Dpkg buildpackage ошибка failed to sign dsc file

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Бинарные пакеты сами по себе не подписываются. Подписываются файлы, необходимые для сборки (.dsc и .changes) и файл Release. В файле Release хранятся хеши Packages, в которых находятся хеши пакетов. Если хотя бы один изменится, то это сразу будет видно.

Насчет подписывания .dsc и .changes. В них уже есть подпись другого девелопера. Мне кажется, что у тебя dpkg-buildpackage пытается переподписать эти файлы тем же ключом, которого у тебя, понятное дело, нет. Попробуй указать айди ключа явно (опция -k)

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I have the following gpg key:

pub   2048R/F516F2E7 2017-06-19
uid                  Ulad Kasach <email@provider.com>
sub   2048R/4057A05F 2017-06-19

When I attempt to create and sign a package with dpkg-buildpackage -kF516F2E7 -S -sa, I get the following error:

gpg: skipped "F516F2E7": No secret key
gpg: dpkg-sign.1F6Q4CLd/<package name>.dsc: clearsign failed: No secret key

dpkg-buildpackage: error: failed to sign .dsc and .changes file

However, if I run debsign -k F516F2E7 <package name>.dsc
It succeeds.

Does anyone know why this could be and how dpkg-buildpackage can be made to succeed?

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asked Jun 19, 2017 at 21:29

Ulad Kasach's user avatar

I was having this same issue until now.

dpkg-buildpackage seems to expect you to pass an email address along with the -k flag rather than the key ID.

dpkg-buildpackage -kmyemail@mydomain.com

After this i had no errors.

answered Aug 30, 2017 at 19:47

Michael Strobel's user avatar



sudo debuild -b -uc -us

That command generates an unsigned deb files for local use.

answered May 8, 2019 at 18:09

Wellington1993's user avatar


While this does not answer the question of «why dpkg-buildpackage fails», by replacing dpkg-buildpackage with debuild (debuild accepts dpkg-buildpackage arguments) the intended result can be had.

tl;dr: «str.replace» dpkg-buildpackage with debuild for a quick solution

answered Jun 19, 2017 at 21:55

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sparcbr opened this issue

Sep 21, 2019




How to fix this?

dpkg-deb: building package 'grive' in '../grive_0.5.1+git20160731_amd64.deb'.
dpkg-deb: building package 'grive-dbgsym' in 'debian/.debhelper/scratch-space/build-grive/grive-dbgsym_0.5.1+git20160731_amd64.deb'.
        Renaming grive-dbgsym_0.5.1+git20160731_amd64.deb to grive-dbgsym_0.5.1+git20160731_amd64.ddeb
 dpkg-genchanges  >../grive2_0.5.1+git20160731_amd64.changes
dpkg-genchanges: info: including full source code in upload
 dpkg-source --after-build grive2
dpkg-buildpackage: info: full upload; Debian-native package (full source is included)
 signfile grive2_0.5.1+git20160731.dsc
gpg: skipped "Vitaliy Filippov <vitalif@yourcmc.ru>": No secret key
gpg: dpkg-sign.lac_ZEKw/grive2_0.5.1+git20160731.dsc: clear-sign failed: No secret key

dpkg-buildpackage: error: failed to sign .dsc file


changed the title
clear-sign failed: No secret key

dpkg-buildpackage => clear-sign failed: No secret key

Sep 21, 2019


Not really a proper solution, but I just used checkinstall which in turn calls plain make instead of dpkg-buildpackage.
First change to build subdirectory created by the previous build command, which is probably something like:
cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu
Then use checkinstall, or make install.

And follow the instructions if needed.


Why do you need to fix it? It still makes deb packages, just install them with dpkg -i


hey, glad to see you here, i’m sorry to ask you this, but any plan on releasing new version?


No plans currently, but PRs are welcome as usual :)


This is a dpkg-buildpackage issue: I think it has a flag to not run the signing step.


Successfully built package with dpkg-buildpackage -j4 --no-sign.
Tested in Ubuntu 22.04.

