Ftl multiverse ошибка

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A subreddit to discuss the Kickstarter-backed «roguelike-like» game FTL: Faster Than Light by Subset Games.






Anyone know how to fix this error when trying to install Multiverse?

r/ftlgame - Hyperspace Multiverse 4.11 Beginning Scrap Advantage 1.2 Engi Scrap Advantage 1.2 Patch Toggle All Patching. ds/ Patching failed: Re Input length = 1 e Hy No Continue Mul

Процесс установки FTL Multiverse достаточно прост при практике, но может быть пугающим для новичков; вот руководство по правильной установке.

FTL: Faster Than Light - Как установить мод Multiverse

FTL: быстрее света — это инди-игра, которая сохранила свое очарование с момента выпуска и вдохновила многих моддеров на создание таких модов, как FTL: Captain’s Edition или FTL Multiverse. Большинство модов достаточно просто установить, используя Slipstream Mod Manager и файл мода, но FTL Multiverse использует новый API для моддинга игры, известный как Hyperspace.. К сожалению, у API для моддинга пугающий процесс установки, и хотя он не так уж и плох, он может оттолкнуть игроков от попыток попробовать моды, которые используют его как единое целое.

FTL Multiverse эффективно использует гиперпространство; в то время как многое можно сделать с XML-файлами базовой игры, Hyperspaceдобавляет целый мир возможностей. Среди наиболее впечатляющих из них — полностью настраиваемые типы экипажей с уникальными эффектами, невиданные ранее характеристики оружия, огромный каталог новых функций событий, поддержка уникальных варпов секретных секторов и совершенно новая система. Конечно, Hyperspace делает больше, чем просто это, но часто не сам по себе; В базовый пакет Hyperspace включено несколько небольших улучшений качества жизни, но доступ к большинству его функций осуществляется через модификацию, самым крупным примером которой является FTL Multiverse.

К сожалению, Hyperspaceсам по себе требует небольшого, но сложного процесса установки; функции, которые он предоставляет, выходят далеко за пределы базовой игры, но для этого разработчикам Hyperspace приходится реконструировать код игры и настраивать его. По этой причине необходимо использовать более раннюю версию игры, а DLL-файл, содержащий этот код, должен находиться в каталоге игры. Кроме того, для работы Hyperspace необходимы XML-файлы, поэтому для запуска игры должны использоваться либо базовые файлы, либо любые моды, о которых идет речь, должны включать свой файл Hyperspace.xml.

< h2>Установка модов Hyperspace и FTL Multiverse

FTL: Faster Than Light - Как установить Мод Multiverse

Для начала игрокам потребуется несколько вещей:

  • Немодифицированная копия FTL: Faster Than Light
  • Операционная система Windows (пока)
  • Slipstream Mod Manager 1.9.1 , доступен здесь
  • Базовый пакет Hyperspace, доступен здесь
  • Zip-файл FTL Multiverse, доступен здесь


  1. Установка FTL: Faster Than Light
  2. Установка мода Hyperspace в FTL: Faster Than Light
  3. Установка Slipstream и FTL Multiverse Mod в FTL: Faster Than Light
  4. Обновление Hyperspace и FTL Multiverse
  5. Устранение неполадок FTL Multiverse и Hyperspace Install
  6. FTL никогда не завершает загрузку, но слышна музыка в меню
  7. Как исправить ошибку «MingW Runtime Error» в FTL
  8. Как исправить ошибку FTL «Не удалось найти адрес»
  9. Как исправить ошибку «Hyperspace неправильно установлен» в FTL
  10. Как исправить ошибку FTL «Hyperspace.xml не найден»

Установка FTL: Faster Than Light

Во-первых, игроки должны установить FTL: Faster Than Light, если они еще этого не сделали; Сверхсветовая мультивселенная и Гиперпространствоне являются независимыми и требуют для работы исходных файлов игры. Затем, если игроки пожелают, они могут создать копию своей установки для сохранения в другом месте, что позволит игрокам переключаться между модифицированным и немодифицированным игровым процессом в любое время. Версия Steam является самой простой в использовании, но другие версии также работают нормально; если вы используете другую версию, игроки должны загрузить правильный файл понижения версии со страницы форума Hyperspace.

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Установка мода Hyperspace в FTL: Faster Than Light

< р>Теперь игроки должны найти мод пакета Hyperspace, который они скачали ранее, и извлечь его куда-нибудь. Если игроков интересует только FTL Multiverse, файл Hyperspace.ftl можно полностью игнорировать; в противном случае они должны сделать с ним то же самое, что и с «Multiverse.zip» далее в этом руководстве. В папке «Извлечь эти файлы в место, где находится FTLGame.exe» есть файлы, которые необходимо переместить в FTL.базовая папка; для Steam это можно найти, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши игру в библиотеке Steam, наведя указатель мыши на «Управление» и нажав «Просмотреть локальные файлы». Игроки должны переместить файлы, а затем запустить файл «downgrade.bat»; если не в Steam, следует заменить downgrade.bat соответствующей версией, найденной на странице форума. После этого в папке должен быть новый файл «FTLGame_orig.exe» и исходный файл (который теперь намного больше).

Установка Slipstream и FTL Multiverse Mod в FTL: Faster Than Light

После базы FTL и гиперпространстванастроены, пора переходить на Slipstream. Во-первых, игроки должны извлечь Slipstream в какую-нибудь папку, затем открыть его с помощью «modman.exe» в папке и следовать его первоначальным подсказкам, которые просят игрока найти FTL.файл ftl.dat; выбранный должен быть тем, который игроки намереваются модифицировать, если у них есть несколько версий игры. После перехода на экран с несколькими примерами модов, доступных для установки, игроки должны щелкнуть «файл» в левом верхнем углу и перейти к «настройкам». Затем игроки должны проверить параметр «allow_zip» и включить его, а затем закрыть Slipstream. Здесь в игру вступает файл «Multiverse.zip»; игроки должны переместить его в папку «mods» Slipstream, а затем снова запустить Slipstream. Теперь игроки должны увидеть его в списке модов Slipstream; затем игроки могут проверить Мультивселенную, и только Мультивселенную; Hyperspace.ftl не нужен для Multiverse, и другие файлы не предназначены для использования с ним. Затем игроки могут нажать кнопку «исправление» справа. После этого игроки могут сразу запустить FTL или подождать. Предполагая, что все прошло правильно, игроков должен приветствовать новый экран меню. Игроки могут дополнительно убедиться, что FTL Multiverse работает, найдя новый тип экипажа на первом корабле в ангаре.

Папка «идеальной» установки должна выглядеть примерно так ( папку Steam_Shader_Cache можно игнорировать, так как это зависит от системы):

FTL: Faster Than Light - Как установить мод Multiverse

Обновление Hyperspace и FTL Multiverse

К счастью, обновление как Hyperspace, так и FTL Multiverse выполняется легко после первоначальной установки. Для гиперпространстваигрокам нужно беспокоиться только об обновлении файла «Hyperspace.dll» в их основном каталоге FTL и файла «Hyperspace.ftl» в Slipstream, если они не играют с Multiverse. FTL Multiverse обновить еще проще; игроки могут поместить новый zip-файл в папку модов Slipstream, проверить его в Slipstream и снова исправить. Сохраненные файлы будут передаваться между обновлениями, хотя незавершенные запуски, скорее всего, перестанут работать.

Устранение неполадок FTL Multiverse и Hyperspace Install

К сожалению, игроки часто зависают где-то в процессе установки. Иногда это связано с ошибкой пользователя, а иногда с аппаратной частью, но, к счастью, у большинства проблем есть решение! Вот список распространенных проблем и их решения.

