Douwe egberts ошибки

Service Manual Cafitesse 500


When a malfunction occurs there is an

alternating display of the error number and

ON/OFF. (Fig. 1)

Malfunctions can be reset by unplugging

the power cable and plugging it back in

after approx. 2–3 sec.


CODE 8 and ERR 9:

In these cases do not unplug the power cable

but wait until the correct temperature has been


ERR 10:

RAM errors are reset by actuating the Mode

button on the Service Panel.

ERR 11:

Start the programming mode with the service

device and quit. Reprogram if necessary.

ERR 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 23:

Can be reset by actuating the ON/OFF button

Priorities of the Errors

(high –> low)

ERR 16, ERR 10, 11, 23, 22, 15, 2, 4, 3,

5, 17, 7, 6, 14, CLEAN, FLUSH, SANIT,

18, 19, 20, 21, CODE 8, ERR 9

Apart from the indicated causes a defective

electronic control system could also be the


If the dispenser goes into error mode

without displaying anything unplug the

power cable and plug it back in after 2–

3 sec.

Other items may appear in the display that

are not related to fault codes. They may be

related to functions of the key switch. See

section 4.2 — Programming for the customer.

January 2001

Trouble Shooting, Error Codes and Fault Diagnosis

Fig. 1



3 — 3

Douwe Egberts Contenta Service Manual

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Service manual


Cafitesse 50

Version1.36/72X February 2004

Part number 89210190

Version 1.36



Related Manuals for Douwe Egberts Contenta

Summary of Contents for Douwe Egberts Contenta

  • Page 1
    Service manual Contenta Cafitesse 50 Version1.36/72X February 2004 Part number 89210190 Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Contents Introduction and Safety Installation Installation requirements Installation procedure Handing over the machine to the customer Dispenser description Specifications Faults Indications Troubleshooting Programming Programming by means of the service device Programming by means of the operation panel buttons Flow chart service device programming Flow chart button programming Default settings Functions…

  • Page 3
    Preface and Safety Instructions Installation Faults Programming Functions Water System Dosing System Product Delivery Cooling System Housing / Cabinet Control Preventive Maintenance Service Procedures Service Information Bulletins Modification Instructions Spare Parts List Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 4
    Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 5: Introduction And Safety

    In effect, the Coffee dispenser is a smaller liquid coffee brewer and the technical aspects in this manual are quite similar to that of the larger ‘Cafitesse’ brewers. To exploit the mentioned inherent qualities the Contenta/Cafitesse 50 is placed in the framework of the ‘Office Coffee Service’-concept (OCS). The concentrated…

  • Page 6: Installation

    Safety General remark concerning safety This subsection is intended as an overview of the warnings and instructions used in this manual that must always be observed. The following general safety precautions apply to the operation and maintenance of the machine and must always be observed.

  • Page 7
    OPERATION WARNING: Do not use the machine for other than the intended use. The machine is intended for in-door operation only. Please do not place the machine too close to a sink (wet) or cooking device (hot). CAUTION: The liquids delivered by the dispenser are hot. Keep hands and body parts clear from the delivery area while the dispenser is producing coffee or hot water.
  • Page 8
    INGREDIENT HANDLING CAUTION: Ensure that the cooling compartment is properly closed at all times. The coffee quality may otherwise deterioriate. Store coffee packs only in a refrigerator at a temperature below 6°C/42.8°F. Always check the expiration date on the package (‘best before date’) and use the coffee pack that has been stored for the longest period (first-in, first-out principle).
  • Page 9: Installation Requirements

    2. Unpacking and installation 2.1 Installation requirements • Required tools — Tools to make the required water connections, if applicable. — A service device is needed to adjust set volumes, coffee strength, device calibration, etc. — To remove covers a Pitcher torx no.10 (left, right, rear side cover) and no.15 (tank lid/inlet valve) is required. •…

  • Page 10: Installation Procedure

    2.2 Installation procedure Machines shipped with a removable watertank. See chapter 5A for additional installation of the fixed water connection kit. Start 1.Unpack machine 6.Switch machine on 2.Attach labels / operation panel 7.Place chilled coffee pack cover 8. Rinse the water system 3.Fill cold water tank thoroughly 9.Calibrate and program machine…

