Ergoline коды ошибок

Код ошибки


Пути решения


Отстойник конденсата наполнен

Опорожнить бачок для конденсата 


Неисправность насоса для конденсата


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Выключатель максимального давления кондиционера (охлаждение аппарата)


Реле давления+B24 Превышено давление кондиционера


Датчик температуры обогревателя



Датчик температуры обогревателя(кондиционер)


Температурная защита облучателей лица


Термопредохранитель верхней части


Термопредохранитель нижней части


Сбой термодатчика ультрафиолетовых ламп низкого давления


Датчик температуры помещения


Датчик температуры циркуляции воздуха охлаждения аппарата


Датчик температуры конденсатора(кондиционер)


Датчик температуры приточного воздуха


Температура ультрафиолетовых ламп низкого давления ниже температуры помещения


Температура ультрафиолетовых ламп низкого давления минимум на 30 °C выше температуры помещения


Стекло фильтра облучателей лица в верхней части сзади и посредине (GB1 и GB2)


Стекло фильтра облучателей лица в верхней части со стороны головы


Стекло фильтра облучателей лица в боковой части

Проверить крепление стекол фильтра. 


Стекло фильтра облучателей лица в верхней части

Проверить крепление стекол фильтра. 


Защитный выключатель стекол фильтра облучателей лица в верхней части

Проверить крепление стекол фильтра. 


Стекло фильтра облучателей лица в верхней части сзади, посредине, спереди и в боковой части

                +7(499) 5039337

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Стекло фильтра облучателей лица 5-12


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла в верхней части


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла лежака

Проверить правильность фиксации акрилового стекла в верхней части.


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла верхней части/боковой части/лежака

                 +7(499) 5039337

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Датчик целостности акрилового стекла верхней части или декоративного стекла верхней части


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла верхней части/боковой части/лежака/ облучателей лица и ванны нижней части

Проверить правильность закрытия/ фиксации акриловых стекол верхней части/боковой части/нижней части/ облучателей плеч и ванны.


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла верхней части/боковой части/нижней части/облучателей лица

Проверить правильность закрытия/ фиксации акриловых стекол верхней части/боковой части/облучателей плеч. 


Датчик целостности ванны нижней части

Проверить правильность фиксации ванны. 


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла верхней части/боковой части

Проверить правильность закрытия/фиксации акриловых стекол верхней части/боковой части. 


Защитный выключатель лежака и ванны

Проверить правильность закрытия/фиксации лежака и ванны. 

Термопредохранители облучателей лица

                  +7(499) 5039337

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Датчик целостности стекла облучателей плеч


Флюгерный датчик не включается при работающем вентиляторе

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Флюгерный датчик не выключается через 1 минуту после выключения вентилятора


Переключатель флюгерного типа при работающем вентиляторе не включается; автоматические снижение скорости вращения после начала принятия загара.


Защитный выключатель стекла фильтра облучателей лица впереди сверху


Защитный выключатель стекла фильтра облучателей лица вверху справа и сзади слева


Сбой в механизме открывания консоли рефлектора


Защитный выключатель ультрафиолетовых ламп высокого давления в секции головы


Защитный выключатель ультрафиолетовых ламп высокого давления в секции ног


Сбой облучателя лица 1


Сбой облучателя лица 2 сзади


Сбой облучателей лица впереди


Сбой облучателей лица посредине


Сбой облучателей лица сзади


Сбой облучателей лица боковой части


Датчик целостности декоративного стекла верхней части


Датчик целостности акрилового стекла нижней/боковой части


Сработал предохранительный выключатель.

Проверить предохранительную цепь: 1. 3 ограничителя температуры стекол фильтра облучателей лица 2. Концевой выключатель экрана (верхняя часть)) 3. 3 ограничителя температуры облучателей лица  4. Ограничитель температуры ультрафиолетовых ламп низкого давления (верхняя часть) 5. Ограничитель температуры ультрафиолетовых ламп низкого давления (нижняя часть)


Превышение времени аварийного выключения

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Неисправность шины IІC



Ошибка последовательного подключения защитных выключателей



Сбой компакт-диска или дисковода

Проверить правильность положения/ наличие компакт-дисков. 


Чип-карта неправильно вставлена, неисправна, неправильного типа, с истекшим сроком

Проверить правильность положения карты. Проверить оставшееся время работы ультрафиолетовых ламп и срок службы в часах. 


Дополнительный контроллер

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Контроллер обогрева


Контроллер облучателей лица


Регулятор скорости вращения 1


Регулятор скорости вращения 2






Выбор каналов


Таймер реального времени


Память параметров


Контроллер устройств высокого давления


Датчик отсутствует или не готов к работе

Проверить наличие датчика и правильность его подключения к базовой секции. Проверить электропитание базовой секции.


Необходимо откалибровать датчик.

Откалибровать датчик (см. руководство по пользованию солярием). 


Калибровку датчика выполнить не удалось, датчик  неисправен/загрязнен

Проверить и очистить окно датчика. Положить датчик обратно в базовую секцию. При необходимости повторить данную процедуру. Затем повторно откалибровать датчик (см. руководство по пользованию солярием). Проверить использование надлежащей поверхности калибровки. Поверхность калибровки не должна быть загрязнена. 


Контроль на допустимость выполнить не удалось. (Датчик неисправен/загрязнен, базовая секция неисправна/загрязнена)

Проверить и очистить окно датчика и базовую секцию. Положить датчик обратно в базовую секцию.     Проверить правильность положения датчика в базовой секции. При необходимости повторить данную  процедуру. Если контроль на допустимость не имел успеха, то требуется калибровка датчика (см. руководство по пользованию солярием). 


