Io unsupportedoperation not writable python ошибка

Я пишу код python в редакторе NotePad++
вот код:
file = open( ‘D:/test.txt’ )

file.write( ‘Что то’ )

и получаю ошибку:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File «», line 3, in
file.write( ‘Что то’ )
io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable

Я в програмировании новичок, подскажите где ошибка

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file = open("D:/test.txt","w")
Аргумент «w» нужен для перезаписи файла (весь текст пишется заново), «a» нужен если нужно дописать текст в файле (текст добавляется в конец файла)
PS: Если нужно прочитать файл, то:

file = open("D:/файл.txt","r")
text =

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  1. Fix the io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable Error in Python
  2. Conclusion

IO.UnsupportedOperation: Not Writable Error in Python

Python is very efficient in reading and writing data from files. It has a variety of functions to help in file handling.

The basics of file handling involve opening a file using the open() function and reading or writing data based on the file mode.

The open() opens a given file and creates a file object that can be used to perform reading and writing operations on a file.

The file can be opened in different types of modes. By default, it opens the file in read mode.

This tutorial will discuss the io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable error in Python and ways to fix it.

Fix the io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable Error in Python

This error is caused when we try to perform the write operation on a file opened in reading mode. A file opened in read mode can only read the contents.

For example:

with open('sample.txt', 'r') as f:


io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable

Note that in the above example, we open the file in r mode (read) and try to write some data to this file using the write() function, which causes the error.

Remember to open the file in modes that support this operation to solve this. The write (w) or append (a) modes are used to write some data to a file.

The previous contents are truncated if we open the file in w mode. The a mode adds content to the end of the file and preserves the previous data.

For example:

with open('sample.txt', 'w') as f:

In the above example, we successfully avoid errors and can write data to the file.

If we want to simultaneously read and write data from a file, we can use the r+b mode. We can perform reading and writing operations in binary mode when the file is opened in this mode.

For example:

with open('sample.txt', 'r+b') as f:
    f.write(bytes('Text', 'utf-8'))

Note that we write data as bytes since the file is opened in binary mode. The text is encoded as bytes in the utf-8 encoding in the above example.

Alternatively, we can also use the writable() function to check whether we can perform writing operations using the file handle or not. It returns True or False.

See the code below.

with open('sample.txt', 'r') as f:

with open('sample.txt', 'a') as f:


The above example shows that the writable function returns False when the file is opened in r mode and returns True when the file is opened in a mode.


To conclude, we discussed the cause behind the io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable error and how to fix it. We discussed how opening the file in the wrong mode can cause this and what file modes support writing operations.

We also demonstrated the use of the writable function that can be used to check whether a file object can perform writing operations or not.

Email validation

#Email validator
import re

def is_email():
    email=input("Enter your email")
    pattern = '[.w]{1,}[@]w+[.]w+'
    file = open('ValidEmails.txt','r')
    if re.match(pattern, email):

I am wondering why my data wont write to the disk. Python says that my operation is not supported.

io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable

Nicolas Gervais's user avatar

asked Dec 3, 2014 at 18:13

Lenard 's user avatar


You open the variable «file» as a read only then attempt to write to it:

file = open('ValidEmails.txt','r')

Instead, use the ‘w’ flag.

file = open('ValidEmails.txt','w')

Nicolas Gervais's user avatar

answered Dec 3, 2014 at 18:17

triphook's user avatar


2,8932 gold badges25 silver badges34 bronze badges


file = open('ValidEmails.txt','wb')
file.write(email.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'))

This is solve your encode error also.

answered Aug 30, 2017 at 12:48

Anurag Misra's user avatar

Anurag MisraAnurag Misra

1,50617 silver badges24 bronze badges

use this :

#Email validator
import re

def is_email():
    email=input("Enter your email")
    pattern = '[.w]{1,}[@]w+[.]w+'
    file = open('ValidEmails.txt','w')
    if re.match(pattern, email):

answered Apr 5 at 19:44

Avijit Chowdhury's user avatar

Are you worried 😔 about getting an error “io.unsupportedOperation: not writable” in  Python, and looking for solutions to fix it? Then keep reading this article is just for you.

