The MCD3000 Soft Starters include a range of
protection functions. Faults identified by these systems
are indicated with a trip code on the Local Control
Panel display. The following section of this manual
explains the trip codes and action required.
Procedures for faults not identified with a trip code are
detailed in the General Faults section.
The voltage of the soft starter is
dangerous whenever the equipment is
connected to the mains. Work on the
equipment should be carried out by
qualified personnel. Before performing any
maintenance and repair work, switch off the electrical
supply to the device and observe all safety regulations.
Trip Codes
When a protection function operates the MCD3000
enters a trip state and displays the following data.
The trip LED is illuminated
The [CODE] LED is illuminated indicating the
display is showing trip code data
You can view motor temperature as calculated
by the MCD3000 motor thermal model by
using the [+/-] push buttons to scroll the numeric
display between current [AMPS], temperature [TEMP]
and trip code [CODE].
The trip code data is made up of two parts.
MG.15.A2.22 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademar
MCD3000 Series
The first digit indicates the trip number. (The
MCD3000 has a trip log that records the last eight trip
events, trip number 1 is the most recent trip. Refer to
the next section of the manual for description of the
Trip Log).
The second digit indicates the cause of the trip
Cause & Action
Shorted SCR trip.
The MCD3000 has detected a shorted
Test the MCD3000 SCRs using the
Power Circuit Test described in the
Test and measurement procedures
chapter later in this section of the
A shorted SCR trip can only be
reset by removing control voltage.
Excess start time trip.
The start time has exceed the maximum
limit programmed in Par. 10 Excess
Start Time Protection.
Identify and remedy why the motor
is taking longer than normal to
Reset the MCD3000
Restart the motor.
Overcurrent trip.
The motor has experienced an overload
condition that exceeded its thermal
capability as programmed in Par. 6
Motor Thermal Capacity.
Identify and correct the cause of the
Wait for the motor to cool
sufficiently to allow a restart.
Reset the MCD3000.
Restart the motor.
In an emergency situation where it is
critical to immediately restart the motor
and overload protection of the motor is
a secondary concern, the MCD3000
overload protection can be reset by
temporarily removing control supply
Table of Contents
Quick Links
MG.15.A2.22 — VLT is a registered Danfoss trademar
Section 0.0
Section 1.0
Section 2.0
Section 3.0
Section 4.0
Section 5.0
Section 6.0
Section 7.0
Section 8.0
MCD3000 Series
…………………………………………………… 3
…………………………………………….. 4
……………………………………………….. 5
3.2 Ventilation ……………………………………………….. 7
5.4 Restart Delay …………………………………………. 29
7.9 Soft Braking …………………………………………… 39
8.1 Trip Codes …………………………………………….. 41
Summary of Contents for Danfoss MCD3000 Series
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Ремонт УПП Danfoss в сервисном центре
Компания «Кернел» производит ремонт устройств плавного пуска Danfoss в с 2002 года. За это время мы накопили колоссальный опыт в том числе опыт в ремонте УПП такого известного производителя. Ремонт подобной промышленной электроники ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.
Устройство плавного пуска MCD 500 оснащено информационной панелью, призванной сделать общение оператора и УПП максимально легким и комфортным. При вводе в эксплуатацию оборудования с помощью данной панели устройство программируется и настраивается, а в случае непредвиденной ситуации на панель УПП выводится ошибка, вызвавшая аварийную остановку оборудования. В таблицах ниже приведены все возможные ошибки Danfoss MCD 500. Устранив причину ошибки и сбросив ее на устройстве плавного пуска позволит в кратчайшие сроки возобновить работу. К сожалению не все ошибки можно исправить самостоятельно, некоторые ошибки возможно исправить только в специализированных сервисных центрах.
Специалисты нашего сервисного центра уделяют максимальное внимание к качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке УПП в , не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на все выполненные работы шесть месяцев.
Ремонт устройств плавного пуска Danfoss производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.
Если на вашем производстве появились проблемы с плавным пуском, которые вы не можете решить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Обращайтесь в сервисный центр «Кернел». Специалисты нашей компании в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику и последующий ремонт УПП Danfoss в . Оставьте заказ на ремонт оборудования используя форму на сайте.
Сообщения об отключении УПП Danfoss MCD 500 – ошибки
В таблице приведены защитные механизмы (ошибки) устройства плавного пуска и вероятные причины отключения. Некоторые из них можно настроить с помощью группы параметров 2 Protection (Защита) и группы параметров 16 Protection Action (Действия защиты). Другие защитные механизмы являются встроенными системными средствами защиты и не могут быть заданы или настроены.
Ошибки УПП Danfoss MDC 500 и методы их устранения.
Ошибка / сообщение |
Причина / решение |
Awaiting data (Ожидание данных) |
LCP не получает данные с платы управления. Проверьте соединения кабеля и правильность монтажа дисплея на устройстве плавного пуска. |
Battery/clock (Батарея/часы) |
Ошибка при проверке реального времени часов либо низкое напряжение резервного аккумулятора. При разрядке аккумулятора и отключенном питании настройки даты и времени будут утрачены. Перепрограммируйте дату и время. |
Controller (Контроллер) |
Имя, выбранное для программируемого входа. См. Input A trip (Вход А: отключение). |
Current imbalance (Дисбаланс тока) |
Дисбаланс тока может быть вызван неполадками двигателя, неблагоприятными внешними условиями или ошибками при установке, такими как:
Current read err lx (Ошибка чтения значения тока lx) |
Здесь X — фаза 1, 2 или 3. Внутр. ошибка (отказ печатной платы). При отключении тиристоров SCR выход цепи трансформатора тока недостаточно близок к нулю. Обратитесь за советом к местному поставщику оборудования Danfoss. Это отключение не настраивается. |
Excess start time (Избыточное время пуска) |
Отключение из-за максимального времени пуска может произойти в следующих случаях:
Firing fail px (Отказ включения PX) |
Здесь X — фаза 1, 2 или 3. Тиристор SCR не сработал как нужно. Найдите неисправные SCR и неисправную внутреннюю проводку. Это отключение не настраивается. |
FLC too high (Слишком высокий ТПН) |
При подключении к двигателю по схеме «внутри треугольника» устройство плавного пуска может поддерживать более высокие значения тока полной нагрузки двигателя, чем при линейном соединении. Если устройство плавного пуска подключено в линию, а значение, запрограммированное в параметре 1-1 Motor FLC (Ток полной нагрузки двигателя) превышает максимум для такого соединения, устройство отключается при пуске (см. глава 4.5 Минимальное и максимальное значения тока). При подключении устройства плавного пуска по схеме «внутри треугольника» проверьте, правильно ли устройство плавного пуска обнаруживает подключение. Обратитесь за советом к местному поставщику оборудования Danfoss. |
Frequency (Частота) |
Частота тока в электросети вне нормативного предела. Проверьте другое оборудованием поблизости, которое может влиять на питание от сети, особенно преобразователи частоты и импульсные источники питания (SMPS). Если устройство плавного пуска питается от генератора, возможно, генератор слишком маломощен либо имеются неполадки с регулированием его скорости. |
Heat sink overtemp (Перегрев радиатора) |
Проверьте, работают ли вентиляторы охлаждения. Если устройство смонтировано в корпусе, проверьте, обеспечивается ли достаточная вентиляция. Вентиляторы функционируют во время пуска, в рабочем режиме и 10 минут после выхода устройства плавного пуска в состояние останова. УВЕДОМЛЕНИЕ Модели с MCD5-0021B по MCD4-0053B и MCD5-0141B не оснащены вентилятором охлаждения. В моделях с вентилятором охлаждающие вентиляторы работают с момента пуска до истечения 10 минут после останова. |
High level (Высокий уровень) |
Имя, выбранное для программируемого входа. См. Input A trip (Вход А: отключение). |
High pressure (Высокое давление) |
Имя, выбранное для программируемого входа. См. Input A trip (Вход А: отключение). |
Input A trip (Вход А: отключение) |
Программируемый вход запрограммирован на функцию отключения и активирован. Устраните неполадку, которая приводит к срабатыванию. |
Instantaneous overcurrent (Мгновенная перегрузка по току) |
В работающем электродвигателе произошел резкий скачок тока двигателя, вероятно, из-за блокировки ротора (срезной штифт). Проверьте, не заблокирована ли нагрузка. |
Internal fault X (Внутр. ошибка Х) |
Устройство плавного пуска отключилось из-за внутренней ошибки. Обратитесь к поставщику оборудования Danfoss и сообщите код неисправности (Х). |
L1 phase loss (Потеря фазы L1) L2 phase loss (Потеря фазы L2) L3 phase loss (Потеря фазы L3) |
В ходе предпусковых мероприятий проверьте, действительно ли устройство пуска выявило потерю фазы, как показано на экране. В рабочем режиме устройство плавного пуска выявило падение тока по затронутой фазе до уровня менее 3,3 % запрограммированного значения ТПН двигателя более чем на 1 секунду. Такое падение тока указывает на потерю входной фазы или обрыв соединения с двигателем. Проверьте на устройстве плавного пуска и двигателе:
Неисправность SCR, в частности, сбой SCR при размыкании цепи, также может вызвать потерю фазы. Сбой SCR можно достоверно диагностировать только путем его замены и проверки работы устройства плавного пуска. |
L1-T1 shorted (Короткое замыкание L1-T1) L2-T2 shorted (Короткое замыкание L2-T2) L3-T3 shorted (Короткое замыкание L3-T3) |
В ходе предпусковых проверок устройство пуска выявило закороченный SCR или короткое замыкание в обводном контакторе, как показано на дисплее. |
Low control volts (Низкое управляющее напряжение) |
Устройство плавного пуска обнаружило падение управляющего напряжения.
Если внешний резервный источник питания стабилен:
Low level (Низкий уровень) |
Имя, выбранное для программируемого входа. См. Input A trip (Вход А: отключение). |
Low pressure (Низкое давление) |
Имя, выбранное для программируемого входа. См. Input A trip (Вход А: отключение). |
Motor overload (Перегрузка двигателя) / Motor 2 overload (Перегрузка двигателя 2) |
Достигнута максимальная теплоемкость двигателя. Перегрузка может быть вызвана следующими факторами:
Устраните причину перегрузки и дождитесь охлаждения двигателя. |
Motor connection tx (Подключение двигателя tx) |
Здесь X — фаза 1, 2 или 3. Двигатель неправильно подключен к устройству плавного пуска в линию или по схеме «внутри треугольника».
Motor thermistor (Термистор двигателя) |
Вход термистора двигателя был подключен, и:
УВЕДОМЛЕНИЕ Если рабочий термистор двигателя более не используется, на клеммы 05, 06 необходимо установить сопротивление емкостью 1,2 кОм. |
Motor thermistor (Связь по сети) (между модулем и сетью |
Главное устройство сети направило на устройство пуска команду на отключение либо в сети возникла неполадка связи. Проверьте сеть для выявления причин нарушения связи. |
No flow (Поток отсутствует) |
Имя, выбранное для программируемого входа. См. Input A trip (Вход А: отключение). |
Not ready (Нет готовности) |
Проверьте, активна ли функция отключения устройства плавного пуска. Если для параметра 3-3 Input A Function (Вход А: функция) установлено значение Starter disable (Отключение пускового устройства), а цепь между клеммами 11 и 16 разомкнута, устройство плавного пуска не запускается. |
Parameter out of range (Параметр вне диапазона) |
Устройство плавного пуска загружает значение по умолчанию для всех необходимых параметров. Нажмите кнопку [Main Menu] (Главное меню), чтобы перейти к первому неверному параметру и отрегулировать настройку. |
Phase sequence (Чередование фаз) |
Чередование фаз на силовых клеммах устройства плавного пуска (L1, L2, L3) недействительно. Проверьте чередование фаз на клеммах L1, L2, L3 и убедитесь, что значение параметра 2-1 Phase Sequence (Чередование фаз) соответствует установке. |
Имя, выбранное для программируемого входа. См. Input A trip (Вход А: отключение). |
Power loss (Потери мощности) |
При подаче команды на пуск устройство плавного пуска не получает питание от сети по одной или нескольким фазам. Убедитесь в том, что главный контактор замыкается при подаче команды на пуск и остается замкнутым до завершения плавного останова. При тестировании устройства плавного пуска на маломощном двигателе должно достигаться как минимум 2 % от его минимального значения ТПН на каждой фазе. |
Pump fault (Отказ насоса) |
Имя, выбранное для программируемого входа. См. Input A trip (Вход А: отключение). |
Starter/communication (Устройство плавного пуска/связь) (между модулем и устройством плавного пуска) |
Starter disable (Отключение пускового устройства) |
Имя, выбранное для программируемого входа. См. Input A trip (Вход А: отключение). |
Thermistor cct (thermistor circuit) (Цепь термистора) |
Вход термистора был включен и:
Time — overcurrent (Время — перегрузка по току) |
В рабочем режиме в устройстве плавного пуска с внутренним шунтом произошел скачок тока. (Рост силы тока достиг точки защитного отключения в 10 А либо ток двигателя вырос до 600 % значения тока полной нагрузки двигателя.) |
Undercurrent (Недостаточный ток) |
В двигателе произошло резкое падение силы тока из-за потери нагрузки. Причиной может быть поломка компонентов (валы, приводные ремни или муфты) или сухой ход насоса. |
Unsupported option (Неподдерживаемый параметр) (функция не работает в схеме «внутри треугольника») |
Выбранная функция недоступна (например, фиксация частоты не поддерживается в конфигурации «внутри треугольника»). |
Vibration (Вибрация) |
Имя, выбранное для программируемого входа. См. Input A trip (Вход А: отключение). |
VZC fail px (Отказ VZC, px) |
Здесь X — фаза 1, 2 или 3. Внутр. ошибка (отказ печатной платы). Обратитесь за советом к местному поставщику оборудования Danfoss. Это отключение не настраивается. |
Ошибки устройства плавного пуска Danfoss MCD 500 общего характера
Ниже описаны ситуации, когда устройство плавного пуска не работает должным образом, но при этом не отключается и не выводит предупреждение.
