Инвертор bonfiglioli ошибки

  • Ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI
  • Ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI в сервисном центре
  • Настройка частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI, программирование
  • Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI Synplus
  • Частотный преобразователь BONFIGLIOLI, скачать инструкции по эксплуатации
  • Сброс ошибок частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI
  • Схемы подключения частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI
  • Оставить заявку на ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI

Ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI

Ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLIРемонт частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI, впрочем, как и ремонт частотников других производителей имеет ряд особенностей в силу своего конструктива. Частотные преобразователи, точнее их начинка делятся на две части:

  • Аппаратная часть,
  • Программная часть.

Частотники данного производителя не являются исключением из правил, именно поэтому ремонт частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI имеет точно такой же ряд особенностей, как и у других преобразователей.

Диагностировать ту или иную неисправность помогают коды ошибок частотного преобразователя, которые отображаются на небольшом дисплее, расположенном на лицевой панели привода. Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI в зависимости от серии описаны в инструкции, пользователя которые можно скачать с нашего сайта.

Ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI, как и любых других преобразователей, выпущенных под другими брендами, всегда начинается с аппаратной части, после успешного ремонта аппаратной части наступает очередь программной.

Настройка частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI также прописана в инструкции завода производителя, для каждой серии частотных преобразователей настройка будет индивидуальной, так как каждая линейка преобразователей решает свои собственные задачи, этим обусловливается широкая номенклатура данного промышленного оборудования.

Ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI в сервисном центре

Ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLIКомпания «Кернел» производит ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI в Астаре с 2002 года. За время существования компании наши сотрудники накопили колоссальный опыт в ремонте преобразователей частоты такого известного производителя как BONFIGLIOLI. Ремонт подобного промышленного оборудования ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.

Специалисты нашего сервисного центра максимальное внимание уделяют качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке промышленных преобразователей частоты, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на все выполненные работы шесть месяцев.

Ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI в Астаре производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного диагностического оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

В случае выхода из строя преобразователя частоты на вашем производстве либо появились проблемы с приводом, которые вы не можете решить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Специалисты нашего сервисного центра в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику с последующим ремонтом частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI.

Инженеры сервисного центра выполняют качественный ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI в Астаре всех серий, когда-либо выпускаемых компанией.


ACU210-01, ACU210-03, ACU210-05, ACU210-07, ACU210-09, ACU210-11, ACU210-13, ACU210-15, ACU210-18, ACU210-21


AGL402-02 1, AGL402-03 1, AGL402-05 1, AGL402-07 1, AGL402-09, AGL402-11 1, AGL402-13 1, AGL402-15 2, AGL402-18 2, AGL402-19 2


ANG210-11, ANG210-19, ANG410-09, ANG410-18, ANG410-25, ANG410-37, ANG510-55, ANG510-61, ANG610-53, ANG610-59


ACT401-05, ACT401-07,  ACT401- 09, ACT401- 11, ACT401-12, ACT401- 13, ACT401-15, ACT401-22, ACT401-25, ACT401-33


LMD037-Y1 1, LMD037-Y2 1, LMD037-D1 1, LMD037-D2 1, LMD075-Y1 1, LMD075-D2 1, LMD150-Y1 1, LMD300-D1 1


VCB400-010, VCB400-014, VCB400-018, VCB400-025, VCB400-034, VCB400-045, VCB400-060, VCB400-075, VCB400-115, VCB400-180


SYN10 S 220 01 AF, SYN10 S 220 07 AF, SYN10 S 220 09 AF, SYN10 T 400 05 AF, SYN10 T 400 07 AF, SYN10 T 400 09 AF


SPL200-03F, SPL200-07F, SPL200-11F, SPL200-13F, SPL400-11F, SPL400-13F, SPL400-17F, SPL400-19F, SPL400-21F, SPL400-23F


S2U230S-02 (1), S2U230S-03 (1), S2U230S-07 (1), S2U230S-11 (2), S2U230S-13 (2)


S2U230S-07 F IP66 (1), S2U230S-13 F IP66 (2), S2U400T-07 F IP66 (1), S2U400T-18 F IP66 (2), S2U400T-21 F IP66 (3), S2U400T-25 IP66 (3)


AEC401-19, AEC401-22, AEC401-25, AEC401-29, AEC401-33, AEC401-37, AEC401-43, AEC401-45, AEC401-47, AEC401-49

В данной таблице присутствуют далеко не все частотные преобразователи и сервопривода BONFIGLIOLI ремонт которых предлагает наш сервисный центр.

Настройка частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI, программирование

Ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLIНастройка частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI (программирование) происходит в рамках установленных производителем правил, существует общий алгоритм по программированию (настройке частотных преобразователей), относящийся ко всем производителям данного промышленного оборудования. Ниже представлена пошаговая инструкция по настройке частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI.

  • Выбор режима управления приводом BONFIGLIOLI (управление по показанию датчиков, дистанционное управление, дистанционное управление).
  • В случае использования отдельного (выносного) монитора, настраивается вывод на него технической информации.
  • Далее определяем конфигурацию подключения серводвигателя. На данной стадии задаются такие параметры как- возможность применения обратной связи либо без ее применения, а в память блока заносятся данные по: величине крутящего момента, мощности потребителей, номинальное значения частоты, напряжение, ток и скорости вращения ротора.Ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI
  • Программируется минимально допустимая величина напряжения и частоты, а также время ускорения ротора от ноля до номинального значения.
  • И в завершении, в программу управления частотным преобразователем BONFIGLIOLI вносятся функциональные данные со значениями отдельных клемм и особенностями сигналов. Отмечаются действия оборудования, выполняющиеся автоматически при отсутствии информации поступающей в оперативном режиме с датчика.

В некоторых частотниках существует пункт наличия/отсутствия фильтра в цепи питания двигателя. Этот пункт отвечает за подключение различных видов нагрузок, в том случае, когда возможно выбрать нормальное или инверсное изменение частоты при повышении уровня сигнала обратной связи.

Все настройки частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI приведены в технической документации ниже в удобном формате (PDF) который можно скачать на свой компьютер, распечатать или просто открыть на нашем сайте.

Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI Synplus

Ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLIВ процессе работы выходит из строя даже самое надежное промышленное оборудование. В данной статье мы приведем ошибки частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI, а точнее BONFIGLIOLI Synplus. Частотники в наше время нашли широкое применения в абсолютно всех сферах промышленности управляя как мини моторами в оргтехнике, так и гигантскими двигателями в горнодобывающей промышленности.

Для простоты общения со столь сложной электроникой все частотные преобразователи оснащены небольшими дисплеями с помощью которых выводятся информационные сообщения с кодами ошибок, расшифровав которые можно сразу же узнать причину ее возникновения. Если учесть распространенность данной промышленной электроники, то появляется острая нужда в расшифровке кодов ошибок частотных преобразователей. В этой статье мы рассмотрим одного из самых известных производителей промышленной электроники имеющему уважение во всем мире, BONFIGLIOLI.

Существует несколько видов ошибок, некоторые из них можно устранить автоматически, а некоторые возможно исправить только, обратившись в специализированный сервисный центр. В таблицах ниже приведены коды ошибок частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI и их расшифровка.

Ошибки частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI Synplus которые невозможно сбросить вручную.

Код ошибки





Программная ошибка

Влияние внешних помех

Установите параллельно катушке магнитного контактора, который вызывает помехи, RC импульсный поглотитель



Дефект внутренней памяти

EEPROM преобразователя

Заменить EEPROM


В состоянии останова напряжение слишком велико

Повреждение внутренней измерительной цепи

Вернуть частотный преобразователь для ремонта


В состоянии останова напряжение слишком мало

  • Напряжение в питающей сети ниже, чем нужно
  • Вышли из строя ограничивающий резистор или внутренние предохранители
  • Повреждение внутренней измерительной цепи
  • Проверить корректность напряжения источника питания
  • Заменить ограничивающий резистор или предохранитель
  • Вернуть частотный преобразователь для ремонта


В состоянии останова частотный преобразователь перегревается

  • Повреждение внутренней измерительной цепи
  • Температура окружающей среды слишком высокая или осуществляется плохая вентиляция
  • Вернуть частотный преобразователь для ремонта
  • Улучшите условия вентиляции


Токовый датчик сигнализирует ошибку

Ошибка токового датчика или повреждение внутренней цепи

Вернуть частотный преобразователь для ремонта

Ошибки частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI Synplus которые можно сбросить вручную или автоматически.

Код ошибки





Перегрузка по току при старте

  • Межвитковое замыкание или замыкание на корпус в двигателе
  • Замыкание фазных контактов с контактом земли в двигателе
  • Повреждения силового IGBT модуля
  • Проверьте двигатель
  • Проверьте кабель
  • Замените транзисторный модуль


Перегрузка по току при замедлении

1. Установленное время замедления слишком маленькое

Установите большее время замедления


Перегрузка по току при разгоне

  • Установленное время разгона слишком маленькое
  • Мощность двигателя больше мощности частотного преобразователя
  • Межвитковое замыкание или замыкание на корпус в двигателе
  • Замыкание фазных контактов с контактом земли в двигателе
  • Повреждения силового IGBT модуля
  • Установите большее время разгона
  • Замените частотный преобразователь на преобразователь с той же мощностью, что и двигатель
  • Проверьте двигатель
  • Проверьте кабель
  • Замените транзисторный модуль


Перегрузка по току при фиксированной скорости

  • Кратковременное изменение нагрузки
  • Кратковременное изменение мощности
  • Увеличьте мощность частотного преобразователя
  • Проведите процедуру авто настройки снова (параметр 0-06= 1)
  • Уменьшите сопротивление статора (параметр 14-0), если вышеприведенные средства не помогли


Слишком высокое напряжение при работе/ замедлении

  • Установленное время замедления слишком маленькое или вращаемые массы инерционны
  • Напряжение питания меняется в больших пределах
  • Установите большее время замедления
  • Установите тормозной резистор или тормозной модуль
  • Добавьте линейный дроссель на вход частотного преобразователя
  • Увеличьте мощность частотного преобразователя


Превышение скорости при работе

  • Нагрузка двигателя слишком высокая или мощность преобразователя слишком низкая
  • Ошибка в параметре двигателя (при векторном режиме)
  • Слишком большое усиление при векторном режиме управления
  • Повреждение токовой измерительной цепи
  • Увеличьте время разгона/ замедления
  • Введите корректное значение параметра двигателя
  • Измените сопротивление статора и сопротивление ротора (параметры 14-0, 14-1), рекомендуется уменьшение 50~100 до 0
  • Вернуть частотный преобразователь для ремонта


Внезапная остановка работы ЦПУ

Влияние помех извне

Вернуть частотный преобразователь для ремонта, если данная ошибка часто повторяется.

Ошибки частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI Synplus которые возможно сбросить вручную.

Код ошибки





Перегруз по току в состоянии останова

  • Повреждение внутренней измерительной цепи
  • Плохое соединение кабеля СТ
  • Проверьте уровень взаимных наводок между входной и выходной силовой цепью частотного преобразователя
  • Вернуть частотный преобразователь для ремонта


Перегрузка двигателя

  • Тяжелая нагрузка
  • Некорректная установка параметров 0-02, 9-08~11
  • Увеличьте мощность двигателя
  • Сделайте корректные уставки параметров 0-02, 9-08~11


Перегрузка частотного преобразователя

Тяжелая нагрузка

Увеличьте мощность частотного преобразователя


Перегрузка по моменту

  • Тяжелая нагрузка
  • Некорректная установка параметров 9-14, 9-15
  • Увеличьте мощность частотного преобразователя
  • Сделайте корректные уставки параметров 9-14, 9-15


Слишком низкое напряжение при работе

  • Напряжение питания слишком низкое
  • Напряжение питания меняется в больших пределах
  • Улучшите качество источника питания или увеличьте уставку параметра 2-01
  • Установите большее время разгона
  • Увеличьте мощность частотного преобразователя
  • Добавьте линейный дроссель на вход частотного преобразователя


При работе температура радиатора слишком высокая

  • Тяжелая нагрузка
  • Температура окружающей среды слишком высокая или плохие условия вентиляции
  • Проверьте, нет ли каких- либо проблем с нагрузкой
  • Увеличьте мощность частотного преобразователя
  • Улучшите условия вентиляции

Преобразователь частоты разработан таким образом, что он пытается избежать аварийных отключений путем ограничения момента, перенапряжения и т.п. Появление сбоев при вводе в эксплуатацию или вскоре после него обычно свидетельствует о неверной настройке или неправильном подключении. Возникновение неисправностей или проблем после длительного режима бесперебойной работы обычно происходит по причине изменений в системе или ее окружении (например, в результате износа).