Python is quite effective when it comes to reading and writing data from files. It provides a wide range of features that makes file handling much easier. Using the open() method to open a file and reading or writing data based on the file mode are the fundamentals of file management.

The open() function opens a specified file and generates a file object that may be used to read and write to files. Various modes can be used to open the file. It opens the file by default in read-only mode.

In this article, we will discuss io.unsupportedOperations: not writeable in Python, what happens when we use these operations in Python, why an error occurs, and how to resolve this error. We will further discuss Python’s io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable error and solutions to it. So without further ado, let’s dive deep into the topic and see some real examples!

Table of Contents
  1. What is Python’s Writable Method?
  2. Why Does the “io.UnsupportedOperation: Not Writable” Error Occur in Python?
  3. What Are The Different Modes of File Handling in Python?
  4. How to Fix The io.UnsupportedOperation: Not Writable Error in Python?

What is Python’s Writable Method?

Python allows us to write strings to files by using the write() method on the text file object and passing the string as an argument. Utilize the open() method to open the text file in write mode. The function returns a file object. Use the file object’s write() method and send it the string as a parameter. Once all writing has been completed, use the close() method to close off the file.



Why Does the “io.UnsupportedOperation: Not Writable” Error Occur in Python?

When you are attempting to write in a file that we do not have permission to write, which indicates that we have opened this file in reading-only mode or possibly without mentioning any mode at all. The solution to this error is to simply append the correct mode, which is ‘w’ mode, which stands for writing mode. As soon as you add “w” mode, the problem will be resolved.

In Python, the IOBase class has a function called writable. If a file stream is capable of writing, this function returns True. False will be returned if the file stream cannot be written to. An exception will be thrown if we use the file object to invoke a write or truncate method that isn’t readable. Let’s see an example:


with open('File.txt', 'r') as f:

    f.write('The Meeting is at 2pm')


IO.UnsupportedOperation Not Writable

In the example above, the file is opened in read-only mode (r mode), and an error occurs when we attempt to write data to the file using the write() method.

What Are The Different Modes of File Handling in Python?

To interact with files in Python there are different modes like to read data we’ve to use r and to write data into the files we’ll use w mode. The following table has all the different available modes that you can use to deal with files in Python.

Access Mode Description
r It opens a file for reading only. In this mode file pointer is placed at the beginning of the file; if we don’t write any access mode, it is our default mode.
rb The rb stands for reading only in binary. It opens a file for reading only in binary format. The file pointer reads from the beginning of the file.
r+ If we write + after r, it opens a file for reading and writing. In this mode, the file pointer is placed at the beginning of the file.
rb+ If we write + after rb, it opens a file for both readings and writing in binary format. In this mode, the file pointer is placed at the beginning of the file.
w If we want to open a file for writing, we have to write w to open a file for writing only. In this mode, a new file is created if the file does not exist. This access mode overwrites the file if the file exists. 
wb Just like rb, we write wb to open a file for writing only in binary format. In this mode, a new file is created if the file does not exist on a given path. This access mode overwrites the file if the file exists.
w+ If we write w+, it will open a file for writing and reading. This mode also overwrites the existing file if the file exists, like w and wb. If the file does not exist on the given path, create a new file for reading and writing.
wb+ Like rb+, writing wb+ mode will open a file for writing and reading in binary format. In this mode, a new file is created if the file does not exist. This access mode overwrites the file if the file exists.
a a stand for appending means writing something at the end of the file. If a file does not exist, it creates a new one.
ab If we write ab as access mode, it will open a file for appending in binary format. 
a+ We write a+ for opening a file for both appending and reading. 
ab+ We write ab+ for opening a file for both appending and reading in binary format. 

This error is caused when we try to perform the write operation on a file opened in reading mode. A file opened in read mode can only read the contents. To fix this, always be sure to open the file in an appropriate mode. 

