пришел данный зверек как невкл
начал шить немного не той прошивкой (не той ревизии), и где-то на 70% выбросило
теперь не шьется, ошибка:
storage type mismatch
scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_EMMC
scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_NAND
нашел правильную прошивку, и много других — все также
нск дает ошибку 4058 4032
ошибка сразу после красной полосы, никакие форматы и тесты не проходят
миракл дает ошибку бута
старые версии ФТ или не кушают скатер, или не видят ТА.
склоняюсь к памяти, но коллега утверждает что дело в прелоадере
кто что подскажет ?
Две ревизии мне встречались. Возможно не ту шьешь. На обеих kcol0 на кнопках громкости.
207,5 КБ
Просмотры: 400
Две ревизии мне встречались. Возможно не ту шьешь. На обеих kcol0 на кнопках громкости.
у меня плата 5.0.0
перепробовал кучу прошивок, разных ревизий — вся та же ошибка
первая прошивка, на которой тел сдох, была 5 ревизии
Под 5ю ревизию у меня числится M20_HT7_V2.1.2_user_20160414-13_52_18.zip
Через FT форматни, с зажатой громкостью.
storage type mismatch
scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_EMMC
scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_NAND
Интересует версия SPFT, на которой данная ошибка, и версии SPFT которые пробовали.
Старые — вообще ни о чем не говорит.
Интересует версия SPFT, на которой данная ошибка, и версии SPFT которые пробовали.
Старые — вообще ни о чем не говорит.
5,1616 5,1724 — даная ошибка
3,1324 — скатер на хавает
5,12хх 5,13хх 5,14хх — ети тел не видят
[OFF]Зашел на **** там от прошивок в глазах зарябило..[/OFF]
Эта ошибка, storage type mismatch, у меня решается сменой SPFT. Если что-то не прошивается v5.1720, открывается v3.1320. Буквально вчера Fly IQ450 с такой ошибкой выпал.
Скачал первую попавшуюся прошивку (M20_HT7_V2.0.1_user_20160215-13_27_35) и.. действительно v3 ругается на scatter и ошибку такую впервые вижу..
Без аппарата не насоветуешь. Действуйте по интуиции (опыту).
вообще ничего не проходит, после красной полосы — сразу ошибка
212 прошивку тоже пробовал — все таже ошибка
Без аппарата не насоветуешь. Действуйте по интуиции (опыту).
что знал — уже все попробовал
коллегу подключил — он тоже не смог помочь
поетому и пишу тут
Последнее редактирование: 28/7/17
склоняюсь к памяти, но коллега утверждает что дело в прелоадере
Коллега прав( если не ВДРУГ железо)
» storage type mismatch » обычно старая версия ФТ Точнее бибилиотека BROM.DLL не поддерживает(не известен) чип(id) памяти в теле
Пользуйте ФТ где ошибка 4032, подбирайте(ищите) прелоадер для своего SoC (кажется MT6580 ?)
Если при коннекте в Дисп. Ус-в появляется типа MTK USВ Port(brom загрузчик) то для инициализации(запуска) памяти грузится прелоадер из выбранной в ФТ прошивке
В отдельную папку свой скат и тестируемый файл прелоадера — выбрать скат в ФТ(других файлов не надо!) Запустить Memory Test. Если прелоадер родной то тест пойдет (после красной полосы)
В отдельную папку свой скат и тестируемый файл прелоадера — выбрать скат в ФТ(других файлов не надо!) Запустить Memory Test. Если прелоадер родной то тест пойдет (после красной полосы)
Я уже в другой теме.. не то чтобы спорил.. оспаривал данную мысль. Вообще все равно на прелоадер при тесте. Все нонеймы так просматриваю (определяя процессор) перед слитием фулла, ни один не ругнулся. Может preloader волшебный?..
flashmax, можете скрин ошибки сделать, где storage mismatch, и скаттер, на котором ошибка, показать. Меня этот момент смущает.
Я уже в другой теме.. не то чтобы спорил.. оспаривал данную мысль. Вообще все равно на прелоадер при тесте. Все нонеймы так просматриваю (определяя процессор) перед слитием фулла, ни один не ругнулся. Может preloader волшебный?..
flashmax, можете скрин ошибки сделать, где storage mismatch, и скаттер, на котором ошибка, показать. Меня этот момент смущает.
список прошивок которые пробовал шить
и сама ошибка — все на скрине
241,2 КБ
Просмотры: 311
купить чтобы получить доступ к скрытому контенту.
прошей, нет вызвоню isp — дам дамп начальных 512mb.
купить чтобы получить доступ к скрытому контенту.
прошей, нет вызвоню isp — дам дамп начальных 512mb.
та же ошибка
а вот NCK на ней дает ошибку 4032, а на других 4058
Последнее редактирование: 28/7/17
Исходя из логики.
Посмотрите на свою плату. На фото, которое выложил treexel, стоит дата: 2016.03.05. Я бы начал с прошивки которую обозвали как официальная M20_HT7_V5_V1.0.1_user_20160418-17_15_05 (у вас на фото не значится) или все, более ранние, перебирать
И, как вариант, попробуйте мультидаунлоадер
купить чтобы получить доступ к скрытому контенту.
(нижний самый). Больше идей нет.
В цитату не влючили: » Если при коннекте в Дисп. Ус-в появляется типа MTK USВ Port(brom загрузчик) то для инициализации(запуска) памяти грузится прелоадер из выбранной в ФТ прошивке «
Это когда бут(прелоадер) на флеши убит или флеш новая как на заводе или загрузка через brom загрузчик — на исправном девайсе это зажата опр кнопка Vol + или -. Тоже самое что kcol0 to GND
А при дефолтном подключении ( без кнопки, в ДУ » Preloader…«) любой прелоадер в прошивке окажется «волшебным»
Backup с аппарата есть?
Попробуйте выборочно стереть по адресу лоадера, взятому из скаттера.
Иной раз, стартует только уже зашитый лоадер, не реагируя на то, что подставляют телу новый лоадер.
Чтобы записался новый, нужно потереть старый. Иначе 4032 или ещё чего-нибудь.
Сделать тест памяти через SPFT.
По поводу 4058 (S_FT_GET_MEMORY_FAIL) — может быть проблема с флешкой, пропаять, заменить.
В другом источнике 4058 — S_FT_FILE_NOT_EXIST — то есть, обычно, это когда файл в скаттере указан, а его нет в наличии.
Последнее редактирование: 28/7/17
Backup с аппарата есть?
Попробуйте выборочно стереть по адресу лоадера, взятому из скаттера.
Иной раз, стартует только уже зашитый лоадер, не реагируя на то, что подставляют телу новый лоадер.
Чтобы записался новый, нужно потереть старый. Иначе 4032 или ещё чего-нибудь.Сделать тест памяти через SPFT.
По поводу 4058 (S_FT_GET_MEMORY_FAIL) — может быть проблема с флешкой, пропаять, заменить.
В другом источнике 4058 — S_FT_FILE_NOT_EXIST — то есть, обычно, это когда файл в скаттере указан, а его нет в наличии.
как я уже писал: ошибка сразу. ни формат, ни тест ни проходит
поищу еще прелоадеры/прошивки
Исходя из логики.
Посмотрите на свою плату. На фото, которое выложил treexel, стоит дата: 2016.03.05. Я бы начал с прошивки которую обозвали как официальная M20_HT7_V5_V1.0.1_user_20160418-17_15_05 (у вас на фото не значится) или все, более ранние, перебиратьИ, как вариант, попробуйте мультидаунлоадер
купить чтобы получить доступ к скрытому контенту.
(нижний самый). Больше идей нет.
на **** чуваку с такой платой, служба поддержки дала прошивку M20_HT7_V5_XP_V1.0.1_user_20160810-18_07_57
но она не заходи
мультидаунлоадер также не шьет
буду еще качать все ранние прошивки, и пробовать
ошибка сразу. ни формат, ни тест ни проходит
Бэкап есть? Интересует только бэкап начальных адресов, обычно сохраняют преладер, так вот он и нужен, вместе с ним в бэкапе есть разметка флеши.
Но даже это может быть некритичным.
Не нужно
ни прелоадеров,
ни общего формата,
ни теста, пока не сотрётся прелоадер.
В Readback вручную выставить адреса прелоадера (взять из скаттера) и потереть по ним.
Должен появиться MTK порт.
А Manual Format не проходит?
Бэкап есть? Интересует только бэкап начальных адресов, обычно сохраняют преладер, так вот он и нужен, вместе с ним в бэкапе есть разметка флеши.
Но даже это может быть некритичным.Не нужно
ни прелоадеров,
ни общего формата,
ни теста, пока не сотрётся прелоадер.
Вручную выставить адреса прелоадера (взять из скаттера) и потереть по ним.
Должен появиться MTK port.
бекапов нет((
мтк порт и так есть,даже без кнопки и АКБ
не трется, все также 4032 на 212 прошивке, и 4058 на остальных прошивках (nck)
FT просто дает ошибку: storage type mismatch
и мануал, и авто режимах
скачал 101 201 203 207 210 211 прошивки — все та же ошибка, ни стереть, ни тест сделать
я все таки склоняюсь к флешке, ведь он не должен был видится без ТП и АКБ
ну и он не просто так сдох. прошивки если слетают, то хотя бы моргаю. а он был трупом.
если клиент даст добро, буду кататьменять память
Последнее редактирование: 28/7/17
А если в названии scatter файла поменять emmc на nand, что будет писать тот FlashTool, который ругается на storage type mismatch?
А если в названии scatter файла поменять emmc на nand, что будет писать тот FlashTool, который ругается на storage type mismatch?
не понял что поменять?
пришел данный зверек как невкл
начал шить немного не той прошивкой (не той ревизии), и где-то на 70% выбросило
теперь не шьется, ошибка:storage type mismatch
scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_EMMC
scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_NANDнашел правильную прошивку, и много других — все также
нск дает ошибку 4058 4032
ошибка сразу после красной полосы, никакие форматы и тесты не проходят
миракл дает ошибку бута
старые версии ФТ или не кушают скатер, или не видят ТА.склоняюсь к памяти, но коллега утверждает что дело в прелоадере
кто что подскажет ?
Привет. У меня был подобный опыт. У меня много программаторов и помог мне с форматом только MRT dongle MTK. Форматнул MRT раза с пятого. Ни cm2 ни mirical не форматировали.
После чего, я прошился обычным SP flashtool в download режиме.
Если есть MRT советую попробовать. Удачи.
100% прелоадер!
парочку китов лично «убил». теперь все МТК шью без прелоадера!!!
особенно если NAND. был бы EMMC, то прошился бы.
советую прошить отдельно прелоадер (вот как найти подходящий не знаю), а потом прошивать офф прошивкой, но без прелоадера.
100% прелоадер!
парочку китов лично «убил». теперь все МТК шью без прелоадера!!!
особенно если NAND. был бы EMMC, то прошился бы.
советую прошить отдельно прелоадер (вот как найти подходящий не знаю), а потом прошивать офф прошивкой, но без прелоадера.
там EMMC
похожая как в I9300 только оперативка отдельно
This is a tutorial on how to fix storage type mismatch (scatter storage type EMMC | target storage type NAND) when flashing firmware using SP Flash Tool.
- storage-type-mismatch-emmc-nand.png (101.8KiB)Viewed 11128 times
Have you gotten an error while flashing a firmware using SP Flash Tool as shown on the image above or code below?
Code: Select all
Storage type mismatch!
scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_EMMC
target storage type is HW_STORAGE_NAND
If Yes, then in this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to fix this error.
Flashing will erase all of your data
All described operations you are doing at your own risk.
- SP Flash Tool:
- Notepad++: http://optitopt.com/396y
How To (Steps):
After getting the above requirement, Install Notepad++ and follow the steps below.
Step 1:
- Right-click on the firmware scatter file and open with Notepad++.
- 1.png (84.55KiB)Viewed 11128 times
Step 2:
- Press CTRL+ F and search for the value «EMMC» (without the quotes).
- 2.png (87.55KiB)Viewed 11128 times
Step 3:
- Rename all the EMMC to NAND.
- 3.png (95.44KiB)Viewed 11128 times
Step 4:
- After renaming,
- 4.png (90.46KiB)Viewed 11128 times
- Click on File and save the scatter file (you can also save the file using CTRL + S).
- 4b.png (52.6KiB)Viewed 11128 times
Step 5:
- Launch SP Flash Tool and select the scatter file again. Now the EMMC Scatter storage type has been successfully changed to NAND! You can now flash your device.
- 5.png (89.94KiB)Viewed 11128 times
You Might Also Like:
How To Fix Storage Type Mismatch (Scatter storage type EMMC | Target storage type NONE) In SP Flash Tool: viewtopic.php?f=104&t=277
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Помогите вот такая беда!!!
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35 минут назад, Иван Гниломедов сказал:
Помогите вот такая беда!!!
Какой аппарат?
Какую прошивку ставим?
Желательно ссылки в студию.
Сменить SP Flash Tool
Также проблема может быть аппаратная.
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Иван Гниломедов в шапке ссылку открывали? Там написано, что:
Проблема может быть аппаратная, например при вышедшей из строя флеш-памяти.
Добавлено 3 минуты спустя:
На скрине видна строчка:
47 минут назад, esleer сказал:
Какой аппарат?
47 минут назад, esleer сказал:
Какую прошивку ставим?
