Ford racing 2 ошибка wma 347

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$till LegendaryU2K

Joined Oct 23, 2005


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Mar 11, 2010

I have some questions, what exactly do you need in order to use it?
Is it some sort of mini OS, if so, once you install it, will it function and run in dx9/performance mode?
Last question, are you sure people are able to run xp games just like you are using xp with xp mode?
I want to run games like ford racing 2 and 3, which give me errors like:

WMA:347 Failed to create the Wma_source_filter»



Joined Mar 4, 2008


2,048 Posts

It’s a virtual machine which runs inside windows 7 professional or ultimate. You are limited to 512mb of memory which is all is allocated to the virtual machine, and it doesn’t directly utilize your hardware, which means it may or may not utilize the power of your video card. I haven’t tried any games in it, but I haven’t needed to. In my own personal experience, It is good for running programs that are buggy in vista or 7, but don’t demand a lot of gpu power or memory.

I take that back… I ran my son’s UB Funkeys game in it, but that doesn’t use any real gpu power

$till LegendaryU2K

Joined Oct 23, 2005


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Mar 11, 2010


Originally Posted by slngsht View Post
You are limited to 512mb of memory which is all is allocated to the virtual machine

WOW, i guess Xp mode is only aim at internet browsing. But being limited to 512MB, well thats living in the dark ages and i really don’t see any reason why MS decided to make it.
Oh well, thanks.

Joined Jan 16, 2010


117 Posts

I play a lot of older games (particularly strategy and sim games), and many of the games require that I use compatibility mode (usually set to service pack 2 XP).

It has helped with many games and is useful for games.


Joined Dec 7, 2006


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It doesn’t really use your gpu. It makes a virtual gpu which is a s3 lol check in your device manager.

$till LegendaryU2K

Joined Oct 23, 2005


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$till LegendaryU2K

Joined Oct 23, 2005


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Mar 28, 2010

I had this install last night, only took about 30 mins to install, i have a quick question, how do you install a game to the OS?
I put in a cd in the drive, are they going to be a option to install to the mini OS?


Joined Nov 12, 2009


824 Posts

Ya man, it isn’t worth it, I just said forget that, Windows 7 is good anyways, no need for xp.

Joined Apr 9, 2009


4,153 Posts

Windows XP mode is mainly for businesses to run Legacy Applications (an example). You will NOT be able to run any graphics intense games from it. If you don’t believe me download a demo of a game through the VM and install it. It won’t run, and if it does it will be very slow.

$till LegendaryU2K

Joined Oct 23, 2005


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Mar 28, 2010


Well i have xp on my quad core, but on my dual core i have win7 and wanted to do some testing. Its fast, just like xp, just wanted to know how to install games on it. Some games don’t want on win7 dude, like ford racing 2 & 3, some error that reads:

WMA:347 Failed to create the Wma_source_filter

I read that if you turn down your sound hardware acceleration the game will work, but there is no hardware sound acceleration in Windows 7 or Vista.


Originally Posted by MrAlex View Post
Windows XP mode is mainly for businesses to run Legacy Applications (an example). You will NOT be able to run any graphics intense games from it. If you don’t believe me download a demo of a game through the VM and install it. It won’t run, and if it does it will be very slow.

A application only thing, lol well that sucks. Why bother making it, even for businesses they might be laughing at MS.

Joined Apr 9, 2009


4,153 Posts

$till LegendaryU2K;8887890
A application only thing said:

You are very mistaken. MANY businesses don’t move OS, simply because their applications work in XP. Having an XP mode means they can move, without worry of legacy applications not working. I’m surprised a user such as you doubts such a thing…

  1. Icanium
    Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:

    Going back to XP but keeping Win7. I salute you General for being able to make the tough decisions.

  2. Well i don’t have my Gateway Quad Anymore, nor do i have my PNY GTS 250. Took all of it back and planning to build a AMD Six core soon.
    So i am just using my secondary gaming machine, Intel e3300 dual core, with my 9800gt and xpsp3, no problems, perfect game performance, no game issues.
    I plan to use win7 x64 again when i build my new system soon. Well that system will be my main gaming rig.


