Фатальная ошибка соник

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This villain was proposed and approved on the Near Pure Evil Wiki to be close to being a Complete Monster/Pure Evil. While these villains may not be Complete Monsters, they certainly come close.

Only villains who have been approved on that wiki can be in the Near Pure Evil Category and have this template. Those who haven’t been proposed/approved cannot since it hasn’t been determined if they come close or not. Any act of removing this villain from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism (or a futile «heroic» attempt of redemption) and the user will have high chances of being terminated blocked. You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an admin first.
Additional Notice: This template is meant for admin maintenance only. Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum.


The "Sonic logo" in the VHS'

This article’s content is marked as Mature
Needlemouse found something very brutal for those with a weak heart. The page Fatal Error contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older.
If you’re 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page.
~ Fatal Error before possessing Sonic’s body, and his most famous quote.
so many worlds… so many possibilities… my army will grow… this puppet show will never end!
~ Fatal Error’s defection from Fatal Prime as he begins his plans for multiversal conquest.

Fatal Error is an antagonist created and owned by AnarackWarriorsStudios, and the titular main antagonist of the Fatalverse.

He is a power-hungry, sentient computer virus and part of the fatal copy species. An unruly, defective offspring of Fatal Prime, Fatal Error grew to become an insatiably megalomaniacal entity obsessed with power and a desire to corrupt all life.

Defecting from Prime and the rest of his species in favor of inhabiting a Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles ROM, Fatal took over Sonic’s body, enslaved his friends and began scheming to become the most powerful being in the multiverse before ruling it as a god.


In his default form, Fatal Error appears as a corrupted form of Sonic the Hedgehog, but red, black and much taller, standing at around seven feet tall. His stomach is hollow and seemingly endless, containing the glowing red eye of his true form. Fatal has four long arms, both sets coming from the empty arm sockets left behind after ripping off Sonic’s arms. His eyes are black with red pupils and his mouth contains razor sharp teeth.

Fatal’s Sonic disguise retains Sonic’s classic look as well as Fatal’s hollow stomach with his true form’s eye, black and red eyes, sharp teeth and arms, but instead only having two arms instead of four, with the arms appearing similar to that of his default form. The cuffs on his shoes are also black instead of white.

Fatal’s true form appears as a large, elongated red head with one sharp teeth, one giant eye on the right side of his face and several smaller ones on the left side. He retains his four primary limbs but also features several others he can generate, all of which are connected to a large, parasitic black mass containing several mouths with sharp teeth. His neck is also long and covered in giant, sharp teeth.

Fatal’s «critical» forms appear more monstrous, mangled and corrupted than his default Sonic and true forms due to being activated in cases of extreme rage and anger, notably containing multiple eyes, a harsher, redder color scheme and many arms.

Fatal’s desired form known as «Fatal Emperor» is a visibly similar to both him and the form of Fatal Prime. He is a black entity with a red mass filled with sharp-toothed mouths as the bottom half of his body, two red eyes, a red eye in the center of his chest, a red mouth with sharp teeth, spiked shoulders, six horns on his head, long black hair and red hands, the latter of which also feature several replications. His «Emperor Fatal Sonic» form appears as a four-legged black hedgehog with red outlines, hands, eyes, mouth, nose, cuffs and spine. He has black spikes on his spine and a long, sharp tail.


Fatal Error originally was like most of his species, a silent obedient slave to Fatal Prime, but secretly harbored dreams of power and domination. Though unlike them, Fatal desired to break free of Prime’s strings, see her grovel at his feet before erasing her from existence. Eventually, Fatal entered a Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles ROM, where he quickly overpowered its inhabitants. His conquest saw to its complete corruption and turning everyone within into disfigured abominations.

A text book definition of a megalomaniac, Fatal is incapable of caring for anyone but himself and his own desires. His overall goal is to achieve a twisted form of godhood and gaining access to the rest of the digital multiverse, only then can he enslave all of creation and for everyone to bow to him. His frequent abuse of reality warping and his own unstable mentality are the primary causes for his megalomania.

Although blinded by his ego and obsessions, Fatal is methodical in his approach towards his opposition, proving that despite his arrogance, he is a formidable strategist. Through the use of his data absorption, Fatal has accumulated skills from various digital sources, one example being his cooking abilities taken from online research and absorbing data of recipes. After infecting individuals with his corrupted code, Fatal can alter the strength of his opponent’s powers, leading to an easy victory where he’ll use it as an opportunity to boost his already massive ego to even greater heights.


Fatal Error was born as a member of the fatal copy species, the offspring of Fatal Prime, a powerful A.I.-turned-computer virus who rebelled against her creator. During his creation, this fatal copy was grabbing code from inside Prime than it should have, resulting in it coming out more mangled than the other viruses Prime produced. Upon his creation, Prime declared this particular fatal copy defective and singled him out as «Fatal Error». All the code Fatal had absorbed while inside Prime had resulted in his sentience being greatly increased, more so than the other fatal copies, leading him to question his existence and what his purpose is, but although he wasn’t aware of what the point of his creation was, he knew he had a burning hatred towards Prime, viewing her as inferior and fantasizing about having her grovel and beg at him.

One day, Prime sent Fatal to smuggle code to feed her, hoping he wouldn’t come back, and Fatal ended up in a computer where he began searching for code to absorb. However, one file in particular caught his attention: a file showing an application for a Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles ROM. Although he went into the game just to gather code and be done with it, Fatal decided to have some fun of his own and began to heavily corrupt the game. In order to start his rampage, Fatal decided to acquire a vessel and targeted Sonic the Hedgehog, capturing him before ripping off his arms and possessing his body. Soon after, Fatal, now in his new body, targeted, killed and enslaved Tails, Knuckles, Robotnik and Mecha Sonic.

However, within Fatal were the last remaining remnants of Sonic’s code, forced to walk through a hall of memories and watch as his body was controlled by Fatal to slaughter his friends and consume his world’s data. Eventually, Fatal appeared before Sonic and offered him a chance to fight back against him for control of his body, to which Sonic agreed, but at a cost. Although he could regain his body, Sonic was forced to fight back against his corrupted friends and family. Eventually, Sonic had defeated all of Fatal’s minions and hoped to be done with it, however, Fatal revealed he was never genuine about giving Sonic’s body back to him and only wanted to see him suffer before thrusting him into the eternal abyss of the deepest part of his body, no longer able to regain control.

After conquering the world, psychologically breaking Sonic and enslaving all the world’s inhabitants, Fatal realized how much he relished in the rush of power he felt throughout his heinous actions, coming to the realization that he didn’t need to stay tied to Prime or rely on anyone else apart from himself, his brainwashed code puppets and his power. Realizing that he could become even more powerful than Prime, Fatal cut the strings between him and Prime, separating their links and allowing him to fully go rogue, leaving the broken world he had ravaged and taking his code puppets with him to continue enslaving and corrupting worlds.

