Heidisql ошибка 10061

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I want to make my own private server for World of Warcraft but I’ve got an issue on connecting with HeidiSQL. I keep getting this error:
SQL Error: can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’ (10061)

For as long as I know I’m not making any problems.
IP: localhost
User: root
Password: ascent

and I also start MySQL.bat before using HeidiSQL.

I’d really appreciate if someone could help me.

by the way I installed the HeidiSQL 4.0 from:

I’ve only installed one thing, the «installer» part on the site. I hope that isn’t the problem.

Right, that is definitely not the problemsmileThe problem is, your local MySQL server is not responding, I guess it is not runnin at all. See taskmanager and watch for mysqld.exe .

yes that one is on with around 200kb memory. Just don’t get it. I was looking for the solution for hours and didn’t understand what was wrong :(

I hope you or anyone else knows a solution

ok i see a problem now. It says I don’t have a service called MySQL. Where can i download or install the service?

ah still doesn’t work. Found a service but still the same error.

ok this is the thing:
i’m following this tutorial:

At 3:30 he starts to login on HeidiSQL.
When he connects he enters the server. At that point I don’t enter the server, but I get the error instead. Maybe this will get you an idea?

Aha now I found the solution :p
man what a stupid program.
I needed to FIRST run the service and THEN run the MySQL.bat.
Well thank you for your help anywayssmileat least someone answers my questions after all :D

Don’t know what your mysql.bat should do, but it’s not some standard method to get MySQL running. Normally you start the server and then you can connect via any client like HeidiSQL.

darn smiled too fast. now it doesn’t work anymore. what server are you talking about?

when i open mysql.bat it says that mysql is running. i’m not used to such a things like mysql. I only play games smile

Well no problem to play games. That should not stop you from getting into MySQL or?

I meant the MySQL server. Try to do this:
— Start -> run -> cmd.exe
— Type this into the black DOS box:
mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -hascent<Enter>
— Post here what error you get

uh my computer can’t recognize mysql.

i get the same error as if i would write «asdfasfadsf» (some random letters)

well i wrote «mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -hascent» hope that was correct.

i guess mysql.bat is the server because it’s in the folder called Server, but he does not load completely. It says:

Please close this command only for Shutdown.
MySQL is running, don’t close this window.

Somehow before when i «found the solution» it showed more than the 2 lines.

Although this post is years old, just in case someone else is getting this error, as I recently did:

I unchecked the «compressed client/server protocol» checkbox and was able to connect. Not sure if that was the problem or not, because now I can check it and still log in fine, but that’s all I recall changing. Although I also logged into SSH using putty and tried «mysql -uUSER_NAME -p» to test the connection between when it wasn’t working and when it was, so that may have changed something as well.

It is alright now. I have a Norton antivirus from 2005 and it blocked most of the things I wanted to start. When I figured that out I turned off Norton and all worked fine. I have heard of other people also having issues with old Norton versions on recent computers. So if anyone still has got an old Norton antivirus, just delete it, download an other free antivirus and your worries are gone :)

hi..I am getting the same error altough i tried the following
— Start -> run -> cmd.exe
mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -hascent

after this I am getting «It is not recognised as internal or exteral command, operable program or batch file»

Please help


Man, this is of course because your mysql.exe is not located in your path environment. Just add the path and it should run. Additionally, you have two «-h» parameters which cannot be correct as h means «Host». I guess «ascent» is your password — if so that must be prefixed by «-p», not «-h»:
c:Program FilesMySQL Server XYZbinmysql.exe -hlocalhost -uroot -pascent

Apart from that, you should NEVER post any password in a public forum — that’s totally dumb.

Thanks for the prompt response…what I posted above was the information as per your earlier post posted on 09 Jan 10..so I am not sharing my detailssmileI fixed the problem by reinstalling the whole thing again saving my data files..I guess some thing was missing…now its working..Thanks for you help

I figured of the problem for those who are trying to make a WoW Private Server…

This NEEDS to be open while you are using it…

Go to Corruption Productions BlizzPack/Server/MySQL.exe (Or Windows Batch File)

As long as you have that open… Your SQL should work…

If it doesn’t Message me on Youtube because I’m leaving this forum and I’m not coming back…
Youtube Username: Yournothawt

i get the same error i restart the server

bet it steel not working unhappyunhappyunhappy

ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host ‘ascent’ (11001)

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I have a Raspberry Pi (first model) I use as a server. I followed a tutorial and installed Apache2, MySQL, Phpmyadmin etc.

