Creation kit выдает ошибку

Качаешь архив , распаковал на Рабочий стол.
у тебя папка будет с названием : Creation_Kit_1.9.32.0byTF(у меня так называется)
в этой папке у тебя :
Papyrus Compiler
Их нужно скопировать с заменой в папку Skyrim (не в папку с игрой , а где моды твои лежат,где SkyrimLauncher, skse_loader ну и т.д )
Скорее всего проблема со steam_api.dll , но заменяй новым.
Тот файл что у тебя сейчас лежит в папке Skyrim , steam_api.dll переименуй в steam_ap.dll , на тот случай если игра не запустится: удали новый , а этот назови обратно steam_api.dll
Лучше чтоб они оба лежали в папке , но с одинаковым названием лежать не может.
поэтому у меня так лежат :

Может кому пригодится))

Hello Everyone.  
I recently did a complete fresh install of Skyrim, and when I mean fresh, I mean fresh.  My operating system is windows 10 in case that info is of any use.
I have uninstalled steam using revo and have deleted every know possible file related to steam and all the game I have.  After that was done I deleted my local AppData related to Steam, Skyrim, and the Creation Kit.  I have also deleted My Games in My Documents.  Every file has been deleted.

I then, reinstall Steam, and then Skyrim.  I also install the Creation Kit.  I validate CK files and Skyrim files…twice.
With a fresh install and nothing changed I run Skyrim up until the first save point.

I then make the necessary edits in editor ini to allow multiple master loads.
I open creation Kit and everything is good so far.  When I click on file to load Data I get warnings and errors.
First I just load Skyrim.esm and I get NavMesh errors when loaded
I then load Skyrim.esm, Dawnguard.esm, Hearthfires.esm, Dragonborn.esm, Update.esm, and creationkitdlcfix.esp
I then receive more errors, Quest, FORM, Editors, MasterFile etc.  This is a link to my SkyrimEditor.ini

Can anyone help me on why I am receiving these errors.  On my previous install, I did not receive any errors.


That sounds to me like the normal errors you get when starting the kit.  I am not going to download your file.

You can turn the warnings off by setting this in your INI file



Long list but here they are.

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (02036A5F) for TopicInfo( 02036A60 ) in Topic » (02017E6A).

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (02036A5F) for TopicInfo( 02036A60 ) in Topic » (02017E6A).

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (0202BA1A) for TopicInfo( 0202BA19) in Topic » (0202B9FB).

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (02035C0D) for TopicInfo( 02038ABE) in Topic » (0203177A).

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (02035BF8) for TopicInfo( 02035BF9) in Topic » (02032088).

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (0202BA24) for TopicInfo( 0202BA25) in Topic » (0203208A).

-Forms: Non-parent Naviform » (00012FB4) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and Update.esm’

-Forms:Non-parent REFR form ‘ HousecarlWhiterunRef’ (000A2C94) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Forms: Non-parent INFO form » ( 000DE50E) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and Dragonborn.esm’

-Forms: Non-parent INFO form » ( 0008BBD0) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Forms: Non-parent INFO form » ( 0008BBD3) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Forms: Non-parent INFO form » ( 00016CA2) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Forms: Non-parent INFO form » ( 0008BBD9) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Forms: Non-parent INFO form » ( 00016CA3) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Forms: Non-parent INFO form » ( 000D0599) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Forms: Non-parent INFO form » ( 00016CA4) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Forms: Non-parent INFO form » ( 0008BBDD) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Forms: Non-parent INFO form » ( 000A402C) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Forms: Non-parent INFO form » ( 000B0EE9) exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (03003ED1) for TopicInfo( 03003ED2) in Topic «RelationshipAdoption_SharedInfos (03003D00).

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (03003F01) for TopicInfo( 03003F02) in Topic «RelationshipAdoption_JustAdoptedBranchTopic» (03003D23).

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (03013EF5) for TopicInfo( 03016412 )in Topic «RelationshipAdoption_FGPetTopic» (03013ECB).