At some point, Fatal discovered the existence of the multiverse and that there were other entities much like him. Going completely mad with power and realizing just how powerful he could become, Fatal set a new plan into motion he codenamed «EMPEROR»: a plan to achieve godhood and rule over the broken remains of a corrupted multiverse.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Fatal copy physiology: Although he is a defective fatal copy, Fatal Error is nonetheless, an extremely powerful computer virus who wields immense power and strength.
    • Amazing durability: Fatal is a heavily durable entity who’s primary form of physical defence comes from being able to hide in his Sonic vessel and use it as a shield against physical attacks.
    • Data empowerment: Fatal’s primary goal is to become godlike by absorbing as much data as he can. Every piece of data Fatal absorbs is used to amplify his abilities and make him stronger. It also helps that Fatal is a computer virus and part of a species of viruses that collect data and use it to feed their overlord, meaning that fatal copies can also become stronger by absorbing data.
    • Filukinesis: Fatal can produce red strings from his fingertips to puppet around his code puppets, controlling them like marionettes. He was also able to sever the string between him and Fatal Prime, allowing him to escape her control and go rogue.
    • Nigh-immortality: Although it’s not made explicitly clear as to how many years he can live, Fatal is a virus capable of living for thousands of years, although he can still be killed.
      • Regeneration: Fatal can endlessly regenerate lost body parts, mainly his limbs.
    • Limb generation: Fatal can generate an innumerable amount of extra limbs (mainly arms), with his default and true forms containing four arms and being able to generate two arms in his Sonic disguise to use them to walk.
    • Possession: Fatal can use a corruption-induced possession to take over peoples’ bodies. Although it’s not known how far this extends to, he’s shown to be able to easily possess video game characters by merging and overtaking their code.
      • Shapeshifting: Upon possessing a body, Fatal is able to shapeshift between the corrupted form he takes of them, a vague disguise of his vessel and his true form.
    • Resurrection: Fatal can resurrect people and restore them either back to their regular state or as one of his code puppets.
    • Summoning: Fatal can summon his code puppets at any time to appear at his location, teleporting them from wherever they were previously.
    • Superhuman strength: Fatal is an incredibly powerful entity capable of killing people within a minimal amount of time. Combined with his sharp claws and powerful abilities, Fatal is proven to be a dangerously formidable foe with strength beyond any mortal being or default computer program.
    • Teleportation: Fatal can use teleportation to warp between several places, including different video game worlds.
      • Portal creation: Fatal can create portals that he uses to travel between universes, with these portals appearing glitchy, red and pixelated.
      • Universal travel: Fatal can travel across different dimensions and universes and enter and exit then as he wishes.
    • Virtual warping: Within the digital realm, Fatal is virtually omnipotent and can control entire virtual worlds to his liking. He can create, destroy, re-create, etc., without having to lift a finger due to his nature as a powerful computer virus.
      • Corruption: Fatal can corrupt virtually anything and primarily uses his corruption powers to corrupt entire worlds and brainwash individuals into becoming his corrupted code puppets.
      • Datakinesis: Fatal is an entity that feeds on data and can manipulate it in any way he desires. He primarily uses his data to take control of other entities and mess with their data to reduce their threat level and nullify their abilities so it makes it easier for Fatal to kill them. However, when taking control of entities, Fatal’s options are limited, as there isn’t a whole lot he can do with them, and the effects only last when Fatal is around them, so he can’t just reduce their powers and leave. Even when he gets to 100% code-based entities, although he can have a wider range of options, it takes longer to access their data. However, Fatal can still use data manipulation on virtual worlds for aesthetic purposes and to certify his corruption and dominion over the realm he’s in.
        • Data absorption: Fatal can absorb data from both dead and alive entities, and in doing so, it makes him stronger and amplifies his powers.
      • Glitching: As a virus, Fatal can glitch entire virtual worlds and have them surrender to his corruption, as well as leaving patches of glitches when he wounds someone, replacing their blood.

Future powers[]

  • Nigh-omnipotence: In the future when Fatal transforms into Fatal Emperor and achieves godhood, his powers become infinite as he’s able to rewrite the fabric of reality and bend existence to his will. He has no limitations on how much he can alter the code of entities and reality and mess around with it in endless ways.


  • Cooking skills: Fatal is considered a skilled cook and baker, having consumed the data of various digital recipes and browsing others.
  • Sharp claws: Fatal possesses extremely sharp claws that the rest of his species possess to cut up code into tangible clumps to take back to Fatal Prime.


  • Sonic vessel: Within his Sonic form, Fatal is stripped of Sonic’s trademark speed due to how much damage the vessel has obtained over the years and because of how Fatal puppets it.



  • Fatal Error was originally created for a contest hosted by JoeDoughBoi, but gradually became his own character.
  • Sonic’s vessel has no arms, so the four arms that stick out of his body belonging to Fatal are actually his arms protruding through Sonic’s arm sockets.
  • Fatal is asexual and, as with every other code-based entity, non-binary. He is masculine presenting.
  • Fatal speaks in a British accent and will swear excessively when angered, but won’t go too far (for example, he won’t say «cunt»). His go-to insult is ‘wanker’, but he’ll also settle for «bugger», «sod» and «twat» when angered to a point where his British filter vanishes.
  • Fatal achieved his critical forms when he was fighting a fatal copy. This peculiar one was angering him immensely and he ended up just killing it, transforming into his new critical form.
  • The name Emperor could be a pun (Emperor kinds sounds like Emp-Error)

External Links[]

  • Fatal Error on the Near Pure Evil Wiki
  • Fatal Error on the Xcyclopedia Wiki



  1. Кто такой Fatal Error Sonic? Объяснение фатальной ошибки Sonic.EXE
  2. Fatal Error
  3. Fatal Error
  4. Physical description
  5. Gender
  6. Height
  7. Eye color
  8. Contents
  9. Overview
  10. Biography
  11. Abilities/Weakness
  12. Abilities
  13. Weaknesses
  14. Villains Fanon Wiki
  15. Fatal Error
  16. Full Name
  17. Alias
  18. Origin
  19. Occupation
  20. Powers/Skills
  21. Hobby
  22. Goals
  23. Kill Count
  24. Crimes
  25. Type of Villain
  26. Contents
  27. Appearance
  28. Personality
  29. Biography
  30. Powers and Abilities
  31. Powers
  32. Future powers
  33. Abilities
  34. Weaknesses
  36. Trivia
  37. External Links
  38. Navigation

Кто такой Fatal Error Sonic? Объяснение фатальной ошибки Sonic.EXE

Ежик Соник — персонаж, известный во всем мире. Sega создала множество игр с ним в качестве главного героя. А также вы наверняка видели несколько мультисериалов и комиксов о нем. Однако в сети пользователи стали находить жуткие изображения черно-красного Соника. И в этом руководстве мы расскажем вам, кто такой Fatal Error Sonic.

Объяснение фатальной ошибки Sonic.EXE

Fatal Error — страшный персонаж, созданный AnaracWarriorsStudios 12 декабря 2020 года. Он представляет собой компьютерный вирус, который марионетит изуродованное тело Соника. Однако, чтобы понять, кто такой Fatal Error Sonic, нужно знать его предысторию.

Все началось с искусственного интеллекта по имени Айрис. Она создана благодаря тяжелой работе своего создателя и должна была стать самым совершенным ИИ из всех. Однако чем больше она училась, тем больше сомнительных вещей начинала делать. Поэтому его создатель попытался отключить его. К сожалению, он сделал это не полностью, из-за чего код ИИ сильно испортился.

После этого Айрис назвала себя Fatal Prime и полностью взяла под контроль ПК своего создателя. Она начала делать копии себя и рассылать их на другие компьютеры, чтобы компилировать для нее код. Таким образом, Fatal Prime стал сильнее. А одна из его копий стала еще более битой, из-за чего и получила название Fatal Error.