Неисправность обмена данными

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Одна или несколько фаз сетевого напряжения отсутствуют.

Проверьте главный контактор.


Несоответствие оборудования устройства управления

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 Если Вы не нашли в таблице код неисправности вашего солярия или коллагенариума, обратитесь пожалуйста в сервисную службу нашей компании.

Мы поможем разобраться с возникшей неисправностью.

Ergoline professional sunbeds with innovative technology.

Error code Fault / Fault description

E001 Condensation tank full
(Fault display only possible with the original condensation tank)
Empty the condensation tank.
E002 Condensation pump fault/Condensation water seepage
E003 Air conditioning system (device cooling ) over pressure switch
E004 Pressure controller +B24 air conditioning pressure exceeded
E005 Climatronic temperature sensor (air conditioning system)
E006 Temperature sensor: Body air
E010 Temperature limiter facial tanner
E011 Canopy temperature limiter
E012 Base temperature limiter
E013 Temperature sensor: Canopy outlet air
E014 Temperature sensor: Supply air
E015 Temperature sensor: Device cooling air circulation
E016 Temperature sensor: Air conditioning condenser
E017 Temperature sensor circulation air, air inlet
E018 Temperature of UV low pressure lamps lower than ambient temperature
E019 Temperature of UV low pressure lamps at least 30 °C higher than ambient temperature
E020 Filter panel rear and middle canopy facial tanner (FT1 & FT2)
E021 Filter panel front facial tanner
serviceCall for service. Our best engineers will help you!
Just give us a call on: 01865 718485
E022 Filter panel facial tanner in side section
E023 Filter panel facial tanner canopy and side
E024 Filter panel facial tanner in canopy
Check the filter panels are correctly seated.
E025 Filter panel facial tanner rear, middle and front as well as side section
E026 Filter panel facial tanner 5-12
E027 Filter panel rear facial tanner
E028 Filter panel middle facial tanner
E029 Time overrun monitoring the high pressure units
E030 Panel switch canopy acrylic cover
(for the Ergoline Avantgarde with decorative panel)
serviceCall for service. Our best engineers will help you! Just give us a call on: 01865 718485
E030 Vertical tanner: Safety switch on the 2 left doors Check doors
E031 Wafer switch: Plexiglass bed base or well base Check whether the plexiglass bed base and the well are correctly locked.
E031 Vertical tanner: Safety switch on the 2 right doors Check doors.
E032 Panel switch acrylic covers canopy/base
(Ergoline Premium: shoulder tanner, tank, front panel)
serviceCall for service. Our best engineers will help you! Just give us a call on: 01865 718485
E034 Panel switch acrylic cover canopy/side section/base/shoulder tanner/base tank Check whether the acryliccovers canopy/side
section/base/shoulder tanner and the tank are
correctly closed/locked.
E035 Panel switch acrylic cover canopy/side section/base/shoulder tanner Check whether the acryliccovers canopy/side section/shoulder tanner are correctly closed/ locked.
E036 Panel switch acrylic cover base or base tank
E037 Panel switch acrylic cover canopy/side section Check whether the acrylic cover canopy/side
section are correctly closed/locked.
Check whether the tank is correctly locked.
E038 Safety switch base and tank Check whether the base and tank are correctly closed/locked.
E039 Safety switch shoulder tanner
E040 Air flow switch does not switch on with the fan running
E041 Air flow switch does not switch off 1 minute after switching off of the fan
E042 Warning, raising of the minimum speed of the main fan by 10 %
E050 Safety switch: Front panel
E051 Safety switch: Rear panel
E052 Fault: Opening mechanism
on the reflector arm (end position not reached within 45 seconds)
E053 Safety switch UV high pressure lamps in the head area
E054 Safety switch UV high pressure lamps in the foot area
E055 Fault (temperature limiter) Facial tanner 1 front
E056 Fault (temperature limiter) Facial tanner 2 rear
E057 Fault (temperature limiter) Facial tanner front
E058 Fault (temperature limiter) Facial tanner middle
E059 Fault (temperature limiter) Facial tanner rear
E060 Fault (temperature limiter) Facial tanner side section
E061 Panel switch canopy acrylic cover, decorative trim panel or temperature limiter
E062 Panel switch acrylic cover base/side section
E063 Panel switch acrylic cover side section has triggered
E064 Panel switch decorative trim panel has triggered
E065 Panel switch canopy acrylic cover has triggered
E066 Fault acrylic glass panel canopy and/or temperature fuse
E070 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 1 *
E071 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 2 *
E072 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 3 *
E073 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 4 *
E074 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 5 *
E075 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 6 *
E076 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 7 *
serviceCall for service. Our best engineers will help you! Just give us a call on: 01865 718485
E077 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 8 *
E078 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 9 *
E079 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 10 *
E080 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 11 *
E081 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 12 *
E082 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 13 *
E083 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 14 *
E084 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 15 *
E085 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 16 *
serviceCall for service. Our best engineers will help you! Just give us a call on: 01865 718485
E086 Monitor switched off by overheating protection Allow monitor to cool for approx. 2 hours. Then restart MULTIVISION box.
E090 Exceeding of the emergency shut-down time
E091 Equipment bus fault
E092 Wiring or voltage fault in the safety circuits
E095 Auxiliary controller
E097 Voltage error 5V electronics
E098 Voltage error 12V electronics
E099 Voltage error 24V electronics
E100 Exceeding of the emergency shut-down time
E101 Equipment bus fault
E102 Wiring or voltage fault in the safety circuits
serviceCall for service. Our best engineers will help you! Just give us a call on: 01865 718485
E103 Fault in the music unit
CD-/Chip- or drive fault
Check whether the CDs or the chip are correctly
E104 Chip card incorrectly inserted, defective or of the incorrect type, expired /Check for correct seating of the chip card.
Check the remaining operating time of the UV lamps and the operating hours.
E105 Auxiliary controller
E106 Heating controller
E107 Controller facial tanner regulation
E108 Speed control 1
E109 Speed control 2
E110 Ergoline / Sunangel / Beauty Angel
E111 Audio amplifier
E112 Channel selection
E113 Real time clock
E114 Parameter memory/device pass certificate
E115 Electronic ballast controller
E116 Controller high pressure units regulation
E117 No data transfer between sunbed and MULTIVISION box
serviceCall for service. Our best engineers will help you! Just give us a call on: 01865 718485
E118 No data transfer between sunbed and MULTIVISION box Check for correct seating of plug connections to the MULTIVISION box
E119 Display unit missing or not ready for operation serviceCall for service. Our best engineers will help you! Just give us a call on: 01865 718485
E120 Sensor missing or not ready for operation Check that the sensor is present and correctly connected to the base station. Check the power supply to the base station.
E121 Sensor must be calibrated Calibrate the sensor (see instruction manual).
