Цвет ошибки hex

Success Error Warning Information

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Colors in Palette

Color Hex RGB
#009944 (0,153,68)
#cf000f (207,0,15)
#f0541e (240,84,30)
#63c0df (99,192,223)
#ffffff (255,255,255)


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Warning Colours Color is a palette in Miscellaneous category and belongs to Other Sub Category. Download the different hex colors of Warning Colours Color. There are a total of 5 different colors which are . Find the color hex picture of Warning Colours Color.

Warning Colours Color Palette Colors

Warning Colours Color Colors Logo

What are the different colors codes in Warning Colours Color palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Warning Colours Color are #CC3300 #FF9966 #FFCC00 #99CC33 #339900 .

Which category does Warning Colours Color palette belong to?

Warning Colours Color belongs to Miscellaneous and Other Category.

This information was last updated on 02-06-2021.

I have the color: #4285f4 and I’m looking for a easy to read error color code. I’m using Google’s default error color: #dd2c00. However this doesn’t read very well on the page…


plainclothes's user avatar


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asked Apr 21, 2017 at 16:51

Gaetano Herman's user avatar


MD guidelines aren’t rules

The Google Design team wanted to provide a good selection of colors for app devs who can’t think in color. It’s a solid palette (the whole UI framework is great), but it doesn’t have everything for every scenario. Don’t be afraid to part with them.

Working off of your blue background, I quickly landed on an «alerting» color that stands out without painful contrast. Changing the alert text to bold will help it read too. And, as mentioned elsewhere, well-known icons are a good way to draw the user’s eye as well.

enter image description here

You’ll notice a few other suggestions in there as well. Just food for thought.

  • Differentiate the Accept action over Cancel. The user presumably initiated this form so acceptance is the more likely intent.
  • Consider more natural labels for your field to encourage entry.
  • Increase the size of the error text. That will help with read too.
  • I only changed the color of the field underline. This is usually sufficient to highlight the problem and helps to emphasize the error text.

answered Apr 21, 2017 at 17:51

plainclothes's user avatar


21.2k4 gold badges45 silver badges86 bronze badges


Light yellow would have better contrast on the blue background. Though I’ve also seen some UIs use a lighter fuchsia/pink to contrast with darker blues. I found two swatches in the Material design color guidelines that may work:

Yellow: #FFFF00
Pink: #FF80AB

enter image description here

answered Apr 21, 2017 at 17:19

Side Swiped's user avatar


I tend to mix whatever the default colour is with red until the colour feels warm, but the text is still readable. You can mix with orange or yellow for warnings, mix with blue (or white) for neutral and mix with green for positive messages.

This works because people associate a wider range of colours with certain levels of severity.

An alternative would be to change the background instead of the text colour, to make the message stand out. Again, mix the background colour with red, orange/yellow, blue/white or green depending on what message you want to convey.

If none of the standard hues work, go for any alternative colour, but use an icon or a descriptive text such as «Error», to make it stand out and convey the meaning of the text in that way. Using an icon is probably something you want to do regardless, because they are more recognisable than colours, especially if anyone using your application is colourblind/colour deficient.

answered Apr 22, 2017 at 10:46

Sumurai8's user avatar


1821 silver badge9 bronze badges

Errors are not only conveyed by color

Errors can be displayed in a combination of ways to show that they are an error:


download bmml source – Wireframes created with Balsamiq Mockups

This is only two of multiple variations. Also keep in mind that the animation of a message popping up after an action has been taken will also create an affordance of what type of message it is.

My recommendation is sticking to adding an icon prefixed to your message.

If that doesn’t do the trick, then maybe you need to reconsider the usage of a blue background.

answered Apr 21, 2017 at 17:01

Majo0od's user avatar


5,4051 gold badge22 silver badges36 bronze badges


The trick is to use alpha color instead of a solid color.

Google describes this in their Material Design specs under the bullet point «Legibility».

From the specs:

The text «The woodman set to work at once» has the same color in both pictures. In the first one, it is solid.

Bad contrast

In this picture, black is used as initial color. The opacity has been decreased, to let the background-color shine through, providing a better contrast.


Source of images

So, try to set your error color a bit transparent. Experiment with lighter or darker red variations.

Material Design red palette

Image source

Example with Google’s default error color:

rgba(221, 44, 0, 0.87)

answered Apr 22, 2017 at 17:41

Noah Krasser's user avatar


Play around with the background when it comes to colors that do not compliment each other.

  • You can remove the Placeholder text while showing the error as the error clearly states what the user needs to do.
  • Reduce the opacity of the ACCEPT button to represent the importance of the error message. (Which, in this case, is very high as not adding a title wouldn’t let the user save the note.)