Признак |
Вероятная причина |
Устройство плавного пуска не готово. |
Проверьте вход A (11, 16). Проверьте, не отключено ли устройство плавного пуска через программируемый вход. Если для параметра 3-3 Input A Function (Вход А: функция) установлено значение Starter disable (Отключение пускового устройства), а цепь на соответствующем входе разомкнута, устройство плавного пуска не запускается. |
Устройство плавного пуска не реагирует на нажатие кнопок [Hand On] (Ручной режим) и [Reset] (Сброс). |
Проверьте, не находится ли устройство плавного пуска в режиме автоматического управления. При работе устройства плавного пуска в режиме автоматического управления светодиод Hand On (Ручной режим) на устройстве плавного пуска не горит. Для перехода в режим местного управления один раз нажмите кнопку [Auto On] (Автоматический режим). |
Устройство плавного пуска не реагирует на команды с управляющих входов. |
Внимание! Параметр 3-1 Local/remote (Местное/дистанционное управление) определяет, включена ли кнопка [Auto On] (Автоматический режим). |
Устройство плавного пуска не реагирует на команду пуска ни с местных, ни с дистанционных средств управления. |
Внимание! Параметр 3-1 Local/remote (Местное/дистанционное управление) определяет, включена ли кнопка [Auto On] (Автоматический режим). |
Устройство плавного пуска неправильно управляет двигателем при пуске. |
Двигатель не разгоняется до полной скорости. |
Внимание! Убедитесьв том, что пусковые параметры двигателя настроены всоответствиис применением и используется надлежащий профильпуска двигателя. Если в параметре 3-3 Input A Function (Вход А:функция)задано значение Motor Set Select (Выбор набора двиг.),убедитесьв том, что соответствующий вход в правильном состоянии. Убедитесь, что нагрузка не заблокирована. Проверьте, не произошло ли серьезной перегрузки или блокировки ротора. |
Неустойчивая работа двигателя. |
Неустойчивая и шумная работа двигателя. |
При подключении по схеме «внутри треугольника» устройство плавного пуска может неправильно обнаруживать подключение. Обратитесь за советом к местному поставщику оборудования Danfoss. |
Плавный останов завершается слишком быстро. |
Проверьте значения следующих параметров:
Не работают функции адаптивного управления, торможения постоянным током, фиксации частоты. |
При использовании 2-проводного дистанционного управления после команды автосброса сброс не происходит. |
При использовании 2-проводного дистанционного управления дистанционная команда пуска/останова переопределяет настройки автоматического пуска/останова. |
После выбора адаптивного управления двигатель выполнил обычный пуск и/или второй пуск отличался от первого. |
(Предельное значение тока). Затем устройство плавного пуска определяет характеристики двигателя. При последующих пусках применяется адаптивное управление. |
Несбрасываемое Thermistor Cct (Oтключение по контуру термистора) при наличии клеммной перемычки между входами 05 и 06 термистора или при полном отсоединении термистора двигателя от клемм 05 и 06. |
активации защиты от короткого замыкания. Удалите перемычку, затем загрузите набор параметров по умолчанию. Это отключает вход термистора и удаляет сообщение об отключении. Установите на вход термистора сопротивление емкостью 1,2 кОм. Переключите защиту термистора на значение Log only (Только регистр.) (параметр 16-9 Motor Thermistor (Термистор двигателя)). |
Не удается сохранить настройки параметров. |
На LCP отображается сообщение Awaiting data (Ожидание данных). |
LCP не получает данные с платы управления. Убедитесь, что кабель подключен. |
Скачать руководство пользователя для устройства плавного пуска Danfoss MCD 500 – manual
Схемы Danfoss MCD 500 в цепях питания двигателя
Схема цепи с плавным контактором УПП MCD 500 |
Схема цепи с обводным контактором УПП MCD 500 |
Схема цепи режима аварийной работы УПП MCD 500 |
Схема цепи оперативного отключения УПП MCD 500 |
Ошибки УПП Danfoss MCD 500 и их сброс
Некоторые модели устройств плавного пуска для удобства оснащены индикационными панелями, с помощью которых можно программировать УПП, а также увидеть ошибки в случае аварийного останова оборудования. В данной статье мы рассмотрели ошибки MCD 500, а точнее ошибки устройства плавного пуска Danfoss серии MCD 500. УПП в наше время нашли широкое применение в абсолютно всех сферах промышленности защищая ваши электродвигатели и максимально продлевая их безаварийную работу.
Для простоты общения со столь сложной электроникой некоторые устройства оснащены небольшими дисплеями с помощью которых выводятся информационные сообщения с кодами ошибок, расшифровав которые можно сразу же узнать причину ее возникновения. Если учесть распространенность данной промышленной электроники, то появляется острая нужда в расшифровке кодов ошибок плавного пуска. В этой статье мы привели в пример одного из самых известных производителей промышленного оборудования имеющему уважение во всем мире, Danfoss.
Существует несколько видов ошибок, некоторые из них можно устранить автоматически, а некоторые возможно исправить только, обратившись в специализированный сервисный центр. В таблицах ниже приведены коды ошибок УПП Danfoss MCD 500 их расшифровка и методы устранения.
Если ошибки плавного пуска Danfoss самостоятельно исправить невозможно специалисты нашего сервисного центра с радостью придут на помощь. Инженеры компании проведут глубокую диагностику и последующий ремонт а также сделают сброс ошибок УПП в и все это в максимально сжатые сроки за 20% — 40% от стоимости нового устройства плавного пуска.
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MCD3000 Series ■ Warnings ............................................................ 2 Section 4.0 ■ Programming 4.1 Programming Procedure ............................... 17 4.2 Programmable Functions ............................... 17 Section 5.0 ■ Operation 5.1 Local Control Panel ....................................... 5.2 Remote Control ............................................. 5.3 Serial Communications .................................. 5.4 Restart Delay ................................................. 5.5 Secondary Parameter Set .............................. 5.6 Motor Thermal Model .................................... 5.7 Pre-start Tests ............................................... 5.8 Operation After Power Loss ........................... 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ■ Specifications 6.1 General Technical Data .................................. 6.2 Current Ratings ............................................. 6.3 Power Termination Details ............................. 6.4 Semi-conductor Fuses .................................. 6.5 Dimensions/Weights ...................................... 31 32 33 33 34 ■ Design Guide 7.1 Reduced Voltage Starting .............................. 7.2 Types Of Soft Start Control ............................ 7.3 MCD3000 Control Principles ......................... 7.4 Understanding Soft Starter Ratings ............... 7.5 Model Selection ............................................. 7.6 Typical Applications ....................................... 7.7 Power Factor Correction ............................... 7.8 Line Contactors ............................................. 7.9 Soft Braking .................................................. 35 36 36 37 37 39 40 40 40 ■ Fault Procedure 8.1 Trip Codes .................................................... 8.2 Trip Log ......................................................... 8.3 General Faults ............................................... 8.4 Tests and Measurement Procedures ............. 42 44 44 45 Section 6.0 Section 7.0 Section 8.0 ■ Quick Set-up .................................................... 3 ■ Description ....................................................... 4 ■ Installation 3.1 Mechanical Installation ..................................... 6 3.2 Ventilation ........................................................ 6 3.3 General Layout ................................................ 6 3.4 Power Wiring - Standard Connection ............... 7 3.5 Power Wiring - Bypass Connection .................. 7 3.6 Power Wiring - D.C.Brake Connection .............. 8 3.7 Power Wiring – Inside Delta Connection ........... 8 3.8 Control Supply Voltage .................................... 9 3.9 Control Wiring ................................................. 9 3.10 Motor Thermistors ....................................... 10 3.11 Control Circuit Examples ............................. 10 3.12 Serial Communications ................................ 12 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 1 Contents Section 0.0 Section 1.0 Section 2.0 Section 3.0 Warnings MCD3000 Series The MCD3000 contains dangerous voltages when connected to line voltage. Only a competent electrician should carry out the electrical installation. Improper installation of the motor or the MCD3000 may cause equipment failure, serious injury or death. Follow this manual and ® National Electrical Codes (NEC ) and local safety codes. ■ Safety regulations 1. The soft starter must be disconnected from the mains if repair work is to be carried out. 2. The [STOP] on the control panel of the soft starter does not disconnect the equipment from the mains and thus is not to be used as a safety switch. It is the responsibility of the user or the person installing the MCD3000 to provide proper grounding and branch circuit protection according to the National Electric Code ® (NEC ) and local codes. ■ Warning against unintended start 1. The motor can be brought to a stop by means of digital commands, bus commands or a local stop, while the soft starter is connected to the mains. If personal safety considerations make it necessary to ensure that no unintended start occurs, these stop functions are not sufficient. 2. A motor that has been stopped may start if faults occur in the electronics of the soft starter, or if the soft starter’s Auto Reset function has been activated and a temporary fault in the supply mains or the motor connection ceases. Indicates a high voltage warning ■ Avoiding soft starter damage Please read and follow all instructions in this manual. Additionally, take special note of the following: 1. Do not connect power factor correction capacitors to the soft starter output. Static power factor correction, if used, must be connected on the mains side of the soft starter. 2. Do not apply voltage to the MCD3000 control inputs. The inputs are active 24 VDC and must be controlled with potential free circuits. 3. When installed in non-ventilated enclosures, soft starters should be used with a bypass contactor to prevent excessive enclosure temperatures. 4. When bypassing a soft starter take care to ensure phase connections are correct. i.e. B1-T1, L2-T2, B3-T3. 5. When using the D.C.Brake function ensure the D.C.Braking contactor is connected across output terminals T2-T3 only and that it operates only when the braking function is operating. Incorrect connection or operation will cause soft starter damage. Electrostatic Precaution; Electrostatic discharge (ESD). Many electronic components are sensitive to static electricity. Voltages so low that they cannot be felt, seen or heard, can reduce the life, affect performance, or completely destroy sensitive electronic components. When performing service, proper ESD equipment should be used to prevent possible damage from occurring. ■ Symbols used in this manual When reading this manual you will come across different symbols that require special attention. The symbols used are the following: Indicates something to be noted by the reader Indicates a general warning 2 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series To program the MCD3000 with the motor FLC do the following: 1. Enter the programming mode by pressing the [MENU/CANCEL] button on the Local Control Panel. The display will show the number of the first programming parameter, Par.1 Motor FLC 2. Press the [CHANGE DATA/OK] button to display the programmed value. The setting may now be adjusted. 3. Using the [+/-] buttons adjust the setting to match the motor FLC. 4. When correct, store the Motor FLC setting by pressing the [CHANGE DATA/OK] button (Pressing the [MENU/CANCEL] button returns you to the parameter number without saving the new value). 5. Return the MCD3000 to run mode by pressing the [MENU/CANCEL] button. ■ Install the MCD3000 Mounting, wiring and setting the soft starter into operation must be carried out properly by trained personnel. 1. 2. 3. Verify that the ratings of the MCD3000 are correct for the application. Physically install the MCD3000. (Refer to the Installation section of this manual) Connect mains, motor, motor thermistor (if any) and control voltage circuits as shown below. ■ Start the motor With the motor FLC programmed, the motor can now be started using the MCD3000 [START] button. The voltage of the soft starter is dangerous whenever the equipment is connected to the mains. Ensure the soft starter is correctly connected and that all safety measures have been taken before switching on the supply. 4. Turn on the supply. Other commonly used functions that may be useful in a Quick Set-up situation include: • Par. 5 Soft Stop (Refer to the Programming section of this manual for a description) • Par. 2 Current Limit (Refer to the Programming section of this manual for a description) If required, set these parameters in the same manner as described for Par 1. Motor FLC ■ Program the MCD3000 For simple applications the MCD3000 needs only to be programmed with the FLC (Full Load Current) of the connected motor. MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 3 Quick Set-up ■ Quick Set-up For basic start/stop control only three steps are required to commission the MCD3000. • Install the MCD3000 • Program the MCD3000 • Start the motor. The MCD3000 provides many other features that enable users to customise operation for their particular requirements. To learn more about these features please study this manual. Description MCD3000 Series ■ Description The Danfoss MCD3000 Soft Starter is an advanced electronic motor starting system. It performs four main functions; 1. Start control. 2. Stop control, including both soft stop (extended stop time) and braking (reduced stop time). 3. Electronic motor protection. 4. Monitoring & system interface. Models MCD3007 - 3132 are IP21 (NEMA 1) rated and have a local control panel that includes start, stop & reset push buttons. They are suitable for wall mounting, or installation in a switchboard. Models MCD3185 - 3800 have an IP20 rating and must be installed in a switchboard or other enclosure. The MCD3000 Soft Starters are complete and require no optional modules to add functionality. Automatic detection and calibration for supply voltage and frequency eliminates the need for special models. MCD3000 Soft starters are available with two maximum voltage ratings. • ■ Ordering type code MCD 3 - - - 2SQMREP1SXSVO;$: e.g. 55kW = 3055 185kW = 3185 1EMQYQ:SPXEKI6EXMRK e.g. T5 = 525 VAC T7 = 690 VAC* )RGPSWYVI B21 = Bookstyle IP21 C20 = Compact IP20 C21 = Compact IP21 'SRXVSP7YTTP]:SPXEKI CV2 = 110 VAC & 230 VAC * UL & C-UL approval for T7 models is applicable where the supply voltage is 600V or less. 200 VAC ~ 525 VAC 1'( 1SHIP MCD3007 MCD3015 MCD3018 MCD3022 MCD3030 MCD3037 MCD3045 MCD3055 MCD3075 MCD3090 MCD3110 MCD3132 MCD3185 MCD3220 MCD3300 MCD3315 MCD3400 MCD3500 MCD3600 MCD3700 MCD3800 4 • 200 VAC ~ 690 VAC The power circuit uses reverse parallel connected thyristors to provide full wave control on all three phases. The MCD3000 can be used with or, if local regulations permit, without a line contactor. 