Franke a600 коды ошибок

Help is available from your A600 in the event of problems. Events and information are displayed on the monitor screen.

If you are still unable to resolve the problem despite your best eff orts, please contact our Service department.

Elimination of machine errors

Non-self-service mode

An error is displayed using a

symbol highlighted with a color


in non-self-service mode.

ist fast leer!

Bitte Pulver füllen.


A message with instructions.


Contact your service technician if the machine cannot be started or

if you are unable to rectify the error.

The machine must be restarted in the event of serious er-

rors. Check the power supply if the machine fails to start.

If the entire system is aff ected by an error, error messages will

appear automatically.

Self-service mode

An error is displayed using

a colored corner in self-

service mode.


ist fast leer!

Personal informieren.


A message with instructions for

your customer.

Color code for error messages

Temporary interruption

System still fully functional.

System has limited


Some or all resources are


background image


Tür off en

Personal informieren.


Значения символов

Страница 7

Если ошибка касается всей системы, 

сообщение об ошибке отображается 


Представление    сообщений об ошибках

Система работает с 


Система пока работает 

без ограничений.

Отдельные или все 

источники заблокированы.

Временное прекращение 


Цветовой код сообщений об ошибках

Если на панели управления загорается 

какой-либо символ, при его нажатии будут 

отображены инструкции и дополнительная 


При появлении ошибки см. информацию в 

главе «Устранение ошибок». 

Приготовление выбранных напитков невозможно. 

При нажатии на значок в углу выполняется 

переход к сообщению об ошибке. 

Приготовление выбранных напитков невозможно. 

При нажатии на подсвеченный символ на панели 

управления выполняется переход к сообщению 

об ошибке. 

Существует множество причин появления ошибок кофемашин Franke, зачастую не связанных с серьезными поломками. Кофемашина — это технически сложный прибор, обладающий функцией самодиагностики. Если какой-то из узлов выходит из строя, электронный модуль сигнализирует о неполадках и на дисплей выводятся код ошибки. В некоторых случаях причиной может стать технический сбой, связанный со скачками электроэнергии или иными факторами. Однако не стоит оставлять без внимания сигналы, подаваемые вашим прибором. Рассмотрим основные коды и связанные с ними причины неполадок. 

Ошибки кофемашин Franke

Часто встречающиеся коды ошибок кофемашин Franke

В случае неисправности дисплей загорается и выводит буквенный и цифровой пароль, который в зашифрованном виде говорит нам о том, какие части и узлы стоит проверить, где необходим ремонт или дополнительная диагностика. Если вы увидели такой пароль, расшифруйте его с помощью сервисной книжки или инструкции по эксплуатации и определите необходимость вызова специалиста. В нашей статье мы разберем самые распространенные коды, которые смогут вам помочь при отсутствии под рукой мануала. 

  • Error 1. При появлении этого кода ошибки кофемашины Франке, стоит обратиться специалистам сервисного центра, так как код говорит о сбое в работе парового блока. Скорее всего, вам потребуется полная замена элемента, так как ремонт парового блока нецелесообразен (ремонт достаточно дорогостоящий и через некоторое непродолжительное время блок сломается вновь).
  • Error 2. Это ошибка появляется на экране при неисправности температурного датчика нагрева кофе. Если аппарат снизил температуру до минимума (+5), например, при перемещении в другое помещение через улицу, термодатчик сообщит о наличии проблемы. После нагрева до допустимой температуры (комнатной) код ошибки исчезнет. Если через некоторое время этого не произошло, или код появился без причин, стоит обратиться к специалистам для полной диагностики кофемашины.
  • Некоторые модели кофемашин Франке выводят код ошибки Error 2 при блокировке кофемолки. Разблокировать данную функцию могут только специалисты сервисной службы.
  • Error 5 — ошибка системы терморегулирования. Возможен выход из строя термодатчика или термоблока.
  • Error 8 говорит о неисправности редуктора кофемашины. Точную причину поломки невозможно определить без внутренней диагностики. Чаще всего, при возникновении данного кода вам понадобится замена редуктора. Однако этот же код может говорить об ошибке заварочного блока или поршня заварочного блока. Такая неисправность может возникнуть из-за неправильной эксплуатации, настройки или очистки кофемашины. Вы можете попытаться самостоятельно произвести первичный ремонт. Отключите прибор от электросети, хорошо промойте заварочный узел, производить настройку в соответствии с сервисной книжкой. Если вышеуказанные действия не привели к исчезновению кода ошибки, обратитесь за помощью в сервисный центр.
  • При появлении ошибочного кода Fill up pipe system, необходимо прочистить гидравлическую систему и заполнить ее водой, подключив режим подачи воды(пара). Ошибка говорит о попадании воздуха в гидросистему.
  • Empty trays говорит о том что поддон с остатками кофе существенно загрязнен. Произведите очистку от переработанного кофе. Вызов специалиста не требуется.
  • Trays missing чаще всего сигнализирует о плохой фиксации поддона или его отсутствии. Если поддон установлен, попробуйте вытащить его и установить обратно. Если вы уверены в хорошей фиксации поддона, но ошибка не пропадает, возможно необходима очистка электрических контактов.
  • Brewing unit missing — проверьте, установлен ли заварочный блок. Для устранения, вытащите его и установите заново.
  • Add beans. В контейнере закончились зерна кофе. Добавьте необходимое количество (до отметки «минимум»).