FTL никогда не завершает загрузку, но слышна музыка в меню

Игрокам следует попробовать запустить FTLв режиме OpenGL. Это можно сделать, создав ярлык для файла .exe игры и добавив «-OpenGL» после целевого поля в меню его свойств или добавив «-OpenGL» в качестве параметра запуска в Steam или параметрах другой платформы; для Steam это можно сделать, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши FTL и выбрав Свойства игры, аналогично включению Vulcan в Valheim.

FTL: Faster Than Light - Как установить мод Multiverse

Кроме того, некоторые игроки успешно запускали FTL в режим совместимости; это можно сделать, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши файл .exe игры и выбрав его свойства, затем выбрав Windows 7 или Windows XP на вкладке совместимости.

FTL: Faster Than Light - Как установить мод Multiverse

Как исправить ошибку «MingW Runtime Error» в FTL

Обычно означает, что Hyperspace установлен неправильно; игроки должны подтвердить, что они выполнили все шаги, включая понижение версии, размещение файлов в FTL‘s и удаление «-OpenGL», если это использовалось в качестве шага по устранению неполадок ранее. Если причиной этой проблемы является «-OpenGL», а игра не работает в противном случае, это связано с аппаратным ограничением; обычно это связано с нехваткой оперативной памяти, но точные причины неизвестны. В этом случае игроки могут попробовать запустить Hyperspace в одиночку, используя файл Hyperspace.ftl; если это работает, а Multiverse нет, проблема связана с оборудованием.

Как исправить ошибку FTL «Не удалось найти адрес»

Это означает, что FTL< /эм>не был понижен должным образом. Если файл «downgrade.bat» не был запущен, игроки должны обязательно его запустить. Если он был запущен, игроки могут попытаться вручную исправить файл, используя «flips.exe» в папке патчей; это можно сделать, запустив Flips, выбрав файл исправления в этой папке, выбрав FTLGame.exe (для чего может потребоваться разрешить выбор всех файлов в правом нижнем углу) и дать файлу имя. Если игроки хотят, чтобы файл с пониженной версией был запущен по умолчанию, игроки должны затем заменить новый файл на старый, присвоив ему то же имя «FTLGame.exe», что и исходное.

FTL: Faster Than Light - Как установить мод Multiverse

Как исправить ошибку «Hyperspace неправильно установлен» в FTL

Обычно это означает, что файл «Hyperspace.dll» отсутствует; игроки должны убедиться, что они переместили его и другие файлы из папки «extract», которая была включена в файл «Hyperspace.zip».

Как исправить ошибку FTL «Hyperspace.xml не найден»

Обычно это означает, что игра не была пропатчена в Slipstream; игроки должны убедиться, что они отметили Multiverse (или Hyperspace) в Slipstream, а затем нажать кнопку исправления.

FTL: Faster Than Light доступен на ПК и iPad, но FTL Multiverse доступен только на ПК.


Multiverse Development Team:
Kix — Lead Designer, Programming, Additional Art
Laythe — Art
AgentTHeKat — Art
PDTM — Art and Music
MoreOrLesser — Art
Felipemello — Art
Jersee — Programming, Proofreading
SquishyBoi — Music
MaddieDoktor — Music

Retired Multiverse devs:
Woona — Contributions from Vicious Vessels, Viable Weapons, First Contact (unreleased), and standalone Orchid + Shell mods.
Markus McCloud — Additional Art
Solid Boi — Additional Art
MagicBadger — Additional Art

Additional Thanks to:
Mstislav Sokolov: Framework for the EXE installer
Bamalf: Providing the ARS+ game font
Andr3wtime: Gyges (Bishop Cruiser type B) sprite
TheSwiftTiger: Additional Music + Lead Hyperspace Developer
Mathchamp, Admiral Billy, Mr. Doom, laszlogasd, Ih8ih8sn0w, and Winderps: Hyperspace development
JumboCarrot: Additional Music
PLIOU: Original Rock + Lost Sun guard and Duskbringer Station sprites.
R4V3-0N: Numerous Additional Sprites
GenCool/Puppetsquid: Various crew cosmetics from Crew-D
BetelgeuseBear: Numerous Additional Sprites
SomeFederationPerson/Romanos: ‘Federation fleetship #3’
Anthonest: Inspiration for Arcadia Corporation color scheme + name
Koboyash: Original crystalline scatter sprite
RAD-82: Original Fed Guard Sprite
Jimli: Original Fed Tactical Fighter Sprite
Hyperion: Additional flavor text
Anonymous Fandom User: Tony Sr. Inspiration
Witherbottom: First youtuber to play Multiverse. You can check him out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3GyR1Q1qFatROk6rKPx74Q
Backgrounds and planets, with some exceptions, are collected from assorted wallpaper sites along with those already included in BPaP and Arsenal+. Additional effort to credit individual artists will be committed in the future. Several gas + ring planet sprites included in the mod were created by Laythe.

Benefits of joining the discord:
-Occasional exclusive pre-release versions
-Regular updates on mod progress
-Help with development and make suggestions/bug reports
-Talk with the devs and other people who’ve played the mod
-We’re lonely and having another person to talk about the mod with will make us slightly happier

Installer guide:
How to install Multiverse by Jersee
Manual install guides:
Basic Guide to Install Multiverse by acloudyrat on Reddit
An in-depth Hyperspace/Multiverse troubleshooting guide by Mr__Billeh on Reddit
How to Install FTL Multiverse by Witherbottom on Youtube
FTL Multiverse Installation Tutorial by BaerTaffy on Youtube

Before you can begin to play Multiverse, you will need some of the following things;


  • Multiverse Installer (See DOWNLOAD section further below)


  • Slipstream Mod Manager v1.9.1 (https://subsetgames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17102)
  • The latest version of Hyperspace (https://subsetgames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=35095)
  • The latest version of Multiverse (downloads are below)

In brief, what is Hyperspace? Unlike traditional FTL mods, Hyperspace is not a content based expansion. Instead, it’s a hardcoded modding API. Essentially, a framework for other mods to use that massively expands their potential. Multiverse is DRIVEN entirely by Hyperspace and will not work without it.

Hyperspace is not installed like typical FTL mods. You will not need to patch anything related to Hyperspace in slipstream (while using Multiverse). It can be tricky to get working, and if you are struggling I recommend using one of the installation guides above or join our discord to get help.
Known issues with installation;

  • Installing Hyperspace on MacOS is borderline impossible. To use it (and thus Multiverse as well) the easiest solution is to use a virtual machine.
  • Some lower end computers might experience performance issues while using Hyperspace.

Installation on Linux is now much easier and simpler thanks to the linux version of Hyperspace.

Here are some known/frequent roadblocks people often encounter when trying to install Multiverse or Hyperspace, and solutions (or lack thereof) for them.

Multiverse is not showing up in slipstream even though I put it in the mod folder.