Following are the ways by which we can write data into a file :

  1. Using write function
  2. Using utf-8 for binary mode
  3. Using append function

Method 1: Using The Write Function

When writing data to a file, the write (w) or append (a) modes are applied.  If you open the file in w mode, the earlier portions are cut off. The file’s previous data is preserved when the data is added to the end of the file in mode. Let’s see an example:


with open('File.txt', 'w') as f:

    f.write('The Meeting is at 2pm)

print("Is this  file writable ?", f.writable())


Is this file writable? True

We can write data in a file when the file is open in writing mode. In the above example, we can write the data “The meeting is at 2 pm”  in File.txt, and to check whether we can write data or not, we can check in True or False.

Method 2: Using utf-8 For Binary Mode

In the below example, we were able to prevent errors and write data to the file. The r+b mode can be used to concurrently read and write data from a file. When the file is opened in this mode, we may carry out reading and writing activities in binary mode.


with open('File.txt', 'r+b') as f:

    f.write(bytes('The Meeting is at 2pm, 'utf-8'))

    print("Is this  file writable ?", f.writable())


Is this file writable? True

Since the file is opened in binary mode, we write data as bytes. In the above example, the text is encoded using the utf-8 encoding as bytes.  To verify whether we can execute writing operations using the file handle or not, we can alternatively utilize the writable() method, returning either true or false.

Method 3: Using The Append Function

We can also use the append function a  to write data into a file named File.txt. Let’s see an example


with open('File.txt', 'r') as f:


with open('File.txt', 'a') as f:





The above example demonstrates that when a file is opened in r mode, the writable function returns False, and when a file is opened in a mode, it returns True.


To summarize the article, we have discussed what causes the io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable error in Python. How to resolve the io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable error. Furthermore, we discussed what file modes permit writing activities as well as how opening the file in the incorrect mode might lead to this.

The best way is to use the write function, but you have to make sure the file is open in write mode w  and not in read mode r,  as that will generate an UnsupportedOperation: not writable error.  You can also use the writable function to check whether the file is writable or not. This will print true if the file is editable or writable. If the file is not writable, it will return a false.

We’ve also talked about how to utilize the writable function, which can be used to determine whether or not a file object is capable of performing writing operations.

Let’s have a quick recap of the topics discussed in this article.

  1. What is the Python writable method?
  2. Why does io.unsupportedOperation: not writable error occur?
  3. How to fix the io.unsupportedOperation: not writable error in python?
  4. Using the write function.
  5. Using utf-8 for binary mode.
  6. Using the append function.

If you’ve found this article helpful, comment below and let 👇 know which solutions have helped you solve the problem.

The write operation comes under file handling in Python. File handling is an integral part of Python. It includes performing various file-related operations. One of the most commonly used are the read and write operations, and one of the most widely occuring errors is the ‘io.unsupportedoperation: not writable’ error.

Many things can cause an error in Python, but one of the most common errors that Python programmers face is an IO operation (input/output) that is not supported.

Have you ever wondered what will happen in case you write to a file opened in read mode? Well, the title explains it well. Let us understand the ‘io.unsupportedoperation: not writable’ error in detail. In this article, we will go over the different ways to fix this error and why it happens.

What are IO operations?

In Python, io.supported_operations is a dictionary of the supported operations for each I/O operation.

The difference between these two operations is that I/O is used to read or write data from or to a file, while supported_operations indicates whether or not an operation is supported by the interpreter.

Also, IO operations are used to read and write data from a file or device. They are supported only for files. This statement means that if you want to read from or write to some other destination, you will need to use other methods.

These operations can be classified as text I/O, binary I/O, and raw I/O. There is a device error, also. Due to this, windows are not allowed to perform any read or write operation and extract data.

Understanding the io.unsupportedoperation: not writable error

When we don’t specify any mode, the file opens in read mode by default. Now, look at the following piece of code:

with open('pythonfile.txt', 'r') as f:
    f.write('FIRST WORD')

Here, a programmer has opened file in read mode. In the next statement, he is trying to write a string to the file. This will result in the given error i.e. IO unsupported error.

Also, this can happen if you have a directory in your path that has spaces in it, or if you try to write to an existing file.