Добавлено 5 минут спустя:
48 минут назад, esleer сказал:
Желательно ссылки в студию.
Сменить SP Flash Tool
Ссылки не обязательны…можно попробовать убрать кирилицу в пути к прошивке, не поможет — точно здох.
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При попытке запустить тест памяти на MT6582M пишет:
Storage type mismatch
scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_EMMC
target storage type is HW_STORAGE_NAND
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ALEKCEN Для чего проверяем?
Аппарат труп?
Скрин в студию.
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17 часов назад, ALEKCEN сказал:
target storage type is HW_STORAGE_NAND
Такой тип памяти сто лет не использовался (Когда ROM был 512Мб). Либо памяти хана. Либо подделка у вас и скаттер не соответствует аппарату.
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Имеем A606 ROW. Прошивался через SP_Flash_Tool_v5.1352.01 на прошивку A606_S059_141025_ROW. В диспетчере было устройство что то типа MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (com3). Подключался через USB контроллер моника, который иногда подглючивает, что собственно и произошло где-то на 25-30% прошивки. Сейчас имеем кирпич со следующими признаками жизни:
В диспетчере при подключении тела с батареей появляется/исчезает по кругу с периодичностью 2 сек устройство Media Tek USB Port (COM5) (см. скрин)
Аналогично происходит при подключении без батареи с 3-мя зажатыми кнопками.
В обоих случаях SP_Flash_Tool выдает ошибку 1013 (см.скрин). Такая же ошибка при попытке форматнуть аппарат.
Больше никаких признаков.
Если что есть nvram бэкап.
Заранее спасибо
Отредактировал 17 октября, 2017 Chaynik WoT
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3 минуты назад, Chaynik WoT сказал:
Подключался через USB контроллер моника
Это и есть причина кирпича. Подключать надо к задней части системного блока.
6 минут назад, Chaynik WoT сказал:
появляется/исчезает по кругу с периодичностью 2 сек устройство Media Tek USB Port (COM5)
Так и должно быть. Запускаем SP Flash Tool и подключаем аппарат.
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Chaynik WoT Переустановите дрова, поймав момент появления устройства и щелкнув по нему левой клавишей мыши…затем укажите папку с дровами. Дрова слетели
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20 минут назад, esleer сказал:
Это и есть причина кирпича. Подключать надо к задней части системного блока.
Да понял я уже, понял. Про глюк вспомнил только после глюка.
salm да, ручная переустановка дров помогла. флэш тул начал подкватывать, но выскакивает новая ошибка.
И еще настораживает, что первичная прошивка проводилась без аккума и без зажатия кнопок. Неужели из-за прерывания прошивки изменилось поведение тела при прошивке?
Отредактировал 17 октября, 2017 Chaynik WoT
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1 минуту назад, Chaynik WoT сказал:
но выскакивает новая ошибка.
Нехорошая ошибка. Говорит о том обычно, что флешь память аппарата физически неисправна.
Какая причина была в прошивке первый раз?
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Chaynik WoT 4032:
— Проявляется если файл прошивки preloader не знает ROM-памяти установленной в Вашем смартфоне. Как правило это означает, что Вы купили смартфон из новой партии, в которой установлена память не учтенная на момент выпуска данной прошивки. Нужно найти прошивку новее или китайскую и использовать из нее preloader.
— Попробовать отформатировать телефон.
— Иногда нужно удалять и переустанавливать драйверы и делать форматирование повторно, и потом перепрошиваться если предыдущая попытка была неудачная.
— Если прошивка стандартным методом не приносит результата, то возможно придется прошивать аппарат через тестпоинт.
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Не работала 4G + плохая зарядка + глюки. Тело тёщино, по её словам там вообще ппц Я глянул, что прошивка старовата была, штатная обнова не ставилась, собственно решил поставить поновее.
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3 минуты назад, Chaynik WoT сказал:
прошивка старовата была, штатная обнова не ставилась, собственно решил поставить поновее.
Возможно как раз дело в preloader
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1 минуту назад, salm сказал:
Проявляется если файл прошивки preloader не знает ROM-памяти установленной в Вашем смартфоне. Как правило это означает, что Вы купили смартфон из новой партии, в которой установлена память не учтенная на момент выпуска данной прошивки. Нужно найти прошивку новее или китайскую и использовать из нее preloader.
Думаю, это не актуально, ибо первый раз прошивка стартовала, память не менялась, а ошибка появилась.
При форматировании тоже ошибки выскакивают раз от раза разные. И вообще тело не стабильно начало себя вести при подключении.
Ну да ладно, порцию информации получил, буду колдовать пока. Ибо мозги вразброс пока
Спасибо за оперативную помощь.
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Добрый вечер Помогите пожалуйста ребята при по пытке прошить muse c3 psp3504 duo флеш тул выдаёт ошибку 4032 не могу прошить
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4 минуты назад, kukuhkin сказал:
muse c3 psp3504 duo
Это что за зверь такой?
На него вообще прошивки есть в интернете?
Вообще то у нас поддержка только Lenovo, ZUK и Moto.
Остальных производителей мы не поддерживаем.
Ну и больше ответов будет по этой ошибке ТУТ
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1 час назад, esleer сказал:
Это что за зверь такой?
1 час назад, kukuhkin сказал:
не могу прошить
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Помогите пожалуйста. Вылезла ошибка lenovo launcher я вытащил батарею и он больше не включается.Вот что флэш тул говорит
Отредактировал 11 июля, 2018 BOPOH’Ok
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3 часа назад, Вадим Мартынеску сказал:
Вот что флэш тул говорит
Ошибка по характеру похожа на 8038, но на практике правка скаттер файла не помогала. Для решения проблемы многие шли в сервисный центр и им воскрешали аппарат через программатор.
Очень немногим помогла прошивка через кнопку DOWNLOAD со всеми установленными галочками.
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1 минуту назад, Dr.Betruger сказал:
Скрыть контент
Ошибка по характеру похожа на 8038, но на практике правка скаттер файла не помогала. Для решения проблемы многие шли в сервисный центр и им воскрешали аппарат через программатор.
Очень немногим помогла прошивка через кнопку DOWNLOAD со всеми установленными галочками.
Мне ни один флэш тул не помогает и ни одна галочка.Всегда разные ошибки.Уже и начитался что это означает что слетела флэш память.Что посоветуете?
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1 минуту назад, Вадим Мартынеску сказал:
Что посоветуете?
Купите новый аппарат. Ремонт этого нецелесообразен.
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Да,2 раза кирпич.Начали писать ошибки лаунчера и гугл плей телефон зависал.Теперь я вынул батарею и он уже не запустился!Вот решил прошить но выдало такую ошибку.Кое как включился,прошил на ROW_S118.Грешу на флэш память
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@Вадим Мартынеску Ну нет. Флеш-память может и цела. Проблема в переразметке. При переразметке меняется файл PMT, в котором содержатся все размеры всех разделов памяти. Для правильной прошивки найдите оригинальный скаттер-файл, в котором содержатся все разделы и размеры оригинальной разметки, затем отформатируйте (при помощи SPFT, благо весь и-нет заполнен инструкциями как) изменённые разделы в разделы оригинала. Только потом шейте оригинальную прошивку.
Добавлено 2 минуты спустя:
UPD: Полное название модели аппарата.
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- How To Fix Storage Type Mismatch (Scatter storage type EMMC | Target storage type NAND) In SP Flash Tool
- How To Fix Storage Type Mismatch (Scatter storage type EMMC | Target storage type NAND) In SP Flash Tool
- GSM-Tutors
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- How To Fix Storage Type Mismatch In SP Flash Tool
- How To Fix Storage Type Mismatch In SP Flash Tool
- DEXP URSUS 10M 3G не прошиваеться
- Спойлер
- Ребят! Помогите, homtom ht16 после неудачной прошивки не включается!
- Storage type mismatch при прошивке что это
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How To Fix Storage Type Mismatch (Scatter storage type EMMC | Target storage type NAND) In SP Flash Tool
How To Fix Storage Type Mismatch (Scatter storage type EMMC | Target storage type NAND) In SP Flash Tool
Unread post by RomShillzz » Fri Jul 26, 2019 7:08 pm
This is a tutorial on how to fix storage type mismatch (scatter storage type EMMC | target storage type NAND) when flashing firmware using SP Flash Tool.
If Yes, then in this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to fix this error.
Flashing will erase all of your data
All described operations you are doing at your own risk.
- SP Flash Tool:
- Notepad++: http://optitopt.com/396y
How To (Steps):
After getting the above requirement, Install Notepad++ and follow the steps below.
Step 1:
- Right-click on the firmware scatter file and open with Notepad++.
- Click on File and save the scatter file (you can also save the file using CTRL + S).
You Might Also Like:
How To Fix Storage Type Mismatch (Scatter storage type EMMC | Target storage type NONE) In SP Flash Tool: viewtopic.php?f=104&t=277
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How To Fix Storage Type Mismatch In SP Flash Tool
How To Fix Storage Type Mismatch In SP Flash Tool
Unread post by RomShillzz » Tue Dec 04, 2018 7:39 am
This is a tutorial on how to fix storage type mismatch when flashing firmware using SP Flash Tool.
If Yes, then in this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to fix this error.
Flashing will erase all of your data
All described operations you are doing at your own risk.
- SP Flash Tool v3.xx (any sp flash tool version 3) download at [ Please, Login to view this link]
How To (Steps):
After getting the above requirement, follow the steps below.
Step 1:
- Launch SP Flash v3.xx.
You Might Also Like:
How To Fix Storage Type Mismatch (Scatter storage type EMMC | Target storage type NAND) In SP Flash Tool: viewtopic.php?f=104&t=907
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DEXP URSUS 10M 3G не прошиваеться
Планшет не прошивается, прошивка от DEXP с оф сайта 10M3G_R01_17.10.2014_V1.0
планшет определяеться как MediaTek USB Port или MediaTek DA USB VCOM.
в логе ошибка
scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_EMMC
target storage type is HW_STORAGE_NAND
Первый раз все считалось из памяти Memory test, поставил галку на preload, нажал download. Cлил дамп, в тесте было 7 гигов слилось 4. Скатер брал не с прошивки ее еще не было — MT6582_Android_scatter. В итоге лег загрузчик. Раньше определялся планшет как MediaTek Preloader USB VCOM. Не могу отформатировать.
Есть решение этой проблемы?
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нужно тест-поинт найти, у планшета нет кнопки reset? попробуй подключать планшет с зажатой однойдвумя кнопками громкости, зажатой кнопкой питания, может кнопками тест-поинт «активируется», если нет — разбирай и ищи контакты которые нужно замкнуть на плате, на ютубе куча видео (искать по тестпоинт), как замкнёшь его должен будет определиться как MediaTek Preloader USB VCOM т.е. сработает свой загрузчик, вшитый в чип и ты сможешь прошиться
а ты не пробовал просто прошить только один preloader из стоковой прошивки взятой с сайта Dexp? или тоже ошибка 4032?
Ребят! Помогите, homtom ht16 после неудачной прошивки не включается!
Ребят, у меня Homtom HT16, решил перепрошить на более старую версию 6.0.8(была проблема с индикацией заряда),
ну так вот, я ранее перепрошил его на версию 6.1.0. еще в марте 2017г, перепрошил успешно через ФлешТулс пятой версии,
вчера же пытаясь перепрошить я спокойно нажал на кнопку Download в проге, НО! забыл убрать галочку с Прелоадер(при скачивании прошивки были указания — убрать галочку с прелоадера) теперь смартфон не смартфон, а «кирпич».
Помогите мне! Что мне теперь делать?
P.s. при попытке еще раз перепрошить выдавалась ошибка 4008
но потом я скачал другую прошивку, эта ошибка исчезла(во флеше красная полоска пробежалась, началась желтая, я уже обрадовался, но дойдя где-то до половины вышла ошибка 2005)
Ребят, помогите!
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После неудачной прошивки HTC One S грузится только в рекавери | HTC |
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на зарядку реагирует сейчас? как определяется на ПК сразу после подключения? помнишь какая прошивка стояла при покупке?
При покупке стояла система версии 6.0(как бы самая первая)
на зарядку не реагирует
на пк практически не реагирует(через минуты 2-3 слышно уведомление ПК, мол что-то подключено, и через пару секунд звук что его отключили)
1. качаешь версию SP Flash Tool из вложения к посту (v5.1628) (именно эту версию)
2. качаешь прошивку 6.0.7 -> ссылка
3. извлекаешь акб из телефона
4. выбираешь scatter файл из папки с прошивкой 6.0.7, убираешь все галочки, кроме preloader, т.е. шьёшь только его
5. нажимаешь download в флэштуле и подключаешь телефон без акб с зажатой кнопкой уменьшения громкости, прошьётся preloader -> если не прошивается, то кнопку ЗВУК ВНИЗ не зажимай сразу, а нажми её сразу после подключения, по разному пробуй, но при зажатойнажатии на кнопку должен сработать тест-поинт, т.е. смартфон должен нормально определиться для прошивки
6. заливаешь какую хочешь прошивку (какая тебе нужна), но без preloader! в режиме download
7. вставляешь акб и пробуешь включить смартфон
В теме нет куратора. По вопросам наполнения шапки, обращайтесь к модераторам раздела через кнопку под сообщениями, на которые необходимо добавить ссылки.