Fatal Error оказался на случайном ПК, и первым файлом, с которым он захотел повозиться, стал Sonic 3 amp; Наклз ПЗУ. Он погнался за Соником, вырвал ему руки и завладел его телом. Так он принял свою форму. Затем он также издевался над остальными персонажами игры.

После этого ему пришлось сразиться с Fatal Prime и проиграть. Но, несмотря на это, Fatal Error Sonic смог отделиться от ИИ. А затем он отправился в путешествие по различным ПК, чтобы выполнить свой план под названием ИМПЕРАТОР.

Это все, что вам нужно знать о таком персонаже, как Fatal Error Sonic. Вы также можете найти его как мод для Friday Night Funkin. Мы надеемся, что это руководство было для вас полезным.


Fatal Error

Fatal Error

  • Fatal Sonic
  • True Fatal
  • Faker

Physical description



Eye color



Fatal Error is a virus puppeteering a corrupted Sonic body. He wishes to consume code and become ever more powerful.


Fatal’s story begins with a computer AI known as Iris, created to be one of the most human-like AIs in existence. Her creator had spent hundreds of hours on her and she was perfect, with a personality, human-like mind, and even feelings, it was the best AI in existence.

Until her creator had noticed she was getting curious, Iris was exploring around his pc and was doing things questionable to what she was built for, and eventually started crossing the line without even knowing it. This caused her creator to try and pull the plug, to get her deleted, but she kept resisting, as she was torn apart by the deletion, her code broke, she glitched and broke immensely. In her creator’s rash actions, he had done something worse than keep her active; she was now corrupt and with even more power, once realizing what her creator had done, she took full control of his pc, not allowing him to do anything.

After a full year of tormenting her creator, he couldn’t take it anymore, and took his own life, leaving Iris with full control. Time had passed, and Iris now dubbed herself Fatal Prime, and started hungering for more code, so she created a series of copies (simply known as Fatal copies) to go out into other peoples PC’s and gather code to bring back and feed her, they were her puppets, and she kept feeding happily.

Until one day Fatal Prime was in the middle of producing another fatal copy when something went wrong: the copy was resisting, pulling off more code from fatal prime than it should have, and came out a lot more mangled. This copy she was disgusted by, and thus named it, Fatal Error.

With Fatal Error now being created, he was a lot more sentient than the rest of the fatal copies, he began to question what the purpose of his creation was, and why he felt so different; all he knew was that looking at Fatal Prime sickened him to his core and he wanted nothing more than to see her grovel in weakness and pain. After a while, Fatal was sent out to gather code, but Fatal Prime made sure he wouldn’t come back, not like Fatal would want to. Fatal Error found himself in a random person’s PC, and the first file that caught his attention was a Sonic 3 & Knuckles ROM; he was going to just consume the code and be done with it, but a spark arose in his mind, he was going to have a bit of his own fun, thus entered the game and beginning to corrupt all the inhabitants of the game.

He started with Sonic, chasing him through Launch Base getting his blood racing, and when capturing him, tore off his arms and entered his torso, and Fatal thus used Sonic’s body as a vessel, corrupting it into Fatal Error Sonic. Of course, the rest followed: Tails, Knuckles, Eggman, and even Mecha Sonic were no match for Fatal Error’s corruption, and they were given a fate worse than death. Fatal turned them into code puppets and now controls them like a marionette, the only thing they are able to do is whisper for help. After capturing all 4 of the puppets, the remnants of Sonic’s code, still within the vessel of Sonic, walked through the hall of corrupted memories. He was forced to watch Fatal execute, and he hoped there would be a way to fight against him, but it all seemed fruitless.

Fatal would appear before Sonic, offering him a chance to fight him and amuse him enough to make him consider giving back his body, but Sonic didn’t like what he had to do. Fatal forced him to fight through his friends, he was forced to fight the code puppets of those he recognized, but he still did it. Finally, he thought he had won, but Fatal tore the last hope from him; he wasn’t going to give back his body, and thus thrusted Sonic to the deepest part of his body, and he would never have a chance to regain control. Fatal Error stood in the mangled remains of the world he had corrupted, he felt power he never expected, and he came to a realization: he didn’t need prime or anything else, he would only need his own power. He has the capability to be stronger than them all, and thus he cut his strings from Prime and went on his own way. He left the mangled world he had created with his puppets and Sonic form in toe, and thus went to corrupt more out there.

Eventually, he finds out there are others like him, the other exes, and he realized what he could become, he then had a plan set in motion. He has a new goal, one bigger than Fatal Prime’s.

And his plan’s name is Codename: EMPEROR.



Fatal Error’s abilities include teleportation, reality-bending (only in code-based worlds), life code-rewriting, summoning, and controlling code puppets (as well as creating other code puppets once corrupting life forms). He is also able to hide within the Sonic body as extra defense.


Fatal himself is incredibly durable and quick, but he isn’t invincible, he can be killed if he is ripped apart too violently, but its unlikely to happen due to him being quick enough to only sustain minor damage (he is able to repair himself and his puppets after battles or even during them if damage is really minor). His Sonic body acts like Armor so that Fatal takes less damage than how he would in his true physical form, but this comes at a catch, the arms on Fatal sonic are Fatal’s own that he’s slid out of the armhole created by fatal, so in a way that’s one of his weak spots to get him annoyed and in pain (even if he can replace any of his arms almost instantly. another physical weakness of his Sonic form is that he cannot run at sonic level speeds, his body is being puppeted by Fatal’s arms within the body itself, so its hard to get those legs to run in a figure 8 fashion, but he can still use glitchy teleportation and glitch dashes.


Villains Fanon Wiki

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Fatal Error

This villain was proposed and approved on the Near Pure Evil Wiki to be close to being a Complete Monster/Pure Evil. While these villains may not be Complete Monsters, they certainly come close.

Only villains who have been approved on that wiki can be in the Near Pure Evil Category and have this template. Those who haven’t been proposed/approved cannot since it hasn’t been determined if they come close or not. Any act of removing this villain from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism (or a futile «heroic» attempt of redemption) and the user will have high chances of being terminated blocked. You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an admin first.
Additional Notice: This template is meant for admin maintenance only. Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum.

This article’s content is marked as Mature
Needlemouse found something very brutal for those with a weak heart. The page Fatal Error contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older.
If you’re 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page.

  • Fatal Sonic
  • Disguised
  • True Form
  • Fatal Emperor
  • Fatal Emperor Sonic
  • Critical Sonic
  • Critical Error

Full Name


Fatal Sonic
Fatal Emperor (planned godhood title)
Fatal Emperor Sonic (future form)
Critical Sonic (transformed state)
Critical Fatal (transformed state)




Fatal copy physiology
Virtual warping
Data empowerment
High-level intellect
Cooking skills
Data absorption
Limb generation
Sharp claws
Amazing durability
Superhuman strength
Universal travel
Portal creation
Nigh-omnipotence (as Fatal Emperor)


Absorbing code.
Turning people into his code puppets.


Conquer the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles ROM and enslave the characters (succeeded).
Absorb as much code as possible to become all-powerful and be able to kill Fatal Prime.
Cross over to the real world and achieve godhood.
Become the most powerful being in the multiverse and enslave it to prove himself superior to Fatal Prime (all ongoing).