  3. loquefxp
    Member Guru

    Likes Received:

    Windows 98, 3DFX, Open GL.. those were the days! ;)

  4. My Riva 128 is hanging upon my «Wall ‘O Oldness» with the Voodoo, Mach 64 and my Rage (agp). Those indeed were the days! XP….was such a serious thing many years ago.

  5. tamzid
    Master Guru

    Likes Received:

    well white you have been here long enough to know general.. and i agree and know the fact that there are a lot of games that don’t run in win7 x64 … and i do like your posts and i didn’t wanted to get into any arguments with you …. i bet general can’t name 10 games that he wants to play that doesn’t run in win 7… but as you see my comments as troll, well this is it.. i am not going to comment here anymore.. sorry for my previous comments as i was taking this thread very lightly just like sykozis nd nvlddmkm…..

  6. First you say you know for a fact that there are games that don’t run on windows 7 and than you say i can’t name 10 games that don’t run on windows 7. :3eyes:

    Anyways, i can only name the games that i had trouble running on windows 7.

    Ford Racing 2 Does not work on Vista or Win7
    Blade of Darkness
    Rune has trouble loading up
    King of the Road — Weird Colors, unplayable
    Sin — has issues.

    There are lots more i am sure. Simple put, Windows 7 is just fine, plan to use it on my main six core i am building, but XP is the best OS ever IMO.

  7. I had Ford Racing 2 running on Vista numerous times….

  8. nhlkoho
    Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:

    I have played Sin on Vista and Win7 and it works fine. It came free with my copy of Sin Episodes.

    Maybe its just user error.

  9. Thats bs. What you are the only person to be able to play ford racing 2 on vista or windows 7, while everyone else in the world got this message when trying to play it:

    » «WMA:347 Failed to create the Wma_source_filter» and exits unexpectedly. »

    You’re lying when you said you got it working on vista. And if you aren’t lying, how about you tell me how you were able to get around that error that everyone and me was getting?

  10. MerolaC
    Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:

    Lol, this thread is making me to made a Dual Boot for Windows XP :D

    I will do it, thanks General!
    Even, if you say that Dual Boot is lame :p

  11. Well i have no reason to do a dual boot because, i always like to have 2 rigs, one for xp and one for windows 7.

  12. alanm
    Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:

    One good reason to dual boot is that its easier to troubleshoot your main OS from the other OS in case it malfunctions, doesnt boot or is hit by malware or whatever.

  13. Unlike you, I have no reason to lie about anything. I simply installed the game…and played it. I didn’t even buy the game until Vista went Gold. CompUSA had it for $5….lol.

  14. Alright so if you have the game, install and show me. Because if you were able to play the game on windows 7, myself and alot of people will be shocked to see it, because fact is, the game does not work on windows 7 because of that area that appears. So like i said, show me and stop talking.

  15. FlawleZ
    Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
  16. General. Calm down. No need for that type of sarcasm and «upstanding». Please play nice and be as respectful as you want others to be to you. Kindness goes both ways. :) You give it and you get it in return.

  17. I didn’t start it. All i said i use my flatout 2 key for various other games and couple people or one person started calling me a liar , i mean come on now, i didn’t do anything haha.
    I love it when people called me a liar tho, they were doing that when i said that you can install cataylst xp drivers on windows 7, and people said i was lying.

    Its really simple really, i mean. If someone is calling me a liar about that, well all they have to do is use windows 7 32bit ( does not work with 64bit ), download and install cataylst xp drivers and see for yourself. Or with flatout 2, just buy the game at the store, use that cd key for the games which i mention, and you will see that i wasn’t lying. I mean, no point in calling someone a liar, when they haven’t even tried the sh** haha. Just like with ford racing 2, i repeat FORD RACING 2

    note: ford racing 3 works on windows 7

    Its ford racing 2 which is the problem and i there is no way that game works on windows 7, and many other people have the same problem. Infact if you do a quick google search , you can see what i am talking about. So i am not sure what that person is saying about how he is able to get it to work, when it doesn’t work. And yet we are on the 3rd page and he still haven’t been able to prove his point, but yet i am a » troll and a liar » ?

