Исправить ошибки пакетов ubuntu

Во время установки программ с помощью пакетного менеджера apt в любом из дистрибутивов, использующих этот пакетный менеджер, вы можете столкнуться с ошибкой, что у вас зафиксированы сломанные пакеты. Это пакеты, которые не установились полностью потому что им не хватает зависимостей или процесс установки был по какой-либо причине прерван.

В этой статье мы рассмотрим что делать с такой ошибкой, как её исправить, а также я дам ссылки на другие материалы на сайте, которые помогут справится с проблемой.

Как исправить у вас зафиксированы сломанные пакеты?

1. Обновите списки пакетов

Возможно вам не удалось установить нужные пакеты потому что списки репозиториев устарели, и там ещё не было нужных пакетов. Для обновления списка пакетов выполните:

sudo apt update --fix-missing

2. Установите битые пакеты

После обновления списка пакетов из репозиториев может помочь установка битых пакетов. Этот шаг поможет особенно если вы устанавливали пакет с помощью dpkg и теперь нужно доустановить его зависимости с помощью пакетного менеджера. Для этого есть специальная команда:

sudo apt install -f

3. Очистите лишние пакеты

Установке могут мешать лишние пакеты, которые больше не нужны в системе. Для их удаления выполните:

sudo apt clean


sudo apt autoremove

Утилита отобразит список всех битых пакетов, которые не установлены, вы можете попытаться их удалить с помощью команды:

sudo dpkg --remove -force --force-remove-reinstreq имя_пакета

4. Используйте dpkg

Вместо apt вы можете использовать команду dpkg чтобы посмотреть какие пакеты вызывают проблему. Просто выполните:

sudo dpkg --configure -a

Команда покажет проблемные пакеты, а потом вы сможете их удалить той же командой:

sudo dpkg --remove -force --force-remove-reinstreq имя_пакета

5. Разрешите зависимости

Битые пакеты чаще всего появляются из-за того, что пакетный менеджер не может найти для них нужные зависимости. Если вам всё же очень нужно установить такой пакет, просто разрешите эти зависимости. Для этого можно скачать и установить их вручную или если вы уверенны, что зависимости в пакете указаны неверно, можно скачать его распаковать и удалить мешающие зависимости. Подробнее об этом читайте в этой статье.


В этой небольшой статье мы рассмотрели что делать если в вашей системе появились битые пакеты и как их исправить. Здесь решение проблемы очень сильно зависит от вашей ситуации, но здесь приведены основные варианты решения, которые должны помочь вернуть пакетный менеджер к работе. Иногда рекомендуют удалить пакет вручную из базы данных dpkg /var/lib/dpkg/status, однако лучше этого не делать и найти путь решить проблему по другому, ручное редактирование подобных файлов может создать ещё больше проблем.

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Основатель и администратор сайта losst.ru, увлекаюсь открытым программным обеспечением и операционной системой Linux. В качестве основной ОС сейчас использую Ubuntu. Кроме Linux, интересуюсь всем, что связано с информационными технологиями и современной наукой.


Linux packages are compressed archives containing programs and files necessary to run them. The package distribution system is designed to be robust and simplify the application installation process.

However, a bad internet connection or misconfigured third-party installers can corrupt packages and cause problems on your system.

This article will show you how to troubleshoot and fix broken packages on Ubuntu using the available APT and DPKG tools.

How to fix broken packages in Ubuntu


  • An account with sudo privileges
  • An Ubuntu system

Check for Updates

Start troubleshooting by rebuilding the list of dependencies. The --fix-missing option tells APT to ignore missing packages. The option ensures the update process is performed without APT returning an error.

sudo apt update --fix-missing
The --fix-missing option tells APT to ignore the missing packages

Force APT to Correct Missing Dependencies or Broken Packages

Missing package dependencies are a common reason for package-related errors.

1. Use apt install with the -f flag to tell APT to locate the missing packages and install them.

sudo apt install -f

APT lists the missing packages on your system.

The apt install tells APT to locate the missing packages and install them

2. Press ENTER to start the installation.

Note: If troubleshooting has led to Ubuntu needing to be reinstalled, please refer to our reinstallation guide How to Reinstall Ubuntu.

Force Reconfigure or Remove Broken Packages with DPKG

Broken packages may cause package manager configuration problems.