Полный список всех возможных ошибок частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI можно посмотреть и скачать в файлах ниже.

Частотный преобразователь BONFIGLIOLI, скачать инструкции по эксплуатации

Ниже вы можете скачать руководства по эксплуатации частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI

Частотный преобразователь BONFIGLIOLI LMD инструкция

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Частотный преобразователь BONFIGLIOLI VCB инструкция

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Частотный преобразователь BONFIGLIOLI Synplus инструкция

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Частотный преобразователь BONFIGLIOLI Synthesis инструкция

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Частотный преобразователь BONFIGLIOLI Actyv agile инструкция

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Частотный преобразователь BONFIGLIOLI Actyv cube инструкция

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Сброс ошибок частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI

Ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLIКомпания «Кернел» производит ремонт промышленной электроники и оборудования с 2002 года. За это время мы накопили колоссальный опыт в том числе опыт в ремонте частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI. Ремонт подобной промышленной электроники ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.

Специалисты нашего сервисного центра уделяют максимальное внимание к качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке промышленного преобразователя частоты, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на все выполненные работы шесть месяцев.

Ремонт частотных преобразователей производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

Если на вашем производстве появились проблемы с частотным преобразователем, которые вы не можете решить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Обращайтесь в сервисный центр «Кернел». Специалисты нашей компании в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику и последующий ремонт частотного преобразователя. Оставьте заказ на ремонт оборудования используя форму на сайте, либо свяжетесь с нашими менеджерами, сделать это очень просто.

Схемы подключения частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI

Схемы подключений частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI могут отличатся друг от друга даже если эти преобразователи относятся ко одной линейке. Схема подключения преобразователя зависит от многих факторов таких как потребляемая частотным преобразователем нагрузка или питающая сеть к которой подключается частотник 200V – 380V и конечно же зависит от CPU в паре, с которым предполагается работа преобразователя.

Ниже приведены схемы подключения частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI:

Схема подключения частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI Synplus

Схема подключения частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI Synthesis

Схема подключения частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI Synplus

Схема подключения частотного преобразователя BONFIGLIOLI Synthesis

Оставьте заявку на ремонт промышленного оборудования используя форму на сайте, либо свяжетесь с нашими менеджерами, сделать это очень просто.

Оставить заявку на ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI

У вас вышел из строя частотник? Вам необходим срочный ремонт частотных преобразователей BONFIGLIOLI в Астаре? Оставьте заявку на ремонт нажав на одноименную кнопку в верхней правой части экрана либо свяжитесь с нашими менеджерами. Связаться с ними можно несколькими способами:

Наши контакты

  • Заказав обратный звонок (кнопка в правом нижнем углу сайта)
  • Посредством чата (кнопка расположена с левой стороны сайта)
  • Позвонив по номеру телефона:
    • +7(8482) 79-78-54;
    • +7(8482) 55-96-39;
    • +7(917) 121-53-01
  • Написав на электронную почту: 89171215301@mail.ru

Далеко не полный список производителей промышленной электроники и оборудования, ремонтируемой в нашей компании.


The various control methods and the hardware of the frequency inverter include func-

tions which continuously monitor the application. The operational and error diagnosis

is facilitated by the information stored in the error protocol.


The last 16 fault messages are stored in chronological order and the

362 shows the number of errors which have occurred since commissioning of the

frequency inverter. In the VAL menu branch of the control unit, the error code FXXXX

is displayed. The meaning of the error key is described in the following chapter «Error

Messages». Via the PC program, the number of operation hours (h), operation minutes

(m) and the fault message can additionally be read out. The current operating hours

can be read out via the

knowledged via the keys of the operating unit and according to the assignment



310 Last Error

311 Last Error but one

312 to 325

362 No. of errors occurred

The error and warning behavior of the frequency inverter can be set in various ways.

The automatic error acknowledgment enables acknowledgment of the faults Overcur-

rent F0500, Overcurrent F0507 and Overvoltage F0700 without intervention by an

overriding control system or the user. The

shows the total number of automatic error acknowledgments.


363 No. of acknowledgment Errors Total number of automatic error acknowledg-

19.1.1 Error Messages

The error code stored following a fault comprises the error group FXX and the follow-

ing code number XX.

Table «Error Messages» continued on next page.



Error List







No fault has occurred.



Frequency inverter overloaded.


Frequency inverter overloaded (60 s), check load behavior.



Short-term overload (1 s), check motor and application parameters.


Heat sink temperature too high, check cooling and fan.



Temperature sensor defective or ambient temperature too low.

Operating Instructions ACTIVE

Operating Instructions ACTIVE

Operation Hours Counter

Error List

hhhhh:mm ; FXXXX fault message.

hhhhh:mm ; FXXXX fault message.

Eerror 3 to error 16.

Number of errors occurred after commissioning

of the frequency inverter.

No. of self acknowledged Errors

Error List

ment with synchronization.

Error Messages



Heat Sink

No. of Errors

245. The fault report can be ac-







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Сообщения: 31
Зарегистрирован: 07 дек 2013 09:35

rover a 4.30. Проблема с инвертером?


type11 » 06 май 2015 19:40

Имеется rover a 4.30, 2010г.в. Подозреваю проблему с инвертером. Да-бы не ходить вокруг да около — вот ошибки




При включении станок ведёт себя нормально, калибровку выполняет, ошибок не выдаёт. Ошибки выпадают при запуске программы (точнее подачи команды на запуск вращения шпинделя). Если запустить программу в режиме запрета вращения шпинделя (переключатель с ключом на передней панели) — то все OK, она выполняется. Сам инвертер ошибок не выдаёт (тупо находится в режиме готовности к запуску)
Проделанные работы:
прозвонил всю шину — Оk (да и с чего-бы не ok если все модули определяются, включая сам инвертер);
проштудировал все цепи управления инвертером — ok;
откат ПО на первоначальные параметры (копия акрониса спустя 3 месяца после установки станка);
ну и ещё много всего по определению неисправности при помощи ПО самого станка.
Склоняюсь к проблеме ввода-вывода данных инвертора по шине.
Если кто-то с таким сталкивался — подтвердите, что проблема именно с ним (инвертером), если нет — то в какую сторону копать.

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Re: rover a 4.30. Проблема с инвертером?



ennio » 08 май 2015 09:21

ошибка диалога с инвертером
вообще все странно
у меня такое было но с другим аппаратом и не по can-шине и причина была в электрике
также однажды инвертор не отрабатывал после попытки прошить на станке билайн-модем
также однажды перепутали шнурок и воткнули в стандартный USB
также после тыкания шаловливыми ручками оператора по красивым кнопкам инвертера


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Сообщения: 31
Зарегистрирован: 07 дек 2013 09:35

Re: rover a 4.30. Проблема с инвертером?



type11 » 08 май 2015 10:52

ennio писал(а):жирным выделено WARN
а не Warning ли это?

Блин, сори :smu:sche_nie: , не тот скрин залил, это с соседней А-шки (там проблема со шпинделем была). Короче всё тоже самое только без WARN

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Re: rover a 4.30. Проблема с инвертером?



ennio » 08 май 2015 11:40

итого имеем
скорее всего проблем с электрикой нет
с софтом на станке аналогично нет
нет связи между станком и инвертером-станок пытается послать команду но ответа не видит
поэтому рыть надо по обмену (can-шина)
возможно тыкать кнопки бонфиньоли

увы но опытом работы с ровер а и этой чудесной синей коробкой не имею-мало чем смогу помочь

был еще случай когда слетели параметры comander se. помогли чудесные кнопочки в таблицах софта станка с параметрами частотника-upload/download


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Сообщения: 31
Зарегистрирован: 07 дек 2013 09:35

Re: rover a 4.30. Проблема с инвертером?



type11 » 08 май 2015 12:18

ennio писал(а):помогли чудесные кнопочки в таблицах софта станка с параметрами частотника-upload/download

Пробовал — не проканало….. Всё, сдаюсь…. Ушёл звонить «гламурным цыганам» (итальяшкам).

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Сообщения: 31
Зарегистрирован: 07 дек 2013 09:35

Re: rover a 4.30. Проблема с инвертером?



type11 » 10 май 2015 10:04

demonlibra писал(а):Посмотрите в DebugCanopen виден ли инвертер в списке?
Должен быть прописан как canopen.x.xx_ACT_400__

Да, его видно. Вообще странно все — инвертер ошибок не выдаёт, в дебаге его видно, шина Canopen в порядке, П.О. в порядке, если запретить вращение (как я писал выше) станок полностью рабочий (программа выполняется без ошибок). Итальяшки посоветовали провода пошевелить-подёргать (придурки), либо подкинуть заведомо рабочий инвертер (а где его взять, хоть у меня их и 6 штук на станках но никто мне их снять не даст, станки в две смены работают).
Имею кучу станков (от присадки с детским контроллером до EXCEL TT и огромной линии обработки кромок) — всякие поломки-неисправности-глюки случались но с такой первый раз сталкиваюсь.
Вроде у соседей А-шка иногда стоит буду просить свой инвертер к ним подкинуть — другого выхода не вижу.

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 31
Зарегистрирован: 07 дек 2013 09:35

Re: rover a 4.30. Проблема с инвертером?



type11 » 12 май 2015 20:58

Всё, эпопея закончилась. Проблема в плате управления инвертера (не знаю как правильно называется, находится внутри самого инвертера, к ней подключаются два разъёма снизу).
Спасибо всем кто откликнулся и помог дельным советом.

  • Contents

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Operating Instructions

Frequency Inverter 230 V / 400 V

0.55 kW … 132.0 kW


Related Manuals for BONFIGLIOLI Act 201

Summary of Contents for BONFIGLIOLI Act 201

  • Page 1
    ACTIVE Operating Instructions Frequency Inverter 230 V / 400 V 0.55 kW … 132.0 kW…
  • Page 3: Installation Instructions

    General Information about the Documentation The present documentation refers to the frequency inverters ACT 201 and ACT 401 series. With their factory settings, both series of devices are suited for a wide range of applications. The modular hardware and software structure enables customer-specific adaptation of the frequency inverters.

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Scope of Supply………………….11 ACT 201 (up to 3.0 kW) and ACT 401 (up to 4.0 kW)……..11 ACT 201 (4.0 up to 9.2 kW) and ACT 401 (5.5 up to 15.0 kW)….12 ACT 401 (18.5 up to 30.0 kW) …………..13 ACT 401 (37.0 up to 65.0 kW) …………..

