Dbnetlib connectionread recv общая ошибка сети

Occasionally, on a ASP (classic) site users will get this error:

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General network error.

Seems to be random and not connected to any particular page. The SQL server is separated from the web server and my guess is that every once and a while the «link» goes down between the two. Router/switch issue… or has someone else ran into this problem before?

Ram Saurabh's user avatar

asked Sep 5, 2008 at 20:35

tooshel's user avatar

Using the same setup as yours (ie separate web and database server), I’ve seen it from time to time and it has always been a connection problem between the servers — typically when the database server is being rebooted but sometimes when there’s a comms problem somewhere in the system. I’ve not seen it triggered by any problems with the ASP code itself, which is why you’re seeing it apparently at random and not connected to a particular page.

answered Sep 6, 2008 at 3:49

Simon Forrest's user avatar

I’d seen this error many times. It could be caused by many things including network errors too :).

But one of the reason could be built-in feature of MS-SQL.

The feature detects DoS attacks — in this case too many request from web server :).

But I have no idea how we fixed it :(.

answered Sep 5, 2008 at 23:29

Grzegorz Gierlik's user avatar

Grzegorz GierlikGrzegorz Gierlik

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SQL server configuration Manager

Disable TCP/IP , Enable Shared Memory & Named Pipes

Good Luck !

answered Sep 29, 2011 at 7:57

Lahiru Jayalath's user avatar


Not a solution exactly and not the same environment. However I get this error in a VBA/Excel program, and the problem is I have a hanging transaction which has not been submitted in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). After closing SSMS, everything works. So the lesson is a hanging transaction can block sprocs from proceeding (obvious fact, I know!). Hope this help someone here.

answered Jul 30, 2013 at 9:27

yangli.liy's user avatar


1013 silver badges5 bronze badges

open command prompt — Run as administrator and type following command on the client side

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

FishStix's user avatar


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answered Oct 7, 2016 at 18:39

Shrikrishna Vhale's user avatar


FWIW, I had this error from Excel, which would hang on an EXEC which worked fine within SSMS. I’ve seen queries with problems before, which were also OK within SSMS, due to ‘parameter sniffing’ and unsuitable cached query plans. Making a minor edit to the SP cured the problem, and it worked OK afterwards in its orginal form. I’d be interested to hear if anyone has encountered this scenario too. Try the good old OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN) :)

answered Mar 14, 2018 at 17:13

AjV Jsy's user avatar

AjV JsyAjV Jsy

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Hello together,

since over a week I’ve been looking to
find out the reason for two error messages I get from our users and
servers, unfortunately without success up to now.

I really hope you can help me.

We are using Win 2k servers with active directory and SQL Server 2000,
clients are all Win XP with SP2. Versions of access are 2002 &
2003. The errors are userspecific and occur in both versions. The
SQL-Servers are accessed with an adp-file in 2002-format.

We have one usergroup which is member of specially many groups. This
affects the size of their windows access token which becomes constantly
larger. In order to enable those users to still access their mailboxes
on our Exchange servers, the DWORD entry «MaxTokenSize» with the
decimal value «65535» was made to the newly created key «Parameters» of
their registry branch
«HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsaKerberos «.

Since then those users can not access any of our SQL Servers using the
windows authentification. One of them gets the error
«[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead(recv().] General network error. Check your
network documentation.», the others the error «Check connection:
Failed: Cannot generate SSPI context».

In case of resetting the registry entries (by deleting them), the one
user receives the same error message as the rest while it doesn’t make
any difference to those (but at least they can’t connect to their

After having researched the web, I realised in one of the SQL-Servers
logfiles the entry «Invalid buffer received from client..» which lead
me to start to believe it could have to do something with the kerberos
encryption in the first place. Therefore I asked if changes to the
tokensize had been made. I applied the change with «EXEC sp_configure
‘network packet size’, 65535 RECONFIGURE» on our testsystem and «EXEC
sp_configure» confirms that the value is run.

Consequence: The entry in the SQL Server log doesn’t appear any longer, but the users still receive their error messages.

Do you have any hints?

Your comments will be highly appreciated!


Иногда на ASP (классическом) сайте пользователи получают такую ​​ошибку:

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General network error.

Кажется случайным и не связан с какой-либо конкретной страницей. Сервер SQL отделен от веб-сервера, и я предполагаю, что время от времени «связь» между ними разрывается. Проблема с маршрутизатором / коммутатором … или кто-то еще сталкивался с этой проблемой раньше?

Перейти к ответу
Данный вопрос помечен как решенный


Я видел эту ошибку много раз. Это могло быть вызвано многими причинами, в том числе ошибками сети :).

Но одной из причин может быть встроенная функция MS-SQL.

Функция обнаруживает DoS-атаки — в этом случае слишком много запросов от веб-сервера :).

Но я понятия не имею, как мы это исправили :(.