  • Page 11
    (2) Machines shipped with a fixed water connection (plumbed-in unit). Start Check water quality / water (min. : 0.8 pressure requirements: 5. Install drip tray with grille bar dynamic pressure / max. 10 and trough bar static pressure) 6. Switch machine on 1.Unpack machine.
  • Page 12
    Unpack the machine. Top pad Carton carrier (dotted line) Accessory case containing : Dispenser (upright) Drip tray/grille Trough Bottom pad Coffee pot Outer carton Attach the language specific operation panel cover and the various labels. (removable water tank version illustrated here) NSF machines feature two additional labels attached to the inside of the cooling compartment door.
  • Page 13
    Depending on the version you are installing, proceed with 3a for machines with a removable water tank or 3b for machines with a fixed water connection. Fill the cold water tank. (Check if the sieve inside the tank is correctly placed over the water outlet) Sieve Outlet Confirm that the installation conditions are met for usage of the fixed water connection.
  • Page 14
    Connect the power cord. The microprocessor will be initialized. This takes up to 30 seconds. During initialization all LED’s light Install cup grille, drip tray and trough. Press the on/stand-by button as illustrated to switch the machine on. The boiler is probably empty when the machine is switched on for the first time, the heating element remains therefore off until the boiler has been filled with water.
  • Page 15
    Install the 1,25 l/42.3 fl oz coffee pack. (chilled) • Check the expiration date. • Shake the coffee pack at least 10 times. • Verify that the coffee is completely thawed / properly chilled. • Open pack and unfold dosing tube. •…
  • Page 16
    Calibrate the machine • First ensure the through is in place. • Place a 0.5 litre/16.9 fl oz measuring cup under the coffee outlet • Push the pot button and keep it pressed until 0.5 litre/1.9 fl oz is dispensed. •…
  • Page 17
    2.3 Handing over the dispenser to the customer Ensure that the dispenser is working flawlessly once the machine has been installed and programmed according to the wishes of the customer. Instruct the user(s) of the machine regarding the following items. Good understanding and commitment will contribute to the overall machine performance! Time spent on customer instruction is in this respect invaluable.
  • Page 18: Dispenser Description

    2.4 Dispenser description Cold water tank lid Operation panel Cold water tank Cooling compartment door Cold water level window Cooling temperature high indication Main switch Power on/stand-by indication Drip tray Power inlet Cup grille Opening for reset switch Coffee outlet Hot water outlet Fixed water connection only Water inlet valve…

  • Page 19: Specifications

    2.5 Specifications System Chilled liquid concentrated coffee brewing Capacity 1.25 litres / approx 42.3 fl oz Average number of cups (125 ml / 4 oz) at various ratios (± 10%) Ratio No. of cups Ratio No. of cups Ratio No. of cups Ratio No.

  • Page 20
    Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 21: Indications

    3.1 Indications Machine status and errors are communicated by means of LED indicators (On/Off/Blinking). It is also possible to display the last error detected by connecting the service device. The following malfunctions may be displayed directly after the service device is connected. (See chapter 4 page 1 for connection of the service device) Message Condition Measure…

  • Page 22: Programming

    1. Power LED Machine is switched on. Power off, only the cooling control is operational. Blinking 1. The machine is in the user programming mode 2. No 24 VDC circuit 3. The trough is not present 4. The safety circuit has been triggered. The machine will be switched off. Reset the machine by pressing the reset switch on the thermistor (overflow tube) located at the machine rear side.

