process analytical queries due to their optimization for other scenarios. Examples are HBase, BigTable, Cassandra, and HyperTable. In these systems, you will get throughput around a hundred thousand rows per second, but not hundreds of millions of rows per second.

It’s also worth noting that ClickHouse is a database management system, not a single database. ClickHouse allows creating tables and databases in runtime, loading data, and running queries without reconfiguring and restarting the server.

Data Compression¶

Some column-oriented DBMSs (InfiniDB CE and MonetDB) do not use data compression. However, data compression does play a key role in achieving excellent performance.

Disk Storage of Data¶

Keeping data physically sorted by primary key makes it possible to extract data for it’s specific values or value ranges with low latency, less than few dozen milliseconds. Some column-oriented DBMSs (such as SAP HANA and Google PowerDrill) can only work in RAM. This approach encourages the allocation of a larger hardware budget than is actually necessary for real-time analysis. ClickHouse is designed to work on regular hard drives, which means the cost per GB of data storage is low, but SSD and additional RAM are also fully used if available.

Parallel Processing on Multiple Cores¶

Large queries are parallelized in a natural way, taking all the necessary resources that available on the current server.

Distributed Processing on Multiple Servers¶

Almost none of the columnar DBMSs mentioned above have support for distributed query processing.
In ClickHouse, data can reside on different shards. Each shard can be a group of replicas that are used for fault tolerance. The query is processed on all the shards in parallel. This is transparent for the user.

SQL Support¶

ClickHouse supports a declarative query language based on SQL that is identical to the SQL standard in many cases.
Supported queries include GROUP BY, ORDER BY, subqueries in FROM, IN, and JOIN clauses, and scalar subqueries.
Dependent subqueries and window functions are not supported.

Vector Engine¶

Data is not only stored by columns, but is processed by vectors (parts of columns). This allows us to achieve high CPU efficiency.

Real-time Data Updates¶

ClickHouse supports tables with a primary key. In order to quickly perform queries on the range of the primary key, the data is sorted incrementally using the merge tree. Due to this, data can continually be added to the table. No locks are taken when new data is ingested.


Having a data physically sorted by primary key makes it possible to extract data for it’s specific values or value ranges with low latency, less than few dozen milliseconds.

Suitable for Online Queries¶

Low latency means that queries can be processed without delay and without trying to prepare answer in advance, right at the same moment while user interface page is loading. In other words, online.

Support for Approximated Calculations¶

ClickHouse provides various ways to trade accuracy for performance:

  1. Aggregate functions for approximated calculation of the number of distinct values, medians, and quantiles.
  2. Running a query based on a part (sample) of data and getting an approximated result. In this case, proportionally less data is retrieved from the disk.
  3. Running an aggregation for a limited number of random keys, instead of for all keys. Under certain conditions for key distribution in the data, this provides a reasonably accurate result while using fewer resources.

Data replication and data integrity support¶

Uses asynchronous multimaster replication. After being written to any available replica, data is distributed to all the remaining replicas in the background. The system maintains identical data on different replicas. Recovery after most failures is performed automatically, and in complex cases — semi-automatically.

For more information, see the section Data replication.

Original article

ClickHouse Features that Can be Considered Disadvantages¶

  1. No full-fledged transactions.
  2. Lack of ability to modify or delete already inserted data with high rate and low latency. There are batch deletes and updates available to clean up or modify data, for example to comply with GDPR.
  3. The sparse index makes ClickHouse not really suitable for point queries retrieving single rows by their keys.

Original article


According to internal testing results at Yandex, ClickHouse shows the best performance (both the highest throughput for long queries and the lowest latency on short queries) for comparable operating scenarios among systems of its class that were available for testing. You can view the test results on a separate page.

This has also been confirmed by numerous independent benchmarks. They are not difficult to find using an internet search, or you can see our small collection of related links.

Throughput for a Single Large Query¶

Throughput can be measured in rows per second or in megabytes per second. If the data is placed in the page cache, a query that is not too complex is processed on modern hardware at a speed of approximately 2-10 GB/s of uncompressed data on a single server (for the simplest cases, the speed may reach 30 GB/s). If data is not placed in the page cache, the speed depends on the disk subsystem and the data compression rate. For example, if the disk subsystem allows reading data at 400 MB/s, and the data compression rate is 3, the speed will be around 1.2 GB/s. To get the speed in rows per second, divide the speed in bytes per second by the total size of the columns used in the query. For example, if 10 bytes of columns are extracted, the speed will be around 100-200 million rows per second.

The processing speed increases almost linearly for distributed processing, but only if the number of rows resulting from aggregation or sorting is not too large.

Latency When Processing Short Queries¶

If a query uses a primary key and does not select too many rows to process (hundreds of thousands), and does not use too many columns, we can expect less than 50 milliseconds of latency (single digits of milliseconds in the best case) if data is placed in the page cache. Otherwise, latency is calculated from the number of seeks. If you use rotating drives, for a system that is not overloaded, the latency is calculated by this formula: seek time (10 ms) * number of columns queried * number of data parts.

Throughput When Processing a Large Quantity of Short Queries¶

Under the same conditions, ClickHouse can handle several hundred queries per second on a single server (up to several thousand in the best case). Since this scenario is not typical for analytical DBMSs, we recommend expecting a maximum of 100 queries per second.

Performance When Inserting Data¶

We recommend inserting data in packets of at least 1000 rows, or no more than a single request per second. When inserting to a MergeTree table from a tab-separated dump, the insertion speed will be from 50 to 200 MB/s. If the inserted rows are around 1 Kb in size, the speed will be from 50,000 to 200,000 rows per second. If the rows are small, the performance will be higher in rows per second (on Banner System data —> 500,000 rows per second; on Graphite data —> 1,000,000 rows per second). To improve performance, you can make multiple INSERT queries in parallel, and performance will increase linearly.

Original article

Yandex.Metrica Use Case¶

ClickHouse was originally developed to power Yandex.Metrica, the second largest web analytics platform in the world, and continues to be the core component of this system. With more than 13 trillion records in the database and more than 20 billion events daily, ClickHouse allows generating custom reports on the fly directly from non-aggregated data. This article briefly covers the goals of ClickHouse in the early stages of its development.

Yandex.Metrica builds customized reports on the fly based on hits and sessions, with arbitrary segments defined by the user. This often requires building complex aggregates, such as the number of unique users. New data for building a report is received in real time.

As of April 2014, Yandex.Metrica was tracking about 12 billion events (page views and clicks) daily. All these events must be stored in order to build custom reports. A single query may require scanning millions of rows within a few hundred milliseconds, or hundreds of millions of rows in just a few seconds.

Usage in Yandex.Metrica and Other Yandex Services¶

ClickHouse is used for multiple purposes in Yandex.Metrica.
Its main task is to build reports in online mode using non-aggregated data. It uses a cluster of 374 servers, which store over 20.3 trillion rows in the database. The volume of compressed data, without counting duplication and replication, is about 2 PB. The volume of uncompressed data (in TSV format) would be approximately 17 PB.

ClickHouse is also used for:

  • Storing data for Session Replay from Yandex.Metrica.
  • Processing intermediate data.
  • Building global reports with Analytics.
  • Running queries for debugging the Yandex.Metrica engine.
  • Analyzing logs from the API and the user interface.

ClickHouse has at least a dozen installations in other Yandex services: in search verticals, Market, Direct, business analytics, mobile development, AdFox, personal services, and others.

Aggregated and Non-aggregated Data¶

There is a popular opinion that in order to effectively calculate statistics, you must aggregate data, since this reduces the volume of data.

But data aggregation is a very limited solution, for the following reasons:

  • You must have a pre-defined list of reports the user will need.
  • The user can’t make custom reports.
  • When aggregating a large quantity of keys, the volume of data is not reduced, and aggregation is useless.
  • For a large number of reports, there are too many aggregation variations (combinatorial explosion).
  • When aggregating keys with high cardinality (such as URLs), the volume of data is not reduced by much (less than twofold).
  • For this reason, the volume of data with aggregation might grow instead of shrink.
  • Users do not view all the reports we generate for them. A large portion of calculations are useless.
  • The logical integrity of data may be violated for various aggregations.

If we do not aggregate anything and work with non-aggregated data, this might actually reduce the volume of calculations.

However, with aggregation, a significant part of the work is taken offline and completed relatively calmly. In contrast, online calculations require calculating as fast as possible, since the user is waiting for the result.

Yandex.Metrica has a specialized system for aggregating data called Metrage, which is used for the majority of reports.
Starting in 2009, Yandex.Metrica also used a specialized OLAP database for non-aggregated data called OLAPServer, which was previously used for the report builder.
OLAPServer worked well for non-aggregated data, but it had many restrictions that did not allow it to be used for all reports as desired. These included the lack of support for data types (only numbers), and the inability to incrementally update data in real-time (it could only be done by rewriting data daily). OLAPServer is not a DBMS, but a specialized DB.

To remove the limitations of OLAPServer and solve the problem of working with non-aggregated data for all reports, we developed the ClickHouse DBMS.

Original article

Getting Started¶

System Requirements¶

ClickHouse can run on any Linux, FreeBSD or Mac OS X with x86_64 CPU architecture.

Though pre-built binaries are typically compiled to leverage SSE 4.2 instruction set, so unless otherwise stated usage of CPU that supports it becomes an additional system requirement. Here’s the command to check if current CPU has support for SSE 4.2:

$ grep -q sse4_2 /proc/cpuinfo && echo "SSE 4.2 supported" || echo "SSE 4.2 not supported"


From DEB Packages¶

Yandex ClickHouse team recommends using official pre-compiled deb packages for Debian or Ubuntu.

To install official packages add the Yandex repository in /etc/apt/sources.list or in a separate /etc/apt/sources.list.d/clickhouse.list file:

deb main/

If you want to use the most recent version, replace stable with testing (this is not recommended for production environments).

Then run these commands to actually install packages:

sudo apt-get install dirmngr    # optional
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv E0C56BD4    # optional
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install clickhouse-client clickhouse-server

You can also download and install packages manually from here:

From RPM Packages¶

Yandex does not run ClickHouse on rpm based Linux distributions and rpm packages are not as thoroughly tested. So use them at your own risk, but there are many other companies that do successfully run them in production without any major issues.

For CentOS, RHEL or Fedora there are the following options:

  • Packages from are generated from official deb packages by Yandex and have byte-identical binaries.
  • Packages from are built by independent company Altinity, but are used widely without any complaints.
  • Or you can use Docker (see below).

From Docker Image¶

To run ClickHouse inside Docker follow the guide on Docker Hub. Those images use official deb packages inside.

From Sources¶

To manually compile ClickHouse, follow the instructions for Linux or Mac OS X.

You can compile packages and install them or use programs without installing packages. Also by building manually you can disable SSE 4.2 requirement or build for AArch64 CPUs.

Client: dbms/programs/clickhouse-client
Server: dbms/programs/clickhouse-server

You’ll need to create a data and metadata folders and chown them for the desired user. Their paths can be changed in server config (src/dbms/programs/server/config.xml), by default they are:


On Gentoo you can just use emerge clickhouse to install ClickHouse from sources.


To start the server as a daemon, run:

$ sudo service clickhouse-server start

See the logs in the /var/log/clickhouse-server/ directory.

If the server doesn’t start, check the configurations in the file /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml.

You can also manually launch the server from the console:

$ clickhouse-server --config-file=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml

In this case, the log will be printed to the console, which is convenient during development.
If the configuration file is in the current directory, you don’t need to specify the --config-file parameter. By default, it uses ./config.xml.

ClickHouse supports access restriction settings. They are located in the users.xml file (next to config.xml).
By default, access is allowed from anywhere for the default user, without a password. See user/default/networks.
For more information, see the section «Configuration Files».

After launching server, you can use the command-line client to connect to it:

By default it connects to localhost:9000 on behalf of the user default without a password. It can also be used to connect to a remote server using --host argument.

The terminal must use UTF-8 encoding.
For more information, see the section «Command-line client».


$ ./clickhouse-client
ClickHouse client version 0.0.18749.
Connecting to localhost:9000.
Connected to ClickHouse server version 0.0.18749.



│ 1 │

1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec.


Congratulations, the system works!

To continue experimenting, you can download one of test data sets or go through tutorial.

Original article


This dataset can be obtained in two ways:

  • import from raw data
  • download of prepared partitions

Import From Raw Data¶

Downloading data:

for s in `seq 1987 2018`
for m in `seq 1 12`

(from )

Creating a table:

CREATE TABLE `ontime` (
`Year` UInt16,
`Quarter` UInt8,
`Month` UInt8,
`DayofMonth` UInt8,
`DayOfWeek` UInt8,
`FlightDate` Date,
`UniqueCarrier` FixedString(7),
`AirlineID` Int32,
`Carrier` FixedString(2),
`TailNum` String,
`FlightNum` String,
`OriginAirportID` Int32,
`OriginAirportSeqID` Int32,
`OriginCityMarketID` Int32,
`Origin` FixedString(5),
`OriginCityName` String,
`OriginState` FixedString(2),
`OriginStateFips` String,
`OriginStateName` String,
`OriginWac` Int32,
`DestAirportID` Int32,
`DestAirportSeqID` Int32,
`DestCityMarketID` Int32,
`Dest` FixedString(5),
`DestCityName` String,
`DestState` FixedString(2),
`DestStateFips` String,
`DestStateName` String,
`DestWac` Int32,
`CRSDepTime` Int32,
`DepTime` Int32,
`DepDelay` Int32,
`DepDelayMinutes` Int32,
`DepDel15` Int32,
`DepartureDelayGroups` String,
`DepTimeBlk` String,
`TaxiOut` Int32,
`WheelsOff` Int32,
`WheelsOn` Int32,
`TaxiIn` Int32,
`CRSArrTime` Int32,
`ArrTime` Int32,
`ArrDelay` Int32,
`ArrDelayMinutes` Int32,
`ArrDel15` Int32,
`ArrivalDelayGroups` Int32,
`ArrTimeBlk` String,
`Cancelled` UInt8,
`CancellationCode` FixedString(1),
`Diverted` UInt8,
`CRSElapsedTime` Int32,
`ActualElapsedTime` Int32,
`AirTime` Int32,
`Flights` Int32,
`Distance` Int32,
`DistanceGroup` UInt8,
`CarrierDelay` Int32,
`WeatherDelay` Int32,
`NASDelay` Int32,
`SecurityDelay` Int32,
`LateAircraftDelay` Int32,
`FirstDepTime` String,
`TotalAddGTime` String,
`LongestAddGTime` String,
`DivAirportLandings` String,
`DivReachedDest` String,
`DivActualElapsedTime` String,
`DivArrDelay` String,
`DivDistance` String,
`Div1Airport` String,
`Div1AirportID` Int32,
`Div1AirportSeqID` Int32,
`Div1WheelsOn` String,
`Div1TotalGTime` String,
`Div1LongestGTime` String,
`Div1WheelsOff` String,
`Div1TailNum` String,
`Div2Airport` String,
`Div2AirportID` Int32,
`Div2AirportSeqID` Int32,
`Div2WheelsOn` String,
`Div2TotalGTime` String,
`Div2LongestGTime` String,
`Div2WheelsOff` String,
`Div2TailNum` String,
`Div3Airport` String,
`Div3AirportID` Int32,
`Div3AirportSeqID` Int32,
`Div3WheelsOn` String,
`Div3TotalGTime` String,
`Div3LongestGTime` String,
`Div3WheelsOff` String,
`Div3TailNum` String,
`Div4Airport` String,
`Div4AirportID` Int32,
`Div4AirportSeqID` Int32,
`Div4WheelsOn` String,
`Div4TotalGTime` String,
`Div4LongestGTime` String,
`Div4WheelsOff` String,
`Div4TailNum` String,
`Div5Airport` String,
`Div5AirportID` Int32,
`Div5AirportSeqID` Int32,
`Div5WheelsOn` String,
`Div5TotalGTime` String,
`Div5LongestGTime` String,
`Div5WheelsOff` String,
`Div5TailNum` String
) ENGINE = MergeTree(FlightDate, (Year, FlightDate), 8192)

Loading data:

for i in *.zip; do echo $i; unzip -cq $i '*.csv' | sed 's/.00//g' | clickhouse-client --host=example-perftest01j --query="INSERT INTO ontime FORMAT CSVWithNames"; done

Dowload of Prepared Partitions¶

curl -O
tar xvf ontime.tar -C /var/lib/clickhouse # path to ClickHouse data directory
## check permissions of unpacked data, fix if required
sudo service clickhouse-server restart
clickhouse-client --query "select count(*) from datasets.ontime"


If you will run queries described below, you have to use full table name,



select avg(c1) from (select Year, Month, count(*) as c1 from ontime group by Year, Month);

Q1. The number of flights per day from the year 2000 to 2008

SELECT DayOfWeek, count(*) AS c FROM ontime WHERE Year >= 2000 AND Year <= 2008 GROUP BY DayOfWeek ORDER BY c DESC;

Q2. The number of flights delayed by more than 10 minutes, grouped by the day of the week, for 2000-2008

SELECT DayOfWeek, count(*) AS c FROM ontime WHERE DepDelay>10 AND Year >= 2000 AND Year <= 2008 GROUP BY DayOfWeek ORDER BY c DESC

Q3. The number of delays by airport for 2000-2008

SELECT Origin, count(*) AS c FROM ontime WHERE DepDelay>10 AND Year >= 2000 AND Year <= 2008 GROUP BY Origin ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10

Q4. The number of delays by carrier for 2007

SELECT Carrier, count(*) FROM ontime WHERE DepDelay>10 AND Year = 2007 GROUP BY Carrier ORDER BY count(*) DESC

Q5. The percentage of delays by carrier for 2007

SELECT Carrier, c, c2, c*1000/c2 as c3
count(*) AS c
FROM ontime
WHERE DepDelay>10
AND Year=2007
GROUP BY Carrier
count(*) AS c2
FROM ontime
WHERE Year=2007
GROUP BY Carrier
) USING Carrier

Better version of the same query:

SELECT Carrier, avg(DepDelay > 10) * 1000 AS c3 FROM ontime WHERE Year = 2007 GROUP BY Carrier ORDER BY Carrier

Q6. The previous request for a broader range of years, 2000-2008

SELECT Carrier, c, c2, c*1000/c2 as c3
count(*) AS c
FROM ontime
WHERE DepDelay>10
AND Year >= 2000 AND Year <= 2008
GROUP BY Carrier
count(*) AS c2
FROM ontime
WHERE Year >= 2000 AND Year <= 2008
GROUP BY Carrier
) USING Carrier

Better version of the same query:

SELECT Carrier, avg(DepDelay > 10) * 1000 AS c3 FROM ontime WHERE Year >= 2000 AND Year <= 2008 GROUP BY Carrier ORDER BY Carrier

Q7. Percentage of flights delayed for more than 10 minutes, by year

SELECT Year, c1/c2
count(*)*1000 as c1
from ontime
WHERE DepDelay>10
count(*) as c2
from ontime
) USING (Year)

Better version of the same query:

SELECT Year, avg(DepDelay > 10) FROM ontime GROUP BY Year ORDER BY Year

Q8. The most popular destinations by the number of directly connected cities for various year ranges

SELECT DestCityName, uniqExact(OriginCityName) AS u FROM ontime WHERE Year >= 2000 and Year <= 2010 GROUP BY DestCityName ORDER BY u DESC LIMIT 10;


select Year, count(*) as c1 from ontime group by Year;


min(Year), max(Year), Carrier, count(*) as cnt,
sum(ArrDelayMinutes>30) as flights_delayed,
round(sum(ArrDelayMinutes>30)/count(*),2) as rate
FROM ontime
DayOfWeek not in (6,7) and OriginState not in ('AK', 'HI', 'PR', 'VI')
and DestState not in ('AK', 'HI', 'PR', 'VI')
and FlightDate < '2010-01-01'
GROUP by Carrier
HAVING cnt > 100000 and max(Year) > 1990
ORDER by rate DESC
LIMIT 1000;


SELECT avg(cnt) FROM (SELECT Year,Month,count(*) AS cnt FROM ontime WHERE DepDel15=1 GROUP BY Year,Month)
select avg(c1) from (select Year,Month,count(*) as c1 from ontime group by Year,Month)
SELECT DestCityName, uniqExact(OriginCityName) AS u FROM ontime GROUP BY DestCityName ORDER BY u DESC LIMIT 10;
SELECT OriginCityName, DestCityName, count() AS c FROM ontime GROUP BY OriginCityName, DestCityName ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10;
SELECT OriginCityName, count() AS c FROM ontime GROUP BY OriginCityName ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10;

This performance test was created by Vadim Tkachenko. See:


Original article

New York Taxi Data¶

This dataset can be obtained in two ways:

  • import from raw data
  • download of prepared partitions

How to Import The Raw Data¶

See and for the description of a dataset and instructions for downloading.

Downloading will result in about 227 GB of uncompressed data in CSV files. The download takes about an hour over a 1 Gbit connection (parallel downloading from recovers at least half of a 1 Gbit channel).
Some of the files might not download fully. Check the file sizes and re-download any that seem doubtful.

Some of the files might contain invalid rows. You can fix them as follows:

sed -E '/(.*,){18,}/d' data/yellow_tripdata_2010-02.csv > data/yellow_tripdata_2010-02.csv_
sed -E '/(.*,){18,}/d' data/yellow_tripdata_2010-03.csv > data/yellow_tripdata_2010-03.csv_
mv data/yellow_tripdata_2010-02.csv_ data/yellow_tripdata_2010-02.csv
mv data/yellow_tripdata_2010-03.csv_ data/yellow_tripdata_2010-03.csv

Then the data must be pre-processed in PostgreSQL. This will create selections of points in the polygons (to match points on the map with the boroughs of New York City) and combine all the data into a single denormalized flat table by using a JOIN. To do this, you will need to install PostgreSQL with PostGIS support.

Be careful when running and manually re-check that all the tables were created correctly.

It takes about 20-30 minutes to process each month’s worth of data in PostgreSQL, for a total of about 48 hours.

You can check the number of downloaded rows as follows:

time psql nyc-taxi-data -c "SELECT count(*) FROM trips;"
### Count
(1 row)
real    7m9.164s

(This is slightly more than 1.1 billion rows reported by Mark Litwintschik in a series of blog posts.)

The data in PostgreSQL uses 370 GB of space.

Exporting the data from PostgreSQL:

cab_types.type cab_type,
weather.precipitation_tenths_of_mm rain,
weather.max_temperature_tenths_degrees_celsius max_temp,
weather.min_temperature_tenths_degrees_celsius min_temp,
weather.average_wind_speed_tenths_of_meters_per_second wind,
pick_up.gid pickup_nyct2010_gid,
pick_up.ctlabel pickup_ctlabel,
pick_up.borocode pickup_borocode,
pick_up.boroname pickup_boroname,
pick_up.ct2010 pickup_ct2010,
pick_up.boroct2010 pickup_boroct2010,
pick_up.cdeligibil pickup_cdeligibil,
pick_up.ntacode pickup_ntacode,
pick_up.ntaname pickup_ntaname,
pick_up.puma pickup_puma,
drop_off.gid dropoff_nyct2010_gid,
drop_off.ctlabel dropoff_ctlabel,
drop_off.borocode dropoff_borocode,
drop_off.boroname dropoff_boroname,
drop_off.ct2010 dropoff_ct2010,
drop_off.boroct2010 dropoff_boroct2010,
drop_off.cdeligibil dropoff_cdeligibil,
drop_off.ntacode dropoff_ntacode,
drop_off.ntaname dropoff_ntaname,
drop_off.puma dropoff_puma
FROM trips
LEFT JOIN cab_types
ON trips.cab_type_id =
LEFT JOIN central_park_weather_observations_raw weather
ON = trips.pickup_datetime::date
LEFT JOIN nyct2010 pick_up
ON pick_up.gid = trips.pickup_nyct2010_gid
LEFT JOIN nyct2010 drop_off
ON drop_off.gid = trips.dropoff_nyct2010_gid
) TO '/opt/milovidov/nyc-taxi-data/trips.tsv';

The data snapshot is created at a speed of about 50 MB per second. While creating the snapshot, PostgreSQL reads from the disk at a speed of about 28 MB per second.
This takes about 5 hours. The resulting TSV file is 590612904969 bytes.

Create a temporary table in ClickHouse:

trip_id                 UInt32,
vendor_id               String,
pickup_datetime         DateTime,
dropoff_datetime        Nullable(DateTime),
store_and_fwd_flag      Nullable(FixedString(1)),
rate_code_id            Nullable(UInt8),
pickup_longitude        Nullable(Float64),
pickup_latitude         Nullable(Float64),
dropoff_longitude       Nullable(Float64),
dropoff_latitude        Nullable(Float64),
passenger_count         Nullable(UInt8),
trip_distance           Nullable(Float64),
fare_amount             Nullable(Float32),
extra                   Nullable(Float32),
mta_tax                 Nullable(Float32),
tip_amount              Nullable(Float32),
tolls_amount            Nullable(Float32),
ehail_fee               Nullable(Float32),
improvement_surcharge   Nullable(Float32),
total_amount            Nullable(Float32),
payment_type            Nullable(String),
trip_type               Nullable(UInt8),
pickup                  Nullable(String),
dropoff                 Nullable(String),
cab_type                Nullable(String),
precipitation           Nullable(UInt8),
snow_depth              Nullable(UInt8),
snowfall                Nullable(UInt8),
max_temperature         Nullable(UInt8),
min_temperature         Nullable(UInt8),
average_wind_speed      Nullable(UInt8),
pickup_nyct2010_gid     Nullable(UInt8),
pickup_ctlabel          Nullable(String),
pickup_borocode         Nullable(UInt8),
pickup_boroname         Nullable(String),
pickup_ct2010           Nullable(String),
pickup_boroct2010       Nullable(String),
pickup_cdeligibil       Nullable(FixedString(1)),
pickup_ntacode          Nullable(String),
pickup_ntaname          Nullable(String),
pickup_puma             Nullable(String),
dropoff_nyct2010_gid    Nullable(UInt8),
dropoff_ctlabel         Nullable(String),
dropoff_borocode        Nullable(UInt8),
dropoff_boroname        Nullable(String),
dropoff_ct2010          Nullable(String),
dropoff_boroct2010      Nullable(String),
dropoff_cdeligibil      Nullable(String),
dropoff_ntacode         Nullable(String),
dropoff_ntaname         Nullable(String),
dropoff_puma            Nullable(String)
) ENGINE = Log;

It is needed for converting fields to more correct data types and, if possible, to eliminate NULLs.

time clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO trips FORMAT TabSeparated" < trips.tsv
real    75m56.214s

Data is read at a speed of 112-140 Mb/second.
Loading data into a Log type table in one stream took 76 minutes.
The data in this table uses 142 GB.

(Importing data directly from Postgres is also possible using COPY ... TO PROGRAM.)

Unfortunately, all the fields associated with the weather (precipitation…average_wind_speed) were filled with NULL. Because of this, we will remove them from the final data set.

To start, we’ll create a table on a single server. Later we will make the table distributed.

Create and populate a summary table:

CREATE TABLE trips_mergetree
ENGINE = MergeTree(pickup_date, pickup_datetime, 8192)
CAST(vendor_id AS Enum8('1' = 1, '2' = 2, 'CMT' = 3, 'VTS' = 4, 'DDS' = 5, 'B02512' = 10, 'B02598' = 11, 'B02617' = 12, 'B02682' = 13, 'B02764' = 14)) AS vendor_id,
toDate(pickup_datetime) AS pickup_date,
ifNull(pickup_datetime, toDateTime(0)) AS pickup_datetime,
toDate(dropoff_datetime) AS dropoff_date,
ifNull(dropoff_datetime, toDateTime(0)) AS dropoff_datetime,
assumeNotNull(store_and_fwd_flag) IN ('Y', '1', '2') AS store_and_fwd_flag,
assumeNotNull(rate_code_id) AS rate_code_id,
assumeNotNull(pickup_longitude) AS pickup_longitude,
assumeNotNull(pickup_latitude) AS pickup_latitude,
assumeNotNull(dropoff_longitude) AS dropoff_longitude,
assumeNotNull(dropoff_latitude) AS dropoff_latitude,
assumeNotNull(passenger_count) AS passenger_count,
assumeNotNull(trip_distance) AS trip_distance,
assumeNotNull(fare_amount) AS fare_amount,
assumeNotNull(extra) AS extra,
assumeNotNull(mta_tax) AS mta_tax,
assumeNotNull(tip_amount) AS tip_amount,
assumeNotNull(tolls_amount) AS tolls_amount,
assumeNotNull(ehail_fee) AS ehail_fee,
assumeNotNull(improvement_surcharge) AS improvement_surcharge,
assumeNotNull(total_amount) AS total_amount,
CAST((assumeNotNull(payment_type) AS pt) IN ('CSH', 'CASH', 'Cash', 'CAS', 'Cas', '1') ? 'CSH' : (pt IN ('CRD', 'Credit', 'Cre', 'CRE', 'CREDIT', '2') ? 'CRE' : (pt IN ('NOC', 'No Charge', 'No', '3') ? 'NOC' : (pt IN ('DIS', 'Dispute', 'Dis', '4') ? 'DIS' : 'UNK'))) AS Enum8('CSH' = 1, 'CRE' = 2, 'UNK' = 0, 'NOC' = 3, 'DIS' = 4)) AS payment_type_,
assumeNotNull(trip_type) AS trip_type,
ifNull(toFixedString(unhex(pickup), 25), toFixedString('', 25)) AS pickup,
ifNull(toFixedString(unhex(dropoff), 25), toFixedString('', 25)) AS dropoff,
CAST(assumeNotNull(cab_type) AS Enum8('yellow' = 1, 'green' = 2, 'uber' = 3)) AS cab_type,
assumeNotNull(pickup_nyct2010_gid) AS pickup_nyct2010_gid,
toFloat32(ifNull(pickup_ctlabel, '0')) AS pickup_ctlabel,
assumeNotNull(pickup_borocode) AS pickup_borocode,
CAST(assumeNotNull(pickup_boroname) AS Enum8('Manhattan' = 1, 'Queens' = 4, 'Brooklyn' = 3, '' = 0, 'Bronx' = 2, 'Staten Island' = 5)) AS pickup_boroname,
toFixedString(ifNull(pickup_ct2010, '000000'), 6) AS pickup_ct2010,
toFixedString(ifNull(pickup_boroct2010, '0000000'), 7) AS pickup_boroct2010,
CAST(assumeNotNull(ifNull(pickup_cdeligibil, ' ')) AS Enum8(' ' = 0, 'E' = 1, 'I' = 2)) AS pickup_cdeligibil,
toFixedString(ifNull(pickup_ntacode, '0000'), 4) AS pickup_ntacode,
CAST(assumeNotNull(pickup_ntaname) AS Enum16('' = 0, 'Airport' = 1, 'Allerton-Pelham Gardens' = 2, 'Annadale-Huguenot-Prince's Bay-Eltingville' = 3, 'Arden Heights' = 4, 'Astoria' = 5, 'Auburndale' = 6, 'Baisley Park' = 7, 'Bath Beach' = 8, 'Battery Park City-Lower Manhattan' = 9, 'Bay Ridge' = 10, 'Bayside-Bayside Hills' = 11, 'Bedford' = 12, 'Bedford Park-Fordham North' = 13, 'Bellerose' = 14, 'Belmont' = 15, 'Bensonhurst East' = 16, 'Bensonhurst West' = 17, 'Borough Park' = 18, 'Breezy Point-Belle Harbor-Rockaway Park-Broad Channel' = 19, 'Briarwood-Jamaica Hills' = 20, 'Brighton Beach' = 21, 'Bronxdale' = 22, 'Brooklyn Heights-Cobble Hill' = 23, 'Brownsville' = 24, 'Bushwick North' = 25, 'Bushwick South' = 26, 'Cambria Heights' = 27, 'Canarsie' = 28, 'Carroll Gardens-Columbia Street-Red Hook' = 29, 'Central Harlem North-Polo Grounds' = 30, 'Central Harlem South' = 31, 'Charleston-Richmond Valley-Tottenville' = 32, 'Chinatown' = 33, 'Claremont-Bathgate' = 34, 'Clinton' = 35, 'Clinton Hill' = 36, 'Co-op City' = 37, 'College Point' = 38, 'Corona' = 39, 'Crotona Park East' = 40, 'Crown Heights North' = 41, 'Crown Heights South' = 42, 'Cypress Hills-City Line' = 43, 'DUMBO-Vinegar Hill-Downtown Brooklyn-Boerum Hill' = 44, 'Douglas Manor-Douglaston-Little Neck' = 45, 'Dyker Heights' = 46, 'East Concourse-Concourse Village' = 47, 'East Elmhurst' = 48, 'East Flatbush-Farragut' = 49, 'East Flushing' = 50, 'East Harlem North' = 51, 'East Harlem South' = 52, 'East New York' = 53, 'East New York (Pennsylvania Ave)' = 54, 'East Tremont' = 55, 'East Village' = 56, 'East Williamsburg' = 57, 'Eastchester-Edenwald-Baychester' = 58, 'Elmhurst' = 59, 'Elmhurst-Maspeth' = 60, 'Erasmus' = 61, 'Far Rockaway-Bayswater' = 62, 'Flatbush' = 63, 'Flatlands' = 64, 'Flushing' = 65, 'Fordham South' = 66, 'Forest Hills' = 67, 'Fort Greene' = 68, 'Fresh Meadows-Utopia' = 69, 'Ft. Totten-Bay Terrace-Clearview' = 70, 'Georgetown-Marine Park-Bergen Beach-Mill Basin' = 71, 'Glen Oaks-Floral Park-New Hyde Park' = 72, 'Glendale' = 73, 'Gramercy' = 74, 'Grasmere-Arrochar-Ft. Wadsworth' = 75, 'Gravesend' = 76, 'Great Kills' = 77, 'Greenpoint' = 78, 'Grymes Hill-Clifton-Fox Hills' = 79, 'Hamilton Heights' = 80, 'Hammels-Arverne-Edgemere' = 81, 'Highbridge' = 82, 'Hollis' = 83, 'Homecrest' = 84, 'Hudson Yards-Chelsea-Flatiron-Union Square' = 85, 'Hunters Point-Sunnyside-West Maspeth' = 86, 'Hunts Point' = 87, 'Jackson Heights' = 88, 'Jamaica' = 89, 'Jamaica Estates-Holliswood' = 90, 'Kensington-Ocean Parkway' = 91, 'Kew Gardens' = 92, 'Kew Gardens Hills' = 93, 'Kingsbridge Heights' = 94, 'Laurelton' = 95, 'Lenox Hill-Roosevelt Island' = 96, 'Lincoln Square' = 97, 'Lindenwood-Howard Beach' = 98, 'Longwood' = 99, 'Lower East Side' = 100, 'Madison' = 101, 'Manhattanville' = 102, 'Marble Hill-Inwood' = 103, 'Mariner's Harbor-Arlington-Port Ivory-Graniteville' = 104, 'Maspeth' = 105, 'Melrose South-Mott Haven North' = 106, 'Middle Village' = 107, 'Midtown-Midtown South' = 108, 'Midwood' = 109, 'Morningside Heights' = 110, 'Morrisania-Melrose' = 111, 'Mott Haven-Port Morris' = 112, 'Mount Hope' = 113, 'Murray Hill' = 114, 'Murray Hill-Kips Bay' = 115, 'New Brighton-Silver Lake' = 116, 'New Dorp-Midland Beach' = 117, 'New Springville-Bloomfield-Travis' = 118, 'North Corona' = 119, 'North Riverdale-Fieldston-Riverdale' = 120, 'North Side-South Side' = 121, 'Norwood' = 122, 'Oakland Gardens' = 123, 'Oakwood-Oakwood Beach' = 124, 'Ocean Hill' = 125, 'Ocean Parkway South' = 126, 'Old Astoria' = 127, 'Old Town-Dongan Hills-South Beach' = 128, 'Ozone Park' = 129, 'Park Slope-Gowanus' = 130, 'Parkchester' = 131, 'Pelham Bay-Country Club-City Island' = 132, 'Pelham Parkway' = 133, 'Pomonok-Flushing Heights-Hillcrest' = 134, 'Port Richmond' = 135, 'Prospect Heights' = 136, 'Prospect Lefferts Gardens-Wingate' = 137, 'Queens Village' = 138, 'Queensboro Hill' = 139, 'Queensbridge-Ravenswood-Long Island City' = 140, 'Rego Park' = 141, 'Richmond Hill' = 142, 'Ridgewood' = 143, 'Rikers Island' = 144, 'Rosedale' = 145, 'Rossville-Woodrow' = 146, 'Rugby-Remsen Village' = 147, 'Schuylerville-Throgs Neck-Edgewater Park' = 148, 'Seagate-Coney Island' = 149, 'Sheepshead Bay-Gerritsen Beach-Manhattan Beach' = 150, 'SoHo-TriBeCa-Civic Center-Little Italy' = 151, 'Soundview-Bruckner' = 152, 'Soundview-Castle Hill-Clason Point-Harding Park' = 153, 'South Jamaica' = 154, 'South Ozone Park' = 155, 'Springfield Gardens North' = 156, 'Springfield Gardens South-Brookville' = 157, 'Spuyten Duyvil-Kingsbridge' = 158, 'St. Albans' = 159, 'Stapleton-Rosebank' = 160, 'Starrett City' = 161, 'Steinway' = 162, 'Stuyvesant Heights' = 163, 'Stuyvesant Town-Cooper Village' = 164, 'Sunset Park East' = 165, 'Sunset Park West' = 166, 'Todt Hill-Emerson Hill-Heartland Village-Lighthouse Hill' = 167, 'Turtle Bay-East Midtown' = 168, 'University Heights-Morris Heights' = 169, 'Upper East Side-Carnegie Hill' = 170, 'Upper West Side' = 171, 'Van Cortlandt Village' = 172, 'Van Nest-Morris Park-Westchester Square' = 173, 'Washington Heights North' = 174, 'Washington Heights South' = 175, 'West Brighton' = 176, 'West Concourse' = 177, 'West Farms-Bronx River' = 178, 'West New Brighton-New Brighton-St. George' = 179, 'West Village' = 180, 'Westchester-Unionport' = 181, 'Westerleigh' = 182, 'Whitestone' = 183, 'Williamsbridge-Olinville' = 184, 'Williamsburg' = 185, 'Windsor Terrace' = 186, 'Woodhaven' = 187, 'Woodlawn-Wakefield' = 188, 'Woodside' = 189, 'Yorkville' = 190, 'park-cemetery-etc-Bronx' = 191, 'park-cemetery-etc-Brooklyn' = 192, 'park-cemetery-etc-Manhattan' = 193, 'park-cemetery-etc-Queens' = 194, 'park-cemetery-etc-Staten Island' = 195)) AS pickup_ntaname,
toUInt16(ifNull(pickup_puma, '0')) AS pickup_puma,
assumeNotNull(dropoff_nyct2010_gid) AS dropoff_nyct2010_gid,
toFloat32(ifNull(dropoff_ctlabel, '0')) AS dropoff_ctlabel,
assumeNotNull(dropoff_borocode) AS dropoff_borocode,
CAST(assumeNotNull(dropoff_boroname) AS Enum8('Manhattan' = 1, 'Queens' = 4, 'Brooklyn' = 3, '' = 0, 'Bronx' = 2, 'Staten Island' = 5)) AS dropoff_boroname,
toFixedString(ifNull(dropoff_ct2010, '000000'), 6) AS dropoff_ct2010,
toFixedString(ifNull(dropoff_boroct2010, '0000000'), 7) AS dropoff_boroct2010,
CAST(assumeNotNull(ifNull(dropoff_cdeligibil, ' ')) AS Enum8(' ' = 0, 'E' = 1, 'I' = 2)) AS dropoff_cdeligibil,
toFixedString(ifNull(dropoff_ntacode, '0000'), 4) AS dropoff_ntacode,
CAST(assumeNotNull(dropoff_ntaname) AS Enum16('' = 0, 'Airport' = 1, 'Allerton-Pelham Gardens' = 2, 'Annadale-Huguenot-Prince's Bay-Eltingville' = 3, 'Arden Heights' = 4, 'Astoria' = 5, 'Auburndale' = 6, 'Baisley Park' = 7, 'Bath Beach' = 8, 'Battery Park City-Lower Manhattan' = 9, 'Bay Ridge' = 10, 'Bayside-Bayside Hills' = 11, 'Bedford' = 12, 'Bedford Park-Fordham North' = 13, 'Bellerose' = 14, 'Belmont' = 15, 'Bensonhurst East' = 16, 'Bensonhurst West' = 17, 'Borough Park' = 18, 'Breezy Point-Belle Harbor-Rockaway Park-Broad Channel' = 19, 'Briarwood-Jamaica Hills' = 20, 'Brighton Beach' = 21, 'Bronxdale' = 22, 'Brooklyn Heights-Cobble Hill' = 23, 'Brownsville' = 24, 'Bushwick North' = 25, 'Bushwick South' = 26, 'Cambria Heights' = 27, 'Canarsie' = 28, 'Carroll Gardens-Columbia Street-Red Hook' = 29, 'Central Harlem North-Polo Grounds' = 30, 'Central Harlem South' = 31, 'Charleston-Richmond Valley-Tottenville' = 32, 'Chinatown' = 33, 'Claremont-Bathgate' = 34, 'Clinton' = 35, 'Clinton Hill' = 36, 'Co-op City' = 37, 'College Point' = 38, 'Corona' = 39, 'Crotona Park East' = 40, 'Crown Heights North' = 41, 'Crown Heights South' = 42, 'Cypress Hills-City Line' = 43, 'DUMBO-Vinegar Hill-Downtown Brooklyn-Boerum Hill' = 44, 'Douglas Manor-Douglaston-Little Neck' = 45, 'Dyker Heights' = 46, 'East Concourse-Concourse Village' = 47, 'East Elmhurst' = 48, 'East Flatbush-Farragut' = 49, 'East Flushing' = 50, 'East Harlem North' = 51, 'East Harlem South' = 52, 'East New York' = 53, 'East New York (Pennsylvania Ave)' = 54, 'East Tremont' = 55, 'East Village' = 56, 'East Williamsburg' = 57, 'Eastchester-Edenwald-Baychester' = 58, 'Elmhurst' = 59, 'Elmhurst-Maspeth' = 60, 'Erasmus' = 61, 'Far Rockaway-Bayswater' = 62, 'Flatbush' = 63, 'Flatlands' = 64, 'Flushing' = 65, 'Fordham South' = 66, 'Forest Hills' = 67, 'Fort Greene' = 68, 'Fresh Meadows-Utopia' = 69, 'Ft. Totten-Bay Terrace-Clearview' = 70, 'Georgetown-Marine Park-Bergen Beach-Mill Basin' = 71, 'Glen Oaks-Floral Park-New Hyde Park' = 72, 'Glendale' = 73, 'Gramercy' = 74, 'Grasmere-Arrochar-Ft. Wadsworth' = 75, 'Gravesend' = 76, 'Great Kills' = 77, 'Greenpoint' = 78, 'Grymes Hill-Clifton-Fox Hills' = 79, 'Hamilton Heights' = 80, 'Hammels-Arverne-Edgemere' = 81, 'Highbridge' = 82, 'Hollis' = 83, 'Homecrest' = 84, 'Hudson Yards-Chelsea-Flatiron-Union Square' = 85, 'Hunters Point-Sunnyside-West Maspeth' = 86, 'Hunts Point' = 87, 'Jackson Heights' = 88, 'Jamaica' = 89, 'Jamaica Estates-Holliswood' = 90, 'Kensington-Ocean Parkway' = 91, 'Kew Gardens' = 92, 'Kew Gardens Hills' = 93, 'Kingsbridge Heights' = 94, 'Laurelton' = 95, 'Lenox Hill-Roosevelt Island' = 96, 'Lincoln Square' = 97, 'Lindenwood-Howard Beach' = 98, 'Longwood' = 99, 'Lower East Side' = 100, 'Madison' = 101, 'Manhattanville' = 102, 'Marble Hill-Inwood' = 103, 'Mariner's Harbor-Arlington-Port Ivory-Graniteville' = 104, 'Maspeth' = 105, 'Melrose South-Mott Haven North' = 106, 'Middle Village' = 107, 'Midtown-Midtown South' = 108, 'Midwood' = 109, 'Morningside Heights' = 110, 'Morrisania-Melrose' = 111, 'Mott Haven-Port Morris' = 112, 'Mount Hope' = 113, 'Murray Hill' = 114, 'Murray Hill-Kips Bay' = 115, 'New Brighton-Silver Lake' = 116, 'New Dorp-Midland Beach' = 117, 'New Springville-Bloomfield-Travis' = 118, 'North Corona' = 119, 'North Riverdale-Fieldston-Riverdale' = 120, 'North Side-South Side' = 121, 'Norwood' = 122, 'Oakland Gardens' = 123, 'Oakwood-Oakwood Beach' = 124, 'Ocean Hill' = 125, 'Ocean Parkway South' = 126, 'Old Astoria' = 127, 'Old Town-Dongan Hills-South Beach' = 128, 'Ozone Park' = 129, 'Park Slope-Gowanus' = 130, 'Parkchester' = 131, 'Pelham Bay-Country Club-City Island' = 132, 'Pelham Parkway' = 133, 'Pomonok-Flushing Heights-Hillcrest' = 134, 'Port Richmond' = 135, 'Prospect Heights' = 136, 'Prospect Lefferts Gardens-Wingate' = 137, 'Queens Village' = 138, 'Queensboro Hill' = 139, 'Queensbridge-Ravenswood-Long Island City' = 140, 'Rego Park' = 141, 'Richmond Hill' = 142, 'Ridgewood' = 143, 'Rikers Island' = 144, 'Rosedale' = 145, 'Rossville-Woodrow' = 146, 'Rugby-Remsen Village' = 147, 'Schuylerville-Throgs Neck-Edgewater Park' = 148, 'Seagate-Coney Island' = 149, 'Sheepshead Bay-Gerritsen Beach-Manhattan Beach' = 150, 'SoHo-TriBeCa-Civic Center-Little Italy' = 151, 'Soundview-Bruckner' = 152, 'Soundview-Castle Hill-Clason Point-Harding Park' = 153, 'South Jamaica' = 154, 'South Ozone Park' = 155, 'Springfield Gardens North' = 156, 'Springfield Gardens South-Brookville' = 157, 'Spuyten Duyvil-Kingsbridge' = 158, 'St. Albans' = 159, 'Stapleton-Rosebank' = 160, 'Starrett City' = 161, 'Steinway' = 162, 'Stuyvesant Heights' = 163, 'Stuyvesant Town-Cooper Village' = 164, 'Sunset Park East' = 165, 'Sunset Park West' = 166, 'Todt Hill-Emerson Hill-Heartland Village-Lighthouse Hill' = 167, 'Turtle Bay-East Midtown' = 168, 'University Heights-Morris Heights' = 169, 'Upper East Side-Carnegie Hill' = 170, 'Upper West Side' = 171, 'Van Cortlandt Village' = 172, 'Van Nest-Morris Park-Westchester Square' = 173, 'Washington Heights North' = 174, 'Washington Heights South' = 175, 'West Brighton' = 176, 'West Concourse' = 177, 'West Farms-Bronx River' = 178, 'West New Brighton-New Brighton-St. George' = 179, 'West Village' = 180, 'Westchester-Unionport' = 181, 'Westerleigh' = 182, 'Whitestone' = 183, 'Williamsbridge-Olinville' = 184, 'Williamsburg' = 185, 'Windsor Terrace' = 186, 'Woodhaven' = 187, 'Woodlawn-Wakefield' = 188, 'Woodside' = 189, 'Yorkville' = 190, 'park-cemetery-etc-Bronx' = 191, 'park-cemetery-etc-Brooklyn' = 192, 'park-cemetery-etc-Manhattan' = 193, 'park-cemetery-etc-Queens' = 194, 'park-cemetery-etc-Staten Island' = 195)) AS dropoff_ntaname,
toUInt16(ifNull(dropoff_puma, '0')) AS dropoff_puma
FROM trips

This takes 3030 seconds at a speed of about 428,000 rows per second.
To load it faster, you can create the table with the Log engine instead of MergeTree. In this case, the download works faster than 200 seconds.

The table uses 126 GB of disk space.

:) SELECT formatReadableSize(sum(bytes)) FROM WHERE table = 'trips_mergetree' AND active
SELECT formatReadableSize(sum(bytes))
WHERE (table = 'trips_mergetree') AND active
│ 126.18 GiB                     │

Among other things, you can run the OPTIMIZE query on MergeTree. But it’s not required, since everything will be fine without it.

Dowload of Prepared Partitions¶

curl -O
tar xvf trips_mergetree.tar -C /var/lib/clickhouse # path to ClickHouse data directory
## check permissions of unpacked data, fix if required
sudo service clickhouse-server restart
clickhouse-client --query "select count(*) from datasets.trips_mergetree"


If you will run queries described below, you have to use full table name,

Results on Single Server¶


SELECT cab_type, count(*) FROM trips_mergetree GROUP BY cab_type

0.490 seconds.


SELECT passenger_count, avg(total_amount) FROM trips_mergetree GROUP BY passenger_count

1.224 seconds.


SELECT passenger_count, toYear(pickup_date) AS year, count(*) FROM trips_mergetree GROUP BY passenger_count, year

2.104 seconds.


SELECT passenger_count, toYear(pickup_date) AS year, round(trip_distance) AS distance, count(*)
FROM trips_mergetree
GROUP BY passenger_count, year, distance
ORDER BY year, count(*) DESC

3.593 seconds.

The following server was used:

Two Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz, 16 physical kernels total,128 GiB RAM,8×6 TB HD on hardware RAID-5

Execution time is the best of three runsBut starting from the second run, queries read data from the file system cache. No further caching occurs: the data is read out and processed in each run.

Creating a table on three servers:

On each server:

CREATE TABLE default.trips_mergetree_third ( trip_id UInt32,  vendor_id Enum8('1' = 1, '2' = 2, 'CMT' = 3, 'VTS' = 4, 'DDS' = 5, 'B02512' = 10, 'B02598' = 11, 'B02617' = 12, 'B02682' = 13, 'B02764' = 14),  pickup_date Date,  pickup_datetime DateTime,  dropoff_date Date,  dropoff_datetime DateTime,  store_and_fwd_flag UInt8,  rate_code_id UInt8,  pickup_longitude Float64,  pickup_latitude Float64,  dropoff_longitude Float64,  dropoff_latitude Float64,  passenger_count UInt8,  trip_distance Float64,  fare_amount Float32,  extra Float32,  mta_tax Float32,  tip_amount Float32,  tolls_amount Float32,  ehail_fee Float32,  improvement_surcharge Float32,  total_amount Float32,  payment_type_ Enum8('UNK' = 0, 'CSH' = 1, 'CRE' = 2, 'NOC' = 3, 'DIS' = 4),  trip_type UInt8,  pickup FixedString(25),  dropoff FixedString(25),  cab_type Enum8('yellow' = 1, 'green' = 2, 'uber' = 3),  pickup_nyct2010_gid UInt8,  pickup_ctlabel Float32,  pickup_borocode UInt8,  pickup_boroname Enum8('' = 0, 'Manhattan' = 1, 'Bronx' = 2, 'Brooklyn' = 3, 'Queens' = 4, 'Staten Island' = 5),  pickup_ct2010 FixedString(6),  pickup_boroct2010 FixedString(7),  pickup_cdeligibil Enum8(' ' = 0, 'E' = 1, 'I' = 2),  pickup_ntacode FixedString(4),  pickup_ntaname Enum16('' = 0, 'Airport' = 1, 'Allerton-Pelham Gardens' = 2, 'Annadale-Huguenot-Prince's Bay-Eltingville' = 3, 'Arden Heights' = 4, 'Astoria' = 5, 'Auburndale' = 6, 'Baisley Park' = 7, 'Bath Beach' = 8, 'Battery Park City-Lower Manhattan' = 9, 'Bay Ridge' = 10, 'Bayside-Bayside Hills' = 11, 'Bedford' = 12, 'Bedford Park-Fordham North' = 13, 'Bellerose' = 14, 'Belmont' = 15, 'Bensonhurst East' = 16, 'Bensonhurst West' = 17, 'Borough Park' = 18, 'Breezy Point-Belle Harbor-Rockaway Park-Broad Channel' = 19, 'Briarwood-Jamaica Hills' = 20, 'Brighton Beach' = 21, 'Bronxdale' = 22, 'Brooklyn Heights-Cobble Hill' = 23, 'Brownsville' = 24, 'Bushwick North' = 25, 'Bushwick South' = 26, 'Cambria Heights' = 27, 'Canarsie' = 28, 'Carroll Gardens-Columbia Street-Red Hook' = 29, 'Central Harlem North-Polo Grounds' = 30, 'Central Harlem South' = 31, 'Charleston-Richmond Valley-Tottenville' = 32, 'Chinatown' = 33, 'Claremont-Bathgate' = 34, 'Clinton' = 35, 'Clinton Hill' = 36, 'Co-op City' = 37, 'College Point' = 38, 'Corona' = 39, 'Crotona Park East' = 40, 'Crown Heights North' = 41, 'Crown Heights South' = 42, 'Cypress Hills-City Line' = 43, 'DUMBO-Vinegar Hill-Downtown Brooklyn-Boerum Hill' = 44, 'Douglas Manor-Douglaston-Little Neck' = 45, 'Dyker Heights' = 46, 'East Concourse-Concourse Village' = 47, 'East Elmhurst' = 48, 'East Flatbush-Farragut' = 49, 'East Flushing' = 50, 'East Harlem North' = 51, 'East Harlem South' = 52, 'East New York' = 53, 'East New York (Pennsylvania Ave)' = 54, 'East Tremont' = 55, 'East Village' = 56, 'East Williamsburg' = 57, 'Eastchester-Edenwald-Baychester' = 58, 'Elmhurst' = 59, 'Elmhurst-Maspeth' = 60, 'Erasmus' = 61, 'Far Rockaway-Bayswater' = 62, 'Flatbush' = 63, 'Flatlands' = 64, 'Flushing' = 65, 'Fordham South' = 66, 'Forest Hills' = 67, 'Fort Greene' = 68, 'Fresh Meadows-Utopia' = 69, 'Ft. Totten-Bay Terrace-Clearview' = 70, 'Georgetown-Marine Park-Bergen Beach-Mill Basin' = 71, 'Glen Oaks-Floral Park-New Hyde Park' = 72, 'Glendale' = 73, 'Gramercy' = 74, 'Grasmere-Arrochar-Ft. Wadsworth' = 75, 'Gravesend' = 76, 'Great Kills' = 77, 'Greenpoint' = 78, 'Grymes Hill-Clifton-Fox Hills' = 79, 'Hamilton Heights' = 80, 'Hammels-Arverne-Edgemere' = 81, 'Highbridge' = 82, 'Hollis' = 83, 'Homecrest' = 84, 'Hudson Yards-Chelsea-Flatiron-Union Square' = 85, 'Hunters Point-Sunnyside-West Maspeth' = 86, 'Hunts Point' = 87, 'Jackson Heights' = 88, 'Jamaica' = 89, 'Jamaica Estates-Holliswood' = 90, 'Kensington-Ocean Parkway' = 91, 'Kew Gardens' = 92, 'Kew Gardens Hills' = 93, 'Kingsbridge Heights' = 94, 'Laurelton' = 95, 'Lenox Hill-Roosevelt Island' = 96, 'Lincoln Square' = 97, 'Lindenwood-Howard Beach' = 98, 'Longwood' = 99, 'Lower East Side' = 100, 'Madison' = 101, 'Manhattanville' = 102, 'Marble Hill-Inwood' = 103, 'Mariner's Harbor-Arlington-Port Ivory-Graniteville' = 104, 'Maspeth' = 105, 'Melrose South-Mott Haven North' = 106, 'Middle Village' = 107, 'Midtown-Midtown South' = 108, 'Midwood' = 109, 'Morningside Heights' = 110, 'Morrisania-Melrose' = 111, 'Mott Haven-Port Morris' = 112, 'Mount Hope' = 113, 'Murray Hill' = 114, 'Murray Hill-Kips Bay' = 115, 'New Brighton-Silver Lake' = 116, 'New Dorp-Midland Beach' = 117, 'New Springville-Bloomfield-Travis' = 118, 'North Corona' = 119, 'North Riverdale-Fieldston-Riverdale' = 120, 'North Side-South Side' = 121, 'Norwood' = 122, 'Oakland Gardens' = 123, 'Oakwood-Oakwood Beach' = 124, 'Ocean Hill' = 125, 'Ocean Parkway South' = 126, 'Old Astoria' = 127, 'Old Town-Dongan Hills-South Beach' = 128, 'Ozone Park' = 129, 'Park Slope-Gowanus' = 130, 'Parkchester' = 131, 'Pelham Bay-Country Club-City Island' = 132, 'Pelham Parkway' = 133, 'Pomonok-Flushing Heights-Hillcrest' = 134, 'Port Richmond' = 135, 'Prospect Heights' = 136, 'Prospect Lefferts Gardens-Wingate' = 137, 'Queens Village' = 138, 'Queensboro Hill' = 139, 'Queensbridge-Ravenswood-Long Island City' = 140, 'Rego Park' = 141, 'Richmond Hill' = 142, 'Ridgewood' = 143, 'Rikers Island' = 144, 'Rosedale' = 145, 'Rossville-Woodrow' = 146, 'Rugby-Remsen Village' = 147, 'Schuylerville-Throgs Neck-Edgewater Park' = 148, 'Seagate-Coney Island' = 149, 'Sheepshead Bay-Gerritsen Beach-Manhattan Beach' = 150, 'SoHo-TriBeCa-Civic Center-Little Italy' = 151, 'Soundview-Bruckner' = 152, 'Soundview-Castle Hill-Clason Point-Harding Park' = 153, 'South Jamaica' = 154, 'South Ozone Park' = 155, 'Springfield Gardens North' = 156, 'Springfield Gardens South-Brookville' = 157, 'Spuyten Duyvil-Kingsbridge' = 158, 'St. Albans' = 159, 'Stapleton-Rosebank' = 160, 'Starrett City' = 161, 'Steinway' = 162, 'Stuyvesant Heights' = 163, 'Stuyvesant Town-Cooper Village' = 164, 'Sunset Park East' = 165, 'Sunset Park West' = 166, 'Todt Hill-Emerson Hill-Heartland Village-Lighthouse Hill' = 167, 'Turtle Bay-East Midtown' = 168, 'University Heights-Morris Heights' = 169, 'Upper East Side-Carnegie Hill' = 170, 'Upper West Side' = 171, 'Van Cortlandt Village' = 172, 'Van Nest-Morris Park-Westchester Square' = 173, 'Washington Heights North' = 174, 'Washington Heights South' = 175, 'West Brighton' = 176, 'West Concourse' = 177, 'West Farms-Bronx River' = 178, 'West New Brighton-New Brighton-St. George' = 179, 'West Village' = 180, 'Westchester-Unionport' = 181, 'Westerleigh' = 182, 'Whitestone' = 183, 'Williamsbridge-Olinville' = 184, 'Williamsburg' = 185, 'Windsor Terrace' = 186, 'Woodhaven' = 187, 'Woodlawn-Wakefield' = 188, 'Woodside' = 189, 'Yorkville' = 190, 'park-cemetery-etc-Bronx' = 191, 'park-cemetery-etc-Brooklyn' = 192, 'park-cemetery-etc-Manhattan' = 193, 'park-cemetery-etc-Queens' = 194, 'park-cemetery-etc-Staten Island' = 195),  pickup_puma UInt16,  dropoff_nyct2010_gid UInt8,  dropoff_ctlabel Float32,  dropoff_borocode UInt8,  dropoff_boroname Enum8('' = 0, 'Manhattan' = 1, 'Bronx' = 2, 'Brooklyn' = 3, 'Queens' = 4, 'Staten Island' = 5),  dropoff_ct2010 FixedString(6),  dropoff_boroct2010 FixedString(7),  dropoff_cdeligibil Enum8(' ' = 0, 'E' = 1, 'I' = 2),  dropoff_ntacode FixedString(4),  dropoff_ntaname Enum16('' = 0, 'Airport' = 1, 'Allerton-Pelham Gardens' = 2, 'Annadale-Huguenot-Prince's Bay-Eltingville' = 3, 'Arden Heights' = 4, 'Astoria' = 5, 'Auburndale' = 6, 'Baisley Park' = 7, 'Bath Beach' = 8, 'Battery Park City-Lower Manhattan' = 9, 'Bay Ridge' = 10, 'Bayside-Bayside Hills' = 11, 'Bedford' = 12, 'Bedford Park-Fordham North' = 13, 'Bellerose' = 14, 'Belmont' = 15, 'Bensonhurst East' = 16, 'Bensonhurst West' = 17, 'Borough Park' = 18, 'Breezy Point-Belle Harbor-Rockaway Park-Broad Channel' = 19, 'Briarwood-Jamaica Hills' = 20, 'Brighton Beach' = 21, 'Bronxdale' = 22, 'Brooklyn Heights-Cobble Hill' = 23, 'Brownsville' = 24, 'Bushwick North' = 25, 'Bushwick South' = 26, 'Cambria Heights' = 27, 'Canarsie' = 28, 'Carroll Gardens-Columbia Street-Red Hook' = 29, 'Central Harlem North-Polo Grounds' = 30, 'Central Harlem South' = 31, 'Charleston-Richmond Valley-Tottenville' = 32, 'Chinatown' = 33, 'Claremont-Bathgate' = 34, 'Clinton' = 35, 'Clinton Hill' = 36, 'Co-op City' = 37, 'College Point' = 38, 'Corona' = 39, 'Crotona Park East' = 40, 'Crown Heights North' = 41, 'Crown Heights South' = 42, 'Cypress Hills-City Line' = 43, 'DUMBO-Vinegar Hill-Downtown Brooklyn-Boerum Hill' = 44, 'Douglas Manor-Douglaston-Little Neck' = 45, 'Dyker Heights' = 46, 'East Concourse-Concourse Village' = 47, 'East Elmhurst' = 48, 'East Flatbush-Farragut' = 49, 'East Flushing' = 50, 'East Harlem North' = 51, 'East Harlem South' = 52, 'East New York' = 53, 'East New York (Pennsylvania Ave)' = 54, 'East Tremont' = 55, 'East Village' = 56, 'East Williamsburg' = 57, 'Eastchester-Edenwald-Baychester' = 58, 'Elmhurst' = 59, 'Elmhurst-Maspeth' = 60, 'Erasmus' = 61, 'Far Rockaway-Bayswater' = 62, 'Flatbush' = 63, 'Flatlands' = 64, 'Flushing' = 65, 'Fordham South' = 66, 'Forest Hills' = 67, 'Fort Greene' = 68, 'Fresh Meadows-Utopia' = 69, 'Ft. Totten-Bay Terrace-Clearview' = 70, 'Georgetown-Marine Park-Bergen Beach-Mill Basin' = 71, 'Glen Oaks-Floral Park-New Hyde Park' = 72, 'Glendale' = 73, 'Gramercy' = 74, 'Grasmere-Arrochar-Ft. Wadsworth' = 75, 'Gravesend' = 76, 'Great Kills' = 77, 'Greenpoint' = 78, 'Grymes Hill-Clifton-Fox Hills' = 79, 'Hamilton Heights' = 80, 'Hammels-Arverne-Edgemere' = 81, 'Highbridge' = 82, 'Hollis' = 83, 'Homecrest' = 84, 'Hudson Yards-Chelsea-Flatiron-Union Square' = 85, 'Hunters Point-Sunnyside-West Maspeth' = 86, 'Hunts Point' = 87, 'Jackson Heights' = 88, 'Jamaica' = 89, 'Jamaica Estates-Holliswood' = 90, 'Kensington-Ocean Parkway' = 91, 'Kew Gardens' = 92, 'Kew Gardens Hills' = 93, 'Kingsbridge Heights' = 94, 'Laurelton' = 95, 'Lenox Hill-Roosevelt Island' = 96, 'Lincoln Square' = 97, 'Lindenwood-Howard Beach' = 98, 'Longwood' = 99, 'Lower East Side' = 100, 'Madison' = 101, 'Manhattanville' = 102, 'Marble Hill-Inwood' = 103, 'Mariner's Harbor-Arlington-Port Ivory-Graniteville' = 104, 'Maspeth' = 105, 'Melrose South-Mott Haven North' = 106, 'Middle Village' = 107, 'Midtown-Midtown South' = 108, 'Midwood' = 109, 'Morningside Heights' = 110, 'Morrisania-Melrose' = 111, 'Mott Haven-Port Morris' = 112, 'Mount Hope' = 113, 'Murray Hill' = 114, 'Murray Hill-Kips Bay' = 115, 'New Brighton-Silver Lake' = 116, 'New Dorp-Midland Beach' = 117, 'New Springville-Bloomfield-Travis' = 118, 'North Corona' = 119, 'North Riverdale-Fieldston-Riverdale' = 120, 'North Side-South Side' = 121, 'Norwood' = 122, 'Oakland Gardens' = 123, 'Oakwood-Oakwood Beach' = 124, 'Ocean Hill' = 125, 'Ocean Parkway South' = 126, 'Old Astoria' = 127, 'Old Town-Dongan Hills-South Beach' = 128, 'Ozone Park' = 129, 'Park Slope-Gowanus' = 130, 'Parkchester' = 131, 'Pelham Bay-Country Club-City Island' = 132, 'Pelham Parkway' = 133, 'Pomonok-Flushing Heights-Hillcrest' = 134, 'Port Richmond' = 135, 'Prospect Heights' = 136, 'Prospect Lefferts Gardens-Wingate' = 137, 'Queens Village' = 138, 'Queensboro Hill' = 139, 'Queensbridge-Ravenswood-Long Island City' = 140, 'Rego Park' = 141, 'Richmond Hill' = 142, 'Ridgewood' = 143, 'Rikers Island' = 144, 'Rosedale' = 145, 'Rossville-Woodrow' = 146, 'Rugby-Remsen Village' = 147, 'Schuylerville-Throgs Neck-Edgewater Park' = 148, 'Seagate-Coney Island' = 149, 'Sheepshead Bay-Gerritsen Beach-Manhattan Beach' = 150, 'SoHo-TriBeCa-Civic Center-Little Italy' = 151, 'Soundview-Bruckner' = 152, 'Soundview-Castle Hill-Clason Point-Harding Park' = 153, 'South Jamaica' = 154, 'South Ozone Park' = 155, 'Springfield Gardens North' = 156, 'Springfield Gardens South-Brookville' = 157, 'Spuyten Duyvil-Kingsbridge' = 158, 'St. Albans' = 159, 'Stapleton-Rosebank' = 160, 'Starrett City' = 161, 'Steinway' = 162, 'Stuyvesant Heights' = 163, 'Stuyvesant Town-Cooper Village' = 164, 'Sunset Park East' = 165, 'Sunset Park West' = 166, 'Todt Hill-Emerson Hill-Heartland Village-Lighthouse Hill' = 167, 'Turtle Bay-East Midtown' = 168, 'University Heights-Morris Heights' = 169, 'Upper East Side-Carnegie Hill' = 170, 'Upper West Side' = 171, 'Van Cortlandt Village' = 172, 'Van Nest-Morris Park-Westchester Square' = 173, 'Washington Heights North' = 174, 'Washington Heights South' = 175, 'West Brighton' = 176, 'West Concourse' = 177, 'West Farms-Bronx River' = 178, 'West New Brighton-New Brighton-St. George' = 179, 'West Village' = 180, 'Westchester-Unionport' = 181, 'Westerleigh' = 182, 'Whitestone' = 183, 'Williamsbridge-Olinville' = 184, 'Williamsburg' = 185, 'Windsor Terrace' = 186, 'Woodhaven' = 187, 'Woodlawn-Wakefield' = 188, 'Woodside' = 189, 'Yorkville' = 190, 'park-cemetery-etc-Bronx' = 191, 'park-cemetery-etc-Brooklyn' = 192, 'park-cemetery-etc-Manhattan' = 193, 'park-cemetery-etc-Queens' = 194, 'park-cemetery-etc-Staten Island' = 195),  dropoff_puma UInt16) ENGINE = MergeTree(pickup_date, pickup_datetime, 8192)

On the source server:

CREATE TABLE trips_mergetree_x3 AS trips_mergetree_third ENGINE = Distributed(perftest, default, trips_mergetree_third, rand())

The following query redistributes data:

INSERT INTO trips_mergetree_x3 SELECT * FROM trips_mergetree

This takes 2454 seconds.

On three servers:

Q1: 0.212 seconds.
Q2: 0.438 seconds.
Q3: 0.733 seconds.
Q4: 1.241 seconds.

No surprises here, since the queries are scaled linearly.

We also have results from a cluster of 140 servers:

Q1: 0.028 sec.
Q2: 0.043 sec.
Q3: 0.051 sec.
Q4: 0.072 sec.

In this case, the query processing time is determined above all by network latency.
We ran queries using a client located in a Yandex datacenter in Finland on a cluster in Russia, which added about 20 ms of latency.


servers Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1 0.490 1.224 2.104 3.593
3 0.212 0.438 0.733 1.241
140 0.028 0.043 0.051 0.072

Original article

AMPLab Big Data Benchmark¶


Sign up for a free account at You will need a credit card, email and phone number.Get a new access key at

Run the following in the console:

sudo apt-get install s3cmd
mkdir tiny; cd tiny;
s3cmd sync s3://big-data-benchmark/pavlo/text-deflate/tiny/ .
cd ..
mkdir 1node; cd 1node;
s3cmd sync s3://big-data-benchmark/pavlo/text-deflate/1node/ .
cd ..
mkdir 5nodes; cd 5nodes;
s3cmd sync s3://big-data-benchmark/pavlo/text-deflate/5nodes/ .
cd ..

Run the following ClickHouse queries:

CREATE TABLE rankings_tiny
pageURL String,
pageRank UInt32,
avgDuration UInt32
) ENGINE = Log;
CREATE TABLE uservisits_tiny
sourceIP String,
destinationURL String,
visitDate Date,
adRevenue Float32,
UserAgent String,
cCode FixedString(3),
lCode FixedString(6),
searchWord String,
duration UInt32
) ENGINE = MergeTree(visitDate, visitDate, 8192);
CREATE TABLE rankings_1node
pageURL String,
pageRank UInt32,
avgDuration UInt32
) ENGINE = Log;
CREATE TABLE uservisits_1node
sourceIP String,
destinationURL String,
visitDate Date,
adRevenue Float32,
UserAgent String,
cCode FixedString(3),
lCode FixedString(6),
searchWord String,
duration UInt32
) ENGINE = MergeTree(visitDate, visitDate, 8192);
CREATE TABLE rankings_5nodes_on_single
pageURL String,
pageRank UInt32,
avgDuration UInt32
) ENGINE = Log;
CREATE TABLE uservisits_5nodes_on_single
sourceIP String,
destinationURL String,
visitDate Date,
adRevenue Float32,
UserAgent String,
cCode FixedString(3),
lCode FixedString(6),
searchWord String,
duration UInt32
) ENGINE = MergeTree(visitDate, visitDate, 8192);

Go back to the console:

for i in tiny/rankings/*.deflate; do echo $i; zlib-flate -uncompress < $i | clickhouse-client --host=example-perftest01j --query="INSERT INTO rankings_tiny FORMAT CSV"; done
for i in tiny/uservisits/*.deflate; do echo $i; zlib-flate -uncompress < $i | clickhouse-client --host=example-perftest01j --query="INSERT INTO uservisits_tiny FORMAT CSV"; done
for i in 1node/rankings/*.deflate; do echo $i; zlib-flate -uncompress < $i | clickhouse-client --host=example-perftest01j --query="INSERT INTO rankings_1node FORMAT CSV"; done
for i in 1node/uservisits/*.deflate; do echo $i; zlib-flate -uncompress < $i | clickhouse-client --host=example-perftest01j --query="INSERT INTO uservisits_1node FORMAT CSV"; done
for i in 5nodes/rankings/*.deflate; do echo $i; zlib-flate -uncompress < $i | clickhouse-client --host=example-perftest01j --query="INSERT INTO rankings_5nodes_on_single FORMAT CSV"; done
for i in 5nodes/uservisits/*.deflate; do echo $i; zlib-flate -uncompress < $i | clickhouse-client --host=example-perftest01j --query="INSERT INTO uservisits_5nodes_on_single FORMAT CSV"; done

Queries for obtaining data samples:

SELECT pageURL, pageRank FROM rankings_1node WHERE pageRank > 1000
SELECT substring(sourceIP, 1, 8), sum(adRevenue) FROM uservisits_1node GROUP BY substring(sourceIP, 1, 8)
sum(adRevenue) AS totalRevenue,
avg(pageRank) AS pageRank
FROM rankings_1node ALL INNER JOIN
destinationURL AS pageURL,
FROM uservisits_1node
WHERE (visitDate > '1980-01-01') AND (visitDate < '1980-04-01')
ORDER BY totalRevenue DESC

Original article



Creating a table:

date Date,
time DateTime,
project String,
subproject String,
path String,
hits UInt64,
size UInt64
) ENGINE = MergeTree(date, (path, time), 8192);

Loading data:

for i in {2007..2016}; do for j in {01..12}; do echo $i-$j >&2; curl -sSL "$i/$i-$j/" | grep -oE 'pagecounts-[0-9]+-[0-9]+.gz'; done; done | sort | uniq | tee links.txt
cat links.txt | while read link; do wget$(echo $link | sed -r 's/pagecounts-([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})[0-9]{2}-[0-9]+.gz/1/')/$(echo $link | sed -r 's/pagecounts-([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})[0-9]{2}-[0-9]+.gz/1-2/')/$link; done
ls -1 /opt/wikistat/ | grep gz | while read i; do echo $i; gzip -cd /opt/wikistat/$i | ./wikistat-loader --time="$(echo -n $i | sed -r 's/pagecounts-([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}).gz/1-2-3 4-00-00/')" | clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO wikistat FORMAT TabSeparated"; done

Original article

Terabyte of Click Logs from Criteo¶

Download the data from

Create a table to import the log to:

CREATE TABLE criteo_log (date Date, clicked UInt8, int1 Int32, int2 Int32, int3 Int32, int4 Int32, int5 Int32, int6 Int32, int7 Int32, int8 Int32, int9 Int32, int10 Int32, int11 Int32, int12 Int32, int13 Int32, cat1 String, cat2 String, cat3 String, cat4 String, cat5 String, cat6 String, cat7 String, cat8 String, cat9 String, cat10 String, cat11 String, cat12 String, cat13 String, cat14 String, cat15 String, cat16 String, cat17 String, cat18 String, cat19 String, cat20 String, cat21 String, cat22 String, cat23 String, cat24 String, cat25 String, cat26 String) ENGINE = Log

Download the data:

for i in {00..23}; do echo $i; zcat datasets/criteo/day_${i#0}.gz | sed -r 's/^/2000-01-'${i/00/24}'t/' | clickhouse-client --host=example-perftest01j --query="INSERT INTO criteo_log FORMAT TabSeparated"; done

Create a table for the converted data:

date Date,
clicked UInt8,
int1 Int32,
int2 Int32,
int3 Int32,
int4 Int32,
int5 Int32,
int6 Int32,
int7 Int32,
int8 Int32,
int9 Int32,
int10 Int32,
int11 Int32,
int12 Int32,
int13 Int32,
icat1 UInt32,
icat2 UInt32,
icat3 UInt32,
icat4 UInt32,
icat5 UInt32,
icat6 UInt32,
icat7 UInt32,
icat8 UInt32,
icat9 UInt32,
icat10 UInt32,
icat11 UInt32,
icat12 UInt32,
icat13 UInt32,
icat14 UInt32,
icat15 UInt32,
icat16 UInt32,
icat17 UInt32,
icat18 UInt32,
icat19 UInt32,
icat20 UInt32,
icat21 UInt32,
icat22 UInt32,
icat23 UInt32,
icat24 UInt32,
icat25 UInt32,
icat26 UInt32
) ENGINE = MergeTree(date, intHash32(icat1), (date, intHash32(icat1)), 8192)

Transform data from the raw log and put it in the second table:

INSERT INTO criteo SELECT date, clicked, int1, int2, int3, int4, int5, int6, int7, int8, int9, int10, int11, int12, int13, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat1)) AS icat1, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat2)) AS icat2, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat3)) AS icat3, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat4)) AS icat4, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat5)) AS icat5, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat6)) AS icat6, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat7)) AS icat7, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat8)) AS icat8, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat9)) AS icat9, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat10)) AS icat10, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat11)) AS icat11, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat12)) AS icat12, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat13)) AS icat13, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat14)) AS icat14, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat15)) AS icat15, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat16)) AS icat16, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat17)) AS icat17, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat18)) AS icat18, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat19)) AS icat19, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat20)) AS icat20, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat21)) AS icat21, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat22)) AS icat22, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat23)) AS icat23, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat24)) AS icat24, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat25)) AS icat25, reinterpretAsUInt32(unhex(cat26)) AS icat26 FROM criteo_log;
DROP TABLE criteo_log;

Original article

Star Schema Benchmark¶

Compiling dbgen:

git clone
cd ssb-dbgen

Generating data:

./dbgen -s 1000 -T c
./dbgen -s 1000 -T l
./dbgen -s 1000 -T p
./dbgen -s 1000 -T s
./dbgen -s 1000 -T d

Creating tables in ClickHouse:

C_CUSTKEY       UInt32,
C_NAME          String,
C_ADDRESS       String,
C_CITY          LowCardinality(String),
C_NATION        LowCardinality(String),
C_REGION        LowCardinality(String),
C_PHONE         String,
C_MKTSEGMENT    LowCardinality(String)
CREATE TABLE lineorder
LO_ORDERKEY             UInt32,
LO_LINENUMBER           UInt8,
LO_CUSTKEY              UInt32,
LO_PARTKEY              UInt32,
LO_SUPPKEY              UInt32,
LO_ORDERDATE            Date,
LO_ORDERPRIORITY        LowCardinality(String),
LO_QUANTITY             UInt8,
LO_DISCOUNT             UInt8,
LO_REVENUE              UInt32,
LO_SUPPLYCOST           UInt32,
LO_TAX                  UInt8,
LO_COMMITDATE           Date,
LO_SHIPMODE             LowCardinality(String)
P_PARTKEY       UInt32,
P_NAME          String,
P_MFGR          LowCardinality(String),
P_CATEGORY      LowCardinality(String),
P_BRAND         LowCardinality(String),
P_COLOR         LowCardinality(String),
P_TYPE          LowCardinality(String),
P_SIZE          UInt8,
P_CONTAINER     LowCardinality(String)
S_SUPPKEY       UInt32,
S_NAME          String,
S_ADDRESS       String,
S_CITY          LowCardinality(String),
S_NATION        LowCardinality(String),
S_REGION        LowCardinality(String),
S_PHONE         String

Inserting data:

clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO customer FORMAT CSV" < customer.tbl
clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO part FORMAT CSV" < part.tbl
clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO supplier FORMAT CSV" < supplier.tbl
clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO lineorder FORMAT CSV" < lineorder.tbl

Converting «star schema» to denormalized «flat schema»:

SET max_memory_usage = 20000000000, allow_experimental_multiple_joins_emulation = 1;
CREATE TABLE lineorder_flat
ENGINE = MergeTree
FROM lineorder

Running the queries:

SELECT C_NATION, S_NATION, toYear(LO_ORDERDATE) AS year, sum(LO_REVENUE) AS revenue FROM lineorder_flat WHERE C_REGION = 'ASIA' AND S_REGION = 'ASIA' AND year >= 1992 AND year <= 1997 GROUP BY C_NATION, S_NATION, year ORDER BY year asc, revenue desc;
SELECT C_CITY, S_CITY, toYear(LO_ORDERDATE) AS year, sum(LO_REVENUE) AS revenue FROM lineorder_flat WHERE C_NATION = 'UNITED STATES' AND S_NATION = 'UNITED STATES' AND year >= 1992 AND year <= 1997 GROUP BY C_CITY, S_CITY, year ORDER BY year asc, revenue desc;
SELECT C_CITY, S_CITY, toYear(LO_ORDERDATE) AS year, sum(LO_REVENUE) AS revenue FROM lineorder_flat WHERE (C_CITY = 'UNITED KI1' OR C_CITY = 'UNITED KI5') AND (S_CITY = 'UNITED KI1' OR S_CITY = 'UNITED KI5') AND year >= 1992 AND year <= 1997 GROUP BY C_CITY, S_CITY, year ORDER BY year asc, revenue desc;
SELECT C_CITY, S_CITY, toYear(LO_ORDERDATE) AS year, sum(LO_REVENUE) AS revenue FROM lineorder_flat WHERE (C_CITY = 'UNITED KI1' OR C_CITY = 'UNITED KI5') AND (S_CITY = 'UNITED KI1' OR S_CITY = 'UNITED KI5') AND toYYYYMM(LO_ORDERDATE) = '199712' GROUP BY C_CITY, S_CITY, year ORDER BY year asc, revenue desc;

Original article

Anonymized Yandex.Metrica Data¶

Dataset consists of two tables containing anonymized data about hits (hits_v1) and visits (visits_v1) of Yandex.Metrica. Each of the tables can be downloaded as a compressed tsv.xz file or as prepared partitions.

Obtaining Tables from Prepared Partitions¶

Download and import hits:

curl -O
tar xvf hits_v1.tar -C /var/lib/clickhouse # path to ClickHouse data directory
## check permissions on unpacked data, fix if required
sudo service clickhouse-server restart
clickhouse-client --query "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datasets.hits_v1"

Download and import visits:

curl -O
tar xvf visits_v1.tar -C /var/lib/clickhouse # path to ClickHouse data directory
## check permissions on unpacked data, fix if required
sudo service clickhouse-server restart
clickhouse-client --query "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datasets.visits_v1"

Obtaining Tables from Compressed tsv-file¶

Download and import hits from compressed tsv-file

curl | unxz --threads=`nproc` > hits_v1.tsv 
## now create table
clickhouse-client --query "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS datasets"
clickhouse-client --query "CREATE TABLE datasets.hits_v1 ( WatchID UInt64,  JavaEnable UInt8,  Title String,  GoodEvent Int16,  EventTime DateTime,  EventDate Date,  CounterID UInt32,  ClientIP UInt32,  ClientIP6 FixedString(16),  RegionID UInt32,  UserID UInt64,  CounterClass Int8,  OS UInt8,  UserAgent UInt8,  URL String,  Referer String,  URLDomain String,  RefererDomain String,  Refresh UInt8,  IsRobot UInt8,  RefererCategories Array(UInt16),  URLCategories Array(UInt16), URLRegions Array(UInt32),  RefererRegions Array(UInt32),  ResolutionWidth UInt16,  ResolutionHeight UInt16,  ResolutionDepth UInt8,  FlashMajor UInt8, FlashMinor UInt8,  FlashMinor2 String,  NetMajor UInt8,  NetMinor UInt8, UserAgentMajor UInt16,  UserAgentMinor FixedString(2),  CookieEnable UInt8, JavascriptEnable UInt8,  IsMobile UInt8,  MobilePhone UInt8,  MobilePhoneModel String,  Params String,  IPNetworkID UInt32,  TraficSourceID Int8, SearchEngineID UInt16,  SearchPhrase String,  AdvEngineID UInt8,  IsArtifical UInt8,  WindowClientWidth UInt16,  WindowClientHeight UInt16,  ClientTimeZone Int16,  ClientEventTime DateTime,  SilverlightVersion1 UInt8, SilverlightVersion2 UInt8,  SilverlightVersion3 UInt32,  SilverlightVersion4 UInt16,  PageCharset String,  CodeVersion UInt32,  IsLink UInt8,  IsDownload UInt8,  IsNotBounce UInt8,  FUniqID UInt64,  HID UInt32,  IsOldCounter UInt8, IsEvent UInt8,  IsParameter UInt8,  DontCountHits UInt8,  WithHash UInt8, HitColor FixedString(1),  UTCEventTime DateTime,  Age UInt8,  Sex UInt8,  Income UInt8,  Interests UInt16,  Robotness UInt8,  GeneralInterests Array(UInt16), RemoteIP UInt32,  RemoteIP6 FixedString(16),  WindowName Int32,  OpenerName Int32,  HistoryLength Int16,  BrowserLanguage FixedString(2),  BrowserCountry FixedString(2),  SocialNetwork String,  SocialAction String,  HTTPError UInt16, SendTiming Int32,  DNSTiming Int32,  ConnectTiming Int32,  ResponseStartTiming Int32,  ResponseEndTiming Int32,  FetchTiming Int32,  RedirectTiming Int32, DOMInteractiveTiming Int32,  DOMContentLoadedTiming Int32,  DOMCompleteTiming Int32,  LoadEventStartTiming Int32,  LoadEventEndTiming Int32, NSToDOMContentLoadedTiming Int32,  FirstPaintTiming Int32,  RedirectCount Int8, SocialSourceNetworkID UInt8,  SocialSourcePage String,  ParamPrice Int64, ParamOrderID String,  ParamCurrency FixedString(3),  ParamCurrencyID UInt16, GoalsReached Array(UInt32),  OpenstatServiceName String,  OpenstatCampaignID String,  OpenstatAdID String,  OpenstatSourceID String,  UTMSource String, UTMMedium String,  UTMCampaign String,  UTMContent String,  UTMTerm String, FromTag String,  HasGCLID UInt8,  RefererHash UInt64,  URLHash UInt64,  CLID UInt32,  YCLID UInt64,  ShareService String,  ShareURL String,  ShareTitle String,  ParsedParams Nested(Key1 String,  Key2 String, Key3 String, Key4 String, Key5 String,  ValueDouble Float64),  IslandID FixedString(16),  RequestNum UInt32,  RequestTry UInt8) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(EventDate) ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID)) SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID) SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192"
## import data
cat hits_v1.tsv | clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO datasets.hits_v1 FORMAT TSV" --max_insert_block_size=100000
## optionally you can optimize table
clickhouse-client --query "OPTIMIZE TABLE datasets.hits_v1 FINAL"
clickhouse-client --query "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datasets.hits_v1"

Download and import visits from compressed tsv-file

curl | unxz --threads=`nproc` > visits_v1.tsv 
## now create table
clickhouse-client --query "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS datasets"
clickhouse-client --query "CREATE TABLE datasets.visits_v1 ( CounterID UInt32,  StartDate Date,  Sign Int8,  IsNew UInt8,  VisitID UInt64,  UserID UInt64,  StartTime DateTime,  Duration UInt32,  UTCStartTime DateTime,  PageViews Int32,  Hits Int32,  IsBounce UInt8,  Referer String,  StartURL String,  RefererDomain String,  StartURLDomain String,  EndURL String,  LinkURL String,  IsDownload UInt8,  TraficSourceID Int8,  SearchEngineID UInt16,  SearchPhrase String,  AdvEngineID UInt8,  PlaceID Int32,  RefererCategories Array(UInt16),  URLCategories Array(UInt16),  URLRegions Array(UInt32),  RefererRegions Array(UInt32),  IsYandex UInt8,  GoalReachesDepth Int32,  GoalReachesURL Int32,  GoalReachesAny Int32,  SocialSourceNetworkID UInt8,  SocialSourcePage String,  MobilePhoneModel String,  ClientEventTime DateTime,  RegionID UInt32,  ClientIP UInt32,  ClientIP6 FixedString(16),  RemoteIP UInt32,  RemoteIP6 FixedString(16),  IPNetworkID UInt32,  SilverlightVersion3 UInt32,  CodeVersion UInt32,  ResolutionWidth UInt16,  ResolutionHeight UInt16,  UserAgentMajor UInt16,  UserAgentMinor UInt16,  WindowClientWidth UInt16,  WindowClientHeight UInt16,  SilverlightVersion2 UInt8,  SilverlightVersion4 UInt16,  FlashVersion3 UInt16,  FlashVersion4 UInt16,  ClientTimeZone Int16,  OS UInt8,  UserAgent UInt8,  ResolutionDepth UInt8,  FlashMajor UInt8,  FlashMinor UInt8,  NetMajor UInt8,  NetMinor UInt8,  MobilePhone UInt8,  SilverlightVersion1 UInt8,  Age UInt8,  Sex UInt8,  Income UInt8,  JavaEnable UInt8,  CookieEnable UInt8,  JavascriptEnable UInt8,  IsMobile UInt8,  BrowserLanguage UInt16,  BrowserCountry UInt16,  Interests UInt16,  Robotness UInt8,  GeneralInterests Array(UInt16),  Params Array(String),  Goals Nested(ID UInt32, Serial UInt32, EventTime DateTime,  Price Int64,  OrderID String, CurrencyID UInt32),  WatchIDs Array(UInt64),  ParamSumPrice Int64,  ParamCurrency FixedString(3),  ParamCurrencyID UInt16,  ClickLogID UInt64,  ClickEventID Int32,  ClickGoodEvent Int32,  ClickEventTime DateTime,  ClickPriorityID Int32,  ClickPhraseID Int32,  ClickPageID Int32,  ClickPlaceID Int32,  ClickTypeID Int32,  ClickResourceID Int32,  ClickCost UInt32,  ClickClientIP UInt32,  ClickDomainID UInt32,  ClickURL String,  ClickAttempt UInt8,  ClickOrderID UInt32,  ClickBannerID UInt32,  ClickMarketCategoryID UInt32,  ClickMarketPP UInt32,  ClickMarketCategoryName String,  ClickMarketPPName String,  ClickAWAPSCampaignName String,  ClickPageName String,  ClickTargetType UInt16,  ClickTargetPhraseID UInt64,  ClickContextType UInt8,  ClickSelectType Int8,  ClickOptions String,  ClickGroupBannerID Int32,  OpenstatServiceName String,  OpenstatCampaignID String,  OpenstatAdID String,  OpenstatSourceID String,  UTMSource String,  UTMMedium String,  UTMCampaign String,  UTMContent String,  UTMTerm String,  FromTag String,  HasGCLID UInt8,  FirstVisit DateTime,  PredLastVisit Date,  LastVisit Date,  TotalVisits UInt32,  TraficSource    Nested(ID Int8,  SearchEngineID UInt16, AdvEngineID UInt8, PlaceID UInt16, SocialSourceNetworkID UInt8, Domain String, SearchPhrase String, SocialSourcePage String),  Attendance FixedString(16),  CLID UInt32,  YCLID UInt64,  NormalizedRefererHash UInt64,  SearchPhraseHash UInt64,  RefererDomainHash UInt64,  NormalizedStartURLHash UInt64,  StartURLDomainHash UInt64,  NormalizedEndURLHash UInt64,  TopLevelDomain UInt64,  URLScheme UInt64,  OpenstatServiceNameHash UInt64,  OpenstatCampaignIDHash UInt64,  OpenstatAdIDHash UInt64,  OpenstatSourceIDHash UInt64,  UTMSourceHash UInt64,  UTMMediumHash UInt64,  UTMCampaignHash UInt64,  UTMContentHash UInt64,  UTMTermHash UInt64,  FromHash UInt64,  WebVisorEnabled UInt8,  WebVisorActivity UInt32,  ParsedParams    Nested(Key1 String,  Key2 String,  Key3 String,  Key4 String, Key5 String, ValueDouble    Float64),  Market Nested(Type UInt8, GoalID UInt32, OrderID String,  OrderPrice Int64,  PP UInt32,  DirectPlaceID UInt32,  DirectOrderID  UInt32,  DirectBannerID UInt32,  GoodID String, GoodName String, GoodQuantity Int32,  GoodPrice Int64),  IslandID FixedString(16)) ENGINE = CollapsingMergeTree(StartDate, intHash32(UserID), (CounterID, StartDate, intHash32(UserID), VisitID), 8192, Sign)"
## import data
cat visits_v1.tsv | clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO datasets.visits_v1 FORMAT TSV" --max_insert_block_size=100000
## optionally you can optimize table
clickhouse-client --query "OPTIMIZE TABLE datasets.visits_v1 FINAL"
clickhouse-client --query "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datasets.visits_v1"


Examples of queries to these tables (they are named test.hits and test.visits) can be found among stateful tests and in some performance tests of ClickHouse.


ClickHouse provides two network interfaces (both can be optionally wrapped in TLS for additional security):

  • HTTP, which is documented and easy to use directly.
  • Native TCP, which has less overhead.