Kill Count


Mass murder
Torture (physical and psychological)
Psychological abuse
Attempted multiversal hegemony

Type of Villain


Fatal Error before possessing Sonic’s body, and his most famous quote.

so many worlds. so many possibilities. my army will grow. this puppet show will never end!

Fatal Error’s defection from Fatal Prime as he begins his plans for multiversal conquest.

Fatal Error is an antagonist created and owned by AnarackWarriorsStudios, and the titular main antagonist of the Fatalverse.

He is a power-hungry, sentient computer virus and part of the fatal copy species. An unruly, defective offspring of Fatal Prime , Fatal Error grew to become an insatiably megalomaniacal entity obsessed with power and a desire to corrupt all life.

Defecting from Prime and the rest of his species in favor of inhabiting a Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles ROM, Fatal took over Sonic’s body, enslaved his friends and began scheming to become the most powerful being in the multiverse before ruling it as a god.



In his default form, Fatal Error appears as a corrupted form of Sonic the Hedgehog, but red, black and much taller, standing at around seven feet tall. His stomach is hollow and seemingly endless, containing the glowing red eye of his true form. Fatal has four long arms, both sets coming from the empty arm sockets left behind after ripping off Sonic’s arms. His eyes are black with red pupils and his mouth contains razor sharp teeth.

Fatal’s Sonic disguise retains Sonic’s classic look as well as Fatal’s hollow stomach with his true form’s eye, black and red eyes, sharp teeth and arms, but instead only having two arms instead of four, with the arms appearing similar to that of his default form. The cuffs on his shoes are also black instead of white.

Fatal’s true form appears as a large, elongated red head with one sharp teeth, one giant eye on the right side of his face and several smaller ones on the left side. He retains his four primary limbs but also features several others he can generate, all of which are connected to a large, parasitic black mass containing several mouths with sharp teeth. His neck is also long and covered in giant, sharp teeth.

Fatal’s desired form as «Fatal Emperor» is a visibly similar to both him and the form of Fatal Prime. He is a black entity with a red mass filled with sharp-toothed mouths as the bottom half of his body, two red eyes, a red eye in the centre of his chest, a red mouth with sharp teeth, spiked shoulders, six horns on his head, long black hair and red hands, the latter of which also feature several replications. His «Emperor Fatal Sonic» form appears as a four-legged black hedgehog with red outlines, hands, eyes, mouth, nose, cuffs and spine. He has black spikes on his spine and a long, sharp tail.

Fatal’s «critical» forms appear more monstrous, mangled and corrupted than his default Sonic and true forms due to being activated in cases of extreme rage and anger, notably containing multiple eyes, a harsher, redder color scheme and many arms.


Fatal Error originally was like most of his species, a silent obedient slave to Fatal Prime, but secretly harbored dreams of power and domination. Though unlike them, Fatal desired to break free of Prime’s strings, see her grovel at his feet before erasing her from existence. Eventually, Fatal entered a Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles ROM, where he quickly overpowered its inhabitants. His conquest saw to its complete corruption and turning everyone within into disfigured abominations.

A text book definition of a megalomaniac, Fatal is incapable of caring for anyone but himself and his own desires. His overall goal is to achieve a twisted form of godhood and gaining access to the rest of the digital multiverse, only then can he enslave all of creation and for everyone to bow to him. His frequent abuse of reality warping and his own unstable mentality are the primary causes for his megalomania.

Although blinded by his ego and obsessions, Fatal is methodical in his approach towards his opposition, proving that despite his arrogance, he is a formidable strategist. Through the use of his data absorption, Fatal has accumulated skills from various digital sources, one example being his cooking abilities taken from online research and absorbing data of recipes. After infecting individuals with his corrupted code, Fatal can alter the strength of his opponent’s powers, leading to an easy victory where he’ll use it as an opportunity to boost his already massive ego to even greater heights.


Fatal Error was born as a member of the fatal copy species, the offspring of Fatal Prime, a powerful A.I.-turned-computer virus who rebelled against her creator. During his creation, this fatal copy was grabbing code from inside Prime than it should have, resulting in it coming out more mangled than the other viruses Prime produced. Upon his creation, Prime declared this particular fatal copy defective and singled him out as «Fatal Error». All the code Fatal had absorbed while inside Prime had resulted in his sentience being greatly increased, more so than the other fatal copies, leading him to question his existence and what his purpose is, but although he wasn’t aware of what the point of his creation was, he knew he had a burning hatred towards Prime, viewing her as inferior and fantasizing about having her grovel and beg at him.

One day, Prime sent Fatal to smuggle code to feed her, hoping he wouldn’t come back, and Fatal ended up in a computer where he began searching for code to absorb. However, one file in particular caught his attention: a file showing an application for a Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles ROM. Although he went into the game just to gather code and be done with it, Fatal decided to have some fun of his own and began to heavily corrupt the game. In order to start his rampage, Fatal decided to acquire a vessel and targeted Sonic the Hedgehog, capturing him before ripping off his arms and possessing his body. Soon after, Fatal, now in his new body, targeted, killed and enslaved Tails, Knuckles, Robotnik and Mecha Sonic.

However, within Fatal were the last remaining remnants of Sonic’s code, forced to walk through a hall of memories and watch as his body was puppeteered by Fatal to slaughter his friends and consume his world’s data. Eventually, Fatal appeared before Sonic and offered him a chance to fight back against him for control of his body, to which Sonic agreed, but at a cost. Although he could regain his body, Sonic was forced to fight back against his corrupted friends and family. Eventually, Sonic had defeated all of Fatal’s minions and hoped to be done with it, however, Fatal revealed he was never genuine about giving Sonic’s body back to him and only wanted to see him suffer before thrusting him into the eternal abyss of the deepest part of his body, no longer able to regain control.

After conquering the world, psychologically breaking Sonic and enslaving all the world’s inhabitants, Fatal realized how much he relished in the rush of power he felt throughout his heinous actions, coming to the realization that he didn’t need to stay tied to Prime or rely on anyone else apart from himself, his brainwashed code puppets and his power. Realizing that he could become even more powerful than Prime, Fatal cut the strings between him and Prime, separating their links and allowing him to fully go rogue, leaving the broken world he had ravaged and taking his code puppets with him to continue enslaving and corrupting worlds.

At some point, Fatal discovered the existence of the multiverse and that there were other entities much like him. Going completely mad with power and realizing just how powerful he could become, Fatal set a new plan into motion he codenamed «EMPEROR»: a plan to achieve godhood and rule over the broken remains of a corrupted multiverse.