Ошибки кофемашин Franke

Другие неисправности

Помимо самодиагностируемых ошибок кофемашин Franke, вам может понадобиться помощь специалиста при появлении таких неисправностей как:

  • Отсутствие подачи воды при запуске цикла варки. При наличии воды в кувшине и полностью подключенной системе, кофе не течет в кружку.
  • Протечка в любом из узлов или патрубков.
  • •Проблема со включением. Прибор подключен к исправной розетке (проверьте исправность, подключив к розетке любой другой исправный электрический прибор), но ни одна из лампочек не загорается, аппарат не реагирует на касания.
  • Индикаторы загораются, но не реагируют на касания.
  • Проблемы с перемолкой кофе. Сигнал может быть отсутствие характерного шума при перемалывании зерен.
  • Отсутствие нагрева воды. В кружку течет вода комнатной температуры, подходя цикл без варки кофе.
  • Другие неопознанные неисправности, которые приводят к тому, что аппарат не делает кофе.
  • Не работает капучинатор.
  • Кофемашина издает нехарактерный свист, треск, шум или гудение.
  • По окончанию цикла варки, аппарат не производит самоочистку.
  • Плохой отжим кофе.
  • Кофе сварен, но он слишком холодный или слишком горячий.
  • Прибор самопроизвольно выключается.

Все эти неисправности могут потребовать тщательной диагностики. Даже незначительная поломка, при отсутствии своевременного ремонта, может в последующем привести к более серьезным проблемам. 

Ошибки кофемашин Franke


Несмотря на высокое качество, каждый пользователь может столкнуться с необходимостью знания расшифровки ошибок кофемашин Franke. Благодаря умной системе самодиагностики и появлению на дисплее буквенных и цифровых кодов, сигнализирующих о неисправностях, вы можете узнать о необходимости чистки, промыва и о выходе из строя тех или иных узлов. Поскольку кофемашина является сложным техническим прибором, не стоит пытаться самостоятельно произвести ремонтные работы, связанные с разбором аппарата. Доверьте эту работу специалисту сервисной службы, который имеет достаточный опыт и знания для быстрого и качественного ремонта. Своевременное и качественное обслуживание способна продлить срок эксплуатации прибора на несколько лет.

Тема: FRANKE A600 ошибка E600, как сбросить?  (Прочитано 1744 раз)

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FRANKE A600 ошибка E600, как сбросить?

« : Май 12, 2022, 16:01:24 »

Добрый день!
FRANKE A600 ошибка E600. Kод доступа (техник) 2222 не подходит.
Подскажите пожалуйста как убрать сообщение и сбросить счетчик ТО?



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Re: FRANKE A600 ошибка E600, как сбросить? (Решено)

« Ответ #1 : Июнь 14, 2022, 22:45:52 »

Сообщение о TO убрал, спасибо за помощь.



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Re: FRANKE A600 ошибка E600, как сбросить?

