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Ford Cargo 2007, тахограф  


сообщение 7.3.2008, 1:17



Группа: Главные администраторы

Сообщений: 13232
Спасибо сказали: 1984 раза

Ford Cargo 2007.

Проблема на ровном месте. Сняли тахограф, разобрали, собрали. Больше не работает! :lol:

Ну а если серьезно, то так и есть. Ничего не паяли, не считывали, но зато, чтобы его разобрать, пришлось отключить у него встроенную батарейку, как например в домашнем радиотелефоне. Тахограф признаков жизни больше не подает, на щитке пишет ошибку ECAS, машина работает, заводиться, ездит, но пробег тоже больше не листается. Странная ситуация, прямо, как на магнитоле с кодом, только тахограф табло не включает и молчит. Ситуация пока не ясна. Тахограф Siemens, нового образца, с принтером и двумя отсеками под карточки, как для таксофона. Внутри жесткого диска не видно, но есть толстая многослойная квадратная плата с двумя шлейфами, в которой возможно и стоит диск. Толшина примерно миллиметров 7. Внутри напрочь отсутствует что-то наподобие чипа, и есть только из возможно важных элементов проц OKI на морде, возле экрана.

Кто успел столкнуться с подобным зверьком?

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сообщение 9.3.2008, 0:51


ETL Russia

Группа: Real User

Сообщений: 79
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В принципе все должно быть просто , проблемы могут быть если щиток спрашивает авто и если его нет он работать не хочет .

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сообщение 9.3.2008, 1:02


ETL Russia

Группа: Real User

Сообщений: 79
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Cамое главное не нужно если в лоб не получилось опускать руки , нужно успокоится немного подумать и все получится , не боги горшки обжигали , максимум до чего дошли производители это закриптовка пробега , скажем так видимо что бы отсечь дилетантов . Да конечно в некоторых машинах пробег еще и дублируется , но это больше памятка для начинающих ,кто только начал заниматся этой темой , не зная машину нестоит в нее лезть , те кто начинал эту тему прошли через это лет 10-15 назад , а умные люди читают форумы и учатся на чужих ошибках .

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сообщение 9.3.2008, 1:37



Группа: Главные администраторы

Сообщений: 13232
Спасибо сказали: 1984 раза

Цитата(slavatri @ 9.3.2008, 0:51) *

В принципе все должно быть просто , проблемы могут быть если щиток спрашивает авто и если его нет он работать не хочет .

Ну гадать конечно пока бесполезно, пока подождем.. Щиток работает нормально, он не видит только тахографа, как буд-то его просто нет, естественно километраж тоже не будет листаться, т.к. датчик скорости приходит на тахограф, а с тахографа по Can данные идут уже на щиток. Разбираться надо с самим тахографом.

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сообщение 9.3.2008, 1:55


ETL Russia

Группа: Real User

Сообщений: 79
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Я думаю что вряд ли форд придумал что то сверхестественное , щиток и на остальных авто на столе не работает , ему машину подавай , все в eeprom , нужно смотреть дамп и все будет ясно . Ну и авто нужно конечно , вся беда что клиенту нужно обычно все и сразу , можно подумать что он не знал что машину продает и все решилось в последний момент .

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сообщение 14.3.2008, 21:57


Группа: Участник

Сообщений: 207
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Цитата(Saveliy @ 7.3.2008, 1:17) *

Ford Cargo 2007.
Проблема на ровном месте. Сняли тахограф, разобрали, собрали. Больше не работает! :lol:
Ну а если серьезно, то так и есть. Ничего не паяли, не считывали, но зато, чтобы его разобрать, пришлось отключить у него встроенную батарейку, как например в домашнем радиотелефоне. Тахограф признаков жизни больше не подает, на щитке пишет ошибку ECAS, машина работает, заводиться, ездит, но пробег тоже больше не листается. Странная ситуация, прямо, как на магнитоле с кодом, только тахограф табло не включает и молчит. Ситуация пока не ясна. Тахограф Siemens, нового образца, с принтером и двумя отсеками под карточки, как для таксофона. Внутри жесткого диска не видно, но есть толстая многослойная квадратная плата с двумя шлейфами, в которой возможно и стоит диск. Толшина примерно миллиметров 7. Внутри напрочь отсутствует что-то наподобие чипа, и есть только из возможно важных элементов проц OKI на морде, возле экрана.
Кто успел столкнуться с подобным зверьком?

Пробег на щитке кажет ?
Просится на правку пробега в доске водила такого же форда , проблема у него в том что забыл выключить подмотку и на тахо намоталось за выходные около 10000 т. лишнего. Как я понял связь с доской по кану , а дубль в тахо не активный .

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сообщение 14.3.2008, 22:35



Группа: Главные администраторы

Сообщений: 13232
Спасибо сказали: 1984 раза

Цитата(Dust @ 14.3.2008, 21:57) *

Пробег на щитке кажет ?
Просится на правку пробега в доске водила такого же форда , проблема у него в том что забыл выключить подмотку и на тахо намоталось за выходные около 10000 т. лишнего. Как я понял связь с доской по кану , а дубль в тахо не активный .

Дамп в щитке, один смех, и пробегом там и не пахнет, хотя при этом щиток на столе пробег кажет..

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сообщение 15.3.2008, 19:44


Группа: Real User

Сообщений: 844
Спасибо сказали: 16 раз

а дамп щитка можно посмотреть?

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сообщение 15.3.2008, 20:28



Группа: Главные администраторы

Сообщений: 13232
Спасибо сказали: 1984 раза

Цитата(puhovick @ 15.3.2008, 19:44) *

а дамп щитка можно посмотреть?

Прикрепленный файл  Ford_Cargo_2007_14065km_eep.bin ( 4 kB )

      Кол-во скачиваний: 90

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сообщение 15.3.2008, 23:09


Группа: Участник

Сообщений: 207
Спасибо сказали: 1 раз

Цитата(Saveliy @ 15.3.2008, 20:28) *

«Вложение bin»

Пробегом попахивает в 046F….0484.
Еще бы дамп……….
Кстати проц какой?

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сообщение 15.3.2008, 23:19



Группа: Главные администраторы

Сообщений: 13232
Спасибо сказали: 1984 раза

Цитата(Dust @ 15.3.2008, 23:09) *

Пробегом попахивает в 046F….0484.
Еще бы дамп……….
Кстати проц какой?

Второй дамп накатать не успели, тахограф сдох :D Проц, как на втором фокусе.

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сообщение 13.5.2008, 11:02


Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 5
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Цитата(Saveliy @ 7.3.2008, 3:17) *

Ford Cargo 2007.
Проблема на ровном месте. Сняли тахограф, разобрали, собрали. Больше не работает! :lol:
Ну а если серьезно, то так и есть. Ничего не паяли, не считывали, но зато, чтобы его разобрать, пришлось отключить у него встроенную батарейку, как например в домашнем радиотелефоне. Тахограф признаков жизни больше не подает, на щитке пишет ошибку ECAS, машина работает, заводиться, ездит, но пробег тоже больше не листается. Странная ситуация, прямо, как на магнитоле с кодом, только тахограф табло не включает и молчит. Ситуация пока не ясна. Тахограф Siemens, нового образца, с принтером и двумя отсеками под карточки, как для таксофона. Внутри жесткого диска не видно, но есть толстая многослойная квадратная плата с двумя шлейфами, в которой возможно и стоит диск. Толшина примерно миллиметров 7. Внутри напрочь отсутствует что-то наподобие чипа, и есть только из возможно важных элементов проц OKI на морде, возле экрана.
Кто успел столкнуться с подобным зверьком?

У вас стоял цифровой Сименс, после того как вы вытащили батарейку — он просто «умер» — то есть очистил свою память с криптографическими ключами — это сделано специально для обеспечения защиты от несанкционированного доступа, по стандарту Annex 1B принятому в Евросоюзе по цифровым тахографам все цифровые модели не ремонтируются, их просто меняют на новые. В России пока нет возможности использовать цифровые модели из-за отсутствия уполномоченного органа, который бы выдавал смарткарты с криптографическими ключами.
Поэтому единственный вариант, чтобы вернуть систему в норму это заменить пару тахограф-датчик (датчик тоже шифрованный и может работать только с цифровым тахографом) на электронный вариант тахографа, например Stoneridge 2400 для Форда и новый датчик для этой модели тахографа, но и здесь есть засада — иногда после этой операции требуется заявиться на сервис форда для перепрограммирования системы управления самим автомобилем в памяти которой содержится информация о типе тахографа (цифровой) этот тип требует замены на (электронный) — то есть опознание нового типа тахографа, и настройку электронного тахографа тоже придется производить в мастерской по тахографам, потому что требуется его программирование, а для этого нужен программатор.

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сообщение 13.5.2008, 13:27



Группа: Главные администраторы

Сообщений: 13232
Спасибо сказали: 1984 раза

Цитата(tahograph @ 13.5.2008, 12:02) *

У вас стоял цифровой Сименс, после того как вы вытащили батарейку — он просто «умер» — то есть очистил свою память с криптографическими ключами.

Это мы уже поняли.. :a_aaa: Вывод, нефиг пока туда лазить.. :a_aac:

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сообщение 7.11.2009, 23:34


Группа: Real User

Сообщений: 1144
Спасибо сказали: 74 раза

подниму старую тему.
привезли доску и тахограф с такого камаза)
тахограф к счастью старый Kenzle, с ним проблем нет.
вопрос всё-таки по доске… есть ли там пробег или нет?
выложенный ранее дамп не открывается.
Савелий, если не трудно, выложи снова, покумекаем, тем более что есть уже второй дампеГ)))

Прикрепленный файл  Ford_Cargo_2007_dash_9S12H256_67230km.bin ( 4 kB )

      Кол-во скачиваний: 36



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сообщение 8.11.2009, 0:11


Группа: Real User

Сообщений: 1144
Спасибо сказали: 74 раза

Цитата(Saveliy @ 14.3.2008, 22:35) *

Дамп в щитке, один смех, и пробегом там и не пахнет, хотя при этом щиток на столе пробег кажет..

появилась свежая мысль…
посему не поделишься ли подключкой на столе? :icon_kringeln:



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сообщение 9.11.2009, 1:03


Группа: Real User

Сообщений: 1144
Спасибо сказали: 74 раза

В общем сей Маз-Таз в зачетке))) Пробег в табло есть 100%!!!
кому интересно, в личку…
Отдельное СПС Савелию за распин…
Правда ХЗ скока надо подавать по правде +12 или 24… подавал 12 табло загоралось на пол сек… но этого было достаточно чтобы успеть увидеть пробег!



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Сообщения: 3542
Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 05, 2011 1:46 am
Откуда: Россия, Москва


den_2001 » Чт мар 28, 2013 10:33 pm

Вин не нужен. Стартер крутит? Если да то блок дал разрешение на запуск.
Чем пытаешься читать?