    Good times nvlddmkm , but you see what i am talking about right?

  18. «sykozis, did you have to perform any patches or did it just work outright? Please help as I cannot get it to work on my system. I’d be grateful for any help you could give. Thanks, man!»

    Would that be a better approach to the forum, General?

    Good times to you too. :) But remember, this place isn’t a pissing contest. It’s about a brotherhood. I hope you get the stuff to work like you may be having problems with, man.

  19. Things been better ever since the first page of the thread , by going back to Windows XP.

  20. Duel booting is lame ? hmmm very strange you are lol Anyways just imagine if you didn’t think duel booting was lame you could run xp on your faster machine along with windows 7. Makes total sense to me to duel boot. Also there shouldn’t be any problems running anything that xp can run on windows 7; all you have to do is set the compatability to xp and whola all works just fine. With my system I duel boot windows 98 and windows 7 Also I have ford racing 2 and works great on my system with windows 7 64bit :) I simply went to the exe file right clicked my mouse button chose compatability settings changed to xp and whola it’s a miracle it works just fine! hehe

    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010

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  • #1

This is game related, now i have made a decided to leave XP and use Win7, but playing certain games, well it looks i have no choice but to use xp for my secondary rig, because many games are not working good at all.

Kane & Lynch + Windows 7 + 9800GT + 181.20 drivers. ( new drivers does not help )
flicking, just a mess on screen, not to mention the game keeps crashing at the menu screen and oh the biggiest issue, the game did not come with a CD key, yes i bought the real version from gamestop. Matter of fact 2 other games which i own did not come with cd keys, like the Club by sega :shadedshu , the only good news, i can use my flatout utlimate carnage game cd key for those games. ( i buy all my games so don’t fuss ). <——that is completely unrelated, just thought i would add that lol


Omikron The Nomad Soul : Artifacts for all 3 my cards in Windows 7, but in XP the game works just fine with my 9800gt anyway.

Crysis & Bioshock , with or without a patch = Massive sound stuttering, game running like a POS. But oh wait, Crysis Warhead works just fine :confused:

Ford Racing 2 & 3 = QUOTE from net, same problem

» I run Ford racing 2 on my computer when it gives the following error message «WMA:347 Failed to create the Wma_source_filter »

Looks like i will be using XP on my new build dual core soon. And just use Windows 7 x64 on my Quad.

  • #2

Using an old OS is fine for an old system running old hardware… but Kane and Lynch shouldn’t be giving you problems, nor should Crysis or Bioshock, heh…


  • #4

Try changing the game’s exe’s compatibility mode in it’s properties.

  • #5

i have never had a probly playing games on windows 7. most games ran better on windows 7 than XP.

Black Panther

  • #6

It could also be that you need to update your realtek sound drivers.

Crysis runs fine for me (it always did even when I had the 8800GT), and I’m on Vista x64 :rolleyes: which is a far ‘worse’ OS than XP or 7!


  • #7

Bioshock and crysis fine for me.



Senior Monkey Moderator
  • #8

I guess I am of the mind to fix problemic software on a new OS rather than roll back to a previous OS version.
I don’t want an old DOS rig sitting around just to play an occasional old classic.

Like BP, I run Vista x64 and don’t have any problems at all with games. There were a re quirks here and their but everything has been fixed through patches and such.


  • #9

Not sure how much or if it matters at all. I’m not having that problem with bioshock 2. It runs better for me on win 7 x64, than it did on xp 32.
But I run all my games as administrator. Try running the games in dx9 mode if your willing to go back to xp.
Brandon what does that say in your avatar pic?
I have been trying to read that forever. The cat kicking the

  • #10

i still use xp 32 and have don for 8 years now me and in NO way am i going 2 up grade 2 windows 7,
at this time i run old school games on a old rig so am happy with xp.,



Senior Monkey Moderator
  • #11

i still use xp 32 and have don for 8 years now me and in NO way am i going 2 up grade 2 windows 7,
at this time i run old school games on a old rig so am happy with xp.,

That’s fine, gunsmoke, but many of the people at TPU jump on new tech and software faster than a old hooker looking for a quick buck.

