Hygromatik парогенератор коды ошибок

Ремонт парогенераторов в хамаме

     Наш сервис центр оказывает услуги по ремонту парогенераторов. Если в вашем парогенераторе обнаружилась неисправность, наши специалисты в кратчайшие сроки выедут к вам, диагностируют поломку и проведут квалифицированный ремонт. Проведут профилактическую консультацию для избежания неисправностей в будущем.

Заявка на ремонт парогенератора

     Парогенераторы Harvia считаются одними из самых надежных при довольно доступной и демократичной стоимости, но плохое качество воды, несвоевременное или неквалифицированное обслуживание могут вывести из строя любое оборудование. Наши сотрудники ежедневно обслуживают и проводят ремонт парогенераторов Harvia. Как официальный дилер мы проводим гарантийный и постгарантийный ремонт.
     Парогенератор сложное и дорогостоящее устройство, поэтому самостоятельный ремонт может привести к тяжелым последствиям, но в отдельных случаях можно провести предварительно самостоятельную диагностику.

     При определенных поломках,  парогенератор способен диагностировать поломку самостоятельно, в этом случае на пульт управления выдается номер ошибки, значение ошибок описаны ниже.

   Коды ошибок парогенераторов Harvia:

0E:01 Разрыв в измерительной схеме датчика температуры. Проверьте электропроводку и качество соединения клемм с датчиком.
0E:02 Короткое замыкание в измерительной схеме датчика температуры. Проверьте электропроводку и качество соединения клемм с датчиком.
0E:03 Разрыв в измерительной схеме прибора для защиты от перегрева. Нажмите кнопку сброса на приборе для защиты от перегрева ( 2.10.). Проверьте электропроводку и качество соединения разъемов с датчиком прибора защиты от перегрева.
0E:05 Низкий уровень воды. Проверьте наличие воды в мерной чашке. Проверьте подачу воды*, электромагнитный клапан, дренажный клапан и датчик уровня.
0E:07 В баке осталась вода даже после его промывки и опорожнения. Проверьте наличие воды в мерной чашке. Проверьте дренажный клапан и датчик уровня воды.
0E:09 Нарушение соединения между панелью управления и парогенератором. Проверьте кабель и разъемы.
0E:10 После промывки бак пуст. Проверьте наличие воды в мерной чашке. Проверьте подачу воды*, электромагнитный клапан, дренажный клапан и датчик уровня.
0E:11 При запуске процесса наполнения бак полон (цикл запуска, остановки, промывки). Проверьте дренажный клапан и датчик уровня.
0E:13 Повышенная частота наполнения бака в течение пяти минут. Проверьте подачу воды*, расход воды* (таблица 1), электромагнитный клапан, дренажный клапан и датчик уровня.
0E:14 Не был достигнут достаточный уровень воды в течение 10 минут после включения устройства. Очистите мерную чашку и проверьте электропроводку.
0E:15 Не удается достичь достаточного уровня воды при испарении. Проверьте подачу воды* и дренажный клапан.

     Необходимо понимать, что не всегда описание ошибки соответствует действительности и неисправность может заключаться в совершенно другом. Кроме того необходимо устранять не только ошибку, а так же и причину ее появления. 

     Парогенераторы Sawo так же имеют систему самодиагностики и по номеру ошибки на дисплее парогенератора можно понять на что необходимо обратить внимание. Коды ошибок представлены в таблице ниже.

     Коды ошибок парогенераторов SAWO:

     E1 Температурный датчик 1 не подключен. Проверьте провод между датчиком и пультом управления. Если провода в порядке и правильно подсоединены, проверьте датчик. Если невозможно найти причину проблемы, обратитесь к продавцу оборудования. 
     E2 Короткое замыкание температурного датчика 1.  Проверьте провод между датчиком и пультом управления. Если провода в порядке и правильно подсоединены, проверьте датчик. Если невозможно найти причину проблемы, обратитесь к продавцу оборудования.
     E3 Температурный предохранитель неисправен. Проверьте провод между датчиком и пультом управления. Возможно, он перегрелся. Установите причину этого, прежде чем возобновить пользование сауной. Требуется новый датчик. Если невозможно найти причину проблемы, обратитесь к продавцу.
     E4 Температурный датчик 2 не подключен. Проверьте провод между стендовым датчиком и пультом управления. Если провода в порядке и правильно подсоединены, проверьте датчик. Нагреватель можно использовать, даже если работает только датчик 1, но для парообразователя нужны 2 датчика. Если нужен новый датчик или невозможно найти причину проблемы, обратитесь к продавцу оборудования.
     E5 Короткое замыкание температурного датчика 2. Проверьте провод между стендовым датчиком и пультом управления. Если провода в порядке и правильно подсоединены, проверьте датчик. Нагреватель можно использовать, даже если работает только датчик 1, но для парообразователя нужны 2 датчика. Если нужен новый датчик или невозможно найти причину проблемы, обратитесь к продавцу оборудования.
     E6 Неисправность комбинированного датчика температуры/влажности. Проверьте провод между стендовым датчиком и пультом управления. Если провода в порядке и правильно подсоединены, проверьте датчик. Нагреватель можно использовать, даже если работает только датчик 1, но для парообразователя нужны 2 датчика. Если нужен новый датчик или невозможно найти причину проблемы, обратитесь к продавцу оборудования.
     E7 Отказ канала связи. Проверьте кабель RJ12. Если там, где проходит кабель, есть много других кабелей, это может вызывать помехи. Если используется встроенная модель, снимите пульт управления. Протрите контакт штыревого разъема, чтобы удалить загрязнения. Снова установите пульт управления в нужное положение и убедитесь, что все 6 штыревых разъема как следует вставлены в контактное гнездо. Если невозможно найти причину проблемы, обратитесь к продавцу оборудования.
   E8 Температура превышает максимальную. Обратитесь к квалифицированному электрику или службе техобслуживания, прежде чем возобновить пользование сауной.

     Так же наша компания является авторизованным сервис-центром таких брендов как:

— Tylo,
— EOS,
— Hygromatik,
— Helo.

     Мы производим гарантийный и постгарантийный ремонт, монтаж и обслуживание всего оборудования под данными брендами. А так же поставляем оригинальные запчасти со склада и под заказ. У нас вы можете заказать выездную диагностику и ремонт, а так же самостоятельно привезти оборудование в наш сервис-центр в рабочее время.

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HYGROMATIK HeaterLine HL09-B инструкция по эксплуатации
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На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для HYGROMATIK HeaterLine HL09-B. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации HYGROMATIK HeaterLine HL09-B. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить HYGROMATIK HeaterLine HL09-B, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

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Related Manuals for HygroMatik FlexLine Series

Summary of Contents for HygroMatik FlexLine Series

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    Current version of this manual can be found at: www.hygromatik.co.uk HygroMatik GmbH grants the legal user of this product [or device] the right to use the Work(s) solely within the scope of the legitimate operation of the product [or device]. No other right is granted under this licence.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    1. Introduction ……………………5 1.1 Typographic Distinctions ………………..5 1.2 Documentation ……………………5 1.3 Symbols in Use ……………………. 5 1.3.1 Specific Symbols related to Safety Instructions …………. 5 1.3.2 General Symbols ………………….5 2. Safety Instructions ………………….7 2.1 Guidelines for Safe Operation ………………. 7 2.1.1 Scope ……………………..

  • Page 4
    5.6.1 Settings submenu ………………….29 5.6.2 Read values submenu ………………..30 5.6.3 History submenu ………………….32 5.7 Screen 3 — Main menu (operator level) …………….34 5.8 Operator level submenus ………………..34 5.8.1 Settings submenu ………………….35 5.8.2 Read values submenu ………………..35 5.8.3 Control submenu ………………….
  • Page 5: Introduction

    Retention Please retain these operating instructions in Dear Customer, a secure, always accessible location. If the Thank you for choosing a HygroMatik steam product is resold, turn the documentation generator. over to the new operator. If the documenta- tion is lost, please contact HygroMatik.

  • Page 6
    HygroMatik steam generator. Use for other applications is not permitted. All instructions on intended use, which are given in connec- tion with the basic device, apply. Proper usage also comprises the adherence to the conditions specified by HygroMatik for: • installation • dismantling •…
  • Page 7: Safety Instructions

    2. Safety Instructions These safety instructions are required by law. They promote workplace safety and accident Risk of material damage! prevention. The unit may be damaged if switched on repeatedly following a malfunction without 2.1 Guidelines for Safe Opera- prior repair. tion Rectify defects immediately! 2.1.1 Scope…

  • Page 8: Mounting, Dismantling, Maintenance And Repair Of The Unit

    Use only original fuses with the appropriate amperage rating. The HygroMatik steam humidifier is IP20 pro- Regularly check the unit‘s electrical equip- tected. Make sure that the unit is not object to ment. Promptly repair any damage such as dripping water in the mounting location.