Сообщения: 107
Зарегистрирован: Чт май 24, 2012 9:21 pm
Откуда: Россия, Воронеж


mto338 » Чт мар 28, 2013 11:28 pm

Стартер не крутит, читать нечем, в смысле ничего его не берет из мультимарочников, есть кнопка на панели с гаечным ключом, но нажатие ничего не дает. Что-то блокирует запуск, 50 клемма на моторник приходит, можно конечно врукопашную найти виновника, но машина стоит в сугробе по самые помидоры и желания это делать маловато. Из этого следует два варианта, либо тащить машину в бокс и там починить, второй попросить помощи и починить машину на месте.

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Сообщения: 3542
Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 05, 2011 1:46 am
Откуда: Россия, Москва


den_2001 » Пт мар 29, 2013 12:00 am

Клемма 50 приходит на реле справа на раме, а минус управления реле с блока. Попробуй дать минус сам. Теха с ним вяжется, но очень криво.


Сообщения: 107
Зарегистрирован: Чт май 24, 2012 9:21 pm
Откуда: Россия, Воронеж


mto338 » Пт мар 29, 2013 12:06 am

Я попросил информацию по машине, а не помочь починить её. Читать надо внимательно, вдумчиво. Если нет информации не надо плодить бессмысленные посты.


Сообщения: 107
Зарегистрирован: Чт май 24, 2012 9:21 pm
Откуда: Россия, Воронеж


mto338 » Пт мар 29, 2013 12:12 am

Если блок не дает минус на стартер, он не даст разрешение на запуск или я не прав? 50 клемма не на реле идет, на моторник.

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 3542
Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 05, 2011 1:46 am
Откуда: Россия, Москва


den_2001 » Пт мар 29, 2013 1:29 am

mto338 писал(а):Я попросил информацию по машине, а не помочь починить её. Читать надо внимательно, вдумчиво. Если нет информации не надо плодить бессмысленные посты.

Я вдумчиво наверное откажу Вам в дилерской информации. Попробуйте ее сами достать.
«Если блок не дает минус на стартер, он не даст разрешение на запуск или я не прав?»
Не прав. Читай доку.

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 3542
Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 05, 2011 1:46 am
Откуда: Россия, Москва


den_2001 » Сб мар 30, 2013 1:16 am

Двигатель Экоторг (Cummins в истоках). Диагностика Теха цепляется к нему. Реле стартера справа на раме в районе коробки. Управление реле с блока через датчик нейтрали (можешь перемычкой реле сам включить и проверить запуск)


Сообщения: 113
Зарегистрирован: Ср янв 25, 2012 9:43 pm
Откуда: Владимир


ART » Ср апр 03, 2013 10:38 pm

TEXA цепляется но иногда только если отключить панель приборов.


Сообщения: 107
Зарегистрирован: Чт май 24, 2012 9:21 pm
Откуда: Россия, Воронеж


mto338 » Ср апр 03, 2013 11:52 pm

Потеплело машина завелась сама, приедет с рейса попробую еще раз Тексу подцепить.


Сообщения: 107
Зарегистрирован: Чт май 24, 2012 9:21 pm
Откуда: Россия, Воронеж


mto338 » Пн май 13, 2013 10:43 pm

Продолжение: машина стояла неделю каждый день пытались заводить, безрезультатно, когда я приехал завелась, подцепил Тексу
первый раз — не классифицируемая ошибка 896,
второй раз — ошибки по 4 форсунке, датчик давления масла, датчик наддува все в К.З. не классифицируемая ошибка 3820, 3983
третий раз — не классифицируемая ошибка 272
то есть набор букв и цифр не имеющих никакого отношения к автомобилю или я ошибаюсь? Мотор работает ровно, обороты набирает тоже ровно без рывков. Буду признателен за любую инфу, в среду буду искать точки заземления, смотреть проводку.

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Сообщения: 636
Зарегистрирован: Вт дек 27, 2011 5:03 pm
Откуда: Украина, Ровно

Re: Ford Cargo 2008г. Помогите инфой


Gans » Пн июл 07, 2014 5:55 pm

Парни, угостите схемкой по этому зверю. Особенно интересует «БУД-Стартер». В моем случае непрокрутки стартера «Теха» к нему не подключилась. Даже после удачной заводки опять не подключилась ни к одному из двух работоспособных блоков

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Модератор: diagnostMAN

Автор темы


Всего сообщений: 21
Зарегистрирован: 01.04.2012
Авто: MAN TGL 8.180 2007 Carrier мясник
Откуда: Лиски
Возраст: 36



на панели приборов горит ECAS-03200-06 где поковырять пальцем чтоб это исчезло или сервис :shock:

Аватара пользователя


Всего сообщений: 449
Зарегистрирован: 09.02.2012
Авто: MAN
Откуда: Moscow




diagnostMAN » 06 апр 2012, 12:00

это ошибка по блоку клапанов екас звучит так: питающее напряжение/возврат магнитных клапанов .
лечение: проверить электропроводку (прозванить от блока управления до блока клапанов) если с проводами нормуль заменить блок клапанов (ломается редко обычно провода)

Если совет помог или непомог отпишитесь для
людей у которых подобная проблема
отключу adBlue на мане





Гость » 06 апр 2012, 14:01

спасибо буду посмотреть. :)

Автор темы


Всего сообщений: 21
Зарегистрирован: 01.04.2012
Авто: MAN TGL 8.180 2007 Carrier мясник
Откуда: Лиски
Возраст: 36




MAN TGL » 16 май 2012, 23:32


Аватара пользователя


Всего сообщений: 449
Зарегистрирован: 09.02.2012
Авто: MAN
Откуда: Moscow




diagnostMAN » 17 май 2012, 09:54

спасибо что отписался, удачи

Если совет помог или непомог отпишитесь для
людей у которых подобная проблема
отключу adBlue на мане

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Ford Cargo 2017 Owner's Manual

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Summary of Contents for Ford Cargo 2017

  • Page 2
    Ford Otomotiv San A.S. The same also applies for parts of this manual and their use in other applications. Although due care has been taken to make it as complete and accurate as possible, it can stilll be subject to alterations.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Contents 1- INTRODUCTION Braking…………..116 6- SPECIFICATIONS Accessories and Parts………. 4 Shifting…………..125 Labels…………..227 Dashboard…………..6 Power take off……….135 Fluid filling capacities……..228 While driving…………137 Engine Specifications……..231 2- SAFETY ECAS Transmission Specifications…… . 233 ( E l ectronica ll y Contro ll e d Air Product Range……….

  • Page 4
    ABOUT THIS MANUAL Thank you for choosing Ford. We recommend that you take some time to get to know your vehicle by reading this manual. The more that you know about it, the greater the safety and pleasure you will get from driving it.
  • Page 5
  • Page 6: Accessories And Parts

    Inspect whether the part has a Ford logo PARTS AND ACCESSORIES SYMBOLS GLOSSARY in case of a repair, and make sure that Ford Your Ford has been built to the highest Original Parts are used. Symbols in this manual standards using high quality Ford Original Parts.

  • Page 7
    ACCESSORIES, PARTS AND MODIFICATIONS ON YOUR FORD CARGO VEHICLE Today, there are many non-original parts and accessories are being sold in the market for FORD CARGO vehicles. Using these types of non- original FORD CARGO parts and accessories (even these parts are authorized by some institutions in your country) may have an adverse effect on the safety of your vehicle.
  • Page 8: Dashboard

    INTRODUCTION Dashboard…

  • Page 9
    INTRODUCTION Dashboard Steering Gear Multi-functional handle (left) Centre console/Bottle holder Multi-functional handle (right) Headlamp switch Tachograph Glove box Radio Window regulator control buttons Air Conditioner/Heater switching unit Digital indicator Parking brake Ventilation and air conditioner/heater air Lighter / 12V outlet vents Auxiliary heater digital control unit Storage compartments…
  • Page 10
  • Page 11: Seat Belts

    Safety Seat Belts Seat belts provided with your vehicle are the CAUTION WARNING most important on-board safety equipment. Seat belts minimize the risk of injury by While you are fastening your seat belt, ensure Seat belts provide safety inside the vehicle reducing the movement of the occupants in that, when the occupants are seated in vertical…

  • Page 12
    Safety Seat Belts Fastening the seat belt WARNING Seat belt cannot provide proper functionality when the belt or lock of the seat belt is damaged. To prevent this, check the seat belts for damage or jamming periodically. Otherwise, seat belt may be torn in case of an accident and cause serious or fatal injuries.
  • Page 13: Park Brake Control

    Safety Park Brake Control Park brake is placed on the front console. Drive position: WARNING Always apply the park brake after parking the vehicle. Chock the tires if the vehicle is parked Park brake is spring type. If there is not enough pressure in the air tanks, park brake on a slope.

  • Page 14: Tires And Wheels

    Safety Tires and Wheels One of the most important safety elements Tire profiles The Condition of the Tires on your vehicle is the tires. Check the tire A minimum profile depth is prescribed for tires Check the following conditions regularly every pressure and condition periodically.

  • Page 15
    Safety Tires and Wheels The Aging of the Tires Tire Damages WARNING — Aging of the tires reduces the operation and Tire damages are usually caused by the fol- traffic safety of the tires. Even unused tires are lowing reasons: When your vehicle passes over the sides of aged.
  • Page 16: General Safety Warnings

    Safety General Safety Warnings After the ignition is on, wait for the red immobi- WARNING WARNING lizer light to dim out before starting. Failure to observe following conditions may Do not carry or store material harmful to the cause accidents which may result in serious health inside the driver cab.

  • Page 17
    Safety General Safety Warnings Cleaning of Exhaust Filter The “ERA” mode: The exhaust filter found in Euro 6 vehicles Backlight of buttons “SOS”,”Service” – white light Using exhaust filter cleaning prevention for retains the smut coming from the exhaust gas The “Emergency Call”…
  • Page 18
    Safety General Safety Warnings…
  • Page 19
  • Page 20: 3- Controls And Indicators

    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Instrument Panel Air pressure indicator Engine oil pressure indicator Speedometer Tachometer Engine coolant temperature gauge Fuel gauge Trip computer…