I have scripts that build large numbers of debian packages. When I try to set the changelog from UNRELEASED to a specific release so that I can sign the results, I get this error on
every second dpkg-buildpackage:

gpg: signing failed: Broken pipe
gpg: dpkg-sign.fwxloLTb/libshipscomms_4.00-1.dsc: clear-sign failed: Broken pipe

dpkg-buildpackage: error: failed to sign .dsc file

Building the same package a second time immediately after this works fine.

  • gnupg
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asked Aug 24, 2021 at 18:57

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  • Clarification: the builds are done inside a makefile not directly on the command line.

    Aug 24, 2021 at 19:19

  • More Clarification: The above happens on three different computers (two architectures) all of which are on Buster 10.10. Another machine whose debian_version file says «buster/sid» works properly. It asks for the key password once and then signs all of the packages as they are built. This sort of makes me think there might be some sort of timeout in gpg.

    Aug 26, 2021 at 22:22

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У меня есть сценарии, которые создают большое количество пакетов debian. Когда я пытаюсь изменить список изменений с НЕИЗДАННОГО на определенный выпуск, чтобы я мог подписать результаты, я получаю эту ошибку на каждом втором dpkg-buildpackage:

gpg: не удалось подписать: Сломанная труба gpg: dpkg-sign.fwxloLTb/libshipscomms_4.00-1.dsc: не удалось очистить знак: Сломанная труба

dpkg-buildpackage: ошибка: не удалось подписать файл .dsc

Создание того же пакета во второй раз сразу после этого работает нормально.


1. Уточнение: сборки выполняются внутри файла makefile, а не непосредственно в командной строке.

2. Дополнительные пояснения: Вышесказанное происходит на трех разных компьютерах (двух архитектурах), все из которых находятся на Buster 10.10. Другая машина, в файле debian_version которой написано «buster/sid», работает правильно. Он запрашивает пароль ключа один раз, а затем подписывает все пакеты по мере их создания. Это заставляет меня думать, что в gpg может быть какой-то тайм-аут.

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building packages, signing fails



by nadir » 2012-10-22 02:14

I am quite sure that worked in the past, but now i get this error/warning:
dpkg-buildpackage: warning: Failed to sign .dsc and .changes file

I got this in my .bashrc:
export GPGKEY=<mykey>
export DEBFULLNAME='<myname>’
export DEBEMAIL='<me@mailserver>’

I seem to recall i had a file called «~/.devscripits» or similar, with two or three entries, not more.
Searching the web i found /etc/devscripts.conf. Doesn’t help much.

Someone knows what else i need to do? Thanks.

Oh, and once i am here anyway:
I recall i _must_ use sudo when using pbuilder. Is that correct?

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Re: building packages, signing fails



by nadir » 2012-10-22 02:26

omits the signing. I want to sign.

Both links i have found in a search marathon.
The first doesn’t answer the question how to do it, the latter is just crazy.

Oh, and i also checked the mentors and the developers reference. It might be there, somewhere hidden in the middle of nowhere. I for one can’t find it there.

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Re: building packages, signing fails



by stevepusser » 2012-10-22 15:38

You could run a

dch -i

on the debianized source to confirm that it’s putting your correct debname and debemail in there from .bashrc.

Devscripts is a package of handy scripts and shortcuts for packagers. You could doublecheck that you don’t have some capitalization problem with the password.

You can also use the debsign command to try and sign the .dsc and changes files at any time.

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Re: building packages, signing fails



by nadir » 2012-10-22 15:50

dch -i
shows me the correct name and mail.

I found the ~/.devscripts i was speaking of, on the laptop:
The bad news: it doesn’t help.

Yeah, i found «debsign *changes» to sign it after building. Still would prefer to do it during build. Not the end of the world, but it bugs me.

Nother hour wasted to search the web. Either my google-foo is lousy, or the information to be found.
As craigevil had the exactly same results i doubt it is me.

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Re: building packages, signing fails



by stevepusser » 2012-10-23 03:56

Weird—I sign all my packages at the end of the build, and have used debsign with success when I was too tired to get my password right in the three tries allowed, or had a virtual machine blow up after finishing a build, but before I could sign. This is with the Squeeze and squeeze-backports packaging tools, though. Maybe it’s a bug in the upstream tools?