In most cases it is recommended to use appropriate tool or library instead of interacting with those directly. Officially supported by Yandex are the following:

  • Command-line client
  • JDBC driver
  • ODBC driver

There are also a wide range of third-party libraries for working with ClickHouse:

  • Client libraries
  • Integrations
  • Visual interfaces

Original article

Command-line Client¶

To work from the command line, you can use clickhouse-client:

$ clickhouse-client
ClickHouse client version 0.0.26176.
Connecting to localhost:9000.
Connected to ClickHouse server version 0.0.26176.

The client supports command-line options and configuration files. For more information, see «Configuring».


The client can be used in interactive and non-interactive (batch) mode.
To use batch mode, specify the ‘query’ parameter, or send data to ‘stdin’ (it verifies that ‘stdin’ is not a terminal), or both.
Similar to the HTTP interface, when using the ‘query’ parameter and sending data to ‘stdin’, the request is a concatenation of the ‘query’ parameter, a line feed, and the data in ‘stdin’. This is convenient for large INSERT queries.

Example of using the client to insert data:

echo -ne "1, 'some text', '2016-08-14 00:00:00'n2, 'some more text', '2016-08-14 00:00:01'" | clickhouse-client --database=test --query="INSERT INTO test FORMAT CSV";
cat <<_EOF | clickhouse-client --database=test --query="INSERT INTO test FORMAT CSV";
3, 'some text', '2016-08-14 00:00:00'
4, 'some more text', '2016-08-14 00:00:01'
cat file.csv | clickhouse-client --database=test --query="INSERT INTO test FORMAT CSV";

In batch mode, the default data format is TabSeparated. You can set the format in the FORMAT clause of the query.

By default, you can only process a single query in batch mode. To make multiple queries from a «script,» use the —multiquery parameter. This works for all queries except INSERT. Query results are output consecutively without additional separators.
Similarly, to process a large number of queries, you can run ‘clickhouse-client’ for each query. Note that it may take tens of milliseconds to launch the ‘clickhouse-client’ program.

In interactive mode, you get a command line where you can enter queries.

If ‘multiline’ is not specified (the default):To run the query, press Enter. The semicolon is not necessary at the end of the query. To enter a multiline query, enter a backslash before the line feed. After you press Enter, you will be asked to enter the next line of the query.

If multiline is specified:To run a query, end it with a semicolon and press Enter. If the semicolon was omitted at the end of the entered line, you will be asked to enter the next line of the query.

Only a single query is run, so everything after the semicolon is ignored.

You can specify G instead of or after the semicolon. This indicates Vertical format. In this format, each value is printed on a separate line, which is convenient for wide tables. This unusual feature was added for compatibility with the MySQL CLI.

The command line is based on ‘readline’ (and ‘history’ or ‘libedit’, or without a library, depending on the build). In other words, it uses the familiar keyboard shortcuts and keeps a history.
The history is written to ~/.clickhouse-client-history.

By default, the format used is PrettyCompact. You can change the format in the FORMAT clause of the query, or by specifying G at the end of the query, using the --format or --vertical argument in the command line, or using the client configuration file.

To exit the client, press Ctrl+D (or Ctrl+C), or enter one of the following instead of a query: «exit», «quit», «logout», «exit;», «quit;», «logout;», «q», «Q», «:q»

When processing a query, the client shows:

  1. Progress, which is updated no more than 10 times per second (by default). For quick queries, the progress might not have time to be displayed.
  2. The formatted query after parsing, for debugging.
  3. The result in the specified format.
  4. The number of lines in the result, the time passed, and the average speed of query processing.

You can cancel a long query by pressing Ctrl+C. However, you will still need to wait a little for the server to abort the request. It is not possible to cancel a query at certain stages. If you don’t wait and press Ctrl+C a second time, the client will exit.

The command-line client allows passing external data (external temporary tables) for querying. For more information, see the section «External data for query processing».


You can pass parameters to clickhouse-client (all parameters have a default value) using:

  • From the Command Line

Command-line options override the default values and settings in configuration files.

  • Configuration files.

Settings in the configuration files override the default values.

Command Line Options¶

  • --host, -h -– The server name, ‘localhost’ by default. You can use either the name or the IPv4 or IPv6 address.
  • --port – The port to connect to. Default value: 9000. Note that the HTTP interface and the native interface use different ports.
  • --user, -u – The username. Default value: default.
  • --password – The password. Default value: empty string.
  • --query, -q – The query to process when using non-interactive mode.
  • --database, -d – Select the current default database. Default value: the current database from the server settings (‘default’ by default).
  • --multiline, -m – If specified, allow multiline queries (do not send the query on Enter).
  • --multiquery, -n – If specified, allow processing multiple queries separated by commas. Only works in non-interactive mode.
  • --format, -f – Use the specified default format to output the result.
  • --vertical, -E – If specified, use the Vertical format by default to output the result. This is the same as ‘—format=Vertical’. In this format, each value is printed on a separate line, which is helpful when displaying wide tables.
  • --time, -t – If specified, print the query execution time to ‘stderr’ in non-interactive mode.
  • --stacktrace – If specified, also print the stack trace if an exception occurs.
  • --config-file – The name of the configuration file.
  • --secure – If specified, will connect to server over secure connection.

Configuration Files¶

clickhouse-client uses the first existing file of the following:

  • Defined in the -config-file parameter.
  • ./clickhouse-client.xml
  • ~/.clickhouse-client/config.xml
  • /etc/clickhouse-client/config.xml

Example of a config file:


Original article

Native Interface (TCP)¶

The native protocol is used in the command-line client, for interserver communication during distributed query processing, and also in other C++ programs. Unfortunately, native ClickHouse protocol does not have formal specification yet, but it can be reverse engineered from ClickHouse source code (starting around here) and/or by intercepting and analyzing TCP traffic.

Original article

HTTP Interface¶

The HTTP interface lets you use ClickHouse on any platform from any programming language. We use it for working from Java and Perl, as well as shell scripts. In other departments, the HTTP interface is used from Perl, Python, and Go. The HTTP interface is more limited than the native interface, but it has better compatibility.

By default, clickhouse-server listens for HTTP on port 8123 (this can be changed in the config).
If you make a GET / request without parameters, it returns the string «Ok» (with a line feed at the end). You can use this in health-check scripts.

$ curl 'http://localhost:8123/'

Send the request as a URL ‘query’ parameter, or as a POST. Or send the beginning of the query in the ‘query’ parameter, and the rest in the POST (we’ll explain later why this is necessary). The size of the URL is limited to 16 KB, so keep this in mind when sending large queries.

If successful, you receive the 200 response code and the result in the response body.
If an error occurs, you receive the 500 response code and an error description text in the response body.

When using the GET method, ‘readonly’ is set. In other words, for queries that modify data, you can only use the POST method. You can send the query itself either in the POST body, or in the URL parameter.


$ curl 'http://localhost:8123/?query=SELECT%201'
$ wget -O- -q 'http://localhost:8123/?query=SELECT 1'
$ echo -ne 'GET /?query=SELECT%201 HTTP/1.0rnrn' | nc localhost 8123
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Connection: Close
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 19:21:50 GMT

As you can see, curl is somewhat inconvenient in that spaces must be URL escaped.
Although wget escapes everything itself, we don’t recommend using it because it doesn’t work well over HTTP 1.1 when using keep-alive and Transfer-Encoding: chunked.

$ echo 'SELECT 1' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/' --data-binary @-
$ echo 'SELECT 1' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/?query=' --data-binary @-
$ echo '1' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/?query=SELECT' --data-binary @-

If part of the query is sent in the parameter, and part in the POST, a line feed is inserted between these two data parts.
Example (this won’t work):

$ echo 'ECT 1' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/?query=SEL' --data-binary @-
Code: 59, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Syntax error: failed at position 0: SEL

By default, data is returned in TabSeparated format (for more information, see the «Formats» section).
You use the FORMAT clause of the query to request any other format.

$ echo 'SELECT 1 FORMAT Pretty' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/?' --data-binary @-
┃ 1 ┃
│ 1 │

The POST method of transmitting data is necessary for INSERT queries. In this case, you can write the beginning of the query in the URL parameter, and use POST to pass the data to insert. The data to insert could be, for example, a tab-separated dump from MySQL. In this way, the INSERT query replaces LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE from MySQL.

Examples: Creating a table:

echo 'CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8) ENGINE = Memory' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/' --data-binary @-

Using the familiar INSERT query for data insertion:

echo 'INSERT INTO t VALUES (1),(2),(3)' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/' --data-binary @-

Data can be sent separately from the query:

echo '(4),(5),(6)' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/?query=INSERT%20INTO%20t%20VALUES' --data-binary @-

You can specify any data format. The ‘Values’ format is the same as what is used when writing INSERT INTO t VALUES:

echo '(7),(8),(9)' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/?query=INSERT%20INTO%20t%20FORMAT%20Values' --data-binary @-

To insert data from a tab-separated dump, specify the corresponding format:

echo -ne '10n11n12n' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/?query=INSERT%20INTO%20t%20FORMAT%20TabSeparated' --data-binary @-

Reading the table contents. Data is output in random order due to parallel query processing:

$ curl 'http://localhost:8123/?query=SELECT%20a%20FROM%20t'

Deleting the table.

echo 'DROP TABLE t' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/' --data-binary @-

For successful requests that don’t return a data table, an empty response body is returned.

You can use the internal ClickHouse compression format when transmitting data. The compressed data has a non-standard format, and you will need to use the special clickhouse-compressor program to work with it (it is installed with the clickhouse-client package).

If you specified ‘compress=1’ in the URL, the server will compress the data it sends you.
If you specified ‘decompress=1’ in the URL, the server will decompress the same data that you pass in the POST method.

It is also possible to use the standard gzip-based HTTP compression. To send a POST request compressed using gzip, append the request header Content-Encoding: gzip.
In order for ClickHouse to compress the response using gzip, you must append Accept-Encoding: gzip to the request headers, and enable the ClickHouse setting enable_http_compression.

You can use this to reduce network traffic when transmitting a large amount of data, or for creating dumps that are immediately compressed.

You can use the ‘database’ URL parameter to specify the default database.

$ echo 'SELECT number FROM numbers LIMIT 10' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/?database=system' --data-binary @-

By default, the database that is registered in the server settings is used as the default database. By default, this is the database called ‘default’. Alternatively, you can always specify the database using a dot before the table name.

The username and password can be indicated in one of two ways:

  1. Using HTTP Basic Authentication. Example:
echo 'SELECT 1' | curl 'http://user:password@localhost:8123/' -d @-
  1. In the ‘user’ and ‘password’ URL parameters. Example:
echo 'SELECT 1' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/?user=user&password=password' -d @-

If the user name is not indicated, the username ‘default’ is used. If the password is not indicated, an empty password is used.
You can also use the URL parameters to specify any settings for processing a single query, or entire profiles of settings. Example:http://localhost:8123/?profile=web&max_rows_to_read=1000000000&query=SELECT+1

For more information, see the section «Settings».

$ echo 'SELECT number FROM system.numbers LIMIT 10' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/?' --data-binary @-

For information about other parameters, see the section «SET».

Similarly, you can use ClickHouse sessions in the HTTP protocol. To do this, you need to add the session_id GET parameter to the request. You can use any string as the session ID. By default, the session is terminated after 60 seconds of inactivity. To change this timeout, modify the default_session_timeout setting in the server configuration, or add the session_timeout GET parameter to the request. To check the session status, use the session_check=1 parameter. Only one query at a time can be executed within a single session.

You have the option to receive information about the progress of query execution in X-ClickHouse-Progress headers. To do this, enable the setting send_progress_in_http_headers.

Running requests don’t stop automatically if the HTTP connection is lost. Parsing and data formatting are performed on the server side, and using the network might be ineffective.
The optional ‘query_id’ parameter can be passed as the query ID (any string). For more information, see the section «Settings, replace_running_query».

The optional ‘quota_key’ parameter can be passed as the quota key (any string). For more information, see the section «Quotas».

The HTTP interface allows passing external data (external temporary tables) for querying. For more information, see the section «External data for query processing».

Response Buffering¶

You can enable response buffering on the server side. The buffer_size and wait_end_of_query URL parameters are provided for this purpose.

buffer_size determines the number of bytes in the result to buffer in the server memory. If the result body is larger than this threshold, the buffer is written to the HTTP channel, and the remaining data is sent directly to the HTTP channel.

To ensure that the entire response is buffered, set wait_end_of_query=1. In this case, the data that is not stored in memory will be buffered in a temporary server file.


curl -sS 'http://localhost:8123/?max_result_bytes=4000000&buffer_size=3000000&wait_end_of_query=1' -d 'SELECT toUInt8(number) FROM system.numbers LIMIT 9000000 FORMAT RowBinary'

Use buffering to avoid situations where a query processing error occurred after the response code and HTTP headers were sent to the client. In this situation, an error message is written at the end of the response body, and on the client side, the error can only be detected at the parsing stage.

Original article

Formats for input and output data¶

ClickHouse can accept (INSERT) and return (SELECT) data in various formats.

The table below lists supported formats and how they can be used in INSERT and SELECT queries.



In TabSeparated format, data is written by row. Each row contains values separated by tabs. Each value is follow by a tab, except the last value in the row, which is followed by a line feed. Strictly Unix line feeds are assumed everywhere. The last row also must contain a line feed at the end. Values are written in text format, without enclosing quotation marks, and with special characters escaped.

This format is also available under the name TSV.

The TabSeparated format is convenient for processing data using custom programs and scripts. It is used by default in the HTTP interface, and in the command-line client’s batch mode. This format also allows transferring data between different DBMSs. For example, you can get a dump from MySQL and upload it to ClickHouse, or vice versa.

The TabSeparated format supports outputting total values (when using WITH TOTALS) and extreme values (when ‘extremes’ is set to 1). In these cases, the total values and extremes are output after the main data. The main result, total values, and extremes are separated from each other by an empty line. Example:

SELECT EventDate, count() AS c FROM test.hits GROUP BY EventDate WITH TOTALS ORDER BY EventDate FORMAT TabSeparated``
2014-03-17      1406958
2014-03-18      1383658
2014-03-19      1405797
2014-03-20      1353623
2014-03-21      1245779
2014-03-22      1031592
2014-03-23      1046491
0000-00-00      8873898
2014-03-17      1031592
2014-03-23      1406958

Data formatting¶

Integer numbers are written in decimal form. Numbers can contain an extra «+» character at the beginning (ignored when parsing, and not recorded when formatting). Non-negative numbers can’t contain the negative sign. When reading, it is allowed to parse an empty string as a zero, or (for signed types) a string consisting of just a minus sign as a zero. Numbers that do not fit into the corresponding data type may be parsed as a different number, without an error message.

Floating-point numbers are written in decimal form. The dot is used as the decimal separator. Exponential entries are supported, as are ‘inf’, ‘+inf’, ‘-inf’, and ‘nan’. An entry of floating-point numbers may begin or end with a decimal point.
During formatting, accuracy may be lost on floating-point numbers.
During parsing, it is not strictly required to read the nearest machine-representable number.

Dates are written in YYYY-MM-DD format and parsed in the same format, but with any characters as separators.
Dates with times are written in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss and parsed in the same format, but with any characters as separators.
This all occurs in the system time zone at the time the client or server starts (depending on which one formats data). For dates with times, daylight saving time is not specified. So if a dump has times during daylight saving time, the dump does not unequivocally match the data, and parsing will select one of the two times.
During a read operation, incorrect dates and dates with times can be parsed with natural overflow or as null dates and times, without an error message.

As an exception, parsing dates with times is also supported in Unix timestamp format, if it consists of exactly 10 decimal digits. The result is not time zone-dependent. The formats YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss and NNNNNNNNNN are differentiated automatically.

Strings are output with backslash-escaped special characters. The following escape sequences are used for output: b, f, r, n, t, , ', . Parsing also supports the sequences a, v, and xHH (hex escape sequences) and any c sequences, where c is any character (these sequences are converted to c). Thus, reading data supports formats where a line feed can be written as n or , or as a line feed. For example, the string Hello world with a line feed between the words instead of a space can be parsed in any of the following variations:

The second variant is supported because MySQL uses it when writing tab-separated dumps.

The minimum set of characters that you need to escape when passing data in TabSeparated format: tab, line feed (LF) and backslash.

Only a small set of symbols are escaped. You can easily stumble onto a string value that your terminal will ruin in output.

Arrays are written as a list of comma-separated values in square brackets. Number items in the array are fomratted as normally, but dates, dates with times, and strings are written in single quotes with the same escaping rules as above.

NULL is formatted as N.


Differs from TabSeparated format in that the rows are written without escaping.
This format is only appropriate for outputting a query result, but not for parsing (retrieving data to insert in a table).

This format is also available under the name TSVRaw.


Differs from the TabSeparated format in that the column names are written in the first row.
During parsing, the first row is completely ignored. You can’t use column names to determine their position or to check their correctness.
(Support for parsing the header row may be added in the future.)

This format is also available under the name TSVWithNames.


Differs from the TabSeparated format in that the column names are written to the first row, while the column types are in the second row.
During parsing, the first and second rows are completely ignored.

This format is also available under the name TSVWithNamesAndTypes.


Similar to TabSeparated, but outputs a value in name=value format. Names are escaped the same way as in TabSeparated format, and the = symbol is also escaped.

SearchPhrase=   count()=8267016
SearchPhrase=bathroom interior design    count()=2166
SearchPhrase=yandex     count()=1655
SearchPhrase=2014 spring fashion    count()=1549
SearchPhrase=freeform photos       count()=1480
SearchPhrase=angelina jolie    count()=1245
SearchPhrase=omsk       count()=1112
SearchPhrase=photos of dog breeds    count()=1091
SearchPhrase=curtain designs        count()=1064
SearchPhrase=baku       count()=1000

NULL is formatted as N.


When there is a large number of small columns, this format is ineffective, and there is generally no reason to use it. It is used in some departments of Yandex.

Both data output and parsing are supported in this format. For parsing, any order is supported for the values of different columns. It is acceptable for some values to be omitted – they are treated as equal to their default values. In this case, zeros and blank rows are used as default values. Complex values that could be specified in the table are not supported as defaults.

Parsing allows the presence of the additional field tskv without the equal sign or a value. This field is ignored.


Comma Separated Values format (RFC).

When formatting, rows are enclosed in double quotes. A double quote inside a string is output as two double quotes in a row. There are no other rules for escaping characters. Date and date-time are enclosed in double quotes. Numbers are output without quotes. Values are separated by a delimiter character, which is , by default. The delimiter character is defined in the setting format_csv_delimiter. Rows are separated using the Unix line feed (LF). Arrays are serialized in CSV as follows: first the array is serialized to a string as in TabSeparated format, and then the resulting string is output to CSV in double quotes. Tuples in CSV format are serialized as separate columns (that is, their nesting in the tuple is lost).

clickhouse-client --format_csv_delimiter="|" --query="INSERT INTO test.csv FORMAT CSV" < data.csv

*By default, the delimiter is ,. See the format_csv_delimiter setting for more information.

When parsing, all values can be parsed either with or without quotes. Both double and single quotes are supported. Rows can also be arranged without quotes. In this case, they are parsed up to the delimiter character or line feed (CR or LF). In violation of the RFC, when parsing rows without quotes, the leading and trailing spaces and tabs are ignored. For the line feed, Unix (LF), Windows (CR LF) and Mac OS Classic (CR LF) types are all supported.

NULL is formatted as N.

The CSV format supports the output of totals and extremes the same way as TabSeparated.


Also prints the header row, similar to TabSeparatedWithNames.


Outputs data in JSON format. Besides data tables, it also outputs column names and types, along with some additional information: the total number of output rows, and the number of rows that could have been output if there weren’t a LIMIT. Example:

SELECT SearchPhrase, count() AS c FROM test.hits GROUP BY SearchPhrase WITH TOTALS ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 5 FORMAT JSON
"name": "SearchPhrase",
"type": "String"
"name": "c",
"type": "UInt64"
"SearchPhrase": "",
"c": "8267016"
"SearchPhrase": "bathroom interior design",
"c": "2166"
"SearchPhrase": "yandex",
"c": "1655"
"SearchPhrase": "spring 2014 fashion",
"c": "1549"
"SearchPhrase": "freeform photos",
"c": "1480"
"SearchPhrase": "",
"c": "8873898"
"SearchPhrase": "",
"c": "1480"
"SearchPhrase": "",
"c": "8267016"
"rows": 5,
"rows_before_limit_at_least": 141137

The JSON is compatible with JavaScript. To ensure this, some characters are additionally escaped: the slash / is escaped as /; alternative line breaks U+2028 and U+2029, which break some browsers, are escaped as uXXXX. ASCII control characters are escaped: backspace, form feed, line feed, carriage return, and horizontal tab are replaced with b, f, n, r, t , as well as the remaining bytes in the 00-1F range using uXXXX sequences. Invalid UTF-8 sequences are changed to the replacement character � so the output text will consist of valid UTF-8 sequences. For compatibility with JavaScript, Int64 and UInt64 integers are enclosed in double quotes by default. To remove the quotes, you can set the configuration parameter output_format_json_quote_64bit_integers to 0.

rows – The total number of output rows.

rows_before_limit_at_least The minimal number of rows there would have been without LIMIT. Output only if the query contains LIMIT.
If the query contains GROUP BY, rows_before_limit_at_least is the exact number of rows there would have been without a LIMIT.

totals – Total values (when using WITH TOTALS).

extremes – Extreme values (when extremes is set to 1).

This format is only appropriate for outputting a query result, but not for parsing (retrieving data to insert in a table).

ClickHouse supports NULL, which is displayed as null in the JSON output.

See also the JSONEachRow format.


Differs from JSON only in that data rows are output in arrays, not in objects.


"name": "SearchPhrase",
"type": "String"
"name": "c",
"type": "UInt64"
["", "8267016"],
["bathroom interior design", "2166"],
["yandex", "1655"],
["fashion trends spring 2014", "1549"],
["freeform photo", "1480"]
"totals": ["","8873898"],
"min": ["","1480"],
"max": ["","8267016"]
"rows": 5,
"rows_before_limit_at_least": 141137

This format is only appropriate for outputting a query result, but not for parsing (retrieving data to insert in a table).
See also the JSONEachRow format.


Outputs data as separate JSON objects for each row (newline delimited JSON).

{"SearchPhrase": "bathroom interior design","count()": "2166"}
{"SearchPhrase":"2014 spring fashion","count()":"1549"}
{"SearchPhrase":"freeform photo","count()":"1480"}
{"SearchPhrase":"angelina jolie","count()":"1245"}
{"SearchPhrase":"photos of dog breeds","count()":"1091"}
{"SearchPhrase":"curtain designs","count()":"1064"}

Unlike the JSON format, there is no substitution of invalid UTF-8 sequences. Any set of bytes can be output in the rows. This is necessary so that data can be formatted without losing any information. Values are escaped in the same way as for JSON.

For parsing, any order is supported for the values of different columns. It is acceptable for some values to be omitted – they are treated as equal to their default values. In this case, zeros and blank rows are used as default values. Complex values that could be specified in the table are not supported as defaults, but it can be turned on by option insert_sample_with_metadata=1. Whitespace between elements is ignored. If a comma is placed after the objects, it is ignored. Objects don’t necessarily have to be separated by new lines.


The most efficient format. Data is written and read by blocks in binary format. For each block, the number of rows, number of columns, column names and types, and parts of columns in this block are recorded one after another. In other words, this format is «columnar» – it doesn’t convert columns to rows. This is the format used in the native interface for interaction between servers, for using the command-line client, and for C++ clients.

You can use this format to quickly generate dumps that can only be read by the ClickHouse DBMS. It doesn’t make sense to work with this format yourself.


Nothing is output. However, the query is processed, and when using the command-line client, data is transmitted to the client. This is used for tests, including productivity testing.
Obviously, this format is only appropriate for output, not for parsing.


Outputs data as Unicode-art tables, also using ANSI-escape sequences for setting colors in the terminal.
A full grid of the table is drawn, and each row occupies two lines in the terminal.
Each result block is output as a separate table. This is necessary so that blocks can be output without buffering results (buffering would be necessary in order to pre-calculate the visible width of all the values).

NULL is output as ᴺᵁᴸᴸ.

Example (shown for the PrettyCompact format):

│ 1 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │

Rows are not escaped in Pretty* formats. Example is shown for the PrettyCompact format:

SELECT 'String with 'quotes' and t character' AS Escaping_test
│ String with 'quotes' and   character │

To avoid dumping too much data to the terminal, only the first 10,000 rows are printed. If the number of rows is greater than or equal to 10,000, the message «Showed first 10 000» is printed.
This format is only appropriate for outputting a query result, but not for parsing (retrieving data to insert in a table).

The Pretty format supports outputting total values (when using WITH TOTALS) and extremes (when ‘extremes’ is set to 1). In these cases, total values and extreme values are output after the main data, in separate tables. Example (shown for the PrettyCompact format):

SELECT EventDate, count() AS c FROM test.hits GROUP BY EventDate WITH TOTALS ORDER BY EventDate FORMAT PrettyCompact
│ 2014-03-17 │ 1406958 │
│ 2014-03-18 │ 1383658 │
│ 2014-03-19 │ 1405797 │
│ 2014-03-20 │ 1353623 │
│ 2014-03-21 │ 1245779 │
│ 2014-03-22 │ 1031592 │
│ 2014-03-23 │ 1046491 │
│ 0000-00-00 │ 8873898 │
│ 2014-03-17 │ 1031592 │
│ 2014-03-23 │ 1406958 │


Differs from Pretty in that the grid is drawn between rows and the result is more compact.
This format is used by default in the command-line client in interactive mode.


Differs from PrettyCompact in that up to 10,000 rows are buffered, then output as a single table, not by blocks.


Differs from Pretty in that ANSI-escape sequences aren’t used. This is necessary for displaying this format in a browser, as well as for using the ‘watch’ command-line utility.


watch -n1 "clickhouse-client --query='SELECT event, value FROM FORMAT PrettyCompactNoEscapes'"

You can use the HTTP interface for displaying in the browser.


The same as the previous setting.


The same as the previous setting.


Differs from PrettyCompact in that whitespace (space characters) is used instead of the grid.


Formats and parses data by row in binary format. Rows and values are listed consecutively, without separators.
This format is less efficient than the Native format, since it is row-based.

Integers use fixed-length little endian representation. For example, UInt64 uses 8 bytes.
DateTime is represented as UInt32 containing the Unix timestamp as the value.
Date is represented as a UInt16 object that contains the number of days since 1970-01-01 as the value.
String is represented as a varint length (unsigned LEB128), followed by the bytes of the string.
FixedString is represented simply as a sequence of bytes.

Array is represented as a varint length (unsigned LEB128), followed by successive elements of the array.

For NULL support, an additional byte containing 1 or 0 is added before each Nullable value. If 1, then the value is NULL and this byte is interpreted as a separate value. If 0, the value after the byte is not NULL.


Similar to RowBinary, but with added header:
LEB128-encoded number of columns (N)
N Strings specifying column names
* N Strings specifying column types


Prints every row in brackets. Rows are separated by commas. There is no comma after the last row. The values inside the brackets are also comma-separated. Numbers are output in decimal format without quotes. Arrays are output in square brackets. Strings, dates, and dates with times are output in quotes. Escaping rules and parsing are similar to the TabSeparated format. During formatting, extra spaces aren’t inserted, but during parsing, they are allowed and skipped (except for spaces inside array values, which are not allowed). NULL is represented as NULL.

The minimum set of characters that you need to escape when passing data in Values ​​format: single quotes and backslashes.

This is the format that is used in INSERT INTO t VALUES ..., but you can also use it for formatting query results.


Prints each value on a separate line with the column name specified. This format is convenient for printing just one or a few rows, if each row consists of a large number of columns.

NULL is output as ᴺᵁᴸᴸ.


SELECT * FROM t_null FORMAT Vertical
Row 1:
x: 1
y: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ

Rows are not escaped in Vertical format:

SELECT 'string with 'quotes' and t with some special n characters' AS test FORMAT Vertical
Row 1:
test: string with 'quotes' and   with some special

This format is only appropriate for outputting a query result, but not for parsing (retrieving data to insert in a table).


XML format is suitable only for output, not for parsing. Example:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<SearchPhrase>bathroom interior design</SearchPhrase>
<SearchPhrase>2014 spring fashion</SearchPhrase>
<SearchPhrase>freeform photos</SearchPhrase>
<SearchPhrase>angelina jolie</SearchPhrase>
<SearchPhrase>photos of dog breeds</SearchPhrase>
<SearchPhrase>curtain designs</SearchPhrase>

If the column name does not have an acceptable format, just ‘field’ is used as the element name. In general, the XML structure follows the JSON structure.
Just as for JSON, invalid UTF-8 sequences are changed to the replacement character � so the output text will consist of valid UTF-8 sequences.

In string values, the characters < and & are escaped as < and &.

Arrays are output as <array><elem>Hello</elem><elem>World</elem>...</array>,and tuples as <tuple><elem>Hello</elem><elem>World</elem>...</tuple>.


Cap’n Proto is a binary message format similar to Protocol Buffers and Thrift, but not like JSON or MessagePack.

Cap’n Proto messages are strictly typed and not self-describing, meaning they need an external schema description. The schema is applied on the fly and cached for each query.

cat capnproto_messages.bin | clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO test.hits FORMAT CapnProto SETTINGS format_schema='schema:Message'"

Where schema.capnp looks like this:

struct Message {
SearchPhrase @0 :Text;
c @1 :Uint64;

Deserialization is effective and usually doesn’t increase the system load.

See also Format Schema.


Protobuf — is a Protocol Buffers format.

ClickHouse supports both proto2 and proto3. Repeated/optional/required fields are supported.

This format requires an external format schema. The schema is cached between queries.
Usage examples:

SELECT * FROM test.table FORMAT Protobuf SETTINGS format_schema = 'schemafile:MessageType'
cat protobuf_messages.bin | clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO test.table FORMAT Protobuf SETTINGS format_schema='schemafile:MessageType'"

Where the file schemafile.proto looks like this:

syntax = "proto3";
message MessageType {
string name = 1;
string surname = 2;
uint32 birthDate = 3;
repeated string phoneNumbers = 4;

To find the correspondence between table columns and fields of Protocol Buffers’ message type ClickHouse compares their names.
This comparison is case-insensitive and the characters _ (underscore) and . (dot) are considered as equal.
If types of a column and a field of Protocol Buffers’ message are different the necessary conversion is applied.

Nested messages are supported. For example, for the field z in the following message type

message MessageType {
message XType {
message YType {
int32 z;
repeated YType y;
XType x;

ClickHouse tries to find a column named x.y.z (or x_y_z or X.y_Z and so on).
Nested messages are suitable to input or output a nested data structures.

Default values defined in a proto2 protobuf schema like this

message MessageType {
optional int32 result_per_page = 3 [default = 10];

are not applied; the table defaults are used instead of them.

Format Schema¶

The file name containing the format schema is set by the setting format_schema.
It’s required to set this setting when it is used one of the formats Cap'n Proto and Protobuf.
The format schema is a combination of a file name and the name of a message type in this file, delimited by colon,
e.g. schemafile.proto:MessageType.
If the file has the standard extension for the format (for example, .proto for Protobuf),
it can be omitted and in this case the format schema looks like schemafile:MessageType.

If you input or output data via the client the file name specified in the format schema
can contain an absolute path or a path relative to the current directory on the client.
If you input or output data via the HTTP interface the file name specified in the format schema
should be located in the directory specified in format_schema_path
in the server configuration.

Original article

JDBC Driver¶

  • Official driver.
  • Third-party driver ClickHouse-Native-JDBC.

Original article

ODBC Driver¶

  • Official driver.

Original article

Client Libraries from Third-party Developers¶


Yandex does not maintain the libraries listed below and haven’t done any extensive testing to ensure their quality.

  • Python
    • infi.clickhouse_orm
    • clickhouse-driver
    • clickhouse-client
    • aiochclient
  • PHP
    • phpClickHouse
    • clickhouse-php-client
    • clickhouse-client
    • PhpClickHouseClient
  • Go
    • clickhouse
    • go-clickhouse
    • mailrugo-clickhouse
    • golang-clickhouse
  • NodeJs
    • clickhouse (NodeJs)
    • node-clickhouse
  • Perl
    • perl-DBD-ClickHouse
    • HTTP-ClickHouse
    • AnyEvent-ClickHouse
  • Ruby
    • clickhouse (Ruby)
  • R
    • clickhouse-r
    • RClickhouse
  • Java
    • clickhouse-client-java
    • clickhouse-client
  • Scala
    • clickhouse-scala-client
  • Kotlin
    • AORM
  • C#
    • ClickHouse.Ado
    • ClickHouse.Net
  • C++
    • clickhouse-cpp
  • Elixir
    • clickhousex
  • Nim
    • nim-clickhouse

Original article

Integration Libraries from Third-party Developers¶


Yandex does not maintain the tools and libraries listed below and haven’t done any extensive testing to ensure their quality.

Infrastructure Products¶

  • Relational database management systems
    • MySQL
      • ProxySQL
      • clickhouse-mysql-data-reader
    • PostgreSQL
      • infi.clickhouse_fdw (uses infi.clickhouse_orm)
    • MSSQL
      • ClickHouseMigrator
  • Message queues
    • Kafka
      • clickhouse_sinker (uses Go client)
  • Object storages
    • S3
      • clickhouse-backup
  • Configuration management
    • puppet
      • innogames/clickhouse
      • mfedotov/clickhouse
  • Monitoring
    • Graphite
      • graphouse
      • carbon-clickhouse
    • Grafana
      • clickhouse-grafana
    • Prometheus
      • clickhouse_exporter
      • PromHouse
      • clickhouse_exporter (uses Go client)
    • Nagios
      • check_clickhouse
  • Logging
    • rsyslog
      • omclickhouse
    • fluentd
      • loghouse (for Kubernetes)

Programming Language Ecosystems¶

  • Python
    • SQLAlchemy
      • sqlalchemy-clickhouse (uses infi.clickhouse_orm)
    • pandas
      • pandahouse
  • R
    • dplyr
      • RClickhouse (uses clickhouse-cpp)
  • Java
    • Hadoop
      • clickhouse-hdfs-loader (uses JDBC)
  • Scala
    • Akka
      • clickhouse-scala-client
  • C#
    • ADO.NET
      • ClickHouse.Ado
      • ClickHouse.Net
      • ClickHouse.Net.Migrations
  • Elixir
    • Ecto
      • clickhouse_ecto

Original article

Visual Interfaces from Third-party Developers¶



Web interface for ClickHouse in the Tabix project.


  • Works with ClickHouse directly from the browser, without the need to install additional software.
  • Query editor with syntax highlighting.
  • Auto-completion of commands.
  • Tools for graphical analysis of query execution.
  • Color scheme options.

Tabix documentation.


HouseOps is a UI/IDE for OSX, Linux and Windows.


  • Query builder with syntax highlighting. View the response in a table or JSON view.
  • Export query results as CSV or JSON.
  • List of processes with descriptions. Write mode. Ability to stop (KILL) a process.
  • Database graph. Shows all tables and their columns with additional information.
  • Quick view of the column size.
  • Server configuration.

The following features are planned for development:

  • Database management.
  • User management.
  • Real-time data analysis.
  • Cluster monitoring.
  • Cluster management.
  • Monitoring replicated and Kafka tables.


LightHouse is a lightweight web interface for ClickHouse.


  • Table list with filtering and metadata.
  • Table preview with filtering and sorting.
  • Read-only queries execution.


clickhouse-cli is an alternative command line client for ClickHouse, written in Python 3.

— Autocompletion.
— Syntax highlighting for the queries and data output.
— Pager support for the data output.
— Custom PostgreSQL-like commands.



DBeaver — universal desktop database client with ClickHouse support.


  • Query development with syntax highlight.
  • Table preview.
  • Autocompletion.


DataGrip is a database IDE from JetBrains with dedicated support for ClickHouse. It is also embedded into other IntelliJ-based tools: PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, GoLand, PhpStorm and others.


  • Very fast code completion.
  • ClickHouse syntax highlighting.
  • Support for features specific to ClickHouse, for example nested columns, table engines.
  • Data Editor.
  • Refactorings.
  • Search and Navigation.

Original article

Proxy Servers from Third-party Developers¶


chproxy, is an http proxy and load balancer for ClickHouse database.


  • Per-user routing and response caching.
  • Flexible limits.
  • Automatic SSL cerificate renewal.

Implemented in Go.


KittenHouse is designed to be a local proxy between ClickHouse and application server in case it’s impossible or inconvenient to buffer INSERT data on your application side.


  • In-memory and on-disk data buffering.
  • Per-table routing.
  • Load-balancing and health checking.

Implemented in Go.


ClickHouse-Bulk is a simple ClickHouse insert collector.


  • Group requests and send by threshold or interval.
  • Multiple remote servers.
  • Basic authentication.

Implemented in Go.

Original article

Data Types¶

ClickHouse can store various types of data in table cells.

This section describes the supported data types and special considerations when using and/or implementing them, if any.

Original article

UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64¶

Fixed-length integers, with or without a sign.

Int Ranges¶

  • Int8 — [-128 : 127]
  • Int16 — [-32768 : 32767]
  • Int32 — [-2147483648 : 2147483647]
  • Int64 — [-9223372036854775808 : 9223372036854775807]

Uint Ranges¶

  • UInt8 — [0 : 255]
  • UInt16 — [0 : 65535]
  • UInt32 — [0 : 4294967295]
  • UInt64 — [0 : 18446744073709551615]

Original article

Float32, Float64¶

Floating point numbers.

Types are equivalent to types of C:

  • Float32float
  • Float64double

We recommend that you store data in integer form whenever possible. For example, convert fixed precision numbers to integer values, such as monetary amounts or page load times in milliseconds.

Using Floating-point Numbers¶

  • Computations with floating-point numbers might produce a rounding error.
┌───────minus(1, 0.9)─┐
│ 0.09999999999999998 │
  • The result of the calculation depends on the calculation method (the processor type and architecture of the computer system).
  • Floating-point calculations might result in numbers such as infinity (Inf) and «not-a-number» (NaN). This should be taken into account when processing the results of calculations.
  • When reading floating point numbers from rows, the result might not be the nearest machine-representable number.

NaN and Inf¶

In contrast to standard SQL, ClickHouse supports the following categories of floating-point numbers:

  • Inf – Infinity.
┌─divide(0.5, 0)─┐
│            inf │
  • -Inf – Negative infinity.
┌─divide(-0.5, 0)─┐
│            -inf │
  • NaN – Not a number.
┌─divide(0, 0)─┐
│          nan │

See the rules for NaN sorting in the section ORDER BY clause.

Original article

Decimal(P, S), Decimal32(S), Decimal64(S), Decimal128(S)¶

Signed fixed point numbers that keep precision during add, subtract and multiply operations. For division least significant digits are discarded (not rounded).


  • P — precision. Valid range: [ 1 : 38 ]. Determines how many decimal digits number can have (including fraction).
  • S — scale. Valid range: [ 0 : P ]. Determines how many decimal digits fraction can have.

Depending on P parameter value Decimal(P, S) is a synonym for:
— P from [ 1 : 9 ] — for Decimal32(S)
— P from [ 10 : 18 ] — for Decimal64(S)
— P from [ 19 : 38 ] — for Decimal128(S)

Decimal value ranges¶

  • Decimal32(S) — ( -1 * 10^(9 — S), 1 * 10^(9 — S) )
  • Decimal64(S) — ( -1 * 10^(18 — S), 1 * 10^(18 — S) )
  • Decimal128(S) — ( -1 * 10^(38 — S), 1 * 10^(38 — S) )

For example, Decimal32(4) can contain numbers from -99999.9999 to 99999.9999 with 0.0001 step.

Internal representation¶

Internally data is represented as normal signed integers with respective bit width. Real value ranges that can be stored in memory are a bit larger than specified above, which are checked only on convertion from string.

Because modern CPU’s do not support 128 bit integers natively, operations on Decimal128 are emulated. Because of this Decimal128 works signigicantly slower than Decimal32/Decimal64.

Operations and result type¶

Binary operations on Decimal result in wider result type (with any order of arguments).

  • Decimal64(S1) Decimal32(S2) -> Decimal64(S)
  • Decimal128(S1) Decimal32(S2) -> Decimal128(S)
  • Decimal128(S1) Decimal64(S2) -> Decimal128(S)

Rules for scale:

  • add, subtract: S = max(S1, S2).
  • multuply: S = S1 + S2.
  • divide: S = S1.

For similar operations between Decimal and integers, the result is Decimal of the same size as argument.

Operations between Decimal and Float32/Float64 are not defined. If you really need them, you can explicitly cast one of argument using toDecimal32, toDecimal64, toDecimal128 or toFloat32, toFloat64 builtins. Keep in mind that the result will lose precision and type conversion is computationally expensive operation.

Some functions on Decimal return result as Float64 (for example, var or stddev). Intermediate calculations might still be performed in Decimal, which might lead to different results between Float64 and Decimal inputs with same values.

Overflow checks¶

During calculations on Decimal, integer overflows might happen. Excessive digits in fraction are discarded (not rounded). Excessive digits in integer part will lead to exception.

SELECT toDecimal32(2, 4) AS x, x / 3
┌──────x─┬─divide(toDecimal32(2, 4), 3)─┐
│ 2.0000 │                       0.6666 │
SELECT toDecimal32(4.2, 8) AS x, x * x
DB::Exception: Scale is out of bounds.
SELECT toDecimal32(4.2, 8) AS x, 6 * x
DB::Exception: Decimal math overflow.

Overflow checks lead to operations slowdown. If it is known that overflows are not possible, it makes sense to disable checks using decimal_check_overflow setting. When checks are disabled and overflow happens, the result will be incorrect:

SET decimal_check_overflow = 0;
SELECT toDecimal32(4.2, 8) AS x, 6 * x
┌──────────x─┬─multiply(6, toDecimal32(4.2, 8))─┐
│ 4.20000000 │                     -17.74967296 │

Overflow checks happen not only on arithmetic operations, but also on value comparison:

SELECT toDecimal32(1, 8) < 100
DB::Exception: Can't compare.

Original article

Boolean Values¶

There isn’t a separate type for boolean values. They use the UInt8 type, restricted to the values 0 or 1.

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Strings of an arbitrary length. The length is not limited. The value can contain an arbitrary set of bytes, including null bytes.
The String type replaces the types VARCHAR, BLOB, CLOB, and others from other DBMSs.


ClickHouse doesn’t have the concept of encodings. Strings can contain an arbitrary set of bytes, which are stored and output as-is.
If you need to store texts, we recommend using UTF-8 encoding. At the very least, if your terminal uses UTF-8 (as recommended), you can read and write your values without making conversions.
Similarly, certain functions for working with strings have separate variations that work under the assumption that the string contains a set of bytes representing a UTF-8 encoded text.
For example, the ‘length’ function calculates the string length in bytes, while the ‘lengthUTF8’ function calculates the string length in Unicode code points, assuming that the value is UTF-8 encoded.

Original article


A fixed-length string of N bytes (not characters or code points).

To declare the column of FixedString type use the following syntax:

<column_name> FixedString(N)

Where N is a natural number.

It is efficient to use FixedString in case when data has the length of N bytes exactly. For example: IP addresses (FixedString(16) for IPv6), language codes (ru_RU, en_US … ), currency codes (USD, RUB … ), hashes (FixedString(16) for MD5, FixedString(32) for SHA256). In all other cases, you can get the loss of efficiency. To store hashes or IP addresses use their binary representation. To store UUID values use the UUID data type.

When inserting the data, ClickHouse:

  • Complements a string with null bytes if the string contains fewer bytes than N.
  • Throws the Too large value for FixedString(N) exception if the string contains more than N bytes.

When selecting the data, ClickHouse does not trim off the null bytes at the end of the string. If you use the WHERE clause, you should add null bytes manually to match the FixedString value.


SELECT * FROM FixedStringTable
│ aa │
│ b  │
SELECT * FROM FixedStringTable WHERE a = 'b'
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.009 sec.
SELECT * FROM FixedStringTable
WHERE a = 'b'
│ b │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

This behavior differs from MySQL behavior for the CHAR type (where strings are padded with spaces, and the spaces are removed for output).

Note that the length of the FixedString value is constant even if it is filled with null bytes only. The empty functions returns 1 if the FixedString value contains the null bytes only.

Original article


A universally unique identifier (UUID) is a 16-byte number used to identify records. For detailed information about the UUID, see Wikipedia.

The example of UUID type value is represented below:


If you do not specify the UUID column value when inserting a new record, the UUID value is filled with zero:


How to generate¶

To generate the UUID value, ClickHouse provides the generateUUIDv4 function.

Usage example¶

Example 1

This example demonstrates creating a table with the UUID type column and inserting a value into the table.

:) CREATE TABLE t_uuid (x UUID, y String) ENGINE=TinyLog
:) INSERT INTO t_uuid SELECT generateUUIDv4(), 'Example 1'
:) SELECT * FROM t_uuid
 417ddc5d-e556-4d27-95dd-a34d84e46a50  Example 1 

Example 2

In this example, the UUID column value is not specified when inserting a new record.

:) INSERT INTO t_uuid (y) VALUES ('Example 2')
:) SELECT * FROM t_uuid
 417ddc5d-e556-4d27-95dd-a34d84e46a50  Example 1 
 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000  Example 2 


The UUID data type only supports functions which String data type also supports (for example, min, max, and count).

The UUID data type is not supported by arithmetic operations (for example, abs) or aggregate functions, such as sum and avg.

Original article


A date. Stored in two bytes as the number of days since 1970-01-01 (unsigned). Allows storing values from just after the beginning of the Unix Epoch to the upper threshold defined by a constant at the compilation stage (currently, this is until the year 2106, but the final fully-supported year is 2105).
The minimum value is output as 0000-00-00.

The date is stored without the time zone.

Original article


Date with time. Stored in four bytes as a Unix timestamp (unsigned). Allows storing values in the same range as for the Date type. The minimal value is output as 0000-00-00 00:00:00.
The time is stored with accuracy up to one second (without leap seconds).

Time Zones¶

The date with time is converted from text (divided into component parts) to binary and back, using the system’s time zone at the time the client or server starts. In text format, information about daylight savings is lost.

By default, the client switches to the timezone of the server when it connects. You can change this behavior by enabling the client command-line option --use_client_time_zone.

So when working with a textual date (for example, when saving text dumps), keep in mind that there may be ambiguity during changes for daylight savings time, and there may be problems matching data if the time zone changed.

Original article

Enum8, Enum16¶

Includes the Enum8 and Enum16 types. Enum saves the finite set of pairs of 'string' = integer. In ClickHouse, all operations with the Enum data type are performed as if value contains integers, although the user is working with string constants. This is more effective in terms of performance than working with the String data type.

  • Enum8 is described by pairs of 'String' = Int8.
  • Enum16 is described by pairs of 'String' = Int16.

Usage examples¶

Here we create a table with an Enum8('hello' = 1, 'world' = 2) type column:

x Enum8('hello' = 1, 'world' = 2)
ENGINE = TinyLog

This column x can only store the values that are listed in the type definition: 'hello' or 'world'. If you try to save any other value, ClickHouse will generate an exception.

:) INSERT INTO t_enum VALUES ('hello'), ('world'), ('hello')
3 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
:) insert into t_enum values('a')
Exception on client:
Code: 49. DB::Exception: Unknown element 'a' for type Enum8('hello' = 1, 'world' = 2)

When you query data from the table, ClickHouse outputs the string values from Enum.

SELECT * FROM t_enum
│ hello │
│ world │
│ hello │

If you need to see the numeric equivalents of the rows, you must cast the Enum value to integer type.

SELECT CAST(x, 'Int8') FROM t_enum
┌─CAST(x, 'Int8')─┐
│               1 │
│               2 │
│               1 │

To create an Enum value in a query, you also need to use CAST.

SELECT toTypeName(CAST('a', 'Enum8('a' = 1, 'b' = 2)'))
┌─toTypeName(CAST('a', 'Enum8('a' = 1, 'b' = 2)'))─┐
│ Enum8('a' = 1, 'b' = 2)                              │

General rules and usage¶

Each of the values is assigned a number in the range -128 ... 127 for Enum8 or in the range -32768 ... 32767 for Enum16. All the strings and numbers must be different. An empty string is allowed. If this type is specified (in a table definition), numbers can be in an arbitrary order. However, the order does not matter.

Neither the string nor the numeric value in an Enum can be NULL.

An Enum can be contained in Nullable type. So if you create a table using the query

CREATE TABLE t_enum_nullable
x Nullable( Enum8('hello' = 1, 'world' = 2) )
ENGINE = TinyLog

it can store not only 'hello' and 'world', but NULL, as well.

INSERT INTO t_enum_null Values('hello'),('world'),(NULL)

In RAM, an Enum column is stored in the same way as Int8 or Int16 of the corresponding numerical values.

When reading in text form, ClickHouse parses the value as a string and searches for the corresponding string from the set of Enum values. If it is not found, an exception is thrown. When reading in text format, the string is read and the corresponding numeric value is looked up. An exception will be thrown if it is not found.
When writing in text form, it writes the value as the corresponding string. If column data contains garbage (numbers that are not from the valid set), an exception is thrown. When reading and writing in binary form, it works the same way as for Int8 and Int16 data types.
The implicit default value is the value with the lowest number.

During ORDER BY, GROUP BY, IN, DISTINCT and so on, Enums behave the same way as the corresponding numbers. For example, ORDER BY sorts them numerically. Equality and comparison operators work the same way on Enums as they do on the underlying numeric values.

Enum values cannot be compared with numbers. Enums can be compared to a constant string. If the string compared to is not a valid value for the Enum, an exception will be thrown. The IN operator is supported with the Enum on the left hand side and a set of strings on the right hand side. The strings are the values of the corresponding Enum.

Most numeric and string operations are not defined for Enum values, e.g. adding a number to an Enum or concatenating a string to an Enum.
However, the Enum has a natural toString function that returns its string value.

Enum values are also convertible to numeric types using the toT function, where T is a numeric type. When T corresponds to the enum’s underlying numeric type, this conversion is zero-cost.
The Enum type can be changed without cost using ALTER, if only the set of values is changed. It is possible to both add and remove members of the Enum using ALTER (removing is safe only if the removed value has never been used in the table). As a safeguard, changing the numeric value of a previously defined Enum member will throw an exception.

Using ALTER, it is possible to change an Enum8 to an Enum16 or vice versa, just like changing an Int8 to Int16.

Original article


Array of T-type items.

T can be anything, including an array.

Creating an array¶

You can use a function to create an array:

You can also use square brackets.

Example of creating an array:

:) SELECT array(1, 2) AS x, toTypeName(x)
[1, 2] AS x,
┌─x─────┬─toTypeName(array(1, 2))─┐
│ [1,2] │ Array(UInt8)            │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
:) SELECT [1, 2] AS x, toTypeName(x)
[1, 2] AS x,
┌─x─────┬─toTypeName([1, 2])─┐
│ [1,2] │ Array(UInt8)       │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

Working with data types¶

When creating an array on the fly, ClickHouse automatically defines the argument type as the narrowest data type that can store all the listed arguments. If there are any NULL or Nullable type arguments, the type of array elements is Nullable.

If ClickHouse couldn’t determine the data type, it will generate an exception. For instance, this will happen when trying to create an array with strings and numbers simultaneously (SELECT array(1, 'a')).

Examples of automatic data type detection:

:) SELECT array(1, 2, NULL) AS x, toTypeName(x)
[1, 2, NULL] AS x,
┌─x──────────┬─toTypeName(array(1, 2, NULL))─┐
│ [1,2,NULL] │ Array(Nullable(UInt8))        │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

If you try to create an array of incompatible data types, ClickHouse throws an exception:

:) SELECT array(1, 'a')
SELECT [1, 'a']
Received exception from server (version 1.1.54388):
Code: 386. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000, DB::Exception: There is no supertype for types UInt8, String because some of them are String/FixedString and some of them are not.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.246 sec.

Original article

AggregateFunction(name, types_of_arguments…)¶

The intermediate state of an aggregate function. To get it, use aggregate functions with the -State suffix. To get aggregated data in the future, you must use the same aggregate functions with the -Mergesuffix.

AggregateFunction — parametric data type.


  • Name of the aggregate function.

    If the function is parametric specify its parameters too.

  • Types of the aggregate function arguments.


column1 AggregateFunction(uniq, UInt64),
column2 AggregateFunction(anyIf, String, UInt8),
column3 AggregateFunction(quantiles(0.5, 0.9), UInt64)
) ENGINE = ...

uniq, anyIf (any+If) and quantiles are the aggregate functions supported in ClickHouse.


Data Insertion¶

To insert data, use INSERT SELECT with aggregate -State— functions.

Function examples

quantilesState(0.5, 0.9)(SendTiming)

In contrast to the corresponding functions uniq and quantiles, -State— functions return the state, instead the final value. In other words, they return a value of AggregateFunction type.

In the results of SELECT query the values of AggregateFunction type have implementation-specific binary representation for all of the ClickHouse output formats. If dump data into, for example, TabSeparated format with SELECT query then this dump can be loaded back using INSERT query.

Data Selection¶

When selecting data from AggregatingMergeTree table, use GROUP BY clause and the same aggregate functions as when inserting data, but using -Mergesuffix.

An aggregate function with -Merge suffix takes a set of states, combines them, and returns the result of complete data aggregation.

For example, the following two queries return the same result:

SELECT uniq(UserID) FROM table
SELECT uniqMerge(state) FROM (SELECT uniqState(UserID) AS state FROM table GROUP BY RegionID)

Usage Example¶

See AggregatingMergeTree engine description.

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Tuple(T1, T2, …)¶

A tuple of elements, each having an individual type.

You can’t store tuples in tables (other than Memory tables). They are used for temporary column grouping. Columns can be grouped when an IN expression is used in a query, and for specifying certain formal parameters of lambda functions. For more information, see the sections IN operators and Higher order functions.

Tuples can be the result of a query. In this case, for text formats other than JSON, values are comma-separated in brackets. In JSON formats, tuples are output as arrays (in square brackets).

Creating a tuple¶

You can use a function to create a tuple:

Example of creating a tuple:

:) SELECT tuple(1,'a') AS x, toTypeName(x)
(1, 'a') AS x,
┌─x───────┬─toTypeName(tuple(1, 'a'))─┐
│ (1,'a') │ Tuple(UInt8, String)      │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.021 sec.

Working with data types¶

When creating a tuple on the fly, ClickHouse automatically detects the type of each argument as the minimum of the types which can store the argument value. If the argument is NULL, the type of the tuple element is Nullable.

Example of automatic data type detection:

SELECT tuple(1, NULL) AS x, toTypeName(x)
(1, NULL) AS x,
┌─x────────┬─toTypeName(tuple(1, NULL))──────┐
│ (1,NULL) │ Tuple(UInt8, Nullable(Nothing)) │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

Original article


Allows to store special marker (NULL) that denotes «missing value» alongside normal values allowed by TypeName. For example, a Nullable(Int8) type column can store Int8 type values, and the rows that don’t have a value will store NULL.

For a TypeName, you can’t use composite data types Array and Tuple. Composite data types can contain Nullable type values, such as Array(Nullable(Int8)).

A Nullable type field can’t be included in table indexes.

NULL is the default value for any Nullable type, unless specified otherwise in the ClickHouse server configuration.

Storage features¶

To store Nullable type values in table column, ClickHouse uses a separate file with NULL masks in addition to normal file with values. Entries in masks file allow ClickHouse to distinguish between NULL and default value of corresponding data type for each table row. Because of additional file, Nullable column consumes additional storage space compared to similar normal one.


Using Nullable almost always negatively affects performance, keep this in mind when designing your databases.

Usage example¶

:) CREATE TABLE t_null(x Int8, y Nullable(Int8)) ENGINE TinyLog
x Int8,
y Nullable(Int8)
ENGINE = TinyLog
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.012 sec.
:) INSERT INTO t_null VALUES (1, NULL), (2, 3)
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.007 sec.
:) SELECT x + y FROM t_null
SELECT x + y
FROM t_null
┌─plus(x, y)─┐
│       ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
│          5 │
2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.144 sec.

Original article

Nested Data Structures¶

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Nested(Name1 Type1, Name2 Type2, …)¶

A nested data structure is like a nested table. The parameters of a nested data structure – the column names and types – are specified the same way as in a CREATE query. Each table row can correspond to any number of rows in a nested data structure.


CREATE TABLE test.visits
CounterID UInt32,
StartDate Date,
Sign Int8,
IsNew UInt8,
VisitID UInt64,
UserID UInt64,
Goals Nested
ID UInt32,
Serial UInt32,
EventTime DateTime,
Price Int64,
OrderID String,
CurrencyID UInt32
) ENGINE = CollapsingMergeTree(StartDate, intHash32(UserID), (CounterID, StartDate, intHash32(UserID), VisitID), 8192, Sign)

This example declares the Goals nested data structure, which contains data about conversions (goals reached). Each row in the ‘visits’ table can correspond to zero or any number of conversions.

Only a single nesting level is supported. Columns of nested structures containing arrays are equivalent to multidimensional arrays, so they have limited support (there is no support for storing these columns in tables with the MergeTree engine).

In most cases, when working with a nested data structure, its individual columns are specified. To do this, the column names are separated by a dot. These columns make up an array of matching types. All the column arrays of a single nested data structure have the same length.


FROM test.visits
WHERE CounterID = 101500 AND length(Goals.ID) < 5
│ [1073752,591325,591325]        │ ['2014-03-17 16:38:10','2014-03-17 16:38:48','2014-03-17 16:42:27']                       │
│ [1073752]                      │ ['2014-03-17 00:28:25']                                                                   │
│ [1073752]                      │ ['2014-03-17 10:46:20']                                                                   │
│ [1073752,591325,591325,591325] │ ['2014-03-17 13:59:20','2014-03-17 22:17:55','2014-03-17 22:18:07','2014-03-17 22:18:51'] │
│ []                             │ []                                                                                        │
│ [1073752,591325,591325]        │ ['2014-03-17 11:37:06','2014-03-17 14:07:47','2014-03-17 14:36:21']                       │
│ []                             │ []                                                                                        │
│ []                             │ []                                                                                        │
│ [591325,1073752]               │ ['2014-03-17 00:46:05','2014-03-17 00:46:05']                                             │
│ [1073752,591325,591325,591325] │ ['2014-03-17 13:28:33','2014-03-17 13:30:26','2014-03-17 18:51:21','2014-03-17 18:51:45'] │

It is easiest to think of a nested data structure as a set of multiple column arrays of the same length.

The only place where a SELECT query can specify the name of an entire nested data structure instead of individual columns is the ARRAY JOIN clause. For more information, see «ARRAY JOIN clause». Example:

FROM test.visits
WHERE CounterID = 101500 AND length(Goals.ID) < 5
│ 1073752 │ 2014-03-17 16:38:10 │
│  591325 │ 2014-03-17 16:38:48 │
│  591325 │ 2014-03-17 16:42:27 │
│ 1073752 │ 2014-03-17 00:28:25 │
│ 1073752 │ 2014-03-17 10:46:20 │
│ 1073752 │ 2014-03-17 13:59:20 │
│  591325 │ 2014-03-17 22:17:55 │
│  591325 │ 2014-03-17 22:18:07 │
│  591325 │ 2014-03-17 22:18:51 │
│ 1073752 │ 2014-03-17 11:37:06 │

You can’t perform SELECT for an entire nested data structure. You can only explicitly list individual columns that are part of it.

For an INSERT query, you should pass all the component column arrays of a nested data structure separately (as if they were individual column arrays). During insertion, the system checks that they have the same length.

For a DESCRIBE query, the columns in a nested data structure are listed separately in the same way.

The ALTER query is very limited for elements in a nested data structure.

Original article

Special Data Types¶

Special data type values can’t be saved to a table or output in results, but are used as the intermediate result of running a query.

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Used for representing lambda expressions in high-order functions.

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Used for the right half of an IN expression.

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The only purpose of this data type is to represent cases where value is not expected. So you can’t create a Nothing type value.

For example, literal NULL has type of Nullable(Nothing). See more about Nullable.

The Nothing type can also used to denote empty arrays:

:) SELECT toTypeName(array())
SELECT toTypeName([])
│ Array(Nothing)      │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.062 sec.

Original article

Table engines¶

The table engine (type of table) determines:

  • How and where data is stored, where to write it to, and where to read it from.
  • Which queries are supported, and how.
  • Concurrent data access.
  • Use of indexes, if present.
  • Whether multithreaded request execution is possible.
  • Data replication parameters.

When reading, the engine is only required to output the requested columns, but in some cases the engine can partially process data when responding to the request.

For most serious tasks, you should use engines from the MergeTree family.

Original article


The MergeTree engine and other engines of this family (*MergeTree) are the most robust ClickHousе table engines.

The basic idea for MergeTree engines family is the following. When you have tremendous amount of a data that should be inserted into the table, you should write them quickly part by part and then merge parts by some rules in background. This method is much more efficient than constantly rewriting data in the storage at the insert.

Main features:

  • Stores data sorted by primary key.

    This allows you to create a small sparse index that helps find data faster.

  • This allows you to use partitions if the partitioning key is specified.

    ClickHouse supports certain operations with partitions that are more effective than general operations on the same data with the same result. ClickHouse also automatically cuts off the partition data where the partitioning key is specified in the query. This also increases the query performance.

  • Data replication support.

    The family of ReplicatedMergeTree tables is used for this. For more information, see the Data replication section.

  • Data sampling support.

    If necessary, you can set the data sampling method in the table.


The Merge engine does not belong to the *MergeTree family.

Creating a Table¶

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
INDEX index_name1 expr1 TYPE type1(...) GRANULARITY value1,
INDEX index_name2 expr2 TYPE type2(...) GRANULARITY value2
) ENGINE = MergeTree()
[ORDER BY expr]
[SAMPLE BY expr]
[SETTINGS name=value, ...]

For a description of request parameters, see request description.

Query clauses

  • ENGINE — Name and parameters of the engine. ENGINE = MergeTree(). MergeTree engine does not have parameters.

  • PARTITION BY — The partitioning key.

    For partitioning by month, use the toYYYYMM(date_column) expression, where date_column is a column with a date of the type Date. The partition names here have the "YYYYMM" format.

  • ORDER BY — The sorting key.

    A tuple of columns or arbitrary expressions. Example: ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate).

  • PRIMARY KEY — The primary key if it differs from the sorting key.

    By default the primary key is the same as the sorting key (which is specified by the ORDER BY clause).
    Thus in most cases it is unnecessary to specify a separate PRIMARY KEY clause.

  • SAMPLE BY — An expression for sampling.

    If a sampling expression is used, the primary key must contain it. Example:
    SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID) ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID)).

  • SETTINGS — Additional parameters that control the behavior of the MergeTree:

    • index_granularity — The granularity of an index. The number of data rows between the «marks» of an index. By default, 8192. The list of all available parameters you can see in MergeTreeSettings.h.
    • min_merge_bytes_to_use_direct_io — The minimum data volume for merge operation required for using of the direct I/O access to the storage disk. During the merging of the data parts, ClickHouse calculates summary storage volume of all the data to be merged. If the volume exceeds min_merge_bytes_to_use_direct_io bytes, thеn ClickHouse reads and writes the data using direct I/O interface (O_DIRECT option) to the storage disk. If min_merge_bytes_to_use_direct_io = 0, then the direct I/O is disabled. Default value: 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes.

Example of sections setting

ENGINE MergeTree() PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(EventDate) ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID)) SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID) SETTINGS index_granularity=8192

In the example, we set partitioning by month.

We also set an expression for sampling as a hash by the user ID. This allows you to pseudorandomize the data in the table for each CounterID and EventDate. If, when selecting the data, you define a SAMPLE clause, ClickHouse will return an evenly pseudorandom data sample for a subset of users.

index_granularity could be omitted because 8192 is the default value.

Deprecated Method for Creating a Table


Do not use this method in new projects and, if possible, switch the old projects to the method described above.

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE [=] MergeTree(date-column [, sampling_expression], (primary, key), index_granularity)

MergeTree() parameters

  • date-column — The name of a column of the type Date. ClickHouse automatically creates partitions by month on the basis of this column. The partition names are in the "YYYYMM" format.
  • sampling_expression — an expression for sampling.
  • (primary, key) — primary key. Type — [Tuple()](../../data_types/ index_granularity — The granularity of an index. The number of data rows between the «marks» of an index. The value 8192 is appropriate for most tasks.


MergeTree(EventDate, intHash32(UserID), (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID)), 8192)

The MergeTree engine is configured in the same way as in the example above for the main engine configuration method.

Data Storage¶

A table consists of data parts sorted by primary key.

When data is inserted in a table, separate data parts are created and each of them is lexicographically sorted by primary key. For example, if the primary key is (CounterID, Date), the data in the part is sorted by CounterID, and within each CounterID, it is ordered by Date.

Data belonging to different partitions are separated into different parts. In the background, ClickHouse merges data parts for more efficient storage. Parts belonging to different partitions are not merged. The merge mechanism does not guarantee that all rows with the same primary key will be in the same data part.

For each data part, ClickHouse creates an index file that contains the primary key value for each index row («mark»). Index row numbers are defined as n * index_granularity. The maximum value n is equal to the integer part of dividing the total number of rows by the index_granularity. For each column, the «marks» are also written for the same index rows as the primary key. These «marks» allow you to find the data directly in the columns.

You can use a single large table and continually add data to it in small chunks – this is what the MergeTree engine is intended for.

Primary Keys and Indexes in Queries¶

Let’s take the (CounterID, Date) primary key. In this case, the sorting and index can be illustrated as follows:

Whole data:     [-------------------------------------------------------------------------]
CounterID:      [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbcdeeeeeeeeeeeeefgggggggghhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiikllllllll]
Date:           [1111111222222233331233211111222222333211111112122222223111112223311122333]
Marks:           |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
a,1    a,2    a,3    b,3    e,2    e,3    g,1    h,2    i,1    i,3    l,3
Marks numbers:   0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10

If the data query specifies:

  • CounterID in ('a', 'h'), the server reads the data in the ranges of marks [0, 3) and [6, 8).
  • CounterID IN ('a', 'h') AND Date = 3, the server reads the data in the ranges of marks [1, 3) and [7, 8).
  • Date = 3, the server reads the data in the range of marks [1, 10].

The examples above show that it is always more effective to use an index than a full scan.

A sparse index allows extra strings to be read. When reading a single range of the primary key, up to index_granularity * 2 extra rows in each data block can be read. In most cases, ClickHouse performance does not degrade when index_granularity = 8192.

Sparse indexes allow you to work with a very large number of table rows, because such indexes are always stored in the computer’s RAM.

ClickHouse does not require a unique primary key. You can insert multiple rows with the same primary key.

Selecting the Primary Key¶

The number of columns in the primary key is not explicitly limited. Depending on the data structure, you can include more or fewer columns in the primary key. This may:

  • Improve the performance of an index.

    If the primary key is (a, b), then adding another column c will improve the performance if the following conditions are met:
    — There are queries with a condition on column c.
    — Long data ranges (several times longer than the index_granularity) with identical values for (a, b) are common. In other words, when adding another column allows you to skip quite long data ranges.

  • Improve data compression.

    ClickHouse sorts data by primary key, so the higher the consistency, the better the compression.

  • Provide additional logic when data parts merging in the CollapsingMergeTree and SummingMergeTree engines.

    In this case it makes sense to specify the sorting key that is different from the primary key.

A long primary key will negatively affect the insert performance and memory consumption, but extra columns in the primary key do not affect ClickHouse performance during SELECT queries.

Choosing the Primary Key that differs from the Sorting Key¶

It is possible to specify the primary key (the expression, values of which are written into the index file
for each mark) that is different from the sorting key (the expression for sorting the rows in data parts).
In this case the primary key expression tuple must be a prefix of the sorting key expression tuple.

This feature is helpful when using the SummingMergeTree and
AggregatingMergeTree table engines. In a common case when using these engines the
table has two types of columns: dimensions and measures. Typical queries aggregate values of measure
columns with arbitrary GROUP BY and filtering by dimensions. As SummingMergeTree and AggregatingMergeTree
aggregate rows with the same value of the sorting key, it is natural to add all dimensions to it. As a result
the key expression consists of a long list of columns and this list must be frequently updated with newly
added dimensions.

In this case it makes sense to leave only a few columns in the primary key that will provide efficient
range scans and add the remaining dimension columns to the sorting key tuple.

ALTER of the sorting key is a
lightweight operation because when a new column is simultaneously added to the table and to the sorting key
data parts need not be changed (they remain sorted by the new sorting key expression).

Use of Indexes and Partitions in Queries¶

ForSELECT queries, ClickHouse analyzes whether an index can be used. An index can be used if the WHERE/PREWHERE clause has an expression (as one of the conjunction elements, or entirely) that represents an equality or inequality comparison operation, or if it has IN or LIKE with a fixed prefix on columns or expressions that are in the primary key or partitioning key, or on certain partially repetitive functions of these columns, or logical relationships of these expressions.

Thus, it is possible to quickly run queries on one or many ranges of the primary key. In this example, queries will be fast when run for a specific tracking tag; for a specific tag and date range; for a specific tag and date; for multiple tags with a date range, and so on.

Let’s look at the engine configured as follows:

ENGINE MergeTree() PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(EventDate) ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate) SETTINGS index_granularity=8192

In this case, in queries:

SELECT count() FROM table WHERE EventDate = toDate(now()) AND CounterID = 34
SELECT count() FROM table WHERE EventDate = toDate(now()) AND (CounterID = 34 OR CounterID = 42)
SELECT count() FROM table WHERE ((EventDate >= toDate('2014-01-01') AND EventDate <= toDate('2014-01-31')) OR EventDate = toDate('2014-05-01')) AND CounterID IN (101500, 731962, 160656) AND (CounterID = 101500 OR EventDate != toDate('2014-05-01'))

ClickHouse will use the primary key index to trim improper data and the monthly partitioning key to trim partitions that are in improper date ranges.

The queries above show that the index is used even for complex expressions. Reading from the table is organized so that using the index can’t be slower than a full scan.

In the example below, the index can’t be used.

SELECT count() FROM table WHERE CounterID = 34 OR URL LIKE '%upyachka%'

To check whether ClickHouse can use the index when running a query, use the settings force_index_by_date and force_primary_key.

The key for partitioning by month allows reading only those data blocks which contain dates from the proper range. In this case, the data block may contain data for many dates (up to an entire month). Within a block, data is sorted by primary key, which might not contain the date as the first column. Because of this, using a query with only a date condition that does not specify the primary key prefix will cause more data to be read than for a single date.

Data Skipping Indices (Experimental)¶

You need to set allow_experimental_data_skipping_indices to 1 to use indices. (run SET allow_experimental_data_skipping_indices = 1).

Index declaration in the columns section of the CREATE query.

INDEX index_name expr TYPE type(...) GRANULARITY granularity_value

For tables from the *MergeTree family data skipping indices can be specified.

These indices aggregate some information about the specified expression on blocks, which consist of granularity_value granules,
then these aggregates are used in SELECT queries for reducing the amount of data to read from the disk by skipping big blocks of data where where query cannot be satisfied.


CREATE TABLE table_name
u64 UInt64,
i32 Int32,
s String,
INDEX a (u64 * i32, s) TYPE minmax GRANULARITY 3,
INDEX b (u64 * length(s)) TYPE set(1000) GRANULARITY 4
) ENGINE = MergeTree()

Indices from the example can be used by ClickHouse to reduce the amount of data to read from disk in following queries.

SELECT count() FROM table WHERE s < 'z'
SELECT count() FROM table WHERE u64 * i32 == 10 AND u64 * length(s) >= 1234
Available Types of Indices¶
  • minmax
    Stores extremes of the specified expression (if the expression is tuple, then it stores extremes for each element of tuple), uses stored info for skipping blocks of the data like the primary key.

  • set(max_rows)
    Stores unique values of the specified expression (no more than max_rows rows), use them to check if the WHERE expression is not satisfiable on a block of the data.

INDEX sample_index (u64 * length(s)) TYPE minmax GRANULARITY 4
INDEX b (u64 * length(str), i32 + f64 * 100, date, str) TYPE set(100) GRANULARITY 4

Concurrent Data Access¶

For concurrent table access, we use multi-versioning. In other words, when a table is simultaneously read and updated, data is read from a set of parts that is current at the time of the query. There are no lengthy locks. Inserts do not get in the way of read operations.

Reading from a table is automatically parallelized.

Original article

Data Replication¶

Replication is only supported for tables in the MergeTree family:

  • ReplicatedMergeTree
  • ReplicatedSummingMergeTree
  • ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree
  • ReplicatedAggregatingMergeTree
  • ReplicatedCollapsingMergeTree
  • ReplicatedVersionedCollapsingMergeTree
  • ReplicatedGraphiteMergeTree

Replication works at the level of an individual table, not the entire server. A server can store both replicated and non-replicated tables at the same time.

Replication does not depend on sharding. Each shard has its own independent replication.

Compressed data for INSERT and ALTER queries is replicated (for more information, see the documentation for ALTER).

CREATE, DROP, ATTACH, DETACH and RENAME queries are executed on a single server and are not replicated:

  • The CREATE TABLE query creates a new replicatable table on the server where the query is run. If this table already exists on other servers, it adds a new replica.
  • The DROP TABLE query deletes the replica located on the server where the query is run.
  • The RENAME query renames the table on one of the replicas. In other words, replicated tables can have different names on different replicas.

To use replication, set the addresses of the ZooKeeper cluster in the config file. Example:

<node index="1">
<node index="2">
<node index="3">

Use ZooKeeper version 3.4.5 or later.

You can specify any existing ZooKeeper cluster and the system will use a directory on it for its own data (the directory is specified when creating a replicatable table).

If ZooKeeper isn’t set in the config file, you can’t create replicated tables, and any existing replicated tables will be read-only.

ZooKeeper is not used in SELECT queries because replication does not affect the performance of SELECT and queries run just as fast as they do for non-replicated tables. When querying distributed replicated tables, ClickHouse behavior is controlled by the settings max_replica_delay_for_distributed_queries and fallback_to_stale_replicas_for_distributed_queries.

For each INSERT query, approximately ten entries are added to ZooKeeper through several transactions. (To be more precise, this is for each inserted block of data; an INSERT query contains one block or one block per max_insert_block_size = 1048576 rows.) This leads to slightly longer latencies for INSERT compared to non-replicated tables. But if you follow the recommendations to insert data in batches of no more than one INSERT per second, it doesn’t create any problems. The entire ClickHouse cluster used for coordinating one ZooKeeper cluster has a total of several hundred INSERTs per second. The throughput on data inserts (the number of rows per second) is just as high as for non-replicated data.

For very large clusters, you can use different ZooKeeper clusters for different shards. However, this hasn’t proven necessary on the Yandex.Metrica cluster (approximately 300 servers).

Replication is asynchronous and multi-master. INSERT queries (as well as ALTER) can be sent to any available server. Data is inserted on the server where the query is run, and then it is copied to the other servers. Because it is asynchronous, recently inserted data appears on the other replicas with some latency. If part of the replicas are not available, the data is written when they become available. If a replica is available, the latency is the amount of time it takes to transfer the block of compressed data over the network.

By default, an INSERT query waits for confirmation of writing the data from only one replica. If the data was successfully written to only one replica and the server with this replica ceases to exist, the stored data will be lost. Tp enable getting confirmation of data writes from multiple replicas, use the insert_quorum option.

Each block of data is written atomically. The INSERT query is divided into blocks up to max_insert_block_size = 1048576 rows. In other words, if the INSERT query has less than 1048576 rows, it is made atomically.

Data blocks are deduplicated. For multiple writes of the same data block (data blocks of the same size containing the same rows in the same order), the block is only written once. The reason for this is in case of network failures when the client application doesn’t know if the data was written to the DB, so the INSERT query can simply be repeated. It doesn’t matter which replica INSERTs were sent to with identical data. INSERTs are idempotent. Deduplication parameters are controlled by merge_tree server settings.

During replication, only the source data to insert is transferred over the network. Further data transformation (merging) is coordinated and performed on all the replicas in the same way. This minimizes network usage, which means that replication works well when replicas reside in different datacenters. (Note that duplicating data in different datacenters is the main goal of replication.)

You can have any number of replicas of the same data. Yandex.Metrica uses double replication in production. Each server uses RAID-5 or RAID-6, and RAID-10 in some cases. This is a relatively reliable and convenient solution.

The system monitors data synchronicity on replicas and is able to recover after a failure. Failover is automatic (for small differences in data) or semi-automatic (when data differs too much, which may indicate a configuration error).

Creating Replicated Tables¶

The Replicated prefix is added to the table engine name. For example:ReplicatedMergeTree.

Replicated*MergeTree parameters

  • zoo_path — The path to the table in ZooKeeper.
  • replica_name — The replica name in ZooKeeper.


CREATE TABLE table_name
EventDate DateTime,
CounterID UInt32,
UserID UInt32
) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{layer}-{shard}/hits', '{replica}')
ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID))
SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID)

Example in deprecated syntax

CREATE TABLE table_name
EventDate DateTime,
CounterID UInt32,
UserID UInt32
) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{layer}-{shard}/hits', '{replica}', EventDate, intHash32(UserID), (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID), EventTime), 8192)

As the example shows, these parameters can contain substitutions in curly brackets. The substituted values are taken from the ‘macros’ section of the configuration file. Example:


The path to the table in ZooKeeper should be unique for each replicated table. Tables on different shards should have different paths.
In this case, the path consists of the following parts:

/clickhouse/tables/ is the common prefix. We recommend using exactly this one.

{layer}-{shard} is the shard identifier. In this example it consists of two parts, since the Yandex.Metrica cluster uses bi-level sharding. For most tasks, you can leave just the {shard} substitution, which will be expanded to the shard identifier.

hits is the name of the node for the table in ZooKeeper. It is a good idea to make it the same as the table name. It is defined explicitly, because in contrast to the table name, it doesn’t change after a RENAME query.

The replica name identifies different replicas of the same table. You can use the server name for this, as in the example. The name only needs to be unique within each shard.

You can define the parameters explicitly instead of using substitutions. This might be convenient for testing and for configuring small clusters. However, you can’t use distributed DDL queries (ON CLUSTER) in this case.

When working with large clusters, we recommend using substitutions because they reduce the probability of error.

Run the CREATE TABLE query on each replica. This query creates a new replicated table, or adds a new replica to an existing one.

If you add a new replica after the table already contains some data on other replicas, the data will be copied from the other replicas to the new one after running the query. In other words, the new replica syncs itself with the others.

To delete a replica, run DROP TABLE. However, only one replica is deleted – the one that resides on the server where you run the query.

Recovery After Failures¶

If ZooKeeper is unavailable when a server starts, replicated tables switch to read-only mode. The system periodically attempts to connect to ZooKeeper.

If ZooKeeper is unavailable during an INSERT, or an error occurs when interacting with ZooKeeper, an exception is thrown.

After connecting to ZooKeeper, the system checks whether the set of data in the local file system matches the expected set of data (ZooKeeper stores this information). If there are minor inconsistencies, the system resolves them by syncing data with the replicas.

If the system detects broken data parts (with the wrong size of files) or unrecognized parts (parts written to the file system but not recorded in ZooKeeper), it moves them to the ‘detached’ subdirectory (they are not deleted). Any missing parts are copied from the replicas.

Note that ClickHouse does not perform any destructive actions such as automatically deleting a large amount of data.

When the server starts (or establishes a new session with ZooKeeper), it only checks the quantity and sizes of all files. If the file sizes match but bytes have been changed somewhere in the middle, this is not detected immediately, but only when attempting to read the data for a SELECT query. The query throws an exception about a non-matching checksum or size of a compressed block. In this case, data parts are added to the verification queue and copied from the replicas if necessary.

If the local set of data differs too much from the expected one, a safety mechanism is triggered. The server enters this in the log and refuses to launch. The reason for this is that this case may indicate a configuration error, such as if a replica on a shard was accidentally configured like a replica on a different shard. However, the thresholds for this mechanism are set fairly low, and this situation might occur during normal failure recovery. In this case, data is restored semi-automatically — by «pushing a button».

To start recovery, create the node /path_to_table/replica_name/flags/force_restore_data in ZooKeeper with any content, or run the command to restore all replicated tables:

sudo -u clickhouse touch /var/lib/clickhouse/flags/force_restore_data

Then restart the server. On start, the server deletes these flags and starts recovery.

Recovery After Complete Data Loss¶

If all data and metadata disappeared from one of the servers, follow these steps for recovery:

  1. Install ClickHouse on the server. Define substitutions correctly in the config file that contains the shard identifier and replicas, if you use them.
  2. If you had unreplicated tables that must be manually duplicated on the servers, copy their data from a replica (in the directory /var/lib/clickhouse/data/db_name/table_name/).
  3. Copy table definitions located in /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/ from a replica. If a shard or replica identifier is defined explicitly in the table definitions, correct it so that it corresponds to this replica. (Alternatively, start the server and make all the ATTACH TABLE queries that should have been in the .sql files in /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/.)
  4. To start recovery, create the ZooKeeper node /path_to_table/replica_name/flags/force_restore_data with any content, or run the command to restore all replicated tables: sudo -u clickhouse touch /var/lib/clickhouse/flags/force_restore_data

Then start the server (restart, if it is already running). Data will be downloaded from replicas.

An alternative recovery option is to delete information about the lost replica from ZooKeeper (/path_to_table/replica_name), then create the replica again as described in «Creating replicated tables».

There is no restriction on network bandwidth during recovery. Keep this in mind if you are restoring many replicas at once.

Converting from MergeTree to ReplicatedMergeTree¶

We use the term MergeTree to refer to all table engines in the MergeTree family, the same as for ReplicatedMergeTree.

If you had a MergeTree table that was manually replicated, you can convert it to a replicated table. You might need to do this if you have already collected a large amount of data in a MergeTree table and now you want to enable replication.

If the data differs on various replicas, first sync it, or delete this data on all the replicas except one.

Rename the existing MergeTree table, then create a ReplicatedMergeTree table with the old name.
Move the data from the old table to the ‘detached’ subdirectory inside the directory with the new table data (/var/lib/clickhouse/data/db_name/table_name/).
Then run ALTER TABLE ATTACH PARTITION on one of the replicas to add these data parts to the working set.

Converting from ReplicatedMergeTree to MergeTree¶

Create a MergeTree table with a different name. Move all the data from the directory with the ReplicatedMergeTree table data to the new table’s data directory. Then delete the ReplicatedMergeTree table and restart the server.

If you want to get rid of a ReplicatedMergeTree table without launching the server:

  • Delete the corresponding .sql file in the metadata directory (/var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/).
  • Delete the corresponding path in ZooKeeper (/path_to_table/replica_name).

After this, you can launch the server, create a MergeTree table, move the data to its directory, and then restart the server.

Recovery When Metadata in The ZooKeeper Cluster is Lost or Damaged¶

If the data in ZooKeeper was lost or damaged, you can save data by moving it to an unreplicated table as described above.

Original article

Custom Partitioning Key¶

Partitioning is available for the MergeTree family tables (including replicated tables). Materialized views based on MergeTree table support partitioning as well.

A partition is a logical combination of records in a table by a specified criterion. You can set a partition by an arbitrary criterion, for example, by month, by day or by event type. Each partition is stored separately in order to simplify manipulations with this data. When accessing the data ClickHouse only uses as small subset of partitions as possible.

The partition is specified in the PARTITION BY expr clause when creating a table. The partition key can be any expression from the table columns. For example, to specify the partitioning by month, use an expression toYYYYMM(date_column):

VisitDate Date, 
Hour UInt8, 
ENGINE = MergeTree()

The partition key also can be a tuple of expressions (similar to the primary key). For example:

ENGINE = ReplicatedCollapsingMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/name', 'replica1', Sign)
PARTITION BY (toMonday(StartDate), EventType)
ORDER BY (CounterID, StartDate, intHash32(UserID))
SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID)

In this example, we set partitioning by the event types that occurred the current week.

When inserting new data to a table, this data is stored as a separate part (chunk) sorted by the primary key. In 10-15 minutes after inserting, the parts of the same partition are merged into the entire part.


A merge only works for data parts that have the same value for the partitioning expression. It means you should not make overly granular partitions (more than about a thousand partitions). Otherwise, the SELECT query performs poorly because of an unreasonably large number of files in the file system and open file descriptors.

To view the table parts and partitions, use the table. For example, let’s assume that we have a table visits with partitioning by month. Let’s perform the SELECT query for the table:

WHERE table = 'visits'
│ 201901    │ 201901_1_3_1   │      0 │
│ 201901    │ 201901_1_9_2   │      1 │
│ 201901    │ 201901_8_8_0   │      0 │
│ 201901    │ 201901_9_9_0   │      0 │
│ 201902    │ 201902_4_6_1   │      1 │
│ 201902    │ 201902_10_10_0 │      1 │
│ 201902    │ 201902_11_11_0 │      1 │

The partition column contains the names of the partitions. There are two partitions in this example: 201901 and 201902. You can use this column value to specify the partition name in ALTER … PARTITION queries.

The name column contains the names of the partition data parts. You can use this column to specify the name of the part in the ALTER ATTACH PART query.

The active column shows the status of the part. 1 is active; 0 is inactive. The inactive parts are, for example, source parts remaining after merging to a larger part. The corrupted data parts are also indicated as inactive.

Let’s break down the name of the first part: 201901_1_3_1:

  • 201901 is the partition name.
  • 1 is the minimum number of the data block.
  • 3 is the maximum number of the data block.
  • 1 is the chunk level (the depth of the merge tree it is formed from).


The parts of old-type tables have the name: 20190117_20190123_2_2_0 (minimum date — maximum date — minimum block number — maximum block number — level).

As you can see in the example, there are several separated parts of the same partition (for example, 201901_1_1_0 and 201901_2_2_0). It means that these parts are not merged yet. ClickHouse merges the inserted parts of data periodically, approximately in 15 minutes after inserting. Also, you can perform a non-scheduled merge, using the OPTIMIZE query. Example:

│ 201901    │ 201901_1_3_1   │      0 │
│ 201901    │ 201901_1_9_2   │      1 │
│ 201901    │ 201901_8_8_0   │      0 │
│ 201901    │ 201901_9_9_0   │      0 │
│ 201902    │ 201902_4_6_1   │      0 │
│ 201902    │ 201902_4_11_2  │      1 │
│ 201902    │ 201902_10_10_0 │      0 │
│ 201902    │ 201902_11_11_0 │      0 │

Inactive parts will be deleted approximately in 10 minutes after merging.

Another way to view a set of parts and partitions, is to go into the directory of the table: /var/lib/clickhouse/data/<database>/<table>/. For example:

dev:/var/lib/clickhouse/data/default/visits$ ls -l
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 2 clickhouse clickhouse 4096 Feb  1 16:48 201901_1_3_1
drwxr-xr-x 2 clickhouse clickhouse 4096 Feb  5 16:17 201901_1_9_2
drwxr-xr-x 2 clickhouse clickhouse 4096 Feb  5 15:52 201901_8_8_0
drwxr-xr-x 2 clickhouse clickhouse 4096 Feb  5 15:52 201901_9_9_0
drwxr-xr-x 2 clickhouse clickhouse 4096 Feb  5 16:17 201902_10_10_0
drwxr-xr-x 2 clickhouse clickhouse 4096 Feb  5 16:17 201902_11_11_0
drwxr-xr-x 2 clickhouse clickhouse 4096 Feb  5 16:19 201902_4_11_2
drwxr-xr-x 2 clickhouse clickhouse 4096 Feb  5 12:09 201902_4_6_1
drwxr-xr-x 2 clickhouse clickhouse 4096 Feb  1 16:48 detached

The folders ‘201901_1_1_0’, ‘201901_1_7_1’ and so on, are the directories of the parts. Each part relates to a corresponding partition and contains data just for a certain month (the table in this example has partitioning by month).

The ‘detached’ directory contains parts that were detached from the table using the DETACH query. The corrupted parts are also moved to this directory, instead of being deleted. The server does not use the parts from ‘detached’ directory. You can add, delete, or modify the data in this directory at any time – the server will not know about this until you make the ATTACH query.


On the operating server, you cannot manually change the set of parts or their data on the file system, since the server will not know about it.
For non-replicated tables, you can do this when the server is stopped, but we do not recommend it.
For replicated tables, the set of parts cannot be changed in any case.

ClickHouse allows to do operations with the partitions: delete them, copy from one table to another, create a backup. See the list of all operations in a section Manipulations With Partitions and Parts.

Original article


The engine differs from MergeTree in that it removes duplicate entries with the same primary key value (or more accurately, with the same sorting key value).

Data deduplication occurs only during a merge. Merging occurs in the background at an unknown time, so you can’t plan for it. Some of the data may remain unprocessed. Although you can run an unscheduled merge using the OPTIMIZE query, don’t count on using it, because the OPTIMIZE query will read and write a large amount of data.

Thus, ReplacingMergeTree is suitable for clearing out duplicate data in the background in order to save space, but it doesn’t guarantee the absence of duplicates.

Creating a Table¶

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree([ver])
[ORDER BY expr]
[SAMPLE BY expr]
[SETTINGS name=value, ...]

For a description of request parameters, see request description.

ReplacingMergeTree Parameters

  • ver — column with version. Type UInt*, Date or DateTime. Optional parameter.

    When merging, ReplacingMergeTree from all the rows with the same primary key leaves only one:
    — Last in the selection, if ver not set.
    — With the maximum version, if ver specified.

Query clauses

When creating a ReplacingMergeTree table the same clauses are required, as when creating a MergeTree table.

Deprecated Method for Creating a Table


Do not use this method in new projects and, if possible, switch the old projects to the method described above.

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE [=] ReplacingMergeTree(date-column [, sampling_expression], (primary, key), index_granularity, [ver])

All of the parameters excepting ver have the same meaning as in MergeTree.

  • ver — column with the version. Optional parameter. For a description, see the text above.

Original article


The engine inherits from MergeTree. The difference is that when merging data parts for SummingMergeTree tables ClickHouse replaces all the rows with the same primary key (or more accurately, with the same sorting key) with one row which contains summarized values for the columns with the numeric data type. If the sorting key is composed in a way that a single key value corresponds to large number of rows, this significantly reduces storage volume and speeds up data selection.

We recommend to use the engine together with MergeTree. Store complete data in MergeTree table, and use SummingMergeTree for aggregated data storing, for example, when preparing reports. Such an approach will prevent you from losing valuable data due to an incorrectly composed primary key.

Creating a Table¶

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE = SummingMergeTree([columns])
[ORDER BY expr]
[SAMPLE BY expr]
[SETTINGS name=value, ...]

For a description of request parameters, see request description.

Parameters of SummingMergeTree

  • columns — a tuple with the names of columns where values will be summarized. Optional parameter.
    The columns must be of a numeric type and must not be in the primary key.

    If columns not specified, ClickHouse summarizes the values in all columns with a numeric data type that are not in the primary key.

Query clauses

When creating a SummingMergeTree table the same clauses are required, as when creating a MergeTree table.

Deprecated Method for Creating a Table


Do not use this method in new projects and, if possible, switch the old projects to the method described above.

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE [=] SummingMergeTree(date-column [, sampling_expression], (primary, key), index_granularity, [columns])

All of the parameters excepting columns have the same meaning as in MergeTree.

  • columns — tuple with names of columns values of which will be summarized. Optional parameter. For a description, see the text above.

Usage Example¶

Consider the following table:

key UInt32,
value UInt32
ENGINE = SummingMergeTree()

Insert data to it:

:) INSERT INTO summtt Values(1,1),(1,2),(2,1)

ClickHouse may sum all the rows not completely (see below), so we use an aggregate function sum and GROUP BY clause in the query.

SELECT key, sum(value) FROM summtt GROUP BY key
│   2 │          1 │
│   1 │          3 │

Data Processing¶

When data are inserted into a table, they are saved as-is. Clickhouse merges the inserted parts of data periodically and this is when rows with the same primary key are summed and replaced with one for each resulting part of data.

ClickHouse can merge the data parts so that different resulting parts of data cat consist rows with the same primary key, i.e. the summation will be incomplete. Therefore (SELECT) an aggregate function sum() and GROUP BY clause should be used in a query as described in the example above.

Common rules for summation¶

The values in the columns with the numeric data type are summarized. The set of columns is defined by the parameter columns.

If the values were 0 in all of the columns for summation, the row is deleted.

If column is not in the primary key and is not summarized, an arbitrary value is selected from the existing ones.

The values are not summarized for columns in the primary key.

The Summation in the AggregateFunction Columns¶

For columns of AggregateFunction type ClickHouse behaves as AggregatingMergeTree engine aggregating according to the function.

Nested Structures¶

Table can have nested data structures that are processed in a special way.