Background color of the error is turned red rather than the text color

NOTE : Maybe SAVE would be a better text for the okay-state button. Just a thought but I could be wrong as I am not completely
aware of the context.

answered May 19, 2017 at 6:18

Shreyas Tripathy's user avatar

Shreyas TripathyShreyas Tripathy

6,7676 gold badges27 silver badges44 bronze badges

255.255.204 255.255.153 255.255.102 255.255.51 255.255.0 204.204.0
255.204.102 255.204.0 255.204.51 204.153.0 204.153.51 153.102.0
FFCC66 FFCC00 FFCC33 CC9900 CC9933 996600

255.153.0 255.153.51 204.153.102 204.102.0 153.102.51 102.51.0
FF9900 FF9933 CC9966 CC6600 996633 663300

255.204.153 255.153.102 255.102.0 204.102.51 153.51.0 102.0.0
FFCC99 FF9966 FF6600 CC6633 993300 660000

255.102.51 204.51.0 255.51.0 255.0.0 204.0.0 153.0.0
FF6633 CC3300 FF3300 FF0000 CC0000 990000

255.204.204 255.153.153 255.102.102 255.51.51 255.0.51 204.0.51
FFCCCC FF9999 FF6666 FF3333 FF0033 CC0033

204.153.153 204.102.102 204.51.51 153.51.51 153.0.51 51.0.0
CC9999 CC6666 CC3333 993333 990033 330000

255.102.153 255.51.102 255.0.102 204.51.102 153.102.102 102.51.51
FF6699 FF3366 FF0066 CC3366 996666 663333

255.153.204 255.51.153 255.0.153 204.0.102 153.51.102 102.0.51
FF99CC FF3399 FF0099 CC0066 993366 660033

255.102.204 255.0.204 255.51.204 204.102.153 204.0.153 153.0.102
FF66CC FF00CC FF33CC CC6699 CC0099 990066

255.204.255 255.153.255 255.102.255 255.51.255 255.0.255 204.51.153

204.153.204 204.102.204 204.0.204 204.51.204 153.0.153 153.51.153
CC99CC CC66CC CC00CC CC33CC 990099 993399

204.102.255 204.51.255 204.0.255 153.0.204 153.102.153 102.0.102
CC66FF CC33FF CC00FF 9900CC 996699 660066

204.153.255 153.51.204 153.51.255 153.0.255 102.0.153 102.51.102
CC99FF 9933CC 9933FF 9900FF 660099 663366

153.102.204 153.102.255 102.0.204 102.51.204 102.51.153 51.0.51
9966CC 9966FF 6600CC 6633CC 663399 330033

204.204.255 153.153.255 102.51.255 102.0.255 51.0.153 51.0.102
CCCCFF 9999FF 6633FF 6600FF 330099 330066

153.153.204 102.102.255 102.102.204 102.102.153 51.51.153 51.51.102
9999CC 6666FF 6666CC 666699 333399 333366

51.51.255 51.0.255 51.0.204 51.51.204 0.0.153 0.0.102
3333FF 3300FF 3300CC 3333CC 000099 000066

102.153.255 51.102.255 0.0.255 0.0.204 0.51.204 0.0.51
6699FF 3366FF 0000FF 0000CC 0033CC 000033

0.102.255 0.102.204 51.102.204 0.51.255 0.51.153 0.51.102
0066FF 0066CC 3366CC 0033FF 003399 003366

153.204.255 51.153.255 0.153.255 102.153.204 51.102.153 0.102.153
99CCFF 3399FF 0099FF 6699CC 336699 006699

102.204.255 51.204.255 0.204.255 51.153.204 0.153.204 0.51.51
66CCFF 33CCFF 00CCFF 3399CC 0099CC 003333

153.204.204 102.204.204 51.153.153 102.153.153 0.102.102 51.102.102
99CCCC 66CCCC 339999 669999 006666 336666

204.255.255 153.255.255 102.255.255 51.255.255 0.255.255 0.204.204

153.255.204 102.255.204 51.255.204 0.255.204 51.204.204 0.153.153
99FFCC 66FFCC 33FFCC 00FFCC 33CCCC 009999

102.204.153 51.204.153 0.204.153 51.153.102 0.153.102 0.102.51
66CC99 33CC99 00CC99 339966 009966 006633

102.255.153 51.255.153 0.255.153 51.204.102 0.204.102 0.153.51
66FF99 33FF99 00FF99 33CC66 00CC66 009933