« Ответ #2 : Январь 13, 2023, 15:24:25 »

Как решили?
Проблема аналогичная вашей


Franke A600 User Manual

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Franke Manuals
  4. Coffee Grinder
  5. A600
  6. User manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links




Read the user manual before working on the machine.

Keep the manual with the machine and pass the manual

along to the next user if the machine is sold or trans-

ferred to a third party.


Related Manuals for Franke A600

Summary of Contents for Franke A600

  • Page 1
    USER MANUAL A600 FCS4043 Read the user manual before working on the machine. Keep the manual with the machine and pass the manual along to the next user if the machine is sold or trans- ferred to a third party.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Coffee machine …………………… 19 Add-on units …………………….. 22 Overview of operating modes ……………….. 24 Installation…………………….. 27 Preparations …………………….. 27 Dimensions of the A600 with SU05……………… 27 Requirements of the water supply ……………… 28 Filling and emptying ………………….. 31 Filling beans …………………….. 31 Filling powder …………………… 32 Filling the water tank…………………. 32 Filling milk …………………….. 33…

  • Page 4
    Table of contents Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Preparing drinks with Cash Register ……………… 41 Preparing a drink with ground coffee ……………… 42 Preparing hot water ………………….. 43 Steam output……………………. 43 Steam dispenser (Autosteam/Autosteam Pro) …………… 44 Cleaning …………………….. 46 Introduction……………………… 46 5-step method …………………… 46 Required cleaning accessory……………….. 47 Starting the cleaning process……………….. 47 Rinsing coffee machine…………………. 49…
  • Page 5
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Table of contents 11.8 Configure application…………………. 72 11.9 Loading/backing up data………………….. 74 11.10 Restoring default values…………………. 74 Troubleshooting …………………… 75 12.1 Error messages…………………… 75 12.2 Tips for good coffee drinks………………… 76 12.3 Help with problems concerning product quality ………….. 77 Decommissioning …………………… 78 13.1 Preparing for decommissioning ……………….. 78 13.2…
  • Page 6: For Your Safety

    Prerequisites for using the coffee machine – The A600 is intended for use by trained personnel. – Each operator of the A600 must have read and understood the manual. This does not apply to its use in the self-service sector.

  • Page 7: Explanation Of Safety Instructions According To Ansi

    – Do not use the A600 if the connection lines of the A600 or the add-on units are damaged. – Do not use the A600 unless the A600 or the add-on units have been cleaned or filled as intended. – Children under the age of 8 are not permitted to use the A600 and the add-on units.

  • Page 8: General Safety Concerns When Using The Coffee Machine And Add-On Units

    1 | For your safety Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG General safety concerns when using the coffee machine and add-on units WARNING Risk of fatal injury from electrocution Damaged power cords, lines or plug connections can lead to electrocution. a Do not connect any damaged power cords, lines or plug connections to the power supply.

  • Page 9
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG For your safety | 1 WARNING Risk of burns The heating surfaces of the cup warmer can cause burns or a fire. a Do not touch the hot heating surfaces of the cup warmer. b IN CASE OF BURNS: Immediately cool the affected area and consult a doctor depending on the severity of the injury.
  • Page 10
    1 | For your safety Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG CAUTION Cutting injuries/crushing The powder hopper’s feeding mechanism can cause cuts or crushing injuries. a Exercise care when cleaning the powder hopper. CAUTION Irritation from cleaners Cleaning tablets, milk system cleaning agent, and descaler can lead to irritations.
  • Page 11: Explanation Of Symbols

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Explanation of symbols | 2 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS Symbols used in the manual 2.1.1 Orientation Symbol Description Clean components using the 5-step method. This symbol indicates tips, tricks and additional information Prerequisites for additional steps Result or intermediate result for additional steps Symbols used in the software 2.2.1…

  • Page 12
    2 | Explanation of symbols Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Symbol Designation Description Rinse Machine must be rinsed or machine rinses Product Payment Payment active Advertising images Screen saver Brightness Set brightness Data transfer Data being transferred Individual products counter Individualization Info…
  • Page 13
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Explanation of symbols | 2 Symbol Designation Description Ground coffee Drip tray Drip tray is full or not installed correctly Water tank Water tank is empty or missing Filter Replace the filter cartridge in the water tank (optional for internal…
  • Page 14
    2 | Explanation of symbols Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Color code for error messages Temporary interruption System still fully functional System has limited functionality Some or all resources are locked User manual…
  • Page 15: Scope Of Delivery

    Scope of delivery | 3 SCOPE OF DELIVERY The scope of delivery may vary, depending on the device configuration. Additional accessories may be obtained di- rectly from your retailer or from Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG in Aarburg, Switzerland. Item description Item number Cleaning tablets (100 pcs.)