Сообщение отредактировал snekt — 16.12.20, 21:30
Инструкция по обновлению 4G-версии (LUA-L21C479 в моем случае) (возможно и для 3G подойдет) без использования ПК:
Внимание: С B102 обновился до B103, до B104 обновится не выйдет!
Напоминаю, флештула нет и наличие официальных СЦ лучше уточнить заранее! Кирпичи оплакивайте без меня, у меня всё получилось ок.
Спасибо Vadim_miha за наводку
Узнаём модель и версию:
Настройки -> О телефоне -> Номер сборки
Все, кроме последних 4 символов — модель. Например: LUA-L21C479
Последние 4 символа — версия. Например: B102
0. Так как я уже купил другой телефон и потому что у меня не было места в памяти, перед прошивкой я сделал полный сброс с форматированием внутренней памяти. Вам это может не понадобиться, но мне тупо некуда было качать прошивку
1. Согласно чейнджлогу, для обновления необходимо 900 мегабайт свободной памяти. Освободите необходимое количество, лучше с запасом
2. Прошивка нас предупреждает, что рут иметь не желательно. Но у нас его и так, вроде как, нет. А учитывая, что в чейнджлоге написано про свежие обновления безопасности, после обновления у вас его может и не появиться
Полный мой сетап: симка и флешка вытащены, сделан полный сброс. Телефон подключен к зарядке (будет неудобно, если в середине процесса он сядет). Сомневаюсь, что что-то из этого может повлиять, но пишу как есть.
Для владельцев LUA-L21C479:
Чтобы не парить вас поисками обнов, вот готовые ссылки:
B103, B104
Если вам не нравятся готовые ссылки или у вас не C479:
1. Телефоном заходим сюда: http://hwmt.ru/oth/HWF…o/view.php?find_model=
2. Поиском по странице ищем вашу модель, которую узнавали на предыдущих шагах. ВНИМАТЕЛЬНО смотрим, что бы это была именно ваша модель, а не какая-то другая с отличающимися цифрами. Например, для C479, все же, лучше не пытаться поставить что-то от C576
3. Ищем следующую версию после вашей (например, если установлена B102 — ищем B103, от греха подальше лучше не пропускать версии, напоминаю: флештула-то нема)
4. Качаем update (в одной строке с номером модели и версией прошивки, сразу после changelog)
Обязательно ждем, пока файл полностью загрузится!
25.07.2017, 18:53
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Сообщение от Serberer
Всё сделал — установил SP Flash Tool (v5.1628), прошивку 6.0.7, убрал аккум…
Компьютер не опознает устройство. Выходит табличка, что usb-устройство не опознано.попробуй сменить кабель, подключать с акб, сменить порт USB
26.07.2017, 17:08
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Менял кабели, менял USB-порты, с акб и без — один результат — устройство не опознано.
Неужели кирпичем стал? -
26.07.2017, 17:14
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Сообщение от Serberer
Менял кабели, менял USB-порты, с акб и без — один результат — устройство не опознано.
Неужели кирпичем стал?не знаю
к другому ПК если подключать — тоже самое? копки громкости в момент подключения попробуй позажимать, может тестпоинт сработает, я хз почему он у тебя так определяется
30.07.2017, 14:02
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VELIKIY844, у меня похожая история что делать
02.08.2017, 09:36
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Сообщение от Fish
не знаю
к другому ПК если подключать — тоже самое? копки громкости в момент подключения попробуй позажимать, может тестпоинт сработает, я хз почему он у тебя так определяетсяК другому компу подключал — то же самое — не определяет, устройство не опознанно.
Может драйвера у меня не те?
Какие дрова есть? -
18.10.2017, 23:33
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Мужики нужна помощь, первый раз столкнулся с таким.
не могу прошит телефон Homtom ht16 флэштулом, подозреваю что проблема в памяти
есть подозрение что скорее всего слетела разметка. На формат и прошивку постоянно вылетают ошибки, кабель менял, другой телефон с этим кабелем прошивается.
Флэштул на memory test выдаёт такое:Спойлер
============ Memory Detection Report ===========
Internal RAM:
External RAM:
Type = DRAM
Size = 0x40000000 (1024MB/8192Mb)
NAND Flash:
ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected!
EMMC_PART_BOOT1 Size = 0x0000000000400000(4MB)
EMMC_PART_BOOT2 Size = 0x0000000000400000(4MB)
EMMC_PART_RPMB Size = 0x0000000000400000(4MB)
EMMC_PART_GP1 Size = 0x0000000000000000(0MB)
EMMC_PART_GP2 Size = 0x0000000000000000(0MB)
EMMC_PART_GP3 Size = 0x0000000000000000(0MB)
EMMC_PART_GP4 Size = 0x0000000000000000(0MB)
EMMC_PART_USER Size = 0x00000001cd000000(7376MB)UFS:
ERROR: UFS was not detected!
============ RAM Test ============
Data Bus Test:
OK!!Address Bus Test:
OK!!RAM Pattern Test :
Writing …
OK!!Increment/Decrement Test:
OK!!Подскажите мои подозрения верны, что надо менять EMMC?
18.10.2017, 23:57
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При попытке прошить выдаёт постоянно такую ошибку, всё что связанно с этой ошибкой флэштула прочитал и попробовал применить, не помогает
19.10.2017, 01:07
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Сообщение от Dorset
Подскажите мои подозрения верны, что надо менять EMMC?
в логе ошибок нет
Сообщение от Dorset
При попытке прошить выдаёт постоянно такую ошибку, всё что связанно с этой ошибкой флэштула прочитал и попробовал применить, не помогает
попробуй сменить версию флэштула на более старую, например эту
4008 или 0xFA8) S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAILСпособы из практики, которые решили данную проблему:
-Смена версии прошивальщика и самое интересное, что на более старую версию.
-Смена кабеля для прошивки.
-Также возможно в процессе прошивки села АКБ… Решение: зарядить телефон и попробовать прошивку заново.
-В некоторых случаях нужно вытащить из устройства акб и попробовать прошить без нее.По поводу 4008, попробуйте так: autoformat (завершающийся естественно 4010 или 4008), дальше перезагрузка ПК и после этого либо снова формат, либо заливка прошивки. Пару-тройку тел так поднимал…
Сообщение от Dorset
На формат и прошивку постоянно вылетают ошибки
на формат какая ошибка?
19.10.2017, 22:12
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Сообщение от Fish
на формат какая ошибка?
Вот такая ошибка на формат
20.10.2017, 04:13
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Сообщение от Dorset
Вот такая ошибка на формат
по ошибке 4010 (она же 0xFAA) S_FT_FORMAT_FAIL:
Сообщение от с другого ресурса
Рекомендуется сменить версию прошивальщика на 5 версию, крайне желательно начать с версии 5.1352.01 и попытаться прошить аппарат через firmware upgrade (прошивка должна быть оригинальной для аппарата и содержать в себе все блоки). Также попробуйте сменить кабель для прошивки на более качественный
20.10.2017, 11:34
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Сообщение от Fish
Сообщение от с другого ресурса
Рекомендуется сменить версию прошивальщика на 5 версию, крайне желательно начать с версии 5.1352.01 и попытаться прошить аппарат через firmware upgrade (прошивка должна быть оригинальной для аппарата и содержать в себе все блоки). Также попробуйте сменить кабель для прошивки на более качественныйЭто всё я уже испробовал, поменял 5 кабелей, 8 портов USB, версий 10 флештула, пробовал на разных компах, драйвера и в автоматической установке и в ручной пробовал….увы и ах всё.
К сожалению, придётся его оперировать, попробую для начала отреболить чип памяти может спасёт.
Хотя странная вещь, какие то из версий флэштула тест памяти прогоняют, а какие то выдают ошибки.у меня только два предположения, либо чип памяти, либо пытались прошить не его прошивкой чем нарушили разметку секторов памяти.
Программатора к сожалению нет, не смогу проверить что именно с чипом.
Fish, у Вас не было опыта установки чистого чипа EMMC? Если установлю чистую память, без разметки, возьмёт её потом флэштул в прошивку?
20.10.2017, 12:52
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Сообщение от Dorset
Fish, у Вас не было опыта установки чистого чипа EMMC?
не было, я по программной, а не аппаратной части… во внутрь вообще никогда не лезу, опыта нет
18.01.2018, 11:13
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Сообщение от Fish
если что, если не получится с preloader’ом от 6.0.7 -> пробуй провернуть всё с preloader от прошивки 6.0
Приветствую! Подскажите, где можно найти прошивки от 6.0 до 6.0.7
Гугл не помог -
29.01.2018, 14:24
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А в чем разница между 3.хх и 5.хх флеш-тулами? При попытке прощить HT-16, 3.хх выдают просьбу с «легальным скатом». А 5.хх -некоторые не видят телефон, другие выдают — storage type mismatch! sacatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_EMMC target storage type is HW_STORAGE_NONE
30.01.2018, 18:39
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Сообщение от dm263
А в чем разница между 3.хх и 5.хх флеш-тулами?
например в том, что версии 3xx не поддерживают новые процессоры
Сообщение от dm263
другие выдают — storage type mismatch! sacatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_EMMC target storage type is HW_STORAGE_NONE
а ты точно выбираешь scatter из папки с прошивкой для своего устройства? попробуй использовать флэштул вот этой версии
30.01.2018, 20:24
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- 17.01.2018
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Сообщение от Fish
а ты точно выбираешь scatter из папки с прошивкой для своего устройства? попробуй использовать флэштул вот этой версии
Приветствую! Попробовал флеш-тул по ссылке — все тоже.
На счет скаттера, прошивка для HT-16. Есть три варианта — 6.0.7, 6.0.8 и 6.1.4.
Последнюю прислали с техподдержки хомтома, хотя она у них открыто выложена.
Телефон при подключении определяется, как мтк usb port… При любой операции с флеш-тулом 5.хх подобная ошибка. С 3.хх не работает совсем, ругается на нелегал скаттер… -
30.01.2018, 21:12
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Техподдержка homtom.cc предложили использовать флеш-тул 5.1616.00.000
При этом появляется следующая ошибка: BROM ERROR: S.STORAGE_NOT_MATCH (0xC6F) -
18.07.2018, 11:50
Shaman Ivanoff
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добрый день ребята подскажите где можно взять чистую прошивку для homtom ht16
у меня такая проблемка после прошивки половина экрана полосит что может это быть. если кто знает подскажите что можно сделать
всем спасибо я прошился всё отлично -
10.12.2018, 18:41
Андрей 83
- Регистрация:
- 10.12.2018
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добрый день ребята подскажите где можно взять чистую прошивку для homtom ht16
у меня такая проблемка после прошивки половина экрана полосит что может это быть. если кто знает подскажите что можно сделать
У меня такая же проблема. что делать? -
10.12.2018, 19:03
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Сообщение от Андрей 83
У меня такая же проблема. что делать?
какой прошивкой прошивался? у этого смартфона куча ревизий
не помнишь случайно номер сборки прошивки с какой у тебя всё работало?
List of Sp Flash Tool error codes | How to fix SP Flash Tool error codes
List of SP Flash Tool errors & their solutions
We have neatly arranged each error into error code, message, meaning, and solution. In order to easily find the solution to the error you’re getting, use the ‘Find in page’ option in your browser to search for the error code e.g 4032 . This will save you the stress of endless scrolling or accidentally scrolling past the SP Flash Tool error you’re looking for.
Below is a list of SP Flash Tool errors, their meanings and how to resolve them
The phone is totally dead
Message: Phone no longer responds to the power button
Phone still not working after flashing
Message: Phone still stuck at Bootlogo or Bootloop
- Ensure there’s a formatted SD card in the phone before flashing
- Give up to 5 minutes because the first boot takes time
- Boot the phone into recovery mode then wipe data/factory reset
- Remove the battery for 30 seconds then slot back in
- Try a firmware upgrade. use MTK droid tools version 2.3.0 to backup usrdata & cache or copy then from the clockwork mod backup
- Try a firmware / ROM from another source
Phone shows a white screen, strange colors or divided screen after flashing
Message: You can see the phone responding to buttons and making a sound but all is blurred by the white screen
- The ROM / Firmware you flashed is incompatible, get from another source (especially boot.img , logo.bin and uboot.bin / lk.bin )
The phone automatically disconnecting during flashing
Message: The phone makes the disconnecting sound just as flashing begins, interrupting the process
- Try a different USB cord, USB port & PC
- Try holding down the Volume decrease (you could try volume increase or both) while connecting the phone to PC for flashing
- Launch Device manager (Right-click My Computer > Select Manage)
- Connect the phone to the PC via a USB cord, Device manager should refresh
- Take note of what the phone is detected as (often as Unknown or Mediatek under Other devices)
- Right-click whatever the phone is detect as and select Update Driver Software…
- Select Browse my computer for driver software
- Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer
- Click Next
- Click Have Disk
- Proceed with the Mediatek (VCOM) driver installation steps and click Yes if you get an Update Driver warning
Sp Flash tool remains at 0%
Message: Phone only shows charging sign
Meaning: Necessary drivers have not been successfully installed on the PC
- manually install vcom drivers
- If you have installed VCOM drivers but the phone is still only charging then Launch Device manager (Right-click My Computer > Select Manage)
- Connect the phone to the PC via a USB cord, Device manager should refresh
- Take note of what the phone is detected as (often as Unknown or Mediatek under Other devices)
- Right-click whatever the phone is detect as and select Update Driver Software…
- Select Browse my computer for driver software
- Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer
- Click Next
- Click Have Disk
- Proceed with the Mediatek (VCOM) driver installation stepsand click Yes if you get an Update Driver warning
Error 5054
Meaning: The files you’re trying to flash do not belong to or are not compatible with the phone you’re trying to flash them to OR if you’re getting the error while trying to format then it’s likely you only loaded scatter file without the rest of the files in the firmware
- If you’re trying to flash the firmware, then ensure you’re using the correct files. If you’re sure they are, then try formatting before flashing again
- If you’re trying to format, then ensure you the scatter file you loaded onto SP flash tool has complete firmware file locations
Initialize scatter failed
Message: Error: Initialize scatter file failed. Please check the scatter file name you load is legal
Meaning: SP Flash tool doesn’t accept the name format of your scatter file
- Ensure the scatter file wasn’t renamed. If you’re certain it wasn’t, try a higher version of SP Flash tool
Error 8038
Message: Error 8038! Android download pmt is ready and layout has been changed
Meaning: SP Flash tool is having trouble writing to certain partitions due to some incompatibility
- Format the phone in SP flash tool (Do not format Bootloader) then try flashing the files again using Download
- If Download doesn’t work then do a firmware upgrade
- If the MTK backup contains more than one scatter file, retry flashing with the other scatter file.