  • Page 21
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Instrument Panel FUNCTION SYMBOL COLOR CONTROL BUTTON BUZZER Left Signal Lamp Green Multi-functional handle (left) Right Signal Lamp Green Low brake air pressure Instrument Red / Amber Automatic Amber Automatic High Beam Blue Multi-functional handle (left) Alternator Automatic Park Brake Sign Park brake control…
  • Page 22
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Instrument Panel FUNCTION SYMBOL COLOR CONTROL BUTTON BUZZER Oil Pressure Warning Automatic Cold Starting Aid Amber Automatic Height Engine Water Automatic Temperature Trailer ABS/EBS Amber Automatic Trailer right/left turn Green Multi-functional handle (left) signal warning Engine Warning Lamp Amber Automatic Cruise Control…
  • Page 23
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Instrument Panel FUNCTION SYMBOL COLOR CONTROL BUTTON BUZZER Rear Fog Lamp Amber Headlamp switch Fuel Level warning Amber Automatic Air Pressure 1 Green Air pressure control button on the indicator Air Pressure 2 Green Seat belt warning Automatic Amber control button on the control panel…
  • Page 24
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Instrument Panel FUNCTION SYMBOL COLOR CONTROL BUTTON BUZZER   Intarder Amber Automatic   Oil level warning Automatic   Engine brake Amber Multi‐functional handle (right)    Information warning Amber Automatic   Lane departure warning system Amber Control button on the control panel    Emergency braking system Amber Control button on the control panel    Icing warning Automatic   Park lamp indicator warning Green Headlamp switch  …
  • Page 25
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Instrument Panel Instrument Panel Display warnings and error warnings.  S YMBOL WARNING WARNING DESCIRPTION Exhaust smut filter saturation is above the expected level. This might be caused by the style of driving or the driving time. For the vehicle Drive with fixed speed to be able to conduct automatic filter cleaning, it is advised that you drive the vehicle with a fixed speed above 30kph when you see the to clean exhaust filter…
  • Page 26
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Instrument Panel  S YMBOL WARNING WARNING DESCIRPTION SYMBOL WARNING WARNING DESCIRPTION Change the gear lever to neutraland Depress the Rear axle did not raise. First raise the front depress the clutch pedal tostart the Rear axle did not raise. clutch pedal.
  • Page 27
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Instrument Panel  S YMBOL WARNING WARNING DESCIRPTION  S YMBOL WARNING WARNING DESCIRPTION Rear axle did not Rear axle did not lower. Oil level warning Add oil to engine lower. Handbrake applied. Front axle lowered. Front axle lowered. Vehicle loaded. ECAS Air suspension warning active Soon press any pedal to cancel…
  • Page 28
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Instrument Panel Odometer Tachometer Ensure that the speed does not increase up to red danger zone, especially while driving down the hill. Green zone: economy zone Blue zone: zone where engine brake is activated Red zone: Danger zone Buzzer sounds when you exceed the maximum allowed engine speed.
  • Page 29
    Inspect whether intervals. the engine belt is broke. • Check for water leaks in the thermostat area on the front of the engine. • Ask the support of a Ford Cargo authorized dealership, if required.
  • Page 30
    • Park the vehicle in a secure place, stop the If the indicator indicates the circuit air warning is deactivated! engine. Contact a Ford Cargo authorized dealership. pressure, light is illuminated. If you hear the audible warning while driving Air pressure indicator always shows the air stop your vehicle immediately.
  • Page 31: Trip Computer

    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Trip Computer SYMBOL First screen if your vehicle First screen if your vehicle 1-Battery voltage DESCRIPTON does not have a lane tracking has a lane tracking system 2-Urea level system…

  • Page 32
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Trip Computer SYMBOL 1-Mileage 1-Engine total operating hours DESCRIPTON Oil Level 2-Engine operating hours 2-Oil quality status indicator…
  • Page 33
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Trip Computer SYMBOL 1-Average speed 1-Instantaneous fuel 2-Distance that may be DESCRIPTON consumption Oil level (hourglass) covered 2-Average fuel consumption. with the remaining fuel…
  • Page 34
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Trip Computer SYMBOL Drum brake mode On vehicles Disc brake mode with drum brakes, Vehicles With Disc Brakes a warning is issued on the DESCRIPTON Remaining brake lining indicator of the relevant axle Language Selection percentage is displayed for each wheel. the brake lining that has worn out.
  • Page 35
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Trip Computer SYMBOL DESCRIPTON Functions Battery status Axle load…
  • Page 36
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Trip Computer SYMBOL Emergency braking system DESCRIPTON Info menu Error codes info screen collision warning…
  • Page 37
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Trip Computer You may reset trip computer information, which are allowed to be reset, by pressing Trip computer shows information and the button on the lower right of the instrument warnings. panel. Trip computer may be changed by pressing the menu button on the right multi-functional lever.
  • Page 38
  • Page 39: Control Buttons


  • Page 40: Multi-Functional Handles

    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Multi-functional Handles Multi-functional handle (left) It is placed on the left side of the steering. 6a- High Beam (Flasher) Switch positions are as follows. Flasher is operated by pulling the handle briefly and releasing it. 1. Horn 6b- High Beam (Continuous) 2.

  • Page 41
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Multi-functional Handles Multi-functional handle (right) On vehicles without Intarder and with EBS 1 step engine brake 2 step engine brake It has 5 steps in vehicles with Intarder. It has 2 steps in vehicles without Intarder. 1st stage 100% engine brake Engine Brake Bes,des while it is in «0»…
  • Page 42
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Multi-functional Handles Vehicles with Intarder: Engine Brake Intarder Bremsomat Reduced Brake Power Bremsomat (0%-100%) Intarder 1 Reduced Brake Power 25% Max. Brake Power Intarder 2 Reduced Brake Power 50% Max. Brake Power Intarder 3 High Brake Power 75% Max.
  • Page 43: Tachograph

    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph Tachograph Tachograph ( Just stoneridge Driver Displays (DDS enabled) Tachograph) Use the button to scroll up/ down to show one of the displays below. For more details on Driver Displays, please visit Insert your card SE5000.com Manual Entries During the manual entries procedure you can…

  • Page 44
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Introducing Your Vehicle Tachograph Indicators Rest until now? YES 7. Continue with step 4 in chapter Rest until Rest until now? NO now? YES. Scenario: The driver card was withdrawn at Scenario: You arrived at Screen Messages the end of the last working day and inserted 15.23, 23/11 and when the new…
  • Page 45
  • Page 46
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph VDO Tachograph(DTCO-1381) Switch on the ignition. ► Manual inputs (* required only in ADR model) Installing driver card The 1st driver who shall drive the vehicle A According to the regulation, the activity inserts their own driver card to the 1 that cannot be recorded on the driver card slot with chip upwards and arrow card must be added by manual input.
  • Page 47
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph Path to follow as a principle For 4 seconds, the last card removal date and time is • Select any function or activity you like from the in- shown in local time (symbol «•») put area or key in the numerical tuşlayın.
  • Page 48
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph Discrete functions are temporarily disabled while the driver card is being read: • Calling menu functions • Requesting tachograph card • Confirm input with «Yes». A message is displayed when a menu button or card eject button is pressed. •…
  • Page 49
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph ► Country input during manual input Country selection If the button is pressed in the following 30 Last selected country is displayed first. Then seconds, you can continue the input operation. the last input four country is displayed with / At the end of this duration, or when driving buttons Marking: The colon in front of country starts;…
  • Page 50
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph Adding «resting time» activity Example 1: Card inserting operation Card retrieval (15.04.15) Insertion (18.04.15) 16:31 Local time 07:35 Local time Activity confirmation Adding resting time Please note: Input is realised in local time. Keep button pressed Jumps to the last input field automatically (minute flashes).
  • Page 51
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph ► Continuing the shift Example 2: Card inserting operation Insertion (25.02.15) Card retrieval (24.02.15) 02:30 Local time 23:32 Local time Inputting activities / date Completing activity Please note: Input is realised in local time. Set first activity and confirm.
  • Page 52
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph ► Continuing the shift and adding activities to previous shift Example 3: Card inserting operation Insertion (25.02.15) Card retrieval (24.02.15) 02:30 Local time 23:32 Local time Inputting activities / date Country input Before activity Shift end addition Shift start Completing activity…
  • Page 53
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph After the ignition is turned on or off, the Setting the activities For the assistant driver, press 2nd automatically changing event (1) and/or (2) is driver activity button; displayed on standard indicator (a) and flashed Driving duration (automatic during ►…
  • Page 54
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph Personal information Note It can be programmed on customer request which activity the DTCO 1381 shall switch to Name and surname automatically after ignition is turned on by the Driver card or driver license authorized workshop; number ►…
  • Page 55
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph If an incident repeats continuously, please apply to an authorized expert workshop! Pikto / Reason Meaning Precautions The possible reasons may be as below: Confirm the message. Security Violation • Error in data memory, data security cannot be ensured in DTCO 1381 tachograph any more.
  • Page 56
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph Behaviour in low/excessive voltage situation Case 3: If the symbol is displayed continuously even when the vehicle voltage is correct, ap- This incident is equivalent to a voltage cut-off ply to an authorized expert workshop! Standard indicator (a) is displayed automatical- If the DTCO 1381 tachograph malfunctions, ly and DTCO 1381 cannot perform tachograph it is your obligation to record activities with…
  • Page 57
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph Country codes Value allocations Liechtenstein Poland Austria FR/FO Faroe Romania Albania Georgia San Martno Andorra Russian Federation Greece Armenia Hungary Sweden Azerbaijan Croatia Slovak Republic Belgium Italy Slovenia Bulgaria Ireland Serbia Bosnia-Herzegovina Iceland Turkmenistan Belarus Kazakhstan Turkey Switzerland Luxembourg…
  • Page 58
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph ► Region signs Value allocations — Spain Andalusia Aragonia Aturias Cantabria Catalania Castile — Lean Castile — La Mancha Valencia Extremadura Galicia Balear Islands Canary Islands La Rioja Madrid Murcia Navarra Basque…
  • Page 59
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph Switch on the ignition. Removing driver cards Card request during manual input (* required only in ADR model) Remove the card from the card slot 1 A As a rule, the driver card can remain in the Set the appropriate activity;…
  • Page 60
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph ► Menus after driver card is removed Step / menu display Remark Description The surname of the driver is displayed. Status bar dis- plays that the DTCO 1381 tachograph transfers data to Select the country with buttons and the driver card.
  • Page 61
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph ■ Changing driver/vehicle during operation • Written tachograph papers (3) Case 2: Driver 1 and/or Driver 2 leaves • and handwritten records belonging to the activity when required the vehicle Related driver requests their own driver card, when necessary prints out the daily report and removes driver card from DTCO 1381 tachograph.
  • Page 62
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph ■ Displays and button explanations (1) Display (2a) 1st driver buttons (2b) Driver 1 combi button (3) Card slot 1 (4) Data download interface (5a) Driver 2 buttons (5b) Driver 2 combi button (6) Card slot 2 (7) Printer drawer opening button Double button (8) Cutting edge…
  • Page 63
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph Pikto 1 Reason Meaning Precautions Printing… Selected function feedback. These warnings are automatically deleted in three seconds. There is no need for any Input recorded Feedback that DTC01381 tachograph recorded the operation. input. Display not possible! Data cannot be displayed as long as printing continues.
  • Page 64
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph ■ Maintenance and cleaning • If the license plate of the vehicle is Archive the data or keep the document for changed, coming questions. ► Cleaning DTCO 1381 tachograph • When the UTC time deviates for more than Clean the device body, screen and buttons 20 minutes.
  • Page 65
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph ■ Automatic activity setting upon turning ignition on/off Warning! Automatically set activity … The defined activity following ignition on/off … after ignition is turned on … after ignition is turned off can be programmed by the vehicle manufac- turer! Break / resting period Break / resting period…
  • Page 66
    CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Tachograph simulator unit…
  • Page 67
  • Page 68: Opening And Closing Of The Vehicle

    WARNING Ignition key has an immobilizer feature against vehicle theft. New keys shall be programmed by Ford Otosan authorized dealerships. • Fuel tank • Urea tank (only on Euro 5 and Euro 6 vehicles) •…

  • Page 69
    New remote controls shall be introduced seconds. to the vehicle when a new control is This feature also includes the opening of purchased. Please visit a Ford authorized sunroof with the windows on vehicles with dealer for the introduction of the controls. power roof.
  • Page 70
    OPERATION Opening and closing of the vehicle Getting In and Out Of the Vehicle Outer Handle Door Inner Latch Use the 3 points principle while getting in and out of the vehicle. Do not hold the steering wheel while getting in the vehicle. Don’t: Do not try to get in the vehicle by holding the steering wheel instead of the handle.
  • Page 71
    OPERATION Opening and closing of the vehicle Windows Window moves to opening or closing direction When the flasher signal is received, bring the while the opening/closing buttons are pressed. window to the top level with a single press Operation is stopped automatically when the and hold the button until off/on feedback is window reaches uppermost or lowermost received from the locks.
  • Page 72
    OPERATION Opening and closing of the vehicle Opening/closing the front hood WARNING Hold and press the middle of the hood while opening and closing the hood. Do not press on one side of the hood. To open: It can be opened by the ignition key. Turn the key anticlockwise.
  • Page 73: Cab Ventilation

    OPERATION Cab Ventilation Manual Roof Flap Power Roof Flap Power roof moves to opening or closing direction while the opening/closing buttons are pressed. Operation is stopped automatically when the power roof reaches uppermost or lowermost position. Buttons are active while the ignition is on.

