Install ui organizer ошибка

Hi I am having a lot of trouble getting UIO to work properly. 

I have started with a clean install of FNV, a legitimate copy from Steam,  and added only 3 mods, Darn UI, OneHUD, and the MCM. I followed a Gopher video on how to install these with MO so I am fairly certain they are installed correctly.  

When I get to the step of installing UIO, I follow the exact steps in the video, yet the extra HUD options such as clock and needs do not appear, as if I have not installed UIO at all. I want to continue with the guide but I need to make sure this is working first. I have tried with an old save and with a new game, same result. Any help is greatly appreciated.

This is my UIO log if that helps:

*** UI Organizer (v1.31) initializing ***

NVSE version = 04050070

fallout root = D:GamesSteamsteamappscommonFallout New Vegas

Documents root = C:Users*USER*Documents

* Darnified UI detected.


*** Checking supported files ***


>>>>> Processing file: privatesupported.txt

> Checking: advreconhud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: arwenfatigue_hud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: arwenstrain_hud.xml

+ Adding: arwenstrain_hud.xml to: hudmainmenu

> Checking: cyberiandawncyberiandawnhud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: directorschairdirectorschair.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: fairypackfairypack_hud.xml

+ Adding: fairypackfairypack_hud.xml to: hudmainmenu

> Checking: filmgraineffect.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: flashlight_battery.xml

+ Adding: flashlight_battery.xml to: hudmainmenu

> Checking: fwwweaponwheel.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: grenadehotkeyhud.xml

+ Adding: grenadehotkeyhud.xml to: hudmainmenu

> Checking: hudehud_e.xml

+ Adding: hudehud_e.xml to: hudmainmenu

> Checking: imcnnvimp.xml

+ Adding: imcnnvimp.xml to: hudmainmenu

> Checking: jazzisparisccchud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: jazzisparisfiringmodehud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: jazzisparisftahud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: jazzisparisheatmeterhud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: jetpackb3jetpack_hud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: jetpackb3jetpack_hud(darn).xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: meleehotkeymeleehotkey.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: neotropicneotropic_hud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: neotropicneotropicweapondisplay_hud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: pelinorquicktrade.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: pelinorselectivefire.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: pnxpnxeohud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: pnxpnxhud.xml

! Conditions evaluated as False > Skipping.

> Checking: ppappa_hud.xml

+ Adding: ppappa_hud.xml to: hudmainmenu

> Checking: primaryneedshud.xml

+ Adding: primaryneedshud.xml to: hudmainmenu

> Checking: radarradarhud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: rangefinder.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: scsc_hud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: veravera.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: wmmwmmtrigger.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: wmmwmm.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: mcmmcm.xml

+ Adding: mcmmcm.xml to: startmenu

> Checking: pnxpnximplants.xml

! File not found > Skipping.


*** Checking menu files ***


>>>>> Processing file: menusbarter_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menuscompanion_wheel_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menuschargenrace_sex_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menusmaininventory_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menusmainmap_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menuschargenchar_gen_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menuscontainer_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menussleep_wait_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menusitem_mod_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menuslevelup_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menusdialogdialog_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menusmessage_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menusquantity_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menusrecipe_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menusrepair_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menusrepair_services_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menusvats_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menustutorial_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.

>>>>> Processing file: menusmainhud_main_menu.xml

+ Appending reference: arwenstrain_hud.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: imcnnvimp.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: grenadehotkeyhud.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: flashlight_battery.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: fairypackfairypack_hud.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: hudehud_e.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: ppappa_hud.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: primaryneedshud.xml to: hudmainmenu

> Patching file:

* Saving backup: D:GamesSteamsteamappscommonFallout New Vegasdatamenusmainhud_main_menu.xml.uio

>>>>> Processing file: menusmainstats_menu.xml

ERROR: Could not decode XML file > Aborting.

>>>>> Processing file: menusoptionsstart_menu.xml

— Removing broken/duplicate reference: includes_startmenu.xml

+ Appending reference: mcmmcm.xml to: startmenu

> Patching file:

* Saving backup: D:GamesSteamsteamappscommonFallout New Vegasdatamenusoptionsstart_menu.xml.uio


*** Checking INI file ***


>>>>> Processing file: Fallout.ini

* File does not require any patching.


*** Exiting game: Undoing changes ***


> Restoring file: D:GamesSteamsteamappscommonFallout New Vegasdatamenusmainhud_main_menu.xml

> Restoring file: D:GamesSteamsteamappscommonFallout New Vegasdatamenusoptionsstart_menu.xml

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(FNV) Popup keeps telling me to install a UI organizer even though I already have one?

Quite recently Vortex wouldn’t let me download any mods. Eventually the issue fixed itself but not before I deleted a few and reinstalled them to see if they were causing issues somehow. Unfortunately one of those mods was UIO and now even though its back and installed I keep getting the popup «Install UI Organizer».