This is because Multiverse is a zip file by default rather than an ftl file. There are two solutions;
1. Enable zip file detection in slipstream (preferred solution)

  • Launch slipstream
  • Go to the «file» tab at the top left and select «preferences»
  • Check the «allow_zip» box. Click apply
  • Restart slipstream

2. Change Multiverse to an ftl file

  • If you’re on windows, make sure file extensions are visible in file explorer (view -> check «file name extensions»)
  • Right click on the Multiverse zip file and select «rename»
  • Select the .zip at the end of the file and change it to .ftl, then press enter to confirm

Multiverse is stuck on the loading screen/briefly plays the menu music before crashing

This is a clientside issue that is hard to reproduce. That said, it is usually constant for people who experience it. There are several potential solutions for this.
1. Use Opengl

  • Navigate to your FTL installation folder
  • Right click on your FTLGame.exe and make a shortcut
  • Open the shortcut properties and find the «target» box
  • Press space and type -opengl at the end

2. If this does not work, try using LAA (Large Address Aware). This is a 3rd party tool that allows 32bit applications to access more RAM. You find install LAA here: https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/large-address-aware.112556/
3. If this still does not work, then you can try removing the additional backgrounds. This will result in many black backgrounds at beacons, but its better than not being able to play at all.

  • Open your Multiverse zip file
  • Navigate to the img folder
  • Delete the following folders; stars_special, stars_hazard, stars_lightspeed, and stars_sector
  • Patch the modified zip file in slipstream once again.

My Multiverse worked at one point but is now crashing

This is often caused by impromptu power outages. It typically means your save file is corrupted, which means you’ll have to delete it. This WILL result in a loss of unlock data, but can be undone using the console. For unlocking ships with the console, please visit this wiki page.
Before deleting your save file, first try this. You may be able to avoid data loss.

  • Go to documents/my games/Faster Than Light
  • Find the file titled hs_mv_version.sav
  • Move hs_mv_prof.sav to a different folder. DO NOT DELETE IT
  • Run the game. If you make it to the main menu without getting stuck/crashing, proceed
  • Move hs_mv_prof.sav back to the original folder

If the above method does not work, then you’ll have to delete hs_mv_prof.sav instead.

Due to Multiverse’s extensive nature and major internal retools, it is compatible with very few things.

The following enhancements/content is already pre-included into Multiverse, so you do NOT need to install them alongside it;

  • Sleeper Service’s fleet pursuit indicator (Multiverse uses the «x24 version.» Patching lesser versions after MV will work as intended)
  • Multiverse contains its own graphical enhancement mods. Using BPaP or related mods will override MV’s own backgrounds, which is not recommended. Many of said backgrounds are already used from BPaP, ARS+, and similar mods.
  • Multiverse contains its own UI remake. While an addon is available to restore to vanilla graphics, additional UI mods such as Shiny! will NOT work due to additional UI elements present in Hyperspace.
  • The creator of Vicious Vessels, Woona, is a part of the Multiverse dev team. As such, many ships from VV can appear in Multiverse, albeit with edited stats and sometimes color schemes.
  • Similarly, Woona’s other two standalone crew mods, Orchids and Shells, are both included in Multiverse as well, again with heavy alterations.

The following is a list of mod types that will and will not work with Multiverse. If you are unsure if a mod will work, I advise you to NOT use it as most mods will break MV. In general, I would advise only using vanilla Multiverse for your first few runs as there is more than enough content to not require additional mods at first.

  • Other Overhaul Mods — These will never work together under any conditions. DO NOT attempt to install mods such as Captain’s Edition, Arsenal+, Insurrection, Stations Job, etc while using Multiverse.
    Beyond extensive crashes and content overrides, the intended balances and settings of each of these mods are completely different and would clash regardless.
  • Any mods that adds new sectors or events — Similarly to overhauls, NEVER attempt to use any mods that modify events or sectors alongside Multiverse unless they were specifically designed to be compatible. You will experience major issues if you do.
  • Non-Hyperspace Ship Packs — These will never work either. Besides the myriad of issues with importing ships not meant for MV, non-hyperspace ships will simply not appear in-game. If you wish to convert a ship pack to be compatible with Multiverse, please ask for help on the discord.
  • Hyperspace Ship Packs — These will partially work. The ships will appear in-game, but depending on the mod you may experience issues. Multiverse does have a basic «compatibility» check that runs at the start, which will outfit ships with the bare minimum necessities to be playable.
    Beyond that, we cannot verify whether or not the ships will work as intended.
  • Weapon/Drone Packs — While weapon packs will partially work with Multiverse (weapons will appear in most stores as intended), you will experience many issues. Secret sectors with limited item pools will still spawn these new weapons, and enemy ships will be unable to use them.
    Besides this, I heavily recommend never using weapon packs with Multiverse anyways. Weapon balance is very carefully considered and clutter is constantly reduced. The addition of more weapons will offset these changes drastically.
  • Enemy ship expansions — No, unless they were made for Multiverse. Though there are few of these, mods like Vicious Vessels (which incidentally is also included in Multiverse) will not work as Multiverse renames all ship lists.
  • Hyperspace Crew Mods — this depends heavily on how said mod works. Just like with weapon packs, you will experience issues like crew spawning where they aren’t supposed to, However, said crew should work fine on their own. Just don’t expect them to have any blue options.
  • Graphical Mods — While it is very unlikely any sort of graphical/UI mods will break Multiverse, you may experience strange visual errors. We’ve worked hard to try and make the experience as polished as possible however, so hopefully additional graphical mods aren’t required.
  • MV Addons — as should be obvious, mods made for Multiverse are the only ones that can be ensured to be compatible. Just make sure you’re using the right versions for them!

When patching Multiverse, ensure you are using the following order in slipstream. You can draw mods around in the list to rearrange them. Patch order is extremely important.

Code: Select all

1. DO NOT PATCH Hyperspace.ftl. All necessary components are already included in Multiverse.
2. Your Multiverse Version
3. Any official Multiverse Addons
4. Any unnoficial Multiverse Addons
5. Smaller content mods you may be using alongside Multiverse

Again, I HIGHLY recommend playing Multiverse without any addons or additional mods for your first several runs. This way, you fully understand the depth of what the mod has to offer before going on to add additional content that will likely clash with it.


If this is your first time modding FTL and you’re on a STEAM version, you may use a dedicated installer to help you setup every dependency.

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TB7vxTeU40Gw5GxkNxRsdmv-BdGDgvvB/view?usp=sharing
The installer does not auto-update and only includes major version releases. You may want to check the latest versions available as standalone downloads.
When updating to future versions, DO NOT RERUN THE INSTALLER: instead, download the raw files below and use the modman added in your main FTL folder.


Assets File (5.3): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EDY0tX4N-w-bmJ5Qf65GAZ9h5iRiR6ny/view?usp=sharing
Data File (5.3.1): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WT9BpEAI-eUL6ULZuF58ipwt8KH7hxUM/view?usp=share_link
This link will always take you to the latest version. All hotfixes are treated as their own isolated version.

If you simply need to update your existing Hyperspace version, get the newer Hyperspace.dll file and place it in your main FTL folder. DO NOT PUT IT IN YOUR MODS FOLDER.
Please ensure your Hyperspace is up-to-date, as the new 5.3+ versions will not work with older hyperspace versions:

Warning: This changelog contains spoilers. Read at your own risk

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You can now view all achievements in the stat menu. Also added many new achievements.

Added 3 new secret Renegades.

Added the cat in the hat.

Added Ellie the Equinoid and her quest.

Added Sentry Cannons and the Technician Cruisers.

Added the Auto-Cruisers, which are now unlocked by A55's quest.

Heavily reworked the Nexus questline and events, and added a new related cruiser.

If you have good reputation and an elite for a non-hostile faction, you can now buy loot from their transports. Transports now spawn when arriving at a beacon rather than after attacking.

Added plot armor for unique crew in events with losses.

Added Shining, Chaos, and The Merchant's Remorse composed by Maddie Doktor, and Depths of the Multiverse (Title) and Floral composed by PDTM.