153.255.153 102.255.102 51.255.102 0.255.102 51.153.51 0.102.0
99FF99 66FF66 33FF66 00FF66 339933 006600

204.255.204 153.204.153 102.204.102 102.153.102 51.102.51 0.51.0
CCFFCC 99CC99 66CC66 669966 336633 003300

51.255.51 0.255.51 0.255.0 0.204.0 51.204.51 0.204.51
33FF33 00FF33 00FF00 00CC00 33CC33 00CC33

102.255.0 102.255.51 51.255.0 51.204.0 51.153.0 0.153.0
66FF00 66FF33 33FF00 33CC00 339900 009900

204.255.153 153.255.102 102.204.0 102.204.51 102.153.51 51.102.0
CCFF99 99FF66 66CC00 66CC33 669933 336600

153.255.0 153.255.51 153.204.102 153.204.0 153.204.51 102.153.0
99FF00 99FF33 99CC66 99CC00 99CC33 669900

204.255.102 204.255.0 204.255.51 204.204.153 102.102.51 51.51.0
CCFF66 CCFF00 CCFF33 CCCC99 666633 333300

204.204.102 204.204.51 153.153.102 153.153.51 153.153.0 102.102.0
CCCC66 CCCC33 999966 999933 999900 666600

255.255.255 204.204.204 153.153.153 102.102.102 51.51.51 0.0.0
FFFFFF CCCCCC 999999 666666 333333 000000
Красные тона:
IndianRed #CD5C5C 205, 92, 92
LightCoral #F08080 240, 128, 128
Salmon #FA8072 250, 128, 114
DarkSalmon #E9967A 233, 150, 122
LightSalmon #FFA07A 255, 160, 122
Crimson #DC143C 220, 20, 60
Red #FF0000 255, 0, 0
FireBrick #B22222 178, 34, 34
DarkRed #8B0000 139, 0, 0
Розовые тона:
Pink #FFC0CB 255, 192, 203
LightPink #FFB6C1 255, 182, 193
HotPink #FF69B4 255, 105, 180
DeepPink #FF1493 255, 20, 147
MediumVioletRed #C71585 199, 21, 133
PaleVioletRed #DB7093 219, 112, 147
Оранжевые тона:
LightSalmon #FFA07A 255, 160, 122
Coral #FF7F50 255, 127, 80
Tomato #FF6347 255, 99, 71
OrangeRed #FF4500 255, 69, 0
DarkOrange #FF8C00 255, 140, 0
Orange #FFA500 255, 165, 0
Жёлтые тона:
Gold #FFD700 255, 215, 0
Yellow #FFFF00 255, 255, 0
LightYellow #FFFFE0 255, 255, 224
LemonChiffon #FFFACD 255, 250, 205
LightGoldenrodYellow #FAFAD2 250, 250, 210
PapayaWhip #FFEFD5 255, 239, 213
Moccasin #FFE4B5 255, 228, 181
PeachPuff #FFDAB9 255, 218, 185
PaleGoldenrod #EEE8AA 238, 232, 170
Khaki #F0E68C 240, 230, 140
DarkKhaki #BDB76B 189, 183, 107
Фиолетовые тона:
Lavender #E6E6FA 230, 230, 250
Thistle #D8BFD8 216, 191, 216
Plum #DDA0DD 221, 160, 221
Violet #EE82EE 238, 130, 238
Orchid #DA70D6 218, 112, 214
Fuchsia #FF00FF 255, 0, 255
Magenta #FF00FF 255, 0, 255
MediumOrchid #BA55D3 186, 85, 211
MediumPurple #9370DB 147, 112, 219
BlueViolet #8A2BE2 138, 43, 226
DarkViolet #9400D3 148, 0, 211
DarkOrchid #9932CC 153, 50, 204
DarkMagenta #8B008B 139, 0, 139
Purple #800080 128, 0, 128
Indigo #4B0082 75, 0, 130
SlateBlue #6A5ACD 106, 90, 205
DarkSlateBlue #483D8B 72, 61, 139
Коричневые тона:
Cornsilk #FFF8DC 255, 248, 220
BlanchedAlmond #FFEBCD 255, 235, 205
Bisque #FFE4C4 255, 228, 196
NavajoWhite #FFDEAD 255, 222, 173
Wheat #F5DEB3 245, 222, 179
BurlyWood #DEB887 222, 184, 135
Tan #D2B48C 210, 180, 140
RosyBrown #BC8F8F 188, 143, 143
SandyBrown #F4A460 244, 164, 96
Goldenrod #DAA520 218, 165, 32
DarkGoldenRod #B8860B 184, 134, 11
Peru #CD853F 205, 133, 63
Chocolate #D2691E 210, 105, 30
SaddleBrown #8B4513 139, 69, 19
Sienna #A0522D 160, 82, 45
Brown #A52A2A 165, 42, 42
Maroon #800000 128, 0, 0
Основные цвета:
Black #000000 0, 0, 0