See also: [Solved] ValueError: I/O operation on closed file. (Opens in a new browser tab)

Solution of the io.unsupportedoperation: not writable error

In order to solve the error, you need to change the mode or read the file only. The mode can be changed into either write or append. The write mode deletes previously added data while append mode will add the string to the location where end of line character is present. Corrected code will look like this:

with open('pythonfile.txt', 'a') as f:
    f.write('FIRST WORD')

Otherwise we can perform read and write together using r+b mode. utf-8 implies encoding the byte since you want to open file in binary mode.

with open('pythonfile.txt', 'r+b') as f:
    f.write(bytes('FIRST WORD', 'utf-8'))

The simplest way to fix an IO operation that isn’t supported is simply by using another method of input or output: print(“hello world”) or“/etc/passwd”, “r”).read().

However, this isn’t always ideal: if your code relies on input being available through the open() call and it fails, then it’s going to fail at runtime too! The best way to handle these situations is by checking whether your function supports IO operations before trying to use them. The easiest way to do this is via a try/except block: try: print(“hello world”) except NotSupportedError as e: print(“error”, e)

To sum it up, this error occurs when trying to write a file in the directory without having permission. The solution is simple: either add the necessary permission or change the directory name.

io.unsupportedoperation with json files

In case you are encountering the same error in a json file, the reason is the same. By default, open() method will open file in read mode. Hence, you need to change it to write mode to fix the error. Example:

#with error
with open("myfile.txt") as jsonfile:
        json.dump(hero, jsonfile)

Initially, no mode was given so it couldn’t write. Now,after altering the code will become error free.

#without error
with open("myfile.txt", "w") as jsonfile:
    json.dump(hero, jsonfile)

Python’s writable method for file handling

IObase class contains writable function in Python. It gives TRUE or FALSE output showing whether the file is writable or not. Example:

a = open("abc.txt", "r")
b = open("abc.txt", "a+")

So the output will be:

#because opening the file in write or append mode will only make it writable. #otherwise we will get the ans as FALSE

io.unsupportedoperation with try and except block

You can also throw an exception yourself using try-except block in Python. The io module consists of this file handling error. So with the help of this module you can raise this exception. Follow the given code to get an understanding.

import io
    with open("myfile.txt", "w") as f:
except io.UnsupportedOperation as e:

Use the I/O tool to see if the data is writeable. This will let you know whether or not it can be written to. Or you can check that your data is comma-separated values (CSV) and not a fixed-width file (like a text file) by using I/O again and seeing if it says “UTF-8 encoded string.”

io.unsupportedoperation: not writable yaml dump

It seems that your yaml dump is not writable, which means it’s not a valid YAML dump. io.unsupportedoperation: not writable yaml dump. Also, the io.unsupportedoperation error occurs when you try to write a yaml dump file, but you’re not running in the correct environment and/or you don’t have the necessary permissions.

To fix this problem, please run the following command: sudo shutdown -h now

You can also try changing the working directory of your YAML dump file from /tmp/yaml_dump to your home directory. This is done by using the chmod command with no arguments. If that doesn’t work, try using sudo to run your command as root or using su to become root. You can do this by adding a sudo prefix before any commands that need root privileges.

See Also: [Fixed] “io.unsupportedoperation not readable” error


How to check if a file exists before reading it?

We can use os.path.exists() method to check whether the path exists or not.

What is the output of writable function in Python?

It gives boolean output in the form of True and False. In case the file is writable you will get True as your answer. However, if the file is not opened in write mode or append mode, you will get False as the answer.

What does unsupported operation mean in Python?

Unsupported operation is the term used to describe a function or operator that is not supported by the Python interpreter. They are often used in conjunction with a non-standard library. They can lead to unexpected behavior or crashes and should be avoided when possible. Arithmetic and comparison operators are often unsupported, so it is important to use other ways of expressing the same operation.

How do you read and write the same file in Python

Opening the file in r+ mode helps to access both read and write operations in Python.


We discussed the meaning of IO operations in Python and their classifications. You must have learned how to fix the io.unsupportedoperation: not writable error. Apart from this, we have discussed the alternatives you can approach to make the code error free while handling files in Python and using writable keywords while performing file-handling operations.

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