1). I have known Ben since my childhood.
Present Perfect is correct.
2). When did you start to work?
Past Simple interrogative. The word “since” is not needed here.
3). George has been the best student since he entered the University.
Past Simple is correct.
4). The children have been changed a lot in the last time.
Present Perfect passive is correct.
5). Mr. Brown was not at work for last week.
Past Simple is correct with the tense marker “last week”.
👋 Привет Лёва
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8 лет назад
Английский язык
5 — 9 классы
Исправьте ошибки
1)I know Ben since my childhood
2)Since when did you start to work?
3)George has been the best student since he has entered the University
4)The children have changed a lot in the last time
5)Mr. Brown hasn t been at work for last week
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8 лет назад
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В первом I have been know Ben sunce my childhood
(1 оценка)
Исправьте ошибки 1)I know Ben since my childhood 2)Since when did you start to work? 3)George has been the best student since he has entered the University 4)The children have changed a lot in the last time 5)Mr. Brown hasn t been at work for last week
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В первом I have been know Ben sunce my childhood
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222 просмотров
Исправьте ошибки
1)I know Ben since my childhood
2)Since when did you start to work?
3)George has been the best student since he has entered the University
4)The children have changed a lot in the last time
5)Mr. Brown hasn t been at work for last week
28 Март, 18
(292 баллов)
в категории Английский язык
1 Ответ
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28 Март, 18
(55 баллов)
В первом I have been know Ben sunce my childhood