Added a new icon for enemies with power surges.

Added new MV Rebel pirates. Replaced many Syndicate ships with new hulls.

Added a special interaction if you tell Boline to repeat her speech too many times.

Added 12 new Duskbringer related events. Reworked several others.

Added the Boon of Osmians, the Blessing of Beginnings, Blessing of Sentries and the Grant of Time.

Added many new unique crew interactions.

You can now toggle drones to AI mode in the toggle menu.

Added the jukebox.

Haynes's entomophobia is now a mechanic. (consider this a minor nerf in response to how much better he is with tile movement)

You can now show Leah your big Beam.

Sylvan now uses miniboss rules (victory sound + long death)

Added new start game tips like in vanilla.

Added some sound effects to the mysterious beacon and its related encounters.

Added new sound effects to many different crew.

Added an easter egg to Frost weapons.


Massively reworked the crew socialization mechanic. You can now only talk to unique crew, but interactions are non-linear and respond to other crew/equipment on the ship.

Lowered notoriety tolerance overall.

You can no longer jump away from the MFK Picket at the extreme sector 8 start event (this is to prevent an exploit).

Rather than being triggered by completing all hard tasks, CURA now tracks a threshold of "merit" points which can be gained by any task to unlock the reroute.

Reworked Tully's ability. Rather than buffing crew, he now can call an airstrike. Adjusted his crewser to play into the new ability.

Redid large amounts of dialogue in events like Sylvan, Guntput, the Salt Man quest, etc.

Added crew kill surrender on OOJ's quest.

Completely reworked the way you obtain the Mysterious Beacon. You will now receive it from the Observers after killing a specific number of Renegade bosses.

Greatly improved the Auto-Escort, Duskbringer Fighter, Duskbringer Scout, Duskbringer Guard, Duskbringer Trapper, and Duskbringer Bomber sprites.

Improved Pleasure B's sprite.

Improved various fleet sprites.

Improved many weapon and drone sprites. Notable major changes are Tri-ion, Heavy ion, Particle missiles, and Leto.

Emergency Generator is now a backup battery internal upgrade and does not spawn in stores.

Changed certain loot items. Auto loot is now a Conservative Combat drone. Lanius loot is now a Chain Flak. Aug loot is now an Amp Flak drone.

Restructured the slip tunnel events so they all show up with the anomaly detector.

Changed the Sylvan's transport unlocks and reworked their ships.

Changed Black Market from "friendly" (internally) to "hostile".

Replaced the Slowed Metabolism (more suffocation resistance, -25% fire res) Rock Lab with Titan Fists (increased damage to doors and drones).

Evolutionary Rebranching lab now grants most Slug blue options for Shells.

Cloaked crew are no longer invulnerable, but rather cannot be attacked by enemy crew.

Changed Knights ability to 1 charge instead of a comically long cooldown. Enemies can now use the ability after 35s into the fight.

Spiders and Equinoids now require the on-board lab to evolve and tame.

Removed biometric scans; to compensate, subtypes now list inherited stats, and ability text is more detailed.

Added more Magnetic Payload target options.

You can now rarely find Soldiers in Militia and Federation sectors.

LaRoache will now always spawn on nebula exits (disregarding special sectors)

OOJ's Crewser now spawns with its morphs in random forms.

Updated the Duskbringer facility event to let you install a clone bay if you lack one.

Tweaked some older Free Mantis events. (Mission explanation, afraid Engi). Briggs from the Free Mantis executioner event is now a soldier.

Sylvan's story options will hide themselves after listening to them rather than allowing you to repeat them.

Removed the ASB Pirate distress event.

Reduced chance of the Zoltan gift to Orchids being booby trapped.

The ship in the damaged Auto event will actually be damaged.

The Spook Chasers will deal real damage to the enemy Engines in the Bounty quest.

Reduced the damage dealt by the drifting Obelisk when dragging him aboard.

Slightly raised the chances of generating a Haunt encounter with the Proton Pack.

Modified some judge interactions.

Ares no longer spawns in Sylvan's status weapons trade.

Unavailable options under the storage check button are now greyed out but visible.

Jerry uses his weapon in grief mode even in melee combat.

You can no longer "play" the tutorial.

Removed a lot of my old cringe (not all of it but I'm working on it)


Lowered the S1 ships weapons power to 1 for those that use combat drones.
Removed Chain Heavy from S1 enemies.
Removed Kamayari, Charge Laser III and Flak IV from Sector 1 loot table.

Sylvan and his drop reward now scales with your challenge level.
Sylvan's rare and aether trades should now only spawn after sector 3.

Increased the repair speed from the Grant of Engines to 75%.
The Grant of Hacking no longer allows crew to ignore lockdown, but actually unhacks your own doors when adjacent.
Reworked the blessing of Kernels to grant free missiles at start.
Osmian Holograms are now affected by the Boon of Hardlight.

Tweaked Duskbringer abilities. Martyr enemies (now called New Order) now use invasion AI.
Duskbringer crew no longer apply stun when exploding and cannot use their abilities while stunned.
Duskbringer crew now have a new teleport movement mechanic. Reduced Devotee Max Health to 65.
Ghosts and Lanius no longer take damage from Shell gas. Added a new gas type unique to Scientist B to counterbalance this.
Malforms can now transform as long as you have a relevant subtype. They can also change their form.
Sirens now captivate the crew they are attacking, limiting their functions.
Sansylvan is now immune to hazards.

Nerfs to ammunition obtainability - decreased amounts of missiles given in event rewards.
Changed most ship defeat rewards to be more consistent. (MED/HIGH on destruction/crew kill)

Adjusted shield prices to encourage buying buffer points more often.
Emancipation Grills now also block crew with short-range teleportation, and cost slightly more.
Nerfed the heal boost of Drone Booster from 50% to 20%.
Increased the prices for the Piloting Jammer auction.
Tweaked some of the Ghost trinkets.

Buffed the Guild Cruiser boss and nerfed the Salt Cruiser "boss". Obyn no longer takes a crew slot when you initially recruit him.
Buffed the Hektar Loyalty Assurance.
The Arcadian Station now has a Drone Booster and spawns with Engi crew.
Tweaked CURA's pre-fight choices. Also buffed the boss itself. Modified the gimmicks of the CURA cruisers accordingly.
Nerfed the Engineer B boss to use a Battle drone instead of a 2nd boarding Surgeon on Challenge and Extreme.
MFK C Renegade on Challenge now gets an Artemis instead of Leto.

Increased playable Flagship reactor.
Reduced the max reactor power of Zoltan C.
Lowered Free Mantis A starting power by 2 points.
Osmian C now has 11 crew slots.
Lowered Elite Fed starting power and Artillery level by 1.
Added a Slug on Hacker B.
Tony's Crewser now starts with mind control.

Amp Pinpoint is now more common. Sped up all power levels. Price 60 -> 55
Removed bonus power on Divine Repair drone.
RAD Module no longer removes system damage on the Mod Beam.
Rebel A artillery (Laser) base cooldown 19 -> 15
Rebel B artillery (Beam) base cooldown 21 -> 18
The Jerry Crewser artillery now also does ion damage.
Reduced power usage of Big Suck Bomb and 'Subtracter' by 1.
Reduced Ranseur's breach chance to 80%.
Burst Laser III price 105 -> 90
Chain Laser price 65 -> 50
Charge Laser II price 70 -> 75, cooldown 4s -> 4.5s
Laser Chainger price 40 -> 45, cooldown 7.25s -> 7.5s
Kernel Mk II cooldown 15s -> 16.5s, price 60 -> 70
Lowered elite Kernels replication chance to 50% again.
Pre-Flak price 100 -> 70, radius 100 -> 60 (same radius as Flak IV)
Conservative Energy price 55 -> 45
Flak I price 55 -> 45
Energy I price 50 -> 40
'Adder' price 85 -> 60 (same as Default variant)
Price of the three elemental Flak reduced to 80
'Pelta' Rad-Beam Bio damage 60 -> 45
Lowered Nevermiss cooldown slightly.
Heavily reworked the Blaster Beam.
Buffed Aether Cybernetics.