  • Page 23
    4. Cold water empty LED The magneto-electrical sensor detects no water for longer than 1 second. (if detected during dispensing: a cup cycle is ended, a pot cycle is interrupted) This is not applicable if a fixed water connection is installed. (the sensor is not connected) If the water tank is empty or the water supply is interrupted (in case of a fixed water connection) and the boiler is not filled, the heating element will be switched off to prevent overheating and the dosing is disabled to prevent bad dosing.
  • Page 24
    Only coffee concentrate is poured when the cup/pot coffee selection button is pressed. Cause Action Ref. Outlet valve malfunction Connect service device and test product valve. (blocked) Check if water is flowing out of the trough. Replace valve if necessary 5A-6 / PL-3 Outlet tube clogged, not Remove left cover and check tubes and nozzle.
  • Page 25
    Only half cups (portion control) or long time needed to fill a cup (cont. flow) Cause Action Ref. Tube(s) of the inlet valve is/ Open left cover and check the in/outlet tubes are partially disconnected or of the inlet valve. When partially disconnected squeezed when the left leakage at the right machine side will also PL-3…
  • Page 26
    Water leakage — rear side of the dispense area (drip tray) Cause Action Ref. Water from the inner cover Water is leaking from the inlet assembly, water tank or 5A-7 / 5A-8 flows into the drip tray. inlet valve (fixed water connection) and flows into the PL-2 inner cover.
  • Page 27
    Water leakage — Machine left side. Cause Action Ref. Inlet valve scaled Inlet valve does not close properly due to scale and the 5A-7 / 5A-8 boiler overflows. Check replace inlet valve. Check also PL-3 / PL-10 the water hose for scale when the inlet valve is replaced, as this scale may cause instant reoccurrence.
  • Page 28
    Cooling errors Cause Action Ref. Peltier element defective Measure current of the element (3A at 11V). 5F-1 / PL-5 Replace if defective Cooling fan defective Check the input voltage (CN7-2) and fan connectors 5F-1 / PL-5 Rear side of the machine. Heat sink dirty Clean the heat sink and remove the cause of excessive 5F-2 / PL-5…
  • Page 29
    Power on/Stand-by switch does not function (cooling is on) Cause Action Ref. Incorrect connection of the Check if the cooling fan is working. If working then, wiring (flat cable) to the Connect the flat cable of the switch with the black line On/stand-by switch up (facing you) If the fan is not working, a power failure is occurring.
  • Page 30
    Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 31: Programming By Means Of The Service Device

    LED’s will light on when the machine is switched back on. During this period the new microprocessor is initialised A. Programming mode structure BAD DOSING CONTENTA V. 2.XY DD-MM-YEAR It is possible that the last detected Input error is displayed directly after the service device is connected.

  • Page 32
    B. Installation sub-menu Enter the installation sub-menu to change or view machine settings. You can scroll through the various items with the keys and select an item with the key. Press also to return to the main programming Input Input menu.
  • Page 33
    Remarks installation sub-menu The waterflow of the outlet valves. Calibrate the coffee valve after installation of a new boiler/valve and installation. See chapter 5A for boiler replacement. Default auto switch-off time is 4 hours. Selection of price line 0, 1 or 2 for optional payment systems. Selection of price line 0, 1 or 2 for optional payment systems.
  • Page 34
    C. Read Counters sub-menu Enter the Read Counters sub-menu to view the mentioned machine counters. you can scroll through the various items with the up/down keys. It is only possible to reset the B2 error counter. Select the counter with key and press followed by the key.
  • Page 35
    D. Testing sub-menu Enter the installation sub-menu to test functions and components. You can scroll through the various items with the up/down keys and activate a machine part or function with the key. The part/function can then be Input noticed or the function related in/output voltages can be measured. Testing sub-menu structure T E S T I N G Input…
  • Page 36
    4.2 Programming the machine by means of the operation panel buttons Some basic delivery functions can be programmed by means of the operation panel buttons and the main power button without the need of a service device. It is possible to start programming even when the boiler water temperature is low to save time.
  • Page 37
    Coffee ratio setting The coffee strength is determined by the mix of coffee concentrate and water. This mix is formulated as a ratio of 1 (volume) part of coffee versus a given number of water parts. (e.g. : ratio 1:20 indicates that the coffee itself is composed of 1 part coffee concentrate and 20 parts of water.) When the coffee is made stronger the number of pulses needed to produce a certain coffee strength is increased.
  • Page 38
    4.3 Programming flow chart (service device) Programming -8 Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 39: Flow Chart Button Programming