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Re: building packages, signing fails



by nadir » 2012-10-23 12:21

stevepusser wrote: … Maybe it’s a bug in the upstream tools?

What i am doing is building gems. When the signing failed i recalled the ~/.devscripts and couldn’t find it anymore (that machine was a new installations, with antiX).
As a test if it is a problem involved with the gems i builded an easy program: «sl». Same problem.
(If that is what you meant with upstream tools, the packages to be build. If you meant the packages which do the building the above didn’t make sense)

I really don’t know much about building/build-environments/tools. I probably oversee something obvious.
Beginners guides don’t cover the subject (for obvious reasons) and advanced guides are … well: too advanced for me :-)

I am using wheezy right now.

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Re: building packages, signing fails



by fsmithred » 2012-10-25 12:45

I just got this working on a new wheezy installation. My .devscripts file looks like yours. I had to install dpkg-dev lintian pbuilder quilt build-essential devscripts debhelper. I also added a few lines to .bashrc, and I think these lines are for signing debs.

export EMAIL=»<my-email-address>»
export DEBNAME=»fsmithred»

Edit: no, I don’t use sudo or root at all to build debs.

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Re: building packages, signing fails



by nadir » 2012-11-06 16:53

It gets more odd.
If i use git-buildpackage the packages are getting signed like expected.
No idea. Too difficult a subject.

«I am not fine with it, so there is nothing for me to do but stand aside.» M.D.

У меня есть следующий gpg

pub 2048R/F516F2E7 2017-06-19
uid Ulad Kasach <email@provider.com>
sub 2048R/4057A05F 2017-06-19

Когда я пытаюсь создать и подписать пакет с dpkg-buildpackage -kF516F2E7 -S -sa, я получаю следующую ошибку:

gpg: skipped "F516F2E7": No secret key
gpg: dpkg-sign.1F6Q4CLd/<package name>.dsc: clearsign failed: No secret key

dpkg-buildpackage: error: failed to sign .dsc and .changes file

Однако, если я запустил debsign -k F516F2E7 <package name>.dsc Это успешно.

Кто-нибудь знает, почему это может быть и как dpkg-buildpackage можно добиться успеха?

20 June 2017 в 00:29


4 ответа

У меня была эта же проблема до сих пор.

dpkg-buildpackage, похоже, ожидает, что вы передадите адрес электронной почты вместе с флагом -k, а не идентификатором ключа.

dpkg-buildpackage -kmyemail@mydomain.com

После этого у меня не было ошибок.

ответ дан Michael Strobel
18 July 2018 в 11:23


Хотя это не отвечает на вопрос «почему dpkg-buildpackage терпит неудачу», заменив dpkg-buildpackage на debuild (debuild принимает аргументы dpkg-buildpackage), то может быть получен предполагаемый результат.

tl; dr: «str.replace» dpkg-buildpackage с debuild для быстрого решения

ответ дан Ulad Kasach
18 July 2018 в 11:23


У меня была эта же проблема до сих пор.

dpkg-buildpackage, похоже, ожидает, что вы передадите адрес электронной почты вместе с флагом -k, а не идентификатором ключа.

dpkg-buildpackage -kmyemail@mydomain.com

После этого у меня не было ошибок.

ответ дан Michael Strobel
24 July 2018 в 19:47


Хотя это не отвечает на вопрос «почему dpkg-buildpackage терпит неудачу», заменив dpkg-buildpackage на debuild (debuild принимает аргументы dpkg-buildpackage), то может быть получен предполагаемый результат.

tl; dr: «str.replace» dpkg-buildpackage с debuild для быстрого решения

ответ дан Ulad Kasach
24 July 2018 в 19:47


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Cinnamon volume step and media keys

LM 19.3 x64 Cinnamon.

1. I would like media keys to adjust volume in smaller than 5% increments (2% or 1%). However, a setting like «volume-step» does not appear to exist in dconf-editor.