- If that isn’t feasible, try formatting first or use the firmware upgrade
- If that doesn’t work, open the scatter file using Notepad++ and change __NODL_FAT to FAT by removing «__NODL_» .
Error 4032
Message: BROM ERROR : S_FT_ENABLE_DRAM_FAIL (4032) [EMI] Enable DRAM fail
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings
- Ensure that the file(s) you’re trying to flash is actually for your exact phone model
- Ensure you tick the boxes for only the files present in the ROM you’re about to flash
- Probably have the wrong driver installed. Uninstall vcom, preloader and MTK drivers using USB deview then manually re-install
- Delete the sp flash tool folder then re-extract
- Ensure the phone is switched off (with the battery still inside) before connecting to PC for flashing.
- If that doesn’t work, keep holding down the volume decrease button just before connecting the phone to PC for flashing (you could try volume increase, power + volume decrease or power + volume increase).
- Consider using the latest version of Sp Flash tool
- Format the phone before trying to flash the file(s) again
Error 5056
Meaning: The size of a file is larger than the available/possible partition size
- Ensure that the file(s) you’re trying to flash is actually for your exact phone model
- Try another stock ROM
- Change the phone’s emmc chip
Error 4001
Message: S_FT_DA_NO_RESPONSE or Da didn’t send response data to FlashTool!
Meaning: SP flash tool is having difficulty communicating with the device
- Change the USB-port
- Run SP flash tool as Admin
- Ensure to install the correct drivers
- Try another PC and USB cord
- Ensure the phone is switched off with a charged battery inside when connecting to the PC for flashing
Sp flash tool was successful but the phone’s calibration doesn’t work
Message: Soft keys and touchscreen don’t work/respond
- Edit the scatter file using Notepad++ and remove NODL__ (or set is_download: false to is_download: true ) in front of the items you have in the backup folder but aren’t listed when you load the scatter file in SP flash tool. This way, these items will become listed when next you load the scatter file (after saving of course) and therefore flashable
Error 4008
Meaning: SP Flash tool encountered an error while attempting to flash files
- Ensure the battery is in the phone and the phone is switched off before connecting for flashing
- Try using a higher version of SP flash tool
- Change the USB cord and port or PC
- Use the format option then download in SP flash tool
Error 3149
Meaning: SP Flash tool was unable to flash files to the phone
- Ensure to run the latest version of SP flash tool as Administrator
- Format first then Download
- Don’t tick a box with an unspecified/empty file path
- Ensure the phone is switched off (with a well-charged battery in it ) before connecting to PC for flashing
- Try a different PC
- Try a different ROM
- Try a different USB cord
- Try formatting the phone first before flashing files to it
Error 3168
Meaning: Sp flash tool believes there’s a mismatch between the information provided in the scatter file and the phone’s info.
- Ensure you’re using the ROM for the exact phone model
- Try a higher version of SP flash tool
- Ensure to install the correct drivers for the phone on the PC
Error 2004
Meaning: There was an interruption in the communication between SP flash tool and the device
- A Secure Boot Download Agent (DA) might be required
- Take out and reinsert the battery
- Try using a different USB cord, port, and PC
- Right-click flash_tool.exe > Select Properties > Select Compatibility > Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 > Click Apply > Click OK > Run SP flash tool as Administrator
- Try a different USB cord
- Try a different port on the PC or another PC
- Ensure the battery is well changed and inside the switched off the phone before connecting to PC for flashing
USB device not recognized
Message: USB device not recognized prompt at system tray after connecting the phone to PC
Meaning: The PC is having problems communicating with the phone (often due to interruption, hardware or driver problems)
- Try a different USB cord, PC port or PC
Error 1013
Message: BROM ERROR:S_COM_PORT_OPEN Fail(1013)
Meaning: SP flash tool encountered an error while attempting to communicate with the phone via the target port
- Try using a different port on the PC
- Try a different version of SP flash tool
- Install VCOM drivers
- Ensure the phone is switched off with battery inside before connecting to the PC for flashing
- Try using a different PC
- Try changing the USB cord
- Ensure the phone’s USB port isn’t damaged
Error 2020
Meaning: SP flash tool encountered a problem moving the files to be flashed into the phone’s internal SRAM
- Use the latest version of SP flash tool
- In SP flash tool, navigate to Options > Option > Connection > Battery. Set it to «with battery».
- Use the Format all + Download option
- Hold both volume buttons before connecting to the PC for flashing and release once flashing begins
Error 5007
Meaning: You’re trying to flash an item with an unspecified path (no file selected for the ticked item/box)
- Ensure the scatter file is in the same directory as the other file(s) to be flashed
- Untick any item whose file you do not have or whose path is not specified; yet, is ticked/selected for flashing
Error 4010
Meaning: The blocks map in the scatter file doesn’t match the phone’s partition sizes
- Try using the latest version of Sp flash tool
- Try using another firmware for the exact phone model
Error 3182
Meaning: The ROM your’re trying to flash is not compatible with the target device
- Download the ROM for the exact phone model you’re trying to flash
- Ensure to install VCOM drivers on the PC
- Don’t tick any box (after loading the scatter file) without a file path / whose corresponding file has not been automatically or manually loaded.
Error 6012
Meaning: The Download-Agent being used is incompatible with the phone
- Set Download-Agent to MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin
Error 1042
Message: BROM ERROR: S_TIMEOUT (1042)
Meaning: The flashing process took too long so SP flash tool encountered a timeout
- Try flashing one file at a time
- Use the latest version of SP flash tool
- Try using a different PC and USB cord
- Try Infinix Flash tool
Error 2
Message: BROM ERROR: ?? (2)
Meaning: SP Flash tool was unable to communicate with the phone
- Try using a different PC (preferably Windows 7 or lower)
- Install the correct VCOM drivers for your PC’s OS and architecture (32 or 64 bit)
- Try another USB cord
Error 2005
Meaning: The device attempted to power on before SP flash tool could flash files to it
- Ensure the battery is well charged
- Take out and reinsert the battery
- Try using a different USB cord, port, and PC
- Right-click flash_tool.exe > Select Properties > Select Compatibility > Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 > Click Apply > Click OK > Run SP flash tool as Administrator
- Try a different USB cord
- Try a different port on the PC or another PC
- Ensure the battery is well changed and inside the switched off the phone before connecting to PC for flashing
- Do not hold any button when connecting to PC
Error 4058
Meaning: SP flash tool was unable to locate the partition you’re trying to flash to
- Untick any item (box) with a blank or empty Location
- Ensure that the memory and other components are properly seated on the board
Error 3178
Meaning: The firmware you are trying to flash isn’t compatible with your phone
- Try flashing another firmware for your exact phone model/variant
Error 8406
Message: SP FLASH TOOL ERROR (8406)
Meaning: There is some compatibility problem interrupting the flashing process
- Try flashing another firmware for your exact model
- Update VCOM drivers for the device under Device manager
Error 1012
Meaning: The version of SP flash tool you’re using doesn’t support the size(s) of the file(s) in the firmware/stock ROM.
- Use the latest version of SP flash tool
Error 3140
Meaning: SP flash tool encountered an error flashing a selected file to a non-specified partition
- Try using the latest version of SP flash tool
- Use the format option then download in SP flash tool
Error 8417
Message: BROM ERROR: Initialize scatter file failed. Please check the scatter file name you load is legal
Meaning: The format of the scatter file is invalid
- Open the scatter file in Notepad++, the first line must begining with:
############################################################################################################## General Setting #
If there is anything else above this then delete it and save the scatter file
Error 6047
Meaning: Hash (integrity) check of the images being flashed failed.
- Use SP Flash Tool V5.1516.00
- Ensure to select the right Download-Agent
- Navigate to Options > Option > Download and untick DA DLL All…..
Error 6010
Meaning: The phone has a protected bootloader
- Untick Preloader and flash the rest
Error: 0xFDA
Meaning: SP Flash tool encountered an error reading the phone’s storage
- Try using a different USB Port, Cord, and PC
Error 0x13BE
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings
- Ensure that the file(s) you’re trying to flash is actually for your exact phone model
- Ensure you tick the boxes for only the files present in the ROM you’re about to flash
Error:?? (0x3)
Message: BROM ERROR:?? (0x3)
Meaning: SP Flash tool encountered an error maintaining a connection to the device during flashing
- Reinstall the VCOM drivers
- Try a different PC and USB cord
- The scatter file needs to be modified
PRO_INFO: Failed to get PMT info
Message: PRO_INFO: Failed to get PMT info
Meaning: SP flash tool is having problems reading the phone
- Try using a different PC and USB cord
- Ensure the phone is switched off (with a charged battery inside) when you connect
Error 0x7D4
Meaning: SP Flash tool encountered an error writing to the phone
- Try changing the Download Agent (Secure Boot DA)
- Try using a different USB cord, PC port and PC
- Use the latest version of SP flash tool
- Ensure the battery is well charged and the phone’s USB port isn’t faulty
- Ensure the file name matches what’s in the scatter file
Error 6124
Meaning: Wrong flash settings or firmware
- Ensure you set the correct Download-Agent in SP flash tool and are using a firmware for your exact model
- Go to Options > Option > Connection > USB Speed > Full Speed
- Go to Options > Option > Download > Untick DA DL All with Checksum
Error 0x8
Message: BROM ERROR: ?? (0x8)
Meaning: The size of a file is larger than the available/possible partition size
- Ensure that the file(s) you’re trying to flash is actually for your exact phone model
- Try another stock ROM
- Change the phone’s emmc chip
- Try using a different PC
Error OXFC0
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings
- Ensure that the file(s) you’re trying to flash is actually for your exact phone model
- Ensure you tick the boxes for only the files present in the ROM you’re about to flash
- Probably have the wrong driver installed. Uninstall vcom, preloader and MTK drivers using usb deview then manually re-install.
- Delete the sp flash tool folder then re-extract
- Ensure the phone is switched off (with the battery still inside) before connecting to PC for flashing.
- If that doesn’t work, keep holding down the volume decrease button just before connecting the phone to PC for flashing (you could try volume increase, power + volume decrease or power + volume increase).
- Consider using the latest version of Sp Flash tool
- Format the phone before trying to flash the file(s) again
Error 0X411
Meaning: There was a checksum error when flashing the firmware
- Delete any file with checksum in its name from the firmware folder
- Go to Options > Option > Download > Untick Da DL all with checksum
Error 0xFA1
Meaning: SP Flash tool encountered an error communicating with the device
- Try using a different port, PC and USB cord
- Ensure the phone is switched off with a charged battery inside
- Do not hold any button when connecting for flashing
- Ensure to install VCOM drivers
Error 4017
Meaning: You’re trying to flash a file that has not been processed for flashing in SP flash tool
- If you’re using an MTK Droid tools backup then ensure to carry out Phase II
TOOL DL image Fail !
Message: TOOL DL image Fail !
Meaning: The firmware was flashed with Da DL all with Checksum disabled
- In SP flash tool, navigate to Options > Option > Download > Tick Da Dl all with checksum > Reflash the firmware
Please select one ROM at least before execution
Message: Please select one ROM at least before execution
Meaning: SP flash tool fails to recognize that there is an item ticked
- Select the scatter file again and untick all items you do not wish to flash one after the other. Don’t use the checkbox beside «Name» in SP flash tool
Error 0xFC0
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings
- Ensure that the file(s) you’re trying to flash is actually for your exact phone model
- Ensure you tick the boxes for only the files present in the ROM you’re about to flash
- Probably have the wrong driver installed. Uninstall vcom, preloader and MTK drivers using USB deview then manually re-install
- Delete the sp flash tool folder then re-extract
- Ensure the phone is switched off (with the battery still inside) before connecting to PC for flashing.
- If that doesn’t work, keep holding down the volume decrease button just before connecting the phone to PC for flashing (you could try volume increase, power + volume decrease or power + volume increase).