I think with all the experience of the user base here, we can probably solve the OP’s problems.

  • #12

Case and point… I’m running Guild Wars on a Netbook using Windows 7. :D

*Cough, all at low settings cough… Honestly though, 7 is quicker than XP on this netbook.


  • #13

why am i not suprised at who’s the OP?

  • #14

That’s fine, gunsmoke, but many of the people at TPU jump on new tech and software faster than a old hooker looking for a quick buck.

I think with all the experience of the user base here, we can probably solve the OP’s problems.

my game rig runs xp 32 just so it cuts dawn power use on a old intel p4 3.4Gig ht runing just 1.5.Gig ddr 2 ram and 8500gt i tend 2 fined xp 32 runs 100% when playing on line games,

I all so have windows 7 running on a 8 year old rig p4 3.0 gig socket 478 with 3 gig ddr 3200,
and just a 80 gig i.d.e. hard drive and im very surprised the speed it runs at on a old rig,
all that rig i use for is name 32 roms with my xbox 360 controller so runs like a dream,


  • #15

There is no good reason to go back to XP period. Now dual booting makes sense.


  • #16

There is no good reason to go back to XP period. Now dual booting makes sense.

+1 to this


  • #17

me thinks there is a problem in between the mouse and keyboard ;P

  • #18

+1 to Dual-Booting. on my Rig either OS you’d throw at it would run fine (That includes 2000, Xp, Vista, or 7 of course) and i would think… any game would run just fine as well. heck, i threw Windows 7 on a old Rig. that had specs. of AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.6GHZ and 2GB of RAM with ONLY a nVidia 5200FX. ran fine for basic stuff but i through Xp back on it as the user didn’t like Windows 7 all that much and i understood why

  • #19

You can always install VMware Workstation and setup a virtual XP. I wouldn’t get rid of Windows 7.

  • #20

You can always install VMware Workstation and setup a virtual XP. I wouldn’t get rid of Windows 7.

just isn’t the same as Dual-Booting (Well, Performance wise and i guess Playing old games like Starcraft)


  • #21

Honestly while I believe he really is going back to XP I also think he just makes these threads now to get the lolz. Every one he makes he immedietly logs out and lets it build and lets us post up our WTF responses. Honestly I think he started just trolling us months ago. And hasnt expected a legitimate response since. This thread is almost as good as the one were his 9400GT or w/e ran crysis on high at 50fps sustained.


  • #22

Actually i am not going back to using XP, i found a work around(i will explain later) and those 2 games which are impossible to play on win7, ford racing 2 & 3, i will just buy for xbox.


  • #23

why would anyone want to race a ford except a gt40?



  • #25

Honestly while I believe he really is going back to XP I also think he just makes these threads now to get the lolz. Every one he makes he immedietly logs out and lets it build and lets us post up our WTF responses. Honestly I think he started just trolling us months ago. And hasnt expected a legitimate response since. This thread is almost as good as the one were his 9400GT or w/e ran crysis on high at 50fps sustained.

+1 :toast:

and the epic emachine thread:laugh:

i always read u2konline threads, always so useful, and the logic behind his decisions is truly amazing.

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Программа удалила устаревшие драйвера [Решено]