    4.4 Programming flow chart (button programming) Programming -9 Version 1.36 02/2004…

  • Page 40: Default Settings

    4.5 Default settings (V2.09/2.10) Item Minimum Maximum Steps Default Water flow rate (ml/sec) 12.0 25.0 19.0 Ratio (Coffee — cup) Ratio (Coffee — pot ) Boiler temperature (°C) Boiler temperature lock Peltier too high error (°C) 10.00 Peltier too low error (°C) 1.00 Peltier temperature (°C) 3.00…

  • Page 41: Water System

    5A Water system Disassembly and Adjustments A. Boiler replacement 1. Unplug the power cord of the machine. 2. Empty the boiler: • Remove the left cover, take the drain hose and hold the end of the hose above the boiler. •…

  • Page 42
    Overflow Connector, hose boiler wiring Water inlet hose Outlet tubes Heater Drain hose connector Hose Plug Boiler disassembly (machine with fixed water connection) 4. Lift the boiler out of the machine (tilt the boiler a little towards you and lift it out). 5.
  • Page 43: Installation

    7. Connect the overboil hose to the tube. 8. Reinstall the water inlet hose, the heating element connector and the boiler wiring connector. 9. Put the drain hose back in place and reinstall the left cover. 10. Calibrate the coffee valve. This can be done by means of button programming or the service device (in case of the latter please do so before step 9).

  • Page 44: Boiler Temperature Adjustment

    B. Boiler temperature adjustment See chapter 4 page 2 (Programming — Installation sub-menu). C. Heating element replacement The heating element is part of the boiler assembly. It cannot be replaced as a separate item in the field. Rather than disassembling the heating element separately the boiler is replaced as a single assembly (See boiler replacement on page 1).

  • Page 45: Temperature Sensor Replacement

    Temperature sensor replacement 1. Unplug the power cord of the machine. 2. Remove the left cover. 3. Empty the boiler. (see page 1 for details) 4. Pull out the temperature sensor. 5. Disconnect the wiring of the sensor. 6. Assemble the machine in reverse order. (!) Make sure that the sealing ring is not worn out / damaged and correctly positioned.

  • Page 46: Product Valves Replacement

    F. Product valves replacement The coffee valve and hot water valve are part of a single boiler assembly. Rather than disassembling the valves separately, the boiler is replaced as an assembly. (See boiler replacement, page 1). To remove the valves: 1.

  • Page 47: Disassembly Of The Water Inlet Valve

    G. Disassembly of the water inlet valve (not applicable for machines with a fixed water connection) 1. Unplug the power cord. 2. Remove the watertank. 3. Remove the left cover. 4. Empty the boiler and the water inlet hose of the boiler. (see page 1) 5.

  • Page 48
    Disassembly of the water inlet valve 1. Close the faucet and remove the external water supply hose. (water inside!) 2. Pour half a cup of hot water (in order to remove water from the silicon hose attached to the inlet valve). Place the hose upright during the process. 3.
  • Page 49: Functional Description

    Functional description A. Water system outline The water system of machines with a removable water tank consists of several elements; the water tank, the water inlet system, the boiler and water dosing system. Water tank Control PCB 3 l. Overboil hose/safety Level sensor Outlet valves Water empty detection…

  • Page 50: Inlet Valve

    The water system of machines with a fixed water connection does not include the water tank compo- nents, whereas the location of the inlet valve differs. Top view Boiler Water Coffee Inlet valve Outlet trough Level sensor Drain hose Coffee/Water Outlet trough Boiler Coffee…