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (03000C31) for TopicInfo( 03000C32 )in Topic «BYOHHousePalePurchaseTopic» (03017709).

-Forms:Non-parent IDLE form’ EnterChairCHILDInstant’ ( 001090B1 )exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm’

-Forms:Non-parent LCTN form’ RiftenHoneysideLocatoin’ ( 0005E0FD )exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Forms:Non-parent LCTN form’ VirtualLocation’ ( 00058ED2 )exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and Dragonborn.esm’

-Forms:Non-parent LCTN form’ WindhelmLocatoin’ ( 00018A57 )exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Forms:Non-parent DOBJ form «( 00000031)exists in both file ‘HearthFires.esm’ and ‘Update.esm’

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ NPC HumanWorkbenchHammerDistant’ for SNDR ( 03017ECC ) is not unique, previous object ( 02035C21 )is type SNDR. Editor ID will be set to ‘ NPC Human WorkbenchHammerDistantDUPLICATE001’

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ NPC HumanWorkbenchHammerDistant’ for SNDR ( 03017ECB) is not unique, previous object ( 02035C20 )is type SNDR. Editor ID will be set to ‘ NPC Human WorkbenchHammerDistantDUPLICATE001’

-Form: Non-parent MGEF form ‘VoiceFireBreathEffect1′( 00020E16 ) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and Dragonborn.esm’

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ SummonValorTargetFXActivator’ for ACTI ( 040142BE ) is not unique, previous object ( 02028214 )is type ACTI. Editor ID will be set to ‘  SummonValorTargetFXActivator’DUPLICATE001’

-Form: Non-parent CONT form ‘MerchantCaravanCChest'( 0007434E ) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’ 

-Form: Non-parent CONT form ‘MerchantCaravanBChest'( 0007434D ) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’ 

-Form: Non-parent CONT form ‘MerchantCaravanAChest'( 0007434B) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’ 

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ DweRmSMCounter01Half’ for STAT ( 04003F0D) is not unique, previous object ( 03003F0D )is type STAT. Editor ID will be set to ‘DweRmSMCounter01HalfDUPLICATE001’

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ DLC1GoundAmbush01’ for FURN( 0400825D) is not unique, previous object ( 03034F98 )is type FURN. Editor ID will be set to ‘DLC1GoundAmbush01DUPLICATE001

-Form: Non-parent REFR form ‘WRShackDoor01′( 000166A9) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’ 

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 000CB4F4 ) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’ 

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 000CB4F3 ) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’ 

-Form: Non-parent REFR form ‘PickaxeMiningTableMarker ‘( 0010D7F1) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm’ 

New -Form: Non-parent REFR form ‘WETrigger ‘( 00099C60) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent REFR form ‘WETrigger ‘( 0008F645) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’ 

-Form: Non-parent REFR form ‘WETrigger ‘( 0008F645) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’ 

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00101F29 ) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’ 

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00101F2B) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00101F26) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00101F30) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00101F2F) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00101F2E) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00101F2D) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00101F34) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 000EF63C) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 000EF63B) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 000EA181) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 001050E5) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 001050D4) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00105A90) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00105A8F) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00105A8E) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00105A8D) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00105A75) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00105A6E) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 000F2E24) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 000F13F4) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 000F13F3) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 000F13F2) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 000F065F) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00108B64) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent NAVM form ‘ ( 00108B63) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Form: Non-parent INFO form ‘ ( 000F3921) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm’

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (04015C84) for TopicInfo( 04015C85 ) in Topic » (04004DAA).

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (04004DE6) for TopicInfo( 04018B1D ) in Topic » (04004DAA).

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (04013709) for TopicInfo( 04013721 ) in Topic «DLC1VQ03VampireShared (040098B2).

-Quests:Could not find Previous info (0401329B) for TopicInfo( 04013709 ) in Topic «DLC1VQ03VampireShared (040098B2).