Every media key adjusts in increments of 5%: volume-up and volume-down—as well as, curiously, volume-up-quiet and volume-down-quiet.

2. When adjusting volume, I would like to display the tooltip of the Sound applet instead of the OSD; or, alternatively, I would like to edit the OSD to include the volume percentage.

My current workaround of two keyboard shortcuts does not include notification:
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +2%
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -2%

(FWIW, ‘@DEFAULT_SINK@’ works better than ‘0’ with my external DAC.)

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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by smurphos » Fri Feb 14, 2020 3:03 am

Hi, welcome to the forums.

Particle_Man wrote: ⤴Thu Feb 13, 2020 2:22 pm
1. I would like media keys to adjust volume in smaller than 5% increments (2% or 1%). However, a setting like «volume-step» does not appear to exist in dconf-editor.

Every media key adjusts in increments of 5%: volume-up and volume-down—as well as, curiously, volume-up-quiet and volume-down-quiet.

The media key volume step is hard-coded in cinnamon-settings-daemon. But it’s a 5 minute job to download the sources, modify and install the modded version

Open Software Sources application and enable Source Code repositories — follow the prompts to update the cache.

Open a terminal window and

Download the sources

Code: Select all

apt source cinnamon-settings-daemon

Open the relevant file in a text editor

Code: Select all

xed ~/cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.4.0+tricia/plugins/media-keys/csd-media-keys-manager.c

In the text editor navigate to the line below and amend 5 to your preferred value then save and close the text editor.

Code: Select all

#define VOLUME_STEP 5           /* percents for one volume button press */

In the terminal window run (note the version string will differ for different versions of Cinnamon)

Code: Select all

cd cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.4.0+tricia

Then install the build dependencies

Code: Select all

apt build-dep cinnamon-settings-daemon

Then build from the modified sources

Install the modified deb file (again note the version string may differ for different Cinnamon versions)

Code: Select all

apt deb ~/cinnamon-settings-daemon_4.4.0+tricia_amd64.deb

Log out and log back in — test.

Last edited by smurphos on Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:58 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by smurphos » Fri Feb 14, 2020 3:07 am

Particle_Man wrote: ⤴Thu Feb 13, 2020 2:22 pm
2. When adjusting volume, I would like to display the tooltip of the Sound applet instead of the OSD; or, alternatively, I would like to edit the OSD to include the volume percentage.

Hi this post should get you started on a mod to show the volume percentage in the OSD — viewtopic.php?f=208&t=277976

I’ve got to go to work now but if you need more help I’ll look at a step by step over the weekend for this part of your query.

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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by smurphos » Sat Feb 15, 2020 3:16 am

smurphos wrote: ⤴Fri Feb 14, 2020 3:07 am
I’ve got to go to work now but if you need more help I’ll look at a step by step over the weekend for this part of your query.


Here’s a step by step add a label with the percentage for the volume and brightness media keys OSD

1) Backup the original osdWindow.js using this command in a terminal

Code: Select all

sudo cp /usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/osdWindow.js /usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/osdWindow.js.original

2) Open osdWindow.js with elevated privileges in a text editor using this command in a terminal

Code: Select all

xed admin:///usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/osdWindow.js

Navigate to to this code block and amend to add the three lines

Code: Select all

        this._label = new St.Label();
        this._label.style = 'font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center;'


Code: Select all

OsdWindow.prototype = {
    _init: function(monitorIndex) {
        this._popupSize = 0;

        this._osdSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: "org.cinnamon" });
        this._osdSettings.connect("changed::show-media-keys-osd", Lang.bind(this, this._onOsdSettingsChanged));

        this._monitorIndex = monitorIndex;

        this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'osd-window',
                                       vertical: true,
                                       important: true });

        this._icon = new St.Icon();
        this.actor.add(this._icon, { expand: true });

        this._level = new LevelBar();

        this._hideTimeoutId = 0;

        Main.layoutManager.connect('monitors-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._monitorsChanged));



Code: Select all

OsdWindow.prototype = {
    _init: function(monitorIndex) {
        this._popupSize = 0;

        this._osdSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: "org.cinnamon" });
        this._osdSettings.connect("changed::show-media-keys-osd", Lang.bind(this, this._onOsdSettingsChanged));

        this._monitorIndex = monitorIndex;

        this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'osd-window',
                                       vertical: true,
                                       important: true });

        this._icon = new St.Icon();
        this.actor.add(this._icon, { expand: true });

        this._level = new LevelBar();
        this._label = new St.Label();
        this._label.style = 'font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center;'

        this._hideTimeoutId = 0;

        Main.layoutManager.connect('monitors-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._monitorsChanged));


Then navigate to this code block and amend to add a couple of lines to set the label text.


