Upon launch some players may experience an error:
1. ‘Execute on Gateway’ error
Solution: Just restart Dragon Saga client again after the error and it will start patching.
2. Korean language error ‘??? ??? ??? ??????’
This error may occur for some users due to previous patching errors.
Solution: Open game folder (ex. C:Program FilesGravityDragon Saga), delete the file Patcher.exe, Rename Patcher2.exe to Patcher.exe. Run Dragon Saga from Gateway again and it will start patching.
Setting up a Dragonica server in only 30 little steps, it must long and hard
No, easy as hell, the only hard thing was to think about everything of memory in this guide(You must have installed .net framework 4 and visual studio C++)Creating a Dragonica Server is easy, I didn’t even needed a guide for the 0.14.10 and 0.15.12 files but I make a guide anyway for peoples.
So let’s go !
~~~Setting Up the Database~~~
1.Once you have the Database and Serverfiles, go to the Database, copy all, and paste all to :
«C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBackup»2.Launch MSSQL, then, In MSSQL 2008R2, connect to your account, then Right Click on «Databases» and select «Restore Database…»
3.Click on «From Device» and select the Browse button ( […] )
4.Make sure that «Backup media» is set on «File» and click on Add.
5.Now, select the .bak file you want to restore (DR2_Def) and click «Ok»
6.Then, a new window must pop-up. In front of «To database», you’ll write the name of the database you’re restoring. And check the box on the «Restore» tab.
7.Click on Options (on the left), check «Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE)» and click on «Leave the database ready to use by…» (I’m lazy to write the rest)
8.And click on «OK» !!!
9.Now you know how to restare a database, do it for all the .bak files.
/!At the step 6, make sure to write well the databases names/!
Databases names :
DR2_User10.You should have restored all the .bak files, well done !
11.Open the Database DR2_SiteConfig inside MSSQL and right click on «dbo.TB_Realm_1» and select «Edit all Rows»
/!If you do not have the «Edit All Rows» option
, then click on «Tools>Options», Click in SQL Server Object Explorer and than in the «Table and View Options» change the value 200 to 0/!
12.Replace all the fields with written «YOUR IP» or «» (I don’t exactly remember) by your IP. ( if you wish to make your server on local)
13.Do the same for dbo.TB_SiteServer !
/!Don’t put your IP everywhere you see «NULL»/!
~~~Options for the Database !!!~~~
-To translate the CashShop categorie tab names, then expand «DR2_Local», expand «Tables», then Right click on «dbo.TB_Common_CashItemCategory», select the option «Edit all Rows» and edit the values you want to translate.
14.Verify that in MSSQL :
Expand «Security» and «Logins», right click on «sa» -> «Proprieties»
On the left, click on the «User Mapping» tab and make sure that «db_owner » is checked for all the databases. Then «Ok»/!If you do not do this, your character’s items IG won’t be saved./!
15.You’re done with the Database !!!
~~~Setting Up the Serverfiles~~~
16.Now, the borring part…17.Go inside your serverfiles folder, then «GC» and edit all the .ini files with your settings.
Exemple :
ADDR = PUT YOUR IP OR SQL ADRESS,1433 Never change the Port
NAME = DR2_SiteConfig Never change the name of the Database
ID = sa
PW = PW18.In MMC.ini and the end, just put 1 as ID and PW
Exemple :
ID = 1
PW = 1
IP =
GRADE = 10It is the ID and PW that you’ll need to enter to log in the ServerControl.
19.And in Local.ini, change the values according to this :
SERVICE_TYPE = 220.Now, move to «DragonicaServer files 0.15.12Patchconfig» and edit all the .ini files with your settings.
21.For the Local.ini file, change the values according to this :
SERVICE_TYPE = 222.If you wanna stay in local, skip this step. Go back in your main server files folder and edit «2.bat» and change «» by your IP.
23.Done with the config !!!
~~~Start the Server~~~
24.Start in the order 1.bat, 2.bat and then 3.bat
If ServerControl (3.bat) doesn’t start
, try first to launch it manualy by going inside the GC folder and start it with «Run as Admin» (Right click)
If it still doesn’t workdownload all the Microsoft Visual C++ librarys you can find.
Lazy hmm ? Yeh I understand, it took several days to find the good one… So here’s my package (run all of them
Alright, now you’ve start the ServerControl once MMC and SMC finished initialized, you’ll login with the ID and PW you’ve set in the MMC.ini file (It’s ID : 1 and PW : 1 if you’ve set the values according to my exemple)
25.Inside ServerControl, Click on Immigration and on left, down from the «Refresh» Button, click on «On» then «Ok».
26.Then start everything in the order you want. (Becarfull, it takes a lot of RAM)
27.Play !