  • Page 5
    ACT 201 (up to 3.0 kW) and ACT 401 (up to 4.0 kW) ……….39 5.5.2 ACT 201 (4.0 up to 9.2 kW) and ACT 401 (5.5 up to 15.0 kW) ……. 41 5.5.3 ACT 401 (18.5 up to 30.0 kW)…………….43 5.5.4…
  • Page 6
    7.2.7 Application data ………………..77 Acceleration and deceleration…………….77 Set points at multi-functional input …………..78 Selection of an actual value for display…………..78 Check direction of rotation …………….79 Speed sensor………………..80 7.4.1 Speed sensor 1 ………………..80 7.4.2 Speed sensor 2 ………………..
  • Page 7: Operating Instructions Active Operating Instructions Active 5

    11.6 Positioning ………………..103 11.6.1 Reference Positioning ………………104 11.6.2 Axis Positioning………………… 10712 Error and warning behavior…………….109 12.1 Overload Ixt ………………..109 12.2 Temperature ………………..109 12.3 Controller Status………………110 12.4 IDC Compensation Limit …………….110 12.5 Frequency Switch-Off Limit …………… 110 12.6 Motor Temperature………………

  • Page 8
    14.3.3 Flux Formation Ended………………137 14.3.4 Open brake ………………… 137 14.3.5 Current Limitation ……………….. 137 14.3.6 External Fan ………………..137 14.3.7 Warning Mask ………………..138 14.4 Digital Inputs ………………… 140 14.4.1 Start command ………………..143 14.4.2 3-Wire-Control ………………..143 14.4.3 Error Acknowledgment ………………
  • Page 9: Operating Instructions Active Operating Instructions Active 7

    17.7 Functions of Field-Orientated Control …………189 17.7.1 Motor Chopper………………..189 17.7.2 Temperature Adjustment ……………… 190 17.7.3 Encoder Monitoring ………………191 18 Actual Values………………….192 18.1 Actual Values of the Frequency Inverter ……….. 192 18.2 Actual Values of the Machine…………..193 18.3 Actual Value Memory ……………..

  • Page 10: General Safety Instructions And Information On Use

    BONFIGLIOLI agent. We would also like to point out that the contents of this documentation do not form part of any previous or existing agreement, assurance or legal relationship.

  • Page 11: Purpose Of The Frequency Inverters

    Purpose of the Frequency Inverters Warning! The frequency inverters are electrical drive components intended for installation in industrial plants or machines. Commissioning and start of operation is not allowed until it has been verified that the machine meets the requirements of the EC Machinery Directive 98/37/EEC and EN 60204.

  • Page 12: Electrical Connection

    Electrical Connection Before any assembly or connection work, discharge the frequency in- Warning! verter. Verify that the frequency inverter is discharged. Do not touch the terminals because the capacitors may still be charged. Comply with the information given in the operating instructions and on the frequency inverter label.

  • Page 13: Scope Of Supply

    The plug-in type connection terminals enable a safe function and an economi- cal assembly. ACT 201 (up to 3.0 kW) and ACT 401 (up to 4.0 kW) Scope of Supply Scope of Supply…

  • Page 14: Act 201 (4.0 Up To 9.2 Kw) And Act 401 (5.5 Up To 15.0 Kw)

    ACT 201 (4.0 up to 9.2 kW) and ACT 401 (5.5 up to 15.0 kW) Scope of Supply Scope of Supply Frequency inverter Terminal strip X10 (Phoenix ZEC 1.5/3ST5.0) Plug-in terminals for the relay output Standard fixtures with fixing screws (M4x20, M4x60)

  • Page 15: Act 401 (18.5 Up To 30.0 Kw)

    ACT 401 (18.5 up to 30.0 kW) Scope of Supply Scope of Supply Frequency inverter Terminal strip X10 (Phoenix ZEC 1.5/3ST5.0) Plug-in terminals for the relay output Standard fixtures with fixing screws (M4x20, M4x70) for vertical assembly Brief Instructions and manuals on CD Control terminals X210A / X210B (Wieland DST85 / RM3.5) Plug-in terminal for connection of the control signals Please check incoming goods for quality, quantity and nature without…

  • Page 16: Act 401 (37.0 Up To 65.0 Kw)

    ACT 401 (37.0 up to 65.0 kW) Scope of Supply Scope of Supply Frequency inverter Terminal strip X10 (Phoenix ZEC 1.5/3ST5.0) Plug-in terminals for the relay output Standard fixtures with fixing screws (M5x20) for vertical assembly Brief Instructions and manuals on CD Control terminals X210A / X210B (Wieland DST85 / RM3.5) Plug-in terminal for connection of the control signals Note:…

  • Page 17: Act 401 (75.0 Up To 132.0 Kw)

    ACT 401 (75.0 up to 132.0 kW) Scope of Supply Scope of Supply Frequency inverter Terminal strip X10 (Phoenix ZEC 1.5/3ST5.0) Plug-in terminals for the relay output Control terminals X210A / X210B (Wieland DST85 / RM3.5) Plug-in terminal for connection of the control signals Brief Instructions and manuals on CD Please check incoming goods for quality, quantity and nature without Note:…

  • Page 18: Technical Data

    Up to 4000 m with derating. Storage According to EN 50178; BONFIGLIOLI VECTRON recommends the connection of the device to mains volt- age for 60 minutes latest after one year of storage. Functions Appropriate control behaviours (configurations) adapted for motors and applica- tions −…

  • Page 19: Technical Data Of Control Electronics

    Technical data of control electronics Control terminal X210A Control terminal X210B X210A.1 DC 20 V output (I =180 mA) X210B.1 Digital input X210A.2 Ground 20 V/ Ground 24 V (ext.) X210B.2 X210A.3 Digital input Controller Release X210B.3 Digital output X210A.4 Digital inputs X210B.4 Multi-function output…

  • Page 20: Act 201 (0.55 Up To 3.0 Kw, 230 V)

    ACT 201 (0.55 up to 3.0 kW, 230 V) Type ACT 201 Output motor side Recommended shaft output 0.55 0.75 Output current 4) 5) 12.5 Long-term overload current (60 s) 10.5 14.3 16.2 Short-term overload current (1 s) 14.0 19.0 19.0…

  • Page 21: Act 201 (4.0 Up To 9.2 Kw, 230 V)

    ACT 201 (4.0 up to 9.2 kW, 230 V) Type ACT 201 Output motor side Recommended shaft output Output current 18.0 22.0 32.0 35.0 Long-term overload current (60 s) 26.3 30.3 44.5 51.5 Short-term overload current (1 s) 33.0 33.0 64.0…

  • Page 22: Act 401 (0.55 Up To 4.0 Kw, 400 V)

    ACT 401 (0.55 up to 4.0 kW, 400 V) Type ACT 401 Output motor side Recommended shaft output 0.55 0.75 1.85 Output current Long-term overload current (60 s) 11.7 13.5 Short-term overload current (1 s) 11.6 15.6 18.0 Output voltage Maximum up to mains voltage, three-phase Protection Short circuit / earth fault proof…

  • Page 23: Act 401 (5.5 Up To 15.0 Kw, 400 V)

    ACT 401 (5.5 up to 15.0 kW, 400 V) Type ACT 401 Output. motor side Recommended shaft output 11.0 15.0 Output current 14.0 18.0 22.0 25.0 32.0 Long-term overload current (60 s) 21.0 26.3 30.3 37.5 44.5 Short-term overload current (1 s) 28.0 33.0 33.0…

  • Page 24: Act 401 (18.5 Up To 30.0 Kw, 400 V)

    ACT 401 (18.5 up to 30.0 kW, 400 V) Type ACT 401 Output. motor side Recommended shaft output 18.5 22.0 30.0 Output current 40.0 45.0 60.0 Long-term overload current (60 s) 60.0 67.5 90.0 Short-term overload current (1 s) 80.0 90.0 120.0 Output voltage…

  • Page 25: Act 401 (37.0 Up To 65.0 Kw, 400 V)

    ACT 401 (37.0 up to 65.0 kW, 400 V) Type ACT 401 Output. motor side Recommended shaft output 65.0 37.0 45.0 55.0 Output current 125.0 75.0 90.0 110.0 Long-term overload current (60 s) 187.5 112.5 135.0 165.0 Short-term overload current (1 s) 250.0 150.0 180.0…

  • Page 26: Act 401 (75.0 Up To 132.0 Kw, 400 V)

    ACT 401 (75.0 up to 132.0 kW, 400 V) Type ACT 401 Output. motor side Recommended shaft output 132.0 75.0 90.0 110.0 Output current 250.0 150.0 180.0 210.0 Long-term overload current (60 s) 332.0 225.0 270.0 315.0 Short-term overload current (1 s) 375.0 270.0 325.0…

  • Page 27: Operation Diagrams

    3.10 Operation Diagrams The technical data of the frequency inverters refer to the nominal point which was selected to enable a wide range of applications. A functionally and efficient dimension- ing (de-rating) of the frequency inverters is possible based on the following diagrams. Site altitude Power reduction (Derating), max.

  • Page 28: Mechanical Installation

    The units may only be used if these requirements are met. ACT 201 (up to 3.0 kW) and ACT 401 (up to 4.0 KW) The frequency inverter is mounted in a vertical position on the assembly panel by means of the standard fittings.

  • Page 29: Act 201 (4.0 Up To 9.2 Kw) And Act 401 (5.5 Up To 15.0 Kw)

    ACT 201 (4.0 up to 9.2 kW) and ACT 401 (5.5 up to 15.0 kW) The frequency inverter is mounted in a vertical position on the assembly panel by means of the standard fittings. The following illustration shows the standard fitting.

  • Page 30: Act 401 (18.5 Up To 30.0 Kw)

    ACT 401 (18.5 up to 30.0 kW) The frequency inverter is mounted in a vertical position on the assembly panel by means of the standard fittings. The following illustration shows the standard fitting. Standard installation 100 mm fixing bracket top fixing bracket bottom (fixing with screws M4x20…

  • Page 31: Act 401 (37.0 Up To 65.0 Kw)

    ACT 401 (37.0 up to 65.0 kW) The frequency inverter is mounted in a vertical position on the assembly panel by means of the standard fittings. The following illustration shows the standard fitting. Standard installation 100 mm fixing braket top fixing braket bottom (fixing with screws M5x20…

  • Page 32: Act 401 (75.0 Up To 132.0 Kw)

    ACT 401 (75.0 up to 132.0 kW) The frequency inverter is mounted in a vertical position on the assembly panel. The following illustration shows the standard fitting. Standard installation 300 mm 300 mm The diameter of the assembly holes is 9 mm. Assembly is done by screwing the back plate of the frequency inverter to the assembly panel.

  • Page 33: Electrical Installation

    Electrical Installation The electrical installation must be carried out by qualified staff according to the gen- eral and regional safety and installation directives. For a safe operation of the fre- quency inverter it is necessary that the documentation and the device specifications be complied with during installation and commissioning.

  • Page 34: Emc Information

    EMC Information The frequency inverters are designed according to the requirements and limit values of product norm EN 61800-3 with an interference immunity factor (EMI) for operation in industrial applications. Electromagnetic interference is to be avoided by expert in- stallation and observation of the specific product information. Measures −…

  • Page 35: Block Diagram

    Block diagram S3OUT L2 L3 X210A +20 V / 180 mA GND 20 V S1IND S2IND S3IND U, I S4IND S5IND X210B S6IND GND 20 V S1OUT MFO1 +10 V / 4 mA MFI1 GND 10 V Relay connection S3OUT Change-over contact, min.

  • Page 36: Optional Components

    Optional Components Thanks to the modular hardware components, the frequency inverters can be inte- grated in the automation concept easily. The standard and optional modules are rec- ognized during the initialization, and the controller functionality is adjusted automati- cally. For the information required for installation and handling of the optional mod- ules, refer to the corresponding documentation.

  • Page 37: Connection Of The Device

    PVC insulation, 30 °C ambient temperature, continuous mains current maximum 100% of rated mains current). Dependening on the operation conditions other conductor cross sections may be applicable. 230 V: one-phase (L/N) and two-phase (L1/L2) connection ACT 201 Mains cable PE-conductor Motor cable 0.55 kW…

  • Page 38: Mains Connection

    400 V: three-phase connection (L1/L2/L3) ACT 401 Mains cable PE-conductor Motor cable 0.55 kW 0.75 kW 1.1 kW 1.5 kW 2×1.5 mm² or 1.5 mm² 1.5 mm² 1.85 kW 1×10 mm² 2.2 kW 3 kW 4 kW 5.5 kW 2×2.5 mm² or 2.5 mm²…

  • Page 39: Motor Connection

    The voltage drop causes an increase of the output current. Verify that the increased output current can be achieved by the frequency inverter. Consider this for the engi- neering. If the motor cable is longer than 300 m please contact the BONFIGLIOLI service. 06/07 Operating Instructions ACTIVE…

  • Page 40: Group Drive Group drive For a group drive (several motors at one frequency inverter) the total length must be shared in the number of motors according to the table values. A group drive with synchronous servomotors is not possible. Use a thermocouple for monitoring (for example PTC resistor) at each motor to avoid damage.

