Дестини 2 код ошибки tapir

Как исправить код ошибки Тапира в Destiny 2

Если вы играли в Destiny 2 и столкнулись с кодом ошибки Tapir, вы не единственный. Многие сталкиваются с одной и той же ошибкой, не позволяющей получить доступ к серверу. Как исправить код ошибки Tapir в Destiny 2.

Как исправить код ошибки Destiny 2 Tapir

Согласно Bungie, код ошибки запуска, когда Destiny 2 не работает на техническое обслуживание. Поэтому прежде чем решить проблему, сначала проверьте, что серверы запущены и работают. Вы можете сделать это, перейдя на страница «Сервер Destiny и обновление статуса», где Bungie сообщает об ожидаемом ожидании. Однако, если все в порядке, возникает проблема возникновения каких-то других случаев.

Выключите и снова подключите ваш интернет-маршрутизатор

Код ошибки Tapir не позволяет вам войти на серверы Destiny 2, поэтому проблема может возникнуть из-за проблем с сетью. В таких случаях вам следует выключить и снова включить интернет-маршрутизатор. Это отличается от простого перезапуска, так как требует его отключения маршрутизатора и отсоединения всех пакетов. Затем вам необходимо обнаружить минуту или две, чем прежде снова подключить все.

Отсоедините свою учетную запись Twitch от Bungie.

Некоторые пользователи утверждали, что они начали получать код ошибки Tapir после того, как привязали свою учетную запись Twitch к своей учетной записи Bungie. Однако они смогли решить проблему, отключив его. Поэтому, если вы недавно связали две учетные записи, попробуйте разъединить их, посмотреть, решить ли эту проблему.

Убедитесь, что игра обновлена

Bungie всегда выпускает новые обновления для использования различных ошибок, с которыми связано распространение в Destiny 2. Чтобы убедиться в наличии нового обновления, загрузите Destiny 2 и снова загрузите его. Если появится новое обновление, вы получите его перед запуском игры. Кроме того, независимо от того, на какой платформе вы работаете, не следует исключать автоматическое обновление для Destiny 2. Таким образом, вы никогда не запускали новое обновление.

Если вы играли в Destiny 2 и столкнулись с кодом ошибки Tapir, вы не единственный. Многие игроки сталкивались с одной и той же ошибкой, не позволяющей им получить доступ к серверам. Чтобы помочь вам, мы составили руководство о том, как исправить код ошибки Tapir в Destiny 2.


  1. Как исправить код ошибки Destiny 2 Tapir
  2. Выключите и снова включите интернет-маршрутизатор
  3. Отключить вашу учетную запись Twitch от Bungie
  4. Убедитесь, что игра обновлена

Согласно Bungie, код ошибки появляется, когда Destiny 2 не работает на техническое обслуживание. Поэтому, прежде чем устранять проблему, сначала убедитесь, что серверы запущены и работают. Вы можете сделать это, перейдя на страницу «Сервер Destiny и статус обновления», где Bungie регулярно сообщает о запланированном обслуживании. Однако, если все в порядке, проблема вызвана какими-то другими причинами.

Выключите и снова включите интернет-маршрутизатор

Код ошибки Tapir не позволяет вам войти на серверы Destiny 2, поэтому проблема может возникнуть из-за проблем с сетью. В таких случаях вам следует выключить и снова включить интернет-маршрутизатор. Это отличается от простого перезапуска, так как требует выключения маршрутизатора и отсоединения всех его кабелей. Затем вам нужно подождать минуту или две, прежде чем снова подключить все.

Отключить вашу учетную запись Twitch от Bungie

Некоторые пользователи утверждали, что они начали получать код ошибки Tapir после того, как они связали свою учетную запись Twitch со своей учетной записью Bungie. Однако они смогли решить проблему, отключив его. Поэтому, если вы недавно связали две учетные записи, попробуйте разъединить их, чтобы посмотреть, решит ли это проблему.