Цитата: Андрей от 27.01.2022, 10:47

Использую Вашу программу давно и успешно. Никаких претензий нет.
Но недавно столкнулся с такой ситуацией.
Программа, насколько я понимаю, с моего согласия, удаляет устаревшие драйвера. Вероятно это стало причиной для ошибки в игре. Впервые с таким столкнулся.
Собственно суть. Установлена игра, весьма старая. А точнее говоря, это самостоятельный мод на Готику 2 НВ — Хроники Миртаны: Архолос.
При очередном запуске игры мне выдало ошибку: C:Zmusic_DM.cpp(zCMusicSys_directMusic::Init() Failed to create performance object! 
Попробовал обновить драйвера Nvidia (карта GTX 970), включая аудиодрайвер HD, но проблема не исчезла. Начал гуглить. Вышел на тему, в рамках той же игры, где ровно такая же ошибка. И в процессе обсуждения с автором темы пришли к выводу, что проблема появилась после удаления устаревших драйвером программой Win 10 Tweaker.
Как раз перед запуском игры сделал «Очистку», со всеми флажками.
У меня, на момент появления ошибки, была установлена 17-ая или 18-ая версия, beta Pro. Обновился я уже только сейчас. До 19.1 beta Pro.
Насколько я понял, эти драйвера установлены безвозвратно и откатываться по твикам нет смысла. Есть ли какой-либо ещё способ вернуть эти драйверы, вероятно именно аудиодрайверы, не переустанавливая ОС? 

Realtek High Definition Audio

Выпуск Windows 10 Pro
Версия 20H2
Дата установки ‎03.‎08.‎2020
Сборка ОС 19042.572
Взаимодействие Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.31.0

Обновления отключены через Win 10 Tweaker

Использую Вашу программу давно и успешно. Никаких претензий нет.
Но недавно столкнулся с такой ситуацией.
Программа, насколько я понимаю, с моего согласия, удаляет устаревшие драйвера. Вероятно это стало причиной для ошибки в игре. Впервые с таким столкнулся.
Собственно суть. Установлена игра, весьма старая. А точнее говоря, это самостоятельный мод на Готику 2 НВ — Хроники Миртаны: Архолос.
При очередном запуске игры мне выдало ошибку: СкопированоC:Zmusic_DM.cpp(zCMusicSys_directMusic::Init() Failed to create performance object! 
Попробовал обновить драйвера Nvidia (карта GTX 970), включая аудиодрайвер HD, но проблема не исчезла. Начал гуглить. Вышел на тему, в рамках той же игры, где ровно такая же ошибка. И в процессе обсуждения с автором темы пришли к выводу, что проблема появилась после удаления устаревших драйвером программой Win 10 Tweaker.
Как раз перед запуском игры сделал «Очистку», со всеми флажками.
У меня, на момент появления ошибки, была установлена 17-ая или 18-ая версия, beta Pro. Обновился я уже только сейчас. До 19.1 beta Pro.
Насколько я понял, эти драйвера установлены безвозвратно и откатываться по твикам нет смысла. Есть ли какой-либо ещё способ вернуть эти драйверы, вероятно именно аудиодрайверы, не переустанавливая ОС? 

Realtek High Definition Audio

Выпуск Windows 10 Pro
Версия 20H2
Дата установки ‎03.‎08.‎2020
Сборка ОС 19042.572
Взаимодействие Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.31.0

Обновления отключены через Win 10 Tweaker

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

Цитата: Mikhail от 27.01.2022, 10:53

Сомневаюсь что тут дело в драйвере, ошибка древняя, погуглите хорошо, есть даже видео решения.

Сомневаюсь что тут дело в драйвере, ошибка древняя, погуглите хорошо, есть даже видео решения.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

«Любой дурак может знать. Дело в том, чтобы понять.» — Альберт Эйнштейн

Profile photo ofdwayneuser

Цитата: Dwayne от 27.01.2022, 11:03

Цитата: Андрей от 27.01.2022, 10:47

удаляет устаревшие драйвера

Доброе утро ☀
Win 10 Tweaker удаляет уже НЕиспользуемые, который абсолютно не нужны системе. Win 10 Tweaker здесь точно ни причём.
Игра вообще до удаления нормально работала? Ты ничего не изменял в своём моде, что могло послужить этому?

Цитата: Андрей от 27.01.2022, 10:47

удаляет устаревшие драйвера

Доброе утро ☀
Win 10 Tweaker удаляет уже НЕиспользуемые, который абсолютно не нужны системе. Win 10 Tweaker здесь точно ни причём.
Игра вообще до удаления нормально работала? Ты ничего не изменял в своём моде, что могло послужить этому?