1. Reconfigure DPKG, the base package management system, with the following command:

sudo dpkg --configure -a

2. Check if DPKG marked some packages as needing a reinstall.

sudo dpkg -l | grep ^..R

3. If the command above returns a list of one or more packages, try removing the packages by typing:

sudo dpkg --purge --force-all [package-name]

The example below shows how to remove the corrupted vlc-plugin-base package.

Remove the corrupted vlc-plugin-base package

Warning: The dpkg --purge --force-all command removes a package even if the removal causes further dependency issues. Use the command with care.

4. After you finish troubleshooting, run the following command to clean up the system:

sudo apt clean

5. Then update the repositories again:

sudo apt update

Resolve DPKG Lock Issue

The DPKG lock error appears when trying to install a package while another process is using DPKG.

The DPKG lock error appears when trying to install a package while another process is using DPKG

However, sometimes the error occurs even if no other processes are using the package management system.

1. To fix the problem, remove the lock file manually:

sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock

2. Also, remove the lock in cache:

sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock

Deleting the lock enables you to use APT and DPKG again.


The article provided common ways of resolving problems caused by broken packages on Ubuntu.

For more information related to package management on Ubuntu, read:

  • How to List Installed Packages on Ubuntu
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Using Snap Packages on Ubuntu
  • How to Install Deb Files (Packages) on Ubuntu

Если вы активный пользователь Linux, то наверняка встречались с тем, что некоторые пакеты так сказать ломаются. Это может быть вызвано по разным причинам, некорректно установленный пакет, какие-то ошибки во время установки и многое другое. Что в свою очередь может сказаться и на самом менеджере пакетов “apt-get”, и как итог, возможно что дойдет даже то того, что вы не сможете обновляться или устанавливать программное обеспечения. Данная статья поможет вам решить вопрос со сломанными пакетами в Debian / Ubuntu, а так же их производными. Так как сломанные пакеты могут возникать по разным причинам, существует несколько способов для решения этой задачи, но, не все они могут сработать, тут все зависит от конкретного случая.

P.S. Желательно точно знать какой пакет у вас сломан, так как это поможет вам выбрать один из способом решения задачи.

Чиним сломанные пакеты с apt-get

Первый вариант, который может помочь починить сломанные пакеты имеется в самом менеджере пакетов apt, и для починки сломанных пакетов достаточно ввести две команды:

sudo apt-get update --fix-missing
sudo apt-get install -f

сломанные пакеты в Debian Ubuntu 1

Этот способ поможет для решения уже установленных в вашей системе пакетов, который по каким то причинам сломались. После выполнения первой команды необходимо убедиться, что она исправила ошибки, а затем переходить к введению второй команды. Возможно, что для исправления сломанных пакетов понадобиться несколько минут:

Чиним сломанные пакеты с apt-get и dpkg

Но, что делать если пакет сломался во время установки? Можно попробовать выполнить команды из первого примера, если они не сработают, переходим к использованию apt-get и dpkg, для этого первым делом используем dpkg для настройки пакетов. А затем выполняем очистку apt-get:

sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get update

сломанные пакеты в Debian Ubuntu 2

В некоторых ситуациях может понадобиться удалить файл блокировки, после удаления файла блокировки, снова выполните предыдущие команды:

sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock

Принудительное удаление пакета с помощью apt-get и dpkg

В редких ситуациях может случиться и такое, что ни один из выше указанных методов не сработает и вам понадобиться вручную удалить сломанный пакет. Для этого разумеется вы должны точно знать что это за пакет, и первый вариант удаление пакета с помощью apt-get, для этого вводим команду:

sudo apt-get remove и название пакета

Если же вам не удалось удалить пакет, переходим к кардинальным мерам, для принудительного пакеты введите команду:

sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq и название пакеты

Затем выполните очистку и обновление пакетов:

sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update


Если вы не знаете про менеджеры пакетов apt-get и dpkg, на WIKI имеется статьи, первая про apt, вторая статья про dpkg. В редких ситуациях, выше приведенных мер может быть недостаточно для исправления сломанных пакетов. В этом случае, может понадобиться ручная сборка и удаление сломанных пакетов, правда, имеется риск повредить работоспособность всей системы, что в свою очередь может вывести ее из строя. В этом случае, если вы делали резервные копии вашей системы можно откатиться работоспособной версии системы. Сделать резервную копию вашей системы можно при помощи Timeshift или Deja Dup, последняя имеется в дистрибутиве Ubuntu. Но, чаще всего удается отделаться малой кровью когда появляются сломанные пакеты, и выше приведенных мер достаточно для исправления сломанных пактов.