  • Page 9: Description Of Control

    3. Description of control The relay boards are connected to the main- board via a plug system. 3.1 General description The DIN rail relays are connected via cables The control is integrated into the steam with plug. 2 additional relay modules can be humidifier and is operated via a 3.5″…

  • Page 10: Mainboard

    3.3 Mainboard The mainboard is «the heart» of the control. All logic functions and control operations for the steam humidifier are provided here. The relays for the control of the main contactor, solenoid valve and blow-down pump are included directly on the mainboard. Plugs for relay 1-4 connection…

  • Page 11: Connections On The Mainboard

    3.3.1 Connections on the mainboard System-side interfaces The use of the connections is illustrated by ST1: the wiring diagrams (see chapter 7) • 4-pin screw / plug connection for the Customer-side computer connection of L1 and N and the inter- interfaces lock (safety) system Inputs…

  • Page 12: Expansion Board (Double Cylinder Units)

    3.4 Expansion board (double cylinder units) ST08 ST1.2 DIPswiches CAN bus termination ST1.1 ST07 The DIP switches serve for CAN bus adress setting. They are factory preset according to the unit configuration. The jumper for the CAN bus termination is in the „ON“ position only on the lowest pc board of the assembly, i.e. the termination is then effective.

  • Page 13: Relay Circuit Board

    3.5 Relay circuit board A maximum of 2 relay boards can be installed. When 2 boards are in use, different The relay board has three additional relays CAN bus addresses must be set (see fig. with potential free break/make contacts (con- below).

  • Page 14: Electrical Connection

    3.6 Electrical connection lock, a make contact is required across terminals 1 and 2. This contact is supplied by relay K21. For energising the relay, a make contact or a bridge is required across the Danger of electric shock! additional terminals on the hat-top rail. Dangerous electric voltage! If the interlock (safety) system is open, the All work relating to the electrical installation…

  • Page 15: Step Operation

    3.6.3 1 step operation Terminal strip on ST08 The operation of the steam humidifier is con- Ext. controller trolled via terminals 3 and 5 by the contact which is to be provided on-site. The contact 0…20mA only has to be suitable for low voltage. Terminal strip on ST08 Terminals 4/6 on the mainboard (terminal strip on Make contact…

  • Page 16: Connecting The Digital Input (Di)

    3.6.5 Connecting the digital input (DI) 3.6.6 Wiring for control signal and release signal for multiple units The digital input on the mainboard can be used for switching functions. In the case of multiple units, separate humid- The digital input must be wired on-site in ifiers work together.

  • Page 17: Screen

    4. Screen Steam_actual_unit [lbs/h] Active area Icons for status display Active screen area Main display for operating values, navigation using the scroll keys Scroll buttons can be used to display the following operating values: • Humidity_actual_value [%] 1),2) • Humidity_set-value [%] ;…

  • Page 18
    Password „010“ -> operating functions of operator level (see Section 5.7) In the event of a fault or a service message, the relevant display field is shown instead of the HygroMatik logo. Touching it opens the unit info screen (see Sec- tion 5.9).
  • Page 19: Operation Of Control

    PLC, using the communication interface. Sup- plementary documentation is available from HygroMatik for this type of application. Screen views The operating structure uses several screens, which are schematically displayed in the table below.

  • Page 20
    Overview of the screens Content of screen page Presentation Sec. Screen 1 Used for the basic unit settings (e.g. user language) Initial operation after the unit is switched on for the first time. This 01:Initial operation page is then closed. To do so, use the confirmation tick to exit it.
  • Page 21: Screen 1 — Commissioning

    5.2 Screen 1 — Commissioning » Confirm the input and return to the «Initial operation» screen with the After connection to the mains supply and initial green tick in the top right (cancel by actuation of the control switch, the commis- touching «X») sioning screen for the basic device settings appears on the display once the self-test of the…

  • Page 22: Control Settings

    5.2.3 Control settings The initial operation is now complete. If the initial operation screen was exited with the The type of unit control is specified in the confirmation tick, the main screen is automat- next step. The screen offers the most com- ically shown in the display.