Code: Select all

    setLevel: function(level) {
        this._level.actor.visible = (level != undefined);
        if (level != undefined) {
            if (this.actor.visible)
                                 { level: level,
                                   time: LEVEL_ANIMATION_TIME,
                                   transition: 'easeOutQuad' });
                this._level.level = level;


Code: Select all

    setLevel: function(level) {
        this._level.actor.visible = (level != undefined);
        if (level != undefined) {
            this._label.set_text(String(level) + " %");
            if (this.actor.visible)
                                 { level: level,
                                   time: LEVEL_ANIMATION_TIME,
                                   transition: 'easeOutQuad' });
                this._level.level = level;

Save the file, restart Cinnamon with Ctrl-Alt-Esc and test.

Last edited by smurphos on Sat Feb 15, 2020 3:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

For custom Nemo actions, useful scripts for the Cinnamon desktop, and Cinnamox themes visit my Github pages.


Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by Dennis_J » Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:41 pm

smurphos, thank you for this fix. The last part of your post, providing an OSD, works perfectly. It’s changing the volume step size where I encounter difficulty. In the last few lines of the build, is this error:
“dpkg-buildpackage: error: failed to sign .dsc file” and no .deb is created.
I notice that near the end, signing points to the directory
“cinnamon-settings-daemon_4.4.0+tricia.dsc “ which does not exist. There is a very long output in the terminal, from which I extracted areas showing warnings and errors. I appreciate any words of wisdom. Thanks, Dennis_J

This was a fresh Mint 19.3 install on my test machine, native, not a VM. 19.3 has been stable since install last month. All updates are current.

After adding source and running:
apt source cinnamon-settings-daemon
No errors.

Edited plugins/media-keys/csd-media-keys-manager.c (changed step size from 5 to 2)

First problem occurs here:
cd cinnamon-settings-daemon_4.4.0+tricia
bash: cd: cinnamon-settings-daemon_4.4.0+tricia: No such file or directory

There is a directory using a hyphen (-) instead of underscore (_). Changing to that directory, things proceed.
cd cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.4.0+tricia

tech@xps:~/cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.4.0+tricia$ apt build

Loads of errors — This warning repeats numerous times

/bin/bash ../../libtool —mode=install /usr/bin/install -c csd-a11y-keyboard ‘/home/tech/cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.4.0+tricia/debian/tmp/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cinnamon-settings-daemon’
libtool: warning: ‘../../cinnamon-settings-daemon/libcsd.la’ has not been installed in ‘/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cinnamon-settings-daemon-3.0’

. . . .

make[1]: Leaving directory ‘/home/tech/cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.4.0+tricia’
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: can’t extract name and version from library name ‘libcsd.so’
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: can’t extract name and version from library name ‘libcsd.so’
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: can’t extract name and version from library name ‘libcsd.so’
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: can’t extract name and version from library name ‘libcsd.so’
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: can’t extract name and version from library name ‘libcsd.so’
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: can’t extract name and version from library name ‘libcsd.so’
dpkg-gencontrol: warning: Depends field of package cinnamon-settings-daemon-dev: unknown substitution variable ${shlibs:Depends}
dpkg-deb: building package ‘cinnamon-settings-daemon-dev’ in ‘../cinnamon-settings-daemon-dev_4.4.0+tricia_amd64.deb’.
dpkg-deb: building package ‘cinnamon-settings-daemon’ in ‘../cinnamon-settings-daemon_4.4.0+tricia_amd64.deb’.
dpkg-deb: building package ‘cinnamon-settings-daemon-dbgsym’ in ‘debian/.debhelper/scratch-space/build-cinnamon-settings-daemon/cinnamon-settings-daemon-dbgsym_4.4.0+tricia_amd64.deb’.
Renaming cinnamon-settings-daemon-dbgsym_4.4.0+tricia_amd64.deb to cinnamon-settings-daemon-dbgsym_4.4.0+tricia_amd64.ddeb