- Consider using the latest version of Sp Flash tool
- Format the phone before trying to flash the file(s) again
Error: 0xC0050003
Meaning: There was an interruption during writing to one or more partitions
- Repeat flashing with the latest version of SP Flash Tool
- Try using a different Port, USB cord and PC
Error: 0xc002002A
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device, you have selected the wrong flashing settings or verified boot is enabled
- Try unlocking the bootloader before flashing
- Ensure that the file(s) you’re trying to flash is actually for your exact phone model
- Ensure you tick the boxes for only the files present in the ROM you’re about to flash
- Probably have the wrong driver installed. Uninstall vcom, preloader and MTK drivers using usb deview then manually re-install
- Delete the sp flash tool folder then re-extract
- Ensure the phone is switched off (with the battery still inside) before connecting to PC for flashing.
- If that doesn’t work, keep holding down the volume decrease button just before connecting the phone to PC for flashing (you could try volume increase , power + volume decrease or power + volume increase).
- Consider using the latest version of Sp Flash tool
- Format the phone before trying to flash the file(s) again
Error 0XFA8
Meaning: SP Flash tool encountered an error while attempting to flash files
- Ensure the battery is in the phone and the phone is switched off before connecting for flashing
- Try using the latest version of SP flash tool
- Change the USB cord and port or PC
- Use the format option then download in SP flash tool
- Try changing the Download Agent setting in SP Flash tool
Error 0x7D5
Meaning: The device attempted to power on before SP flash tool could flash files to it
- Ensure the battery is well charged
- Take out and reinsert the battery
- Try using a different USB cord, port, and PC
- Right-click flash_tool.exe > Select Properties > Select Compatibility > Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 > Click Apply > Click OK > Run SP flash tool as Administrator
- Try a different USB cord
- Try a different port on the PC or another PC
- Ensure the battery is well changed and inside the switched off the phone before connecting to PC for flashing
- Do not hold any button when connecting to PC
Boundary Check Failed
Message: Boundary Check Failed: rom_end_addr >= next rom begin_addr.
Meaning: The firmware has a partition that wasn’t included while backing up the firmware. SP flash tool encounters an error in the end address of the preloader partition and the beginning address of PGPT partition (i.e the partition which wasn’t included in the backup)
- Close the error message, then manually select the location of all files in the scatter file from the bottom to the top. Meaning that preloader would be the last thing you’ll select
- If that doesn’t work, open and modify the scatter file using Notepad++ then change «boundary_check: True» to «boundary_check: False»
- If after modifying the scatter file and you still encounter the same or a different error, then flash the firmware using miracle box
Error 3179
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings
- Ensure that the file(s) you’re trying to flash is actually for your exact phone model
- Ensure you tick the boxes for only the files present in the ROM you’re about to flash
- Probably have the wrong driver installed. Uninstall vcom, preloader and MTK drivers using USB deview then manually re-install.
- Delete the sp flash tool folder then re-extract
- Ensure the phone is switched off (with the battery still inside) before connecting to PC for flashing.
- If that doesn’t work, keep holding down the volume decrease button just before connecting the phone to PC for flashing (you could try volume increase, power + volume decrease or power + volume increase).
- Consider using the latest version of Sp Flash tool
- Format the phone before trying to flash the file(s) again
Error 5073
Message: BROM ERROR : S_DL_READ_PT_FAIL (5073)
Meaning: SP flash tool encountered an error while trying to format the device
- Use «download only» under the download tab to flash the firmware then you can format if need be.
SP Flash Tool force-closes when scatter file is loaded
Message: SP Flash tool automatically closes after selecting a scatter file
Meaning: SP Flash Tool doesn’t support the scatter file due to its blocks or configuration
- Open the scatter file using Notepad++ > Locate the last partition on the list (flash info) > change is_download from true to false > Save the scatter file and reload
Storage type mismatch!
Message: scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_EMMC
target storage type is HW_STORAGE_NAND
Meaning: There’s a mismatch between the phone’s storage type and that which the scatter file expects
- Try using a different firmware or a Chinese box
- Try a different version of SP Flash tool and run as Administrator
Error 8045
Message: No Valid Partition Management Table (PMT) for storage
Meaning: SP Flash tool encountered a problem identifying the device’s partitions ahead of file writes
- Try Flashing the firmware using Download only
Error 1041
Meaning: There was a checksum error when flashing the firmware
- Delete any file with checksum in its name from the firmware folder
- Go to Options > Option > Download > Untick Da DL all with checksum
Meaning: The ROM contains a Checksum file but DL All With CheckSum was unticked
- Ensure to tick DL All With CheckSum under Options > Option > Download
Meaning: The ROM contains a Checksum file but DL All With CheckSum was unticked
- Ensure to tick DL All With CheckSum under Options > Option > Download
Error 0xC0050005
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings
- Ensure that the file(s) you’re trying to flash is actually for your exact phone model
- Ensure you tick the boxes for only the files present in the ROM you’re about to flash
Error (3)
Message: BROM ERROR: ?? (3)
Meaning: There’s a problem with the format of the scatter file or file(s) being flashed. An example is trying to flash .bin files using SP Flash Tool
- Check the scatter file and files you’re about flashing to be sure they’re not meant to be flashed using a different tool
Error 6104
Meaning: Wrong flash settings or firmware
- Ensure you set the correct Download-Agent in SP flash tool and are using a firmware for your exact model
- Go to Options > Option > Connection > USB Speed > Full Speed
- Go to Options > Option > Download > Untick DA DL All with Checksum
Error 3183
Meaning: Sp flash tool believes there’s a mismatch between the information provided in the scatter file and the phone’s info.
- Ensure you’re using the ROM for the exact phone model
- Try a higher version of SP flash tool
- Ensure to install the correct drivers for the phone on the Pc
Error 0xC0060001
Meaning: The device attempted to power on before SP flash tool could flash files to it
- The device might require a custom Download Agent (DA) to be flashed
- Ensure the battery is well charged
- Take out and reinsert the battery
- Try using a different USB cord, port, and PC
- Right-click flash_tool.exe > Select Properties > Select Compatibility > Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 > Click Apply > Click OK > Run SP flash tool as Administrator
- Try a different USB cord
- Try a different port on the PC or another PC
- Ensure the battery is well changed and inside the switched off the phone before connecting to PC for flashing
- Do not hold any button when connecting to PC
PMT changed for the ROM
Message: PMT changed for the ROM; it must be downloaded
Meaning: The partition table about to be written (from the scatter file) is different from the phone’s current partition table layout
- Ensure that the scatter file/files you’re trying to flash are actually for your exact model
- If you’re trying to flash just a few files and not the firmware then you need to get the firmware to complement and then flash using download only
- If you’re trying to flash the full firmware then try using the Firmware Upgrade option or Format first before download only
Error 6004
Meaning: The download agent isn’t compatible with the device
- Try choosing a different Download Agent, version or tool
- Ensure you’re using the right Authentication file
Storage type mismatch!
scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_EMMC
target storage type is HW_STORAGE_NONE
Meaning: There’s a mismatch between the phone’s storage type and that which the scatter file expects
- Try using SP Flash tool Version 3.x
Error 6045
Meaning: The image files you are trying to flash doesn’t contain the -sign header.
- Use SP Flash Tool V5.1532.00
- Load the Auth file for the device in the flash tool
- Ty flashing a factory (signed) firmware
Error 2035
Meaning: SP Flash tool encountered an error connecting to the device.
- Ensure the battery is inserted and you’re not holding any button when connecting to PC for flashing
- Uninstall all Mediatek drivers then re-install VCOM drivers
- Disable any modem manager or software which might be blocking ports on the PC
- For Linux / Ubuntu users, make sure you installed libusb-dev then blacklist Ubuntu’s modem manager (because it controls port /dev/ttyACM0, which is disabling SP Flash Tool from running properly).
Error 0x412
Message: BROM ERROR: S_TIMEOUT (0X412)
Meaning SP Flash tool encountered a timeout when trying to flash (i.e flashing took too long to start or complete)
- Ensure that files are actually loaded (with valid location) in SP flash tool (i.e location should not be empty)
- Try flashing one file at a time
- Use a higher version of SP Flash tool
- Untick the large files or find smaller alternatives
Error 6029
Meaning SP Flash tool can’t authenticate the files you are trying to flash
- Try another ROM / firmware from a different source
Error 0x93AF
Message: ROM[logo] checksum mismatch checksum_config[0x93af],checksum_val[0x94ae]
Meaning SP Flash tool encountered a checksum error
- Open the checksum file using notepad++, search for 0x93af and replace with 0x94ae
- Delete any checksum file in the rom
Error 5011
Meaning The scatter file has an incorrect format. The scatter file has been badly created/modified
- Download a different scatter file (one that doesn’t pop the same incorrect scatter file error in SPft), open the two scatter files using Notepad++ and you will notice that the incorrect scatter file has its items slightly shifted to the left. Edit the incorrect scatter file to the same format arrangement as in the working scatter file.
- After modifying the scatter file using the method above, ensure to use a recent version of SP flash tool e.g SP flash tool v5.1728
- Download another ROM / firmware from a different source
Error 0xC52
Meaning: SP Flash tool was unable to flash files to the phone
- Ensure to run the latest version of SP flash tool as Administrator
- Format first then Download
- Don’t tick a box with an unspecified/empty file path
- Ensure the phone is switched off (with a well-charged battery in it ) before connecting to PC for flashing
- Try a different PC
- Try a different ROM
- Try a different USB cord
- Try formatting the phone first before flashing files to it
Error 0xC0050005
Meaning: There was an overlap error while trying to flash the firmware
- Ensure the firmware you’re trying to flash is for your phone’s variant
Error 0XFAA
Meaning: The source (firmware) doesn’t properly match the target (phone)
- Try using a different firmware for your phone model
- Ensure you’re using the right tool to flash the firmware
Error 5072
Message: ERROR: S_DL_WRITE_PT_FAIL (5072)
Meaning: SP flash tool is having problems writing to one or more partitions
- Try using a different PC and USB cord
- Ensure the phone is switched off (with a charged battery inside) when you connect
- Do not hold any button when connecting to PC for flashing
Error 0xC0070004
Meaning: Hash (integrity) check of the images being flashed failed.
- Use SP Flash Tool V5.1516.00
- Ensure to select the right Download-Agent
- Navigate to Options > Option > Download and untick DA DLL All…..
Error 6046
Meaning: Signature verification for the firmware failed
- Set Download-Agent to MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin
- Navigate to Options > Option > Download and untick DA DLL All…..
- Delete any checksum file in the firmware folder
Error 0XC0060003
Meaning: SP flash tool is unable to read or write to the device using the preset Download Agent
- The device might require a custom Download Agent (DA) to be flashed
- Ensure the battery is well charged
- Take out and reinsert the battery
- Try using a different USB cord, port, and PC
- Right-click flash_tool.exe > Select Properties > Select Compatibility > Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 > Click Apply > Click OK > Run SP flash tool as Administrator
- Try a different USB cord
- Try a different port on the PC or another PC
- Ensure the battery is well changed and inside the switched off the phone before connecting to PC for flashing
- Do not hold any button when connecting to PC
Error 0x94010000
Message: CHIP TYPE NOT match ! target refuse value: 0x94010000
Meaning: The device likely has a locked/encrypted preloader
- Untick preloader when flashing in Sp flash tool
Error 0xC0020029
Meaning: You are trying to flash modified files to a device that only accepts signed or verified images
- Download and flash the official firmware (usually, have -verified or -signed prefixes)
Error 5000
Meaning: The device has a secure boot/bootloader
- You’ll need an Auth (*.auth) or custom Download Agent (DA) file for the device to proceed with SP flash tool
Error 0xC002002C
Meaning: The device has a verified boot
- You’ll need to download and flash the official firmware (usually have -verified or -sign in their file name)
Error 0xC0030012
Meaning: The device has a secure boot
You’ll need to use a custom Download Agent (DA) for the model
Error 0xC0060005
Message: ERROR: STATUS_BROM_CMD_FAIL (0xC0060005)
Meaning: The device attempted to power on before SP flash tool could flash files to it
You’ll need to use a custom Download Agent (DA) for the model
Error 8
Message: ERROR: ?? (8)
Meaning: The size of a file is larger than the available/possible partition size
- Ensure that the file(s) you’re trying to flash is actually for your exact phone model
- Try another stock ROM
- Change the phone’s emmc chip
- Try using a different PC
Error 5002
Message: ERROR: S_INVALID_DA_FILE (5002)
Meaning: SP flash tool does not recognize the DA file. Most likely the DA file is locked/encrypted for use on a specific tool
You’ll either need to search for a DA file compatible with SP flash tool or use the specified tool for the DA file you downloaded [specified tool are usually hardware box/dongles e.g CM2mtk, volcano tool, e.t.c]
Error 0xC0030001
Message: Error: STATUS_SCATTER_FILE_INVALID (0xC0030001)
Meaning: SP flash tool does not recognize the scatter file or the location of the scatter file.
- Rename the folder location of the scatter file including the parent folders too, remove all special characters / non-English characters from the folder name
- If that doesn’t work then create a new folder in your desktop then copy and paste ONLY the firmware files into the new folder then retry flashing the contents on the new folder
Partition[nvram] should NOT set «is_download» to true in scatter file
Message: Partition[nvram] should NOT set «is_download» to true in scatter file
Meaning: The scatter file loaded has nvram set to download but doesn’t specify a file name for nvram. This error is common in later versions of SP flash tool
- Modify the scatter file using notepad++ and add a file name for nvram partition. e.g «file_name: nvram.bin» then save and ensure there’s a nvram.bin file in the same folder as the scatter file. If that doesn’t work then
- Modify the scatter file using notepad++ and set «is_download: false» for nvram partition
Error 0xC0050001
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings
- Ensure that the file(s) you’re trying to flash is actually for your exact phone model
Error 0xC002001B
Meaning: The device has a verified boot
- You’ll need to download and flash the official firmware (usually have -verified or -sign in their file name)
Error 5014
Meaning: The scatter file was badly created or modified, depending on how you obtained the scatter file
Input the correct values for all ‘physical_start_addr’ in the scatter file. The correct value for ‘physical_start_addr’ is the same as the value on ‘linear_start_addr’
Error 0x7F3
Meaning: SP Flash tool encountered an error connecting to the device.