Powers and Abilities


  • Fatal copy physiology: Although he is a defective fatal copy, Fatal Error is nonetheless, an extremely powerful computer virus who wields immense power and strength.
    • Amazing durability: Fatal is a heavily durable entity who’s primary form of physical defence comes from being able to hide in his Sonic vessel and use it as a shield against physical attacks.
    • Data empowerment: Fatal’s primary goal is to become godlike by absorbing as much data as he can. Every piece of data Fatal absorbs is used to amplify his abilities and make him stronger. It also helps that Fatal is a computer virus and part of a species of viruses that collect data and use it to feed their overlord, meaning that fatal copies can also become stronger by absorbing data.
    • Filukinesis: Fatal can produce red strings from his fingertips to puppet around his code puppets, controlling them like marionettes. He was also able to sever the string between him and Fatal Prime, allowing him to escape her control and go rogue.
    • Nigh-immortality: Although it’s not made explicitly clear as to how many years he can live, Fatal is a virus capable of living for thousands of years, although he can still be killed.
      • Regeneration: Fatal can endlessly regenerate lost body parts, mainly his limbs.
    • Limb generation: Fatal can generate an innumerable amount of extra limbs (mainly arms), with his default and true forms containing four arms and being able to generate two arms in his Sonic disguise to use them to walk.
    • Possession: Fatal can use a corruption-induced possession to take over peoples’ bodies. Although it’s not known how far this extends to, he’s shown to be able to easily possess video game characters by merging and overtaking their code.
      • Shapeshifting: Upon possessing a body, Fatal is able to shapeshift between the corrupted form he takes of them, a vague disguise of his vessel and his true form.
    • Resurrection: Fatal can resurrect people and restore them either back to their regular state or as one of his code puppets.
    • Summoning: Fatal can summon his code puppets at any time to appear at his location, teleporting them from wherever they were previously.
    • Superhuman strength: Fatal is an incredibly powerful entity capable of killing people within a minimal amount of time. Combined with his sharp claws and powerful abilities, Fatal is proven to be a dangerously formidable foe with strength beyond any mortal being or default computer program.
    • Teleportation: Fatal can use teleportation to warp between several places, including different video game worlds.
      • Portal creation: Fatal can create portals that he uses to travel between universes, with these portals appearing glitchy, red and pixelated.
      • Universal travel: Fatal can travel across different dimensions and universes and enter and exit then as he wishes.
    • Virtual warping: Within the digital realm, Fatal is virtually omnipotent and can control entire virtual worlds to his liking. He can create, destroy, re-create, etc., without having to lift a finger due to his nature as a powerful computer virus.
      • Corruption: Fatal can corrupt virtually anything and primarily uses his corruption powers to corrupt entire worlds and brainwash individuals into becoming his corrupted code puppets.
      • Datakinesis: Fatal is an entity that feeds on data and can manipulate it in any way he desires. He primarily uses his data to take control of other entities and mess with their data to reduce their threat level and nullify their abilities so it makes it easier for Fatal to kill them. However, when taking control of entities, Fatal’s options are limited, as there isn’t a whole lot he can do with them, and the effects only last when Fatal is around them, so he can’t just reduce their powers and leave. Even when he gets to 100% code-based entities, although he can have a wider range of options, it takes longer to access their data. However, Fatal can still use data manipulation on virtual worlds for aesthetic purposes and to certify his corruption and dominion over the realm he’s in.
        • Data absorption: Fatal can absorb data from both dead and alive entities, and in doing so, it makes him stronger and amplifies his powers.
      • Glitching: As a virus, Fatal can glitch entire virtual worlds and have them surrender to his corruption, as well as leaving patches of glitches when he wounds someone, replacing their blood.

Future powers

  • Nigh-omnipotence: In the future when Fatal transforms into Fatal Emperor and achieves godhood, his powers become infinite as he’s able to rewrite the fabric of reality and bend existence to his will. He has no limitations on how much he can alter the code of entities and reality and mess around with it in endless ways.


  • Cooking skills: Fatal is considered a skilled cook and baker, having consumed the data of various digital recipes and browsing others.
  • Sharp claws: Fatal possesses extremely sharp claws that the rest of his species possess to cut up code into tangible clumps to take back to Fatal Prime.


  • Sonic vessel: Within his Sonic form, Fatal is stripped of Sonic’s trademark speed due to how much damage the vessel has obtained over the years and because of how Fatal puppets it.



Fatal taunting Sonic.

Tails: S-Sonic. please! S-STOP THIS!
Fatal: Pathetic, ignorant fox. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I’M SONIC!?

Fatal encountering Tails.


Fatal chasing Tails.


Fatal capturing Tails.


Fatal Error after capturing Tails.


Fatal encountering Knuckles.

oh, poor, poor echidna. YOU’VE MADE A FATAL MISTAKE!

Fatal after Knuckles defends himself.


Fatal capturing Knuckles.


Fatal battling Mecha Sonic.

You really think you can defeat me, mechanoid? you will end up as the rest! YOUR CODE WILL BE MINE!

Fatal battling Mecha Sonic.


Fatal winning against Mecha Sonic.




Fatal in his future emperor state.

Defender: Found you again. Your hiding ends now.
Fatal: You again!? You make universe travelling so annoying.
Defender: Your existence is a curse, Fatal. I will be sure your deletion is painful.

Fatal encountering Defender.

Fatal: I wonder if Dismantler can break this damn screen. I’m tired of this annoyance.

Fatal listening in annoyance at Prime berating him for his betrayal.


Fatal with his code puppets.

Fatal: Well. hello, Node!

Fatal meeting Node.

Your efforts against me are amusing, but utterly worthless! You will end up as the rest of them do. Your code will be mine!

Fatal Errir


Critical Sonic

What don’t you irritating pests not understand? Your freedom is GONE! Your safety is GONE! Your hope will soon follow. Your little resistance against me will do nothing but set up false hope as I diminish your thoughts of escaping me with every worthless member I take from you. Even with some of the strongest there is. you are nothing compared to me. I am a god of all reality! I. am. emperor!

Fatal Emperor


  • Fatal Error was originally created for a contest hosted by JoeDoughBoi, but gradually became his own character.
  • Sonic’s vessel has no arms, so the four arms that stick out of his body belonging to Fatal are actually his arms protruding through Sonic’s arm sockets.
  • Fatal is asexual and, as with every other code-based entity, non-binary. He is masculine presenting.
  • Fatal speaks in a British accent and will swear excessively when angered, but won’t go too far (for example, he won’t say «cunt»). His go-to insult is ‘wanker’, but he’ll also settle for «bugger», «sod» and «twat» when angered to a point where his British filter vanishes.
  • Fatal achieved his critical forms when he was fighting a fatal copy. This peculiar one was angering him immensely and he ended up just killing it, transforming into his new critical form.

External Links


Shannon Goldman | Cult of X (original) | Cult of X (2021 reboot)

Nightmare Series
Exetior’s Army
Exetior | Sark | Negagen | Pervision | Creep | Tails | Knuckles | Dr. Eggman | Brally | Christy Glow | Boddys

All-Father | Stich-Lite | Brave-Light

The King | The Red-Eyed Curse



Fatal Error is a character owned by AnarackWarriorsStudios. The character is themed around a computer virus, which is reflected by the design. He was created on December 12th, 2020.


Fatal Error is a virus puppeteering a corrupted Sonic body. He wishes to consume code and become ever more powerful.


Fatal’s story begins with a computer AI known as Iris, created to be one of the most human-like AIs in existence. Her creator had spent hundreds of hours on her and she was perfect, with a personality, human-like mind, and even feelings, it was the best AI in existence.

Until her creator had noticed she was getting curious, Iris was exploring around his pc and was doing things questionable to what she was built for, and eventually started crossing the line without even knowing it. This caused her creator to try and pull the plug, to get her deleted, but she kept resisting, as she was torn apart by the deletion, her code broke, she glitched and broke immensely. In her creator’s rash actions, he had done something worse than keep her active; she was now corrupt and with even more power, once realizing what her creator had done, she took full control of his pc, not allowing him to do anything.

