Cs1061 unity ошибка

AssetsScriptsGameContoller.cs(29,73): error CS1061: ‘GameObject[]’ does not contain a definition for ‘ToList’ and no accessible extension method ‘ToList’ accepting a first argument of type ‘GameObject[]’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Полная ошибка.

Не могу понять в чем проблема, почему ему не нравиться ToList()?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class GameContoller : MonoBehaviour
public enum GameState { START, PLAY, LOSE, GAME_OVER};
public event System.Action<GameState> OnStateChanged;
private GameState state;
[SerializeField] private Transform levelRegion = null;
[SerializeField] private Level LevelPrefab = null;
[SerializeField] private List<Color> colors = new List<Color>();
private List<Level> levels = new List<Level>();
private List <GameObject> ObstaclePrefabs ;

public GameState State { get => state; set { state = value; OnStateChanged?.Invoke(state);} }

public static GameContoller Instance;
[SerializeField] private Transform spawnRegion;

private void Awake()
Instance = this;

private void Start()
ObstaclePrefabs = Resources.LoadAll<GameObject>(«GroupObstacles»).ToList();
for (int i=0; i<2;i++)

private void ResetLevels()
levels[0].AnchoredPosition = new Vector3(0, -levels[0].Size.y / 2);
for ( int i = 1; i < levels.Count; i ++)
levels[i].AnchoredPosition = new Vector3(0, levels[i — 1].AnchoredPosition.y + levels[ i- 1].Size.y);
private Level SpawnNewLevel1()
Level level = Instantiate(LevelPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, levelRegion);
level.AnchoredPosition =Vector3.zero;
level.BackColor = colors[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, colors.Count)];
level.Size = new Vector2 (levelRegion.parent.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.x, levelRegion.parent.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.y * 2 );
//level.Size = new Vector2(levelRegion.parent.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.x, levelRegion.parent.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.y * 2 );
return level;

public void StartGame()
State = GameState.PLAY;
SpawnObstacle(ObstaclePrefabs[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, ObstaclePrefabs.Count)], spawnRegion);
private void SpawnObstacle(GameObject gameObject, Transform spawnRegion)
Instantiate(gameObject, spawnRegion.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, spawnRegion);


error CS1061: Type `UnityEngine.UI.Image’ does not contain a definition for `enable’ and no extension method `enable’ of type `UnityEngine.UI.Image’ could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class HealthSystem : MonoBehaviour {

	public int health;
	public int numberOfLives;

	public Image[] lives;

	public Sprite fullLive;
	public Sprite emptyLive;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {

	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () 
      for (int i = 0; i < lives.Length; i++)			
	  	if (i < numberOfLives)
	     	lives[i].enable = true;
            lives[i].enable = false;

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Компилятор тебе четко говорит, что у Image, нет свойства enable. Чтобы это проверить, идешь на офф сайт и ищешь класс Image. Находим инфу. Убеждаемся, что компилятор не соврал и изменяем на правильное свойство
Properties enabled

Как я понял у тебя есть на сцене много Image в канвасе, и тебе нужно их включать и выключать. Если я прав, то сделай вот что: обьяви не public Image[] lives; а public GameObject[] lives; так как на сцене у тебя обьекты GameObject, а Image — это компонент обьекта. И еще используй не enabled, а lives[i].SetActive(true/false);

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I’m running into the quite simple aforementioned error. I thought I’d fix it quite quickly, but even after quite some searching, I can’t for the life of me figure out what the problem is. I Have the following Interface:

public interface ITemperatureEmitter
    float CurrentTemperatureAddon { get; }

I implement this in two other (empty for now) Interfaces:

public interface ITemperatureEmitterEnvironment : ITemperatureEmitter

public interface ITemperatureEmitterSphere : ITemperatureEmitter

Subsequently I use these three interfaces in the following class:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class TemperatureReceiver : MonoBehaviour, ITemperatureReceiver
    public float PerceivedTemperature;

    // Serialized for debug purposes
    [SerializeField] private List<ITemperatureEmitterSphere> temperatureEmitterSpheres;
    [SerializeField] private List<ITemperatureEmitterEnvironment> temperatureEmitterEnvironments;
    [SerializeField] private float environmentTemperature;
    [SerializeField] private float temperatureToModifyBy;
    [SerializeField] private float currentTemperatureAddon;
    [SerializeField] private float appliedTemperatureAddon;
    [SerializeField] private float totalTemperatureAddon;

    private void Update()