  • Page 23: Line-Up Of The Commisioning Parameters

    5.2.4 Line-up of the commisioning parameters Table of commissioning parameters 01: Comissioning No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Selection Selection of language Language…

  • Page 24: Screen 2 — Main Screen

    5.3 Screen 2 — Main screen and the dimmed state can be adjusted by the user, as well as the duration after which the main screen is changed to the dimmed state. The main menu of the user level and the operator level (screen 3) is accessed by touching the icon.

  • Page 25: Changing The Set Point Humidity

    Table of the read values available in the main screen and the humidity set value Main display Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Humidity_actual_value Read value Actual value [1] of rel.

  • Page 26: Password Entry

    5.4 Password entry The password determines if the main menu of the user level or the operator level is dis- played. The password codes in use are: Code 000: The main menu of the user level becomes accessible. However, it is sufficient to leave the password prompt with the green tick, without explicitly entering the code.

  • Page 27: Screen 3 — Main Menu (User Level)

    5.5 Screen 3 — Main menu (user Layout of screen page level) The input fields in which changes can be made After selecting the user level, the icons of the are shown in italics. Depending on the parame- submenus which are available to the user are ter, the input has to be made by: displayed: •…

  • Page 28
    Example 2:Setting the screen brightness Touch «Screen_brightness normal» on the screen to call up the input mask: Screen_brightness normal Max: 100 The screen brightness which is set is dis- played and can be changed by using the key- board. Save and return by touching the green tick, leave the input mask without changes by touching the «X».
  • Page 29: Settings Submenu

    5.6.1 Settings submenu Table of settings parameters 03: Settings No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Language Selection Selection of language see: 01-1 Language DD.MM.YY Set date…

  • Page 30: Read Values Submenu

    5.6.2 Read values submenu Read values table (visible on the user and the operator level) 04: Read_values No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Status_unit Read value Operating condition of unit…

  • Page 31
    Read value table (ctd.) 04: Read_values No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Read value Current steam output of the unit [4] in lbs/h Steam_actual_unit Steam_actual_cyl.
  • Page 32: History Submenu

    5.6.3 History submenu This submenu is identical on the user and the operator level. Explanation of history man- agement The control stores 10 sets of error messages on a rolling basis. Once there are 10 records, the oldest record is overwritten by a current entry.

  • Page 33
    Table of history layout No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term 1st fault_entry_date Read value 1st memory entry: date/time 1st fault_entry_message Read value 1st memory entry: fault message…
  • Page 34: Screen 3 — Main Menu (Operator Level)

    5.7 Screen 3 — Main menu (opera- 5.8 Operator level submenus tor level) By touching the respective icon, the operator accesses the screen page where the param- After the operator level has been selected by eters of the respective group are available for entering the corresponding password (code selection, viewing or for making changes.

  • Page 35: Settings Submenu

    The parameters available in the submenus are described in table form below (for expla- nations on the individual parameters see Glossary in Section 8). 5.8.1 Settings submenu Table of settings parameters (operator level) 03: Settings No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary …

  • Page 36: Control Submenu

    5.8.3 Control submenu Table of control parameters 05: Control No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Selection Combinations of control type and input signal type/range Control_settings see: 01-4 Control_settings Steam_output_max.

  • Page 37: Service Submenu

    5.8.4 Service submenu When the service message was triggered for one of the main contactors, it is advisable to check the meter reading for the remaining Monitoring and service mes- main contactors. sages Monitoring The wear components of the unit and the sta- tus of the steam cylinder(s) are monitored The FlexLine control permanently monitors continuously when the unit is in operation.

  • Page 38
    Table of service parameters 06: Service No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Steam_amount_service 65535 Preset steam volume (see [33]) in short ton. until service message is triggered Selection Reset steam volume counter for cylinder 1 …
  • Page 39: History Submenu Procedure for parameter USB connector on mainboard update The information below explains how to work with the «Update_function» parameter (see parameter row 26 in the table above). The update function makes it possible to overwrite parameter settings with a parame- ter set which is saved on an external USB flash drive.