After a full year of tormenting her creator, he couldn’t take it anymore, and took his own life, leaving Iris with full control. Time had passed, and Iris now dubbed herself Fatal Prime, and started hungering for more code, so she created a series of copies (simply known as Fatal copies) to go out into other peoples PC’s and gather code to bring back and feed her, they were her puppets, and she kept feeding happily.

Until one day Fatal Prime was in the middle of producing another fatal copy when something went wrong: the copy was resisting, pulling off more code from fatal prime than it should have, and came out a lot more mangled. This copy she was disgusted by, and thus named it, Fatal Error.

With Fatal Error now being created, he was a lot more sentient than the rest of the fatal copies, he began to question what the purpose of his creation was, and why he felt so different; all he knew was that looking at Fatal Prime sickened him to his core and he wanted nothing more than to see her grovel in weakness and pain. After a while, Fatal was sent out to gather code, but Fatal Prime made sure he wouldn’t come back, not like Fatal would want to. Fatal Error found himself in a random person’s PC, and the first file that caught his attention was a Sonic 3 & Knuckles ROM; he was going to just consume the code and be done with it, but a spark arose in his mind, he was going to have a bit of his own fun, thus entered the game and beginning to corrupt all the inhabitants of the game.

He started with Sonic, chasing him through Launch Base getting his blood racing, and when capturing him, tore off his arms and entered his torso, and Fatal thus used Sonic’s body as a vessel, corrupting it into Fatal Error Sonic. Of course, the rest followed: Tails, Knuckles, Eggman, and even Mecha Sonic were no match for Fatal Error’s corruption, and they were given a fate worse than death. Fatal turned them into code puppets and now controls them like a marionette, the only thing they are able to do is whisper for help. After capturing all 4 of the puppets, the remnants of Sonic’s code, still within the vessel of Sonic, walked through the hall of corrupted memories. He was forced to watch Fatal execute, and he hoped there would be a way to fight against him, but it all seemed fruitless.

Fatal would appear before Sonic, offering him a chance to fight him and amuse him enough to make him consider giving back his body, but Sonic didn’t like what he had to do. Fatal forced him to fight through his friends, he was forced to fight the code puppets of those he recognized, but he still did it. Finally, he thought he had won, but Fatal tore the last hope from him; he wasn’t going to give back his body, and thus thrusted Sonic to the deepest part of his body, and he would never have a chance to regain control. Fatal Error stood in the mangled remains of the world he had corrupted, he felt power he never expected, and he came to a realization: he didn’t need prime or anything else, he would only need his own power. He has the capability to be stronger than them all, and thus he cut his strings from Prime and went on his own way. He left the mangled world he had created with his puppets and Sonic form in toe, and thus went to corrupt more out there.

Eventually, he finds out there are others like him, the other exes, and he realized what he could become, he then had a plan set in motion. He has a new goal, one bigger than Fatal Prime’s.

And his plan’s name is Codename: EMPEROR.



Fatal Error’s abilities include teleportation, reality-bending (only in code-based worlds), life code-rewriting, summoning, and controlling code puppets (as well as creating other code puppets once corrupting life forms). He is also able to hide within the Sonic body as extra defense.


Fatal himself is incredibly durable and quick, but he isn’t invincible, he can be killed if he is ripped apart too violently, but its unlikely to happen due to him being quick enough to only sustain minor damage (he is able to repair himself and his puppets after battles or even during them if damage is really minor). His Sonic body acts like Armor so that Fatal takes less damage than how he would in his true physical form, but this comes at a catch, the arms on Fatal sonic are Fatal’s own that he’s slid out of the armhole created by fatal, so in a way that’s one of his weak spots to get him annoyed and in pain (even if he can replace any of his arms almost instantly. another physical weakness of his Sonic form is that he cannot run at sonic level speeds, his body is being puppeted by Fatal’s arms within the body itself, so its hard to get those legs to run in a figure 8 fashion, but he can still use glitchy teleportation and glitch dashes.


  • Fatal was created for an Exe event JoeDoughBoi was hosting and eventually became his own thing. SwappyBlue originally helped with the redesign of Fatal, leading to his 4 arms being a key design.
  • No matter where he appears in pixel style, he just changes quality wherever he goes.
  • The 4 arms on Fatal Sonic are from Fatal’s true form. The Sonic body only has arm holes, so he sticks the arms out of his body.
  • Fatal Error is British, while the G’s are Italian mobster types.


FatalError Title

Art done of Fatal Error taking over the title screen.



FatalError CodePuppets

Fatal Error’s code puppets.


Fatal’s 5th code puppet called the machine.


The Meat Shield and Machine combining together.


Fatal’s Puppet Show continues.

FatalError Sprites

Set of drawings depicting Fatal Error.

FatalError Fear

Nodes subordinates/minions, the G’s.


Fatal VS Tails.

FatalError Tails

Fatal catching Tails.

FatalError Knuckles

Fatal Error catching Knuckles.


Fatal VS Knuckles.


Fatal VS Knuckles part 2.

FatalError Mecha1

Fatal VS Mecha Sonic.

FatalError Mecha2

Fatal VS Mecha Sonic, Part 2.

FatalError NodeRef

Node, the G’s leader.


Node catching a chat with Fatal.

FatalError NodeSideRef

Node side and additional reference.

FatalError FatalPrime

Iris/Fatal Prime


Fatal in the form he’s strived so hard to achieve, Emperor Fatal.


Emperor Fatal in his hedgehog form.


Critical Fatal Error and his forms.


― Fatal Error while catching Knuckles

Fatal Error is a Sonic.exe inspired character created by «AnarackWStudios», who also goes by the name «AnarackWarriors Games». In this mod that features Fatal Error created by Siivkoi that runs on Psych Engine, you go against the living corruption in all his red binary flesh! The mod was made as an semi bait and switch April fools prank by said creator tricking people into thinking they were returning to the Friday Night Funkin’ modding scene, however they’ve left the community already.


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Gallery
  • 3 Music
  • 4 Download Link


Fatal Error only roughly takes the appearance of Sonic. All of his skin is a bright red, with his secondary color being black. He has ears that are all black which could be interpreted as horns. He has black eyes with red glowing pupils and a red nose. He has a big black mouth with red sharp teeth.

Moving down to his torso, his middle area has a gaping hole with a creature living inside his stomach that usually has sharp teeth and a red glowing eye (However the creature in its entirety is not present in Fatal Error’s sprites in this mod). On his back side he has a small black tail. He has red legs with red shoes and black socks, he has 4 arms and they’re black with sharp red hands.