E122 Sensor calibration failed, sensor defective/dirty/ Check and clean the sensor window. Refit the sensor in the base station. Repeat this process
if necessary. Then recalibrate the sensor (see sunbed instruction manual). Check to see if the correct calibration surface was used. The calib-
ration surface must not be soiled.
E123 Plausibility test fails (sensor defective/dirty, base station defective/dirty) Check and clean the sensor window and the base station. Refit the sensor in the base sta tion. Check that the sensor is correctly seated in the base station. Repeat this process if necessary. If plausibility testing is not successful, the sensor must be calibrated (see sunbed instruc-
tion manual).
E124 Sensor faulty
E125 Internal sensor error
serviceCall for service. Our best engineers will help you! Just give us a call on: 01865 718485
E126 One or more mains power supply phases are missing Check the main fuse.
E128 Tanning interrupted because of low voltage Confirm the error and restart the device.
E130 Controller assembled wrongly
E131 Data communication with auxiliary controller faulty
E132 Start-up inspection of UV sources faulty
E133 Switch function auxiliary controller rotation speed control
E134 Rotation speed control fuse faulty
E135 Rotation speed control power supply faulty
E140 Main contactor does not switch on
E141 Main contactor does not switch off
E142 Switch cycle of main contactor faulty
E143 Coin box inputs different
E150 Fault in the high pressure units (1-3) in series [A] (filter panels, temperature limiter) **
E151 Fault in the high pressure units (4-6) in series [A] (filter panels, temperature limiter) **
E152 Fault in the high pressure units (7-9) in series [B] (filter panels, temperature limiter) **
E153 Fault in the high pressure units (10-12) in series [B] (filter panels,
temperature limiter) **
E154 Fault in the high pressure units (13-15) in series [C] (filter panels,
temperature limiter) **
E155 Fault in the high pressure units (16-18) in series [C] (filter panels,
temperature limiter) **
E156 Fault in the high pressure units (19-21) in series [D] (filter panels,
temperature limiter) **
E157 Fault in the high pressure units (22-24) in series [D] (filter panels,
temperature limiter) **
E158 Fault in the high pressure units (25-27) in series [E] (filter panels,
temperature limiter) **
serviceCall for service. Our best engineers will help you! Just give us a call on: 01865 718485
E159 Fault in the high pressure units (28-30) in series [E] (filter panels,
temperature limiter) **
E160 Panel switch of the acrylic cover (1-6) in series [A] **
E161 Panel switch of the acrylic cover (7-12) in series [B] **
E162 Panel switch of the acrylic cover (13-18) in series [C] **
E163 Panel switch of the acrylic cover (19-24) in series [D] **
E164 Panel switch of the acrylic cover (25-30) in series [E] **
E165 Fault in the high pressure units (1-3) (filter panels, temperature limiter), Panel switch of the acrylic cover ***
E166 Fault in the high pressure units (5-7)
(filter panels, temperature limiter), Panel switch of the acrylic cover ***
E167 Fault in the high pressure unit (4) (filter panels, temperature limiter) ***
E168 Fault in the high pressure unit (8) (filter panels, temperature limiter) ***
E170 No voltage to the fan inputs on the control board
E190 Missing languages in control unit
E191 Missing languages in audio controller
E192 Timer mode active
E199 Fatal error
E200 Fault with the fan on the electronics mount
E201 Faulty program
serviceCall for service. Our best engineers will help you! Just give us a call on: 01865 718485
E202 Error during software update Repeat the update process.
E203 Faulty Voice Guide Repeat the update process.
E204 Operator identification missing serviceCall for service. Our best engineers will help you! Just give us a call on: 01865 718485
E001 Condensation tank full (Fault display only possible with the original condensation tank) Empty the condensation tank. E002 Condensation pump fault/Condensation water see page Call our Ergoline trained engineers who have the diagnostic equipment to solve your error code on 0151 924 6344 E003 Air conditioning system (device cooling ) over pressure switch E004 Pressure controller +B24 air conditioning pressure exceeded E005 Climatronic temperature sensor (air conditioning system) E006 Temperature sensor: Body air E010 Temperature limiter facial tanner E011 Canopy temperature limiter E012 Base temperature limiter E013 Temperature sensor: Canopy outlet air E014 Temperature sensor: Supply air E015 Temperature sensor: Device cooling air circulation E016 Temperature sensor: Air conditioning condenser E017 Temperature sensor circulation air, air inlet E018 Temperature of UV low pressure lamps lower than ambient temperature E019 Temperature of UV low pressure lamps at least 30 °C higher than ambient temperature E020 Filter panel rear and middle canopy facial tanner (FT1 & FT2) E021 Filter panel front facial tanner E022 Filter panel facial tanner in the side section Check the filter panels are correctly seated. E023 Filter panel facial tanner canopy and side E024 Filter panel facial tanner in canopy E025 Filter panel facial tanner rear, middle and front as well as side section Call our Ergoline trained engineers who have the diagnostic equipment to solve your error code on 0151 924 6344 E026 Filter panel facial tanner 5-12 E027 Filter panel rear facial tanner E028 Filter panel middle facial tanner E029 Time overrun monitoring the high pressure units E030 Panel switch canopy acrylic cover (for the Ergoline Avantgarde with decorative panel) E030 Vertical tanner: Safety switch on the 2 left doors Check doors E031 Wafer switch: Plexiglass bed base or well base Check whether the plexiglass bed base and the well are correctly locked. E031 Vertical tanner: Safety switch on the 2 right doors Check doors. E032 Panel switch acrylic covers canopy/base (Ergoline Premium: shoulder tanner, tank, front panel) Call our Ergoline trained engineers who have the diagnostic equipment to solve your error code on 0151 924 6344 E034 Panel switch acrylic cover canopy/side section/base/shoulder tanner/base tank Check whether the acrylic covers canopy/side section/base/shoulder tanner and the tank are correctly closed/locked. E035 Panel switch acrylic cover canopy/side section/base/shoulder tanner Check whether the acrylic covers canopy/side section/shoulder tanner are correctly closed/ locked. E036 Panel switch acrylic cover base or base tank Check whether the tank is correctly locked. E037 Panel switch acrylic cover canopy/side section Check whether the acrylic cover canopy/side section is correctly closed/locked. E038 Safety switch base and tank Check whether the base and tank are correctly closed/locked. E039 Safety switch shoulder tanner Call our Ergoline trained engineers who have the diagnostic equipment to solve your error code on 0151 924 6344 E040 Air flow switch does not switch on with the fan running E041 Air flow switch does not switch off 1 minute after switching off of the fan E042 Warning, raising of the minimum speed of the main fan by 10 % E050 Safety switch: Front panel E051 Safety switch: Rear panel E052 Fault: Opening mechanism on the reflector arm (end position not reached within 45 seconds) E053 Safety switch UV high pressure lamps in the head area E054 Safety switch UV high pressure lamps in the foot area E055 Fault (temperature limiter) Facial tanner 1 front E056 Fault (temperature limiter) Facial tanner 2 rear E057 Fault (temperature limiter) Facial tanner front E058 Fault (temperature limiter) Facial tanner middle E059 Fault (temperature limiter) Facial tanner rear E060 Fault (temperature limiter) Facial tanner