  • Page 74: Seats And Beds

    OPERATION Seats and Beds Seats Height adjustment Shock absorber adjustment Fast lowering Horizontal yield Fore and aft adjustment Resting position Seat inclination adjustment Seat depth adjustment Armrest Armrest inclination adjustment Heater Backrest adjustment Lumbar support…

  • Page 75
    OPERATION Seats and Beds Fast lowering Height adjustment Shock absorber adjustment Seat may be lowered to the lowest position Height adjustment is applied in 8 steps. The absorbing harshness of the seat may be by pressing the button and securing it (before adjusted without any steps between soft and getting off the vehicle).
  • Page 76
    OPERATION Seats and Beds Horizontal yield Fore and aft adjustment Seat inclination adjustment Operating the horizontal yield may be helpful Fore and aft adjustment is performed by in some operating conditions. Then, the moving the seat forward or backward while impacts on the movement direction of the pulling the lock lever.
  • Page 77
    OPERATION Seats and Beds Seat depth adjustment Armrest inclination adjustment Armrests The inclination of armrests on the fore-aft direction can be changed by rotating the button. The front end of the moves upward when you rotate the button outwards (+ direction), and downwards when you rotate the button inwards (- direction).
  • Page 78
    OPERATION Seats and Beds Backrest adjustment Heater Electrical heaters on the backrest and seat To unlock the backrest, pull the lock lever cushion are operated in two steps by pressing upwards. Do not press on the backrest while the seat heater switch. opening the lock.
  • Page 79
    OPERATION Seats and Beds Maintenance Lumbar support WARNING Dirt may hinder the operation of the driver Discharge the air by pressing the rapid seat. Keep your seat clean to prevent this! lowering button when you are getting off the vehicle. This would increase the service life of Trims are not required to be removed from the the seat mechanism.
  • Page 80
    OPERATION Seats and Beds…
  • Page 81
    OPERATION Seats and Beds DRIVER SEAT PASSENGER SEAT 1- Seat inclination adjustment: Inclination of the seat can be adjusted between 2° and 12°. 2- Shock absorber adjustment: Shock absorbers can be set in 4 positions from soft to hard with the adjustment button. Absorbers are adjusted to a softer setting when the button is pulled up and a harder setting when the button is pushed down.
  • Page 82
    OPERATION Seats and Beds DRIVER SEAT PASSENGER SEAT 7- Seat depth adjustment: 60mm . Allows the setting of the depth of the seat within 60 mm in 5 stages. 8- Seat heating: On/off button can be used to turn on the seat heater. Heater is deactivated after the seat is heated by switching off the button.
  • Page 83
    OPERATION Seats and Beds Single Bed Upper bed CAUTION Do not carry load or occupants while the vehicle is moving. There is a risk of injury for both the driver and the passenger as it will be scattered around during braking and manoeuvring. CAUTION * Upper bearing is optional for high roof cabs.
  • Page 84: In-Cab Storage Compartments

    OPERATION In-cab storage compartments Upper Console Shelves CAUTION (Vehicles with high roof) Do not put heavy items on upper console. Glove box In the rear part of the vehicle, there are 2 shelves and 1 compartment with net both on the right and left.

  • Page 85
    OPERATION In-cab storage compartments Cigar lighter Centre console Ashtray Hold the heated cigar lighter only from its Ashtray is placed on the center of the console. The multifunctional center console placed handle. Removable ashtray mechanism provides ease between the driver’s seat and the passenger Only use the lighter when the traffic allows you of use in the desired position for the driver.
  • Page 86
    OPERATION In-cab storage compartments 12 V outlet CAUTION Do not touch the cigar lighter end when it is hot. CAUTION Do not hold the cigar lighter element pressed in after it is released. 12 V outlet may provide power for devices up to 100W.
  • Page 87: Steering

    OPERATION Steering CAUTION A minimum of 7 bar air pressure is required to adjust the steering mechanism. If the vehicle air pressure is low, operate the vehicle to fill up to the air tubes. You can adjust the steering angle and height Turn the knob on the steering column in the most comfortable position for you while anticlockwise.

  • Page 88: Mirrors

    OPERATION Mirrors Mirrors Adjust the rear view mirror (no. 1) by the rotating knob on the driver’s door armrest. Bring the knob to position for the adjustment of the driver’s side mirror. There are 4 different types of mirrors on your Adjust the mirror by moving the knob forward vehicle: and backward and left and right, then bring the…

  • Page 89
    OPERATION Mirrors Mirror Heater Mirrors 1 and 2 have heaters. Use the heater for ease of view on winter days. To activate the heater: Press “mirror heater’’ switch on the control panel while the ignition switch is at position 2. To deactivate the heater: heater shall be deactivated automatically after 10 minutes.
  • Page 90: Lighting

    OPERATION Lighting Headlamp Switch Headlamp levelling adjustment WARNING Headlamp levelling shall be adjusted before getting on the road to prevent dazzling the eyes of the drivers of the vehicles in the upcoming traffic in different road conditions. CAUTION The current capacity of the switch may only cover for the available system.

  • Page 91
    OPERATION Lighting weather conditions headlamps may Direction Indicator Lever (If Equipped) Autolamps automatically turn on and off. WARNING Note: It may be necessary to switch your The autolamps switch position may headlamps on manually in severe weather not activate the headlamps in all low conditions.
  • Page 92
    OPERATION Lighting Front fog lamp Rear fog lamp Rear fog lamp is placed on the headlamp Front fog lamp is placed on the headlamp control panel. Turn this switch on to obtain control panel. better visibility and be visible to the incoming Turn this switch on to obtain better visibility traffic in foggy conditions and where the and be visible to the incoming traffic in foggy…
  • Page 93
    OPERATION Lighting Interior lamp Dome (pilot) Lamps Reading lamp Interior lamp is placed over the windshield on the center area. It is turned on/off by the switch on it. – Position: Continuously lit. – Position: Lamp does not turn on. –…
  • Page 94
    OPERATION Lighting High roof vehicles Interior lamp Dome (pilot) Lamps Interior lamp is placed over the windshield on the center area. It is turned on/off by the switch on it. : Illuminates the driver side dome lamp. : Illuminates the passenger side dome lamp. Center switch has 3 positions.
  • Page 95: Window Washing And Heating Systems

    OPERATION Window Washing and Heating Systems Windshield Washer Reservoir Autowıpers (If Equipped) Water spray The autowipers feature uses a rain sensor. You will find it on the lowe center part of the windscreen. The rain sensor monitors the amount of moisture on the windshield and automatically turns on the wipers.

  • Page 96
    OPERATION Window Washing and Heating Systems Windshield Heating (Available on vehicles Note: Once you choose a different speed or Note: Wet or winter driving conditions with ice, park position on the wiper switch, autowipers snow or salty road mist can cause inconsistent with Cold Climate pack only) feature will be deactivated, and wipers will and unexpected wiping or smearing.
  • Page 97: Circuit Breakers

    OPERATION Circuit Breakers Use the circuit breakers to disconnect the Using the external switch Vehicles without ADR electrical current in your vehicle. Vehicles with ADR To cut the circuit off An ADR switch shall be available on Lift the safety cover. vehicles that transport flammable, explosive, Raise the switch.

  • Page 98
    OPERATION Circuit Breakers Turn the switch counter-clockwise to cut the circuit off. Turn the switch clockwise to re- activate the electricity supply of the vehicle. CAUTION Use the circuit breaker at least 2 minutes after you have stopped your vehicle. Otherwise, engine electronic control unit (and Denox control unit, if available) may be damaged.
  • Page 99: A/C And Heater

    OPERATION A/C and Heater Air conditioning To operate the A/C of your vehicle, bring the heat control Press the A/C and recirculation buttons on the front panel. To cold (blue) position while the engine is on. – Blower speed setting –…

