Дестини 2 код ошибки plum

Destiny 2

Error Code Plum is generally caused by issues with BattlEye.

Published on March 8, 2023 | Updated on May 5th, 2023 at 09:59 am

As one of the most popular live-service FPS games, Destiny 2 lets players from all over the world come together and save the universe. However, sometimes there are errors that get in the way of this – and players can find themselves being booted from the server. While this is indeed a frustrating experience, knowing how to fix these errors can quickly get players back in the game. The Plum Error Code is one that has been giving players troubles lately – and here is how players can fix Error Code Plum in Destiny 2.

What Is Error Code Plum In Destiny 2 And How To Fix It

While there can be errors on Bungie’s end, some of the Error Codes players encounter may be because of things they can control. One of these errors is Error Code Plum. That’s because this error is encountered when the BattlEye anti-cheat software notices that the player’s computer may be in violation of Bungie’s Terms of Service.

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean the player is cheating. In fact, there are a few fixes players can take to try to get back into the game. Here are some possible steps to take to fix Error Code Plum in Destiny 2:

Try restarting the game: Sometimes there is a hiccup in the system, and a simple reset of the game can get players back in the action. Simply shut the game down and relaunch it to see if that fixes it.

Restart your device: Another common fix is restarting a device if there is an error code. Shutting down your console or PC and then turning it back on to launch Destiny can sometimes make all the difference.

Ensure Windows Update has the latest software installed (PC Only): Sometimes an out of date Windows Update can cause issues and get Error Code Plum. Simply check the Windows Update tool and make sure the system is fully up to date.

Head over to the BattlEye Support page: Sometimes there is a known issue that can prevent players from signing in. For this reason, players will want to check out the BattlEye Support Page to make sure they are doing all they can to get into the game. Perhaps it is even just a problem on Bungie’s end.

Go to the Bungie Help Forums: When all else fails, heading over to the official Bungie Help Forums can help players get the answers they need. Additionally, players may want to check the official Twitter page to see if there is any information out about the issue they are currently experiencing. Odds are, if other players are experiencing it as well, Bungie will be working on it to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Hopefully by following these steps, players can overcome the Error Code Plum and get back into the game. For more information on Destiny 2 Error Codes, check out our other guides and get back to the fun of playing Destiny!

About the author

Jason Wright

Jason Wright is a video game journalist who is passionate about all things in the gaming industry. As a gamer he has been playing as long as he could hold a controller. Starting with the Nintendo Entertainment System, his collection of systems and games grew, and he branched his love of gaming into the next logical step — writing about gaming. His favorite games to play include first-person shooters and trading card games. In his spare time, Jason writes horror stories and does freelance content writing. You can view his portfolio and services at www.pwnd.games.

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Играя в Destiny 2, вы можете столкнуться с Код ошибки: Слива. Этот код ошибки появляется, если программа запуска BattlEye обнаруживает какое-либо программное обеспечение, нарушающее Условия обслуживания Bungie.

Это означает, что программа запуска BattlEye обнаружила в вашей системе какое-то мошенническое программное обеспечение.

В ситуациях, когда в вашей системе нет мошеннического программного обеспечения, вот что вы можете сделать, чтобы исправить ошибку.

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Есть несколько вещей, которые вы можете сделать, чтобы устранить эту ошибку. Они следующие:

  • Проверьте наличие проблем с пропускной способностью сети. Попробуйте перезагрузить маршрутизатор или переключиться на проводное соединение, чтобы исправить эту ошибку.
  • Кроме того, вы также можете попробовать отключить другие античит-программы, такие как Vanguard. Пользователи сообщают, что Vanguard может мешать работе BattlEye.
  • Вы также можете проверить статус сервера Destiny 2, если вы неоднократно сталкиваетесь с этой ошибкой. В этом случае ваш единственный вариант — подождать, пока серверы не станут стабильными.

Также ознакомьтесь с Ошибки Destiny 2 BOAR на PS4 — как исправить только в руководствах по игре Pro.

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10 May 2023 7:44 AM +00:00 UTC

Don’t let a PLUM error stop you from playing Destiny 2. We’ll help you fix it.

Destiny 2 Error Code Plum: How To Fix Destiny 2 PLUM Anti-Cheat Error


With the release of the hotfix on May 9, 2023, there are widespread reports of Destiny 2 players receiving the Chicken, Plum and CAT error codes. The developers are aware of the issue and are working on a fix.