side section E061 Panel switch canopy acrylic cover, decorative trim panel or temperature limiter E062 Panel switch acrylic cover base/side section E063 Panel switch acrylic cover side section has triggered E064 Panel switch decorative trim panel has triggered E065 Panel switch canopy acrylic cover has triggered E066 Fault acrylic glass panel canopy and/or temperature fuse E070 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 1* E071 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 2* E072 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 3* E073 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 4* E074 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 5* E075 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 6* E076 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 7* E077 Fault (temperature limiter) High pressure unit 8* E078 Fault (temperature limiter) High-pressure unit 9* E079 Fault (temperature limiter) High-pressure unit 10* E080 Fault (temperature limiter) High-pressure unit 11* Call our Ergoline-trained engineers who have the diagnostic equipment to solve your error code on 0151 924 6344 E081 Fault (temperature limiter) High-pressure unit 12* E082 Fault (temperature limiter) High-pressure unit 13* E083 Fault (temperature limiter) High-pressure unit 14* E084 Fault (temperature limiter) High-pressure unit 15* E085 Fault (temperature limiter) High-pressure unit 16* E086 Monitor switched off by overheating protection allow Allow monitor to cool for approx. 2 hours. Then restart the MULTIVISION box. E090 Exceeding the emergency shut-down time Call our Ergoline trained engineers who have the diagnostic equipment to solve your error code on 0151 924 6344 E091 Equipment bus fault E092 Wiring or voltage fault in the safety circuits E095 Auxiliary controller E097 Voltage error 5V electronics E098 Voltage error 12V electronics E099 Voltage error 24V electronics E100 Exceeding of the emergency shut-down time E101 Equipment bus fault E102 Wiring or voltage fault in the safety circuits E103 Fault in the music unit CD-/Chip- or drive fault check Check whether the CD’s or the chip are correctly inserted/present. E104 Chip card incorrectly inserted, defective or of the incorrect type, expired Check for correct seating of the chip card. Check the remaining operating time of the UV lamps and the operating hours. E105 Auxiliary controller Call our Ergoline trained engineers who have the diagnostic equipment to solve your error code on 0151 924 6344 E106 Heating controller E107 Controller facial tanner regulation E108 Speed control 1 E109 Speed control 2 E110 Ergoline / Sunangel / Beauty Angel Controller AQUA FRESH (AQUA SYSTEM) and AROMA Soltron Controller VITALIZER (AQUA SYSTEM) and AROMA E111 Audio amplifier E112 Channel selection E113 Real time clock E114 Parameter memory/device pass certificate E115 Electronic ballast controller E116 Controller high pressure units regulation E117 No data transfer between sunbed and MULTIVISION box E118 No data transfer between sunbed and MULTIVISION box Check for correct seating of plug connections to the MULTIVISION box E119 Display unit missing or not ready for operation Call our Ergoline trained engineers who have the diagnostic equipment to solve your error code on 0151 924 6344 E120 Sensor missing or not ready for operation Check that the sensor is present and correctly connected to the base station. Check the power supply to the base station. E121 Sensor must be calibrated Calibrate the sensor (see instruction manual). E122 Sensor calibration failed, sensor defective/dirty Check and clean the sensor window. Refit the sensor in the base station. Repeat this process if necessary. Then re- calibrate the sensor (see sunbed instruction manual). Check to see if the correct calibration surface was used. The calibration surface must not be soiled. E123 Plausibility test fails (sensor defective/dirty, base station defective/dirty) Check and clean the sensor window and the base station. Refit the sensor in the base station. Check that the sensor is correctly seated in the base station. Repeat this process if necessary. If plausibility testing is not successful, the sensor must be calibrated (see sunbed instruction manual). E124 Sensor faulty Call our Ergoline trained engineers who have the diagnostic equipment to solve your error code on 0151 924 6344 E125 Internal sensor error E126 One or more mains power supply phases are missing Check the main fuse. E128 Tanning interrupted because of low voltage Confirm the error and restart the device. E130 Controller assembled wrongly Call our Ergoline trained engineers who have the diagnostic equipment to solve your error code on 0151 924 6344 E131 Data communication with auxiliary controller faulty E132 Start-up inspection of UV sources faulty E133 Switch function auxiliary controller rotation speed control E134 Rotation speed control fuse faulty E135 Rotation speed control power supply faulty E140 Main contactor does not switch on E141 Main contactor does not switch off E142 Switch cycle of main contact faulty E143 Coin box inputs different E150 Fault in the high pressure units (1-3) in series [A] (filter panels, temperature limiter) ** E151 Fault in the high pressure units (4-6) in series [A] (filter panels, temperature limiter) ** E152 Fault in the high pressure units (7-9) in series [B] (filter panels, temperature limiter) ** E153 Fault in the high pressure units (10-12) in series [B] (filter panels, temperature limiter) ** E154 Fault in the high pressure units (13-15) in series [C] (filter panels, temperature limiter) ** E155 Fault in the high pressure units (16-18) in series [C] (filter panels, temperature limiter) ** E156 Fault in the high pressure units (19-21) in series [D] (filter panels, temperature limiter) ** E157 Fault in the high pressure units (22-24) in series [D] (filter panels, temperature limiter) ** E158 Fault in the high pressure units (25-27) in series [E] (filter panels, temperature limiter) ** E159 Fault in the high-pressure units (28-30) in series [E] (filter panels, temperature limiter) ** E160 Panel switch of the acrylic cover (1-6) in series [A] ** E161 Panel switch of the acrylic cover (7-12) in series [B] ** E162 Panel switch of the acrylic cover (13-18) in series [C] ** Call our Ergoline trained engineers who have the diagnostic equipment to solve your error code on 0151 924 6344 E163 Panel switch of the acrylic cover (19-24) in series [D] ** E164 Panel switch of the acrylic cover (25-30) in series [E] ** E165 Fault in the high pressure units (1-3) (filter panels, temperature limiter), Panel switch of the acrylic cover *** E166 Fault in the high pressure units (5-7) (filter panels, temperature limiter), Panel switch of the acrylic cover *** E167 Fault in the high pressure unit (4) (filter panels, temperature limiter) *** E168 Fault in the high pressure unit (8) (filter panels, temperature limiter) *** E170 No voltage to the fan inputs on the control board E190 Missing languages in control unit E191 Missing languages in audio controller E192 Timer mode active E199 Fatal error E200 Fault with the fan on the electronics mount E201 Faulty program E202 Error during software update Repeat the update process. E203 Faulty Voice Guide Repeat the update process. E204 Operator identification missing Call our Ergoline trained engineers who have the diagnostic equipment to solve your error code on 0151 924 6344 Additional alarms: Alarm Fault/Malfunction description Solution 40 °C Supply air temperature over 40 °C Call for service. 50 °C Circulation air or lamp temperature over 50 °C Call for service. 25 b Device air conditioning pressure over 25 bar Call for service. door Vertical tanner door open Check door.