If the name of a nested table ends with Map and it contains at least two columns that meet the following criteria:

  • the first column is numeric (*Int*, Date, DateTime), let’s call it key,
  • the other columns are arithmetic (*Int*, Float32/64), let’s call it (values...),

then this nested table is interpreted as a mapping of key => (values...), and when merging its rows, the elements of two data sets are merged by key with a summation of the corresponding (values...).


[(1, 100)] + [(2, 150)] -> [(1, 100), (2, 150)]
[(1, 100)] + [(1, 150)] -> [(1, 250)]
[(1, 100)] + [(1, 150), (2, 150)] -> [(1, 250), (2, 150)]
[(1, 100), (2, 150)] + [(1, -100)] -> [(2, 150)]

When requesting data, use the sumMap(key, value) function for aggregation of Map.

For nested data structure, you do not need to specify its columns in the tuple of columns for summation.

Original article


The engine inherits from MergeTree, altering the logic for data parts merging. ClickHouse replaces all rows with the same primary key (or more accurately, with the same sorting key) with a single row (within a one data part) that stores a combination of states of aggregate functions.

You can use AggregatingMergeTree tables for incremental data aggregation, including for aggregated materialized views.

The engine processes all columns with AggregateFunction type.

It is appropriate to use AggregatingMergeTree if it reduces the number of rows by orders.

Creating a Table¶

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree()
[ORDER BY expr]
[SAMPLE BY expr]
[SETTINGS name=value, ...]

For a description of request parameters, see request description.

Query clauses

When creating a ReplacingMergeTree table the same clauses are required, as when creating a MergeTree table.

Deprecated Method for Creating a Table


Do not use this method in new projects and, if possible, switch the old projects to the method described above.

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE [=] AggregatingMergeTree(date-column [, sampling_expression], (primary, key), index_granularity)

All of the parameters have the same meaning as in MergeTree.


To insert data, use INSERT SELECT query with aggregate -State- functions.
When selecting data from AggregatingMergeTree table, use GROUP BY clause and the same aggregate functions as when inserting data, but using -Merge suffix.

In the results of SELECT query the values of AggregateFunction type have implementation-specific binary representation for all of the ClickHouse output formats. If dump data into, for example, TabSeparated format with SELECT query then this dump can be loaded back using INSERT query.

Example of an Aggregated Materialized View¶

AggregatingMergeTree materialized view that watches the test.visits table:

ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree() PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(StartDate) ORDER BY (CounterID, StartDate)
sumState(Sign)    AS Visits,
uniqState(UserID) AS Users
FROM test.visits
GROUP BY CounterID, StartDate;

Inserting of data into the test.visits table.

INSERT INTO test.visits ...

The data are inserted in both the table and view test.basic that will perform the aggregation.

To get the aggregated data, we need to execute a query such as SELECT ... GROUP BY ... from the view test.basic:

sumMerge(Visits) AS Visits,
uniqMerge(Users) AS Users
FROM test.basic
GROUP BY StartDate
ORDER BY StartDate;

Original article


The engine inherits from MergeTree and adds the logic of rows collapsing to data parts merge algorithm.

CollapsingMergeTree asynchronously deletes (collapses) pairs of rows if all of the fields in a row are equivalent excepting the particular field Sign which can have 1 and -1 values. Rows without a pair are kept. For more details see the Collapsing section of the document.

The engine may significantly reduce the volume of storage and increase efficiency of SELECT query as a consequence.

Creating a Table¶

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE = CollapsingMergeTree(sign)
[ORDER BY expr]
[SAMPLE BY expr]
[SETTINGS name=value, ...]

For a description of query parameters, see query description.

CollapsingMergeTree Parameters

  • sign — Name of the column with the type of row: 1 is a «state» row, -1 is a «cancel» row.

    Column data type — Int8.

Query clauses

When creating a CollapsingMergeTree table, the same query clauses are required, as when creating a MergeTree table.

Deprecated Method for Creating a Table


Do not use this method in new projects and, if possible, switch the old projects to the method described above.

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE [=] CollapsingMergeTree(date-column [, sampling_expression], (primary, key), index_granularity, sign)

All of the parameters excepting sign have the same meaning as in MergeTree.

  • sign — Name of the column with the type of row: 1 — «state» row, -1 — «cancel» row.

    Column Data Type — Int8.



Consider the situation where you need to save continually changing data for some object. It sounds logical to have one row for an object and update it at any change, but update operation is expensive and slow for DBMS because it requires rewriting of the data in the storage. If you need to write data quickly, update not acceptable, but you can write the changes of an object sequentially as follows.

Use the particular column Sign. If Sign = 1 it means that the row is a state of an object, let’s call it «state» row. If Sign = -1 it means the cancellation of the state of an object with the same attributes, let’s call it «cancel» row.

For example, we want to calculate how much pages users checked at some site and how long they were there. At some moment of time we write the following row with the state of user activity:

│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │    1 │

At some moment later we register the change of user activity and write it with the following two rows.

│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │   -1 │
│ 4324182021466249494 │         6 │      185 │    1 │

The first row cancels the previous state of the object (user). It should copy all of the fields of the canceled state excepting Sign.

The second row contains the current state.

As we need only the last state of user activity, the rows

│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │    1 │
│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │   -1 │

can be deleted collapsing the invalid (old) state of an object. CollapsingMergeTree does this while merging of the data parts.

Why we need 2 rows for each change read in the Algorithm paragraph.

Peculiar properties of such approach

  1. The program that writes the data should remember the state of an object to be able to cancel it. «Cancel» string should be the copy of «state» string with the opposite Sign. It increases the initial size of storage but allows to write the data quickly.
  2. Long growing arrays in columns reduce the efficiency of the engine due to load for writing. The more straightforward data, the higher efficiency.
  3. The SELECT results depend strongly on the consistency of object changes history. Be accurate when preparing data for inserting. You can get unpredictable results in inconsistent data, for example, negative values for non-negative metrics such as session depth.


When ClickHouse merges data parts, each group of consecutive rows with the same primary key is reduced to not more than two rows, one with Sign = 1 («state» row) and another with Sign = -1 («cancel» row). In other words, entries collapse.

For each resulting data part ClickHouse saves:

  1. The first «cancel» and the last «state» rows, if the number of «state» and «cancel» rows matches.
  2. The last «state» row, if there is one more «state» row than «cancel» rows.
  3. The first «cancel» row, if there is one more «cancel» row than «state» rows.
  4. None of the rows, in all other cases.

    The merge continues, but ClickHouse treats this situation as a logical error and records it in the server log. This error can occur if the same data were inserted more than once.

Thus, collapsing should not change the results of calculating statistics.
Changes gradually collapsed so that in the end only the last state of almost every object left.

The Sign is required because the merging algorithm doesn’t guarantee that all of the rows with the same primary key will be in the same resulting data part and even on the same physical server. ClickHouse process SELECT queries with multiple threads, and it can not predict the order of rows in the result. The aggregation is required if there is a need to get completely «collapsed» data from CollapsingMergeTree table.

To finalize collapsing write a query with GROUP BY clause and aggregate functions that account for the sign. For example, to calculate quantity, use sum(Sign) instead of count(). To calculate the sum of something, use sum(Sign * x) instead of sum(x), and so on, and also add HAVING sum(Sign) > 0.

The aggregates count, sum and avg could be calculated this way. The aggregate uniq could be calculated if an object has at least one state not collapsed. The aggregates min and max could not be calculated because CollapsingMergeTree does not save values history of the collapsed states.

If you need to extract data without aggregation (for example, to check whether rows are present whose newest values match certain conditions), you can use the FINAL modifier for the FROM clause. This approach is significantly less efficient.

Example of use¶

Example data:

│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │    1 │
│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │   -1 │
│ 4324182021466249494 │         6 │      185 │    1 │

Creation of the table:

UserID UInt64,
PageViews UInt8,
Duration UInt8,
Sign Int8
ENGINE = CollapsingMergeTree(Sign)

Insertion of the data:

INSERT INTO UAct VALUES (4324182021466249494, 5, 146, 1)
INSERT INTO UAct VALUES (4324182021466249494, 5, 146, -1),(4324182021466249494, 6, 185, 1)

We use two INSERT queries to create two different data parts. If we insert the data with one query ClickHouse creates one data part and will not perform any merge ever.

Getting the data:

│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │   -1 │
│ 4324182021466249494 │         6 │      185 │    1 │
│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │    1 │

What do we see and where is collapsing?

With two INSERT queries, we created 2 data parts. The SELECT query was performed in 2 threads, and we got a random order of rows. Collapsing not occurred because there was no merge of the data parts yet. ClickHouse merges data part in an unknown moment of time which we can not predict.

Thus we need aggregation:

sum(PageViews * Sign) AS PageViews,
sum(Duration * Sign) AS Duration
HAVING sum(Sign) > 0
│ 4324182021466249494 │         6 │      185 │

If we do not need aggregation and want to force collapsing, we can use FINAL modifier for FROM clause.

│ 4324182021466249494 │         6 │      185 │    1 │

This way of selecting the data is very inefficient. Don’t use it for big tables.

Original article


This engine:

  • Allows quick writing of object states that are continually changing.
  • Deletes old object states in the background. This significantly reduces the volume of storage.

See the section Collapsing for details.

The engine inherits from MergeTree and adds the logic for collapsing rows to the algorithm for merging data parts. VersionedCollapsingMergeTree serves the same purpose as CollapsingMergeTree but uses a different collapsing algorithm that allows inserting the data in any order with multiple threads. In particular, the Version column helps to collapse the rows properly even if they are inserted in the wrong order. In contrast, CollapsingMergeTree allows only strictly consecutive insertion.

Creating a Table¶

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE = VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(sign, version)
[ORDER BY expr]
[SAMPLE BY expr]
[SETTINGS name=value, ...]

For a description of query parameters, see the query description.

Engine Parameters

VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(sign, version)
  • sign — Name of the column with the type of row: 1 is a «state» row, -1 is a «cancel» row.

    The column data type should be Int8.

  • version — Name of the column with the version of the object state.

    The column data type should be UInt*.

Query Clauses

When creating a VersionedCollapsingMergeTree table, the same clauses are required as when creating a MergeTree table.

Deprecated Method for Creating a Table


Do not use this method in new projects. If possible, switch the old projects to the method described above.

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE [=] VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(date-column [, sampling_expression], (primary, key), index_granularity, sign, version)

All of the parameters except sign and version have the same meaning as in MergeTree.

  • sign — Name of the column with the type of row: 1 is a «state» row, -1 is a «cancel» row.

    Column Data Type — Int8.

  • version — Name of the column with the version of the object state.

    The column data type should be UInt*.



Consider a situation where you need to save continually changing data for some object. It is reasonable to have one row for an object and update the row whenever there are changes. However, the update operation is expensive and slow for a DBMS because it requires rewriting the data in the storage. Update is not acceptable if you need to write data quickly, but you can write the changes to an object sequentially as follows.

Use the Sign column when writing the row. If Sign = 1 it means that the row is a state of an object (let’s call it the «state» row). If Sign = -1 it indicates the cancellation of the state of an object with the same attributes (let’s call it the «cancel» row). Also use the Version column, which should identify each state of an object with a separate number.

For example, we want to calculate how many pages users visited on some site and how long they were there. At some point in time we write the following row with the state of user activity:

│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │    1 │       1 |

At some point later we register the change of user activity and write it with the following two rows.

│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │   -1 │       1 |
│ 4324182021466249494 │         6 │      185 │    1 │       2 |

The first row cancels the previous state of the object (user). It should copy all of the fields of the canceled state except Sign.

The second row contains the current state.

Because we need only the last state of user activity, the rows

│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │    1 │       1 |
│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │   -1 │       1 |

can be deleted, collapsing the invalid (old) state of the object. VersionedCollapsingMergeTree does this while merging the data parts.

To find out why we need two rows for each change, see Algorithm.

Notes on Usage

  1. The program that writes the data should remember the state of an object in order to cancel it. The «cancel» string should be a copy of the «state» string with the opposite Sign. This increases the initial size of storage but allows to write the data quickly.
  2. Long growing arrays in columns reduce the efficiency of the engine due to the load for writing. The more straightforward the data, the better the efficiency.
  3. SELECT results depend strongly on the consistency of the history of object changes. Be accurate when preparing data for inserting. You can get unpredictable results with inconsistent data, such as negative values for non-negative metrics like session depth.


When ClickHouse merges data parts, it deletes each pair of rows that have the same primary key and version and different Sign. The order of rows does not matter.

When ClickHouse inserts data, it orders rows by the primary key. If the Version column is not in the primary key, ClickHouse adds it to the primary key implicitly as the last field and uses it for ordering.

Selecting Data¶

ClickHouse doesn’t guarantee that all of the rows with the same primary key will be in the same resulting data part or even on the same physical server. This is true both for writing the data and for subsequent merging of the data parts. In addition, ClickHouse processes SELECT queries with multiple threads, and it cannot predict the order of rows in the result. This means that aggregation is required if there is a need to get completely «collapsed» data from a VersionedCollapsingMergeTree table.

To finalize collapsing, write a query with a GROUP BY clause and aggregate functions that account for the sign. For example, to calculate quantity, use sum(Sign) instead of count(). To calculate the sum of something, use sum(Sign * x) instead of sum(x), and add HAVING sum(Sign) > 0.

The aggregates count, sum and avg can be calculated this way. The aggregate uniq can be calculated if an object has at least one non-collapsed state. The aggregates min and max can’t be calculated because VersionedCollapsingMergeTree does not save the history of values of collapsed states.

If you need to extract the data with «collapsing» but without aggregation (for example, to check whether rows are present whose newest values match certain conditions), you can use the FINAL modifier for the FROM clause. This approach is inefficient and should not be used with large tables.

Example of Use¶

Example data:

│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │    1 │       1 |
│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │   -1 │       1 |
│ 4324182021466249494 │         6 │      185 │    1 │       2 |

Creating the table:

UserID UInt64,
PageViews UInt8,
Duration UInt8,
Sign Int8,
Version UInt8
ENGINE = VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(Sign, Version)

Inserting the data:

INSERT INTO UAct VALUES (4324182021466249494, 5, 146, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO UAct VALUES (4324182021466249494, 5, 146, -1, 1),(4324182021466249494, 6, 185, 1, 2)

We use two INSERT queries to create two different data parts. If we insert the data with a single query, ClickHouse creates one data part and will never perform any merge.

Getting the data:

│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │    1 │       1 │
│ 4324182021466249494 │         5 │      146 │   -1 │       1 │
│ 4324182021466249494 │         6 │      185 │    1 │       2 │

What do we see here and where are the collapsed parts?
We created two data parts using two INSERT queries. The SELECT query was performed in two threads, and the result is a random order of rows.
Collapsing did not occur because the data parts have not been merged yet. ClickHouse merges data parts at an unknown point in time which we cannot predict.

This is why we need aggregation:

sum(PageViews * Sign) AS PageViews,
sum(Duration * Sign) AS Duration,
GROUP BY UserID, Version
HAVING sum(Sign) > 0
│ 4324182021466249494 │         6 │      185 │       2 │

If we don’t need aggregation and want to force collapsing, we can use the FINAL modifier for the FROM clause.

│ 4324182021466249494 │         6 │      185 │    1 │       2 │

This is a very inefficient way to select data. Don’t use it for large tables.

Original article


This engine is designed for thinning and aggregating/averaging (rollup) Graphite data. It may be helpful to developers who want to use ClickHouse as a data store for Graphite.

You can use any ClickHouse table engine to store the Graphite data if you don’t need rollup, but if you need a rollup use GraphiteMergeTree. The engine reduces the volume of storage and increases the efficiency of queries from Graphite.

The engine inherits properties from MergeTree.

Creating a Table¶

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
Path String,
Time DateTime,
Value <Numeric_type>,
Version <Numeric_type>
) ENGINE = GraphiteMergeTree(config_section)
[ORDER BY expr]
[SAMPLE BY expr]
[SETTINGS name=value, ...]

For a description of request parameters, see request description.

A table for the Graphite date should have the following columns:

  • Column with the metric name (Graphite sensor). Data type: String.
  • Column with the time of measuring the metric. Data type: DateTime.
  • Column with the value of the metric. Data type: any numeric.
  • Column with the version of the metric. Data type: any numeric.

    ClickHouse saves the rows with the highest version or the last written if versions are the same. Other rows are deleted during the merge of data parts.

The names of these columns should be set in the rollup configuration.

GraphiteMergeTree parameters

  • config_section — Name of the section in the configuration file, where are the rules of rollup set.

Query clauses

When creating a GraphiteMergeTree table, the same clauses are required, as when creating a MergeTree table.

Deprecated Method for Creating a Table


Do not use this method in new projects and, if possible, switch the old projects to the method described above.

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
EventDate Date,
Path String,
Time DateTime,
Value <Numeric_type>,
Version <Numeric_type>
) ENGINE [=] GraphiteMergeTree(date-column [, sampling_expression], (primary, key), index_granularity, config_section)

All of the parameters excepting config_section have the same meaning as in MergeTree.

  • config_section — Name of the section in the configuration file, where are the rules of rollup set.

Rollup configuration¶

The settings for rollup are defined by the graphite_rollup parameter in the server configuration. The name of the parameter could be any. You can create several configurations and use them for different tables.

Rollup configuration structure:

age + precision
age + precision
age + precision

Important: The order of patterns should be next:

  1. Patterns without function or retention.
  2. Patterns with both function and retention.
  3. Pattern dafault.

When processing a row, ClickHouse checks the rules in the pattern sections. Each of pattern (including default) sections could contain function parameter for aggregation, retention parameters or both. If the metric name matches the regexp, the rules from the pattern section (or sections) are applied; otherwise, the rules from the default section are used.

Fields for pattern and default sections:

  • regexp– A pattern for the metric name.
  • age – The minimum age of the data in seconds.
  • precision– How precisely to define the age of the data in seconds. Should be a divisor for 86400 (seconds in a day).
  • function – The name of the aggregating function to apply to data whose age falls within the range [age, age + precision].

The required-columns:

  • path_column_name — Column with the metric name (Graphite sensor).
  • time_column_name — Column with the time of measuring the metric.
  • value_column_name — Column with the value of the metric at the time set in time_column_name.
  • version_column_name — Column with the version of the metric.

Example of settings:


Original article

Log Engine Family¶

These engines were developed for scenarios when you need to write many tables with the small amount of data (less than 1 million rows).

Engines of the family:

  • StripeLog
  • Log
  • TinyLog

Common properties¶


  • Store data on a disk.
  • Append data to the end of file when writing.
  • Do not support mutation operations.
  • Do not support indexes.

    This means that SELECT queries for ranges of data are not efficient.

  • Do not write data atomically.

    You can get a table with corrupted data if something breaks the write operation, for example, abnormal server shutdown.


The Log and StripeLog engines support:

  • Locks for concurrent data access.

    During INSERT query the table is locked, and other queries for reading and writing data both wait for unlocking. If there are no writing data queries, any number of reading data queries can be performed concurrently.

  • Parallel reading of data.

    When reading data ClickHouse uses multiple threads. Each thread processes separated data block.

The Log engine uses the separate file for each column of the table. The StripeLog stores all the data in one file. Thus the StripeLog engine uses fewer descriptors in the operating system, but the Log engine provides a more efficient reading of the data.

The TinyLog engine is the simplest in the family and provides the poorest functionality and lowest efficiency. The TinyLog engine does not support a parallel reading and concurrent access and stores each column in a separate file. It reads the data slower than both other engines with parallel reading, and it uses almost as many descriptors as the Log engine. You can use it in simple low-load scenarios.

Original article


This engine belongs to the family of log engines. See the common properties of log engines and their differences in the Log Engine Family article.

Use this engine in scenarios when you need to write many tables with a small amount of data (less than 1 million rows).

Creating a Table¶

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
column1_name [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
column2_name [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE = StripeLog

See the detailed description of the CREATE TABLE query.

Writing the Data¶

The StripeLog engine stores all the columns in one file. For each INSERT query, ClickHouse appends the data block to the end of a table file, writing columns one by one.

For each table ClickHouse writes the files:

  • data.bin — Data file.
  • index.mrk — File with marks. Marks contain offsets for each column of each data block inserted.

The StripeLog engine does not support the ALTER UPDATE and ALTER DELETE operations.

Reading the Data¶

The file with marks allows ClickHouse to parallelize the reading of data. This means that a SELECT query returns rows in an unpredictable order. Use the ORDER BY clause to sort rows.

Example of Use¶

Creating a table:

CREATE TABLE stripe_log_table
timestamp DateTime,
message_type String,
message String
ENGINE = StripeLog

Inserting data:

INSERT INTO stripe_log_table VALUES (now(),'REGULAR','The first regular message')
INSERT INTO stripe_log_table VALUES (now(),'REGULAR','The second regular message'),(now(),'WARNING','The first warning message')

We used two INSERT queries to create two data blocks inside the data.bin file.

ClickHouse uses multiple threads when selecting data. Each thread reads a separate data block and returns resulting rows independently as it finishes. As a result, the order of blocks of rows in the output does not match the order of the same blocks in the input in most cases. For example:

SELECT * FROM stripe_log_table
│ 2019-01-18 14:27:32 │ REGULAR      │ The second regular message │
│ 2019-01-18 14:34:53 │ WARNING      │ The first warning message  │
│ 2019-01-18 14:23:43 │ REGULAR      │ The first regular message │

Sorting the results (ascending order by default):

SELECT * FROM stripe_log_table ORDER BY timestamp
│ 2019-01-18 14:23:43 │ REGULAR      │ The first regular message  │
│ 2019-01-18 14:27:32 │ REGULAR      │ The second regular message │
│ 2019-01-18 14:34:53 │ WARNING      │ The first warning message  │

Original article


Engine belongs to the family of log engines. See the common properties of log engines and their differences in the Log Engine Family article.

Log differs from TinyLog in that a small file of «marks» resides with the column files. These marks are written on every data block and contain offsets that indicate where to start reading the file in order to skip the specified number of rows. This makes it possible to read table data in multiple threads.
For concurrent data access, the read operations can be performed simultaneously, while write operations block reads and each other.
The Log engine does not support indexes. Similarly, if writing to a table failed, the table is broken, and reading from it returns an error. The Log engine is appropriate for temporary data, write-once tables, and for testing or demonstration purposes.

Original article


Engine belongs to the family of log engines. See the common properties of log engines and their differences in the Log Engine Family article.

The simplest table engine, which stores data on a disk.
Each column is stored in a separate compressed file.
When writing, data is appended to the end of files.

Concurrent data access is not restricted in any way:

  • If you are simultaneously reading from a table and writing to it in a different query, the read operation will complete with an error.
  • If you are writing to a table in multiple queries simultaneously, the data will be broken.

The typical way to use this table is write-once: first just write the data one time, then read it as many times as needed.
Queries are executed in a single stream. In other words, this engine is intended for relatively small tables (recommended up to 1,000,000 rows).
It makes sense to use this table engine if you have many small tables, since it is simpler than the Log engine (fewer files need to be opened).
The situation when you have a large number of small tables guarantees poor productivity, but may already be used when working with another DBMS, and you may find it easier to switch to using TinyLog types of tables.
Indexes are not supported.

In Yandex.Metrica, TinyLog tables are used for intermediary data that is processed in small batches.

Original article


This engine works with Apache Kafka.

Kafka lets you:

  • Publish or subscribe to data flows.
  • Organize fault-tolerant storage.
  • Process streams as they become available.

Creating a Table¶

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE = Kafka()
kafka_broker_list = 'host:port',
kafka_topic_list = 'topic1,topic2,...',
kafka_group_name = 'group_name',
kafka_format = 'data_format'[,]
[kafka_row_delimiter = 'delimiter_symbol',]
[kafka_schema = '',]
[kafka_num_consumers = N,]
[kafka_skip_broken_messages = <0|1>]

Required parameters:

  • kafka_broker_list – A comma-separated list of brokers (for example, localhost:9092).
  • kafka_topic_list – A list of Kafka topics.
  • kafka_group_name – A group of Kafka consumers. Reading margins are tracked for each group separately. If you don’t want messages to be duplicated in the cluster, use the same group name everywhere.
  • kafka_format – Message format. Uses the same notation as the SQL FORMAT function, such as JSONEachRow. For more information, see the Formats section.

Optional parameters:

  • kafka_row_delimiter – Delimiter character, which ends the message.
  • kafka_schema – Parameter that must be used if the format requires a schema definition. For example, Cap’n Proto requires the path to the schema file and the name of the root schema.capnp:Message object.
  • kafka_num_consumers – The number of consumers per table. Default: 1. Specify more consumers if the throughput of one consumer is insufficient. The total number of consumers should not exceed the number of partitions in the topic, since only one consumer can be assigned per partition.
  • kafka_skip_broken_messages – Mode of Kafka messages parser. If kafka_skip_broken_messages = 1 then the engine skips the Kafka messages (message equals a row of data) that can’t be parsed.


  CREATE TABLE queue (
timestamp UInt64,
level String,
message String
) ENGINE = Kafka('localhost:9092', 'topic', 'group1', 'JSONEachRow');
timestamp UInt64,
level String,
message String
) ENGINE = Kafka SETTINGS kafka_broker_list = 'localhost:9092',
kafka_topic_list = 'topic',
kafka_group_name = 'group1',
kafka_format = 'JSONEachRow',
kafka_num_consumers = 4;
timestamp UInt64,
level String,
message String
) ENGINE = Kafka('localhost:9092', 'topic', 'group1')
SETTINGS kafka_format = 'JSONEachRow',
kafka_num_consumers = 4;

Deprecated Method for Creating a Table


Do not use this method in new projects and, if possible, switch the old projects to the method described above.

Kafka(kafka_broker_list, kafka_topic_list, kafka_group_name, kafka_format
[, kafka_row_delimiter, kafka_schema, kafka_num_consumers, kafka_skip_broken_messages])


The delivered messages are tracked automatically, so each message in a group is only counted once. If you want to get the data twice, then create a copy of the table with another group name.

Groups are flexible and synced on the cluster. For instance, if you have 10 topics and 5 copies of a table in a cluster, then each copy gets 2 topics. If the number of copies changes, the topics are redistributed across the copies automatically. Read more about this at

SELECT is not particularly useful for reading messages (except for debugging), because each message can be read only once. It is more practical to create real-time threads using materialized views. To do this:

  1. Use the engine to create a Kafka consumer and consider it a data stream.
  2. Create a table with the desired structure.
  3. Create a materialized view that converts data from the engine and puts it into a previously created table.

When the MATERIALIZED VIEW joins the engine, it starts collecting data in the background. This allows you to continually receive messages from Kafka and convert them to the required format using SELECT


  CREATE TABLE queue (
timestamp UInt64,
level String,
message String
) ENGINE = Kafka('localhost:9092', 'topic', 'group1', 'JSONEachRow');
day Date,
level String,
total UInt64
) ENGINE = SummingMergeTree(day, (day, level), 8192);
AS SELECT toDate(toDateTime(timestamp)) AS day, level, count() as total
FROM queue GROUP BY day, level;
SELECT level, sum(total) FROM daily GROUP BY level;

To improve performance, received messages are grouped into blocks the size of max_insert_block_size. If the block wasn’t formed within stream_flush_interval_ms milliseconds, the data will be flushed to the table regardless of the completeness of the block.

To stop receiving topic data or to change the conversion logic, detach the materialized view:

  DETACH TABLE consumer;

If you want to change the target table by using ALTER, we recommend disabling the material view to avoid discrepancies between the target table and the data from the view.


Similar to GraphiteMergeTree, the Kafka engine supports extended configuration using the ClickHouse config file. There are two configuration keys that you can use: global (kafka) and topic-level (kafka_*). The global configuration is applied first, and then the topic-level configuration is applied (if it exists).

  <!-- Global configuration options for all tables of Kafka engine type -->
<!-- Configuration specific for topic "logs" -->

For a list of possible configuration options, see the librdkafka configuration reference. Use the underscore (_) instead of a dot in the ClickHouse configuration. For example, check.crcs=true will be <check_crcs>true</check_crcs>.

Original article


The MySQL engine allows you to perform SELECT queries on data that is stored on a remote MySQL server.

Call format:

MySQL('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password'[, replace_query, 'on_duplicate_clause']);

Call parameters

  • host:port — Address of the MySQL server.
  • database — Database name on the MySQL server.
  • table — Name of the table.
  • user — The MySQL User.
  • password — User password.
  • replace_query — Flag that sets query substitution INSERT INTO to REPLACE INTO. If replace_query=1, the query is replaced.
  • on_duplicate_clause — Adds the ON DUPLICATE KEY on_duplicate_clause expression to the INSERT query.

    Example: INSERT INTO t (c1,c2) VALUES ('a', 2) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c2 = c2 + 1, where on_duplicate_clause is UPDATE c2 = c2 + 1. See MySQL documentation to find which on_duplicate_clause you can use with ON DUPLICATE KEY clause.

    To specify on_duplicate_clause you need to pass 0 to the replace_query parameter. If you simultaneously pass replace_query = 1 and on_duplicate_clause, ClickHouse generates an exception.

At this time, simple WHERE clauses such as =, !=, >, >=, <, <= are executed on the MySQL server.

The rest of the conditions and the LIMIT sampling constraint are executed in ClickHouse only after the query to MySQL finishes.

The MySQL engine does not support the Nullable data type, so when reading data from MySQL tables, NULL is converted to default values for the specified column type (usually 0 or an empty string).

Original article


The Distributed engine does not store data itself, but allows distributed query processing on multiple servers.
Reading is automatically parallelized. During a read, the table indexes on remote servers are used, if there are any.
The Distributed engine accepts parameters: the cluster name in the server’s config file, the name of a remote database, the name of a remote table, and (optionally) a sharding key.

Distributed(logs, default, hits[, sharding_key])

Data will be read from all servers in the ‘logs’ cluster, from the default.hits table located on every server in the cluster.
Data is not only read, but is partially processed on the remote servers (to the extent that this is possible).
For example, for a query with GROUP BY, data will be aggregated on remote servers, and the intermediate states of aggregate functions will be sent to the requestor server. Then data will be further aggregated.

Instead of the database name, you can use a constant expression that returns a string. For example: currentDatabase().

logs – The cluster name in the server’s config file.

Clusters are set like this:

<!-- Optional. Shard weight when writing data. Default: 1. -->
<!-- Optional. Whether to write data to just one of the replicas. Default: false (write data to all replicas). -->

Here a cluster is defined with the name ‘logs’ that consists of two shards, each of which contains two replicas.
Shards refer to the servers that contain different parts of the data (in order to read all the data, you must access all the shards).
Replicas are duplicating servers (in order to read all the data, you can access the data on any one of the replicas).

Cluster names must not contain dots.

The parameters host, port, and optionally user, password, secure, compression are specified for each server:
  • host – The address of the remote server. You can use either the domain or the IPv4 or IPv6 address. If you specify the domain, the server makes a DNS request when it starts, and the result is stored as long as the server is running. If the DNS request fails, the server doesn’t start. If you change the DNS record, restart the server.
  • port– The TCP port for messenger activity (‘tcp_port’ in the config, usually set to 9000). Do not confuse it with http_port.
  • user– Name of the user for connecting to a remote server. Default value: default. This user must have access to connect to the specified server. Access is configured in the users.xml file. For more information, see the section «Access rights».
  • password – The password for connecting to a remote server (not masked). Default value: empty string.
  • secure — Use ssl for connection, usually you also should define port = 9440. Server should listen on 9440 and have correct certificates.
  • compression — Use data compression. Default value: true.

When specifying replicas, one of the available replicas will be selected for each of the shards when reading. You can configure the algorithm for load balancing (the preference for which replica to access) – see the ‘load_balancing’ setting.
If the connection with the server is not established, there will be an attempt to connect with a short timeout. If the connection failed, the next replica will be selected, and so on for all the replicas. If the connection attempt failed for all the replicas, the attempt will be repeated the same way, several times.
This works in favor of resiliency, but does not provide complete fault tolerance: a remote server might accept the connection, but might not work, or work poorly.

You can specify just one of the shards (in this case, query processing should be called remote, rather than distributed) or up to any number of shards. In each shard, you can specify from one to any number of replicas. You can specify a different number of replicas for each shard.

You can specify as many clusters as you wish in the configuration.

To view your clusters, use the ‘system.clusters’ table.

The Distributed engine allows working with a cluster like a local server. However, the cluster is inextensible: you must write its configuration in the server config file (even better, for all the cluster’s servers).

There is no support for Distributed tables that look at other Distributed tables (except in cases when a Distributed table only has one shard). As an alternative, make the Distributed table look at the «final» tables.

The Distributed engine requires writing clusters to the config file. Clusters from the config file are updated on the fly, without restarting the server. If you need to send a query to an unknown set of shards and replicas each time, you don’t need to create a Distributed table – use the ‘remote’ table function instead. See the section «Table functions».

There are two methods for writing data to a cluster:

First, you can define which servers to write which data to, and perform the write directly on each shard. In other words, perform INSERT in the tables that the distributed table «looks at».
This is the most flexible solution – you can use any sharding scheme, which could be non-trivial due to the requirements of the subject area.
This is also the most optimal solution, since data can be written to different shards completely independently.

Second, you can perform INSERT in a Distributed table. In this case, the table will distribute the inserted data across servers itself.
In order to write to a Distributed table, it must have a sharding key set (the last parameter). In addition, if there is only one shard, the write operation works without specifying the sharding key, since it doesn’t have any meaning in this case.

Each shard can have a weight defined in the config file. By default, the weight is equal to one. Data is distributed across shards in the amount proportional to the shard weight. For example, if there are two shards and the first has a weight of 9 while the second has a weight of 10, the first will be sent 9 / 19 parts of the rows, and the second will be sent 10 / 19.

Each shard can have the ‘internal_replication’ parameter defined in the config file.

If this parameter is set to ‘true’, the write operation selects the first healthy replica and writes data to it. Use this alternative if the Distributed table «looks at» replicated tables. In other words, if the table where data will be written is going to replicate them itself.

If it is set to ‘false’ (the default), data is written to all replicas. In essence, this means that the Distributed table replicates data itself. This is worse than using replicated tables, because the consistency of replicas is not checked, and over time they will contain slightly different data.

To select the shard that a row of data is sent to, the sharding expression is analyzed, and its remainder is taken from dividing it by the total weight of the shards. The row is sent to the shard that corresponds to the half-interval of the remainders from ‘prev_weight’ to ‘prev_weights + weight’, where ‘prev_weights’ is the total weight of the shards with the smallest number, and ‘weight’ is the weight of this shard. For example, if there are two shards, and the first has a weight of 9 while the second has a weight of 10, the row will be sent to the first shard for the remainders from the range [0, 9), and to the second for the remainders from the range [9, 19).

The sharding expression can be any expression from constants and table columns that returns an integer. For example, you can use the expression ‘rand()’ for random distribution of data, or ‘UserID’ for distribution by the remainder from dividing the user’s ID (then the data of a single user will reside on a single shard, which simplifies running IN and JOIN by users). If one of the columns is not distributed evenly enough, you can wrap it in a hash function: intHash64(UserID).

A simple remainder from division is a limited solution for sharding and isn’t always appropriate. It works for medium and large volumes of data (dozens of servers), but not for very large volumes of data (hundreds of servers or more). In the latter case, use the sharding scheme required by the subject area, rather than using entries in Distributed tables.

SELECT queries are sent to all the shards, and work regardless of how data is distributed across the shards (they can be distributed completely randomly). When you add a new shard, you don’t have to transfer the old data to it. You can write new data with a heavier weight – the data will be distributed slightly unevenly, but queries will work correctly and efficiently.

You should be concerned about the sharding scheme in the following cases:

  • Queries are used that require joining data (IN or JOIN) by a specific key. If data is sharded by this key, you can use local IN or JOIN instead of GLOBAL IN or GLOBAL JOIN, which is much more efficient.
  • A large number of servers is used (hundreds or more) with a large number of small queries (queries of individual clients — websites, advertisers, or partners). In order for the small queries to not affect the entire cluster, it makes sense to locate data for a single client on a single shard. Alternatively, as we’ve done in Yandex.Metrica, you can set up bi-level sharding: divide the entire cluster into «layers», where a layer may consist of multiple shards. Data for a single client is located on a single layer, but shards can be added to a layer as necessary, and data is randomly distributed within them. Distributed tables are created for each layer, and a single shared distributed table is created for global queries.

Data is written asynchronously. For an INSERT to a Distributed table, the data block is just written to the local file system. The data is sent to the remote servers in the background as soon as possible. You should check whether data is sent successfully by checking the list of files (data waiting to be sent) in the table directory: /var/lib/clickhouse/data/database/table/.

If the server ceased to exist or had a rough restart (for example, after a device failure) after an INSERT to a Distributed table, the inserted data might be lost. If a damaged data part is detected in the table directory, it is transferred to the ‘broken’ subdirectory and no longer used.

When the max_parallel_replicas option is enabled, query processing is parallelized across all replicas within a single shard. For more information, see the section «Settings, max_parallel_replicas».

Original article

External Data for Query Processing¶

ClickHouse allows sending a server the data that is needed for processing a query, together with a SELECT query. This data is put in a temporary table (see the section «Temporary tables») and can be used in the query (for example, in IN operators).

For example, if you have a text file with important user identifiers, you can upload it to the server along with a query that uses filtration by this list.

If you need to run more than one query with a large volume of external data, don’t use this feature. It is better to upload the data to the DB ahead of time.

External data can be uploaded using the command-line client (in non-interactive mode), or using the HTTP interface.

In the command-line client, you can specify a parameters section in the format

--external --file=... [--name=...] [--format=...] [--types=...|--structure=...]

You may have multiple sections like this, for the number of tables being transmitted.

—external – Marks the beginning of a clause.
—file – Path to the file with the table dump, or -, which refers to stdin.
Only a single table can be retrieved from stdin.

The following parameters are optional: —name– Name of the table. If omitted, _data is used.
—format – Data format in the file. If omitted, TabSeparated is used.

One of the following parameters is required:—types – A list of comma-separated column types. For example: UInt64,String. The columns will be named _1, _2, …
—structure– The table structure in the formatUserID UInt64, URL String. Defines the column names and types.

The files specified in ‘file’ will be parsed by the format specified in ‘format’, using the data types specified in ‘types’ or ‘structure’. The table will be uploaded to the server and accessible there as a temporary table with the name in ‘name’.


echo -ne "1n2n3n" | clickhouse-client --query="SELECT count() FROM test.visits WHERE TraficSourceID IN _data" --external --file=- --types=Int8
cat /etc/passwd | sed 's/:/t/g' | clickhouse-client --query="SELECT shell, count() AS c FROM passwd GROUP BY shell ORDER BY c DESC" --external --file=- --name=passwd --structure='login String, unused String, uid UInt16, gid UInt16, comment String, home String, shell String'
/bin/sh 20
/bin/false      5
/bin/bash       4
/usr/sbin/nologin       1
/bin/sync       1

When using the HTTP interface, external data is passed in the multipart/form-data format. Each table is transmitted as a separate file. The table name is taken from the file name. The ‘query_string’ is passed the parameters ‘name_format’, ‘name_types’, and ‘name_structure’, where ‘name’ is the name of the table that these parameters correspond to. The meaning of the parameters is the same as when using the command-line client.


cat /etc/passwd | sed 's/:/t/g' > passwd.tsv
curl -F 'passwd=@passwd.tsv;' 'http://localhost:8123/?query=SELECT+shell,+count()+AS+c+FROM+passwd+GROUP+BY+shell+ORDER+BY+c+DESC&passwd_structure=login+String,+unused+String,+uid+UInt16,+gid+UInt16,+comment+String,+home+String,+shell+String'
/bin/sh 20
/bin/false      5
/bin/bash       4
/usr/sbin/nologin       1
/bin/sync       1

For distributed query processing, the temporary tables are sent to all the remote servers.

Original article


The Dictionary engine displays the dictionary data as a ClickHouse table.

As an example, consider a dictionary of products with the following configuration:


Query the dictionary data:

select name, type, key, attribute.names, attribute.types, bytes_allocated, element_count,source from system.dictionaries where name = 'products';                     
FROM system.dictionaries
WHERE name = 'products'
│ products │ Flat │ UInt64 │ ['title']       │ ['String']      │        23065376 │        175032 │ ODBC: .products │

You can use the dictGet* function to get the dictionary data in this format.

This view isn’t helpful when you need to get raw data, or when performing a JOIN operation. For these cases, you can use the Dictionary engine, which displays the dictionary data in a table.


CREATE TABLE %table_name% (%fields%) engine = Dictionary(%dictionary_name%)`

Usage example:

create table products (product_id UInt64, title String) Engine = Dictionary(products);
product_id UInt64,
title String,
ENGINE = Dictionary(products)
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.004 sec.

Take a look at what’s in the table.

select * from products limit 1;
FROM products
│        152689 │ Some item       │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.006 sec.

Original article


The Merge engine (not to be confused with MergeTree) does not store data itself, but allows reading from any number of other tables simultaneously.
Reading is automatically parallelized. Writing to a table is not supported. When reading, the indexes of tables that are actually being read are used, if they exist.
The Merge engine accepts parameters: the database name and a regular expression for tables.


Data will be read from the tables in the hits database that have names that match the regular expression ‘^WatchLog‘.

Instead of the database name, you can use a constant expression that returns a string. For example, currentDatabase().

Regular expressions — re2 (supports a subset of PCRE), case-sensitive.
See the notes about escaping symbols in regular expressions in the «match» section.

When selecting tables to read, the Merge table itself will not be selected, even if it matches the regex. This is to avoid loops.
It is possible to create two Merge tables that will endlessly try to read each others’ data, but this is not a good idea.

The typical way to use the Merge engine is for working with a large number of TinyLog tables as if with a single table.

Example 2:

Let’s say you have a old table (WatchLog_old) and decided to change partitioning without moving data to a new table (WatchLog_new) and you need to see data from both tables.

CREATE TABLE WatchLog_old(date Date, UserId Int64, EventType String, Cnt UInt64) 
ENGINE=MergeTree(date, (UserId, EventType), 8192);
INSERT INTO WatchLog_old VALUES ('2018-01-01', 1, 'hit', 3);
CREATE TABLE WatchLog_new(date Date, UserId Int64, EventType String, Cnt UInt64) 
ENGINE=MergeTree PARTITION BY date ORDER BY (UserId, EventType) SETTINGS index_granularity=8192;
INSERT INTO WatchLog_new VALUES ('2018-01-02', 2, 'hit', 3);
CREATE TABLE WatchLog as WatchLog_old ENGINE=Merge(currentDatabase(), '^WatchLog');
FROM WatchLog
│ 2018-01-01 │      1 │ hit       │   3 │
│ 2018-01-02 │      2 │ hit       │   3 │

Virtual Columns¶

Virtual columns are columns that are provided by the table engine, regardless of the table definition. In other words, these columns are not specified in CREATE TABLE, but they are accessible for SELECT.

Virtual columns differ from normal columns in the following ways:

  • They are not specified in table definitions.
  • Data can’t be added to them with INSERT.
  • When using INSERT without specifying the list of columns, virtual columns are ignored.
  • They are not selected when using the asterisk (SELECT *).
  • Virtual columns are not shown in SHOW CREATE TABLE and DESC TABLE queries.

The Merge type table contains a virtual _table column of the String type. (If the table already has a _table column, the virtual column is called _table1; if you already have _table1, it’s called _table2, and so on.) It contains the name of the table that data was read from.

If the WHERE/PREWHERE clause contains conditions for the _table column that do not depend on other table columns (as one of the conjunction elements, or as an entire expression), these conditions are used as an index. The conditions are performed on a data set of table names to read data from, and the read operation will be performed from only those tables that the condition was triggered on.

Original article


The data source is a file that stores data in one of the supported input formats (TabSeparated, Native, etc.).

Usage examples:

  • Data export from ClickHouse to file.
  • Convert data from one format to another.
  • Updating data in ClickHouse via editing a file on a disk.

Usage in ClickHouse Server¶

Format should be supported for either INSERT and SELECT. For the full list of supported formats see Formats.

ClickHouse does not allow to specify filesystem path forFile. It will use folder defined by path setting in server configuration.

When creating table using File(Format) it creates empty subdirectory in that folder. When data is written to that table, it’s put into data.Format file in that subdirectory.

You may manually create this subfolder and file in server filesystem and then ATTACH it to table information with matching name, so you can query data from that file.


Be careful with this funcionality, because ClickHouse does not keep track of external changes to such files. The result of simultaneous writes via ClickHouse and outside of ClickHouse is undefined.


1. Set up the file_engine_table table:

CREATE TABLE file_engine_table (name String, value UInt32) ENGINE=File(TabSeparated)

By default ClickHouse will create folder /var/lib/clickhouse/data/default/file_engine_table.

2. Manually create /var/lib/clickhouse/data/default/file_engine_table/data.TabSeparated containing:

$ cat data.TabSeparated
one 1
two 2

3. Query the data:

SELECT * FROM file_engine_table
│ one  │     1 │
│ two  │     2 │

Usage in Clickhouse-local¶

In clickhouse-local File engine accepts file path in addition to Format. Default input/output streams can be specified using numeric or human-readable names like 0 or stdin, 1 or stdout.

$ echo -e "1,2n3,4" | clickhouse-local -q "CREATE TABLE table (a Int64, b Int64) ENGINE = File(CSV, stdin); SELECT a, b FROM table; DROP TABLE table"

Details of Implementation¶

  • Reads can be parallel, but not writes
  • Not supported:
  • Indices
  • Replication

Original article


When writing to a Null table, data is ignored. When reading from a Null table, the response is empty.

However, you can create a materialized view on a Null table. So the data written to the table will end up in the view.

Original article


A data set that is always in RAM. It is intended for use on the right side of the IN operator (see the section «IN operators»).

You can use INSERT to insert data in the table. New elements will be added to the data set, while duplicates will be ignored.
But you can’t perform SELECT from the table. The only way to retrieve data is by using it in the right half of the IN operator.

Data is always located in RAM. For INSERT, the blocks of inserted data are also written to the directory of tables on the disk. When starting the server, this data is loaded to RAM. In other words, after restarting, the data remains in place.

For a rough server restart, the block of data on the disk might be lost or damaged. In the latter case, you may need to manually delete the file with damaged data.

Original article


A prepared data structure for JOIN that is always located in RAM.

Join(ANY|ALL, LEFT|INNER, k1[, k2, ...])

Engine parameters: ANY|ALL – strictness; LEFT|INNER – type.
These parameters are set without quotes and must match the JOIN that the table will be used for. k1, k2, … are the key columns from the USING clause that the join will be made on.

The table can’t be used for GLOBAL JOINs.

You can use INSERT to add data to the table, similar to the Set engine. For ANY, data for duplicated keys will be ignored. For ALL, it will be counted. You can’t perform SELECT directly from the table. The only way to retrieve data is to use it as the «right-hand» table for JOIN.

Storing data on the disk is the same as for the Set engine.

Original article

URL(URL, Format)¶

Manages data on a remote HTTP/HTTPS server. This engine is similar
to the File engine.

Using the engine in the ClickHouse server¶

The format must be one that ClickHouse can use in
SELECT queries and, if necessary, in INSERTs. For the full list of supported formats, see

The URL must conform to the structure of a Uniform Resource Locator. The specified URL must point to a server
that uses HTTP or HTTPS. This does not require any
additional headers for getting a response from the server.

INSERT and SELECT queries are transformed to POST and GET requests,
respectively. For processing POST requests, the remote server must support
Chunked transfer encoding.


1. Create a url_engine_table table on the server :

CREATE TABLE url_engine_table (word String, value UInt64)

2. Create a basic HTTP server using the standard Python 3 tools and
start it:

from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
class CSVHTTPServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/csv')
self.wfile.write(bytes('Hello,1nWorld,2n', "utf-8"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
server_address = ('', 12345)
HTTPServer(server_address, CSVHTTPServer).serve_forever()

3. Request data:

SELECT * FROM url_engine_table
│ Hello │     1 │
│ World │     2 │

Details of Implementation¶

  • Reads and writes can be parallel
  • Not supported:
    • ALTER and SELECT...SAMPLE operations.
    • Indexes.
    • Replication.

Original article


Used for implementing views (for more information, see the CREATE VIEW query). It does not store data, but only stores the specified SELECT query. When reading from a table, it runs this query (and deletes all unnecessary columns from the query).

Original article


Used for implementing materialized views (for more information, see CREATE TABLE). For storing data, it uses a different engine that was specified when creating the view. When reading from a table, it just uses this engine.

Original article


The Memory engine stores data in RAM, in uncompressed form. Data is stored in exactly the same form as it is received when read. In other words, reading from this table is completely free.
Concurrent data access is synchronized. Locks are short: read and write operations don’t block each other.
Indexes are not supported. Reading is parallelized.
Maximal productivity (over 10 GB/sec) is reached on simple queries, because there is no reading from the disk, decompressing, or deserializing data. (We should note that in many cases, the productivity of the MergeTree engine is almost as high.)
When restarting a server, data disappears from the table and the table becomes empty.
Normally, using this table engine is not justified. However, it can be used for tests, and for tasks where maximum speed is required on a relatively small number of rows (up to approximately 100,000,000).

The Memory engine is used by the system for temporary tables with external query data (see the section «External data for processing a query»), and for implementing GLOBAL IN (see the section «IN operators»).

Original article


Buffers the data to write in RAM, periodically flushing it to another table. During the read operation, data is read from the buffer and the other table simultaneously.

Buffer(database, table, num_layers, min_time, max_time, min_rows, max_rows, min_bytes, max_bytes)

Engine parameters:database, table – The table to flush data to. Instead of the database name, you can use a constant expression that returns a string. num_layers – Parallelism layer. Physically, the table will be represented as ‘num_layers’ of independent buffers. Recommended value: 16. min_time, max_time, min_rows, max_rows, min_bytes, and max_bytes are conditions for flushing data from the buffer.

Data is flushed from the buffer and written to the destination table if all the ‘min’ conditions or at least one ‘max’ condition are met.min_time, max_time – Condition for the time in seconds from the moment of the first write to the buffer. min_rows, max_rows – Condition for the number of rows in the buffer. min_bytes, max_bytes – Condition for the number of bytes in the buffer.

During the write operation, data is inserted to a ‘num_layers’ number of random buffers. Or, if the data part to insert is large enough (greater than ‘max_rows’ or ‘max_bytes’), it is written directly to the destination table, omitting the buffer.

The conditions for flushing the data are calculated separately for each of the ‘num_layers’ buffers. For example, if num_layers = 16 and max_bytes = 100000000, the maximum RAM consumption is 1.6 GB.


CREATE TABLE merge.hits_buffer AS merge.hits ENGINE = Buffer(merge, hits, 16, 10, 100, 10000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000)

Creating a ‘merge.hits_buffer’ table with the same structure as ‘merge.hits’ and using the Buffer engine. When writing to this table, data is buffered in RAM and later written to the ‘merge.hits’ table. 16 buffers are created. The data in each of them is flushed if either 100 seconds have passed, or one million rows have been written, or 100 MB of data have been written; or if simultaneously 10 seconds have passed and 10,000 rows and 10 MB of data have been written. For example, if just one row has been written, after 100 seconds it will be flushed, no matter what. But if many rows have been written, the data will be flushed sooner.

When the server is stopped, with DROP TABLE or DETACH TABLE, buffer data is also flushed to the destination table.

You can set empty strings in single quotation marks for the database and table name. This indicates the absence of a destination table. In this case, when the data flush conditions are reached, the buffer is simply cleared. This may be useful for keeping a window of data in memory.

When reading from a Buffer table, data is processed both from the buffer and from the destination table (if there is one).
Note that the Buffer tables does not support an index. In other words, data in the buffer is fully scanned, which might be slow for large buffers. (For data in a subordinate table, the index that it supports will be used.)

If the set of columns in the Buffer table doesn’t match the set of columns in a subordinate table, a subset of columns that exist in both tables is inserted.

If the types don’t match for one of the columns in the Buffer table and a subordinate table, an error message is entered in the server log and the buffer is cleared.
The same thing happens if the subordinate table doesn’t exist when the buffer is flushed.

If you need to run ALTER for a subordinate table and the Buffer table, we recommend first deleting the Buffer table, running ALTER for the subordinate table, then creating the Buffer table again.

If the server is restarted abnormally, the data in the buffer is lost.

PREWHERE, FINAL and SAMPLE do not work correctly for Buffer tables. These conditions are passed to the destination table, but are not used for processing data in the buffer. Because of this, we recommend only using the Buffer table for writing, while reading from the destination table.

When adding data to a Buffer, one of the buffers is locked. This causes delays if a read operation is simultaneously being performed from the table.

Data that is inserted to a Buffer table may end up in the subordinate table in a different order and in different blocks. Because of this, a Buffer table is difficult to use for writing to a CollapsingMergeTree correctly. To avoid problems, you can set ‘num_layers’ to 1.

If the destination table is replicated, some expected characteristics of replicated tables are lost when writing to a Buffer table. The random changes to the order of rows and sizes of data parts cause data deduplication to quit working, which means it is not possible to have a reliable ‘exactly once’ write to replicated tables.

Due to these disadvantages, we can only recommend using a Buffer table in rare cases.

A Buffer table is used when too many INSERTs are received from a large number of servers over a unit of time and data can’t be buffered before insertion, which means the INSERTs can’t run fast enough.

Note that it doesn’t make sense to insert data one row at a time, even for Buffer tables. This will only produce a speed of a few thousand rows per second, while inserting larger blocks of data can produce over a million rows per second (see the section «Performance»).

Original article

SQL Reference¶

  • Other types of queries

Original article

SELECT Queries Syntax¶

SELECT performs data retrieval.

[FROM [db.]table | (subquery) | table_function] [FINAL]
[SAMPLE sample_coeff]
[WHERE expr]
[GROUP BY expr_list] [WITH TOTALS]
[HAVING expr]
[ORDER BY expr_list]
[LIMIT [n, ]m]
[INTO OUTFILE filename]
[FORMAT format]
[LIMIT n BY columns]

All the clauses are optional, except for the required list of expressions immediately after SELECT.
The clauses below are described in almost the same order as in the query execution conveyor.

If the query omits the DISTINCT, GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses and the IN and JOIN subqueries, the query will be completely stream processed, using O(1) amount of RAM.
Otherwise, the query might consume a lot of RAM if the appropriate restrictions are not specified: max_memory_usage, max_rows_to_group_by, max_rows_to_sort, max_rows_in_distinct, max_bytes_in_distinct, max_rows_in_set, max_bytes_in_set, max_rows_in_join, max_bytes_in_join, max_bytes_before_external_sort, max_bytes_before_external_group_by. For more information, see the section «Settings». It is possible to use external sorting (saving temporary tables to a disk) and external aggregation. The system does not have "merge join".

FROM Clause¶

If the FROM clause is omitted, data will be read from the table.
The ‘’ table contains exactly one row (this table fulfills the same purpose as the DUAL table found in other DBMSs).

The FROM clause specifies the table to read data from, or a subquery, or a table function; ARRAY JOIN and the regular JOIN may also be included (see below).

Instead of a table, the SELECT subquery may be specified in brackets.
In this case, the subquery processing pipeline will be built into the processing pipeline of an external query.
In contrast to standard SQL, a synonym does not need to be specified after a subquery. For compatibility, it is possible to write ‘AS name’ after a subquery, but the specified name isn’t used anywhere.

A table function may be specified instead of a table. For more information, see the section «Table functions».

To execute a query, all the columns listed in the query are extracted from the appropriate table. Any columns not needed for the external query are thrown out of the subqueries.
If a query does not list any columns (for example, SELECT count() FROM t), some column is extracted from the table anyway (the smallest one is preferred), in order to calculate the number of rows.

The FINAL modifier can be used only for a SELECT from a CollapsingMergeTree table. When you specify FINAL, data is selected fully «collapsed». Keep in mind that using FINAL leads to a selection that includes columns related to the primary key, in addition to the columns specified in the SELECT. Additionally, the query will be executed in a single stream, and data will be merged during query execution. This means that when using FINAL, the query is processed more slowly. In most cases, you should avoid using FINAL. For more information, see the section «CollapsingMergeTree engine».

SAMPLE Clause¶

The SAMPLE clause allows for approximated query processing. Approximated query processing is only supported by the tables in the MergeTree family, and only if the sampling expression was specified during table creation (see MergeTree engine).

The features of data sampling are listed below:

  • Data sampling is a deterministic mechanism. The result of the same SELECT .. SAMPLE query is always the same.
  • Sampling works consistently for different tables. For tables with a single sampling key, a sample with the same coefficient always selects the same subset of possible data. For example, a sample of user IDs takes rows with the same subset of all the possible user IDs from different tables. This allows using the sample in subqueries in the IN clause, as well as for manually correlating results of different queries with samples.
  • Sampling allows reading less data from a disk. Note that for this you must specify the sampling key correctly. For more details see Creating a MergeTree Table.

The SAMPLE clause can be specified in several ways:

  • SAMPLE k, where k is a decimal number from 0 to 1. The query is executed on k percent of data. For example, SAMPLE 0.1 runs the query on 10% of data. Read more
  • SAMPLE n, where n is a sufficiently large integer. The query is executed on a sample of at least n rows (but not significantly more than this). For example, SAMPLE 10000000 runs the query on a minimum of 10,000,000 rows. Read more
  • SAMPLE k OFFSET m where k and m are numbers from 0 to 1. The query is executed on a sample of k percent of the data. The data used for the sample is offset by m percent. Read more

In a SAMPLE k clause, k is a percent amount of data that the sample is taken from. The example is shown below:

count() * 10 AS PageViews
FROM hits_distributed
CounterID = 34

In this example, the query is executed on a sample from 0.1 (10%) of data. Values of aggregate functions are not corrected automatically, so to get an approximate result, the value ‘count()’ is manually multiplied by 10.


In this case, the query is executed on a sample of at least n rows, where n is a sufficiently large integer. For example, SAMPLE 10000000.

Since the minimum unit for data reading is one granule (its size is set by the index_granularity setting), it makes sense to set a sample that is much larger than the size of the granule.

When using the SAMPLE n clause, the relative coefficient is calculated dynamically. Since you do not know which relative percent of data was processed, you do not know the coefficient the aggregate functions should be multiplied by (for example, you do not know if the SAMPLE 1000000 was taken from a set of 10,000,000 rows or from a set of 1,000,000,000 rows). In this case, use the _sample_factor column to get the approximate result.

The _sample_factor is a virtual column that ClickHouse stores relative coefficients in. This column is created automatically when you create a table with the specified sampling key. The usage example is shown below:

SELECT sum(Duration * _sample_factor)
FROM visits
SAMPLE 10000000

If you need to get the approximate count of rows in a SELECT .. SAMPLE n query, get the sum() of _sample_factor column instead of counting count(column * _sample_factor) value. For example:

SELECT sum(_sample_factor)
FROM visits
SAMPLE 10000000

Note that to calculate the average in a SELECT .. SAMPLE n query, you do not need to use _sample_factor column:

SELECT avg(Duration)
FROM visits
SAMPLE 10000000

You can specify the SAMPLE k OFFSET m clause, where k and m are numbers from 0 to 1. Examples are shown below.

Example 1.

In this example, the sample is the 1/10th of all data:


Example 2.

Here, the sample of 10% is taken from the second half of data.



Allows executing JOIN with an array or nested data structure. The intent is similar to the ‘arrayJoin’ function, but its functionality is broader.

ARRAY JOIN is essentially INNER JOIN with an array. Example:

:) CREATE TABLE arrays_test (s String, arr Array(UInt8)) ENGINE = Memory
CREATE TABLE arrays_test
s String,
arr Array(UInt8)
) ENGINE = Memory
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
:) INSERT INTO arrays_test VALUES ('Hello', [1,2]), ('World', [3,4,5]), ('Goodbye', [])
3 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
:) SELECT * FROM arrays_test
FROM arrays_test
│ Hello   │ [1,2]   │
│ World   │ [3,4,5] │
│ Goodbye │ []      │
3 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
:) SELECT s, arr FROM arrays_test ARRAY JOIN arr
SELECT s, arr
FROM arrays_test
│ Hello │   1 │
│ Hello │   2 │
│ World │   3 │
│ World │   4 │
│ World │   5 │
5 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

An alias can be specified for an array in the ARRAY JOIN clause. In this case, an array item can be accessed by this alias, but the array itself by the original name. Example:

:) SELECT s, arr, a FROM arrays_test ARRAY JOIN arr AS a
SELECT s, arr, a
FROM arrays_test
│ Hello │ [1,2]   │ 1 │
│ Hello │ [1,2]   │ 2 │
│ World │ [3,4,5] │ 3 │
│ World │ [3,4,5] │ 4 │
│ World │ [3,4,5] │ 5 │
5 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

Multiple arrays of the same size can be comma-separated in the ARRAY JOIN clause. In this case, JOIN is performed with them simultaneously (the direct sum, not the direct product). Example:

:) SELECT s, arr, a, num, mapped FROM arrays_test ARRAY JOIN arr AS a, arrayEnumerate(arr) AS num, arrayMap(x -> x + 1, arr) AS mapped
SELECT s, arr, a, num, mapped
FROM arrays_test
ARRAY JOIN arr AS a, arrayEnumerate(arr) AS num, arrayMap(lambda(tuple(x), plus(x, 1)), arr) AS mapped
│ Hello │ [1,2]   │ 1 │   1 │      2 │
│ Hello │ [1,2]   │ 2 │   2 │      3 │
│ World │ [3,4,5] │ 3 │   1 │      4 │
│ World │ [3,4,5] │ 4 │   2 │      5 │
│ World │ [3,4,5] │ 5 │   3 │      6 │
5 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
:) SELECT s, arr, a, num, arrayEnumerate(arr) FROM arrays_test ARRAY JOIN arr AS a, arrayEnumerate(arr) AS num
SELECT s, arr, a, num, arrayEnumerate(arr)
FROM arrays_test
ARRAY JOIN arr AS a, arrayEnumerate(arr) AS num
│ Hello │ [1,2]   │ 1 │   1 │ [1,2]               │
│ Hello │ [1,2]   │ 2 │   2 │ [1,2]               │
│ World │ [3,4,5] │ 3 │   1 │ [1,2,3]             │
│ World │ [3,4,5] │ 4 │   2 │ [1,2,3]             │
│ World │ [3,4,5] │ 5 │   3 │ [1,2,3]             │
5 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

ARRAY JOIN also works with nested data structures. Example:

:) CREATE TABLE nested_test (s String, nest Nested(x UInt8, y UInt32)) ENGINE = Memory
CREATE TABLE nested_test
s String,
nest Nested(
x UInt8,
y UInt32)
) ENGINE = Memory
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.006 sec.
:) INSERT INTO nested_test VALUES ('Hello', [1,2], [10,20]), ('World', [3,4,5], [30,40,50]), ('Goodbye', [], [])
3 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
:) SELECT * FROM nested_test
FROM nested_test
│ Hello   │ [1,2]   │ [10,20]    │
│ World   │ [3,4,5] │ [30,40,50] │
│ Goodbye │ []      │ []         │
3 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
:) SELECT s, nest.x, nest.y FROM nested_test ARRAY JOIN nest
SELECT s, `nest.x`, `nest.y`
FROM nested_test
│ Hello │      1 │     10 │
│ Hello │      2 │     20 │
│ World │      3 │     30 │
│ World │      4 │     40 │
│ World │      5 │     50 │
5 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

When specifying names of nested data structures in ARRAY JOIN, the meaning is the same as ARRAY JOIN with all the array elements that it consists of. Example:

:) SELECT s, nest.x, nest.y FROM nested_test ARRAY JOIN nest.x, nest.y
SELECT s, `nest.x`, `nest.y`
FROM nested_test
ARRAY JOIN `nest.x`, `nest.y`
│ Hello │      1 │     10 │
│ Hello │      2 │     20 │
│ World │      3 │     30 │
│ World │      4 │     40 │
│ World │      5 │     50 │
5 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

This variation also makes sense:

:) SELECT s, nest.x, nest.y FROM nested_test ARRAY JOIN nest.x
SELECT s, `nest.x`, `nest.y`
FROM nested_test
ARRAY JOIN `nest.x`
│ Hello │      1 │ [10,20]    │
│ Hello │      2 │ [10,20]    │
│ World │      3 │ [30,40,50] │
│ World │      4 │ [30,40,50] │
│ World │      5 │ [30,40,50] │
5 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

An alias may be used for a nested data structure, in order to select either the JOIN result or the source array. Example:

:) SELECT s, n.x, n.y, nest.x, nest.y FROM nested_test ARRAY JOIN nest AS n
SELECT s, `n.x`, `n.y`, `nest.x`, `nest.y`
FROM nested_test
│ Hello │   1 │  10 │ [1,2]   │ [10,20]    │
│ Hello │   2 │  20 │ [1,2]   │ [10,20]    │
│ World │   3 │  30 │ [3,4,5] │ [30,40,50] │
│ World │   4 │  40 │ [3,4,5] │ [30,40,50] │
│ World │   5 │  50 │ [3,4,5] │ [30,40,50] │
5 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

Example of using the arrayEnumerate function:

:) SELECT s, n.x, n.y, nest.x, nest.y, num FROM nested_test ARRAY JOIN nest AS n, arrayEnumerate(nest.x) AS num
SELECT s, `n.x`, `n.y`, `nest.x`, `nest.y`, num
FROM nested_test
ARRAY JOIN nest AS n, arrayEnumerate(`nest.x`) AS num
│ Hello │   1 │  10 │ [1,2]   │ [10,20]    │   1 │
│ Hello │   2 │  20 │ [1,2]   │ [10,20]    │   2 │
│ World │   3 │  30 │ [3,4,5] │ [30,40,50] │   1 │
│ World │   4 │  40 │ [3,4,5] │ [30,40,50] │   2 │
│ World │   5 │  50 │ [3,4,5] │ [30,40,50] │   3 │
5 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

The query can only specify a single ARRAY JOIN clause.

The corresponding conversion can be performed before the WHERE/PREWHERE clause (if its result is needed in this clause), or after completing WHERE/PREWHERE (to reduce the volume of calculations).

JOIN Clause¶

Joins the data in the normal SQL JOIN sense.


Not related to ARRAY JOIN.

SELECT <expr_list>
FROM <left_subquery>
(ON <expr_list>)|(USING <column_list>) ...

The table names can be specified instead of <left_subquery> and <right_subquery>. This is equivalent to the SELECT * FROM table subquery, except in a special case when the table has the Join engine – an array prepared for joining.

Supported types of JOIN

  • CROSS JOIN (or , )

See standard SQL JOIN description.

ANY or ALL strictness

If ALL is specified and the right table has several matching rows, the data will be multiplied by the number of these rows. This is the normal JOIN behavior for standard SQL.
If ANY is specified and the right table has several matching rows, only the first one found is joined. If the right table has only one matching row, the results of ANY and ALL are the same.

To set the default strictness value, use the session configuration parameter join_default_strictness.


When using a normal JOIN, the query is sent to remote servers. Subqueries are run on each of them in order to make the right table, and the join is performed with this table. In other words, the right table is formed on each server separately.

When using GLOBAL ... JOIN, first the requestor server runs a subquery to calculate the right table. This temporary table is passed to each remote server, and queries are run on them using the temporary data that was transmitted.

Be careful when using GLOBAL. For more information, see the section Distributed subqueries.

Usage Recommendations

All columns that are not needed for the JOIN are deleted from the subquery.

When running a JOIN, there is no optimization of the order of execution in relation to other stages of the query. The join (a search in the right table) is run before filtering in WHERE and before aggregation. In order to explicitly set the processing order, we recommend running a JOIN subquery with a subquery.


count() AS hits
FROM test.hits
sum(Sign) AS visits
FROM test.visits
) USING CounterID
│   1143050 │ 523264 │  13665 │
│    731962 │ 475698 │ 102716 │
│    722545 │ 337212 │ 108187 │
│    722889 │ 252197 │  10547 │
│   2237260 │ 196036 │   9522 │
│  23057320 │ 147211 │   7689 │
│    722818 │  90109 │  17847 │
│     48221 │  85379 │   4652 │
│  19762435 │  77807 │   7026 │
│    722884 │  77492 │  11056 │

Subqueries don’t allow you to set names or use them for referencing a column from a specific subquery.
The columns specified in USING must have the same names in both subqueries, and the other columns must be named differently. You can use aliases to change the names of columns in subqueries (the example uses the aliases ‘hits’ and ‘visits’).

The USING clause specifies one or more columns to join, which establishes the equality of these columns. The list of columns is set without brackets. More complex join conditions are not supported.

The right table (the subquery result) resides in RAM. If there isn’t enough memory, you can’t run a JOIN.

Each time a query is run with the same JOIN, the subquery is run again because the result is not cached. To avoid this, use the special Join table engine, which is a prepared array for joining that is always in RAM.

In some cases, it is more efficient to use IN instead of JOIN.
Among the various types of JOIN, the most efficient is ANY LEFT JOIN, then ANY INNER JOIN. The least efficient are ALL LEFT JOIN and ALL INNER JOIN.

If you need a JOIN for joining with dimension tables (these are relatively small tables that contain dimension properties, such as names for advertising campaigns), a JOIN might not be very convenient due to the bulky syntax and the fact that the right table is re-accessed for every query. For such cases, there is an «external dictionaries» feature that you should use instead of JOIN. For more information, see the section External dictionaries.

Processing of Empty or NULL Cells¶

While joining tables, the empty cells may appear. The setting join_use_nulls define how ClickHouse fills these cells.

If the JOIN keys are Nullable fields, the rows where at least one of the keys has the value NULL are not joined.

WHERE Clause¶

If there is a WHERE clause, it must contain an expression with the UInt8 type. This is usually an expression with comparison and logical operators.
This expression will be used for filtering data before all other transformations.

If indexes are supported by the database table engine, the expression is evaluated on the ability to use indexes.


This clause has the same meaning as the WHERE clause. The difference is in which data is read from the table.
When using PREWHERE, first only the columns necessary for executing PREWHERE are read. Then the other columns are read that are needed for running the query, but only those blocks where the PREWHERE expression is true.

It makes sense to use PREWHERE if there are filtration conditions that are used by a minority of the columns in the query, but that provide strong data filtration. This reduces the volume of data to read.

For example, it is useful to write PREWHERE for queries that extract a large number of columns, but that only have filtration for a few columns.

PREWHERE is only supported by tables from the *MergeTree family.

A query may simultaneously specify PREWHERE and WHERE. In this case, PREWHERE precedes WHERE.

If the ‘optimize_move_to_prewhere’ setting is set to 1 and PREWHERE is omitted, the system uses heuristics to automatically move parts of expressions from WHERE to PREWHERE.

GROUP BY Clause¶

This is one of the most important parts of a column-oriented DBMS.

If there is a GROUP BY clause, it must contain a list of expressions. Each expression will be referred to here as a «key».
All the expressions in the SELECT, HAVING, and ORDER BY clauses must be calculated from keys or from aggregate functions. In other words, each column selected from the table must be used either in keys or inside aggregate functions.

If a query contains only table columns inside aggregate functions, the GROUP BY clause can be omitted, and aggregation by an empty set of keys is assumed.


median(FetchTiming > 60 ? 60 : FetchTiming),
count() - sum(Refresh)
FROM hits

However, in contrast to standard SQL, if the table doesn’t have any rows (either there aren’t any at all, or there aren’t any after using WHERE to filter), an empty result is returned, and not the result from one of the rows containing the initial values of aggregate functions.

As opposed to MySQL (and conforming to standard SQL), you can’t get some value of some column that is not in a key or aggregate function (except constant expressions). To work around this, you can use the ‘any’ aggregate function (get the first encountered value) or ‘min/max’.


domainWithoutWWW(URL) AS domain,
any(Title) AS title -- getting the first occurred page header for each domain.
FROM hits
GROUP BY domain

For every different key value encountered, GROUP BY calculates a set of aggregate function values.

GROUP BY is not supported for array columns.

A constant can’t be specified as arguments for aggregate functions. Example: sum(1). Instead of this, you can get rid of the constant. Example: count().

NULL processing¶

For grouping, ClickHouse interprets NULL as a value, and NULL=NULL.

Here’s an example to show what this means.

Assume you have this table:

│ 1 │    2 │
│ 2 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
│ 3 │    2 │
│ 3 │    3 │
│ 3 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │

The query SELECT sum(x), y FROM t_null_big GROUP BY y results in:

│      4 │    2 │
│      3 │    3 │
│      5 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │

You can see that GROUP BY for У = NULL summed up x, as if NULL is this value.

If you pass several keys to GROUP BY, the result will give you all the combinations of the selection, as if NULL were a specific value.


If the WITH TOTALS modifier is specified, another row will be calculated. This row will have key columns containing default values (zeros or empty lines), and columns of aggregate functions with the values calculated across all the rows (the «total» values).

This extra row is output in JSON*, TabSeparated*, and Pretty* formats, separately from the other rows. In the other formats, this row is not output.

In JSON* formats, this row is output as a separate ‘totals’ field. In TabSeparated* formats, the row comes after the main result, preceded by an empty row (after the other data). In Pretty* formats, the row is output as a separate table after the main result.

WITH TOTALS can be run in different ways when HAVING is present. The behavior depends on the ‘totals_mode’ setting.
By default, totals_mode = 'before_having'. In this case, ‘totals’ is calculated across all rows, including the ones that don’t pass through HAVING and ‘max_rows_to_group_by’.

The other alternatives include only the rows that pass through HAVING in ‘totals’, and behave differently with the setting max_rows_to_group_by and group_by_overflow_mode = 'any'.

after_having_exclusive – Don’t include rows that didn’t pass through max_rows_to_group_by. In other words, ‘totals’ will have less than or the same number of rows as it would if max_rows_to_group_by were omitted.

after_having_inclusive – Include all the rows that didn’t pass through ‘max_rows_to_group_by’ in ‘totals’. In other words, ‘totals’ will have more than or the same number of rows as it would if max_rows_to_group_by were omitted.

after_having_auto – Count the number of rows that passed through HAVING. If it is more than a certain amount (by default, 50%), include all the rows that didn’t pass through ‘max_rows_to_group_by’ in ‘totals’. Otherwise, do not include them.

totals_auto_threshold – By default, 0.5. The coefficient for after_having_auto.

If max_rows_to_group_by and group_by_overflow_mode = 'any' are not used, all variations of after_having are the same, and you can use any of them (for example, after_having_auto).

You can use WITH TOTALS in subqueries, including subqueries in the JOIN clause (in this case, the respective total values are combined).

GROUP BY in External Memory¶

You can enable dumping temporary data to the disk to restrict memory usage during GROUP BY.
The max_bytes_before_external_group_by setting determines the threshold RAM consumption for dumping GROUP BY temporary data to the file system. If set to 0 (the default), it is disabled.

When using max_bytes_before_external_group_by, we recommend that you set max_memory_usage about twice as high. This is necessary because there are two stages to aggregation: reading the date and forming intermediate data (1) and merging the intermediate data (2). Dumping data to the file system can only occur during stage 1. If the temporary data wasn’t dumped, then stage 2 might require up to the same amount of memory as in stage 1.

For example, if max_memory_usage was set to 10000000000 and you want to use external aggregation, it makes sense to set max_bytes_before_external_group_by to 10000000000, and max_memory_usage to 20000000000. When external aggregation is triggered (if there was at least one dump of temporary data), maximum consumption of RAM is only slightly more than max_bytes_before_external_group_by.

With distributed query processing, external aggregation is performed on remote servers. In order for the requestor server to use only a small amount of RAM, set distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient to 1.

When merging data flushed to the disk, as well as when merging results from remote servers when the distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient setting is enabled, consumes up to 1/256 * the number of threads from the total amount of RAM.

When external aggregation is enabled, if there was less than max_bytes_before_external_group_by of data (i.e. data was not flushed), the query runs just as fast as without external aggregation. If any temporary data was flushed, the run time will be several times longer (approximately three times).

If you have an ORDER BY with a small LIMIT after GROUP BY, then the ORDER BY CLAUSE will not use significant amounts of RAM.
But if the ORDER BY doesn’t have LIMIT, don’t forget to enable external sorting (max_bytes_before_external_sort).

LIMIT N BY Clause¶

LIMIT N BY COLUMNS selects the top N rows for each group of COLUMNS. LIMIT N BY is not related to LIMIT; they can both be used in the same query. The key for LIMIT N BY can contain any number of columns or expressions.


domainWithoutWWW(URL) AS domain,
domainWithoutWWW(REFERRER_URL) AS referrer,
count() cnt
FROM hits
GROUP BY domain, referrer, device_type
LIMIT 5 BY domain, device_type

The query will select the top 5 referrers for each domain, device_type pair, but not more than 100 rows (LIMIT n BY + LIMIT).

HAVING Clause¶

Allows filtering the result received after GROUP BY, similar to the WHERE clause.
WHERE and HAVING differ in that WHERE is performed before aggregation (GROUP BY), while HAVING is performed after it.
If aggregation is not performed, HAVING can’t be used.

ORDER BY Clause¶

The ORDER BY clause contains a list of expressions, which can each be assigned DESC or ASC (the sorting direction). If the direction is not specified, ASC is assumed. ASC is sorted in ascending order, and DESC in descending order. The sorting direction applies to a single expression, not to the entire list. Example: ORDER BY Visits DESC, SearchPhrase

For sorting by String values, you can specify collation (comparison). Example: ORDER BY SearchPhrase COLLATE 'tr' — for sorting by keyword in ascending order, using the Turkish alphabet, case insensitive, assuming that strings are UTF-8 encoded. COLLATE can be specified or not for each expression in ORDER BY independently. If ASC or DESC is specified, COLLATE is specified after it. When using COLLATE, sorting is always case-insensitive.

We only recommend using COLLATE for final sorting of a small number of rows, since sorting with COLLATE is less efficient than normal sorting by bytes.

Rows that have identical values for the list of sorting expressions are output in an arbitrary order, which can also be nondeterministic (different each time).
If the ORDER BY clause is omitted, the order of the rows is also undefined, and may be nondeterministic as well.

NaN and NULL sorting order:

  • With the modifier NULLS FIRST — First NULL, then NaN, then other values.
  • With the modifier NULLS LAST — First the values, then NaN, then NULL.
  • Default — The same as with the NULLS LAST modifier.


For the table

│ 1 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
│ 2 │    2 │
│ 1 │  nan │
│ 2 │    2 │
│ 3 │    4 │
│ 5 │    6 │
│ 6 │  nan │
│ 7 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
│ 6 │    7 │
│ 8 │    9 │

Run the query SELECT * FROM t_null_nan ORDER BY y NULLS FIRST to get:

│ 1 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
│ 7 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
│ 1 │  nan │
│ 6 │  nan │
│ 2 │    2 │
│ 2 │    2 │
│ 3 │    4 │
│ 5 │    6 │
│ 6 │    7 │
│ 8 │    9 │

When floating point numbers are sorted, NaNs are separate from the other values. Regardless of the sorting order, NaNs come at the end. In other words, for ascending sorting they are placed as if they are larger than all the other numbers, while for descending sorting they are placed as if they are smaller than the rest.

Less RAM is used if a small enough LIMIT is specified in addition to ORDER BY. Otherwise, the amount of memory spent is proportional to the volume of data for sorting. For distributed query processing, if GROUP BY is omitted, sorting is partially done on remote servers, and the results are merged on the requestor server. This means that for distributed sorting, the volume of data to sort can be greater than the amount of memory on a single server.

If there is not enough RAM, it is possible to perform sorting in external memory (creating temporary files on a disk). Use the setting max_bytes_before_external_sort for this purpose. If it is set to 0 (the default), external sorting is disabled. If it is enabled, when the volume of data to sort reaches the specified number of bytes, the collected data is sorted and dumped into a temporary file. After all data is read, all the sorted files are merged and the results are output. Files are written to the /var/lib/clickhouse/tmp/ directory in the config (by default, but you can use the ‘tmp_path’ parameter to change this setting).

Running a query may use more memory than ‘max_bytes_before_external_sort’. For this reason, this setting must have a value significantly smaller than ‘max_memory_usage’. As an example, if your server has 128 GB of RAM and you need to run a single query, set ‘max_memory_usage’ to 100 GB, and ‘max_bytes_before_external_sort’ to 80 GB.

External sorting works much less effectively than sorting in RAM.

SELECT Clause¶

The expressions specified in the SELECT clause are analyzed after the calculations for all the clauses listed above are completed.
More specifically, expressions are analyzed that are above the aggregate functions, if there are any aggregate functions.
The aggregate functions and everything below them are calculated during aggregation (GROUP BY).
These expressions work as if they are applied to separate rows in the result.


If DISTINCT is specified, only a single row will remain out of all the sets of fully matching rows in the result.
The result will be the same as if GROUP BY were specified across all the fields specified in SELECT without aggregate functions. But there are several differences from GROUP BY:

  • DISTINCT can be applied together with GROUP BY.
  • When ORDER BY is omitted and LIMIT is defined, the query stops running immediately after the required number of different rows has been read.
  • Data blocks are output as they are processed, without waiting for the entire query to finish running.

DISTINCT is not supported if SELECT has at least one array column.

DISTINCT works with NULL as if NULL were a specific value, and NULL=NULL. In other words, in the DISTINCT results, different combinations with NULL only occur once.

LIMIT Clause¶

LIMIT m allows you to select the first m rows from the result.
LIMIT n, m allows you to select the first m rows from the result after skipping the first n rows.

n and m must be non-negative integers.

If there isn’t an ORDER BY clause that explicitly sorts results, the result may be arbitrary and nondeterministic.


You can use UNION ALL to combine any number of queries. Example:

SELECT CounterID, 1 AS table, toInt64(count()) AS c
FROM test.hits
SELECT CounterID, 2 AS table, sum(Sign) AS c
FROM test.visits
HAVING c > 0

Only UNION ALL is supported. The regular UNION (UNION DISTINCT) is not supported. If you need UNION DISTINCT, you can write SELECT DISTINCT from a subquery containing UNION ALL.

Queries that are parts of UNION ALL can be run simultaneously, and their results can be mixed together.

The structure of results (the number and type of columns) must match for the queries. But the column names can differ. In this case, the column names for the final result will be taken from the first query. Type casting is performed for unions. For example, if two queries being combined have the same field with non-Nullable and Nullable types from a compatible type, the resulting UNION ALL has a Nullable type field.

Queries that are parts of UNION ALL can’t be enclosed in brackets. ORDER BY and LIMIT are applied to separate queries, not to the final result. If you need to apply a conversion to the final result, you can put all the queries with UNION ALL in a subquery in the FROM clause.


Add the INTO OUTFILE filename clause (where filename is a string literal) to redirect query output to the specified file.
In contrast to MySQL, the file is created on the client side. The query will fail if a file with the same filename already exists.
This functionality is available in the command-line client and clickhouse-local (a query sent via HTTP interface will fail).

The default output format is TabSeparated (the same as in the command-line client batch mode).

FORMAT Clause¶

Specify ‘FORMAT format’ to get data in any specified format.
You can use this for convenience, or for creating dumps.
For more information, see the section «Formats».
If the FORMAT clause is omitted, the default format is used, which depends on both the settings and the interface used for accessing the DB. For the HTTP interface and the command-line client in batch mode, the default format is TabSeparated. For the command-line client in interactive mode, the default format is PrettyCompact (it has attractive and compact tables).

When using the command-line client, data is passed to the client in an internal efficient format. The client independently interprets the FORMAT clause of the query and formats the data itself (thus relieving the network and the server from the load).

IN Operators¶

The IN, NOT IN, GLOBAL IN, and GLOBAL NOT IN operators are covered separately, since their functionality is quite rich.

The left side of the operator is either a single column or a tuple.


SELECT UserID IN (123, 456) FROM ...
SELECT (CounterID, UserID) IN ((34, 123), (101500, 456)) FROM ...

If the left side is a single column that is in the index, and the right side is a set of constants, the system uses the index for processing the query.

Don’t list too many values explicitly (i.e. millions). If a data set is large, put it in a temporary table (for example, see the section «External data for query processing»), then use a subquery.

The right side of the operator can be a set of constant expressions, a set of tuples with constant expressions (shown in the examples above), or the name of a database table or SELECT subquery in brackets.

If the right side of the operator is the name of a table (for example, UserID IN users), this is equivalent to the subquery UserID IN (SELECT * FROM users). Use this when working with external data that is sent along with the query. For example, the query can be sent together with a set of user IDs loaded to the ‘users’ temporary table, which should be filtered.

If the right side of the operator is a table name that has the Set engine (a prepared data set that is always in RAM), the data set will not be created over again for each query.

The subquery may specify more than one column for filtering tuples.

SELECT (CounterID, UserID) IN (SELECT CounterID, UserID FROM ...) FROM ...

The columns to the left and right of the IN operator should have the same type.

The IN operator and subquery may occur in any part of the query, including in aggregate functions and lambda functions.

avg(UserID IN
FROM test.hits
WHERE EventDate = toDate('2014-03-17')
)) AS ratio
FROM test.hits
GROUP BY EventDate
│ 2014-03-17 │        1 │
│ 2014-03-18 │ 0.807696 │
│ 2014-03-19 │ 0.755406 │
│ 2014-03-20 │ 0.723218 │
│ 2014-03-21 │ 0.697021 │
│ 2014-03-22 │ 0.647851 │
│ 2014-03-23 │ 0.648416 │

For each day after March 17th, count the percentage of pageviews made by users who visited the site on March 17th.
A subquery in the IN clause is always run just one time on a single server. There are no dependent subqueries.

NULL processing¶

During request processing, the IN operator assumes that the result of an operation with NULL is always equal to 0, regardless of whether NULL is on the right or left side of the operator. NULL values are not included in any dataset, do not correspond to each other and cannot be compared.

Here is an example with the t_null table:

│ 1 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
│ 2 │    3 │

Running the query SELECT x FROM t_null WHERE y IN (NULL,3) gives you the following result:

You can see that the row in which y = NULL is thrown out of the query results. This is because ClickHouse can’t decide whether NULL is included in the (NULL,3) set, returns 0 as the result of the operation, and SELECT excludes this row from the final output.

FROM t_null
┌─in(y, tuple(NULL, 3))─┐
│                     0 │
│                     1 │
Distributed Subqueries¶

There are two options for IN-s with subqueries (similar to JOINs): normal IN / JOIN and GLOBAL IN / GLOBAL JOIN. They differ in how they are run for distributed query processing.


Remember that the algorithms described below may work differently depending on the settings distributed_product_mode setting.

When using the regular IN, the query is sent to remote servers, and each of them runs the subqueries in the IN or JOIN clause.

When using GLOBAL IN / GLOBAL JOINs, first all the subqueries are run for GLOBAL IN / GLOBAL JOINs, and the results are collected in temporary tables. Then the temporary tables are sent to each remote server, where the queries are run using this temporary data.

For a non-distributed query, use the regular IN / JOIN.

Be careful when using subqueries in the IN / JOIN clauses for distributed query processing.

Let’s look at some examples. Assume that each server in the cluster has a normal local_table. Each server also has a distributed_table table with the Distributed type, which looks at all the servers in the cluster.

For a query to the distributed_table, the query will be sent to all the remote servers and run on them using the local_table.

For example, the query

SELECT uniq(UserID) FROM distributed_table

will be sent to all remote servers as

SELECT uniq(UserID) FROM local_table

and run on each of them in parallel, until it reaches the stage where intermediate results can be combined. Then the intermediate results will be returned to the requestor server and merged on it, and the final result will be sent to the client.

Now let’s examine a query with IN:

SELECT uniq(UserID) FROM distributed_table WHERE CounterID = 101500 AND UserID IN (SELECT UserID FROM local_table WHERE CounterID = 34)
  • Calculation of the intersection of audiences of two sites.

This query will be sent to all remote servers as

SELECT uniq(UserID) FROM local_table WHERE CounterID = 101500 AND UserID IN (SELECT UserID FROM local_table WHERE CounterID = 34)

In other words, the data set in the IN clause will be collected on each server independently, only across the data that is stored locally on each of the servers.

This will work correctly and optimally if you are prepared for this case and have spread data across the cluster servers such that the data for a single UserID resides entirely on a single server. In this case, all the necessary data will be available locally on each server. Otherwise, the result will be inaccurate. We refer to this variation of the query as «local IN».

To correct how the query works when data is spread randomly across the cluster servers, you could specify distributed_table inside a subquery. The query would look like this:

SELECT uniq(UserID) FROM distributed_table WHERE CounterID = 101500 AND UserID IN (SELECT UserID FROM distributed_table WHERE CounterID = 34)

This query will be sent to all remote servers as

SELECT uniq(UserID) FROM local_table WHERE CounterID = 101500 AND UserID IN (SELECT UserID FROM distributed_table WHERE CounterID = 34)

The subquery will begin running on each remote server. Since the subquery uses a distributed table, the subquery that is on each remote server will be resent to every remote server as

SELECT UserID FROM local_table WHERE CounterID = 34

For example, if you have a cluster of 100 servers, executing the entire query will require 10,000 elementary requests, which is generally considered unacceptable.

In such cases, you should always use GLOBAL IN instead of IN. Let’s look at how it works for the query

SELECT uniq(UserID) FROM distributed_table WHERE CounterID = 101500 AND UserID GLOBAL IN (SELECT UserID FROM distributed_table WHERE CounterID = 34)

The requestor server will run the subquery

SELECT UserID FROM distributed_table WHERE CounterID = 34

and the result will be put in a temporary table in RAM. Then the request will be sent to each remote server as

SELECT uniq(UserID) FROM local_table WHERE CounterID = 101500 AND UserID GLOBAL IN _data1

and the temporary table _data1 will be sent to every remote server with the query (the name of the temporary table is implementation-defined).

This is more optimal than using the normal IN. However, keep the following points in mind:

  1. When creating a temporary table, data is not made unique. To reduce the volume of data transmitted over the network, specify DISTINCT in the subquery. (You don’t need to do this for a normal IN.)
  2. The temporary table will be sent to all the remote servers. Transmission does not account for network topology. For example, if 10 remote servers reside in a datacenter that is very remote in relation to the requestor server, the data will be sent 10 times over the channel to the remote datacenter. Try to avoid large data sets when using GLOBAL IN.
  3. When transmitting data to remote servers, restrictions on network bandwidth are not configurable. You might overload the network.
  4. Try to distribute data across servers so that you don’t need to use GLOBAL IN on a regular basis.
  5. If you need to use GLOBAL IN often, plan the location of the ClickHouse cluster so that a single group of replicas resides in no more than one data center with a fast network between them, so that a query can be processed entirely within a single data center.

It also makes sense to specify a local table in the GLOBAL IN clause, in case this local table is only available on the requestor server and you want to use data from it on remote servers.

Extreme Values¶

In addition to results, you can also get minimum and maximum values for the results columns. To do this, set the extremes setting to 1. Minimums and maximums are calculated for numeric types, dates, and dates with times. For other columns, the default values are output.

An extra two rows are calculated – the minimums and maximums, respectively. These extra two rows are output in JSON*, TabSeparated*, and Pretty* formats, separate from the other rows. They are not output for other formats.

In JSON* formats, the extreme values are output in a separate ‘extremes’ field. In TabSeparated* formats, the row comes after the main result, and after ‘totals’ if present. It is preceded by an empty row (after the other data). In Pretty* formats, the row is output as a separate table after the main result, and after ‘totals’ if present.

Extreme values are calculated for rows that have passed through LIMIT. However, when using ‘LIMIT offset, size’, the rows before ‘offset’ are included in ‘extremes’. In stream requests, the result may also include a small number of rows that passed through LIMIT.


The GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses do not support positional arguments. This contradicts MySQL, but conforms to standard SQL.
For example, GROUP BY 1, 2 will be interpreted as grouping by constants (i.e. aggregation of all rows into one).

You can use synonyms (AS aliases) in any part of a query.

You can put an asterisk in any part of a query instead of an expression. When the query is analyzed, the asterisk is expanded to a list of all table columns (excluding the MATERIALIZED and ALIAS columns). There are only a few cases when using an asterisk is justified:

  • When creating a table dump.
  • For tables containing just a few columns, such as system tables.
  • For getting information about what columns are in a table. In this case, set LIMIT 1. But it is better to use the DESC TABLE query.
  • When there is strong filtration on a small number of columns using PREWHERE.
  • In subqueries (since columns that aren’t needed for the external query are excluded from subqueries).

In all other cases, we don’t recommend using the asterisk, since it only gives you the drawbacks of a columnar DBMS instead of the advantages. In other words using the asterisk is not recommended.

Original article


Adding data.