-Form: Non-parent QUST form ‘DA04 ( 0002D512) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent IDLE form ‘MountedBowZoom ( 01000986) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent IDLE form ‘AttackRightSide ( 01000981) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ IdleChildCryingEnd’ for IDLE( 040029D4) is not unique, previous object ( 03018300 )is type IDLE. Editor ID will be set to ‘IdleChildCryingEndDuplicate001’

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ IdleChildCryingStart’ for IDLE( 040029D3) is not unique, previous object ( 030182FF )is type IDLE. Editor ID will be set to ‘IdleChildCryingStartDuplicate001’

-Form: Non-parent IDLE form ‘IdleBlessingKneel( 000F11EC) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent IDLE form ‘IdleDrinkFountain( 00102012) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent IDLE form ‘ReactionToPlayer( 0002F61F) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ DraugrGroundLayExit’ for IDLE( 040058AC) is not unique, previous object ( 02043F9A )is type IDLE. Editor ID will be set to ‘DraugrGroundLayExitDuplicate001’

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ DraugrGroundLayEnterInstant’ for IDLE( 040058AB) is not unique, previous object ( 02043F99 )is type IDLE. Editor ID will be set to ‘DraugrGroundLayEnterInstantDuplicate001’

-Form: Non-parent IDLE form ‘DraugrSlouched2EnterInstant( 00089A92) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ DraugrSummonedStart’ for IDLE( 040023E5) is not unique, previous object ( 02031DA0 )is type IDLE. Editor ID will be set to ‘DraugrSummonedStartDuplicate001’

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ DraugrSummonedStartRoot’ for IDLE( 040023E4) is not unique, previous object ( 02031D9F )is type IDLE. Editor ID will be set to ‘DraugrSummonedStartRootDuplicate001’

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ AnimObjectWoodScrap’ for ANIO( 04013795) is not unique, previous object ( 03014352 )is type ANIO. Editor ID will be set to ‘AnimObjectWoodScrapDuplicate001’

-Editor:Editor ID ‘ AnimObjectDrawBlade’ for ANIO ( 04013794) is not unique, previous object ( 0300A356 )is type ANIO. Editor ID will be set to ‘AnimObjectDrawBladeDuplicate001’

-Form: Non-parent Perk form ‘HackAndSlash90( 000C3679) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent Perk form ‘HackAndSlash60( 000C3678) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent Perk form ‘HackAndSlash30( 000CFFFA) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent Perk form ‘Warmaster( 0003AFA7) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent LCTN form ‘MarkarthLocation( 00018A59) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm

-Form: Non-parent LCTN form ‘RiftenLocation( 00018A58) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm

-Form: Non-parent LCTN form ‘WhiterunLocation( 00018A56) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm

-Form: Non-parent LCTN form ‘MorthallLocation( 00018A53) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm

-Form: Non-parent LCTN form ‘FalkreathLocation( 00018A49) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm

-Form: Non-parent LCTN form ‘SolitudeLocation( 00018A5A) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm

-Form: Non-parent LCTN form ‘DawnstarLocation( 00018A50) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm

-Form: Non-parent LCTN form ‘DeepFolkCrossingLocation'( 000B2391) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent SMBN form ‘WIChangeLocationNode( 000A39C6 ) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘HearthFires.esm

-Form: Non-parent SMBN form ‘WIScriptEventBranchNode( 0006D1E6 ) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent SMBN form ‘DungeonNode( 00030B13 ) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent SMBN form ‘WEQuestNode( 000896A8) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent SMQN form ‘WICourierNodeSharesEvent ( 00039FBD) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Form: Non-parent SMEN form ‘( Uninitialized event Node ) ( 0001320E) exists in both file ‘Dawnguard.esm’ and ‘Dragonborn.esm

-Masterfile: Armor ‘DLC01ReaperBracers ‘ (0401A755 ) used invalid Biped Object slot 33 for race ‘Skeleton Race’

-Masterfile: Unique ActorBase ‘DLC01SoulCairnReaper’ ( 0401A73E ) has more than one referace in the world. Data access when unloaded my not work correctly.