  • Page 16
    3 | Scope of delivery Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Item description Item number Cleaning brushes 560.0003.728 Twisted-in-wire brush 560.0001.019 (Option SU05) Hose brush 560.0007.380 (option FM/MS) Cleaning brush 560.0003.716 Microfiber cloth 560.0002.315 Grinder adjustment wrench 560.0003.876 Aerator / hose wrench 560.0522.696 USB stick (4 GB) 560.0003.285…
  • Page 17: Identification

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Identification | 4 IDENTIFICATION Position of type plates 4.1.1 Coffee machine The type plate for the coffee machine is located on the right interior wall next to the grounds container. 4.1.2 SU12 The type plate for the SU12 is located in the cooling chamber.

  • Page 18: Type Key

    4 | Identification Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Type key 4.2.1 Coffee machine Code Description A600 Coffee machine (fully automatic device) Series: A Overall size: 600 1 grinder 2 grinders 1 powder hopper 2 powder hoppers CleanMaster EasyClean Hot water dispenser Steam wand…

  • Page 19: Description Of Machine

    Coffee machine Introduction The A600 coffee machine is available with numerous options. To provide you with an overview of your machine, a sample configuration is illustrated here. Please note that your coffee machine may look different from the configura- tion shown here.

  • Page 20
    5 | Description of machine Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG – External water tank – First Shot – M2M/telemetry preparation – High adjustable feet See also 2 Adjustable feet [  28] User manual…
  • Page 21
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Description of machine | 5 5.1.2 Coffee machine components Bean hopper Powder hopper Brewing module Grounds container Drip tray with drip grid Wastewater tank (option) Internal water tank (option) User manual…
  • Page 22: Add-On Units

    5 | Description of machine Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Add-on units 5.2.1 Components of the cooling unit SU05 Milk container Temperature display On/off switch Milk system cleaning agent (FM CM) Cleaning container User manual…

  • Page 23
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Description of machine | 5 5.2.2 Flavor Station FS3 Our Flavor Station is available to you as an option for unusual creations. You can use the Flavor Station to extend your offerings with up to three different flavors.
  • Page 24: Overview Of Operating Modes

    Your service technician will be happy to help you set the appropriate operating mode. 5.3.1 User interface 17:11 08.03.2018 The Franke button is used to switch between Scroll forwards or backwards. the maintenance level and product selection. 5.3.2 Cash Register operating mode Cash Register is the operating mode for non-self-service utilization.

  • Page 25
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Description of machine | 5 Structure of the user interface – Level 1: Product selection, up to 5 pages. Column with the possible options, the production status, and the waiting list – Level 2: Display of 4, 9, or 16 product buttons per page Individual adaptations –…
  • Page 26
    5 | Description of machine Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG In the Drink Selection status, you cannot add any drink options with the Credit Mode configuration. You can activate the Credit Mode in the My settings menu under 1 Set machine > 1.12 Payment. Select Activate pay- ment.
  • Page 27: Installation

    You must have completed these preparations before one of our service technicians can install the coffee machine for you. Your service technician will install your coffee machine and carry out the initial commissioning process. The technician will walk you through the basic functions. Dimensions of the A600 with SU05 80–185 Front view/side view…

  • Page 28: Requirements Of The Water Supply

    Format Zeichnungs-Nr. Revision Blatt-Nr. Anz. Bl tter Franke Technology and Trademark Ltd. and shall not be reproduced, copied or transfered to any third party 481862 without the prior written permission of Franke Technology and Trademark Ltd., Hergiswil, Switzerland User manual…

  • Page 29
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Installation | 6 – The mains water connection must meet the requirements of the technical data and comply with applicable fed- eral, state, and local regulations. – The mains water connection must have a backflow prevention device.
  • Page 30
    6 | Installation Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG – Connection to a lower-lying siphon User manual…
  • Page 31: Filling And Emptying

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Filling and emptying | 7 FILLING AND EMPTYING Filling beans WARNING Risk of injury If objects find their way into the bean hopper or grinder, splinters may be ejected, leading to injury. a Never insert any objects into the bean hopper or grinder.