6EXIH'YVVIRX %QTW %'E 20 34 39 47 68 86 93 121 138 196 231 247 364 430 546 630 775 897 1153 1403 1564 (MQIRWMSRWQQ MRGLIW ,IMKLX ;MHXL (ITXL 530 (20.87) 132 (5.20) 270 (10.63) 530 (20.87) 132 (5.20) 270 (10.63) 530 (20.87) 132 (5.20) 270 (10.63) 530 (20.87) 132 (5.20) 270 (10.63) 530 (20.87) 132 (5.20) 270 (10.63) 530 (20.87) 132 (5.20) 270 (10.63) 530 (20.87) 132 (5.20) 270 (10.63) 530 (20.87) 132 (5.20) 270 (10.63) 530 (20.87) 264 (10.40) 270 (10.63) 530 (20.87) 264 (10.40) 270 (10.63) 530 (20.87) 264 (10.40) 270 (10.63) 530 (20.87) 396 (15.60) 270 (10.63) 850 (33.46) 430 (16.93) 280 (11.02) 850 (33.46) 430 (16.93) 280 (11.02) 850 (33.46) 430 (16.93) 280 (11.02) 850 (33.46) 430 (16.93) 280 (11.02) 850 (33.46) 430 (16.93) 280 (11.02) 850 (33.46) 430 (16.93) 280 (11.02) 1000 (39.37) 560 (22.05) 315 (12.40) 1000 (39.37) 560 (22.05) 315 (12.40) 1000 (39.37) 560 (22.05) 315 (12.40) 4VSXIGXMSR *SVQEX IP21 Book style (B21) IP21 Book style (B21) IP21 Book style (B21) IP21 Book style (B21) IP21 Book style (B21) IP21 Book style (B21) IP21 Book style (B21) IP21 Book style (B21) IP21 Compact (C21) IP21 Compact (C21) IP21 Compact (C21) IP21 Compact (C21) IP20 Compact (C20) IP20 Compact (C20) IP20 Compact (C20) IP20 Compact (C20) IP20 Compact (C20) IP20 Compact (C20) IP20 Compact (C20) IP20 Compact (C20) IP20 Compact (C20) MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series Function Starting • Current Limit • Current Ramp • Torque Boost • Torque Control Stopping • Soft Stop • Pump Control • D.C. Brake Protection • Motor Overload • Phase Imbalance • Undercurrent • Instantaneous Overload • Phase Rotation • Restart Delay • Motor Thermistor • Power Circuit Tests • Shorted SCR • Starter Heatsink Overtemperature • Supply Frequency • RS485 Comms Error Interface • Local Control Panel • Remote Inputs • Serial Communications (RS485) • Programmable Relay Outputs Sundry • Password Protection • Dual Parameter Set • Trip Log • High & Low Current Flags • Automatic Reset • • • • Current Display Motor Temperature Display Reset parameters to default settings Program starter via serial link ■ Electrical Schematic Description ■ Functions Related Parameters 2 3&4 16 16 5 17 18 & 19 6 7, 12 & 31 8, 13 & 32 9, 14 & 33 11 15 24 20 20 22, 23 & 24 36, 37 & 38 46, 47 & 48 25 - 33 45 34 & 35 39, 40, 41 & 42 49 - MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 5 Installation MCD3000 Series ■ Mechanical installation Models MCD3007~3132 have an IP21 rating and can be wall mounted or installed inside another enclosure. These models can be mounted side by side with no clearance. Models MCD3185~3800 have an IP20 rating and must be mounted in another enclosure. These models must have a clearance of 100mm on either side. through the enclosure to limit heat rise in the enclosure. The table below shows airflow requirements for selected motor currents. Motor Amps 10 20 30 40 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Heat (watts) 45 90 135 180 225 338 450 563 675 788 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 2025 2250 2475 2700 3 Required Airflow m /min o o 5 C Rise 10 C Rise 0.5 0.2 0.9 0.5 1.4 0.7 1.8 0.9 2.3 1.1 3.4 1.7 4.5 2.3 5.6 2.8 6.8 3.4 7.9 3.9 9.0 4.5 11.3 5.6 13.5 6.8 15.8 7.9 18.0 9.0 20.3 10.1 22.5 11.3 24.8 12.4 27.0 13.5 ATTENTION If other heat sources are installed in an enclosure with the MCD3000, this heat must also be considered when calculating required airflow. ATTENTION If the MCD3000 is installed in an enclosure without ventilation a bypass contactor should be employed to prevent heat dissipation during run. ■ General layout ATTENTION Do not mount in direct sunlight or near heat radiating elements. ■ Ventilation MCD3000 cooling is by means of air circulation. Consequently, the air needs to be able to move freely above and below the soft starter. Soft starters dissipate approximately 4.5 watts per amp. When installing a soft starter in a switchboard or other enclosure, ensure there is sufficient airflow 6 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series Installation MCD3007 ~ MCD3055 MCD3185 ~ MCD3800 MCD3075 ~ MCD3110 Use cables complying with local regulations. ■ Power wiring - Standard connection Supply voltage must be connected to the starter input terminals L1, L2 & L3. The motor terminals must be connected to the soft starter output terminals T1, T2 & T3. MCD3132 ■ Power wiring - Bypass connection A bypass contactor may be used to bypass the starter during run. A separate set of power terminals is provided within the MCD3000 for connection of the bypass contactor. These bypass terminals enable the MCD3000 to continue to provide all motor protection and current monitoring functions when the bypass contactor is closed. MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 7 Installation MCD3000 Series Either Relay Output C or Relay Output A can be programmed to control operation of the bypass contactor. Par. 36 Relay A - Function Assignment = 1 (Run) Par. 38 Relay C - Function Assignment = 0 (Run) Failure to correctly connect the bypass contactor (B1-T1, L2,-T2, & B3-T3) will result in a loss of current based protection systems possibly leading to a motor failure. Failure to correctly connect the bypass contactor (B1-T1, L2,-T2, & B3-T3) may result in a phase to phase short circuit causing severe equipment failure . operating, or if the .D.C.Brake contactor is incorrectly connected between T1-T2 or T1-T3. ■ Power wiring – Inside delta connection Models MCD3185 ~ MCD3800 can be connected inside the delta circuit of the motor when fitted with an optional Inside Delta Kit. Soft starters connected within the delta circuit of a motor control only phase current thereby enabling them to be used with larger motors than would be possible with normal line connection. See the Specifications section of this manual for inside delta ratings. K1M L1 T1 U1 L1B 3 PHASE SUPPLY L2 T2 L2B L3 ■ Power wiring - D.C.Brake connection If the D.C.Braking function is to be used, a contactor must be wired to short output terminals T2 & T3 during the braking operation. This contactor must be controlled by the MCD3000 Relay Output C and Relay Output C must be programmed for D.C.Brake operation. • Refer to Par. 18 and 19 for D.C.Brake parameter adjustments. • Refer Par. 38 Relay C - Function Assignment. Legend K1M Line Contactor T3 U2 V1 V2 W1 W2 Motor L3B E ATTENTION For inside delta connection to be possible both ends of all three motor windings must be accessible. When utilizing the inside delta connection method voltage remains connected to one end of the motor windings even when the soft starter is in the off or tripped state. A The MCD3000 power modules will be damaged if the D.C.Brake contactor is closed when the D.C.Brake function is not 8 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series When fitted with one of the kits from the following table, MCD3000 units are inside delta capable. The inside delta capability is additional to all normal functionality and is totally automatic. No user adjustment or settings are required. MCD3000 Model MCD3185 MCD3220 MCD3300 MCD3315 MCD3400 MCD3500 MCD3600 MCD3700 MCD3800 Inside Delta Kit 175G3043 175G3044 175G3045 175G3046 175G3047 175G3048 175G3049 175G3050 175G3051 protection. ■ Control wiring The MCD3000 can be controlled using the local push buttons, or via remote control inputs. Switch between the local and remote modes using the [LOCAL/REMOTE] push button. The MCD3000 has four remote control inputs. Contacts used for controlling these inputs should be low voltage, low current rated (Gold flash or similar). The Stop and Reset circuits must be closed for the MCD3000 to run in remote control mode. Push button control example: ■ Control Supply Voltage Voltage must be connected to the starter control voltage terminals. Control voltage can be either 230 VAC or 400 VAC (CV4) 110 VAC (+10% / -15%) or 230 VAC (+10% / -15%) MCD3000 Model MCD3007~MCD3022 MCD3030~MCD3055 MCD3075~MCD3110 MCD3132~MCD3500 MCD3600~MCD3800 { { A1 A3 Maximum VA 10VA 17VA 23VA 40VA 55VA The following range of auto-transformers are available as optional accessories and can be fitted within the MCD3000 where other control voltages must be used. Input Voltage 110 VAC / 460 VAC 110 VAC / 575 VAC 24 VAC / 110 VAC Two wire control example: Electronics A2 Supply Part Number MCD3007 ~ MCD3075 ~ MCD3055 MCD3800 175G5084 175G5144 175G5085 175G5145 175G5087 175G5146 Removing control voltage from the MCD3000 resets the motor overload MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark ATTENTION Simultaneously pressing the [STOP] and [RESET] buttons causes the MCD3000 to immediately remove voltage from the motor resulting in a coast to stop. Any soft stop or D.C.Brake settings are ignored. Do not apply voltage to the control inputs. The inputs are active 24 VDC and must be controlled with potential free circuits. The Par. Set input determines which of the two MCD3000 motor parameter sets is operative. When a start is initiated the MCD3000 checks the state of the 9 Installation line contactor or shunt trip activated circuit breaker must be used to totally isolate the motor in the event of a fault condition. Installation MCD3000 Series Par. Set input. If there is an open circuit the primary parameters (Par. 1 - 9) are operative. If there is a closed circuit the secondary parameters (Par. 25 - 33) are operative. ■ Control circuit examples Example 1. A basic installation where motor operation is controlled using the MCD3000 Local Control Panel. The MCD3000 provides three relay outputs. 13 14 Output A 21 22 Output B 24 33 34 Output C Line contactor Run High current flag Low current flag Trip Output on High current flag Low current flag Line contactor Run D.C.Brake contactor All outputs are programmable. Refer Par. 36, 37 & 38 Relay Function Assignment. Notes: 1. The MCD3000 must be in local mode to function with this circuit. Use the [LOCAL/REMOTE] push button to switch between local and remote modes. ■ Motor thermistors If the motor is fitted with thermistors these may be connected directly to the MCD3000. A trip will occur if the thermistor circuit resistance is above approximately 2.8kΩ. If thermistors are not connected to the MCD3000 there must be a link across the thermistor input terminals. 10 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series Notes: 1. The MCD3000 must be in remote mode to function with this circuit. Use the [LOCAL/REMOTE] push button to switch between local and remote modes. 2. Relay Output A must be programmed for the Line Contactor function. Refer Par. 36 Relay A Function Assignment. MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark Example 3. MCD3000 installed with a bypass contactor and controlled via a remote push button circuit. Installation Example 2. MCD3000 installed with a line contactor and operated via a remote two wire start circuit with reset push button. Notes: 1. The MCD3000 must be in remote mode to function with this circuit. Use the [LOCAL/REMOTE] push button to switch between local and remote modes. 2. Relay Output C must be programmed for the Run function. Refer Par. 38 Relay C - Function Assignment. 11 Installation MCD3000 Series Example 4. MCD3000 controlled by remote 3 wire push button circuit. Where this cannot be avoided consideration should be given to providing magnetic shielding to reduce induced common mode voltages. Data transmitted to and from the MCD3000 must be in 8 bit ASCII, no parity, 1 stop bit. The MCD3000 can be programmed to trip if the RS485 link fails. This is done by setting Par. 24 Serial Communications - RS485 Time Out. Baud rate is set by Par. 22 Serial Communication Baud Rate. The starter address is assigned using Par. 23 Serial Communications - Satellite Address. ATTENTION Slave address must be two digit, addresses less than 10 must have a leading zero (0). ATTENTION If no MCD3000 starter is configured to the specific slave address, no response will be received by the host. Notes: 1. The MCD3000 must be in remote mode to function with this circuit. Use the [LOCAL/REMOTE] push button to switch between local and remote modes. ■ Serial communications The MCD3000 has a non-isolated RS485 serial communications link. The serial link can be used to; • • • • Control MCD3000 operation Query MCD3000 status and operating data Read (download) MCD3000 parameter settings Program (upload) MCD3000 parameters ATTENTION The MCD3000 may take up to 250ms to respond. The host software timeout should be set accordingly. ATTENTION The satellite address and baud rate may also be altered through the serial interface. Behaviour of the serial interface will not be affected by such parameter changes until the current Serial Programming mode session is terminated by the master. The serial master application must ensure that altering these parameters does not cause communication problems. The details of the message fragments used in communicating with the MCD3000 are shown in the table below. The message fragments may be assembled into complete messages as described in the sections that follow. Message Fragment Type ATTENTION Communications cabling should not be located within 300mm of power cabling. Send Address Send Command Send Request Read Parameters 12 ASCII Character String or (Hexidecimal Character String) EOT [nn] [lrc] ENQ or (04h [nn] [lrc] 05h) STX [ccc] [lrc] ETX or (02h [ccc] [lrc] 03h) MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series ASCII Character String or (Hexidecimal Character String) Write Parameters Receive Data Receive Status Parameter Number Parameter Value ACK NAK ERR STX [dddd] [lrc] ETX or (02h [dddd] [lrc] 03h) STX [ssss] [lrc] ETX or (02h [ssss] [lrc] 03h) DC1 [pppp] [lrc] ETX (011h [pppp] [lrc] 03h) DC2 [vvvv] [lrc] ETX (012h [vvvv] [lrc] 03h) ACK or (06h) NAK or (15h) BEL (07h) Command Start Stop Reset Coast to stop two byte ASCII number representing the soft starter address where each decimal digit is represented by n. lrc = two byte longitudinal redundancy check in hexadecimal. ccc = three byte ASCII command number where each character is represented by a c. dddd = four byte ASCII number representing the current or temperature data where each decimal digit is represented by d. ssss= four byte ASCII number. The first two bytes are ASCII zero. The last two bytes represent the nibbles of a single byte of status data in hexadecimal. pppp = four byte ASCII number representing the parameter number where each decimal digit is represented by p. vvvv = four byte ASCII number representing the parameter value where each decimal digit is represented by v. Send Address = Master NAK Invalid LRC Send Request = Master Receive Data NAK Invalid LRC = Slave (MCD3000) Request ASCII Bit No. Status C10 Status_1 C12 Version C16 Send Command ACK Possible error responses ACK Possible error responses ■ Serial communications - commands Commands can be sent to the MCD3000 using the following format; ACK Comment Initiates a start. Initiates a stop Resets a trip state Initiates an immediate removal of voltage from the motor. Any soft stop or D.C.Brake settings are ignored. ■ Serial communications – status retrieval Starter status can be retrieved from the MCD3000 using the following format; nn = Send Address ASCII B10 B12 B14 B16 Receive Data (ssss) Requests the configuration status of the MCD3000. (Positive logic 1 = true) Status.0 Unallocated Status.1 Unallocated Status.2 Unallocated Status.3 Positive phase rotation Status.4 Soft stopping Status.5 Unallocated Status.6 60Hz operation Status.7 50Hz operation Requests the operational status of the MCD3000. (Negative logic 0 = true) NOT Status._1.0 Power On NOT Status._1.1 Output On NOT Status._1.2 Run NOT Status._1.3 Overload NOT Status._1.4 Restart delay NOT Status._1.5 Unallocated NOT Status._1.6 Unallocated NOT Status._1.7 Unallocated RS485 protocol version number. = Slave (MCD3000) MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 13 Installation Message Fragment Type Installation MCD3000 Series Request ASCII Bit No. Receive Data (ssss) Requests the trip status of the MCD3000. 