Fixed some tpyos.

Updated discord rich presence with newer ships.

Fixed Sylvan not having enough room to use super shield bypass.

Updated player Auto-ships to not be able to access crew loss events when having no crew.

Adjusted the offset placement of many bosses, corrected some enemy artilleries firing off center, and removed "disconnected" rooms on Dynasty/Obelisk ships to prevent issues.

Re-enabled the ability to right click to open doors.

Raised the Cognitive skill reqs so you don't level them beyond intended levels. We suggest you don't try to cross the new threshold...

Fixed power module duplication exploits.

Fixed Nights' clone bay issue on his ship.

Fixed nebula reinforcements not spawning with an ASB.

Fixed Grid augments not slowing sabotage of mind-controlled Ghosts.

Fixed the Gatling Barrel not obeying to the general MV quest generation rules.

Fixed doctor drones being unable to break doors.

Parasitic Dependencies should no longer affect drones spawned by events.

Fixed LaRoache not working correctly.

Fixed Vampweed spore augment affecting all ships in combat.

Fixed the boon of merchants not always working.

Moved the fleet delay of Challenge and Extreme further so it doesn't stack each time you select it.

Fixed some old unique crew id still being looked for. (Obyn, Symbiote and Metyunt also were changed to use the unique_ prefix)

Fixed some Coalition enemies loading a generic reward on crew kill.

Added a clone bay room on all variants of the Duskbringer Bomber.

Fixed the Slug broken O2 event only accepting default Mantis for the blue option.

Fixed the technician drones not being recognized as drones in certain scenarios.

Fixed Shell gas being impacted by crew with different heal speeds.

Fixed holograms being damaged by Shell gas.

Prevented Sale sectors from spawning with too few stores.

Fixed a possible bug where only the MFK C Renegade could spawn from the mysterious beacon.

Fixed missing weapons from Wakeson's Blessing of Speciality.

Fixed Morph ships spawning with Osmian morphs.

Enemy saboteurs can no longer cloak on their own ship.

Prevented the exit from spawning in the Showdown.

Fixed the Leech Renegade using the player stun lasers.

Fixed Ampere and Badland guards not spawning ASB immediately.

Fixed the door manning station on Tuco A.

Fixed a minor sprite error on the Lanius B sprite.

Updated the Energy Shield tooltip to no longer reference "Zoltan" Energy Shields.

Fixed Toggle Flak RAD mode projectiles.

Fixed depowered artillery always saying its a beam.

Fixed misgendering my dev team.

To get access to older versions of Multiverse, you can find them archived on our Discord server, linked at the beginning of the forum post.

FTL Multiverse is a massive overhaul (and even borderline total-conversion) mod for FTL: Faster Than Light to a scale never seen before in the FTL community. Multiverse overhauls, expands, or refurbishes nearly every aspect of the game, whether its ships, crew, events, weapons, you name it! Thanks to the modding breakthrough of Hyperspace, Multiverse was the first mod to incorporate previously impossible modding aspects like new crew types (beyond that of the unused ‘Ghost’ race from vanilla), infinite player ships, and so much more.

What sets Multiverse apart the most from other FTL mods however is the meticulous attention to detail, in both the worldbuilding and balance. While it’s far from perfect (nothing is, after all), inclusions are carefully weighed against already existing features and unnecessary bloat is pruned whenever possible in the many frequent updates MV receives.

Multiverse features over 100 different weapons to customize your arsenal with, but they aren’t all found in stores! Weapons which you’ll obtain from events/stores are all carefully balanced, including massive rebalances to vanilla equipment as well, to ensure everything can prove to be a useful tool rather than deadweight to be sold at your next opportunity. There’s also a number of new types of weapons, such as Energy Cannons that do both ion and hull damage but no system damage, Particle Accelerators which annihilate systems but do no hull damage, Kernels that act similarly to Missiles but with replicative properties that allow them to sometime ignore ammo usage, and many more!
Though there’s far fewer drones, it’s for good reason. Unlike other mods, Multiverse instead removes a majority of drones from the vanilla pool, instead replacing them with new varieties such as «Toggle» and «Amp» drones. Toggle drones serve two different functions and can be swapped out before battle, such as the Guardian drone which serves as both a standard anti-missile defense drone as well as the anti-drone! Amp drones too can be configured before battle, but are swapped between different power levels to scale their effects for early, mid, and late game as however fits best into your loadout.
Thanks to hyperspace, Multiverse can even add brand new crew drones! Along with a Mk2 upgrade for the standard anti-personnel drone (now a toggle between boarding and defense modes), you can now use the Manager, Doctor, and Recon drones to supplement your organic crew.

A vast majority of augments which once spawned in stores will no longer pollute the augment pool — instead they can be installed conveniently aboard your ship at any available opportunity, and won’t even take up an augment slot! Internal upgrades allow you to explore many strategies that relied entirely upon luck of the draw in vanilla. No longer will missile or drone builds be crippled by being unable to find a replicator or drone arm. Some are even brand new functions entirely, like crew moving faster for each powered Medbay level, or crew being immune to stun inside the Shield room.
The crew lab functions similarly but can serve an even larger number of purposes. After installing the lab on your ship, you’ll be able to select one primary modifications for every species that you have aboard your vessel. Modifications provide permanent alterations to the stats of your crew, opening up new synergies or changing the use case of crew entirely. However, only one primary mod can be installed per species per run and cannot be uninstalled, so choose wisely! Secondary upgrades are available as well when you upgrade the lab, and apply similar modifications to specific sub-types of crew.

Based on a feature from the Captain’s Edition mod, though executed very differently, combat augments can be found in stores and certain special events and can be activated to jam certain enemy systems temporary. Their effects are powerful, but typically cost fuel, with most lasting for 30 to 45 seconds.

One of the biggest new wealths of content provided in Multiverse you’ll find scarcely elsewhere is the new crew types, enabled only by Hyperspace. Along with the new species like the oxygen-providing and crew-buffing Orchids, explosive but quickly suffocating Shells, electrically charged Leeches, and many more, every crew type also has a variety of sub-types with different modified characteristics. For example, Human medics are worse at combat, but have the unique ability to deploy a healing bomb that effects all allied crew in the room. Zoltan monks are completely incapable of combat, but can temporarily stun all crew in the room. Rock outcasts have less health than ordinary Rockmen, but get progressively stronger for every allied outcast or fellow Rockman in the room.

Every species (as well as some individual sub-factions) have at least one special sub-type known as an elite. Elites are extra strong but sometimes have one major weakness. Slug rangers can deploy stun bombs and cloak, as well as doing massive crew damage in combat. However, they’re unable to damage systems and move slower due to their special armor created from the hides of other creatures. Engi Defenders are even worse at combat but repair extremely fast, and can temporarily shield themselves for massively reduced damage from enemy attackers. Elites are often very hard to obtain, but are always worthy additions to your crew when you can find them.