  • Page 100
    OPERATION A/C and Heater Auxiliary heater (Webasto) NOTE: To get a better performance from your vehicle’s A/C, turn it on even in winter for 5 Dry Type Heater minutes every 15 days. It is not required to set the knob to cold position during this us- age.
  • Page 101
    OPERATION A/C and Heater When error codes F01 / F02 /F07 are read on Wet type heater CAUTION the cab heater digital indicator, fill the fuel level and turn the cab heater switch off and on. Webasto pump is delicate. High quality diesel Repeat this procedure until the air inside fuel shall be used against freezing.
  • Page 102
    OPERATION A/C and Heater Wet type webasto fuel tank Controls CAUTION The unit intakes fuel supply from the specially Time Indicator Operating Indicator designed fuel tank that houses the freezing- Temperature selection proof (Arctic Diesel, kerosene etc…) fuel. Turn off additional heating system(s) when Record Location refuelling.
  • Page 103
    Heater Turns Off By Itself Maintenance Malfunction Description Precaution • We recommend that the heater is inspected in Ford authorized workshops No ignition during starting. Turn off/on the heater once in the start of each winter season. Flame extinguishes during operation Turn off/on the heater once •…
  • Page 104
    OPERATION A/C and Heater Error (group) Additional information during computerized diagnosis Error Remedy code F 01 Does not start 02 No flame even after restarting 82 Does not start during Check fuel supply (tank empty, lines blocked) Clean burner testing insert, Petrol: Replace flame sensor Diesel: Replace overheating sensor / control unit.
  • Page 105
    OPERATION A/C and Heater Error (group) Additional information during computerized diagnosis Error Remedy code F 08 Drive unit 89 Fault or short circuit to +Ub Replace the drive unit (combustion and hot air blower) (combustion and hot 09 Short circuit to ground in the switched drive unit wire Eliminate the cause of the blockage / difficulty in move- air blower) (combustion and hot air blower) or drive unit is exces-…
  • Page 106
    OPERATION A/C and Heater Error Codes Control device error No start (after 2 start attempts) Flame interruption (minimum >5) Low voltage or high voltage Premature flame detection Flame detector (petrol heater) Interruption or short circuit in temperature sensor Short circuit in dosage pump Interruption or short circuit in fan motor or overload on fan motor or fan motor blocked Interruption or short circuit glow plug Overheating…
  • Page 107
    OPERATION A/C and Heater Auxiliary Heater (EBERSPÄCHER) Ending the heating operation by pressing CAUTION the button for a long time Press the key for 2 seconds to end all auxiliary unit function It may be activated functions. by Eberspaecher authorized services. ventilation symbol is displayed only if the Ending the heating operation by pressing operating unit is connected to heaters that…
  • Page 108
    OPERATION A/C and Heater Ending the ventilation operation with aux- Ending the ventilation operation by press- Press the key to confirm the settings. ing the button for a long time iliary unit by pressing the button for a long time Press the key more than 2 seconds, all Ending the heating operation with auxiliary…
  • Page 109
    OPERATION A/C and Heater Activation of the saved program Setting the operating time Set the minutes with keys and confirm With keys, bring the program to “ON” Set the operating period with keys with the key. and confirm with the key.
  • Page 110
    OPERATION A/C and Heater Setting the date CAUTION With keys, select symbol and The auxiliary heater digital control confirm with the key, programming feauture is deactivated for safety reasons for the vehicles (with ADR) carrying Set the date with keys and confirm hazardous substances with the…
  • Page 111
    OPERATION A/C and Heater In the event of a fault the followıng dısplays are possıble REMEDY / CUSTOMER DISPLAY DESCRIPTION Automatic detection is active. The EasyStart Timer has been discon- «Wait until the automatic detection has nected from The power supply and then finished, then set the time and weekday.
  • Page 112
    OPERATION A/C and Heater Heater Turns Off By Itself CAUTION If you cannot resolve the fault by yourself, Fault Description Remedy please contact your authorized service. Does not ignite during operation Turn the heater off and on once Flame goes off during operation Turn the heater off and on once Entering the service menu to learn the error code: Heater overheats…
  • Page 113
    OPERATION A/C and Heater Heater Bring the heat control to red position for hot You can adjust the fan speed in 3 steps. Adjust the blowing direction air flow. 0: Off 1: Low speed blows to the windshield. 2: Middle speed 3: Fast blows from opposite direction.
  • Page 114: Driving

    OPERATION Driving Before taking off: Starting the engine CAUTION Wait for the period determined by the electronic control unit (10 to 40 seconds) before starting again after a start failure. Do not attempt to start in this period. Cold Start •…

  • Page 115
    When the user We advise you on that adjustments on the exceeds the specified maximum start duration, air deflector shall be performed by FORD To stop the engine he is prevented from starting again. Do not stop the engine immediately when the…
  • Page 116
    OPERATION Driving Cruise Control Driving speed is set by the multifunction lever CAUTION on the right of the steering. Engine electronic control unit adjusts the throttle setting required Vehicle cuts throttle if the set speed is for driving the vehicle at the set speed. Vehicle exceeded, and engine brake is activated if is driven in the set speed without the need for the engine speed is over 1000 rpm.
  • Page 117
    OPERATION Driving Hill holder On Vehicles with Manual Transmission: On Automated Manual Transmissions: 1- Stop the vehicle with service brake. 1- Stop the vehicle with service brake. 2- Activate the hill launch assist by pressing 2- Activate the Hill holder by pressing the the button on the center console.
  • Page 118: Braking

    OPERATION Braking Disc brake system Brake System: Arvin Meritor Elsa 225H air disc brake with sliding brake calliper. Disc: 430 mm anti-conical disc with air ducts. System Air Pressure: 10,5 bar Brake friction pads The thickness of the new linings is 19mm. Linings shall be replaced when the thickness becomes lower than 3 mm.

  • Page 119
    OPERATION Braking Disc brake system Drum Brake System The thickness of the new discs is 45 mm. Discs shall be replaced when the thickness becomes lower than 39 mm. Check the disc thickness every three months as the service life of the disc shall differ greatly due to causes such as vehicle load, operating conditions etc.
  • Page 120
    If the thickness of the lining remaining on the brake pad is less than 8mm, we recommend that you shall have your lining replaced in a Ford Cargo authorized service immediately.
  • Page 121
    OPERATION Braking Emergency brake bellows Discharging the emergency bellows CAUTION Brake air bellows on the drive axle of your To discharge the emergency bellows, turn the vehicle have emergency feature. Emergency bolt behind the bellow in tightening direction To start park brake mechanism again, please bellows are activated in 2 conditions: (clockwise) completely.
  • Page 122
    OPERATION Braking Engine brake (Standard) Activation of the engine brake Intarder is activated by the 5 step lever on the right of the steering. Engine Brake Figure-1 Figure-2 Engine Brake Intarder 1. Range Reduced Brake Power Bremsomat Reduced Brake Bremsomat (0%- Power 100%) Your engine provides the engine brake feature…
  • Page 123
    OPERATION Braking Bremsomat: WARNING When the retarder lever is pulled 1 step while driving downhill, intarder is activated in the Intarder oil is cooled with the engine coolant. required amount so that the vehicle speed Check whether the coolant is heated hold constant.
  • Page 124
    OPERATION Braking Automatic hybrid brake mode CAUTION If the right multifunction lever is brought to any position other than (0), automatic hybrid brake mode is deactivated until the lever is brought to position (0) again. Air tubes Drain the water in the tanks every day. Pull the ring attached to the cock until all air is discharged to drain the water inside the tanks.
  • Page 125
    OPERATION Braking Air Dryer (APU) Auxiliary Air Line CAUTION Air drier filter shall be replaced in periodical maintenance intervals. If the drier filter does not operate properly, it may cause damage to itself and the air valves. When air bleeding is required for special The air drier unit on your vehicle includes functions (e.g.
  • Page 126
    OPERATION Braking The pedal activation has to be carried out on • Pedal decrease until fully release, without Reverse test request There are some kind of failures which the following way: any condition. can’t be detected by EBS directly, only via •…
  • Page 127: Shifting

    OPERATION Shifting 16S 2230 Manual transmission and shifting Note: To shift from low range to high range during 2- Driver wants to shift from 6th to 5th, but switches acceleration in transmissions with 1H gear system: the latch to low range inadvertently when the vehicle 1.

  • Page 128
    OPERATION Shifting In order to shift into gear, fully press the clutch Do not use reverse gear when the and in the high range when the latch is pedal before shifting and remove your foot transmission is in high range. pressed upwards.
  • Page 129
    OPERATION Shifting • The situations that the driver may experience Transmission Information on the display: with the prevention mechanisms are listed «Shift up» warning: engaged gear is below: smaller than required by the engine speed. 1. Driver wants to shift from 4th to 5th, but forgets the Shift up.
  • Page 130
    Automated transmission and shifting Shift Lever: Information Display: A transmission with 12 forward and 2 reverse gears is provided in Ford Cargo vehicles with automated transmission*. ** No clutch pedal is available in the vehicle. Clutch release/clutch operation is performed by the mechanism controlled by the electronic control module.
  • Page 131
    OPERATION Shifting Forward movement: Forward movement: • Clutch movement and shifts are performed CAUTION automatically. 1- Bring the rotating knob to position D. • Gears may be corrected manually. 2- Release parking brake. Do not shift to reverse before stopping the •…
  • Page 132
    Do not to exceed the maximum engine speeds wait for a while. allowed during manual operation. Display warnings: STOP Transmission is faulty. Stop the Transmission warnings are displayed as 2 digit vehicle and contact a Ford Cargo authorized abbreviations on trip computer. dealership.
  • Page 133
    OPERATION Shifting Clutch lining wear has reached limit value. Ple- WARNING ase visit a Ford Cargo authorized dealership in Reverse, high range the shortest possible time.  Attempting to shift while the air pressure is low may cause shifting of the transmission Reverse, low range to neutral.
  • Page 134
    When NS warning is displayed, trans- mission control unit indicates that the vehicle is left in D without moving for a long time. Shift to neutral. Transmission oil temperature has reached upper limit. Stop the vehicle. Please contact a Ford Cargo authorized dealership.
  • Page 135
    OPERATION Shifting Off-road driving mode Oscillation mode On vehicles with an automatic transmission; When used at difficult conditions such as provides driving in terrain conditions by mud, snow etc. on vehicles with automatic preventing the torque reduction in drive wheels transmission, it allows rapid opening and with the lowest possible number of shifts.
  • Page 136
    OPERATION Shifting High speed drive mode Oscillation mode It is used when vehicle is required to shift When used at difficult conditions such as up at higher engine speeds on vehicles with mud, snow etc. on vehicles with automatic automatic transmission. transmission, it allows rapid opening and closing of the clutch and thus prevents that High speed drive mode is activated by…
  • Page 137: Power Take Off

    Cargo vehicles allows that the engine is ope- • PTO cannot be activated when the vehicle rated at a constant speed when PTO is activa- is moving. ted. Speed parameter on the control unit may be set by the Ford Cargo authorized dealers.

  • Page 138
    OPERATION Power take off Symbol shall be illuminated on the functions section of instrument when PTO is active. PTO valve switch.. Control unit is used for lowering the bed in dump trucks. Button #12 is used for slow lowering, button #13 is used for fast lowering operation.
  • Page 139: While Driving

    OPERATION While driving WARNING WARNING WARNING In the vehicles with engine driven power Make sure that the driven wheels are held on The driving, braking and manoeuvring output (Engine-PTO), Cargo Concrete Mixer the road while driving, and especially on the behaviour of the vehicle varies according to series in particular, the angle of the shaft off-road.

  • Page 140
    After driving off-road period of time while driving over the obstacles. brake system is checked by a FORD OTOSAN • Stop the vehicle and engage a lower gear WARNING authorized dealership.
  • Page 141
    OPERATION While driving Fuel consumption Workstations Fuel consumption depends on the conditions Fuel consumption depends on the conditions below: below: • Highland conditions • Model of the vehicle • Traffic in cities and short distances • Driving style • Vehicle load •…
  • Page 142: Sus P Ension )

    OPERATION ECAS (Electronically Controlled Air Suspension) Manual Control Unit (In Vehicles with Air Using Manual Control Unit (Only In Vehicles Ignition switch should be in position Suspension with Four Bellows) with Air Suspension with 4 Bellows) to activate the air control system by the «manual control unit».

  • Page 143
    OPERATION ECAS (Electronically Controlled Air Suspension) Manual Control Unit (In Vehicles with 1. Ignition switch should be in position 6 x 2 Air Suspension) activate the air control system by the «manual control unit». work has been performed. 2. Functions desired can be performed after pressing the driven axle selection button or lifted axle selection button.
  • Page 144
    OPERATION ECAS (Electronically Controlled Air Suspension) Front Axle Height Adjustment Mechanism An audible warning signal with a gong sound is heard and symbol is displayed on Front axle lifting system shall be deactivated the indicators. when the ignition is switched off and vehicle When the rear axle lowered drive level control shall be lowered to drive level.
  • Page 145: Air Suspension Mechanical Level Adjustment

    OPERATION Air Suspension Mechanical Level Adjustment 32XX S Self Steering In Vehicles with CAUTION Air Suspension In reverse manoeuvres you should wait 8 to 10 seconds after the forward manoeuvre to allow the wheels turn in the opposite direction. CAUTION Do not perform a reverse manoeuvre when the gear is in neutral.