Gray #808080 128, 128, 128
Silver #C0C0C0 192, 192, 192
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Fuchsia #FF00FF 255, 0, 255
Purple #800080 128, 0, 128
Red #FF0000 255, 0, 0
Maroon #800000 128, 0, 0
Yellow #FFFF00 255, 255, 0
Olive #808000 128, 128, 0
Lime #00FF00 0, 255, 0
Green #008000 0, 128, 0
Aqua #00FFFF 0, 255, 255
Teal #008080 0, 128, 128
Blue #0000FF 0, 0, 255
Navy #000080 0, 0, 128
Зелёные тона:
GreenYellow #ADFF2F 173, 255, 47
Chartreuse #7FFF00 127, 255, 0
LawnGreen #7CFC00 124, 252, 0
Lime #00FF00 0, 255, 0
LimeGreen #32CD32 50, 205, 50
PaleGreen #98FB98 152, 251, 152
LightGreen #90EE90 144, 238, 144
MediumSpringGreen #00FA9A 0, 250, 154
SpringGreen #00FF7F 0, 255, 127
MediumSeaGreen #3CB371 60, 179, 113
SeaGreen #2E8B57 46, 139, 87
ForestGreen #228B22 34, 139, 34
Green #008000 0, 128, 0
DarkGreen #006400 0, 100, 0
YellowGreen #9ACD32 154, 205, 50
OliveDrab #6B8E23 107, 142, 35
Olive #808000 128, 128, 0
DarkOliveGreen #556B2F 85, 107, 47
MediumAquamarine #66CDAA 102, 205, 170
DarkSeaGreen #8FBC8F 143, 188, 143
LightSeaGreen #20B2AA 32, 178, 170
DarkCyan #008B8B 0, 139, 139
Teal #008080 0, 128, 128
Синие тона:
Aqua #00FFFF 0, 255, 255
Cyan #00FFFF 0, 255, 255
LightCyan #E0FFFF 224, 255, 255
PaleTurquoise #AFEEEE 175, 238, 238
Aquamarine #7FFFD4 127, 255, 212
Turquoise #40E0D0 64, 224, 208
MediumTurquoise #48D1CC 72, 209, 204
DarkTurquoise #00CED1 0, 206, 209
CadetBlue #5F9EA0 95, 158, 160
SteelBlue #4682B4 70, 130, 180
LightSteelBlue #B0C4DE 176, 196, 222
PowderBlue #B0E0E6 176, 224, 230
LightBlue #ADD8E6 173, 216, 230
SkyBlue #87CEEB 135, 206, 235
LightSkyBlue #87CEFA 135, 206, 250
DeepSkyBlue #00BFFF 0, 191, 255
DodgerBlue #1E90FF 30, 144, 255
CornflowerBlue #6495ED 100, 149, 237
MediumSlateBlue #7B68EE 123, 104, 238
RoyalBlue #4169E1 65, 105, 225
Blue #0000FF 0, 0, 255
MediumBlue #0000CD 0, 0, 205
DarkBlue #00008B 0, 0, 139
Navy #000080 0, 0, 128
MidnightBlue #191970 25, 25, 112
Белые тона:
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Snow #FFFAFA 255, 250, 250
Honeydew #F0FFF0 240, 255, 240
MintCream #F5FFFA 245, 255, 250
Azure #F0FFFF 240, 255, 255
AliceBlue #F0F8FF 240, 248, 255
GhostWhite #F8F8FF 248, 248, 255
WhiteSmoke #F5F5F5 245, 245, 245
Seashell #FFF5EE 255, 245, 238
Beige #F5F5DC 245, 245, 220
OldLace #FDF5E6 253, 245, 230
FloralWhite #FFFAF0 255, 250, 240
Ivory #FFFFF0 255, 255, 240
AntiqueWhite #FAEBD7 250, 235, 215
Linen #FAF0E6 250, 240, 230
LavenderBlush #FFF0F5 255, 240, 245
MistyRose #FFE4E1 255, 228, 225
Серые тона:
Gainsboro #DCDCDC 220, 220, 220
LightGrey #D3D3D3 211, 211, 211
LightGray #D3D3D3 211, 211, 211
Silver #C0C0C0 192, 192, 192
DarkGray #A9A9A9 169, 169, 169
DarkGrey #A9A9A9 169, 169, 169
Gray #808080 128, 128, 128
Grey #808080 128, 128, 128
DimGray #696969 105, 105, 105
DimGrey #696969 105, 105, 105
LightSlateGray #778899 119, 136, 153
LightSlateGrey #778899 119, 136, 153
SlateGray #708090 112, 128, 144
SlateGrey #708090 112, 128, 144
DarkSlateGray #2F4F4F 47, 79, 79
DarkSlateGrey #2F4F4F 47, 79, 79
Black #000000 0, 0, 0

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