Basic query format:

INSERT INTO [db.]table [(c1, c2, c3)] VALUES (v11, v12, v13), (v21, v22, v23), ...

The query can specify a list of columns to insert [(c1, c2, c3)]. In this case, the rest of the columns are filled with:

  • The values calculated from the DEFAULT expressions specified in the table definition.
  • Zeros and empty strings, if DEFAULT expressions are not defined.

If strict_insert_defaults=1, columns that do not have DEFAULT defined must be listed in the query.

Data can be passed to the INSERT in any format supported by ClickHouse. The format must be specified explicitly in the query:

INSERT INTO [db.]table [(c1, c2, c3)] FORMAT format_name data_set

For example, the following query format is identical to the basic version of INSERT … VALUES:

INSERT INTO [db.]table [(c1, c2, c3)] FORMAT Values (v11, v12, v13), (v21, v22, v23), ...

ClickHouse removes all spaces and one line feed (if there is one) before the data. When forming a query, we recommend putting the data on a new line after the query operators (this is important if the data begins with spaces).


11  Hello, world!
22  Qwerty

You can insert data separately from the query by using the command-line client or the HTTP interface. For more information, see the section «Interfaces».

Inserting The Results of SELECT

INSERT INTO [db.]table [(c1, c2, c3)] SELECT ...

Columns are mapped according to their position in the SELECT clause. However, their names in the SELECT expression and the table for INSERT may differ. If necessary, type casting is performed.

None of the data formats except Values allow setting values to expressions such as now(), 1 + 2, and so on. The Values format allows limited use of expressions, but this is not recommended, because in this case inefficient code is used for their execution.

Other queries for modifying data parts are not supported: UPDATE, DELETE, REPLACE, MERGE, UPSERT, INSERT UPDATE.
However, you can delete old data using ALTER TABLE ... DROP PARTITION.

Performance Considerations¶

INSERT sorts the input data by primary key and splits them into partitions by month. If you insert data for mixed months, it can significantly reduce the performance of the INSERT query. To avoid this:

  • Add data in fairly large batches, such as 100,000 rows at a time.
  • Group data by month before uploading it to ClickHouse.

Performance will not decrease if:

  • Data is added in real time.
  • You upload data that is usually sorted by time.

Original article


Creating db_name databases


A database is just a directory for tables.
If IF NOT EXISTS is included, the query won’t return an error if the database already exists.


The CREATE TABLE query can have several forms.

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1] [compression_codec],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2] [compression_codec],
) ENGINE = engine

Creates a table named ‘name’ in the ‘db’ database or the current database if ‘db’ is not set, with the structure specified in brackets and the ‘engine’ engine.
The structure of the table is a list of column descriptions. If indexes are supported by the engine, they are indicated as parameters for the table engine.

A column description is name type in the simplest case. Example: RegionID UInt32.
Expressions can also be defined for default values (see below).

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name AS [db2.]name2 [ENGINE = engine]

Creates a table with the same structure as another table. You can specify a different engine for the table. If the engine is not specified, the same engine will be used as for the db2.name2 table.

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name ENGINE = engine AS SELECT ...

Creates a table with a structure like the result of the SELECT query, with the ‘engine’ engine, and fills it with data from SELECT.

In all cases, if IF NOT EXISTS is specified, the query won’t return an error if the table already exists. In this case, the query won’t do anything.

There can be other clauses after the ENGINE clause in the query. See detailed documentation on how to create tables in the descriptions of table engines.

Default Values¶

The column description can specify an expression for a default value, in one of the following ways:DEFAULT expr, MATERIALIZED expr, ALIAS expr.
Example: URLDomain String DEFAULT domain(URL).

If an expression for the default value is not defined, the default values will be set to zeros for numbers, empty strings for strings, empty arrays for arrays, and 0000-00-00 for dates or 0000-00-00 00:00:00 for dates with time. NULLs are not supported.

If the default expression is defined, the column type is optional. If there isn’t an explicitly defined type, the default expression type is used. Example: EventDate DEFAULT toDate(EventTime) – the ‘Date’ type will be used for the ‘EventDate’ column.

If the data type and default expression are defined explicitly, this expression will be cast to the specified type using type casting functions. Example: Hits UInt32 DEFAULT 0 means the same thing as Hits UInt32 DEFAULT toUInt32(0).

Default expressions may be defined as an arbitrary expression from table constants and columns. When creating and changing the table structure, it checks that expressions don’t contain loops. For INSERT, it checks that expressions are resolvable – that all columns they can be calculated from have been passed.


Normal default value. If the INSERT query doesn’t specify the corresponding column, it will be filled in by computing the corresponding expression.


Materialized expression. Such a column can’t be specified for INSERT, because it is always calculated.
For an INSERT without a list of columns, these columns are not considered.
In addition, this column is not substituted when using an asterisk in a SELECT query. This is to preserve the invariant that the dump obtained using SELECT * can be inserted back into the table using INSERT without specifying the list of columns.

ALIAS expr

Synonym. Such a column isn’t stored in the table at all.
Its values can’t be inserted in a table, and it is not substituted when using an asterisk in a SELECT query.
It can be used in SELECTs if the alias is expanded during query parsing.

When using the ALTER query to add new columns, old data for these columns is not written. Instead, when reading old data that does not have values for the new columns, expressions are computed on the fly by default. However, if running the expressions requires different columns that are not indicated in the query, these columns will additionally be read, but only for the blocks of data that need it.

If you add a new column to a table but later change its default expression, the values used for old data will change (for data where values were not stored on the disk). Note that when running background merges, data for columns that are missing in one of the merging parts is written to the merged part.

It is not possible to set default values for elements in nested data structures.

Column Compression Codecs¶

Besides default data compression, defined in server settings, per-column specification is also available.

Supported compression algorithms:

  • NONE — no compression for data applied
  • LZ4
  • LZ4HC(level) — (level) — LZ4_HC compression algorithm with defined level.
    Possible level range: [3, 12]. Default value: 9. Greater values stands for better compression and higher CPU usage. Recommended value range: [4,9].
  • ZSTD(level) — ZSTD compression algorithm with defined level. Possible level value range: [1, 22]. Default value: 1.
    Greater values stands for better compression and higher CPU usage.
  • Delta(delta_bytes) — compression approach when raw values are replace with difference of two neighbour values. Up to delta_bytes are used for storing delta value.
    Possible delta_bytes values: 1, 2, 4, 8. Default value for delta bytes is sizeof(type), if it is equals to 1, 2, 4, 8 and equals to 1 otherwise.

Syntax example:

CREATE TABLE codec_example
dt Date CODEC(ZSTD), /* используется уровень сжатия по-умолчанию */
ts DateTime CODEC(LZ4HC),
float_value Float32 CODEC(NONE),
double_value Float64 CODEC(LZ4HC(9))
ENGINE = MergeTree

Codecs can be combined in a pipeline. Default table codec is not included into pipeline (if it should be applied to a column, you have to specify it explicitly in pipeline). Example below shows an optimization approach for storing timeseries metrics.
Usually, values for particular metric, stored in path does not differ significantly from point to point. Using delta-encoding allows to reduce disk space usage significantly.

CREATE TABLE timeseries_example
dt Date,
ts DateTime,
path String,
value Float32 CODEC(Delta(2), ZSTD)
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY (path, ts)

Temporary Tables¶

ClickHouse supports temporary tables which have the following characteristics:

  • Temporary tables disappear when the session ends, including if the connection is lost.
  • A temporary table use the Memory engine only.
  • The DB can’t be specified for a temporary table. It is created outside of databases.
  • If a temporary table has the same name as another one and a query specifies the table name without specifying the DB, the temporary table will be used.
  • For distributed query processing, temporary tables used in a query are passed to remote servers.

To create a temporary table, use the following syntax:

name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],

In most cases, temporary tables are not created manually, but when using external data for a query, or for distributed (GLOBAL) IN. For more information, see the appropriate sections

Distributed DDL queries (ON CLUSTER clause)¶

The CREATE, DROP, ALTER, and RENAME queries support distributed execution on a cluster.
For example, the following query creates the all_hits Distributed table on each host in cluster:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS all_hits ON CLUSTER cluster (p Date, i Int32) ENGINE = Distributed(cluster, default, hits)

In order to run these queries correctly, each host must have the same cluster definition (to simplify syncing configs, you can use substitutions from ZooKeeper). They must also connect to the ZooKeeper servers.
The local version of the query will eventually be implemented on each host in the cluster, even if some hosts are currently not available. The order for executing queries within a single host is guaranteed.
ALTER queries are not yet supported for replicated tables.


CREATE [MATERIALIZED] VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [TO[db.]name] [ENGINE = engine] [POPULATE] AS SELECT ...

Creates a view. There are two types of views: normal and MATERIALIZED.

Normal views don’t store any data, but just perform a read from another table. In other words, a normal view is nothing more than a saved query. When reading from a view, this saved query is used as a subquery in the FROM clause.

As an example, assume you’ve created a view:


and written a query:

This query is fully equivalent to using the subquery:

SELECT a, b, c FROM (SELECT ...)

Materialized views store data transformed by the corresponding SELECT query.

When creating a materialized view, you must specify ENGINE – the table engine for storing data.

A materialized view is arranged as follows: when inserting data to the table specified in SELECT, part of the inserted data is converted by this SELECT query, and the result is inserted in the view.

If you specify POPULATE, the existing table data is inserted in the view when creating it, as if making a CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ... . Otherwise, the query contains only the data inserted in the table after creating the view. We don’t recommend using POPULATE, since data inserted in the table during the view creation will not be inserted in it.

A SELECT query can contain DISTINCT, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, LIMIT… Note that the corresponding conversions are performed independently on each block of inserted data. For example, if GROUP BY is set, data is aggregated during insertion, but only within a single packet of inserted data. The data won’t be further aggregated. The exception is when using an ENGINE that independently performs data aggregation, such as SummingMergeTree.

The execution of ALTER queries on materialized views has not been fully developed, so they might be inconvenient. If the materialized view uses the construction TO [db.]name, you can DETACH the view, run ALTER for the target table, and then ATTACH the previously detached (DETACH) view.

Views look the same as normal tables. For example, they are listed in the result of the SHOW TABLES query.

There isn’t a separate query for deleting views. To delete a view, use DROP TABLE.

Original article


The ALTER query is only supported for *MergeTree tables, as well as MergeandDistributed. The query has several variations.

Column Manipulations¶

Changing the table structure.


In the query, specify a list of one or more comma-separated actions.
Each action is an operation on a column.

The following actions are supported:

ADD COLUMN name [type] [default_expr] [AFTER name_after]

Adds a new column to the table with the specified name, type, and default_expr (see the section «Default expressions»). If you specify AFTER name_after (the name of another column), the column is added after the specified one in the list of table columns. Otherwise, the column is added to the end of the table. Note that there is no way to add a column to the beginning of a table. For a chain of actions, ‘name_after’ can be the name of a column that is added in one of the previous actions.

Adding a column just changes the table structure, without performing any actions with data. The data doesn’t appear on the disk after ALTER. If the data is missing for a column when reading from the table, it is filled in with default values (by performing the default expression if there is one, or using zeros or empty strings). If the data is missing for a column when reading from the table, it is filled in with default values (by performing the default expression if there is one, or using zeros or empty strings). The column appears on the disk after merging data parts (see MergeTree).

This approach allows us to complete the ALTER query instantly, without increasing the volume of old data.

Deletes the column with the name ‘name’.

Deletes data from the file system. Since this deletes entire files, the query is completed almost instantly.

CLEAR COLUMN name IN PARTITION partition_name

Clears all data in a column in a specified partition.

MODIFY COLUMN name [type] [default_expr]

Changes the ‘name’ column’s type to ‘type’ and/or the default expression to ‘default_expr’. When changing the type, values are converted as if the ‘toType’ function were applied to them.

If only the default expression is changed, the query doesn’t do anything complex, and is completed almost instantly.

Changing the column type is the only complex action – it changes the contents of files with data. For large tables, this may take a long time.

There are several processing stages:

  • Preparing temporary (new) files with modified data.
  • Renaming old files.
  • Renaming the temporary (new) files to the old names.
  • Deleting the old files.

Only the first stage takes time. If there is a failure at this stage, the data is not changed.
If there is a failure during one of the successive stages, data can be restored manually. The exception is if the old files were deleted from the file system but the data for the new files did not get written to the disk and was lost.

The ALTER query lets you create and delete separate elements (columns) in nested data structures, but not whole nested data structures. To add a nested data structure, you can add columns with a name like name.nested_name and the type Array(T). A nested data structure is equivalent to multiple array columns with a name that has the same prefix before the dot.

There is no support for deleting columns in the primary key or the sampling key (columns that are in the ENGINE expression). Changing the type for columns that are included in the primary key is only possible if this change does not cause the data to be modified (for example, it is allowed to add values to an Enum or change a type with DateTime to UInt32).

If the ALTER query is not sufficient for making the table changes you need, you can create a new table, copy the data to it using the INSERT SELECT query, then switch the tables using the RENAME query and delete the old table.

The ALTER query blocks all reads and writes for the table. In other words, if a long SELECT is running at the time of the ALTER query, the ALTER query will wait for it to complete. At the same time, all new queries to the same table will wait while this ALTER is running.

For tables that don’t store data themselves (such as Merge and Distributed), ALTER just changes the table structure, and does not change the structure of subordinate tables. For example, when running ALTER for a Distributed table, you will also need to run ALTER for the tables on all remote servers.

The ALTER query for changing columns is replicated. The instructions are saved in ZooKeeper, then each replica applies them. All ALTER queries are run in the same order. The query waits for the appropriate actions to be completed on the other replicas. However, a query to change columns in a replicated table can be interrupted, and all actions will be performed asynchronously.

Manipulations With Key Expressions¶

The following command is supported:

MODIFY ORDER BY new_expression

It only works for tables in the MergeTree family (including
replicated tables). The command changes the
sorting key of the table
to new_expression (an expression or a tuple of expressions). Primary key remains the same.

The command is lightweight in a sense that it only changes metadata. To keep the property that data part
rows are ordered by the sorting key expression you cannot add expressions containing existing columns
to the sorting key (only columns added by the ADD COLUMN command in the same ALTER query).

Manipulations With Data Skipping Indices¶

It only works for tables in the *MergeTree family (including
replicated tables). The following operations
are available:

  • ALTER TABLE [db].name ADD INDEX name expression TYPE type GRANULARITY value AFTER name [AFTER name2] — Adds index description to tables metadata.

  • ALTER TABLE [db].name DROP INDEX name — Removes index description from tables metadata and deletes index files from disk.

These commands are lightweight in a sense that they only change metadata or remove files.
Also, they are replicated (syncing indices metadata through ZooKeeper).

Manipulations With Partitions and Parts¶

The following operations with partitions are available:

  • DETACH PARTITION – Moves a partition to the ‘detached’ directory and forget it.
  • DROP PARTITION – Deletes a partition.
  • ATTACH PART|PARTITION – Adds a part or partition from the ‘detached’ directory to the table.
  • REPLACE PARTITION — Copies the data partition from one table to another.
  • CLEAR COLUMN IN PARTITION — Resets the value of a specified column in a partition.
  • FREEZE PARTITION – Creates a backup of a partition.
  • FETCH PARTITION – Downloads a partition from another server.
ALTER TABLE table_name DETACH PARTITION partition_expr

Moves all data for the specified partition to the ‘detached’ directory (how to specify the partition expression). The server forgets about the detached data partition as if it does not exist. The server will not know about this data until you make the ATTACH query.



After the query is executed, you can do whatever you want with the data in the ‘detached’ directory — delete it from the file system, or just leave it.

This query is replicated – it moves the data to the ‘detached’ directory on all replicas. Note that you can execute this query only on a leader replica. To find out if a replica is a leader, use the system.replicas table. Alternatively, it is easier to make a query on all replicas — all the replicas throw an exception, except the leader replica.

ALTER TABLE table_name DROP PARTITION partition_expr

Deletes the data of specified partition from the table (how to specify the partition expression). This query tags the partition as inactive and deletes data completely, approximately in 10 minutes.

The query is replicated – it deletes data on all replicas.

ALTER TABLE table_name ATTACH PARTITION|PART partition_expr

Adds data to the table from the ‘detached’ directory. It is possible to add data for an entire partition or for a separate part. Examples:

ALTER TABLE visits ATTACH PART 201901_2_2_0;

Read more about setting the partition expression in a section How to specify the partition expression.

This query is replicated. Each replica checks whether there is data in the ‘detached’ directory. If the data is in this directory, the query checks the integrity, verifies that it matches the data on the server that initiated the query. If everything is correct, the query adds data to the replica. If not, it downloads data from the query requestor replica, or from another replica where the data has already been added.

So you can put data to the ‘detached’ directory on one replica, and use the ALTER ... ATTACH query to add it to the table on all replicas.

ALTER TABLE table2_name REPLACE PARTITION partition_expr FROM table1_name

This query copies the data partition from the table1 to table2. Note that:

  • Both tables must have the same structure.
  • When creating the table2, you must specify the same partition key as for the table1.

Read about setting the partition expression in a section How to specify the partition expression.

ALTER TABLE table_name CLEAR COLUMN column_name IN PARTITION partition_expr

Resets all values in the specified column in a partition. If the DEFAULT clause was determined when creating a table, this query sets the column value to a specified default value.


ALTER TABLE table_name FREEZE [PARTITION partition_expr]

This query creates a local backup of a specified partition. If the PARTITION clause is omitted, the query creates the backup of all partitions at once. Note that for old-styled tables you can specify the prefix of the partition name (for example, ‘2019’) — then the query creates the backup for all the corresponding partitions.

At the time of execution, for a data snapshot, the query creates hardlinks to a table data. Hardlinks are placed in the directory /var/lib/clickhouse/shadow/N/..., where

  • /var/lib/clickhouse/ is the working ClickHouse directory specified in the config.
  • N is the incremental number of the backup.

The same structure of directories is created inside the backup as inside /var/lib/clickhouse/. It also performs ‘chmod’ for all files, forbidding writing into them.

The query creates backup almost instantly (but first it waits for the current queries to the corresponding table to finish running). At first, the backup does not take any space on the disk. As the system works, the backup can take disk space, as data is modified. If the backup is made for old enough data, it does not take space on the disk.

After creating the backup, you can copy the data from /var/lib/clickhouse/shadow/ to the remote server and then delete it from the local server. The entire backup process is performed without stopping the server.

The ALTER ... FREEZE PARTITION query is not replicated. It creates a local backup only on the local server.

As an alternative, you can manually copy data from the /var/lib/clickhouse/data/database/table directory. But if you do this while the server is running, race conditions are possible when copying directories with files being added or changed, and the backup may be inconsistent. Copy the data when the server is not running – then the resulting data will be the same as after the ALTER TABLE t FREEZE PARTITION query.

ALTER TABLE ... FREEZE PARTITION copies only the data, not table metadata. To make a backup of table metadata, copy the file /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/database/table.sql

To add the data to a table from a backup, do the following:

  1. Use the CREATE query to create the table if it does not exist. To view the query, use the .sql file (replace ATTACH in it with CREATE).
  2. Copy the data from the data/database/table/ directory inside the backup to the /var/lib/clickhouse/data/database/table/detached/ directory.
  3. Run ALTER TABLE ... ATTACH PARTITION queries to add the data to a table.

Restoring from a backup does not require stopping the server.

ALTER TABLE table_name FETCH PARTITION partition_expr FROM 'path-in-zookeeper'

Downloads a partition from another server. This query only works for the replicated tables.

The query does the following:

  1. Downloads the partition from the specified shard. In ‘path-in-zookeeper’ you must specify a path to the shard in ZooKeeper.
  2. Then the query puts the downloaded data to the ‘detached’ directory of the specified table. Use the ATTACH PART|PARTITION query to add the data to the table.

For example:

ALTER TABLE users FETCH PARTITION 201902 FROM '/clickhouse/tables/01-01/visits';

Before downloading, the system checks if the partition exists and the table structure matches. The most appropriate replica is selected automatically from the healthy replicas.

Although the query is called ALTER TABLE, it does not change the table structure and does not immediately change the data available in the table.

The ALTER ... FETCH PARTITION query is not replicated. It places the partition to the ‘detached’ directory only on the local server. Note that when you perform the ALTER TABLE ... ATTACH query, it adds the data to all replicas. The data is added to one of the replicas from the ‘detached’ directory, and to the others — from neighboring replicas.

How To Set Partition Expression¶

You can specify the partition expression in ALTER ... PARTITION queries in different ways:

  • As a value from the partition column of the table. For example, ALTER TABLE visits DETACH PARTITION 201901.
  • As the expression from the table column. Constants and constant expressions are supported. For example, ALTER TABLE visits DETACH PARTITION toYYYYMM(toDate('2019-01-25')).
  • Using the partition ID. Partition ID is a string identifier of the partition (human-readable, if possible) that is used as the names of partitions in the file system and in ZooKeeper. The partition ID must be specified in the PARTITION ID clause, in a single quotes. For example, ALTER TABLE visits DETACH PARTITION ID '201901'.
  • In the ALTER ATTACH PART query, to specify the name of a part, use a value from the name column of the table. For example, ALTER TABLE visits ATTACH PART 201901_1_1_0.

Correct usage of quotes in the partition expression depends on the type of the partition key, that was specified when creating a table. For example, for the String type partitions, you have to specify its name in quotes ('). For the Date and Int* types no quotes needed.

For old-style tables, you can specify the partition either as a number 201901 or a string '201901'. The syntax for the new-style tables is stricter with types (similar to the parser for the VALUES input format).

All the rules above are also true for the OPTIMIZE query. If you need to specify the only partition when optimizing a non-partitioned table, set the expression PARTITION tuple(). For example:

OPTIMIZE TABLE table_not_partitioned PARTITION tuple() FINAL;

The examples of ALTER ... PARTITION queries are demonstrated in the tests 00502_custom_partitioning_local and 00502_custom_partitioning_replicated_zookeeper.

Synchronicity of ALTER Queries¶

For non-replicatable tables, all ALTER queries are performed synchronously. For replicatable tables, the query just adds instructions for the appropriate actions to ZooKeeper, and the actions themselves are performed as soon as possible. However, the query can wait for these actions to be completed on all the replicas.

For ALTER ... ATTACH|DETACH|DROP queries, you can use the replication_alter_partitions_sync setting to set up waiting.
Possible values: 0 – do not wait; 1 – only wait for own execution (default); 2 – wait for all.


Mutations are an ALTER query variant that allows changing or deleting rows in a table. In contrast to standard UPDATE and DELETE queries that are intended for point data changes, mutations are intended for heavy operations that change a lot of rows in a table.

The functionality is in beta stage and is available starting with the 1.1.54388 version. Currently *MergeTree table engines are supported (both replicated and unreplicated).

Existing tables are ready for mutations as-is (no conversion necessary), but after the first mutation is applied to a table, its metadata format becomes incompatible with previous server versions and falling back to a previous version becomes impossible.

Currently available commands:

ALTER TABLE [db.]table DELETE WHERE filter_expr

The filter_expr must be of type UInt8. The query deletes rows in the table for which this expression takes a non-zero value.

ALTER TABLE [db.]table UPDATE column1 = expr1 [, ...] WHERE filter_expr

The command is available starting with the 18.12.14 version. The filter_expr must be of type UInt8. This query updates values of specified columns to the values of corresponding expressions in rows for which the filter_expr takes a non-zero value. Values are casted to the column type using the CAST operator. Updating columns that are used in the calculation of the primary or the partition key is not supported.

One query can contain several commands separated by commas.

For *MergeTree tables mutations execute by rewriting whole data parts. There is no atomicity — parts are substituted for mutated parts as soon as they are ready and a SELECT query that started executing during a mutation will see data from parts that have already been mutated along with data from parts that have not been mutated yet.

Mutations are totally ordered by their creation order and are applied to each part in that order. Mutations are also partially ordered with INSERTs — data that was inserted into the table before the mutation was submitted will be mutated and data that was inserted after that will not be mutated. Note that mutations do not block INSERTs in any way.

A mutation query returns immediately after the mutation entry is added (in case of replicated tables to ZooKeeper, for nonreplicated tables — to the filesystem). The mutation itself executes asynchronously using the system profile settings. To track the progress of mutations you can use the system.mutations table. A mutation that was successfully submitted will continue to execute even if ClickHouse servers are restarted. There is no way to roll back the mutation once it is submitted, but if the mutation is stuck for some reason it can be cancelled with the KILL MUTATION query.

Entries for finished mutations are not deleted right away (the number of preserved entries is determined by the finished_mutations_to_keep storage engine parameter). Older mutation entries are deleted.

Original article

Miscellaneous Queries¶


This query is exactly the same as CREATE, but

  • Instead of the word CREATE it uses the word ATTACH.
  • The query does not create data on the disk, but assumes that data is already in the appropriate places, and just adds information about the table to the server.
    After executing an ATTACH query, the server will know about the existence of the table.

If the table was previously detached (DETACH), meaning that its structure is known, you can use shorthand without defining the structure.


This query is used when starting the server. The server stores table metadata as files with ATTACH queries, which it simply runs at launch (with the exception of system tables, which are explicitly created on the server).


Checks if the data in the table is corrupted.

The CHECK TABLE query compares actual file sizes with the expected values which are stored on the server. If the file sizes do not match the stored values, it means the data is corrupted. This can be caused, for example, by a system crash during query execution.

The query response contains the result column with a single row. The row has a value of
Boolean type:

  • 0 — The data in the table is corrupted.
  • 1 — The data maintains integrity.

The CHECK TABLE query is only supported for the following table engines:

  • Log
  • TinyLog
  • StripeLog

These engines do not provide automatic data recovery on failure. Use the CHECK TABLE query to track data loss in a timely manner.

To avoid data loss use the MergeTree family tables.

If the data is corrupted

If the table is corrupted, you can copy the non-corrupted data to another table. To do this:

  1. Create a new table with the same structure as damaged table. To do this execute the query CREATE TABLE <new_table_name> AS <damaged_table_name>.
  2. Set the max_threads value to 1 to process the next query in a single thread. To do this run the query SET max_threads = 1.
  3. Execute the query INSERT INTO <new_table_name> SELECT * FROM <damaged_table_name>. This request copies the non-corrupted data from the damaged table to another table. Only the data before the corrupted part will be copied.
  4. Restart the clickhouse-client to reset the max_threads value.


DESC|DESCRIBE TABLE [db.]table [INTO OUTFILE filename] [FORMAT format]

Returns two String-type columns: name and type, which indicate the names and types of columns in the specified table.

Nested data structures are output in «expanded» format. Each column is shown separately, with the name after a dot.


Deletes information about the ‘name’ table from the server. The server stops knowing about the table’s existence.


This does not delete the table’s data or metadata. On the next server launch, the server will read the metadata and find out about the table again.
Similarly, a «detached» table can be re-attached using the ATTACH query (with the exception of system tables, which do not have metadata stored for them).

There is no DETACH DATABASE query.


This query has two types: DROP DATABASE and DROP TABLE.


Deletes all tables inside the ‘db’ database, then deletes the ‘db’ database itself.
If IF EXISTS is specified, it doesn’t return an error if the database doesn’t exist.


Deletes the table.
If IF EXISTS is specified, it doesn’t return an error if the table doesn’t exist or the database doesn’t exist.


EXISTS [TEMPORARY] TABLE [db.]name [INTO OUTFILE filename] [FORMAT format]

Returns a single UInt8-type column, which contains the single value 0 if the table or database doesn’t exist, or 1 if the table exists in the specified database.


WHERE <where expression to SELECT FROM system.processes query>
[FORMAT format]

Attempts to forcibly terminate the currently running queries.
The queries to terminate are selected from the system.processes table using the criteria defined in the WHERE clause of the KILL query.


-- Forcibly terminates all queries with the specified query_id:
KILL QUERY WHERE query_id='2-857d-4a57-9ee0-327da5d60a90'
-- Synchronously terminates all queries run by 'username':
KILL QUERY WHERE user='username' SYNC

Read-only users can only stop their own queries.

By default, the asynchronous version of queries is used (ASYNC), which doesn’t wait for confirmation that queries have stopped.

The synchronous version (SYNC) waits for all queries to stop and displays information about each process as it stops.
The response contains the kill_status column, which can take the following values:

  1. ‘finished’ – The query was terminated successfully.
  2. ‘waiting’ – Waiting for the query to end after sending it a signal to terminate.
  3. The other values ​​explain why the query can’t be stopped.

A test query (TEST) only checks the user’s rights and displays a list of queries to stop.


WHERE <where expression to SELECT FROM system.mutations query>
[FORMAT format]

Tries to cancel and remove mutations that are currently executing. Mutations to cancel are selected from the system.mutations table using the filter specified by the WHERE clause of the KILL query.

A test query (TEST) only checks the user’s rights and displays a list of queries to stop.


-- Cancel and remove all mutations of the single table:
KILL MUTATION WHERE database = 'default' AND table = 'table'
-- Cancel the specific mutation:
KILL MUTATION WHERE database = 'default' AND table = 'table' AND mutation_id = 'mutation_3.txt'

The query is useful when a mutation is stuck and cannot finish (e.g. if some function in the mutation query throws an exception when applied to the data contained in the table).

Changes already made by the mutation are not rolled back.


OPTIMIZE TABLE [db.]name [ON CLUSTER cluster] [PARTITION partition] [FINAL]

Asks the table engine to do something for optimization.
Supported only by *MergeTree engines, in which this query initializes a non-scheduled merge of data parts.
If you specify a PARTITION, only the specified partition will be optimized.
If you specify FINAL, optimization will be performed even when all the data is already in one part.


OPTIMIZE can’t fix the «Too many parts» error.


Renames one or more tables.

RENAME TABLE [db11.]name11 TO [db12.]name12, [db21.]name21 TO [db22.]name22, ... [ON CLUSTER cluster]

All tables are renamed under global locking. Renaming tables is a light operation. If you indicated another database after TO, the table will be moved to this database. However, the directories with databases must reside in the same file system (otherwise, an error is returned).


Allows you to set param to value. You can also make all the settings from the specified settings profile in a single query. To do this, specify ‘profile’ as the setting name. For more information, see the section «Settings».
The setting is made for the session, or for the server (globally) if GLOBAL is specified.
When making a global setting, the setting is not applied to sessions already running, including the current session. It will only be used for new sessions.

When the server is restarted, global settings made using SET are lost.
To make settings that persist after a server restart, you can only use the server’s config file.



Returns a single String-type ‘statement’ column, which contains a single value – the CREATE query used for creating the specified table.



Prints a list of all databases.
This query is identical to SELECT name FROM system.databases [INTO OUTFILE filename] [FORMAT format].

See also the section «Formats».



Outputs a list of queries currently being processed, other than SHOW PROCESSLIST queries.

Prints a table containing the columns:

user – The user who made the query. Keep in mind that for distributed processing, queries are sent to remote servers under the ‘default’ user. SHOW PROCESSLIST shows the username for a specific query, not for a query that this query initiated.

address – The name of the host that the query was sent from. For distributed processing, on remote servers, this is the name of the query requestor host. To track where a distributed query was originally made from, look at SHOW PROCESSLIST on the query requestor server.

elapsed – The execution time, in seconds. Queries are output in order of decreasing execution time.

rows_read, bytes_read – How many rows and bytes of uncompressed data were read when processing the query. For distributed processing, data is totaled from all the remote servers. This is the data used for restrictions and quotas.

memory_usage – Current RAM usage in bytes. See the setting ‘max_memory_usage’.

query – The query itself. In INSERT queries, the data for insertion is not output.

query_id – The query identifier. Non-empty only if it was explicitly defined by the user. For distributed processing, the query ID is not passed to remote servers.

This query is nearly identical to: SELECT * FROM system.processes. The difference is that the SHOW PROCESSLIST query does not show itself in a list, when the SELECT .. FROM system.processes query does.

Tip (execute in the console):

watch -n1 "clickhouse-client --query='SHOW PROCESSLIST'"


SHOW [TEMPORARY] TABLES [FROM db] [LIKE 'pattern'] [INTO OUTFILE filename] [FORMAT format]

Displays a list of tables

  • Tables from the current database, or from the ‘db’ database if «FROM db» is specified.
  • All tables, or tables whose name matches the pattern, if «LIKE ‘pattern’» is specified.

This query is identical to: SELECT name FROM system.tables WHERE database = 'db' [AND name LIKE 'pattern'] [INTO OUTFILE filename] [FORMAT format].

See also the section «LIKE operator».



Removes all data from a table. When the clause IF EXISTS is omitted, the query returns an error if the table does not exist.

The TRUNCATE query is not supported for View, File, URL and Null table engines.


Lets you set the current database for the session.
The current database is used for searching for tables if the database is not explicitly defined in the query with a dot before the table name.
This query can’t be made when using the HTTP protocol, since there is no concept of a session.

Original article


There are at least* two types of functions — regular functions (they are just called «functions») and aggregate functions. These are completely different concepts. Regular functions work as if they are applied to each row separately (for each row, the result of the function doesn’t depend on the other rows). Aggregate functions accumulate a set of values from various rows (i.e. they depend on the entire set of rows).

In this section we discuss regular functions. For aggregate functions, see the section «Aggregate functions».

* — There is a third type of function that the ‘arrayJoin’ function belongs to; table functions can also be mentioned separately.*

Strong typing¶

In contrast to standard SQL, ClickHouse has strong typing. In other words, it doesn’t make implicit conversions between types. Each function works for a specific set of types. This means that sometimes you need to use type conversion functions.

Common subexpression elimination¶

All expressions in a query that have the same AST (the same record or same result of syntactic parsing) are considered to have identical values. Such expressions are concatenated and executed once. Identical subqueries are also eliminated this way.

Types of results¶

All functions return a single return as the result (not several values, and not zero values). The type of result is usually defined only by the types of arguments, not by the values. Exceptions are the tupleElement function (the a.N operator), and the toFixedString function.


For simplicity, certain functions can only work with constants for some arguments. For example, the right argument of the LIKE operator must be a constant.
Almost all functions return a constant for constant arguments. The exception is functions that generate random numbers.
The ‘now’ function returns different values for queries that were run at different times, but the result is considered a constant, since constancy is only important within a single query.
A constant expression is also considered a constant (for example, the right half of the LIKE operator can be constructed from multiple constants).

Functions can be implemented in different ways for constant and non-constant arguments (different code is executed). But the results for a constant and for a true column containing only the same value should match each other.

NULL processing¶

Functions have the following behaviors:

  • If at least one of the arguments of the function is NULL, the function result is also NULL.
  • Special behavior that is specified individually in the description of each function. In the ClickHouse source code, these functions have UseDefaultImplementationForNulls=false.


Functions can’t change the values of their arguments – any changes are returned as the result. Thus, the result of calculating separate functions does not depend on the order in which the functions are written in the query.

Error handling¶

Some functions might throw an exception if the data is invalid. In this case, the query is canceled and an error text is returned to the client. For distributed processing, when an exception occurs on one of the servers, the other servers also attempt to abort the query.

Evaluation of argument expressions¶

In almost all programming languages, one of the arguments might not be evaluated for certain operators. This is usually the operators &&, ||, and ?:.
But in ClickHouse, arguments of functions (operators) are always evaluated. This is because entire parts of columns are evaluated at once, instead of calculating each row separately.

Performing functions for distributed query processing¶

For distributed query processing, as many stages of query processing as possible are performed on remote servers, and the rest of the stages (merging intermediate results and everything after that) are performed on the requestor server.

This means that functions can be performed on different servers.
For example, in the query SELECT f(sum(g(x))) FROM distributed_table GROUP BY h(y),

  • if a distributed_table has at least two shards, the functions ‘g’ and ‘h’ are performed on remote servers, and the function ‘f’ is performed on the requestor server.
  • if a distributed_table has only one shard, all the ‘f’, ‘g’, and ‘h’ functions are performed on this shard’s server.

The result of a function usually doesn’t depend on which server it is performed on. However, sometimes this is important.
For example, functions that work with dictionaries use the dictionary that exists on the server they are running on.
Another example is the hostName function, which returns the name of the server it is running on in order to make GROUP BY by servers in a SELECT query.

If a function in a query is performed on the requestor server, but you need to perform it on remote servers, you can wrap it in an ‘any’ aggregate function or add it to a key in GROUP BY.

Original article

Arithmetic functions¶

For all arithmetic functions, the result type is calculated as the smallest number type that the result fits in, if there is such a type. The minimum is taken simultaneously based on the number of bits, whether it is signed, and whether it floats. If there are not enough bits, the highest bit type is taken.


SELECT toTypeName(0), toTypeName(0 + 0), toTypeName(0 + 0 + 0), toTypeName(0 + 0 + 0 + 0)
┌─toTypeName(0)─┬─toTypeName(plus(0, 0))─┬─toTypeName(plus(plus(0, 0), 0))─┬─toTypeName(plus(plus(plus(0, 0), 0), 0))─┐
│ UInt8         │ UInt16                 │ UInt32                          │ UInt64                                   │

Arithmetic functions work for any pair of types from UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float32, or Float64.

Overflow is produced the same way as in C++.

plus(a, b), a + b operator¶

Calculates the sum of the numbers.
You can also add integer numbers with a date or date and time. In the case of a date, adding an integer means adding the corresponding number of days. For a date with time, it means adding the corresponding number of seconds.

minus(a, b), a — b operator¶

Calculates the difference. The result is always signed.

You can also calculate integer numbers from a date or date with time. The idea is the same – see above for ‘plus’.

multiply(a, b), a * b operator¶

Calculates the product of the numbers.

divide(a, b), a / b operator¶

Calculates the quotient of the numbers. The result type is always a floating-point type.
It is not integer division. For integer division, use the ‘intDiv’ function.
When dividing by zero you get ‘inf’, ‘-inf’, or ‘nan’.

intDiv(a, b)¶

Calculates the quotient of the numbers. Divides into integers, rounding down (by the absolute value).
An exception is thrown when dividing by zero or when dividing a minimal negative number by minus one.

intDivOrZero(a, b)¶

Differs from ‘intDiv’ in that it returns zero when dividing by zero or when dividing a minimal negative number by minus one.

modulo(a, b), a % b operator¶

Calculates the remainder after division.
If arguments are floating-point numbers, they are pre-converted to integers by dropping the decimal portion.
The remainder is taken in the same sense as in C++. Truncated division is used for negative numbers.
An exception is thrown when dividing by zero or when dividing a minimal negative number by minus one.

negate(a), -a operator¶

Calculates a number with the reverse sign. The result is always signed.


Calculates the absolute value of the number (a). That is, if a < 0, it returns -a. For unsigned types it doesn’t do anything. For signed integer types, it returns an unsigned number.

gcd(a, b)¶

Returns the greatest common divisor of the numbers.
An exception is thrown when dividing by zero or when dividing a minimal negative number by minus one.

lcm(a, b)¶

Returns the least common multiple of the numbers.
An exception is thrown when dividing by zero or when dividing a minimal negative number by minus one.

Original article

Comparison functions¶

Comparison functions always return 0 or 1 (Uint8).

The following types can be compared:

  • numbers
  • strings and fixed strings
  • dates
  • dates with times

within each group, but not between different groups.

For example, you can’t compare a date with a string. You have to use a function to convert the string to a date, or vice versa.

Strings are compared by bytes. A shorter string is smaller than all strings that start with it and that contain at least one more character.

Note. Up until version 1.1.54134, signed and unsigned numbers were compared the same way as in C++. In other words, you could get an incorrect result in cases like SELECT 9223372036854775807 > -1. This behavior changed in version 1.1.54134 and is now mathematically correct.

equals, a = b and a == b operator¶

notEquals, a ! operator= b and a <>

less, < operator

greater, > operator

lessOrEquals, <= operator

greaterOrEquals, >= operator

Original article

Logical functions¶

Logical functions accept any numeric types, but return a UInt8 number equal to 0 or 1.

Zero as an argument is considered «false,» while any non-zero value is considered «true».

and, AND operator¶

or, OR operator¶

not, NOT operator¶


Original article

Type conversion functions¶

toUInt8, toUInt16, toUInt32, toUInt64¶

toInt8, toInt16, toInt32, toInt64¶

toFloat32, toFloat64¶

toDate, toDateTime¶

toUInt8OrZero, toUInt16OrZero, toUInt32OrZero, toUInt64OrZero, toInt8OrZero, toInt16OrZero, toInt32OrZero, toInt64OrZero, toFloat32OrZero, toFloat64OrZero, toDateOrZero, toDateTimeOrZero¶

toUInt8OrNull, toUInt16OrNull, toUInt32OrNull, toUInt64OrNull, toInt8OrNull, toInt16OrNull, toInt32OrNull, toInt64OrNull, toFloat32OrNull, toFloat64OrNull, toDateOrNull, toDateTimeOrNull¶

toDecimal32(value, S), toDecimal64(value, S), toDecimal128(value, S)¶

Converts value to Decimal of precision S. The value can be a number or a string. The S (scale) parameter specifies the number of decimal places.


Functions for converting between numbers, strings (but not fixed strings), dates, and dates with times.
All these functions accept one argument.

When converting to or from a string, the value is formatted or parsed using the same rules as for the TabSeparated format (and almost all other text formats). If the string can’t be parsed, an exception is thrown and the request is canceled.

When converting dates to numbers or vice versa, the date corresponds to the number of days since the beginning of the Unix epoch.
When converting dates with times to numbers or vice versa, the date with time corresponds to the number of seconds since the beginning of the Unix epoch.

The date and date-with-time formats for the toDate/toDateTime functions are defined as follows:

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

As an exception, if converting from UInt32, Int32, UInt64, or Int64 numeric types to Date, and if the number is greater than or equal to 65536, the number is interpreted as a Unix timestamp (and not as the number of days) and is rounded to the date. This allows support for the common occurrence of writing ‘toDate(unix_timestamp)’, which otherwise would be an error and would require writing the more cumbersome ‘toDate(toDateTime(unix_timestamp))’.

Conversion between a date and date with time is performed the natural way: by adding a null time or dropping the time.

Conversion between numeric types uses the same rules as assignments between different numeric types in C++.

Additionally, the toString function of the DateTime argument can take a second String argument containing the name of the time zone. Example: Asia/Yekaterinburg In this case, the time is formatted according to the specified time zone.

now() AS now_local,
toString(now(), 'Asia/Yekaterinburg') AS now_yekat
│ 2016-06-15 00:11:21 │ 2016-06-15 02:11:21 │

Also see the toUnixTimestamp function.

toFixedString(s, N)¶

Converts a String type argument to a FixedString(N) type (a string with fixed length N). N must be a constant.
If the string has fewer bytes than N, it is passed with null bytes to the right. If the string has more bytes than N, an exception is thrown.


Accepts a String or FixedString argument. Returns the String with the content truncated at the first zero byte found.


SELECT toFixedString('foo', 8) AS s, toStringCutToZero(s) AS s_cut
│ foo │ foo   │
SELECT toFixedString('foobar', 8) AS s, toStringCutToZero(s) AS s_cut
│ foobar │ foo   │

reinterpretAsUInt8, reinterpretAsUInt16, reinterpretAsUInt32, reinterpretAsUInt64¶

reinterpretAsInt8, reinterpretAsInt16, reinterpretAsInt32, reinterpretAsInt64¶

reinterpretAsFloat32, reinterpretAsFloat64¶

reinterpretAsDate, reinterpretAsDateTime¶

These functions accept a string and interpret the bytes placed at the beginning of the string as a number in host order (little endian). If the string isn’t long enough, the functions work as if the string is padded with the necessary number of null bytes. If the string is longer than needed, the extra bytes are ignored. A date is interpreted as the number of days since the beginning of the Unix Epoch, and a date with time is interpreted as the number of seconds since the beginning of the Unix Epoch.


This function accepts a number or date or date with time, and returns a string containing bytes representing the corresponding value in host order (little endian). Null bytes are dropped from the end. For example, a UInt32 type value of 255 is a string that is one byte long.


This function accepts a number or date or date with time, and returns a FixedString containing bytes representing the corresponding value in host order (little endian). Null bytes are dropped from the end. For example, a UInt32 type value of 255 is a FixedString that is one byte long.

CAST(x, t)¶

Converts ‘x’ to the ‘t’ data type. The syntax CAST(x AS t) is also supported.


'2016-06-15 23:00:00' AS timestamp,
CAST(timestamp AS DateTime) AS datetime,
CAST(timestamp AS Date) AS date,
CAST(timestamp, 'String') AS string,
CAST(timestamp, 'FixedString(22)') AS fixed_string
│ 2016-06-15 23:00:00 │ 2016-06-15 23:00:00 │ 2016-06-15 │ 2016-06-15 23:00:00 │ 2016-06-15 23:00:00 │

Conversion to FixedString(N) only works for arguments of type String or FixedString(N).

Type conversion to Nullable and back is supported. Example:

SELECT toTypeName(x) FROM t_null
│ Int8          │
│ Int8          │
SELECT toTypeName(CAST(x, 'Nullable(UInt16)')) FROM t_null
┌─toTypeName(CAST(x, 'Nullable(UInt16)'))─┐
│ Nullable(UInt16)                        │
│ Nullable(UInt16)                        │

toIntervalYear, toIntervalQuarter, toIntervalMonth, toIntervalWeek, toIntervalDay, toIntervalHour, toIntervalMinute, toIntervalSecond¶

Converts a Number type argument to a Interval type (duration).
The interval type is actually very useful, you can use this type of data to perform arithmetic operations directly with Date or DateTime. At the same time, ClickHouse provides a more convenient syntax for declaring Interval type data. For example:

toDate('2019-01-01') AS date,
INTERVAL 1 WEEK AS interval_week,
toIntervalWeek(1) AS interval_to_week
date + interval_week,
date + interval_to_week
┌─plus(date, interval_week)─┬─plus(date, interval_to_week)─┐
│                2019-01-08 │                   2019-01-08 │


Parse a number type argument to a Date or DateTime type.
different from toDate and toDateTime, parseDateTimeBestEffort can progress more complex date format.
For more information, see the link: Complex Date Format


Same as for parseDateTimeBestEffort except that it returns null when it encounters a date format that cannot be processed.


Same as for parseDateTimeBestEffort except that it returns zero date or zero date time when it encounters a date format that cannot be processed.

Original article

Functions for working with dates and times¶

Support for time zones

All functions for working with the date and time that have a logical use for the time zone can accept a second optional time zone argument. Example: Asia/Yekaterinburg. In this case, they use the specified time zone instead of the local (default) one.

toDateTime('2016-06-15 23:00:00') AS time,
toDate(time) AS date_local,
toDate(time, 'Asia/Yekaterinburg') AS date_yekat,
toString(time, 'US/Samoa') AS time_samoa
│ 2016-06-15 23:00:00 │ 2016-06-15 │ 2016-06-16 │ 2016-06-15 09:00:00 │

Only time zones that differ from UTC by a whole number of hours are supported.


Convert time or date and time to the specified time zone.


Converts a date or date with time to a UInt16 number containing the year number (AD).


Converts a date or date with time to a UInt8 number containing the quarter number.


Converts a date or date with time to a UInt8 number containing the month number (1-12).


Converts a date or date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the day of the year (1-366).


Converts a date or date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the day of the month (1-31).


Converts a date or date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the day of the week (Monday is 1, and Sunday is 7).


Converts a date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the hour in 24-hour time (0-23).
This function assumes that if clocks are moved ahead, it is by one hour and occurs at 2 a.m., and if clocks are moved back, it is by one hour and occurs at 3 a.m. (which is not always true – even in Moscow the clocks were twice changed at a different time).


Converts a date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the minute of the hour (0-59).


Converts a date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the second in the minute (0-59).
Leap seconds are not accounted for.


Converts a date with time to a unix timestamp.


Rounds down a date or date with time to the first day of the year.
Returns the date.


Rounds down a date or date with time to the first day of ISO year.
Returns the date.


Rounds down a date or date with time to the first day of the quarter.
The first day of the quarter is either 1 January, 1 April, 1 July, or 1 October.
Returns the date.


Rounds down a date or date with time to the first day of the month.
Returns the date.


The behavior of parsing incorrect dates is implementation specific. ClickHouse may return zero date, throw an exception or do «natural» overflow.


Rounds down a date or date with time to the nearest Monday.
Returns the date.


Rounds down a date with time to the start of the day.


Rounds down a date with time to the start of the hour.


Rounds down a date with time to the start of the minute.


Rounds down a date with time to the start of the five-minute interval.


Rounds down a date with time to the start of the ten-minute interval.


Rounds down the date with time to the start of the fifteen-minute interval.

toStartOfInterval(time_or_data, INTERVAL x unit [, time_zone])¶

This is a generalization of other functions named toStartOf*. For example,
toStartOfInterval(t, INTERVAL 1 year) returns the same as toStartOfYear(t),
toStartOfInterval(t, INTERVAL 1 month) returns the same as toStartOfMonth(t),
toStartOfInterval(t, INTERVAL 1 day) returns the same as toStartOfDay(t),
toStartOfInterval(t, INTERVAL 15 minute) returns the same as toStartOfFifteenMinutes(t) etc.


Converts a date with time to a certain fixed date, while preserving the time.


Converts a date with time or date to the number of the year, starting from a certain fixed point in the past.


Converts a date with time or date to the number of the quarter, starting from a certain fixed point in the past.


Converts a date with time or date to the number of the month, starting from a certain fixed point in the past.


Converts a date with time or date to the number of the week, starting from a certain fixed point in the past.


Converts a date with time or date to the number of the day, starting from a certain fixed point in the past.


Converts a date with time or date to the number of the hour, starting from a certain fixed point in the past.


Converts a date with time or date to the number of the minute, starting from a certain fixed point in the past.


Converts a date with time or date to the number of the second, starting from a certain fixed point in the past.


Converts a date or date with time to a UInt16 number containing the ISO Year number.


Converts a date or date with time to a UInt8 number containing the ISO Week number.


Accepts zero arguments and returns the current time at one of the moments of request execution.
This function returns a constant, even if the request took a long time to complete.


Accepts zero arguments and returns the current date at one of the moments of request execution.
The same as ‘toDate(now())’.


Accepts zero arguments and returns yesterday’s date at one of the moments of request execution.
The same as ‘today() — 1’.


Rounds the time to the half hour.
This function is specific to Yandex.Metrica, since half an hour is the minimum amount of time for breaking a session into two sessions if a tracking tag shows a single user’s consecutive pageviews that differ in time by strictly more than this amount. This means that tuples (the tag ID, user ID, and time slot) can be used to search for pageviews that are included in the corresponding session.


Converts a date or date with time to a UInt32 number containing the year and month number (YYYY * 100 + MM).


Converts a date or date with time to a UInt32 number containing the year and month number (YYYY * 10000 + MM * 100 + DD).


Converts a date or date with time to a UInt64 number containing the year and month number (YYYY * 10000000000 + MM * 100000000 + DD * 1000000 + hh * 10000 + mm * 100 + ss).

addYears, addMonths, addWeeks, addDays, addHours, addMinutes, addSeconds, addQuarters¶

Function adds a Date/DateTime interval to a Date/DateTime and then return the Date/DateTime. For example:

toDate('2018-01-01') AS date,
toDateTime('2018-01-01 00:00:00') AS date_time
addYears(date, 1) AS add_years_with_date,
addYears(date_time, 1) AS add_years_with_date_time
│          2019-01-01 │      2019-01-01 00:00:00 │

subtractYears, subtractMonths, subtractWeeks, subtractDays, subtractHours, subtractMinutes, subtractSeconds, subtractQuarters¶

Function subtract a Date/DateTime interval to a Date/DateTime and then return the Date/DateTime. For example:

toDate('2019-01-01') AS date,
toDateTime('2019-01-01 00:00:00') AS date_time
subtractYears(date, 1) AS subtract_years_with_date,
subtractYears(date_time, 1) AS subtract_years_with_date_time
│               2018-01-01 │           2018-01-01 00:00:00 │

dateDiff(‘unit’, t1, t2, [timezone])¶

Return the difference between two times expressed in ‘unit’ e.g. 'hours'. ‘t1’ and ‘t2’ can be Date or DateTime, If ‘timezone’ is specified, it applied to both arguments. If not, timezones from datatypes ‘t1’ and ‘t2’ are used. If that timezones are not the same, the result is unspecified.

Supported unit values:


timeSlots(StartTime, Duration,[, Size])¶

For a time interval starting at ‘StartTime’ and continuing for ‘Duration’ seconds, it returns an array of moments in time, consisting of points from this interval rounded down to the ‘Size’ in seconds. ‘Size’ is an optional parameter: a constant UInt32, set to 1800 by default.
For example, timeSlots(toDateTime('2012-01-01 12:20:00'), 600) = [toDateTime('2012-01-01 12:00:00'), toDateTime('2012-01-01 12:30:00')].
This is necessary for searching for pageviews in the corresponding session.

formatDateTime(Time, Format[, Timezone])¶

Function formats a Time according given Format string. N.B.: Format is a constant expression, e.g. you can not have multiple formats for single result column.

Supported modifiers for Format:
(«Example» column shows formatting result for time 2018-01-02 22:33:44)

Modifier Description Example
%C year divided by 100 and truncated to integer (00-99) 20
%d day of the month, zero-padded (01-31) 02
%D Short MM/DD/YY date, equivalent to %m/%d/%y 01/02/2018
%e day of the month, space-padded ( 1-31) 2
%F short YYYY-MM-DD date, equivalent to %Y-%m-%d 2018-01-02
%H hour in 24h format (00-23) 22
%I hour in 12h format (01-12) 10
%j day of the year (001-366) 002
%m month as a decimal number (01-12) 01
%M minute (00-59) 33
%n new-line character (‘n’)
%p AM or PM designation PM
%R 24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %H:%M 22:33
%S second (00-59) 44
%t horizontal-tab character (‘t’)
%T ISO 8601 time format (HH:MM:SS), equivalent to %H:%M:%S 22:33:44
%u ISO 8601 weekday as number with Monday as 1 (1-7) 2
%V ISO 8601 week number (01-53) 01
%w weekday as a decimal number with Sunday as 0 (0-6) 2
%y Year, last two digits (00-99) 18
%Y Year 2018
%% a % sign %

Original article

Functions for working with strings¶


Returns 1 for an empty string or 0 for a non-empty string.
The result type is UInt8.
A string is considered non-empty if it contains at least one byte, even if this is a space or a null byte.
The function also works for arrays.


Returns 0 for an empty string or 1 for a non-empty string.
The result type is UInt8.
The function also works for arrays.


Returns the length of a string in bytes (not in characters, and not in code points).
The result type is UInt64.
The function also works for arrays.


Returns the length of a string in Unicode code points (not in characters), assuming that the string contains a set of bytes that make up UTF-8 encoded text. If this assumption is not met, it returns some result (it doesn’t throw an exception).
The result type is UInt64.

char_length, CHAR_LENGTH¶

Returns the length of a string in Unicode code points (not in characters), assuming that the string contains a set of bytes that make up UTF-8 encoded text. If this assumption is not met, it returns some result (it doesn’t throw an exception).
The result type is UInt64.

character_length, CHARACTER_LENGTH¶

Returns the length of a string in Unicode code points (not in characters), assuming that the string contains a set of bytes that make up UTF-8 encoded text. If this assumption is not met, it returns some result (it doesn’t throw an exception).
The result type is UInt64.

lower, lcase¶

Converts ASCII Latin symbols in a string to lowercase.

upper, ucase¶

Converts ASCII Latin symbols in a string to uppercase.


Converts a string to lowercase, assuming the string contains a set of bytes that make up a UTF-8 encoded text.
It doesn’t detect the language. So for Turkish the result might not be exactly correct.
If the length of the UTF-8 byte sequence is different for upper and lower case of a code point, the result may be incorrect for this code point.
If the string contains a set of bytes that is not UTF-8, then the behavior is undefined.


Converts a string to uppercase, assuming the string contains a set of bytes that make up a UTF-8 encoded text.
It doesn’t detect the language. So for Turkish the result might not be exactly correct.
If the length of the UTF-8 byte sequence is different for upper and lower case of a code point, the result may be incorrect for this code point.
If the string contains a set of bytes that is not UTF-8, then the behavior is undefined.


Reverses the string (as a sequence of bytes).


Reverses a sequence of Unicode code points, assuming that the string contains a set of bytes representing a UTF-8 text. Otherwise, it does something else (it doesn’t throw an exception).

concat(s1, s2, …)¶

Concatenates the strings listed in the arguments, without a separator.

concatAssumeInjective(s1, s2, …)¶

Same as concat, the difference is that you need to ensure that concat(s1, s2, s3) -> s4 is injective, it will be used for optimization of GROUP BY

substring(s, offset, length), mid(s, offset, length), substr(s, offset, length)¶

Returns a substring starting with the byte from the ‘offset’ index that is ‘length’ bytes long. Character indexing starts from one (as in standard SQL). The ‘offset’ and ‘length’ arguments must be constants.

substringUTF8(s, offset, length)¶

The same as ‘substring’, but for Unicode code points. Works under the assumption that the string contains a set of bytes representing a UTF-8 encoded text. If this assumption is not met, it returns some result (it doesn’t throw an exception).

appendTrailingCharIfAbsent(s, c)¶

If the ‘s’ string is non-empty and does not contain the ‘c’ character at the end, it appends the ‘c’ character to the end.

convertCharset(s, from, to)¶

Returns the string ‘s’ that was converted from the encoding in ‘from’ to the encoding in ‘to’.


Encodes ‘s’ string into base64


Decode base64-encoded string ‘s’ into original string. In case of failure raises an exception.


Similar to base64Decode, but in case of error an empty string would be returned.

endsWith(s, suffix)¶

Returns whether to end with the specified suffix. Returns 1 if the string ends with the specified suffix, otherwise it returns 0.

startsWith(s, prefix)¶

Returns whether to start with the specified prefix. Returns 1 if the string starts with the specified prefix, otherwise it returns 0.


Returns a string that removes the whitespace characters on left side.


Returns a string that removes the whitespace characters on right side.


Returns a string that removes the whitespace characters on either side.

Original article

Functions for Searching Strings¶

The search is case-sensitive by default in all these functions. There are separate variants for case insensitive search.

position(haystack, needle), locate(haystack, needle)¶

Search for the substring needle in the string haystack.
Returns the position (in bytes) of the found substring, starting from 1, or returns 0 if the substring was not found.

For a case-insensitive search, use the function positionCaseInsensitive.

positionUTF8(haystack, needle)¶

The same as position, but the position is returned in Unicode code points. Works under the assumption that the string contains a set of bytes representing a UTF-8 encoded text. If this assumption is not met, it returns some result (it doesn’t throw an exception).

For a case-insensitive search, use the function positionCaseInsensitiveUTF8.

multiPosition(haystack, [needle_1, needle_2, …, needle_n])¶

The same as position, but returns Array of the positions for all needle_i.

For a case-insensitive search or/and in UTF-8 format use functions multiPositionCaseInsensitive, multiPositionUTF8, multiPositionCaseInsensitiveUTF8.

firstMatch(haystack, [needle_1, needle_2, …, needle_n])¶

Returns the index i (starting from 1) of the first found needle_i in the string haystack and 0 otherwise.

For a case-insensitive search or/and in UTF-8 format use functions firstMatchCaseInsensitive, firstMatchUTF8, firstMatchCaseInsensitiveUTF8.

multiSearch(haystack, [needle_1, needle_2, …, needle_n])¶

Returns 1, if at least one string needle_i matches the string haystack and 0 otherwise.

For a case-insensitive search or/and in UTF-8 format use functions multiSearchCaseInsensitive, multiSearchUTF8, multiSearchCaseInsensitiveUTF8.

match(haystack, pattern)¶

Checks whether the string matches the pattern regular expression. A re2 regular expression. The syntax of the re2 regular expressions is more limited than the syntax of the Perl regular expressions.

Returns 0 if it doesn’t match, or 1 if it matches.

Note that the backslash symbol () is used for escaping in the regular expression. The same symbol is used for escaping in string literals. So in order to escape the symbol in a regular expression, you must write two backslashes () in a string literal.

The regular expression works with the string as if it is a set of bytes. The regular expression can’t contain null bytes.
For patterns to search for substrings in a string, it is better to use LIKE or ‘position’, since they work much faster.

Extracts a fragment of a string using a regular expression. If ‘haystack’ doesn’t match the ‘pattern’ regex, an empty string is returned. If the regex doesn’t contain subpatterns, it takes the fragment that matches the entire regex. Otherwise, it takes the fragment that matches the first subpattern.

Extracts all the fragments of a string using a regular expression. If ‘haystack’ doesn’t match the ‘pattern’ regex, an empty string is returned. Returns an array of strings consisting of all matches to the regex. In general, the behavior is the same as the ‘extract’ function (it takes the first subpattern, or the entire expression if there isn’t a subpattern).

like(haystack, pattern), haystack LIKE pattern operator¶

Checks whether a string matches a simple regular expression.
The regular expression can contain the metasymbols % and _.

«% indicates any quantity of any bytes (including zero characters).

_ indicates any one byte.

Use the backslash () for escaping metasymbols. See the note on escaping in the description of the ‘match’ function.

For regular expressions like %needle%, the code is more optimal and works as fast as the position function.
For other regular expressions, the code is the same as for the ‘match’ function.

notLike(haystack, pattern), haystack NOT LIKE pattern operator¶

The same thing as ‘like’, but negative.

Original article

Functions for searching and replacing in strings¶

replaceOne(haystack, pattern, replacement)¶

Replaces the first occurrence, if it exists, of the ‘pattern’ substring in ‘haystack’ with the ‘replacement’ substring.
Hereafter, ‘pattern’ and ‘replacement’ must be constants.

replaceAll(haystack, pattern, replacement), replace(haystack, pattern, replacement)¶

Replaces all occurrences of the ‘pattern’ substring in ‘haystack’ with the ‘replacement’ substring.

replaceRegexpOne(haystack, pattern, replacement)¶

Replacement using the ‘pattern’ regular expression. A re2 regular expression.
Replaces only the first occurrence, if it exists.
A pattern can be specified as ‘replacement’. This pattern can include substitutions -9.
The substitution includes the entire regular expression. Substitutions 1-9 correspond to the subpattern numbers.To use the character in a template, escape it using .
Also keep in mind that a string literal requires an extra escape.

Example 1. Converting the date to American format:

replaceRegexpOne(toString(EventDate), '(d{4})-(d{2})-(d{2})', '2/3/1') AS res
FROM test.hits
FORMAT TabSeparated
2014-03-17      03/17/2014
2014-03-18      03/18/2014
2014-03-19      03/19/2014
2014-03-20      03/20/2014
2014-03-21      03/21/2014
2014-03-22      03/22/2014
2014-03-23      03/23/2014

Example 2. Copying a string ten times:

SELECT replaceRegexpOne('Hello, World!', '.*', '') AS res
│ Hello, World!Hello, World!Hello, World!Hello, World!Hello, World!Hello, World!Hello, World!Hello, World!Hello, World!Hello, World! │

replaceRegexpAll(haystack, pattern, replacement)¶

This does the same thing, but replaces all the occurrences. Example:

SELECT replaceRegexpAll('Hello, World!', '.', '') AS res
│ HHeelllloo,,  WWoorrlldd!! │

As an exception, if a regular expression worked on an empty substring, the replacement is not made more than once.

SELECT replaceRegexpAll('Hello, World!', '^', 'here: ') AS res
│ here: Hello, World! │


The function adds a backslash before some predefined characters in the string.
Predefined characters: ‘0’, », ‘|’, ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘^’, ‘$’, ‘.’, ‘[‘, ‘]’, ‘?’, ‘*’, ‘+’, ‘{‘, ‘:’, ‘-‘.
This implementation slightly differs from re2::RE2::QuoteMeta. It escapes zero byte as instead of x00 and it escapes only required characters.
For more information, see the link: RE2

Original article

Conditional functions¶

if(cond, then, else), cond ? operator then : else¶

Returns then if cond != 0, or else if cond = 0.
cond must be of type UInt8, and then and else must have the lowest common type.

then and else can be NULL


Allows you to write the CASE operator more compactly in the query.

multiIf(cond_1, then_1, cond_2, then_2...else)


  • cond_N — The condition for the function to return then_N.
  • then_N — The result of the function when executed.
  • else — The result of the function if none of the conditions is met.

The function accepts 2N+1 parameters.

Returned values

The function returns one of the values then_N or else, depending on the conditions cond_N.


Take the table

│ 1 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
│ 2 │    3 │

Run the query SELECT multiIf(isNull(y) x, y < 3, y, NULL) FROM t_null. Result:

┌─multiIf(isNull(y), x, less(y, 3), y, NULL)─┐
│                                          1 │
│                                       ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │

Original article

Mathematical functions¶

All the functions return a Float64 number. The accuracy of the result is close to the maximum precision possible, but the result might not coincide with the machine representable number nearest to the corresponding real number.


Returns a Float64 number that is close to the number e.


Returns a Float64 number that is close to the number π.


Accepts a numeric argument and returns a Float64 number close to the exponent of the argument.

log(x), ln(x)¶

Accepts a numeric argument and returns a Float64 number close to the natural logarithm of the argument.


Accepts a numeric argument and returns a Float64 number close to 2 to the power of x.


Accepts a numeric argument and returns a Float64 number close to the binary logarithm of the argument.


Accepts a numeric argument and returns a Float64 number close to 10 to the power of x.


Accepts a numeric argument and returns a Float64 number close to the decimal logarithm of the argument.


Accepts a numeric argument and returns a Float64 number close to the square root of the argument.


Accepts a numeric argument and returns a Float64 number close to the cubic root of the argument.


If ‘x’ is non-negative, then erf(x / σ√2) is the probability that a random variable having a normal distribution with standard deviation ‘σ’ takes the value that is separated from the expected value by more than ‘x’.

Example (three sigma rule):

┌─erf(divide(3, sqrt(2)))─┐
│      0.9973002039367398 │


Accepts a numeric argument and returns a Float64 number close to 1 — erf(x), but without loss of precision for large ‘x’ values.


The logarithm of the gamma function.


Gamma function.


The sine.


The cosine.


The tangent.


The arc sine.


The arc cosine.


The arc tangent.

pow(x, y), power(x, y)¶

Takes two numeric arguments x and y. Returns a Float64 number close to x to the power of y.


Accepts a numeric argument and returns a UInt64 number close to 2 to the power of x.


Accepts a numeric argument and returns a UInt64 number close to 10 to the power of x.

Original article

Rounding functions¶

floor(x[, N])¶

Returns the largest round number that is less than or equal to x. A round number is a multiple of 1/10N, or the nearest number of the appropriate data type if 1 / 10N isn’t exact.
‘N’ is an integer constant, optional parameter. By default it is zero, which means to round to an integer.
‘N’ may be negative.

Examples: floor(123.45, 1) = 123.4, floor(123.45, -1) = 120.

x is any numeric type. The result is a number of the same type.
For integer arguments, it makes sense to round with a negative ‘N’ value (for non-negative ‘N’, the function doesn’t do anything).
If rounding causes overflow (for example, floor(-128, -1)), an implementation-specific result is returned.

ceil(x[, N]), ceiling(x[, N])¶

Returns the smallest round number that is greater than or equal to ‘x’. In every other way, it is the same as the ‘floor’ function (see above).

round(x[, N])¶

Implements banker’s rounding, i.e., rounding to the nearest even integer.

Function arguments:

  • x — the number to be rounded. Type — any number.
  • N— the position of the number after the decimal point to round the number to.

Returned value:

The rounded number of the same type as the input number x


number / 2 AS x,
FROM system.numbers
┌───x─┬─round(divide(number, 2))─┐
│   0 │                        0 │
│ 0.5 │                        0 │
│   1 │                        1 │
│ 1.5 │                        2 │
│   2 │                        2 │
│ 2.5 │                        2 │
│   3 │                        3 │
│ 3.5 │                        4 │
│   4 │                        4 │
│ 4.5 │                        4 │


Accepts a number. If the number is less than one, it returns 0. Otherwise, it rounds the number down to the nearest (whole non-negative) degree of two.


Accepts a number. If the number is less than one, it returns 0. Otherwise, it rounds the number down to numbers from the set: 1, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 36000. This function is specific to Yandex.Metrica and used for implementing the report on session length


Accepts a number. If the number is less than 18, it returns 0. Otherwise, it rounds the number down to a number from the set: 18, 25, 35, 45, 55. This function is specific to Yandex.Metrica and used for implementing the report on user age.

roundDown(num, arr)¶

Accept a number, round it down to an element in the specified array. If the value is less than the lowest bound, the lowest bound is returned.

Original article

Functions for working with arrays¶


Returns 1 for an empty array, or 0 for a non-empty array.
The result type is UInt8.
The function also works for strings.


Returns 0 for an empty array, or 1 for a non-empty array.
The result type is UInt8.
The function also works for strings.


Returns the number of items in the array.
The result type is UInt64.
The function also works for strings.

emptyArrayUInt8, emptyArrayUInt16, emptyArrayUInt32, emptyArrayUInt64¶

emptyArrayInt8, emptyArrayInt16, emptyArrayInt32, emptyArrayInt64¶

emptyArrayFloat32, emptyArrayFloat64¶

emptyArrayDate, emptyArrayDateTime¶


Accepts zero arguments and returns an empty array of the appropriate type.


Accepts an empty array and returns a one-element array that is equal to the default value.


Returns an array of numbers from 0 to N-1.
Just in case, an exception is thrown if arrays with a total length of more than 100,000,000 elements are created in a data block.

array(x1, …), operator [x1, …]¶

Creates an array from the function arguments.
The arguments must be constants and have types that have the smallest common type. At least one argument must be passed, because otherwise it isn’t clear which type of array to create. That is, you can’t use this function to create an empty array (to do that, use the ’emptyArray*’ function described above).
Returns an ‘Array(T)’ type result, where ‘T’ is the smallest common type out of the passed arguments.


Combines arrays passed as arguments.


  • arrays – Arbitrary number of arguments of Array type.
SELECT arrayConcat([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]) AS res
│ [1,2,3,4,5,6] │

arrayElement(arr, n), operator arr[n]¶

Get the element with the index n from the array arr. n must be any integer type.
Indexes in an array begin from one.
Negative indexes are supported. In this case, it selects the corresponding element numbered from the end. For example, arr[-1] is the last item in the array.

If the index falls outside of the bounds of an array, it returns some default value (0 for numbers, an empty string for strings, etc.).

has(arr, elem)¶

Checks whether the ‘arr’ array has the ‘elem’ element.
Returns 0 if the the element is not in the array, or 1 if it is.

NULL is processed as a value.

SELECT has([1, 2, NULL], NULL)
┌─has([1, 2, NULL], NULL)─┐
│                       1 │


Checks whether one array is a subset of another.


  • set – Array of any type with a set of elements.
  • subset – Array of any type with elements that should be tested to be a subset of set.

Return values

  • 1, if set contains all of the elements from subset.
  • 0, otherwise.

Peculiar properties

  • An empty array is a subset of any array.
  • Null processed as a value.
  • Order of values in both of arrays doesn’t matter.


SELECT hasAll([], []) returns 1.

SELECT hasAll([1, Null], [Null]) returns 1.

SELECT hasAll([1.0, 2, 3, 4], [1, 3]) returns 1.

SELECT hasAll(['a', 'b'], ['a']) returns 1.

SELECT hasAll([1], ['a']) returns 0.

SELECT hasAll([[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1, 2], [3, 5]]) returns 0.


Checks whether two arrays have intersection by some elements.


  • array1 – Array of any type with a set of elements.
  • array2 – Array of any type with a set of elements.

Return values

  • 1, if array1 and array2 have one similar element at least.
  • 0, otherwise.

Peculiar properties

  • Null processed as a value.
  • Order of values in both of arrays doesn’t matter.


SELECT hasAny([1], []) returns 0.

SELECT hasAny([Null], [Null, 1]) returns 1.

SELECT hasAny([-128, 1., 512], [1]) returns 1.

SELECT hasAny([[1, 2], [3, 4]], ['a', 'c']) returns 0.

SELECT hasAll([[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1, 2], [1, 2]]) returns 1.

indexOf(arr, x)¶

Returns the index of the first ‘x’ element (starting from 1) if it is in the array, or 0 if it is not.


:) SELECT indexOf([1,3,NULL,NULL],NULL)
SELECT indexOf([1, 3, NULL, NULL], NULL)
┌─indexOf([1, 3, NULL, NULL], NULL)─┐
│                                 3 │

Elements set to NULL are handled as normal values.

countEqual(arr, x)¶

Returns the number of elements in the array equal to x. Equivalent to arrayCount (elem -> elem = x, arr).

NULL elements are handled as separate values.


SELECT countEqual([1, 2, NULL, NULL], NULL)
┌─countEqual([1, 2, NULL, NULL], NULL)─┐
│                                    2 │


Returns the array [1, 2, 3, …, length (arr) ]

This function is normally used with ARRAY JOIN. It allows counting something just once for each array after applying ARRAY JOIN. Example:

count() AS Reaches,
countIf(num = 1) AS Hits
FROM test.hits
arrayEnumerate(GoalsReached) AS num
WHERE CounterID = 160656
│   95606 │ 31406 │

In this example, Reaches is the number of conversions (the strings received after applying ARRAY JOIN), and Hits is the number of pageviews (strings before ARRAY JOIN). In this particular case, you can get the same result in an easier way:

sum(length(GoalsReached)) AS Reaches,
count() AS Hits
FROM test.hits
WHERE (CounterID = 160656) AND notEmpty(GoalsReached)
│   95606 │ 31406 │

This function can also be used in higher-order functions. For example, you can use it to get array indexes for elements that match a condition.

arrayEnumerateUniq(arr, …)¶

Returns an array the same size as the source array, indicating for each element what its position is among elements with the same value.
For example: arrayEnumerateUniq([10, 20, 10, 30]) = [1, 1, 2, 1].

This function is useful when using ARRAY JOIN and aggregation of array elements.

Goals.ID AS GoalID,
sum(Sign) AS Reaches,
sumIf(Sign, num = 1) AS Visits
FROM test.visits
arrayEnumerateUniq(Goals.ID) AS num
WHERE CounterID = 160656
│   53225 │    3214 │   1097 │
│ 2825062 │    3188 │   1097 │
│   56600 │    2803 │    488 │
│ 1989037 │    2401 │    365 │
│ 2830064 │    2396 │    910 │
│ 1113562 │    2372 │    373 │
│ 3270895 │    2262 │    812 │
│ 1084657 │    2262 │    345 │
│   56599 │    2260 │    799 │
│ 3271094 │    2256 │    812 │

In this example, each goal ID has a calculation of the number of conversions (each element in the Goals nested data structure is a goal that was reached, which we refer to as a conversion) and the number of sessions. Without ARRAY JOIN, we would have counted the number of sessions as sum(Sign). But in this particular case, the rows were multiplied by the nested Goals structure, so in order to count each session one time after this, we apply a condition to the value of the arrayEnumerateUniq(Goals.ID) function.

The arrayEnumerateUniq function can take multiple arrays of the same size as arguments. In this case, uniqueness is considered for tuples of elements in the same positions in all the arrays.

SELECT arrayEnumerateUniq([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2]) AS res
│ [1,2,1,1,2,1] │

This is necessary when using ARRAY JOIN with a nested data structure and further aggregation across multiple elements in this structure.


Removes the last item from the array.


  • array – Array.


SELECT arrayPopBack([1, 2, 3]) AS res
│ [1,2] │


Removes the first item from the array.


  • array – Array.


SELECT arrayPopFront([1, 2, 3]) AS res
│ [2,3] │


Adds one item to the end of the array.

arrayPushBack(array, single_value)


  • array – Array.
  • single_value – A single value. Only numbers can be added to an array with numbers, and only strings can be added to an array of strings. When adding numbers, ClickHouse automatically sets the single_value type for the data type of the array. For more information about the types of data in ClickHouse, see «Data types». Can be NULL. The function adds a NULL element to an array, and the type of array elements converts to Nullable.


SELECT arrayPushBack(['a'], 'b') AS res
│ ['a','b'] │


Adds one element to the beginning of the array.

arrayPushFront(array, single_value)


  • array – Array.
  • single_value – A single value. Only numbers can be added to an array with numbers, and only strings can be added to an array of strings. When adding numbers, ClickHouse automatically sets the single_value type for the data type of the array. For more information about the types of data in ClickHouse, see «Data types». Can be NULL. The function adds a NULL element to an array, and the type of array elements converts to Nullable.


SELECT arrayPushBack(['b'], 'a') AS res
│ ['a','b'] │


Changes the length of the array.

arrayResize(array, size[, extender])


  • array — Array.
  • size — Required length of the array.
    • If size is less than the original size of the array, the array is truncated from the right.
  • If size is larger than the initial size of the array, the array is extended to the right with extender values or default values for the data type of the array items.
  • extender — Value for extending an array. Can be NULL.

Returned value:

An array of length size.

Examples of calls

SELECT arrayResize([1], 3)
┌─arrayResize([1], 3)─┐
│ [1,0,0]             │
SELECT arrayResize([1], 3, NULL)
┌─arrayResize([1], 3, NULL)─┐
│ [1,NULL,NULL]             │


Returns a slice of the array.

arraySlice(array, offset[, length])


  • array – Array of data.
  • offset – Indent from the edge of the array. A positive value indicates an offset on the left, and a negative value is an indent on the right. Numbering of the array items begins with 1.
  • length — The length of the required slice. If you specify a negative value, the function returns an open slice [offset, array_length - length). If you omit the value, the function returns the slice [offset, the_end_of_array].


SELECT arraySlice([1, 2, NULL, 4, 5], 2, 3) AS res
│ [2,NULL,4] │

Array elements set to NULL are handled as normal values.

arrayUniq(arr, …)¶

If one argument is passed, it counts the number of different elements in the array.
If multiple arguments are passed, it counts the number of different tuples of elements at corresponding positions in multiple arrays.

If you want to get a list of unique items in an array, you can use arrayReduce(‘groupUniqArray’, arr).


A special function. See the section «ArrayJoin function».


Takes an array, returns an array with the difference between all pairs of neighboring elements. For example:

SELECT arrayDifference([1, 2, 3, 4])
┌─arrayDifference([1, 2, 3, 4])─┐
│ [0,1,1,1]                     │


Takes an array, returns an array containing the different elements in all the arrays. For example:

SELECT arrayDistinct([1, 2, 2, 3, 1])
┌─arrayDistinct([1, 2, 2, 3, 1])─┐
│ [1,2,3]                        │


Returns an array of the same size as the source array, indicating where each element first appears in the source array. For example: arrayEnumerateDense([10,20,10,30]) = [1,2,1,4].


Takes an array, returns the intersection of all array elements. For example:

arrayIntersect([1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3]) AS no_intersect,
arrayIntersect([1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4]) AS intersect
│ []           │ [1]       │

arrayReduce(agg_func, arr1, …)¶

Applies an aggregate function to array and returns its result.If aggregate function has multiple arguments, then this function can be applied to multiple arrays of the same size.

arrayReduce(‘agg_func’, arr1, …) — apply the aggregate function agg_func to arrays arr1.... If multiple arrays passed, then elements on corresponding positions are passed as multiple arguments to the aggregate function. For example: SELECT arrayReduce(‘max’, [1,2,3]) = 3


Returns an array of the same size as the source array, containing the result of inverting all elements of the source array.

Original article

Functions for splitting and merging strings and arrays¶

splitByChar(separator, s)¶

Splits a string into substrings separated by ‘separator’.’separator’ must be a string constant consisting of exactly one character.
Returns an array of selected substrings. Empty substrings may be selected if the separator occurs at the beginning or end of the string, or if there are multiple consecutive separators.

splitByString(separator, s)¶

The same as above, but it uses a string of multiple characters as the separator. The string must be non-empty.

arrayStringConcat(arr[, separator])¶

Concatenates the strings listed in the array with the separator.’separator’ is an optional parameter: a constant string, set to an empty string by default.
Returns the string.


Selects substrings of consecutive bytes from the ranges a-z and A-Z.Returns an array of substrings.


SELECT alphaTokens('abca1abc')
│ ['abca','abc']          │

Original article

Bit functions¶

Bit functions work for any pair of types from UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float32, or Float64.

The result type is an integer with bits equal to the maximum bits of its arguments. If at least one of the arguments is signed, the result is a signed number. If an argument is a floating-point number, it is cast to Int64.

bitAnd(a, b)¶

bitOr(a, b)¶

bitXor(a, b)¶


bitShiftLeft(a, b)¶

bitShiftRight(a, b)¶

bitRotateLeft(a, b)¶

bitRotateRight(a, b)¶

bitTest(a, b)¶

bitTestAll(a, b)¶

bitTestAny(a, b)¶

Original article

Bitmap functions¶

Bitmap functions work for two bitmaps Object value calculation, it is to return new bitmap or cardinality while using formula calculation, such as and, or, xor, and not, etc.

There are 2 kinds of construction methods for Bitmap Object. One is to be constructed by aggregation function groupBitmap with -State, the other is to be constructed by Array Object. It is also to convert Bitmap Object to Array Object.

RoaringBitmap is wrapped into a data structure while actual storage of Bitmap objects. When the cardinality is less than or equal to 32, it uses Set objet. When the cardinality is greater than 32, it uses RoaringBitmap object. That is why storage of low cardinality set is faster.

For more information on RoaringBitmap, see: CRoaring.


Build a bitmap from unsigned integer array.


  • array – unsigned integer array.


SELECT bitmapBuild([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) AS res


Convert bitmap to integer array.


  • bitmap – bitmap object.


SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapBuild([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) AS res
│ [1,2,3,4,5] │


Two bitmap and calculation, the result is a new bitmap.


  • bitmap – bitmap object.


SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapAnd(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5]))) AS res


Two bitmap or calculation, the result is a new bitmap.


  • bitmap – bitmap object.


SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapOr(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5]))) AS res
│ [1,2,3,4,5] │


Two bitmap xor calculation, the result is a new bitmap.


  • bitmap – bitmap object.


SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapXor(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5]))) AS res
│ [1,2,4,5] │


Two bitmap andnot calculation, the result is a new bitmap.



  • bitmap – bitmap object.


SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapAndnot(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5]))) AS res
│ [1,2] │


Retrun bitmap cardinality of type UInt64.



  • bitmap – bitmap object.


SELECT bitmapCardinality(bitmapBuild([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) AS res


Two bitmap and calculation, return cardinality of type UInt64.



  • bitmap – bitmap object.


SELECT bitmapAndCardinality(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5])) AS res;


Two bitmap or calculation, return cardinality of type UInt64.



  • bitmap – bitmap object.


SELECT bitmapOrCardinality(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5])) AS res;


Two bitmap xor calculation, return cardinality of type UInt64.



  • bitmap – bitmap object.


SELECT bitmapXorCardinality(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5])) AS res;


Two bitmap andnot calculation, return cardinality of type UInt64.



  • bitmap – bitmap object.


SELECT bitmapAndnotCardinality(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5])) AS res;

Original article

Hash functions¶

Hash functions can be used for deterministic pseudo-random shuffling of elements.


Calculates the MD5 from a string. Then it takes the first 8 bytes of the hash and interprets them as UInt64 in big endian.
Accepts a String-type argument. Returns UInt64.
This function works fairly slowly (5 million short strings per second per processor core).
If you don’t need MD5 in particular, use the ‘sipHash64’ function instead.


Calculates the MD5 from a string and returns the resulting set of bytes as FixedString(16).
If you don’t need MD5 in particular, but you need a decent cryptographic 128-bit hash, use the ‘sipHash128’ function instead.
If you want to get the same result as output by the md5sum utility, use lower(hex(MD5(s))).


Calculates SipHash from a string.
Accepts a String-type argument. Returns UInt64.
SipHash is a cryptographic hash function. It works at least three times faster than MD5.
For more information, see the link:


Calculates SipHash from a string.
Accepts a String-type argument. Returns FixedString(16).
Differs from sipHash64 in that the final xor-folding state is only done up to 128 bytes.


Calculates CityHash64 from a string or a similar hash function for any number of any type of arguments.
For String-type arguments, CityHash is used. This is a fast non-cryptographic hash function for strings with decent quality.
For other types of arguments, a decent implementation-specific fast non-cryptographic hash function is used.
If multiple arguments are passed, the function is calculated using the same rules and chain combinations using the CityHash combinator.
For example, you can compute the checksum of an entire table with accuracy up to the row order: SELECT sum(cityHash64(*)) FROM table.


Calculates a 32-bit hash code from any type of integer.
This is a relatively fast non-cryptographic hash function of average quality for numbers.


Calculates a 64-bit hash code from any type of integer.
It works faster than intHash32. Average quality.




Calculates SHA-1, SHA-224, or SHA-256 from a string and returns the resulting set of bytes as FixedString(20), FixedString(28), or FixedString(32).
The function works fairly slowly (SHA-1 processes about 5 million short strings per second per processor core, while SHA-224 and SHA-256 process about 2.2 million).
We recommend using this function only in cases when you need a specific hash function and you can’t select it.
Even in these cases, we recommend applying the function offline and pre-calculating values when inserting them into the table, instead of applying it in SELECTS.

URLHash(url[, N])¶

A fast, decent-quality non-cryptographic hash function for a string obtained from a URL using some type of normalization.
URLHash(s) – Calculates a hash from a string without one of the trailing symbols /,? or # at the end, if present.
URLHash(s, N) – Calculates a hash from a string up to the N level in the URL hierarchy, without one of the trailing symbols /,? or # at the end, if present.
Levels are the same as in URLHierarchy. This function is specific to Yandex.Metrica.


Calculates FarmHash64 from a string.
Accepts a String-type argument. Returns UInt64.
For more information, see the link: FarmHash64


Calculates JavaHash from a string.
Accepts a String-type argument. Returns Int32.
For more information, see the link: JavaHash


Calculates HiveHash from a string.
Accepts a String-type argument. Returns Int32.
Same as for JavaHash, except that the return value never has a negative number.


Calculates MetroHash from a string.
Accepts a String-type argument. Returns UInt64.
For more information, see the link: MetroHash64


Calculates JumpConsistentHash form a UInt64.
Accepts a UInt64-type argument. Returns Int32.
For more information, see the link: JumpConsistentHash

murmurHash2_32, murmurHash2_64¶

Calculates MurmurHash2 from a string.
Accepts a String-type argument. Returns UInt64 Or UInt32.
For more information, see the link: MurmurHash2

murmurHash3_32, murmurHash3_64, murmurHash3_128¶

Calculates MurmurHash3 from a string.
Accepts a String-type argument. Returns UInt64 Or UInt32 Or FixedString(16).
For more information, see the link: MurmurHash3

xxHash32, xxHash64¶

Calculates xxHash from a string.
ccepts a String-type argument. Returns UInt64 Or UInt32.
For more information, see the link: xxHash

Original article

Functions for generating pseudo-random numbers¶

Non-cryptographic generators of pseudo-random numbers are used.

All the functions accept zero arguments or one argument.
If an argument is passed, it can be any type, and its value is not used for anything.
The only purpose of this argument is to prevent common subexpression elimination, so that two different instances of the same function return different columns with different random numbers.


Returns a pseudo-random UInt32 number, evenly distributed among all UInt32-type numbers.
Uses a linear congruential generator.


Returns a pseudo-random UInt64 number, evenly distributed among all UInt64-type numbers.
Uses a linear congruential generator.


Returns a pseudo-random UInt32 number, The value is one for different blocks.

Original article

Encoding functions¶


Accepts arguments of types: String, unsigned integer, Date, or DateTime. Returns a string containing the argument’s hexadecimal representation. Uses uppercase letters A-F. Does not use 0x prefixes or h suffixes. For strings, all bytes are simply encoded as two hexadecimal numbers. Numbers are converted to big endian («human readable») format. For numbers, older zeros are trimmed, but only by entire bytes. For example, hex (1) = '01'. Date is encoded as the number of days since the beginning of the Unix epoch. DateTime is encoded as the number of seconds since the beginning of the Unix epoch.


Accepts a string containing any number of hexadecimal digits, and returns a string containing the corresponding bytes. Supports both uppercase and lowercase letters A-F. The number of hexadecimal digits does not have to be even. If it is odd, the last digit is interpreted as the younger half of the 00-0F byte. If the argument string contains anything other than hexadecimal digits, some implementation-defined result is returned (an exception isn’t thrown).
If you want to convert the result to a number, you can use the ‘reverse’ and ‘reinterpretAsType’ functions.


Accepts a string containing 36 characters in the format 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000, and returns it as a set of bytes in a FixedString(16).


Accepts a FixedString(16) value. Returns a string containing 36 characters in text format.


Accepts an integer. Returns a string containing the list of powers of two that total the source number when summed. They are comma-separated without spaces in text format, in ascending order.


Accepts an integer. Returns an array of UInt64 numbers containing the list of powers of two that total the source number when summed. Numbers in the array are in ascending order.

Original article

Functions for working with UUID¶

The functions for working with UUID are listed below.


Generates the UUID of version 4.

Returned value

The UUID type value.

Usage example

This example demonstrates creating a table with the UUID type column and inserting a value into the table.

:) CREATE TABLE t_uuid (x UUID) ENGINE=TinyLog
:) INSERT INTO t_uuid SELECT generateUUIDv4()
:) SELECT * FROM t_uuid

toUUID (x)¶

Converts String type value to UUID type.

Returned value

The UUID type value.

Usage example

:) SELECT toUUID('61f0c404-5cb3-11e7-907b-a6006ad3dba0') AS uuid


Accepts a string containing 36 characters in the format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, and returns it as a set of bytes in a FixedString(16).

Returned value


Usage examples

'612f3c40-5d3b-217e-707b-6a546a3d7b29' AS uuid, 
UUIDStringToNum(uuid) AS bytes
 612f3c40-5d3b-217e-707b-6a546a3d7b29  a/<@];!~p{jTj={) 


Accepts a FixedString(16) value, and returns a string containing 36 characters in text format.


Returned value


Usage example

'a/<@];!~p{jTj={)' AS bytes, 
UUIDNumToString(toFixedString(bytes, 16)) AS uuid
 a/<@];!~p{jTj={)  612f3c40-5d3b-217e-707b-6a546a3d7b29 

See also¶

  • dictGetUUID
  • dictGetUUIDOrDefault

Original article

Functions for working with URLs¶

All these functions don’t follow the RFC. They are maximally simplified for improved performance.

If there isn’t anything similar in a URL, an empty string is returned.


Returns the protocol. Examples: http, ftp, mailto, magnet…


Gets the domain.


Returns the domain and removes no more than one ‘www.’ from the beginning of it, if present.


Returns the top-level domain. Example: .ru.


Returns the «first significant subdomain». This is a non-standard concept specific to Yandex.Metrica. The first significant subdomain is a second-level domain if it is ‘com’, ‘net’, ‘org’, or ‘co’. Otherwise, it is a third-level domain. For example, firstSignificantSubdomain (‘’) = ‘yandex ‘, firstSignificantSubdomain (‘’) = ‘yandex ‘. The list of «insignificant» second-level domains and other implementation details may change in the future.


Returns the part of the domain that includes top-level subdomains up to the «first significant subdomain» (see the explanation above).

For example, cutToFirstSignificantSubdomain('') = ''.


Returns the path. Example: /top/news.html The path does not include the query string.


The same as above, but including query string and fragment. Example: /top/news.html?page=2#comments


Returns the query string. Example: page=1&lr=213. query-string does not include the initial question mark, as well as # and everything after #.


Returns the fragment identifier. fragment does not include the initial hash symbol.


Returns the query string and fragment identifier. Example: page=1#29390.

Returns the value of the ‘name’ parameter in the URL, if present. Otherwise, an empty string. If there are many parameters with this name, it returns the first occurrence. This function works under the assumption that the parameter name is encoded in the URL exactly the same way as in the passed argument.

Returns an array of name=value strings corresponding to the URL parameters. The values are not decoded in any way.

Returns an array of name strings corresponding to the names of URL parameters. The values are not decoded in any way.


Returns an array containing the URL, truncated at the end by the symbols /,? in the path and query-string. Consecutive separator characters are counted as one. The cut is made in the position after all the consecutive separator characters. Example:


The same as above, but without the protocol and host in the result. The / element (root) is not included. Example: the function is used to implement tree reports the URL in Yandex. Metric.

URLPathHierarchy('') =


Returns the decoded URL.

SELECT decodeURLComponent('') AS DecodedURL;
┌─DecodedURL─────────────────────────────┐ 1; 

Functions that remove part of a URL.¶

If the URL doesn’t have anything similar, the URL remains unchanged.


Removes no more than one ‘www.’ from the beginning of the URL’s domain, if present.


Removes query string. The question mark is also removed.


Removes the fragment identifier. The number sign is also removed.