  • Page 32: Filling Powder

    7 | Filling and emptying Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Filling powder 1. Lift off the powder hopper lid. 3. Replace the lid. 2. Fill with powder that is suitable for automatic coffee makers. Filling the water tank NOTICE Machine damage Filling the water tank with milk will result in damage to the machine.

  • Page 33: Filling Milk

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Filling and emptying | 7 ð The surface of the sensor (blue marking in il- lustration) must be dry. 1. Pull out the water tank. 2. Remove the lid. 4. Push the water tank with lid all the way into the coffee machine.

  • Page 34
    7 | Filling and emptying Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG NOTICE Impaired drink quality Incorrect handling of milk can lead to quality problems. a Only clean containers should be filled with milk. b Only use pre-cooled milk (2–5 °C). c Only touch the inside of the milk container, the milk hoses, and the milk lid after sanitizing your hands, or wear disposable gloves.
  • Page 35: Filling The Flavor Station

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Filling and emptying | 7 Filling the Flavor Station The switch for switching the Flavor Station on is located inside, on the left-hand side of the rear panel. 1. Use the key to unlock the Flavor Station.

  • Page 36
    7 | Filling and emptying Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Grinder adjustment wrench (560.0003.876) Changing the grind coarseness affects the coffee quantity. The grinders must therefore be calibrated after adjusting the grind coarseness. If required, the grind coarseness can be set in stages for each grinder.
  • Page 37: Emptying The Bean Hopper

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Filling and emptying | 7 Emptying the bean hopper NOTICE Impairment of function If the bean hopper and powder hopper are not locked correctly, the function of the coffee machine and the product quality may be impaired.

  • Page 38: Emptying The Grounds Container

    7 | Filling and emptying Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG NOTICE Impairment of function If the bean hopper and powder hopper are not locked correctly, the function of the coffee machine and the product quality may be impaired. a Push the locking slide all the way in.

  • Page 39: Emptying The Cooling Unit

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Filling and emptying | 7 4. Replace the grounds container and close the door. 7.10 Emptying the cooling unit CAUTION Health hazard due to germ formation Inadequate cleaning can result in food residues accumulating in the machine and at the outlets, thereby contami- nating products.

  • Page 40
    7 | Filling and emptying Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG 3. Store the milk in a refrigerator or dispose of it if 5. Insert the clean milk container. necessary. 6. Switch off the cooling unit if it is no longer re- 4. Clean the milk container, the parts that come quired.
  • Page 41: Preparing Drinks

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Preparing drinks | 8 PREPARING DRINKS WARNING Risk of scalding Hot drinks can lead to scalding. a Always be careful with hot drinks. b Use only suitable drinking vessels. Preparing drinks with Quick Select 1. Place an appropriate drinking vessel under the 4.

  • Page 42: Preparing A Drink With Ground Coffee

    8 | Preparing drinks Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG 4. Add more products to the waiting list as needed. 5. Start preparation of each of the products in the waiting list by pressing the green button. ð The next preparation begins. ð The product selection appears.

  • Page 43: Preparing Hot Water

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Preparing drinks | 8 You have selected a drink with decaffeinated coffee. Please open powder lid and add decaffeinated coffee. 6. Confirm by pressing OK. 5. Close the insertion flap. ð Preparation begins. ð The product selection appears.

  • Page 44: Steam Dispenser (Autosteam/Autosteam Pro)

    8 | Preparing drinks Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG ð The steam output starts. 1. Hold a suitable container under the steam wand. 3. Press the cancel button to stop the steam out- put. ð The steam output stops. ð The drinks overview screen appears.

  • Page 45
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Preparing drinks | 8 ð The steam output starts. ð The steam output is automatically stopped when your drink has reached the specified temperature. ð The drinks overview screen appears. 2. Hold a suitable container under the steam wand.
  • Page 46: Cleaning

    9 | Cleaning Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG CLEANING Introduction The perfect coffee experience depends on a perfectly cleaned coffee machine. Clean your coffee machine at least once a day and more frequently if necessary. NOTICE Incorrect cleaning of the brewing unit The brewing unit may be damaged if you clean it in the dishwasher.