Убедитесь, что игра обновлена

Bungie всегда выпускает новые обновления для решения различных проблем. ошибки, с которыми игроки сталкиваются в Destiny 2. Поэтому вам необходимо убедиться, что ваша игра обновлена. Чтобы проверить наличие нового обновления, закройте Destiny 2 и снова запустите его. Если доступно новое обновление, вы получите уведомление об этом перед запуском игры. Кроме того, независимо от того, на какой платформе вы работаете, не забудьте включить автоматические обновления для Destiny 2. Таким образом, вы никогда не пропустите новое обновление.

Fix: Destiny 2 Error Code Tapir: Destiny 2 by Bungie is a free-to-play online first-person shooter game that is also known as Destiny 2: New Light. It was first released as a pay-to-play game for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows in 2017.

On October 1, 2019, it became free-to-play under the New Light label and used the games as a service model. The next month, the game came out on Stadia, and in December 2020, it came out on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. Activision was in charge of publishing the game until December 31, 2018, when Bungie took over. It comes after Destiny and its add-ons, which came out in 2014. Go to their official website for more fixes.

What Is Destiny 2 Error Code Tapir?

Since the last update, players have been getting the Destiny 2 error code Tapir. This problem is also being reported by players on PS4 and Xbox One. But it seems to happen more often on the PS5. We have put out some changes to Destiny 2 to fix the Tapir problem code.

This error happens when a user fails to log in to the game network. The Tapir error code is caused by problems with how the network is linked. Players are getting the following message: “Could not sign in to Destiny 2 servers. Try again later, please.”

Fix: Destiny 2 Error Code Tapir

Download the Lastest Update for the Game

  • Turn on the Xbox One system and log in to the required Xbox profile.
  • Press left on the D-Pad and go to the Settings menu. Find the All Settings option and click it.
  • Navigate to the Power & startup section and click the Power mode &startup option.
  • Select the Keep console, games & apps up to date option.

Restart Destiny 2

Xbox One

  • If you are still in the game, click the Xbox logo button to pause the game.
  • Find Destiny 2 under the Guide pane.
  • Select the game, click Start, and then click Quit.
  • Restart Destiny and check if the error code has been removed.


  • If you are in a game, click the PlayStation logo button to pause the game.
  • Go to the title that shows the running game, and select Destiny. Then, stop the game by clicking the Optionsbutton.
  • Alternatively, you can stop the video game from the in-game menu and go to Options > Log Out.

Restart Your Console

  1. Press and hold the power button at the front of the Xbox console until it shuts down completely.
  2. Unplug the power brick from the back of the Xbox. Press and hold the power button on the Xbox several times to make sure there is no remaining power and this will actually clean the cache.
  3. Plugin the power brick and wait for the light located on the power brick to change its color from white to orange.
  4. Turn the Xbox back on as you would do normally and check to see if the Tapir error code still appears when you start Destiny or Destiny 2.

Keep Trying to Connect

Sometimes the servers are to blame, especially if they get too busy, which can lead to all kinds of weird error codes. Even Bungie has told people with an error code to try reconnecting for a few minutes before trying to fix it in other ways. Bungie has been working on this error code, and they should have fixed the problem by now.

Sometimes it’s just because the servers are down for maintenance, and sometimes it’s because there’s a problem with the user’s account. By clicking on the links below, you can always check the status of different servers for any of the platforms available:

Download the Latest Update for the Game

  1. Turn on the Xbox One system and sign in to your desired Xbox profile.
  2. Press left on the D-Pad and navigate to the Settings menu. Locate the All Settings option and click on it.
  3. Navigate to the Power and Startup menu and click on the Power Mode and Startup option.
  4. Select the “Keep my console, games & apps up to date” option.

Restore Licences

  1. Turn on your PS4 and navigate to the Settings area.
  2. Click on PlayStation Network >> Account Management >> Restore License.
  3. Check to see if the error code Tapir still appears while you enjoy Destiny 2.

Destiny 2 Gameplay

The game is set in a “mythic science fiction” world and has a “shared-world” environment where multiple people can play together. Destiny 2 has two types of games: Player vs. Environment (PvE) and Player vs. Player (PvP).