  • Page 146: Tag Axles

    OPERATION Tag Axles System description the Information menu of the instrument panel Vehicle Speed and the light on the button is not illuminated. Axle raising feature in 6×2, 8x2C and 8x2S Axle raising functions are cancelled for safety Not allowed conditions: Series trucks with mechanical suspension is reasons if the vehicle speed is over 30 km/h.

  • Page 147
    OPERATION Tag Axles by the system. Therefore, you should avoid unstable loading of the truck in order to use the axle raising system better and to obtain a better efficiency. Pressing the Button While Axle is Raised Unloaded Vehicle Condition (For 8x2S only) If the system allows, relevant axle is lowered, icon disappears from the Function menu of the In 8x2S vehicles, is automatically raised and…
  • Page 148
    OPERATION Tag Axles the ground, or the self-steered axle shall not lowered when the tag axle is raised. To control these situations, system rejects the relevant requests and a warning message is displayed on the Information Menu. WARNING WARNING Axle load limits are increased 30% up to a Sensors are calibrated during production, Sensor positions and maintenance speed of 30 km/h to obtain a better traction…
  • Page 149: Ebs — Esp

    OPERATION EBS — ESP 4-Automatic Traction Control: CAUTION CAUTION Main purpose of this function is to prevent skidding of driven axle wheels. ESP is an auxiliary brake system. Emergency brake assist cannot increase the a) Braking power control: The speeds of the Always remember that no system can maximum capacity of braking power.

  • Page 150
    OPERATION EBS-ESP ASR Deactivation Mode: You may want to disable ESP on soft road conditions. In this case, press the ESP cancel switch located in the centre console. light is illuminated on the display when this mode is active.
  • Page 151: Differential Lock

    OPERATION Differential Lock What is differential lock? To activate the Differential Lock Differential lock is a system that increases 3) X2 vehicles FDL light will be the capacity of transmission of power to the Follow the procedure below to activate the illuminated on the instrument panel when surface.

  • Page 152
    «3rd differential». surface and stop the vehicle completely. Rules to be observed in the usage of IADL Ford-Otosan Inter-Axle Differential Lock 2) Drive the vehicle very slowly by applying the (IADL) is driver controlled system operated by accelerator slowly to deactivate the differential Activating the IADL: the pressurized air;…
  • Page 153
    OPERATION Differential Lock 2) Turn the IADL switch on. 4) You can continue driving observing the legal CAUTION speed limits according to flow of the traffic. On tractor vehicles Deactivate the differential lock when driving the tractor vehicles down the slopes. Trailer may be folded due to the loss of the vehicle dynamics.
  • Page 154: Lane Departure Warning System

    OPERATION Lane Departure Warning System • Lane markings are not detected due to The sensor may incorrectly track lane markings WARNING vehicles driving in front such as other structures or objects. This can result • The part of the windscreen where front in a false or missed warning.

  • Page 155
    OPERATION Lane Departure Warning System Switching the System On and Off Note: If the turn signal has been active for over 1 minute, LDWS is not suppressed due to active turn signal anymore. When the ignition is turned ON, LDWS will be automatically active unless there is no error.
  • Page 156
    Note: If the information message below appears on the cluster display, this means LDWS needs to be inspected by an authorized Ford Trucks Service, and LDWS will not be available till the inspection.
  • Page 157: Emergency Braking System

    OPERATION Emergency braking system Advanced Emergency Braking System Emergency Braking: If the collision is still found to be imminent, the system may apply full braking to reduce Principle of operation the impact damage or avoid the crash completely. If your vehicle is rapidly approaching another Note: AEBS is not active if you are driving below 15kph.

  • Page 158
    AEBS may not work as expected if your vehicle vehicle, serious personal injury or death. If something hits the front end of your vehicle is not inspected by Ford Trucks Service on regular The system does not react to cyclists, or damage occurs, the radar sensing zone may maintenance checks.
  • Page 159
    OPERATION Emergency braking system How to maintain Advanced Emergency Braking Note: If something hits the front end of your Front Camera Low System? vehicle or damage occurs, the radar sensing zone Visibility Clean may change. This could cause missed or false Note: If a message regarding a blocked radar Screen vehicle detections.
  • Page 160
    AEBS will get deactivated You can abort an AEBS triggered emergency to prevent possible unnecessary interventions. braking intervention, if you; In such a case, visit an authorized Ford Trucks Service to activate the system. • depress the accelerator pedal beyond the…
  • Page 161
    OPERATION Emergency braking system If you are brought to a halt via an AEBS triggered emergency braking, AEBS will keep the brakes until you override by; • depressing the accelerator pedal • pressing the AEBS deactivation switch. WARNING Important Note: In such a situation, take control of your vehicle and make sure that you activate the parking brake before leaving your vehicle.
  • Page 162: Useful Information


  • Page 163
    • Use oil and air filters approved by Ford Otomotiv Sanayi only. 4. Injector pump • Injector pump available in your vehicle is completely adjusted and sealed in factory.
  • Page 164
    OPERATION Useful Information 6. Wheel alignment 10. Upper bed • Have the front alignment adjustment of your vehicle checked, • Do not lower the upper bed while the vehicle is moving. and have it adjusted by service support if needed in the first 1000 to 5000 km.
  • Page 165
    This feature would provide significant fuel saving and you shall control by using the «off» position in speed control or by pressing enjoy the privilege of being a Ford Cargo owner. the clutch or brake pedal as specific to application.
  • Page 166: 5- Maintenance And Service


  • Page 167: Attaching And Detaching A Trailer

    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Attaching and Detaching a Trailer 5th Wheel (Platform) — Attaching the Semi- (see Figure 1 and Figure 2) position automatically. (see Figure 5) Trailer 4-Position the vehicle so that there is a (for 5th wheels of SAF HOLLAND brand) clearance of 20 to 50 mm between the bottom of the semi-trailer and the 5th wheel platform (see Figure 1)

  • Page 168
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Attaching and Detaching a Trailer attention to the voltage of the consumers on CAUTION the semi-trailer before connecting the cable. 5th Wheel (Platform) — Detaching the Semi- If any of the above conditions are not met, Trailer restart the entire locking procedure from the (for 5th wheels of SAF HOLLAND brand) 2nd step.
  • Page 169
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Attaching and Detaching a Trailer Note: Once the 5th wheel lock has been CAUTION unlocked, the locking lever is ready to be slid inside again automatically (the unlocking lever If there is a damage/flexion on 5th wheel can be slid inside).
  • Page 170
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Attaching and Detaching a Trailer Lower the legs of semi-trailer so that they are Trailer brake on the ground. Disconnect the brake connections and wiring. Reverse the vehicle until the trailer king pin is engaged on the seat on the 5th wheel. Spring release lever will return to its original position.
  • Page 171
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Attaching and Detaching a Trailer Attaching the Semi-Trailer: Greasing (for 5th wheels of SAF HOLLAND CAUTION 1- Perform the semi-trailer to vehicle air brand) connections. Remove the rear fender upper part when you 2- Press and hold the semi-trailer brake button use the vehicle with a semi-trailer.
  • Page 172
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Attaching and Detaching a Trailer Greasing (for 5th wheels of JOST brand) FORD OTOSAN will not be responsible for any WARNING damages to occur in the upper part during use with a trailer. Attach the cables in such a manner that the…
  • Page 173: Fuel Quality And Refueling

    Fuel Tank Flap (lockable) areas where the weather is always cold in winter. Original steel and aluminium fuel tanks approved by Ford Otosan should be used in Tractor vehicles Ford Cargo vehicles. Using third party fuel tanks other than the…

  • Page 174
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Fuel Quality and Refueling Put on a pair of gloves before installing spark Spark Arrester arrester as the muffler is hot. Hook the spark arrestor from its clips to the hangers shown in the figure. Close the clips and retain the spark arrestor to the exhaust.
  • Page 175: Cleaning Of Exhaust Filter

    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Cleaning of Exhaust Filter Cleaning of Exhaust Filter The exhaust filter retains the smut coming from Changes may be observed in engine and When you see the «Exhaust filter cleaning» the exhaust gas and decreases the emission exhaust sounds during exhaust filter cleaning.

  • Page 176
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Cleaning of Exhaust Filter M anual Cleaning of Exhaust Filte Before startin g g manual exhaust cleaning, increase a u u tomatically. The operation shall please make s ure the following c onditions are continue a s s below: met.
  • Page 177
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Cleaning of Exhaust Filter T he button in the m m iddle console, s h h own with To activate e x x haust filter cleani ng prevention, h e red arrow abo v v e, is Exhaust filt e e r cleaning S ince exhaust ga s s temperature sha…
  • Page 178: Urea System

    Urea fuel. system is returned back to urea tank. Urea Your Ford Cargo vehicle with Euro 5 or Euro6 left in the system may harm urea system emission system is equipped with an Urea components by freezing in cold weathers.

  • Page 179
    * Average urea consumption values are Ford Otosan will not take any responsibilities! calculated based on vehicle and dynamometer test results. These values may vary according to vehicle load conditions, environmental…
  • Page 180
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Urea System WARNING Cluster Warning Cluster Level Indicator Inducement Level EURO5 / EURO6 When improper urea or fuel is used or urea EURO6 EURO5 EURO6 EURO5 system is rendered inoperable because of Urea level Urea level No inducement No inducement contaminants mixed in the urea system, “MIL”…
  • Page 181: Tires And Rims

    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Tires and Rims Tire profiles WARNING A minimum profile depth is prescribed for tires by law. Observe the legislation for the relevant Do not forget that the external damages, country. bulges and cracks on the tires may cause blow-out of the tire.