Along with sub-types for existing crew, Multiverse introduces a number of new species such as the Orchids, Shells, Phantoms, Leeches, and many more, several of which are secret! Each species has its own unique set of traits, lore, and ships. Orchids act as support crew, both refilling oxygen on your ship as well as providing buffs or debuffs depending on the variant. Shells can explode, taking heavy self damage which they regenerate afterwards for a variety of effects. Some Shells heal allied crew, others instantly repair systems, and some cause heavy crew and system damage. Phantoms can move through doors without breaking them first and are incredible at sabotage as well as being immune to hazards, providing a very different boarding experience than in vanilla. Leeches drain power from enemy systems and regenerate health out of combat, providing quick ways to take down enemy systems.

Multiverse doesn’t just stop at adding more equipment and crew, it has just as many if not more ships! Featuring over 200 player ships and over 800 enemy ships, there’s an incredible number of different playstyles to explore and challenges to face.

With 16 pages of ships, most species (or groups of related species) get their own page of ships, each of which has its own unlock quests. All ships from pages 2 to 14 have a complete set of A, B, and C variants with alternate gimmicks and loadouts just like in vanilla, with the addition of special elite ships on the right. Elite ships only have one or two variants and are unlocked by unlocking all other related vessels, but are much stronger than ordinary ships. A major portion of Multiverse’s gameplay is centered around optional questlines and bosses to unlock all of the ships! Unlock quests are far more in-depth than vanilla and typically require significantly less RNG outside of finding them as well.

With more than a dozen new factions in Multiverse, there’s a massive variety of enemies to encounter. Powerful elite ships carry upgraded arsenals and elite crew of their own, but typically only spawn in homeworld sectors. Powerful boss fights pose even greater threats, but often drop special equipment, unique crew, or lead to even grander questlines with larger rewards!

Multiverse is massive, so huge we couldn’t possibly cover everything here. If you want to take a deeper dive into Multiverse, it has its own Wiki! It’s still under maintenance and information can be out of date with the release of new updates, but the community is working hard to keep on expanding it and making sure the articles are all reliable.

However, here’s a list of some of the most noteworthy additions or focuses of the mod;

  • Extremely extensive worldbuilding and lore. While it’s certainly not vanilla friendly, Multiverse acts as a sequel to the base game and has many returning faces such as Kazaaakplethkilik, Slocknog, Ariadne, and more! Expect to find hundreds of new in-depth events as you explore the completely overhauled setting Multiverse provides.
  • A brand new second difficulty select, letting you choose between Casual, Normal, Challenge, and Extreme modes. These influence a number of things and provide a second way to change up your game beyond that of the usual Easy, Normal, and Hard.
  • A brand new Flagship. While the Rebellion still pilots the vessel and the general concepts are the same, the sprite has been changed entirely and the gimmicks of the stages have now been changed up. You’ll find it much harder than your ordinary vanilla Flagship, but don’t worry. Multiverse also provides far more opportunities to ensure you’re prepared than vanilla.
  • More than 50 new regularly spawning sectors and more than 8 secret ones to discover!
  • Better developed homeworld sectors. No longer are unique sectors like in vanilla, being just their generic variant with an added unlock. Now, they have their own events, increased elite enemy spawns, and often times multiple expansive questlines.
  • Most sectors are now protected by powerful guard ships. Allied and most neutral factions won’t instigate combat unless you attack first, while hostile factions won’t be so friendly unless you have something to persuade them! Guards will call in additional ASB support, but if you can crew kill them they will always give you a special reward.
  • A major rework of stores, turning them from bland filler to actual events themselves. Every store now displays the faction that owns it while adjacent, and have a large pool of possible encounters there. Some stores have additional bonus offers, grant quests or alternatives to shopping, or require you to pass certain challenges before you can shop there.
  • Along with the above rework, the items which stores offer are now changed as well. Almost every store is now guaranteed to sell weapons and crew, and depending on what faction runs the store alters what weapons and crew can spawn. Systems are now split up into two categories, essential and auxiliary. Essential systems are those like Shields, Doors, Sensors, etc, while auxiliary systems are those like Hacking, Mind Control, Cloaking, etc. This way, your core systems will no longer take up space in the possibility you’ve chosen to play without them.
  • General RNG reductions to gameplay. Evasion is largely nerfed on enemy ships, and features such as guaranteed weapons in stores and internal upgrades like Explosive Replicator, Defense Scrambler, and Drone Arm mean you’re no longer quite as much up to the mercy of the hands of fate in Multiverse.
  • Randomly spawning Multiverse Renegade encounters. These enemies are more difficult than your ordinary encounter and can use a massive variety of equipment that doesn’t match typical faction gimmicks. One renegade will spawn in every sector, and as you go on you’ll even start to encounter cruiser-class vessels. Every Renegade cruiser has a special loot item unique to it, which will always drop from crew killing and sometimes from destruction.
  • Unique crew who also serve as characters, each with their own backstories, personalities, and questlines. You can even talk to your crew at empty beacons, where you’ll learn more about them, get hints for various other questlines, or maybe even have a laugh or two.
  • Fight special Transport and Minelayer enemies in homeworld sectors to gain access to special loot items and Mine Launcher tech that can be used to delay the fleet!
  • Encounter the Traveling Merchant, Sylvan, who will offer you large arrays of up to 6 different weapons of a certain variety at a time. You can also sell him your excess resources, and if you’re lucky, he’ll sometimes even tell you a story. Just don’t push his buttons — he’s one of the hardest enemies in the game, and only a sufficiently prepared vessel can dream of taking him down.
  • Alternative secret endings and routes. Your game no longer has to end with the same Flagship every run!
  • Brand new original soundtrack, featuring only songs made specifically for Multiverse! You can listen to it here on youtube; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM0B5zZ74Pw&list=PLXARrpodicQsHXiZoecojFMsoXvrTN1Hv&index=8

Along with all of these features, here’s some of the other new possibilities opened up thanks to hyperspace!

Addons not developed by the Multiverse team, while briefly reviewed manually, are not maintained or developed by the official Multiverse development team. Download links are permanent and files will change over time. Download with care.

Due to the character limit, official MV addons will now be located on this thread: https://subsetgames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=38203&p=129173#p129173

Last edited by TheMultiverseTeam on Mon May 29, 2023 1:33 pm, edited 211 times in total.

Привет, добро пожаловать в этот пост, FTL: Faster Than Light — как установить и настроить руководство по моду Multiverse.

Инструкция по загрузке и установке мода Multiverse для FTL: Faster Than Light в Steam с помощью специального установщика.

Что такое Мультивселенная?

Multiverse — это большая переработка, эквивалентная пакетам расширения для игр старой школы. Включено множество дополнительных элементов, таких как новые сектора, снаряжение и даже новые виды и концовки! Значительная часть этих дополнений стала возможной благодаря введению API моддинга Hyperspace, который позволил расширить ранее сильно ограниченный потенциал моддинга FTL до беспрецедентных высот.

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - What is Multiverse? - 9B2B7AA

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - What is Multiverse? - 30C57E5

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - What is Multiverse? - BDD7369

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - What is Multiverse? - 605F2E3

В этом руководстве рассказывается об использовании установщика .exe, созданного для максимально удобной установки для пользователей, не знакомых с моддингом FTL. Если вы уже знакомы с тем, как использовать диспетчер Slipstream, вы можете вместо этого загрузить необработанные файлы и исправить их, как вам нужно.

(Если вы уже использовали Slipstream в своей существующей игре FTL, НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ УСТАНОВЩИК! Это связано с тем, что установщик связан с собственным Slipstream, а два одновременных менеджера Slipstream — это прямой путь к катастрофе.)