- Ensure the battery is inserted and you’re not holding any button when connecting to PC for flashing
- Uninstall all Mediatek drivers then re-install VCOM drivers
- Disable any modem manager or software which might be blocking ports on the PC
- For Linux / Ubuntu users, make sure you installed libusb-dev then blacklist Ubuntu’s modem manager (because it controls port /dev/ttyACM0, which is disabling SP Flash Tool from running properly).
Error 3154
Meaning: SP Flash tool was unable to flash files to the phone
- Ensure to run the latest version of SP flash tool as Administrator
- Format first then Download
- Don’t tick a box with an unspecified/empty file path
- Ensure the phone is switched off (with a well charged battery in it ) before connecting to PC for flashing
- Try a different PC
- Try a different ROM
- Try a different USB cord
- Try formatting the phone first before flashing files to it
Error 0xC0010005
Meaning: Sp flash tool is having problems communicating with the device
Solution: Ensure the phone is properly switched off (with the battery connected) before connecting to PC for flashing.
SP Flash Tool is a flashing application that helps to take a backup of your device’s firmware or flash the firmware back to your device. It is compatible with the MediaTek powered devices and works with almost all the MediaTek Devices like Smartphones, Smartwatches, etc. Tough the application is simple to use, but it throws many errors without the proper information. So, today we are going to share the list of SP Flash Tool errors (BROM Errors) and give their meanings and solutions to fix them. We have covered almost all the SP Flash Tool errors on this page, and if we have missed any, then you can post them in the comment section below.
So, let’s now proceed to fix SP Flash Tool or Fix BROM Errors on your PC.
Where to Download SP Flash Tool Latest and Older Versions?
Download the latest and older versions of the SP Flash Tool from Get SP Flash Tool.
How to Fix SP Flash Tool Errors (BROM Error Codes):
SP Flash Tool Failed to enumerate COM Port
This error clearly means that the Flash Tool has issues finding the COM port on which your device is connected.
- Make sure to run SP Flash Tool as administrator on your computer. (A viewer suggested this solution, as it helped him fix the failed to enumerate COM Port issue.)
- Connect your watch to another Port and make sure you have USB Drivers installed.
- Open «Device Manager» and find the COM port of the device you connected. Once found, open Flash Tool, click on Options -> COM Port -> Select the COM Port on which you have connected your device.
The device automatically disconnects during flashing
Meaning: Device disconnects as soon as the flashing process begins, interrupting the process.
- Try a different USB Cord, USB Port & PC
- Hold the Volume Down or Up button while connecting the device to the PC for flashing
SP Flash Tool remains at 0%
- Install necessary MediaTek VCOM drivers on PC.
- Use the latest version of SP Flash Tool — Download
Follow the troubleshooting guide on how to fix the Flash tool Stuck at 0% (waiting) issue.
Error: Initialize scatter file failed. Please check the scatter file name you load is legal
Meaning: SP Flash Tool doesn’t accept the name of the scatter file.
- Make sure the scatter file was not renamed.
- Try a higher version of SP Flash Tool [Download]
Error: USB device not recognized
This error occurs while you connect your device to the PC. It shows a prompt on the system tray after connecting your device.
Meaning: PC is having trouble communicating with your device (It occurs due to interruption, hardware, or driver problems).
- Try a different USB Cord, USB Port, or PC.
- Install the latest MediaTek USB drivers on PC.
Error: Please select one ROM at least before execution
Meaning: SP Flash Tool fails to recognize that there is an item ticked.
- Select the Scatter file again and untick all the items which you don’t want to flash one by one. Don’t use the checkbox, which un-ticks all the things at once and then checks one by one.
Error: PRO_INFO: Failed to get PMT info
Meaning: SP Flash Tool is having problems reading the phone.
- Use different PC and USB Cable.
- Ensure that the phone is powered off with a charged battery inside when connecting.
Note: Some phones require you to remove the battery while flashing. In this case, Solution 1 is the one you should follow.
Meaning: Invalid Scatter file.
Solution: Load the correct scatter file.
Meaning: The version of SP Flash Tool doesn’t support the size(s) of the file(s) in the firmware or ROM.
- Use the latest version of Flash Tool [Download]
Error 1003: S_COM_PORT_OPEN_FAIL (1003)
Meaning: SP Flash Tool encountered an error while communicating with the device via the target port.
- Connect the device to a different USB Port on the PC
- Try different versions of SP Flash Tool [Download]
- Try using different USB Cable
- Make sure the device’s USB port is not damaged
Error 1013: BROM ERROR: S_COM_PORT_OPEN Fail (1013)
Meaning: SP Flash Tool encountered an error while communicating with the device via the target port.
- Connect the device to a different USB Port on the PC
- Try different versions of SP Flash Tool [Download]
- Try using different USB Cable
- Make sure the device’s USB port is not damaged
Meaning: The size of any part of the firmware is larger than the allotted space (usually a block or core)
- Change the version of the SP Flash Tool. Download from here.
Note: It is learned that this error sometimes occurs on the «raw» versions of the flash tool. So changing the version might help.
Error 1022:
Meaning: The version of the SP Flash tool is not compatible with your device, or the USB interface is not working.
- Use the different or latest version of SP Flash Tool — Download
- Change USB Cable or USB Port.
Meaning: Flash boot files & Scatter.txt don’t match.
- Make sure the correct scatter file is loaded.
Error 1042: BROM ERROR: S_TIMEOUT (1042)
Meaning: The flashing process took too long, and the SP Flash Tool encountered a timeout.
- Try flashing one file at a time
- Use the latest version of SP Flash Tool [Download]
- Use different PC and USB Cable
Error 2: BROM ERROR: ?? (2)
Meaning: SP Flash Tool was unable to communicate with the device.
- Try using a different PC (preferably Windows 7)
- Install MediaTek USB Drivers on PC
- Use another USB Cable
Error 4008: BROM ERROR : S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL (4008)
Meaning: There is an interruption between the SP Flash Tool and the device communication, and the SP Flash Tool encountered an error while flashing files.
- Take out the battery and re-insert it back.
- Use different USB Cable, Port, and PC.
- Right click flash_tool.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 -> Apply -> OK -> Run flash_tool.exe as administrator.
- Make sure the battery has enough charge left.
Error 2004: BROM ERROR : S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL (2004)
Meaning: There is an interruption between the SP Flash Tool and the device communication, and the SP Flash Tool encountered an error while flashing files.
- Take out the battery and re-insert it back.
- Use different USB Cable, port, and PC.
- Right click flash_tool.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 -> Apply -> OK -> Run flash_tool.exe as administrator.
- Make sure the battery has enough charge left.
Meaning: Device attempted to power on before SP Flash Tool could flash the files to it.
- Take out the battery and re-insert it back.
- Use different USB Cable, port, and PC.
- Right click flash_tool.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 -> Apply -> OK -> Run flash_tool.exe as administrator.
- Make sure the battery has enough charge left.
Meaning: Flash Tool encountered a problem moving files to be flashed to the device’s internal SRAM.
- use the latest version of the SP flash tool [Download Here]
- In SP flash tool, navigate to Options > Option > Connection > Battery. Set it to «with battery».
- Use the Format all + Download option
- Hold both volume buttons before connecting to the PC for flashing and release once flashing begins
Error 3001: S_DA_EXT_RAM_ERROR
The SP Flash Tool Error 3001 occurs due to connection problems. Check the cable and reconnect to another port. If it still occurs, try using a different PC.
Meaning: Problem associated with the definition of flash memory.
- Use the different version of flash tools — Download
- Use different PC, USB Cable, and USB Port.
Meaning: SP flash tool encountered an error flashing a selected file to a non-specified partition
- Use the latest version of SP Flash Tool — Download
- Use format option and then download in SP Flash Tool
Error 3144: S_DA_EMMC_FLASH_NOT_FOUND (3144)
Meaning: Flash boot files and scatter mismatch. Note EMMC partition device and MTD partition device use different TXT boot files.
- Choose the correct Scatter file.
- Use a different PC (preferably Windows XP) with all the drivers loaded.
Meaning: SP Flash tool is unable to flash files to the device.
- Use the latest version of the SP flash tool and run it as administrator. [Download here]
- Format first then Download
- Don’t tick a box with an unspecified/empty file path
- Ensure the phone is switched off and has enough charge before connecting to the PC for flashing
- Try a different PC
- Try a different ROM
- Try a different USB cord
- Try formatting the phone first before flashing files to it
Meaning: SP Flash Tool detects that there is a mismatch between the information provided in the scatter file and the device’s info.
- Make sure you are using the correct ROM file for your device.
- Use the higher version of SP Flash Tool — Download here
- Install correct drivers on PC.
Meaning: The firmware you are trying to flash is not compatible with your device.
Solution: Try getting the appropriate firmware for your device model.
Meaning: The firmware you are trying to flash is not compatible with your device.
Solution: Try getting the appropriate firmware for your device model.
Meaning: The firmware you are trying to flash is not compatible with your device.
Solution: Try getting the appropriate firmware for your device model.
Error 4001: S_FT_DA_NO_RESPONSE or Da didn’t send response data to Flash Tool
Meaning: SP Flash Tool facing problem communicating with the device.
- Use a different USB Port.
- Install MediaTek VCOM drivers on PC.
- Run Flash_tool.exe as administrator.
- Use a different PC (preferably Windows 7 or XP).
- Try different USB Cable.
Error 4004: Driver Error
Meaning: Drivers not found or corrupted.
Solution: Uninstall drivers and re-install them.
Error 4009: S_FT_READBACK_FAIL (4009)
Meaning: SP Flash Tool failed to create a Readback file, possibly due to not enough space for a file or file cannot be overwritten because it is locked.
- Use the different version of SP Flash Tool [Download]
- Delete old Readback files
Meaning: The blocks map in the scatter file doesn’t match the device’s partition sizes
- Use the correct firmware for your device model.
- Use the latest version of SP Flash Tool [Download]
Meaning: You’re trying to flash a file that has not been processed for flashing via the SP flash tool
Error 4032: BROM ERROR : S_FT_ENABLE_DRAM_FAIL (4032) [EMI] Enable DRAM fail
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings
- Ensure that the firmware you are flashing is made for your device model.
- Delete the SP Flash Tool folder and re-extract it.
- Ensure you tick the boxes for only the files present in the ROM you’re about to flash
- Might have the wrong driver installed. Uninstall the VCOM, Preloader, and MTK drivers and re-install them.
Meaning: The SP Flash Tool Error Code 4050 occurs when block sizes are not the same in the PMT and scatter. In general, this error is treated to download all the blocks (one can use data enough), then the size in the PMT should switch to the right.
- Use a different version of Flash Tool — Download
Meaning: Flash tool was unable to locate the partition you’re trying to flash.
Solution: Un-tick any item with a blank or empty location
Meaning: The Download Agent (DA) file selected is not compatible. DA file is attached to the Flash Tool release, so choose the one which is provided in the Flash Tool folder.
- Choose the DA file from the SP Flash Tool folder.
Meaning: You’re trying to flash a file with the unspecified path (no file selected in the item box)
- Make sure the scatter file is in the same folder where the other files to be flashed are located.
- Untick any item whose file you do not have or whose path is not specified.
Meaning: The files you are trying to flash are not compatible with the device.
- Ensure you are using the correct files.
Error 5069: BROM ERROR : S_DL_PMT_ERR_NO_SPACE (5069)
Meaning: The size of a file is larger than the available partition size.
- Ensure that you are flashing the correct files to the device.
- Try another ROM.
Error 5056: BROM ERROR : S_DL_PMT_ERR_NO_SPACE (5056)
Meaning: The size of a file is larger than the available partition size.
- Ensure that you are flashing the correct files to the device.
- Try another ROM.
Meaning: Wrong files. The Scatter file of the chosen folder is not yet prepared for the FT files.
- Choose the correct scatter file prepared for the FT files.
Meaning: When you choose the wrong file, for example, another type of flash downloads into the current flash, the tool will warn with this message. The chosen flash files are not compatible with your device.
Meaning: The device has a protected or locked bootloader.
Solution: Unlock the bootloader on your device.
Meaning: The Download-Agent being used is incompatible with the device.
Solution: Set Download-Agent to MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin
Meaning: Hash (integrity) check of the files being flashed failed.
- Use SP Flash Tool V5.1516.00 from here
- Select the right Download Agent file
- Navigate to Options > Option > Download and untick DA DLL All…
Meaning: Wrong flash settings or firmware.
- Use the correct firmware for your exact device model
- Select the correct Download Agent file in the SP flash tool
- Go to Options > Option > Connection > USB Speed > Full Speed
- Go to Options > Option > Download > Untick DA DL All with Checksum
Error 8038: Error 8038! Android download pmt is ready, and layout has been changed / PMT changed for the ROM
Meaning: SP Flash Tool is having trouble writing to certain partitions due to some incompatibility.