Removes the query string and fragment identifier. The question mark and number sign are also removed.

cutURLParameter(URL, name)¶

Removes the ‘name’ URL parameter, if present. This function works under the assumption that the parameter name is encoded in the URL exactly the same way as in the passed argument.

Original article

Functions for working with IP addresses¶


Takes a UInt32 number. Interprets it as an IPv4 address in big endian. Returns a string containing the corresponding IPv4 address in the format A.B.C.d (dot-separated numbers in decimal form).


The reverse function of IPv4NumToString. If the IPv4 address has an invalid format, it returns 0.


Similar to IPv4NumToString, but using xxx instead of the last octet.


IPv4NumToStringClassC(ClientIP) AS k,
count() AS c
FROM test.hits
│   │ 26238 │
│ │ 26074 │
│ │ 25481 │
│   │ 24984 │
│ │ 22797 │
│  │ 22354 │
│ │ 21285 │
│  │ 20887 │
│ │ 19694 │
│  │ 17406 │

Since using ‘xxx’ is highly unusual, this may be changed in the future. We recommend that you don’t rely on the exact format of this fragment.


Accepts a FixedString(16) value containing the IPv6 address in binary format. Returns a string containing this address in text format.
IPv6-mapped IPv4 addresses are output in the format ::ffff: Examples:

SELECT IPv6NumToString(toFixedString(unhex('2A0206B8000000000000000000000011'), 16)) AS addr
│ 2a02:6b8::11 │
IPv6NumToString(ClientIP6 AS k),
count() AS c
FROM hits_all
WHERE EventDate = today() AND substring(ClientIP6, 1, 12) != unhex('00000000000000000000FFFF')
│ 2a02:2168:aaa:bbbb::2                   │ 24695 │
│ 2a02:2698:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:8888:5555 │ 22408 │
│ 2a02:6b8:0:fff::ff                      │ 16389 │
│ 2a01:4f8:111:6666::2                    │ 16016 │
│ 2a02:2168:888:222::1                    │ 15896 │
│ 2a01:7e00::ffff:ffff:ffff:222           │ 14774 │
│ 2a02:8109:eee:ee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee    │ 14443 │
│ 2a02:810b:8888:888:8888:8888:8888:8888  │ 14345 │
│ 2a02:6b8:0:444:4444:4444:4444:4444      │ 14279 │
│ 2a01:7e00::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff          │ 13880 │
IPv6NumToString(ClientIP6 AS k),
count() AS c
FROM hits_all
WHERE EventDate = today()
│ ::ffff:       │ 747440 │
│ ::ffff:        │ 529483 │
│ ::ffff:        │ 317707 │
│ ::ffff:         │ 263086 │
│ ::ffff:      │ 186611 │
│ ::ffff:        │ 176773 │
│ ::ffff:        │ 158709 │
│ ::ffff:       │ 154004 │
│ ::ffff:       │ 148449 │
│ ::ffff:       │ 148243 │


The reverse function of IPv6NumToString. If the IPv6 address has an invalid format, it returns a string of null bytes.
HEX can be uppercase or lowercase.


Takes a UInt32 number. Interprets it as an IPv4 address in big endian. Returns a FixedString(16) value containing the IPv6 address in binary format. Examples:

SELECT IPv6NumToString(IPv4ToIPv6(IPv4StringToNum(''))) AS addr
│ ::ffff: │

cutIPv6(x, bitsToCutForIPv6, bitsToCutForIPv4)¶

Accepts a FixedString(16) value containing the IPv6 address in binary format. Returns a string containing the address of the specified number of bits removed in text format. For example:

IPv6StringToNum('2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01:FEED:BABE:CAFE:F00D') AS ipv6,
IPv4ToIPv6(IPv4StringToNum('')) AS ipv4
cutIPv6(ipv6, 2, 0),
cutIPv6(ipv4, 0, 2)
┌─cutIPv6(ipv6, 2, 0)─────────────────┬─cutIPv6(ipv4, 0, 2)─┐
│ 2001:db8:ac10:fe01:feed:babe:cafe:0 │ ::ffff:  │

Original article

Functions for working with JSON¶

In Yandex.Metrica, JSON is transmitted by users as session parameters. There are some special functions for working with this JSON. (Although in most of the cases, the JSONs are additionally pre-processed, and the resulting values are put in separate columns in their processed format.) All these functions are based on strong assumptions about what the JSON can be, but they try to do as little as possible to get the job done.

The following assumptions are made:

  1. The field name (function argument) must be a constant.
  2. The field name is somehow canonically encoded in JSON. For example: visitParamHas('{"abc":"def"}', 'abc') = 1, but visitParamHas('{"u0061u0062u0063":"def"}', 'abc') = 0
  3. Fields are searched for on any nesting level, indiscriminately. If there are multiple matching fields, the first occurrence is used.
  4. The JSON doesn’t have space characters outside of string literals.

visitParamHas(params, name)¶

Checks whether there is a field with the ‘name’ name.

Parses UInt64 from the value of the field named ‘name’. If this is a string field, it tries to parse a number from the beginning of the string. If the field doesn’t exist, or it exists but doesn’t contain a number, it returns 0.

The same as for Int64.

The same as for Float64.

Parses a true/false value. The result is UInt8.

Returns the value of a field, including separators.


visitParamExtractRaw('{"abc":"nu0000"}', 'abc') = '"nu0000"'
visitParamExtractRaw('{"abc":{"def":[1,2,3]}}', 'abc') = '{"def":[1,2,3]}'

Parses the string in double quotes. The value is unescaped. If unescaping failed, it returns an empty string.


visitParamExtractString('{"abc":"nu0000"}', 'abc') = 'n'
visitParamExtractString('{"abc":"u263a"}', 'abc') = '☺'
visitParamExtractString('{"abc":"u263"}', 'abc') = ''
visitParamExtractString('{"abc":"hello}', 'abc') = ''

There is currently no support for code points in the format uXXXXuYYYY that are not from the basic multilingual plane (they are converted to CESU-8 instead of UTF-8).

Original article

Higher-order functions¶

-> operator, lambda(params, expr) function¶

Allows describing a lambda function for passing to a higher-order function. The left side of the arrow has a formal parameter, which is any ID, or multiple formal parameters – any IDs in a tuple. The right side of the arrow has an expression that can use these formal parameters, as well as any table columns.

Examples: x -> 2 * x, str -> str != Referer.

Higher-order functions can only accept lambda functions as their functional argument.

A lambda function that accepts multiple arguments can be passed to a higher-order function. In this case, the higher-order function is passed several arrays of identical length that these arguments will correspond to.

For all functions other than ‘arrayMap’ and ‘arrayFilter’, the first argument (the lambda function) can be omitted. In this case, identical mapping is assumed.

arrayMap(func, arr1, …)¶

Returns an array obtained from the original application of the ‘func’ function to each element in the ‘arr’ array.

arrayFilter(func, arr1, …)¶

Returns an array containing only the elements in ‘arr1’ for which ‘func’ returns something other than 0.


SELECT arrayFilter(x -> x LIKE '%World%', ['Hello', 'abc World']) AS res
│ ['abc World'] │
(i, x) -> x LIKE '%World%',
['Hello', 'abc World'] AS arr)
AS res

arrayCount([func,] arr1, …)¶

Returns the number of elements in the arr array for which func returns something other than 0. If ‘func’ is not specified, it returns the number of non-zero elements in the array.

arrayExists([func,] arr1, …)¶

Returns 1 if there is at least one element in ‘arr’ for which ‘func’ returns something other than 0. Otherwise, it returns 0.

arrayAll([func,] arr1, …)¶

Returns 1 if ‘func’ returns something other than 0 for all the elements in ‘arr’. Otherwise, it returns 0.

arraySum([func,] arr1, …)¶

Returns the sum of the ‘func’ values. If the function is omitted, it just returns the sum of the array elements.

arrayFirst(func, arr1, …)¶

Returns the first element in the ‘arr1’ array for which ‘func’ returns something other than 0.

arrayFirstIndex(func, arr1, …)¶

Returns the index of the first element in the ‘arr1’ array for which ‘func’ returns something other than 0.

arrayCumSum([func,] arr1, …)¶

Returns an array of partial sums of elements in the source array (a running sum). If the func function is specified, then the values of the array elements are converted by this function before summing.


SELECT arrayCumSum([1, 1, 1, 1]) AS res
│ [1, 2, 3, 4] │


Same as arrayCumSum, returns an array of partial sums of elements in the source array (a running sum). Different arrayCumSum, when then returned value contains a value less than zero, the value is replace with zero and the subsequent calculation is performed with zero parameters. For example:

SELECT arrayCumSumNonNegative([1, 1, -4, 1]) AS res
│ [1,2,0,1] │

arraySort([func,] arr1, …)¶

Returns an array as result of sorting the elements of arr1 in ascending order. If the func function is specified, sorting order is determined by the result of the function func applied to the elements of array (arrays)

The Schwartzian transform is used to impove sorting efficiency.


SELECT arraySort((x, y) -> y, ['hello', 'world'], [2, 1]);
│ ['world', 'hello'] │

arrayReverseSort([func,] arr1, …)¶

Returns an array as result of sorting the elements of arr1 in descending order. If the func function is specified, sorting order is determined by the result of the function func applied to the elements of array (arrays)

Original article

Functions for working with external dictionaries¶

For information on connecting and configuring external dictionaries, see External dictionaries.

dictGetUInt8, dictGetUInt16, dictGetUInt32, dictGetUInt64¶

dictGetInt8, dictGetInt16, dictGetInt32, dictGetInt64¶

dictGetFloat32, dictGetFloat64¶

dictGetDate, dictGetDateTime¶



dictGetT('dict_name', 'attr_name', id)

  • Get the value of the attr_name attribute from the dict_name dictionary using the ‘id’ key.dict_name and attr_name are constant strings.idmust be UInt64.
    If there is no id key in the dictionary, it returns the default value specified in the dictionary description.


dictGetTOrDefault('dict_name', 'attr_name', id, default)

The same as the dictGetT functions, but the default value is taken from the function’s last argument.


dictIsIn ('dict_name', child_id, ancestor_id)

  • For the ‘dict_name’ hierarchical dictionary, finds out whether the ‘child_id’ key is located inside ‘ancestor_id’ (or matches ‘ancestor_id’). Returns UInt8.


dictGetHierarchy('dict_name', id)

  • For the ‘dict_name’ hierarchical dictionary, returns an array of dictionary keys starting from ‘id’ and continuing along the chain of parent elements. Returns Array(UInt64).


dictHas('dict_name', id)

  • Check whether the dictionary has the key. Returns a UInt8 value equal to 0 if there is no key and 1 if there is a key.

Original article

Functions for working with Yandex.Metrica dictionaries¶

In order for the functions below to work, the server config must specify the paths and addresses for getting all the Yandex.Metrica dictionaries. The dictionaries are loaded at the first call of any of these functions. If the reference lists can’t be loaded, an exception is thrown.

For information about creating reference lists, see the section «Dictionaries».

Multiple geobases¶

ClickHouse supports working with multiple alternative geobases (regional hierarchies) simultaneously, in order to support various perspectives on which countries certain regions belong to.

The ‘clickhouse-server’ config specifies the file with the regional hierarchy::<path_to_regions_hierarchy_file>/opt/geo/regions_hierarchy.txt</path_to_regions_hierarchy_file>

Besides this file, it also searches for files nearby that have the _ symbol and any suffix appended to the name (before the file extension).
For example, it will also find the file /opt/geo/regions_hierarchy_ua.txt, if present.

ua is called the dictionary key. For a dictionary without a suffix, the key is an empty string.

All the dictionaries are re-loaded in runtime (once every certain number of seconds, as defined in the builtin_dictionaries_reload_interval config parameter, or once an hour by default). However, the list of available dictionaries is defined one time, when the server starts.

All functions for working with regions have an optional argument at the end – the dictionary key. It is referred to as the geobase.

regionToCountry(RegionID) – Uses the default dictionary: /opt/geo/regions_hierarchy.txt
regionToCountry(RegionID, '') – Uses the default dictionary: /opt/geo/regions_hierarchy.txt
regionToCountry(RegionID, 'ua') – Uses the dictionary for the 'ua' key: /opt/geo/regions_hierarchy_ua.txt

regionToCity(id[, geobase])¶

Accepts a UInt32 number – the region ID from the Yandex geobase. If this region is a city or part of a city, it returns the region ID for the appropriate city. Otherwise, returns 0.

regionToArea(id[, geobase])¶

Converts a region to an area (type 5 in the geobase). In every other way, this function is the same as ‘regionToCity’.

SELECT DISTINCT regionToName(regionToArea(toUInt32(number), 'ua'))
FROM system.numbers
┌─regionToName(regionToArea(toUInt32(number), 'ua'))─┐
│                                                      │
│ Moscow and Moscow region                             │
│ St. Petersburg and Leningrad region                  │
│ Belgorod region                                      │
│ Ivanovsk region                                      │
│ Kaluga region                                        │
│ Kostroma region                                      │
│ Kursk region                                         │
│ Lipetsk region                                       │
│ Orlov region                                         │
│ Ryazan region                                        │
│ Smolensk region                                      │
│ Tambov region                                        │
│ Tver region                                          │
│ Tula region                                          │

regionToDistrict(id[, geobase])¶

Converts a region to a federal district (type 4 in the geobase). In every other way, this function is the same as ‘regionToCity’.

SELECT DISTINCT regionToName(regionToDistrict(toUInt32(number), 'ua'))
FROM system.numbers
┌─regionToName(regionToDistrict(toUInt32(number), 'ua'))─┐
│                                                          │
│ Central federal district                                 │
│ Northwest federal district                               │
│ South federal district                                   │
│ North Caucases federal district                          │
│ Privolga federal district                                │
│ Ural federal district                                    │
│ Siberian federal district                                │
│ Far East federal district                                │
│ Scotland                                                 │
│ Faroe Islands                                            │
│ Flemish region                                           │
│ Brussels capital region                                  │
│ Wallonia                                                 │
│ Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina                     │

regionToCountry(id[, geobase])¶

Converts a region to a country. In every other way, this function is the same as ‘regionToCity’.
Example: regionToCountry(toUInt32(213)) = 225 converts Moscow (213) to Russia (225).

regionToContinent(id[, geobase])¶

Converts a region to a continent. In every other way, this function is the same as ‘regionToCity’.
Example: regionToContinent(toUInt32(213)) = 10001 converts Moscow (213) to Eurasia (10001).

regionToPopulation(id[, geobase])¶

Gets the population for a region.
The population can be recorded in files with the geobase. See the section «External dictionaries».
If the population is not recorded for the region, it returns 0.
In the Yandex geobase, the population might be recorded for child regions, but not for parent regions.

regionIn(lhs, rhs[, geobase])¶

Checks whether a ‘lhs’ region belongs to a ‘rhs’ region. Returns a UInt8 number equal to 1 if it belongs, or 0 if it doesn’t belong.
The relationship is reflexive – any region also belongs to itself.

regionHierarchy(id[, geobase])¶

Accepts a UInt32 number – the region ID from the Yandex geobase. Returns an array of region IDs consisting of the passed region and all parents along the chain.
Example: regionHierarchy(toUInt32(213)) = [213,1,3,225,10001,10000].

regionToName(id[, lang])¶

Accepts a UInt32 number – the region ID from the Yandex geobase. A string with the name of the language can be passed as a second argument. Supported languages are: ru, en, ua, uk, by, kz, tr. If the second argument is omitted, the language ‘ru’ is used. If the language is not supported, an exception is thrown. Returns a string – the name of the region in the corresponding language. If the region with the specified ID doesn’t exist, an empty string is returned.

ua and uk both mean Ukrainian.

Original article

Functions for implementing the IN operator¶

in, notIn, globalIn, globalNotIn¶

See the section IN operators.

tuple(x, y, …), operator (x, y, …)¶

A function that allows grouping multiple columns.
For columns with the types T1, T2, …, it returns a Tuple(T1, T2, …) type tuple containing these columns. There is no cost to execute the function.
Tuples are normally used as intermediate values for an argument of IN operators, or for creating a list of formal parameters of lambda functions. Tuples can’t be written to a table.

tupleElement(tuple, n), operator x.N¶

A function that allows getting a column from a tuple.
‘N’ is the column index, starting from 1. N must be a constant. ‘N’ must be a constant. ‘N’ must be a strict postive integer no greater than the size of the tuple.
There is no cost to execute the function.

Original article

arrayJoin function¶

This is a very unusual function.

Normal functions don’t change a set of rows, but just change the values in each row (map).
Aggregate functions compress a set of rows (fold or reduce).
The ‘arrayJoin’ function takes each row and generates a set of rows (unfold).

This function takes an array as an argument, and propagates the source row to multiple rows for the number of elements in the array.
All the values in columns are simply copied, except the values in the column where this function is applied; it is replaced with the corresponding array value.

A query can use multiple arrayJoin functions. In this case, the transformation is performed multiple times.

Note the ARRAY JOIN syntax in the SELECT query, which provides broader possibilities.


SELECT arrayJoin([1, 2, 3] AS src) AS dst, 'Hello', src
│   1 │ Hello     │ [1,2,3] │
│   2 │ Hello     │ [1,2,3] │
│   3 │ Hello     │ [1,2,3] │

Original article

Functions for working with geographical coordinates¶


Calculate the distance between two points on the Earth’s surface using the great-circle formula.

greatCircleDistance(lon1Deg, lat1Deg, lon2Deg, lat2Deg)

Input parameters

  • lon1Deg — Longitude of the first point in degrees. Range: [-180°, 180°].
  • lat1Deg — Latitude of the first point in degrees. Range: [-90°, 90°].
  • lon2Deg — Longitude of the second point in degrees. Range: [-180°, 180°].
  • lat2Deg — Latitude of the second point in degrees. Range: [-90°, 90°].

Positive values correspond to North latitude and East longitude, and negative values correspond to South latitude and West longitude.

Returned value

The distance between two points on the Earth’s surface, in meters.

Generates an exception when the input parameter values fall outside of the range.


SELECT greatCircleDistance(55.755831, 37.617673, -55.755831, -37.617673)
┌─greatCircleDistance(55.755831, 37.617673, -55.755831, -37.617673)─┐
│                                                14132374.194975413 │


Checks whether the point belongs to at least one of the ellipses.

pointInEllipses(x, y, x₀, y₀, a₀, b₀,...,xₙ, yₙ, aₙ, bₙ)

Input parameters

  • x, y — Coordinates of a point on the plane.
  • xᵢ, yᵢ — Coordinates of the center of the i-th ellipsis.
  • aᵢ, bᵢ — Axes of the i-th ellipsis in meters.

The input parameters must be 2+4⋅n, where n is the number of ellipses.

Returned values

1 if the point is inside at least one of the ellipses; 0if it is not.


SELECT pointInEllipses(55.755831, 37.617673, 55.755831, 37.617673, 1.0, 2.0)
┌─pointInEllipses(55.755831, 37.617673, 55.755831, 37.617673, 1., 2.)─┐
│                                                                   1 │


Checks whether the point belongs to the polygon on the plane.

pointInPolygon((x, y), [(a, b), (c, d) ...], ...)

Input values

  • (x, y) — Coordinates of a point on the plane. Data type — Tuple — A tuple of two numbers.
  • [(a, b), (c, d) ...] — Polygon vertices. Data type — Array. Each vertex is represented by a pair of coordinates (a, b). Vertices should be specified in a clockwise or counterclockwise order. The minimum number of vertices is 3. The polygon must be constant.
  • The function also supports polygons with holes (cut out sections). In this case, add polygons that define the cut out sections using additional arguments of the function. The function does not support non-simply-connected polygons.

Returned values

1 if the point is inside the polygon, 0 if it is not.
If the point is on the polygon boundary, the function may return either 0 or 1.


SELECT pointInPolygon((3., 3.), [(6, 0), (8, 4), (5, 8), (0, 2)]) AS res

Original article

Functions for working with Nullable aggregates¶


Checks whether the argument is NULL.


  • x — A value with a non-compound data type.

Returned value

  • 1 if x is NULL.
  • 0 if x is not NULL.


Input table

│ 1 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
│ 2 │    3 │


:) SELECT x FROM t_null WHERE isNull(y)
FROM t_null
WHERE isNull(y)
│ 1 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.010 sec.


Checks whether the argument is NULL.


  • x — A value with a non-compound data type.

Returned value

  • 0 if x is NULL.
  • 1 if x is not NULL.


Input table

│ 1 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
│ 2 │    3 │


:) SELECT x FROM t_null WHERE isNotNull(y)
FROM t_null
WHERE isNotNull(y)
│ 2 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.010 sec.


Checks from left to right whether NULL arguments were passed and returns the first non-NULL argument.


  • Any number of parameters of a non-compound type. All parameters must be compatible by data type.

Returned values

  • The first non-NULL argument.
  • NULL, if all arguments are NULL.


Consider a list of contacts that may specify multiple ways to contact a customer.

│ client 1 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │ 123-45-67 │  123 │
│ client 2 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ      │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │

The mail and phone fields are of type String, but the icq field is UInt32, so it needs to be converted to String.

Get the first available contact method for the customer from the contact list:

:) SELECT coalesce(mail, phone, CAST(icq,'Nullable(String)')) FROM aBook
SELECT coalesce(mail, phone, CAST(icq, 'Nullable(String)'))
FROM aBook
┌─name─────┬─coalesce(mail, phone, CAST(icq, 'Nullable(String)'))─┐
│ client 1 │ 123-45-67                                            │
│ client 2 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ                                                 │
2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.006 sec.


Returns an alternative value if the main argument is NULL.


  • x — The value to check for NULL.
  • alt — The value that the function returns if x is NULL.

Returned values

  • The value x, if x is not NULL.
  • The value alt, if x is NULL.


SELECT ifNull('a', 'b')
┌─ifNull('a', 'b')─┐
│ a                │
SELECT ifNull(NULL, 'b')
┌─ifNull(NULL, 'b')─┐
│ b                 │


Returns NULL if the arguments are equal.


x, y — Values for comparison. They must be compatible types, or ClickHouse will generate an exception.

Returned values

  • NULL, if the arguments are equal.
  • The x value, if the arguments are not equal.


SELECT nullIf(1, 1)
┌─nullIf(1, 1)─┐
│         ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
SELECT nullIf(1, 2)
┌─nullIf(1, 2)─┐
│            1 │


Results in a value of type Nullable for a non- Nullable, if the value is not NULL.


  • x — The original value.

Returned values

  • The original value from the non-Nullable type, if it is not NULL.
  • The default value for the non-Nullable type if the original value was NULL.


Consider the t_null table.

│ CREATE TABLE default.t_null ( x Int8,  y Nullable(Int8)) ENGINE = TinyLog │
│ 1 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
│ 2 │    3 │

Apply the resumenotnull function to the y column.

SELECT assumeNotNull(y) FROM t_null
│                0 │
│                3 │
SELECT toTypeName(assumeNotNull(y)) FROM t_null
│ Int8                         │
│ Int8                         │


Converts the argument type to Nullable.


  • x — The value of any non-compound type.

Returned value

  • The input value with a non-Nullable type.


SELECT toTypeName(10)
│ UInt8          │
SELECT toTypeName(toNullable(10))
│ Nullable(UInt8)            │

Original article

Other functions¶


Returns a string with the name of the host that this function was performed on. For distributed processing, this is the name of the remote server host, if the function is performed on a remote server.


Calculates the approximate width when outputting values to the console in text format (tab-separated).
This function is used by the system for implementing Pretty formats.

NULL is represented as a string corresponding to NULL in Pretty formats.

SELECT visibleWidth(NULL)
│                  4 │


Returns a string containing the type name of the passed argument.

If NULL is passed to the function as input, then it returns the Nullable(Nothing) type, which corresponds to an internal NULL representation in ClickHouse.


Gets the size of the block.
In ClickHouse, queries are always run on blocks (sets of column parts). This function allows getting the size of the block that you called it for.


Turns a constant into a full column containing just one value.
In ClickHouse, full columns and constants are represented differently in memory. Functions work differently for constant arguments and normal arguments (different code is executed), although the result is almost always the same. This function is for debugging this behavior.


Accepts any arguments, including NULL. Always returns 0.
However, the argument is still evaluated. This can be used for benchmarks.


Sleeps ‘seconds’ seconds on each data block. You can specify an integer or a floating-point number.


Sleeps ‘seconds’ seconds on each row. You can specify an integer or a floating-point number.


Returns the name of the current database.
You can use this function in table engine parameters in a CREATE TABLE query where you need to specify the database.


Accepts Float32 and Float64 and returns UInt8 equal to 1 if the argument is not infinite and not a NaN, otherwise 0.


Accepts Float32 and Float64 and returns UInt8 equal to 1 if the argument is infinite, otherwise 0. Note that 0 is returned for a NaN.


Accepts Float32 and Float64 and returns UInt8 equal to 1 if the argument is a NaN, otherwise 0.

hasColumnInTable([‘hostname'[, ‘username'[, ‘password’]],] ‘database’, ‘table’, ‘column’)¶

Accepts constant strings: database name, table name, and column name. Returns a UInt8 constant expression equal to 1 if there is a column, otherwise 0. If the hostname parameter is set, the test will run on a remote server.
The function throws an exception if the table does not exist.
For elements in a nested data structure, the function checks for the existence of a column. For the nested data structure itself, the function returns 0.


Allows building a unicode-art diagram.

bar(x, min, max, width) draws a band with a width proportional to (x - min) and equal to width characters when x = max.


  • x — Size to display.
  • min, max — Integer constants. The value must fit in Int64.
  • width — Constant, positive integer, can be fractional.

The band is drawn with accuracy to one eighth of a symbol.


toHour(EventTime) AS h,
count() AS c,
bar(c, 0, 600000, 20) AS bar
FROM test.hits
│  0 │ 292907 │ █████████▋         │
│  1 │ 180563 │ ██████             │
│  2 │ 114861 │ ███▋               │
│  3 │  85069 │ ██▋                │
│  4 │  68543 │ ██▎                │
│  5 │  78116 │ ██▌                │
│  6 │ 113474 │ ███▋               │
│  7 │ 170678 │ █████▋             │
│  8 │ 278380 │ █████████▎         │
│  9 │ 391053 │ █████████████      │
│ 10 │ 457681 │ ███████████████▎   │
│ 11 │ 493667 │ ████████████████▍  │
│ 12 │ 509641 │ ████████████████▊  │
│ 13 │ 522947 │ █████████████████▍ │
│ 14 │ 539954 │ █████████████████▊ │
│ 15 │ 528460 │ █████████████████▌ │
│ 16 │ 539201 │ █████████████████▊ │
│ 17 │ 523539 │ █████████████████▍ │
│ 18 │ 506467 │ ████████████████▊  │
│ 19 │ 520915 │ █████████████████▎ │
│ 20 │ 521665 │ █████████████████▍ │
│ 21 │ 542078 │ ██████████████████ │
│ 22 │ 493642 │ ████████████████▍  │
│ 23 │ 400397 │ █████████████▎     │


Transforms a value according to the explicitly defined mapping of some elements to other ones.
There are two variations of this function:

  1. transform(x, array_from, array_to, default)

x – What to transform.

array_from – Constant array of values for converting.

array_to – Constant array of values to convert the values in ‘from’ to.

default – Which value to use if ‘x’ is not equal to any of the values in ‘from’.

array_from and array_to – Arrays of the same size.


transform(T, Array(T), Array(U), U) -> U

T and U can be numeric, string, or Date or DateTime types.
Where the same letter is indicated (T or U), for numeric types these might not be matching types, but types that have a common type.
For example, the first argument can have the Int64 type, while the second has the Array(Uint16) type.

If the ‘x’ value is equal to one of the elements in the ‘array_from’ array, it returns the existing element (that is numbered the same) from the ‘array_to’ array. Otherwise, it returns ‘default’. If there are multiple matching elements in ‘array_from’, it returns one of the matches.


transform(SearchEngineID, [2, 3], ['Yandex', 'Google'], 'Other') AS title,
count() AS c
FROM test.hits
WHERE SearchEngineID != 0
GROUP BY title
│ Yandex    │ 498635 │
│ Google    │ 229872 │
│ Other     │ 104472 │
  1. transform(x, array_from, array_to)

Differs from the first variation in that the ‘default’ argument is omitted.
If the ‘x’ value is equal to one of the elements in the ‘array_from’ array, it returns the matching element (that is numbered the same) from the ‘array_to’ array. Otherwise, it returns ‘x’.


transform(T, Array(T), Array(T)) -> T


transform(domain(Referer), ['', '', ''], ['', '']) AS s,
count() AS c
FROM test.hits
GROUP BY domain(Referer)
│                │ 2906259 │
│     │  867767 │
│ ███████.ru     │  313599 │
│ │  107147 │
│ ██████.ru      │  100355 │
│ █████████.ru   │   65040 │
│ │   64515 │
│ ██████.net     │   59141 │
│    │   57316 │


Accepts the size (number of bytes). Returns a rounded size with a suffix (KiB, MiB, etc.) as a string.


arrayJoin([1, 1024, 1024*1024, 192851925]) AS filesize_bytes,
formatReadableSize(filesize_bytes) AS filesize
│              1 │ 1.00 B     │
│           1024 │ 1.00 KiB   │
│        1048576 │ 1.00 MiB   │
│      192851925 │ 183.92 MiB │

least(a, b)¶

Returns the smallest value from a and b.

greatest(a, b)¶

Returns the largest value of a and b.


Returns the server’s uptime in seconds.


Returns the version of the server as a string.


Returns the timezone of the server.


Returns the sequence number of the data block where the row is located.


Returns the ordinal number of the row in the data block. Different data blocks are always recalculated.


Returns the ordinal number of the row in the data block. This function only considers the affected data blocks.


Calculates the difference between successive row values ​​in the data block.
Returns 0 for the first row and the difference from the previous row for each subsequent row.

The result of the function depends on the affected data blocks and the order of data in the block.
If you make a subquery with ORDER BY and call the function from outside the subquery, you can get the expected result.


runningDifference(EventTime) AS delta
FROM events
WHERE EventDate = '2016-11-24'
│    1106 │ 2016-11-24 00:00:04 │     0 │
│    1107 │ 2016-11-24 00:00:05 │     1 │
│    1108 │ 2016-11-24 00:00:05 │     0 │
│    1109 │ 2016-11-24 00:00:09 │     4 │
│    1110 │ 2016-11-24 00:00:10 │     1 │


Same as for runningDifference, the difference is the value of the first row, returned the value of the first row, and each subsequent row returns the difference from the previous row.


Accepts a UInt64 number. Interprets it as a MAC address in big endian. Returns a string containing the corresponding MAC address in the format AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF (colon-separated numbers in hexadecimal form).


The inverse function of MACNumToString. If the MAC address has an invalid format, it returns 0.


Accepts a MAC address in the format AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF (colon-separated numbers in hexadecimal form). Returns the first three octets as a UInt64 number. If the MAC address has an invalid format, it returns 0.


Returns the number of fields in Enum.


  • value — Value of type Enum.

Returned values

  • The number of fields with Enum input values.
  • An exception is thrown if the type is not Enum.


SELECT getSizeOfEnumType( CAST('a' AS Enum8('a' = 1, 'b' = 2) ) ) AS x
│ 2 │


Returns the name of the class that represents the data type of the column in RAM.


  • value — Any type of value.

Returned values

  • A string with the name of the class that is used for representing the value data type in RAM.

Example of the difference betweentoTypeName ' and ' toColumnTypeName

:) select toTypeName(cast('2018-01-01 01:02:03' AS DateTime))
SELECT toTypeName(CAST('2018-01-01 01:02:03', 'DateTime'))
┌─toTypeName(CAST('2018-01-01 01:02:03', 'DateTime'))─┐
│ DateTime                                            │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.008 sec.
:) select toColumnTypeName(cast('2018-01-01 01:02:03' AS DateTime))
SELECT toColumnTypeName(CAST('2018-01-01 01:02:03', 'DateTime'))
┌─toColumnTypeName(CAST('2018-01-01 01:02:03', 'DateTime'))─┐
│ Const(UInt32)                                             │

The example shows that the DateTime data type is stored in memory as Const(UInt32).


Outputs a detailed description of data structures in RAM



  • value — Any type of value.

Returned values

  • A string describing the structure that is used for representing the value data type in RAM.


SELECT dumpColumnStructure(CAST('2018-01-01 01:02:03', 'DateTime'))
┌─dumpColumnStructure(CAST('2018-01-01 01:02:03', 'DateTime'))─┐
│ DateTime, Const(size = 1, UInt32(size = 1))                  │


Outputs the default value for the data type.

Does not include default values for custom columns set by the user.



  • expression — Arbitrary type of value or an expression that results in a value of an arbitrary type.

Returned values

  • 0 for numbers.
  • Empty string for strings.
  • ᴺᵁᴸᴸ for Nullable.


:) SELECT defaultValueOfArgumentType( CAST(1 AS Int8) )
SELECT defaultValueOfArgumentType(CAST(1, 'Int8'))
┌─defaultValueOfArgumentType(CAST(1, 'Int8'))─┐
│                                           0 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
:) SELECT defaultValueOfArgumentType( CAST(1 AS Nullable(Int8) ) )
SELECT defaultValueOfArgumentType(CAST(1, 'Nullable(Int8)'))
┌─defaultValueOfArgumentType(CAST(1, 'Nullable(Int8)'))─┐
│                                                  ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.


Outputs data in the range selected by the index without filtering by the expression specified as an argument.

The expression passed to the function is not calculated, but ClickHouse applies the index to this expression in the same way as if the expression was in the query without indexHint.

Returned value

  • 1.


Here is a table with the test data for ontime.

SELECT count() FROM ontime
│ 4276457 │

The table has indexes for the fields (FlightDate, (Year, FlightDate)).

Create a selection by date like this:

:) SELECT FlightDate AS k, count() FROM ontime GROUP BY k ORDER BY k
FlightDate AS k,
FROM ontime
│ 2017-01-01 │   13970 │
│ 2017-01-02 │   15882 │
│ 2017-09-28 │   16411 │
│ 2017-09-29 │   16384 │
│ 2017-09-30 │   12520 │
273 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.072 sec. Processed 4.28 million rows, 8.55 MB (59.00 million rows/s., 118.01 MB/s.)

In this selection, the index is not used and ClickHouse processed the entire table (Processed 4.28 million rows). To apply the index, select a specific date and run the following query:

:) SELECT FlightDate AS k, count() FROM ontime WHERE k = '2017-09-15' GROUP BY k ORDER BY k
FlightDate AS k,
FROM ontime
WHERE k = '2017-09-15'
│ 2017-09-15 │   16428 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.014 sec. Processed 32.74 thousand rows, 65.49 KB (2.31 million rows/s., 4.63 MB/s.)

The last line of output shows that by using the index, ClickHouse processed a significantly smaller number of rows (Processed 32.74 thousand rows).

Now pass the expression k = '2017-09-15' to the indexHint function:

:) SELECT FlightDate AS k, count() FROM ontime WHERE indexHint(k = '2017-09-15') GROUP BY k ORDER BY k
FlightDate AS k,
FROM ontime
WHERE indexHint(k = '2017-09-15')
│ 2017-09-14 │    7071 │
│ 2017-09-15 │   16428 │
│ 2017-09-16 │    1077 │
│ 2017-09-30 │    8167 │
4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.004 sec. Processed 32.74 thousand rows, 65.49 KB (8.97 million rows/s., 17.94 MB/s.)

The response to the request shows that ClickHouse applied the index in the same way as the previous time (Processed 32.74 thousand rows). However, the resulting set of rows shows that the expression k = '2017-09-15' was not used when generating the result.

Because the index is sparse in ClickHouse, «extra» data ends up in the response when reading a range (in this case, the adjacent dates). Use the indexHint function to see it.


Creates an array with a single value.

Used for internal implementation of arrayJoin.


  • arr — Original array. ClickHouse creates a new array of the same length as the original and fills it with the value x.
  • x — The value that the resulting array will be filled with.

Output value

  • An array filled with the value x.


SELECT replicate(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
┌─replicate(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])─┐
│ [1,1,1]                       │


Returns the remaining space information of the disk, in bytes. This information is evaluated using the configured by path.


Returns the capacity information of the disk, in bytes. This information is evaluated using the configured by path.


Takes state of aggregate function. Returns result of aggregation (finalized state).


Takes the states of the aggregate function and returns a column with values, are the result of the accumulation of these states for a set of block lines, from the first to the current line.
For example, takes state of aggregate function (example runningAccumulate(uniqState(UserID))), and for each row of block, return result of aggregate function on merge of states of all previous rows and current row.
So, result of function depends on partition of data to blocks and on order of data in block.

joinGet(‘join_storage_table_name’, ‘get_column’, join_key)¶

Get data from a table of type Join using the specified join key.

modelEvaluate(model_name, …)¶

Evaluate external model.
Accepts a model name and model arguments. Returns Float64.


Throw an exception if the argument is non zero.

Original article

Aggregate functions¶

Aggregate functions work in the normal way as expected by database experts.

ClickHouse also supports:

  • Parametric aggregate functions, which accept other parameters in addition to columns.
  • Combinators, which change the behavior of aggregate functions.

NULL processing¶

During aggregation, all NULLs are skipped.


Consider this table:

│ 1 │    2 │
│ 2 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │
│ 3 │    2 │
│ 3 │    3 │
│ 3 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │

Let’s say you need to total the values in the y column:

:) SELECT sum(y) FROM t_null_big
SELECT sum(y)
FROM t_null_big
│      7 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

The sum function interprets NULL as 0. In particular, this means that if the function receives input of a selection where all the values are NULL, then the result will be 0, not NULL.

Now you can use the groupArray function to create an array from the y column:

:) SELECT groupArray(y) FROM t_null_big
SELECT groupArray(y)
FROM t_null_big
│ [2,2,3]       │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

groupArray does not include NULL in the resulting array.

Original article

Function reference¶


Counts the number of rows. Accepts zero arguments and returns UInt64.
The syntax COUNT(DISTINCT x) is not supported. The separate uniq aggregate function exists for this purpose.

A SELECT count() FROM table query is not optimized, because the number of entries in the table is not stored separately. It will select some small column from the table and count the number of values in it.


Selects the first encountered value.
The query can be executed in any order and even in a different order each time, so the result of this function is indeterminate.
To get a determinate result, you can use the ‘min’ or ‘max’ function instead of ‘any’.

In some cases, you can rely on the order of execution. This applies to cases when SELECT comes from a subquery that uses ORDER BY.

When a SELECT query has the GROUP BY clause or at least one aggregate function, ClickHouse (in contrast to MySQL) requires that all expressions in the SELECT, HAVING, and ORDER BY clauses be calculated from keys or from aggregate functions. In other words, each column selected from the table must be used either in keys or inside aggregate functions. To get behavior like in MySQL, you can put the other columns in the any aggregate function.


Selects a frequently occurring value using the heavy hitters algorithm. If there is a value that occurs more than in half the cases in each of the query’s execution threads, this value is returned. Normally, the result is nondeterministic.


  • column – The column name.


Take the OnTime data set and select any frequently occurring value in the AirlineID column.

SELECT anyHeavy(AirlineID) AS res
FROM ontime
│ 19690 │


Selects the last value encountered.
The result is just as indeterminate as for the any function.


Applies bitwise AND for series of numbers.


expr – An expression that results in UInt* type.

Return value

Value of the UInt* type.


Test data:

binary     decimal
00101100 = 44
00011100 = 28
00001101 = 13
01010101 = 85


SELECT groupBitAnd(num) FROM t

Where num is the column with the test data.


binary     decimal
00000100 = 4


Applies bitwise OR for series of numbers.


expr – An expression that results in UInt* type.

Return value

Value of the UInt* type.


Test data:

binary     decimal
00101100 = 44
00011100 = 28
00001101 = 13
01010101 = 85


SELECT groupBitOr(num) FROM t

Where num is the column with the test data.


binary     decimal
01111101 = 125


Applies bitwise XOR for series of numbers.


expr – An expression that results in UInt* type.

Return value

Value of the UInt* type.


Test data:

binary     decimal
00101100 = 44
00011100 = 28
00001101 = 13
01010101 = 85


SELECT groupBitXor(num) FROM t

Where num is the column with the test data.


binary     decimal
01101000 = 104


Bitmap or Aggregate calculations from a unsigned integer column, return cardinality of type UInt64, if add suffix -State, then return bitmap object.


expr – An expression that results in UInt* type.

Return value

Value of the UInt64 type.


Test data:


SELECT groupBitmap(userid) as num FROM t



Calculates the minimum.


Calculates the maximum.

argMin(arg, val)¶

Calculates the ‘arg’ value for a minimal ‘val’ value. If there are several different values of ‘arg’ for minimal values of ‘val’, the first of these values encountered is output.


│ director │   5000 │
│ manager  │   3000 │
│ worker   │   1000 │
SELECT argMin(user, salary) FROM salary
┌─argMin(user, salary)─┐
│ worker               │

argMax(arg, val)¶

Calculates the ‘arg’ value for a maximum ‘val’ value. If there are several different values of ‘arg’ for maximum values of ‘val’, the first of these values encountered is output.


Calculates the sum.
Only works for numbers.


Computes the sum of the numbers, using the same data type for the result as for the input parameters. If the sum exceeds the maximum value for this data type, the function returns an error.

Only works for numbers.

sumMap(key, value)¶

Totals the ‘value’ array according to the keys specified in the ‘key’ array.
The number of elements in ‘key’ and ‘value’ must be the same for each row that is totaled.
Returns a tuple of two arrays: keys in sorted order, and values ​​summed for the corresponding keys.


date Date,
timeslot DateTime,
statusMap Nested(
status UInt16,
requests UInt64
) ENGINE = Log;
('2000-01-01', '2000-01-01 00:00:00', [1, 2, 3], [10, 10, 10]),
('2000-01-01', '2000-01-01 00:00:00', [3, 4, 5], [10, 10, 10]),
('2000-01-01', '2000-01-01 00:01:00', [4, 5, 6], [10, 10, 10]),
('2000-01-01', '2000-01-01 00:01:00', [6, 7, 8], [10, 10, 10]);
sumMap(statusMap.status, statusMap.requests)
FROM sum_map
GROUP BY timeslot
┌────────────timeslot─┬─sumMap(statusMap.status, statusMap.requests)─┐
│ 2000-01-01 00:00:00 │ ([1,2,3,4,5],[10,10,20,10,10])               │
│ 2000-01-01 00:01:00 │ ([4,5,6,7,8],[10,10,20,10,10])               │


Calculates the average.
Only works for numbers.
The result is always Float64.


Calculates the approximate number of different values of the argument. Works for numbers, strings, dates, date-with-time, and for multiple arguments and tuple arguments.

Uses an adaptive sampling algorithm: for the calculation state, it uses a sample of element hash values with a size up to 65536.
This algorithm is also very accurate for data sets with low cardinality (up to 65536) and very efficient on CPU (when computing not too many of these functions, using uniq is almost as fast as using other aggregate functions).

The result is determinate (it doesn’t depend on the order of query processing).

This function provides excellent accuracy even for data sets with extremely high cardinality (over 10 billion elements). It is recommended for default use.


Calculates the approximate number of different values of the argument. Works for numbers, strings, dates, date-with-time, and for multiple arguments and tuple arguments.

A combination of three algorithms is used: array, hash table and HyperLogLog with an error correction table. For small number of distinct elements, the array is used. When the set size becomes larger the hash table is used, while it is smaller than HyperLogLog data structure. For larger number of elements, the HyperLogLog is used, and it will occupy fixed amount of memory.

The parameter «HLL_precision» is the base-2 logarithm of the number of cells in HyperLogLog. You can omit the parameter (omit first parens). The default value is 17, that is effectively 96 KiB of space (2^17 cells of 6 bits each). The memory consumption is several times smaller than for the uniq function, and the accuracy is several times higher. Performance is slightly lower than for the uniq function, but sometimes it can be even higher than it, such as with distributed queries that transmit a large number of aggregation states over the network.

The result is deterministic (it doesn’t depend on the order of query processing).

The uniqCombined function is a good default choice for calculating the number of different values, but keep in mind that the estimation error for large sets (200 million elements and more) will become larger than theoretical value due to poor choice of hash function.


Uses the HyperLogLog algorithm to approximate the number of different values of the argument.
212 5-bit cells are used. The size of the state is slightly more than 2.5 KB. The result is not very accurate (up to ~10% error) for small data sets (<10K elements). However, the result is fairly accurate for high-cardinality data sets (10K-100M), with a maximum error of ~1.6%. Starting from 100M, the estimation error increases, and the function will return very inaccurate results for data sets with extremely high cardinality (1B+ elements).

The result is determinate (it doesn’t depend on the order of query processing).

We don’t recommend using this function. In most cases, use the uniq or uniqCombined function.


Calculates the number of different values of the argument, exactly.
There is no reason to fear approximations. It’s better to use the uniq function.
Use the uniqExact function if you definitely need an exact result.

The uniqExact function uses more memory than the uniq function, because the size of the state has unbounded growth as the number of different values increases.

groupArray(x), groupArray(max_size)(x)¶

Creates an array of argument values.
Values can be added to the array in any (indeterminate) order.

The second version (with the max_size parameter) limits the size of the resulting array to max_size elements.
For example, groupArray (1) (x) is equivalent to [any (x)].

In some cases, you can still rely on the order of execution. This applies to cases when SELECT comes from a subquery that uses ORDER BY.


Inserts a value into the array in the specified position.

Accepts the value and position as input. If several values ​​are inserted into the same position, any of them might end up in the resulting array (the first one will be used in the case of single-threaded execution). If no value is inserted into a position, the position is assigned the default value.

Optional parameters:

  • The default value for substituting in empty positions.
  • The length of the resulting array. This allows you to receive arrays of the same size for all the aggregate keys. When using this parameter, the default value must be specified.


Creates an array from different argument values. Memory consumption is the same as for the uniqExact function.


Approximates the level quantile. level is a constant, a floating-point number from 0 to 1.
We recommend using a level value in the range of [0.01, 0.99]
Don’t use a level value equal to 0 or 1 – use the min and max functions for these cases.

In this function, as well as in all functions for calculating quantiles, the level parameter can be omitted. In this case, it is assumed to be equal to 0.5 (in other words, the function will calculate the median).

Works for numbers, dates, and dates with times.
Returns: for numbers – Float64; for dates – a date; for dates with times – a date with time.

Uses reservoir sampling with a reservoir size up to 8192.
If necessary, the result is output with linear approximation from the two neighboring values.
This algorithm provides very low accuracy. See also: quantileTiming, quantileTDigest, quantileExact.

The result depends on the order of running the query, and is nondeterministic.

When using multiple quantile (and similar) functions with different levels in a query, the internal states are not combined (that is, the query works less efficiently than it could). In this case, use the quantiles (and similar) functions.

quantileDeterministic(level)(x, determinator)¶

Works the same way as the quantile function, but the result is deterministic and does not depend on the order of query execution.

To achieve this, the function takes a second argument – the «determinator». This is a number whose hash is used instead of a random number generator in the reservoir sampling algorithm. For the function to work correctly, the same determinator value should not occur too often. For the determinator, you can use an event ID, user ID, and so on.

Don’t use this function for calculating timings. There is a more suitable function for this purpose: quantileTiming.


Computes the quantile of ‘level’ with a fixed precision.
Works for numbers. Intended for calculating quantiles of page loading time in milliseconds.

If the value is greater than 30,000 (a page loading time of more than 30 seconds), the result is equated to 30,000.

If the total value is not more than about 5670, then the calculation is accurate.


  • if the time is less than 1024 ms, then the calculation is accurate.
  • otherwise the calculation is rounded to a multiple of 16 ms.

When passing negative values to the function, the behavior is undefined.

The returned value has the Float32 type. If no values were passed to the function (when using quantileTimingIf), ‘nan’ is returned. The purpose of this is to differentiate these instances from zeros. See the note on sorting NaNs in «ORDER BY clause».

The result is determinate (it doesn’t depend on the order of query processing).

For its purpose (calculating quantiles of page loading times), using this function is more effective and the result is more accurate than for the quantile function.

quantileTimingWeighted(level)(x, weight)¶

Differs from the quantileTiming function in that it has a second argument, «weights». Weight is a non-negative integer.
The result is calculated as if the x value were passed weight number of times to the quantileTiming function.


Computes the quantile of ‘level’ exactly. To do this, all the passed values ​​are combined into an array, which is then partially sorted. Therefore, the function consumes O(n) memory, where ‘n’ is the number of values that were passed. However, for a small number of values, the function is very effective.

quantileExactWeighted(level)(x, weight)¶

Computes the quantile of ‘level’ exactly. In addition, each value is counted with its weight, as if it is present ‘weight’ times. The arguments of the function can be considered as histograms, where the value ‘x’ corresponds to a histogram «column» of the height ‘weight’, and the function itself can be considered as a summation of histograms.

A hash table is used as the algorithm. Because of this, if the passed values ​​are frequently repeated, the function consumes less RAM than quantileExact. You can use this function instead of quantileExact and specify the weight as 1.


Approximates the quantile level using the t-digest algorithm. The maximum error is 1%. Memory consumption by State is proportional to the logarithm of the number of passed values.

The performance of the function is lower than for quantile or quantileTiming. In terms of the ratio of State size to precision, this function is much better than quantile.

The result depends on the order of running the query, and is nondeterministic.


All the quantile functions have corresponding median functions: median, medianDeterministic, medianTiming, medianTimingWeighted, medianExact, medianExactWeighted, medianTDigest. They are synonyms and their behavior is identical.

quantiles(level1, level2, …)(x)¶

All the quantile functions also have corresponding quantiles functions: quantiles, quantilesDeterministic, quantilesTiming, quantilesTimingWeighted, quantilesExact, quantilesExactWeighted, quantilesTDigest. These functions calculate all the quantiles of the listed levels in one pass, and return an array of the resulting values.


Calculates the amount Σ((x - x̅)^2) / (n - 1), where n is the sample size and is the average value of x.

It represents an unbiased estimate of the variance of a random variable, if the values passed to the function are a sample of this random amount.

Returns Float64. When n <= 1, returns +∞.


Calculates the amount Σ((x - x̅)^2) / n, where n is the sample size and is the average value of x.

In other words, dispersion for a set of values. Returns Float64.


The result is equal to the square root of varSamp(x).


The result is equal to the square root of varPop(x).


Returns an array of the most frequent values in the specified column. The resulting array is sorted in descending order of frequency of values (not by the values themselves).

Implements the Filtered Space-Saving algorithm for analyzing TopK, based on the reduce-and-combine algorithm from Parallel Space Saving.

This function doesn’t provide a guaranteed result. In certain situations, errors might occur and it might return frequent values that aren’t the most frequent values.

We recommend using the N < 10 value; performance is reduced with large N values. Maximum value of N = 65536.


  • ‘N’ is the number of values.
  • ‘ x ‘ – The column.


Take the OnTime data set and select the three most frequently occurring values in the AirlineID column.

SELECT topK(3)(AirlineID) AS res
FROM ontime
│ [19393,19790,19805] │

covarSamp(x, y)¶

Calculates the value of Σ((x - x̅)(y - y̅)) / (n - 1).

Returns Float64. When n <= 1, returns +∞.

covarPop(x, y)¶

Calculates the value of Σ((x - x̅)(y - y̅)) / n.

corr(x, y)¶

Calculates the Pearson correlation coefficient: Σ((x - x̅)(y - y̅)) / sqrt(Σ((x - x̅)^2) * Σ((y - y̅)^2)).

Original article

Aggregate function combinators¶

The name of an aggregate function can have a suffix appended to it. This changes the way the aggregate function works.


The suffix -If can be appended to the name of any aggregate function. In this case, the aggregate function accepts an extra argument – a condition (Uint8 type). The aggregate function processes only the rows that trigger the condition. If the condition was not triggered even once, it returns a default value (usually zeros or empty strings).

Examples: sumIf(column, cond), countIf(cond), avgIf(x, cond), quantilesTimingIf(level1, level2)(x, cond), argMinIf(arg, val, cond) and so on.

With conditional aggregate functions, you can calculate aggregates for several conditions at once, without using subqueries and JOINs. For example, in Yandex.Metrica, conditional aggregate functions are used to implement the segment comparison functionality.


The -Array suffix can be appended to any aggregate function. In this case, the aggregate function takes arguments of the ‘Array(T)’ type (arrays) instead of ‘T’ type arguments. If the aggregate function accepts multiple arguments, this must be arrays of equal lengths. When processing arrays, the aggregate function works like the original aggregate function across all array elements.

Example 1: sumArray(arr) — Totals all the elements of all ‘arr’ arrays. In this example, it could have been written more simply: sum(arraySum(arr)).

Example 2: uniqArray(arr) – Count the number of unique elements in all ‘arr’ arrays. This could be done an easier way: uniq(arrayJoin(arr)), but it’s not always possible to add ‘arrayJoin’ to a query.

-If and -Array can be combined. However, ‘Array’ must come first, then ‘If’. Examples: uniqArrayIf(arr, cond), quantilesTimingArrayIf(level1, level2)(arr, cond). Due to this order, the ‘cond’ argument can’t be an array.


If you apply this combinator, the aggregate function doesn’t return the resulting value (such as the number of unique values for the uniq function), but an intermediate state of the aggregation (for uniq, this is the hash table for calculating the number of unique values). This is an AggregateFunction(…) that can be used for further processing or stored in a table to finish aggregating later. See the sections «AggregatingMergeTree» and «Functions for working with intermediate aggregation states».


If you apply this combinator, the aggregate function takes the intermediate aggregation state as an argument, combines the states to finish aggregation, and returns the resulting value.


Merges the intermediate aggregation states in the same way as the -Merge combinator. However, it doesn’t return the resulting value, but an intermediate aggregation state, similar to the -State combinator.


Converts an aggregate function for tables into an aggregate function for arrays that aggregates the corresponding array items and returns an array of results. For example, sumForEach for the arrays [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]and[6, 7]returns the result [10, 13, 5] after adding together the corresponding array items.

Original article

Parametric aggregate functions¶

Some aggregate functions can accept not only argument columns (used for compression), but a set of parameters – constants for initialization. The syntax is two pairs of brackets instead of one. The first is for parameters, and the second is for arguments.

sequenceMatch(pattern)(time, cond1, cond2, …)¶

Pattern matching for event chains.

pattern is a string containing a pattern to match. The pattern is similar to a regular expression.

time is the time of the event with the DateTime type.

cond1, cond2 … is from one to 32 arguments of type UInt8 that indicate whether a certain condition was met for the event.

The function collects a sequence of events in RAM. Then it checks whether this sequence matches the pattern.
It returns UInt8: 0 if the pattern isn’t matched, or 1 if it matches.

Example: sequenceMatch ('(?1).*(?2)')(EventTime, URL LIKE '%company%', URL LIKE '%cart%')

  • whether there was a chain of events in which a pageview with ‘company’ in the address occurred earlier than a pageview with ‘cart’ in the address.

This is a singular example. You could write it using other aggregate functions:

minIf(EventTime, URL LIKE '%company%') < maxIf(EventTime, URL LIKE '%cart%').

However, there is no such solution for more complex situations.

Pattern syntax:

(?1) refers to the condition (any number can be used in place of 1).

.* is any number of any events.

(?t>=1800) is a time condition.

Any quantity of any type of events is allowed over the specified time.

Instead of >=, the following operators can be used:<, >, <=.

Any number may be specified in place of 1800.

Events that occur during the same second can be put in the chain in any order. This may affect the result of the function.

sequenceCount(pattern)(time, cond1, cond2, …)¶

Works the same way as the sequenceMatch function, but instead of returning whether there is an event chain, it returns UInt64 with the number of event chains found.
Chains are searched for without overlapping. In other words, the next chain can start only after the end of the previous one.

windowFunnel(window)(timestamp, cond1, cond2, cond3, …)¶

Searches for event chains in a sliding time window and calculates the maximum number of events that occurred from the chain.

windowFunnel(window)(timestamp, cond1, cond2, cond3, ...)


  • window — Length of the sliding window in seconds.
  • timestamp — Name of the column containing the timestamp. Data type: DateTime or UInt32.
  • cond1, cond2… — Conditions or data describing the chain of events. Data type: UInt8. Values can be 0 or 1.


  • The function searches for data that triggers the first condition in the chain and sets the event counter to 1. This is the moment when the sliding window starts.
  • If events from the chain occur sequentially within the window, the counter is incremented. If the sequence of events is disrupted, the counter isn’t incremented.
  • If the data has multiple event chains at varying points of completion, the function will only output the size of the longest chain.

Returned value

  • Integer. The maximum number of consecutive triggered conditions from the chain within the sliding time window. All the chains in the selection are analyzed.


Determine if one hour is enough for the user to select a phone and purchase it in the online store.

Set the following chain of events:

  1. The user logged in to their account on the store (eventID=1001).
  2. The user searches for a phone (eventID = 1003, product = 'phone').
  3. The user placed an order (eventID = 1009).

To find out how far the user user_id could get through the chain in an hour in January of 2017, make the query:

count() AS c
windowFunnel(3600)(timestamp, eventID = 1001, eventID = 1003 AND product = 'phone', eventID = 1009) AS level
FROM trend_event
WHERE (event_date >= '2017-01-01') AND (event_date <= '2017-01-31')
GROUP BY user_id
GROUP BY level
ORDER BY level

Simply, the level value could only be 0, 1, 2, 3, it means the maxium event action stage that one user could reach.

retention(cond1, cond2, …)¶

Retention refers to the ability of a company or product to retain its customers over some specified periods.

cond1, cond2 … is from one to 32 arguments of type UInt8 that indicate whether a certain condition was met for the event


Consider you are doing a website analytics, intend to calculate the retention of customers

This could be easily calculate by retention

sum(r[1]) AS r1,
sum(r[2]) AS r2,
sum(r[3]) AS r3
retention(date = '2018-08-10', date = '2018-08-11', date = '2018-08-12') AS r
FROM events
WHERE date IN ('2018-08-10', '2018-08-11', '2018-08-12')

Simply, r1 means the number of unique visitors who met the cond1 condition, r2 means the number of unique visitors who met cond1 and cond2 conditions, r3 means the number of unique visitors who met cond1 and cond3 conditions.


Calculates the number of different argument values ​​if it is less than or equal to N. If the number of different argument values is greater than N, it returns N + 1.

Recommended for use with small Ns, up to 10. The maximum value of N is 100.

For the state of an aggregate function, it uses the amount of memory equal to 1 + N * the size of one value of bytes.
For strings, it stores a non-cryptographic hash of 8 bytes. That is, the calculation is approximated for strings.

The function also works for several arguments.

It works as fast as possible, except for cases when a large N value is used and the number of unique values is slightly less than N.

Usage example:

Problem: Generate a report that shows only keywords that produced at least 5 unique users.
Solution: Write in the GROUP BY query SearchPhrase HAVING uniqUpTo(4)(UserID) >= 5

Original article

sumMapFiltered(keys_to_keep)(keys, values)¶

Same behavior as sumMap except that an array of keys is passed as a parameter. This can be especially useful when working with a high cardinality of keys.

Table functions¶

Table functions can be specified in the FROM clause instead of the database and table names.
Table functions can only be used if ‘readonly’ is not set.
Table functions aren’t related to other functions.

Original article


Creates a table from a file.

file(path, format, structure)

Input parameters

  • path — The relative path to the file from user_files_path.
  • format — The format of the file.
  • structure — Structure of the table. Format 'colunmn1_name column1_ype, column2_name column2_type, ...'.

Returned value

A table with the specified structure for reading or writing data in the specified file.


Setting user_files_path and the contents of the file test.csv:

$ grep user_files_path /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml
$ cat /var/lib/clickhouse/user_files/test.csv

Table fromtest.csv and selection of the first two rows from it:

FROM file('test.csv', 'CSV', 'column1 UInt32, column2 UInt32, column3 UInt32')
│       1 │       2 │       3 │
│       3 │       2 │       1 │
-- getting the first 10 lines of a table that contains 3 columns of UInt32 type from a CSV file
SELECT * FROM file('test.csv', 'CSV', 'column1 UInt32, column2 UInt32, column3 UInt32') LIMIT 10

Original article


merge(db_name, 'tables_regexp') – Creates a temporary Merge table. For more information, see the section «Table engines, Merge».

The table structure is taken from the first table encountered that matches the regular expression.

Original article


numbers(N) – Returns a table with the single ‘number’ column (UInt64) that contains integers from 0 to N-1.
numbers(N, M) — Returns a table with the single ‘number’ column (UInt64) that contains integers from N to (N + M — 1).

Similar to the system.numbers table, it can be used for testing and generating successive values, numbers(N, M) more efficient than system.numbers.

The following queries are equivalent:

SELECT * FROM numbers(10);
SELECT * FROM numbers(0, 10);
SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT 10;


-- Generate a sequence of dates from 2010-01-01 to 2010-12-31
select toDate('2010-01-01') + number as d FROM numbers(365);

Original article

remote, remoteSecure¶

Allows you to access remote servers without creating a Distributed table.


remote('addresses_expr', db, table[, 'user'[, 'password']])
remote('addresses_expr', db.table[, 'user'[, 'password']])

addresses_expr – An expression that generates addresses of remote servers. This may be just one server address. The server address is host:port, or just host. The host can be specified as the server name, or as the IPv4 or IPv6 address. An IPv6 address is specified in square brackets. The port is the TCP port on the remote server. If the port is omitted, it uses tcp_port from the server’s config file (by default, 9000).


The port is required for an IPv6 address.



Multiple addresses can be comma-separated. In this case, ClickHouse will use distributed processing, so it will send the query to all specified addresses (like to shards with different data).



Part of the expression can be specified in curly brackets. The previous example can be written as follows:

Curly brackets can contain a range of numbers separated by two dots (non-negative integers). In this case, the range is expanded to a set of values that generate shard addresses. If the first number starts with zero, the values are formed with the same zero alignment. The previous example can be written as follows:

If you have multiple pairs of curly brackets, it generates the direct product of the corresponding sets.

Addresses and parts of addresses in curly brackets can be separated by the pipe symbol (|). In this case, the corresponding sets of addresses are interpreted as replicas, and the query will be sent to the first healthy replica. However, the replicas are iterated in the order currently set in the load_balancing setting.


This example specifies two shards that each have two replicas.

The number of addresses generated is limited by a constant. Right now this is 1000 addresses.

Using the remote table function is less optimal than creating a Distributed table, because in this case, the server connection is re-established for every request. In addition, if host names are set, the names are resolved, and errors are not counted when working with various replicas. When processing a large number of queries, always create the Distributed table ahead of time, and don’t use the remote table function.

The remote table function can be useful in the following cases:

  • Accessing a specific server for data comparison, debugging, and testing.
  • Queries between various ClickHouse clusters for research purposes.
  • Infrequent distributed requests that are made manually.
  • Distributed requests where the set of servers is re-defined each time.

If the user is not specified, default is used.
If the password is not specified, an empty password is used.

remoteSecure — same as remote but with secured connection. Default port — tcp_port_secure from config or 9440.

Original article


url(URL, format, structure) — returns a table created from the URL with given
format and structure.

URL — HTTP or HTTPS server address, which can accept GET and/or POST requests.

format — format of the data.

structure — table structure in 'UserID UInt64, Name String' format. Determines column names and types.


-- getting the first 3 lines of a table that contains columns of String and UInt32 type from HTTP-server which answers in CSV format.
SELECT * FROM url('', CSV, 'column1 String, column2 UInt32') LIMIT 3

Original article


jdbc(jdbc_connection_uri, schema, table) — returns table that is connected via JDBC driver.

This table function requires separate clickhouse-jdbc-bridge program to be running.
It supports Nullable types (based on DDL of remote table that is queried).


SELECT * FROM jdbc('jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/?user=root&password=root', 'schema', 'table')
SELECT * FROM jdbc('mysql://localhost:3306/?user=root&password=root', 'schema', 'table')
SELECT * FROM jdbc('datasource://mysql-local', 'schema', 'table')

Original article


A dictionary is a mapping (key -> attributes) that is convenient for various types of reference lists.

ClickHouse supports special functions for working with dictionaries that can be used in queries. It is easier and more efficient to use dictionaries with functions than a JOIN with reference tables.

NULL values can’t be stored in a dictionary.

ClickHouse supports:

  • Built-in dictionaries with a specific set of functions.
  • Plug-in (external) dictionaries with a set of functions.

Original article

External Dictionaries¶

You can add your own dictionaries from various data sources. The data source for a dictionary can be a local text or executable file, an HTTP(s) resource, or another DBMS. For more information, see «Sources for external dictionaries».


  • Fully or partially stores dictionaries in RAM.
  • Periodically updates dictionaries and dynamically loads missing values. In other words, dictionaries can be loaded dynamically.

The configuration of external dictionaries is located in one or more files. The path to the configuration is specified in the dictionaries_config parameter.

Dictionaries can be loaded at server startup or at first use, depending on the dictionaries_lazy_load setting.

The dictionary config file has the following format:

<comment>An optional element with any content. Ignored by the ClickHouse server.</comment>
<!--Optional element. File name with substitutions-->
<!-- Dictionary configuration -->
<!-- Dictionary configuration -->

You can configure any number of dictionaries in the same file. The file format is preserved even if there is only one dictionary (i.e. <yandex><dictionary> <!--configuration -> </dictionary></yandex>).

See also «Functions for working with external dictionaries».


You can convert values for a small dictionary by describing it in a SELECT query (see the transform function). This functionality is not related to external dictionaries.

Original article

Configuring an External Dictionary¶

The dictionary configuration has the following structure:

<!-- Source configuration -->
<!-- Memory layout configuration -->
<!-- Complex key configuration -->
<!-- Lifetime of dictionary in memory -->
  • name – The identifier that can be used to access the dictionary. Use the characters [a-zA-Z0-9_-].
  • source — Source of the dictionary.
  • layout — Dictionary layout in memory.
  • structure — Structure of the dictionary . A key and attributes that can be retrieved by this key.
  • lifetime — Frequency of dictionary updates.

Original article

Storing Dictionaries in Memory¶

There are a variety of ways to store dictionaries in memory.

We recommend flat, hashed and complex_key_hashed. which provide optimal processing speed.

Caching is not recommended because of potentially poor performance and difficulties in selecting optimal parameters. Read more in the section «cache».

There are several ways to improve dictionary performance:

  • Call the function for working with the dictionary after GROUP BY.
  • Mark attributes to extract as injective. An attribute is called injective if different attribute values correspond to different keys. So when GROUP BY uses a function that fetches an attribute value by the key, this function is automatically taken out of GROUP BY.

ClickHouse generates an exception for errors with dictionaries. Examples of errors:

  • The dictionary being accessed could not be loaded.
  • Error querying a cached dictionary.

You can view the list of external dictionaries and their statuses in the system.dictionaries table.

The configuration looks like this:

<!-- layout settings -->

Ways to Store Dictionaries in Memory¶

  • flat
  • hashed
  • cache
  • range_hashed
  • complex_key_hashed
  • complex_key_cache
  • ip_trie


The dictionary is completely stored in memory in the form of flat arrays. How much memory does the dictionary use? The amount is proportional to the size of the largest key (in space used).

The dictionary key has the UInt64 type and the value is limited to 500,000. If a larger key is discovered when creating the dictionary, ClickHouse throws an exception and does not create the dictionary.

All types of sources are supported. When updating, data (from a file or from a table) is read in its entirety.

This method provides the best performance among all available methods of storing the dictionary.

Configuration example:

<flat />


The dictionary is completely stored in memory in the form of a hash table. The dictionary can contain any number of elements with any identifiers In practice, the number of keys can reach tens of millions of items.

All types of sources are supported. When updating, data (from a file or from a table) is read in its entirety.

Configuration example:

<hashed />


This type of storage is for use with composite keys. Similar to hashed.

Configuration example:

<complex_key_hashed />


The dictionary is stored in memory in the form of a hash table with an ordered array of ranges and their corresponding values.

This storage method works the same way as hashed and allows using date/time ranges in addition to the key, if they appear in the dictionary.

Example: The table contains discounts for each advertiser in the format:

| advertiser id | discount start date | discount end date | amount |
| 123           | 2015-01-01          | 2015-01-15        | 0.15   |
| 123           | 2015-01-16          | 2015-01-31        | 0.25   |
| 456           | 2015-01-01          | 2015-01-15        | 0.05   |

To use a sample for date ranges, define the range_min and range_max elements in the structure.



To work with these dictionaries, you need to pass an additional date argument to the dictGetT function:

dictGetT('dict_name', 'attr_name', id, date)

This function returns the value for the specified ids and the date range that includes the passed date.

Details of the algorithm:

  • If the id is not found or a range is not found for the id, it returns the default value for the dictionary.
  • If there are overlapping ranges, you can use any.
  • If the range delimiter is NULL or an invalid date (such as 1900-01-01 or 2039-01-01), the range is left open. The range can be open on both sides.

Configuration example:

<range_hashed />
<null_value />


The dictionary is stored in a cache that has a fixed number of cells. These cells contain frequently used elements.

When searching for a dictionary, the cache is searched first. For each block of data, all keys that are not found in the cache or are outdated are requested from the source using SELECT attrs... FROM db.table WHERE id IN (k1, k2, ...). The received data is then written to the cache.

For cache dictionaries, the expiration lifetime of data in the cache can be set. If more time than lifetime has passed since loading the data in a cell, the cell’s value is not used, and it is re-requested the next time it needs to be used.
This is the least effective of all the ways to store dictionaries. The speed of the cache depends strongly on correct settings and the usage scenario. A cache type dictionary performs well only when the hit rates are high enough (recommended 99% and higher). You can view the average hit rate in the system.dictionaries table.

To improve cache performance, use a subquery with LIMIT, and call the function with the dictionary externally.

Supported sources: MySQL, ClickHouse, executable, HTTP.

Example of settings:

<!-- The size of the cache, in number of cells. Rounded up to a power of two. -->

Set a large enough cache size. You need to experiment to select the number of cells:

  1. Set some value.
  2. Run queries until the cache is completely full.
  3. Assess memory consumption using the system.dictionaries table.
  4. Increase or decrease the number of cells until the required memory consumption is reached.


Do not use ClickHouse as a source, because it is slow to process queries with random reads.


This type of storage is for use with composite keys. Similar to cache.


This type of storage is for mapping network prefixes (IP addresses) to metadata such as ASN.

Example: The table contains network prefixes and their corresponding AS number and country code:

| prefix          | asn   | cca2   |
|  | 17501 | NP     |
| 2620:0:870::/48 | 3856  | US     |
| 2a02:6b8:1::/48 | 13238 | RU     |
| 2001:db8::/32   | 65536 | ZZ     |

When using this type of layout, the structure must have a composite key.


<null_value />

The key must have only one String type attribute that contains an allowed IP prefix. Other types are not supported yet.

For queries, you must use the same functions (dictGetT with a tuple) as for dictionaries with composite keys:

dictGetT('dict_name', 'attr_name', tuple(ip))

The function takes either UInt32 for IPv4, or FixedString(16) for IPv6:

dictGetString('prefix', 'asn', tuple(IPv6StringToNum('2001:db8::1')))

Other types are not supported yet. The function returns the attribute for the prefix that corresponds to this IP address. If there are overlapping prefixes, the most specific one is returned.

Data is stored in a trie. It must completely fit into RAM.

Original article

Dictionary Updates¶

ClickHouse periodically updates the dictionaries. The update interval for fully downloaded dictionaries and the invalidation interval for cached dictionaries are defined in the <lifetime> tag in seconds.

Dictionary updates (other than loading for first use) do not block queries. During updates, the old version of a dictionary is used. If an error occurs during an update, the error is written to the server log, and queries continue using the old version of dictionaries.

Example of settings:


Setting <lifetime> 0</lifetime> prevents updating dictionaries.

You can set a time interval for upgrades, and ClickHouse will choose a uniformly random time within this range. This is necessary in order to distribute the load on the dictionary source when upgrading on a large number of servers.

Example of settings:


When upgrading the dictionaries, the ClickHouse server applies different logic depending on the type of source:

  • For a text file, it checks the time of modification. If the time differs from the previously recorded time, the dictionary is updated.
  • For MyISAM tables, the time of modification is checked using a SHOW TABLE STATUS query.
  • Dictionaries from other sources are updated every time by default.

For MySQL (InnoDB), ODBC and ClickHouse sources, you can set up a query that will update the dictionaries only if they really changed, rather than each time. To do this, follow these steps:

  • The dictionary table must have a field that always changes when the source data is updated.
  • The settings of the source must specify a query that retrieves the changing field. The ClickHouse server interprets the query result as a row, and if this row has changed relative to its previous state, the dictionary is updated. Specify the query in the <invalidate_query> field in the settings for the source.

Example of settings:

<invalidate_query>SELECT update_time FROM dictionary_source where id = 1</invalidate_query>

Original article

Sources of External Dictionaries¶

An external dictionary can be connected from many different sources.

The configuration looks like this:

<!-- Source configuration -->

The source is configured in the source section.

Types of sources (source_type):

  • Local file
  • Executable file
  • HTTP(s)
  • DBMS
    • MySQL
    • ClickHouse
    • MongoDB
    • ODBC

Local File¶

Example of settings:


Setting fields:

  • path – The absolute path to the file.
  • format – The file format. All the formats described in «Formats» are supported.

Executable File¶

Working with executable files depends on how the dictionary is stored in memory. If the dictionary is stored using cache and complex_key_cache, ClickHouse requests the necessary keys by sending a request to the executable file’s STDIN.

Example of settings:

<command>cat /opt/dictionaries/os.tsv</command>

Setting fields:

  • command – The absolute path to the executable file, or the file name (if the program directory is written to PATH).
  • format – The file format. All the formats described in «Formats» are supported.


Working with an HTTP(s) server depends on how the dictionary is stored in memory. If the dictionary is stored using cache and complex_key_cache, ClickHouse requests the necessary keys by sending a request via the POST method.

Example of settings:


In order for ClickHouse to access an HTTPS resource, you must configure openSSL in the server configuration.

Setting fields:

  • url – The source URL.
  • format – The file format. All the formats described in «Formats» are supported.


You can use this method to connect any database that has an ODBC driver.

Example of settings:


Setting fields:

  • db – Name of the database. Omit it if the database name is set in the <connection_string> parameters.
  • table – Name of the table and schema if exists.
  • connection_string – Connection string.
  • invalidate_query – Query for checking the dictionary status. Optional parameter. Read more in the section Updating dictionaries.

ClickHouse receives quoting symbols from ODBC-driver and quote all settings in queries to driver, so it’s necessary to set table name accordingly to table name case in database.

Known vulnerability of the ODBC dictionary functionality¶


When connecting to the database through the ODBC driver connection parameter Servername can be substituted. In this case values of USERNAME and PASSWORD from odbc.ini are sent to the remote server and can be compromised.

Example of insecure use

Let’s configure unixODBC for PostgreSQL. Content of /etc/odbc.ini:

Driver = /usr/lib/
Servername = localhost
PORT = 5432
DATABASE = test_db
##OPTION = 3

If you then make a query such as

SELECT * FROM odbc('DSN=gregtest;', 'test_db');    

ODBC driver will send values of USERNAME and PASSWORD from odbc.ini to

Example of Connecting PostgreSQL¶

Ubuntu OS.

Installing unixODBC and the ODBC driver for PostgreSQL:

sudo apt-get install -y unixodbc odbcinst odbc-postgresql

Configuring /etc/odbc.ini (or ~/.odbc.ini):

Driver = myconnection
Description         = PostgreSQL connection to my_db
Driver              = PostgreSQL Unicode
Database            = my_db
Servername          =
UserName            = username
Password            = password
Port                = 5432
Protocol            = 9.3
ReadOnly            = No
RowVersioning       = No
ShowSystemTables    = No
ConnSettings        =

The dictionary configuration in ClickHouse:

<!-- You can specify the following parameters in connection_string: -->
<!-- DSN=myconnection;UID=username;PWD=password;HOST=;PORT=5432;DATABASE=my_db -->

You may need to edit odbc.ini to specify the full path to the library with the driver DRIVER=/usr/local/lib/

Example of Connecting MS SQL Server¶

Ubuntu OS.

Installing the driver: :

    sudo apt-get install tdsodbc freetds-bin sqsh

Configuring the driver: :

    $ cat /etc/freetds/freetds.conf
host =
port = 1433
tds version = 7.0
client charset = UTF-8
$ cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
Description     = FreeTDS
Driver          = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
Setup           = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
FileUsage       = 1
UsageCount      = 5
$ cat ~/.odbc.ini
Description     = FreeTDS
Driver          = FreeTDS
Servername      = MSSQL
Database        = test
UID             = test
PWD             = test
Port            = 1433

Configuring the dictionary in ClickHouse:

<flat />



Example of settings:


Setting fields:

  • port – The port on the MySQL server. You can specify it for all replicas, or for each one individually (inside <replica>).

  • user – Name of the MySQL user. You can specify it for all replicas, or for each one individually (inside <replica>).

  • password – Password of the MySQL user. You can specify it for all replicas, or for each one individually (inside <replica>).

  • replica – Section of replica configurations. There can be multiple sections.

    • replica/host – The MySQL host.

    * replica/priority – The replica priority. When attempting to connect, ClickHouse traverses the replicas in order of priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

  • db – Name of the database.

  • table – Name of the table.

  • where – The selection criteria. Optional parameter.

  • invalidate_query – Query for checking the dictionary status. Optional parameter. Read more in the section Updating dictionaries.

MySQL can be connected on a local host via sockets. To do this, set host and socket.

Example of settings:



Example of settings:


Setting fields:

  • host – The ClickHouse host. If it is a local host, the query is processed without any network activity. To improve fault tolerance, you can create a Distributed table and enter it in subsequent configurations.
  • port – The port on the ClickHouse server.
  • user – Name of the ClickHouse user.
  • password – Password of the ClickHouse user.
  • db – Name of the database.
  • table – Name of the table.
  • where – The selection criteria. May be omitted.
  • invalidate_query – Query for checking the dictionary status. Optional parameter. Read more in the section Updating dictionaries.


Example of settings:


Setting fields:

  • host – The MongoDB host.
  • port – The port on the MongoDB server.
  • user – Name of the MongoDB user.
  • password – Password of the MongoDB user.
  • db – Name of the database.
  • collection – Name of the collection.

Original article

Dictionary Key and Fields¶

The <structure> clause describes the dictionary key and fields available for queries.

Overall structure:

<!-- Attribute parameters -->

Columns are described in the structure:

  • <id> — key column.
  • <attribute> — data column. There can be a large number of columns.


ClickHouse supports the following types of keys:

  • Numeric key. UInt64. Defined in the tag <id> .
  • Composite key. Set of values of different types. Defined in the tag <key> .

A structure can contain either <id> or <key> .


The key doesn’t need to be defined separately in attributes.

Numeric Key¶

Format: UInt64.

Configuration example:


Configuration fields:

  • name – The name of the column with keys.

Composite Key¶

The key can be a tuple from any types of fields. The layout in this case must be complex_key_hashed or complex_key_cache.


A composite key can consist of a single element. This makes it possible to use a string as the key, for instance.

The key structure is set in the element <key>. Key fields are specified in the same format as the dictionary attributes. Example:


For a query to the dictGet* function, a tuple is passed as the key. Example: dictGetString('dict_name', 'attr_name', tuple('string for field1', num_for_field2)).


Configuration example:


Configuration fields:

  • name – The column name.
  • type – The column type. Sets the method for interpreting data in the source. For example, for MySQL, the field might be TEXT, VARCHAR, or BLOB in the source table, but it can be uploaded as String.
  • null_value – The default value for a non-existing element. In the example, it is an empty string.
  • expression – The attribute can be an expression. The tag is not required.
  • hierarchical – Hierarchical support. Mirrored to the parent identifier. By default, false.
  • injective – Whether the id -> attribute image is injective. If true, then you can optimize the GROUP BY clause. By default, false.
  • is_object_id – Whether the query is executed for a MongoDB document by ObjectID.

Original article

Internal dictionaries¶

ClickHouse contains a built-in feature for working with a geobase.

This allows you to:

  • Use a region’s ID to get its name in the desired language.
  • Use a region’s ID to get the ID of a city, area, federal district, country, or continent.
  • Check whether a region is part of another region.
  • Get a chain of parent regions.

All the functions support «translocality,» the ability to simultaneously use different perspectives on region ownership. For more information, see the section «Functions for working with Yandex.Metrica dictionaries».

The internal dictionaries are disabled in the default package.
To enable them, uncomment the parameters path_to_regions_hierarchy_file and path_to_regions_names_files in the server configuration file.

The geobase is loaded from text files.

Place the regions_hierarchy*.txt files into the path_to_regions_hierarchy_file directory. This configuration parameter must contain the path to the regions_hierarchy.txt file (the default regional hierarchy), and the other files (regions_hierarchy_ua.txt) must be located in the same directory.

Put the regions_names_*.txt files in the path_to_regions_names_files directory.

You can also create these files yourself. The file format is as follows:

regions_hierarchy*.txt: TabSeparated (no header), columns:

  • region ID (UInt32)
  • parent region ID (UInt32)
  • region type (UInt8): 1 — continent, 3 — country, 4 — federal district, 5 — region, 6 — city; other types don’t have values
  • population (UInt32) — optional column

regions_names_*.txt: TabSeparated (no header), columns:

  • region ID (UInt32)
  • region name (String) — Can’t contain tabs or line feeds, even escaped ones.

A flat array is used for storing in RAM. For this reason, IDs shouldn’t be more than a million.

Dictionaries can be updated without restarting the server. However, the set of available dictionaries is not updated.
For updates, the file modification times are checked. If a file has changed, the dictionary is updated.
The interval to check for changes is configured in the builtin_dictionaries_reload_interval parameter.
Dictionary updates (other than loading at first use) do not block queries. During updates, queries use the old versions of dictionaries. If an error occurs during an update, the error is written to the server log, and queries continue using the old version of dictionaries.

We recommend periodically updating the dictionaries with the geobase. During an update, generate new files and write them to a separate location. When everything is ready, rename them to the files used by the server.

There are also functions for working with OS identifiers and Yandex.Metrica search engines, but they shouldn’t be used.

Original article


All operators are transformed to the corresponding functions at the query parsing stage, in accordance with their precedence and associativity.
Groups of operators are listed in order of priority (the higher it is in the list, the earlier the operator is connected to its arguments).

Access Operators¶

a[N] Access to an element of an array; arrayElement(a, N) function.

a.N – Access to a tuble element; tupleElement(a, N) function.

Numeric Negation Operator¶

-a – The negate (a) function.

Multiplication and Division Operators¶

a * b – The multiply (a, b) function.

a / b – The divide(a, b) function.

a % b – The modulo(a, b) function.

Addition and Subtraction Operators¶

a + b – The plus(a, b) function.

a - b – The minus(a, b) function.

Comparison Operators¶

a = b – The equals(a, b) function.

a == b – The equals(a, b) function.

a != b – The notEquals(a, b) function.

a <> b – The notEquals(a, b) function.

a <= b – The lessOrEquals(a, b) function.

a >= b – The greaterOrEquals(a, b) function.

a < b – The less(a, b) function.

a > b – The greater(a, b) function.

a LIKE s – The like(a, b) function.

a NOT LIKE s – The notLike(a, b) function.

a BETWEEN b AND c – The same as a >= b AND a <= c.

Operators for Working With Data Sets¶

See the section IN operators.

a IN ... – The in(a, b) function

a NOT IN ... – The notIn(a, b) function.

a GLOBAL IN ... – The globalIn(a, b) function.

a GLOBAL NOT IN ... – The globalNotIn(a, b) function.

Logical Negation Operator¶

NOT a The not(a) function.

Logical AND Operator¶

a AND b – Theand(a, b) function.

Logical OR Operator¶

a OR b – The or(a, b) function.

Conditional Operator¶

a ? b : c – The if(a, b, c) function.


The conditional operator calculates the values of b and c, then checks whether condition a is met, and then returns the corresponding value. If b or C is an arrayJoin() function, each row will be replicated regardless of the «a» condition.

Conditional Expression¶

CASE [x]
[WHEN ... THEN ...]
[ELSE c]

If x is specified, then transform(x, [a, ...], [b, ...], c) function is used. Otherwise – multiIf(a, b, ..., c).

If there is no ELSE c clause in the expression, the default value is NULL.

The transform function does not work with NULL.

Concatenation Operator¶

s1 || s2 – The concat(s1, s2) function.

Lambda Creation Operator¶

x -> expr – The lambda(x, expr) function.

The following operators do not have a priority, since they are brackets:

Array Creation Operator¶

[x1, ...] – The array(x1, ...) function.

Tuple Creation Operator¶

(x1, x2, ...) – The tuple(x2, x2, ...) function.


All binary operators have left associativity. For example, 1 + 2 + 3 is transformed to plus(plus(1, 2), 3).
Sometimes this doesn’t work the way you expect. For example, SELECT 4 > 2 > 3 will result in 0.

For efficiency, the and and or functions accept any number of arguments. The corresponding chains of AND and OR operators are transformed to a single call of these functions.

Checking for NULL

ClickHouse supports the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators.


  • For Nullable type values, the IS NULL operator returns:
    • 1, if the value is NULL.
    • 0 otherwise.
  • For other values, the IS NULL operator always returns 0.
:) SELECT x+100 FROM t_null WHERE y IS NULL
SELECT x + 100
FROM t_null
WHERE isNull(y)
┌─plus(x, 100)─┐
│          101 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.


  • For Nullable type values, the IS NOT NULL operator returns:
    • 0, if the value is NULL.
    • 1 otherwise.
  • For other values, the IS NOT NULL operator always returns 1.
FROM t_null
WHERE isNotNull(y)
│ 23 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

Original article


There are two types of parsers in the system: the full SQL parser (a recursive descent parser), and the data format parser (a fast stream parser).
In all cases except the INSERT query, only the full SQL parser is used.
The INSERT query uses both parsers:

INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 'Hello, world'), (2, 'abc'), (3, 'def')

The INSERT INTO t VALUES fragment is parsed by the full parser, and the data (1, 'Hello, world'), (2, 'abc'), (3, 'def') is parsed by the fast stream parser.
Data can have any format. When a query is received, the server calculates no more than max_query_size bytes of the request in RAM (by default, 1 MB), and the rest is stream parsed.
This means the system doesn’t have problems with large INSERT queries, like MySQL does.

When using the Values format in an INSERT query, it may seem that data is parsed the same as expressions in a SELECT query, but this is not true. The Values format is much more limited.

Next we will cover the full parser. For more information about format parsers, see the section «Formats».


There may be any number of space symbols between syntactical constructions (including the beginning and end of a query). Space symbols include the space, tab, line feed, CR, and form feed.

SQL-style and C-style comments are supported.
SQL-style comments: from -- to the end of the line. The space after -- can be omitted.
Comments in C-style: from /* to */. These comments can be multiline. Spaces are not required here, either.


Keywords (such as SELECT) are not case-sensitive. Everything else (column names, functions, and so on), in contrast to standard SQL, is case-sensitive.

Keywords are not reserved (they are just parsed as keywords in the corresponding context). If you use identifiers the same as the keywords, enclose them into quotes. For example, the query SELECT "FROM" FROM table_name is valid if the table table_name has column with the name "FROM".


Identifiers are:

  • Cluster, database, table, partition and column names.
  • Functions.
  • Data types.
  • Expression aliases.

Identifiers can be quoted or non-quoted. It is recommended to use non-quoted identifiers.

Non-quoted identifiers must match the regex ^[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*$ and can not be equal to keywords. Examples: x, _1, X_y__Z123_.

If you want to use identifiers the same as keywords or you want to use other symbols in identifiers, quote it using double quotes or backticks, for example, "id", `id`.


There are: numeric, string, compound and NULL literals.


A numeric literal tries to be parsed:

  • First as a 64-bit signed number, using the strtoull function.
  • If unsuccessful, as a 64-bit unsigned number, using the strtoll function.
  • If unsuccessful, as a floating-point number using the strtod function.
  • Otherwise, an error is returned.

The corresponding value will have the smallest type that the value fits in.
For example, 1 is parsed as UInt8, but 256 is parsed as UInt16. For more information, see Data types.

Examples: 1, 18446744073709551615, 0xDEADBEEF, 01, 0.1, 1e100, -1e-100, inf, nan.


Only string literals in single quotes are supported. The enclosed characters can be backslash-escaped. The following escape sequences have a corresponding special value: b, f, r, n, t, , a, v, xHH. In all other cases, escape sequences in the format c, where c is any character, are converted to c. This means that you can use the sequences 'and. The value will have the String type.

The minimum set of characters that you need to escape in string literals: ' and . Single quote can be escaped with the single quote, literals 'It's' and 'It''s' are equal.


Constructions are supported for arrays: [1, 2, 3] and tuples: (1, 'Hello, world!', 2)..
Actually, these are not literals, but expressions with the array creation operator and the tuple creation operator, respectively.
An array must consist of at least one item, and a tuple must have at least two items.
Tuples have a special purpose for use in the IN clause of a SELECT query. Tuples can be obtained as the result of a query, but they can’t be saved to a database (with the exception of Memory tables).


Indicates that the value is missing.

In order to store NULL in a table field, it must be of the Nullable type.

Depending on the data format (input or output), NULL may have a different representation. For more information, see the documentation for data formats.

There are many nuances to processing NULL. For example, if at least one of the arguments of a comparison operation is NULL, the result of this operation will also be NULL. The same is true for multiplication, addition, and other operations. For more information, read the documentation for each operation.

In queries, you can check NULL using the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators and the related functions isNull and isNotNull.


Functions are written like an identifier with a list of arguments (possibly empty) in brackets. In contrast to standard SQL, the brackets are required, even for an empty arguments list. Example: now().
There are regular and aggregate functions (see the section «Aggregate functions»). Some aggregate functions can contain two lists of arguments in brackets. Example: quantile (0.9) (x). These aggregate functions are called «parametric» functions, and the arguments in the first list are called «parameters». The syntax of aggregate functions without parameters is the same as for regular functions.


Operators are converted to their corresponding functions during query parsing, taking their priority and associativity into account.
For example, the expression 1 + 2 * 3 + 4 is transformed to plus(plus(1, multiply(2, 3)), 4).

Data Types and Database Table Engines¶

Data types and table engines in the CREATE query are written the same way as identifiers or functions. In other words, they may or may not contain an arguments list in brackets. For more information, see the sections «Data types,» «Table engines,» and «CREATE».

Expression Aliases¶

An alias is a user-defined name for an expression in a query.

  • AS — The keyword for defining aliases. You can define the alias for a table name or a column name in a SELECT clause without using the AS keyword.

    For example, SELECT table_name_alias.column_name FROM table_name table_name_alias.

    In the CAST function, the AS keyword has another meaning. See the description of the function.

  • expr — Any expression supported by ClickHouse.

    For example, SELECT column_name * 2 AS double FROM some_table.

  • alias — Name for expr. Aliases should comply with the identifiers syntax.

    For example, SELECT "table t".column_name FROM table_name AS "table t".

Notes on Usage¶

Aliases are global for a query or subquery and you can define an alias in any part of a query for any expression. For example, SELECT (1 AS n) + 2, n.

Aliases are not visible in subqueries and between subqueries. For example, while executing the query SELECT (SELECT sum(b.a) + num FROM b) - a.a AS num FROM a ClickHouse generates the exception Unknown identifier: num.

If an alias is defined for the result columns in the SELECT clause of a subquery, these columns are visible in the outer query. For example, SELECT n + m FROM (SELECT 1 AS n, 2 AS m).

Be careful with aliases that are the same as column or table names. Let’s consider the following example:

a Int,
b Int
ENGINE = TinyLog()
argMax(a, b),
sum(b) AS b
Received exception from server (version 18.14.17):
Code: 184. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000, DB::Exception: Aggregate function sum(b) is found inside another aggregate function in query.

In this example, we declared table t with column b. Then, when selecting data, we defined the sum(b) AS b alias. As aliases are global, ClickHouse substituted the literal b in the expression argMax(a, b) with the expression sum(b). This substitution caused the exception.


In a SELECT query, an asterisk can replace the expression. For more information, see the section «SELECT».


An expression is a function, identifier, literal, application of an operator, expression in brackets, subquery, or asterisk. It can also contain an alias.
A list of expressions is one or more expressions separated by commas.
Functions and operators, in turn, can have expressions as arguments.

Original article


ClickHouse operations manual consists of the following major sections:

  • Requirements
  • Monitoring
  • Troubleshooting
  • Usage Recommendations
  • Update Procedure
  • Access Rights
  • Data Backup
  • Configuration Files
  • Quotas
  • System Tables
  • Server Configuration Parameters
  • Settings
  • Utilities

Original article



For installation from prebuilt deb packages, use a CPU with x86_64 architecture and support for SSE 4.2 instructions. To run ClickHouse with processors that do not support SSE 4.2 or have AArch64 or PowerPC64LE architecture, you should build ClickHouse from sources.