А на этом сегодня все. Надеюсь данная статья будет вам полезна.
Журнал Cyber-X

Linux package managers, like Apt and DNF, are extremely powerful and intuitive, but that doesn’t mean things can’t go wrong. Occasionally, a package install goes wrong, and you’re left to pick up the pieces. Package managers have the ability to fix broken packages and skip broken updates to get your system working again and avoid troubles in the future.

This article covers how to fix broken packages in Linux. These fixes should help you get unstuck in most instances.


  • Fixing Broken Packages in Ubuntu/Mint/Debian
  • Fixing Broken Packages in Fedora/CentOS/RHEL
  • Fixing Broken Packages in Arch
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Fixing Broken Packages in Ubuntu/Mint/Debian

Apt has a couple of flags to fix missing dependencies or packages that broke for one reason or another during install. A common use here would be installing a third-party .deb and finding that it had dependencies you didn’t know about. Those dependencies probably won’t be pulled in on their own, and dpkg will complain that it can’t resolve dependencies. In any case, you can try the following steps:

Note: learn how Apt works before attempting any of the fixes below.

Linuxpackages Fixmissing
  1. Run an update to make sure there aren’t newer versions of the required packages:
 sudo apt --fix-missing update
  1. Force Apt to look for and correct any missing dependencies or broken packages when you attempt to install the offending package again. This will install any missing dependencies and repair existing installs:

Fixing DPKG Configuration Issues

Another place where an error can pop up in package installations is the configuration process. Behind the scenes, dpkg takes care of this part, so when a package fails during configuration, dpkg is the tool to fix it.

Linuxpackages Configuredpkg
  1. Start by trying to force dpkg to reconfigure any broken or partially configured packages:
  1. If that doesn’t solve the problem, take a more forceful approach. Start by listing any packages that dpkg marked as requiring a reinstall:

The above command will show you the packages that cause problems. For this next step, check and make sure that the packages marked for reinstall are really broken. Do a sudo apt reinstall and pay attention to which packages fail to reinstall.

  1. For each package that fails to reinstall, get the name and forcibly remove the broken package:
sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq [package name]
  1. Dpkg should now be clean. Do a cleanup with Apt:
sudo apt clean && sudo apt update

With any luck, that’ll get you back to where you started. It won’t get you the broken packages that you tried to install, but at least Apt will be functional again, and you can go back to using it to attempt to install the package you were originally trying to install and its dependencies.

Permanent DPKG Lock

There’s a less common issue with dpkg locks preventing you from doing anything. Every time you try to use Apt or dpkg, you get an error saying another application is already using it … when it isn’t.

It’s easy to delete the lock file preventing you from using Apt and getting back to doing what you need to. Sometimes these lock files remain in place after an install error or power outage, derailing the process and preventing the file from being removed automatically. In this case, you’ll need to do it yourself.

sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock

For good measure, delete the lock in the cache.

sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock

Warning: Before removing this lock, make sure that it’s not being used. In Ubuntu, there’s an updater that starts up together with the system that locks DPKG/APT when it’s searching for updates. If you’re unsure whether the updater is running, press your Win key to bring up the Activity Center and type “Software Updater,” then press Enter to open it.

Linuxpackages Ubuntuupdater

If the updater says that it can’t run, and you have no terminals open with package managers running in the background, go ahead with the above instructions.

If instead of the broken packages issue you are facing an issue with the Software Center not working, we have the fixes.

Fixing Broken Packages in Fedora/CentOS/RHEL

Fixing broken packages in Fedora/CentOS/RHEL is a less common affair. dnf does really great work making sure packages are installed correctly. That said, it’s still not perfect, and things will sometimes get mixed up in package management.

Note: learn the differences between Fedora, CentOS and RHEL.

1. List Troublesome Packages

The command to sort this out on RHEL-based systems like Fedora is:

Linuxpackages Rpmverify

The -V option is to verify, meaning it will go through and compare information on the installed files with the information stored in the rpm database. Attaching -a to this just verifies all core packages. This is slightly unhelpful, as it will usually give you a long list of files, but it can give you somewhere to start if you’re having issues with a particular application.