  • Page 182
    «Tire pressure» table. issued in Ford Workshops is used. Do not use radial and transversed tires mixed on your vehicle. Use same type of…
  • Page 183
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Tires and Rims Check the tire pressure periodically to prevent WARNING CAUTION irregular tire wear. Your wheel is specially polished and covered Use snow chains only on the outer tyres of with a transparent protection layer to protect your vehicle.
  • Page 184
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Tires and Rims Wheel position replacement Wheel surfaces of your vehicle are polished specially and coated with protective transparent paint. Use your wheels in their original positions only. Or observe the following replacement chart. A wheel replacement other than the application specified below shall cause appearance problems.
  • Page 185
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Tires and Rims TIRE PRESSURE [Bar] Tire Size Load Index Tyre 6.25 6.75 7.25 7.75 8.25 8.75 6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800 8000 315/80 R22,5 9.00X22.5 156/150 Pair 10400 10800 11100 11400 11800 12000 12400 12700…
  • Page 186
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Tires and Rims DIAGNOSTIC CHART DIAGNOSTIC CHART FAULT POSSIBLE CAUSE OF THE FAULT FAULT POSSIBLE CAUSE OF THE FAULT • Vehicle is used with excessive load. If the vehicle skids to the • Brake adjustment is faulty side when brakes are •…
  • Page 187
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Tires and Rims Spare Wheel and Tire Replacement Jacking The Vehicle Do not jack the vehicle from the chassis arms. Jack can be mechanically geared type or hydraulic type. Before lifting the vehicle, park the vehicle on a level ground and apply the park brake.
  • Page 188
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Tires and Rims Spare Wheel and Tire Replacement CAUTION Carefully lower the spare tire. Take necessary precautions to prevent the tire from falling over your foot. Spare wheel is on the left side of the chassis on vehicles with single fuel tank. To remove the spare wheel from its seat, loosen four bolts connecting it to the holder with the 24 spanner on the toolbox.
  • Page 189
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Tires and Rims Side skirt opening mechanism Side skirt panel is moved to the outwards of the vehicle on direction 2 after it is released of its locks. Side skirt panel is released of its locks with the movement of yellow locks on both front and rear sides to the direction of 1.
  • Page 190: Driver Cab

    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Driver Cab Tilting The Cab: Vehicles without bed CAUTION Do not work under the cab before tilting it completely. This brings a fatal accident risk. CAUTION Do not tilt the cab uphill. As the gradient of the slope acts to move the cab in the closing direction, this may cause risk for the person under the cab.

  • Page 191
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Driver Cab Vehicles with bed b) Lift the latch on the cab tilt cylinder down. Cab tilt cylinder is located behind the fender on To use the jack, remove the specified cover. the right side of the vehicle. 1- On vehicles with manually controlled cab tilt cylinder: Use the brace provided in the toolbox of your…
  • Page 192
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Driver Cab Returning the cab to driving position: c) If the warning is illuminated on the display when you get in the vehicle, this means that cab is not locked correctly. Check it. CAUTION Fully open and close the latch on the cab tilt cylinder while you are tilting and bringing a) Lower the latch on the cab tilt cylinder up.
  • Page 193
    • Check for oil leaks through the tilt cylinder, hoses, lift hydraulic line. 1) Lift the latch on the cab tilt cylinder down. • Please visit a Ford Cargo authorized dealership if the fault persists. On power cab tilt cylinders: Cab cannot be tilted •…
  • Page 194: Engine

    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Engine Running-in Daily Inspections • Check the coolant level. If the level is at minimum or less, add 50% distilled water and 50% antifreeze (WSS M97B44 D) mixture. • Check the brake hydraulic fluid level, add brake hydraulic fluid if the level is at minimum or less.

  • Page 195
    Use oil with the specifications approved by the necessary precautions. Ford Otosan only for your engine. Using • Wait for 10 minutes to allow flowing of the oil improper oil for your engine may cause serious to the oil pan.
  • Page 196
    500 km maximum. adding oil is required between 2 maintenance We advise you to have the engine oil adding operations. operations performed in Ford Otosan authorized dealerships. Add oil if the level is less than MIN, engine oil CAUTION filler cap is on the cylinder head cover.
  • Page 197
    Engine After the measurement: CAUTION Low Engine Oil Pressure Turn the engine OFF. Contact a Ford Cargo a. If the engine oil level is not under MIN level Excessive oil is harmful for your engine. This Authorized Dealership. and oil level warning light is turned off after…
  • Page 198
    5 times in 5 seconds. (This does not affect the • Lamp will light up for 15 seconds, and dim the fault. Please visit the nearest Ford Cargo function, and is not a sign of malfunction.) out completely. It is recommended to you to authorized dealership.
  • Page 199
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Engine On-chassis fuel filter (Fuel pre-filter) Fuel does not flow to the engine and system takes air when the vehicle runs out of fuel or when the low quality fuel is frozen in the filter. Remedial operation required Tractor vehicles On-chassis fuel filter (Fuel pre-filter) If the “water in fuel”…
  • Page 200
    Ensure that the antifreeze complies with the Ford specifications when you are purchasing If the coolant level is lower than the MIN mark, antifreeze. Lime and other chemicals in the the x warning shall illuminate on the display.
  • Page 201
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Engine • Stop the engine considering the road safety. Contact a Ford Otosan Authorized Dealership CAUTION for the replacement of the air filter elements • Check the coolant level in the coolant after this warning is illuminated.
  • Page 202
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Engine WARNING Clutch fluid damages painted surfaces. Take necessary precautions to prevent spilling over the painted surfaces while adding fluid. Air filter is composed of 2 components: 1- outer filter 2- inner safety element Clutch fluid reservoir is placed under the front hood.
  • Page 203
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Engine Inspection and Cleaning of the Flyscreen Removal of the flyscreen: Pull the flyscreen lower bar downwards from its sides and take it out of the lower seats that connect it to the cooling module. Then, open the upper cover, remove the flyscreen upper connection springs and take it out by pulling it upwards from this area.
  • Page 204
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Engine You may find more information on the maintenances and contact information for the Ford Cargo authorized dealerships in the Warranty Manual. Distance and engine operating hours to the maintenance are displayed on the displays of your vehicle.
  • Page 205: Steering

    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Steering Steering Fluid Fluid level check: 4- The oil level must be between the lines 1- Tilt the cab. shown in the figure. For vehicles with 12.7 lt engine Add fluid if the fluid level is low. Steering system is very sensitive to foreign material such as dust, dirt etc.

  • Page 206: Towing The Vehicle

    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Towing the Vehicle Towing of the vehicle requires specialist knowledge that is not explained in this manual. Make sure that the vehicle is towed by specialist staff. Remove the cover on the front grille panel to install draw pin. Remove the draw pin and attach the towing cable.

  • Page 207
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Towing the Vehicle While towing your vehicle Procedures to be Performed: WARNING • If your engine is operating, have your vehicle towed as your engine is operated. If it is not Do not tow the vehicle crosswise. CAUTION possible to operate your engine, brake air pressure may be reduced after a while and this…
  • Page 208: Electrical Systems

    Return the batteries to tion precautions and manners described in this Do not work with open fires or lights near bat- a FORD OTOSAN authorized dealership or a manual when you are dealing with the battery. teries. Do not smoke.

  • Page 209
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Electrical Systems Disconnecting the battery terminals WARNING There is a risk of short circuit when the positive terminals of the battery contact the vehicle parts. This may easily burn the explosive gas mixture. You and other people may get injured in an explosion.
  • Page 210
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Electrical Systems Checking the electrolyte level Connecting the battery terminals Open the upper connection profile of the step CAUTION bracket under the battery cover in the direction of the arrow. Remove the key from the ignition switch. Turn off all consumers.
  • Page 211
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Electrical Systems • Install the plugs. positive (+) terminal of the spare battery to the • Fit the battery cover. positive terminal of the vehicle battery, and negative (-) terminal of the spare battery to the WARNING negative terminal of the vehicle battery.
  • Page 212
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Electrical Systems Fuse and Relay Table…
  • Page 213
  • Page 214
  • Page 215
  • Page 216
  • Page 217: Changing Bulbs

    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Changing Bulbs Use the covers on the door steps to replace 1- Pull the rubber part firmly 2- Open the headlamp rear cover by rotating it the low and high beam headlamp bulbs. counter-clockwise high beam:DTRL-21W low beam :70W…

  • Page 218
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Changing Bulbs Brake Lamp Turn Indicator Lamp (bayonet 21w) Brake Lamp (bayonet 21w) Fog Lamp (bayonet 21w) Reverse Lamp (bayonet 21w) Position Lamp (bayonet 5 w) Licence Plate Lamp (Led) Side Marker Lamp (Led) Rotate the bulb that will be replaced under slight pressure anticlockwise and remove it.
  • Page 219
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Changing Bulbs Dome Lamp CAUTION Do not touch the bulbs with your hands when you are replacing the halogen bulbs, otherwise the bulbs will never work again. Reflector (Led) Unclip the bulb that will be changed. Install the new bulb by applying the same Unscrew the screws of the old reflector and procedure backwards.
  • Page 220
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Changing Bulbs Roof Lamp Front Fog Lamp 1- Lamp case 3- Bottom plate 1- Detach the electrical connector from its Remove the bulb and renew by applying the 2- Top cover 4- Connector and harness socket. procedure backwards. 2- Remove the socket from fog lamp by Take the upper cover off by removing 2 screws rotating it counter-clockwise.
  • Page 221
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Changing Bulbs Turn Indicator Lamp Reading Lamp Detach the electrical connector from its socket. Release the lamp covers from the tabs by pressing them from the ends on the direction Remove the bulb and renew by applying the of the arrow to replace the reading lamp bulbs.
  • Page 222: Suspension Systems

    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Suspension Systems WARNING It is recommended, for a longer life of the springs, that you have the spring U-bolt nut torques checked between the first range of 2.000 km and 5.000 km (for once).

  • Page 223
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Suspension Systems Wear Pad Check Type 1. Axle 2nd Axle 3rd Axle 4th Axle 35XXD 41XXD Check the grease condition of wear pads every week on X4 vehicles (except mixer vehicles), apply grease from the specified point if required.
  • Page 224: Locations Of The Tools In The Vehicle


  • Page 225: Questions And Remedies

    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Questions and Remedies FAULT CAUSE AND REMEDY Transfer pump does not intake, check the front filter. ENGINE IS STALLING Check main fuel filter. The hole on the fuel tank cover may be clogged. Open it. There is water in the fuel. Replace if necessary. There is air in the fuel injection system.

  • Page 226
    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Questions and Remedies FAULT CAUSE AND REMEDY Coolant level low. Top up. ENGINE IS OVERHEATING An object may be blocking the front of the radiator. Check it. Radiator cores may be dirty. Clean the radiator. Water pump belt adjustment is wrong. Have it inspected by an authorized dealership. Exhaust system may be clogged, have it inspected.
  • Page 227
    Engine is faulty. Drive to an authorized dealer to resolve the fault. PRODUCE POWER Exhaust or intake manifold is loose. Drive to an authorized dealer. Wrapping on turbine shaft bearings. It shall be repaired. Turbo pressure may be lower than necessary. You are recommended to contact nearest FORD OTOSAN authorized dealership.
  • Page 228
  • Page 229: Labels

    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Labels Vehicle Identification Plate Over the right chassis arm of the vehicle: Engine label Vehicle identification plate is located under the Chassis number is placed under the front hood Metal label with the engine type and serial hood in the front of the cab. and chassis right side arm, and it has 17 digits.