ClickHouse implements parallel data processing and uses all the hardware resources available. When choosing a processor, take into account that ClickHouse works more efficiently at configurations with a large number of cores but a lower clock rate than at configurations with fewer cores and a higher clock rate. For example, 16 cores with 2600 MHz is preferable to 8 cores with 3600 MHz.

Use of Turbo Boost and hyper-threading technologies is recommended. It significantly improves performance with a typical load.


We recommend to use a minimum of 4GB of RAM in order to perform non-trivial queries. The ClickHouse server can run with a much smaller amount of RAM, but it requires memory for processing queries.

The required volume of RAM depends on:

  • The complexity of queries.
  • The amount of data that is processed in queries.

To calculate the required volume of RAM, you should estimate the size of temporary data for GROUP BY, DISTINCT, JOIN and other operations you use.

ClickHouse can use external memory for temporary data. See GROUP BY in External Memory for details.

Swap File¶

Disable the swap file for production environments.

Storage Subsystem¶

You need to have 2GB of free disk space to install ClickHouse.

The volume of storage required for your data should be calculated separately. Assessment should include:

  • Estimation of the data volume.

    You can take a sample of the data and get the average size of a row from it. Then multiply the value by the number of rows you plan to store.

  • The data compression coefficient.

    To estimate the data compression coefficient, load a sample of your data into ClickHouse and compare the actual size of the data with the size of the table stored. For example, clickstream data is usually compressed by 6-10 times.

To calculate the final volume of data to be stored, apply the compression coefficient to the estimated data volume. If you plan to store data in several replicas, then multiply the estimated volume by the number of replicas.


If possible, use networks of 10G or higher class.

The network bandwidth is critical for processing distributed queries with a large amount of intermediate data. In addition, network speed affects replication processes.


ClickHouse is developed for the Linux family of operating systems. The recommended Linux distribution is Ubuntu. The tzdata package should be installed in the system.

ClickHouse can also work in other operating system families. See details in the Getting started section of the documentation.


You can monitor:

  • Utilization of hardware resources.
  • ClickHouse server metrics.

Resource Utilization¶

ClickHouse does not monitor the state of hardware resources by itself.

It is highly recommended to set up monitoring for:

  • Load and temperature on processors.

    You can use dmesg, turbostat or other instruments.

  • Utilization of storage system, RAM and network.

ClickHouse Server Metrics¶

ClickHouse server has embedded instruments for self-state monitoring.

To track server events use server logs. See the logger section of the configuration file.

ClickHouse collects:

  • Different metrics of how the server uses computational resources.
  • Common statistics on query processing.

You can find metrics in the system.metrics,, and system.asynchronous_metrics tables.

You can configure ClickHouse to export metrics to Graphite. See the Graphite section in the ClickHouse server configuration file. Before configuring export of metrics, you should set up Graphite by following their official guide

Additionally, you can monitor server availability through the HTTP API. Send the HTTP GET request to /. If the server is available, it responds with 200 OK.

To monitor servers in a cluster configuration, you should set the max_replica_delay_for_distributed_queries parameter and use the HTTP resource /replicas-delay. A request to /replicas-delay returns 200 OK if the replica is available and is not delayed behind the other replicas. If a replica is delayed, it returns information about the gap.


  • Installation
  • Connecting to the server
  • Query processing
  • Efficiency of query processing


You Cannot Get Deb Packages from ClickHouse Repository With apt-get¶

  • Check firewall settings.
  • If you cannot access the repository for any reason, download packages as described in the Getting started article and install them manually using the sudo dpkg -i <packages> command. You will also need the tzdata package.

Connecting to the Server¶

Possible issues:

  • The server is not running.
  • Unexpected or wrong configuration parameters.

Server Is Not Running¶

Check if server is runnnig


sudo service clickhouse-server status

If the server is not running, start it with the command:

sudo service clickhouse-server start

Check logs

The main log of clickhouse-server is in /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log by default.

If the server started successfully, you should see the strings:

  • <Information> Application: starting up. — Server started.
  • <Information> Application: Ready for connections. — Server is running and ready for connections.

If clickhouse-server start failed with a configuration error, you should see the <Error> string with an error description. For example:

2019.01.11 15:23:25.549505 [ 45 ] {} <Error> ExternalDictionaries: Failed reloading 'event2id' external dictionary: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 111, e.displayText() = Connection refused, e.what() = Connection refused

If you don’t see an error at the end of the file, look through the entire file starting from the string:

<Information> Application: starting up.

If you try to start a second instance of clickhouse-server on the server, you see the following log:

2019.01.11 15:25:11.151730 [ 1 ] {} <Information> : Starting ClickHouse 19.1.0 with revision 54413
2019.01.11 15:25:11.154578 [ 1 ] {} <Information> Application: starting up
2019.01.11 15:25:11.156361 [ 1 ] {} <Information> StatusFile: Status file ./status already exists - unclean restart. Contents:
PID: 8510
Started at: 2019-01-11 15:24:23
Revision: 54413
2019.01.11 15:25:11.156673 [ 1 ] {} <Error> Application: DB::Exception: Cannot lock file ./status. Another server instance in same directory is already running.
2019.01.11 15:25:11.156682 [ 1 ] {} <Information> Application: shutting down
2019.01.11 15:25:11.156686 [ 1 ] {} <Debug> Application: Uninitializing subsystem: Logging Subsystem
2019.01.11 15:25:11.156716 [ 2 ] {} <Information> BaseDaemon: Stop SignalListener thread

See system.d logs

If you don’t find any useful information in clickhouse-server logs or there aren’t any logs, you can view system.d logs using the command:

sudo journalctl -u clickhouse-server

Start clickhouse-server in interactive mode

sudo -u clickhouse /usr/bin/clickhouse-server --config-file /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml

This command starts the server as an interactive app with standard parameters of the autostart script. In this mode clickhouse-server prints all the event messages in the console.

Configuration Parameters¶


  • Docker settings.

    If you run ClickHouse in Docker in an IPv6 network, make sure that network=host is set.

  • Endpoint settings.

    Check listen_host and tcp_port settings.

    ClickHouse server accepts localhost connections only by default.

  • HTTP protocol settings.

    Check protocol settings for the HTTP API.

  • Secure connection settings.


    • The tcp_port_secure setting.
    • Settings for SSL sertificates.

    Use proper parameters while connecting. For example, use the port_secure parameter with clickhouse_client.

  • User settings.

    You might be using the wrong user name or password.

Query Processing¶

If ClickHouse is not able to process the query, it sends an error description to the client. In the clickhouse-client you get a description of the error in the console. If you are using the HTTP interface, ClickHouse sends the error description in the response body. For example:

$ curl 'http://localhost:8123/' --data-binary "SELECT a"
Code: 47, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Unknown identifier: a. Note that there are no tables (FROM clause) in your query, context: required_names: 'a' source_tables: table_aliases: private_aliases: column_aliases: public_columns: 'a' masked_columns: array_join_columns: source_columns: , e.what() = DB::Exception

If you start clickhouse-client with the stack-trace parameter, ClickHouse returns the server stack trace with the description of an error.

You might see a message about a broken connection. In this case, you can repeat the query. If the connection breaks every time you perform the query, check the server logs for errors.

Efficiency of Query Processing¶

If you see that ClickHouse is working too slowly, you need to profile the load on the server resources and network for your queries.

You can use the clickhouse-benchmark utility to profile queries. It shows the number of queries processed per second, the number of rows processed per second, and percentiles of query processing times.

Usage Recommendations¶

CPU Scaling Governor¶

Always use the performance scaling governor. The on-demand scaling governor works much worse with constantly high demand.

echo 'performance' | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor

CPU Limitations¶

Processors can overheat. Use dmesg to see if the CPU’s clock rate was limited due to overheating.
The restriction can also be set externally at the datacenter level. You can use turbostat to monitor it under a load.


For small amounts of data (up to ~200 GB compressed), it is best to use as much memory as the volume of data.
For large amounts of data and when processing interactive (online) queries, you should use a reasonable amount of RAM (128 GB or more) so the hot data subset will fit in the cache of pages.
Even for data volumes of ~50 TB per server, using 128 GB of RAM significantly improves query performance compared to 64 GB.

Do not disable overcommit. The value cat /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory should be 0 or 1. Run

echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory

Huge Pages¶

Always disable transparent huge pages. It interferes with memory allocators, which leads to significant performance degradation.

echo 'never' | sudo tee /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled

Use perf top to watch the time spent in the kernel for memory management.
Permanent huge pages also do not need to be allocated.

Storage Subsystem¶

If your budget allows you to use SSD, use SSD.
If not, use HDD. SATA HDDs 7200 RPM will do.

Give preference to a lot of servers with local hard drives over a smaller number of servers with attached disk shelves.
But for storing archives with rare queries, shelves will work.


When using HDD, you can combine their RAID-10, RAID-5, RAID-6 or RAID-50.
For Linux, software RAID is better (with mdadm). We don’t recommend using LVM.
When creating RAID-10, select the far layout.
If your budget allows, choose RAID-10.

If you have more than 4 disks, use RAID-6 (preferred) or RAID-50, instead of RAID-5.
When using RAID-5, RAID-6 or RAID-50, always increase stripe_cache_size, since the default value is usually not the best choice.

echo 4096 | sudo tee /sys/block/md2/md/stripe_cache_size

Calculate the exact number from the number of devices and the block size, using the formula: 2 * num_devices * chunk_size_in_bytes / 4096.

A block size of 1024 KB is sufficient for all RAID configurations.
Never set the block size too small or too large.

You can use RAID-0 on SSD.
Regardless of RAID use, always use replication for data security.

Enable NCQ with a long queue. For HDD, choose the CFQ scheduler, and for SSD, choose noop. Don’t reduce the ‘readahead’ setting.
For HDD, enable the write cache.

File System¶

Ext4 is the most reliable option. Set the mount options noatime, nobarrier.
XFS is also suitable, but it hasn’t been as thoroughly tested with ClickHouse.
Most other file systems should also work fine. File systems with delayed allocation work better.

Linux Kernel¶

Don’t use an outdated Linux kernel.


If you are using IPv6, increase the size of the route cache.
The Linux kernel prior to 3.2 had a multitude of problems with IPv6 implementation.

Use at least a 10 GB network, if possible. 1 Gb will also work, but it will be much worse for patching replicas with tens of terabytes of data, or for processing distributed queries with a large amount of intermediate data.


You are probably already using ZooKeeper for other purposes. You can use the same installation of ZooKeeper, if it isn’t already overloaded.

It’s best to use a fresh version of ZooKeeper – 3.4.9 or later. The version in stable Linux distributions may be outdated.

You should never use manually written scripts to transfer data between different ZooKeeper clusters, because the result will be incorrect for sequential nodes. Never use the «zkcopy» utility for the same reason:

If you want to divide an existing ZooKeeper cluster into two, the correct way is to increase the number of its replicas and then reconfigure it as two independent clusters.

Do not run ZooKeeper on the same servers as ClickHouse. Because ZooKeeper is very sensitive for latency and ClickHouse may utilize all available system resources.

With the default settings, ZooKeeper is a time bomb:

The ZooKeeper server won’t delete files from old snapshots and logs when using the default configuration (see autopurge), and this is the responsibility of the operator.

This bomb must be defused.

The ZooKeeper (3.5.1) configuration below is used in the Yandex.Metrica production environment as of May 20, 2017:


## The number of milliseconds of each tick
## The number of ticks that the initial
## synchronization phase can take
## The number of ticks that can pass between
## sending a request and getting an acknowledgement
## the directory where the snapshot is stored.
dataDir=/opt/zookeeper/{{ cluster['name'] }}/data
## Place the dataLogDir to a separate physical disc for better performance
dataLogDir=/opt/zookeeper/{{ cluster['name'] }}/logs
## To avoid seeks ZooKeeper allocates space in the transaction log file in
## blocks of preAllocSize kilobytes. The default block size is 64M. One reason
## for changing the size of the blocks is to reduce the block size if snapshots
## are taken more often. (Also, see snapCount).
## Clients can submit requests faster than ZooKeeper can process them,
## especially if there are a lot of clients. To prevent ZooKeeper from running
## out of memory due to queued requests, ZooKeeper will throttle clients so that
## there is no more than globalOutstandingLimit outstanding requests in the
## system. The default limit is 1,000.ZooKeeper logs transactions to a
## transaction log. After snapCount transactions are written to a log file a
## snapshot is started and a new transaction log file is started. The default
## snapCount is 10,000.
## If this option is defined, requests will be will logged to a trace file named
## Leader accepts client connections. Default value is "yes". The leader machine
## coordinates updates. For higher update throughput at thes slight expense of
## read throughput the leader can be configured to not accept clients and focus
## on coordination.
dynamicConfigFile=/etc/zookeeper-{{ cluster['name'] }}/conf/zoo.cfg.dynamic

Java version:

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_25-b17)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.25-b02, mixed mode)

JVM parameters:

NAME=zookeeper-{{ cluster['name'] }}
## TODO this is really ugly
## How to find out, which jars are needed?
## seems, that log4j requires the file to be in the classpath
JAVA_OPTS="-Xms{{ cluster.get('xms','128M') }} 
    -Xmx{{ cluster.get('xmx','1G') }} 

Salt init:

description "zookeeper-{{ cluster['name'] }} centralized coordination service"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
limit nofile 8192 8192
pre-start script
[ -r "/etc/zookeeper-{{ cluster['name'] }}/conf/environment" ] || exit 0
. /etc/zookeeper-{{ cluster['name'] }}/conf/environment
[ -d $ZOO_LOG_DIR ] || mkdir -p $ZOO_LOG_DIR
end script
. /etc/zookeeper-{{ cluster['name'] }}/conf/environment
[ -r /etc/default/zookeeper ] && . /etc/default/zookeeper
if [ -z "$JMXDISABLE" ]; then
exec start-stop-daemon --start -c $USER --exec $JAVA --name zookeeper-{{ cluster['name'] }} 
-- -cp $CLASSPATH $JAVA_OPTS -Dzookeeper.log.dir=${ZOO_LOG_DIR} 
-Dzookeeper.root.logger=${ZOO_LOG4J_PROP} $ZOOMAIN $ZOOCFG
end script

Original article

ClickHouse Update¶

If ClickHouse was installed from deb packages, execute the following commands on the server:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install clickhouse-client clickhouse-server
sudo service clickhouse-server restart

If you installed ClickHouse using something other than the recommended deb packages, use the appropriate update method.

ClickHouse does not support a distributed update. The operation should be performed consecutively on each separate server. Do not update all the servers on a cluster simultaneously, or the cluster will be unavailable for some time.

Access Rights¶

Users and access rights are set up in the user config. This is usually users.xml.

Users are recorded in the users section. Here is a fragment of the users.xml file:

<!-- Users and ACL. -->
<!-- If the user name is not specified, the 'default' user is used. -->
<!-- Password could be specified in plaintext or in SHA256 (in hex format).
             If you want to specify password in plaintext (not recommended), place it in 'password' element.
             Example: <password>qwerty</password>.
             Password could be empty.
             If you want to specify SHA256, place it in 'password_sha256_hex' element.
             Example: <password_sha256_hex>65e84be33532fb784c48129675f9eff3a682b27168c0ea744b2cf58ee02337c5</password_sha256_hex>
             How to generate decent password:
             Execute: PASSWORD=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | head -c8); echo "$PASSWORD"; echo -n "$PASSWORD" | sha256sum | tr -d '-'
             In first line will be password and in second - corresponding SHA256.
<!-- A list of networks that access is allowed from.
            Each list item has one of the following forms:
            <ip> The IP address or subnet mask. For example: or 2001:DB8::/32.
            <host> Host name. For example: example01. A DNS query is made for verification, and all addresses obtained are compared with the address of the customer.
            <host_regexp> Regular expression for host names. For example, ^$
                To check it, a DNS PTR request is made for the client's address and a regular expression is applied to the result.
                Then another DNS query is made for the result of the PTR query, and all received address are compared to the client address.
                We strongly recommend that the regex ends with$.
            If you are installing ClickHouse yourself, specify here:
<networks incl="networks" />
<!-- Settings profile for the user. -->
<!-- Quota for the user. -->
<!-- For requests from the Yandex.Metrica user interface via the API for data on specific counters. -->
<networks incl="networks" />

You can see a declaration from two users: defaultandweb. We added the web user separately.

The default user is chosen in cases when the username is not passed. The default user is also used for distributed query processing, if the configuration of the server or cluster doesn’t specify the user and password (see the section on the Distributed engine).

The user that is used for exchanging information between servers combined in a cluster must not have substantial restrictions or quotas – otherwise, distributed queries will fail.

The password is specified in clear text (not recommended) or in SHA-256. The hash isn’t salted. In this regard, you should not consider these passwords as providing security against potential malicious attacks. Rather, they are necessary for protection from employees.

A list of networks is specified that access is allowed from. In this example, the list of networks for both users is loaded from a separate file (/etc/metrika.xml) containing the networks substitution. Here is a fragment of it:


You could define this list of networks directly in users.xml, or in a file in the users.d directory (for more information, see the section «Configuration files»).

The config includes comments explaining how to open access from everywhere.

For use in production, only specify ip elements (IP addresses and their masks), since using host and hoost_regexp might cause extra latency.

Next the user settings profile is specified (see the section «Settings profiles». You can specify the default profile, default'. The profile can have any name. You can specify the same profile for different users. The most important thing you can write in the settings profile is readonly=1, which ensures read-only access.
Then specify the quota to be used (see the section «Quotas»). You can specify the default quota: default. It is set in the config by default to only count resource usage, without restricting it. The quota can have any name. You can specify the same quota for different users – in this case, resource usage is calculated for each user individually.

In the optional <allow_databases> section, you can also specify a list of databases that the user can access. By default, all databases are available to the user. You can specify the default database. In this case, the user will receive access to the database by default.

Access to the system database is always allowed (since this database is used for processing queries).

The user can get a list of all databases and tables in them by using SHOW queries or system tables, even if access to individual databases isn’t allowed.

Database access is not related to the readonly setting. You can’t grant full access to one database and readonly access to another one.

Original article

Data Backup¶

While replication provides protection from hardware failures, it does not protect against human errors: accidental deletion of data, deletion of the wrong table or a table on the wrong cluster, and software bugs that result in incorrect data processing or data corruption. In many cases mistakes like these will affect all replicas. ClickHouse has built-in safeguards to prevent some types of mistakes — for example, by default you can’t just drop tables with a MergeTree-like engine containing more than 50 Gb of data. However, these safeguards don’t cover all possible cases and can be circumvented.

In order to effectively mitigate possible human errors, you should carefully prepare a strategy for backing up and restoring your data in advance.

Each company has different resources available and business requirements, so there’s no universal solution for ClickHouse backups and restores that will fit every situation. What works for one gigabyte of data likely won’t work for tens of petabytes. There are a variety of possible approaches with their own pros and cons, which will be discussed below. It is a good idea to use several approaches instead of just one in order to compensate for their various shortcomings.


Keep in mind that if you backed something up and never tried to restore it, chances are that restore will not work properly when you actually need it (or at least it will take longer than business can tolerate). So whatever backup approach you choose, make sure to automate the restore process as well, and practice it on a spare ClickHouse cluster regularly.

Duplicating Source Data Somewhere Else¶

Often data that is ingested into ClickHouse is delivered through some sort of persistent queue, such as Apache Kafka. In this case it is possible to configure an additional set of subscribers that will read the same data stream while it is being written to ClickHouse and store it in cold storage somewhere. Most companies already have some default recommended cold storage, which could be an object store or a distributed filesystem like HDFS.

Filesystem Snapshots¶

Some local filesystems provide snapshot functionality (for example, ZFS), but they might not be the best choice for serving live queries. A possible solution is to create additional replicas with this kind of filesystem and exclude them from the Distributed tables that are used for SELECT queries. Snapshots on such replicas will be out of reach of any queries that modify data. As a bonus, these replicas might have special hardware configurations with more disks attached per server, which would be cost-effective.


clickhouse-copier is a versatile tool that was initially created to re-shard petabyte-sized tables. It can also be used for backup and restore purposes because it reliably copies data between ClickHouse tables and clusters.

For smaller volumes of data, a simple INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... to remote tables might work as well.

Manipulations with Parts¶

ClickHouse allows using the ALTER TABLE ... FREEZE PARTITION ... query to create a local copy of table partitions. This is implemented using hardlinks to the /var/lib/clickhouse/shadow/ folder, so it usually does not consume extra disk space for old data. The created copies of files are not handled by ClickHouse server, so you can just leave them there: you will have a simple backup that doesn’t require any additional external system, but it will still be prone to hardware issues. For this reason, it’s better to remotely copy them to another location and then remove the local copies. Distributed filesystems and object stores are still a good options for this, but normal attached file servers with a large enough capacity might work as well (in this case the transfer will occur via the network filesystem or maybe rsync).

For more information about queries related to partition manipulations, see the ALTER documentation.

A third-party tool is available to automate this approach: clickhouse-backup.

Original article

Configuration Files¶

The main server config file is config.xml. It resides in the /etc/clickhouse-server/ directory.

Individual settings can be overridden in the *.xml and *.conf files in the conf.d and config.d directories next to the config file.

The replace or remove attributes can be specified for the elements of these config files.

If neither is specified, it combines the contents of elements recursively, replacing values of duplicate children.

If replace is specified, it replaces the entire element with the specified one.

If remove is specified, it deletes the element.

The config can also define «substitutions». If an element has the incl attribute, the corresponding substitution from the file will be used as the value. By default, the path to the file with substitutions is /etc/metrika.xml. This can be changed in the include_from element in the server config. The substitution values are specified in /yandex/substitution_name elements in this file. If a substitution specified in incl does not exist, it is recorded in the log. To prevent ClickHouse from logging missing substitutions, specify the optional="true" attribute (for example, settings for macros).

Substitutions can also be performed from ZooKeeper. To do this, specify the attribute from_zk = "/path/to/node". The element value is replaced with the contents of the node at /path/to/node in ZooKeeper. You can also put an entire XML subtree on the ZooKeeper node and it will be fully inserted into the source element.

The config.xml file can specify a separate config with user settings, profiles, and quotas. The relative path to this config is set in the ‘users_config’ element. By default, it is users.xml. If users_config is omitted, the user settings, profiles, and quotas are specified directly in config.xml.

In addition, users_config may have overrides in files from the users_config.d directory (for example, users.d) and substitutions. For example, you can have separate config file for each user like this:

$ cat /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/alice.xml

For each config file, the server also generates file-preprocessed.xml files when starting. These files contain all the completed substitutions and overrides, and they are intended for informational use. If ZooKeeper substitutions were used in the config files but ZooKeeper is not available on the server start, the server loads the configuration from the preprocessed file.

The server tracks changes in config files, as well as files and ZooKeeper nodes that were used when performing substitutions and overrides, and reloads the settings for users and clusters on the fly. This means that you can modify the cluster, users, and their settings without restarting the server.

Original article


Quotas allow you to limit resource usage over a period of time, or simply track the use of resources.
Quotas are set up in the user config. This is usually ‘users.xml’.

The system also has a feature for limiting the complexity of a single query. See the section «Restrictions on query complexity»).

In contrast to query complexity restrictions, quotas:

  • Place restrictions on a set of queries that can be run over a period of time, instead of limiting a single query.
  • Account for resources spent on all remote servers for distributed query processing.

Let’s look at the section of the ‘users.xml’ file that defines quotas.

<!-- Quotas -->
<!-- Quota name. -->
<!-- Restrictions for a time period. You can set many intervals with different restrictions. -->
<!-- Length of the interval. -->
<!-- Unlimited. Just collect data for the specified time interval. -->

By default, the quota just tracks resource consumption for each hour, without limiting usage.
The resource consumption calculated for each interval is output to the server log after each request.

<!-- Restrictions for a time period. You can set many intervals with different restrictions. -->
<!-- Length of the interval. -->

For the ‘statbox’ quota, restrictions are set for every hour and for every 24 hours (86,400 seconds). The time interval is counted starting from an implementation-defined fixed moment in time. In other words, the 24-hour interval doesn’t necessarily begin at midnight.

When the interval ends, all collected values are cleared. For the next hour, the quota calculation starts over.

Here are the amounts that can be restricted:

queries – The total number of requests.

errors – The number of queries that threw an exception.

result_rows – The total number of rows given as the result.

read_rows – The total number of source rows read from tables for running the query, on all remote servers.

execution_time – The total query execution time, in seconds (wall time).

If the limit is exceeded for at least one time interval, an exception is thrown with a text about which restriction was exceeded, for which interval, and when the new interval begins (when queries can be sent again).

Quotas can use the «quota key» feature in order to report on resources for multiple keys independently. Here is an example of this:

<!-- For the global reports designer. -->
<!-- keyed – The quota_key "key" is passed in the query parameter,
            and the quota is tracked separately for each key value.
        For example, you can pass a Yandex.Metrica username as the key,
            so the quota will be counted separately for each username.
        Using keys makes sense only if quota_key is transmitted by the program, not by a user.
        You can also write <keyed_by_ip /> so the IP address is used as the quota key.
        (But keep in mind that users can change the IPv6 address fairly easily.)
<keyed />

The quota is assigned to users in the ‘users’ section of the config. See the section «Access rights».

For distributed query processing, the accumulated amounts are stored on the requestor server. So if the user goes to another server, the quota there will «start over».

When the server is restarted, quotas are reset.

Original article

System tables¶

System tables are used for implementing part of the system’s functionality, and for providing access to information about how the system is working.
You can’t delete a system table (but you can perform DETACH).
System tables don’t have files with data on the disk or files with metadata. The server creates all the system tables when it starts.
System tables are read-only.
They are located in the ‘system’ database.


Contain metrics used for profiling and monitoring.
They usually reflect the number of events currently in the system, or the total resources consumed by the system.
Example: The number of SELECT queries currently running; the amount of memory in use.system.asynchronous_metricsandsystem.metrics differ in their sets of metrics and how they are calculated.


Contains information about clusters available in the config file and the servers in them.

cluster String      — The cluster name.
shard_num UInt32 — The shard number in the cluster, starting from 1.
shard_weight UInt32 — The relative weight of the shard when writing data.
replica_num UInt32 — The replica number in the shard, starting from 1.
host_name String — The host name, as specified in the config.
String host_address — The host IP address obtained from DNS.
port UInt16 — The port to use for connecting to the server.
user String — The name of the user for connecting to the server.


Contains information about the columns in all tables.
You can use this table to get information similar to DESCRIBE TABLE, but for multiple tables at once.

database String — The name of the database the table is in.
table String – Table name.
name String — Column name.
type String — Column type.
default_type String — Expression type (DEFAULT, MATERIALIZED, ALIAS) for the default value, or an empty string if it is not defined.
default_expression String — Expression for the default value, or an empty string if it is not defined.


This table contains a single String column called ‘name’ – the name of a database.
Each database that the server knows about has a corresponding entry in the table.
This system table is used for implementing the SHOW DATABASES query.


Contains information about external dictionaries.


  • name String — Dictionary name.
  • type String — Dictionary type: Flat, Hashed, Cache.
  • origin String — Path to the configuration file that describes the dictionary.
  • attribute.names Array(String) — Array of attribute names provided by the dictionary.
  • attribute.types Array(String) — Corresponding array of attribute types that are provided by the dictionary.
  • has_hierarchy UInt8 — Whether the dictionary is hierarchical.
  • bytes_allocated UInt64 — The amount of RAM the dictionary uses.
  • hit_rate Float64 — For cache dictionaries, the percentage of uses for which the value was in the cache.
  • element_count UInt64 — The number of items stored in the dictionary.
  • load_factor Float64 — The percentage full of the dictionary (for a hashed dictionary, the percentage filled in the hash table).
  • creation_time DateTime — The time when the dictionary was created or last successfully reloaded.
  • last_exception String — Text of the error that occurs when creating or reloading the dictionary if the dictionary couldn’t be created.
  • source String — Text describing the data source for the dictionary.

Note that the amount of memory used by the dictionary is not proportional to the number of items stored in it. So for flat and cached dictionaries, all the memory cells are pre-assigned, regardless of how full the dictionary actually is.¶

Contains information about the number of events that have occurred in the system. This is used for profiling and monitoring purposes.
Example: The number of processed SELECT queries.
Columns: ‘event String’ – the event name, and ‘value UInt64’ – the quantity.


Contains information about normal and aggregate functions.


  • name(String) – The name of the function.
  • is_aggregate(UInt8) — Whether the function is aggregate.


Contains information about merges and part mutations currently in process for tables in the MergeTree family.


  • database String — The name of the database the table is in.
  • table String — Table name.
  • elapsed Float64 — The time elapsed (in seconds) since the merge started.
  • progress Float64 — The percentage of completed work from 0 to 1.
  • num_parts UInt64 — The number of pieces to be merged.
  • result_part_name String — The name of the part that will be formed as the result of merging.
  • is_mutation UInt8 — 1 if this process is a part mutation.
  • total_size_bytes_compressed UInt64 — The total size of the compressed data in the merged chunks.
  • total_size_marks UInt64 — The total number of marks in the merged partss.
  • bytes_read_uncompressed UInt64 — Number of bytes read, uncompressed.
  • rows_read UInt64 — Number of rows read.
  • bytes_written_uncompressed UInt64 — Number of bytes written, uncompressed.
  • rows_written UInt64 — Number of lines rows written.



This table contains a single UInt64 column named ‘number’ that contains almost all the natural numbers starting from zero.
You can use this table for tests, or if you need to do a brute force search.
Reads from this table are not parallelized.


The same as ‘system.numbers’ but reads are parallelized. The numbers can be returned in any order.
Used for tests.¶

This table contains a single row with a single ‘dummy’ UInt8 column containing the value 0.
This table is used if a SELECT query doesn’t specify the FROM clause.
This is similar to the DUAL table found in other DBMSs.¶

Contains information about parts of MergeTree tables.

Each row describes one part of the data.


  • partition (String) – The partition name. To learn what a partition is, see the description of the ALTER query.

YYYYMM for automatic partitioning by month.
any_string when partitioning manually.

  • name (String) – Name of the data part.

  • active (UInt8) – Indicates whether the part is active. If a part is active, it is used in a table; otherwise, it will be deleted. Inactive data parts remain after merging.

  • marks (UInt64) – The number of marks. To get the approximate number of rows in a data part, multiply marks by the index granularity (usually 8192).

  • marks_size (UInt64) – The size of the file with marks.

  • rows (UInt64) – The number of rows.

  • bytes (UInt64) – The number of bytes when compressed.

  • modification_time (DateTime) – The modification time of the directory with the data part. This usually corresponds to the time of data part creation.|

  • remove_time (DateTime) – The time when the data part became inactive.

  • refcount (UInt32) – The number of places where the data part is used. A value greater than 2 indicates that the data part is used in queries or merges.

  • min_date (Date) – The minimum value of the date key in the data part.

  • max_date (Date) – The maximum value of the date key in the data part.

  • min_block_number (UInt64) – The minimum number of data parts that make up the current part after merging.

  • max_block_number (UInt64) – The maximum number of data parts that make up the current part after merging.

  • level (UInt32) – Depth of the merge tree. If a merge was not performed, level=0.

  • primary_key_bytes_in_memory (UInt64) – The amount of memory (in bytes) used by primary key values.

  • primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated (UInt64) – The amount of memory (in bytes) reserved for primary key values.

  • database (String) – Name of the database.

  • table (String) – Name of the table.

  • engine (String) – Name of the table engine without parameters.


This system table is used for implementing the SHOW PROCESSLIST query.

user String              – Name of the user who made the request. For distributed query processing, this is the user who helped the requestor server send the query to this server, not the user who made the distributed request on the requestor server.
address String           - The IP address the request was made from. The same for distributed processing.
elapsed Float64          - The time in seconds since request execution started.
rows_read UInt64         - The number of rows read from the table. For distributed processing, on the requestor server, this is the total for all remote servers.
bytes_read UInt64        - The number of uncompressed bytes read from the table. For distributed processing, on the requestor server, this is the total for all remote servers.
total_rows_approx UInt64 - The approximation of the total number of rows that should be read. For distributed processing, on the requestor server, this is the total for all remote servers. It can be updated during request processing, when new sources to process become known.
memory_usage UInt64      - How much memory the request uses. It might not include some types of dedicated memory.
query String             - The query text. For INSERT, it doesn't include the data to insert.
query_id String          - Query ID, if defined.


Contains information and status for replicated tables residing on the local server.
This table can be used for monitoring. The table contains a row for every Replicated* table.


FROM system.replicas
WHERE table = 'visits'
FORMAT Vertical
Row 1:
database:           merge
table:              visits
engine:             ReplicatedCollapsingMergeTree
is_leader:          1
is_readonly:        0
is_session_expired: 0
future_parts:       1
parts_to_check:     0
zookeeper_path:     /clickhouse/tables/01-06/visits
replica_path:       /clickhouse/tables/01-06/visits/replicas/
columns_version:    9
queue_size:         1
inserts_in_queue:   0
merges_in_queue:    1
log_max_index:      596273
log_pointer:        596274
total_replicas:     2
active_replicas:    2


database:          Database name
table:              Table name
engine:            Table engine name
is_leader:          Whether the replica is the leader.
Only one replica at a time can be the leader. The leader is responsible for selecting background merges to perform.
Note that writes can be performed to any replica that is available and has a session in ZK, regardless of whether it is a leader.
is_readonly:        Whether the replica is in read-only mode.
This mode is turned on if the config doesn't have sections with ZooKeeper, if an unknown error occurred when reinitializing sessions in ZooKeeper, and during session reinitialization in ZooKeeper.
is_session_expired: Whether the session with ZooKeeper has expired.
Basically the same as 'is_readonly'.
future_parts:       The number of data parts that will appear as the result of INSERTs or merges that haven't been done yet.
parts_to_check:    The number of data parts in the queue for verification.
A part is put in the verification queue if there is suspicion that it might be damaged.
zookeeper_path:     Path to table data in ZooKeeper.
replica_name:       Replica name in ZooKeeper. Different replicas of the same table have different names.
replica_path:      Path to replica data in ZooKeeper. The same as concatenating 'zookeeper_path/replicas/replica_path'.
columns_version:    Version number of the table structure.
Indicates how many times ALTER was performed. If replicas have different versions, it means some replicas haven't made all of the ALTERs yet.
queue_size:         Size of the queue for operations waiting to be performed.
Operations include inserting blocks of data, merges, and certain other actions.
It usually coincides with 'future_parts'.
inserts_in_queue:   Number of inserts of blocks of data that need to be made.
Insertions are usually replicated fairly quickly. If this number is large, it means something is wrong.
merges_in_queue:    The number of merges waiting to be made.
Sometimes merges are lengthy, so this value may be greater than zero for a long time.
The next 4 columns have a non-zero value only where there is an active session with ZK.
log_max_index:      Maximum entry number in the log of general activity.
log_pointer:        Maximum entry number in the log of general activity that the replica copied to its execution queue, plus one.
If log_pointer is much smaller than log_max_index, something is wrong.
total_replicas:     The total number of known replicas of this table.
active_replicas:    The number of replicas of this table that have a session in ZooKeeper (i.e., the number of functioning replicas).

If you request all the columns, the table may work a bit slowly, since several reads from ZooKeeper are made for each row.
If you don’t request the last 4 columns (log_max_index, log_pointer, total_replicas, active_replicas), the table works quickly.

For example, you can check that everything is working correctly like this:

FROM system.replicas
OR is_session_expired
OR future_parts > 20
OR parts_to_check > 10
OR queue_size > 20
OR inserts_in_queue > 10
OR log_max_index - log_pointer > 10
OR total_replicas < 2
OR active_replicas < total_replicas

If this query doesn’t return anything, it means that everything is fine.


Contains information about settings that are currently in use.
I.e. used for executing the query you are using to read from the system.settings table.


name String  — Setting name.
value String  — Setting value.
changed UInt8 — Whether the setting was explicitly defined in the config or explicitly changed.


FROM system.settings
WHERE changed
│ max_threads            │ 8           │       1 │
│ use_uncompressed_cache │ 0           │       1 │
│ load_balancing         │ random      │       1 │
│ max_memory_usage       │ 10000000000 │       1 │


This table contains the String columns ‘database’, ‘name’, and ‘engine’.
The table also contains three virtual columns: metadata_modification_time (DateTime type), create_table_query, and engine_full (String type).
Each table that the server knows about is entered in the ‘system.tables’ table.
This system table is used for implementing SHOW TABLES queries.


The table does not exist if ZooKeeper is not configured. Allows reading data from the ZooKeeper cluster defined in the config.
The query must have a ‘path’ equality condition in the WHERE clause. This is the path in ZooKeeper for the children that you want to get data for.

The query SELECT * FROM system.zookeeper WHERE path = '/clickhouse' outputs data for all children on the /clickhouse node.
To output data for all root nodes, write path = ‘/’.
If the path specified in ‘path’ doesn’t exist, an exception will be thrown.


  • name String — The name of the node.
  • path String — The path to the node.
  • value String — Node value.
  • dataLength Int32 — Size of the value.
  • numChildren Int32 — Number of descendants.
  • czxid Int64 — ID of the transaction that created the node.
  • mzxid Int64 — ID of the transaction that last changed the node.
  • pzxid Int64 — ID of the transaction that last deleted or added descendants.
  • ctime DateTime — Time of node creation.
  • mtime DateTime — Time of the last modification of the node.
  • version Int32 — Node version: the number of times the node was changed.
  • cversion Int32 — Number of added or removed descendants.
  • aversion Int32 — Number of changes to the ACL.
  • ephemeralOwner Int64 — For ephemeral nodes, the ID of hte session that owns this node.


FROM system.zookeeper
WHERE path = '/clickhouse/tables/01-08/visits/replicas'
FORMAT Vertical
Row 1:
czxid:          932998691229
mzxid:          932998691229
ctime:          2015-03-27 16:49:51
mtime:          2015-03-27 16:49:51
version:        0
cversion:       47
aversion:       0
ephemeralOwner: 0
dataLength:     0
numChildren:    7
pzxid:          987021031383
path:           /clickhouse/tables/01-08/visits/replicas
Row 2:
czxid:          933002738135
mzxid:          933002738135
ctime:          2015-03-27 16:57:01
mtime:          2015-03-27 16:57:01
version:        0
cversion:       37
aversion:       0
ephemeralOwner: 0
dataLength:     0
numChildren:    7
pzxid:          987021252247
path:           /clickhouse/tables/01-08/visits/replicas


The table contains information about mutations of MergeTree tables and their progress. Each mutation command is represented by a single row. The table has the following columns:

database, table — The name of the database and table to which the mutation was applied.

mutation_id — The ID of the mutation. For replicated tables these IDs correspond to znode names in the <table_path_in_zookeeper>/mutations/ directory in ZooKeeper. For unreplicated tables the IDs correspond to file names in the data directory of the table.

command — The mutation command string (the part of the query after ALTER TABLE [db.]table).

create_time — When this mutation command was submitted for execution.

block_numbers.partition_id, block_numbers.number — A Nested column. For mutations of replicated tables contains one record for each partition: the partition ID and the block number that was acquired by the mutation (in each partition only parts that contain blocks with numbers less than the block number acquired by the mutation in that partition will be mutated). Because in non-replicated tables blocks numbers in all partitions form a single sequence, for mutatations of non-replicated tables the column will contain one record with a single block number acquired by the mutation.

parts_to_do — The number of data parts that need to be mutated for the mutation to finish.

is_done — Is the mutation done? Note that even if parts_to_do = 0 it is possible that a mutation of a replicated table is not done yet because of a long-running INSERT that will create a new data part that will need to be mutated.

If there were problems with mutating some parts the following columns contain additional information:

latest_failed_part — The name of the most recent part that could not be mutated.

latest_fail_time — The time of the most recent part mutation failure.

latest_fail_reason — The exception message that caused the most recent part mutation failure.

Original article

Server configuration parameters¶

This section contains descriptions of server settings that cannot be changed at the session or query level.

These settings are stored in the config.xml file on the ClickHouse server.

Other settings are described in the «Settings» section.

Before studying the settings, read the Configuration files section and note the use of substitutions (the incl and optional attributes).

Original article

Server settings¶


The interval in seconds before reloading built-in dictionaries.

ClickHouse reloads built-in dictionaries every x seconds. This makes it possible to edit dictionaries «on the fly» without restarting the server.

Default value: 3600.




Data compression settings.


Don’t use it if you have just started using ClickHouse.

The configuration looks like this:


You can configure multiple sections <case>.

Block field <case>:

  • min_part_size – The minimum size of a table part.
  • min_part_size_ratio – The ratio of the minimum size of a table part to the full size of the table.
  • method – Compression method. Acceptable values ​: lz4 or zstd(experimental).

ClickHouse checks min_part_size and min_part_size_ratio and processes the case blocks that match these conditions. If none of the <case> matches, ClickHouse applies the lz4 compression algorithm.


<compression incl="clickhouse_compression">


The default database.

To get a list of databases, use the SHOW DATABASES query.




Default settings profile.

Settings profiles are located in the file specified in the parameter user_config.




The path to the config file for external dictionaries.


  • Specify the absolute path or the path relative to the server config file.
  • The path can contain wildcards * and ?.

See also «External dictionaries».




Lazy loading of dictionaries.

If true, then each dictionary is created on first use. If dictionary creation failed, the function that was using the dictionary throws an exception.

If false, all dictionaries are created when the server starts, and if there is an error, the server shuts down.

The default is true.




The path to the directory with the schemes for the input data, such as schemas for the CapnProto format.


  <!-- Directory containing schema files for various input formats. -->


Sending data to Graphite.


  • host – The Graphite server.
  • port – The port on the Graphite server.
  • interval – The interval for sending, in seconds.
  • timeout – The timeout for sending data, in seconds.
  • root_path – Prefix for keys.
  • metrics – Sending data from a :ref:system_tables-system.metrics table.
  • events – Sending data from a table.
  • asynchronous_metrics – Sending data from a :ref:system_tables-system.asynchronous_metrics table.

You can configure multiple <graphite> clauses. For instance, you can use this for sending different data at different intervals.




Settings for thinning data for Graphite.

For more details, see GraphiteMergeTree.




The port for connecting to the server over HTTP(s).

If https_port is specified, openSSL must be configured.

If http_port is specified, the openSSL configuration is ignored even if it is set.



The page that is shown by default when you access the ClickHouse HTTP(s) server.


Opens when accessing http://localhost: http_port.

<![CDATA[<html ng-app="SMI2"><head><base href=""></head><body><div ui-view="" class="content-ui"></div><script src=""></script></body></html>]]>


The path to the file with substitutions.

For more information, see the section «Configuration files».




Port for exchanging data between ClickHouse servers.




The host name that can be used by other servers to access this server.

If omitted, it is defined in the same way as the hostname-f command.

Useful for breaking away from a specific network interface.




The number of seconds that ClickHouse waits for incoming requests before closing the connection. Defaults to 3 seconds.




Restriction on hosts that requests can come from. If you want the server to answer all of them, specify ::.




Logging settings.


  • level – Logging level. Acceptable values: trace, debug, information, warning, error.
  • log – The log file. Contains all the entries according to level.
  • errorlog – Error log file.
  • size – Size of the file. Applies to loganderrorlog. Once the file reaches size, ClickHouse archives and renames it, and creates a new log file in its place.
  • count – The number of archived log files that ClickHouse stores.



Writing to the syslog is also supported. Config example:



  • user_syslog — Required setting if you want to write to the syslog.
  • address — The host[:порт] of syslogd. If omitted, the local daemon is used.
  • hostname — Optional. The name of the host that logs are sent from.
  • facility — The syslog facility keyword in uppercase letters with the «LOG_» prefix: (LOG_USER, LOG_DAEMON, LOG_LOCAL3, and so on).
    Default value: LOG_USER if address is specified, LOG_DAEMON otherwise.
  • format – Message format. Possible values: bsd and syslog.


Parameter substitutions for replicated tables.

Can be omitted if replicated tables are not used.

For more information, see the section «Creating replicated tables».


<macros incl="macros" optional="true" />


Approximate size (in bytes) of the cache of «marks» used by MergeTree.

The cache is shared for the server and memory is allocated as needed. The cache size must be at least 5368709120.




The maximum number of simultaneously processed requests.




The maximum number of inbound connections.




The maximum number of open files.

By default: maximum.

We recommend using this option in Mac OS X, since the getrlimit() function returns an incorrect value.




Restriction on deleting tables.

If the size of a MergeTree table exceeds max_table_size_to_drop (in bytes), you can’t delete it using a DROP query.

If you still need to delete the table without restarting the ClickHouse server, create the <clickhouse-path>/flags/force_drop_table file and run the DROP query.

Default value: 50 GB.

The value 0 means that you can delete all tables without any restrictions.




Fine tuning for tables in the MergeTree.

For more information, see the MergeTreeSettings.h header file.




SSL client/server configuration.

Support for SSL is provided by the libpoco library. The interface is described in the file SSLManager.h

Keys for server/client settings:

  • privateKeyFile – The path to the file with the secret key of the PEM certificate. The file may contain a key and certificate at the same time.
  • certificateFile – The path to the client/server certificate file in PEM format. You can omit it if privateKeyFile contains the certificate.
  • caConfig – The path to the file or directory that contains trusted root certificates.
  • verificationMode – The method for checking the node’s certificates. Details are in the description of the Context class. Possible values: none, relaxed, strict, once.
  • verificationDepth – The maximum length of the verification chain. Verification will fail if the certificate chain length exceeds the set value.
  • loadDefaultCAFile – Indicates that built-in CA certificates for OpenSSL will be used. Acceptable values: true, false. |
  • cipherList – Supported OpenSSL encryptions. For example: ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH.
  • cacheSessions – Enables or disables caching sessions. Must be used in combination with sessionIdContext. Acceptable values: true, false.
  • sessionIdContext – A unique set of random characters that the server appends to each generated identifier. The length of the string must not exceed SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH. This parameter is always recommended, since it helps avoid problems both if the server caches the session and if the client requested caching. Default value: ${}.
  • sessionCacheSize – The maximum number of sessions that the server caches. Default value: 1024*20. 0 – Unlimited sessions.
  • sessionTimeout – Time for caching the session on the server.
  • extendedVerification – Automatically extended verification of certificates after the session ends. Acceptable values: true, false.
  • requireTLSv1 – Require a TLSv1 connection. Acceptable values: true, false.
  • requireTLSv1_1 – Require a TLSv1.1 connection. Acceptable values: true, false.
  • requireTLSv1 – Require a TLSv1.2 connection. Acceptable values: true, false.
  • fips – Activates OpenSSL FIPS mode. Supported if the library’s OpenSSL version supports FIPS.
  • privateKeyPassphraseHandler – Class (PrivateKeyPassphraseHandler subclass) that requests the passphrase for accessing the private key. For example: <privateKeyPassphraseHandler>, <name>KeyFileHandler</name>, <options><password>test</password></options>, </privateKeyPassphraseHandler>.
  • invalidCertificateHandler – Class (subclass of CertificateHandler) for verifying invalid certificates. For example: <invalidCertificateHandler> <name>ConsoleCertificateHandler</name> </invalidCertificateHandler> .
  • disableProtocols – Protocols that are not allowed to use.
  • preferServerCiphers – Preferred server ciphers on the client.

Example of settings:

<!-- openssl req -subj "/CN=localhost" -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout /etc/clickhouse-server/server.key -out /etc/clickhouse-server/server.crt -->
<!-- openssl dhparam -out /etc/clickhouse-server/dhparam.pem 4096 -->
<!-- Use for self-signed: <verificationMode>none</verificationMode> -->
<!-- Use for self-signed: <name>AcceptCertificateHandler</name> -->


Logging events that are associated with MergeTree. For instance, adding or merging data. You can use the log to simulate merge algorithms and compare their characteristics. You can visualize the merge process.

Queries are logged in the ClickHouse table, not in a separate file.

Columns in the log:

  • event_time – Date of the event.
  • duration_ms – Duration of the event.
  • event_type – Type of event. 1 – new data part; 2 – merge result; 3 – data part downloaded from replica; 4 – data part deleted.
  • database_name – The name of the database.
  • table_name – Name of the table.
  • part_name – Name of the data part.
  • partition_id – The identifier of the partition.
  • size_in_bytes – Size of the data part in bytes.
  • merged_from – An array of names of data parts that make up the merge (also used when downloading a merged part).
  • merge_time_ms – Time spent on the merge.

Use the following parameters to configure logging:

  • database – Name of the database.
  • table – Name of the table.
  • partition_by – Sets a custom partitioning key.
  • flush_interval_milliseconds – Interval for flushing data from the buffer in memory to the table.




The path to the directory containing data.


The trailing slash is mandatory.




Setting for logging queries received with the log_queries=1 setting.

Queries are logged in the ClickHouse table, not in a separate file.

Use the following parameters to configure logging:

  • database – Name of the database.
  • table – Name of the table.
  • partition_by – Sets a custom partitioning key.
  • flush_interval_milliseconds – Interval for flushing data from the buffer in memory to the table.

If the table doesn’t exist, ClickHouse will create it. If the structure of the query log changed when the ClickHouse server was updated, the table with the old structure is renamed, and a new table is created automatically.




Configuration of clusters used by the Distributed table engine.

For more information, see the section «Table engines/Distributed».


<remote_servers incl="clickhouse_remote_servers" />

For the value of the incl attribute, see the section «Configuration files».


The server’s time zone.

Specified as an IANA identifier for the UTC time zone or geographic location (for example, Africa/Abidjan).

The time zone is necessary for conversions between String and DateTime formats when DateTime fields are output to text format (printed on the screen or in a file), and when getting DateTime from a string. In addition, the time zone is used in functions that work with the time and date if they didn’t receive the time zone in the input parameters.




Port for communicating with clients over the TCP protocol.




Port for communicating with the clients over the secure connection by TCP protocol. Use it with OpenSSL settings.

Possible values

Positive integer.

Default value



Path to temporary data for processing large queries.


The trailing slash is mandatory.




Cache size (in bytes) for uncompressed data used by table engines from the MergeTree.

There is one shared cache for the server. Memory is allocated on demand. The cache is used if the option use_uncompressed_cache is enabled.

The uncompressed cache is advantageous for very short queries in individual cases.




The directory with user files. Used in the table function file().




Path to the file that contains:

  • User configurations.
  • Access rights.
  • Settings profiles.
  • Quota settings.




Configuration of ZooKeeper servers.

ClickHouse uses ZooKeeper for storing replica metadata when using replicated tables.

This parameter can be omitted if replicated tables are not used.

For more information, see the section «Replication».


<node index="1">
<node index="2">
<node index="3">

Original article


There are multiple ways to make all the settings described below.
Settings are configured in layers, so each subsequent layer redefines the previous settings.

Ways to configure settings, in order of priority:

  • Settings in the users.xml server configuration file.

    Set in the element <profiles>.

  • Session settings.

    Send SET setting=value from the ClickHouse console client in interactive mode.
    Similarly, you can use ClickHouse sessions in the HTTP protocol. To do this, you need to specify the session_id HTTP parameter.

  • Query settings.

    • When starting the ClickHouse console client in non-interactive mode, set the startup parameter --setting=value.
    • When using the HTTP API, pass CGI parameters (URL?setting_1=value&setting_2=value...).

Settings that can only be made in the server config file are not covered in this section.

Original article

Permissions for queries¶

Queries in ClickHouse can be divided into several types:

  1. Read data queries: SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXISTS.
  2. Write data queries: INSERT, OPTIMIZE.
  3. Change settings queries: SET, USE.

The following settings regulate user permissions by the type of query:

  • readonly — Restricts permissions for all types of queries except DDL queries.
  • allow_ddl — Restricts permissions for DDL queries.

KILL QUERY can be performed with any settings.


Restricts permissions for read data, write data and change settings queries.

See how the queries are divided into types above.

Possible values

  • 0 — All queries are allowed.
  • 1 — Only read data queries are allowed.
  • 2 — Read data and change settings queries are allowed.

After setting readonly = 1, the user can’t change readonly and allow_ddl settings in the current session.

When using the GET method in the HTTP interface, readonly = 1 is set automatically. To modify data, use the POST method.

Default value



Allows/denies DDL queries.

See how the queries are divided into types above.

Possible values

  • 0 — DDL queries are not allowed.
  • 1 — DDL queries are allowed.

You cannot execute SET allow_ddl = 1 if allow_ddl = 0 for the current session.

Default value


Original article

Restrictions on query complexity¶

Restrictions on query complexity are part of the settings.
They are used in order to provide safer execution from the user interface.
Almost all the restrictions only apply to SELECT. For distributed query processing, restrictions are applied on each server separately.

ClickHouse checks the restrictions for data parts, not for each row. It means that you can exceed the value of restriction with a size of the data part.

Restrictions on the «maximum amount of something» can take the value 0, which means «unrestricted».
Most restrictions also have an ‘overflow_mode’ setting, meaning what to do when the limit is exceeded.
It can take one of two values: throw or break. Restrictions on aggregation (group_by_overflow_mode) also have the value any.

throw – Throw an exception (default).

break – Stop executing the query and return the partial result, as if the source data ran out.

any (only for group_by_overflow_mode) – Continuing aggregation for the keys that got into the set, but don’t add new keys to the set.


The maximum amount of RAM to use for running a query on a single server.

In the default configuration file, the maximum is 10 GB.

The setting doesn’t consider the volume of available memory or the total volume of memory on the machine.
The restriction applies to a single query within a single server.
You can use SHOW PROCESSLIST to see the current memory consumption for each query.
In addition, the peak memory consumption is tracked for each query and written to the log.

Memory usage is not monitored for the states of certain aggregate functions.

Memory usage is not fully tracked for states of the aggregate functions min, max, any, anyLast, argMin, argMax from String and Array arguments.

Memory consumption is also restricted by the parameters max_memory_usage_for_user and max_memory_usage_for_all_queries.


The maximum amount of RAM to use for running a user’s queries on a single server.

Default values are defined in Settings.h. By default, the amount is not restricted (max_memory_usage_for_user = 0).

See also the description of max_memory_usage.


The maximum amount of RAM to use for running all queries on a single server.

Default values are defined in Settings.h. By default, the amount is not restricted (max_memory_usage_for_all_queries = 0).

See also the description of max_memory_usage.


The following restrictions can be checked on each block (instead of on each row). That is, the restrictions can be broken a little.
When running a query in multiple threads, the following restrictions apply to each thread separately.

Maximum number of rows that can be read from a table when running a query.


Maximum number of bytes (uncompressed data) that can be read from a table when running a query.


What to do when the volume of data read exceeds one of the limits: ‘throw’ or ‘break’. By default, throw.


Maximum number of unique keys received from aggregation. This setting lets you limit memory consumption when aggregating.


What to do when the number of unique keys for aggregation exceeds the limit: ‘throw’, ‘break’, or ‘any’. By default, throw.
Using the ‘any’ value lets you run an approximation of GROUP BY. The quality of this approximation depends on the statistical nature of the data.


Maximum number of rows before sorting. This allows you to limit memory consumption when sorting.


Maximum number of bytes before sorting.


What to do if the number of rows received before sorting exceeds one of the limits: ‘throw’ or ‘break’. By default, throw.


Limit on the number of rows in the result. Also checked for subqueries, and on remote servers when running parts of a distributed query.


Limit on the number of bytes in the result. The same as the previous setting.


What to do if the volume of the result exceeds one of the limits: ‘throw’ or ‘break’. By default, throw.
Using ‘break’ is similar to using LIMIT.


Maximum query execution time in seconds.
At this time, it is not checked for one of the sorting stages, or when merging and finalizing aggregate functions.


What to do if the query is run longer than ‘max_execution_time’: ‘throw’ or ‘break’. By default, throw.


Minimal execution speed in rows per second. Checked on every data block when ‘timeout_before_checking_execution_speed’ expires. If the execution speed is lower, an exception is thrown.


Minimum number of execution bytes per second. Checked on every data block when ‘timeout_before_checking_execution_speed’ expires. If the execution speed is lower, an exception is thrown.


Maximum number of execution rows per second. Checked on every data block when ‘timeout_before_checking_execution_speed’ expires. If the execution speed is high, the execution speed will be reduced.


Maximum number of execution bytes per second. Checked on every data block when ‘timeout_before_checking_execution_speed’ expires. If the execution speed is high, the execution speed will be reduced.


Checks that execution speed is not too slow (no less than ‘min_execution_speed’), after the specified time in seconds has expired.


Maximum number of columns that can be read from a table in a single query. If a query requires reading a greater number of columns, it throws an exception.


Maximum number of temporary columns that must be kept in RAM at the same time when running a query, including constant columns. If there are more temporary columns than this, it throws an exception.


The same thing as ‘max_temporary_columns’, but without counting constant columns.
Note that constant columns are formed fairly often when running a query, but they require approximately zero computing resources.


Maximum nesting depth of subqueries. If subqueries are deeper, an exception is thrown. By default, 100.


Maximum pipeline depth. Corresponds to the number of transformations that each data block goes through during query processing. Counted within the limits of a single server. If the pipeline depth is greater, an exception is thrown. By default, 1000.


Maximum nesting depth of a query syntactic tree. If exceeded, an exception is thrown.
At this time, it isn’t checked during parsing, but only after parsing the query. That is, a syntactic tree that is too deep can be created during parsing, but the query will fail. By default, 1000.


Maximum number of elements in a query syntactic tree. If exceeded, an exception is thrown.
In the same way as the previous setting, it is checked only after parsing the query. By default, 50,000.


Maximum number of rows for a data set in the IN clause created from a subquery.


Maximum number of bytes (uncompressed data) used by a set in the IN clause created from a subquery.


What to do when the amount of data exceeds one of the limits: ‘throw’ or ‘break’. By default, throw.


Maximum number of different rows when using DISTINCT.


Maximum number of bytes used by a hash table when using DISTINCT.


What to do when the amount of data exceeds one of the limits: ‘throw’ or ‘break’. By default, throw.


Maximum number of rows that can be passed to a remote server or saved in a temporary table when using GLOBAL IN.


Maximum number of bytes (uncompressed data) that can be passed to a remote server or saved in a temporary table when using GLOBAL IN.


What to do when the amount of data exceeds one of the limits: ‘throw’ or ‘break’. By default, throw.

Original article



Changes the behavior of distributed subqueries.

ClickHouse applies this setting when the query contains the product of distributed tables, i.e. when the query for a distributed table contains a non-GLOBAL subquery for the distributed table.


  • Only applied for IN and JOIN subqueries.
  • Only if the FROM section uses a distributed table containing more than one shard.
  • If the subquery concerns a distributed table containing more than one shard,
  • Not used for a table-valued remote function.

The possible values are:

  • deny — Default value. Prohibits using these types of subqueries (returns the «Double-distributed in/JOIN subqueries is denied» exception).
  • local — Replaces the database and table in the subquery with local ones for the destination server (shard), leaving the normal IN / JOIN.
  • global — Replaces the IN / JOIN query with GLOBAL IN / GLOBAL JOIN.
  • allow — Allows the use of these types of subqueries.


Forces a query to an out-of-date replica if updated data is not available. See «Replication».

ClickHouse selects the most relevant from the outdated replicas of the table.

Used when performing SELECT from a distributed table that points to replicated tables.

By default, 1 (enabled).


Disables query execution if the index can’t be used by date.

Works with tables in the MergeTree family.

If force_index_by_date=1, ClickHouse checks whether the query has a date key condition that can be used for restricting data ranges. If there is no suitable condition, it throws an exception. However, it does not check whether the condition actually reduces the amount of data to read. For example, the condition Date != ' 2000-01-01 ' is acceptable even when it matches all the data in the table (i.e., running the query requires a full scan). For more information about ranges of data in MergeTree tables, see «MergeTree».


Disables query execution if indexing by the primary key is not possible.

Works with tables in the MergeTree family.

If force_primary_key=1, ClickHouse checks to see if the query has a primary key condition that can be used for restricting data ranges. If there is no suitable condition, it throws an exception. However, it does not check whether the condition actually reduces the amount of data to read. For more information about data ranges in MergeTree tables, see «MergeTree».


Enable or disable fsync when writing .sql files. Enabled by default.

It makes sense to disable it if the server has millions of tiny table chunks that are constantly being created and destroyed.


Sets the maximum number of acceptable errors when reading from text formats (CSV, TSV, etc.).

The default value is 0.

Always pair it with input_format_allow_errors_ratio. To skip errors, both settings must be greater than 0.

If an error occurred while reading rows but the error counter is still less than input_format_allow_errors_num, ClickHouse ignores the row and moves on to the next one.

If input_format_allow_errors_num is exceeded, ClickHouse throws an exception.


Sets the maximum percentage of errors allowed when reading from text formats (CSV, TSV, etc.).
The percentage of errors is set as a floating-point number between 0 and 1.

The default value is 0.

Always pair it with input_format_allow_errors_num. To skip errors, both settings must be greater than 0.

If an error occurred while reading rows but the error counter is still less than input_format_allow_errors_ratio, ClickHouse ignores the row and moves on to the next one.

If input_format_allow_errors_ratio is exceeded, ClickHouse throws an exception.


For INSERT queries, specifies that the server need to send metadata about column defaults to the client. This will be used to calculate default expressions. Disabled by default.


Sets default strictness for JOIN clauses.

Possible values

  • ALL — If the right table has several matching rows, the data is multiplied by the number of these rows. This is the normal JOIN behavior from standard SQL.
  • ANY — If the right table has several matching rows, only the first one found is joined. If the right table has only one matching row, the results of ANY and ALL are the same.
  • Empty string — If ALL or ANY is not specified in the query, ClickHouse throws an exception.

Default value: ALL


Sets the type of JOIN behavior. When merging tables the empty cells may appear. ClickHouse fills them differently based on setting.

Possible values

  • 0 — The empty cells are filled with the default value of the corresponding field type.
  • 1 — JOIN behaves like in standard SQL. The type of the corresponding field is converted to Nullable, and empty cells are filled with NULL.

Default value: 0.


In ClickHouse, data is processed by blocks (sets of column parts). The internal processing cycles for a single block are efficient enough, but there are noticeable expenditures on each block. The max_block_size setting is a recommendation for what size of block (in number of rows) to load from tables. The block size shouldn’t be too small, so that the expenditures on each block are still noticeable, but not too large, so that the query with LIMIT that is completed after the first block is processed quickly. The goal is to avoid consuming too much memory when extracting a large number of columns in multiple threads, and to preserve at least some cache locality.

Default value: 65,536.

Blocks the size of max_block_size are not always loaded from the table. If it is obvious that less data needs to be retrieved, a smaller block is processed.


Used for the same purpose as max_block_size, but it sets the recommended block size in bytes by adapting it to the number of rows in the block.
However, the block size cannot be more than max_block_size rows.
By default: 1,000,000. It only works when reading from MergeTree engines.


ClickHouse uses multiple threads when reading from MergeTree* tables. This setting turns on/off the uniform distribution of reading tasks over the working threads. The algorithm of the uniform distribution aims to make execution time for all the threads approximately equal in a SELECT query.

Possible values

  • 0 — Do not use uniform read distribution.
  • 1 — Use uniform read distribution.

Default value: 1.


If the number of rows to be read from a file of a MergeTree* table exceeds merge_tree_min_rows_for_concurrent_read then ClickHouse tries to perform a concurrent reading from this file on several threads.

Possible values

Any positive integer.

Default value: 163840.


If the distance between two data blocks to be read in one file is less than merge_tree_min_rows_for_seek rows, then ClickHouse does not seek through the file, but reads the data sequentially.

Possible values

Any positive integer.

Default value: 0.


When searching data, ClickHouse checks the data marks in the index file. If ClickHouse finds that required keys are in some range, it divides this range into merge_tree_coarse_index_granularity subranges and searches the required keys there recursively.

Possible values

Any positive even integer.

Default value: 8.


If ClickHouse should read more than merge_tree_max_rows_to_use_cache rows in one query, it does not use the cash of uncompressed blocks. The uncompressed_cache_size server setting defines the size of the cache of uncompressed blocks.

Possible values

Any positive integer.

Default value: 1048576.


The minimum data volume to be read from storage required for using of the direct I/O access to the storage disk.

ClickHouse uses this setting when selecting the data from tables. If summary storage volume of all the data to be read exceeds min_bytes_to_use_direct_io bytes, then ClickHouse reads the data from the storage disk with O_DIRECT option.

Possible values

Positive integer.

0 — The direct I/O is disabled.

Default value: 0.


Setting up query logging.

Queries sent to ClickHouse with this setup are logged according to the rules in the query_log server configuration parameter.



The size of blocks to form for insertion into a table.
This setting only applies in cases when the server forms the blocks.
For example, for an INSERT via the HTTP interface, the server parses the data format and forms blocks of the specified size.
But when using clickhouse-client, the client parses the data itself, and the ‘max_insert_block_size’ setting on the server doesn’t affect the size of the inserted blocks.
The setting also doesn’t have a purpose when using INSERT SELECT, since data is inserted using the same blocks that are formed after SELECT.

Default value: 1,048,576.

The default is slightly more than max_block_size. The reason for this is because certain table engines (*MergeTree) form a data part on the disk for each inserted block, which is a fairly large entity. Similarly, *MergeTree tables sort data during insertion, and a large enough block size allows sorting more data in RAM.


Disables lagging replicas for distributed queries. See «Replication».

Sets the time in seconds. If a replica lags more than the set value, this replica is not used.

Default value: 300.

Used when performing SELECT from a distributed table that points to replicated tables.


The maximum number of query processing threads, excluding threads for retrieving data from remote servers (see the ‘max_distributed_connections’ parameter).

This parameter applies to threads that perform the same stages of the query processing pipeline in parallel.
For example, when reading from a table, if it is possible to evaluate expressions with functions, filter with WHERE and pre-aggregate for GROUP BY in parallel using at least ‘max_threads’ number of threads, then ‘max_threads’ are used.

Default value: 2.

If less than one SELECT query is normally run on a server at a time, set this parameter to a value slightly less than the actual number of processor cores.

For queries that are completed quickly because of a LIMIT, you can set a lower ‘max_threads’. For example, if the necessary number of entries are located in every block and max_threads = 8, then 8 blocks are retrieved, although it would have been enough to read just one.

The smaller the max_threads value, the less memory is consumed.


The maximum size of blocks of uncompressed data before compressing for writing to a table. By default, 1,048,576 (1 MiB). If the size is reduced, the compression rate is significantly reduced, the compression and decompression speed increases slightly due to cache locality, and memory consumption is reduced. There usually isn’t any reason to change this setting.

Don’t confuse blocks for compression (a chunk of memory consisting of bytes) with blocks for query processing (a set of rows from a table).


For MergeTree» tables. In order to reduce latency when processing queries, a block is compressed when writing the next mark if its size is at least ‘min_compress_block_size’. By default, 65,536.

The actual size of the block, if the uncompressed data is less than ‘max_compress_block_size’, is no less than this value and no less than the volume of data for one mark.

Let’s look at an example. Assume that ‘index_granularity’ was set to 8192 during table creation.

We are writing a UInt32-type column (4 bytes per value). When writing 8192 rows, the total will be 32 KB of data. Since min_compress_block_size = 65,536, a compressed block will be formed for every two marks.

We are writing a URL column with the String type (average size of 60 bytes per value). When writing 8192 rows, the average will be slightly less than 500 KB of data. Since this is more than 65,536, a compressed block will be formed for each mark. In this case, when reading data from the disk in the range of a single mark, extra data won’t be decompressed.

There usually isn’t any reason to change this setting.


The maximum part of a query that can be taken to RAM for parsing with the SQL parser.
The INSERT query also contains data for INSERT that is processed by a separate stream parser (that consumes O(1) RAM), which is not included in this restriction.

Default value: 256 KiB.


The interval in microseconds for checking whether request execution has been canceled and sending the progress.

Default value: 100,000 (checks for canceling and sends the progress ten times per second).

connect_timeout, receive_timeout, send_timeout¶

Timeouts in seconds on the socket used for communicating with the client.

Default value: 10, 300, 300.


Lock in a wait loop for the specified number of seconds.

Default value: 10.


The maximum number of simultaneous connections with remote servers for distributed processing of a single query to a single Distributed table. We recommend setting a value no less than the number of servers in the cluster.

Default value: 1024.

The following parameters are only used when creating Distributed tables (and when launching a server), so there is no reason to change them at runtime.


The maximum number of simultaneous connections with remote servers for distributed processing of all queries to a single Distributed table. We recommend setting a value no less than the number of servers in the cluster.

Default value: 1024.


The timeout in milliseconds for connecting to a remote server for a Distributed table engine, if the ‘shard’ and ‘replica’ sections are used in the cluster definition.
If unsuccessful, several attempts are made to connect to various replicas.

Default value: 50.


The maximum number of connection attempts with each replica for the Distributed table engine.

Default value: 3.


Whether to count extreme values (the minimums and maximums in columns of a query result). Accepts 0 or 1. By default, 0 (disabled).
For more information, see the section «Extreme values».


Whether to use a cache of uncompressed blocks. Accepts 0 or 1. By default, 0 (disabled).
Using the uncompressed cache (only for tables in the MergeTree family) can significantly reduce latency and increase throughput when working with a large number of short queries. Enable this setting for users who send frequent short requests. Also pay attention to the uncompressed_cache_size configuration parameter (only set in the config file) – the size of uncompressed cache blocks. By default, it is 8 GiB. The uncompressed cache is filled in as needed and the least-used data is automatically deleted.

For queries that read at least a somewhat large volume of data (one million rows or more), the uncompressed cache is disabled automatically in order to save space for truly small queries. This means that you can keep the ‘use_uncompressed_cache’ setting always set to 1.


When using the HTTP interface, the ‘query_id’ parameter can be passed. This is any string that serves as the query identifier.
If a query from the same user with the same ‘query_id’ already exists at this time, the behavior depends on the ‘replace_running_query’ parameter.

0 (default) – Throw an exception (don’t allow the query to run if a query with the same ‘query_id’ is already running).

1 – Cancel the old query and start running the new one.

Yandex.Metrica uses this parameter set to 1 for implementing suggestions for segmentation conditions. After entering the next character, if the old query hasn’t finished yet, it should be canceled.


This parameter is useful when you are using formats that require a schema definition, such as Cap’n Proto. The value depends on the format.


Works for tables with streaming in the case of a timeout, or when a thread generates max_insert_block_size rows.

The default value is 7500.

The smaller the value, the more often data is flushed into the table. Setting the value too low leads to poor performance.


Which replicas (among healthy replicas) to preferably send a query to (on the first attempt) for distributed processing.

random (default)¶

The number of errors is counted for each replica. The query is sent to the replica with the fewest errors, and if there are several of these, to any one of them.
Disadvantages: Server proximity is not accounted for; if the replicas have different data, you will also get different data.


The number of errors is counted for each replica. Every 5 minutes, the number of errors is integrally divided by 2. Thus, the number of errors is calculated for a recent time with exponential smoothing. If there is one replica with a minimal number of errors (i.e. errors occurred recently on the other replicas), the query is sent to it. If there are multiple replicas with the same minimal number of errors, the query is sent to the replica with a host name that is most similar to the server’s host name in the config file (for the number of different characters in identical positions, up to the minimum length of both host names).

For instance, example01-01-1 and are different in one position, while example01-01-1 and example01-02-2 differ in two places.
This method might seem primitive, but it doesn’t require external data about network topology, and it doesn’t compare IP addresses, which would be complicated for our IPv6 addresses.

Thus, if there are equivalent replicas, the closest one by name is preferred.
We can also assume that when sending a query to the same server, in the absence of failures, a distributed query will also go to the same servers. So even if different data is placed on the replicas, the query will return mostly the same results.


Replicas are accessed in the same order as they are specified. The number of errors does not matter.
This method is appropriate when you know exactly which replica is preferable.


How to calculate TOTALS when HAVING is present, as well as when max_rows_to_group_by and group_by_overflow_mode = ‘any’ are present.
See the section «WITH TOTALS modifier».


The threshold for totals_mode = 'auto'.
See the section «WITH TOTALS modifier».


The maximum number of replicas for each shard when executing a query.
For consistency (to get different parts of the same data split), this option only works when the sampling key is set.
Replica lag is not controlled.


Enable compilation of queries. By default, 0 (disabled).

Compilation is only used for part of the query-processing pipeline: for the first stage of aggregation (GROUP BY).
If this portion of the pipeline was compiled, the query may run faster due to deployment of short cycles and inlining aggregate function calls. The maximum performance improvement (up to four times faster in rare cases) is seen for queries with multiple simple aggregate functions. Typically, the performance gain is insignificant. In very rare cases, it may slow down query execution.


How many times to potentially use a compiled chunk of code before running compilation. By default, 3.
For testing, the value can be set to 0: compilation runs synchronously and the query waits for the end of the compilation process before continuing execution. For all other cases, use values ​​starting with 1. Compilation normally takes about 5-10 seconds.
If the value is 1 or more, compilation occurs asynchronously in a separate thread. The result will be used as soon as it is ready, including queries that are currently running.

Compiled code is required for each different combination of aggregate functions used in the query and the type of keys in the GROUP BY clause.
The results of compilation are saved in the build directory in the form of .so files. There is no restriction on the number of compilation results, since they don’t use very much space. Old results will be used after server restarts, except in the case of a server upgrade – in this case, the old results are deleted.


If the value is true, running INSERT skips input data from columns with unknown names. Otherwise, this situation will generate an exception.
It works for JSONEachRow and TSKV formats.


If the value is true, integers appear in quotes when using JSON* Int64 and UInt64 formats (for compatibility with most JavaScript implementations); otherwise, integers are output without the quotes.


The character interpreted as a delimiter in the CSV data. By default, the delimiter is ,.


Enables quorum writes.

  • If insert_quorum < 2, the quorum writes are disabled.
  • If insert_quorum >= 2, the quorum writes are enabled.

Default value: 0.

Quorum writes

INSERT succeeds only when ClickHouse manages to correctly write data to the insert_quorum of replicas during the insert_quorum_timeout. If for any reason the number of replicas with successful writes does not reach the insert_quorum, the write is considered failed and ClickHouse will delete the inserted block from all the replicas where data has already been written.

All the replicas in the quorum are consistent, i.e., they contain data from all previous INSERT queries. The INSERT sequence is linearized.

When reading the data written from the insert_quorum, you can use the select_sequential_consistency option.

ClickHouse generates an exception

  • If the number of available replicas at the time of the query is less than the insert_quorum.
  • At an attempt to write data when the previous block has not yet been inserted in the insert_quorum of replicas. This situation may occur if the user tries to perform an INSERT before the previous one with the insert_quorum is completed.

See also the following parameters:

  • insert_quorum_timeout
  • select_sequential_consistency


Quorum write timeout in seconds. If the timeout has passed and no write has taken place yet, ClickHouse will generate an exception and the client must repeat the query to write the same block to the same or any other replica.

Default value: 60 seconds.

See also the following parameters:

  • insert_quorum
  • select_sequential_consistency


Enables/disables sequential consistency for SELECT queries:

  • 0 — Disabled.
  • 1 — Enabled.
    Default value: 0.

When sequential consistency is enabled, ClickHouse allows the client to execute the SELECT query only for those replicas that contain data from all previous INSERT queries executed with insert_quorum. If the client refers to a partial replica, ClickHouse will generate an exception. The SELECT query will not include data that has not yet been written to the quorum of replicas.

See also the following parameters:

  • insert_quorum
  • insert_quorum_timeout

Original article

Settings profiles¶

A settings profile is a collection of settings grouped under the same name. Each ClickHouse user has a profile.
To apply all the settings in a profile, set the profile setting.


Install the web profile.

Settings profiles are declared in the user config file. This is usually users.xml.


<!-- Settings profiles -->
<!-- Default settings -->
<!-- The maximum number of threads when running a single query. -->
<!-- Settings for quries from the user interface -->

The example specifies two profiles: default and web. The default profile has a special purpose: it must always be present and is applied when starting the server. In other words, the default profile contains default settings. The web profile is a regular profile that can be set using the SET query or using a URL parameter in an HTTP query.

Settings profiles can inherit from each other. To use inheritance, indicate the profile setting before the other settings that are listed in the profile.

Original article

ClickHouse Utility¶

  • clickhouse-local — Allows running SQL queries on data without stopping the ClickHouse server, similar to how awk does this.
  • clickhouse-copier — Copies (and reshards) data from one cluster to another cluster.

Original article


Copies data from the tables in one cluster to tables in another (or the same) cluster.

You can run multiple clickhouse-copier instances on different servers to perform the same job. ZooKeeper is used for syncing the processes.

After starting, clickhouse-copier:

  • Connects to ZooKeeper and receives:

    • Copying jobs.
    • The state of the copying jobs.
  • It performs the jobs.

    Each running process chooses the «closest» shard of the source cluster and copies the data into the destination cluster, resharding the data if necessary.

clickhouse-copier tracks the changes in ZooKeeper and applies them on the fly.

To reduce network traffic, we recommend running clickhouse-copier on the same server where the source data is located.

Running clickhouse-copier¶

The utility should be run manually:

clickhouse-copier copier --daemon --config zookeeper.xml --task-path /task/path --base-dir /path/to/dir


  • daemon — Starts clickhouse-copier in daemon mode.
  • config — The path to the zookeeper.xml file with the parameters for the connection to ZooKeeper.
  • task-path — The path to the ZooKeeper node. This node is used for syncing clickhouse-copier processes and storing tasks. Tasks are stored in $task-path/description.
  • base-dir — The path to logs and auxiliary files. When it starts, clickhouse-copier creates clickhouse-copier_YYYYMMHHSS_<PID> subdirectories in $base-dir. If this parameter is omitted, the directories are created in the directory where clickhouse-copier was launched.

Format of zookeeper.xml¶

<node index="1">

Configuration of copying tasks¶

<!-- Configuration of clusters as in an ordinary server config -->
<!-- How many simultaneously active workers are possible. If you run more workers superfluous workers will sleep. -->
<!-- Setting used to fetch (pull) data from source cluster tables -->
<!-- Setting used to insert (push) data to destination cluster tables -->
<!-- Common setting for fetch (pull) and insert (push) operations. Also, copier process context uses it.
         They are overlaid by <settings_pull/> and <settings_push/> respectively. -->
<!-- Sync insert is set forcibly, leave it here just in case. -->
<!-- Copying tasks description.
         You could specify several table task in the same task description (in the same ZooKeeper node), they will be performed
<!-- A table task, copies one table. -->
<!-- Source cluster name (from <remote_servers/> section) and tables in it that should be copied -->
<!-- Destination cluster name and tables in which the data should be inserted -->
<!-- Engine of destination tables.
                 If destination tables have not be created, workers create them using columns definition from source tables and engine
                 definition from here.
                 NOTE: If the first worker starts insert data and detects that destination partition is not empty then the partition will
                 be dropped and refilled, take it into account if you already have some data in destination tables. You could directly
                 specify partitions that should be copied in <enabled_partitions/>, they should be in quoted format like partition column of
ENGINE=ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{cluster}/{shard}/hits2', '{replica}')
PARTITION BY toMonday(date)
ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate)
<!-- Sharding key used to insert data to destination cluster -->
<sharding_key>jumpConsistentHash(intHash64(UserID), 2)</sharding_key>
<!-- Optional expression that filter data while pull them from source servers -->
<where_condition>CounterID != 0</where_condition>
<!-- This section specifies partitions that should be copied, other partition will be ignored.
                 Partition names should have the same format as
                 partition column of table (i.e. a quoted text).
                 Since partition key of source and destination cluster could be different,
                 these partition names specify destination partitions.
                 NOTE: In spite of this section is optional (if it is not specified, all partitions will be copied),
                 it is strictly recommended to specify them explicitly.
                 If you already have some ready paritions on destination cluster they
                 will be removed at the start of the copying since they will be interpeted
                 as unfinished data from the previous copying!!!
<!-- Next table to copy. It is not copied until previous table is copying. -->

clickhouse-copier tracks the changes in /task/path/description and applies them on the fly. For instance, if you change the value of max_workers, the number of processes running tasks will also change.

Original article


The clickhouse-local program enables you to perform fast processing on local files, without having to deploy and configure the ClickHouse server.

Accepts data that represent tables and queries them using ClickHouse SQL dialect.

clickhouse-local uses the same core as ClickHouse server, so it supports most of the features and the same set of formats and table engines.

By default clickhouse-local does not have access to data on the same host, but it supports loading server configuration using --config-file argument.


It is not recommended to load production server configuration into clickhouse-local because data can be damaged in case of human error.


Basic usage:

clickhouse-local --structure "table_structure" --input-format "format_of_incoming_data" -q "query"


  • -S, --structure — table structure for input data.
  • -if, --input-format — input format, TSV by default.
  • -f, --file — path to data, stdin by default.
  • -q --query — queries to execute with ; as delimeter.
  • -N, --table — table name where to put output data, table by default.
  • -of, --format, --output-format — output format, TSV by default.
  • --stacktrace — whether to dump debug output in case of exception.
  • --verbose — more details on query execution.
  • -s — disables stderr logging.
  • --config-file — path to configuration file in same format as for ClickHouse server, by default the configuration empty.
  • --help — arguments references for clickhouse-local.

Also there are arguments for each ClickHouse configuration variable which are more commonly used instead of --config-file.


echo -e "1,2n3,4" | clickhouse-local -S "a Int64, b Int64" -if "CSV" -q "SELECT * FROM table"
Read 2 rows, 32.00 B in 0.000 sec., 5182 rows/sec., 80.97 KiB/sec.
1   2
3   4

Previous example is the same as:

$ echo -e "1,2n3,4" | clickhouse-local -q "CREATE TABLE table (a Int64, b Int64) ENGINE = File(CSV, stdin); SELECT a, b FROM table; DROP TABLE table"
Read 2 rows, 32.00 B in 0.000 sec., 4987 rows/sec., 77.93 KiB/sec.
1   2
3   4

Now let’s output memory user for each Unix user:

$ ps aux | tail -n +2 | awk '{ printf("%st%sn", $1, $4) }' | clickhouse-local -S "user String, mem Float64" -q "SELECT user, round(sum(mem), 2) as memTotal FROM table GROUP BY user ORDER BY memTotal DESC FORMAT Pretty"
Read 186 rows, 4.15 KiB in 0.035 sec., 5302 rows/sec., 118.34 KiB/sec.
┃ user     ┃ memTotal ┃
│ bayonet  │    113.5 │
│ root     │      8.8 │

Original article

General Questions¶

Why Not Use Something Like MapReduce?¶

We can refer to systems like MapReduce as distributed computing systems in which the reduce operation is based on distributed sorting. The most common open source solution in this class is Apache Hadoop. Yandex uses their in-house solution, YT.

These systems aren’t appropriate for online queries due to their high latency. In other words, they can’t be used as the back-end for a web interface.
These types of systems aren’t useful for real-time data updates.
Distributed sorting isn’t the best way to perform reduce operations if the result of the operation and all the intermediate results (if there are any) are located in the RAM of a single server, which is usually the case for online queries. In such a case, a hash table is the optimal way to perform reduce operations. A common approach to optimizing map-reduce tasks is pre-aggregation (partial reduce) using a hash table in RAM. The user performs this optimization manually.
Distributed sorting is one of the main causes of reduced performance when running simple map-reduce tasks.

Most MapReduce implementations allow you to execute arbitrary code on a cluster. But a declarative query language is better suited to OLAP in order to run experiments quickly. For example, Hadoop has Hive and Pig. Also consider Cloudera Impala or Shark (outdated) for Spark, as well as Spark SQL, Presto, and Apache Drill. Performance when running such tasks is highly sub-optimal compared to specialized systems, but relatively high latency makes it unrealistic to use these systems as the backend for a web interface.

Original article

ClickHouse Development¶

Original article

Overview of ClickHouse Architecture¶

ClickHouse is a true column-oriented DBMS. Data is stored by columns, and during the execution of arrays (vectors or chunks of columns). Whenever possible, operations are dispatched on arrays, rather than on individual values. This is called «vectorized query execution,» and it helps lower the cost of actual data processing.

This idea is nothing new. It dates back to the APL programming language and its descendants: A +, J, K, and Q. Array programming is used in scientific data processing. Neither is this idea something new in relational databases: for example, it is used in the Vectorwise system.

There are two different approaches for speeding up the query processing: vectorized query execution and runtime code generation. In the latter, the code is generated for every kind of query on the fly, removing all indirection and dynamic dispatch. Neither of these approaches is strictly better than the other. Runtime code generation can be better when it fuses many operations together, thus fully utilizing CPU execution units and the pipeline. Vectorized query execution can be less practical, because it involves temporary vectors that must be written to the cache and read back. If the temporary data does not fit in the L2 cache, this becomes an issue. But vectorized query execution more easily utilizes the SIMD capabilities of the CPU. A research paper written by our friends shows that it is better to combine both approaches. ClickHouse uses vectorized query execution and has limited initial support for runtime code generation.


To represent columns in memory (actually, chunks of columns), the IColumn interface is used. This interface provides helper methods for implementation of various relational operators. Almost all operations are immutable: they do not modify the original column, but create a new modified one. For example, the IColumn :: filter method accepts a filter byte mask. It is used for the WHERE and HAVING relational operators. Additional examples: the IColumn :: permute method to support ORDER BY, the IColumn :: cut method to support LIMIT, and so on.

Various IColumn implementations (ColumnUInt8, ColumnString and so on) are responsible for the memory layout of columns. Memory layout is usually a contiguous array. For the integer type of columns it is just one contiguous array, like std :: vector. For String and Array columns, it is two vectors: one for all array elements, placed contiguously, and a second one for offsets to the beginning of each array. There is also ColumnConst that stores just one value in memory, but looks like a column.


Nevertheless, it is possible to work with individual values as well. To represent an individual value, the Field is used. Field is just a discriminated union of UInt64, Int64, Float64, String and Array. IColumn has the operator[] method to get the n-th value as a Field, and the insert method to append a Field to the end of a column. These methods are not very efficient, because they require dealing with temporary Field objects representing an individual value. There are more efficient methods, such as insertFrom, insertRangeFrom, and so on.

Field doesn’t have enough information about a specific data type for a table. For example, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, and UInt64 are all represented as UInt64 in a Field.

Leaky Abstractions¶

IColumn has methods for common relational transformations of data, but they don’t meet all needs. For example, ColumnUInt64 doesn’t have a method to calculate the sum of two columns, and ColumnString doesn’t have a method to run a substring search. These countless routines are implemented outside of IColumn.

Various functions on columns can be implemented in a generic, non-efficient way using IColumn methods to extract Field values, or in a specialized way using knowledge of inner memory layout of data in a specific IColumn implementation. To do this, functions are cast to a specific IColumn type and deal with internal representation directly. For example, ColumnUInt64 has the getData method that returns a reference to an internal array, then a separate routine reads or fills that array directly. In fact, we have «leaky abstractions» to allow efficient specializations of various routines.

Data Types¶

IDataType is responsible for serialization and deserialization: for reading and writing chunks of columns or individual values in binary or text form.
IDataType directly corresponds to data types in tables. For example, there are DataTypeUInt32, DataTypeDateTime, DataTypeString and so on.

IDataType and IColumn are only loosely related to each other. Different data types can be represented in memory by the same IColumn implementations. For example, DataTypeUInt32 and DataTypeDateTime are both represented by ColumnUInt32 or ColumnConstUInt32. In addition, the same data type can be represented by different IColumn implementations. For example, DataTypeUInt8 can be represented by ColumnUInt8 or ColumnConstUInt8.

IDataType only stores metadata. For instance, DataTypeUInt8 doesn’t store anything at all (except vptr) and DataTypeFixedString stores just N (the size of fixed-size strings).

IDataType has helper methods for various data formats. Examples are methods to serialize a value with possible quoting, to serialize a value for JSON, and to serialize a value as part of XML format. There is no direct correspondence to data formats. For example, the different data formats Pretty and TabSeparated can use the same serializeTextEscaped helper method from the IDataType interface.


A Block is a container that represents a subset (chunk) of a table in memory. It is just a set of triples: (IColumn, IDataType, column name). During query execution, data is processed by Blocks. If we have a Block, we have data (in the IColumn object), we have information about its type (in IDataType) that tells us how to deal with that column, and we have the column name (either the original column name from the table, or some artificial name assigned for getting temporary results of calculations).

When we calculate some function over columns in a block, we add another column with its result to the block, and we don’t touch columns for arguments of the function because operations are immutable. Later, unneeded columns can be removed from the block, but not modified. This is convenient for elimination of common subexpressions.

Blocks are created for every processed chunk of data. Note that for the same type of calculation, the column names and types remain the same for different blocks, and only column data changes. It is better to split block data from the block header, because small block sizes will have a high overhead of temporary strings for copying shared_ptrs and column names.

Block Streams¶

Block streams are for processing data. We use streams of blocks to read data from somewhere, perform data transformations, or write data to somewhere. IBlockInputStream has the read method to fetch the next block while available. IBlockOutputStream has the write method to push the block somewhere.

Streams are responsible for:

  1. Reading or writing to a table. The table just returns a stream for reading or writing blocks.
  2. Implementing data formats. For example, if you want to output data to a terminal in Pretty format, you create a block output stream where you push blocks, and it formats them.
  3. Performing data transformations. Let’s say you have IBlockInputStream and want to create a filtered stream. You create FilterBlockInputStream and initialize it with your stream. Then when you pull a block from FilterBlockInputStream, it pulls a block from your stream, filters it, and returns the filtered block to you. Query execution pipelines are represented this way.

There are more sophisticated transformations. For example, when you pull from AggregatingBlockInputStream, it reads all data from its source, aggregates it, and then returns a stream of aggregated data for you. Another example: UnionBlockInputStream accepts many input sources in the constructor and also a number of threads. It launches multiple threads and reads from multiple sources in parallel.

Block streams use the «pull» approach to control flow: when you pull a block from the first stream, it consequently pulls the required blocks from nested streams, and the entire execution pipeline will work. Neither «pull» nor «push» is the best solution, because control flow is implicit, and that limits implementation of various features like simultaneous execution of multiple queries (merging many pipelines together). This limitation could be overcome with coroutines or just running extra threads that wait for each other. We may have more possibilities if we make control flow explicit: if we locate the logic for passing data from one calculation unit to another outside of those calculation units. Read this article for more thoughts.

We should note that the query execution pipeline creates temporary data at each step. We try to keep block size small enough so that temporary data fits in the CPU cache. With that assumption, writing and reading temporary data is almost free in comparison with other calculations. We could consider an alternative, which is to fuse many operations in the pipeline together, to make the pipeline as short as possible and remove much of the temporary data. This could be an advantage, but it also has drawbacks. For example, a split pipeline makes it easy to implement caching intermediate data, stealing intermediate data from similar queries running at the same time, and merging pipelines for similar queries.


Data formats are implemented with block streams. There are «presentational» formats only suitable for output of data to the client, such as Pretty format, which provides only IBlockOutputStream. And there are input/output formats, such as TabSeparated or JSONEachRow.

There are also row streams: IRowInputStream and IRowOutputStream. They allow you to pull/push data by individual rows, not by blocks. And they are only needed to simplify implementation of row-oriented formats. The wrappers BlockInputStreamFromRowInputStream and BlockOutputStreamFromRowOutputStream allow you to convert row-oriented streams to regular block-oriented streams.


For byte-oriented input/output, there are ReadBuffer and WriteBuffer abstract classes. They are used instead of C++ iostreams. Don’t worry: every mature C++ project is using something other than iostreams for good reasons.

ReadBuffer and WriteBuffer are just a contiguous buffer and a cursor pointing to the position in that buffer. Implementations may own or not own the memory for the buffer. There is a virtual method to fill the buffer with the following data (for ReadBuffer) or to flush the buffer somewhere (for WriteBuffer). The virtual methods are rarely called.

Implementations of ReadBuffer/WriteBuffer are used for working with files and file descriptors and network sockets, for implementing compression (CompressedWriteBuffer is initialized with another WriteBuffer and performs compression before writing data to it), and for other purposes – the names ConcatReadBuffer, LimitReadBuffer, and HashingWriteBuffer speak for themselves.

Read/WriteBuffers only deal with bytes. To help with formatted input/output (for instance, to write a number in decimal format), there are functions from ReadHelpers and WriteHelpers header files.