Вы можете найти ветку Multiverse на Subset Games, официальных форумах FTL по ссылке здесь:


На этой странице вы можете найти необходимые файлы для установки Multiverse и узнать больше о моде.

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Using the Multiverse installer - 42C50C9

После загрузки и запуска файла .exe автоматически найдет путь к папке FTL. Здесь компоненты будут извлечены.

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Using the Multiverse installer - 85A4857

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Using the Multiverse installer - 68D8CDA

Вас также спросят, хотите ли вы загрузить дополнительный контент. Если вы в конечном итоге решите, что не хотите использовать эти надстройки, вы сможете отключить их позже, что будет объяснено в следующем разделе.

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Using the Multiverse installer - 62A4B61

Вас также спросят, хотите ли вы создать специальный ярлык. Лично я не беспокоюсь об этом, так как запуск через Steam сохраняет отслеживание игрового времени и других функций Steam, в то же время позволяя вам получить доступ к только что загруженному контенту.

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Using the Multiverse installer - 721B80C

Переключение/обновление существующего содержимого мода

Если вы хотите обновить или переключить существующие компоненты, вам придется изучить FTL-папка. Установщик оставил вампапка модов, который включает в себя файлы модов, которые вы можете исправить,

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Toggling/updating existing mod content - 2EB5FF9

a Файл Hyperspace.dll который необходим для запуска Multiverse, и файл modman.exe, который запуститМенеджер модов Slipstream когда будет предложено. Slipstream будет управлять содержимым папки модов.

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Toggling/updating existing mod content - BB8221A

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Toggling/updating existing mod content - 262C4DF

Вот пример: среди дополнений, которые вы выбрали для установки при использовании установщика, вы выбрали пакет Holiday Special. Затем вы решаете, что больше не хотите с ним играть.

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Toggling/updating existing mod content - 7A5AFD2

Чтобы отключить этот аддон, вам нужно запустить менеджер модов Slipstream. Затем вам нужно отметьте каждый файл, который вы хотите сделать активнымзатем нажмите Патчи.

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Toggling/updating existing mod content - C5581DC

Как только процесс будет завершен, при следующем запуске Multiverse будут включены только выбранные вами дополнения.

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Toggling/updating existing mod content - F2676C2

Обновление самой Мультивселенной

Благодаря процессу, описанному в предыдущем разделе, у вас теперь также есть необходимые знания для обновления основных файлов Мультивселенной, т.е. Данные и Активы видел в модов. Всякий раз, когда доступна более новая версия MV, убедитесь, что вы загружаете новые доступные необработанные файлы, чтобы поместить их в свой папка модов (Порядок загрузки важен, проверьте «файл» MV Read-me, включенный в Slipstream, если вы сомневаетесь). Вы не хотите повторно запускать программу установки для каждого нового выпуска, это было бы излишне неэффективно…

Гиперпространственной также будет время от времени обновляться для включения новых функций или исправления критических проблем. Вы можете найти последнюю общедоступную версию в их специальной ветке.


Вам нужно только получить файл Hyperspace.dll, который вы затем перетаскиваете в свою основную папку FTL, чтобы перезаписать предыдущую. Остальные включенные файлы нам не пригодятся.

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Updating Multiverse itself - B980F58

В настоящее время любой пользователь установщика может сразу же обновить свой MV Данные с 5.3 на 5.3.1, а их заменить 1.2.2 Hyperspace.dll с 1.3.2. (По практическим причинам установщик обновляется только в случае основных выпусков. Второстепенные версии и исправления распространяются в виде отдельных файлов.)

Я настоятельно рекомендую обновить эти файлы, так как это устраняет надоедливые проблемы, в том числе ту, из-за которой редкий контент становится еще более маловероятным, и делает использование оружия Pinpoint намного удобнее.

Решение Проблем

Из-за того, что Мультивселенная более требовательна, к сожалению, нередко встречаются определенные ошибки на пути. К счастью, метод установки позволяет нам обойти большое их количество. Насколько мне известно, повторяющиеся нарушители — это приглашение окна MinGW и зависшая загрузка на полпути. Вот набор инструкций, которым нужно следовать, чтобы справиться с ними, любезно предоставленный адмиралом Билли:

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Troubleshooting - E13DA3D

FTL: Faster Than Light - How to install and setup the Multiverse mod - Troubleshooting - D0AAFD0

Если это не решит вашу проблему, вы можете более внимательно изучить соответствующую ветку, чтобы увидеть, описан ли ваш случай:

Reddit — Подробное руководство по устранению неполадок с гиперпространством/мультиверсом — [reddit.com]

Вы также можете присоединиться к дискорду Multiverse и найти каналы #mv_install_help и #questions. (Ссылка на Discord включена в сообщение на форуме Subset Games и в установщике)

Дайте нам знать, что вы думаете о нашем последнем посте FTL: Faster Than Light — Как установить и настроить мод Multiverse, и если мы можем что-то сделать, чтобы улучшить его, или если вы видите ошибку, мы исправим ее по мере необходимости. как можно быстрее. Пожалуйста, примите нашу искреннюю признательность, и пусть оставшаяся часть вашего дня будет такой же прекрасной, какой она была до сих пор. Я чувствую, что важно отдать должное там, где это необходимо, поэтому я хотел бы отметить, что это руководство было вдохновлено сообщением, которое Джерси опубликовано. Не забудьте добавить нас в закладки, если вам понравился пост; мы регулярно обновляем свежие материалы.

Предлагаю на перевод вот ссылка на steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1672310/Decarnation/

Куда вы бежите, когда монстры преследуют вас изнутри вашего разума? 

Исследуйте призрачный мир, реальный и вымышленный, и найдите ключи, необходимые для сражения с внутренними и внешними монстрами. Погрузитесь в очень эмоциональную историю, разворачивающуюся в пагубной сложной обстановке. Испытайте разнообразный игровой процесс, включающий запутанные головоломки, угрожающих существ, лавкрафтовскую среду и метафорические мини-игры. 
Decarnation черпает вдохновение в лучших 2D-приключенческих хоррорах и играх ужасов на выживание прошлых эпох, а также в культовых фильмах Сатоши Кона (Perfect Blue) и Дэвида Линча (Mulholland Drive). 

Париж, 1990 год. Глория на пределе. Борющаяся танцовщица кабаре, борющаяся с разрушением своих отношений, карьеры и самооценки, берется за новое творческое начинание, спонсируемое таинственным благотворителем. Станет ли это щедрое предложение счастливой случайностью для Глории или что-то похуже? 
История выживания с многоуровневыми психологическими ставками, Decarnation исследует контраст между борьбой с ограничениями в физическом мире и подсознательными ландшафтами, от которых невозможно убежать. 
Decarnation — это эмоциональный, поразительный сюжетный опыт, который будет держать вас в напряжении до самого конца. 

Decarnation смешивает традиционные элементы ужасов выживания(загадочная головоломка, негостеприимная среда для исследования, смертоносные хищники, которых нужно избегать, ужасающий босс, которого нужно победить и т. д.) с широким спектром символических мини-игр (головоломки, рефлексы, ритм и т. шоу на сцене) или метафорические. 
Однажды обнаруженные ключевые элементы жизни Глории помогают ей побеждать монстров в ее снах в уникальных битвах, которые сочетают в себе гротеск и возвышенность, чтобы представить ее борьбу за выживание. Преодоление трудностей в ее снах укрепляет Глорию перед трудностями реальной жизни, а ее проблемы в реальной жизни создают новые проблемы в ее снах.