  • Page 41: Connection Of The Construction Sizes

    Connection of the construction sizes 5.5.1 ACT 201 (up to 3.0 kW) and ACT 401 (up to 4.0 kW) The mains connection of the frequency inverter is done via plug-in terminal X1. The connection of the motor and the brake resistor to the frequency inverter is done via plug-in terminal X2.

  • Page 42
    Motor power connection ACT 201 (up to 3.0 kW) and ACT 401 (up to 4.0 kW) Phoenix ZEC 1,5/ .. ST7,5 0.2 … 1.5 mm AWG 24 … 16 0.2 … 1.5 mm AWG 24 … 16 0.25 … 1.5 mm AWG 22 ……
  • Page 43: Act 201 (4.0 Up To 9.2 Kw) And Act 401 (5.5 Up To 15.0 Kw)

    5.5.2 ACT 201 (4.0 up to 9.2 kW) and ACT 401 (5.5 up to 15.0 kW) Switch off power supply before connecting or disconnecting the Danger! mains cable to terminal X1 and the motor cable and the brake resistor to terminal X2. Dangerous voltage may be present at the mains termi- nals and the DC terminals even after the frequency inverter has been disconnected safely from power supply.

  • Page 44
    Motor power connection ACT 201 (4.0 up to 9.2 kW) and ACT 401 (5.5 up to 15.0 kW) Delta connection Star connection 4.0 kW … 9.2 kW 11.0 kW … 15.0 kW 6qmm / RM7,5 16qmm / RM10+15 0.2 … 6 mm 0.2 ……
  • Page 45: Act 401 (18.5 Up To 30.0 Kw)

    5.5.3 ACT 401 (18.5 up to 30.0 kW) Switch off power supply before connecting or disconnecting the Danger! mains cable to terminal X1 and the motor cable and the brake resistor to terminal X2. Dangerous voltage may be present at the mains termi- nals and the DC terminals even after the frequency inverter has been disconnected safely from power supply.

  • Page 46
    Motor power connection ACT 401 (18.5 up to 30.0 kW) 2.5 Nm 22.1 lb-in 18.5 kW … 30 kW 25/ 6-15,00 0.5 … 35 mm AWG 20 … 2 0.5 … 25 mm AWG 20 … 4 1.00 … 25 mm AWG 18 ……
  • Page 47: Act 401 (37.0 Up To 65.0 Kw)

    5.5.4 ACT 401 (37.0 up to 65.0 kW) Switch off power supply before connecting or disconnecting the Danger! mains cable to terminal X1 and the motor cable and the brake resistor to terminal X2. Dangerous voltage may be present at the mains termi- nals and the DC terminals even after the frequency inverter has been disconnected safely from power supply.

  • Page 48
    Motor power connection ACT 401 (37.0 up to 65.0 kW) 37.0 kW … 65.0 kW threaded bolt M8x25 wire cross section up to 70 mm 8 Nm 70.8 lb-in Star connection Delta connection Connection of brake resistor with temperature switch 37.0 kW ……
  • Page 49: Act 401 (75.0 Up To 132.0 Kw)

    5.5.5 ACT 401 (75.0 up to 132.0 kW) Switch off power supply before connecting or disconnecting the Danger! mains cable, motor cable and the brake resistor. Dangerous voltage may be present at the mains terminals and the DC terminals even after the frequency inverter has been disconnected safely from power supply.

  • Page 50
    Motor power connection ACT 401 (75.0 up to 132.0 kW) 10 Nm 88.5 lb-in Star connection Delta connection Threaded bolt M8x20 Connection of brake resistor with temperature switch 10 Nm 88.5 lb-in Threaded bolt M8x20 Optional, the inverters in this size can be purchased without brake Note: chopper and are then not provided with the terminal Rb2 for a brake resistor connection.
  • Page 51: Control Terminals

    Control Terminals The control and software functionality can be freely configured to ensure a reliable and economical operation. The operating instructions describe the factory settings of Configuration the standard connections in the relevant 30 as well as the software parameters to be set up. Switch off power supply before connecting or disconnecting the keyed Caution! control inputs and outputs.

  • Page 52: Relay Output

    5.6.1 Relay Output By default, the freely programmable relay output is linked to the monitoring function (factory setting). The logic link to various functions can be freely configured via the software parameters. Connection of the relay output is not absolutely necessary for the function of the frequency inverter.

  • Page 53: Control Terminals — Terminal Diagram

    5.6.2 Control Terminals – Terminal Diagram The control hardware and the software of the frequency inverter are freely configur- able to a great extent. Certain functions can be assigned to the control terminals, and the internal logic of the software modules can be freely selected. Thanks to the modular design, the frequency inverter can be adapted to a great range of different driving tasks.

  • Page 54: Configuration 111 — Sensorless Control With Technology Controller Configuration 111 – Sensorless Control with Technol- ogy Controller Configuration 111 extends the functionality of the sensorless control by software func- tions for easier adaptation to the customer’s requirements in different applications. The Technology Controller enables flow rate, pressure, level or speed control. X210A Control terminal X210A +20 V/180 mA…

  • Page 55: Configuration 411 — Sensorless Field-Oriented Control With Technology Controller Configuration 411 – Sensorless Field-Oriented Con- trol with Technology Controller Configuration 411 extends the functionality of the sensor-less field-oriented control of Configuration 410 by a Technology Controller. The Technology Controller enables a control based on parameters such as flow rate, pressure, filling level or speed. X210A Control terminal X210A +20 V/180 mA…

  • Page 56: Configuration 210 — Field-Oriented Control, Speed Controlled Configuration 210 – Field-Oriented Control, speed controlled Configuration 210 contains the functions for speed-controlled, field-oriented control of a 3-phase machine with speed sensor feedback. The separate control of torque and flux-forming current enables high drive dynamics with a high load moment. The nec- essary speed sensor feedback results in a precise speed and torque performance.

  • Page 57: Configuration 230 — Field-Oriented Control, Speed And Torque Controlled Configuration 230 – Field-Oriented Control, speed and torque controlled Configuration 230 extends the functionality of Configuration 210 by functions for torque-dependent, field-oriented control. The reference torque is represented as a percentage and it is transmitted into the corresponding operational performance of the application.

  • Page 58: Control Unit Kp500

    Control Unit KP500 The optional KP500 control unit is a practical tool for controlling the frequency inverter and setting and displaying the frequency inverter parameters. The control unit is not absolutely necessary for the operation of the frequency inverter and can be plugged on when required. Keys Used for starting the drive and opening the CTRL menu.

  • Page 59: Menu Structure

    Menu Structure The menu structure of the control unit is arranged as shown in the following illustra- tion. In the optionally available PC user software VPlus, the functions and parameters are structured in various levels depending on their function. The software contains the full set of information and enables a flexible use of the parameter setting and control options.

  • Page 60: Actual Value Menu (Val)

    Actual Value Menu (VAL) In the VAL menu branch, the control unit displays a variety of actual values, depend- ing on the configuration selected and the options installed. The parameters and basic software functions linked to the corresponding actual value are documented in the operating instructions.

  • Page 61: Parameter Menu (Para)

    Parameter Menu (PARA) The parameters to be configured during the guided commissioning were selected from common applications and can be supplemented as required by further settings in the PARA menu branch. The parameters and basic software functions linked to the corre- sponding actual value are documented in the operating instructions.

  • Page 62: Copy Menu (Cpy)

    Copy Menu (CPY) With the copy function of the control unit you can copy the parameter values from the frequency inverter to a non-volatile memory of the control unit (upload) and store (download) them to a frequency inverter again. The copy function makes the parameterization of recurring applications much easier. The function archives all parameter values, regardless of access control and value range.

  • Page 63: Menu Structure

    6.5.2 Menu Structure The copy menu CPY contains three main functions. Use the arrow keys to select the required function. Select the source and the destination for the process. The memory space available in the non-volatile memory of the control unit is displayed on the three-digit seven-segment display as a percentage value.

  • Page 64: Selecting The Destination

    6.5.4 Selecting the Destination Select the destination (dSt.) of the copy operation (application-specific). The data source is transferred to the selected target (download). • Use the arrow keys to select the destination (dSt.) for the copied data (download). Depending on the data source selected, either the data records of the frequency inverter (dSt.

  • Page 65: Error Messages

    6.5.6 Error Messages The copy function archives all parameters, regardless of the access control and the value range. Some of the parameters are only writable if the frequency inverter is not in operation. The controller input (S1IND) may not be activated during the copy operation, otherwise the data transmission is aborted.

  • Page 66: Read Data From The Kp 500 Control Unit

    Read data from the KP 500 control unit The Parameter transfer operation mode enables the transmission of data from the KP 500 control unit to the frequency inverter. In this operation mode, all functions of the control unit are disabled except for the COPY function. Data transmission from the frequency inverter to the control unit is also disabled.

  • Page 67: Transfer Data

    Activation via CM Communication Module Attention! Activation of the control unit via a communication connection is only possible if the frequency inverter is equipped with an optional CM com- munication module and the communication is effected via this module. For this purpose, the control unit must be connected to the frequency inverter.

  • Page 68: Reset To Normal Mode

    6.6.3 Reset to Normal Mode A KP 500 control unit which was activated as a Download Keypad can be reset to standard operation mode with full functionality via a special key sequence on the con- trol unit or via any available CM communication module. Resetting at control unit Press the control unit keys RUN and STOP at the same time for about 1 second.

  • Page 69: Controlling The Motor Via The Control Unit

    The frequency inverters can be controlled by means of the control unit and/or a com- munication module. In the CTRL menu branch, various functions are available which make commissioning easier and enable the control of the inverter via the control unit. If you want to control the frequency inverter via an optional communication module, Local/Remote the necessary adjustments can be made via parameter…

  • Page 70
    The CTRL menu branch can be accessed via the navigation within the menu structure. The CtrL function contains sub- functions which are displayed according to the operating point of the frequency inverter. Press the RUN key anywhere within the menu structure to access the motor potentiometer function Pot .
  • Page 71
    Key functions Reversal of the direction of rotation independent of the control signal on the terminals Clockwise S2IND or Anticlockwise S3IND. Cancel function and return to the menu structure. Switch from internal set point int or rather motor potentiometer function Pot to JOG frequency;…
  • Page 72: Commissioning Of The Frequency Inverter

    Commissioning of the Frequency Inverter Switching on Mains Voltage After completion of the installation work, make sure to check all control and power connections again before switching on the mains voltage. If all electrical connections are correct, make sure that the frequency inverter is not enabled (control input S1IND open).

  • Page 73: Configuration

    7.2.1 Configuration Configuration Parameter 30 determines the assignment and basic function of the control inputs and outputs as well as the software functions. The software of the fre- quency inverter offers several configuration options. These differ with respect to the way in which the drive is controlled.

  • Page 74: Data Set

    7.2.2 Data Set The data set change-over function enables the selection of one of four data sets for storing parameter settings. If data set 0 is selected (factory setting), the parameter values stored in data set 0 are copied to data sets 1 through 4. In this way, all values determined during the guided commissioning procedure are saved in all data sets.

  • Page 75: Machine Data

    7.2.4 Machine Data The machine data to be entered during the guided commissioning procedure are indi- cated on the type plate or the data sheet of the motor. The factory settings of the machine parameters are based on the nominal data of the frequency inverter and the corresponding four-pole three-phase motor.