I have also set up a ddns for my home network to be able to connect to it wherever I am, and of course forwarded the necessary ports.

At first everything worked wonders.

  • I could connect to the database using phpmyadmin by navigating to adress/phpmyadminfrom any network.
  • I could also use HeidiSQL to connect to the database, again from any network.

The MySQL version I had at this time was v5.5. I wanted a feature available on v5.6 but this version was not available on my RPi (ARMv61). Instead it seemed like MariaDB should do the trick. So I updated to MariaDB using the command:

sudo aptitude install mariadb-server

Now I am not able to connect through HeidiSQL anymore, Phpmyadmin still works though from any network just like previously. Trying to connect with HeidiSQL I get the output (no matter what username/password i try):

Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘adress’ (10061)’

mysql -V gives output:

mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.0.27-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnueabihf (armv7l) using readline 5.2

My RPi info is

Linux redface 4.4.26+ #915 Thu Oct 20 17:02:14 BST 2016 armv6l GNU/Linux

The user privileges are available in the image below

enter image description here

How can I connect to the database again using HeidiSQL? Have I missed something with the user privileges?

With phpmyadmin I use the username root

HeidiSQL can't connect to MySQL.

HeidiSQL can’t connect to MySQL

I installed XAMPP and HeidiSQL (the latter running under Wine) on my local Xubuntu 14.04 (LTS) system sometime in the last year or two. I’d used both before when I used to use Windows, and have had no problem using HeidiSQL to connect to external MySQL servers. However, I have had no success connecting to my local installation of MySQL. Not having time to deal with the issue (what seemingly inexplicable computer issue is ever resolved in a matter of minutes?!) I just left it and used phpMyAdmin that comes bundled with XAMPP, which is up to the job but which is a pain to use once you’re used to a native application like HeidiSQL.

Well, yesterday was the day to get to the bottom of the problem, and predictably it took me several hours to figure out.

I found a number of articles that referred to user privileges, client bugs, binding MySQL to the localhost IP address, some guy who was doing it wrong, another guy who must have been using machine translation to try to get his point across (I don’t envy the poor guy), and a guy who seemed to have the same problem as me (but didn’t).

I found the clue that solved my problem in the Navicat knowledge base (“2003 – Can’t connect to MySQL server on xxx (10061)“) that linked to the MySQL reference manual (“B.5.2.2 Can’t connect to [local] MySQL server“). Looking at the default XAMPP MySQL configuration file at /opt/lampp/etc/my.cnf I noticed the following:

# commented in by xampp security

I’m guessing that the XAMPP-provided script that I recall XAMPP suggesting you run after installation to plug a few security holes put that there. After I once again commented out “skip-networking” and restarted MySQL, HeidiSQL was able to connect. Considering I generally only run the local MySQL server for brief periods I don’t expect this to be a major security issue.

I am a happy camper once again. Hope this helps you too.

Posted in: IT.
Tagged: heidisql · mysql · phpmyadmin · server admin · xampp · xubuntu

With WAMP 2.2 serving Apache 2.2.21, MySQL 5.5.16 and PHP 5.3.8 on my Windows XP development machine, I can connect and manage my database via phpMyAdmin or any locally hosted PHP script using a DNS like «mysql:host=localhost;dbname=kwamjing«

When I try to connect to MySQL via a management tool like HeidiSQL or MySQL Query Browser I get

Error 2003 Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

Can a firewall block HeidiSQL from accessing but not PHP?


Looking at my active connections through netstat -an I see only the ipv6 loopback listening on 3306

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
  TCP                LISTENING
  TCP                LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP              LISTENING
  TCP              LISTENING
  TCP              LISTENING
  TCP    [::]:135               [::]:0                 LISTENING       0
  TCP    [::]:2869              [::]:0                 LISTENING       0
  TCP    [::]:3306              [::]:0                 LISTENING       0

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charles-001 opened this issue

Jul 11, 2019




Steps to reproduce this issue

  1. Configure HeidiSQL to use MySQL SSH tunnel
  2. Use PuTTY v0.71
  3. Receive error «Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ (10061)

Current behavior

HeidiSQL doesn’t work with PuTTY v0.71. I spent a good amount of time troubleshooting this issue because my company is moving towards an SSH solution and I had to figure out what the root issue was. Other previous versions of PuTTY work with HeidiSQL.