dpkg-genchanges >../cinnamon-settings-daemon_4.4.0+tricia_amd64.changes
dpkg-genchanges: info: including full source code in upload
dpkg-source —after-build cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.4.0+tricia
dpkg-buildpackage: info: full upload; Debian-native package (full source is included)
signfile cinnamon-settings-daemon_4.4.0+tricia.dsc
gpg: skipped «Clement Lefebvre <root@linuxmint.com>»: No secret key
gpg: dpkg-sign.YstRLXfV/cinnamon-settings-daemon_4.4.0+tricia.dsc: clear-sign failed: No secret key

dpkg-buildpackage: error: failed to sign .dsc file

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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by smurphos » Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:57 am

Dennis_J wrote: ⤴Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:41 pm
There is a directory using a hyphen (-) instead of underscore (_). Changing to that directory, things proceed.
cd cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.4.0+tricia

Thanks for spotting that — I’ve edited the post to fix the typo.

The output of build / compile commands is always very verbose.

The signing errors as they are simply because your machine doesn’t have Clem’s personal package signing key that signs the packages being built as genuine Mint packages. As long as you got a deb file at the end of it you should be good to install it.

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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by Dennis_J » Mon Feb 17, 2020 7:56 am

smurphos, no .deb is created.

Is this a material error? Says warning though. As a dev, you probably have tools installed us «normal» users don’t :-)
libtool: warning: ‘../../cinnamon-settings-daemon/libcsd.la’ has not been installed in ‘/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cinnamon-settings-daemon-3.0’

Will try to find that dependency and also look for how to add Clem’s signing key.

Thanks! This is not an urgent thing, sure will be neat to get working though.


Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by Dennis_J » Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:10 am


Cleaned up from yesterday’s attempt and ran it again this morning, same PC, got a deb file! Installed it and it works just like you said it would. Same errors show up, tried to install Clem’s public key, that didn’t fix the signing error, but bottom line is, IT WORKS! Very handy when using a workstation for audio,

Thanks again, sorry to have bothered you.



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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by Particle_Man » Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:35 am

smurphos, First, I want to express how impressed I am at the level of support you have provided; this speaks to the helpfulness that I’ve observed in the Linux Mint community in general.


I’ve compiled the .deb without signing, but it seems to contain many more files than should be relevant to this patch.

1. How to back up the current file(s)?
2. After having installed the .deb, how to revert to the backup?


Otherwise, for those who may be interested, I’m currently at different degrees of scripting workarounds to display the volume percentage: one with xdotool, very kludgey, to display the tooltip of the Sound applet; and another with yad and other utils, a fairly and simply customizable OSD, less kludgey than the xdotool approach.

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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by smurphos » Thu Feb 27, 2020 2:57 pm

Particle_Man wrote: ⤴Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:35 am
1. How to back up the current file(s)?
2. After having installed the .deb, how to revert to the backup?

No real need to back up because the revert is as simple as

Code: Select all

apt install --reinstall cinnamon-settings-daemon

But if you want a copy of the original deb stored somewhere you can

Code: Select all

apt download cinnamon-settings-daemon

For custom Nemo actions, useful scripts for the Cinnamon desktop, and Cinnamox themes visit my Github pages.


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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by dhunter » Sun Dec 20, 2020 12:26 pm

This is a fabulous thread for those of us more used to smaller, (i.e. 2%) sound increments, so thanks Smurphos.

There is one very minor item in the displayed volume, at least in Mint 20, (4.6.4+ulyana). For some reason, if the sound level is anything > 0, the value in the osdWindow from the above code is 1 less than the value shown in the tray icon, but if you mute the sound, (level = 0) the value in the osdWindow and the tray icon are in sync, so I just added a quick if statement to fix this minor issue up. The below code block should be a drop-in replacement for Smurphos’ last «Amended» one.