255= No Trip 0= Shorted SCR trip 1= Excess start time trip 2= Overcurrent trip 3= Motor thermistor trip 4= Phase imbalance trip 5= Supply frequency trip 6= Phase rotation trip 7= Instantaneous overload trip 8= Power circuit fault 9= Undercurrent trip 10= Starter overtemperature trip Trip Code C18 ■ Serial communications –data retrieval Data can be retrieved from the MCD3000 using the following format; Send Address Send Request ACK Possible error responses = Master Request Current ASCII D10 Tempera ture D12 NAK Invalid LRC = Slave (MCD3000) Receive Data (dddd) Requests motor current. The data is 4 byte decimal ASCII. Minimum value 0000, Maximum value 9999 Amps. Requests the calculated value of the motor thermal model as a % of Motor Thermal Capacity. The data is 4 byte decimal ASCII. Minimum value 0000%. Trip point 0105%. parameter settings from the MCD3000 Parameter settings may be downloaded from the MCD3000 at any time using the following format; Repeat until master sends NAK ACK Read Par. ACK Par. No Par. Value NAK NAK Invalid LRC NAK Possible error responses ERR = Master 14 Invalid parameter number ASCII P10 Comment Readies MCD3000 to download parameter values. ■ Serial communications – uploading parameter settings to the MCD3000 Parameter adjustments may be uploaded to the MCD3000 only when it is in the off state i.e. not starting, running, stopping or tripped. Use the following format to upload parameters; Exit serial programming mode and store parameters to EEPROM Enter serial programming mode Send Address ACK Repeat until master sends NAK Write Par. ACK Par. No ACK Par. Value NAK Invalid LRC NAK Invalid LRC Par. Value NAK NAK Possible error responses Receive Data ■ Serial communications – downloading Send Address Read Parameters Download Parameters = Master Write Parameters Upload Parameters ERR ERR ERR Unable to program (motor running) Invalid Par No. Par. value out of range = Slave (MCD3000) ASCII P12 Comment Readies the MCD3000 for uploading of parameter values When the MCD3000 receives a Upload Parameters command it enters the Serial Programming mode. When in the Serial Programming mode the MCD3000 local push buttons and remote inputs are inoperative, the serial start command is unavailable and MCD3000 numeric display flashes the letters ‘SP’. When the Upload Parameters command is terminated by the master or with an error or with a timeout, the parameters are written to the EEPROM and the MCD3000 exits the Serial Programming mode. ATTENTION The Serial Programming mode will timeout in 500ms if there has been no serial activity. ATTENTION The following parameters may not be adjusted, Par 43, 44, 45, 46 & 49. If values for = Slave (MCD3000) MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series ■ Serial communications – calculating the check sum (LRC) Each command string sent to and from the MCD3000 includes a check sum. The form used is the Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC) in ASCII hex. This is an 8-bit binary number represented and transmitted as two ASCII hexadecimal characters. To calculate LRC: 1. Sum all ASCII bytes 2. Mod 256 3. 2’s complement 4. ASCII convert STX [d1]h [d2]h [d3]h [d4]h LRC1 LRC2 ETX Installation these parameters are uploaded to the MCD3000 there will be no effect and no error generated. d1 = 30h d2 = 30h d3 = 30h plus upper nibble of status byte right shifted by four binary places. d4 = 30h plus lower nibble of status byte. For example status byte = 1Fh, response is STX 30h 30h 31h 46h LRC1 LRC2 ETX For example Command String (Start); ASCII STX B 1 0 or 02h 42h 31h 30h ASCII Hex Binary STX 02h 0000 0010 B 42h 0100 0010 1 31h 0011 0001 0 30h 0011 0000 A5h 1010 0101 SUM (1) A5h 1010 0101 MOD 256 (2) 5Ah 0101 1010 1’s COMPLEMENT 01h 0101 1011 +1= 2’s COMPLEMENT (3) 5Bh 0101 1011 ASCII 5 B ASCII CONVERT (4) or 35h 42h LRC CHECKSUM The complete command string becomes ASCII STX B 1 0 5 B ETX or 02h 42h 31h 30h 35h 42h 03h To verify a received message containing an LRC; 1. Convert last two bytes of message from ASCII to binary. nd 2. Left shift 2 to last byte 4 bits. 3. Add to last byte to get binary LRC. 4. Remove last two bytes from message. 5. Add remaining bytes of message. 6. Add binary LRC. 7. Round to one byte. 8. The result should be zero. Response or status bytes are sent from the MCD3000 as an ASCII string. MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 15 Programming MCD3000 Series ■ Programming Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 45 46 47 48 Parameter Name Motor FLC Current Limit Current Ramp - Initial Current Current Ramp - Ramp Time Soft Stop Ramp Time Motor Thermal Capacity Phase Imbalance Sensitivity Undercurrent Trip Point Instantaneous Overload Trip Point Excess Start Time Protection Phase Rotation Protection Phase Imbalance Protection Delay Undercurrent Protection Delay Instantaneous Overload Protection Delay Restart Delay Torque Enhancement Soft Stop Profile D.C.Brake - Brake Time D.C.Brake - Brake Torque Local / Remote Mode Current Gain Serial Communication - Baud Rate Serial Communication - Satellite Address Serial Communication - RS485 Time Out 1) Motor FLC 1) Current Limit 1) Current Ramp - Initial Current 1) Current Ramp - Ramp Time 1) Soft Stop Ramp Time 1) Motor Thermal Capacity 1) Phase Imbalance Sensitivity 1) Undercurrent Trip Point 1) Instantaneous Overload Trip Point Low Current Flag Set Point High Current Flag Set Point Relay A - Function Assignment Relay B - Function Assignment Relay C - Function Assignment Automatic Reset - Trip Types Automatic Reset - Number Of Resets Automatic Reset - Reset Delay Group 1&2 Automatic Reset - Reset Delay Group 3 Trip Log Password Change Password Parameter Lock ✭ = factory setting 16 Number 49 50 51 52 53 Parameter Name Load Default Parameter Settings Under Frequency Protection Delay Phase Imbalance Protection Enable Undercurrent Protection Enable Expanded Supply Frequency Window 1) Secondary Parameter Set adjustments MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series ■ Programmable functions 1 Motor FLC Value: (Depends On Model) Amps ✭ Depends on Model Function: Calibrates the MCD3000 for the Full Load Current of the motor. Description of choice: Set according to motor nameplate Full Load Current. 2 Current Limit Value: 100% - 550% Motor FLC To adjust parameters do the following: ✭ 350% Function: Sets the desired starting current limit. Description of choice: The current limit should be set so that the motor accelerates easily to full speed. ATTENTION Start current must be great enough to allow the motor to produce sufficient torque to accelerate the connected load. The minimum current required to do this is dependent on motor design and load torque requirements. 3 Current Ramp - Initial Current Value: 10% - 550% Motor FLC ✭ 350% Function: ✭ = factory setting MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 17 Programming ■ Programming procedure Parameter adjustments are made using the Local Control Panel. Adjustments can only be made while the MCD3000 is stopped. When the MCD3000 is in programming mode the three LEDs to the right of the numeric display are illuminated. Programming MCD3000 Series Sets the initial starting current for the Current Ramp start mode. See also parameter 4. 2. Description of choice: See parameter 4. 4 Current Ramp - Ramp Time Value: 1 - 30 seconds ✭ 1 second Function: Sets the ramp time for the Current Ramp start mode. Description of choice: The Current Ramp start mode modifies the Current Limit start mode by adding an extended ramp. Typically the Current Ramp start mode would be used in two circumstances. 1. For applications where start conditions vary between starts the Current Ramp mode provides an optimum soft start irrespective of motor loading e.g. A conveyor that may start loaded or unloaded. In this case make the following settings. • Set Parameter 2 Current Limit so that the motor can accelerate to full speed when fully loaded. • Set Parameter 3 Current Ramp - Initial Current so that the motor can accelerate when unloaded. • Set Parameter 4 Current Ramp - Ramp Time according to the desired start performance. (Very short ramp time settings will result in higher than necessary start current for unloaded starts. Very long ramp time settings may cause starting delays for loaded starts). ✭ = factory setting 18 5 On generator set supplies where a gradual increase in current is required to allow greater time for the generator set to respond to the increased loading. In this case make the following settings. • Set Parameter 2 Current Limit as desired. • Set Parameter 3 Current Ramp - Initial Current to a lower level than the Current Limit. • Set Parameter 4 Current Ramp - Ramp Time to achieve the desired gradual draw of start current. Soft Stop Ramp Time Value: 0 - 100 seconds ✭ 0 seconds (Off) Function: Sets the time of the soft stop ramp. The soft stop function extends motor deceleration time by ramping down voltage supplied to the motor when a stop is initiated. Description of choice: Set the ramp time to optimise stopping characteristics for the load. The MCD3000 soft stop function has two modes, standard and enhanced pump control. The enhanced pump control mode can offer superior performance in some pumping applications. Refer Par. 17 Soft Stop Profile. ATTENTION The MCD3000 soft stop function automatically determines the step-down voltage setting, no user adjustment is required. ATTENTION The Soft Stop and D.C.Brake functions cannot be used together. Setting a soft stop ramp time greater than 0 seconds causes Par. 18 D.C.Brake - Brake Time to be set to 0 seconds and Par. 38 Relay C - Function Assignment to be set to OFF. 6 Motor Thermal Capacity Value: 5 - 120 seconds ✭ 10 seconds Function: MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series Description of choice: The factory setting is adequate for most applications. When setting the Motor Thermal Capacity two approaches can be taken. 1. Set according to the Motor DOL time as shown on the motor data sheet. This makes the full thermal capacity of the connected motor available for use. The motor will be allowed to operate up to its maximum capability during start and when subjected to operational overloads. This is ideal when starting high inertia loads or for applications such as Bandsaws that must ride through high operating overloads. ATTENTION The MCD3000 assumes Direct-On-Line current to be 600% of motor Full Load Current. Actual motor DOL current can be accounted for by using the following formula to calculate the value of the Motor Thermal Capacity setting. 1 - 4 = Increased sensitivity 5 = Normal sensitivity 6 - 10 = Reduced sensitivity Programming Calibrates the MCD3000 motor thermal model for the connected motors thermal capacity. The Motor Thermal Capacity is defined as the length of time the motor can sustain Direct-On-Line current. Function: Sets the sensitivity of the imbalance protection. Description of choice: Adjust the trip point to accommodate the tolerated phase imbalance. The factory setting is normally acceptable but may have to be adjusted to accommodate individual site variations. Reaction time of the phase imbalance protection can also be adjusted. Refer Par. 12 Phase Imbalance Protection Delay. ATTENTION The phase imbalance trip point is desensitised by 50% during starting and stopping. 8 Undercurrent Trip Point Value: 15% - 100% Motor FLC ✭ 20 % Function: Sets the minimum allowable running current. 2. Set according to load requirements. While the Motor Thermal Capacity can safely be set according to the motor’s published DOL time limit, some load types do not need this capacity for starting or riding through overloads while running. In such circumstances setting the Motor Thermal Capacity based on what the load requires will provide an earlier warning of abnormal operation. To set the Motor Thermal Capacity according to load requirement, set MCD3000 display to read motor temperature, run the load, stop and restart the load while monitoring the calculated motor temperature. The Motor Thermal Capacity setting can be reduced until the temperature at the end of a restart is approximately 80%. Description of choice: Where it is desired to stop motor operation on detection of an abnormally low current, set the Undercurrent trip point above the motor magnetising current and below the normal running current. To defeat the Undercurrent protection function, set the trip point below the motor’s magnetising current. Typically < 25%. Reaction time of the Undercurrent protection can also be adjusted. Refer Par. 13 Undercurrent Protection Delay. Undercurrent protection is disabled during starting and stopping. 9 7 Phase Imbalance Sensitivity Value: 1 - 10 ✭ 5 (Normal Sensitivity) ✭ = factory setting MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark Instantaneous Overload Trip Point Value: 80% - 550% Motor FLC ✭ 400% Function: Sets the trip point for the Instantaneous Overload protection. 19 Programming MCD3000 Series Description of choice: The instantaneous overload trip point should be set to trip the motor when it begins to stall. Reaction time of the instantaneous overload protection can also be adjusted. Refer Par. 14 Instantaneous Overload Protection Delay. Instantaneous Overload protection is disabled during starting and stopping. 10 Excess Start Time Protection Value: 0 - 255 seconds ✭ 20 seconds Function: Sets the maximum allowable start time. ATTENTION Ensure the Excess Start Time protection setting is within the MCD3000 rated capability. Value: 0-2 ✭ 0 (Off) 0 = Off (Forward & Reverse rotation permitted) 1 = Forward Rotation Only 2 = Reverse Rotation Only Function: Sets the allowable phase rotation sequence of the incoming supply. ✭ 3 seconds Function: Delays tripping on detection of a phase imbalance greater than allowed by the Phase Imbalance Sensitivity setting. (Par. 7 & Par. 31) Description of choice: Set to avoid unnecessary tripping due to temporary phase imbalances. Undercurrent Protection Delay Value: 0 - 60 seconds ✭ 5 seconds Function: Delays tripping on detection of a motor current lower than the programmed Undercurrent Trip Point. (Par. 8 & Par. 32) Description of choice: Set to avoid unnecessary tripping due to temporary undercurrent situations. Undercurrent protection is disabled during starting and stopping. 14 Phase Rotation Protection Phase Imbalance Protection Delay Value: 3 - 254 seconds 13 Description of choice: Set for a period slightly longer than the normal motor starting time. The MCD3000 will then trip if the start time exceeds normal. This provides early indication that the application conditions have changed or that the motor has stalled. It can also protect the soft starter from being operated outside its rated start capability. A setting of 0 disables this protection. 11 12 Instantaneous Overload Protection Delay Value: 0 - 60 seconds ✭ 0 seconds Function: Delays tripping on detection of a motor current higher than the programmed Instantaneous Overload Trip Point. (Par. 9 & Par. 33) Description of choice: Set to avoid unnecessary tripping due to temporary high overload situations. Description of choice: The MCD3000 is itself phase rotation insensitive. This function allows motor rotation to be limited to one direction only. Set the protection according to application requirements. ✭ = factory setting 20 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series 15 Restart Delay Value: 0 - 254 Units ✭ 1 Unit (10 seconds) 1 Unit = 10 seconds Function: Sets the minimum time between the end of a stop and the beginning of the next start. Description of choice: Set according to process requirements. A setting of zero achieves the minimum restart delay of 1 second). During the Restart Delay period the LED to the right of the MCD3000 numeric display will flash, indicating the motor cannot be started. 