ergoline Advantage 400 Turbo Power Operating Instructions Manual

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Summary of Contents for ergoline Advantage 400 Turbo Power

  • Page 1: Operating Instructions


  • Page 2
    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 801244-00A / us / kn / 03.2009 0670833901 Advantage 400 Turbo Power…
  • Page 3
    Identify your tanning device For contact with Customer Services, please write down the device number of your tanning device. 04293 / 1 Global Service USA A Div of JK Products & Services, Inc. #1 Walter Kratz Drive Jonesboro, AR 72401 800-445-0624 870-935-9046 e-mail:…
  • Page 4
    Tanning times Note: Description of skin types see Page 4.
  • Page 5
    Skin types Skin types For the recommended exposure schedule see page 3. Skin type I (Sensitive): Invariably gets sunburn, accepts little natural sunlight and does not tan. Skin type II (Fair): This is the individual that usually burns easily and severely, tans minimal- ly or lightly and peels.
  • Page 6: Skin Types

    Table of contents General safety instructions and information Description Operation Maintenance Technical data / appendix Index…

  • Page 7: Tanning Times

    Dear Customer, The Ergoline device you have purchased is a technically advanced and • Please read and follow the instructions in this operating manual care- powerful product. Your device was manufactured with the greatest care fully. This will help prevent accidents and ensure that your sunbed is and precision.