  • Page 40: Blow-Down Submenu

    5.8.6 Blow-down submenu Table of blow-down parameters 08: Blow-down No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Full_blow-down_correction Correction value for frequency of full blow-down («+» = more frequently, «-» = less frequently) …

  • Page 41: Fill Parameters Submenu

    5.8.7 Fill parameters submenu Table of fill parameters 09: Filling No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Filling_pulsed Selection The filling process is not continuous, but intermittent …

  • Page 42: Functions Submenu

    5.8.8 Functions submenu Table of function parameters 10: Functions No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Standby-heating Selection The standby heating [16] keeps the water in the cylinder warm if no demand [5] is present Deactivated Standby heating [16] switched off…

  • Page 43
    Function parameters (ctd.) No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Pump_off The blow-down pump is not actuated (M) Pump_on The blow-down pump is actuated (M) Part._blow-down A partial blow-down [21] is taking place (M)
  • Page 44: Communication Interface Submenu

    The MODBUS-RTU Protocol is used to trans- mit the control commands (separate docu- mentation this available from HygroMatik). Table of communication interface parameters 11: Communication No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary …

  • Page 45: Weekly Timer Submenu

    5.8.10 Weekly timer submenu The weekly timer is used to program two switching time ranges per day of the week, each defined by «Start time» and «End time». A humidity target value can be assign to each switching time range. The activation of the timer can be carried out in the «Functions»…

  • Page 46: Recording Submenu

    5.8.11 Recording submenu By looking at parameter „Saving_status“ (4) the status of the saving procedure can be checked. „Activated“ means that writing to The control can record 10 data sets internally the memory stick is underway. on a rolling basis (Recording submenu, Erasing of the complete memory is achieved parameter 1 set to „On“).

  • Page 47
    Table of recording functions 16: Recording No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Recording Selection Recording [93] of parameter sets Deactivated No recording Activated…
  • Page 48: Cylinder Extension Submenu

    5.8.12 Cylinder extension submenu The icon is only visible in the main menu if a cylinder extension board is present. Table of control input parameters 17: Cylinder_extension No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary …

  • Page 49: Relay Extension 1 Submenu

    5.8.13 Relay extension 1 submenu The icon is only visible in the main menu if Relay 5 relay extension 1 has been activated in the functions submenu. The assignment of the respective relays and the function definition Relay 6 of the digital input present on the relay card can be made here.

  • Page 50: Relay Extension 2 Submenu

    5.8.14 Relay extension 2 submenu Relay 8 Relay 9 The icon is only visible in the main menu if relay extension 2 has been activated in the functions submenu. The assignment of the Relay 10 respective relays and the function definition of the digital input present on the relay card can be made here.

  • Page 51
    After an error or a status message has occurred, a display which provides informa- tion about the type of message appears in the main screen instead of the HygroMatik logo. The content of the message is described in Section 6.
  • Page 52
    Entries on the unit info screen 02: Information No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Fault_message_unit Read value List of possible unit fault messages No_fault No fault Plug_ST09…
  • Page 53
    Entries on the unit info screen (ctd.) No. Parameter Adjustment/value range Meaning/Comment Factory setting (FS) Bold [ ] explains the term in the glossary  [ ] refers to a related explanation of the term Fault_message_cyl. 2 Read value List of possible fault messages for cylinder 2 (see Fault_message_unit) see: 02-2 Fault_message_cyl.
  • Page 54: Faults And Warnings

    The relevant display field is then The majority of fault messages is additionally shown instead of the HygroMatik logo. The accompanied by the flashing of one or more display field shows a warning symbol, the icons, allowing for a first limitation of the „Fault“…

  • Page 55
    These icons Fault message Possible cause Countermeasure flash Internal • Main board is defec- • Replace mainboard tive • Solenoid valve or wa- • Clean water supply Filling_valve 1 Filling_valve 1 a. 2 ter supply line conta- line and/or solenoid Filling was not successful, minated or defective valve;…
  • Page 56
    These icons Fault message Possible cause Countermeasure flash Part._blow-down • Blow-down pump is Full_blow-down not driven Blow-down_dilution(only — electrical wiring is not — Check wiring and re- ELDB) o.k. place, if required Max._current_blow-down — Mainboard relay is — Measure voltage on (only ELDB) not energised mainboard terminal 10…
  • Page 57
    These icons Fault message Possible cause Countermeasure flash Main_contactor_current • Main contactor con- • Replace main con- (only ELDB) tact sticks tactor A current is measured though the main contactor is not driven. • Main contactor con- • Replace main con- Main_contactor_cyl._full (only ELDB) tact sticks…
  • Page 58
    These icons Fault message Possible cause Countermeasure flash Max.-level (only HKDB) • Excessive air pres- • Reduce air pres- sure in duct has impact sure, check steam Water level has reached its on water in steam cyl- hose for blockages maximum 5x in one single inder via steam hose.
  • Page 59
    These icons Fault message Possible cause Countermeasure flash • Heater element is de- • Measure heater ele- Steam_down_time only fective ment resistance; re- HKDB) place heater element, The heaters are supplied if required. Nominal re- with current, but water level sistance values are: doesnot change.
  • Page 60: Service Messages And Warnings