PvE has the usual story goals, as well as “strikes” for three players, dungeons, and raids for six players. In the free roam patrol mode at each destination, there are public events and activities that were not in the original. The goals of these activities are to explore the places and talk to non-player characters (NPCs). In PvP mode, there are both goal-based and regular deathmatch game modes.


Why do I keep getting error coded in Destiny 2?

Players that are receiving multiple disconnections from Destiny with different error codes may want to try the following troubleshooting steps: Closing and restarting the Destiny application on their platform. Restarting and clearing the cache of their platform. Power cycling their network hardware.

What is a weasel error Bungie?

Players who attempt to log in to multiple platforms simultaneously while Cross Save is enabled on their account will receive a WEASEL error on which ever platform they logged in on first. If a player is in an activity when a ban is applied to their account, they will be returned to the title screen with a WEASEL error.

What is tapir error code Destiny 1?

Sometimes, Destiny error code Tapir appears because the servers are too crowded or they are under maintenance. So you can also try to check the status of various servers for any platforms by clicking the following links: PlayStation Network Status

James Hogan

James Hogan

James Hogan is a senior staff writer at Bollyinside, where he has been covering various topics, including laptops, gaming gear, keyboards, storage, and more. During that period, they evaluated hundreds of laptops and thousands of accessories and built a collection of entirely too many mechanical keyboards for their own use.

The Tapir error code is just one of the many error codes Destiny players have to deal with on a regular basis while trying to enjoy a game or two. These error codes are quite difficult to handle since there are sometimes a couple of them appearing simultaneously and Bungie is yet to release a full guide on how to fix most of these errors.

Destiny 2

Destiny 2

Players had to rely on online forums and debates in order to try and find the fix for the Tapir error code but now you can simply follow the instructions featured in this article and get the game running again.

Solution 1: Restart Your Console

This solution has helped quite a few people deal with their Vulture error code and this solution is quite a general method for fixing almost all Xbox-related issues. Naturally, this method can only be applied to users playing Destiny on Xbox.

However, make sure all of your games are synced online and backed up since this process may end up deleting them from your local Xbox One memory. There are two ways to delete the cache on Xbox One and reset your console completely:

  1. Press and hold the power button at the front of the Xbox console until it shuts down completely.
  2. Unplug the power brick from the back of the Xbox. Press and hold the power button on the Xbox several times to make sure there is no remaining power and this will actually clean the cache.

  1. Plugin the power brick and wait for the light located on the power brick to change its color from white to orange.
  2. Turn the Xbox back on as you would do normally and check to see if the Tapir error code still appears when you start Destiny or Destiny 2.

Alternative for Xbox One:

  1. Navigate to your Xbox One settings and click on Network >> Advanced Settings.
  2. Scroll down to Alternate Mac Address option and choose the Clear option which appears.

  1. You will be prompted with a choice to really do this as your console will be restarted. Respond affirmatively and your cache should now be cleared. Open Destiny or Destiny 2 after the console has restarted and check to see if the Tapir error code still appears.

If you are using a PlayStation 4 to play Destiny, make sure you follow the instructions below to hard reset your PlayStation 4 since PS4 does not possess an option to clear the cache:

  1. Completely turn off the PlayStation 4.
  2. Once the console is completely shut down, unplug the power cord from the back of the console.

  1. Let the console stay unplugged for at least a couple of minutes.
  2. Plug the power cord back into the PS4 and turn it on the way you normally do.

Solution 2: Keep Trying to Connect

Sometimes the servers are to blame, especially if they become too crowded, resulting in various weird error codes. Even Bungie has suggested to users that they should try reconnecting for a couple of minutes before trying to fix the error code in other ways. This error code was worked on by Bungie and they should have solved the problem by now.

Additionally, there are plenty of users who confirmed that being patient paid off and they were soon able to continue playing the game normally.