-Masterfile: unable to find package target referace (00000000) on owner object «DLC1VQ02SeranaPullLever.

-Masterfile: NavmeshInfo 00028e37 has no parent space, ignoring

-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for referance:

Base: ‘AutoLoadDoor01’ (00031897)

Ref » ( 00015E1D)

Cell: YngolBarrowExterior ( 0000B452 ) ( 38,11 ) in world ‘Tamriel’


-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for referance:

Base: ‘WRshackdoorMinUse01’ (000FE471)

Ref » ( 0006767F)

Cell: WhiterunExterior10 ( 000095DA ) ( 7,-1 ) in world ‘Tamriel’


-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for referance:

Base: ‘AutoLoadDoor01’ (00031897)

Ref » ( 0001770F)

Cell: KarthwastenExterior03 ( 0000707A ) (-34,9 ) in world ‘Tamriel’


-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: ‘ShipTrapdoor02MinUseHidden’ (00061435)

Ref » ( 00099315)

Cell: ‘Wilderness’ ( 0000967A ) (2,-6 ) in world ‘Tamriel’ (0000003C)

-Masterfile: Reference attached to wrong cell for its location:

‘DLC2StalhrimSource01’ ( 0200ED6C ) ( 6,19 ) in WorldSpace

‘DLC2SolsthiemWorld (02000800) 

-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for referance:

Base: ‘sc_towerfloatingrocks03’ (04010BAE)

Ref » ( 04015DCA)

Cell: DLC01SoulCairnCraterKeeper ( 04002C75) ) (6,3 ) in world ‘DLC01SoulCairn’


-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for referance:

Base: ‘FXSmokeWispsLg2x1Adjust’ (0001643B)

Ref » ( 04015DC8)

Cell: DLC01SoulCairnCraterKeeper ( 04002C75) ) (6,3 ) in world ‘DLC01SoulCairn’


-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for referance:

Base: ‘sc_towerfloatingrocks02’ (04010BAD)

Ref » ( 04015DC3)

Cell: DLC01SoulCairnCraterKeeper ( 04002C75) ) (6,3 ) in world ‘DLC01SoulCairn’


-Materfile: Did not find matching NavMeshInfo for NavMesh ID 000CB4F3 in cell whiterunbreezehome, Creating a temporary one

-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for referance:

Base: ‘dunda14PortalDoor01’ (0003DC41)

Ref » ( 0003DC3F)

Cell: DA14Interior (0003D62B)

-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for referance:

Base: ‘AutoLoadDoor01’ (00031897)

Ref » ( 00015D12)

Cell: WolfSkullCave01 (000151F6)

-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for referance:

Base: ‘ImpDoorSingleLoad01’ (0004203A)

Ref » ‘HelgenKeep01btoExteriorRef’ (000909D2)

Cell: HelgenKeep01 (0005DE24)

-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for referance:

Base: ‘ImpDoorDoubleLoad01’ (000439C4)

Ref » ‘HelgenKeeptoExterior01Ref’ (0005DF95)

Cell: HelgenKeep01 (0005DE24)

-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for referance:

Base: ‘PlaneMarker’ (00000017)

Ref »  (04011641)

Cell: ‘DLC1DawnguardHQ01’ (04001DBA)

-Masterfile: Errors were encountered during InitItem for referance:

Base: ‘PlaneMarker’ (00000017)

Ref »  (04014642)

Cell: ‘DLC1DawnguardHQ01’ (04001DBA)

-Masterfile: Cell contains more than one COC marker:

‘testFalmer’ ( 0400362A)

-Masterfile: Cell contains more than one COC marker:

‘testGiant’ ( 04007D95)

-Masterfile: Idle ‘ DraugrSummonedStartRoot’ (02031D9F) has not parent and in not an action root.