Code: Select all

    setLevel: function(level) {
        this._level.actor.visible = (level != undefined);
        if (level != undefined) {
            if (level != 0) {
                this._label.set_text(String(level + 1) + " %");
            } else {
                this._label.set_text(String(level) + " %");
            if (this.actor.visible)
                                 { level: level,
                                   time: LEVEL_ANIMATION_TIME,
                                   transition: 'easeOutQuad' });
                this._level.level = level;


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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by freezoid » Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:21 pm

Hi I tried the above steps but with cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.6.4+ulyana
and I’m not getting a deb file at the end.
Pretty much the same situation as here where Dennis_J got stuck viewtopic.php?p=1763666#p1763666

Could please tell me what I did wrong here?

Commands used:

Code: Select all

apt source cinnamon-settings-daemon
xed ~/cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.6.4+ulyana/plugins/media-keys/csd-media-keys-manager.c
cd cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.6.4+ulyana
apt build-dep cinnamon-settings-daemon
apt build
apt deb ~/cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.6.4+ulyana_amd64.deb

Edit: Sorry I just realised this topic is 1 year old…


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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by CruziX » Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:53 pm

Running the command ‘apt build’ as root did the trick for me.

My Steps for Linux Mint 20.1 Ulyssa:
The following commands as non root user:

Code: Select all

apt source cinnamon-settings-daemon
xed ~/cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.8.4+ulyssa/plugins/media-keys/csd-media-keys-manager.c

change ‘#define VOLUME_STEP 5’ -> ‘#define VOLUME_STEP 2’ -> Save

Code: Select all

cd cinnamon-settings-daemon-4.8.4+ulyssa/
apt build-dep cinnamon-settings-daemon
sudo apt build
sudo apt ~/cinnamon-settings-daemon_4.8.4+ulyssa_amd64.deb


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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by CruziX » Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:12 pm

I’ve changed the VOLUME_STEP value to 2, but if I increase the volume with media keys to >= 98 I can’t decrease anymore until I decrease the volume in the sound applet.
Does anyone have a solution?


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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by arcai » Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:07 am

I was looking solution to change this 5 step to 2 and this thread helped me (yes, long time Windows user). On manjaro cinnamon works the same way. Thank you.

CruziX wrote: ⤴Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:12 pm
I’ve changed the VOLUME_STEP value to 2, but if I increase the volume with media keys to >= 98 I can’t decrease anymore until I decrease the volume in the sound applet.
Does anyone have a solution?

0-100% and 100%-0 works for me this way:
/usr/share/cinnamon/applets/sound@cinnamon.org/applet.js (maybe mint has the same path, i dont know)

change line «VOLUME_ADJUSTMENT_STEP = 0.05; /* Volume adjustment step in % */»

to «VOLUME_ADJUSTMENT_STEP = 0.01; /* Volume adjustment step in % */»

It also changes increase/decrease by 1% while scrolling mouse wheel at speaker icon.


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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by Loufute » Sat May 01, 2021 3:39 am


Does one of you know where we could ask for a change so that it is not hard coded but allowing us to personalize it (at least in a config file)? I am not yet familiar with requesting features in Mint so I do not know where to start :oops:
[EDIT] I think I found where : on Github. I see that there is already a request, that has «recently» (October 2020) been marked as a bug.

In the meantime, and following another post on this Forum, I used another and much less elegant method, but which does not require rebuilding at every update.

I will share it here for those interested, and also if someone wants to improve it :

For volume increase

  1. Create a text file wherever you want, name it whatever you want (e.g. «.volumeUp» in «Home»)
  2. Open it with any text software
  3. Add the following code :

    Code: Select all

    pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +2%;
    amixer sget Master | zenity --timeout 1 --info --text $(grep -o -P "[0-9]{1,3}%";);

    First line indicates that is is a script.
    Second line increases the volume by 2%. Change it for any step you’d like.
    Third line first get the Master volume (amixer sget Master <- it requires ALSA driver, I think it is the one used by default in Mint???), pass the information (vertical line), then uses zenity to display an info message (the one with ok — that’s the most inelegant part of this workaround) during 1 second (—timeout 1), the message being the volume level (it searches in the results of «sget Master» a text having 1-to-3 digits and a percent).