16 Torque Enhancement Value: 0-3 Function: Selects between soft stop profiles. Description of choice: The standard mode is the default soft stop profile and is appropriate for most installations. In standard mode motor deceleration is monitored and soft stop operation is automatically adjusted to optimise performance. In addition to the standard mode profile three specialised pump control modes are available. These modes provide alternate control algorithms which may deliver superior performance to the standard mode depending upon the individual motor and hydraulic characteristics of the application. ✭ 0 (Off) 0 = Off 1 = Torque boost 2 = Torque control 3 = Torque boost & torque control Function: Activates the torque enhancement functions. Description of choice: Torque boost provides extra torque at the beginning of a start. Torque boost can be used for loads that require high torque to breakaway but then accelerate freely with lower torque. ATTENTION Torque boost results in a fast application of torque. Ensure that the driven load and drive chain can handle DOL start torque characteristics. Torque control provides a more linear application of torque during start. 17 0 = Standard mode 1 = Pump control (mode 1) 2 = Pump control (mode 2) 3 = Pump control (mode 3) The D.C.Braking function decreases motor deceleration time by applying a D.C. current to the motor terminals when a stop command is given. This function requires that a contactor (AC1 rated) be wired between output terminals T2 & T3 as shown in the electrical schematic below and that the following MCD3000 parameters be adjusted. • Par 18. D.C.Brake - Brake Time • Par 19. D.C.Brake - Brake Torque • Par 38. Relay C - Function Assignment. The MCD3000 power modules will be damaged if the D.C.Brake contactor is closed when the D.C.Brake function is not operating. Ensure the D.C.Brake contactor is controlled by Relay Output C and that Par. 38 Relay C - Function Assignment is set for D.C.Braking Contactor Control The MCD3000 power modules will be damaged if the D.C.Brake contactor is incorrectly connected between T1-T2 or T1-T3. Soft Stop Profile Value: ✭ = factory setting MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 21 Programming ✭ 0 (Standard Mode) 0-3 MCD3000 Series Programming 19 D.C.Brake - Brake Torque Value: 30% - 100% Braking Torque ✭ 30% Function: Sets the D.C.Brake level as a % of maximum braking torque. Description of choice: Set as required. ATTENTION For very high inertia loads more braking torque is available by use of the ’Soft Braking’ technique described in the Design Guide section of this manual. 18 D.C.Brake - Brake Time Value: 0 - 10 seconds ✭ 0 seconds (Off) Function: Sets the time of operation of the D.C. Braking function. Description of choice: Set as required. A setting of 0 seconds turns the D.C.Brake function Off. ATTENTION MCD3000 Relay Output C must be programmed for the D.C.Brake Contactor Control so that the shorting contactor functions correctly. Refer Par. 38 Relay C - Function Assignment for adjustment procedure. ATTENTION The D.C.Brake and Soft Stop functions cannot be used together. Setting a D.C.Brake - Brake Time greater than 0 seconds causes Par. 5 Soft Stop Ramp Time and Par.29. Soft Stop Ramp Time (secondary parameter set) to be set to 0 seconds. 20 Value: 0-3 ✭ = factory setting 22 ✭ 0 ([LOCAL/REMOTE] button enabled) 0 = [Local/Remote] push button on MCD3000 enabled all the time. 1 = [Local/Remote] push button on MCD3000 enabled only while motor stopped. 2 = Local control only. (MCD3000 push buttons enabled, remote inputs disabled) 3 = Remote control only. (MCD3000 push buttons disabled, remote inputs enabled) Function: Determines when MCD3000 push buttons and remote control inputs are operative. Also when, and if, the [Local/Remote] push button can be used to switch between local and remote control. Description of choice: Set according to desired operational requirements. 21 ATTENTION During operation of the D.C.Brake function the MCD3000 display shows the letters ’br’ as shown below. Local / Remote Mode Current Gain Value: 85% - 115% ✭ 100% Function: Adds a gain to the MCD3000 current monitoring circuits. These circuits are factory calibrated with an accuracy of ±5%. The gain can be used to match the MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series ATTENTION This adjustment affects all current based functions. e.g. current read-out, motor overload & all other current based protections and current outputs. Description of choice: The gain should be adjusted according to the following formula. 22 Serial Communications - RS485 Time Out Value: 0 - 100 seconds ✭ 0 seconds (Off) Function: Sets the maximum allowable period of RS485 inactivity. Description of choice: Set this parameter if it is required that a trip should occur in the event of a failure of RS485 communications with the MCD3000. A setting of 0 seconds allows the MCD3000 to continue operating without regular RS485 activity. ATTENTION In the event of a RS485 Time Out trip the MCD3000 cannot be reset until the RS485 communication is resumed. If the RS485 communications cannot be immediately re-established and temporary manual control is required, Par 24 Serial Communications - RS485 Time Out must be set to 0 seconds. Serial Communications - Baud Rate Value: 1-5 24 ✭ 4 (9600 baud) 1 = 1200 baud 2 = 2400 baud 3 = 4800 baud 4 = 9600 baud 5 = 19200 baud The MCD3000 includes two motor operating parameter sets. Parameters 25 - 33 make up the secondary parameter set and replicate the primary parameter set, Parameters 1 - 9. Refer to the Operation section of this manual for detail on enabling the secondary parameter set. Function: Sets the baud rate for serial communications. 25 Description of choice: Set as appropriate. Motor FLC (Secondary Parameter Set) Value: (Depends On Model)Amps ✭ Depends on Model See Par. 1 for Function & Description of choice. 23 Serial Communications - Satellite Address Value: 1 - 99 26 ✭ 20 Function: Assigns the MCD3000 an address for serial communications. Description of choice: Set a unique address number as appropriate. ✭ = factory setting MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark Current Limit (Secondary Parameter Set) Value: 100% - 550% Motor FLC ✭ 350 % See Par. 2 for Function & Description of choice. 27 Current Ramp - Initial Current (Secondary Parameter Set) 23 Programming MCD3000 current read out with an external current monitoring system. Programming MCD3000 Series Value: 10% - 550% Motor FLC ✭ 350% See Par. 3 for Function & Description of choice. 28 ✭ 1 second See Par. 4 for Function & Description of choice. 29 Soft Stop Ramp Time (Secondary Parameter Set) Value: 0 - 100 seconds ✭ 0 seconds (Off) See Par. 5 for Function & Description of choice. 30 Motor Thermal Capacity (Secondary Parameter Set) Value: 5 - 120 seconds ✭ 10 seconds Phase Imbalance Sensitivity (Secondary Parameter Set) Value: 1 - 10 ✭ 5 (Normal Sensitivity) 1 - 4 = Increased sensitivity 5 = Normal sensitivity 6 - 10 = Reduced sensitivity See Par. 7 for Function & Description of choice. 32 Undercurrent Trip Point (Secondary Parameter Set) Value: 15% - 100% Motor FLC ✭ 20 % Instantaneous Overload Trip Point (Secondary Parameter Set) Value: 80% - 550% Motor FLC ✭ = factory setting 24 ✭ 400% ✭ 50% Motor FLC Description of choice: Set as appropriate. High Current Flag Set Point Value: 50 - 550% Motor FLC ✭ 105% Motor FLC Function: Sets the current at which the High Current Flag operates. (High current flags can occur only when the motor is running). Relay Output B can be programmed to indicate the state of the High Current Flag. The relay output will change state when motor current is above the set point. See Par. 37 for Relay B - Function Assignment. Description of choice: Set as appropriate. 36 See Par. 8 for Function & Description of choice. 33 Low Current Flag Set Point Function: Sets the current at which the Low Current Flag operates. (Low current flags can occur only when the motor is running). Relay Output B can be programmed to indicate the state of the Low Current Flag. The relay output will change state when motor current is below the set point. See Par. 37 for Relay B - Function Assignment. 35 See Par. 6 for Function & Description of choice. 31 34 Value: 1 - 100% Motor FLC Current Ramp - Ramp Time (Secondary Parameter Set) Value: 1 - 30 seconds See Par. 9 for Function & Description of choice. Relay A - Function Assignment Value: 0-3 ✭ 0 (Line contactor) 0 = Line Contactor 1 = Run 2 = High current flag (see Par. 35) 3 = Low current flag (see Par. 34) Function: MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series Set to 1 (D.C.Brake Contactor Control) only when using the D.C.Brake function and make this adjustment only after first setting Par. 18 D.C.Brake Brake Time. Description of choice: Set as required. ATTENTION To reduce the chance of equipment damage through inappropriate adjustment of Relay C functionality the MCD3000 automatically sets this parameter to 2 (Off) in the following instances. • If a soft stop time is programmed while Par. 38. Relay C - Function Assignment is set to 1 (D.C.Brake Contactor Control). • When Par. 18 D.C.Brake - Brake Time is changed to 0 seconds. • When Par. 18 D.C.Brake - Brake Time is changed from 0 seconds. 37 Relay B - Function Assignment Value: 0-4 ✭ 0 (Trip) 0 = Trip 1 = Output on 2 = High current flag (see Par. 35) 3 = Low current flag (see Par. 34) 4 = Line contactor If the start command is still present after a trip state is reset the motor will be restarted. Ensure that personal safety is not at risk from such operation and that all appropriate safety measures have been taken. Function: Sets the functionality of Relay Output B Description of choice: See Par. 36 38 39 Automatic Reset - Trip Types Value: 0-3 Relay C - Function Assignment Value: 0-2 The Automatic Reset function enables selected trip types to be automatically reset. Automatic Reset operation is affected by three settings. • Trip Types • Number Of Resets • Reset Delay ✭ 0 (Run) ✭ 0 (Off) 0 = Off. 1 = Automatically reset Group 1 trips. 2 = Automatically reset Group 1 & 2 trips. 3 = Automatically reset Group 1,2 & 3 trips. 0 = Run 1 = D.C.Brake Contactor Control 2 = Off (does not operate) Function: Selects what fault types will be automatically reset. Function: Sets the functionality of Relay Output C Description of choice: Three groups of trips can be automatically reset. Description of choice: ✭ = factory setting MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 25 Programming Sets the functionality of Relay Output A Programming MCD3000 Series Group 1 2 3 40 Trip Type Phase Imbalance, Phase Loss Undercurrent, Instantaneous Overload Overcurrent, Motor Thermistor 44 Value: No adjustment Automatic Reset - Number Of Resets Value: 1 - 5 Resets 45 ✭ 1 Reset Function: Sets the number of times faults will be reset before the trip condition is latched and a manual reset is required. Description of choice: Set according to the maximum number of resets required. The MCD3000 reset counter will increment by one when a trip occurs up to the programmed number of resets. A manual reset will then be required. The reset counter decrements by one (to a minimum of zero) after each successful start/stop cycle. Automatic Reset - Reset Delay Group 1 & 2 Value: 5 - 999 seconds ✭ 5 seconds Function: Sets the delay before automatic reset of Group 1 and Group 2 trips. Description of choice: Set as required. 42 Automatic Reset - Reset Delay Group 3 Value: 5 - 60 minutes ✭ 5 minutes Function: Sets the delay before automatic reset of Group 3 trips. Description of choice: Set as required. 43 Factory Diagnostic Display A Value: No adjustment ✭ = factory setting 26 Trip Log Value: Read Only ✭ No setting Function: Displays the Trip Log. The trip log records the cause of the last 8 trip events. Description of choice: Use the [+/-] buttons to scroll through the trip log. Refer to the Fault Procedure section of this manual for a full explanation of the trip log, trip codes and related fault procedures. 46 41 Factory Diagnostic Display B Password Value: 0 - 999 ✭0 Function: Entry of the correct password number does two things. 1. If the parameter settings are currently in the Read Only state (Refer Par. 48 Parameter Lock) entering the correct password number temporarily enables the Read/Write state allowing parameter settings to be changed. On exit of the programming mode parameters return to the Read Only state. 2. Allows access to parameter numbers 47, 48 & 49. These parameters allow the user to: • Change the password number • Change the parameter state between Read/Write and Read Only thus providing control over unauthorised changes to program settings. • Load the default factory settings. Description of choice: Enter the current password number. If the password number has been lost, contact your Danfoss representative. MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series Change Password Value: 0 - 999 ✭0 ATTENTION If the supply frequency drops below 45Hz (50Hz supplies) or 55Hz (60Hz supplies) the MCD3000 will trip instantly irrespective of the delay setting. Function: Sets the password number. Description of choice: Set and record the password number as required. 48 Description of choice: Set to allow continued operation during extreme but temporary under frequency conditions. Parameter Lock Value: 0-1 ✭ 0 (Read/Write) 51 0 = Read/Write 1 = Read Only Function: Enables protection of program settings by restricting Program Mode functionality to Read Only. Description of choice: Set as required. Value: 0–1 ✭ 0 (On) 0 = On 1 = Off Function: Activates or defeats the phase imbalance protection. ATTENTION When the parameter lock has been changed from Read/Write to Read Only the new setting only takes effect once the programming mode has been exited. Description of choice: Set as required. 52 49 Phase Imbalance Protection Enable Undercurrent Protection Enable Value: 0–1 Load Default Parameter Values Value: 0 - 100 ✭0 ✭ 0 (On) 0 = On 1 = Off 50 = Load default parameter values Function: Resets parameter values to factory default settings. Description of choice: Set as required. Description of choice: Set as required. 50 Function: Activates or defeats the undercurrent protection. Under Frequency Protection Delay Value: 0 – 60 seconds ✭ 0 seconds ✭ = factory setting MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 27 Programming 47 Function: Delays tripping on detection of a low supply frequency when the motor is running, <48Hz (50Hz supplies), <58Hz (60Hz supplies). Programming MCD3000 Series 53 Expanded Supply Frequency Window Value: 0–1 ✭0 0 = Normal (50Hz window: 48Hz- 52Hz, 60Hz window 58Hz – 62Hz) 1 = Expanded (50Hz window: 47Hz- 52Hz, 60Hz window 57Hz – 62Hz) Function: Expands the supply frequency window allowed by the MCD3000 by reducing the lower limit by 1 Hz. This expansion accommodates power supplies which suffer long term low frequency situations. Description of choice: Apply expansion if required. ✭ = factory setting 28 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series Operation ■ Operation Once the MCD3000 has been installed, wired and programmed according to the instructions earlier in this manual, it can be operated. ■ Local control panel. The Local Control Panel can be used to operate the MCD3000 when in local control mode. 3. Operational buttons. Can be used to control operation when the MCD3000 is in local mode. Switch between local and remote modes using the [LOCAL/REMOTE] push button. ATTENTION Par. 20 Local / Remote Mode can be set to prohibit either local or remote mode operation. If the [LOCAL/REMOTE] button is used in an attempt to switch to a prohibited mode the numeric display will show ’OFF’. Also, operation of the [LOCAL/REMOTE] push button can be restricted to when the motor is stopped. In this case pushing the [LOCAL/REMOTE] push button results in the numeric display showing ’OFF’. 