  • Page 51
    The boiler Boiler level control The sensor is basically an electrode that connects to GND (= the water level). The presence of water is checked by sending a pulse of 50 ms. every second. When the water level drops, the sensor does not connect to GND (no pulses return) and a signal is sent to the main board.
  • Page 52
    Overflow prevention If water exceeds the maximum level, it will flow into the overflow tube and is flowing out of the machine. A thermistor is mounted next to the hose. When the thermistor detects the presence of hot water (>63°C/145°F ± 5°C/9°F) it will activate the safety circuit, the LED above the main switch starts blinking and power is shut off.
  • Page 53
    Options The fixed water connection The fixed water connection kit can be installed to dispensers from the 2 series and newer (serial number 0007001 and higher). Important Ensure that the installation conditions are met before you install the fixed water connection. (refer to chapter 2 page 1) Always observe local regulation regarding plumbing! Water pressure allowed: Min.
  • Page 54
    Disconnect the connector (4 wires) of CN11 in the upper right corner of the control PCB and connect instead the prepared connector (2 wires). Disconnect current connector (4 wires) Connect new connector (2 wires) at CN11 Disconnect the silicon hose of the water inlet assembly and remove the water inlet assembly itself. Connect the hose included in the kit and connect it directly to the water supply hose.
  • Page 55
    10. Fix the tank with the included retaining screw (1) and connect the hose, place the hose clamp (2) and the two wires (3) to the inlet valve inside. 11. Connect the flexible metal water hose to the valve at the rear side of the tank (4) (Do not forget to place the sealing ring).
  • Page 56
    Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 57
    5C. Dosing system Disassembly and adjustments Coffee strength adjustment Dosing of the coffee concentrate (i.e. adjustment of the coffee strength) is done by means of (1) the service device or (2) operation panel button programming. Please refer to chapter 4 page 2 for service device programming or chapter 4 page 5 for dosing adjust- ment by means of operation panel buttons.
  • Page 58
    Disconnect the connectors CN8, CN9, CN13 & CN14 on the control PCB. CN14 CN13 Disconnect the wiring of the fan, Peltier element and the NTC sensor. (machine rear side) NTC Sensor Peltier element Remove the four retaining screws of the complete cooling compartment on both sides of the machine frame.
  • Page 59
    10. Tilt the complete cooling compartment a little towards you. Lift the complete cooling compartment assembly (including the operation panel) gentlyfrom the machine, guide the wiring from the control PCB carefully through the opening in the frame to prevent damage to the wiring.
  • Page 60
    Remove the dosing coil assembly from the cooling compartment. (4 screws) Remarks • The dosing coil assembly is available as a single spare part. The sub-parts are not separately available. • The dosing pump is an intregrated part of the coffee pack and can not be disassembled or adjusted.
  • Page 61
    Functional description The coffee concentrate is delivered in a 1.25 liter/ 42.3 fl oz bag in box. It is a closed system with an intregrated dosing pump inside the tube. The pump is operated by the B2 dosing coil. A current of 5.2 A is applied to the B2 dosing coil to generate a magnetic field that generates the pumping action.
  • Page 62
    Dosing sequence The system is at rest. There is coffee concentrate present in the bellows. When a magnetic field is generated, the tappet (consisting of the tappet ring, ring carrier and inlet valve) is pulled downwards. The bellows filled with concentrate is squeezed and delivers the coffee concentrate via the outlet valve to the trough.
  • Page 63
    5D. Product delivery There are no complicated disassembly procedures or adjustments regarding product delivery system. This chapter consists therefore of a brief overview. Overview product delivery parts The product delivery area consists of just the trough and the drip tray with the grille on which the cups, mugs or pot can be placed.
  • Page 64
    Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 65
    5F. Cooling system Disassembly Fan replacement Unplug the power cord. Remove the rear cover (two screws). The fan is mounted on the heat sink. Remove the 2 screws of the fan bracket. Retaining Take the fan out, remove the fan from its bracket screws (2 screws) and disconnect the wiring of the fan.
  • Page 66
    Replace the element and connect the wiring. Insulating seal Connect the red wire at the left side and the black wire at the right side Peltier element Heat sink Apply conductive paste to both sides of the peltier element. Make sure that the surfaces of the element are clean and free of any Peltier element particles.
  • Page 67
    Disassembly of the complete cooling unit The cooling compartment must be disassembled to reach the dosing coil (see also 5C) or in case the cooling compartment itself has to be replaced. In case a fixed water connection is installed start from step 1. If no fixed water connection is installed, unplug the power cord and proceed with step 6.
  • Page 68
    Disconnect the wiring of the fan, Peltier element and the NTC sensor. (machine rear side) NTC Sensor Peltier element Remove the four retaining screws of the complete cooling compartment on both sides of the machine frame. Tilt the complete cooling compartment a little towards you.
  • Page 69
    Functional description General The cooling system is designed to maintain a constant temperature of 2~5 °C/ 35.6~41°F inside the cooling compartment. The machine features a thermo-electric cooling system. The low temperature is generated by a Peltier element that is actuated between 3.5/38.3°F and 4,5 °C/40.1°F The peltier element is basically a series of thermo-electric cooling cells consisting of 2 bismuth semi- conductive bridges.
  • Page 70
    5G. Housing There are no complicated disassembly procedures or adjustments regarding covers and frames. This chapter consists therefore of a brief overview. Overview of machine covers Housing and related parts Left cover Door cover Rear cover Right cover Top cover Inner cover Hinge, door Rear machine support…
  • Page 71
    5K. Machine control 1. Disassembly A. Control board replacement Beware of static electricity. It could cause serious damage to the EPROM or the printed circuit board and its components. Store circuit boards in conductive sponge rubber or similar materials. In case a fixed water connection is installed start from step 1. If no fixed water connection is installed, unplug the power cord and proceed with step 6.
  • Page 72
    Unplug the connectors from the control board. (There is no specific order of disconnecting) Loosen the screws (2) of the retaining rails, remove the rails and take the board out. The settings of the machine are stored in the EEPROM. When you install a new control PCB you may want to use the EEPROM from the board that was installed in the machine and mount it on the new control board.
  • Page 73: In Case A Fixed Water Connection Is Installed Start From Step 1. If No Fixed Water Connection Is Installed, Unplug The Power Cord And Proceed With Step