Используя ту же настройку, что и у вас (т.е. отдельный веб-сервер и сервер базы данных), я видел это время от времени, и это всегда была проблема соединения между серверами — обычно, когда сервер базы данных перезагружается, но иногда, когда есть связь проблема где-то в системе. Я не видел, чтобы это было вызвано какими-либо проблемами с самим кодом ASP, поэтому вы видите его, по-видимому, случайным образом и не связанным с определенной страницей.

Диспетчер конфигурации SQL-сервера

Отключить TCP / IP, включить общую память и именованные каналы

Удачи !

Не совсем решение и не в той же среде. Однако я получаю эту ошибку в программе VBA / Excel, и проблема в том, что у меня зависшая транзакция, которая не была отправлена ​​в SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). После закрытия SSMS все работает. Итак, урок заключается в том, что зависшая транзакция может блокировать выполнение sprocs (очевидный факт, я знаю!). Надеюсь, это поможет кому-то здесь.

откройте командную строку — запустите от имени администратора и введите следующую команду на стороне клиента

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

FWIW, у меня была эта ошибка из Excel, которая зависала на EXEC, который нормально работал в SSMS. Раньше я видел запросы с проблемами, которые также были нормальными в SSMS из-за «сниффинга параметров» и неподходящих кэшированных планов запросов. Внесение незначительных изменений в SP решило проблему, и впоследствии он работал нормально в своей первоначальной форме. Мне было бы интересно услышать, сталкивался ли кто-нибудь с этим сценарием. Попробуйте старый добрый OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN) :)

Другие вопросы по теме

Using the same setup as yours (ie separate web and database server), I’ve seen it from time to time and it has always been a connection problem between the servers — typically when the database server is being rebooted but sometimes when there’s a comms problem somewhere in the system. I’ve not seen it triggered by any problems with the ASP code itself, which is why you’re seeing it apparently at random and not connected to a particular page.

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  • Occasionally, on a ASP (classic) site users will get this error:

    [DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General network error.

    Seems to be random and not connected to any particular page. The SQL server is separated from the web server and my guess is that every once and a while the «link» goes down between the two. Router/switch issue… or has someone else ran into this problem before?


  • February 14, 2006 at 7:24 pm


    I have a 3rd party application that is reading tables from SQL Server 2005 Express. Last night I set the program running on a continuous loop that reads values from a few tables, and updates a «heartbeat» record every few seconds — nothing else. This morning I found that after running for about 4 and a half hours it crashed with the following message:

    Number = 0x80004004

    Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

    Description =[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General network error. Check your network documentation.

    SQL State = 08S01

    NativeError = 11

    I am running it on a machine operating on Windows XP Professional SP2 and the version of SQL Server 2005 I am running is 2005.090.1399.00. The 3rd party application is running on the same machine as SQL Server. The only systems that interrogate the table are:

    1. The main program thread of the 3rd party application that does the work mentioned above.

    2. A MS Access front end that interrogates some of the tables (linked) once every 5 seconds using an On Timer Event

    3 There are 8 other threads running that are linked to the database on the 3rd party application but, when the application is idling as it was overnight, they do not interact with SQL tables at all.

    There are a total of 7 tables, the largest having 99 records.

    I have no idea what this message means or what to do to prevent it from happening. I chose SQL Server because I thought it was going to be robust but this is not inspiring confidence. Can anyone help me understand this message please?

  • Robbo

    Old Hand

    Points: 368

    February 15, 2006 at 3:46 am


    I think I can close this out as I suspect I have found the answer. Norton’s antivirus seems to randomly conclude that the comms between client and server via TCP/IP is a Trojan Virus at work and stops it. I turned off the firewall and it appears to have fixed the problem. These comments are posted in case someone else has a similar problem.

  • milton_msu

    SSC Journeyman

    Points: 86

    i m getting the same error but there is no norton installed on my machine .. so it could be some other problem

  • Robbo

    Old Hand

    Points: 368

    It was a while ago but if I recall correctly I discovered what was causing the problem when I looked at the Event Viewer and found that Nortons was causing the problem. Have a look there and it may help you find the problem. In my case I changed to Trend Security and the problem never re-appeared.

    Start>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Event Viewer>System

  • Gift Peddie

    SSC Guru

    Points: 73570

    You get this error because SQL Server 2005/8 Express, Express Advanced and Developer comes with most features disabled by default. In 2005 you have to go to SAC(surface area configuration tool) to enable TCP/IP and Named Pipes, enable local and remote connection. And in 2008 you go to Configuration manager and enable same. This is not available in VS2005/8 Express except VWD because web development require remote connection.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Robbo

    Old Hand

    Points: 368

    Thanks for your comments. In my case I don’t think that was the problem as I had enabled those comms. My application would run for minutes to hours before this error would appear out of the blue. As soon as I changed away from Nortons the problem disappeared and hasn’t reappeared since.

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