For example, seeing something marked as “missing” in your terminal will tell you that there are missing files in that particular package.

2. Attempt a Reinstall

Run a dnf reinstall on any packages you see in that list that might be giving you trouble.

sudo dnf --refresh reinstall [package name]

That will set all metadata as expired, so it will crawl through every repository you have enabled and look for a new version of that package. If you find that there are broken dependencies with that package, DNF will probably complain and tell you to use the --skip-broken flag. This will just skip that package entirely and let you update your system normally.

3. The Last Resort – Remove Packages

If you’ve reached the point where you have to use --skip-broken to complete your updates, it’s more hygienic for your system to remove it entirely.

Remembering the name of the package you failed to properly reinstall, uninstall it:

sudo dnf remove [package name]

The worst that could happen here is that you end up removing a core part of your daily flow, such as your browser, forcing you to find an alternative.

Tip: learn how to use flatpak in Fedora to better manage your packages.

Fixing Broken Packages in Arch

Although Arch’s package manager has some similarities to the others listed here (i.e, it has a database lock file and pulls dependencies in a similar way), it’s an entirely different beast of its own when it comes to how its logic is structured. The first step in diagnosing your issue is to make sure that the repositories are up to date and attempt a full upgrade:

If your attempts to install your package or do a system upgrade are still ending in failure, we have to isolate the cause according to what the terminal told you:

Note: learn how pacman works before you attempt to fix it.

“Invalid or Corrupted Package”

Making changes to “pacman.conf” in any manner can cause issues that cause pacman to incorrectly label packages as corrupt. The most likely culprit here is a partial (“.part”) file in the package manager cache, and your solution is to remove it:

sudo find /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ -iname "*.part" -delete

There’s always a chance that the package you’re trying to install is indeed corrupt and doesn’t provide valid metadata to Arch’s package manager. In that case, you’ll have to wait for the package maintainer to update it. If the package is installed on your system and causing problems during an upgrade, remove it with:

sudo pacman -Rns [package name]

“Unable to Lock Database”

Like Debian’s apt, Arch’s package manager makes a lock file during operations. If you experienced a power outage or pacman experienced a hard interrupt and couldn’t remove the lock, it’s very likely to leave behind a lock file.

First, find out if some process on your computer is still using the file:

sudo fuser /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
Linuxpackages Lockpid

In the image above, a process with ID 121497 is using the file lock. If you’re curious about the process and want more information, use ps:

Linuxpackages Pspid

In my case, another pacman instance owns the lock file. The safest way to remove the lock is to first kill that process:

Now that the process is dead, remove the lock file:

sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck

You’re good to go now!

“Conflicting Files/File Exists in Filesystem”

This happens during upgrades where pacman detects a conflict of ownership. Before fixing anything, pay attention to the path to the file that the package manager is complaining about.

To find out who owns the file:

pacman -Qo [path to the file]

If it’s owned by a user and not another package, just remove it:

sudo rm [path to the file]

If it’s owned by another package, the safest thing to do is wait for the package’s maintainer to fix this conflict themselves. Sometimes that’s not an option, though, and you want to get things done now.

The simplest way to accomplish this is using the --overwrite flag in pacman. Just know that this is generally unsafe and could lead to some applications not working correctly in your system. I suggest making a backup prior to running this.

The --overwrite flag allows Arch’s package manager to ignore ownership rules for a particular file and just steamroll through the update. Example:

sudo pacman -Syu --overwrite [file name]

If the above command doesn’t work, replace the file name with its absolute path. Some users have reported that removing the leading slash (“/”) in front of the path makes the command work when it’s being stubborn.

Alternatively, you could also just tell pacman to overwrite everything it needs to:

sudo pacman -Syu --overwrite='*'

“Invalid or Corrupted Package (PGP Signature)”

Linuxpackages Pgp

In some packages that are poorly maintained, the developer may not have the time or willingness to properly update the digital signature that certifies their package. This will eventually result in a message in your terminal while trying to install it, such as, “signature from [someone] is marginal trust,” followed by the package manager asking if you’d like to delete the file.