    B. Power supply board replacement This procedure is largely similar to control board replacement. Please refer for details to that procedure. In case a fixed water connection is installed start from step 1. If no fixed water connection is installed, unplug the power cord and proceed with step 6. Close the faucet and remove the external water supply hose.

  • Page 74
    Remove the screws of the operation unit (3 screws) to separate the unit from the cooling compartment. The button assembly and operation board can now be removed. Reassemble the parts in reverse order. Operation unit Button sheet Seal Operation unit retaining screws (3) Electronics fan replacement In case a fixed water connection is installed start from step 1.
  • Page 75
    2. Control board component lay-out and in-/output voltages V 2.4B CN11 CN12 CN17 U4060 R5250 U3050 U3070 U3100 CN14 R5360 U3140 U3130 U3150 U3040 CN18 R5380 C6290 R5410 R5370 U4110 R5350 D1030 D1040 R5420 R5390 CN13 R5300 R5010 C6010 R5460 U4100 R5310 R5340…
  • Page 76
    Pin in- and output voltages Connector/pin Voltage Remarks Power supply 5 V circuit 19,75V Power supply 19,75 V circuit (dosing coil) Power supply 24 V circuit Power supply 11 V circuit (peltier element) Power supply additional fan Additional fan GND Not connected NTC sensor boiler NTC sensor boiler analogue GND…
  • Page 77
    Connector/pin Voltage Remarks 11-1 0/5V Cold water empty detection (0V=Water/5V=No water)* 11-2 Cold water empty detection GND* 11-3 Cold water valve power supply 11-4 0/24V Cold water valve return (0V=On/24V=off) 11-5 Not connected 11-6 Not connected 11-7 Not connected 12-1 Not connected 12-2 Not connected…
  • Page 78
    Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 79
    5 K Electrical Diagrams Contents Item Overview Electrical Diagram Contenta 230 V AC Overview Electrical Diagram Contenta 110 V AC Interface Diagram Boiler Diagram Power Supply and Security Relay Cooling Control Dosing Control Security Device Control Front Panel Side Panel & Cold Water Supply Unit…
  • Page 81
    + 19,75V / 5,2A (Dosing coil) Voltage Boiler +19.75Vsup 63°C safety CN10 meassuring 4x10K + 5V / 150mA (Eletronics) points overboil safety Magnet Trough Cooling Ye/Gn Ye/Gn detection Flatcable compartment Cooling Power Main switch Diagram.contenta.sch / DECS Int. / D.Boereboom…
  • Page 82
    + 19,75V / 5,2A (Dosing coil) Voltage Boiler +19.75Vsup 63°C safety CN10 meassuring 4x10K + 5V / 150mA (Eletronics) points overboil safety Magnet Trough Cooling Ye/Gn Ye/Gn detection Flatcable compartment Cooling Power Main switch Diagram.contenta.sch / DECS Int. / D.Boereboom…
  • Page 83
    Swatch front panel coffee empty 180E LED RED cold water empty CN9″ 180E LED RED boiler temperature low 180E LED YELLOW hot water cup of coffee pot of coffee stop Swatch side panel CN10″ main on/off switch cooling error led LED RED main on/off led LED GREEN…
  • Page 84