- Format the phone in the SP flash tool (Do not format bootloader) then try flashing the files again using Download
- If Download doesn’t work then do a firmware upgrade
- If the MTK backup contains more than one scatter file, retry flashing with the other scatter file.
- If that isn’t feasible, try formatting first or use the firmware upgrade
- If that doesn’t work, open the scatter file using Notepad++ and change __NODL_FAT to FAT by removing «__NODL_».
Error 8100:
Meaning: Cannot find the USB port.
- Install the Drivers. If already installed, uninstall them and re-install them again.
Error 8200:
Meaning: Invalid file or incompatible recovery file.
- Find the right recovery file.
- Use the latest version of the SP Flash Tool. [Download Here]
Error 8406: SP FLASH TOOL ERROR (8406)
Meaning: Compatibility issues.
- Flash the right firmware for your exact device model.
- Update VCOM drivers.
Error 8417: BROM ERROR: Initialize scatter file failed. Please check the scatter file name you load is legal
Meaning: The format of the Scatter file is invalid.
Open the scatter file in Notepad++, the first line must beginning with:
############################################################################################################## General Setting #
If there is anything else above this then delete it and save the scatter file.
Stuck at Download DA 100%
Meaning: SP Flash Tool is having trouble communicating with your device.
- Uninstall and re-install MediaTek drivers.
SP Flash Tool flashing process was successful, but the phone’s calibration doesn’t work
If, after flashing the files using SP Flash Tool soft keys and touch doesn’t work or respond, follow the below solution.
Edit the scatter file using Notepad++ and remove the NODL_ (or set is_download: false to is_download: true) in front of the items you have in the backup folder but aren’t listed when you load the scatter file in the SP flash tool. Removing NODL_ or setting is_download to true makes the item listed/available in the SP flash tool when you load the scatter file after saving it.
USB device not recognized
Meaning: The PC is having trouble communicating with your device because of interruption, hardware, or driver problem.
- Remove and install the MediaTek MTK drivers again on your PC.
- Try a different USB cable.
- Connect the device to a different USB Port.
- If the above solutions don’t work, try using another PC.
Meaning: SP Flash Tool encountered an error reading your device’s storage.
- Try a different USB cable.
- Connect the device to a different USB Port.
- If the above solutions don’t work, try using another PC.
Meaning: The firmware you are trying to flash is either not compatible or you have selected the wrong flashing settings.
- Make sure that the firmware you are trying to flash is actually for your device model.
- Only tick the boxes only for the files which are available in the ROM folder you’re trying to flash.
Error 0x3: BROM ERROR:?? (0x3)
Meaning: SP flash tool encountered an error maintaining the connection with the device during the flashing process.
- Uninstall and re-install MTK VCOM drivers on your PC.
- Try a different USB cable.
- Connect the device to a different USB Port.
- If the above solutions don’t work, try using another PC.
Meaning: SP Flash Tool encountered an error writing to the device.
- Try changing the Download Agent (Secure Boot DA) file.
- Use the latest version of SP Flash Tool – Download here.
- Make sure that your device’s battery is sufficiently charged.
- Make sure the device’s USB port is not damaged.
- Ensure that the file names match what’s in the scatter file.
- Try a different USB cable.
- Connect the device to a different USB Port.
- If the above solutions don’t work, try using another PC.
Error 0x8: BROM ERROR:?? (0x8)
Meaning: The size of the file you are trying to flash is larger than the partition size.
- Ensure that the files you’re trying to flash are actually for your device’s exact model.
- Try another Stock ROM.
- Change the phone’s EMMC chip.
- Try using a different PC.
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings.
- Ensure that the files you’re trying to flash are actually for your device’s exact model.
- Only tick the boxes only for the files which are available in the ROM you’re trying to flash.
- Uninstall the VCOM, Preloader, and MTK drivers and re-install them on your PC.
- Use the latest version of the Smartphone Flash Tool.
- Delete the SP Flash Tool folder and re-extract it.
- Ensure that the phone is powered off (with the battery inserted) before connecting to the PC for flashing.
- If the above solution doesn’t work, then you can try holding down the Volume Down button and connect the phone to the PC. You can also try holding Volume UP, Power and Volume Down, Power, and Volume UP buttons.
- Format the phone from Settings before trying to flash the files again.
Meaning: There was a checksum error when flashing the firmware.
- Delete any file with the checksum in its name from the ROM/firmware folder.
- Go to Options > Option > Download > Un-tick DA DL all with checksum.
Meaning: SP flash tool encountered an error communicating with the device.
- Install MTK VCOM drivers on your PC. If already installed, uninstall and re-install them.
- Ensure that the device is powered off and has charged battery inserted.
- Do not hold any button when connecting the device to the PC for flashing.
- Try a different USB cable.
- Connect the device to a different USB Port.
- If the above solutions don’t work, try using another PC.
TOOL DL image Fail!
Meaning: DA DL all with the Checksum option, is disabled in the SP flash tool.
- In SP Flash Tool, navigate to Options > Option > Download > Tick DA DL all with checksum and re-flash the firmware.
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings.
- Ensure that the files you’re trying to flash are actually for your device’s exact model.
- Only tick the boxes only for the files which are available in the ROM you’re trying to flash.
- Uninstall the VCOM, Preloader, and MTK drivers and re-install them on your PC.
- Use the latest version of the Smartphone Flash Tool.
- Delete the SP Flash Tool folder and re-extract it.
- Ensure that the phone is powered off (with the battery inserted) before connecting to the PC for flashing.
- If the above solution doesn’t work, then you can try holding down the Volume Down button and connect the phone to the PC. You can also try holding Volume UP, Power and Volume Down, Power, and Volume UP buttons.
- Format the phone from Settings before trying to flash the files again.
Meaning: SP flash tool encountered an error writing to one or more partitions.
- Download the latest version of the Smart Phone Flash Tool and re-flash the firmware.
- Try flashing one partition at a time to figure out which partition is resulting in the error.
- Try a different USB cable.
- Connect the device to a different USB Port.
- If the above solutions don’t work, try using another PC.
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device, or you have selected the wrong flashing settings or verified boot is enabled.
- Unlock the bootloader before flashing the firmware.
- Ensure that the files you’re trying to flash are actually for your device’s exact model.
- Only tick the boxes only for the files which are available in the ROM you’re trying to flash.
- Uninstall the VCOM, Preloader, and MTK drivers and re-install them on your PC.
- Use the latest version of the Smartphone Flash Tool.
- Delete the SP Flash Tool folder and re-extract it.
- Ensure that the phone is switched off (with the battery inserted) before connecting to the PC for flashing.
- If the above solution doesn’t work, then you can try holding down the Volume Down button and connect the phone to the PC. You can also try holding Volume UP, Power and Volume Down, Power, and Volume UP buttons.
- Format the phone from Settings before trying to flash the files again.
Meaning: SP flash tool encountered an error while attempting to flash the firmware.
- Make sure that the device is switched off, and the battery is in the device before connecting for flashing.
- Use the format option and then download it in the SP flash tool.
- Try changing the Download Agent setting in Smartphone Flash Tool.
- Try a different USB cable.
- Try connecting the device to a different USB Port.
- Try using a different PC.
Meaning: The device attempted to power on before the SP flash tool could flash the files to it.
- Make sure the battery is sufficiently charged on your device.
- Take out and re-insert the battery.
- Try using a different USB cable or COM port or PC.
- Right click flash_tool.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 -> Apply -> OK -> Run flash_tool.exe as administrator.
- Do not hold any button when connecting to the PC.
Error: Boundary Check Failed: rom_end_addr >= next rom begin_addr.
Meaning: The firmware has a partition that wasn’t included while backing up the firmware. SP Flash Tool encountered an error in the end address of the preloader partition and the begin address of the PGPT partition (i.e., the partition which wasn’t included in the backup).
- Close the error message and manually select the location of all the files in the scatter file from the bottom to the top. Meaning that a preloader would be the last thing you will select.
- If that doesn’t work, open and modify the scatter file using Notepad++ then change the «boundary_check: True» to «boundary_check: False».
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings.
- Ensure that the files you’re trying to flash are actually for your device’s exact model.
- Only tick the boxes only for the files which are available in the ROM you’re trying to flash.
- Uninstall the VCOM, Preloader, and MTK drivers and re-install them on your PC.
- Use the latest version of the Smartphone Flash Tool.
- Delete the SP Flash Tool folder and re-extract it.
- Ensure that the phone is powered off (with the battery inserted) before connecting to the PC for flashing.
- If the above solution doesn’t work, then you can try holding down the Volume Down button and connect the phone to the PC. You can also try holding Volume UP, Power and Volume Down, Power, and Volume UP buttons.
- Format the phone from Settings before trying to flash the files again.
Error 5073: BROM ERROR: S_DL_READ_PT_FAIL (5073)
Meaning: Smartphone flash tool encountered an error while trying to format the device.
- Use «download only» under the download tab to flash the firmware, and then you can format the device if needed.
SP Flash Tool force-closes when scatter file is loaded
Meaning: SP Flash Tool doesn’t support the scatter file because of its blocks or configuration.
- Open the scatter file using Notepad++ and locate the last partition on the list (flashinfo) and change the is_download: true to is_download: false. Once done, save the scatter file and reload it in SP Flash Tool.
Storage type mismatch!
scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_EMMC
target storage type is HW_STORAGE_NAND
scatter storage type is HW_STORAGE_EMMC
target storage type is HW_STORAGE_NONE
Meaning: There is a mismatch between the device’s storage type and that which the scatter file expects.
- Try using a different firmware or ROM.
- Try using SP Flash Tool version 3.x. If it doesn’t work, try using different versions and make sure to run it as administrator.
Error 8045: No Valid Partition Management Table (PMT) for storage
Meaning: SP Flash Tool failed to identify the device’s partition ahead of the file writes.
- Try flashing the firmware using Download only.
Error 1041: BROM ERROR: S_CHKSUM_ERROR (1041)
Meaning: There was a checksum error when flashing the firmware.
- Delete any file with the checksum in its name from the ROM/firmware folder.
- Go to Options > Option > Download > Un-tick DA DL all with checksum.
Meaning: The ROM contains a checksum file, but DA DL All With CheckSum is un-checked.
- Tick DA DL All With Check Sum under Options > Option > Download.
Meaning: The ROM contains a checksum file, but DA DL All With CheckSum is un-checked.
- Tick DA DL All With Check Sum under Options > Option > Download.
Error 0xC0050005: ERROR STATUS_EXT_RAM_EXCEPTION (0xC0050005)
Meaning: The firmware you’re trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings.
- Ensure that the files you’re trying to flash are actually for your device’s exact model.
- Only tick the boxes only for the files which are available in the ROM you’re trying to flash.
- Make sure your device’s battery is sufficiently charged.
Error (3): BROM ERROR:?? (3)
Meaning: There is a problem with the format of the scatter file or files being flashed. Example – trying to flash .bin files using SP Flash Tool.
- Check the scatter file and firmware files you are trying to flash to make sure that they’re not meant to be flashed using a different tool.
Meaning: Wrong flash settings or firmware/ROM files.
- Make sure you have selected the correct Download Agent file in SP Flash Tool and are using the firmware meant for your device’s exact model.
- Go to Options > Option > Connection > USB Speed > Full Speed.
- Go to Options > Option > Download > un-tick DA DL ALL with Checksum.
Meaning: SP Flash Tool believes that there is a mismatch between the information provided in the scatter file and device info.
- Make sure to use the ROM/firmware for the exact device model.
- Try using the higher version of the SP Flash Tool.
- Uninstall and re-install the MediaTek MTK USB Drivers on your PC.
Error 0xC0060001: BROM ERROR: S_BROM_CMD_STARTCMD_FAIL (0xC0060001)
Meaning: The device attempted to power on before the SP flash tool could flash the files to it.
- The device might require a custom Download Agent (DA) to be flashed.
- Make sure the battery is sufficiently charged before flashing.
- Take out and re-insert the battery.
- Try using a different USB cable or COM port or PC.
- Right click flash_tool.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 -> Apply -> OK -> Run flash_tool.exe as administrator.
- Do not hold any button when connecting to the PC.
Error: PMT changed for the ROM; it must be downloaded
Meaning: The partition table about to be written (from the scatter file) is different from the device’s current partition table layout.
- Ensure that the scatter file and firmware/ROM files you’re trying to flash are for your device’s exact model.
- If you’re trying to flash only a few files from the firmware, then you need to get the firmware to complement and then flash using download only.
- If you’re trying to flash the complete firmware, then try using the «Firmware Upgrade» option or Format first before the «download only» option.
Meaning: The Download Agent file isn’t compatible with the device.
- Try using a different Download Agent file.
- Try using a different version of the Smartphone Flash Tool.
- Ensure you are using the right Authentication file.
Meaning: The image files you are trying to flash do not contain –sign header.
- Use the SP Flash Tool v5.1532.00 – Download here.
- Load the Auth file for the device in the flash tool.
- Try flashing a factory-signed firmware.
- Flash the unsigned image using the ‘Write Memory’ tab in SP Flash Tool. To activate the write memory tab, press ‘Ctrl + Alt + V’ to enable advanced mode and then click Window > Write Memory.
Meaning: SP Flash Tool encountered an error connecting to the device.
- Ensure that the battery is inserted, and you’re not holding any button when connecting the device to a PC for flashing.