  • Page 47: Required Cleaning Accessory

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Cleaning | 9 3. Wash the parts. 5. Dry the parts. 4. Rinse the parts thoroughly. Required cleaning accessory 9.3.1 Cleaning accessories for MS EC – Cleaning tablets – Microfiber cloth – Brush set – Milk system cleaning agent (dosing bottle) –…

  • Page 48
    Your service technician can set the desired option for you. My settings Individualization and data transfer Cleaning and maintenance Cappuccino Espresso 1. Tap the Franke logo. 4. Select Cleaning and maintenance. Cleaning and maintenance Error/Event log Clean Coffee Machine Rinse Coffee Machine…
  • Page 49: Rinsing Coffee Machine

    The machine automatically rinses after certain time intervals as well as when it is switched on or off. My settings Individualization and data transfer Cleaning and maintenance Cappuccino Espresso 1. Tap the Franke logo. 4. Select Cleaning and maintenance. Reinigung und Wartung Fehler/Ereigniss-Protokoll Kaffeemaschine reinigen Flavor Station reinigen Kaffeemaschine spülen…

  • Page 50: Replacing The Water Filter

    9 | Cleaning Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Optimal water quality is essential for both the quality of the beverage and the reliable operation as well as a long service life of the coffee machine. 1. Pull out and empty the water tank.

  • Page 51: Cleaning The Aerator

    Cleaning and maintenance Error/Event log Clean Coffee Machine Rinse Coffee Machine Filter water quantity Wipe Protection Cappuccino Espresso 1. Tap the Franke logo. 5. Select Filter water quantity. Cleaning and Filter water quantity maintenance Water quantity 2500 Error/Event log Remaining quantity…

  • Page 52: Cleaning The Autosteam Pro/S3 Components

    9 | Cleaning Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Cleaning the Autosteam Pro/S3 components 1. Switch off the machine. 7. Thoroughly clean and rinse the protective tube and steam nozzle. 2. Open the door. Leave the door open while clean- ing. 8. Clean the steam pipe on the machine with a cloth.

  • Page 53
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Cleaning | 9 My settings Individualization and data transfer Cleaning and maintenance Cappuccino Espresso 1. Tap the Franke logo. 4. Select Cleaning and maintenance. Cleaning and maintenance Error/Event log Clean Coffee Machine Rinse Coffee Machine Filter water quantity Wipe Protection 2.
  • Page 54: Configuration

    3. Press OK. My settings Individualization and data transfer Cleaning and maintenance Cappuccino Espresso 1. Tap the Franke logo. 4. Select Menu. 2. Enter the PIN. PIN codes [} 54] 10.2 PIN codes Default PIN codes are assigned at the factory: Owner…

  • Page 55: My Settings Menu Tree

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Configuration | 10 10.3 My settings menu tree My settings 6 Access rights 0 Startup 1 Set Machine 2 Set Drinks 3 Date and time 1.1 Language 6.2 Owner 0.10 System information 3.2 Date and Time 6.3 Specialist 1.2 Operation Mode…

  • Page 56
    10 | Configuration Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG – Assign selection buttons – Set cleaning function – Change temperature settings 10.6.1 Menu item 1.1 Language My settings 1 Set Machine 1.1 Language Parameter Value range Remarks Select language de, en, fr, bg, cs, da, –…
  • Page 57
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Configuration | 10 Parameter Value range Remarks Display «purge steam wand» – Yes Default: No – No Usage scenario > Self-service Parameter Value range Remarks Usage scenario – Self-service – (Non-self-service) Operation Mode – Quick Select – Default: Quick Select –…
  • Page 58
    10 | Configuration Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG 10.6.3 Menu item 1.3 Selection buttons My settings 1 Set Machine 1.3 Selection buttons Parameter Value range Remarks Product options – Small – A maximum of twelve selection buttons can be as- signed with various product options in the service –…
  • Page 59
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Configuration | 10 10.6.5 Menu item 1.7 Temperatures My settings 1 Set Machine 1.7 Temperatures For these settings, consider the location, the ambient temperature, and the capacity utilization of the machine. Parameter Value range Remarks Coffee –20 to +20 –…
  • Page 60: Menu 2 Set Drinks

    10 | Configuration Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Parameter Value range Remarks Only a small amount of 0–5000 ml – Input of residual amount for which the Syrup type 1 syrup left almost empty message appears – Default: 200 ml Syrup empty 0–5000 ml – Input of residual amount for which the Syrup type 1 empty message appears.