Create a .bat if the values :
start .releaseDRAGONICA.EXE /NoGsm /LaunchByLauncher /ServerAddr:»»″» /ServerPort:»»11201″» /SiteName:»»»»
exit28.Replace the «» by your IP server if you’re not in local.
29.To stop the server
, don’t shut down all the windows, just select everything in the ServerControl and click on «Off»
30.That’s it, you have your own Dragonica server !
How to create an account ?
Use the stored precedure called :
dbo.up_CreateMemberAccountHere :
DR2_Member > Probality > Stored Procedures > dbo.up_CreateMemberAccount (R) > Execute stored procedure.And you put inside :
UID = 0 (allways)
ID = username
PW = password
Gender = 0/1 , 0 male / 1 female
Birthday =» whatever you want date* like this = 2011-07-10 16:25:45.670
And then hit «Ok» !Errors :
If you get your MMC closed 1 or 2 sec after having launched (+ dump error in the MMC folder) then, juste remove the port adress in all the .ini configs. Exemple : something like «ADDR = PCNAMESQLEXPRESS» or «ADDR = IP»(without port ! ex. : ,1433)
Some people have this error on some kind of computer when they try to make the server run on local.Credit to
Unintended for having searched the fix of this unknown error ^^
Got an other problem ?
Re-run the guide from start, read all the discusion, search answers on google and if you don’t find anything, post a comment, I’ll probably help you
Please, to thank me for all my work, read the ReadMe.txt file inside the .rar file or in the Attached files and do what it asks (Subscribing to my Youtube Channel, that would please me so much.)
My other threads :
В этой статье вы узнаете что делать если Dragon Saga зависает с ошибками. Я расскажу о причинах и покажу решение.
- Баг и вина разработчиков, необходимо установить патч (смотрите ниже)|Разработчики накосячили, у всех бывает, тут необходима установка патча (грубо говоря заплатки) чтобы избавиться от вылетающих ошибок и зависаний, доступно ниже}.
- Операционная система со временем засоряется, после некорректного удаления программ в реестре остаётся мусор, всё это нарастает, система работает не так быстро как в начале.
- Старое железо — здесь всем всё ясно.
- Плохая оптимизация операционной системы.
Dragon Saga вылетает при загрузке и зависает. Исправление. Как исправить
Вам необходимо установить данный патч на игру, он решит проблему. Инструкция идёт вместе с файлом.
А ещё можно улучшить производительность ПК если есть желание и лишнее время.
Установите совместимость с более ранней операционной системой
Если ранее вы запускали игру на предыдущих версиях ОС без проблем, установите совместимость с нужной ОС. Нажмите применить и ОК.
Если причина в слабом ПК
- Для начала можно заменить жёсткий диск на твердотельный накопитель SSD (это самое узкое место в производительности) и установить на него систему и игру, что даст колоссальный прирост производительности. А также заменить другие компоненты или же собрать новый ПК, смотреть по обстоятельствам.
- Оптимизировать систему Windows программой твикером если не умеете вручную, допустим через WinTuning 8 и любые другие. Независимо от комплектации вашего ПК вы улучшите производительность.
- Запускать систему с RAM диска, дорого и не для всех требуется солидное количество оперативной памяти.
- Если у вас HDD, рекомендуем регулярно делать дефрагментацию диска, раз в 2 месяца, например.
Если операционная система установлена давно
- Чистка реестра будет неплохой профилактикой
- Лучший вариант — переустановка Windows может решить многие софтовые проблемы и в целом всё будет работать пошустрее.
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Community of active players of free online MMORPG Dragon Saga (formerly Dragonica). Here you can find guides, hints, questions and answers to a variety of topics.
Disconnected due to third party software
Thought I’d pick this game up again since I see it’s still running. I used to play this game a ton back in like 2009.
However, whenever I open the game, it closes and says it’s because I’m running 3rd party software.
Is there an easy solution? If not, fuck it, I’m not playing. I just wanted a nostalgia trip, I really don’t care that much.
2011-06-21, 05:30 AM
Dragon Saga installation issue solution
I found that some people have problems with installation of Dragon Saga client – unable to install client on disk different from C: and this is completely weird. I don’t know, maybe issue already solved, if not, then you can manually extract all files from msi:
1. Create .bat file (or use cmd) with following command
msiexec.exe /a "Y:DragonSagaInstaller-0.1.29-20110216.msi" /qb TARGETDIR="Y:ds"where you can correct msi packet path and extraction path “TARGETDIR”
2. Run .bat
Please, post your questions on forum, not by PM or mail
I spend my time, so please pay a little bit of your time to keep world in equilibrium