Sometimes it’s simply the servers that are going under maintenance and sometimes there is a problem with the account users are using to play the game. You can always check the status of various servers for any of the platforms available by clicking on the links below:

  • PlayStation Network Status: https://status.playstation.com
  • Xbox Live Status: https://support.xbox.com/xbox-live-status
  • Blizzard Support: https://eu.battle.net/support/en/help

Solution 3: Download the Latest Update for the Game

Most consoles and users will have the option to install the updates manually but it’s important to know that updating Destiny can be crucial in problem-solving and that you should always keep your game up to date since Bungie is always releasing new patches and updates to solve the errors.

If you have turned off the automatic updates option or if it was turned off by default, you can fix this by following the steps below:

  1. Turn on the Xbox One system and sign in to your desired Xbox profile.
  2. Press left on the D-Pad and navigate to the Settings menu. Locate the All Settings option and click on it.

  1. Navigate to the Power and Startup menu and click on the Power Mode and Startup option.
  2. Select the “Keep my console, games & apps up to date” option.

If you are having problems with turning the option above on or if you simply can’t keep your games automatically updated due to a variety of reasons, you can also manually update Destiny in a couple of easy steps:

  1. Turn on the Xbox One system and sign in to the desired Xbox profile.
  2. On the Xbox Home menu, select My Games and Apps and navigate to the Updates section of the menu.

  1. Select Destiny and then select Update. You can follow the download progress in the Queue section of the menu.

Solution 4: Restore Licences (PlayStation users only)

This option will successfully restore the licenses of all games, add-ons, and DLCs you have under the possession of your PSN account so make sure you try this solution as it’s quite simple and it has actually helped quite a few users deal with their Destiny error codes, especially error code Tapir.

  1. Turn on your PS4 and navigate to the Settings area.
  2. Click on PlayStation Network >> Account Management >> Restore License.

  1. Check to see if the error code Tapir still appears while you enjoy Destiny 2.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows is a highly experienced and knowledgeable technology specialist with over a decade of industry experience. He holds a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification and has a deep passion for staying up-to-date on the latest tech developments. Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. His contributions to the tech field have been widely recognized and respected by his peers, and he is highly regarded for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.

Destiny 2 Tapir error code meaning

Find out what the Tapir error code means in Destiny 2 and how to fix it.

As with most online games, Destiny 2 players will sometimes find themselves face to face with error codes they don’t recognize or understand. Tapir is one such error code that you might come across at some point and knowing what it means and how to fix it will be important to Guardians trying to get back into the action. In this guide we’ll tell you what the Tapir error code meaning is, and even go over how to resolve this issue quickly.

Destiny 2 Tapir error code meaning

If you’re receiving the Tapir error code, then most likely the Destiny servers are down for maintenance. This happens sometimes as Bungie pushes out new patches, or even just works to deliver hotfixes for big issues that have been plaguing players since new content launches.

If you’re unsure whether Destiny 2 servers are down or not, head over to Twitter and check in with @Bungiehelp, where you’ll find frequent updates about any issues that Destiny 2 might be experiencing across PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. With the recent push to Steam, it’s also possible that players may see some possible downtime during the weekly Steam maintenance period, which could lead you to run into this error code on a somewhat regular basis.

Destiny 2 Tapir error code meaning

Unfortunately, the only way to solve this particular error is to be patient and wait for the maintenance period to end. Keep an eye on BungieHelp, and just keep trying to get into the game. If it takes too long, try taking a walk, or diving into another game for a couple of hours.

On top of the Tapir error code, Destiny 2 players might find themselves facing down other giants in the technical difficulty department, including the Destiny 2 is temporarily at capacity error, and the weasel error code. The good news is, all these issues can be resolved, and we’ve created some handy articles to help you sort through them.

Now that you know how what the Destiny 2 Tapir error code means, you can head back over to our Destiny 2 walkthrough for more helpful info and guides.

Guides Editor

Joshua holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and has been exploring the world of video games for as long as he can remember. He enjoys everything from large-scale RPGs to small, bite-size indie gems and everything in between.

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