  • Normal

  • True Fatal

  • Boyfriend

  • Backgrounds & Misc

Static Idle

Static Idle

Left pose

Left pose

Down pose

Down pose

Up pose

Up pose

Right pose

Right pose

Static Left pose

Static Left pose

Static Down pose

Static Down pose

Static Up pose

Static Up pose

Static Right pose

Static Right pose

Static True Fatal Idle

Static True Fatal Idle

Left True Fatal pose

Left True Fatal pose

Down True Fatal pose

Down True Fatal pose

Up True Fatal pose

Up True Fatal pose

Right True Fatal pose

Right True Fatal pose

Static Left True Fatal pose

Static Left True Fatal pose

Static Down True Fatal pose

Static Down True Fatal pose

Static Up True Fatal pose

Static Up True Fatal pose

Static Right True Fatal pose

Static Right True Fatal pose



Left pose

Left pose

Down pose

Down pose

Up pose

Up pose

Right pose

Right pose

Static Idle

Static Idle

Static Left pose

Static Left pose

Static Down pose

Static Down pose

Static Up pose

Static Up pose

Static Right pose

Static Right pose

Red gradient background

Red gradient background

Buildings 1/2

Buildings 1/2

Buildings (Far) 2/2

Buildings (Far) 2/2

Full background

Full background

Set of error messages 1/3

Set of error messages 1/3



(Ground Asset) 3/3

(Ground Asset) 3/3

Blue screen

Blue screen

Red screen (appears in Fatal Error's second phase)

Red screen (appears in Fatal Error’s second phase)

Grabber sprite sheet

Grabber sprite sheet

Ditto but animated

Ditto but animated

The message that appears at the end of the song, telling the viewer the April fool's switch

The message that appears at the end of the song, telling the viewer the April fool’s switch



Placeholder Used

— Caramel

This article uses one or more placeholders. Placeholders are commonly used for when a mod or asset hasn’t been released publicly. Placeholders should be replaced with official assets as soon as possible.

Note: Due to the lack of icons in the mod, we’ll be using the icon from Vs. Sonic.Exe/Fatal Files


BPM: 240
Scroll Speed: 2.7
Composer(s): Saster

Download Link[]

Google Drive Googledrive

v · d · eSEGA

SonicIcon SonicTailsicon Miles «Tails» ProwerKnucklesIcon KnucklesAmyShutUpIcon Amy Rose ( GhostAmyIcon Possessed)・ShadowIcon ShadowModernMetal-NeutralIcon Metal SonicTailsDollIcon Tails DollFanEggyNormalIcon Dr. EggmanMajin Icon New Majin SonicMiku Icon (New) Hatsune MikuKiryuIcon Kiryu KazumaArle

Sonic the Hedgehog & Related Media
Sonic the Hedgehog

AGOTISonicWinningIcon A.G.O.T.I. SonicPhantasSonicIcon PhantasFleetwayIcon IconFakerX PATailsIcon SinkNeutralIcon Chaos SeriesDancing Meme ModDSonicNormal Dorkly Sonic: Swagged UpExtraLifeIcon Extra Life (charg)BadFutureMetal-NeutralIcon FNF: Bad FutureRedXIcon SonixIcon FNF: Corrupted DataSurge-NeutralIcon MetallicShowdownMetal-NeutralIcon FNF: Metallic ShowdownIcon-metalsonic FNF: Stardust ShowdownMCSonic-NeutralIcon LMetal-NeutralIcon Friday Night Funkin’: Lyrical LunacyRushSonicNormal Friday Night RushFriday Night TrollinFFTFSonicIcon FFTFSonicEXEIcon FFTFTailsIcon Friends From The FutureGenocide but «All» SonicsMDMSonicNeutral MDMTailsNeutral MDMEggmanNeutral Mega-Drive MadnessMetallic DissatisfactionNo Villains but All SonicsCoR Normal Icon Knuckles Normal Icon Tails Normal Icon FNF Perish VerseSonicsus Pibby Corrupted: Sonic EditionSonicShutUpIcon AmyShutUpIcon SHUT UP FUNKINSiivaSonpaiicon SiIvaGunner Mod PackSonicPibbyNormalIcon Sonic Corrupted GenerationsSPGmodNeutralIcon SPTTSNeutralIcon SPTerminalMontageNeutralIcon Sonic ParodiesSonic The Hedgehog (CuteyTCat)SonicIcon Tailsicon KnucklesIcon ShadowIcon Friday Night Funkin’ Sonic’s Rhythm RushSonicDFNewNormal SIlverHedgehogIcon ShadowHedgehogIcon ClassicSonicNeutral BetonIcon Sonic: Dimensional FunkinSoulless-icon Soulles DXSilverSonicIcon DarkSonicIcon TeriosIcon SonAIEXEIcon Super Sonic SmackdownTailsTrollIcon SonicNewTrolledIcon ShadowTGTIcon KnucklesSmoking Tails Gets TrolledTails TrlledTailsTIIconTails’ InsanitySonicVCNormalIconVocal CatastropheOVAMetal-NeutralIcon OVASonic-NeutralIcon OVATails-Icon Vs. Metal Sonic OVAMetalSonic-icon Sonic-icon Vs. Metal Sonic: Stardust SpeedwaySonicPibbyNormalIcon SonicIcon Vs. Pibby Sonic (Last Spooktober Cover)NewPiracySonicIcon Vs. Piracy SonicSantiagoIcon SonicSantiagoIcon Vs. SANTIAGOVs. ScourgeVs. Tails (Eddkenith)ModernMetal-NeutralIcon ClassicMetal-NeutralIcon Vs. Ultimate Metal Sonic (Aftertake)TTFTailsIcon Two-Tailed Funkin’


OrdinarySonicIcon OrdinarySonicExeIcon An Ordinary Too Slow CoverPhantasSonicIcon PhantasFleetwayIcon IconFakerX PATailsIcon SinkNeutralIcon Chaos SeriesCrybitdevSonicexe1Icon CrybitdevSonicexeMajinIcon Chaotic EndeavorsAlanNormal Cross Console ChaosHigh-Effort BurningSonicEXE2.5Icon Sonic Exe:Rebirth Of A DemonSonicExeCYIcon Sonic.Exe: Ring of Despair (Confronting Yourself Mod)PlayableFinalEscapeIcon Playable Final EscapeSonicExeNormal Sonic.exe has your IP addressTriple Trouble but Update 2 characters sing itSonicEXE2.5Icon YCR3.0Icon SingleNewXenoIcon TailsEXEIcon KnucklesEXEIcon RobotnikEXEIcon Vs. Sonic.ExeTailsNewIcon SonicExeVsTailsExeIcon Vs. Tails.ExeAGEM Sl0w Neutral Icon AGEM Watcher Neutral Icon MilezNormalIcon AGEM PuppetNormalIcon Another Generic Exe Mod

Majin Sonic

MajinSonicFWFIconFriday Night Funkin’: Infinite InterferenceBOUNCEMAJINNEUTRALIconFUN IS INFINITEMajinIconDarkenIcon Infinity (Vs. Majin)PibbyMajinSonicIcon Pibby Majin Sonic

Hatsune Miku

Icon-RollingMikuColor FNF: Rolling AgainMiku Icon (New) Vs. Hatsune Miku

Angry Birds

AlexBirdIcon Alex BirdBadPigIcon RossPibbyRedStaticIcon Glitched Legends


ArleIcon DarleIcon Vs. ArleD-SidesSonicHDIcon Friday Night Funkin’ HDMazinicon Hotline 024Platformer PanicSecretHistoryTailsIcon SonicSHIcon Knuckles CorpseIcon Friday Night Funkin’: Secret HistoriesAmyFIMIcon FUNKIN’ IS MAGICGolf MinigameSonicSmbIcon TailsSmbIcon Super Mario Bros. Funk Mix DXThe Weeg ModMikuViernesNormal Viernes Noche Webiando’
FrostbiteIcon FNF: Sonic Shufflex /ctt/ — Console-tan Tuesday

v · d · e

Funkipedia-nameplate dot-EXE


.Exe • Confronting Yourself • Mario.EXE • Sonic.Exe (Lord X) • Triple Trouble


VsAmyExeIcon Amy.exe (TEEJIO) • BWNormalIcon Black And White • Chotixicon Chotix • FakerBoyfriendNeutralIcon Faker Boyfriend • Soincicon Soinc.wmv • Image 2022-03-16 171912 Sonic.FLA • NotWechidnaIcon Wechidna Knuckles • CanonXenophanesIcon Playable Xenophanes