  • Page 76: Plausibility Check

    7.2.5 Plausibility check After the machine data (and the speed sensor data, if applicable) have been entered, the calculation or examination of the parameters is started automatically. The display changes over to «CALC» for a short time. If the verification of the machine data is successful, the guided commissioning procedure continues with the identification of the parameters.

  • Page 77: Parameter Identification

    If an error message is displayed, the rated values must be checked and corrected. The guided commissioning procedure is repeated until the rated values have been entered correctly. Aborting the guided commissioning procedure by pressing ESC key should only be done by expert users because it may be possible that rated values have not been entered or determined correctly.

  • Page 78
    Switch off power supply before connecting and disconnecting control Warning! terminal S1IND. When the frequency inverter is disconnected from power supply, the mains, DC-link voltage and motor terminals may still be live for some time. Wait for some minutes until the DC link capacitors have discharged before starting to work at the unit.
  • Page 79: Application Data

    After completion or during the parameter identification, error messages may be dis- played. Depending on the error code, the following instructions should be followed and the measures indicated should be taken. Error Messages Code Measures / Remedy SF0011 The main inductance measurement has failed because the motor has a high slip.

  • Page 80: Set Points At Multi-Functional Input Set points at multi-functional input The multi-functional input MFI1 can be parameterized for a reference value signal in Operation mode 452. Operation mode 3 should only be selected by expert users for Fixed frequency 1 Fixed frequency 2 drive control via 480 and 481.

  • Page 81: Check Direction Of Rotation

    Check direction of rotation Dangerous voltage may be present at the motor terminals and the ter- Warning! minals of the brake resistor even after the frequency inverter has been disconnected from power supply. Wait for some minutes until the DC link capacitors have discharged before starting to work at the unit.

  • Page 82: Speed Sensor

    Speed sensor For some configurations an incremental speed sensor must be connected. Dependent on the speed sensor type it can be connected to the basic device or to an expansion module. Some applications require the connection to the basic device as well as to the expansion module.

  • Page 83: Speed Sensor 2

    7.4.2 Speed sensor 2 Speed sensor 2 must be connected to an expansion module. For connection, functions and detailed parameter description refer to the applicable operation instructions man- ual of the expansion module. Parameter Settings Description Min. Max. Fact. Operation Mode speed sensor 2 Selection Division Marks speed sensor 2 8192…

  • Page 84: Set-Up Via The Communication Interface

    Set-up via the Communication Interface Parameter-setting and commissioning of the frequency inverter via one of the optional communication interfaces include the plausibility check and the parameter identifica- tion functions. The parameters can be adjusted by qualified users. The parameter selection during the guided commissioning procedure includes the basic parameters. These are based on standard applications of the corresponding configuration and are therefore useful for commissioning.

  • Page 85
    The individual steps of the auto set-up routine can be monitored and checked via pa- SETUP Status rameter 797. The setup routine via the communication interface continu- ously updates the status parameter which can be read out via the interface. Status Messages Message Meaning…
  • Page 86: Inverter Data

    Inverter Data The series ACT frequency inverters are suited for a wide range of applications. The modular hardware and software structure enables customer-specific adaptation. The available hardware functionality of the frequency inverter is displayed in the control unit and the optional control software VPlus. The software parameters can be ad- justed to meet the requirements of the specific application.

  • Page 87: Control Level

    Control Level Control level 28 defines the scope of the functions to be parameterized. The operating instructions describe the parameters on the third control level. These pa- rameters should only be set by qualified users. Parameter Settings Description Min. Max. Fact.

  • Page 88
    Configuration 410, sensorless field-oriented control Configuration 410 contains the functions for sensor-less, field-oriented control of a 3-phase machine. The current motor speed is determined from the present currents and voltages in combination with the machine parameters. In this configuration, par- allel connection of several 3-phase motors is possible to a limited extent only.
  • Page 89
    In the table, you will find a list of functions which are available in the different configurations. Configuration V/f — charac- field-oriented control teristic sensorless sensorless sensor Function Chapter Speed control 16.5.3 Torque control 16.5.2 Switch-over speed/torque con- 14.4.6 trol Dynamic Voltage Pre-Control 15.1 Intelligent current limits…
  • Page 90: Language

    Language The parameters are stored in the frequency inverter in various languages. The pa- Language rameter description is displayed in the selected 33, e.g. by the PC program VPlus,. Language Function 0 — Deutsch Parameter description in German. 1 — English Parameter description in English.

  • Page 91: Machine Data

    Machine Data The input of the machine data is the foundation for the functionality of the control functions and methods. In the course of the guided commissioning, the necessary Configuration parameters are inquired according to the selected Rated Motor Parameters Set the rated parameters of the three-phase asynchronous machine according to the name plate or the data sheet of the motor.

  • Page 92: Further Motor Parameters

    Further motor parameters In particular the field-oriented control requires the determination of further data which cannot be read off the name plate of the 3-phase machine for the precise calculation of the machine model. In the course of the guided commissioning, the parameter identification was carried out to measure the further motor parameters.

  • Page 93: Magnetizing Current

    9.2.3 Magnetizing Current Rated magnetizing current 716 is a measure of the flux in the motor and thus of the voltage which is present at the machine in no-load condition depending on the Rated speed. The guided commissioning determines this value at about 30% of the current 371.

  • Page 94: Internal Values

    Internal values The following parameters are used for the internal processing of motor data. An ad- justment is not necessary. Parameter Parameter Description No. Description 705 Internal value 08 Internal value 01 Internal value 02 706 Internal value 09 Internal value 03 707 Internal value 10 Internal value 04 708 Internal value 11…

  • Page 95: Division Marks, Speed Sensor 1

    Attention! In configurations 210, 211 and 230, digital input S4IND is by default set for the evaluation of a speed sensor signal (track B). Operation Mode If an operation mode without sign is selected ( 11 or Operation Mode 12), this input is not set for the evaluation of a speed sensor signal and can be used for other functions.

  • Page 96: System Data

    System Data Configura- The various control functions and methods according to the selected tion 30 are supplemented by control and special functions. For monitoring the appli- cation, process parameters are calculated from electrical control parameters. 10.1 Actual Value System Actual Value System The parameter Factor 389 can be used if the drive is monitored Actual Value System…

  • Page 97: Operational Behavior

    Operational Behavior The operational behavior of the frequency inverter can be adjusted to the application by setting the parameters appropriately. In particular the starting and stopping behav- Configuration ior can be selected according to the selected 30. Additionally, features such as Auto Start, synchronization and positioning functions facilitate the integration in the application.

  • Page 98
    Operation mode Starting Behavior Operation mode 3 includes operation mode 1 of the start function. When the output frequency reaches the value Frequency Limit Magnetization + set with parameter 624, the increase of IxR compensation the output voltage by the IxR compensation becomes effective.
  • Page 99: Starting Current Starting Current Configurations 110, 111 and 410, 411 and 430 for control of a 3-phase machine use the starting current impression in operation modes 2, 4, 12 and 14 for the parameter Operation Mode Starting Current 620. The 623 guarantees, in particular for heavy Frequency Limit starting, sufficient torque until the 624 is reached.

  • Page 100: Stopping Behavior

    11.2 Stopping Behavior The stopping behavior of the three-phase machine can be defined via parameter eration Mode Start Clockwise Start Anti- 630. Via the digital logic signals 68 and clockwise 69, stopping is activated. By combining the logic signals which are assigned to the digital inputs by default, the stopping behavior can be selected from the follow- ing table.

  • Page 101
    Stopping Behavior Stopping behavior 0 The inverter is disabled immediately. The drive deener- gized immediately and coasts freely. Free stopping The drive is brought to a standstill at the set deceleration. As soon as the drive is at a standstill, the inverter is dis- abled after a holding time.
  • Page 102: Switch-Off Threshold

    11.2.1 Switch-Off Threshold Switch-off Threshold Stop Function 637 defines the frequency as from which a standstill of the drive is recognized. This percentage parameter value is applied to the Maximum Frequency 419. The switch-off threshold is to be adjusted according to the load behavior of the drive and the device output, as the drive must be controlled to a speed below the switch-off threshold.

  • Page 103: Auto Start

    Contact-controlled: Braking Time If the parameter 632 is set to the value 0.0 s, the direct current brake is controlled by the Start clockwise and Start anticlockwise signals. The time monitoring Braking Time and limitation by 632 are deactivated. The braking current flows up to the logical status 0 (low) of the controller release (S1IND).

  • Page 104: Search Run

    11.5 Search Run The synchronization to a rotating drive is necessary in applications which drive the motor by their behavior or in which the drive is still rotating after a fault switch-off. Operation Mode 645 = Search Run, the motor speed is synchronized to the cur- rent motor speed without an «Overcurrent»…

  • Page 105: Positioning

    The synchronization changes the parameterized starting behavior of the selected con- figuration. First, the start command activates the search run in order to determine the Current / Rated motor rotary frequency of the drive. In operation modes 1 to 5, the current Rated current 647 is used for synchronization as a percentage of the…

  • Page 106: Reference Positioning

    11.6.1 Reference Positioning The feedback of the current position is referred to the revolutions of the motors rela- tive to the time of the reference signal. The accuracy of the positioning for the applica- Actual Frequency Decelera- tion to be realized is dependent on the current 241, the tion (Clockwise) No.

  • Page 107
    The acquisition of the reference position via a digital signal can be influenced by a variable dead time while the control command is read and processed. The signal Signal correction propagation time is compensated by a positive value for the 461.
  • Page 108
    Positioning, Operation Mode 458 = 1 The diagram shows how the positioning to the set positioning distance is effected. The positioning distance remains constant at different frequency values. At the reference point, the position signal S is generated. Starting from frequency f , the positioning Posi Deceleration (Clockwise)
  • Page 109
    11.6.2 Axle Positioning For axle positioning a feedback system is mandatory. In most cases, an expansion module for the feedback evaluation is needed as well.. An optional expansion module Operation mode speed sensor 2 and operating modes 1004 and 1104 for parameter 493 enable the evaluation of a speed sensor signal with reference impulse.
  • Page 110
    time constant positioning contr. Via parameter 479, the time constant for controlling the positional error can be set. The value of the time constant should be increased if oscillations of the drive around the reference orientation occur during the positioning. Parameter Settings Description…
  • Page 111: Error And Warning Behavior

    Error and warning behavior Operation of the frequency inverter and the connected load are monitored continu- ously. The monitoring functions are to be parameterized with the corresponding limit values specific to the application. If the limits were set below the switch-off limit of the frequency inverter, a fault switch-off can be prevented by suitable measures if a warning message is issued.

  • Page 112: Controller Status

    12.3 Controller Status The intervention of a controller can be indicated via the control unit or LEDs. The selected control method and the matching monitoring functions prevent a switch-off of the frequency inverter. The intervention of the function changes the operating be- havior of the application and can be displayed by the status messages with parameter Controller Status 275.

  • Page 113: Motor Temperature

    12.6 Motor Temperature The configuration of the control terminals includes the monitoring of the motor tem- perature. The monitoring function can be parameterized specific to the application via Motor Temp. Operation Mode the parameter 570. The integration into the application is improved by an operating mode with a delayed switch-off.

  • Page 114: Automatic Error Acknowledgment

    12.8 Automatic Error Acknowledgment The automatic error acknowledgment enables acknowledgment of the faults Overcur- rent F0500, Overcurrent F0507 and Overvoltage F0700 without intervention by an overriding control system or the user. If one of the these errors occurs, the frequency inverter switches off the power semi-conductors and waits for the time defined by the Restart Delay parameter…

  • Page 115: Reference Values

    Reference Values The ACT series frequency inverters can be configured specific to the application and enable customer-specific adaptation of the module hardware and software structure. 13.1 Frequency Limits The output frequency of the frequency inverter and thus the speed setting range are Minimum Frequency Maximum Frequency defined by the parameters…

  • Page 116: Frequency Reference Channel

    13.4 Frequency Reference Channel The various functions for the defining the reference frequency are connected via the Reference Frequency Source frequency reference value channel. The 475 determines the additive assignment of the available reference value sources depending on the hardware installed. Reference frequency source Function Reference value source is the multifunctional in-…

  • Page 117: Block Diagram

    13.4.1 Block Diagram The following table describes the software switches shown in the circuit diagram as a Reference Frequency Source function of the selected 475. Switch position on circuit diagram Operation MFI1A Sign mode Abs. value Abs. value Abs. value Abs.

