Исправьте ошибки где они есть he will spend


1. He will spend the following summer in the country. Либо He spent last summer in the country.

2. You go to school every day.

3. Children cooked nice dinner yesterday. Либо Children will cook nice dinner tomorrow.

4. Last Sunday we went to the park.

5. I wrote a letter to my friend yesterday.

6. Nick doesn’t like to play the piano.

7. Ошибок нет

He spent last summer in the country. — Так как действие происходило прошлым летом, значит стоит употребить Past Simple Tense. Структура предложения: подлежащее — глагол во второй форме или, если он правильный, добавить к нему окончание -ed.

You go to school every day. — В Present Simple Tense окончание -s, -es добавляется к сказуемому, если подлежащее находится в третьем лице единственного числа.

Children will cook nice dinner tomorrow. Так как действие будет происходить завтра, значит надо употребить Future Simple Tense. Структура: подлежащее — will — сказуемое в чистой форме.

Last Sunday we went to the park. — Так как действие происходило в прошлое воскресенье, значит стоит употребить Past Simple Tense. Структура предложения: подлежащее — глагол во второй форме или, если он правильный, добавить к нему окончание -ed.

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You goes to shool every day. Children cooked nice dinner tomorrow. Last Sunday we goes to the park.

1 ответ:



He spent last summer in the country или he will spend next summer in the country
you go to school every day
Children cooked nice dinner yesterday или children will cook nice dinner tomorrow
last sunday we went to the park 

Читайте также

Ответ:What are the options after leaving school in Ukraine?


<em>There are a lot of schools in Ukraine. After graduation, children go to universities. The most notable are in Kharkov, Kiev, Lviv, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa. You can enroll in medical (many types: beautician, doctor, gynecologist, stamotolog), cooks and etc.</em>

Объяснение:Всё написано правильно!

1 There is some butter in the fridge, but there isn’t any milk.
2 There is some cotton in the shop, but there isn’t any silk.
3 There are some flowers in the park, but there aren’t any bees.
4 There are some birds in the fields, but there aren’t any trees.

The Uk — British
The USA — American
Canada- Canadian
Australia — Australian
New Zealand — New Zealander
France — French
Japan — Japanese

<span>Today most large passenger planes can cross the Atlantic Ocean in less than
seven hours and the fastest airplane can ( fly) (26) __________ at more than 3,000
kilometres per hour. This is three times faster than the speed of the sound. People
once ( believed) (27) __________ that planes couldn’t fly faster than sound. This (has
become) (28)__________ possible since 1947 when an American pilot (to broke)
(29) __________ the sound barrier.
Aircraft are the fastest way to travel because they fly straight over mountains
and oceans. They have lots of modern technology, such as computers, to help them be
fast and safe and are made) (30) __________ of special strong, lightweight metals
and plastics.
Space flight is now a reality and not just something we (read) (31)
__________ about in books. The first space flight (took) (32) __________ place in
1957. Two inventions made space flight possible. The first was the rocket engine,
which can work in space and now it (has reached) (33) __________ speeds of over
28,000 kilometres per hour. The second was the computer, which is needed to guide
the spaceship once it is away from Earth and up in space. People can make long space
flights on space stations and may stay there for weeks or months. If you look at the
sky through a telescope you will find a lot of satellites that (are orbiting) (34) __________
our planet at the moment.
And the future? Who knows? There is no end to inventions and progress.
Maybe we (willbe able) (35)__________ soon to buy a ticket for a Moon flight! 

<span>No.</span><span>After all,</span><span>it is not helpful</span><span>…. — Нет. Ведь это не полезно…</span>


1. He will spend the following summer in the country. Либо He spent last summer in the country.

2. You go to school every day.

3. Children cooked nice dinner yesterday. Либо Children will cook nice dinner tomorrow.

4. Last Sunday we went to the park.

5. I wrote a letter to my friend yesterday.

6. Nick doesn’t like to play the piano.

7. Ошибок нет

1 Ответ


12 Июнь, 20


(386 баллов)


1. He will spend the following summer in the country. Либо He spent last summer in the country.

2. You go to school every day.

3. Children cooked nice dinner yesterday. Либо Children will cook nice dinner tomorrow.

4. Last Sunday we went to the park.

5. I wrote a letter to my friend yesterday.

6. Nick doesn’t like to play the piano.

7. Ошибок нет

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