If the Destiny 2 Error Code Plum and its anti-cheat is causing you pain, here’s a look at what you can do to fix it.

While anti-cheat software is created with the best of intentions, when it throws up errors for innocent players, it is very annoying. This isn’t exclusive to Destiny, though, with both the Fortnite Anti-Cheat and Elden Ring Anti-Cheat errors also hurting players.

The BattlEye Anti-Cheat software that Bungie recently introduced to support Destiny 2 has been introducing new errors to gamers. The dreaded Error Code PLUM is one of them. While plums are generally good for you, this is one that undoubtedly leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

Here’s what we know about Error Code PLUM, and what you may be able to do, in order to get past it, and back into Destiny 2.

How To Fix Destiny 2 PLUM Anti-Cheat Error

With PLUM being a new error code, there remains a limited amount of advice on how to go about fixing it. But some of the most commonly suggested solutions are as follows:

  • Check to see if you have any other anti-cheat software running your system. In particular, players have been citing Vanguard, the anti-cheat software for Valorant, as a potential trigger for this error. Disabling this software may stop the PLUM error from reappearing.
  • Other users have reported this error cropping up when they are using an unstable internet connection. Some examples have included hotel Wi-Fi, which can be a bit…patchy. So it’s well worth taking some time to make sure your internet connection is running as well as possible. Restart your router, consider switching to a wired connection if you aren’t already using one, and minimise the number of apps and devices competing for bandwidth.
  • Keep an eye on the server status for the game as well. If the servers are experiencing high traffic levels, this may cause some issues with the stability of your connection.

Because this is a new error, we can hope that Bungie is working on a fix for it. But if nothing seems to be working, contact them for help on Twitter @BungieHelp.

What Is The PLUM Anti-Cheat Error?

If you are the unfortunate recipient of the PLUM error, you’ll see the following message:

Error code: PLUM

BattlEye has detected a problem with your computer. This is most likely due to a «cheat» file (cheat code file) open or present on your computer.


As we mentioned earlier, this is a new error, that started appearing at the same time as BattlEye Anti-Cheat software was introduced to the game. It is incorrectly identifying programs as being cheat files, and then blocking players from accessing the game.

While this is frustrating for innocent players, the sad truth is that Destiny 2 has been plagued by cheaters over the years. Issues such as self-resurrection, infinite ammo and flying have all been rife. So introducing anti-cheat software feels like the right move by Bungie. There were almost inevitably going to be teething problems; but hopefully, the fixes we’ve listed will work until this error has been properly fixed.

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Destiny 2 is an online multiplayer FPS game that combines FPS and RPG elements, offering various engaging and wonderful game content. Destiny 2 has already obtained more than a million players around the world and more gamers are joining in this game. However, some players often encounter issues with the Destiny 2 error code plum that annoyed them deeply. If you have the same problem, this article will assist you to quickly solve it.

The Main Reasons Cause Error Code Plum in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 error code plum is a networking error that typically occurs when there are issues with the player’s internet, device or game servers. When encountering error code plum, players may experience frequent disconnections from the game or difficulty connecting to the game servers.  It would be more feasible if we can understand the main causes of Destiny 2 error code plum before we go into quick solutions.

The main reason why Error Code Plum occurs in Destiny 2 is as follows.

  • BattlEye incorrect detection

BattlEye is an anti-cheat system embedded in Destiny 2, in some cases, if BattlEye incorrectly detects some programs or files run a risk of cheating, especially if they aren’t following Bungie’s Terms of Service, Destiny 2 error code plum will occurs due to Bungie presetting.

  • Terrible Network connection

Destiny 2 requires a stable and reliable internet connection to connect to the game servers. If gamers’ Network connection is too terrible and unstable to connect to the game server, Destiny 2 error code plum will occur.

  • Not updated Destiny 2 or BattlEye

Developers of Bungie will regularly release updated versions of Destiny 2 and BattlEye that can repair bugs. However, if players forget to update them, they’ll encounter a Destiny 2 error code plum due to bugs from BattlEye or Destiny 2.

  • Too many background apps

Many players tend to open many apps and forget to close them when they launch Destiny 2. In this situation, these background applications will use the internet too, which will lead to restricted internet and finally lead to error code plum.

  • Server breakdown

Sometimes, Destiny 2 servers may experience technical difficulties or undergo maintenance, leading to Destiny 2 error code plum. Bungie’s staff will firstly release notifications on their official website and then developers will resolve this issue.