Checking / Installing Drivers

First of all, you need to check all the drivers:

  • free utility [Driver Pack] (if you have a blank page, try logging in through an incognito tab or disable AdBlock)
  • analogue Driver Booster
  • go to the website of the manufacturer of your laptop or motherboard and download the drivers there

You can also separately install drivers for video cards and related software on the websites of video card developers, where drivers appear faster than in auto-updaters:

  • AMD
  • Nvidia
  • IntelHD

DirectX update

All errors that have the prefix D3D, X3D, xinput *** .dll most likely report the absence of the necessary DirectX libraries.

  • Here you can download the web installer

Installing the NET Framework library also may help.

  • Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
  • Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Updating Microsoft Visual C++ Libraries

If the name mentions the MSVC prefix, and if it does not, updating these libraries for games is extremely important. Even after installation, you may notice that the error keeps repeating. The reason is that you need to download all versions, both x64 and x86, some games require both.

Download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Libraries

Cleaning the system with Advanced SystemCare Free

Download the program

Run it, use Artificial Intelligence-driven analysis. The program, probably, will find out a huge number of junk files, broken registrys and etc.

Wait until it is complete to apply automatically fix (correction)

System requirements FTL: Multiverse (2020)

Make sure your computer meets the minimum specifications required for this game:

Computer Viruses

Check your PC for viruses, you can use free and trial versions of programs, for example:

  • Avast Free Antivirus
  • Dr. WEB CureIT

Antivirus program blocking the launch of FTL: Multiverse (2020)

The situation is the opposite of the previous one. Installed or built-in (Microsoft Defender) antivirus blocks the launch of the game. To solve this problem, you must either disable this program for a while, or add the game folder to the exceptions. However, if the defender managed to quarantine any files, the game will have to be reinstalled.

How to temporarily turn off Microsoft Defender

Select Start → Settings → Update & Security → Windows Security → Virus & threat protection → Manage settings (In early versions of Windows 10, select Virus & threat protection) → Real-time protection setting to Off and choose Yes to verify.

How to add files and folders to exclusions Microsoft Defender

Go to Start → Settings → Update & Security → Windows Security → Virus & threat protection → Manage settings. Under Exclusions, select Add or remove exclusions → select from files, folders, file types, or process.

FTL: Multiverse (2020) full screen game window is offset to wrong position or zoomed, the image does not expand to full screen, screen resolution problems

Of course, you have already checked the «screen resolution» and «full screen» items in the game settings.

The problem may lie in the wrong scaling. Go to shortcut properties → Change high DPI settings → check the box at the bottom and click OK.

Fix the screen resolution problems in video games

FTL: Multiverse (2020) misidentifies monitor, runs on wrong monitor

If you’re trying to display your game on a different monitor, article 5 ways to display your game on a second monitor might help you.

FTL: Multiverse (2020), downloaded from Torrent does not work

Pirated versions of games do not guarantee stable operation at all, their developers are not responsible to you for the quality of the product. There is a possibility that the repack will turn out to be inoperative, or unfinished specifically for your characteristics. In any case, we recommend using licensed versions of games, this will save your computer from all kinds of spyware, miners and other troubles, as well as providing stable support and the release of new patches from developers.

FTL: Multiverse (2020) not downloading or downloading take so long. Lag, high ping, game latency

First of all, check the speed of your Internet connection on speedtest.net, if the declared speed is in order, check if your channel is loaded, maybe you have several devices connected to Wi-Fi, the operating system is being updated, something is downloading in the browser , or a movie is running. Look at the network load in Device Manager. Check the integrity of the cable going to your device. If you still use a torrent, it is possible that the upload speed is limited due to a lack of distributors. As a last resort, you can always call your ISP and see if everything is okay with your internet.

FTL: Multiverse (2020) gives an error about the missing DLL file

Write down the name of the DLL file and download it using an Internet search, there should be a description of what exactly this file is and where it should be. If there is no description, we recommend looking for alternative download sites. Or use the DLL-Fixer utility.

FTL: Multiverse (2020) is not installed. Installation aborted

Check for free space on your disk. If everything is in order with the place, we also recommend checking the disk for bad sectors using free programs VictoriaHDD or CrystalDiskInfo

Screen freezes but FTL: Multiverse (2020) keeps playing

The problem may be caused by the game itself, this is a good option. But this may indicate a malfunction in the processor and video card. Check the temperatures of the CPU and GPU, the normal level can be found on the developer’s website by the device model. If the temperature is too high, the device is no longer under warranty and has not been cleaned for a long time, do it yourself (if you know how to do) or take it to a service center for cleaning and replacement of thermal paste. If the problem persists, there is a possibility that other components have failed: the motherboard, RAM, or power supply.

FTL: Multiverse (2020) slows down. FPS drops and stuttering

Probably your PC does not have enough power for stable operation FTL: Multiverse (2020). First of all, enable vertical sync if it is disabled and check the result. After that try lowering all graphic settings to the minimum, except for the screen resolution. Then increase until the picture remains comfortable. If lowering does not help, it remains only to lower the screen resolution.

FTL: Multiverse (2020) has no sound. Can’t hear anything

Check the sound in the game settings. We check the sound on the PC, for example, music in the browser. If there is nothing:

  • check the sound level in windows (your OS), maybe the sound level is set to 0
  • check the correct connection of speakers, headphones
  • if the device is non-standard, it may require its own drivers from the developer
  • perhaps there are no sound drivers in the system at all (update it, see the first paragraph)
  • In extreme cases, there is a possibility that the sound card has failed.

FTL: Multiverse (2020) not responding to the mouse, keyboard or gamepad. Control not working

Firstly, go to the game settings and check your control device is switched to a gamepad (if the problem is in it). Are the wires tightly connected? Do devices work outside of the game? The solution may be to check the drivers using utilities (see the first paragraph) or do disconnection → connection.

Old game won’t launch or crashes

Operating system incompatibilities may cause the game to crash when launching. You need to go to the properties of the shortcut (right-click on the shortcut and go to the very bottom) and specify the compatibility mode, for example: Windows XP or other, you can experiment with this setting.

The game does not enough permissions to run

Go to shortcut properties → compatibility → check «Run this program as an administrator» (See screenshot above).

FTL: Multiverse (2020) does not start and pops up an error 0xc0000142

If FTL: Multiverse (2020) pops up an error message is 0xc0000142, fix things can in one of the following ways. It is best to try one by one until the problem is solved.

  1. Disable all antivirus software before downloading the game.
  2. Check the path to the game folder, everything should be written in Latin letters (English). For example — C:GamesGame Folder.
  3. The Windows username must also be in Latin characters. Press Win+R → type the command netplwiz → highlight the username → Properties.
  4. Go to the properties of the game by right-clicking on the shortcut. CompatibilityCompatibility mode → Select a compatibility mode other than your OS → Check the box «Run as administrator«.

If these tips did not help, then you need to look for a problem in the stability of the OS and in the game files.

  • Using CCleaner / Advanced SystemCare Free, perform a standard cleaning (see the paragraph at the beginning). 
  • Replace registry value: SearchRegistry EditorHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NT → *CurrentVersion * → WindowsLoadAppInit_DLLs → in the Value line, replace 1 with 0.
  • Check your computer for malware and viruses. After checking and cleaning, restart your PC and download the game again.
  • Check that you have installed all the necessary versions of the components, namely Microsoft Visual C ++, DirectX, Drivers (see paragraphs at the beginning).

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