Because signature updates depend entirely on the maintainer, there’s nothing you can realistically do to fix the situation from your terminal. If you’re doing an update and want to keep the package, use the --ignore flag for that package in particular:

sudo pacman -Syu --ignore [package name]

If you get this for many packages, your keyring might be out of date. Update it with:

sudo pacman -S archlinux-keyring

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply the Arch Fixes with an AUR helper?

Generally, yes. Replace “pacman” with your AUR helper in the commands in this guide. Example: yay -Qo /path/to/file

What should I do if I interrupt an update?

Breaking an update process either by pressing Ctrl + C , killing the package manager’s process, or closing the terminal prematurely will result in some level of corruption in your package database that could complicate things when you try to install something else. To fix this, clear the cache and repeat the update.

Image credit: Flickr. All screenshots by Miguel Leiva-Gomez.

Miguel Leiva-Gomez

Miguel Leiva-Gomez

Miguel has been a business growth and technology expert for more than a decade and has written software for even longer. From his little castle in Romania, he presents cold and analytical perspectives to things that affect the tech world.

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One of the best things about Linux is the apt command which lets you install applications and software effortlessly. Using apt, you don’t have to go through downloading the software, then going through the installer and clicking ‘Next’ a dozen times. It makes sure that every software is installed with just one terminal command.

But, just like any other program, things can go wrong. The error that we will be talking about in this write-up looks something like the following:

E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

This error may occur when you are trying to install something via the apt utility. Let us look into the error in detail and try to solve the problem.

What causes this error?

Some of the software (mostly third-party ones) do not come with compatible dependencies and apt expects that your system already has those components. In case the required components aren’t found on your system, apt throws an error related to broken packages which means that the package you are trying to install is incomplete.

Outdated repositories, problems with the ‘sources.list‘ file, or an old/unsupported version of Linux might be the cause of this problem.

Methods to fix this problem

Before moving to the advanced methods, let us try a few quick tricks that can potentially help:

Method 1: Update the repositories

The apt update is a well-known command which instantly updates the list of packages and their dependencies. As the problem we are facing is due to missing dependencies, there is a good chance that this command will fix the error.

If the problem persists, try this command:

This will update the existing packages on your system to the latest version.

Method 2: Use aptitude instead of apt

Aptitude is also a package manager like apt and it surprisingly works in some situations where apt doesn’t! all you need to do is use aptitude instead of apt.

For example, suppose you want to install BIND9 using aptitude, you will have to enter the following command:

sudo aptitude install bind9

If you don’t have aptitude installed, run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install aptitude

Method 3: Use autoremove to get rid of unnecessary packages

Sometimes, unnecessary packages stay behind even after uninstalling their parent application. These residual packages might interfere with installation of new applications or libraries. To get rid of these unnecessary residual packages, just enter the following command into the terminal:

There’s no need to worry as autoremove will only handle the leftover packages and dependencies.

Now with the basics out of the way, we will look at some more advanced methods to solve this problem.

Method 4: Look for held packages and unhold them

As the error message suggests, the problem is caused by packages on hold. The term ‘held package’ means that it can’t be upgraded, removed, or modified in any way.

To get a list of held packages, you need to enter the following command:

To unhold a specific package, enter:

sudo apt-mark unhold <package-name>

To unhold all held packages, enter:

sudo apt-mark unhold $(sudo apt-mark showhold)

Method 5: Use the synaptic package manager to fix broken packages

Originally, Linux doesn’t have an inbuilt graphical package manager like Windows. This is why the synaptic package manager became immensely popular on Debian-based distributions made for personal computers as it provided a lightweight and robust GUI package manager.

One of the key features of this utility is that you can fix broken packages very easily. Follow the steps below:

1. First, install the synaptic package manager:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install synaptic

2. Run synaptic with superuser privileges:

3. Go to Edit > Fix Broken Packages

Fix Broken Packages In Synaptic

Fix Broken Packages In Synaptic

It will take some time if there are broken packages present. Check if the problem is resolved.


  • Ask Ubuntu – Unhold a package
  • Ask Ubuntu thread on the same problem


In this article, we saw five different methods to fix the error “Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.” All the methods discussed were easy to execute and I hope you were able to fix the problem on your system. If you are still facing the same issue even after trying all the above methods, it can be because of using an unsupported Linux distribution, in which case, you will have to consider upgrading to a newer version of it.

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