Let’s look at what happens when you want to write a result set in JSON format to stdout. You have a result set ready to be fetched from IBlockInputStream. You create WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor(STDOUT_FILENO) to write bytes to stdout. You create JSONRowOutputStream, initialized with that WriteBuffer, to write rows in JSON to stdout. You create BlockOutputStreamFromRowOutputStream on top of it, to represent it as IBlockOutputStream. Then you call copyData to transfer data from IBlockInputStream to IBlockOutputStream, and everything works. Internally, JSONRowOutputStream will write various JSON delimiters and call the IDataType::serializeTextJSON method with a reference to IColumn and the row number as arguments. Consequently, IDataType::serializeTextJSON will call a method from WriteHelpers.h: for example, writeText for numeric types and writeJSONString for DataTypeString.


Tables are represented by the IStorage interface. Different implementations of that interface are different table engines. Examples are StorageMergeTree, StorageMemory, and so on. Instances of these classes are just tables.

The most important IStorage methods are read and write. There are also alter, rename, drop, and so on. The read method accepts the following arguments: the set of columns to read from a table, the AST query to consider, and the desired number of streams to return. It returns one or multiple IBlockInputStream objects and information about the stage of data processing that was completed inside a table engine during query execution.

In most cases, the read method is only responsible for reading the specified columns from a table, not for any further data processing. All further data processing is done by the query interpreter and is outside the responsibility of IStorage.

But there are notable exceptions:

  • The AST query is passed to the read method and the table engine can use it to derive index usage and to read less data from a table.
  • Sometimes the table engine can process data itself to a specific stage. For example, StorageDistributed can send a query to remote servers, ask them to process data to a stage where data from different remote servers can be merged, and return that preprocessed data.
    The query interpreter then finishes processing the data.

The table’s read method can return multiple IBlockInputStream objects to allow parallel data processing. These multiple block input streams can read from a table in parallel. Then you can wrap these streams with various transformations (such as expression evaluation or filtering) that can be calculated independently and create a UnionBlockInputStream on top of them, to read from multiple streams in parallel.

There are also TableFunctions. These are functions that return a temporary IStorage object to use in the FROM clause of a query.

To get a quick idea of how to implement your own table engine, look at something simple, like StorageMemory or StorageTinyLog.

As the result of the read method, IStorage returns QueryProcessingStage – information about what parts of the query were already calculated inside storage. Currently we have only very coarse granularity for that information. There is no way for the storage to say «I have already processed this part of the expression in WHERE, for this range of data». We need to work on that.


A query is parsed by a hand-written recursive descent parser. For example, ParserSelectQuery just recursively calls the underlying parsers for various parts of the query. Parsers create an AST. The AST is represented by nodes, which are instances of IAST.

Parser generators are not used for historical reasons.


Interpreters are responsible for creating the query execution pipeline from an AST. There are simple interpreters, such as InterpreterExistsQueryand InterpreterDropQuery, or the more sophisticated InterpreterSelectQuery. The query execution pipeline is a combination of block input or output streams. For example, the result of interpreting the SELECT query is the IBlockInputStream to read the result set from; the result of the INSERT query is the IBlockOutputStream to write data for insertion to; and the result of interpreting the INSERT SELECT query is the IBlockInputStream that returns an empty result set on the first read, but that copies data from SELECT to INSERT at the same time.

InterpreterSelectQuery uses ExpressionAnalyzer and ExpressionActions machinery for query analysis and transformations. This is where most rule-based query optimizations are done. ExpressionAnalyzer is quite messy and should be rewritten: various query transformations and optimizations should be extracted to separate classes to allow modular transformations or query.


There are ordinary functions and aggregate functions. For aggregate functions, see the next section.

Ordinary functions don’t change the number of rows – they work as if they are processing each row independently. In fact, functions are not called for individual rows, but for Block‘s of data to implement vectorized query execution.

There are some miscellaneous functions, like blockSize, rowNumberInBlock, and runningAccumulate, that exploit block processing and violate the independence of rows.

ClickHouse has strong typing, so implicit type conversion doesn’t occur. If a function doesn’t support a specific combination of types, an exception will be thrown. But functions can work (be overloaded) for many different combinations of types. For example, the plus function (to implement the + operator) works for any combination of numeric types: UInt8 + Float32, UInt16 + Int8, and so on. Also, some variadic functions can accept any number of arguments, such as the concat function.

Implementing a function may be slightly inconvenient because a function explicitly dispatches supported data types and supported IColumns. For example, the plus function has code generated by instantiation of a C++ template for each combination of numeric types, and for constant or non-constant left and right arguments.

This is a nice place to implement runtime code generation to avoid template code bloat. Also, it will make it possible to add fused functions like fused multiply-add, or to make multiple comparisons in one loop iteration.

Due to vectorized query execution, functions are not short-circuit. For example, if you write WHERE f(x) AND g(y), both sides will be calculated, even for rows, when f(x) is zero (except when f(x) is a zero constant expression). But if selectivity of the f(x) condition is high, and calculation of f(x) is much cheaper than g(y), it’s better to implement multi-pass calculation: first calculate f(x), then filter columns by the result, and then calculate g(y) only for smaller, filtered chunks of data.

Aggregate Functions¶

Aggregate functions are stateful functions. They accumulate passed values into some state, and allow you to get results from that state. They are managed with the IAggregateFunction interface. States can be rather simple (the state for AggregateFunctionCount is just a single UInt64 value) or quite complex (the state of AggregateFunctionUniqCombined is a combination of a linear array, a hash table and a HyperLogLog probabilistic data structure).

To deal with multiple states while executing a high-cardinality GROUP BY query, states are allocated in Arena (a memory pool), or they could be allocated in any suitable piece of memory. States can have a non-trivial constructor and destructor: for example, complex aggregation states can allocate additional memory themselves. This requires some attention to creating and destroying states and properly passing their ownership, to keep track of who and when will destroy states.

Aggregation states can be serialized and deserialized to pass over the network during distributed query execution or to write them on disk where there is not enough RAM. They can even be stored in a table with the DataTypeAggregateFunction to allow incremental aggregation of data.

The serialized data format for aggregate function states is not versioned right now. This is ok if aggregate states are only stored temporarily. But we have the AggregatingMergeTree table engine for incremental aggregation, and people are already using it in production. This is why we should add support for backward compatibility when changing the serialized format for any aggregate function in the future.


The server implements several different interfaces:

  • An HTTP interface for any foreign clients.
  • A TCP interface for the native ClickHouse client and for cross-server communication during distributed query execution.
  • An interface for transferring data for replication.

Internally, it is just a basic multithreaded server without coroutines, fibers, etc. Since the server is not designed to process a high rate of simple queries but is intended to process a relatively low rate of complex queries, each of them can process a vast amount of data for analytics.

The server initializes the Context class with the necessary environment for query execution: the list of available databases, users and access rights, settings, clusters, the process list, the query log, and so on. This environment is used by interpreters.

We maintain full backward and forward compatibility for the server TCP protocol: old clients can talk to new servers and new clients can talk to old servers. But we don’t want to maintain it eternally, and we are removing support for old versions after about one year.

For all external applications, we recommend using the HTTP interface because it is simple and easy to use. The TCP protocol is more tightly linked to internal data structures: it uses an internal format for passing blocks of data and it uses custom framing for compressed data. We haven’t released a C library for that protocol because it requires linking most of the ClickHouse codebase, which is not practical.

Distributed Query Execution¶

Servers in a cluster setup are mostly independent. You can create a Distributed table on one or all servers in a cluster. The Distributed table does not store data itself – it only provides a «view» to all local tables on multiple nodes of a cluster. When you SELECT from a Distributed table, it rewrites that query, chooses remote nodes according to load balancing settings, and sends the query to them. The Distributed table requests remote servers to process a query just up to a stage where intermediate results from different servers can be merged. Then it receives the intermediate results and merges them. The distributed table tries to distribute as much work as possible to remote servers, and does not send much intermediate data over the network.

Things become more complicated when you have subqueries in IN or JOIN clauses and each of them uses a Distributed table. We have different strategies for execution of these queries.

There is no global query plan for distributed query execution. Each node has its own local query plan for its part of the job. We only have simple one-pass distributed query execution: we send queries for remote nodes and then merge the results. But this is not feasible for difficult queries with high cardinality GROUP BYs or with a large amount of temporary data for JOIN: in such cases, we need to «reshuffle» data between servers, which requires additional coordination. ClickHouse does not support that kind of query execution, and we need to work on it.

Merge Tree¶

MergeTree is a family of storage engines that supports indexing by primary key. The primary key can be an arbitary tuple of columns or expressions. Data in a MergeTree table is stored in «parts». Each part stores data in the primary key order (data is ordered lexicographically by the primary key tuple). All the table columns are stored in separate column.bin files in these parts. The files consist of compressed blocks. Each block is usually from 64 KB to 1 MB of uncompressed data, depending on the average value size. The blocks consist of column values placed contiguously one after the other. Column values are in the same order for each column (the order is defined by the primary key), so when you iterate by many columns, you get values for the corresponding rows.

The primary key itself is «sparse». It doesn’t address each single row, but only some ranges of data. A separate primary.idx file has the value of the primary key for each N-th row, where N is called index_granularity (usually, N = 8192). Also, for each column, we have column.mrk files with «marks,» which are offsets to each N-th row in the data file. Each mark is a pair: the offset in the file to the beginning of the compressed block, and the offset in the decompressed block to the beginning of data. Usually compressed blocks are aligned by marks, and the offset in the decompressed block is zero. Data for primary.idx always resides in memory and data for column.mrk files is cached.

When we are going to read something from a part in MergeTree, we look at primary.idx data and locate ranges that could possibly contain requested data, then look at column.mrk data and calculate offsets for where to start reading those ranges. Because of sparseness, excess data may be read. ClickHouse is not suitable for a high load of simple point queries, because the entire range with index_granularity rows must be read for each key, and the entire compressed block must be decompressed for each column. We made the index sparse because we must be able to maintain trillions of rows per single server without noticeable memory consumption for the index. Also, because the primary key is sparse, it is not unique: it cannot check the existence of the key in the table at INSERT time. You could have many rows with the same key in a table.

When you INSERT a bunch of data into MergeTree, that bunch is sorted by primary key order and forms a new part. To keep the number of parts relatively low, there are background threads that periodically select some parts and merge them to a single sorted part. That’s why it is called MergeTree. Of course, merging leads to «write amplification». All parts are immutable: they are only created and deleted, but not modified. When SELECT is run, it holds a snapshot of the table (a set of parts). After merging, we also keep old parts for some time to make recovery after failure easier, so if we see that some merged part is probably broken, we can replace it with its source parts.

MergeTree is not an LSM tree because it doesn’t contain «memtable» and «log»: inserted data is written directly to the filesystem. This makes it suitable only to INSERT data in batches, not by individual row and not very frequently – about once per second is ok, but a thousand times a second is not. We did it this way for simplicity’s sake, and because we are already inserting data in batches in our applications.

MergeTree tables can only have one (primary) index: there aren’t any secondary indices. It would be nice to allow multiple physical representations under one logical table, for example, to store data in more than one physical order or even to allow representations with pre-aggregated data along with original data.

There are MergeTree engines that are doing additional work during background merges. Examples are CollapsingMergeTree and AggregatingMergeTree. This could be treated as special support for updates. Keep in mind that these are not real updates because users usually have no control over the time when background merges will be executed, and data in a MergeTree table is almost always stored in more than one part, not in completely merged form.


Replication in ClickHouse is implemented on a per-table basis. You could have some replicated and some non-replicated tables on the same server. You could also have tables replicated in different ways, such as one table with two-factor replication and another with three-factor.

Replication is implemented in the ReplicatedMergeTree storage engine. The path in ZooKeeper is specified as a parameter for the storage engine. All tables with the same path in ZooKeeper become replicas of each other: they synchronize their data and maintain consistency. Replicas can be added and removed dynamically simply by creating or dropping a table.

Replication uses an asynchronous multi-master scheme. You can insert data into any replica that has a session with ZooKeeper, and data is replicated to all other replicas asynchronously. Because ClickHouse doesn’t support UPDATEs, replication is conflict-free. As there is no quorum acknowledgment of inserts, just-inserted data might be lost if one node fails.

Metadata for replication is stored in ZooKeeper. There is a replication log that lists what actions to do. Actions are: get part; merge parts; drop partition, etc. Each replica copies the replication log to its queue and then executes the actions from the queue. For example, on insertion, the «get part» action is created in the log, and every replica downloads that part. Merges are coordinated between replicas to get byte-identical results. All parts are merged in the same way on all replicas. To achieve this, one replica is elected as the leader, and that replica initiates merges and writes «merge parts» actions to the log.

Replication is physical: only compressed parts are transferred between nodes, not queries. To lower the network cost (to avoid network amplification), merges are processed on each replica independently in most cases. Large merged parts are sent over the network only in cases of significant replication lag.

In addition, each replica stores its state in ZooKeeper as the set of parts and its checksums. When the state on the local filesystem diverges from the reference state in ZooKeeper, the replica restores its consistency by downloading missing and broken parts from other replicas. When there is some unexpected or broken data in the local filesystem, ClickHouse does not remove it, but moves it to a separate directory and forgets it.

The ClickHouse cluster consists of independent shards, and each shard consists of replicas. The cluster is not elastic, so after adding a new shard, data is not rebalanced between shards automatically. Instead, the cluster load will be uneven. This implementation gives you more control, and it is fine for relatively small clusters such as tens of nodes. But for clusters with hundreds of nodes that we are using in production, this approach becomes a significant drawback. We should implement a table engine that will span its data across the cluster with dynamically replicated regions that could be split and balanced between clusters automatically.

Original article

How to Build ClickHouse Release Package¶

Install Git and Pbuilder¶

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git pbuilder debhelper lsb-release fakeroot sudo debian-archive-keyring debian-keyring

Checkout ClickHouse Sources¶

git clone --recursive --branch stable
cd ClickHouse

Run Release Script¶

How to Build ClickHouse for Development¶

The following tutorial is based on the Ubuntu Linux system.
With appropriate changes, it should also work on any other Linux distribution.
Only x86_64 with SSE 4.2 is supported. Support for AArch64 is experimental.

To test for SSE 4.2, do

grep -q sse4_2 /proc/cpuinfo && echo "SSE 4.2 supported" || echo "SSE 4.2 not supported"

Install Git and CMake¶

sudo apt-get install git cmake ninja-build

Or cmake3 instead of cmake on older systems.

Install GCC 7¶

There are several ways to do this.

Install from a PPA Package¶

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-7 g++-7

Install from Sources¶

Look at ci/

Use GCC 7 for Builds¶

export CC=gcc-7
export CXX=g++-7

Install Required Libraries from Packages¶

sudo apt-get install libicu-dev libreadline-dev

Checkout ClickHouse Sources¶

git clone --recursive
## or: git clone --recursive
cd ClickHouse

For the latest stable version, switch to the stable branch.

Build ClickHouse¶

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ..

To create an executable, run ninja clickhouse.
This will create the dbms/programs/clickhouse executable, which can be used with client or server arguments.

Original article

How to Build ClickHouse on Mac OS X¶

Build should work on Mac OS X 10.12.

Install Homebrew¶

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Required Compilers, Tools, and Libraries¶

brew install cmake ninja gcc icu4c openssl libtool gettext readline

Checkout ClickHouse Sources¶

git clone --recursive
## or: git clone --recursive
cd ClickHouse

For the latest stable version, switch to the stable branch.

Build ClickHouse¶

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++-8` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc-8`
cd ..


If you intend to run clickhouse-server, make sure to increase the system’s maxfiles variable.


You’ll need to use sudo.

To do so, create the following file:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">

Execute the following command:

$ sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist


To check if it’s working, you can use ulimit -n command.

Original article

How to Write C++ Code¶

General Recommendations¶

1. The following are recommendations, not requirements.

2. If you are editing code, it makes sense to follow the formatting of the existing code.

3. Code style is needed for consistency. Consistency makes it easier to read the code, and it also makes it easier to search the code.

4. Many of the rules do not have logical reasons; they are dictated by established practices.


1. Most of the formatting will be done automatically by clang-format.

2. Indents are 4 spaces. Configure your development environment so that a tab adds four spaces.

3. Opening and closing curly brackets must be on a separate line.

inline void readBoolText(bool & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
char tmp = '0';
readChar(tmp, buf);
x = tmp != '0';

4. If the entire function body is a single statement, it can be placed on a single line. Place spaces around curly braces (besides the space at the end of the line).

inline size_t mask() const                { return buf_size() - 1; }
inline size_t place(HashValue x) const    { return x & mask(); }

5. For functions. Don’t put spaces around brackets.

void reinsert(const Value & x)
memcpy(&buf[place_value], &x, sizeof(x));

6. In if, for, while and other expressions, a space is inserted in front of the opening bracket (as opposed to function calls).

for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; i += storage.index_granularity)

7. Add spaces around binary operators (+, -, *, /, %, …) and the ternary operator ?:.

UInt16 year = (s[0] - '0') * 1000 + (s[1] - '0') * 100 + (s[2] - '0') * 10 + (s[3] - '0');
UInt8 month = (s[5] - '0') * 10 + (s[6] - '0');
UInt8 day = (s[8] - '0') * 10 + (s[9] - '0');

8. If a line feed is entered, put the operator on a new line and increase the indent before it.

if (elapsed_ns)
message << " ("
<< rows_read_on_server * 1000000000 / elapsed_ns << " rows/s., "
<< bytes_read_on_server * 1000.0 / elapsed_ns << " MB/s.) ";

9. You can use spaces for alignment within a line, if desired.

dst.ClickLogID         = click.LogID;
dst.ClickEventID       = click.EventID;
dst.ClickGoodEvent     = click.GoodEvent;

10. Don’t use spaces around the operators ., ->.

If necessary, the operator can be wrapped to the next line. In this case, the offset in front of it is increased.

11. Do not use a space to separate unary operators (--, ++, *, &, …) from the argument.

12. Put a space after a comma, but not before it. The same rule goes for a semicolon inside a for expression.

13. Do not use spaces to separate the [] operator.

14. In a template <...> expression, use a space between template and <; no spaces after < or before >.

template <typename TKey, typename TValue>
struct AggregatedStatElement

15. In classes and structures, write public, private, and protected on the same level as class/struct, and indent the rest of the code.

template <typename T>
class MultiVersion
/// Version of object for usage. shared_ptr manage lifetime of version.
using Version = std::shared_ptr<const T>;

16. If the same namespace is used for the entire file, and there isn’t anything else significant, an offset is not necessary inside namespace.

17. If the block for an if, for, while, or other expression consists of a single statement, the curly brackets are optional. Place the statement on a separate line, instead. This rule is also valid for nested if, for, while, …

But if the inner statement contains curly brackets or else, the external block should be written in curly brackets.

/// Finish write.
for (auto & stream : streams)

18. There shouldn’t be any spaces at the ends of lines.

19. Source files are UTF-8 encoded.

20. Non-ASCII characters can be used in string literals.

<< ", " << (timer.elapsed() / chunks_stats.hits) << " μsec/hit.";

21 Do not write multiple expressions in a single line.

22. Group sections of code inside functions and separate them with no more than one empty line.

23. Separate functions, classes, and so on with one or two empty lines.

24. A const (related to a value) must be written before the type name.

const char * pos
const std::string & s
char const * pos

25. When declaring a pointer or reference, the * and & symbols should be separated by spaces on both sides.

const char * pos
const char* pos
const char *pos

26. When using template types, alias them with the using keyword (except in the simplest cases).

In other words, the template parameters are specified only in using and aren’t repeated in the code.

using can be declared locally, such as inside a function.

using FileStreams = std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Stream>>;
FileStreams streams;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Stream>> streams;

27. Do not declare several variables of different types in one statement.

28. Do not use C-style casts.

std::cerr << (int)c <<; std::endl;
std::cerr << static_cast<int>(c) << std::endl;

29. In classes and structs, group members and functions separately inside each visibility scope.

30. For small classes and structs, it is not necessary to separate the method declaration from the implementation.

The same is true for small methods in any classes or structs.

For templated classes and structs, don’t separate the method declarations from the implementation (because otherwise they must be defined in the same translation unit).

31. You can wrap lines at 140 characters, instead of 80.

32. Always use the prefix increment/decrement operators if postfix is not required.

for (Names::const_iterator it = column_names.begin(); it != column_names.end(); ++it)

1. Be sure to add comments for all non-trivial parts of code.

This is very important. Writing the comment might help you realize that the code isn’t necessary, or that it is designed wrong.

/** Part of piece of memory, that can be used.
  * For example, if internal_buffer is 1MB, and there was only 10 bytes loaded to buffer from file for reading,
  * then working_buffer will have size of only 10 bytes
  * (working_buffer.end() will point to position right after those 10 bytes available for read).

2. Comments can be as detailed as necessary.

3. Place comments before the code they describe. In rare cases, comments can come after the code, on the same line.

/** Parses and executes the query.
void executeQuery(
ReadBuffer & istr, /// Where to read the query from (and data for INSERT, if applicable)
WriteBuffer & ostr, /// Where to write the result
Context & context, /// DB, tables, data types, engines, functions, aggregate functions...
BlockInputStreamPtr & query_plan, /// Here could be written the description on how query was executed
QueryProcessingStage::Enum stage = QueryProcessingStage::Complete /// Up to which stage process the SELECT query

4. Comments should be written in English only.

5. If you are writing a library, include detailed comments explaining it in the main header file.

6. Do not add comments that do not provide additional information. In particular, do not leave empty comments like this:

* Procedure Name:
* Original procedure name:
* Author:
* Date of creation:
* Dates of modification:
* Modification authors:
* Original file name:
* Purpose:
* Intent:
* Designation:
* Classes used:
* Constants:
* Local variables:
* Parameters:
* Date of creation:
* Purpose:

The example is borrowed from the resource

7. Do not write garbage comments (author, creation date ..) at the beginning of each file.

8. Single-line comments begin with three slashes: /// and multi-line comments begin with /**. These comments are considered «documentation».

Note: You can use Doxygen to generate documentation from these comments. But Doxygen is not generally used because it is more convenient to navigate the code in the IDE.

9. Multi-line comments must not have empty lines at the beginning and end (except the line that closes a multi-line comment).

10. For commenting out code, use basic comments, not “documenting” comments.

11. Delete the commented out parts of the code before committing.

12. Do not use profanity in comments or code.

13. Do not use uppercase letters. Do not use excessive punctuation.

14. Do not use comments to make delimeters.


15. Do not start discussions in comments.

/// Why did you do this stuff?

16. There’s no need to write a comment at the end of a block describing what it was about.


1. Use lowercase letters with underscores in the names of variables and class members.

2. For the names of functions (methods), use camelCase beginning with a lowercase letter.

std::string getName() const override { return "Memory"; }

3. For the names of classes (structs), use CamelCase beginning with an uppercase letter. Prefixes other than I are not used for interfaces.

class StorageMemory : public IStorage

4. using are named the same way as classes, or with _t on the end.

5. Names of template type arguments: in simple cases, use T; T, U; T1, T2.

For more complex cases, either follow the rules for class names, or add the prefix T.

template <typename TKey, typename TValue>
struct AggregatedStatElement

6. Names of template constant arguments: either follow the rules for variable names, or use N in simple cases.

template <bool without_www>
struct ExtractDomain

7. For abstract classes (interfaces) you can add the I prefix.

8. If you use a variable locally, you can use the short name.

In all other cases, use a name that describes the meaning.

bool info_successfully_loaded = false;

9. Names of defines and global constants use ALL_CAPS with underscores.


10. File names should use the same style as their contents.

If a file contains a single class, name the file the same way as the class (CamelCase).

If the file contains a single function, name the file the same way as the function (camelCase).

11. If the name contains an abbreviation, then:

  • For variable names, the abbreviation should use lowercase letters mysql_connection (not mySQL_connection).
  • For names of classes and functions, keep the uppercase letters in the abbreviationMySQLConnection (not MySqlConnection).

12. Constructor arguments that are used just to initialize the class members should be named the same way as the class members, but with an underscore at the end.

const std::string & path_,
const std::string & prefix_,
std::shared_ptr<FileHandler> handler_)
: path(path_),

The underscore suffix can be omitted if the argument is not used in the constructor body.

13. There is no difference in the names of local variables and class members (no prefixes required).

14. For the constants in an enum, use CamelCase with a capital letter. ALL_CAPS is also acceptable. If the enum is non-local, use an enum class.

enum class CompressionMethod
QuickLZ = 0,
LZ4     = 1,

15. All names must be in English. Transliteration of Russian words is not allowed.

16. Abbreviations are acceptable if they are well known (when you can easily find the meaning of the abbreviation in Wikipedia or in a search engine).

`AST`, `SQL`.
Not `NVDH` (some random letters)

Incomplete words are acceptable if the shortened version is common use.

You can also use an abbreviation if the full name is included next to it in the comments.

17. File names with C++ source code must have the .cpp extension. Header files must have the .h extension.

How to Write Code¶

1. Memory management.

Manual memory deallocation (delete) can only be used in library code.

In library code, the delete operator can only be used in destructors.

In application code, memory must be freed by the object that owns it.


  • The easiest way is to place an object on the stack, or make it a member of another class.
  • For a large number of small objects, use containers.
  • For automatic deallocation of a small number of objects that reside in the heap, use shared_ptr/unique_ptr.

2. Resource management.

Use RAII and see above.

3. Error handling.

Use exceptions. In most cases, you only need to throw an exception, and don’t need to catch it (because of RAII).

In offline data processing applications, it’s often acceptable to not catch exceptions.

In servers that handle user requests, it’s usually enough to catch exceptions at the top level of the connection handler.

In thread functions, you should catch and keep all exceptions to rethrow them in the main thread after join.

/// If there weren't any calculations yet, calculate the first block synchronously
if (!started)
started = true;
else /// If calculations are already in progress, wait for the result
if (exception)

Never hide exceptions without handling. Never just blindly put all exceptions to log.

//Not correct
catch (...) {}

If you need to ignore some exceptions, do so only for specific ones and rethrow the rest.

catch (const DB::Exception & e)
if (e.code() == ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION)
return nullptr;

When using functions with response codes or errno, always check the result and throw an exception in case of error.

if (0 != close(fd))
throwFromErrno("Cannot close file " + file_name, ErrorCodes::CANNOT_CLOSE_FILE);

Do not use assert.

4. Exception types.

There is no need to use complex exception hierarchy in application code. The exception text should be understandable to a system administrator.

5. Throwing exceptions from destructors.

This is not recommended, but it is allowed.

Use the following options:

  • Create a function (done() or finalize()) that will do all the work in advance that might lead to an exception. If that function was called, there should be no exceptions in the destructor later.
  • Tasks that are too complex (such as sending messages over the network) can be put in separate method that the class user will have to call before destruction.
  • If there is an exception in the destructor, it’s better to log it than to hide it (if the logger is available).
  • In simple applications, it is acceptable to rely on std::terminate (for cases of noexcept by default in C++11) to handle exceptions.

6. Anonymous code blocks.

You can create a separate code block inside a single function in order to make certain variables local, so that the destructors are called when exiting the block.

Block block =>read();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
data.ready = true;
data.block = block;

7. Multithreading.

In offline data processing programs:

  • Try to get the best possible performance on a single CPU core. You can then parallelize your code if necessary.

In server applications:

  • Use the thread pool to process requests. At this point, we haven’t had any tasks that required userspace context switching.

Fork is not used for parallelization.

8. Syncing threads.

Often it is possible to make different threads use different memory cells (even better: different cache lines,) and to not use any thread synchronization (except joinAll).

If synchronization is required, in most cases, it is sufficient to use mutex under lock_guard.

In other cases use system synchronization primitives. Do not use busy wait.

Atomic operations should be used only in the simplest cases.

Do not try to implement lock-free data structures unless it is your primary area of expertise.

9. Pointers vs references.

In most cases, prefer references.

10. const.

Use constant references, pointers to constants, const_iterator, and const methods.

Consider const to be default and use non-const only when necessary.

When passing variables by value, using const usually does not make sense.

11. unsigned.

Use unsigned if necessary.

12. Numeric types.

Use the types UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, and Int64, as well as size_t, ssize_t, and ptrdiff_t.

Don’t use these types for numbers: signed/unsigned long, long long, short, signed/unsigned char, char.

13. Passing arguments.

Pass complex values by reference (including std::string).

If a function captures ownership of an object created in the heap, make the argument type shared_ptr or unique_ptr.

14. Return values.

In most cases, just use return. Do not write [return std::move(res)]{.strike}.

If the function allocates an object on heap and returns it, use shared_ptr or unique_ptr.

In rare cases you might need to return the value via an argument. In this case, the argument should be a reference.

using AggregateFunctionPtr = std::shared_ptr<IAggregateFunction>;
/** Allows creating an aggregate function by its name.
class AggregateFunctionFactory
AggregateFunctionPtr get(const String & name, const DataTypes & argument_types) const;

15. namespace.

There is no need to use a separate namespace for application code.

Small libraries don’t need this, either.

For medium to large libraries, put everything in a namespace.

In the library’s .h file, you can use namespace detail to hide implementation details not needed for the application code.

In a .cpp file, you can use a static or anonymous namespace to hide symbols.

Also, a namespace can be used for an enum to prevent the corresponding names from falling into an external namespace (but it’s better to use an enum class).

16. Deferred initialization.

If arguments are required for initialization, then you normally shouldn’t write a default constructor.

If later you’ll need to delay initialization, you can add a default constructor that will create an invalid object. Or, for a small number of objects, you can use shared_ptr/unique_ptr.

Loader(DB::Connection * connection_, const std::string & query, size_t max_block_size_);
/// For deferred initialization
Loader() {}

17. Virtual functions.

If the class is not intended for polymorphic use, you do not need to make functions virtual. This also applies to the destructor.

18. Encodings.

Use UTF-8 everywhere. Use std::stringandchar *. Do not use std::wstringandwchar_t.

19. Logging.

See the examples everywhere in the code.

Before committing, delete all meaningless and debug logging, and any other types of debug output.

Logging in cycles should be avoided, even on the Trace level.

Logs must be readable at any logging level.

Logging should only be used in application code, for the most part.

Log messages must be written in English.

The log should preferably be understandable for the system administrator.

Do not use profanity in the log.

Use UTF-8 encoding in the log. In rare cases you can use non-ASCII characters in the log.

20. Input-output.

Don’t use iostreams in internal cycles that are critical for application performance (and never use stringstream).

Use the DB/IO library instead.

21. Date and time.

See the DateLUT library.

22. include.

Always use #pragma once instead of include guards.

23. using.

using namespace is not used. You can use using with something specific. But make it local inside a class or function.

24. Do not use trailing return type for functions unless necessary.

[auto f() -&gt; void;]{.strike}

25. Declaration and initialization of variables.

//right way
std::string s = "Hello";
std::string s{"Hello"};
//wrong way
auto s = std::string{"Hello"};

26. For virtual functions, write virtual in the base class, but write override instead of virtual in descendent classes.

Unused Features of C++¶

1. Virtual inheritance is not used.

2. Exception specifiers from C++03 are not used.


1. We write code for a specific platform.

But other things being equal, cross-platform or portable code is preferred.

2. Language: C++17.

3. Compiler: gcc. At this time (December 2017), the code is compiled using version 7.2. (It can also be compiled using clang 4.)

The standard library is used (libstdc++ or libc++).

4.OS: Linux Ubuntu, not older than Precise.

5.Code is written for x86_64 CPU architecture.

The CPU instruction set is the minimum supported set among our servers. Currently, it is SSE 4.2.

6. Use -Wall -Wextra -Werror compilation flags.

7. Use static linking with all libraries except those that are difficult to connect to statically (see the output of the ldd command).

8. Code is developed and debugged with release settings.


1. KDevelop is a good IDE.

2. For debugging, use gdb, valgrind (memcheck), strace, -fsanitize=..., or tcmalloc_minimal_debug.

3. For profiling, use Linux Perf, valgrind (callgrind), or strace -cf.

4. Sources are in Git.

5. Assembly uses CMake.

6. Programs are released using deb packages.

7. Commits to master must not break the build.

Though only selected revisions are considered workable.

8. Make commits as often as possible, even if the code is only partially ready.

Use branches for this purpose.

If your code in the master branch is not buildable yet, exclude it from the build before the push. You’ll need to finish it or remove it within a few days.

9. For non-trivial changes, use branches and publish them on the server.

10. Unused code is removed from the repository.


1. The C++14 standard library is used (experimental extensions are allowed), as well as boost and Poco frameworks.

2. If necessary, you can use any well-known libraries available in the OS package.

If there is a good solution already available, then use it, even if it means you have to install another library.

(But be prepared to remove bad libraries from code.)

3. You can install a library that isn’t in the packages, if the packages don’t have what you need or have an outdated version or the wrong type of compilation.

4. If the library is small and doesn’t have its own complex build system, put the source files in the contrib folder.

5. Preference is always given to libraries that are already in use.

General Recommendations¶

1. Write as little code as possible.

2. Try the simplest solution.

3. Don’t write code until you know how it’s going to work and how the inner loop will function.

4. In the simplest cases, use using instead of classes or structs.

5. If possible, do not write copy constructors, assignment operators, destructors (other than a virtual one, if the class contains at least one virtual function), move constructors or move assignment operators. In other words, the compiler-generated functions must work correctly. You can use default.

6. Code simplification is encouraged. Reduce the size of your code where possible.

Additional Recommendations¶

1. Explicitly specifying std:: for types from stddef.h

is not recommended. In other words, we recommend writing size_t instead std::size_t, because it’s shorter.

It is acceptable to add std::.

2. Explicitly specifying std:: for functions from the standard C library

is not recommended. In other words, write memcpy instead of std::memcpy.

The reason is that there are similar non-standard functions, such as memmem. We do use these functions on occasion. These functions do not exist in namespace std.

If you write std::memcpy instead of memcpy everywhere, then memmem without std:: will look strange.

Nevertheless, you can still use std:: if you prefer it.

3. Using functions from C when the same ones are available in the standard C++ library.

This is acceptable if it is more efficient.

For example, use memcpy instead of std::copy for copying large chunks of memory.

4. Multiline function arguments.

Any of the following wrapping styles are allowed:

size_t left, size_t right,
const & RangesInDataParts ranges,
size_t limit)
function(size_t left, size_t right,
const & RangesInDataParts ranges,
size_t limit)
function(size_t left, size_t right,
const & RangesInDataParts ranges,
size_t limit)
size_t left,
size_t right,
const & RangesInDataParts ranges,
size_t limit)

Original article

ClickHouse Testing¶

Functional Tests¶

Functional tests are the most simple and convenient to use. Most of ClickHouse features can be tested with functional tests and they are mandatory to use for every change in ClickHouse code that can be tested that way.

Each functional test sends one or multiple queries to the running ClickHouse server and compares the result with reference.

Tests are located in dbms/src/tests/queries directory. There are two subdirectories: stateless and stateful. Stateless tests run queries without any preloaded test data — they often create small synthetic datasets on the fly, within the test itself. Stateful tests require preloaded test data from Yandex.Metrica and not available to general public. We tend to use only stateless tests and avoid adding new stateful tests.

Each test can be one of two types: .sql and .sh. .sql test is the simple SQL script that is piped to clickhouse-client --multiquery --testmode. .sh test is a script that is run by itself.

To run all tests, use dbms/tests/clickhouse-test tool. Look --help for the list of possible options. You can simply run all tests or run subset of tests filtered by substring in test name: ./clickhouse-test substring.

The most simple way to invoke functional tests is to copy clickhouse-client to /usr/bin/, run clickhouse-server and then run ./clickhouse-test from its own directory.

To add new test, create a .sql or .sh file in dbms/src/tests/queries/0_stateless directory, check it manually and then generate .reference file in the following way: clickhouse-client -n --testmode < 00000_test.sql > 00000_test.reference or ./ > ./00000_test.reference.

Tests should use (create, drop, etc) only tables in test database that is assumed to be created beforehand; also tests can use temporary tables.

If you want to use distributed queries in functional tests, you can leverage remote table function with 127.0.0.{1..2} addresses for the server to query itself; or you can use predefined test clusters in server configuration file like test_shard_localhost.

Some tests are marked with zookeeper, shard or long in their names. zookeeper is for tests that are using ZooKeeper; shard is for tests that requires server to listen 127.0.0.*; long is for tests that run slightly longer that one second.

Known bugs¶

If we know some bugs that can be easily reproduced by functional tests, we place prepared functional tests in dbms/src/tests/queries/bugs directory. These tests will be moved to dbms/src/tests/queries/0_stateless when bugs are fixed.

Integration Tests¶

Integration tests allow to test ClickHouse in clustered configuration and ClickHouse interaction with other servers like MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB. They are useful to emulate network splits, packet drops, etc. These tests are run under Docker and create multiple containers with various software.

See dbms/tests/integration/ on how to run these tests.

Note that integration of ClickHouse with third-party drivers is not tested. Also we currently don’t have integration tests with our JDBC and ODBC drivers.

Unit Tests¶

Unit tests are useful when you want to test not the ClickHouse as a whole, but a single isolated library or class. You can enable or disable build of tests with ENABLE_TESTS CMake option. Unit tests (and other test programs) are located in tests subdirectories across the code. To run unit tests, type ninja test. Some tests use gtest, but some are just programs that return non-zero exit code on test failure.

It’s not necessarily to have unit tests if the code is already covered by functional tests (and functional tests are usually much more simple to use).

Performance Tests¶

Performance tests allow to measure and compare performance of some isolated part of ClickHouse on synthetic queries. Tests are located at dbms/tests/performance. Each test is represented by .xml file with description of test case. Tests are run with clickhouse performance-test tool (that is embedded in clickhouse binary). See --help for invocation.

Each test run one or miltiple queries (possibly with combinations of parameters) in a loop with some conditions for stop (like «maximum execution speed is not changing in three seconds») and measure some metrics about query performance (like «maximum execution speed»). Some tests can contain preconditions on preloaded test dataset.

If you want to improve performance of ClickHouse in some scenario, and if improvements can be observed on simple queries, it is highly recommended to write a performance test. It always makes sense to use perf top or other perf tools during your tests.

Performance tests are not run on per-commit basis. Results of performance tests are not collected and we compare them manually.

Test Tools And Scripts¶

Some programs in tests directory are not prepared tests, but are test tools. For example, for Lexer there is a tool dbms/src/Parsers/tests/lexer that just do tokenization of stdin and writes colorized result to stdout. You can use these kind of tools as a code examples and for exploration and manual testing.

You can also place pair of files .sh and .reference along with the tool to run it on some predefined input — then script result can be compared to .reference file. These kind of tests are not automated.

Miscellanous Tests¶

There are tests for external dictionaries located at dbms/tests/external_dictionaries and for machine learned models in dbms/tests/external_models. These tests are not updated and must be transferred to integration tests.

There is separate test for quorum inserts. This test run ClickHouse cluster on separate servers and emulate various failure cases: network split, packet drop (between ClickHouse nodes, between ClickHouse and ZooKeeper, between ClickHouse server and client, etc.), kill -9, kill -STOP and kill -CONT , like Jepsen. Then the test checks that all acknowledged inserts was written and all rejected inserts was not.

Quorum test was written by separate team before ClickHouse was open-sourced. This team no longer work with ClickHouse. Test was accidentially written in Java. For these reasons, quorum test must be rewritten and moved to integration tests.

Manual Testing¶

When you develop a new feature, it is reasonable to also test it manually. You can do it with the following steps:

Build ClickHouse. Run ClickHouse from the terminal: change directory to dbms/src/programs/clickhouse-server and run it with ./clickhouse-server. It will use configuration (config.xml, users.xml and files within config.d and users.d directories) from the current directory by default. To connect to ClickHouse server, run dbms/src/programs/clickhouse-client/clickhouse-client.

Note that all clickhouse tools (server, client, etc) are just symlinks to a single binary named clickhouse. You can find this binary at dbms/src/programs/clickhouse. All tools can also be invoked as clickhouse tool instead of clickhouse-tool.

Alternatively you can install ClickHouse package: either stable release from Yandex repository or you can build package for yourself with ./release in ClickHouse sources root. Then start the server with sudo service clickhouse-server start (or stop to stop the server). Look for logs at /etc/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log.

When ClickHouse is already installed on your system, you can build a new clickhouse binary and replace the existing binary:

sudo service clickhouse-server stop
sudo cp ./clickhouse /usr/bin/
sudo service clickhouse-server start

Also you can stop system clickhouse-server and run your own with the same configuration but with logging to terminal:

sudo service clickhouse-server stop
sudo -u clickhouse /usr/bin/clickhouse server --config-file /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml

Example with gdb:

sudo -u clickhouse gdb --args /usr/bin/clickhouse server --config-file /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml

If the system clickhouse-server is already running and you don’t want to stop it, you can change port numbers in your config.xml (or override them in a file in config.d directory), provide appropriate data path, and run it.

clickhouse binary has almost no dependencies and works across wide range of Linux distributions. To quick and dirty test your changes on a server, you can simply scp your fresh built clickhouse binary to your server and then run it as in examples above.

Testing Environment¶

Before publishing release as stable we deploy it on testing environment. Testing environment is a cluster that process 1/39 part of Yandex.Metrica data. We share our testing environment with Yandex.Metrica team. ClickHouse is upgraded without downtime on top of existing data. We look at first that data is processed successfully without lagging from realtime, the replication continue to work and there is no issues visible to Yandex.Metrica team. First check can be done in the following way:

SELECT hostName() AS h, any(version()), any(uptime()), max(UTCEventTime), count() FROM remote('example01-01-{1..3}t', merge, hits) WHERE EventDate >= today() - 2 GROUP BY h ORDER BY h;

In some cases we also deploy to testing environment of our friend teams in Yandex: Market, Cloud, etc. Also we have some hardware servers that are used for development purposes.

Load Testing¶

After deploying to testing environment we run load testing with queries from production cluster. This is done manually.

Make sure you have enabled query_log on your production cluster.

Collect query log for a day or more:

clickhouse-client --query="SELECT DISTINCT query FROM system.query_log WHERE event_date = today() AND query LIKE '%ym:%' AND query NOT LIKE '%system.query_log%' AND type = 2 AND is_initial_query" > queries.tsv

This is a way complicated example. type = 2 will filter queries that are executed successfully. query LIKE '%ym:%' is to select relevant queries from Yandex.Metrica. is_initial_query is to select only queries that are initiated by client, not by ClickHouse itself (as parts of distributed query processing).

scp this log to your testing cluster and run it as following:

clickhouse benchmark --concurrency 16 < queries.tsv

(probably you also want to specify a --user)

Then leave it for a night or weekend and go take a rest.

You should check that clickhouse-server doesn’t crash, memory footprint is bounded and performance not degrading over time.

Precise query execution timings are not recorded and not compared due to high variability of queries and environment.

Build Tests¶

Build tests allow to check that build is not broken on various alternative configurations and on some foreign systems. Tests are located at ci directory. They run build from source inside Docker, Vagrant, and sometimes with qemu-user-static inside Docker. These tests are under development and test runs are not automated.


Normally we release and run all tests on a single variant of ClickHouse build. But there are alternative build variants that are not thoroughly tested. Examples:

  • build on FreeBSD;
  • build on Debian with libraries from system packages;
  • build with shared linking of libraries;
  • build on AArch64 platform;
  • build on PowerPc platform.

For example, build with system packages is bad practice, because we cannot guarantee what exact version of packages a system will have. But this is really needed by Debian maintainers. For this reason we at least have to support this variant of build. Another example: shared linking is a common source of trouble, but it is needed for some enthusiasts.

Though we cannot run all tests on all variant of builds, we want to check at least that various build variants are not broken. For this purpose we use build tests.

Testing For Protocol Compatibility¶

When we extend ClickHouse network protocol, we test manually that old clickhouse-client works with new clickhouse-server and new clickhouse-client works with old clickhouse-server (simply by running binaries from corresponding packages).

Help From The Compiler¶

Main ClickHouse code (that is located in dbms directory) is built with -Wall -Wextra -Werror and with some additional enabled warnings. Although these options are not enabled for third-party libraries.

Clang has even more useful warnings — you can look for them with -Weverything and pick something to default build.

For production builds, gcc is used (it still generates slightly more efficient code than clang). For development, clang is usually more convenient to use. You can build on your own machine with debug mode (to save battery of your laptop), but please note that compiler is able to generate more warnings with -O3 due to better control flow and inter-procedure analysis. When building with clang, libc++ is used instead of libstdc++ and when building with debug mode, debug version of libc++ is used that allows to catch more errors at runtime.


Address sanitizer.
We run functional and integration tests under ASan on per-commit basis.

Valgrind (Memcheck).
We run functional tests under Valgrind overnight. It takes multiple hours. Currently there is one known false positive in re2 library, see this article.

Thread sanitizer.
We run functional tests under TSan. ClickHouse must pass all tests. Run under TSan is not automated and performed only occasionally.

Memory sanitizer.
Currently we still don’t use MSan.

Undefined behaviour sanitizer.
We still don’t use UBSan on per commit basis. There are some places to fix.

Debug allocator.
You can enable debug version of tcmalloc with DEBUG_TCMALLOC CMake option. We run tests with debug allocator on per-commit basis.

You will find some additional details in dbms/tests/instructions/sanitizers.txt.


We use simple fuzz test to generate random SQL queries and to check that the server doesn’t die. Fuzz testing is performed with Address sanitizer. You can find it in This test should be run continuously (overnight and longer).

As of December 2018, we still don’t use isolated fuzz testing of library code.

Security Audit¶

People from Yandex Cloud department do some basic overview of ClickHouse capabilities from the security standpoint.

Static Analyzers¶

We use static analyzers only occasionally. We have evaluated clang-tidy, Coverity, cppcheck, PVS-Studio, tscancode. You will find instructions for usage in dbms/tests/instructions/ directory. Also you can read the article in russian.

If you use CLion as an IDE, you can leverage some clang-tidy checks out of the box.


FORTIFY_SOURCE is used by default. It is almost useless, but still makes sense in rare cases and we don’t disable it.

Code Style¶

Code style rules are described here.

To check for some common style violations, you can use utils/check-style script.

To force proper style of your code, you can use clang-format. File .clang-format is located at the sources root. It mostly corresponding with our actual code style. But it’s not recommended to apply clang-format to existing files because it makes formatting worse. You can use clang-format-diff tool that you can find in clang source repository.

Alternatively you can try uncrustify tool to reformat your code. Configuration is in uncrustify.cfg in the sources root. It is less tested than clang-format.

CLion has its own code formatter that has to be tuned for our code style.

Metrica B2B Tests¶

Each ClickHouse release is tested with Yandex Metrica and AppMetrica engines. Testing and stable versions of ClickHouse are deployed on VMs and run with a small copy of Metrica engine that is processing fixed sample of input data. Then results of two instances of Metrica engine are compared together.

These tests are automated by separate team. Due to high number of moving parts, tests are fail most of the time by completely unrelated reasons, that are very difficult to figure out. Most likely these tests have negative value for us. Nevertheless these tests was proved to be useful in about one or two times out of hundreds.

Test Coverage¶

As of July 2018 we don’t track test coverage.

Test Automation¶

We run tests with Yandex internal CI and job automation system named «Sandbox». We also continue to use Jenkins (available inside Yandex).

Build jobs and tests are run in Sandbox on per commit basis. Resulting packages and test results are published in GitHub and can be downloaded by direct links. Artifacts are stored eternally. When you send a pull request on GitHub, we tag it as «can be tested» and our CI system will build ClickHouse packages (release, debug, with address sanitizer, etc) for you.

We don’t use Travis CI due to the limit on time and computational power.

In Jenkins we run dictionary tests, Metrica B2B tests. We use Jenkins to prepare and publish releases. Jenkins is a legacy technology and all jobs will be moved to Sandbox.

Original article

Third-Party Libraries Used¶

Library License
base64 BSD 2-Clause License
boost Boost Software License 1.0
brotli MIT
capnproto MIT
cctz Apache License 2.0
double-conversion BSD 3-Clause License
FastMemcpy MIT
googletest BSD 3-Clause License
libbtrie BSD 2-Clause License
libcxxabi BSD + MIT
libdivide Zlib License
libgsasl LGPL v2.1
libhdfs3 Apache License 2.0
libmetrohash Apache License 2.0
libpcg-random Apache License 2.0
libressl OpenSSL License
librdkafka BSD 2-Clause License
libwidechar_width CC0 1.0 Universal
llvm BSD 3-Clause License
lz4 BSD 2-Clause License
mariadb-connector-c LGPL v2.1
murmurhash Public Domain
pdqsort Zlib License
poco Boost Software License — Version 1.0
protobuf BSD 3-Clause License
re2 BSD 3-Clause License
UnixODBC LGPL v2.1
zlib-ng Zlib License
zstd BSD 3-Clause License


Q1 2019¶

  • JOIN syntax compatible with SQL standard:
    • Mutliple JOINs in single SELECT
  • Protobuf and Parquet input and output formats
  • Import/export from HDFS and S3
  • Lower metadata size in ZooKeeper
  • Adaptive index granularity for MergeTree engine family

Q2 2019¶

  • JOIN execution improvements:
    • Distributed join not limited by memory
  • Resource pools for more precise distribution of cluster capacity between users

Q3 2019¶

  • Fine-grained authorization
  • Integration with external authentication services

Original article

ClickHouse release 19.3.5, 2019-02-21¶

Bug fixes¶

  • Fixed bug with large http insert queries processing. #4454 (alesapin)
  • Fixed backward incompatibility with old versions due to wrong implementation of send_logs_level setting. #4445 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed backward incompatibility of table function remote introduced with column comments. #4446 (alexey-milovidov)

ClickHouse release 19.3.4, 2019-02-16¶


  • Table index size is not accounted for memory limits when doing ATTACH TABLE query. Avoided the possibility that a table cannot be attached after being detached. #4396 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Slightly raised up the limit on max string and array size received from ZooKeeper. It allows to continue to work with increased size of CLIENT_JVMFLAGS=-Djute.maxbuffer=... on ZooKeeper. #4398 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Allow to repair abandoned replica even if it already has huge number of nodes in its queue. #4399 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Add one required argument to SET index (max stored rows number). #4386 (Nikita Vasilev)

Bug Fixes¶

  • Fixed WITH ROLLUP result for group by single LowCardinality key. #4384 (Nikolai Kochetov)
  • Fixed bug in the set index (dropping a granule if it contains more than max_rows rows). #4386 (Nikita Vasilev)
  • A lot of FreeBSD build fixes. #4397 (proller)
  • Fixed aliases substitution in queries with subquery containing same alias (issue #4110). #4351 (Artem Zuikov)

Build/Testing/Packaging Improvements¶

  • Add ability to run clickhouse-server for stateless tests in docker image. #4347 (Vasily Nemkov)

ClickHouse release 19.3.3, 2019-02-13¶

New Features¶

  • Added the KILL MUTATION statement that allows removing mutations that are for some reasons stuck. Added latest_failed_part, latest_fail_time, latest_fail_reason fields to the system.mutations table for easier troubleshooting. #4287 (Alex Zatelepin)
  • Added aggregate function entropy which computes Shannon entropy. #4238 (Quid37)
  • Added ability to send queries INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (.... to server without splitting on query and data parts. #4301 (alesapin)
  • Generic implementation of arrayWithConstant function was added. #4322 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Implented NOT BETWEEN comparison operator. #4228 (Dmitry Naumov)
  • Implement sumMapFiltered in order to be able to limit the number of keys for which values will be summed by sumMap. #4129 (Léo Ercolanelli)
  • Added support of Nullable types in mysql table function. #4198 (Emmanuel Donin de Rosière)
  • Support for arbitrary constant expressions in LIMIT clause. #4246 (k3box)
  • Added topKWeighted aggregate function that takes additional argument with (unsigned integer) weight. #4245 (Andrew Golman)
  • StorageJoin now supports join_overwrite setting that allows overwriting existing values of the same key. #3973 (Amos Bird
  • Added function toStartOfInterval. #4304 (Vitaly Baranov)
  • Added RowBinaryWithNamesAndTypes format. #4200 (Oleg V. Kozlyuk)
  • Added IPv4 and IPv6 data types. More effective implementations of IPv* functions. #3669 (Vasily Nemkov)
  • Added function toStartOfTenMinutes(). #4298 (Vitaly Baranov)
  • Added Protobuf output format. #4005 #4158 (Vitaly Baranov)
  • Added brotli support for HTTP interface for data import (INSERTs). #4235 (Mikhail )
  • Added hints while user make typo in function name or type in command line client. #4239 (Danila Kutenin)
  • Added Query-Id to Server’s HTTP Response header. #4231 (Mikhail )

Experimental features¶

  • Added minmax and set data skipping indices for MergeTree table engines family. #4143 (Nikita Vasilev)
  • Added conversion of CROSS JOIN to INNER JOIN if possible. #4221 #4266 (Artem Zuikov)

Bug Fixes¶

  • Fixed Not found column for duplicate columns in JOIN ON section. #4279 (Artem Zuikov)
  • Make START REPLICATED SENDS command start replicated sends. #4229 (nvartolomei)
  • Fixed aggregate functions execution with Array(LowCardinality) arguments. #4055 (KochetovNicolai)
  • Fixed wrong behaviour when doing INSERT ... SELECT ... FROM file(...) query and file has CSVWithNames or TSVWIthNames format and the first data row is missing. #4297 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed crash on dictionary reload if dictionary not available. This bug was appeared in 19.1.6. #4188 (proller)
  • Fixed ALL JOIN with duplicates in right table. #4184 (Artem Zuikov)
  • Fixed segmentation fault with use_uncompressed_cache=1 and exception with wrong uncompressed size. This bug was appeared in 19.1.6. #4186 (alesapin)
  • Fixed compile_expressions bug with comparison of big (more than int16) dates. #4341 (alesapin)
  • Fixed infinite loop when selecting from table function numbers(0). #4280 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Temporarily disable predicate optimization for ORDER BY. #3890 (Winter Zhang)
  • Fixed Illegal instruction error when using base64 functions on old CPUs. This error has been reproduced only when ClickHouse was compiled with gcc-8. #4275 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed No message received error when interacting with PostgreSQL ODBC Driver through TLS connection. Also fixes segfault when using MySQL ODBC Driver. #4170 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed incorrect result when Date and DateTime arguments are used in branches of conditional operator (function if). Added generic case for function if. #4243 (alexey-milovidov)
  • ClickHouse dictionaries now load within clickhouse process. #4166 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed deadlock when SELECT from a table with File engine was retried after No such file or directory error. #4161 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed race condition when selecting from system.tables may give table doesn't exist error. #4313 (alexey-milovidov)
  • clickhouse-client can segfault on exit while loading data for command line suggestions if it was run in interactive mode. #4317 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed a bug when the execution of mutations containing IN operators was producing incorrect results. #4099 (Alex Zatelepin)
  • Fixed error: if there is a database with Dictionary engine, all dictionaries forced to load at server startup, and if there is a dictionary with ClickHouse source from localhost, the dictionary cannot load. #4255 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed error when system logs are tried to create again at server shutdown. #4254 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Correctly return the right type and properly handle locks in joinGet function. #4153 (Amos Bird)
  • Added sumMapWithOverflow function. #4151 (Léo Ercolanelli)
  • Fixed segfault with allow_experimental_multiple_joins_emulation. 52de2c (Artem Zuikov)
  • Fixed bug with incorrect Date and DateTime comparison. #4237 (valexey)
  • Fixed fuzz test under undefined behavior sanitizer: added parameter type check for quantile*Weighted family of functions. #4145 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed rare race condition when removing of old data parts can fail with File not found error. #4378 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fix install package with missing /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml. #4343 (proller)

Build/Testing/Packaging Improvements¶

  • Debian package: correct /etc/clickhouse-server/preprocessed link according to config. #4205 (proller)
  • Various build fixes for FreeBSD. #4225 (proller)
  • Added ability to create, fill and drop tables in perftest. #4220 (alesapin)
  • Added a script to check for duplicate includes. #4326 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Added ability to run queries by index in performance test. #4264 (alesapin)
  • Package with debug symbols is suggested to be installed. #4274 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Refactoring of performance-test. Better logging and signals handling. #4171 (alesapin)
  • Added docs to anonymized Yandex.Metrika datasets. #4164 (alesapin)
  • Аdded tool for converting an old month-partitioned part to the custom-partitioned format. #4195 (Alex Zatelepin)
  • Added docs about two datasets in s3. #4144 (alesapin)
  • Added script which creates changelog from pull requests description. #4169 #4173 (KochetovNicolai) (KochetovNicolai)
  • Added puppet module for Clickhouse. #4182 (Maxim Fedotov)
  • Added docs for a group of undocumented functions. #4168 (Winter Zhang)
  • ARM build fixes. #4210#4306 #4291 (proller) (proller)
  • Dictionary tests now able to run from ctest. #4189 (proller)
  • Now /etc/ssl is used as default directory with SSL certificates. #4167 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Added checking SSE and AVX instruction at start. #4234 (Igr)
  • Init script will wait server until start. #4281 (proller)

Backward Incompatible Changes¶

  • Removed allow_experimental_low_cardinality_type setting. LowCardinality data types are production ready. #4323 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Reduce mark cache size and uncompressed cache size accordingly to available memory amount. #4240 (Lopatin Konstantin
  • Added keyword INDEX in CREATE TABLE query. A column with name index must be quoted with backticks or double quotes: `index`. #4143 (Nikita Vasilev)
  • sumMap now promote result type instead of overflow. The old sumMap behavior can be obtained by using sumMapWithOverflow function. #4151 (Léo Ercolanelli)

Performance Impovements¶

  • std::sort replaced by pdqsort for queries without LIMIT. #4236 (Evgenii Pravda)
  • Now server reuse threads from global thread pool. This affects performance in some corner cases. #4150 (alexey-milovidov)


  • Implemented AIO support for FreeBSD. #4305 (urgordeadbeef)
  • SELECT * FROM a JOIN b USING a, b now return a and b columns only from the left table. #4141 (Artem Zuikov)
  • Allow -C option of client to work as -c option. #4232 (syominsergey)
  • Now option --password used without value requires password from stdin. #4230 (BSD_Conqueror)
  • Added highlighting of unescaped metacharacters in string literals that contain LIKE expressions or regexps. #4327 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Added cancelling of HTTP read only queries if client socket goes away. #4213 (nvartolomei)
  • Now server reports progress to keep client connections alive. #4215 (Ivan)
  • Slightly better message with reason for OPTIMIZE query with optimize_throw_if_noop setting enabled. #4294 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Added support of --version option for clickhouse server. #4251 (Lopatin Konstantin)
  • Added --help/-h option to clickhouse-server. #4233 (Yuriy Baranov)
  • Added support for scalar subqueries with aggregate function state result. #4348 (Nikolai Kochetov)
  • Improved server shutdown time and ALTERs waiting time. #4372 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Added info about the replicated_can_become_leader setting to system.replicas and add logging if the replica won’t try to become leader. #4379 (Alex Zatelepin)

ClickHouse release 19.1.9, 2019-02-21¶

Bug fixes¶

  • Fixed backward incompatibility with old versions due to wrong implementation of send_logs_level setting. #4445 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed backward incompatibility of table function remote introduced with column comments. #4446 (alexey-milovidov)

ClickHouse release 19.1.8, 2019-02-16¶

Bug Fixes¶

  • Fix install package with missing /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml. #4343 (proller)

ClickHouse release 19.1.7, 2019-02-15¶

Bug Fixes¶

  • Correctly return the right type and properly handle locks in joinGet function. #4153 (Amos Bird)
  • Fixed error when system logs are tried to create again at server shutdown. #4254 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed error: if there is a database with Dictionary engine, all dictionaries forced to load at server startup, and if there is a dictionary with ClickHouse source from localhost, the dictionary cannot load. #4255 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed a bug when the execution of mutations containing IN operators was producing incorrect results. #4099 (Alex Zatelepin)
  • clickhouse-client can segfault on exit while loading data for command line suggestions if it was run in interactive mode. #4317 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed race condition when selecting from system.tables may give table doesn't exist error. #4313 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed deadlock when SELECT from a table with File engine was retried after No such file or directory error. #4161 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed an issue: local ClickHouse dictionaries are loaded via TCP, but should load within process. #4166 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed No message received error when interacting with PostgreSQL ODBC Driver through TLS connection. Also fixes segfault when using MySQL ODBC Driver. #4170 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Temporarily disable predicate optimization for ORDER BY. #3890 (Winter Zhang)
  • Fixed infinite loop when selecting from table function numbers(0). #4280 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed compile_expressions bug with comparison of big (more than int16) dates. #4341 (alesapin)
  • Fixed segmentation fault with uncompressed_cache=1 and exception with wrong uncompressed size. #4186 (alesapin)
  • Fixed ALL JOIN with duplicates in right table. #4184 (Artem Zuikov)
  • Fixed wrong behaviour when doing INSERT ... SELECT ... FROM file(...) query and file has CSVWithNames or TSVWIthNames format and the first data row is missing. #4297 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed aggregate functions execution with Array(LowCardinality) arguments. #4055 (KochetovNicolai)
  • Debian package: correct /etc/clickhouse-server/preprocessed link according to config. #4205 (proller)
  • Fixed fuzz test under undefined behavior sanitizer: added parameter type check for quantile*Weighted family of functions. #4145 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Make START REPLICATED SENDS command start replicated sends. #4229 (nvartolomei)
  • Fixed Not found column for duplicate columns in JOIN ON section. #4279 (Artem Zuikov)
  • Now /etc/ssl is used as default directory with SSL certificates. #4167 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed crash on dictionary reload if dictionary not available. #4188 (proller)
  • Fixed bug with incorrect Date and DateTime comparison. #4237 (valexey)
  • Fixed incorrect result when Date and DateTime arguments are used in branches of conditional operator (function if). Added generic case for function if. #4243 (alexey-milovidov)

ClickHouse release 19.1.6, 2019-01-24¶

New Features¶

  • Custom per column compression codecs for tables. #3899 #4111 (alesapin, Winter Zhang, Anatoly)
  • Added compression codec Delta. #4052 (alesapin)
  • Allow to ALTER compression codecs. #4054 (alesapin)
  • Added functions left, right, trim, ltrim, rtrim, timestampadd, timestampsub for SQL standard compatibility. #3826 (Ivan Blinkov)
  • Support for write in HDFS tables and hdfs table function. #4084 (alesapin)
  • Added functions to search for multiple constant strings from big haystack: multiPosition, multiSearch ,firstMatch also with -UTF8, -CaseInsensitive, and -CaseInsensitiveUTF8 variants. #4053 (Danila Kutenin)
  • Pruning of unused shards if SELECT query filters by sharding key (setting optimize_skip_unused_shards). #3851 (Gleb Kanterov, Ivan)
  • Allow Kafka engine to ignore some number of parsing errors per block. #4094 (Ivan)
  • Added support for CatBoost multiclass models evaluation. Function modelEvaluate returns tuple with per-class raw predictions for multiclass models. should be built with #607. #3959 (KochetovNicolai)
  • Added functions filesystemAvailable, filesystemFree, filesystemCapacity. #4097 (Boris Granveaud)
  • Added hashing functions xxHash64 and xxHash32. #3905 (filimonov)
  • Added gccMurmurHash hashing function (GCC flavoured Murmur hash) which uses the same hash seed as gcc #4000 (sundyli)
  • Added hashing functions javaHash, hiveHash. #3811 (shangshujie365)
  • Added table function remoteSecure. Function works as remote, but uses secure connection. #4088 (proller)

Experimental features¶

  • Added multiple JOINs emulation (allow_experimental_multiple_joins_emulation setting). #3946 (Artem Zuikov)

Bug Fixes¶

  • Make compiled_expression_cache_size setting limited by default to lower memory consumption. #4041 (alesapin)
  • Fix a bug that led to hangups in threads that perform ALTERs of Replicated tables and in the thread that updates configuration from ZooKeeper. #2947 #3891 #3934 (Alex Zatelepin)
  • Fixed a race condition when executing a distributed ALTER task. The race condition led to more than one replica trying to execute the task and all replicas except one failing with a ZooKeeper error. #3904 (Alex Zatelepin)
  • Fix a bug when from_zk config elements weren’t refreshed after a request to ZooKeeper timed out. #2947 #3947 (Alex Zatelepin)
  • Fix bug with wrong prefix for IPv4 subnet masks. #3945 (alesapin)
  • Fixed crash (std::terminate) in rare cases when a new thread cannot be created due to exhausted resources. #3956 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fix bug when in remote table function execution when wrong restrictions were used for in getStructureOfRemoteTable. #4009 (alesapin)
  • Fix a leak of netlink sockets. They were placed in a pool where they were never deleted and new sockets were created at the start of a new thread when all current sockets were in use. #4017 (Alex Zatelepin)
  • Fix bug with closing /proc/self/fd directory earlier than all fds were read from /proc after forking odbc-bridge subprocess. #4120 (alesapin)
  • Fixed String to UInt monotonic conversion in case of usage String in primary key. #3870 (Winter Zhang)
  • Fixed error in calculation of integer conversion function monotonicity. #3921 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed segfault in arrayEnumerateUniq, arrayEnumerateDense functions in case of some invalid arguments. #3909 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fix UB in StorageMerge. #3910 (Amos Bird)
  • Fixed segfault in functions addDays, subtractDays. #3913 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed error: functions round, floor, trunc, ceil may return bogus result when executed on integer argument and large negative scale. #3914 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed a bug induced by ‘kill query sync’ which leads to a core dump. #3916 (muVulDeePecker)
  • Fix bug with long delay after empty replication queue. #3928 #3932 (alesapin)
  • Fixed excessive memory usage in case of inserting into table with LowCardinality primary key. #3955 (KochetovNicolai)
  • Fixed LowCardinality serialization for Native format in case of empty arrays. #3907 #4011 (KochetovNicolai)
  • Fixed incorrect result while using distinct by single LowCardinality numeric column. #3895 #4012 (KochetovNicolai)
  • Fixed specialized aggregation with LowCardinality key (in case when compile setting is enabled). #3886 (KochetovNicolai)
  • Fix user and password forwarding for replicated tables queries. #3957 (alesapin) (小路)
  • Fixed very rare race condition that can happen when listing tables in Dictionary database while reloading dictionaries. #3970 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed incorrect result when HAVING was used with ROLLUP or CUBE. #3756 #3837 (Sam Chou)
  • Fixed column aliases for query with JOIN ON syntax and distributed tables. #3980 (Winter Zhang)
  • Fixed error in internal implementation of quantileTDigest (found by Artem Vakhrushev). This error never happens in ClickHouse and was relevant only for those who use ClickHouse codebase as a library directly. #3935 (alexey-milovidov)


  • Support for IF NOT EXISTS in ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statements along with IF EXISTS in DROP/MODIFY/CLEAR/COMMENT COLUMN. #3900 (Boris Granveaud)
  • Function parseDateTimeBestEffort: support for formats DD.MM.YYYY, DD.MM.YY, DD-MM-YYYY, DD-Mon-YYYY, DD/Month/YYYY and similar. #3922 (alexey-milovidov)
  • CapnProtoInputStream now support jagged structures. #4063 (Odin Hultgren Van Der Horst)
  • Usability improvement: added a check that server process is started from the data directory’s owner. Do not allow to start server from root if the data belongs to non-root user. #3785 (sergey-v-galtsev)
  • Better logic of checking required columns during analysis of queries with JOINs. #3930 (Artem Zuikov)
  • Decreased the number of connections in case of large number of Distributed tables in a single server. #3726 (Winter Zhang)
  • Supported totals row for WITH TOTALS query for ODBC driver. #3836 (Maksim Koritckiy)
  • Allowed to use Enums as integers inside if function. #3875 (Ivan)
  • Added low_cardinality_allow_in_native_format setting. If disabled, do not use LowCadrinality type in Native format. #3879 (KochetovNicolai)
  • Removed some redundant objects from compiled expressions cache to lower memory usage. #4042 (alesapin)
  • Add check that SET send_logs_level = 'value' query accept appropriate value. #3873 (Sabyanin Maxim)
  • Fixed data type check in type conversion functions. #3896 (Winter Zhang)

Performance Improvements¶

  • Add a MergeTree setting use_minimalistic_part_header_in_zookeeper. If enabled, Replicated tables will store compact part metadata in a single part znode. This can dramatically reduce ZooKeeper snapshot size (especially if the tables have a lot of columns). Note that after enabling this setting you will not be able to downgrade to a version that doesn’t support it. #3960 (Alex Zatelepin)
  • Add an DFA-based implementation for functions sequenceMatch and sequenceCount in case pattern doesn’t contain time. #4004 (Léo Ercolanelli)
  • Performance improvement for integer numbers serialization. #3968 (Amos Bird)
  • Zero left padding PODArray so that -1 element is always valid and zeroed. It’s used for branchless calculation of offsets. #3920 (Amos Bird)
  • Reverted jemalloc version which lead to performance degradation. #4018 (alexey-milovidov)

Backward Incompatible Changes¶

  • Removed undocumented feature ALTER MODIFY PRIMARY KEY because it was superseded by the ALTER MODIFY ORDER BY command. #3887 (Alex Zatelepin)
  • Removed function shardByHash. #3833 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Forbid using scalar subqueries with result of type AggregateFunction. #3865 (Ivan)

Build/Testing/Packaging Improvements¶

  • Added support for PowerPC (ppc64le) build. #4132 (Danila Kutenin)
  • Stateful functional tests are run on public available dataset. #3969 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed error when the server cannot start with the bash: /usr/bin/clickhouse-extract-from-config: Operation not permitted message within Docker or systemd-nspawn. #4136 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Updated rdkafka library to v1.0.0-RC5. Used cppkafka instead of raw C interface. #4025 (Ivan)
  • Updated mariadb-client library. Fixed one of issues found by UBSan. #3924 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Some fixes for UBSan builds. #3926 #3021 #3948 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Added per-commit runs of tests with UBSan build.
  • Added per-commit runs of PVS-Studio static analyzer.
  • Fixed bugs found by PVS-Studio. #4013 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed glibc compatibility issues. #4100 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Move Docker images to 18.10 and add compatibility file for glibc >= 2.28 #3965 (alesapin)
  • Add env variable if user don’t want to chown directories in server Docker image. #3967 (alesapin)
  • Enabled most of the warnings from -Weverything in clang. Enabled -Wpedantic. #3986 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Added a few more warnings that are available only in clang 8. #3993 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Link to libLLVM rather than to individual LLVM libs when using shared linking. #3989 (Orivej Desh)
  • Added sanitizer variables for test images. #4072 (alesapin)
  • clickhouse-server debian package will recommend libcap2-bin package to use setcap tool for setting capabilities. This is optional. #4093 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Improved compilation time, fixed includes. #3898 (proller)
  • Added performance tests for hash functions. #3918 (filimonov)
  • Fixed cyclic library dependences. #3958 (proller)
  • Improved compilation with low available memory. #4030 (proller)
  • Added test script to reproduce performance degradation in jemalloc. #4036 (alexey-milovidov)
  • Fixed misspells in comments and string literals under dbms. #4122 (maiha)
  • Fixed typos in comments. #4089 (Evgenii Pravda)

ClickHouse release 18.16.1, 2018-12-21¶

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed an error that led to problems with updating dictionaries with the ODBC source. #3825, #3829
  • JIT compilation of aggregate functions now works with LowCardinality columns. #3838


  • Added the low_cardinality_allow_in_native_format setting (enabled by default). When disabled, LowCardinality columns will be converted to ordinary columns for SELECT queries and ordinary columns will be expected for INSERT queries. #3879

Build improvements:¶

  • Fixes for builds on macOS and ARM.

ClickHouse release 18.16.0, 2018-12-14¶

New features:¶

  • DEFAULT expressions are evaluated for missing fields when loading data in semi-structured input formats (JSONEachRow, TSKV). #3555
  • The ALTER TABLE query now has the MODIFY ORDER BY action for changing the sorting key when adding or removing a table column. This is useful for tables in the MergeTree family that perform additional tasks when merging based on this sorting key, such as SummingMergeTree, AggregatingMergeTree, and so on. #3581 #3755
  • For tables in the MergeTree family, now you can specify a different sorting key (ORDER BY) and index (PRIMARY KEY). The sorting key can be longer than the index. #3581
  • Added the hdfs table function and the HDFS table engine for importing and exporting data to HDFS. chenxing-xc
  • Added functions for working with base64: base64Encode, base64Decode, tryBase64Decode. Alexander Krasheninnikov
  • Now you can use a parameter to configure the precision of the uniqCombined aggregate function (select the number of HyperLogLog cells). #3406
  • Added the system.contributors table that contains the names of everyone who made commits in ClickHouse. #3452
  • Added the ability to omit the partition for the ALTER TABLE ... FREEZE query in order to back up all partitions at once. #3514
  • Added dictGet and dictGetOrDefault functions that don’t require specifying the type of return value. The type is determined automatically from the dictionary description. Amos Bird
  • Now you can specify comments for a column in the table description and change it using ALTER. #3377
  • Reading is supported for Join type tables with simple keys. Amos Bird
  • Now you can specify the options join_use_nulls, max_rows_in_join, max_bytes_in_join, and join_overflow_mode when creating a Join type table. Amos Bird
  • Added the joinGet function that allows you to use a Join type table like a dictionary. Amos Bird
  • Added the partition_key, sorting_key, primary_key, and sampling_key columns to the system.tables table in order to provide information about table keys. #3609
  • Added the is_in_partition_key, is_in_sorting_key, is_in_primary_key, and is_in_sampling_key columns to the system.columns table. #3609
  • Added the min_time and max_time columns to the table. These columns are populated when the partitioning key is an expression consisting of DateTime columns. Emmanuel Donin de Rosière

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixes and performance improvements for the LowCardinality data type. GROUP BY using LowCardinality(Nullable(...)). Getting the values of extremes. Processing high-order functions. LEFT ARRAY JOIN. Distributed GROUP BY. Functions that return Array. Execution of ORDER BY. Writing to Distributed tables (nicelulu). Backward compatibility for INSERT queries from old clients that implement the Native protocol. Support for LowCardinality for JOIN. Improved performance when working in a single stream. #3823 #3803 #3799 #3769 #3744 #3681 #3651 #3649 #3641 #3632 #3568 #3523 #3518
  • Fixed how the select_sequential_consistency option works. Previously, when this setting was enabled, an incomplete result was sometimes returned after beginning to write to a new partition. #2863
  • Databases are correctly specified when executing DDL ON CLUSTER queries and ALTER UPDATE/DELETE. #3772 #3460
  • Databases are correctly specified for subqueries inside a VIEW. #3521
  • Fixed a bug in PREWHERE with FINAL for VersionedCollapsingMergeTree. 7167bfd7
  • Now you can use KILL QUERY to cancel queries that have not started yet because they are waiting for the table to be locked. #3517
  • Corrected date and time calculations if the clocks were moved back at midnight (this happens in Iran, and happened in Moscow from 1981 to 1983). Previously, this led to the time being reset a day earlier than necessary, and also caused incorrect formatting of the date and time in text format. #3819
  • Fixed bugs in some cases of VIEW and subqueries that omit the database. Winter Zhang
  • Fixed a race condition when simultaneously reading from a MATERIALIZED VIEW and deleting a MATERIALIZED VIEW due to not locking the internal MATERIALIZED VIEW. #3404 #3694
  • Fixed the error Lock handler cannot be nullptr. #3689
  • Fixed query processing when the compile_expressions option is enabled (it’s enabled by default). Nondeterministic constant expressions like the now function are no longer unfolded. #3457
  • Fixed a crash when specifying a non-constant scale argument in toDecimal32/64/128 functions.
  • Fixed an error when trying to insert an array with NULL elements in the Values format into a column of type Array without Nullable (if input_format_values_interpret_expressions = 1). #3487 #3503
  • Fixed continuous error logging in DDLWorker if ZooKeeper is not available. 8f50c620
  • Fixed the return type for quantile* functions from Date and DateTime types of arguments. #3580
  • Fixed the WITH clause if it specifies a simple alias without expressions. #3570
  • Fixed processing of queries with named sub-queries and qualified column names when enable_optimize_predicate_expression is enabled. Winter Zhang
  • Fixed the error Attempt to attach to nullptr thread group when working with materialized views. Marek Vavruša
  • Fixed a crash when passing certain incorrect arguments to the arrayReverse function. 73e3a7b6
  • Fixed the buffer overflow in the extractURLParameter function. Improved performance. Added correct processing of strings containing zero bytes. 141e9799
  • Fixed buffer overflow in the lowerUTF8 and upperUTF8 functions. Removed the ability to execute these functions over FixedString type arguments. #3662
  • Fixed a rare race condition when deleting MergeTree tables. #3680
  • Fixed a race condition when reading from Buffer tables and simultaneously performing ALTER or DROP on the target tables. #3719
  • Fixed a segfault if the max_temporary_non_const_columns limit was exceeded. #3788


  • The server does not write the processed configuration files to the /etc/clickhouse-server/ directory. Instead, it saves them in the preprocessed_configs directory inside path. This means that the /etc/clickhouse-server/ directory doesn’t have write access for the clickhouse user, which improves security. #2443
  • The min_merge_bytes_to_use_direct_io option is set to 10 GiB by default. A merge that forms large parts of tables from the MergeTree family will be performed in O_DIRECT mode, which prevents excessive page cache eviction. #3504
  • Accelerated server start when there is a very large number of tables. #3398
  • Added a connection pool and HTTP Keep-Alive for connections between replicas. #3594
  • If the query syntax is invalid, the 400 Bad Request code is returned in the HTTP interface (500 was returned previously). 31bc680a
  • The join_default_strictness option is set to ALL by default for compatibility. 120e2cbe
  • Removed logging to stderr from the re2 library for invalid or complex regular expressions. #3723
  • Added for the Kafka table engine: checks for subscriptions before beginning to read from Kafka; the kafka_max_block_size setting for the table. Marek Vavruša
  • The cityHash64, farmHash64, metroHash64, sipHash64, halfMD5, murmurHash2_32, murmurHash2_64, murmurHash3_32, and murmurHash3_64 functions now work for any number of arguments and for arguments in the form of tuples. #3451 #3519
  • The arrayReverse function now works with any types of arrays. 73e3a7b6
  • Added an optional parameter: the slot size for the timeSlots function. Kirill Shvakov
  • For FULL and RIGHT JOIN, the max_block_size setting is used for a stream of non-joined data from the right table. Amos Bird
  • Added the --secure command line parameter in clickhouse-benchmark and clickhouse-performance-test to enable TLS. #3688 #3690
  • Type conversion when the structure of a Buffer type table does not match the structure of the destination table. Vitaly Baranov
  • Added the tcp_keep_alive_timeout option to enable keep-alive packets after inactivity for the specified time interval. #3441
  • Removed unnecessary quoting of values for the partition key in the table if it consists of a single column. #3652
  • The modulo function works for Date and DateTime data types. #3385
  • Added synonyms for the POWER, LN, LCASE, UCASE, REPLACE, LOCATE, SUBSTR, and MID functions. #3774 #3763 Some function names are case-insensitive for compatibility with the SQL standard. Added syntactic sugar SUBSTRING(expr FROM start FOR length) for compatibility with SQL. #3804
  • Added the ability to mlock memory pages corresponding to clickhouse-server executable code to prevent it from being forced out of memory. This feature is disabled by default. #3553
  • Improved performance when reading from O_DIRECT (with the min_bytes_to_use_direct_io option enabled). #3405
  • Improved performance of the dictGet...OrDefault function for a constant key argument and a non-constant default argument. Amos Bird
  • The firstSignificantSubdomain function now processes the domains gov, mil, and edu. Igor Hatarist Improved performance. #3628
  • Ability to specify custom environment variables for starting clickhouse-server using the SYS-V init.d script by defining CLICKHOUSE_PROGRAM_ENV in /etc/default/clickhouse.
    Pavlo Bashynskyi
  • Correct return code for the clickhouse-server init script. #3516
  • The system.metrics table now has the VersionInteger metric, and system.build_options has the added line VERSION_INTEGER, which contains the numeric form of the ClickHouse version, such as 18016000. #3644
  • Removed the ability to compare the Date type with a number to avoid potential errors like date = 2018-12-17, where quotes around the date are omitted by mistake. #3687
  • Fixed the behavior of stateful functions like rowNumberInAllBlocks. They previously output a result that was one number larger due to starting during query analysis. Amos Bird
  • If the force_restore_data file can’t be deleted, an error message is displayed. Amos Bird

Build improvements:¶

  • Updated the jemalloc library, which fixes a potential memory leak. Amos Bird
  • Profiling with jemalloc is enabled by default in order to debug builds. 2cc82f5c
  • Added the ability to run integration tests when only Docker is installed on the system. #3650
  • Added the fuzz expression test in SELECT queries. #3442
  • Added a stress test for commits, which performs functional tests in parallel and in random order to detect more race conditions. #3438
  • Improved the method for starting clickhouse-server in a Docker image. Elghazal Ahmed
  • For a Docker image, added support for initializing databases using files in the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory. Konstantin Lebedev
  • Fixes for builds on ARM. #3709

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • Removed the ability to compare the Date type with a number. Instead of toDate('2018-12-18') = 17883, you must use explicit type conversion = toDate(17883) #3687

ClickHouse release 18.14.19, 2018-12-19¶

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed an error that led to problems with updating dictionaries with the ODBC source. #3825, #3829
  • Databases are correctly specified when executing DDL ON CLUSTER queries. #3460
  • Fixed a segfault if the max_temporary_non_const_columns limit was exceeded. #3788

Build improvements:¶

  • Fixes for builds on ARM.

ClickHouse release 18.14.18, 2018-12-04¶

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed error in dictGet... function for dictionaries of type range, if one of the arguments is constant and other is not. #3751
  • Fixed error that caused messages netlink: '...': attribute type 1 has an invalid length to be printed in Linux kernel log, that was happening only on fresh enough versions of Linux kernel. #3749
  • Fixed segfault in function empty for argument of FixedString type. Daniel, Dao Quang Minh
  • Fixed excessive memory allocation when using large value of max_query_size setting (a memory chunk of max_query_size bytes was preallocated at once). #3720

Build changes:¶

  • Fixed build with LLVM/Clang libraries of version 7 from the OS packages (these libraries are used for runtime query compilation). #3582

ClickHouse release 18.14.17, 2018-11-30¶

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed cases when the ODBC bridge process did not terminate with the main server process. #3642
  • Fixed synchronous insertion into the Distributed table with a columns list that differs from the column list of the remote table. #3673
  • Fixed a rare race condition that can lead to a crash when dropping a MergeTree table. #3643
  • Fixed a query deadlock in case when query thread creation fails with the Resource temporarily unavailable error. #3643
  • Fixed parsing of the ENGINE clause when the CREATE AS table syntax was used and the ENGINE clause was specified before the AS table (the error resulted in ignoring the specified engine). #3692

ClickHouse release 18.14.15, 2018-11-21¶

Bug fixes:¶

  • The size of memory chunk was overestimated while deserializing the column of type Array(String) that leads to «Memory limit exceeded» errors. The issue appeared in version 18.12.13. #3589

ClickHouse release 18.14.14, 2018-11-20¶

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed ON CLUSTER queries when cluster configured as secure (flag <secure>). #3599

Build changes:¶

  • Fixed problems (llvm-7 from system, macos) #3582

ClickHouse release 18.14.13, 2018-11-08¶

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed the Block structure mismatch in MergingSorted stream error. #3162
  • Fixed ON CLUSTER queries in case when secure connections were turned on in the cluster config (the <secure> flag). #3465
  • Fixed an error in queries that used SAMPLE, PREWHERE and alias columns. #3543
  • Fixed a rare unknown compression method error when the min_bytes_to_use_direct_io setting was enabled. 3544

Performance improvements:¶

  • Fixed performance regression of queries with GROUP BY of columns of UInt16 or Date type when executing on AMD EPYC processors. Igor Lapko
  • Fixed performance regression of queries that process long strings. #3530

Build improvements:¶

  • Improvements for simplifying the Arcadia build. #3475, #3535

ClickHouse release 18.14.12, 2018-11-02¶

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed a crash on joining two unnamed subqueries. #3505
  • Fixed generating incorrect queries (with an empty WHERE clause) when querying external databases. hotid
  • Fixed using an incorrect timeout value in ODBC dictionaries. Marek Vavruša

ClickHouse release 18.14.11, 2018-10-29¶

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed the error Block structure mismatch in UNION stream: different number of columns in LIMIT queries. #2156
  • Fixed errors when merging data in tables containing arrays inside Nested structures. #3397
  • Fixed incorrect query results if the merge_tree_uniform_read_distribution setting is disabled (it is enabled by default). #3429
  • Fixed an error on inserts to a Distributed table in Native format. #3411

ClickHouse release 18.14.10, 2018-10-23¶

  • The compile_expressions setting (JIT compilation of expressions) is disabled by default. #3410
  • The enable_optimize_predicate_expression setting is disabled by default.