I manually installed the mod myself and still nothing happened. Any ideas?

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Posted 14 May 2018 — 07:50 pm



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Hello all,

When I attempt to install UIO through the NMM, it gives me «an exception has occurred in the script».

I figured, whatever, guess I’ll just download it manually.  So I do so, then load up NV.  Everything seems to be running fine so whatever.
I proceed to download Fallout Character Overhaul, and then install it.  After clicking through the options relating to patches and specific mods and other things, i hit okay and it gives me «an exception has occurred in the script».

And considering FCO needs UIO and New Vegas Script Extender to work, I imagine that either UIO is installing incorrectly, or I installed NVSE incorrectly.

So I check if NVSE is working, using the console command GetNVSEVersion I get Version 5.  I dont particularly know if that’s the problem or not.

I double checked UIO as well, and the files are in the proper places.

If any1 has some solutions, I would very much appreciate it.

Thank you.

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Posted 15 May 2018 — 12:24 am


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As of 08 May 2018, the Nexus has changed some site security to come into compliance with the new «European Union General Data Protection Regulation» (EU GDPR) rules.  This breaks older versions of NMM and is usually reported as being «blocked by the Windows firewall».  You will need to update it from «GitHub» or this «NMM download page».  Check the version numbers between those sites and use the latest (v0.65.4 at this time).  Please see [http://www.nexusmods…egas/news/13481 this site news article] for details.

A Working fix (confirmed) to login to Nexus with MO or older NMM versions is available in this Reddit thread:
«classic login fix».  EU users note: this «fix» reverts to using the older unsecure API at a fixed IP address and thus negates the EU GDPR standard.  It could get shutdown 25 May as that is the EU deadline for compliance and Nexus is hosted in the United Kingdom.  Use at your own risk.


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Posted 15 May 2018 — 02:58 pm



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Thanks :)

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Posted 15 May 2018 — 03:16 pm



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So I did all of that stuff, or at least the ones that seemed pertinent.
The mod User Interface Organizer is still sending me the «An exception occurred in the script» when attempting to install it from NMM.

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Posted 16 May 2018 — 02:08 am


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Did you update or try the «workaround»?

Please see the section on that mod in the wiki «HUD-UI-Menu issues» article.  You may need to manually install.

Edit: Just after posting this found another user had posted even after updating NMM:

All you gotta do is Run NMM as Administrator, go to Settings, and «Add Shell Extensions for Supported File Types». Then just restart NMM.


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Posted 16 May 2018 — 10:07 am



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Did you update or try the «workaround»?

Please see the section on that mod in the wiki «HUD-UI-Menu issues» article.  You may need to manually install.

Edit: Just after posting this found another user had posted even after updating NMM:

All you gotta do is Run NMM as Administrator, go to Settings, and «Add Shell Extensions for Supported File Types». Then just restart NMM.


It works. Thanks :)

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Application error


Platform win32 10.0.17134
Architecture x64
Application Version 0.16.15
Process renderer


String exception: The installer «UIO — User Interface (md5: b865fefc3c428c4bf98b70d8856071a6)» failed: unknown error: { Error: Could not find a part of the path ‘C:UsersAnais.WRITERAppDataRoamingVortexfalloutnvmodsUIO — User Interface Organizer-57174-1-31.installingfomodscript.cs’.
Message: ‘Could not find a part of the path ‘C:UsersAnais.WRITERAppDataRoamingVortexfalloutnvmodsUIO — User Interface Organizer-57174-1-31.installingfomodscript.cs’.’,
Data: {},
InnerException: null,
TargetSite: {},
StackTrace: ‘ at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)rn at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)rn at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)rn at System.IO.File.InternalReadAllBytes(String path, Boolean checkHost)rn at FomodInstaller.Interface.Mod.<>c__DisplayClass6.b__4()rn at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()rn— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —rn at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()rn at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)rn at FomodInstaller.Interface.Mod.d__8.MoveNext()rn— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —rn at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()rn at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)rn at FomodInstaller.Interface.Mod.d__1.MoveNext()rn— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —rn at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()rn at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)rn at FomodInstaller.ModInstaller.Installer.d__a.MoveNext()rn— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —rn at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()rn at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)rn at FomodInstaller.ModInstaller.InstallerProxy.d__16.MoveNext()’,
HelpLink: null,
Source: ‘mscorlib’,
HResult: -2147024893,
message: ‘Could not find a part of the path ‘C:UsersAnais.WRITERAppDataRoamingVortexfalloutnvmodsUIO — User Interface Organizer-57174-1-31.installingfomodscript.cs’.’,
name: ‘System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException’ }

Reported by: PuggerWaifu

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