  4. Save the file
  5. Right click on the file > Properties > Permissions > Tick «Allow executing file as program» > Close
  6. Open «Keyboard» in the menu (goes to System settings > Hardware > Keyboard)
  7. Open the «Shortcuts» Tab
  8. Sound and Media > Volume up > Double click Keyboard bindings and push backspace (to remove it)
  9. Click «Add custom shortcut»
  10. Give it any name (e.g. «Increasing volume by 2%»)
  11. Click on the folder (right of «Command») and select the file you created (e.g. «.volumeUp» in «Home») or indicate its path in «Command»
  12. Click Add
  13. Click on it > Double click «Keyboard bindings» > Push on the «increase volume» key
  14. Test it

Normally, it should increase the volume by the percent you asked for, and indicate for 1 second an info message with the percent of volume. If you increase it several times, that is as many infoboxes that will appear, but they will stay only for 1 second (except if you change that).
I wanted to send it as notification (with notify-send instead of zenity), but I could not find how to reduce the amount of time the notification was displayed (so there was a lot of lag).
I also wished to display the OSD volume instead but could not find the right command (if you have it, do not hesitate, that’d be much better already).

To decrease volume, you only have to adapt names and changes «+2%» by «-2%» :

For volume decrease

  1. Create a text file wherever you want, name it whatever you want (e.g. «.volumeDown» in «Home»)
  2. Open it with any text software
  3. Add the following code :

    Code: Select all

    pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -2%;
    amixer sget Master | zenity --timeout 1 --info --text $(grep -o -P "[0-9]{1,3}%";);

    First line indicates that is is a script.
    Second line decreases (see the minus) the volume by 2%. Change it for any step you’d like.
    Third line first get the Master volume (amixer sget Master <- it requires ALSA driver), pass the information (vertical line), then uses zenity to display an info message (the one with ok) during 1 second (—timeout 1), the message being the volume level.

  4. Save the file
  5. Right click on the file > Properties > Permissions > Tick «Allow executing file as program» > Close
  6. Open «Keyboard» in the menu (goes to System settings > Hardware > Keyboard)
  7. Open the «Shortcuts» Tab
  8. Sound and Media > Volume down > Double click Keyboard bindings and push backspace (to remove it)
  9. Click «Add custom shortcut»
  10. Give it any name (e.g. «Decreasing volume by 2%»)
  11. Click on the folder (right of «Command») and select the file you created (e.g. «.volumeDown» in «Home») or indicate its path in «Command»
  12. Click Add
  13. Click on it > Double click «Keyboard bindings» > Push on the «decrease volume» key
  14. Test it


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Re: Cinnamon volume step and media keys


by jawenakat8ep » Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:38 pm

smurphos wrote: ⤴Fri Feb 14, 2020 3:03 am
The media key volume step is hard-coded in cinnamon-settings-daemon. But it’s a 5 minute job to download the sources, modify and install the modded version

Thank you for posting these instructions! I can confirm they still work as of 8/17/2021.


Install dpkg-dev:

sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev

Add repository:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable

Edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx-stable-lucid.list, add dpkg-src:

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu lucid main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu lucid main

note: (the previous step may have already been automatically performed on Ubuntu >= 12.04 — also make sure that you change lucid to reflect your version)

Resynchronize the package index files:

sudo apt-get update

Get sources:

apt-get source nginx

Build dependencies:

sudo apt-get build-dep nginx

Edit nginx-0.8.54/debian/rules:

config.status.full: config.env.full config.sub config.guess

Build package:

cd nginx-0.8.54 && dpkg-buildpackage -b

Install packages:

sudo dpkg --install nginx-common_1.2.4-2ubuntu0ppa1~precise_all.deb

sudo dpkg --install nginx-full_1.2.4-2ubuntu0ppa1~precise_amd64.deb

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