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

Profile photo ofAdler

Цитата: Adler от 27.01.2022, 11:07

Это работает не так. В системе одновременно может быть задействован только драйвер одной версии для устройства. Т.е. наличие в системе более старых версий драйвера никак не может влиять на работу системы. Если бы по какой-то причине твикер попытался бы удалить драйвер примененный в данный момент, то у него ничего бы не получилось.

Это работает не так. В системе одновременно может быть задействован только драйвер одной версии для устройства. Т.е. наличие в системе более старых версий драйвера никак не может влиять на работу системы. Если бы по какой-то причине твикер попытался бы удалить драйвер примененный в данный момент, то у него ничего бы не получилось.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

Цитата: Андрей от 27.01.2022, 11:18

Цитата: Mikhail от 27.01.2022, 10:53

Сомневаюсь что тут дело в драйвере, ошибка древняя, погуглите хорошо, есть даже видео решения.

Гуглил. Попадалось нечто похожее. Но конкретного решения не нашёл. Будьте добры, ткните носом.

Цитата: Mikhail от 27.01.2022, 10:53

Сомневаюсь что тут дело в драйвере, ошибка древняя, погуглите хорошо, есть даже видео решения.

Гуглил. Попадалось нечто похожее. Но конкретного решения не нашёл. Будьте добры, ткните носом.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

Цитата: Mikhail от 27.01.2022, 11:19

Ну я тщательно не искал, но возможно оно вам попадалось.

Ну я тщательно не искал, но возможно оно вам попадалось.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

«Любой дурак может знать. Дело в том, чтобы понять.» — Альберт Эйнштейн

Цитата: Андрей от 27.01.2022, 11:20

Цитата: Dwayne от 27.01.2022, 11:03

Доброе утро
Win 10 Tweaker удаляет уже НЕиспользуемые, который абсолютно не нужны системе. Win 10 Tweaker здесь точно ни причём.
Игра вообще до удаления нормально работала? Ты ничего не изменял в своём моде, что могло послужить этому?

Отлично работала. 120+ часов без сбоев. Ошибка появилась впервые сегодня. ПЕРЕД её запуском нажал «Очистку». К слову, давно этого не делал. Могу предположить, что не делал этого ни разу с момента установки данной игры.

Цитата: Dwayne от 27.01.2022, 11:03

Доброе утро
Win 10 Tweaker удаляет уже НЕиспользуемые, который абсолютно не нужны системе. Win 10 Tweaker здесь точно ни причём.
Игра вообще до удаления нормально работала? Ты ничего не изменял в своём моде, что могло послужить этому?

Отлично работала. 120+ часов без сбоев. Ошибка появилась впервые сегодня. ПЕРЕД её запуском нажал «Очистку». К слову, давно этого не делал. Могу предположить, что не делал этого ни разу с момента установки данной игры.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

Цитата: Андрей от 27.01.2022, 11:21

Мои слова подтверждает ещё один юзер с ресурса посвященного этой игре. У него ровно такая же ошибка, и именно после применения Твикера.

Мои слова подтверждает ещё один юзер с ресурса посвященного этой игре. У него ровно такая же ошибка, и именно после применения Твикера.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

Цитата: Андрей от 28.01.2022, 14:36

Проблема решена. Помог один из мододелов этой игры. Направил меня на свой же старый комментарий. Вот решение проблемы.

Проблема решена. Помог один из мододелов этой игры. Направил меня на свой же старый комментарий. Вот решение проблемы.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0


  • #1

This is game related, now i have made a decided to leave XP and use Win7, but playing certain games, well it looks i have no choice but to use xp for my secondary rig, because many games are not working good at all.

Kane & Lynch + Windows 7 + 9800GT + 181.20 drivers. ( new drivers does not help )
flicking, just a mess on screen, not to mention the game keeps crashing at the menu screen and oh the biggiest issue, the game did not come with a CD key, yes i bought the real version from gamestop. Matter of fact 2 other games which i own did not come with cd keys, like the Club by sega :shadedshu , the only good news, i can use my flatout utlimate carnage game cd key for those games. ( i buy all my games so don’t fuss ). <——that is completely unrelated, just thought i would add that lol


Omikron The Nomad Soul : Artifacts for all 3 my cards in Windows 7, but in XP the game works just fine with my 9800gt anyway.