Also, this isn’t directly related but setting plink.exe timeout makes the entire connection take that much time regardless if it connects before specified timeout.

Expected behavior

It should connect :-)

Possible solution

Not sure what the root issue here is. Seems like HeidiSQL isn’t correctly communicating with plink because of a change in v0.71.


  • HeidiSQL version:
  • Database system and version:
  • Operating system:
    Windows 10


changed the title
MySQL SSH Tunnel Issue

MySQL SSH Tunnel Issue — plink v0.71 incompatibility

Jul 11, 2019


Please post the plink command line from the log panel here, of course with anonymized credentials. For me, plink 0.71 works good. My command line looks like this one:

C:Softwareplink.exe -ssh myuser@myhost -P 22 -i «C:Usersbecker.sshmykey.ppk» -N -L 3307:


Connecting to $server via Percona (SSH tunnel), username $db_user, using password: Yes …
SSL parameters successfully set.
Attempt to create plink.exe process, waiting 6s for response …
C:Program FilesPuTTYplink.exe -ssh $ssh_user@$ssh_server -P 22 -i «D:UsersDesktopkey.ppk» -N -L 3306:$database_server:3306
PLink: Using username «$ssh_user»
Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ (10061)
Closing plink.exe process #12384 …

I do not see «PLink: Using username «$ssh_user»» in the log panel when connecting with PLink v0.70 FYI


That «Using username…» is just a new output in the new plink version, should not matter.

Did you notice your local SSH tunnel port is set to 3306? The one in front of $database_server. You should try 3307 in the «SSH tunne» tab, at least if you have a local MySQL/MariaDB server installed.


I’ve tried numerous ports. Heidi will increment the port by 1 if it’s in-use anyway from what I’ve noticed.


Can you please open a command prompt and fire that plink command by hand, to see what happens? And afterwards try to connect with Heidi on / 3306.


It works fine if done manually by command prompt.


And Heidi does not say «Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’» with that plink in a command prompt?

If so, please check via taskmgr if the plink.exe process runs when you try again with Heidi’s built-in plink setup.


Whenever I ran plink via command prompt, it creates the tunnel. Here’s the verbose log output:

We claim version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Release_0.71
Remote version: SSH-2.0-SSHD-CORE-1.7.0
Using SSH protocol version 2
No GSSAPI security context available
Doing ECDH key exchange with curve nistp256 and hash SHA-256 (unaccelerated)
Host key fingerprint is:
ssh-rsa 2048 $hash
Initialised AES-256 SDCTR (AES-NI accelerated) outbound encryption
Initialised HMAC-SHA-256 (unaccelerated) outbound MAC algorithm
Initialised AES-256 SDCTR (AES-NI accelerated) inbound encryption
Initialised HMAC-SHA-256 (unaccelerated) inbound MAC algorithm
Reading key file «D:UsersDesktopkey.ppk»
Using username «sdfsfsdf@server».
Offered public key
Offer of public key accepted
Authenticating with public key «imported-openssh-key»
Sent public key signature
Access granted
Local port 3306 forwarding to $db_server:3306

I can then connect with Heidi on with no issue:

Opening connection to $db_server :3306 for forwarding from
Forwarded port closed


Any update on this, @ansgarbecker? Would like to be able to use latest PuTTY version.


No changes here yet.
But could you please verify this is still an issue with the latest build — 5621 is a bit old already.
Also, your plink output is different from mine — mine starts with a «Looking up host …» line. That may be due to you using a key which I don’t. Is that the original plink.exe from https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html ?


Ah and please activate «Debug messages» in Preferences > Logging before you try to connect. So we probably get some more details.


So.. after upgrading to to, I no longer have connection issues. That’s strange if it works when you didn’t change anything specifically for it. I’ll have others test and see if it works for them as well.



Ok, 5599 is the 10.2 release, but older than 5621 (the one you reported above), so there may be now other things not working for you.
Would be nice if you once again update, but to the latest build, through Help > Check for updates.


I’m now on and it still works. Will need to confirm w/ other people to see if it works for them as well.


Didn’t expect that, but.. cool :)
So I guess I can close this.
Thanks for your feedback!


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