Floating point exception ошибка ansys



25 сентября 2011 в ANSYS CFX

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Здравствуйте уважаемые форумчане)

я произвожу расчет в Cfx входного аппарата компрессора. и в Solver он мне выдает ошибку «Floating point exception: Overflow «. сначала он мне выдал это после 6 итерации. тогда я сменила модель турбулентности с к-эпсилон на SST, он посчитал тогда уже 28 итераций и снова выдал мне эту же ошибку.

чем это может быть вызвано и что в этом случае можно предпринять??

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Red Ember

Red Ember


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не так давно столкнулся с этим при задании теплового потока. потом глянул (я его через expressions задавал) — ба! ошибся на порядок в формуле для теплоемкости, после чего тепловой поток расходится просто астрономически)))

Проверьте физические величины (например, если задавали материалы и их свойства), поставьте точки для отслеживания величин различных параметров

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для начала нужно посмотреть сетку. Вероятно, она излишне груба.

sst менее требовательна к ее качеству. и вытерпела дольше.

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Ошибка «Floating point exception: Overflow» обычно означает, что какая то расчетная величина превысила допустимые пределы.

Это бывает если есть плохой элемент в сетке и в этом месте большая погрешность численной схемы, иногда — если задаете стенку с проскальзыванием, если входные/выходные условия заданы неверно(например иногда при задании входных и выходных условий давлением задача расходится или при задании очень больших скоростей), если вводите дополнительные переменные определяя, например, свойства расчетной среды через expressions и там есть ошибка. Может быть в каком то месте расчета возникло деление на ноль.

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    • mannul


      mannul · Опубликовано: 7 часов назад

      G05.1 Q1 R1 — грубая высокоскоростная обработка,  подача на углах не меняется, углы срезаются, контур не соответствует заданному.

      G05.1 Q1 R5 — высокоскоростная обработка, баланс скорость-качество, замедление на углах, углы по прежнему может срезать.

      G05.1 Q1 R10 — точная высокоскоростная обработка, значительное замедление на углах, углы не срезаются, контур соответсвует заданному в пределах точности станка.

      G05.1 Q0 — выключение.

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      Артур52 · Опубликовано: 8 часов назад

      Там такая обработка, что так будет читабельнее управляющая программа. (В дальнейшем будет УП на станке корректироваться, а не в NX)

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      A_1 · Опубликовано: 8 часов назад

      Что получится с этой картинкой, если в начале программы для её получения добавить код MIRROR Y0?

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      Артур52 · Опубликовано: 9 часов назад

      Доброго времени суток, такой вопрос: я хочу часть операций сделать через приращение, а часть в абсолютных координатах, кто знает, где есть это переключение в NX?

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    • куркуль


      куркуль · Опубликовано: 9 часов назад

      судя по описанию — сместился шпиндель т.е. ось S. есть два способа — 1 простой — если знаем фактическое положение нуля шпинделя — выставляем в эту позицию — переходим с JOG на JOGREF ( при этом имеем доступ изготовителя, или эксперты ) — нажимаем на +S — при этом движение не происходит, а показания обнуляются. т.е. сменили позицию абсолютного нуля. но не на всех это работает почему-то.

      34090 — текущее положение датчика, можно менять, учитывая знаки + и —  . изменения вступают только после перезагрузки.

      ну и третий  — можно сделать привязку на любой позиции, если знаем значение данной позиции.

      заходим в MD оси

      34200 — ставим 0 даже если стоит ( нажимаем кнопочку — активировать MD данные )

      34210 — ставим 1 ( нажимаем кнопочку — активировать MD данные )

      нажимаем JOG REF ( должен быть активным )

      нажимаем + нашей оси

      34210 — должен сам перейти на 2 — ось референцированна.

      если не получилась перезагружаем и повторяем.


      вчера смена закончилась.

11 октября, 2018 — 00:39


Добрый вечер, уважаемые форумчане. В общем, моделирую течение газа в аэродинамической установке — форкамера, сопло, рабочая часть. Все шло вполне себе гладко до сопла, позволяющего получать скорость потока порядка М=6. Подскажите, пожалуйста, о чем может говорить данная ошибка (картинка приложена ниже) и какими способами можно решить проблему. Потому что, ну, не может скорость при прохождении через критическое сечение сопла подниматься до нескольких десятков Махов. Рад любым мыслям, наводкам и подсказкам.

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Ansys Fluent: Float point exception error

I had an error of float point exception when doing simulation in Fluent. What does it means and how to avoid this errors.

How to… fix error Floating Point Exception -Overflow in Ansys CFX ?

 Many times, during the implementation of numerical modeling, after completing the boundary and initial conditions and starting the solver we have to do with a sudden stop of the analysis and the appearance of an overflow message.  This is the most common type of error that occurs when performing CFD analysis.  In today’s post, I would like to present two paths to minimize the appearance of this error.