Crysis & Bioshock , with or without a patch = Massive sound stuttering, game running like a POS. But oh wait, Crysis Warhead works just fine :confused:

Ford Racing 2 & 3 = QUOTE from net, same problem

» I run Ford racing 2 on my computer when it gives the following error message «WMA:347 Failed to create the Wma_source_filter »

Looks like i will be using XP on my new build dual core soon. And just use Windows 7 x64 on my Quad.

  • #2

Using an old OS is fine for an old system running old hardware… but Kane and Lynch shouldn’t be giving you problems, nor should Crysis or Bioshock, heh…


  • #4

Try changing the game’s exe’s compatibility mode in it’s properties.

  • #5

i have never had a probly playing games on windows 7. most games ran better on windows 7 than XP.

Black Panther

  • #6

It could also be that you need to update your realtek sound drivers.

Crysis runs fine for me (it always did even when I had the 8800GT), and I’m on Vista x64 :rolleyes: which is a far ‘worse’ OS than XP or 7!


  • #7

Bioshock and crysis fine for me.



Senior Monkey Moderator

  • #8

I guess I am of the mind to fix problemic software on a new OS rather than roll back to a previous OS version.
I don’t want an old DOS rig sitting around just to play an occasional old classic.

Like BP, I run Vista x64 and don’t have any problems at all with games. There were a re quirks here and their but everything has been fixed through patches and such.


  • #9

Not sure how much or if it matters at all. I’m not having that problem with bioshock 2. It runs better for me on win 7 x64, than it did on xp 32.
But I run all my games as administrator. Try running the games in dx9 mode if your willing to go back to xp.
Brandon what does that say in your avatar pic?
I have been trying to read that forever. The cat kicking the

  • #10

i still use xp 32 and have don for 8 years now me and in NO way am i going 2 up grade 2 windows 7,
at this time i run old school games on a old rig so am happy with xp.,



Senior Monkey Moderator

  • #11

i still use xp 32 and have don for 8 years now me and in NO way am i going 2 up grade 2 windows 7,
at this time i run old school games on a old rig so am happy with xp.,

That’s fine, gunsmoke, but many of the people at TPU jump on new tech and software faster than a old hooker looking for a quick buck.

I think with all the experience of the user base here, we can probably solve the OP’s problems.

  • #12

Case and point… I’m running Guild Wars on a Netbook using Windows 7. :D

*Cough, all at low settings cough… Honestly though, 7 is quicker than XP on this netbook.


  • #13

why am i not suprised at who’s the OP?

  • #14

That’s fine, gunsmoke, but many of the people at TPU jump on new tech and software faster than a old hooker looking for a quick buck.

I think with all the experience of the user base here, we can probably solve the OP’s problems.

my game rig runs xp 32 just so it cuts dawn power use on a old intel p4 3.4Gig ht runing just 1.5.Gig ddr 2 ram and 8500gt i tend 2 fined xp 32 runs 100% when playing on line games,

I all so have windows 7 running on a 8 year old rig p4 3.0 gig socket 478 with 3 gig ddr 3200,
and just a 80 gig i.d.e. hard drive and im very surprised the speed it runs at on a old rig,
all that rig i use for is name 32 roms with my xbox 360 controller so runs like a dream,


  • #15

There is no good reason to go back to XP period. Now dual booting makes sense.


  • #16

There is no good reason to go back to XP period. Now dual booting makes sense.

+1 to this


  • #17

me thinks there is a problem in between the mouse and keyboard ;P

  • #18

+1 to Dual-Booting. on my Rig either OS you’d throw at it would run fine (That includes 2000, Xp, Vista, or 7 of course) and i would think… any game would run just fine as well. heck, i threw Windows 7 on a old Rig. that had specs. of AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.6GHZ and 2GB of RAM with ONLY a nVidia 5200FX. ran fine for basic stuff but i through Xp back on it as the user didn’t like Windows 7 all that much and i understood why

  • #19

You can always install VMware Workstation and setup a virtual XP. I wouldn’t get rid of Windows 7.