  • Page 230: Fluid Filling Capacities


  • Page 231
    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Fluid filling capacities FORD SPECIFICATION  U SAGE AREA DESCRIPTON CAPACITY SAE NO. SPECIFICATION NO. 9 LT Vehicles 49 Lt ENGINE COOLANT 12.7 Lt Vehicles (with Intarder) 72 Lt WSS-M97B44-D (ANTIFREEZE) 12.7 Lt Vehicles (without Intarder) 59 Lt CAB LIFTER OIL 0.58 L…
  • Page 232
    Engine coolant shall include at least 60% antifreeze to prevent freezing down to -52 °C. (**) This is used as required in maintenances. (***) Instead of lithium based chassis greases in operating conditions from-15°C to-40°C Refer to latest Ford Cargo Periodical Maintenance Sheet or contact a Ford authorized dealership for oil replacement intervals.
  • Page 233: Engine Specifications

    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Engine Specifications 9 LT 330 PS 12.7 LT 420 PS Number of cylinders Number of cylinders Displacement 9000cc Displacement 12700 cc Bore 115mm Bore 130 mm Compression ratio 17,6±0,5:1 Compression ratio 17 ± 0,5:1 Minimum Engine Speed Without Load 600±10 Minimum Engine Speed Without Load 550 ±…

  • Page 234
    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Engine Specifications 12.7 LT 480 PS Number of cylinders Displacement 12700cc Bore 130 mm Compression ratio 17 ± 0,5:1 Minimum Engine Speed Without Load 550 ± 10 Maximum Engine Speed With Load: 1800 ± 20 Intake: 0.4mm Valve Clearance Exhaust: 2.4mm Ignition Sequence 1-5-3-6-2-4…
  • Page 235: Transmission Specifications

    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Transmission Specifications ZF 12 TX 2210 TD AMT ZF 16S 2230 HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH 1ST GEAR 13.8 11.54 6TH GEAR 2.08 1.74 1ST GEAR 16.69 12.92 5TH GEAR 2.174 1.684 2ND GEAR 9.49 7.93 7TH GEAR 1.43 2ND GEAR 9.926 7.688…

  • Page 236
    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Transmission Specifications ZF 16S 2530 ZF 16S 1630 HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH 1ST GEAR 13.8 11.54 6TH GEAR 2.08 1.74 1ST GEAR 16.41 13.8 6TH GEAR 2.47 2.08 2ND GEAR 9.49 7.93 7TH GEAR 1.43 2ND GEAR 11.28 9.49 7TH GEAR 1.43…
  • Page 237: Product Range

    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Product Range FORD CARGO TRANSPORT SERIES FORD CARGO NAKLİYE SERİSİ 1833 2533 2542 2633 2642 2642T 3233S 3242 1842T 1848T 3542 4142…

  • Page 238
    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Product Range FORD CARGO CONSTRUCTION SERIES 1833D 2533D 2542D 3233SD 3233CD 3242CD 3542D 3542M 3542P 3242M 3233M 4142M 4142P 4142D…
  • Page 239: Installation Of Upper Structure

    Installation of Upper structure You can access the web portal designed to — List of superstructure builders listed as be a guide for Ford Cargo upper structure recommended firm as per the inspections of manufacturers from the following address: Ford Otosan.

  • Page 240
    MANUFACTURER FIRM Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.S. Akpınar Mah. Hasan Basri Cad. No: 2 34885 Sancaktepe/Istanbul Ticaret Sicil No: 73232-Istanbul Tel: 0.216 564 71 00 Faks: 0.216 564 73 85 www.fordotosan.com.tr…

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Введение    3
    Общие положения
Ключи    7
Запирание/отпирание дверей    7
Солнцезащитные козырьки    7
Капот    8
Зеркала    8
Вентиляционный люк в крыше кабины    8
Центральные аэраторы    8
Боковые аэраторы    9
Отсек для мелких предметов    9
Верхняя боковая консоль    9
Центральная консоль    9
Звукоизоляция    9
Подвеска кабины    10
Управление сиденьями    10
Откидывание кабины    11
Ремни безопасности    12
Верхняя койка    12
Двигатель    12
    Приборы и органы управления
Указатели и органы управления    14
Аналоговый тахометр    14
Спидометр    14
Указатель уровня топлива    14
Указатель давления воздуха    15
Указатель температуры воды    15
Указатель давления масла    15
Тахограф    16
Контрольные лампы    16
Генераторы (предупреждение системы зарядки)    16
Контрольная лампа дальнего света фар    16
Контрольная лампа указателей поворота    16
Предупреждение о недостаточном давлении масла    16
Контрольная лампа стояночного тормоза    17
Контрольная лампа ASR    17
Контрольная лампа блокировки кабины    17
Контрольная лампа двигателя    17
Предупреждающий сигнал уровня охлаждающей жидкости    17
Контрольная лампа ABS    17
Контрольная лампа пневматической подвески    18
Переключатель системы регулировки тягового усилия (для автомобилей 6×2 с пневматической подвеской)    18
Контрольная лампа нормального уровня    18
Контрольная лампа температуры    18
Органы управления    19
Переключатель освещения    19
Центральные и боковые аэраторы    19
Отопитель    19
Система кондиционирования воздуха    20
Переключатель задних противотуманных огней    20
Выключатель внедорожного режима ASR    21
Аварийная сигнализация (мигающая световая сигнализация)    21
Переключатель блокировки дифференциала (при наличии)    21
Переключатель блокировки дифференциала вторичного ведущего моста (для автомобилей с приводом на 4 колеса)    21
Переключатель взаимной блокировки мостов (для автомобилей с приводом на 4 колеса)    21
Выключатель внедорожного режима ABS    22
Пепельница    22
Контрольная лампа гидроусилителя управления    22
Замок зажигания/блокиратор рулевой колонки    23
Многофункциональный подрулевой переключатель    23
Переключатель очистителя/омывателя лобового стекла    24
Освещение салона    24
Рычаг стояночного тормоза    24
Моторный тормоз-замедлитель    25
Ретардер (при наличии)    26
Рычаг ретардера    26
Механизм регулировки положения рулевого колеса    26
Коробка отбора мощности РТО    27
Центральный замок    28
Цифровой приборный щиток    29
Спидометр    29
Указатель давления воздуха    29
Температура наружного воздуха    29
Бортовой компьютер    29
Предупреждающие символы    29
Коды DTC    30
    Управление автомобилем
Промежуточный теплообменник    31
Коробки передач    31
Разгрузка стояночного тормоза    32
Клапаны    33
Полностью пневматическая система    34
Индикаторы износа тормозных колодок    34
Четырех ходовой предохранительный клапан    35
Вспомогательная воздушная магистраль    35
Электронный блок управления ABS и опорная панель    35
Диагностический разъем    36
Клапаны регулировки давления    36
Система ASR    36
FORD CARGO 3230S — Ведущий мост c пневматической подвеской    36
Переключатели управления самонаправляемым мостом    37
Двигатель    38
Процедура запуска двигателя    38
Выключение двигателя    39
Работа турбокомпрессора    39
Главный топливный фильтр    39
Пневматическая система с электронным управлением    39
Электронный блок управления пневматической системой и опорная панель (для автомобилей с пневматической системой с четырьмя пневмобаллонами)    39
Электромагнитный клапан (для автомобилей с пневматической подвеской с четырьмя пневмобаллонами)    40
Блок ручного управления (для автомобилей с пневматической подвеской с четырьмя пневмобаллонами)    40
Подсоединение прицепа и полуприцепа    41
Плита опорно-сцепного устройства (CARGO 1830)    42
Сцепное устройство для прицепа (CARGO 2530)    42
Проверка и обслуживание сцепного устройства для прицепа (CARGO 2530)    43
Проверка и обслуживание сцепного устройства для полуприцепа (CARGO 1330)    43
Общие сведения о дополнительном отопителе    44
Блок сухого типа. Расход топлива    44
Использование дополнительного отопителя    44
Выключение отопителя    45
Неисправности    45
Профилактическое обслуживание    45
    Техническое обслуживание
Ежедневные операции    46
Уровень масла в двигателе    46
Давление в шинах    46
Воздушные ресиверы    46
Осушитель воздуха    47
Уровень охлаждающей жидкости двигателя    47
Бачок стеклоомывателя    48
Световые приборы    48
Еженедельные операции    48
Бачок гидропривода выключения сцепления    48
Электронный индикатор воздушного фильтра    48
Датчик высоты    49
Воздушный фильтр в сборе    49
Основной элемент воздушного фильтра    49
Вспомогательный элемент воздушного фильтра    50
Ежемесячные операции    50
Циклонная крышка    50
Расход моторного масла    50
Топливный фильтр грубой очистки    51
Топливный бак    51
Крышка топливного бака (запираемая)    51
Проверки на автомобиле с пневматической подвеской с четырьмя пневмобаллонами    52
Спецификации и заправочные объемы    53
Смазки, рекомендуемые для холодной и жаркой погоды    56
    Экстренные ситуации
Обслуживание тормозных колодок    57
Запасное колесо    57
Подъем автомобиля домкратом    57
Буксировка автомобиля    58
Колесные диски и шины    59
Воздушные фильтры    60
Проверка уровня охлаждающей жидкости двигателя    60
Бачок рабочей жидкости усилителя рулевого управления    60
Замена масла в гидравлической системе рулевого управления    61
Замена фильтра бачка усилителя рулевого управления    61
Доливка охлаждающей жидкости и удаление воздуха из системы    61
Быстрое удаление оставшегося воздуха из системы    62
Зарядка аккумулятора    62
Запуск от вспомогательного аккумулятора    63
Замена ламп фар    64
Замена ламп стояночных фонарей    64
Замена ламп передних указателей поворота    64
Замена ламп габаритных фонарей, стоп-сигналов, фонарей заднего хода и противотуманных фонарей    65
Замены лампы подсветки номерного знака    65
Потолочный плафон    65
Замена ламп боковых повторителей указателей поворота    66
Замена лампы освещения салона    66
Замена ламп подсветки указателей, индикаторов и контрольных ламп    66
Замена контрольных ламп аварийной световой сигнализации и блокировки дифференциала    66
Основные предохранители    67
Плавкие предохранители    68
Возможные неисправности и их устранение    70
    Технические данные Форд Карго
Двигатель ECOTOGQ 7,3 л/240 л.с    73
Двигатель ECOTOGQ 7,3 л/300 л.с    73
Задний мост    74
Коробка передач    75
РТО — Блок отбора мощности коробки передач    75
Геометрия передних мостов    76
Электрическая система    77
Идентификация    78
Паспортная табличка автомобиля    78
Паспортная табличка LAV    78
Номер шасси    78
Номер двигателя    78
Шины    79
Основные размеры    80
Модель 1824/1830. Грузовое шасси с дневной кабиной    80
Модель 1824. Грузовое шасси    81
Модель 1830. Грузовое шасси    82
Модель 2524/2530. Грузовое шасси с дневной кабиной    83
Модель 2524. Грузовое шасси с дневной кабиной    84
Модель 2530. Грузовое шасси    85
Модель 3230С. Грузовое шасси    86
Модель 3230S. Грузовое шасси    87
Модель 1824F/1830F. Грузовое шасси под полноразмерный трейлер    88
Модель 2530F. Грузовое шасси под полноразмерный трейлер    89
Модель 2524D/2530D. Шасси под самосвал    90
Модель 3430D. Внедорожное шасси под самосвал    91
Модель 1830Т. Седельный тягач    92
Модель 1824СС/1830СС. Шасси под автовоз    93

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