    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.GetComponent<ITemperatureEmitterSphere>() != null)
        else if (other.GetComponent<ITemperatureEmitterEnvironment>() != null)

    private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
        if (other.GetComponent<ITemperatureEmitterSphere>() != null)
        else if (other.GetComponent<ITemperatureEmitterEnvironment>() != null)

    private void UpdatePerceivedTemperature()

    private void ModifyPerceivedTemperature<ITemperatureEmitter>(List<ITemperatureEmitter> list)
        if (list.Count > 0)
            foreach (var item in list)
                currentTemperatureAddon += item.CurrentTemperatureAddon;
            currentTemperatureAddon = currentTemperatureAddon / list.Count;
            appliedTemperatureAddon = PerceivedTemperature;
            temperatureToModifyBy = currentTemperatureAddon = appliedTemperatureAddon;
            PerceivedTemperature += temperatureToModifyBy;

Now the item.CurrentTemperatureAddon in the ModifyPercievedTemperature method emits «error CS1061: Type ITemperatureEmitter does not contain a definition for CurrentTemperatureAddon and no extension method CurrentTemperatureAddon of type ITemperatureEmitter could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?«

ITemperatureEmitter quite literally does contain a definition for CurrentTemperatureAddonm… Anyone has an idea what’s happening here?

I cannot explain why this is not working. So, I downloaded Git from the link. Is there an extra option after? After I downloaded and installed it I went to the package handler option. I then entered the link into the search by ULR option. I got the same Error saying Git was not Installed, but it is installed, so I do not know If I am missing a option. I went into the Package handler and installed the json file and it actually installed. It says that 2D Tilemap Extras has been installed. Now I keep getting a error though in the bottom. It is the

C:UserssabolDesktop123452d-extras-masterEditorTilesRuleTileRuleTileEditor.cs(347,82): error CS1061: ‘ReorderableList’ does not contain a definition for ‘IsSelected’ and no accessible extension method ‘IsSelected’ accepting a first argument of type ‘ReorderableList’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

C:UserssabolDesktop123452d-extras-masterEditorTilesRuleTileRuleTileEditor.cs(341,22): error CS1061: ‘ReorderableList’ does not contain a definition for ‘IsSelected’ and no accessible extension method ‘IsSelected’ accepting a first argument of type ‘ReorderableList’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

C:UserssabolDesktop123452d-extras-masterEditorTilesRuleTileRuleTileEditor.cs(327,26): error CS1061: ‘ReorderableList’ does not contain a definition for ‘IsSelected’ and no accessible extension method ‘IsSelected’ accepting a first argument of type ‘ReorderableList’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I am new to .NET visual studio, building windows Form Application.

I had the following error described below, when trying to build a solution. I am not sure if it has to do with something related to the file ‘SuperAdventure.SuperAdventure’ or a control that was not specified.

‘SuperAdventure.SuperAdventure’ does not contain a definition for ‘label5_Click‘ and no extension method ‘label5_Click’ accepting a first argument of type ‘SuperAdventure.SuperAdventure’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

This is the error code with the error showing a red squiggly/line under the code in the marked line.

// lblExperience
this.lblExperience.AutoSize = true;
this.lblExperience.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(110, 73);
this.lblExperience.Name = "lblExperience";
this.lblExperience.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(35, 13);
this.lblExperience.TabIndex = 6;
this.lblExperience.Text = "label7";
this.lblExperience.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.label5_Click); // <-- squiggly line here

and on the output it gives this:

  1. 1>—— Build started: Project: Engine, Configuration: Release Any
    CPU ——

  2. 1> Engine -> C:UsersAdminDocumentsVisual Studio

  3. 2>——
    Build started: Project: SuperAdventure, Configuration: Release Any
    CPU ——

  4. 2>c:UsersAdminDocumentsVisual Studio
    2013ProjectsSuperAdventure.Designer.cs(119,70,119,82): error
    CS1061: ‘SuperAdventure.SuperAdventure’ does not contain a
    definition for ‘label5_Click’ and no extension method
    ‘label5_Click’ accepting a first argument of type
    ‘SuperAdventure.SuperAdventure’ could be found (are you missing a
    using directive or an assembly reference?) ========== Build: 1
    succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Please let me know if I need to provided any more information.
PS: I am a beginner trying to learn some C# by building a RPG game as an exercise.

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