  • #20

You can always install VMware Workstation and setup a virtual XP. I wouldn’t get rid of Windows 7.

just isn’t the same as Dual-Booting (Well, Performance wise and i guess Playing old games like Starcraft)


  • #21

Honestly while I believe he really is going back to XP I also think he just makes these threads now to get the lolz. Every one he makes he immedietly logs out and lets it build and lets us post up our WTF responses. Honestly I think he started just trolling us months ago. And hasnt expected a legitimate response since. This thread is almost as good as the one were his 9400GT or w/e ran crysis on high at 50fps sustained.


  • #22

Actually i am not going back to using XP, i found a work around(i will explain later) and those 2 games which are impossible to play on win7, ford racing 2 & 3, i will just buy for xbox.


  • #23

why would anyone want to race a ford except a gt40?



  • #25

Honestly while I believe he really is going back to XP I also think he just makes these threads now to get the lolz. Every one he makes he immedietly logs out and lets it build and lets us post up our WTF responses. Honestly I think he started just trolling us months ago. And hasnt expected a legitimate response since. This thread is almost as good as the one were his 9400GT or w/e ran crysis on high at 50fps sustained.

+1 :toast:

and the epic emachine thread:laugh:

i always read u2konline threads, always so useful, and the logic behind his decisions is truly amazing.

It’s a virtual machine which runs inside windows 7 professional or ultimate. You are limited to 512mb of memory which is all is allocated to the virtual machine, and it doesn’t directly utilize your hardware, which means it may or may not utilize the power of your video card. I haven’t tried any games in it, but I haven’t needed to. In my own personal experience, It is good for running programs that are buggy in vista or 7, but don’t demand a lot of gpu power or memory.

I take that back… I ran my son’s UB Funkeys game in it, but that doesn’t use any real gpu power



Originally Posted by slngsht View Post
You are limited to 512mb of memory which is all is allocated to the virtual machine

WOW, i guess Xp mode is only aim at internet browsing. But being limited to 512MB, well thats living in the dark ages and i really don’t see any reason why MS decided to make it.
Oh well, thanks.

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I play a lot of older games (particularly strategy and sim games), and many of the games require that I use compatibility mode (usually set to service pack 2 XP).

It has helped with many games and is useful for games.

It doesn’t really use your gpu. It makes a virtual gpu which is a s3 lol check in your device manager.

I had this install last night, only took about 30 mins to install, i have a quick question, how do you install a game to the OS?
I put in a cd in the drive, are they going to be a option to install to the mini OS?

Ya man, it isn’t worth it, I just said forget that, Windows 7 is good anyways, no need for xp.

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Windows XP mode is mainly for businesses to run Legacy Applications (an example). You will NOT be able to run any graphics intense games from it. If you don’t believe me download a demo of a game through the VM and install it. It won’t run, and if it does it will be very slow.



Well i have xp on my quad core, but on my dual core i have win7 and wanted to do some testing. Its fast, just like xp, just wanted to know how to install games on it. Some games don’t want on win7 dude, like ford racing 2 & 3, some error that reads:

WMA:347 Failed to create the Wma_source_filter

I read that if you turn down your sound hardware acceleration the game will work, but there is no hardware sound acceleration in Windows 7 or Vista.


Originally Posted by MrAlex View Post
Windows XP mode is mainly for businesses to run Legacy Applications (an example). You will NOT be able to run any graphics intense games from it. If you don’t believe me download a demo of a game through the VM and install it. It won’t run, and if it does it will be very slow.

A application only thing, lol well that sucks. Why bother making it, even for businesses they might be laughing at MS.

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$till LegendaryU2K;8887890
A application only thing said:

You are very mistaken. MANY businesses don’t move OS, simply because their applications work in XP. Having an XP mode means they can move, without worry of legacy applications not working. I’m surprised a user such as you doubts such a thing…

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