    R2220 100k 100k D1050E R5230 BOILER WATER LEVEL 330k 74HC04 R5430 V3010 R5240 74HC04 WATER LEVEL CHECK BC547 100k C6220 D1050C 150pF Title CONTENTA Boiler Size Number Revision 810900 V2.4C Orcad A Date: 30-Jan-2004 Sheet of File: Cont_V24C.ddb Drawn By:…
  • Page 85
    +24Vret +24Vsup +19V75sup V4040 1N4002 G1010 RELAIS-E3208 +19V75 +24V V3000 R5160 R5150 BC547 ENABLE SAFETY +24V RET. CHECK R5170 D1020D 74HC00 Title CONTENTA Powersupply Input Size Number Revision 810900 V2.4C Orcad A Date: 30-Jan-2004 Sheet of File: Cont_V24C.ddb Drawn By:…
  • Page 86
    C6050 V4020 LT1004-1.235 10nF AGND AGND R5070 R5060 AGND I2C CLOCK I2C DATA D1010 EEPROM CE 9346 R5470 C1010 10nF AGND Title CONTENTA AD converter Size Number Revision 810900 V2.4C Orcad A Date: 30-Jan-2004 Sheet of File: Cont_V24C.ddb Drawn By:…
  • Page 87
    R5440 peltier 68/2W AMP FASTON 6.3X0.8 Ur=7.6V R5300 V3060 MTP52N06V MOTOROLA D1040D R5460 V3050 PELTIER BC547 74HC04 N2010D LM324 Title AGND AGND CONTENTA cooling compartment Size Number Revision 810900 V2.4C Orcad A Date: 30-Jan-2004 Sheet of File: Cont_V24C.ddb Drawn By:…
  • Page 88
    D1030F B2 empty det. B2 EMPTY DETECTION C6280 150pF JST B-4B-XHA 74HC04 B2 CURRENT + R5350 0.22/0.5% B2 CURRENT — Title CONTENTA Dosing Coil (B2) Size Number Revision 810900 V2.4C Orcad A Date: 30-Jan-2004 Sheet of File: Cont_V24C.ddb Drawn By:…
  • Page 89
    D1040C D1040B SERIAL OUT C5000 CN12 74HC04 74HC04 D1040A SERIAL IN JST B3B-ZR C5010 74HC04 C1040 10nF Title CONTENTA Service Device Size Number Revision 810900 V2.4C Orcad A Date: 30-Jan-2004 Sheet of File: Cont_V24C.ddb Drawn By:…
  • Page 90
    D1030C CUP OF COFFEE SWITCH 74HC04 D1030B JST FDZ BT 10 Front panel POT OF COFFEE SWITCH 74HC04 D1030D STOP SWITCH 74HC04 Title CONTENTA Front Panel Size Number Revision 810900 V2.4C Orcad A Date: 30-Jan-2004 Sheet of File: Cont_V24C.ddb Drawn By:…
  • Page 91
    Cold water V4110 74HC04 empty det. 1N4002 Cold water D1040E valve V3100 R5420 COLD WATER VALVE BC337 JST B-7B-XHA 74HC14 GNDGNDGND Title CONTENTA Side Panel Size Number Revision 810900 V2.4C Orcad A Date: 30-Jan-2004 Sheet of File: Cont_V24C.ddb Drawn By:…
  • Page 92
    R5050 V4010 1N4148 R5020 68k1/1% D1020A N2010A C6170 Uref 150pF 74HC00 C6180 LM324 150pF AGND R5030 AGND 25k5/1% AGND C1020 10nF Title CONTENTA CPU AGND Size Number Revision 810900 V2.4C Orcad A Date: 30-Jan-2004 Sheet of File: Cont_V24C.ddb Drawn By:…
  • Page 93
    CN17 SCL COIN SDA COIN Picoflex PF50 Error : decsgnt2.bmp file not found. Title Coin-interface Size Number Revision 8192 V2.4C Orcad A Date: 30-Jan-2004 Sheet of File: Cont_V24C.ddb Drawn By:…
  • Page 94
    Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 95
    6 Preventive Maintenance Contents 02-2004 Not available Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 96
    Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 97
    7 SIS Codes Contents Item Page Water System Dosing System Product Delivery Cooling System Housing Control Options Version 1.36 02/2004…
  • Page 98: Faults