Quick Fixes To Effectively Solve Error Code Plum

Through a comprehensive analysis of the reasons that cause error code plum in Destiny 2, we can clearly understand error code plum. This can be also beneficial for us to go further and obtain quick solutions about how to fix error code plum.The following are Quick fixes for players to ultimately solve Destiny 2 error code plum.

  • Don’t use any third-party software which may potentially be detected as cheating programs then blocked by BattlEys. 
  • Try to optimise the network to allow Destiny 2 to have more stable network connection or replace wireless internet with wire internet connection due to it being more reliable.
  •  Try to regularly update BattlEye and Destiny 2, gamers should follow Boungie’s official social media or website to know if there will be new updates and keep updating them to avoid error code plum.
  • Close all background applications that will occupy some parts of the internet, by this way, Destiny 2 will get connection to the internet without any restrictions.
  • Pay more attention to the official website announcement. Bungie will post an announcement on their website as soon as there are some server issues. Therefore, gamers will know how long it will take to solve it and wait for it.

Above are practical and effective solutions to help gamers quickly fix Destiny 2 error code plum. However, if you encounter other issues like game lag or high ping after you fix this issue, it is recommended you use LagoFast to enjoy a better game experience.

LagoFast is the ultimate solution for enhancing the gameplay experience in Destiny 2. Its primary function is to assist gamers in selecting the most suitable server and node with utmost precision, effectively preventing any occurrence of game lag. Additionally, LagoFast has exceptional features, including the reduction of high ping, FPS enhancement, and eradication of game lag. As of now, LagoFast provides users with the opportunity to download a free trial. To help you get started, we have prepared a comprehensive tutorial on how to utilize LagoFast effectively.

Step-by-step Tutorial To Try LagoFast For Destiny 2

Step 1: Access the official website of LagoFast and click on Free Trial Download.

Free Download

Step 2: Before you start running Destiny 2, you should search for it in LagoFast. Then you will find the FPS Boost button on the left, you can firstly click the Game Boost button to explore more features.

Step 3: Click on Select Server so you can choose the right server that will allow Destiny 2 to connect stably, then click on the Node on the right, you can also select the best Node for Destiny 2.

Step 4:By clicking the Smart Boost button, you can see the specific Game ping, Packet Loss and Network Type on the right side. Finally, click the Start Game button to start Destiny 2.


In general, there are 5 reasons that cause Destiny 2 error code plum, which is related to BattlEye, the internet and so on. The detailed and practical solutions on how to fix error code plum Destiny 2 is already illustrated below, gamer can learn to resolve it. However, if players still encounter issues like game lag or high ping, it is recommended to use LagoFast. Undoubtedly, LagoFast is the best choice for gamers to improve their gameplay experience in  Destiny 2.

The Error Code PLUM in Destiny 2 prevents you from logging into Bungie’s servers. This may have something to do with another app that interferes with the game, causing the error. Here’s a guide that shows you how to fix error code PLUM in Destiny 2 so you can get back to playing.

How to Fix Error Code PLUM in Destiny 2?

Here are the possible workaround fixes for the error code PLUM appearing in Destiny 2:

  1. Disable any third party software that interferes with Destiny 2 such as a VPN.
  2. Update Windows.
  3. Check file integrity.
  4. Update your GPU drivers.
  5. Restart your PC.
  6. Re-install Destiny 2.
  7. Wait for a patch from Bungie.

So why does error code PLUM in Destiny 2 happen? You usually get this error because BattleEye, the anti-cheat software in Destiny 2, has detected a third-party file it believes you’re using to modify the game. You may not actually be using one, but BattleEye puts a full stop to anything that it suspects you’re using to interfere with the game.

The first thing you’ll have to try is to disable any third-party software that may be causing the issue. Try turning off your VPN and logging back in to see if that fixes the issue. If not, then Bungie recommends updating your Windows to the latest version, which may solve the issue.

If the two steps above don’t work, then try checking for file integrity. You can do this by going to your Library on Steam, right-clicking Destiny 2, going to Properties, then Local Files, and then clicking on Verify File Integrity which should take a minute or two. This will restore any missing files as well as any altered ones.

If all else fails, you may have to restart your PC. On the chance that that doesn’t work, then you’ll have to re-install the game as error code PLUM can be really persistent.

We hope this fixed error code PLUM in Destiny 2 for you.

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