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This is probably a really noob question, but the fact of the matter is that my Code::blocks wouldn’t show me errors when it compiles — it only shows a red bar next to the offending line as shown in screenshot. Also, when my code does run and has output, CB opens a new window instead of showing the output in a pane in the bottom of the editor window like some other IDEs. How do I enable either/both, since they’re probably the same feature? Thanks!
asked Dec 15, 2010 at 23:48
Press F2 to enable Logs panel. Select «Build log» in it.
Or go to menu: View -> Logs
Have a good developing!
answered Dec 15, 2010 at 23:51
89.7k53 gold badges353 silver badges508 bronze badges
go to view -> perspective -> and enable code::Blocks default, you can see your projects left side and down the build logs and messages etc.
answered Nov 16, 2015 at 9:40
If after hitting F2, you don’t see «Log & others» tab
You need choose: «View» ==> «Perspective» ==> «Delete current»
answered Oct 2, 2019 at 14:45
1,4202 gold badges12 silver badges19 bronze badges
You just need to hit F2 to enable the «log & others» pane.
answered Jul 20, 2015 at 4:41
Akash VermaAkash Verma
5981 gold badge10 silver badges13 bronze badges
Steps :View ->Perspective ->Delete
works definitely, if F2 and view logs don’t work.
answered Nov 4, 2021 at 9:37
Topic: Can’t see error messages (Read 100464 times)
Hi all,
Code::Blocks has been an amazing IDE but after some initial time, I don’t exactly remember what happened, the error messages which appeared at the bottom of the screen just disappeared. The window at the bottom is no longer there and although I have explored and tried everything, I can’t see any error messages. Just a breakpoint on the line where error exists. I have tried reinstalling several times as well.
Any help would be absolutely fantastic,
Hi all,
Code::Blocks has been an amazing IDE but after some initial time, I don’t exactly remember what happened, the error messages which appeared at the bottom of the screen just disappeared. The window at the bottom is no longer there and although I have explored and tried everything, I can’t see any error messages. Just a breakpoint on the line where error exists. I have tried reinstalling several times as well.
Any help would be absolutely fantastic,
What do you mean if you say the window at the bottom is no longer there ?
Do you mean the whole logger window, including codeblocks log, search pane etc ?
Make sure that «View -> Logs» is checked.
If that does not help, you can try to delete the current layout («View -> Layouts -> Delete current»).
By the way:
you should always post which version of C::B, which OS (and version) and which wxWidgets-version you use.
Oh damn,
Thank you Jens !
The first solution you told, solved it.
I knew I would feel dumb after getting it right
I have the same issue now. Even after Logs is checked in view menu, log window does not appear. I am using CB16.01 and in this I do not see View-> Layouts menu at all. So how to reset all windows to default?
Edit2: OS means operating system
By the way:
you should always post which version of C::B, which OS (and version) and which wxWidgets-version you use.
C Programmer working to learn more about C++ and Git.
On Windows 7 64 bit and Windows 10 64 bit.
When in doubt, read the CB WiKi FAQ. http://wiki.codeblocks.org
I have the same issue now. Even after Logs is checked in view menu, log window does not appear. I am using CB16.01 and in this I do not see View-> Layouts menu at all. So how to reset all windows to default?
You post in a nine year old thread and some things have changed, including menutitles.
It’s «View -> perspectives» now.
That worked (Perspectives -> Delete current)
Вероятно, это действительно нубский вопрос, но в том-то и дело, что мои Code::blocks не будут показывать мне ошибки при компиляции — он показывает только красную полосу рядом с ошибочной строкой, как показано на скриншоте. Кроме того, когда мой код запускается и имеет вывод, CB открывает новое окно вместо отображения вывода на панели в нижней части окна редактора, как некоторые другие IDE. Как я могу включить один или оба, так как они, вероятно, одна и та же функция? Спасибо!
2010-12-15 23:48
Нажмите F2, чтобы включить панель журналов. Выберите в нем «Журнал сборки».
Или зайдите в меню: View -> Logs
Хорошего развития!
2010-12-15 23:51
Перейдите к просмотру -> перспектива -> и включите code::Blocks по умолчанию, вы можете видеть ваши проекты слева и вниз по журналам сборки и сообщениям и т. д.
2015-11-16 09:40
Если после нажатия F2 вы не видите вкладку «Журнал и другие»
Вам нужно выбрать: «Просмотр» ==> «Перспектива» ==> «Удалить текущий»
2019-10-02 17:45
Вам просто нужно нажать F2, чтобы включить панель «log & others».
2015-07-20 04:41
Шаги: View ->Perspective ->Delete работает определенно, если F2 и просмотр журналов не работают.
04 ноя ’21 в 12:37
2021-11-04 12:37
2021-11-04 12:37
(компилятор не показывает ошибки) Язык Си. Почему программа не работает?
Вопрос заданболее трёх лет назад
839 просмотров
google -> «code blocks build file no target»
Пригласить эксперта
Ответы на вопрос 2
Возможные ошибки: (не весь код видно)
1. Подключен iostream вместо stdio.h
2. Других ошибок в коде не вижу. Попробуй скопировать код и создать новый проект через Empty File.
Сразу извини если не здесь с codeblock-сом не дружу.
Программист 1С, сетевые технологии, SQL
Code::blocks не очень дружелюбен к начинающим. У тебя настройки линкера и компилятора не указаны.
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