  • Page 61
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Configuration | 10 Test General Coffee Brewing quantity Water quantity Grind quantity Grinder 1 Grinder 2 Save Back Select variation Select area Save settings Select product Confirm variation Prepare a test product Adjust parameters Setting drinks Desired action Menu item Information / instruction…
  • Page 62: Menu 3 Date And Time

    10 | Configuration Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG See also 2 Help with problems concerning product quality [  77] 10.8 Menu 3 Date and time 10.8.1 Menu item 3.2 Date and time My settings 3 Date and time 3.2 Date and Time…

  • Page 63: Menu 4 Nutritional Value Information

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Configuration | 10 Parameter Value range Remarks Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- – Yes Activate or deactivate the timer for each day day, Thursday, Friday, Sat- – No urday, Sunday Switch off automatically Parameter Value range Remarks Active – Yes Switch timer on or off –…

  • Page 64
    10 | Configuration Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Parameter Value range Remarks Other allergens User-defined Enter ingredients or allergens that are not included in the list 10.9.2 Menu item 4.2 Flavor My settings 4 Nutritional value information 4.2 Flavor Flavor 1-3 Nutritional values per 100 ml…
  • Page 65: Menu 6 Access Rights

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Configuration | 10 Parameter Value range Remarks Protein (g) Number Enter protein content in g per 100 ml Calories Number Enter calorific value in kilocalories (kcal) [List of common allergens – Yes – Enter ingredients or allergens for the milk type used and ingredients] –…

  • Page 66
    10 | Configuration Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG 10.10.2 Menu item 6.3 Specialist My settings 6 Access rights 6.3 Specialist Parameter Value range Remarks 4 digits Enter new PIN – Authorizations: Limited access to My settings; call up product counters – Default PIN: 2222 PIN set –…
  • Page 67
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Configuration | 10 10.10.5 Menu item 6.7 On/Off machine My settings 6 Access rights 6.7 On/Off Machine Parameter Value range Remarks 4 digits Enter new PIN PIN set – Yes – Yes: PIN is set and being used –…
  • Page 68: Individualization And Data Transfer

    11.1 Overview This menu provides you with the following options: – Use existing Franke media for drinks, screen savers, or as advertising media – Upload and view your own media objects on the machine – Use your own media for drinks, screen savers, or as advertising media –…

  • Page 69: Individualization And Data Transfer Menu Tree

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Individualization and data transfer | 11 11.2 Individualization and data transfer menu tree Individualization and data transfer 1 Manage my media 3 Load/back up data 2 Modify depiction 2.1 Activate drinks 3.1 Back up data 1.1 Load media 3.2 Load backup…

  • Page 70: Switching To The Maintenance Level

    3. Press OK. My settings Individualization and data transfer Cleaning and maintenance Cappuccino Espresso 1. Tap the Franke logo. 4. Select Menu. 2. Enter the PIN. PIN codes [} 54] 11.4 Requirements for your own media Media Advertising images (adver- Product images…

  • Page 71: Loading Or Deleting Your Own Media

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Individualization and data transfer | 11 1. Create the directory structure once, save it, and 2. You can also generate this directory structure you will then be able to access it again quickly. automatically. To do this, use menu item 1.8 Cre- ate directory structure.