1. Numeric Display During operation the display can show either motor current (Amps) or motor temperature (%) as calculated by the MCD3000 motor thermal model. The information being displayed is indicated by the LEDs to the right of the display, and can be changed using the [+/-] buttons. In the event of a trip the display shows the trip code. Refer to the Fault Procedure section of this manual. ATTENTION If motor current exceeds the maximum current able to be shown on the numeric display, the display will show dashes. --2. Starter Status LEDs • Start: Voltage is being applied to the motor • Run: Full voltage is being applied to the motor. • Trip: The starter has tripped. • Remote: The MCD3000 is in remote control mode. The local [START],[STOP],[RESET] push buttons are not operative. MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark ATTENTION When control power is applied the MCD3000 may be in either local or remote mode according to the mode it was in when control power was removed. The factory setting is local control. ATTENTION Simultaneously pressing the [STOP] and [RESET] buttons causes the MCD3000 to immediately remove voltage from the motor resulting in a coast to stop. Any soft stop or D.C.Brake settings are ignored. 4. 5. Programming Buttons Refer to the Programming Section of this manual. Remote Control Input Status LEDs Indicate the state of the circuits connected across the MCD3000 remote control inputs. ATTENTION When control power is applied to the MCD3000, all LEDs and Numeric Display segments are illuminated for approximately 1 second to test their operation. 29 Operation MCD3000 Series ■ Remote control Remote circuits connected to the MCD3000 control inputs can be used to operate the starter when in remote control mode. Refer to the Installation section of this manual for detail on control wiring options. ■ Serial communication The RS485 serial link can be used to control operation when the starter is either local or remote modes. Programming of the MCD3000 via the serial link is also possible. Refer to the Installation section of this manual for detail on serial communications functions. ■ Restart delay Par. 15 Restart Delay sets a minimum time between the end of a stop and the beginning of the next start. During this period the LED to the right of the numeric display will flash, indicating the motor cannot be started. ■ Secondary parameter set The MCD3000 has two motor parameter sets. • Primary Parameter Set : Par. 1 - 9 • Secondary Parameter Set : Par. 25 - 33 The state of the motor thermal model can be viewed on the numeric display while the MCD3000 is not in programming mode. Use the [+/-] keys to change the parameter shown on the numeric display. Motor temperature is shown as a % of maximum temperature. An overload trip occurs at 105%. ■ Pre-start tests On receiving a start command, MCD3000 starters operate the Line Contactor relay output (if programmed) and then perform a series of tests before applying voltage to the motor terminals and operating the Output On relay output (if programmed). ■ Operation after power loss When control and supply voltage is applied to the MCD3000 it will enter either the local or remote mode according to the state it was in when voltage was removed. If in remote mode, the condition of the remote control inputs is checked and if a start command is present the motor will be started. If in local mode, the motor will not be restarted until the [START] push button is activated. When the MCD3000 is in the off state and is commanded to start, it checks the Par. Set control input. If open circuit the primary parameter set is used. If closed circuit the secondary parameter set is used. ATTENTION If the start command is given while the MCD3000 is in the process of stopping (Soft stop or D.C.Braking) the MCD3000 restarts without checking the Par. Set control input. ■ Motor thermal model The MCD3000 motor overload protection is an advanced motor thermal model. Motor temperature is continuously calculated by the microprocessor that uses a sophisticated mathematical model to accurately reflect motor heat generation and dissipation during all stages of operation. e.g. Starting, Running, Stopping & Stopped. Because it operates continuously, the motor thermal model eliminates the need for protection systems such as; Excess Start Time, Limited Starts per hour etc 30 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series Mains supply (L1, L2, L3): Supply voltage MCD3000-T5 ..............................................................................................3 x 200 VAC ~ 525 VAC ..................................................................................................... 3 x 200 VAC ~ 440 VAC (Inside Delta Connection) Supply voltage MCD3000-T7 ............................................................................................. 3 x 200 VAC ~ 690VAC ..................................................................................................... 3 x 200 VAC ~ 440 VAC (Inside Delta Connection) Supply frequency (at start) ....................................................................................... 50HZ (± 2Hz) / 60 Hz (± 2Hz) Supply frequency (during start) ........................................................ >45Hz (50Hz supply) or >55Hz (60 Hz supply) Supply frequency (during run) ......................................................... >48Hz (50Hz supply) or >58Hz (60 Hz supply) Electronics control voltage ......................................................... 230 VAC (+10%/-15%) or 400 VAC (+10%/-15%) Control Inputs Start (Terminals 15 & 16) .................................................................... Normally Open, Active 24 VDC, 8mA approx. Stop (Terminals 17 & 18) ................................................................. Normally Closed, Active 24 VDC, 8mA approx. Reset (Terminals 25 & 26) ............................................................... Normally Closed, Active 24 VDC, 8mA approx. Parameter Set (Terminals 27 & 28) ..................................................... Normally Open, Active 24 VDC, 8mA approx. Relay Outputs 1) Programmable Output A (Terminals 13 & 14) ...... Normally Open, 5 A @ 250 VAC/360 VA, 5 A @ 30 VDC resistive 2) Programmable Output B (Terminals 21, 22 & 24) .... Changeover, 5 A @ 250 VAC/360 VA, 5 A @ 30 VDC resistive 3) Output C (Terminals 33 & 34) .......................... Normally Open, , 5 A @ 250 VAC/360 VA, 5 A @ 30 VDC resistive 1) Programmable functions: Line contactor, Run, High current flag, Low current flag Programmable functions: Tripped, Output on, High current flag, Low current flag, Line contactor 3) Programmable functions: Run, D.C.Brake Contactor Control, Off 2) Environmental Degree of protection MCD3007 to MCD3132 ................................................................................................. IP21 Degree of protection MCD3185 to MCD3800 ................................................................................................. IP20 o o Operating Temperatures ..................................................................................................................... -5 C / +60 C Rated short-circuit current (with semi-conductor fuses) ................................................................................ 100kA Rated insulation voltage (Surges) .......................................................................... 2 kV line to earth, 1kV line to line Rated impulse withstand voltage (Fast transients) ............................................................................................. 2 kV Pollution Degree ........................................................................................................................ Pollution Degree 3 Electro static discharge ......................................................................... 4 kV contact discharge, 8 kV air discharge Equipment class (EMC) ............................................................................................................................... Class A Radio-frequency electromagnetic field ...................................................................... 0.15 MHz - 80 MHz: 140dBµV 80 MHz - 1 GHz: 10 V/m This product has been designed for Class A equipment. Use of the product in domestic environments may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to employ additional mitigation methods. Standards Approvals Cá ......................................................................................................................................................... CISPR-11 1 UL ............................................................................................................................................................... UL508 1 C-UL .............................................................................................................................................CSA 22.2 No. 14 CE .................................................................................................................................................. IEC 60947-4-2 1 Requires use of semi-conductor fuses. Excludes models MCD3600~MCD3800 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 31 Specifications ■ General Technical Data Specifications MCD3000 Series ■ Current Ratings Continuous Ratings (Not bypassed) at 40 C Ambient Temperature, < 1000 metres N o Model MCD3007 MCD3015 MCD3018 MCD3022 MCD3030 MCD3037 MCD3045 MCD3055 MCD3075 MCD3090 MCD3110 MCD3132 MCD3185 MCD3220 MCD3300 MCD3315 MCD3400 MCD3500 MCD3600 MCD3700 MCD3800 3.0 x FLC AC53a 3.0-30 : 50-10 20A 34A 39A 47A 68A 86A 93A 121A 138A 196A 231A 247A 1 364A (546A IDC ) 1 430A (645A IDC ) 1 546A (819a IDC ) 1 630A (945A IDC ) 1 775A (1162A IDC ) 1 897A (1345A IDC ) 1 1153A (1729a IDC ) 1 1403A (2104A IDC ) 1 1564A (2346A IDC ) 4.0 x FLC AC53a 4.0-20 : 50-10 16A 28A 33A 40A 54A 70A 76A 100A 110A 159A 188A 198A 1 299A (448A IDC ) 1 353A (529A IDC ) 1 455A (682A IDC ) 1 530A (795A IDC ) 1 666A (999A IDC ) 1 782A (1173A IDC ) 1 958A (1437A IDC ) 1 1186A (1779A IDC ) 1 1348A (2022A IDC ) 4.5 x FLC AC53a 4.5-30 : 50-10 14A 25A 29A 35A 48A 61A 65A 86A 97A 138A 163A 174A 1 255A (382A IDC ) 1 302A (453A IDC ) 1 383A (574A IDC ) 1 442A (663A IDC ) 1 545A (817A IDC ) 1 632A (948A IDC ) 1 826A (1239A IDC ) 1 1013A (1519A IDC ) 1 1139A (1708A IDC ) Bypassed Ratings at 40 C Ambient Temperature, < 1000 metres N o Model MCD3007 MCD3015 MCD3018 MCD3022 MCD3030 MCD3037 MCD3045 MCD3055 MCD3075 MCD3090 MCD3110 MCD3132 MCD3185 MCD3220 MCD3300 MCD3315 MCD3400 MCD3500 MCD3600 MCD3700 MCD3800 32 3.0 x FLC AC53b 3.0-30 : 330 21A 35A 41A 50A 69A 88A 96A 125A 141A 202A 238A 254A 1 364A (546A IDC ) 1 430A (645A IDC ) 1 546A (819A IDC ) 1 630A (945A IDC ) 1 775A (1662A IDC ) 1 897A (1345A IDC ) 1 1153A (1729A IDC ) 1 1403A (2104A IDC ) 1 1570A (2355A IDC ) 4.0 x FLC AC53b 4.0-20 : 340 18A 32A 39A 49A 57A 73A 81A 107A 115A 168A 199A 206A 1 307A (460A IDC ) 1 362A (543A IDC ) 1 470A (705A IDC ) 1 551A (826A IDC ) 1 702A (1053 IDC ) 1 833A (1249A IDC ) 1 1049A (1573A IDC ) 1 1328A (1992A IDC ) 1 1534A (2301A IDC ) 4.5 x FLC AC53b 4.5-30 : 330 15A 27A 33A 40A 49A 63A 69A 91A 100A 144A 171A 179A 1 261A (391A IDC ) 1 307A (460A IDC ) 1 392A (588A IDC ) 1 455A (682A IDC ) 1 566A (849A IDC ) 1 661A (991A IDC ) 1 887A (1330A IDC ) 1 1106A (1659A IDC ) 1 1257A (1885A IDC ) MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series 1 Specifications . Inside delta connection NFor ambient temperature or altitude conditions beyond those listed contact Danfoss. ■ Power Termination Details ■ Semiconductor Fuses Semiconductor fuses listed below are manufactured by Bussman and should be ordered directly from Bussman or their local supplier. Instruction for selection of alternate semi-conductor fuses is available from Danfoss. Model MCD3007 MCD3015 MCD3018 MCD3022 MCD3030 MCD3037 MCD3045 MCD3055 MCD3075 MCD3090 MCD3110 MCD3132 MCD3185 MCD3220 MCD3300 MCD3315 MCD3400 MCD3500 MCD3600 MCD3700 MCD3800 Bussmann Fuse 400V 170M1315 170M1318 170M1319 170M1319 170M1319 170M1322 170M1322 170M1322 170M2621 170M3021 170M3023 170M3023 170M6011 170M6012 170M6014 170M5017 170M6019 170M6021 170M6021 170M6021 170M6021 Bussmann Fuse 525V 170M1314 170M1317 170M1317 170M1318 170M1319 170M1320 170M1321 170M1322 170M1322 170M3021 170M3023 170M3023 170M5012 170M4016 170M6014 170M6015 170M6018 170M6020 170M6020 170M6021 170M6021 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark Bussmann Fuse 690V 170M1314 170M1317 170M1317 170M1318 170M2616 170M1320 170M1321 170M1322 170M1322 170M3020 170M3023 170M3023 170M4145 170M6011 170M4018 170M6014 170M6017 170M6151 170M6151 2 x 170M5018 2 x 170M5018 I2t 1150 8000 10500 15000 15000 51200 80000 97000 97000 245000 414000 414000 238000 320000 781000 1200000 2532000 4500000 4500000 6480000 13000000 33 Specifications MCD3000 Series ■ Dimensions / Weights IP 21 Enclosure MCD Model MCD3007 MCD3015 MCD3018 MCD3022 MCD3030 MCD3037 MCD3045 MCD3055 MCD3075 MCD3090 MCD3110 MCD3132 A mm (inches) 530 (20.87) 530 (20.87) 530 (20.87) 530 (20.87) 530 (20.87) 530 (20.87) 530 (20.87) 530 (20.87) 530 (20.87) 530 (20.87) 530 (20.87) 530 (20.87) B mm (inches) 132 (5.20) 132 (5.20) 132 (5.20) 132 (5.20) 132 (5.20) 132 (5.20) 132 (5.20) 132 (5.20) 264 (10.40) 264 (10.40) 264 (10.40) 396 (15.60) C mm (inches) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) a mm (inches) 512 (20.16) 512 (20.16) 512 (20.16) 512 (20.16) 512 (20.16) 512 (20.16) 512 (20.16) 512 (20.16) 512 (20.16) 512 (20.16) 512 (20.16) 512 (20.16) b mm (inches) 90 (3.54) 90 (3.54) 90 (3.54) 90 (3.54) 90 (3.54) 90 (3.54) 90 (3.54) 90 (3.54) 222 (8.74) 222 (8.74) 222 (8.74) 354 (13.94) Weight (kg) 11 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 27 B mm (inches) 430 (16.93) 430 (16.93) 430 (16.93) 430 (16.93) 430 (16.93) 430 (16.93) 560 (22.05) 560 (22.05) 560 (22.05) C mm (inches) 280 (11.02) 280 (11.02) 280 (11.02) 280 (11.02) 280 (11.02) 280 (11.02) 315 (12.40) 315 (12.40) 315 (12.40) a mm (inches) 828 (32.59) 828 (32.59) 828 (32.59) 828 (32.59) 828 (32.59) 828 (32.59) 978 (38.49) 978 (38.49) 978 (38.49) b mm (inches) 370 (14.57) 370 (14.57) 370 (14.57) 370 (14.57) 370 (14.57) 370 (14.57) 500 (19.69) 500 (19.69) 500 (19.69) Weight (kg) 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 105 105 105 IP 20 Enclosure MCD Model MCD3185 MCD3220 MCD3300 MCD3315 MCD3400 MCD3500 MCD3600 MCD3700 MCD3800 A mm (inches) 850 (33.46) 850 (33.46) 850 (33.46) 850 (33.46) 850 (33.46) 850 (33.46) 1000 (39.37) 1000 (39.37) 1000 (39.37) MCD3007 ~ MCD3132 34 MCD3185 ~ MCD3800 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series ■ Reduced voltage starting When started under full voltage conditions a.c.induction motors initially draw Locked Rotor Current (LRC) and produce Locked Rotor Torque (LRT). As the motor accelerates the current falls and the torque increases to break down torque before falling to full speed levels. Both the magnitude and shape of the current and torque curves are dependent on motor design. Motors with almost identical full speed characteristics often vary significantly in their starting capabilities. Locked rotor currents range from as low as to 500%, to in excess of 900% of motor FLC. Locked rotor torque range from as low as 70%, to highs of around 230% motor Full Load Torque (FLT). The motor’s full voltage current and torque characteristics set the limits for what can be achieved with a reduced voltage starter. For installations in which either minimising start current, or maximising start torque is critical, it is important to ensure that a motor with low LRC and high LRT characteristics is used. When a reduced voltage starter is used, motor start torque is reduced according to the following formula. TST = LRT x TST IST LRC LRT I ST 2 ( ) LRC = Start torque = Start current = Motor Locked Rotor Current = Motor Locked Rotor Torque Start current can be reduced only to the point where the resulting start torque still exceeds the torque required by the load. Below this point motor acceleration will cease and the motor/load will not reach full speed. MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark The most common reduced voltage starters are; • Star/Delta starters • Auto-transformer starters • Primary resistance starters • Soft starters Design Guide ■ Design Guide This section provides data useful in the selection and application of soft starters. Star/Delta starting is the cheapest form of reduced voltage starting however performance is limited. The two most significant limitations are; 1. There is no control over the level of current and torque reduction, these are fixed at one third of the full voltage levels. 