ClickHouse release 18.14.9, 2018-10-16¶

New features:¶

  • The WITH CUBE modifier for GROUP BY (the alternative syntax GROUP BY CUBE(...) is also available). #3172
  • Added the formatDateTime function. Alexandr Krasheninnikov
  • Added the JDBC table engine and jdbc table function (requires installing clickhouse-jdbc-bridge). Alexandr Krasheninnikov
  • Added functions for working with the ISO week number: toISOWeek, toISOYear, toStartOfISOYear, and toDayOfYear. #3146
  • Now you can use Nullable columns for MySQL and ODBC tables. #3362
  • Nested data structures can be read as nested objects in JSONEachRow format. Added the input_format_import_nested_json setting. Veloman Yunkan
  • Parallel processing is available for many MATERIALIZED VIEWs when inserting data. See the parallel_view_processing setting. Marek Vavruša
  • Added the SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS query (forced log flushes to system tables such as query_log) #3321
  • Now you can use pre-defined database and table macros when declaring Replicated tables. #3251
  • Added the ability to read Decimal type values in engineering notation (indicating powers of ten). #3153

Experimental features:¶

  • Optimization of the GROUP BY clause for LowCardinality data types. #3138
  • Optimized calculation of expressions for LowCardinality data types. #3200


  • Significantly reduced memory consumption for queries with ORDER BY and LIMIT. See the max_bytes_before_remerge_sort setting. #3205
  • In the absence of JOIN (LEFT, INNER, …), INNER JOIN is assumed. #3147
  • Qualified asterisks work correctly in queries with JOIN. Winter Zhang
  • The ODBC table engine correctly chooses the method for quoting identifiers in the SQL dialect of a remote database. Alexandr Krasheninnikov
  • The compile_expressions setting (JIT compilation of expressions) is enabled by default.
  • Fixed behavior for simultaneous DROP DATABASE/TABLE IF EXISTS and CREATE DATABASE/TABLE IF NOT EXISTS. Previously, a CREATE DATABASE ... IF NOT EXISTS query could return the error message «File … already exists», and the CREATE TABLE ... IF NOT EXISTS and DROP TABLE IF EXISTS queries could return Table ... is creating or attaching right now. #3101
  • LIKE and IN expressions with a constant right half are passed to the remote server when querying from MySQL or ODBC tables. #3182
  • Comparisons with constant expressions in a WHERE clause are passed to the remote server when querying from MySQL and ODBC tables. Previously, only comparisons with constants were passed. #3182
  • Correct calculation of row width in the terminal for Pretty formats, including strings with hieroglyphs. Amos Bird.
  • ON CLUSTER can be specified for ALTER UPDATE queries.
  • Improved performance for reading data in JSONEachRow format. #3332
  • Added synonyms for the LENGTH and CHARACTER_LENGTH functions for compatibility. The CONCAT function is no longer case-sensitive. #3306
  • Added the TIMESTAMP synonym for the DateTime type. #3390
  • There is always space reserved for query_id in the server logs, even if the log line is not related to a query. This makes it easier to parse server text logs with third-party tools.
  • Memory consumption by a query is logged when it exceeds the next level of an integer number of gigabytes. #3205
  • Added compatibility mode for the case when the client library that uses the Native protocol sends fewer columns by mistake than the server expects for the INSERT query. This scenario was possible when using the clickhouse-cpp library. Previously, this scenario caused the server to crash. #3171
  • In a user-defined WHERE expression in clickhouse-copier, you can now use a partition_key alias (for additional filtering by source table partition). This is useful if the partitioning scheme changes during copying, but only changes slightly. #3166
  • The workflow of the Kafka engine has been moved to a background thread pool in order to automatically reduce the speed of data reading at high loads. Marek Vavruša.
  • Support for reading Tuple and Nested values of structures like struct in the Cap'n'Proto format. Marek Vavruša
  • The list of top-level domains for the firstSignificantSubdomain function now includes the domain biz. decaseal
  • In the configuration of external dictionaries, null_value is interpreted as the value of the default data type. #3330
  • Support for the intDiv and intDivOrZero functions for Decimal. b48402e8
  • Support for the Date, DateTime, UUID, and Decimal types as a key for the sumMap aggregate function. #3281
  • Support for the Decimal data type in external dictionaries. #3324
  • Support for the Decimal data type in SummingMergeTree tables. #3348
  • Added specializations for UUID in if. #3366
  • Reduced the number of open and close system calls when reading from a MergeTree table. #3283
  • A TRUNCATE TABLE query can be executed on any replica (the query is passed to the leader replica). Kirill Shvakov

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed an issue with Dictionary tables for range_hashed dictionaries. This error occurred in version 18.12.17. #1702
  • Fixed an error when loading range_hashed dictionaries (the message Unsupported type Nullable (...)). This error occurred in version 18.12.17. #3362
  • Fixed errors in the pointInPolygon function due to the accumulation of inaccurate calculations for polygons with a large number of vertices located close to each other. #3331 #3341
  • If after merging data parts, the checksum for the resulting part differs from the result of the same merge in another replica, the result of the merge is deleted and the data part is downloaded from the other replica (this is the correct behavior). But after downloading the data part, it couldn’t be added to the working set because of an error that the part already exists (because the data part was deleted with some delay after the merge). This led to cyclical attempts to download the same data. #3194
  • Fixed incorrect calculation of total memory consumption by queries (because of incorrect calculation, the max_memory_usage_for_all_queries setting worked incorrectly and the MemoryTracking metric had an incorrect value). This error occurred in version 18.12.13. Marek Vavruša
  • Fixed the functionality of CREATE TABLE ... ON CLUSTER ... AS SELECT ... This error occurred in version 18.12.13. #3247
  • Fixed unnecessary preparation of data structures for JOINs on the server that initiates the query if the JOIN is only performed on remote servers. #3340
  • Fixed bugs in the Kafka engine: deadlocks after exceptions when starting to read data, and locks upon completion Marek Vavruša.
  • For Kafka tables, the optional schema parameter was not passed (the schema of the Cap'n'Proto format). Vojtech Splichal
  • If the ensemble of ZooKeeper servers has servers that accept the connection but then immediately close it instead of responding to the handshake, ClickHouse chooses to connect another server. Previously, this produced the error Cannot read all data. Bytes read: 0. Bytes expected: 4. and the server couldn’t start. 8218cf3a
  • If the ensemble of ZooKeeper servers contains servers for which the DNS query returns an error, these servers are ignored. 17b8e209
  • Fixed type conversion between Date and DateTime when inserting data in the VALUES format (if input_format_values_interpret_expressions = 1). Previously, the conversion was performed between the numerical value of the number of days in Unix Epoch time and the Unix timestamp, which led to unexpected results. #3229
  • Corrected type conversion between Decimal and integer numbers. #3211
  • Fixed errors in the enable_optimize_predicate_expression setting. Winter Zhang
  • Fixed a parsing error in CSV format with floating-point numbers if a non-default CSV separator is used, such as ; #3155
  • Fixed the arrayCumSumNonNegative function (it does not accumulate negative values if the accumulator is less than zero). Aleksey Studnev
  • Fixed how Merge tables work on top of Distributed tables when using PREWHERE. #3165
  • Bug fixes in the ALTER UPDATE query.
  • Fixed bugs in the odbc table function that appeared in version 18.12. #3197
  • Fixed the operation of aggregate functions with StateArray combinators. #3188
  • Fixed a crash when dividing a Decimal value by zero. 69dd6609
  • Fixed output of types for operations using Decimal and integer arguments. #3224
  • Fixed the segfault during GROUP BY on Decimal128. 3359ba06
  • The log_query_threads setting (logging information about each thread of query execution) now takes effect only if the log_queries option (logging information about queries) is set to 1. Since the log_query_threads option is enabled by default, information about threads was previously logged even if query logging was disabled. #3241
  • Fixed an error in the distributed operation of the quantiles aggregate function (the error message Not found column quantile...). 292a8855
  • Fixed the compatibility problem when working on a cluster of version 18.12.17 servers and older servers at the same time. For distributed queries with GROUP BY keys of both fixed and non-fixed length, if there was a large amount of data to aggregate, the returned data was not always fully aggregated (two different rows contained the same aggregation keys). #3254
  • Fixed handling of substitutions in clickhouse-performance-test, if the query contains only part of the substitutions declared in the test. #3263
  • Fixed an error when using FINAL with PREWHERE. #3298
  • Fixed an error when using PREWHERE over columns that were added during ALTER. #3298
  • Added a check for the absence of arrayJoin for DEFAULT and MATERIALIZED expressions. Previously, arrayJoin led to an error when inserting data. #3337
  • Added a check for the absence of arrayJoin in a PREWHERE clause. Previously, this led to messages like Size ... doesn't match or Unknown compression method when executing queries. #3357
  • Fixed segfault that could occur in rare cases after optimization that replaced AND chains from equality evaluations with the corresponding IN expression. liuyimin-bytedance
  • Minor corrections to clickhouse-benchmark: previously, client information was not sent to the server; now the number of queries executed is calculated more accurately when shutting down and for limiting the number of iterations. #3351 #3352

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • Removed the allow_experimental_decimal_type option. The Decimal data type is available for default use. #3329

ClickHouse release 18.12.17, 2018-09-16¶

New features:¶

  • invalidate_query (the ability to specify a query to check whether an external dictionary needs to be updated) is implemented for the clickhouse source. #3126
  • Added the ability to use UInt*, Int*, and DateTime data types (along with the Date type) as a range_hashed external dictionary key that defines the boundaries of ranges. Now NULL can be used to designate an open range. Vasily Nemkov
  • The Decimal type now supports var* and stddev* aggregate functions. #3129
  • The Decimal type now supports mathematical functions (exp, sin and so on.) #3129
  • The system.part_log table now has the partition_id column. #3089

Bug fixes:¶

  • Merge now works correctly on Distributed tables. Winter Zhang
  • Fixed incompatibility (unnecessary dependency on the glibc version) that made it impossible to run ClickHouse on Ubuntu Precise and older versions. The incompatibility arose in version 18.12.13. #3130
  • Fixed errors in the enable_optimize_predicate_expression setting. Winter Zhang
  • Fixed a minor issue with backwards compatibility that appeared when working with a cluster of replicas on versions earlier than 18.12.13 and simultaneously creating a new replica of a table on a server with a newer version (shown in the message Can not clone replica, because the ... updated to new ClickHouse version, which is logical, but shouldn’t happen). #3122

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • The enable_optimize_predicate_expression option is enabled by default (which is rather optimistic). If query analysis errors occur that are related to searching for the column names, set enable_optimize_predicate_expression to 0. Winter Zhang

ClickHouse release 18.12.14, 2018-09-13¶

New features:¶

  • Added support for ALTER UPDATE queries. #3035
  • Added the allow_ddl option, which restricts the user’s access to DDL queries. #3104
  • Added the min_merge_bytes_to_use_direct_io option for MergeTree engines, which allows you to set a threshold for the total size of the merge (when above the threshold, data part files will be handled using O_DIRECT). #3117
  • The system.merges system table now contains the partition_id column. #3099


  • If a data part remains unchanged during mutation, it isn’t downloaded by replicas. #3103
  • Autocomplete is available for names of settings when working with clickhouse-client. #3106

Bug fixes:¶

  • Added a check for the sizes of arrays that are elements of Nested type fields when inserting. #3118
  • Fixed an error updating external dictionaries with the ODBC source and hashed storage. This error occurred in version 18.12.13.
  • Fixed a crash when creating a temporary table from a query with an IN condition. Winter Zhang
  • Fixed an error in aggregate functions for arrays that can have NULL elements. Winter Zhang

ClickHouse release 18.12.13, 2018-09-10¶

New features:¶

  • Added the DECIMAL(digits, scale) data type (Decimal32(scale), Decimal64(scale), Decimal128(scale)). To enable it, use the setting allow_experimental_decimal_type. #2846 #2970 #3008 #3047
  • New WITH ROLLUP modifier for GROUP BY (alternative syntax: GROUP BY ROLLUP(...)). #2948
  • In queries with JOIN, the star character expands to a list of columns in all tables, in compliance with the SQL standard. You can restore the old behavior by setting asterisk_left_columns_only to 1 on the user configuration level. Winter Zhang
  • Added support for JOIN with table functions. Winter Zhang
  • Autocomplete by pressing Tab in clickhouse-client. Sergey Shcherbin
  • Ctrl+C in clickhouse-client clears a query that was entered. #2877
  • Added the join_default_strictness setting (values: ", 'any', 'all'). This allows you to not specify ANY or ALL for JOIN. #2982
  • Each line of the server log related to query processing shows the query ID. #2482
  • Now you can get query execution logs in clickhouse-client (use the send_logs_level setting). With distributed query processing, logs are cascaded from all the servers. #2482
  • The system.query_log and system.processes (SHOW PROCESSLIST) tables now have information about all changed settings when you run a query (the nested structure of the Settings data). Added the log_query_settings setting. #2482
  • The system.query_log and system.processes tables now show information about the number of threads that are participating in query execution (see the thread_numbers column). #2482
  • Added ProfileEvents counters that measure the time spent on reading and writing over the network and reading and writing to disk, the number of network errors, and the time spent waiting when network bandwidth is limited. #2482
  • Added ProfileEventscounters that contain the system metrics from rusage (you can use them to get information about CPU usage in userspace and the kernel, page faults, and context switches), as well as taskstats metrics (use these to obtain information about I/O wait time, CPU wait time, and the amount of data read and recorded, both with and without page cache). #2482
  • The ProfileEvents counters are applied globally and for each query, as well as for each query execution thread, which allows you to profile resource consumption by query in detail. #2482
  • Added the system.query_thread_log table, which contains information about each query execution thread. Added the log_query_threads setting. #2482
  • The system.metrics and tables now have built-in documentation. #3016
  • Added the arrayEnumerateDense function. Amos Bird
  • Added the arrayCumSumNonNegative and arrayDifference functions. Aleksey Studnev
  • Added the retention aggregate function. Sundy Li
  • Now you can add (merge) states of aggregate functions by using the plus operator, and multiply the states of aggregate functions by a nonnegative constant. #3062 #3034
  • Tables in the MergeTree family now have the virtual column _partition_id. #3089

Experimental features:¶

  • Added the LowCardinality(T) data type. This data type automatically creates a local dictionary of values and allows data processing without unpacking the dictionary. #2830
  • Added a cache of JIT-compiled functions and a counter for the number of uses before compiling. To JIT compile expressions, enable the compile_expressions setting. #2990 #3077


  • Fixed the problem with unlimited accumulation of the replication log when there are abandoned replicas. Added an effective recovery mode for replicas with a long lag.
  • Improved performance of GROUP BY with multiple aggregation fields when one of them is string and the others are fixed length.
  • Improved performance when using PREWHERE and with implicit transfer of expressions in PREWHERE.
  • Improved parsing performance for text formats (CSV, TSV). Amos Bird #2980
  • Improved performance of reading strings and arrays in binary formats. Amos Bird
  • Increased performance and reduced memory consumption for queries to system.tables and system.columns when there is a very large number of tables on a single server. #2953
  • Fixed a performance problem in the case of a large stream of queries that result in an error (the _dl_addr function is visible in perf top, but the server isn’t using much CPU). #2938
  • Conditions are cast into the View (when enable_optimize_predicate_expression is enabled). Winter Zhang
  • Improvements to the functionality for the UUID data type. #3074 #2985
  • The UUID data type is supported in The-Alchemist dictionaries. #2822
  • The visitParamExtractRaw function works correctly with nested structures. Winter Zhang
  • When the input_format_skip_unknown_fields setting is enabled, object fields in JSONEachRow format are skipped correctly. BlahGeek
  • For a CASE expression with conditions, you can now omit ELSE, which is equivalent to ELSE NULL. #2920
  • The operation timeout can now be configured when working with ZooKeeper. urykhy
  • You can specify an offset for LIMIT n, m as LIMIT n OFFSET m. #2840
  • You can use the SELECT TOP n syntax as an alternative for LIMIT. #2840
  • Increased the size of the queue to write to system tables, so the SystemLog parameter queue is full error doesn’t happen as often.
  • The windowFunnel aggregate function now supports events that meet multiple conditions. Amos Bird
  • Duplicate columns can be used in a USING clause for JOIN. #3006
  • Pretty formats now have a limit on column alignment by width. Use the output_format_pretty_max_column_pad_width setting. If a value is wider, it will still be displayed in its entirety, but the other cells in the table will not be too wide. #3003
  • The odbc table function now allows you to specify the database/schema name. Amos Bird
  • Added the ability to use a username specified in the clickhouse-client config file. Vladimir Kozbin
  • The ZooKeeperExceptions counter has been split into three counters: ZooKeeperUserExceptions, ZooKeeperHardwareExceptions, and ZooKeeperOtherExceptions.
  • ALTER DELETE queries work for materialized views.
  • Added randomization when running the cleanup thread periodically for ReplicatedMergeTree tables in order to avoid periodic load spikes when there are a very large number of ReplicatedMergeTree tables.
  • Support for ATTACH TABLE ... ON CLUSTER queries. #3025

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed an issue with Dictionary tables (throws the Size of offsets doesn't match size of column or Unknown compression method exception). This bug appeared in version 18.10.3. #2913
  • Fixed a bug when merging CollapsingMergeTree tables if one of the data parts is empty (these parts are formed during merge or ALTER DELETE if all data was deleted), and the vertical algorithm was used for the merge. #3049
  • Fixed a race condition during DROP or TRUNCATE for Memory tables with a simultaneous SELECT, which could lead to server crashes. This bug appeared in version 1.1.54388. #3038
  • Fixed the possibility of data loss when inserting in Replicated tables if the Session is expired error is returned (data loss can be detected by the ReplicatedDataLoss metric). This error occurred in version 1.1.54378. #2939 #2949 #2964
  • Fixed a segfault during JOIN ... ON. #3000
  • Fixed the error searching column names when the WHERE expression consists entirely of a qualified column name, such as WHERE table.column. #2994
  • Fixed the «Not found column» error that occurred when executing distributed queries if a single column consisting of an IN expression with a subquery is requested from a remote server. #3087
  • Fixed the Block structure mismatch in UNION stream: different number of columns error that occurred for distributed queries if one of the shards is local and the other is not, and optimization of the move to PREWHERE is triggered. #2226 #3037 #3055 #3065 #3073 #3090 #3093
  • Fixed the pointInPolygon function for certain cases of non-convex polygons. #2910
  • Fixed the incorrect result when comparing nan with integers. #3024
  • Fixed an error in the zlib-ng library that could lead to segfault in rare cases. #2854
  • Fixed a memory leak when inserting into a table with AggregateFunction columns, if the state of the aggregate function is not simple (allocates memory separately), and if a single insertion request results in multiple small blocks. #3084
  • Fixed a race condition when creating and deleting the same Buffer or MergeTree table simultaneously.
  • Fixed the possibility of a segfault when comparing tuples made up of certain non-trivial types, such as tuples. #2989
  • Fixed the possibility of a segfault when running certain ON CLUSTER queries. Winter Zhang
  • Fixed an error in the arrayDistinct function for Nullable array elements. #2845 #2937
  • The enable_optimize_predicate_expression option now correctly supports cases with SELECT *. Winter Zhang
  • Fixed the segfault when re-initializing the ZooKeeper session. #2917
  • Fixed potential blocking when working with ZooKeeper.
  • Fixed incorrect code for adding nested data structures in a SummingMergeTree.
  • When allocating memory for states of aggregate functions, alignment is correctly taken into account, which makes it possible to use operations that require alignment when implementing states of aggregate functions. chenxing-xc

Security fix:¶

  • Safe use of ODBC data sources. Interaction with ODBC drivers uses a separate clickhouse-odbc-bridge process. Errors in third-party ODBC drivers no longer cause problems with server stability or vulnerabilities. #2828 #2879 #2886 #2893 #2921
  • Fixed incorrect validation of the file path in the catBoostPool table function. #2894
  • The contents of system tables (tables, databases, parts, columns, parts_columns, merges, mutations, replicas, and replication_queue) are filtered according to the user’s configured access to databases (allow_databases). Winter Zhang

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • In queries with JOIN, the star character expands to a list of columns in all tables, in compliance with the SQL standard. You can restore the old behavior by setting asterisk_left_columns_only to 1 on the user configuration level.

Build changes:¶

  • Most integration tests can now be run by commit.
  • Code style checks can also be run by commit.
  • The memcpy implementation is chosen correctly when building on CentOS7/Fedora. Etienne Champetier
  • When using clang to build, some warnings from -Weverything have been added, in addition to the regular -Wall-Wextra -Werror. #2957
  • Debugging the build uses the jemalloc debug option.
  • The interface of the library for interacting with ZooKeeper is declared abstract. #2950

ClickHouse release 18.10.3, 2018-08-13¶

New features:¶

  • HTTPS can be used for replication. #2760
  • Added the functions murmurHash2_64, murmurHash3_32, murmurHash3_64, and murmurHash3_128 in addition to the existing murmurHash2_32. #2791
  • Support for Nullable types in the ClickHouse ODBC driver (ODBCDriver2 output format). #2834
  • Support for UUID in the key columns.


  • Clusters can be removed without restarting the server when they are deleted from the config files. #2777
  • External dictionaries can be removed without restarting the server when they are removed from config files. #2779
  • Added SETTINGS support for the Kafka table engine. Alexander Marshalov
  • Improvements for the UUID data type (not yet complete). #2618
  • Support for empty parts after merges in the SummingMergeTree, CollapsingMergeTree and VersionedCollapsingMergeTree engines. #2815
  • Old records of completed mutations are deleted (ALTER DELETE). #2784
  • Added the system.merge_tree_settings table. Kirill Shvakov
  • The system.tables table now has dependency columns: dependencies_database and dependencies_table. Winter Zhang
  • Added the max_partition_size_to_drop config option. #2782
  • Added the output_format_json_escape_forward_slashes option. Alexander Bocharov
  • Added the max_fetch_partition_retries_count setting. #2831
  • Added the prefer_localhost_replica setting for disabling the preference for a local replica and going to a local replica without inter-process interaction. #2832
  • The quantileExact aggregate function returns nan in the case of aggregation on an empty Float32 or Float64 set. Sundy Li

Bug fixes:¶

  • Removed unnecessary escaping of the connection string parameters for ODBC, which made it impossible to establish a connection. This error occurred in version 18.6.0.
  • Fixed the logic for processing REPLACE PARTITION commands in the replication queue. If there are two REPLACE commands for the same partition, the incorrect logic could cause one of them to remain in the replication queue and not be executed. #2814
  • Fixed a merge bug when all data parts were empty (parts that were formed from a merge or from ALTER DELETE if all data was deleted). This bug appeared in version 18.1.0. #2930
  • Fixed an error for concurrent Set or Join. Amos Bird
  • Fixed the Block structure mismatch in UNION stream: different number of columns error that occurred for UNION ALL queries inside a sub-query if one of the SELECT queries contains duplicate column names. Winter Zhang
  • Fixed a memory leak if an exception occurred when connecting to a MySQL server.
  • Fixed incorrect clickhouse-client response code in case of a query error.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of materialized views containing DISTINCT. #2795

Backward incompatible changes¶

  • Removed support for CHECK TABLE queries for Distributed tables.

Build changes:¶

  • The allocator has been replaced: jemalloc is now used instead of tcmalloc. In some scenarios, this increases speed up to 20%. However, there are queries that have slowed by up to 20%. Memory consumption has been reduced by approximately 10% in some scenarios, with improved stability. With highly competitive loads, CPU usage in userspace and in system shows just a slight increase. #2773
  • Use of libressl from a submodule. #1983 #2807
  • Use of unixodbc from a submodule. #2789
  • Use of mariadb-connector-c from a submodule. #2785
  • Added functional test files to the repository that depend on the availability of test data (for the time being, without the test data itself).

ClickHouse release 18.6.0, 2018-08-02¶

New features:¶

  • Added support for ON expressions for the JOIN ON syntax:
    JOIN ON Expr([table.]column ...) = Expr([table.]column, ...) [AND Expr([table.]column, ...) = Expr([table.]column, ...) ...]
    The expression must be a chain of equalities joined by the AND operator. Each side of the equality can be an arbitrary expression over the columns of one of the tables. The use of fully qualified column names is supported (,,, for the right table. #2742
  • HTTPS can be enabled for replication. #2760


  • The server passes the patch component of its version to the client. Data about the patch version component is in system.processes and query_log. #2646

ClickHouse release 18.5.1, 2018-07-31¶

New features:¶

  • Added the hash function murmurHash2_32 #2756.


  • Now you can use the from_env #2741 attribute to set values in config files from environment variables.
  • Added case-insensitive versions of the coalesce, ifNull, and nullIf functions #2752.

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed a possible bug when starting a replica #2759.

ClickHouse release 18.4.0, 2018-07-28¶

New features:¶

  • Added system tables: formats, data_type_families, aggregate_function_combinators, table_functions, table_engines, collations #2721.
  • Added the ability to use a table function instead of a table as an argument of a remote or cluster table function #2708.
  • Support for HTTP Basic authentication in the replication protocol #2727.
  • The has function now allows searching for a numeric value in an array of Enum values Maxim Khrisanfov.
  • Support for adding arbitrary message separators when reading from Kafka Amos Bird.


  • The ALTER TABLE t DELETE WHERE query does not rewrite data parts that were not affected by the WHERE condition #2694.
  • The use_minimalistic_checksums_in_zookeeper option for ReplicatedMergeTree tables is enabled by default. This setting was added in version 1.1.54378, 2018-04-16. Versions that are older than 1.1.54378 can no longer be installed.
  • Support for running KILL and OPTIMIZE queries that specify ON CLUSTER Winter Zhang.

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed the error Column ... is not under an aggregate function and not in GROUP BY for aggregation with an IN expression. This bug appeared in version 18.1.0. (bbdd780b)
  • Fixed a bug in the windowFunnel aggregate function Winter Zhang.
  • Fixed a bug in the anyHeavy aggregate function (a2101df2)
  • Fixed server crash when using the countArray() aggregate function.

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • Parameters for Kafka engine was changed from Kafka(kafka_broker_list, kafka_topic_list, kafka_group_name, kafka_format[, kafka_schema, kafka_num_consumers]) to Kafka(kafka_broker_list, kafka_topic_list, kafka_group_name, kafka_format[, kafka_row_delimiter, kafka_schema, kafka_num_consumers]). If your tables use kafka_schema or kafka_num_consumers parameters, you have to manually edit the metadata files path/metadata/database/table.sql and add kafka_row_delimiter parameter with '' value.

ClickHouse release 18.1.0, 2018-07-23¶

New features:¶

  • Support for the ALTER TABLE t DELETE WHERE query for non-replicated MergeTree tables (#2634).
  • Support for arbitrary types for the uniq* family of aggregate functions (#2010).
  • Support for arbitrary types in comparison operators (#2026).
  • The users.xml file allows setting a subnet mask in the format This is necessary for using masks for IPv6 networks with zeros in the middle (#2637).
  • Added the arrayDistinct function (#2670).
  • The SummingMergeTree engine can now work with AggregateFunction type columns (Constantin S. Pan).


  • Changed the numbering scheme for release versions. Now the first part contains the year of release (A.D., Moscow timezone, minus 2000), the second part contains the number for major changes (increases for most releases), and the third part is the patch version. Releases are still backwards compatible, unless otherwise stated in the changelog.
  • Faster conversions of floating-point numbers to a string (Amos Bird).
  • If some rows were skipped during an insert due to parsing errors (this is possible with the input_allow_errors_num and input_allow_errors_ratio settings enabled), the number of skipped rows is now written to the server log (Leonardo Cecchi).

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed the TRUNCATE command for temporary tables (Amos Bird).
  • Fixed a rare deadlock in the ZooKeeper client library that occurred when there was a network error while reading the response (c315200).
  • Fixed an error during a CAST to Nullable types (#1322).
  • Fixed the incorrect result of the maxIntersection() function when the boundaries of intervals coincided (Michael Furmur).
  • Fixed incorrect transformation of the OR expression chain in a function argument (chenxing-xc).
  • Fixed performance degradation for queries containing IN (subquery) expressions inside another subquery (#2571).
  • Fixed incompatibility between servers with different versions in distributed queries that use a CAST function that isn’t in uppercase letters (fe8c4d6).
  • Added missing quoting of identifiers for queries to an external DBMS (#2635).

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • Converting a string containing the number zero to DateTime does not work. Example: SELECT toDateTime('0'). This is also the reason that DateTime DEFAULT '0' does not work in tables, as well as <null_value>0</null_value> in dictionaries. Solution: replace 0 with 0000-00-00 00:00:00.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54394, 2018-07-12¶

New features:¶

  • Added the histogram aggregate function (Mikhail Surin).
  • Now OPTIMIZE TABLE ... FINAL can be used without specifying partitions for ReplicatedMergeTree (Amos Bird).

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed a problem with a very small timeout for sockets (one second) for reading and writing when sending and downloading replicated data, which made it impossible to download larger parts if there is a load on the network or disk (it resulted in cyclical attempts to download parts). This error occurred in version 1.1.54388.
  • Fixed issues when using chroot in ZooKeeper if you inserted duplicate data blocks in the table.
  • The has function now works correctly for an array with Nullable elements (#2115).
  • The system.tables table now works correctly when used in distributed queries. The metadata_modification_time and engine_full columns are now non-virtual. Fixed an error that occurred if only these columns were queried from the table.
  • Fixed how an empty TinyLog table works after inserting an empty data block (#2563).
  • The system.zookeeper table works if the value of the node in ZooKeeper is NULL.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54390, 2018-07-06¶

New features:¶

  • Queries can be sent in multipart/form-data format (in the query field), which is useful if external data is also sent for query processing (Olga Hvostikova).
  • Added the ability to enable or disable processing single or double quotes when reading data in CSV format. You can configure this in the format_csv_allow_single_quotes and format_csv_allow_double_quotes settings (Amos Bird).
  • Now OPTIMIZE TABLE ... FINAL can be used without specifying the partition for non-replicated variants of MergeTree (Amos Bird).


  • Improved performance, reduced memory consumption, and correct memory consumption tracking with use of the IN operator when a table index could be used (#2584).
  • Removed redundant checking of checksums when adding a data part. This is important when there are a large number of replicas, because in these cases the total number of checks was equal to N^2.
  • Added support for Array(Tuple(...)) arguments for the arrayEnumerateUniq function (#2573).
  • Added Nullable support for the runningDifference function (#2594).
  • Improved query analysis performance when there is a very large number of expressions (#2572).
  • Faster selection of data parts for merging in ReplicatedMergeTree tables. Faster recovery of the ZooKeeper session (#2597).
  • The format_version.txt file for MergeTree tables is re-created if it is missing, which makes sense if ClickHouse is launched after copying the directory structure without files (Ciprian Hacman).

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed a bug when working with ZooKeeper that could make it impossible to recover the session and readonly states of tables before restarting the server.
  • Fixed a bug when working with ZooKeeper that could result in old nodes not being deleted if the session is interrupted.
  • Fixed an error in the quantileTDigest function for Float arguments (this bug was introduced in version 1.1.54388) (Mikhail Surin).
  • Fixed a bug in the index for MergeTree tables if the primary key column is located inside the function for converting types between signed and unsigned integers of the same size (#2603).
  • Fixed segfault if macros are used but they aren’t in the config file (#2570).
  • Fixed switching to the default database when reconnecting the client (#2583).
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when the use_index_for_in_with_subqueries setting was disabled.

Security fix:¶

  • Sending files is no longer possible when connected to MySQL (LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE).

ClickHouse release 1.1.54388, 2018-06-28¶

New features:¶

  • Support for the ALTER TABLE t DELETE WHERE query for replicated tables. Added the system.mutations table to track progress of this type of queries.
  • Support for the ALTER TABLE t [REPLACE|ATTACH] PARTITION query for *MergeTree tables.
  • Support for the TRUNCATE TABLE query (Winter Zhang)
  • Added the ability to write to a table with the MySQL engine and the corresponding table function (sundy-li).
  • Added the url() table function and the URL table engine (Alexander Sapin).
  • Added the windowFunnel aggregate function (sundy-li).
  • New startsWith and endsWith functions for strings (Vadim Plakhtinsky).
  • The numbers() table function now allows you to specify the offset (Winter Zhang).
  • The password to clickhouse-client can be entered interactively.
  • Server logs can now be sent to syslog (Alexander Krasheninnikov).
  • Support for logging in dictionaries with a shared library source (Alexander Sapin).
  • Support for custom CSV delimiters (Ivan Zhukov)
  • Added the date_time_input_format setting. If you switch this setting to 'best_effort', DateTime values will be read in a wide range of formats.
  • Added the clickhouse-obfuscator utility for data obfuscation. Usage example: publishing data used in performance tests.

Experimental features:¶

  • Added the ability to calculate and arguments only where they are needed (Anastasia Tsarkova)
  • JIT compilation to native code is now available for some expressions (pyos).

Bug fixes:¶

  • Duplicates no longer appear for a query with DISTINCT and ORDER BY.
  • Queries with ARRAY JOIN and arrayFilter no longer return an incorrect result.
  • Fixed an error when reading an array column from a Nested structure (#2066).
  • Fixed an error when analyzing queries with a HAVING clause like HAVING tuple IN (...).
  • Fixed an error when analyzing queries with recursive aliases.
  • Fixed an error when reading from ReplacingMergeTree with a condition in PREWHERE that filters all rows (#2525).
  • User profile settings were not applied when using sessions in the HTTP interface.
  • Fixed how settings are applied from the command line parameters in clickhouse-local.
  • The ZooKeeper client library now uses the session timeout received from the server.
  • Fixed a bug in the ZooKeeper client library when the client waited for the server response longer than the timeout.
  • Fixed pruning of parts for queries with conditions on partition key columns (#2342).
  • Merges are now possible after CLEAR COLUMN IN PARTITION (#2315).
  • Type mapping in the ODBC table function has been fixed (sundy-li).
  • Type comparisons have been fixed for DateTime with and without the time zone (Alexander Bocharov).
  • Fixed syntactic parsing and formatting of the CAST operator.
  • Fixed insertion into a materialized view for the Distributed table engine (Babacar Diassé).
  • Fixed a race condition when writing data from the Kafka engine to materialized views (Yangkuan Liu).
  • Fixed SSRF in the remote() table function.
  • Fixed exit behavior of clickhouse-client in multiline mode (#2510).


  • Background tasks in replicated tables are now performed in a thread pool instead of in separate threads (Silviu Caragea).
  • Improved LZ4 compression performance.
  • Faster analysis for queries with a large number of JOINs and sub-queries.
  • The DNS cache is now updated automatically when there are too many network errors.
  • Table inserts no longer occur if the insert into one of the materialized views is not possible because it has too many parts.
  • Corrected the discrepancy in the event counters Query, SelectQuery, and InsertQuery.
  • Expressions like tuple IN (SELECT tuple) are allowed if the tuple types match.
  • A server with replicated tables can start even if you haven’t configured ZooKeeper.
  • When calculating the number of available CPU cores, limits on cgroups are now taken into account (Atri Sharma).
  • Added chown for config directories in the systemd config file (Mikhail Shiryaev).

Build changes:¶

  • The gcc8 compiler can be used for builds.
  • Added the ability to build llvm from submodule.
  • The version of the librdkafka library has been updated to v0.11.4.
  • Added the ability to use the system libcpuid library. The library version has been updated to 0.4.0.
  • Fixed the build using the vectorclass library (Babacar Diassé).
  • Cmake now generates files for ninja by default (like when using -G Ninja).
  • Added the ability to use the libtinfo library instead of libtermcap (Georgy Kondratiev).
  • Fixed a header file conflict in Fedora Rawhide (#2520).

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • Removed escaping in Vertical and Pretty* formats and deleted the VerticalRaw format.
  • If servers with version 1.1.54388 (or newer) and servers with an older version are used simultaneously in a distributed query and the query has the cast(x, 'Type') expression without the AS keyword and doesn’t have the word cast in uppercase, an exception will be thrown with a message like Not found column cast(0, 'UInt8') in block. Solution: Update the server on the entire cluster.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54385, 2018-06-01¶

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed an error that in some cases caused ZooKeeper operations to block.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54383, 2018-05-22¶

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed a slowdown of replication queue if a table has many replicas.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54381, 2018-05-14¶

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed a nodes leak in ZooKeeper when ClickHouse loses connection to ZooKeeper server.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54380, 2018-04-21¶

New features:¶

  • Added the table function file(path, format, structure). An example reading bytes from /dev/urandom: ln -s /dev/urandom /var/lib/clickhouse/user_files/random``clickhouse-client -q "SELECT * FROM file('random', 'RowBinary', 'd UInt8') LIMIT 10".


  • Subqueries can be wrapped in () brackets to enhance query readability. For example: (SELECT 1) UNION ALL (SELECT 1).
  • Simple SELECT queries from the system.processes table are not included in the max_concurrent_queries limit.

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed incorrect behavior of the IN operator when select from MATERIALIZED VIEW.
  • Fixed incorrect filtering by partition index in expressions like partition_key_column IN (...).
  • Fixed inability to execute OPTIMIZE query on non-leader replica if REANAME was performed on the table.
  • Fixed the authorization error when executing OPTIMIZE or ALTER queries on a non-leader replica.
  • Fixed freezing of KILL QUERY.
  • Fixed an error in ZooKeeper client library which led to loss of watches, freezing of distributed DDL queue, and slowdowns in the replication queue if a non-empty chroot prefix is used in the ZooKeeper configuration.

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • Removed support for expressions like (a, b) IN (SELECT (a, b)) (you can use the equivalent expression (a, b) IN (SELECT a, b)). In previous releases, these expressions led to undetermined WHERE filtering or caused errors.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54378, 2018-04-16¶

New features:¶

  • Logging level can be changed without restarting the server.
  • Added the SHOW CREATE DATABASE query.
  • The query_id can be passed to clickhouse-client (elBroom).
  • New setting: max_network_bandwidth_for_all_users.
  • Added support for ALTER TABLE ... PARTITION ... for MATERIALIZED VIEW.
  • Added information about the size of data parts in uncompressed form in the system table.
  • Server-to-server encryption support for distributed tables (<secure>1</secure> in the replica config in <remote_servers>).
  • Configuration of the table level for the ReplicatedMergeTree family in order to minimize the amount of data stored in Zookeeper: : use_minimalistic_checksums_in_zookeeper = 1
  • Configuration of the clickhouse-client prompt. By default, server names are now output to the prompt. The server’s display name can be changed. It’s also sent in the X-ClickHouse-Display-Name HTTP header (Kirill Shvakov).
  • Multiple comma-separated topics can be specified for the Kafka engine (Tobias Adamson)
  • When a query is stopped by KILL QUERY or replace_running_query, the client receives the Query was cancelled exception instead of an incomplete result.


  • ALTER TABLE ... DROP/DETACH PARTITION queries are run at the front of the replication queue.
  • SELECT ... FINAL and OPTIMIZE ... FINAL can be used even when the table has a single data part.
  • A query_log table is recreated on the fly if it was deleted manually (Kirill Shvakov).
  • The lengthUTF8 function runs faster (zhang2014).
  • Improved performance of synchronous inserts in Distributed tables (insert_distributed_sync = 1) when there is a very large number of shards.
  • The server accepts the send_timeout and receive_timeout settings from the client and applies them when connecting to the client (they are applied in reverse order: the server socket’s send_timeout is set to the receive_timeout value received from the client, and vice versa).
  • More robust crash recovery for asynchronous insertion into Distributed tables.
  • The return type of the countEqual function changed from UInt32 to UInt64 (谢磊).

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed an error with IN when the left side of the expression is Nullable.
  • Correct results are now returned when using tuples with IN when some of the tuple components are in the table index.
  • The max_execution_time limit now works correctly with distributed queries.
  • Fixed errors when calculating the size of composite columns in the system.columns table.
  • Fixed an error when creating a temporary table CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS.
  • Fixed errors in StorageKafka (##2075)
  • Fixed server crashes from invalid arguments of certain aggregate functions.
  • Fixed the error that prevented the DETACH DATABASE query from stopping background tasks for ReplicatedMergeTree tables.
  • Too many parts state is less likely to happen when inserting into aggregated materialized views (##2084).
  • Corrected recursive handling of substitutions in the config if a substitution must be followed by another substitution on the same level.
  • Corrected the syntax in the metadata file when creating a VIEW that uses a query with UNION ALL.
  • SummingMergeTree now works correctly for summation of nested data structures with a composite key.
  • Fixed the possibility of a race condition when choosing the leader for ReplicatedMergeTree tables.

Build changes:¶

  • The build supports ninja instead of make and uses ninja by default for building releases.
  • Renamed packages: clickhouse-server-base in clickhouse-common-static; clickhouse-server-common in clickhouse-server; clickhouse-common-dbg in clickhouse-common-static-dbg. To install, use clickhouse-server clickhouse-client. Packages with the old names will still load in the repositories for backward compatibility.

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • Removed the special interpretation of an IN expression if an array is specified on the left side. Previously, the expression arr IN (set) was interpreted as «at least one arr element belongs to the set«. To get the same behavior in the new version, write arrayExists(x -> x IN (set), arr).
  • Disabled the incorrect use of the socket option SO_REUSEPORT, which was incorrectly enabled by default in the Poco library. Note that on Linux there is no longer any reason to simultaneously specify the addresses :: and for listen – use just ::, which allows listening to the connection both over IPv4 and IPv6 (with the default kernel config settings). You can also revert to the behavior from previous versions by specifying <listen_reuse_port>1</listen_reuse_port> in the config.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54370, 2018-03-16¶

New features:¶

  • Added the system.macros table and auto updating of macros when the config file is changed.
  • Added the SYSTEM RELOAD CONFIG query.
  • Added the maxIntersections(left_col, right_col) aggregate function, which returns the maximum number of simultaneously intersecting intervals [left; right]. The maxIntersectionsPosition(left, right) function returns the beginning of the «maximum» interval. (Michael Furmur).


  • When inserting data in a Replicated table, fewer requests are made to ZooKeeper (and most of the user-level errors have disappeared from the ZooKeeper log).
  • Added the ability to create aliases for data sets. Example: WITH (1, 2, 3) AS set SELECT number IN set FROM system.numbers LIMIT 10.

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed the Illegal PREWHERE error when reading from Merge tables for Distributedtables.
  • Added fixes that allow you to start clickhouse-server in IPv4-only Docker containers.
  • Fixed a race condition when reading from system system.parts_columns tables.
  • Removed double buffering during a synchronous insert to a Distributed table, which could have caused the connection to timeout.
  • Fixed a bug that caused excessively long waits for an unavailable replica before beginning a SELECT query.
  • Fixed incorrect dates in the table.
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to insert data in a Replicated table if chroot was non-empty in the configuration of the ZooKeeper cluster.
  • Fixed the vertical merging algorithm for an empty ORDER BY table.
  • Restored the ability to use dictionaries in queries to remote tables, even if these dictionaries are not present on the requestor server. This functionality was lost in release 1.1.54362.
  • Restored the behavior for queries like SELECT * FROM remote('server2', default.table) WHERE col IN (SELECT col2 FROM default.table) when the right side of the IN should use a remote default.table instead of a local one. This behavior was broken in version 1.1.54358.
  • Removed extraneous error-level logging of Not found column ... in block.

Clickhouse Release 1.1.54362, 2018-03-11¶

New features:¶

  • Aggregation without GROUP BY for an empty set (such as SELECT count(*) FROM table WHERE 0) now returns a result with one row with null values for aggregate functions, in compliance with the SQL standard. To restore the old behavior (return an empty result), set empty_result_for_aggregation_by_empty_set to 1.
  • Added type conversion for UNION ALL. Different alias names are allowed in SELECT positions in UNION ALL, in compliance with the SQL standard.
  • Arbitrary expressions are supported in LIMIT BY clauses. Previously, it was only possible to use columns resulting from SELECT.
  • An index of MergeTree tables is used when IN is applied to a tuple of expressions from the columns of the primary key. Example: WHERE (UserID, EventDate) IN ((123, '2000-01-01'), ...) (Anastasiya Tsarkova).
  • Added the clickhouse-copier tool for copying between clusters and resharding data (beta).
  • Added consistent hashing functions: yandexConsistentHash, jumpConsistentHash, sumburConsistentHash. They can be used as a sharding key in order to reduce the amount of network traffic during subsequent reshardings.
  • Added functions: arrayAny, arrayAll, hasAny, hasAll, arrayIntersect, arrayResize.
  • Added the arrayCumSum function (Javi Santana).
  • Added the parseDateTimeBestEffort, parseDateTimeBestEffortOrZero, and parseDateTimeBestEffortOrNull functions to read the DateTime from a string containing text in a wide variety of possible formats.
  • Data can be partially reloaded from external dictionaries during updating (load just the records in which the value of the specified field greater than in the previous download) (Arsen Hakobyan).
  • Added the cluster table function. Example: cluster(cluster_name, db, table). The remote table function can accept the cluster name as the first argument, if it is specified as an identifier.
  • The remote and cluster table functions can be used in INSERT queries.
  • Added the create_table_query and engine_full virtual columns to the system.tablestable . The metadata_modification_time column is virtual.
  • Added the data_path and metadata_path columns to system.tablesandsystem.databases tables, and added the path column to the and system.parts_columns tables.
  • Added additional information about merges in the system.part_log table.
  • An arbitrary partitioning key can be used for the system.query_log table (Kirill Shvakov).
  • The SHOW TABLES query now also shows temporary tables. Added temporary tables and the is_temporary column to system.tables (zhang2014).
  • Added DROP TEMPORARY TABLE and EXISTS TEMPORARY TABLE queries (zhang2014).
  • Support for SHOW CREATE TABLE for temporary tables (zhang2014).
  • Added the system_profile configuration parameter for the settings used by internal processes.
  • Support for loading object_id as an attribute in MongoDB dictionaries (Pavel Litvinenko).
  • Reading null as the default value when loading data for an external dictionary with the MongoDB source (Pavel Litvinenko).
  • Reading DateTime values in the Values format from a Unix timestamp without single quotes.
  • Failover is supported in remote table functions for cases when some of the replicas are missing the requested table.
  • Configuration settings can be overridden in the command line when you run clickhouse-server. Example: clickhouse-server -- --logger.level=information.
  • Implemented the empty function from a FixedString argument: the function returns 1 if the string consists entirely of null bytes (zhang2014).
  • Added the listen_tryconfiguration parameter for listening to at least one of the listen addresses without quitting, if some of the addresses can’t be listened to (useful for systems with disabled support for IPv4 or IPv6).
  • Added the VersionedCollapsingMergeTree table engine.
  • Support for rows and arbitrary numeric types for the library dictionary source.
  • MergeTree tables can be used without a primary key (you need to specify ORDER BY tuple()).
  • A Nullable type can be CAST to a non-Nullable type if the argument is not NULL.
  • RENAME TABLE can be performed for VIEW.
  • Added the throwIf function.
  • Added the odbc_default_field_size option, which allows you to extend the maximum size of the value loaded from an ODBC source (by default, it is 1024).
  • The system.processes table and SHOW PROCESSLIST now have the is_cancelled and peak_memory_usage columns.


  • Limits and quotas on the result are no longer applied to intermediate data for INSERT SELECT queries or for SELECT subqueries.
  • Fewer false triggers of force_restore_data when checking the status of Replicated tables when the server starts.
  • Added the allow_distributed_ddl option.
  • Nondeterministic functions are not allowed in expressions for MergeTree table keys.
  • Files with substitutions from config.d directories are loaded in alphabetical order.
  • Improved performance of the arrayElement function in the case of a constant multidimensional array with an empty array as one of the elements. Example: [[1], []][x].
  • The server starts faster now when using configuration files with very large substitutions (for instance, very large lists of IP networks).
  • When running a query, table valued functions run once. Previously, remote and mysql table valued functions performed the same query twice to retrieve the table structure from a remote server.
  • The MkDocs documentation generator is used.
  • When you try to delete a table column that DEFAULT/MATERIALIZED expressions of other columns depend on, an exception is thrown (zhang2014).
  • Added the ability to parse an empty line in text formats as the number 0 for Float data types. This feature was previously available but was lost in release 1.1.54342.
  • Enum values can be used in min, max, sum and some other functions. In these cases, it uses the corresponding numeric values. This feature was previously available but was lost in the release 1.1.54337.
  • Added max_expanded_ast_elements to restrict the size of the AST after recursively expanding aliases.

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed cases when unnecessary columns were removed from subqueries in error, or not removed from subqueries containing UNION ALL.
  • Fixed a bug in merges for ReplacingMergeTree tables.
  • Fixed synchronous insertions in Distributed tables (insert_distributed_sync = 1).
  • Fixed segfault for certain uses of FULL and RIGHT JOIN with duplicate columns in subqueries.
  • Fixed segfault for certain uses of replace_running_query and KILL QUERY.
  • Fixed the order of the source and last_exception columns in the system.dictionaries table.
  • Fixed a bug when the DROP DATABASE query did not delete the file with metadata.
  • Fixed the DROP DATABASE query for Dictionary databases.
  • Fixed the low precision of uniqHLL12 and uniqCombined functions for cardinalities greater than 100 million items (Alex Bocharov).
  • Fixed the calculation of implicit default values when necessary to simultaneously calculate default explicit expressions in INSERT queries (zhang2014).
  • Fixed a rare case when a query to a MergeTree table couldn’t finish (chenxing-xc).
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when running a CHECK query for Distributed tables if all shards are local (chenxing.xc).
  • Fixed a slight performance regression with functions that use regular expressions.
  • Fixed a performance regression when creating multidimensional arrays from complex expressions.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an extra FORMAT section to appear in an .sql file with metadata.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the max_table_size_to_drop limit to apply when trying to delete a MATERIALIZED VIEW looking at an explicitly specified table.
  • Fixed incompatibility with old clients (old clients were sometimes sent data with the DateTime('timezone') type, which they do not understand).
  • Fixed a bug when reading Nested column elements of structures that were added using ALTER but that are empty for the old partitions, when the conditions for these columns moved to PREWHERE.
  • Fixed a bug when filtering tables by virtual _table columns in queries to Merge tables.
  • Fixed a bug when using ALIAS columns in Distributed tables.
  • Fixed a bug that made dynamic compilation impossible for queries with aggregate functions from the quantile family.
  • Fixed a race condition in the query execution pipeline that occurred in very rare cases when using Merge tables with a large number of tables, and when using GLOBAL subqueries.
  • Fixed a crash when passing arrays of different sizes to an arrayReduce function when using aggregate functions from multiple arguments.
  • Prohibited the use of queries with UNION ALL in a MATERIALIZED VIEW.
  • Fixed an error during initialization of the part_log system table when the server starts (by default, part_log is disabled).

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • Removed the distributed_ddl_allow_replicated_alter option. This behavior is enabled by default.
  • Removed the strict_insert_defaults setting. If you were using this functionality, write to
  • Removed the UnsortedMergeTree engine.

Clickhouse Release 1.1.54343, 2018-02-05¶

  • Added macros support for defining cluster names in distributed DDL queries and constructors of Distributed tables: CREATE TABLE distr ON CLUSTER '{cluster}' (...) ENGINE = Distributed('{cluster}', 'db', 'table').
  • Now queries like SELECT ... FROM table WHERE expr IN (subquery) are processed using the table index.
  • Improved processing of duplicates when inserting to Replicated tables, so they no longer slow down execution of the replication queue.

Clickhouse Release 1.1.54342, 2018-01-22¶

This release contains bug fixes for the previous release 1.1.54337:

  • Fixed a regression in 1.1.54337: if the default user has readonly access, then the server refuses to start up with the message Cannot create database in readonly mode.
  • Fixed a regression in 1.1.54337: on systems with systemd, logs are always written to syslog regardless of the configuration; the watchdog script still uses init.d.
  • Fixed a regression in 1.1.54337: wrong default configuration in the Docker image.
  • Fixed nondeterministic behavior of GraphiteMergeTree (you can see it in log messages Data after merge is not byte-identical to the data on another replicas).
  • Fixed a bug that may lead to inconsistent merges after OPTIMIZE query to Replicated tables (you may see it in log messages Part ... intersects the previous part).
  • Buffer tables now work correctly when MATERIALIZED columns are present in the destination table (by zhang2014).
  • Fixed a bug in implementation of NULL.

Clickhouse Release 1.1.54337, 2018-01-18¶

New features:¶

  • Added support for storage of multi-dimensional arrays and tuples (Tuple data type) in tables.
  • Support for table functions for DESCRIBE and INSERT queries. Added support for subqueries in DESCRIBE. Examples: DESC TABLE remote('host', default.hits); DESC TABLE (SELECT 1); INSERT INTO TABLE FUNCTION remote('host', default.hits). Support for INSERT INTO TABLE in addition to INSERT INTO.
  • Improved support for time zones. The DateTime data type can be annotated with the timezone that is used for parsing and formatting in text formats. Example: DateTime('Europe/Moscow'). When timezones are specified in functions for DateTime arguments, the return type will track the timezone, and the value will be displayed as expected.
  • Added the functions toTimeZone, timeDiff, toQuarter, toRelativeQuarterNum. The toRelativeHour/Minute/Second functions can take a value of type Date as an argument. The now function name is case-sensitive.
  • Added the toStartOfFifteenMinutes function (Kirill Shvakov).
  • Added the clickhouse format tool for formatting queries.
  • Added the format_schema_path configuration parameter (Marek Vavruşa). It is used for specifying a schema in Cap'n Proto format. Schema files can be located only in the specified directory.
  • Added support for config substitutions (incl and conf.d) for configuration of external dictionaries and models (Pavel Yakunin).
  • Added a column with documentation for the system.settings table (Kirill Shvakov).
  • Added the system.parts_columns table with information about column sizes in each data part of MergeTree tables.
  • Added the system.models table with information about loaded CatBoost machine learning models.
  • Added the mysql and odbc table function and corresponding MySQL and ODBC table engines for accessing remote databases. This functionality is in the beta stage.
  • Added the possibility to pass an argument of type AggregateFunction for the groupArray aggregate function (so you can create an array of states of some aggregate function).
  • Removed restrictions on various combinations of aggregate function combinators. For example, you can use avgForEachIf as well as avgIfForEach aggregate functions, which have different behaviors.
  • The -ForEach aggregate function combinator is extended for the case of aggregate functions of multiple arguments.
  • Added support for aggregate functions of Nullable arguments even for cases when the function returns a non-Nullable result (added with the contribution of Silviu Caragea). Example: groupArray, groupUniqArray, topK.
  • Added the max_client_network_bandwidth for clickhouse-client (Kirill Shvakov).
  • Users with the readonly = 2 setting are allowed to work with TEMPORARY tables (CREATE, DROP, INSERT…) (Kirill Shvakov).
  • Added support for using multiple consumers with the Kafka engine. Extended configuration options for Kafka (Marek Vavruša).
  • Added the intExp3 and intExp4 functions.
  • Added the sumKahan aggregate function.
  • Added the to * Number OrNull functions, where * Number is a numeric type.
  • Added support for WITH clauses for an INSERT SELECT query (author: zhang2014).
  • Added settings: http_connection_timeout, http_send_timeout, http_receive_timeout. In particular, these settings are used for downloading data parts for replication. Changing these settings allows for faster failover if the network is overloaded.
  • Added support for ALTER for tables of type Null (Anastasiya Tsarkova).
  • The reinterpretAsString function is extended for all data types that are stored contiguously in memory.
  • Added the --silent option for the clickhouse-local tool. It suppresses printing query execution info in stderr.
  • Added support for reading values of type Date from text in a format where the month and/or day of the month is specified using a single digit instead of two digits (Amos Bird).

Performance optimizations:¶

  • Improved performance of aggregate functions min, max, any, anyLast, anyHeavy, argMin, argMax from string arguments.
  • Improved performance of the functions isInfinite, isFinite, isNaN, roundToExp2.
  • Improved performance of parsing and formatting Date and DateTime type values in text format.
  • Improved performance and precision of parsing floating point numbers.
  • Lowered memory usage for JOIN in the case when the left and right parts have columns with identical names that are not contained in USING .
  • Improved performance of aggregate functions varSamp, varPop, stddevSamp, stddevPop, covarSamp, covarPop, corr by reducing computational stability. The old functions are available under the names varSampStable, varPopStable, stddevSampStable, stddevPopStable, covarSampStable, covarPopStable, corrStable.

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed data deduplication after running a DROP or DETACH PARTITION query. In the previous version, dropping a partition and inserting the same data again was not working because inserted blocks were considered duplicates.
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to incorrect interpretation of the WHERE clause for CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW queries with POPULATE .
  • Fixed a bug in using the root_path parameter in the zookeeper_servers configuration.
  • Fixed unexpected results of passing the Date argument to toStartOfDay .
  • Fixed the addMonths and subtractMonths functions and the arithmetic for INTERVAL n MONTH in cases when the result has the previous year.
  • Added missing support for the UUID data type for DISTINCT , JOIN , and uniq aggregate functions and external dictionaries (Evgeniy Ivanov). Support for UUID is still incomplete.
  • Fixed SummingMergeTree behavior in cases when the rows summed to zero.
  • Various fixes for the Kafka engine (Marek Vavruša).
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of the Join table engine (Amos Bird).
  • Fixed incorrect allocator behavior under FreeBSD and OS X.
  • The extractAll function now supports empty matches.
  • Fixed an error that blocked usage of libressl instead of openssl .
  • Fixed the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT query from temporary tables.
  • Fixed non-atomicity of updating the replication queue. This could lead to replicas being out of sync until the server restarts.
  • Fixed possible overflow in gcd , lcm and modulo (% operator) (Maks Skorokhod).
  • -preprocessed files are now created after changing umask (umask can be changed in the config).
  • Fixed a bug in the background check of parts (MergeTreePartChecker ) when using a custom partition key.
  • Fixed parsing of tuples (values of the Tuple data type) in text formats.
  • Improved error messages about incompatible types passed to multiIf , array and some other functions.
  • Redesigned support for Nullable types. Fixed bugs that may lead to a server crash. Fixed almost all other bugs related to NULL support: incorrect type conversions in INSERT SELECT, insufficient support for Nullable in HAVING and PREWHERE, join_use_nulls mode, Nullable types as arguments of OR operator, etc.
  • Fixed various bugs related to internal semantics of data types. Examples: unnecessary summing of Enum type fields in SummingMergeTree ; alignment of Enum types in Pretty formats, etc.
  • Stricter checks for allowed combinations of composite columns.
  • Fixed the overflow when specifying a very large parameter for the FixedString data type.
  • Fixed a bug in the topK aggregate function in a generic case.
  • Added the missing check for equality of array sizes in arguments of n-ary variants of aggregate functions with an -Array combinator.
  • Fixed a bug in --pager for clickhouse-client (author: ks1322).
  • Fixed the precision of the exp10 function.
  • Fixed the behavior of the visitParamExtract function for better compliance with documentation.
  • Fixed the crash when incorrect data types are specified.
  • Fixed the behavior of DISTINCT in the case when all columns are constants.
  • Fixed query formatting in the case of using the tupleElement function with a complex constant expression as the tuple element index.
  • Fixed a bug in Dictionary tables for range_hashed dictionaries.
  • Fixed a bug that leads to excessive rows in the result of FULL and RIGHT JOIN (Amos Bird).
  • Fixed a server crash when creating and removing temporary files in config.d directories during config reload.
  • Fixed the SYSTEM DROP DNS CACHE query: the cache was flushed but addresses of cluster nodes were not updated.
  • Fixed the behavior of MATERIALIZED VIEW after executing DETACH TABLE for the table under the view (Marek Vavruša).

Build improvements:¶

  • The pbuilder tool is used for builds. The build process is almost completely independent of the build host environment.
  • A single build is used for different OS versions. Packages and binaries have been made compatible with a wide range of Linux systems.
  • Added the clickhouse-test package. It can be used to run functional tests.
  • The source tarball can now be published to the repository. It can be used to reproduce the build without using GitHub.
  • Added limited integration with Travis CI. Due to limits on build time in Travis, only the debug build is tested and a limited subset of tests are run.
  • Added support for Cap'n'Proto in the default build.
  • Changed the format of documentation sources from Restricted Text to Markdown.
  • Added support for systemd (Vladimir Smirnov). It is disabled by default due to incompatibility with some OS images and can be enabled manually.
  • For dynamic code generation, clang and lld are embedded into the clickhouse binary. They can also be invoked as clickhouse clang and clickhouse lld .
  • Removed usage of GNU extensions from the code. Enabled the -Wextra option. When building with clang the default is libc++ instead of libstdc++.
  • Extracted clickhouse_parsers and clickhouse_common_io libraries to speed up builds of various tools.

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • The format for marks in Log type tables that contain Nullable columns was changed in a backward incompatible way. If you have these tables, you should convert them to the TinyLog type before starting up the new server version. To do this, replace ENGINE = Log with ENGINE = TinyLog in the corresponding .sql file in the metadata directory. If your table doesn’t have Nullable columns or if the type of your table is not Log, then you don’t need to do anything.
  • Removed the experimental_allow_extended_storage_definition_syntax setting. Now this feature is enabled by default.
  • The runningIncome function was renamed to runningDifferenceStartingWithFirstvalue to avoid confusion.
  • Removed the FROM ARRAY JOIN arr syntax when ARRAY JOIN is specified directly after FROM with no table (Amos Bird).
  • Removed the BlockTabSeparated format that was used solely for demonstration purposes.
  • Changed the state format for aggregate functions varSamp, varPop, stddevSamp, stddevPop, covarSamp, covarPop, corr. If you have stored states of these aggregate functions in tables (using the AggregateFunction data type or materialized views with corresponding states), please write to
  • In previous server versions there was an undocumented feature: if an aggregate function depends on parameters, you can still specify it without parameters in the AggregateFunction data type. Example: AggregateFunction(quantiles, UInt64) instead of AggregateFunction(quantiles(0.5, 0.9), UInt64). This feature was lost. Although it was undocumented, we plan to support it again in future releases.
  • Enum data types cannot be used in min/max aggregate functions. This ability will be returned in the next release.

Please note when upgrading:¶

  • When doing a rolling update on a cluster, at the point when some of the replicas are running the old version of ClickHouse and some are running the new version, replication is temporarily stopped and the message unknown parameter 'shard' appears in the log. Replication will continue after all replicas of the cluster are updated.
  • If different versions of ClickHouse are running on the cluster servers, it is possible that distributed queries using the following functions will have incorrect results: varSamp, varPop, stddevSamp, stddevPop, covarSamp, covarPop, corr. You should update all cluster nodes.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54327, 2017-12-21¶

This release contains bug fixes for the previous release 1.1.54318:

  • Fixed bug with possible race condition in replication that could lead to data loss. This issue affects versions 1.1.54310 and 1.1.54318. If you use one of these versions with Replicated tables, the update is strongly recommended. This issue shows in logs in Warning messages like Part ... from own log doesn't exist. The issue is relevant even if you don’t see these messages in logs.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54318, 2017-11-30¶

This release contains bug fixes for the previous release 1.1.54310:

  • Fixed incorrect row deletions during merges in the SummingMergeTree engine
  • Fixed a memory leak in unreplicated MergeTree engines
  • Fixed performance degradation with frequent inserts in MergeTree engines
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the replication queue to stop running
  • Fixed rotation and archiving of server logs

ClickHouse release 1.1.54310, 2017-11-01¶

New features:¶

  • Custom partitioning key for the MergeTree family of table engines.
  • Kafka table engine.
  • Added support for loading CatBoost models and applying them to data stored in ClickHouse.
  • Added support for time zones with non-integer offsets from UTC.
  • Added support for arithmetic operations with time intervals.
  • The range of values for the Date and DateTime types is extended to the year 2105.
  • Added the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW x TO y query (specifies an existing table for storing the data of a materialized view).
  • Added the ATTACH TABLE query without arguments.
  • The processing logic for Nested columns with names ending in -Map in a SummingMergeTree table was extracted to the sumMap aggregate function. You can now specify such columns explicitly.
  • Max size of the IP trie dictionary is increased to 128M entries.
  • Added the getSizeOfEnumType function.
  • Added the sumWithOverflow aggregate function.
  • Added support for the Cap’n Proto input format.
  • You can now customize compression level when using the zstd algorithm.

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • Creation of temporary tables with an engine other than Memory is not allowed.
  • Explicit creation of tables with the View or MaterializedView engine is not allowed.
  • During table creation, a new check verifies that the sampling key expression is included in the primary key.

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed hangups when synchronously inserting into a Distributed table.
  • Fixed nonatomic adding and removing of parts in Replicated tables.
  • Data inserted into a materialized view is not subjected to unnecessary deduplication.
  • Executing a query to a Distributed table for which the local replica is lagging and remote replicas are unavailable does not result in an error anymore.
  • Users don’t need access permissions to the default database to create temporary tables anymore.
  • Fixed crashing when specifying the Array type without arguments.
  • Fixed hangups when the disk volume containing server logs is full.
  • Fixed an overflow in the toRelativeWeekNum function for the first week of the Unix epoch.

Build improvements:¶

  • Several third-party libraries (notably Poco) were updated and converted to git submodules.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54304, 2017-10-19¶

New features:¶

  • TLS support in the native protocol (to enable, set tcp_ssl_port in config.xml ).

Bug fixes:¶

  • ALTER for replicated tables now tries to start running as soon as possible.
  • Fixed crashing when reading data with the setting preferred_block_size_bytes=0.
  • Fixed crashes of clickhouse-client when pressing Page Down
  • Correct interpretation of certain complex queries with GLOBAL IN and UNION ALL
  • FREEZE PARTITION always works atomically now.
  • Empty POST requests now return a response with code 411.
  • Fixed interpretation errors for expressions like CAST(1 AS Nullable(UInt8)).
  • Fixed an error when reading Array(Nullable(String)) columns from MergeTree tables.
  • Fixed crashing when parsing queries like SELECT dummy AS dummy, dummy AS b
  • Users are updated correctly with invalid users.xml
  • Correct handling when an executable dictionary returns a non-zero response code.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54292, 2017-09-20¶

New features:¶

  • Added the pointInPolygon function for working with coordinates on a coordinate plane.
  • Added the sumMap aggregate function for calculating the sum of arrays, similar to SummingMergeTree.
  • Added the trunc function. Improved performance of the rounding functions (round, floor, ceil, roundToExp2) and corrected the logic of how they work. Changed the logic of the roundToExp2 function for fractions and negative numbers.
  • The ClickHouse executable file is now less dependent on the libc version. The same ClickHouse executable file can run on a wide variety of Linux systems. There is still a dependency when using compiled queries (with the setting compile = 1 , which is not used by default).
  • Reduced the time needed for dynamic compilation of queries.

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed an error that sometimes produced part ... intersects previous part messages and weakened replica consistency.
  • Fixed an error that caused the server to lock up if ZooKeeper was unavailable during shutdown.
  • Removed excessive logging when restoring replicas.
  • Fixed an error in the UNION ALL implementation.
  • Fixed an error in the concat function that occurred if the first column in a block has the Array type.
  • Progress is now displayed correctly in the system.merges table.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54289, 2017-09-13¶

New features:¶

  • Added functions for working with arrays: concat, arraySlice, arrayPushBack, arrayPushFront, arrayPopBack, arrayPopFront.
  • Added root and identity parameters for the ZooKeeper configuration. This allows you to isolate individual users on the same ZooKeeper cluster.
  • Added aggregate functions groupBitAnd, groupBitOr, and groupBitXor (for compatibility, they are also available under the names BIT_AND, BIT_OR, and BIT_XOR).
  • External dictionaries can be loaded from MySQL by specifying a socket in the filesystem.
  • External dictionaries can be loaded from MySQL over SSL (ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_ca parameters).
  • Added the max_network_bandwidth_for_user setting to restrict the overall bandwidth use for queries per user.
  • Support for DROP TABLE for temporary tables.
  • Support for reading DateTime values in Unix timestamp format from the CSV and JSONEachRow formats.
  • Lagging replicas in distributed queries are now excluded by default (the default threshold is 5 minutes).
  • FIFO locking is used during ALTER: an ALTER query isn’t blocked indefinitely for continuously running queries.
  • Option to set umask in the config file.
  • Improved performance for queries with DISTINCT .

Bug fixes:¶

  • Improved the process for deleting old nodes in ZooKeeper. Previously, old nodes sometimes didn’t get deleted if there were very frequent inserts, which caused the server to be slow to shut down, among other things.
  • Fixed randomization when choosing hosts for the connection to ZooKeeper.
  • Fixed the exclusion of lagging replicas in distributed queries if the replica is localhost.
  • Fixed an error where a data part in a ReplicatedMergeTree table could be broken after running ALTER MODIFY on an element in a Nested structure.
  • Fixed an error that could cause SELECT queries to «hang».
  • Improvements to distributed DDL queries.
  • Fixed the query CREATE TABLE ... AS <materialized view>.
  • Resolved the deadlock in the ALTER ... CLEAR COLUMN IN PARTITION query for Buffer tables.
  • Fixed the invalid default value for Enum s (0 instead of the minimum) when using the JSONEachRow and TSKV formats.
  • Resolved the appearance of zombie processes when using a dictionary with an executable source.
  • Fixed segfault for the HEAD query.

Improved workflow for developing and assembling ClickHouse:¶

  • You can use pbuilder to build ClickHouse.
  • You can use libc++ instead of libstdc++ for builds on Linux.
  • Added instructions for using static code analysis tools: Coverage, clang-tidy, cppcheck.

Please note when upgrading:¶

  • There is now a higher default value for the MergeTree setting max_bytes_to_merge_at_max_space_in_pool (the maximum total size of data parts to merge, in bytes): it has increased from 100 GiB to 150 GiB. This might result in large merges running after the server upgrade, which could cause an increased load on the disk subsystem. If the free space available on the server is less than twice the total amount of the merges that are running, this will cause all other merges to stop running, including merges of small data parts. As a result, INSERT queries will fail with the message «Merges are processing significantly slower than inserts.» Use the SELECT * FROM system.merges query to monitor the situation. You can also check the DiskSpaceReservedForMerge metric in the system.metrics table, or in Graphite. You don’t need to do anything to fix this, since the issue will resolve itself once the large merges finish. If you find this unacceptable, you can restore the previous value for the max_bytes_to_merge_at_max_space_in_pool setting. To do this, go to the section in config.xml, set <merge_tree>``<max_bytes_to_merge_at_max_space_in_pool>107374182400</max_bytes_to_merge_at_max_space_in_pool> and restart the server.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54284, 2017-08-29¶

  • This is a bugfix release for the previous 1.1.54282 release. It fixes leaks in the parts directory in ZooKeeper.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54282, 2017-08-23¶

This release contains bug fixes for the previous release 1.1.54276:

  • Fixed DB::Exception: Assertion violation: !_path.empty() when inserting into a Distributed table.
  • Fixed parsing when inserting in RowBinary format if input data starts with’;’.
  • Errors during runtime compilation of certain aggregate functions (e.g. groupArray()).

Clickhouse Release 1.1.54276, 2017-08-16¶

New features:¶

  • Added an optional WITH section for a SELECT query. Example query: WITH 1+1 AS a SELECT a, a*a
  • INSERT can be performed synchronously in a Distributed table: OK is returned only after all the data is saved on all the shards. This is activated by the setting insert_distributed_sync=1.
  • Added the UUID data type for working with 16-byte identifiers.
  • Added aliases of CHAR, FLOAT and other types for compatibility with the Tableau.
  • Added the functions toYYYYMM, toYYYYMMDD, and toYYYYMMDDhhmmss for converting time into numbers.
  • You can use IP addresses (together with the hostname) to identify servers for clustered DDL queries.
  • Added support for non-constant arguments and negative offsets in the function substring(str, pos, len).
  • Added the max_size parameter for the groupArray(max_size)(column) aggregate function, and optimized its performance.

Main changes:¶

  • Security improvements: all server files are created with 0640 permissions (can be changed via config parameter).
  • Improved error messages for queries with invalid syntax.
  • Significantly reduced memory consumption and improved performance when merging large sections of MergeTree data.
  • Significantly increased the performance of data merges for the ReplacingMergeTree engine.
  • Improved performance for asynchronous inserts from a Distributed table by combining multiple source inserts. To enable this functionality, use the setting distributed_directory_monitor_batch_inserts=1.

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • Changed the binary format of aggregate states of groupArray(array_column) functions for arrays.

Complete list of changes:¶

  • Added the output_format_json_quote_denormals setting, which enables outputting nan and inf values in JSON format.
  • Optimized stream allocation when reading from a Distributed table.
  • Settings can be configured in readonly mode if the value doesn’t change.
  • Added the ability to retrieve non-integer granules of the MergeTree engine in order to meet restrictions on the block size specified in the preferred_block_size_bytes setting. The purpose is to reduce the consumption of RAM and increase cache locality when processing queries from tables with large columns.
  • Efficient use of indexes that contain expressions like toStartOfHour(x) for conditions like toStartOfHour(x) op сonstexpr.
  • Added new settings for MergeTree engines (the merge_tree section in config.xml):
  • replicated_deduplication_window_seconds sets the number of seconds allowed for deduplicating inserts in Replicated tables.
  • cleanup_delay_period sets how often to start cleanup to remove outdated data.
  • replicated_can_become_leader can prevent a replica from becoming the leader (and assigning merges).
  • Accelerated cleanup to remove outdated data from ZooKeeper.
  • Multiple improvements and fixes for clustered DDL queries. Of particular interest is the new setting distributed_ddl_task_timeout, which limits the time to wait for a response from the servers in the cluster.
  • Improved display of stack traces in the server logs.
  • Added the «none» value for the compression method.
  • You can use multiple dictionaries_config sections in config.xml.
  • It is possible to connect to MySQL through a socket in the file system.
  • The table has a new column with information about the size of marks, in bytes.

Bug fixes:¶

  • Distributed tables using a Merge table now work correctly for a SELECT query with a condition on the _table field.
  • Fixed a rare race condition in ReplicatedMergeTree when checking data parts.
  • Fixed possible freezing on «leader election» when starting a server.
  • The max_replica_delay_for_distributed_queries setting was ignored when using a local replica of the data source. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of ALTER TABLE CLEAR COLUMN IN PARTITION when attempting to clean a non-existing column.
  • Fixed an exception in the multiIf function when using empty arrays or strings.
  • Fixed excessive memory allocations when deserializing Native format.
  • Fixed incorrect auto-update of Trie dictionaries.
  • Fixed an exception when running queries with a GROUP BY clause from a Merge table when using SAMPLE.
  • Fixed a crash of GROUP BY when using distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient=1.
  • Now you can specify the database.table in the right side of IN and JOIN.
  • Too many threads were used for parallel aggregation. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed how the «if» function works with FixedString arguments.
  • SELECT worked incorrectly from a Distributed table for shards with a weight of 0. This has been fixed.
  • Running CREATE VIEW IF EXISTS no longer causes crashes.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior when input_format_skip_unknown_fields=1 is set and there are negative numbers.
  • Fixed an infinite loop in the dictGetHierarchy() function if there is some invalid data in the dictionary.
  • Fixed Syntax error: unexpected (...) errors when running distributed queries with subqueries in an IN or JOIN clause and Merge tables.
  • Fixed an incorrect interpretation of a SELECT query from Dictionary tables.
  • Fixed the «Cannot mremap» error when using arrays in IN and JOIN clauses with more than 2 billion elements.
  • Fixed the failover for dictionaries with MySQL as the source.

Improved workflow for developing and assembling ClickHouse:¶

  • Builds can be assembled in Arcadia.
  • You can use gcc 7 to compile ClickHouse.
  • Parallel builds using ccache+distcc are faster now.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54245, 2017-07-04¶

New features:¶

  • Distributed DDL (for example, CREATE TABLE ON CLUSTER)
  • The engine for Dictionary tables (access to dictionary data in the form of a table).
  • Dictionary database engine (this type of database automatically has Dictionary tables available for all the connected external dictionaries).
  • You can check for updates to the dictionary by sending a request to the source.
  • Qualified column names
  • Quoting identifiers using double quotation marks.
  • Sessions in the HTTP interface.
  • The OPTIMIZE query for a Replicated table can can run not only on the leader.

Backward incompatible changes:¶

  • Removed SET GLOBAL.

Minor changes:¶

  • Now after an alert is triggered, the log prints the full stack trace.
  • Relaxed the verification of the number of damaged/extra data parts at startup (there were too many false positives).

Bug fixes:¶

  • Fixed a bad connection «sticking» when inserting into a Distributed table.
  • GLOBAL IN now works for a query from a Merge table that looks at a Distributed table.
  • The incorrect number of cores was detected on a Google Compute Engine virtual machine. This has been fixed.
  • Changes in how an executable source of cached external dictionaries works.
  • Fixed the comparison of strings containing null characters.
  • Fixed the comparison of Float32 primary key fields with constants.
  • Previously, an incorrect estimate of the size of a field could lead to overly large allocations.
  • Fixed a crash when querying a Nullable column added to a table using ALTER.
  • Fixed a crash when sorting by a Nullable column, if the number of rows is less than LIMIT.
  • Fixed an ORDER BY subquery consisting of only constant values.
  • Previously, a Replicated table could remain in the invalid state after a failed DROP TABLE.
  • Aliases for scalar subqueries with empty results are no longer lost.
  • Now a query that used compilation does not fail with an error if the .so file gets damaged.

Fixed in ClickHouse Release 18.12.13, 2018-09-10¶


Functions for loading CatBoost models allowed path traversal and reading arbitrary files through error messages.

Credits: Andrey Krasichkov of Yandex Information Security Team

Fixed in ClickHouse Release 18.10.3, 2018-08-13¶


unixODBC allowed loading arbitrary shared objects from the file system which led to a Remote Code Execution vulnerability.

Credits: Andrey Krasichkov and Evgeny Sidorov of Yandex Information Security Team

Fixed in ClickHouse Release 1.1.54388, 2018-06-28¶


«remote» table function allowed arbitrary symbols in «user», «password» and «default_database» fields which led to Cross Protocol Request Forgery Attacks.

Credits: Andrey Krasichkov of Yandex Information Security Team

Fixed in ClickHouse Release 1.1.54390, 2018-07-06¶


ClickHouse MySQL client had «LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE» functionality enabled that allowed a malicious MySQL database read arbitrary files from the connected ClickHouse server.

Credits: Andrey Krasichkov and Evgeny Sidorov of Yandex Information Security Team

Fixed in ClickHouse Release 1.1.54131, 2017-01-10¶


Incorrect configuration in deb package could lead to unauthorized use of the database.

Credits: the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)

Original article

First, abnormal

1)DB::Exception: Nested type Array(String) cannot be inside Nullable type (version (official build))
Cause: The field type is nullable (String), where some string functions such as splitbystring, they are not supported by the NULLABLE type, need to be converted to String.
Solve: Use the CAST to turn the field type to line:

select splitByString(',',cast(col as String)) col from test

2)DB::Exception: Cannot convert NULL value to non-Nullable type: while converting source column second_channel to destination column second_channel (version (official build))
Cause: The field type is non-empty type, the Insert Null value to the non-empty field SECOND_CHANNEL will report an error.
SOLUTION: You can change the non-empty type to nullable (String), but pay attention to the NULLABLE field is not allowed for Order By.

3)DB::Exception: Memory limit (total) exceeded: would use 113.20 GiB (attempt to allocate chunk of 134200512 bytes), maximum: 113.14 GiB: While executing CreatingSetsTransform. (version (official build))
Cause: The amount of data from the single query is greater than the remaining memory of a single machine.
Resolution: You can narrow the query range, such as adding query conditions to the query result, or clean up or add physical phone memory.

5)DB::Exception: Table columns structure in ZooKeeper is different from local table structure (version (official build))
Reason: Replicated (copy) table deduces the table and rebuild, but the structure of the structure in the zk is asynchronous, and the default is five minutes.
Solve: Restart the CK of the node, or choose to wait a few minutes.

6)Too many parts (300). Merges are processing significantly  slower than inserts…

Reason: Using FLINK real-time consumption Kafka’s data, Sink to Clickhouse, the policy is an insert, the task is online after a while, Clickhouse can’t hold the data insertion (because Mergetree’s Merge’s speed can’t keep up with Data Part » speed).

Solve: Optimize the Flink Clickhouse Sink logic, triggered according to time and data, to satisfy the insertion operation.

7)Caused by: org.apache.spark.memory.SparkOutOfMemoryError: error while calling spill() on org.apache[email protected]

Cause: The disk space is insufficient.

8)spark sql unsupported type array

Cause: Because the array type of the data source is inconsistent with the array type of Spark SQL, the array can be converted to String.


select toString(field) from tablet

Second, error code

1)Code: 48

Received exception from server (version
Code: 48. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000, ::1. DB::Exception: Mutations are not supported by storage Distributed.

Cause: Distributed Table cannot be updated, Alter Table Update / Delete does not support distributed DDL

Solve: You need to manually update / delete data on each node in the distributed environment.

2021-02-22 07:31:31,656 ERROR [main] execute clickhouse Query Error ClickHouse exception, code: 1002, host: xxxx, port: 8123; xxxx:8123 failed to respond
Cause: JDBC Client End and Server ends are inconsistent with HTTP Connection, Header `Keep-alive`.

Solve: Upgrade Clickhouse-JDBC Drive JAR or POM introduces dependency version to 0.2.6.

3)Code: 159,read timeout

Reason: Query timeout leads to an error.
Solve: Execute some SQL very time-consuming timeout, this is because Clickhouse executes a single SQL default maximum waiting time is 30s, if there is a time-consuming SQL, you can set the jdbcurl’s socket_timeout parameter value setting Little to solve this problem (note that the time unit of this parameter is milliseconds, the default is 30000).

4)Code 62,Max query size exceeded

Cause: In the SELECT statement, use the in mode query error.

This is actually caused by the special biggest query statement, and the default max_query_size is 256 kib. Open /etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml (only some commonly used users) are configured. MAX_QUERY_SIZE This configuration is required to configure modifications in the Profiles section.

Note that the unit here is bytes (bytes), I set up 102410241024 = 1, 073, 741, 824 here, solve the problem. If it is a user created by SQL, you need to modify quotas through SQL, modify how to refer。

5)Code: 168,AST is too big,Maximum: 50000

Cause: AST is too big.

Add a corresponding configuration in the users.xml configuration file, or modify via SQL, the specific steps will refer to the modified weight document.


6)Code: 221,db::exception: no interserver io endpoint named…
Copying copy data Times Maxima causing unable to synchronize data, directly in Err.log log file is: Auto DB :: StorageReplicatedMergetree :: processqueueentry (ReplicatedMergetReequence :: SELECTEDETRYPTR): :( Anonymous class) :: Operator () (DB) :: operator () :: StorageReplicatedMergetree :: LOGENTRYPTR & CONST: POCO :: Exce () = 111, Connection Refused

Cause: Nothing specified InterServer_http_host parameters, the Clickhouse configuration file About this parameter I translated I translated probably this parameter is that other copies are used to request the host name of this server; if not specified, similar to the «Hostname-f» command OK, this setting can be used to switch the copy to another network interface (the server can be connected to a plurality of networks through multiple addresses). If you do not specify this parameter, the server will try to connect to himself, and the corresponding port number does not provide a service that will report the incorrect of Connection Refused.

7)Code: 253, Replica /clickhouse/tables/XXX/XXX/replicas/dba07 already exists
Reason: When establishing a replytedmericMergetree, if the engine’s engine is atomic, immediately rebuild this fault immediately after the table is deleted. When deleted, Clickhouse cleared the data on ZooKeeper through asynchronous threads. If you don’t want to do an asynchronous thread, if you don’t want to do other operations, wait for a while to perform the creation statement will not report this wrong, You can clear the delay time of data operation on ZooKeeper by specifying the following parameter settings:

<!-- Modify parameter DATABASE_ATOMIC_DELAY_BEFORE_DROP_TABLE_SEC = 0, solve the problem of removing copy tables -->

8)Code: 252
Code: 252, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Too many partitions ,for single INSERT block (more than 100).
Cause: There are too many data partitions inserted with a single insertion, exceeding 100 of the default configuration.
1. Reasonably set the partition field.
2. Modify this max_partitions_per_insert_block parameter, turn out this value.
3. Avoid writing the same batch of data containing too many partitions.

9)Code: 359
Code: 359,e.displayText()=DB::Exception: Table or Partition in xxx was not dropped.
1. Size (158.40 GB) is greater than max_[table/partition]_size_to_drop (50.00 GB)
2. File ‘/data/clickhouse/clickhouse-server/flags/force_drop_table’ intended to force DROP doesn’t exist
1) It can be seen that the actual size of the deleted data has exceeded the size of the configuration.
2) Description You can skip the configuration check, forced to delete, but did not find this file / data / clickhouse / clickhouse-server / flags / force_drop_table, so you can’t skip the check, that is, you can’t force deletion.
Depending on the error message, execute in the node:

sudo touch '/data/clickhouse/clickhouse-server/flags/force_drop_table'
&& sudo chmod 666 '/data/clickhouse/clickhouse-server/flags/force_drop_table'

Then execute the delete operation again. It should be noted that this logo will have disappeared after the validity period of this logo file. After the execution is deleted, this file will disappear.

10)Code: 117

Code: 117, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Unexpected NULL value of not Nullable type String (version
Cause: Because the null value caused, the Hive underlying storage NULL value is expressed in n, and the way the Clickhouse handles the NULL value is inconsistent because it is necessary to specify when the table is required.

Solve: Refer to the processing NULL value document

11)Code: 62

ERROR ApplicationMaster: User class threw exception: ClickHouse exception, code: 62, host:, port: 8123; Code: 62, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Syntax error: failed at position 1432 (end of query): . Expected one of: ENGINE, storage definition (version ClickHouse exception, code: 62, host:, port: 8123; Code: 62, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Syntax error: failed at position 1432 (end of query): . Expected one of: ENGINE, storage definition (version
Reason: Table does not exist

Solve: Create a related table

12)Code: 241

Code: 241. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Memory limit (for query) exceeded: would use 9.31 GiB (attempt to allocate chunk of 4223048 bytes), maximum: 9.31 GiB: While executing MergeTreeThread: While executing CreatingSetsTransform.

Cause: Memory uses beyond restrictions, the default maximum limit is 10g.

Solve: SQL Settings a single query memory or set user quota (SQL settings or users.xml setting adjustment max_memory_usage = 200000000000)

13)Code: 202

ClickHouse exception, code: 202, host: xxxxx, port: 8123; Code: 202, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Too many simultaneous queries. Maximum: 100
Cause: Maximum concurrency is 100.

Solve: Modify config.xml file: <max_concurrent_queries> 100 </ max_concurrent_queries>.

14)Code: 252 ClickHouse exception, code: 252, host: xxxx, port: 8123; Code: 252, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Too many parts (308). Merges are processing significantly slower than inserts. (version
Reason: The speed of insert is too fast, and the speed of Clickhouse merge is too slow.

Solve: Tune and reduce the number of batch processes.

15)Code: 159

Code: 159. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Watching task /clickhouse/task_queue/ddl/query-0000000002 is executing longer than distributed_ddl_task_timeout (=180) seconds. There are 3 unfinished hosts (0 of them are currently active), they are going to execute the query in background.
Cause: Is the CK port written?
Solve: Check the CK port in the metrika.xml file

Сцена проекта (код ошибки: 210, 279):

Ошибка произошла при использовании распределенного двигателя с использованием распределенного

Описание проблемы:

Сначала создайте таблицу T на 3 узлах, а затем используйте распределенный двигатель для создания таблиц на 102. Слияние этих таблиц объединено. Ошибка происходит ::

↘ Progress: 0.00 rows, 0.00 B (0.00 rows/s., 0.00 B/s.) Received exception from server (version 19.7.3):
Code: 279. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000, DB::NetException. DB::NetException: All connection tries failed. Log: 

Code: 210, e.displayText() = DB::NetException: Connection refused (hadoop103:9000, (version
Code: 210, e.displayText() = DB::NetException: Connection refused (hadoop103:9000, (version
Code: 210, e.displayText() = DB::NetException: Connection refused (hadoop103:9000, (version

Анализ причины:

Интерфейс Zookeeper не объединен

1. Проверьте, является ли ваш собственный зоопер сначала включает его обычно, и правильным ли лозунга в соответствии с просмотромПроблема запуска ZookeeperКарта испытаний внутри, проверьте свой собственный зооукир, результат показан на рисунке

2. Проверьте файл конфигурации вашего собственного клика.


Измените то же самое, а затем перезапустите сервер Clickhouse, чтобы решить его.

Сцена проекта сцена:

Совет: вот соответствующий фон проекта:
Например: сценарий проекта: Пример: общайтесь с мобильным приложением через чип Bluetooth (HC-05), передайте партию данных датчиков каждые 5 с (не очень большой)

Описание проблемы:

Совет: здесь опишите проблемы, столкнутые в проекте:
Например: данные во время передачи данных время от времени теряются и иногда теряют некоторые данные
Получить код данных в приложении:

        public void run() {
            bytes =;
            mHandler.obtainMessage(READ_DATA, bytes, -1, buffer).sendToTarget();

Причина анализа

Совет: заполните анализ проблемы здесь:
Например: есть два способа отправки сообщений с помощью Handler, которые являются Handler.obtainmessage () и Handler.sendmessage (). Среди них рассматриваются первые данные, что вызывает потерю данных.


Совет: заполните конкретное решение проблемы здесь:
Например: создайте новый объект сообщения и сохраните данные для чтения в сообщении, а затем mhandler.obtainmessage (read_data, bytes, -1, buffer) .sendtotarget ();

ClickHouse has tables called ‘system.query_log’ and ‘system_query_thread_log’ that are used for storing statistics of each executed query like duration, memory usage, peak memory usage, etc.

There is also a table called ‘system.processes’ that has information about current queries.

In this article, we will explain these tables and give examples.


query_log table is located in the system database and contains information about executed queries, for example, start time, duration of the processing, and error messages.

♣ Note: This table does not contain the ingested data for INSERT queries.

The system.query_log table registers two kinds of queries:

  1. Initial queries were run directly by the client.
  2. Child queries that were initiated by other queries (for distributed query execution). For these types of queries, information about the parent queries is shown in the initial_* columns.

Each query creates one or two rows in the query_log table, depending on the status (see the type column) of the query:

  1. If the query execution was successful, two rows with the QueryStart and QueryFinish types are created.
  2. If an error occurred during query processing, two events with the QueryStart and ExceptionWhileProcessing types are created.
  3. If an error occurred before launching the query, a single event with the ExceptionBeforeStart type is created.



SELECT * FROM system.query_log order by event_date desc limit 1 format Vertical


Row 1:
type:                                  QueryFinish
event_date:                            2021-11-03
event_time:                            2021-11-03 16:13:54
event_time_microseconds:               2021-11-03 16:13:54.953024
query_start_time:                      2021-11-03 16:13:54
query_start_time_microseconds:         2021-11-03 16:13:54.952325
query_duration_ms:                     0
read_rows:                             69
read_bytes:                            6187
written_rows:                          0
written_bytes:                         0
result_rows:                           69
result_bytes:                          48256
memory_usage:                          0
current_database:                      default
query:                                 DESCRIBE TABLE system.query_log
normalized_query_hash:                 8274064835331539124
databases:                             []
tables:                                []
columns:                               []
projections:                           []
views:                                 []
exception_code:                        0
is_initial_query:                      1
user:                                  default
query_id:                              7c28bbbb-753b-4eba-98b1-efcbe2b9bdf6
address:                               ::ffff:
port:                                  40452
initial_user:                          default
initial_query_id:                      7c28bbbb-753b-4eba-98b1-efcbe2b9bdf6
initial_address:                       ::ffff:
initial_port:                          40452
initial_query_start_time:              2021-11-03 16:13:54
initial_query_start_time_microseconds: 2021-11-03 16:13:54.952325
interface:                             1
os_user:                               sevirov
client_name:                           cansayin47
client_revision:                       54449
client_version_major:                  21
client_version_minor:                  10
client_version_patch:                  1
http_method:                           0
revision:                              54456
thread_ids:                            [30776,31174]
ProfileEvents:                         {'Query':1,'NetworkSendElapsedMicroseconds':59,'NetworkSendBytes':2643,'SelectedRows':69,'SelectedBytes':6187,'ContextLock':9,'RWLockAcquiredReadLocks':1,'RealTimeMicroseconds':817,'UserTimeMicroseconds':427,'SystemTimeMicroseconds':212,'OSCPUVirtualTimeMicroseconds':639,'OSReadChars':894,'OSWriteChars':319}
Settings:                              {'load_balancing':'random','max_memory_usage':'10000000000'}
used_aggregate_functions:              []
used_aggregate_function_combinators:   []
used_database_engines:                 []
used_data_type_families:               []
used_dictionaries:                     []
used_formats:                          []
used_functions:                        []
used_storages:                         []
used_table_functions:                  []


query_thread_log table is located in the system database and contains information about threads that execute queries, for example, thread name, thread start time, and duration of query processing.

To start logging in:

  1. Configure parameters in the query_thread_log section.
  2. Set log_query_threads to 1.

Setting for logging threads of queries received with the log_query_threads=1 setting.

Queries are logged in the system.query_thread_log table, not in a separate file. You can change the name of the table in the table parameter (see below).

If the table does not exist, ClickHouse will create it. If the structure of the query thread log changed when the ClickHouse server was updated, the table with the old structure is renamed, and a new table is created automatically.



SELECT * FROM system.query_thread_log LIMIT 1


Row 1:
event_date:                    2020-09-11
event_time:                    2020-09-11 10:08:17
event_time_microseconds:       2020-09-11 10:08:17.134042
query_start_time:              2020-09-11 10:08:17
query_start_time_microseconds: 2020-09-11 10:08:17.063150
query_duration_ms:             70
read_rows:                     0
read_bytes:                    0
written_rows:                  1
written_bytes:                 12
memory_usage:                  4300844
peak_memory_usage:             4300844
thread_name:                   TCPHandler
thread_id:                     638133
master_thread_id:              638133
query:                         INSERT INTO test1 VALUES
is_initial_query:              1
user:                          default
query_id:                      50a320fd-85a8-49b8-8761-98a86bcbacef
address:                       ::ffff:
port:                          33452
initial_user:                  default
initial_query_id:              50a320fd-85a8-49b8-8761-98a86bcbacef
initial_address:               ::ffff:
initial_port:                  33452
interface:                     1
os_user:                       bharatnc
client_hostname:               tower
client_name:                   ClickHouse
client_revision:               54437
client_version_major:          20
client_version_minor:          7
client_version_patch:          2
http_method:                   0
revision:                      54440
ProfileEvents:        {'Query':1,'SelectQuery':1,'ReadCompressedBytes':36,'CompressedReadBufferBlocks':1,'CompressedReadBufferBytes':10,'IOBufferAllocs':1,'IOBufferAllocBytes':89,'ContextLock':15,'RWLockAcquiredReadLocks':1}


system.processes table contains data about all the current queries.



SELECT * FROM system.processes format Vertical


Row 1:
is_initial_query:     1
user:                 demo
query_id:             c0b4f5df-d311-4e37-a727-2ef0f9211f0d
address:              ::ffff:
port:                 46692
initial_user:         demo
initial_query_id:     c0b4f5df-d311-4e37-a727-2ef0f9211f0d
initial_address:      ::ffff:
initial_port:         46692
interface:            2
client_revision:      0
client_version_major: 0
client_version_minor: 0
client_version_patch: 0
http_method:          2
http_user_agent:      DBeaver 22.1.1 - SQLEditor <Script.sql>
distributed_depth:    0
elapsed:              0.000989364
is_cancelled:         0
read_rows:            0
read_bytes:           0
total_rows_approx:    0
written_rows:         0
written_bytes:        0
memory_usage:         0
peak_memory_usage:    0
query:                SELECT * FROM system.processes format Vertical
thread_ids:           [13231]
ProfileEvents:        {'Query':1,'SelectQuery':1,'ContextLock':13,'RWLockAcquiredReadLocks':1}
Settings:             {'max_insert_threads':'8','max_threads':'32','connect_timeout_with_failover_ms':'1000','optimize_move_to_prewhere':'1','load_balancing':'random','distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient':'1','log_queries':'1','max_bytes_before_external_group_by':'64424509440','max_bytes_before_external_sort':'64424509440','max_result_rows':'200','max_result_bytes':'10485760','result_overflow_mode':'break','max_execution_time':'120','readonly':'2','max_memory_usage':'115964116992','max_memory_usage_for_user':'115964116992','allow_ddl':'0','parallel_view_processing':'1','default_database_engine':'Ordinary','max_memory_usage_for_all_queries':'115964116992','allow_experimental_window_functions':'1'}
current_database:     default

Long Running Queries

To find long running queries we have to check system.processes table which is include current processes.


SELECT query, query_id, elapsed, memory_usage, peak_memory_usage, read_rows,read_bytes, written_rows,written_bytes 
FROM system.processes

Find queries running longer than 1 second.

SELECT query, query_id, elapsed, memory_usage, peak_memory_usage, read_rows,read_bytes, written_rows,written_bytes 
FROM system.processes 
WHERE elapsed > 1

Kill Query

To kill a process, run the following command.

KILL QUERY WHERE query_id = 'd02f4bdb-8928-4347-8641-4da4b9c0f486' 

If your kill query returns ‘waiting’ status, please read the information below;

ClickHouse queries can’t be killed during the sleep.

If you are using a recent CH release (21.12+), then the KILL flag will be checked after each block is processed (on older releases it might never be checked). Since the default block is 65536, the query will be slept for 65536 * 3 seconds ~= 54 hours before checking anything.

In future releases of CH it will be impossible to sleep for more than 3 seconds (which right now is a limit of sleep but not for sleepEachRow). In the meantime you can either wait or restart the server.

Most Current Reading Queries

You can use the below command to find the most read queries

SELECT query, query_id, elapsed, read_rows,read_bytes, memory_usage, peak_memory_usage, written_rows,written_bytes 
FROM system.processes 
ORDER BY read_bytes DESC

Most Current Writing Queries

You can use the below command to find the most writing queries

SELECT query, query_id, elapsed, written_rows,written_bytes , memory_usage, peak_memory_usage, read_rows,read_bytes 
FROM system.processes 
ORDER BY written_rows DESC

Current Queries Using Huge Amount of Memory

Following query shows you queries which are using huge amount of memory.

SELECT query, query_id, elapsed, memory_usage, peak_memory_usage, written_rows,written_bytes , read_rows,read_bytes
FROM system.processes 
order by memory_usage desc

Most Read Queries

SELECT type, query, query_id, event_time,query_duration_ms,read_rows,read_bytes,written_rows,written_bytes,memory_usage 
FROM system.query_log 
ORDER BY read_rows DESC

Most Wrote Queries

SELECT type, query, query_id, event_time,query_duration_ms,read_rows,read_bytes,written_rows,written_bytes,memory_usage 
FROM system.query_log 
ORDER BY written_rows DESC

Most Run Queries

SELECT type, query, query_id, event_time,query_duration_ms,read_rows,read_bytes,written_rows,written_bytes,memory_usage 
FROM system.query_log
ORDER BY query_duration_ms DESC

Most Memory Used Queries

SELECT type, query, query_id, event_time,query_duration_ms,read_rows,read_bytes,written_rows,written_bytes,memory_usage 
FROM system.query_log 
ORDERY BY memory_usage DESC

Queries Return Error

In the where clause there is type information which is given 3 and 4.

Type 3 is ExceptionBeforeStart

Type 4 is ExceptionWhileProcessing

Now, you can get both error type queries.

SELECT type, query, query_id, event_time,query_duration_ms,read_rows,read_bytes,written_rows,written_bytes,memory_usage 
FROM system.query_log
WHERE type = 3 or type = 4
ORDER BY event_time DESC

Get By Count

   SELECT type, query, query_id, event_time,query_duration_ms,read_rows,read_bytes,written_rows,written_bytes,memory_usage 
FROM system.query_log 
WHERE type = 3 or type = 4 
ORDER BY event_time desc

Debug Hunging

If ClickHouse is busy and you don’t know why, you can check the stacktraces of all the thread which are working.

 arrayStringConcat(arrayMap(x -> demangle(addressToSymbol(x)), trace), 'n') AS trace_functions,
FROM system.stack_trace
GROUP BY trace_functions
ORDER BY count()
SETTINGS allow_introspection_functions=1

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