  • Page 8: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents Skin types ……….5 Operation Tanning times .

  • Page 9
    Table of contents Technical data Connected load, power and noise level……55 Rated power, activation and power levels of the UV lamps..56 Installed lamps.
  • Page 10: Important Safety Notes

    Important safety notes Safety notices Caution notices, damage to property: Caution! Description of warning signs The word “Caution” with this label points out that danger for Danger notices, damage to persons: devices, materials and the environment can be expected here. Type and source of danger, e.g.

  • Page 11: Instructions Pertaining To A Risk Of Fire, Electric Shock, Or Injury

    Important safety notes Instructions pertaining to a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury DANGER – High voltage! WARNING – ultraviolet radiation! Follow instructions! You can be killed or injured by an electric shock! Failure to use protective eyewear may result in severe burns or other eye injury.

  • Page 12
    Important safety notes – Repeated exposure may cause premature aging of the WARNING – risk of infection! skin and skin cancer. Infections can be transferred through skin contact. – Medications or cosmetics applied to the skin, may in- WARNING! WARNING! All items/equipment components, with which the user can crease sensitivity to ultraviolet light.
  • Page 13: Instructions Pertaining To A Risk Of Damage To The Machine

    Important safety notes Instructions pertaining to a risk of damage to the Note: machine Occasionally, persons using the tanning device will experi- ence a slight reddening of the skin – usually in small patch- CAUTION – danger of overheating! es – after the second or third session. This redness is often Danger of overheating by obstruction of the air routing.

  • Page 14: Meaning Of Symbols

    Information for the studio operator Meaning of symbols Inform Customer Services Filter panels Ergoline key Cleaning and disinfectant agents Do not touch, hot surface! Part/item number (for orders) Suction cup Description Low-pressure lamp(s) Accent lights UV low-pressure lamp(s) Press button e.g.

  • Page 15
    Information for the studio operator Loudspeaker Visual inspection Headphone connection Filter/filter mat Caution, safety switch! Filter and filter mats must not be damp. Continuation of work steps on next page Two persons are required for this work step. End of work step Unscrew/release screw Tighten/lock screw Cleaning…
  • Page 16: Intended Use

    Information for the studio operator Intended use Obligations of the studio operator • As the operator you are responsible for informing users on possible The tanning device is intended exclusively for cosmetic tanning of the hu- risks during tanning. man skin. •…

  • Page 17: Product Information Acrylic Glass Panels

    Information for the studio operator Product information acrylic glass panels Environmental protection information The acrylic glass panels for the tanning devices are produced of acrylic Environmental Declaration – The JK Corporate Group glass developed especially for this application. The acrylics used are characterized by a particularly high UV permeability and resistance, as The JK corporate group is subject to the strict regulations of EC Directive well as an easy-care, hygienic surface that is gentle to the skin.

  • Page 18: Equipment

    Equipment Depending on the model, each device is equipped differently. This instruction manual covers all standard and optional components/ functions to be taken into consideration during operation and/or mainte- nance. The control panel also differs according to the various equipment: the only visible buttons are those that can be operated, i.e.

  • Page 19: Description

    Description 1. Facial tanner (UV high pressure lamps) 2. UV low pressure lamps, base 3. Infrared interface 4. Acrylic cover, base 5. UV low pressure lamps, canopy 6. Surround cooling, air nozzles 7. Control panel 8. Loudspeaker 9. Headphone connection 10.

  • Page 20: Accessories

    Accessories 13. Central air discharge socket Some accessory parts are taken into account in the maintenance schedule beginning on page 33 and in the spare parts section from page 59. However this does not automatically mean that your device is fitted with this equipment.

  • Page 21: Operation

    Operation Mandatory reading Always read and follow all instructions for proper usage prior to allow Note: anybody using a tanning device. The operating instructions included with When describing the operation, the tanning device is often this device must always be followed to prevent possible injuries or to re- shown with the canopy open.

  • Page 22: Operation Overview

    Operation overview see separate instructions “Presettings”, Order no. 1003844…

  • Page 23
    Operation overview Start / Stop  Facial tanner  Surround cooling  Channel  Volume …
  • Page 24: Functions

    Functions Function Button sequence Description Start / Stop:  UV lamps see page 25 and 26 Switching UV lamps on and off during a tanning session  Facial tanners Switch facial tanners off: Press button for two (2) seconds. It takes approx. one (1) minute until the Switch facial tanners on again.

  • Page 25: Tanning

    Tanning Use the sunbed – but use it properly! Are medications and the sunbed compatible? It is known that some medications increase the skin’s sensitivity to UV A few things need to be noted to get maximum enjoyment from a sunbed. light.

  • Page 26: Start Of Tanning

    Tanning Start of tanning Closing the canopy The device is started automatically with an internal or external timer. Note: Timer instructions: see separate manual Preparation time Before the UV lamps turn on, you have a few minutes to prepare yourself. During the preparation time you can switch on the UV lamps at any time by pressing the START/STOP button.

  • Page 27: Interrupt Or End Tanning Session

    Tanning Interrupt or end tanning session Settings on start-up The tanning session ends automatically after the preset time has run down. The internal fan continues to run for approx. three (3) minutes to sufficiently cool the device. – To interrupt a tanning session, press START/STOP for three (3) sec- onds.