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ EnterTable ‘ ( 00098C27)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ EnterTable ‘ ( 00098C27)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleTGfalmerStatue ‘ ( 000DBE41)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleTGfalmerStatue ‘ ( 000DBE41)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleTGfalmerStatue ‘ ( 000DBE41)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleTGfalmerStatue ‘ ( 000DBE41)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleTGfalmerStatue ‘ ( 000DBE41)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ EnterTable ‘ ( 00098C27)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleTGfalmerStatue ‘ ( 000DBE41)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ EnterTable ‘ ( 00098C27

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleTGfalmerStatue ‘ ( 000DBE41)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleCartTravelDriver’  ( 00103446)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleTGfalmerStatue ‘ ( 000DBE41)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleCartTravelDriver’  ( 00103446)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleCartTravelDriver’  ( 00103446)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleTGfalmerStatue ‘ ( 000DBE41)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ EnterTable ‘ ( 00098C27)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleCartTravelDriver’  ( 00103446 )

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleCartTravelDriver’  ( 00103446 )

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleTGfalmerStatue ‘ ( 000DBE41)

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleCartTravelDriver’  ( 00103446 )

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ IdleCartTravelDriver’  ( 00103446 )

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ ChildSitOnKnees’  ( 0300ED58 )

-Masterfile: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form ‘ StonePickUpRoot’  ( 02034EF0 )

-Masterfile: Invalid prev idle for IDLE Form ‘ IdleBloodPortalActivate’  ( 0401503B )

Edited by Masterofnet, 26 November 2016 — 07:52 pm.




Язык:не требуется

Цель данного фикса исправить некоторые ошибки при работе с Creation kit,а точнее:
— Фикс исправляет ошибку когда Creation kit не в состоянии загрузить все DLC в CK
— Фикс устраняет ошибку с некорректным уведомлением «Multiple Master files selected Operation aborted» («Операция для выбранных Multiple Master файлов прервана»)

— Creation kit

Скопируйте 2 файла SkyrimEditor.ini и SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini в папку с игрой в директорию где находится запуск игры TESV.exe и подтвердите замену

Основной архив (7 kb)Сервер №1

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Creation Kit — I get a bunch of masterfile errors when I start it.

Is something wrong with my CK or is it normal?

I also have tweaked the .ini file according to a post here on r/skyrimmods.

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Как убрать ошибки локализации?

Achtung.png MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: ….

При запуске Creation Kit возникают ошибки где-то на 5% загрузки мастер-файла, ошибки локализации типа:

MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x000126C4 from persistent strings file: STRINGS/Skyrim_ENGLISH.STRING

Ошибки возникают из-за того, что по умолчанию редактор настроен на работу с английской версией игры, и русский язык не понимает, отсюда и ошибки.
Чтобы это исправить делаем вот что:

  1. Открываем в блокноте файл SkyrimEditor.ini из директории где лежит Skyrim(для 64 битной системы стандартный путь установки C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonskyrim)
  2. В блоке [General] добавляем строчку sLanguage=RUSSIAN
  3. Эту строчку можно раздобыть из файла Skyrim_Default.ini из того же блока [General] или скопировать из предыдущего пункта.

После этого перестанут появляться ошибки локализации и в редакторе в диалогах, названиях предметов появится русский язык.

Это для русской локализации, для других ставим другой язык соответственно, он указан в файле Skyrim_Default.ini

Так же, если надоедают сообщения об ошибках, их можно заблокировать, но хорошо ли это?

  1. Открываем в блокноте файл SkyrimEditor.ini из директории где лежит Skyrim(путь к папке см. выше)
  2. В блоке [MESSAGES] меняем значение bBlockMessageBoxes=0 на bBlockMessageBoxes=1

Этот метод решения ошибок я писал в своём блоге ещё 10 февраля, нашёл решение для немецкой версии игры на официальных форумах, по аналогии сделал для русской.

—skv1991 15:53, 20 февраля 2012 (MSK)

tags: creation kit для русской версии skyrim, masterfile localization

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