- Uninstall and re-install the MediaTek MTK VCOM Drivers.
- Disable any modem manager or software which might be blocking ports on the PC.
- Linux / Ubuntu users, make sure you installed ‘libusb-dev’ then blacklist Ubuntu’s modem manager (because it controls port /dev/ttyACM0, which is causing SP Flash Tool from running properly).
Error 0x412: BROM ERROR: S_TIMEOUT (0X412)
Meaning: SP Flash Tool encountered a timeout when trying to flash, i.e., flashing took long to start or complete.
- Make sure that files are loaded in SP Flash Tool with a valid location. The location should not be empty.
- Try flashing one file at a time.
- Try using a higher version of the Smart Phone Flash Tool.
- Un-tick larger files or find smaller alternatives.
Meaning: SP Flash Tool failed to authenticate the files you are trying to flash.
- Try another ROM/firmware from a different source.
- Get an Auth file for your device model.
- For Tecno, Infinix, and Itel devices, use Software Download Tool (Format + Download).
Error 0x93AF: ROM [logo] checksum mismatch checksum_config[0x93af], checksum_val[0x94ae]
Meaning: The SP Flash Tool Error Code 0x93AF means that the tool encountered a checksum error.
- Open the checksum file using Notepad++ and search for 0x93af and replace it with 0x94ae.
- Delete any checksum file from the ROM/firmware files.
Meaning: The scatter file has an incorrect format. It has been badly created or modified.
- Download a different scatter file that doesn’t throw an error in SPFT. Now open the two scatter files using Notepad++, and you will notice that the incorrect scatter file has the items slightly shifted to the left. Edit the incorrect scatter file to the same format as in the working scatter file.
- After modifying the scatter file using the above method, use the latest version of SP Flash Tool e.g., SP Flash Tool v5.1728.
- Download another ROM/firmware from a different source.
Meaning: SP Flash Tool was unable to flash files to the device.
- Make sure to use the latest version of the SP Flash Tool and run it as administrator.
- Format first then Download.
- Un-tick the box with an unspecified/empty file path.
- Ensure that the battery is sufficiently charged and the device is switched off before connecting to the PC for flashing.
- Try a different ROM from a different source.
- Try formatting the device first before flashing the files.
- Try a different USB cable.
- Connect the device to a different USB Port.
- If the above solutions don’t work, try using another PC.
Meaning: The source (firmware) doesn’t properly match with the target (phone).
- Try using a different firmware for your device model.
- Ensure you’re using the right tool for flashing the firmware.
Error 5072: ERROR: S_DL_WRITE_PT_FAIL (5072)
Meaning: SPFT encountered a problem writing to one or more partitions.
- Make sure the device is powered off with a charged battery inside before connecting to the PC for flashing.
- Don’t hold any buttons when connecting to the PC.
- Try a different USB cable.
- Connect the device to a different USB Port.
- If the above solutions don’t work, try using another PC.
Error 0xC0070004: ERROR: STATUS_DA_HASH_MISMATCH (0xC0070004)
Meaning: Hash (integrity) check for the images being flashed is failed.
- Use SP Flash Tool v5.1516.00 – Download from here.
- Make sure to select the correct Download Agent file.
- Navigate to Options > Option > Download > Un-tick DA DL all with checksum.
Meaning: The SP Flash Tool Error Code 6046 refers to the failed signature verification for the firmware files.
- Select MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin as Download Agent file.
- Navigate to Options > Option > Download > Un-tick DA DL all with Checksum.
- Delete any checksum file in the ROM/firmware folder.
Error 0XC0060003: ERROR: STATUS_BROM_CMD_SEND_DA_FAIL (0XC0060003)
Meaning: Smart Phone Flash Tool is unable to read or write to the device using the selected Download Agent.
- The device might require a custom Download Agent (DA) to be flashed.
- Make sure the battery is sufficiently charged before flashing.
- Take out and re-insert the battery.
- Try using a different USB cable or COM port or PC.
- Right click flash_tool.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 -> Apply -> OK -> Run flash_tool.exe as administrator.
- Do not hold any button when connecting to the PC.
Error 0x94010000: CHIP TYPE NOT match! target refuse value: 0x94010000
Meaning: The device likely has a locked/encrypted preloader.
- Un-tick preloader when flashing in SP Flash Tool.
Meaning: You are trying to flash the modified files to a device that accepts only signed or verified images.
- Download and flash the official firmware for your device (usually have –verified or –signed prefixes in their filename).
- If possible, unlock the bootloader of your device and then try re-flashing.
Meaning: The device has a secure boot/bootloader.
- You will need an Auth (*.auth) file or custom Download Agent (DA) file for the device to proceed with flashing using SP Flash Tool.
- For Tecno, Infinix, and Itel devices, use Software Download Tool (Format + Download).
Error 0xC002002C: ERROR: STATUS_SEC_IMG_HASH_VFY_FAIL (0xC002002C)
Meaning: The device has a verified boot.
- Download and flash the official firmware for your device (usually have –verified or –signed prefixes in their filename).
Error 0xC0030012: ERROR: STATUS_SEC_AUTH_FILE_NEEDED (0xC0030012)
Meaning: The device has a secure boot.
- You will need an Auth (*.auth) file or custom Download Agent (DA) file for the device to proceed with flashing using SP Flash Tool.
Error 0xC0060005: ERROR: STATUS_BROM_CMD_FAIL (0xC0060005)
Meaning: The device attempted to power on before the SP Flash Tool could flash files to it.
- You will need a custom Download Agent (DA) file for your device model.
Error 8: ERROR: ?? (8)
Meaning: The size of a file is larger than the available partition size.
- Make sure that the firmware files you are trying to flash are actually for your device’s exact model.
- Try another Stock ROM from a different source.
- Change the device’s EMMC chip.
- Try using a different PC.
Error 0xC0030001: Error: STATUS_SCATTER_FILE_INVALID (0xC0030001)
Meaning: SP Flash Tool cannot recognize the scatter file or the location of the scatter file.
- Rename the folder location of the scatter file, including the parent folders too, and remove all special characters / non-English characters from the folder name.
- If that doesn’t work, then create a new folder on your desktop and copy ONLY the firmware files to the new folder and then retry flashing the contents from the new folder.
Error: Partition[nvram] should NOT set «is_download» to true in scatter file
Meaning: The scatter file specifies to download NVRAM but doesn’t specify a file name for NVRAM. This error is common in later versions of the SP Flash Tool.
- Modify the scatter file using notepad++ and add a file name for the NVRAM partition. e.g., «file_name: nvram.bin» then save and ensure there’s a nvram.bin file in the same folder as the scatter file.
- If that doesn’t work, modify the scatter file using notepad++ and set «is_download: false» for the NVRAM partition.
Meaning: The firmware you are trying to flash is either not compatible or you have selected the wrong flashing settings.
- Make sure that the firmware you are trying to flash is actually for your device model.
- Only tick the boxes only for the files which are available in the ROM folder you’re trying to flash.
- Uninstall and re-install MediaTek Preloader VCOM USB Drivers.
Meaning: The device has a verified boot.
- Download and flash the official firmware for your device (usually have –verified or –signed prefixes in their filename).
Meaning: The scatter file was badly created or modified, depending on how you obtained the scatter file.
- Input the correct values for all «physical_start_addr» in the scatter file. The exact value for «physical_start_addr» is the same as the value of «linear_start_addr».
Meaning: SP Flash Tool is having trouble communicating with the device.
- Ensure that the battery is inserted, and you’re not holding any button when connecting the device to a PC for flashing.
- Uninstall and re-install the MediaTek Preloader Drivers.
- Disable any modem manager or software which might be blocking ports on the PC.
- Linux / Ubuntu users, make sure you installed ‘libusb-dev’ then blacklist Ubuntu’s modem manager (because it controls port /dev/ttyACM0, which is causing SP Flash Tool from running properly).
Meaning: SP Flash Tool Error Code 3154 means that the flash tool is having trouble flashing files to the device.
- Make sure to use the latest version of the SP Flash Tool and run it as administrator.
- Format first then Download.
- Un-tick the box with an unspecified/empty file path.
- Ensure that the battery is sufficiently charged and the device is switched off before connecting to the PC for flashing.
- Try a different ROM from a different source.
- Try formatting the device first before flashing the files.
- Try a different USB cable.
- Connect the device to a different USB Port.
- If the above solutions don’t work, try using another PC.
Error 0xC0010005: BROM ERROR: STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERR (0xC0010005)
Meaning: SP flash tool is having trouble communicating with the device.
- Make sure that the phone is switched off with the battery inserted before connecting to the PC for flashing.
Error 0xC0010007: BROM ERROR: INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER (0xC0010007)
Meaning: SP Flash Tool seems to be blocked from flashing files to the device.
- If you can boot your device into Fastboot Mode, then unlock the bootloader and then try flashing again.
- Un-tick OEM and then retry flashing.
Error 0xC0050007: ERROR: STATUS_READ_DATA_EXCEPTION (0xC0050007)
Meaning: SP Flash Tool is unable to readback from the connected device. This error usually occurs, especially when the readback length is too large.
- Download and install updated MTK drivers on your PC.
- If you’re performing a readback, try skipping cache and userdata.
Meaning: The size of a file is larger than the available partition size.
- Make sure that the firmware files you are trying to flash are actually for your device’s exact model.
- Try another Stock ROM from a different source.
- Change the device’s EMMC chip.
Error: LIB DA not match, please re-select DA or ask for help
Meaning: SP Flash Tool is having trouble using the selected Download Agent (DA) file.
- Un-tick «Check LIB DA match» from the SP Flash Tool general settings (Options > Option).
- Try another version of the SP Flash Tool.
Error -1073283068: BROM ERROR: STATUS_DA_HASH_MISMATCH (-1073283068), MSP ERROE CODE: 0X00
Meaning: The Download Agent (DA) file selected isn’t compatible.
- Try using Download Agent (DA) + Auth file + Factory ROM.
Meaning: The device likely has a protected preloader or bootloader.
- Un-tick preloader when flashing in SP Flash Tool.
Error 3152: S_DA_SDMMC_CONFIG_FAILED (3152)
Meaning: The device likely has a protected preloader or bootloader.
- Un-tick preloader when flashing in SP Flash Tool.
Error 0xC0020006: ERROR: STATUS_SEC_PL_VFY_FAIL (0xC0020006)
Meaning: The device likely has a protected preloader or bootloader.
- Try using a signed ROM/firmware.
- Try unlocking the bootloader before flashing.
Error 0xC0030003: ERROR: STATUS_DA_SELECTION_ERR (0xC0030003)
Meaning: The Download Agent (DA) file selected is incompatible.
- Try using a different Download Agent file.
- Try using Download Agent (DA) + Auth file + Factory ROM.
- Try using a different version of the Smartphone Flash Tool.
- For Tecno, Infinix, and Itel devices, use Software Download Tool.
Error 0xC0030008: ERROR: STATUS_INVALID_GPT (0xC0030008)
Meaning: EMMC chip is faulty on the device.
- Change the device’s EMMC chip.
Error 0xC0050004: ERROR: STATUS_UPLOAD_EXCEPTION (0xC0050004)
Meaning: SP Flash Tool is unable to communicate with the device.
- Try flashing with/without the battery inserted.
- Try a different USB cable.
- Connect the device to a different USB Port.
- If the above solutions don’t work, try using another PC.
Error 0x1: ERROR: ?? (0x1)
Meaning: SP flash tool is having trouble communicating with the device.
- Try using a custom Download Agent (DA) and Auth file for your device model.
Error 0xC0030004: ERROR: STATUS_PRELOADER_INVALID 0xC0030004
Meaning: There is a problem with the preloader partition name in the scatter file or the flash tool is having trouble communicating with the device.
- Modify the scatter file using Notepad++ and change the partition name to all lower cases. Ex: PRELOADER to preloader or to match the exact file name in the firmware and save the scatter file.
- Try holding the volume up or volume down button before connecting the phone to the PC.
- If you get an error while trying to format, return to the download tab and tick the checkbox for the preloader, then return to the format tab and retry formatting.
Meaning: There is a problem with the scatter file.
- Make sure to use SP Flash Tool compatible scatter file.
Error 0xC0010004: STATUS_UNSUPPORT_CTRL_CODE (0xC0010004)
Meaning: The SP Flash Tool version you are using doesn’t support your device or chipset.
- Make sure you are using the latest version of the SP Flash Tool.
- Navigate to Options > Option > Un-tick Storage Life Cycle Check.
Error 0xC0020005: STATUS_SEC_IMG_TOO_LARGE (0xC0020005)
Meaning: The size of a file is larger than the available partition size, or the file isn’t verified or signed.
- Ensure that the files you’re trying to flash are actually for your device’s exact model.
- Look for different firmware/ROM.
- Change the phone’s EMMC chip.
- Try using a different PC.
Error 0xC0070005: STATUS_DA_EXCEED_MAX_NUM (0xC0070005)
Meaning: The SP Flash Tool is having trouble connecting with the phone, or you are flashing the wrong firmware.
- If you were holding buttons, try flashing without pressing any buttons (vice versa).
- Try flashing a different firmware or at least the preloader from a different firmware.
These were the list of SP Flash Tool Errors and solutions to fix them. Do share this with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites, etc., and help them in fixing SP Flash Tool Error they are facing.
Have we missed any SP Flash Tool BROM Error? Then do let us know in the comment section below.
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