How to fix error floating point exception overflow ansys
Most often  error in CFX 

The first path will be the method most tested by me from the practical side.  It was effective in many cases where I encountered an overflow error.  The second path is the standard procedures to follow to get rid of this error.  In my opinion, two approaches should be familiarized with to have a full spectrum of knowledge about this error. It’s written in such a general way by the solver, which makes it very difficult to diagnose directly.

To accurately describe and explain the first method, I will use an example of a modeling task.  So our problem will be cooling process of the plate at a pressure of 5 bar.  For this task, we will adopt the following assumptions: we will take into account the total energy model, we will define compressible air (ideal gas) as gas, we will define the SST turbulence model, we will take into account the radiation phenomenon by adopting the Surface to Surface model and that due to the symmetry of the model we will simplify the geometry to a periodic slice.

After defining the model phenomena, the time step was set at 1 s.  Then  solver was initiated. After couple of seconds simulation was stopped with an overflow error after seven iterations.  What next steps should be taken to locate an analysis failure?  Below I will present in order from the least labor-intensive to the most-labor-intensive activity.

1. Reduce the size of the time step.  The best reduction ratio is 1:10 scale.  So in our case we reduce the step from 1 s to 0.1 s. For transient analyzes, the definition of the correct time step size is much more important than the mesh quality.  The residual equations are more responsive to the size of the time step than to the change of the grid size.  In the case of static analyzes, we have such factors to change as the pseudo transient step or the time step of the solid domain.  If the next reduction to 0.01 s has no effect, proceed to the next step.

2. Change the gas model from compressible to incompressible.  This will cause our problem to reduce its nonlinearity.  Do not be afraid of this simplification if your problem concerns low pressures and speeds.  The differences in gas models in this case should not be large.  If this modification also does not help, go to the next one.

3. If the above two points do not work in the next step, turn off the radiation model. This should greatly simplify the analysis and the partial equations will be less susceptible to mesh quality. Radiation models significantly extend the simulation time. A bad mesh may lead to the formation of non-physical temperature values (values greater than the assumed temperature in the boundary and initial conditions).

4) The next stage is to reduce the value of the assumed boundary and initial conditions. If in the analysis you have assumed a pressure of over 2 bar or values close to the phenomenon of vacuum, change this value to atmospheric pressure. Also, when it comes to temperature values (above 1200 C), reduce them by at least half. The same should be done for the initial speed (if you are analyzing high speeds over 150 m / s).

5) If all of the above steps fail, perform the last step. When you have defined symmetry or periodicity, try to do calculations for the entire model without these boundary conditions. It can be quite a laborious step requiring the reconstruction of the model, but it can bring measurable benefits in the implementation of the analysis.

After completing the above steps, if you still have a problem with the error overflow: floating point exception, try the next methods posted on the CFD Online website. Below is a link to these materials. It is worth reading the entire post because the information contained therein is extremely valuable.

Ansys FAQ — CFD-Wiki, the free CFD reference (cfd-online.com)

  February 23, 2000, 06:15

Floating point exception?


Ricky Wong



I’m trying to model a plain underexpanded jet (still), and I can’t get the iterations started. Fluent keeps coming back with floating point exception, (underflow). I don’t know what it’s complaining about!.

I’ve tried reducing the skewness, checked the grid, re-entered the boundary conditions (trying to start off with a jet at a very low NPR, without turbulence), no joy.. am I grasping at straws or is it something blindingly obvious?

please help



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  February 23, 2000, 08:59

Re: Floating point exception?


J. McKelliget


Your model is diverging.

The underexpanded jet is almost impossible to converge using Fluent.

Make sure you are using the coupled solver, and maybe some kind of initial guess.


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  February 23, 2000, 11:21

Re: Floating point exception?




Can you explain «Underexpanded Jet»? Thanks!


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  February 23, 2000, 13:11

Re: Floating point exception?


J. McKelliget


Underexpanded jet = a compressible gas flow where the pressure in the jet is substantially higher than the pressure of the region into which it is discharging — leads to lots of shock and expansion waves etc


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  February 23, 2000, 13:27

Re: Floating point exception?


John C. Chien


(1). That’s right. (2). Or, (p,ambient/ p,jet exit) < 1. (3). (p,jet exit) is the nozzle exit pressure but still inside the nozzle. (4). Further expansion will occur in the jet, downstream of the nozzle exit, until the pressure at the boundary of the jet matches the ambient pressure. In between, shocks and expansion waves will form in the jet (or plume).


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  February 24, 2000, 05:48

Re: Floating point exception?


Ricky Wong



Managed to get the model started, stripped it down completely to a laminar, incompressible flow at a very low NPR to begin with and gradually increased the NPR as the solution progressed.