    6.2 Service messages and war- nings Service messages and warnings are shown on the main screen in place of the HygroMa- tik logo, when the cause has occured. When tipping the display field, the unit info screen is shown with the messages in plain text. Mainscreen Message Possible cause…

  • Page 61: Table Of Functional Disruptions

    6.3 Table of functional disrup- tions Problem Possible cause for faulty situation Countermeasure • Output limitation parameter setting im- • Check „Steam_output_max. “ Set humidity level not reached peds full power output parameter setting („Control“ submenu, line 2) • Nominal unit output insufficient •…

  • Page 62
    Problem Possible cause for faulty situation Countermeasure • Cylinder improperly reassembled follow- • Clean cylinder and assemble / Water collects on bottom plate ing maintenance: install properly — O-ring not replaced, defective or not in place — Flange (tongue and groove) damaged — Flange improperly composed — Mineral deposits in flange area •…
  • Page 63
    Problem Possible cause for faulty situation Countermeasure • Steam cylinder and/or drainage system • Clean cylinder base and/or Blow-down pump works but no wa- blocked drainage system, respectively ter is drained • Vent pipe is blocked • Clean venting bore; replace Cylinder is fully drained after par- vent pipe, if required…
  • Page 64
    Problem Possible cause for faulty situation Countermeasure • • Flashover/sparks Very high water conductivity resulting in Deactivate unit immediately in cylinder(only massive electrode burn-off as indicated to prevent material damage ELDB) by brown-black deposits Perform maintenance: — replace electrodes with high conductivity type — clean steam cylinder — check water quality and con-…
  • Page 65: Wiring Diagramms

    7. Wiring Diagramms 7.1 FLE Single cylinder units Page 65…

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  • Page 71: Fle Double Cylinder Units

    7.2 FLE Double cylinder units Page 71…

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  • Page 77: Flh Single Cylinder Units

    7.3 FLH Single cylinder units Page 77…

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  • Page 81: Flh Double Cylinder Units

    7.4 FLH Double cylinder units Page 81…

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  • Page 83: Flp Single Cylinder Units

    7.5 FLP Single cylinder units Page 83…

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  • Page 87: Flp Process Single Cylinder Units

    7.6 FLP Process single cylinder units Page 87…

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  • Page 91: Glossary

    Modbus is a communications protocol for serial data transmission for the remote control of units, which is widely used in industry. HygroMatik controls use the MODBUS — RTU (remote terminal unit) variant. Separate documentation is available upon request from HygroMatik.

  • Page 92
    Glossary ctd. (1) Term [Index] Explanation Overcurrent blow-down Depending on the selection of the  Control curve , the current is increased to 128% or 113% of the nominal current during a cold start, in order to achieve a quick start characteristic. When the respective current value has been reached, the overcurrent blow-down is started causing the nominal current to revert to the normal value (only for …
  • Page 93
    Glossary ctd. (2) Term [Index] Explanation Overcurrent blow-down Depending on the selection of the  Control curve , the current is increased to 128% or 113% of the nominal current during a cold start, in order to achieve a quick start characteristic. When the respective current value has been reached, the overcurrent blow-down is started causing the nominal current to revert to the normal value (only for …
  • Page 94
    Glossary ctd. (3) Term [Index] Explanation Output signal Signal 0… 10 V on terminals 12 and 13 (GND), which is proportional to the input signal. Can be used to control downstream units. Input signal The electrical signal fed to the control at the ST08 plug of the mainboard or the ST05 plug of the relay board. Depending on the signal characteristic (Voltage, current or resistivity progress), a certain pin of the corresponding plug is used.
  • Page 95
    Glossary ctd. (4) Term [Index] Explanation Power section 100 That part of the unit that makes the energy conversion from the curent supplied into steam output Load shedding 101 Load shedding can be set up by assigning the  Function_digital_input [98] «Power limitation» to the …
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  • Page 97: Technical Data

    9. Technical Data Page 97…

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    Lise-Meitner-Str.3 • D-24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg Telefon 04193/ 895-0 • Fax -33 eMail hy@hygromatik.de • www.hygromatik.de member of CAREL Group Ein Unternehmen der Gruppe 100%…

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