  • Page 118
    Circuit diagram of frequency reference value channel Operating Instructions ACTIVE 06/07 Operating Instructions ACTIVE 06/07…
  • Page 119: Reference Percentage Channel

    13.5 Reference Percentage Channel The reference percentage channel combines various signal sources for definition of the reference values. The percentage scaling facilitates integration into the applica- tion, taking various process parameters into account. Reference Percentage Source 476 determines the additive assignment of the available reference value sources depending on the hardware installed.

  • Page 120
    Circuit diagram of percent reference value channel Operating Instructions ACTIVE 06/07 Operating Instructions ACTIVE 06/07…
  • Page 121: Fixed Reference Values

    13.6 Fixed Reference Values The fixed reference values are to be parameterized as fixed frequencies or fixed per- centages according to the configuration and function. The signs of the fixed reference values determine the direction of rotation. A positive sign means a clockwise rotation, a negative sign means an anticlockwise rotation. The Reference Frequency Source direction can only be changed via the sign if the 475 or…

  • Page 122: Fixed Percentages

    13.6.3 Fixed Percentages The four percentage values define reference values which are selected via the parame- Fixed Percent Change-Over 1 Fixed Percent Change-Over 2 ters 75 and 76. The Reference Percentage Source parameter 476 defines the addition of the various sources in the reference percentage channel.

  • Page 123
    Emergency Stop Clockwise Emergency Stop Anticlockwise The ramps for 424 and Operation 425 of the drive to be activated via the parameter for stopping behavior Mode 630 must be selected according to the application. The non-linear (S-shaped) course of the ramps is not active in the case of an emergency stop of the drive. Parameter Settings Description…
  • Page 124
    Setting the ramp time to 0 ms deactivates the function S curve and enables the use of the linear ramps. The data set change-over of the parameters within an acceleration phase of the drive demands the defined take-over of the values. The controller calcu- lates the values required in order to reach the reference value from the ratio of the acceleration to the ramp time and uses it until the acceleration phase is finished.
  • Page 125: Percentage Value Ramps

    13.8 Percentage Value Ramps The percentage value ramps scale the change of the reference value (in percent) for the corresponding input function. The acceleration and deceleration of the drive are parameterized via the frequency ramps. Gradient Percentage Ramp The behavior 477 corresponds to a function which takes the time response of the drive system into account.

  • Page 126: Motor Potentiometer

    13.10 Motor Potentiometer The motor potentiometer is used for controlling the motor speed using • digital control signals (Function Motorpoti MP) or • the keys of the KP 500 control unit (Function Motorpoti KP) The following functions are assigned to the Up/Down control commands: Activation Motorpoti (MP) Motorpoti (KP)

  • Page 127: Motorpoti (Mp)

    Operation Mode 474 of the motor potentiometer function defines the behavior of the function at various operating points of the frequency inverter. Operation Mode Function In the operation mode motor potentiometer non- 0 — Not Latching storing (not latching), the drive goes to the set minimum reference value at each start.

  • Page 128: Controlling The Motor Via The Control Unit

    The control unit keys have the following functions: Key functions ▲ / ▼ Increase / reduce frequency. Reversal of the direction of rotation independent of the control signal on the terminals Clockwise S2IND or Anticlockwise S3IND. Save the selected function as default value. The direction of rotation is not (1 sec) exchanged.

  • Page 129: Repetition Frequency Input

    13.11 Repetition frequency input The use of a frequency signal completes the various possibilities of the reference value specification. The signal at one of the available digital inputs is evaluated ac- Operation Mode cording to the selected 496. Operation Mode Function 0 — Off Repetition frequency is zero.

  • Page 130: Control Inputs And Outputs

    Control Inputs and Outputs The modular structure of the frequency inverters enables a wide spectrum of applica- tions on the basis of the available hardware and software functionality. The control inputs and outputs of terminals X210A and X210B described in the following can be linked to software modules freely via the described parameters.

  • Page 131
    The following characteristic is set by default and can be adapted to the application via the parameters mentioned. ( X2 / Y2 ) pos. maximum value Point 1: 2.00% ⋅ 0.20 0.00% ⋅ 50.00 0.00 Point 2: 98.00% ⋅ 9.80 0.00% ⋅…
  • Page 132: Scaling Scaling The analog input signal is mapped to the freely configurable characteristic. The maxi- mum admissible setting range of the drive can be set via the frequency limits or per- centage limits according to the configuration selected. In the case of the parameteri- zation of a bipolar characteristic, the set minimum and maximum limits for both direc- tions of rotation are effective.

  • Page 133: Filter Time Constant

    Minimum Frequency Minimum Percentage The default 418 or 518 extends the pa- rameterized tolerance band to the hysteresis. (X2 / Y2) pos. maximum value pos. minimum value +10V neg. minimum value (+20mA) zero point tolerance band (X1 / Y1) neg. maximum value Tolerance band with set maximum frequency For example, the output variable coming from positive input signals is kept on the positive minimum value until the input signal becomes lower than the value for the…

  • Page 134: Error And Warning Behavior Error and warning behavior For monitoring the analog input signal, an operation mode can be selected via pa- Error/Warning Behavior rameter 453. Error/Warning Behavior Function 0 — Off The input signal is not monitored. If the input signal is lower than 1 V or 2 mA, a 1 — Warning <…

  • Page 135: Analog Output Mfo1A

    14.2.1 Analog Output MFO1A By default, the multifunction output MFO1 is configured for the output of a pulse width modulated output signal with a maximum voltage of DC 24 V. The selected configuration determines which actual values can be selected for pa- Analog Operation rameter 553 of multifunction output 1.

  • Page 136: Frequency Output Mfo1F

    Parameter Settings Description Min. Max. Fact. sett. 551 Voltage 100% 0.0 V 22.0 V 10.0 V 552 Voltage 0% 0.0 V 22.0 V 0.0 V Analog Operation Analog Operation Actual abs. value 553 with signs: 553: +24V +24V +10V +10V -100% 100% 100%…

  • Page 137: Digital Outputs

    14.3 Digital Outputs OP. Mode Digital Output 1 530 and the relay output with the parameter Mode Digital Output 3 532 link the digital outputs to various functions. The selection of the functions depends on the parameterized configuration. The use of the multi- Operation Mode functional output MFO1 as a digital output demands selection of an Digital Operation…

  • Page 138: Setting Frequency

    Operation mode Function The comparison according to the selected 21 — Comparator 2 mode Comparator 2 543 is true. Operation Mode Warning of 581 of V-belt moni- 22 — Warning V-belt toring. Operation Mode Timer 1 The selected 790 gen- 23 — Timer 1 erates an output signal of the function.

  • Page 139: Flux Formation Ended

    14.3.3 Flux Formation Ended If operation mode 30 is selected for a digital output the corresponding output be- comes active when the flux formation is ended. The time for the flux formation results from the operating state of the machine and the set parameters for magnetizing the machine.

  • Page 140: Warning Mask

    14.3.7 Warning Mask The logic signals of various monitoring and control functions can be set via the opera- Create Warning Mask tion mode for parameter 536. According to the application, any number of warnings and controller status messages can be combined. This enables internal or external control via a common output signal.

  • Page 141
    Operation mode Function Reference The DC link voltage has exceeded the 33 — Controller Udc Limitation DC-Link Limitation 680. Dyn. Voltage Pre-Control Controller 605 accelerates the 34 — Voltage Pre-Control control characteristics. 35 — Controller I abs The output current is limited. Controller The output power or the torque is limited on the 36 -…
  • Page 142: Digital Inputs

    Warning code Operation mode 536 0001 0000 UDdyn 30 — Controller Udc Dynamic Operation 0002 0000 UDstop 31 — Controller Shutdown 0004 0000 UDctr 32 — Controller Mains Failure 0008 0000 UDlim 33 — Controller Udc Limitation 0010 0000 Boost 34 — Controller Voltage Pre-Control 0020 0000…

  • Page 143
    Digital Inputs Function Output signal of the time function according to 158 — Timer 1 Timer 1 the input connection Output signal of the time function according to 159 — Timer 2 Timer 2 the input connection Actual Frequency Reference Frequency Signal when the 241 has 163 -…
  • Page 144
    Digital Inputs Function Signal from output of logic module 3, according to 224 — Logic module 3 Operation Mode Logic 3 parameterized 205. 225 — Logic module 3 inverted Inverted signal from output of logic module 3. Signal from output of logic module 4, according to 226 — Logic module 4 Operation Mode Logic 4 parameterized…
  • Page 145: Start Command

    14.4.1 Start command Start Clockwise Start Anticlockwise The parameters 68 and 69 can be linked to the available digital control inputs or the internal logic signals. The drive is only acceler- ated according to the control method after a start command. The logic functions are used for the specification of the direction of rotation, but also Operation Mode for using the parameterized…

  • Page 146: Error Acknowledgment

    14.4.3 Error Acknowledgment The frequency inverters feature various monitoring functions which can be adapted via the error and warning behavior. Switching the frequency inverter off at the various operating points should be avoided by an application-related parameterization. If Pro- there is a fault switch-off, this message can be acknowledged via the parameter gram(ming) Error Acknowledg- 34 or the logic signal connected with the parameter…

  • Page 147: Data Set Change-Over

    14.4.7 Data Set Change-Over Parameter values can be stored in four different data sets. This enables the use of various parameter values depending on the current operation point of the frequency inverter. The change-over between the four data sets is done via the logic signals assigned to Data Set Change-Over 1 Data Set Change-Over 2 the parameters…

  • Page 148: Fixed Value Change-Over

    14.4.8 Fixed Value Change-Over Depending on the selected configuration, the reference values are specified via the Reference frequency source Reference percentage source assignment of the 475 or 476. Accordingly, there can be a change between the fixed values by way of linking Fixed frequency change-over 1 Fixed fre- the logic signals to the parameters…

  • Page 149: Motor Potentiometer

    14.4.9 Motor Potentiometer Reference Frequency Source Reference Percentage The parameters 475, and Source Operation Mode 476 contain operation modes with motor potentiometer. Fre- defines the behavior of the motor potentiometer function and the parameters quency Motorpoti Up Frequency Motorpot. Down Percent Motorpoti 63 or Percent Motorpot.

  • Page 150: Time Constant

    The sources of the digital signals (e.g. 73-S4IND, 175-Digital signal 1) are selected via Timer 1 Timer 2 the parameters 83 and 84. Timer 1 is linked to digital input 4 and Timer 2 is linked to the logic signal digital signal 1. The output signal of the timer can be assigned via the corresponding parameters of Data Set Change-Over 1 the operation mode of a digital input or output.

  • Page 151
    Retrigger, positive edge Operation mode Timer Parameter Input Time 1 Time 1 Time 2 Output As soon as the positive signal edge is received at the input, time 1 is started. If a posi- tive signal edge is detected within the delay, time 1 starts again. After the expiry of the delay, the output signal is switched for the signal duration time 2.
  • Page 152: Comparator

    14.5.2 Comparator With the help of software functions Comparator 1 and 2, various comparisons of ac- tual values with percentage-adjustable fixed values can be done. The actual values to be compared can be selected from the following table with the Op.

  • Page 153: Logic Modules

    The setting of the percentage limits of the comparators enables the following logical links. The comparison with signs is possible in the corresponding operation modes of the comparators. below below above above 14.5.3 Logic Modules With the Logic Modules function, it is possible to link external digital signals and inter- nal logic signals of the frequency inverter to one another.