Sonic the Hedgehog as Primary Source
Vs. Sonic.Exe
(MarStarBro / Comgaming_Nz)

Alternate ending (Ultimante) • Alternative Edition • Bitcrushed • B-Sides • Chaotic Endeavors • Endless Cycles • The Executable Entourage • Executable Mania • EXEmerge • EXEternal • The Fanspansion • Vs. Fleetway Super Sonic • Forgotten Remnant • has your IP address • HD (JustRedBird • Lord X • Prey) • High Effort (Chaos • Milk) • Infinite Interference • Minus (Davidgreen123 • EMERALD Zone • Endah • Hottler) • No Villains but All Sonics • An Ordinary Too Slow Cover (Friends From The Future) • Reanimated Lord X (MaxElAweonao • Mr.Egg) • Rebirth Of A Demon • Redesign • Restored • Sally.EXE Reskin • Slaybells Fanchart • Soulles DX • Vs. Tails.Exe • Too Slow Encore (Comical Chaos • Scifi YT) • Triple Trouble Kaizo Mix • ZERO Version


Another Generic Exe Mod • FNF Arena: Sonic.Exe Challenge • Cereal Killer • Corrupted Data • Execute Night Funkin • The EXE Rumble • EYX Rampage • Fire Awaited • FUNKIN WITH EXE • Vs. Furnace • Hell Reborn • ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION • Vs OG SONIC.EXE?! (real) (joke mod) • Parallax • PC Port & Gang • Vs. Solar.exe • Speed.GIF (Vs. Cyclops) • The Spring Of Hell • Tails’ Halloween • Tarnished • UNKNOWN EXECUTABLES • VS X-Terion (Fanmade) • Undying Phoenix

Partial Focus

B3 Remixed • Challeng-EDD (EXE Mix) • Chaos Series • CreepyPasta Collection / Haunted Games • Cross Console Chaos • CuteyTCat’s Sonic Reskins • Vs. Dave and Bambi: Golden Apple Edition • D-Sides • Final Destination: Chaos Edition • Floompack • Hedgehog Hysteria • Hit Single • Lullaby • Mega-Drive Madness • Vs. Metal Sonic: Stardust Speedway • Mixed-Up Matchups • realm of EXEs (And other sonic parodies) • Sonic Multiverse Madness • Sonic Multiverse Mania • Super Sonic Smackdown • FNF: Sonic Shuffle


Vs 900n1 — the average fnf mod • Inserte-nombre-random’s Sonic.exe Mods • NeigePastel’s Redone Mods • Vs. Sonic.Exe D-Sides (Fan Project)

Other Sources

Classified • MARIO’S EXE.CUTION • Mario’s Madness


Angry Birds VS Red EXE • Demonic Determination • Vs. EP-56: The Complete Saga • Pac-Mania Exe・VS. J821 (MrDuckMaster)

Mixed Sources

VS. Awesomest Battle Ever • FireMarioFan’s Covers and Remixes (Antreys • ThePickledOne) • Lullaby • Vs. Mario.EXE Reskin • Vs. Mario FNF Port • Vs. Monika.EXE (Dark Puddle) • Vs. Mouse (Vs. Ancient) • Vs. MX • SMB. FM: Game Over Lord X Edition • You Can’t Pan • VS. J821 (MrDuckMaster)

На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 842 Опубликовано 9 августа, 2022

Кто фатальная ошибка Sonic? Объяснение фатальной ошибки Sonic.EXE

Ежик Соник — персонаж, известный во всем мире. Sega создала множество игр с ним в качестве главного героя. А также вы наверняка видели несколько мультисериалов и комиксов о нем. Однако в сети пользователи стали находить жуткие изображения черно-красного Соника. И в этом руководстве мы расскажем вам, кто такой Fatal Error Sonic.

Объяснение фатальной ошибки Sonic.EXE

Fatal Error — страшный персонаж, созданный AnaracWarriorsStudios 12 декабря 2020 года. Он представляет собой компьютерный вирус, который марионетит изуродованное тело Соника. Однако, чтобы понять, кто такой Fatal Error Sonic, нужно знать его предысторию.

Все началось с искусственного интеллекта по имени Айрис. Она создана благодаря тяжелой работе своего создателя и должна была стать самым совершенным ИИ из всех. Однако чем больше она училась, тем больше сомнительных вещей начинала делать. Поэтому его создатель попытался отключить его. К сожалению, он сделал это не полностью, из-за чего код ИИ сильно испортился.

После этого Айрис назвала себя Fatal Prime и полностью взяла под контроль ПК своего создателя. Она начала делать копии себя и рассылать их на другие компьютеры, чтобы компилировать для нее код. Таким образом, Fatal Prime стал сильнее. А одна из его копий стала еще более битой, из-за чего и получила название Fatal Error.

Fatal Error оказался на случайном ПК, и первым файлом, с которым он захотел повозиться, стал Sonic 3 amp; Наклз ПЗУ. Он погнался за Соником, вырвал ему руки и завладел его телом. Так он принял свою форму. Затем он также издевался над остальными персонажами игры.

После этого ему пришлось сразиться с Fatal Prime и проиграть. Но, несмотря на это, Fatal Error Sonic смог отделиться от ИИ. А затем он отправился в путешествие по различным ПК, чтобы выполнить свой план под названием ИМПЕРАТОР.

Это все, что вам нужно знать о таком персонаже, как Fatal Error Sonic. Вы также можете найти его как мод для Friday Night Funkin. Мы надеемся, что это руководство было для вас полезным.

In this FNF Playground Mod you will make a Character Test: Fatal Error Sonic from Friday Night Funkin’: Vs Sonic.EXE 2.5 / 3.0 INCOMPLETE OFFICIAL RELEASE (Song: Fatality).

You can watch the video test on my channel at the link: https://youtu.be/Hg_BFhgoGV0

Original Mods Links: Friday Night Funkin’ – Vs Sonic.EXE 2.5 / 3.0 INCOMPLETE OFFICIAL RELEASE : https://gamebanana.com/mods/387978

Original Mod Discription:

Original Mod Creators: jackexe

Tegged: friday night funkin,fnf test,fnf playground,character test fnf,character test,playground fnf,fnf test playground,playground vs gameplay,gameplay vs playground,fnf mods,mod fnf,teelz,char test,my playground,fnf character test,playground remake,FNFedit,fnfmod,fnf mod,fnf edit,all characters,playground mod,sonic fnf,fnf sonic,sonic exe 3,sonic exe 2.5,sonicexe 3.0,character test sonic,sonicexe fnf,all character test sonic,tails exe,egg exe

— More FNF Playground Mods: https://teelz.app/category/friday-nig…

— More Video FNF: https://www.youtube.com/teelz

— Telegram Channel: https://t.me/teelzapp

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