  • Page 28: Safety Information For Maintenance And Care

    Safety information for maintenance and care Extreme danger! High voltage! CAUTION! During maintenance work there is a risk of touching live Only use genuine spare parts of the same type! parts and receiving a fatal electric shock. The use of other parts may limit or void your manufacturer’s DANGER! warranty! –…

  • Page 29: Power Off Device And Secure Against Being Switched On Again

    Safety information for maintenance and care Power Off device and secure against being switched on again A prohibition sign with the text: Extreme danger! “Work in progress!” If work is to be performed on the devices, • “Place: ……” they must be powered off. That means that DANGER! all live lines must be switched off.

  • Page 30: Malfunctions

    Safety information for maintenance and care Malfunctions The display shows error codes to make it easier to localise the cause of the problem. • If a malfunction occurs, the error code flashes in the display. • If several malfunctions occur, the error messages are displayed alter- nately.

  • Page 31: Cleaning

    Cleaning Acrylic glass surfaces Plastic surfaces For cleaning the other plastic surfaces, it is best to use warm water and CAUTION! a leather cloth. Never use aggressive cleaning agents containing alcohol Do not rub with a dry cloth – danger of scratching! or essential oils.

  • Page 32
    Cleaning Filter and filter mats Cleaning filter panes and lamps The UV high-pressure lamps fitted are broadband radiators which can be Filters in the sunbed base operated at different outputs (approx. 240-520 W). Dry cleaning: vacuum cleaner (depending on the degree of soiling) Moist cleaning: water and detergent, or dishwasher.
  • Page 33: Maintenance Overview

    Maintenance overview 04338 / 0…

  • Page 34: Cleaning And Maintenance Intervals

    Cleaning and maintenance intervals After each tanning  ☞ 30  0085006152 ☞ 30  ☞ 30  ☞ 30 11752 / 0 Confirm cleaning by pressing the START/STOP button (when the follow-up time of the fan in the device has finished). …

  • Page 35
    Cleaning and maintenance intervals 50 h ☞ 53 04195 / 0 ☞ 54 04289 / 0…
  • Page 36
    Cleaning and maintenance intervals 500 h ☞ 45 ☞ 38 ☞ 40 04264 / 0 1000 h ☞ 49 ☞ 51 ☞ 43 04263 / 0…
  • Page 37
    Cleaning and maintenance intervals 1500 h  11752 / 0 3000 h ☞ 45 04264 / 0…
  • Page 38: Relamping / Maintenance Instructions

    Relamping / maintenance instructions It is imperative that you, the owner and/or operator, check all compo- – Before replacing lamps or other spare parts, wait until nents for any signs of wear which may occur through normal use. lamps and metal parts of the device have cooled down sufficiently.

  • Page 39: Cleaning/Replacing Uv Low-Pressure Lamps In The Sunbed Base

    Cleaning/replacing UV low-pressure lamps in the sunbed base 04265 / 0 04267 / 0 03108 / 0 Power Off! 04266 / 0 04270 / 0…

  • Page 40
    Cleaning/replacing UV low-pressure lamps in the sunbed base Close: 03099 / 0 04270 / 0 Attention! Soiling on the panes is burned in by the hot lamps and results in the long term in unserviceable panes. – Remove fingerprints and other soiling carefully.
  • Page 41: Cleaning/Replacing Uv Low-Pressure Lamps In The Canopy

    Cleaning/replacing UV low-pressure lamps in the canopy Attention! Canopy panel may break if al- lowed to fall or if pressure is exert- ed on the reverse side of an open canopy. Such failure is not cov- ered by manufacturer’s warranty. 04271 / 0 04273 / 0 Power Off!

  • Page 42
    Cleaning/replacing UV low-pressure lamps in the canopy 04420 / 0 04421 / 0 03108 / 0 03099 / 0…
  • Page 43
    Cleaning/replacing UV low-pressure lamps in the canopy Attention! – Do not pinch or kink the cable – see Fig. 9! 04280 / 0 Close: 1 2 3 04274 / 0…
  • Page 44: Cleaning/Replacing Interior Lighting

    Cleaning/replacing interior lighting Caution! Canopy panel may break if al- lowed to fall or if pressure is exert- ed on the reverse side of an open canopy. Such failure is not cov- ered by manufacturer’s warranty. 04275 / 0 04273 / 0 Power Off! Danger of injury from the canopy panel!

  • Page 45
    Cleaning/replacing interior lighting 03299 / 0 03099 / 0 Close: 1 2 3 04274 / 0…
  • Page 46: Cleaning Or Replacing Uv High-Pressure Lamps And Filter Panels In The Canopy

    Cleaning or replacing UV high-pressure lamps and filter panels in the canopy Caution! Canopy panel may break if al- lowed to fall or if pressure is exert- ed on the reverse side of an open canopy. Such failure is not cov- ered by manufacturer’s warranty.

  • Page 47
    Cleaning or replacing UV high-pressure lamps and filter panels in the canopy 04420 / 0 05098 / 0 05097 / 0 05099 / 0…
  • Page 48
    Cleaning or replacing UV high-pressure lamps and filter panels in the canopy — Check safety switch: Caution! Do not touch the glass bulbs of the UV high-pressure lamps with your bare fingers! Remove soiling thoroughly. – Only touch new UV high-pres- sure lamp with a cloth –…
  • Page 49
    Cleaning or replacing UV high-pressure lamps and filter panels in the canopy 04421 / 0 04280 / 0 Close: Attention! – Do not pinch or kink the cable – see Fig. 16! 1 2 3 04274 / 0…
  • Page 50: Cleaning/Replacing Accent Light In The Canopy

    Cleaning/replacing accent light in the canopy 04237 / 0 04258 / 0 Power Off! 04239 / 0 03350 / 0…