  • Page 154
    Operation Mode Logic 1 Operation Mode Logic 2 Opera- The parameters 198, 201, tion Mode Logic 3 Operation Mode Logic 4 205 and 503 include the following func- tions: Operation mode Function 0 — Off Signal output is switched off. Input 1 and input 2 are linked to each other via a logic AND 1 — AND operation.
  • Page 155
    OR Operation Operation Mode Logic Parameter E1 E2 > E1: input 1; E2: input 2; Q: output If logic «1» is present at input 1 or input 2 or at both inputs, output Q is «1». If both inputs are «0», output Q will be logic «0», too. EXOR Operation Operation Mode Logic Parameter…
  • Page 156
    RS Flip-Flop Operation Mode Logic Parameter = 10 Status hold reset E1; S E2; R E1: set; E2:reset; Q: output Set: Logic «1» at the set input will set output Q to logic «1». Store: If a logic «0» is present at the S input, output Q remains unchanged. Reset: If the R input is set to logic «1», output Q is set to logic «0».
  • Page 157
    D Flip-Flop Operation Mode Logic Parameter = 30 Status E1; D hold hold E2; C 0–>1 sample 0–>1 sample E2; C E1; D E1: data input D; E2: clock input C; Q: output If logic «0» is present at input 2 (clock input C), the previous logic state is maintained at the output independent of the status of input 1 (data input D).
  • Page 158: F — Characteristic

    V/f — Characteristic The sensor-less control in configurations 110 and 111 is based on the proportional change of output voltage compared to the output frequency according to the config- ured characteristic. By setting the V/f-characteristic, the voltage of the connected 3-phase motor is con- trolled according to the frequency.

  • Page 159: Dynamic Voltage Pre-Control

    Cut-Off Voltage Cut-Off Frequency The default 603 (UC) and 604 (FC) are derived Rated Voltage Rated Frequency from the motor data 370 and 375. With the param- Starting Voltage eterized 600 (US), the linear equation of the V/f-characteristic re- sults. −…

  • Page 160: Control Functions

    Control Functions Con- The frequency inverters provide a selection of established control methods in figuration 30. The selected control structure can be parameterized as required and optimized for the application by further functions. 16.1 Intelligent current limits The current limits to be set according to the application avoid inadmissible loading of the connected load and prevent a fault switch-off of the frequency inverter.

  • Page 161: Voltage Controller

    16.2 Voltage controller The voltage controller contains the functions necessary for monitoring the DC link voltage. − The DC link voltage which rises in generator operation or in the braking process of the 3-phase machine is controlled to the set limit value by the voltage controller. −…

  • Page 162
    Reference DC-Link Limitation If the voltage exceeds the value set by the parameter 680, the deceleration is reduced in such a way that the DC link voltage is regulated to the set value. If the DC link voltage cannot be regulated to the set reference value by the reduction of the deceleration, the deceleration is stopped and the output fre- quency raised.
  • Page 163
    Parameter Settings Description Min. Max. Fact. sett. 671 Mains Failure Threshold -200.0 V -50.0 V -100.0 V 672 Reference Mains Support Value -200.0 V -10.0 V -40.0 V The frequency inverter reacts to the signals at the control inputs both Note: when the power failure regulation is switched on and in normal operation.
  • Page 164
    If the mains failure with or without shutdown takes so long that the frequency in- verter shuts off completely (LEDs = OFF), the frequency inverter will be in the «Standby» state when the mains supply is restored. If the inverter is released again, the drive will start.
  • Page 165: Technology Controller

    16.3 Technology Controller The technology controller, the behavior of which corresponds to a PI controller, is available as an additional function in configuration 111, 211 and 411. The connection of reference and actual value of the application with the functions of the frequency inverter enables process control without further components.

  • Page 166
    Operation Mode The function selected via the parameter 440 defines the behavior of the technology controller Operation mode Function The technology controller is switched off, the refer- 0 — Off ence value specification is done via the reference per- centage channel. For pressure and volume flow control with linear oper- 1 — Standard ating behavior and actual value monitoring.
  • Page 167
    Note: The parameterization of the technology controller in the individual data sets enables an adaptation to various operating points of the application with the data set change-over via control contacts. Operation Mode Operation mode standard, parameter 440 = 1 This operation mode can be used, for example, for pressure or volumetric flow control with linear operation behavior.
  • Page 168
    Operation Mode Operation mode filling level 1, parameter 440 = 2 This operation mode can be used, for example, for contents level control. If the actual value is missing, the function brings the output frequency to an adjust- able value. The minimum value monitoring prevents an acceleration of the drive if the actual value is missing.
  • Page 169
    Operation Mode Operation mode filling level 2, parameter 440 = 3 This operation mode can be used, for example, for contents level control. The minimum value monitoring prevents an acceleration of the drive if the actual value is missing. Fixed If the actual value is missing (<…
  • Page 170
    Operation Mode Operation mode speed controller, parameter 440 = 4 This operation mode is suited for speed controls with an analog actual value transmit- ter (e.g. analog speedometer via analog input or HTL encoder via frequency input). The motor is accelerated or decelerated according to the control deviation. Maximum frequency The output frequency is limited by the 419.
  • Page 171
    Operation mode indirect volume flow control, Operation Mode parameter 440 = 5 This operation mode is suitable for volume flow control based on pressure measure- ment. The square rooted actual value enables, for example, direct measurement of the ac- tive pressure in the system via the intake nozzle of the fan. The active pressure has a square proportion to the volume flow and thus forms the control figure for the volume flow control.
  • Page 172
    Structural image: Indirect volume flow control Technology controller Reference percentage source Actual values: Ind. volume flow control factor Volumetric flow Pressure Actual percentage source Operating Instructions ACTIVE 06/07 Operating Instructions ACTIVE 06/07…
  • Page 173: Functions Of Sensorless Control

    16.4 Functions of Sensorless Control The configurations of the sensor-less control contain the following additional func- tions, which supplement the behavior according to the parameterized V/f characteris- tic. 16.4.1 Slip compensation The load-dependent difference between the reference speed and the actual speed of the 3-phase motor is referred to as the slip.

  • Page 174: Functions Of Field-Orientated Control

    Behavior in generator operation: Current Limit If the current set via parameter 613 is exceeded, the activated current limit controller will increase the output frequency until the current limit is no longer Maximum exceeded. The output frequency is increased, as a maximum, to the set Frequency Current Limit 419.

  • Page 175
    The guided commissioning has selected the parameters of the current controller in such a way that they can be used without having to be changed in most applications. If, in exceptional cases, an optimization of the behavior of the current controllers is to be done, the reference value step-change during the flux-formation phase can be used for this.
  • Page 176: Torque Controller

    16.5.2 Torque Controller The torque-controlled configurations 230 and 430 often demand limitation of the speed in the operating points without load moment. The controller increases the Frequency Upper Limit speed in order to reach the reference torque until the 767 or Frequency Lower Limit 768 is reached.

  • Page 177: Speed Controller

    16.5.3 Speed controller Actual Speed The source of the actual speed value is selected via parameter Source 766. By default, speed sensor 1 is used as the actual speed source. If speed sensor 2 of an extension module is to deliver the actual value signal for the speed controller, speed sensor 2 must be selected as the source.

  • Page 178
    Operation mode 2 clockwise clockwise anticlockwise anticlockwise generator generator motor motor motor generator motor generator Current limit Current limit generator op. The properties of the speed controller can be adapted for adjustment and optimization of the controller. The amplification and integral time of the speed controller are to be Amplification 1 Integral Time 1 set via parameters…
  • Page 179: Limitation Of Speed Controller Limitation of Speed Controller The output signal of the speed controller is the torque-forming current component Isq. The output and the I component of the speed controller can be limited via pa- Current Limit Current Limit Generator Operation Torque Limit rameters 728, 729,…

  • Page 180: Limit Value Sources Limit Value Sources As an alternative to limiting the output values by a fixed value, linking to an analog Minimum Ref- input value is also possible. The analog value is limited via parameters erence Percentage Maximum Reference Percentage 518 and 519, but does not con- Gradient Percentage Ramp sider the…

  • Page 181: Field Controller

    16.5.5 Field Controller The flux-forming current component is controlled by the field controller. The guided commissioning optimizes the parameters of the field controller by measuring the time constant and magnetizing curve of the connected 3-phase machine. The parameters of the field controller are selected such that they can be used without changes in most applications.

  • Page 182: Limitation Of Field Controller Limitation of field controller The output signal of the field controller, the integrating and proportional components Ref. Isd Upper Limit Ref. Isd Lower are limited via parameter 743 and parameter Limit Ref. Isd Upper Limit 744. The guided commissioning has set the parameter Rated Current 743 according to the parameter 371.

  • Page 183: Limitation Of Modulation Controller

    Reference Modulation The percentage setting of the 750 is basically depending on the leakage inductivity of the machine. The default value was selected such that in most cases the remaining deviation of 5% is sufficient as a reserve range for the cur- rent controller.

  • Page 184: Special Functions

    Special Functions The configurable functions of the corresponding control methods enable another field of application of the frequency inverters. The integration in the application is made easier by special functions. 17.1 Pulse Width Modulation Switching Fre- The motor noises can be reduced by changing over the parameter quency 400.

  • Page 185: Fan

    17.2 Switch- The switch-on temperature of the heat sink fan can be set with the parameter on temperature If mains voltage is applied to the frequency inverter, and the heat sink temperature exceeds the set temperature, the heat sink fan is switched on. Independent from pa- Switch-on temperature 39, the heat sink fan will be switched on, as soon as rameter…

  • Page 186
    Local/Remote Function Control via The Start and Stop commands as well as the direction of Contacts rotation are controlled via digital signals. The Start and Stop commands as well as the direction of Control via rotation are controlled via the DRIVECOM State machine Statemachine of the communication interface.
  • Page 187: Brake Chopper And Brake Resistance

    If the DC link voltage exceeds the maximum values of 400 V for the ACT 201 series of devices and 800 V for the ACT 401 series of devices, respectively, error message F0700 is displayed (chapter «Error Messages»).

  • Page 188: Dimensioning Of Brake Resistor

    17.4.1 Dimensioning of Brake Resistor The following values must be known for dimensioning: − Peak braking power P in W b Peak − Resistance Rb in Ω − Duty cycle DC in % • Calculation of peak braking power P b Peak = Peak braking power in W b Peak…

  • Page 189: Motor Circuit Breaker

    17.5 Motor Circuit Breaker Motor circuit breakers are used for protecting a motor and its supply cable against overheating by overload. Depending on the overload level, they disconnect the motor from mains supply immediately in the case of a short-circuit or they disconnect the motor if an overload has occurred for some time.

  • Page 190: V-Belt Monitoring

    Multiple motor operation Operation Mode Parameter 571 = 1 or 11 In multiple motor operation, it is assumed that for each data set a corresponding mo- tor is used. For this, one motor and one motor protection switch are assigned to each data set.

  • Page 191: Motor Chopper

    The error and warning messages can be read out by means of the digital outputs or Trigger Limit Iactive reported to an overriding control system. The 582 is to be pa- Rated Current rameterized as a percentage of the 371 for the application and the possible operating points.

  • Page 192: Temperature Adjustment

    17.7.2 Temperature Adjustment The field-orientated control modes are based on the most precise calculation of the machine model possible. The rotor time constant is an important machine variable for Act. Rotor Time Constant the calculation. The value to be read out via the parameter 227 is calculated from the inductivity of the rotor circuit and the rotor resistance.

  • Page 193: Encoder Monitoring

    17.7.3 Encoder Monitoring Failures of the speed sensor lead to a faulty behavior of the drive, as the measured speed forms the foundation of the control mode. By default, the speed sensor moni- toring system continuously monitors the speed sensor signal, the track signal and the division marks.