  • Page 72: Using Your Own Advertising Media

    The images can be activated by selecting the menu item My settings > Set machine > Operating mode. Products to which no image has been assigned will be displayed without an image. You can either use the Franke images or your own, but you cannot mix the two types with one another. Desired action Menu item Information / instruction…

  • Page 73
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Individualization and data transfer | 11 11.8.1 Language settings Parameter Value range Remarks Switching language – Yes Activate/deactivate language switching – No Timeout for switching language 20–120 s Wait time, after which the coffee machine reverts back to the standard language set under the 1 Set Machine/1.1…
  • Page 74: Loading/Backing Up Data

    – Eject USB stick 11.9.2 Loading data Desired action Menu item Information / instruction Export a configuration and 3.2 Load backup – Load saved data (configuration, Franke media, your media own media) – Eject USB stick 11.9.3 Backing up XML data Desired action Menu item Information / instruction…

  • Page 75: Troubleshooting

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Troubleshooting | 12 12 TROUBLESHOOTING 12.1 Error messages When an error occurs, the machine displays an error message which provides instructions on how to rectify the is- sue. Non-self-service mode When the non-self-service mode is selected, an error is indicated via a highlighted symbol. Tap the symbol for fur- ther information.

  • Page 76: Tips For Good Coffee Drinks

    12 | Troubleshooting Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG 12.1.1 Color code for error messages Temporary interruption System still fully functional System has limited functionality Some or all resources are locked 12.2 Tips for good coffee drinks NOTICE Poor drink quality The oil from the coffee beans is deposited on the inside of the bean hopper as a thin film of oil. This deposited oil ages quickly and impairs the taste of the drinks produced.

  • Page 77: Help With Problems Concerning Product Quality

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Troubleshooting | 12 12.3 Help with problems concerning product quality Problem Possible causes Possible solutions Coffee tastes stale Grind too coarse Select a finer grind (see Setting the grind coarseness) Too little coffee Increase the amount of coffee…

  • Page 78: Decommissioning

    If you plan to start using your machine again at a later date, it is essential service measures are implemented. The coffee machine must be maintained, installed, and cleaned before preparing any drinks. a Contact the Franke Service team for information regarding proper decommissioning and storage. b Have your coffee machine drained by your service technician.

  • Page 79: Transport And Storage

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Decommissioning | 13 13.4 Transport and storage Protect the machine from mechanical damage and adverse environmental conditions during transport and storage. Protect the machine from the following: – Vibrations – Dust – Sunlight – Falling or tipping over –…

  • Page 80: Disposal

    14 | Disposal Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG 14 DISPOSAL Disposal of consumable materials – Beans, powder and coffee grounds can be composted. – Observe the information on the label when disposing of any unused cleaning agent. – Dispose of the fluids from the cleaning container or the drip tray in the wastewater system.

  • Page 81: Technical Data

    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Technical data | 15 15 TECHNICAL DATA 15.1 Capacities in accordance with DIN 18873-2:2016-02 Hourly capacity Single preparation Double preparation (cups per hour) (cups per hour) Espresso Coffee/Café crème Hot water (200 ml) Cappuccino Latte macchiato Milk Coffee Hot chocolate 15.2 Technical data of the coffee machine…

  • Page 82: Power Cord

    15 | Technical data Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Type Voltage Connection Power rating Fuse Frequency 220 V 2L PE 2400 W 16 A 50 Hz 220 V 2L PE 2600 W 16 A 60 Hz 220 V 3L PE 5600 W 32 A 60 Hz 230 V 1L N PE 2277 W 10 A 50 Hz 220–240 V 1L N PE 2100–2300 W…

  • Page 83
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Technical data | 15 Country Item number Connector 560.0003.513 EU, JP 560.0000.160 EU, JP 560.0003.575 560.0004.870 560.0003.752 560.0004.226 Taiwan 560.0006.625 560.0003.519 User manual…
  • Page 84: Index

    Index Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG INDEX Numeric Drip tray  81 Disposal of fluid  80 5-step method  11, 46 Electronic parts Advertising media  71 Disposal  80 Ambient conditions  81 Error message Color code  13 Depiction  13 Bean hopper  81 Error messages  75…

  • Page 85
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Index Water tank  81 Filling  33, 50 Plastic parts Inserting  33, 50 Disposal  80 Wipe protection  53 Powder Disposal  80 Powder hopper  81 Power connection  81 Product images  71 Requirements  11 Safety  7 Screen Cleaning  53 Wipe protection  53…
  • Page 88
    Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Franke-Str. 9 CH-4663 Aarburg Switzerland Hotline-Phone: +41 62 787 37 37 Fax: +41 62 787 97 37 Internet…

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