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  February 24, 2000, 21:06

Re: Floating point exception?


Sung-Eun Kim


Have you tried to patch a non-zero initial guess for the velocity field ? Please contact your support engineer if the problem doesn’t go away.


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  February 25, 2000, 10:39

Re: Floating point exception?


Ricky Wong


Thanks for the reply

Non-zero intial guesses also prompted the error, It wasn’t until I took stripped down the model that it was able to start. Unfortunately I don’t think I have a support engineer, I’m a post-grad and the University has an academic license to which I am not the primary licence holder, queries to fluent (europe) support are very slow in replying (if at all) because an academic license is has low priority. Hence I look to the fluent forum for possible help.


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  February 7, 2012, 22:31

Floating point error.




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I am getting floating point error:invalid number in my thesis. Ie train moving in tunnel. Can any help me. My email is sheikhnasir39@gmail.com

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  February 15, 2014, 22:49



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One reason could be that the factors are over-relaxed. So if you are confident that BCs, model and solver are appropriate, try reducing the relaxation factor in solution control.

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  September 8, 2016, 02:44





Omid Shekari

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Originally Posted by Ricky Wong


Managed to get the model started, stripped it down completely to a laminar, incompressible flow at a very low NPR to begin with and gradually increased the NPR as the solution progressed.

What does NOR stand for?

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  September 8, 2016, 02:46





Omid Shekari

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Originally Posted by Ricky Wong


Managed to get the model started, stripped it down completely to a laminar, incompressible flow at a very low NPR to begin with and gradually increased the NPR as the solution progressed.

What does NPR stand for?

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  June 15, 2017, 02:31

species transport model


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Originally Posted by Omish
View Post

What does NPR stand for?

i have the following error in my simulation, kindly if u hav any remedy,post it
# Divergence detected in AMG solver: pressure correction -> Turning off correction scaling!
# Divergence detected in AMG solver: pressure correction -> Increasing relaxation sweeps!
# You may try the enhanced divergence recovery with (rpsetvar ‘amg/protective-enhanced? #t)

Divergence detected in AMG solver: pressure correction
Divergence detected in AMG solver: pressure correction
Divergence detected in AMG solver: pressure correction
Divergence detected in AMG solver: pressure correction
Divergence detected in AMG solver: pressure correction
Divergence detected in AMG solver: pressure correction
Error at host: floating point exception

Error at Node 0: floating point exception

Error at Node 1: floating point exception

Error at Node 2: floating point exception

Error at Node 3: floating point exception

Error at Node 4: floating point exception

Error at Node 5: floating point exception

Error: floating point exception

Error Object: #f

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  August 29, 2018, 01:40

Pemfc single channel counter current


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  August 29, 2018, 01:40



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waqas ahmad

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I m also receving the same error…….

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  September 5, 2018, 10:17



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Yury Voloshchuk

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you may change your AMG solver settings:

go to Solution Controls —> Advanced

You may add Pre-Sweeps in both scalar and coupled parameters.
Also I advise to use ILU smothing.

Apart from that, you may change Cycle type for Flow, TKE, SDR, Enregy, and Radiation model to either V- or W-Cycle. Also you could add BCGSTAB Stabilization Method.

I advise you to use earlier Fluent version, such as 14.5, and do set ups and calculations there.

Be sure that you use the same fluent version all the time!

P.S.: if this doesn’t work, try to do hybrid initialization without patching, and run couple of iterations with low URFs.

Hope it helped.

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  September 6, 2018, 04:16



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Kaixin Wang

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I’m also doing simulations of underexpanded flows, so I’ve had a similar problem, and my solution is use Density-Based,formulation is implicit,Flux Type is AUSM,if caculate for short step,It will not be a problem.

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  January 22, 2019, 17:51



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Tatiana Flechas

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Has anybody come across the reason and the possible alternatives to solve this issue?
I am working with P-based, mixture model and a UDRGM. I am obtaining this error since time step 1.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

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  March 28, 2020, 00:05



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Basil Varghese

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I have been doing simulation on natural convection in heat sink in transient state.
I have given time step size as 5sec, no. Of time steps as 20,no.of iterations per time step as 50.
In monitors plot, I plotted static temperature on fin wall as convergence but even after 3000 iterations, temperature line is not becoming constant and residuals are also decreasing. No other divergence error occurs. But temperature graph is increasing steadily
How can i make it converge?

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  March 28, 2020, 15:32



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The value of the time-step is critical in most of the transient simulations and need to be chosen properly. 5 s is a very very large value for time-step. Depending upon Gr number, it could be anything from around 0.1 s to all the way down to 1e-6 or even 1e-7 s. But 5 s is not possible. So, use such a time-step so that solution within every time-step converges in less than or equal to 30 iterations.


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