  • Page 194: Actual Values

    Actual Values The various control functions and methods include electrical control variables and various calculated actual values of the machine or system. The different actual values can be read out for operational and error diagnosis via a communication interface or in the VAL menu branch of the operating unit.

  • Page 195: Actual Values Of The Machine

    18.2 Actual Values of the Machine The frequency inverter controls the behavior of the machine in the various operating points. As a function of the configuration selected and the expansion cards installed, control variables and further actual value parameters of the machine can be dis- played.

  • Page 196: Actual Value Memory

    18.3 Actual Value Memory The assessment of the operating behavior and the maintenance of the frequency in- verter in the application is facilitated by storing various actual values. The actual value memory guarantees monitoring of the individual variables for a definable period. The parameters of the actual value memory can be read out via a communication interface and displayed via the operating unit.

  • Page 197: Actual Values Of The System

    Reset Memory 237 parameter to be selected in the PARA menu branch of the operating unit enables purposeful resetting of the individual average and peak values. The peak value and the average value with the values stored in the period are over- written with the parameter value zero.

  • Page 198
    18.4.2 Volume Flow and Pressure Nominal Volumetric Flow Nominal The parameterization of the factors 397 and Pressure Volumetric flow 398 is necessary if the matching actual values 285 and Pressure 286 are used to monitor the drive. The conversion is done using the electri- Volume Flow Pressure cal control parameters.
  • Page 199: Error Protocol

    Error Protocol The various control methods and the hardware of the frequency inverter include func- tions which continuously monitor the application. The operational and error diagnosis is facilitated by the information stored in the error protocol. 19.1 Error List No. of Errors The last 16 fault messages are stored in chronological order and the 362 shows the number of errors which have occurred since commissioning of the frequency inverter.

  • Page 200
    Inside Code Meaning Inside temperature too high, check cooling and fan. Inside temperature too low, check electrical cabinet heating. Motor Connection Motor temperature too high or sensor defective, check connection S6IND. Motor circuit breaker tripped, check drive. V-belt monitoring reports no load on the drive. Phase failure, check motor and wiring.
  • Page 201: Error Environment

    19.2 Error Environment The parameters of the error environment help troubleshooting both in the settings of the frequency inverter and also in the complete application. The error environment documents the operational behavior of the frequency inverter at the time of the last four faults.

  • Page 202
    Error Environment 357 Int. Value 1 Software service parameter. 358 Int. Value 2 Software service parameter. 359 Long Value 1 Software service parameter. 360 Long Value 2 Software service parameter. Checksum 361 parameter shows whether the storage of the error environment was free of errors (OK) or incomplete (NOK).
  • Page 203: Operational And Error Diagnosis

    Operational and Error Diagnosis Operation of the frequency inverter and the connected load are monitored continu- ously. Various functions document the operational behavior and facilitate the opera- tional and error diagnosis. 20.1 Status Display The green and red light-emitting diodes give information about the operating point of the frequency inverter.

  • Page 204: Controller Status

    A decimal value is displayed, indicating the status of the digital signals in bits after conversion into a binary figure. Example: Decimal figure 33 is displayed. Converted into the binary system, the number reads OOIOOOOI. Thus, the following contact inputs or out- puts are active: −…

  • Page 205: Warning Status

    20.4 Warning Status The current warning is displayed by a message in the warning status and can be used for an early message of a critical operational condition. The combination of different Create Warning Mask warnings can be set in parameter 536.

  • Page 206: Parameter List

    Parameter List The parameter list is structured according to the menu branches of the control unit. The parameters are listed in ascending numerical order.. A headline (shaded) can appear several times, i.e. a subject area may be listed at different places in the table. For better clarity, the parameters have been marked with pictograms: The parameter is available in the four data sets.

  • Page 207
    Actual Values of the Frequency Inverter Description Unit Display range Chapter 244 Working Hours Counter 99999 18.1 245 Operation Hours Counter 99999 18.1 249 Active Data Set 1 … 4 14.4.7 250 Digital Inputs 00 … 255 20.2 251 Analog Input MFI1A ±…
  • Page 208
    Error Environment Description Unit Display range Chapter 330 DC link voltage 0.0 … U 19.2 dmax 331 output voltage 0.0 … U 19.2 332 Stator Frequency 0.00 … 999.99 19.2 333 Encoder 1 Frequency 0.00 … 999.99 19.2 335 Phase Current Ia 0.0 …
  • Page 209
    21.2 Parameter Menu (PARA) Inverter Data Description Unit Setting range Chapter 0 Serial Number Characters 1 Optional Modules Characters 12 Inverter Software Version Characters 27 Set Password 0 … 999 28 Control Level 1 … 3 29 User Name 32 characters 30 Configuration Selection 33 Language…
  • Page 210
    Controlled commissioning Description Unit Setting range Chapter 369 Motor Type Selection 7.2.3 Rated Motor Parameters 0.17 ⋅ U … 2 ⋅ U 370 Rated Voltage 0.01 ⋅ I 10 ⋅ o ⋅ I 371 Rated Current 372 Rated Speed U/min 96 …
  • Page 211
    Technology Controller Description Unit Setting range Chapter 440 Operation mode Selection 16.3 441 Fixed Frequency -999.99 … 999.99 16.3 442 max. P-Component 0.01 … 999.99 16.3 443 Hysteresis 0.01 … 100.00 16.3 444 Amplification -15.00 … 15.00 16.3 445 Integral Time 0 …
  • Page 212
    Fixed Frequencies Description Unit Setting range Chapter 480 Fixed Frequency 1 -999.99 … 999.99 13.6.1 481 Fixed Frequency 2 -999.99 … 999.99 13.6.1 482 Fixed Frequency 3 -999.99 … 999.99 13.6.1 483 Fixed Frequency 4 -999.99 … 999.99 13.6.1 489 JOG-Frequency -999.99 …
  • Page 213
    Motor Circuit Breaker Description Unit Setting range Chapter 571 Operation mode Selection 14.2.2 572 Frequency Limit 0 … 300 Intelligent current limits 573 Operation mode Selection 16.1 574 Power Limit 40.00 … 95.00 16.1 575 Limitation Time 5 … 300 16.1 Error/warning behavior 576 Phase Supervision…
  • Page 214
    Search Run Description Unit Setting range Chapter 645 Operation mode Selection 11.5 646 Brak. Time after Search Run 0.0 … 200.0 11.5 647 Current / Rated Motor Current 1.00 … 100.00 11.5 648 Amplification 0.00 … 10.00 11.5 649 Integral Time 0 …
  • Page 215
    Speed controller Description Unit Setting range Chapter 728 Current Limit 0.0 … o ⋅ I 729 Current Limit Generator Operation -0.1 … o ⋅ I 730 Torque Limit 0.00 … 650.00 731 Torque Limit Generator Operation 0.00 … 650.00 732 P-Comp.
  • Page 216
    Timer 790 Operation Mode Timer 1 Selection 14.5.1 791 Time 1 Timer 1 s/m/h 0 … 650.00 14.5.1 792 Time 2 Timer 1 s/m/h 0 … 650.00 14.5.1 793 Operation Mode Timer 2 Selection 14.5.1 794 Time 1 Timer 2 s/m/h 0 …
  • Page 218
    Bonfiglioli has been designing and developing innovative and reliable power transmission and control solutions for industry, mobile machinery and renewable energy applications since 1956. www.bonfiglioli.com Bonfiglioli Riduttori S.p.A. VEC 211 R4 tel: +39 051 647 3111 fax: +39 051 647 3126 Via Giovanni XXIII, 7/A bonfiglioli@bonfiglioli.com…


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BONFIGLIOLI Vectron ACTIVE Control Unit, DC Drives PDF Manual  (Updated: Tuesday 18th of October 2022 06:22:58 AM)

Rating: 4.5 (rated by 2 users)

Compatible devices: CP.J3M, Agile, SC4500, ACTIVE CUBE, RLV, MTS/T-BERD TB6000A V1, WX-CC411BP, Agile VABus/TCP.

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(Ocr-Read Version Summary of Contents, UPD: 18 October 2022)

  • 4, 06/052 2 06/05 TABLE OF CONTENTS General points on the documentation………………………………………………………………………. 1 1 General safety and application information ………………………………………………………… 5 1.1 General information………………………………………………………………………………..…

  • 26, 06/0524 24 06/05 4.9.2 Process SYNC telegram If synchronous PDO’s have been created in an frequency inverter, their processing is synchronized with the SYNC telegram. The SYNC telegram is generated by the system bus master and is a telegram without data. The identifier is 128 according to the Predefined Connection Set. If a PC or PLC is used as a master, the iden…

  • 47, 06/05 45 06/05 45 TxPDO-Function 930TxPDO1 Function 931TxPDO1 Time 932TxPDO2 Function 933TxPDO2 Tome 934TxPDO3 Function 935TxPDO3 Time RxPDO-Function 936RxPDO1 Function 937RxPDO2 Function 938RxPDO3 Function Timeout 939SYNC Timeout 941RxPDO1 Timeout 942RxPDO2 Timeout 9…

  • 69, BONFIGLIOLI Vectron ACTIVE 06/05 67 06/05 67 5.9 Status of the digital signals The status of the digital signals can be read in decimal coding via the parameters Digi- tal inputs 250 and Digital outputs 254. The display of the di g ital input si g nals enables checking the various control signals and their connections with the software functions in question, in particular in commissioning.…

  • 57, 06/05 55 06/05 55 Operation mode «101 – bipolar abs. value» The operation mode «101 – bipolar abs. value“ maps the bipolar analog signal onto a unipolar input characteristic. The formation of the absolute value takes the character- istic into account comparable to the «bipolar» operation mode, but the characteristic points are reflected on the X axis wi…

  • 70, 06/0568 68 06/05 5.10 Motor temperature Temperature monitoring forms part of the configurable fault and alarm behavior. The connected load can be monitored by connecting a measuring resistor (motor PTC) with temperature characteristics according to DIN 44081 or by means of a bimetal tempera- ture sensor (break contact). The operation mode of the motor ptc port …

  • 31, 06/05 29 06/05 29 Reading parameters: Client Î Server SDO Upload (expedited) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ctrl. byte Parameter number Data set Data 0x40 LSB MSB 0xnn 0 Server Î Client Upload Response Î Reading process free of errors 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ctrl. byte Parameter number Data set Data 0x42 LSB MSB 0xnn LSB MSB uint/int LSB MSB 0x00 0x00 long LSB … … MSB Se…

  • 35, 06/05 33 06/05 33 4.11.2 Operation modes process data channel The transmit/receive behavior can be time controlled or controlled via a SYNC tele- gram. The behavior can be parameterized for each PDO channel. Tx-PDO’s can work time controlled or SYNC controlled. A time controlled TxPDO transmits its data at the interval of time set. A SYNC controlled TxPDO transmits its data a…

  • 64, BONFIGLIOLI Vectron ACTIVE 06/0562 62 06/05 5.3.4 Zero adjustment and amplification After the adjustment has been carried out, the current of the output signal at 0% and 100% of the reference signals can be set with the parameters Offset 526 (zero ad- justment) and Amplification 527. The zero adjustment with the parameter Offset 526 is done specific to the application as a percentage of the final value…

  • 54, BONFIGLIOLI Vectron ACTIVE 06/0552 52 06/05 5.1.3 Characteristic The mapping of the analog input signals onto a frequency or percentage reference value is possible for various demands. The parameterization is to be done via two points of the linear characteristic of the reference channel. The characteristic point 1, with the coordinates X1 and Y1, and the characteristic point 2, with the coordinates X2 and…

BONFIGLIOLI Vectron ACTIVE Recommended Instructions:

PS215M4, GLHS268ZDB2, 4990, Blender Express

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Additional Information:

Product Types by BONFIGLIOLI Vectron:
  • Inverter
  • Control Unit
  • DC Drives
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