  • Page 51
    Cleaning/replacing accent light in the canopy 03099 / 0 04259 / 0…
  • Page 52: Cleaning/Replacing Accent Lighting In Front Panel

    Cleaning/replacing accent lighting in front panel 04281 / 1 04260 / 0 04284 / 0 Power Off! 04261 / 0 04283 / 0…

  • Page 53
    Cleaning/replacing accent lighting in front panel Close: 03099 / 0 04262 / 0 04282 / 0…
  • Page 54: Cleaning The Base Filters

    Cleaning the base filters 04281 / 1 04195 / 0 04282 / 0 Hand-wipe lightly, dry or with water, Power Off! Close: or use a vacuum cleaner. 04261 / 0 03319 / 0 04262 / 0…

  • Page 55: Cleaning/Replacing The Filter Mats In The Canopy

    Cleaning/replacing the filter mats in the canopy 04289 / 0 04290 / 0 04291 / 0 Caution! Rinse with water or Protect canopy with blanket (2). replace. 04414 / 0 04047 / 0…

  • Page 56: Connected Load, Power And Noise Level

    Connected load, power and noise level Advantage 400 Model: Turbo Power Rated power consump- 10,300 W tion: Rated frequency: 60 Hz Rated voltage: 230 V 40 amp 3-pole or Fuse rating: 60 amp 2-pole Conformity mark: Noise level at 1 m from 68.1 dB(A) the sunbed: Noise level in…

  • Page 57: Rated Power, Activation And Power Levels Of The Uv Lamps

    Rated power, activation and power levels of the UV lamps Rated power Activation / power levels Advantage 400 Turbo Power 400 W 400 W / 200 W / 0 W 160 W 160 W / 0 W 160 W 160 W / 0 W…

  • Page 58: Installed Lamps

    S-45**** UV lamps, starters, filter panels Order No. and lamp name Turbo Plus UV low-pressure lamps e) 14 x Ergoline Turbo Power 400 160 W 3030831701-.. f) 26 x Ergoline Turbo Power 400 160 W 3030831701-.. Starter e) f) 40 x 10002-..

  • Page 59
    Installed lamps Accent lights Standard lamps white 11839-.. blue 30 W 11792-.. blue 30 W 12377-.. 04263 / 0 Starter a) b) c) 10047-..
  • Page 60: Spare Parts And Accessories

    Spare parts and accessories Filter, filter mats Acrylic glass, fan  51937-.. 702806-.. Ergoline  84592-.. Schmerler 2255 04195 / 0 11752 / 0 800767-.. 04289 / 0…

  • Page 61: Dimensions

    Dimensions 56 5/16 in 1,430 mm 44 5/16 in 1,125 mm 48 13/16 in 1,240 mm 79 5/16 in 2,015 mm 86 5/8 in 2,200 mm 28 3/8 in 720 mm 04254 / 0 04372 / 0 Warning – possible breakage of the acrylic panel! Severe cuts from glass and burns WARNING!

  • Page 62: Installation Location

    Installation location Ventilation Attention! Danger of failure! Non-observance of the ventilation in- formation can lead to serious system malfunctions. Information on air supply and extraction plan- ning can be obtained from the customer ser- vice (see Page 2). Operating altitude For altitudes greater than 2000 m above sea level a conversion must be carried out to ensu- re trouble-free operation.

  • Page 63: Index

    Index Disposal of lamps……..16 Accent lighting, maintenance….49, 51 Lamp configuration……..57 Accent lights ……….58 Lamps, disposal ……….16 Ending tanning session……. 26 Accessories ……….19 Environmental protection ……16 Acrylic glass panel Equipment……….. 17 Maintenance……….32 Allowable loading ……. 60 Extraction planning……..

  • Page 64
    Index Proper use ……….15 Protective goggles …….. 24, 25 Ventilation data ……….. 61 Rated power of the lamps……56 Relamping……….. 37 Safety information, maintenance ….37 Showering……….. 24 Skin sensitivity ……….24 Skin types …………. 4 Spare parts ……….27 Order-No.
  • Page 65
    JK-Products, Inc. – Limited Warranty JK-Products, Inc. warrants its products to be free from defects in materi- This warranty is extended to the individual or legal entity, whose name als and workmanship under intended normal use as described in the appears on the warranty registration card filed with Global Service USA, unit’s Operation and Instruction Manual, for a period of three (3) years or whose name appears on the original sale document and may not be…
  • Page 66
    JK-Products, Inc. – Limited Warranty Limited Acrylic Warranty JK Products, Inc. warrants its acrylic sheets to be free from defects in ma- Global Service USA terial and workmanship, under intended normal use, for a period of one A Div of JK Products & Services, Inc. (1) year from date of sale of the tanning bed.
  • Page 67
    JK-Products, Inc. – Limited Warranty Warranty Claims Each dealer/distributor has their own internal procedure for handling Warranty Claims and credits. Policy & Procedures NOTE: JK-Products, Inc., the manufacturer, does not involve itself 1. When to file a Warranty Claim: in the direct handling of a Warranty Claim except where mit- In the event that your tanning system is not functioning properly under in- igating circumstances apply and where required by law.
  • Page 68
    JK-Products, Inc. – Limited Warranty Limited Lifetime Warranty There are no warranties which extend beyond the description on the face hereof. There is no express or implied warranty of fitness or merchant- Global Service USA warrants specific individual components of the tan- ability.
  • Page 69
    JK-Products, Inc. – Limited Warranty…
  • Page 72
    S O L T R O N , A D I V I S I O N O F J K- P R O D U C T S & S E R V I C E S , I N C . 1 Walter Kratz Drive .

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