    SIS Codes Service code sequence Contenta Activity code S.I.S. code Corrective action code Cafitesse 50 Exchange, defect Exchange, worn down Exchange, scale Exchange, dirty Exchange, scorched Descaled Cleaned Mechanical adjustment Electrical adjustment Programming Reset Instruction Handle, water tank Level sensor,…

  • Page 99
    SIS code D12 Drip grid Part number 17874 SIS code D14 Drip tray Part number 18230 SIS code D15 Contenta pot Part number 21243 SIS code D16 Other fault in product delivery (general) Drip grid Trough Drip tray Coffee outlet…
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    Door sealing Part number — SIS code F16 Peltier element Door lock Part number 19353 Part number 19497 SIS code F11 SIS code F17 Heat conduct. paste Part number — SIS code F12 Temperature sensor Part number 19158 SIS code F13 Cooling fan Part number 19351 SIS code F14…
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    Reed sensor Part number SIS code K11 Power supply PCB Control PCB Part number 19201 Part number 19200 SIS code K17 SIS code K12 Micro-processor Fuse Part number — Part number — SIS code K13 SIS code K18 EEPROM Electronics fan Part number — Part number 19350 SIS code K14…
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    Version 1.36 02/2004…
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    8 Service Information Bulletins Contents 02-2004 Not available Version 1.36 02/2004…

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    9 Modification Instructions Contents 02-2004 Not available Version 1.36 02/2004…

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инструкцияDouwe Egberts Cafitesse Excellence

EXCLLNC / 201207



Operator Manual

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Как часто следует очищать кофеварку от накипи?

Какой лучший способ очистки кофеварки от накипи?

Что такое эспрессо?

Как долго можно хранить кофе в зернах?

Как лучше всего хранить кофе?

Как помол сказывается на вкусе кофе?

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  • Характеристики,рейтинги,отзывы. Выбор кофе »
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Кофе Douwe Egberts Goodorigin Espresso, кофе в зернах

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Март 07, 2013, 13:41:48
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Кофе Douwe Egberts Espresso Dark Roast, кофе в зернах

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Март 07, 2013, 13:41:16
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Кофе Douwe Egberts Piazza d’Oro Forza, кофе в зернах

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Март 07, 2013, 13:40:38
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  • Форум о кофемашинах — ремонт, обслуживание, использование кофемашин, выбор кофе и кофемашины »
  • Характеристики,рейтинги,отзывы. Выбор кофе »
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  • Кофе Douwe Egberts

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Любители кофе знают, как важно выпить чашку кофе по утрам. Это делает нас бодрыми и помогает вам начать день в хорошем настроении. Однако процесс приготовления кофе не так привлекателен. Вот почему люди постоянно пытаются устранить эту часть, создавая всевозможные машины, которые делают работу за нас.

Одна из них — это автоматическая кофемашина от Douwe Egberts. Она имеет интерактивный сенсорный экран, и все, что вам нужно сделать, это перетащить ингредиенты в чашку и вуаля, ваш кофе готов.

automatic coffee machine bemoved 4

automatic coffee machine bemoved 4

Вы можете выбрать любой тип кофе, который хотите. Кофе может быть со вкусом карамели и фундука. Кроме того, благодаря функции Интернета, он позволяет вам проверять фондовый рынок и цены на акции, отчеты о трафике в режиме реального времени, прогнозы погоды и свежие новости.

Итак, как видите, это больше чем просто кофемашина. Начните свой день с вкусной чашки кофе, которую Вам даже не нужно готовить самостоятельно. Это не лень, это называется экономия времени и практичность.

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