2. There are normally large current and torque transients as the starter changes from star to delta. This causes mechanical and electrical stress often resulting in damage. The transients occur because as the motor is spinning and then disconnected from the supply it acts as a generator with output voltage which may be at the same amplitude as the supply. This voltage is still present when the motor is reconnected in delta configuration, and can be exactly out of phase. The result is a current of up to twice locked rotor current and four times locked rotor torque. Auto-transformer starting offers more control than the star/delta method, however voltage is still applied in steps. Limitations of auto-transformer starting include; 1. Torque transients caused by switching between voltages. 2. Limited number of output voltage taps restricts the ability to closely select the ideal starting current. 3. High price for models suitable for frequent or extended starting conditions. 4. Cannot provide an effective reduced voltage start for loads with varying start requirements. For instance, a material conveyor may start loaded or unloaded. The auto-transformer starter can only be optimised for one condition. Primary resistance starters also provide greater starting control than star/delta starters. However, they to have a number of characteristics that reduce their effectiveness. These include; 1. Difficult to optimise start performance when commissioning because the resistance value must be calculated when the starter is manufactured and is not easily changed later. 2. Poor performance in frequent starting situations because the resistance value changes as heat is 35 Design Guide MCD3000 Series 3. 4. generated in the resistors during a start. A long cool down period is required between starts. Poor performance for heavy duty or extended starts because heat build up in the resistors changes the resistance value. Cannot provide an effective reduced voltage start for loads with varying start requirements. Two phase torque controllers must be used with a motor overload but can start and stop the motor without use of a contactor, however voltage is still present at the motor even when it is not running. If installed in this manner it is important to ensure adequate safety measures are taken and that such operation is permitted by local regulations. Soft starters are the most advanced of the reduced voltage starters. They offer superior control over current and torque as well as incorporating advanced motor protection and interface features. The main starting advantages soft starters offer are; 1. Simple and flexible control over starting current and torque. 2. Smooth control of voltage and current free from steps or transitions. 3. Capable of frequent starting. 4. Capable of handling changing start conditions. 5. Soft stop control to extend motor deceleration times. 6. Braking control to reduce motor deceleration times. Open loop voltage controllers control all three phases and provide both the electrical and mechanical benefits normally associated with soft start. These systems control the voltage applied to the motor in a preset manner and receive no feedback on starting current. Control of start performance is provided to the users through settings such as, Initial Voltage, Rampup time and Dual Ramp-up time. Soft stop is also commonly available and provides the ability to extend motor stopping times. Open loop voltage controllers must be used with a motor overload and, if required, a line contactor. As such they are a component part that must be integrated with other items to form a complete motor starter. ■ Types of soft start control The term ’soft start’ is applied to a range of technologies. These technologies all relate to motor starting but there are significant differences in the methods used and the benefits available. Soft starters can be broken down into the following categories; • Torque controllers • Open loop voltage controllers • Closed loop voltage controllers • Closed loop current controllers Closed loop voltage controllers are a variant of the open loop system. They receive feedback on motor start current and use this to stop the voltage ramp when a user set start current limit is reached. User settings and adjustments are the same as for the open loop voltage controllers with the addition of a current limit setting. Motor current information is also often used to provide a number of current based protection functions. These functions include, motor overload, phase imbalance, electronic shearpin, undercurrent etc. These systems are complete motor starters providing both start/stop control and motor protection. Torque controllers provide only a reduction in starting torque. Depending on their design they control one or two phases only. As a consequence there is no control of starting current as is provided by the more advanced soft start formats. Single phase torque controllers must be used with a contactor and motor overload. They are suitable for light applications with low to medium start frequency. Three phase control should be used for repetitive start or high inertia loads because single phase controllers cause increased motor heating during start. This occurs because almost full voltage current flows in the motor winding not controlled by the single phase controller. This current flows for a longer period than during a DOL start resulting in increased motor heating. 36 Closed loop current control is the most advanced form of soft start. Unlike voltage based systems closed loop current technology uses current as the primary reference. The advantages of this approach are precise control of starting current and ease of adjustment. Many of the user settings required by closed loop voltage systems can be made automatically by current based systems. ■ MCD3000 control principles MCD3000 soft starters control all three phases supplied to the motor. They are closed loop current MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series supplying 145 A run current and a start current of 4.5 x FLC for 30 seconds with a minimum of 570 seconds between the end of one start and the commencement of the next. ■ Understanding soft starter ratings The maximum rating of a soft starter is calculated so the junction temperature of the power modules (SCRs) o does not exceed 125 C. Five operating parameters effect the SCR junction temperature; Motor Current, Start Current, Start Duration, Number of Starts Per Hour, Off Time. The full rating of a particular soft start model must account for all these parameters. A current rating on its own is not sufficient to describe the capability of a soft starter. In summary, a soft starter has many current ratings. These current ratings are dependent on the start current and operational performance required by the application. IEC 60947-4-2 details the AC53 utilisation categories for describing a soft starter’s ratings. There are two AC53 codes; 1. AC53a: for soft starters used without bypass contactors. For example, the following AC53a code describes a soft starter capable of supplying a 256 A run current and a start current of 4.5 x FLC for 30 seconds 10 times per hour where the motor runs for 70% of each operating cycle. (Operating cycle = 60 minutes / starts per hour) To compare the current rating of different soft starters it is important to ensure that operating parameters are identical. ■ Model selection ATTENTION To fully understand the model selection procedures it is important to have a good knowledge of the fundamental principles of soft starter ratings. Please read the previous section of this manual, Understanding soft starter ratings. Model selection can be made in two ways. The most appropriate procedure is dependent on the individual circumstances of the application. Technical support is also available from your local supplier. • • • • • 2. Starter Current Rating: Maximum FLC rating of the motor to be connected to the soft starter given the operating parameters specified by the remaining items in the AC53a code. Start Current: The maximum start current that will be drawn during start. Start Time: The time taken for the motor to accelerate. On-load Duty Cycle: The percentage of each operating cycle that the soft starter will run. Starts Per Hour: The number of operating cycles per hour. AC53b: for soft starters used with bypass contactors For example, the following AC53b code describes a soft starter which, when bypassed, is capable of MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 7XERHEVHQSHIPWIPIGXMSRTVSGIHYVI This method is appropriate for typical industrial applications that operate within the standard MCD3000 ratings of 10 starts per hour, 50% duty o cycle, 40 C, <1000 metres. 1. 2. Use the table below to determine the typical start current required for the driven load. Refer to the Current Ratings tables in the Specifications section of this manual, and use the typical start current identified above to select a MCD3000 model with a FLC rating greater or equal to the motor nameplate FLC. 37 Design Guide controllers employing constant current algorithms to provide the best in soft start control. Design Guide MCD3000 Series Application Typical Start Current General & Water Agitator Centrifugal Pump Compressor (Screw, unloaded) Compressor (Reciprocating, unloaded) Conveyor Fan (damped) Fan (undamped) Mixer Positive Displacement Pump Submersible Pump 4.0 x FLC 3.5 x FLC 3.0 x FLC 4.0 x FLC 4.0 x FLC 3.5 x FLC 4.5 x FLC 4.5 x FLC 4.0 x FLC 3.0 x FLC Metals & Mining Belt Conveyor Dust Collector Grinder Hammer Mill Rock Crusher Roller Conveyor Roller Mill Tumbler Wire Draw Machine 4.5 x FLC 3.5 x FLC 3.0 x FLC 4.5 x FLC 4.0 x FLC 3.5 x FLC 4.5 x FLC 4.0 x FLC 5.0 x FLC Food Processing Bottle Washer Centrifuge Dryer Mill Palletiser Separator Slicer 3.0 x FLC 4.0 x FLC 4.5 x FLC 4.5 x FLC 4.5 x FLC 4.5 x FLC 3.0 x FLC of motors and machines does vary. For greater accuracy use the advanced model selection procedure. ATTENTION For applications that operate outside the standard MCD3000 ratings of 10 starts per o hour, 50% duty cycle, 40 C, <1000 metres consult your local supplier. %HZERGIHQSHIPWIPIGXMSRTVSGIHYVI This method uses data on the motor and load to determine the required start current and assumes operation within the standard MCD3000 ratings of 10 o starts per hour, 50% duty cycle, 40 C, <1000 metres. Advanced model selection should be used where typical figures listed in the standard model selection procedure are not considered certain enough. Advanced model selection is also recommended for high inertia applications and installations involving large motors where motor start performance can vary widely. 1. Pulp and Paper Dryer Re-pulper Shredder 4.5 x FLC 4.5 x FLC 4.5 x FLC Generally machine suppliers will be able to provide data regarding the start torque requirements of their machinery. Where this data is not provided as a percentage of motor FLT it will need to be converted. Petrochemical Ball Mill Centrifuge Extruder Screw Conveyor 4.5 x FLC 4.0 x FLC 5.0 x FLC 4.0 x FLC Transport & Machine Tool Ball Mill Grinder Material Conveyor Palletiser Press Roller Mill Rotary Table Calculate the required starting torque as a percentage of motor Full Load Torque (FLT). A motor’s full load torque can be calculated as follows 4.5 x FLC 3.5 x FLC 4.0 x FLC 4.5 x FLC 3.5 x FLC 4.5 x FLC 4.0 x FLC Lumber & Wood products Bandsaw Chipper Circular Saw Debarker Edger Hydraulic Power Pack Planer Sander 4.5 x FLC 4.5 x FLC 3.5 x FLC 3.5 x FLC 3.5 x FLC 3.5 x FLC 3.5 x FLC 4.0 x FLC ATTENTION The above start current requirements are typical and appropriate in most circumstances. However, start torque requirements and performance 38 2. Calculate the minimum start current required by the motor to produce the required torque as calculated above. IST = LRC x IST LRC LRT TST TST LRT = Minimum required start current = Motor Locked Rotor Current = Motor Locked Rotor Torque = Required start torque MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series Refer to the Current Ratings tables in the Specifications section of this manual. Select a Start Current column within the Current Ratings table that is greater than the required start current calculated above. Use this column to select a MCD3000 model with a FLC rating greater or equal to the motor nameplate FLC. ■ Typical applications MCD3000 soft starters can offer benefits for almost all motor starting applications. Typical advantages are highlighted in the table below. Application Pumps Conveyor Belts Centrifuges Benefits • Minimised hydraulic shock in pipelines during start and stop. • Reduced starting current. • Minimised mechanical stress on motor shaft. • Undercurrent protection prevents damage from block pipe or low water situations. • Automatic reset functionality ensures continued operation of unmanned pump stations. • Phase rotation protection prevents damage from reverse pump rotation. • Instantaneous overload protection prevents damage from debris sucked into the pump. • Controlled soft start without mechanical shocks, e.g. bottles on a belt do not fall over during starting, minimised belt stretch, reduced counter balance stress. • Controlled stop without mechanical shocks. Soft stop. • Optimum soft start performance even with varying starting loads, e.g. coal conveyors started loaded or unloaded. • Extended mechanical lifetime. • Maintenance-free. • Smooth application of torque prevents mechanical stress. • Reduced starting times over star/delta starting. • Reduced stopping times. (D.C.Brake and soft braking). MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark Application Ski Lifts Benefits • Jerk free acceleration increases skier comfort and prevents swinging T-bars etc. • Reduced starting current allows starting of large motors on a weak power supply. • Smooth and gradual acceleration whether the ski lift is lightly or heavily loaded. • Phase rotation protection prevents operation in reverse direction. Compressors • Reduced mechanical shock extends the life of the compressor, couplings and motor. • Limited start current enables large compressors to be started when maximum power capacity is limited. • Phase rotation protection prevents operation in reverse direction. • Instantaneous overload protection prevents damage possible if liquid ammonia enters the compressor screw. Fans • Extended coupling life through reduced mechanical shock. • Reduced start current enables large fans to be started when maximum power capacity is limited. • Phase rotation protection prevents operation in reverse direction. Mixers • • Bandsaws • • • • Gentle rotation during start-up reduces mechanical stress. The starting current is reduced. Reduced saw band replacement times because the MCD3000 soft braking can stop the motor quickly. Extended saw band life because torque shocks during start are eliminated. Easier saw band alignment. Slow acceleration allows saw bands to be ’tracked’ without jogging. Maximum overload capability available for ride through of operating overloads. The MCD3000 motor thermal model 39 Design Guide 3. Design Guide MCD3000 Series Chippers • • • Crushers • • can account for the connected motors actual overload capability and will trip only if absolutely necessary. Reduced starting current. Instantaneous overload trip prevents mechanical damage from jammed loads. Reduced deceleration times through use of braking function. Maximum overload capability available for ride through of operating overloads. The MCD3000 motor thermal model can account for the connected motors actual overload capability and will trip only if absolutely necessary. Maximum start capability available for starting if crusher stopped while not completely empty. The MCD3000 motor thermal model can account for the connected motors actual overload capability and will allow the motor to provide start torque for the maximum possible time. ■ Power factor correction If a soft starter is used with static power factor correction it must be connected to the supply side of the starter. Connecting power factor correction capacitors to the output of the soft starter will result in damage to the soft starter. ■ Line contactors MCD3000 soft starters can operate with or without a line contactor. If installing the MCD3000 without a line contactor, ensure such connection complies with local regulations. 40 Use of a line contactor or similar physical disconnect provides better off state isolation than the soft starter thyristors. This improves operator safety. Use of a line contactor also eliminates the potential for extreme supply voltage disturbances to damage the soft starter thyristors while they are in the off state. Voltage disturbances resulting from supply resonance can typically be expected on high impedance supplies with power factor correction. Use of a line contactor is prudent in such conditions. If using a line contactor and either the soft stop or D.C.Brake functions the line contactor cannot be opened until the end of the stop. The MCD3000 should be used to directly control operation of the line contactor. Set programmable relay output A or B to the Line Contactor function. As an alternative to a line contactor, either a circuit breaker with a no volt release coil operated by the MCD3000 N.C. trip output or a motor operated circuit breaker can be considered. ■ Soft braking In addition to the D.C.Brake function MCD3000 soft starters can be configured for ’Soft Braking’. Soft braking provides greater braking torque and lower motor heating. Soft braking should be considered for high inertia loads such as chippers, crushers, bandsaws etc. To implement soft braking the MCD3000 is employed along with reversing contactors and a rotation sensor. When a stop is called for, the phase rotation of the supply to the starter is reversed and the motor is ’soft started’ in reverse thus providing braking torque. The rotation sensor is used to end braking when the motor has stopped rotating. The MCD3000 secondary parameter set (Par. 25-33) can be used to control braking torque independently of starting parameters. This is done by setting start performance using the primary parameter set (Par. 19) and braking performance using the secondary parameter set (Par. 25-33). Closing the Par. Set control input when the stop is initiated then activates the secondary parameter set. MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series Design Guide 7SJX&VEOMRK7GLIQEXMG MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 41 Fault Procedure MCD3000 Series ■ Fault Procedure The MCD3000 Soft Starters include a range of protection functions. Faults identified by these systems are indicated with a trip code on the Local Control Panel display. The following section of this manual explains the trip codes and action required. Procedures for faults not identified with a trip code are detailed in the General Faults section. The voltage of the soft starter is dangerous whenever the equipment is connected to the mains. Work on the equipment should be carried out by qualified personnel. Before performing any maintenance and repair work, switch off the electrical supply to the device and observe all safety regulations. The first digit indicates the trip number. (The MCD3000 has a trip log that records the last eight trip events, trip number 1 is the most recent trip. Refer to the next section of the manual for description of the Trip Log). The second digit indicates the cause of the trip Code 0 ■ Trip Codes When a protection function operates the MCD3000 enters a trip state and displays the following data. • The trip LED is illuminated • The [CODE] LED is illuminated indicating the display is showing trip code data ATTENTION You can view motor temperature as calculated by the MCD3000 motor thermal model by using the [+/-] push buttons to scroll the numeric display between current [AMPS], temperature [TEMP] and trip code [CODE]. 1 2 The trip code data is made up of two parts. 42 Cause & Action Shorted SCR trip. The MCD3000 has detected a shorted SCR. • Test the MCD3000 SCRs using the Power Circuit Test described in the Test and measurement procedures chapter later in this section of the manual. • A shorted SCR trip can only be reset by removing control voltage. Excess start time trip. The start time has exceed the maximum limit programmed in Par. 10 Excess Start Time Protection. • Identify and remedy why the motor is taking longer than normal to accelerate. • Reset the MCD3000 • Restart the motor. Overcurrent trip. The motor has experienced an overload condition that exceeded its thermal capability as programmed in Par. 6 Motor Thermal Capacity. • Identify and correct the cause of the overload. • Wait for the motor to cool sufficiently to allow a restart. • Reset the MCD3000. • Restart the motor. In an emergency situation where it is critical to immediately restart the motor and overload protection of the motor is a secondary concern, the MCD3000 overload protection can be reset by temporarily removing control supply voltage. MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series 3 4 5 6 7 Cause & Action Motor thermistor trip. Thermistors in the motor have indicated an overtemperature state. • Identify and correct the cause of the motor overheating. • Wait for the motor to cool sufficiently to allow a restart. • Reset the MCD3000. • Restart the motor. If no motor thermistors are connected; • Ensure that there is a closed circuit across the MCD3000 motor thermistor input terminals. Phase imbalance trip. An imbalance in phase currents has exceeded the limits programmed in Par. 7 Phase Imbalance Sensitivity. • Check the supply voltage. • Verify the motor circuit. • Reset the MCD3000. • Restart the motor. • Check phase currents. Supply frequency trip. The supply frequency has varied outside the allowed limits. Refer to Specification section. • Identify and correct the cause of the frequency variations. (Note that the loss of the three phase supply is a 0Hz condition and may be the cause of a Supply frequency trip). • Reset the MCD3000. • Restart the motor. Phase rotation trip. Phase rotation protection has been set and a prohibited phase rotation has been detected. Refer Par. 11 Phase Rotation Protection. • Correct the phase rotation. • Reset the MCD3000. • Restart the motor. Instantaneous overload trip. An instantaneous overload exceeding the limit programmed in Par. 9 Instantaneous Overload Trip Point has been detected. • Identify and correct the cause of the instantaneous overload. • Reset the MCD3000. • Restart the motor. MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark Code 8 9 c e Cause & Action Power circuit fault. • Ensure voltage is present on the MCD3000 input terminals (L1, L2 & L3). • Ensure the motor is correctly connected to the MCD3000 output terminals (T1, T2 & T3). • Test the MCD3000 power modules (SCRs) using the SCR Test described later in this section of the manual under the Test and Measurement Procedures heading. Undercurrent trip. Motor run current has fallen below the limit programmed in Par. 8 Undercurrent Trip Point. • Identify and correct the cause of the undercurrent situation. • Reset the MCD3000. • Restart the motor. RS485 communications fault The RS485 link with the MCD3000 has been inactive for a time greater than programmed in Par. 24 Serial Communication - RS485 Time Out. • Identify and correct the cause of the RS485 failure. • Reset the MCD3000. EEPROM Read/Write failure. The MCD3000 has been unable to Read/Write to the internal EEPROM. • Contact your nearest Danfoss office. FLC range error The MCD3000 has detected that the motor is connected in the 3 Wire configuration and that Par 1. Motor FLC or Par. 25 Motor FLC has been set in excess of the MCD3000’s maximum capability for this connection format. • Reduce the motor FLC setting and then reset the MCD3000. Note that the MCD3000 cannot be reset until the FLC setting has been corrected. . 43 Fault Procedure Code Fault Procedure MCD3000 Series Code f P Cause & Action Starter overtemperature. An excessive heatsink temperature has been recorded. • Ensure all cooling fans are working. • Ensure cooling air is able to flow freely into and out of the starter. • Ensure the temperature of the cooling air entering the MCD3000 does not exceed the rated temperature. • Reset and restart the MCD3000 after allowing time for the heatsink to cool. Motor connection error. • Ensure the motor is correctly connected to the MCD3000. ■ Trip Log When the MCD3000 enters a trip state, the cause of the trip is recorded in a trip log. The trip log records the cause of the last eight trip events. Each trip event is numbered. The most recent event is numbered 1, while the oldest is numbered 8. ATTENTION Control voltage must be present to enable the MCD3000 to record the cause of a trip event. Therefore, trips caused by, or involving a loss of control supply voltage may not be recorded. To view the trip log; • Enter the programming mode and move to Par. 45, Trip Log. • Press the [CHANGE DATA/OK] button to view the most recent trip. • Use the [+/-] buttons to scroll through the trip log. A ’marker’ can be placed in the trip log to enable easy identification of trips that have occurred after the marker has been placed. To place a marker; • Enter the programming mode and move to Par. 45 Trip Log. 44 • Press the [CHANGE DATA/OK] button to view the trip log. • While simultaneously holding down the [+], [-] buttons, press the [CHANGE DATA/OK] button. The marker is added as the most recent trip and is displayed as the letter ’A’ as shown below. ATTENTION Markers cannot be placed consecutively. There must be at least one trip between each marker. ■ General Faults Symptom Cause & Action Starter will • Incorrect or no control supply not operate. voltage. Ensure the correct voltage is applied. (Terminals A1,A2 & A3). • MCD3000 is in programming mode. Exit the programming mode. • Local push buttons not active. If attempting to use the start button on the Local Control Panel, ensure the MCD3000 is in local control mode. (Refer to Par. 20 Local/Remote Mode for details). • Remote inputs not active. If attempting to use the MCD3000 remote inputs, ensure the MCD3000 is in remote control mode. (Refer to Par. 20 Local/Remote Mode for details). • Remote start signal not valid. If attempting to use the remote start input on the MCD3000, ensure the remote contacts are correctly connected and operating properly. Do this by observing the remote Starter will control input LEDs. The LEDs not operate. illuminate when there is a closed circuit. In addition to the start signal there must be a closed circuit across the stop and reset inputs for the starter to function. MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series • Starter will not enter program mode. Symptom Program settings cannot be made. • • Restart delay active. A start cannot be initiated within the programmed restart delay period. (Refer to Par. 15 Restart Delay for details). Auto-Reset active. If there has been a trip and the Auto-Reset function has been turned ON, the MCD3000 will be in Auto-Reset mode. This includes a reset delay period, during which a start cannot be initiated without first resetting the starter. (Refer to Par. 39,40, 41 & 42 Automatic-Reset for details). Starter is running. Stop the starter and try again. Incorrect or no control supply voltage. Ensure the correct supply voltage is applied. (Terminals A1,A2 & A3). Cause & Action • Read Only mode is active. Set Par. 48 Parameter Lock to Read/Write. • Incorrect programming procedure. User programmed settings must be stored using the [CHANGE DATA/OK] button before moving to another parameter. DOL or • Power factor correction capacitors uncontrolled connected to starter output. start. Remove any PFC from the starter output. Check for damage to the soft start power modules by performing the SCR Test as detailed in the next section of this manual. • Damaged soft starter power modules. Check the soft start power modules by performing the SCR Test as detailed in the next section of this manual. • Damaged soft starter firing circuit. Check the soft start firing circuit by performing the Firing Circuit Test as detailed in the next section of this manual. Motor will • Insufficient start current. Check the not load. Increase the start current accelerate supplied to the motor by adjusting to full speed. Par. 2 Current Limit. Symptom Cause & Action Erratic • Very small motor being controlled by Motor a large starter. The current drawn by Operation very small motors sometimes used and tripping. to test soft starter installations can be too low to latch the soft starter SCRs. Increase motor size. MCD3000 The [START] button on the MCD3000 display local control panel is stuck. Release the shows an ’h’ button to restore normal operation. h Soft stop function ceases before the set ramp time. The MCD3000 soft stop function has significantly reduced the output voltage to the motor without detecting any reduction in motor speed. This indicates a no, or very light load condition that makes further control of the voltage ineffective, hence the soft stop function has been halted. ■ Test and measurement procedures The following tests and measurements can be used to verify starter operation. MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark START PERFORMANCE TEST; This procedure tests for correct operation of the MCD3000 during start. • Calculate the expected start current by multiplying Par. 1 Motor FLC by the Par. 2 Current Limit or, if the secondary parameter set is being tested Par. 25 Motor FLC by the Par. 26 Current Limit. • Initiate a start and measure the actual start current. • If the measured start current is equal to the calculated current the starter is performing correctly. RUN PERFORMANCE TEST; This procedure tests for correct operation of the MCD3000 during run. • Measure the voltage across each phase (L1-T1, L2-T2, L3-T3) of the soft starter. A voltage drop of approximately 2 VAC or less indicates the starter is performing correctly. POWER CIRCUIT TEST: This procedure tests the MCD3000 power circuit including the SCR, firing loom and printed circuit board. 45 Fault Procedure • Fault Procedure MCD3000 Series • • • • • • Disconnect the incoming supply (L1, L2, L3 and control voltage) from the starter. Disconnect the motor cables (T1, T2,T3) from the starter. Ensure the firing looms remain plugged in during the tests. Using a 500 VDC insulation tester (low voltage ohm meters or multi-meters are not adequate), measure the resistance between the input and output on each phase (L1-T1, L2-T2, L3-T3). The resistance should be close to 33kΩ. If the resistance measured across the SCR measures below about 10kΩ the SCR should be replaced. If the resistance measured across the SCR is greater than 33kΩ there could be a control PCB or firing loom fault. CONTROL INPUT TEST; This procedure verifies the integrity of circuits connected to any of the remote control inputs. Start, Stop, Reset and Par. Set. • Using a volt meter measure across each input. If 24VDC is measured when the circuit is closed, the switch/control is connected incorrectly or is faulty. 46 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark MCD3000 Series Fault Procedure MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 47 Fault Procedure MCD3000 Series 48 MG.15.A4.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark