Исправьте ошибки jack passed the exam he

Progress Check
Passive Voice

I, II, III – Задания, обязательные для выполнения
IV*, V* — задания на дополнительную оценку

I. Jack can’t pass his English exam. Could you help him to correct the mistakes?

1. News is being published every month.
2. This task is already done by him.
3. The book was read by 4 yesterday.
4. Is your report made last week?
5. When the cake must be bought?
6. Will the doctor sent for tomorrow?
7. They can’t meet by me now.
8. At the moment she is talked to by the teacher.

II. Mary has a problem doing her homework. Please, help her to open the brackets using Passive Voice.

1. The story (tell) by us in 3 days.
2. Look! The dinner (cook).
3. When I phoned her, the film (watch).
4. Apples just (buy) by Daddy.
5. These flowers (grow) every summer by Granny.
6. The game (play) yesterday.
7. His sister must nоt(take) by 5.
8. Their dog can (feed) on vegetables.

III. Are you good at translating from Russian into English? Let’s see.

1. Животных любят во многих семьях.
2. Эту работу сделали вчера мои друзья.
3. Его книгу принесут завтра.
4. Послушай! Они поют красивую песню!
5. О нем опять говорили в это время вчера.
6. Когда она пришел, фрукты еще не купили.
7. Тебя уже пригласили в театр?
8. Кабинет надо убирать каждый день.
9. Можно сумку положить здесь?

Перевести в косвенную речь

1. Jack told his father «I hope to pass the examination»

2. Henry said to me «The teacher is listening to us»

3. Bob said to Tom «I made no mistakes in the last dictation»

4. I told the policman «I saw the thief in the garden»

5. He said «I haven’t reed many English books»

6. Bill’s father said to him «You haven’t cleaned your shoes»

7. Mary said » I don’t want to wear my old dress»

8. My friends told me «We have plenty of time to do our work»

9. I said to my sister «I haven’t seen my uncle for a long time»

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Перевести в косвенную речь 1. Jack told his father «I hope to pass the examination» 2. Henry said to me «The teacher is listening to us» 3. …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » ⭐️ Английский язык » Перевести в косвенную речь 1. Jack told his father «I hope to pass the examination» 2. Henry said to me «The teacher is listening to us» 3. Bob said to Tom «I made no mistakes in the last dictation» 4.



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Practice Test 12


3Вы услышите девушку, рассказывающую о своём путешествии в Южную Америку. В заданиях А8–А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

14A8 The narrator wanted to go to South America because 1 she had enjoyed working on a project about it.

2 she wanted to see the nature there. 3 her father had told her a lot about it.

15A9 The narrator’s parents were worried that she 1 would get homesick while she was away. 2 wouldn’t come back from South America. 3 wanted to travel by herself.

16A10 The narrator says that she was surprised by

1 how well she did in her exams.

2 how long her trip took to plan.

3 how relaxed her parents were about the trip.

17A11 The narrator decided to do volunteer work because 1 some friends recommended it to her.

2 she thought it would be the most enjoyable way to spend her time. 3 she thought it would impress future employers.

18A12 Regarding her time in the mountain village, the narrator suggests that 1 it passed very quickly.

2 she would have liked to stay longer.

3 it had made her want to become a teacher.

19A13 The narrator says that she is glad that, while on her trip, she 1 spent time getting to know the locals.

2 knew how to speak some Spanish.

3 visited every country in South America.

20A14 Now that she is back from her trip, the narrator 1 is keen to travel again.

2 is recovering from an illness she caught in South America. 3 is considering going to university in South America.



Practice Test 12

1Установите соответствие между заголовками A–Н и текстами 1–7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу B2. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A A better method

B Responsible shopping

C Lucky winners

DHelp from nature

1 Two families – one from London, and one from Liverpool – have won last night’s national lottery. Speaking from outside their home in London’s East End, Mr and Mrs Miller said that they will ‘not let the money change their lives’ and that they will both be at work as usual on Monday morning. The Liverpool family, who do not wish to be named, plan to move abroad.

2 For many years now, Changi Airport in Singapore has been voted the world’s best airport by airline travellers. Changi Airport does not simply provide travellers with wonderful restaurants and shops in a calm and pleasant atmosphere. You can also swim in its rooftop swimming pool, have a massage in one of its spas, sit quietly in the ‘garden’ area of its main hall, or watch TV in comfortable chairs while waiting for your flight.

3Before the invention of the compass, sailors looked to the sun in the daytime and to the stars at night to help them find their way across the oceans. For example, by locating Polaris (or ‘the North Star’) in the night sky, sailors could identify the direction of North. This is because Polaris never moves from its position in the night sky directly above the North Pole.

4Long ago, zoos obtained their animals by going out into the wild and capturing them. Today, this happens very rarely. For one thing, it is extremely stressful for the animals involved and there is a high risk of injury.

E A great shopping experience

F Working to protect animals

G Everything you need

H Waiting in comfort

Also, wild animals often carry diseases that would harm the other animals in the zoo. Today, therefore, most zoos get their animals from the captive breeding programmes of other zoos.

5Gyms these days are full of all kinds of fancy exercise equipment; treadmills, rowing machines, exercise bikes, resistance machines and much more. But the biggest gyms also have swimming pools, steam rooms and cafeterias. They offer classes in yoga, dance, aerobics and many other forms of exercise. And they have expert trainers on hand to answer all your fitness questions.

6Here is one thing that we can all do to help species that are close to extinction. When travelling overseas, be very careful not to buy any souvenirs that have been made from species nearing extinction. This means avoiding purchasing items made from ivory, coral and fur and also ‘medicinal’ products as they often contain rhino, tiger and bear parts.

7Wildlife parks and zoos are very educational places but perhaps their greatest purpose is the conservation of endangered species. Animal centres all around the world work together in order to breed rare and endangered species. For example, today there are only a few hundred giant pandas left in the wild. If breeding programmes and conservation efforts are successful, future generations may still be able to see these beautiful animals in the flesh, not just in books.








B2 C








Practice Test 12


2 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1–6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A–G. Одна из частей в списке А–G лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу B3.

In 2004, a grave containing the skeletons of a human and a cat, lying close together, was excavated in Cyprus.

The grave was around 9,500 years old, 1) …….. .

The ancient Egyptians kept cats as pets,

2) …….. .

People often placed statues of cats outside their homes, 3) …….. . When a cat died, their former owners and the other occupants of the house would go into deep mourning and would often even shave their eyebrows as a sign of grief.

Moreover, cats were frequently mummified and bowls of milk and dead rats and mice were placed in their tombs, 4) …….. .

Awhich seems very strange to modern cultures

Band showed that cats had been kept by humans for far longer than we had previously thought

Cso that they would have food for their journey into the afterlife

Das they kept rats and mice away from homes

Cats were so respected in ancient Egypt that they were even protected by law. People could be sentenced to death if they killed a cat, 5) …….. .

One record documents the execution of an unfortunate Roman soldier whose chariot had run over a cat.

There are many tomb scenes that show cats as part of everyday life in ancient Egypt. They often showed them wearing jewellery including earrings, necklaces and fancy collars. The Egyptians even took their cats on hunting expeditions, 6) …….. .

Today, it is estimated that there are over 600 million domestic cats around the world, which makes the cat the most popular of all pets. However, the cat no longer has any religious significance in any culture.

Eand they also worshipped the cat like one of their gods

Fbecause they believed that this would protect the inhabitants

G even by accident







B3 B








Practice Test 12

3Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания А15–А21. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

A New Life

“Are you looking for a room?” the man had asked. We’d only just got off the bus. Ian was still pulling the bags out of the luggage

prices,” the man


We’d been all around the country that summer, finding temporary work to pay for our travels. Ian had grown up in a village, so


the local farmers had been happy to hire him to help them out for a week or two. I’m a city boy myself, but because I’m pretty well-built I didn’t have a problem either. Of course, that meant that I got all the heavy work!

Once we had collected our bags, we followed the man up a nearby side-street. He didn’t stop talking the whole way. After a few twists

That first night we strolled around the town to see what opportunities there might be for work. Our last job had given us enough to live off for a few weeks so we weren’t desperate,


possible. Everyone we met was very friendly and we went back to our rooms feeling quite optimistic.

Within a couple of days, I had started work

at a fish restaurant in the town washing up the


pots and dishes. Maybe it wasn’t the best job in the world, but after weeks of manual labour in the fields it was a welcome change. I could watch the chef preparing the food and sometimes, when the restaurant was particularly busy, I would help him. He knew

these rooms would be too expensive for us. The man must have read my thoughts. “Now, normally I’d be asking twice as much for these rooms,” he began, “but you’re in luck because the tourist season is practically over.”

The rooms were perfect. The décor was slightly shabby but, as if to make up for it, the balcony had a stunning view over the town. We decided to stay for a month initially, and depending on what happened, we would come to an arrangement after that. It was a relief to be settled somewhere, if only for a few weeks. I could now pack my suitcase in record time and we’d met so many people that I’d lost count. Sometimes when I was introduced to yet another stranger I would change my name, just to make it more interesting.

tasted amazing. I’d go home at night and write down the recipes and tips that I’d learnt.

Our first month in the town came to an end and we decided to stay for another three. Ian had found some painting and decorating work and I was quite happy. Those three months turned into six, and before I knew it I had been at the restaurant for a whole year. The chef asked me if I would like to become his assistant — he said I had a natural gift for cooking. So that’s how I ended up here, ten years later, as Head Chef at Alberto’s Fish

Restaurant. Ian is still here as well, running


his own decorating business. One day I hope to achieve something similar for myself, too.


Practice Test 12


The man waiting at the bus stop was very











15A16 The farmers gave the narrator and his friend Ian work because

1 they thought they would be suitable for it.

2 they needed seasonal workers.

3 they had known Ian since he was young.

4 they found both boys cheerful and friendly.

16A17 The narrator thought the rooms could be too expensive after he realised 1 how popular they were.

2 what time of year it was.

3 how nice the exterior was.

4 where they were.

17A18 In paragraph four, the narrator suggests that he had become tired of 1 staying in hotels.

2 packing his suitcase.

3 moving from place to place.

4 meeting new people.

18A19 In paragraph five, the narrator uses the phrase ‘put out feelers’ to mean 1 meet as many people as possible.

2 speak to people to get information about work.

3 find a suitable job to earn some money.

4 get to know a new place.

19A20 The narrator enjoyed his new job because 1 all his food was cooked for him.

2 it was different from his previous jobs.

3 his boss took an interest in teaching him to cook. 4 the time passed quickly.

20A21 In the final paragraph, we learn that the narrator 1 would like to start a business with Ian.

2 regrets staying so long at Alberto’s restaurant.

3 hopes that his career as a chef will continue to advance. 4 wishes that he had achieved as much as Ian.



1Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, сло* ва, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номера* ми B4–B10, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4–B10.




was trying


will find


had passed


have been given


had left



2 Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11–B16, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответ* ствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11–В16.

The Trans Siberian Railway

Travelling on the

Trans Siberian

Express is an

extraordinary journey. It

is the




railway in the world — 10,000 kilometres long, or one third of the distance


the globe.

Travellers on

the Trans Siberian railway describe the


as a(n)



adventure; seven days or more of exotic travel from Moscow to Vladivostok.



with other passengers that

However, many travellers say that it is the

makes the journey special. You can spend many hours making new friends and discussing the

landscape of the Ural Mountains and Siberia.

You can either stay on



for the

whole journey



you are

feeling more







stops along the




at Irkutsk is

recommended for a few days. Here you can explore the city and visit the



Lake Baikal; the deepest lake in the world.

The journey ends on the east coast of Russia in Vladivostok, whose name means “Lord of the East”. However you decide to spend your time on the Trans Siberian Express, it will be an extremely









Practice Test 12


3Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22–А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям A22–A28, в которых представлены возмож* ные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

The Report Card

John had never been very good 14)A22…….. sports. He simply wasn’t an athletic kind of person. He knew it, his

friends knew it, and his gym teachers at school had known it, too. On his school report for the year 1992, his

Physical Education teacher had written: ‘John tries very


in class, but achieves below average results.’

The teacher had obviously thought that it would be a good idea to mention John’s effort, but he only


in emphasising his failure.

As an adult in his

thirties, John did everything he could to avoid playing any sort of sport. Whenever


his friends were trying to organise a friendly game of football, or his boss needed to find a tennis partner, John

would always 18)A26…….. an excuse. Once, he even faked an injury so that he didn’t have to take 19)A27…….. in

a basketball game. But it was only when John had to explain to his new girlfriend why he couldn’t play squash with

her that he decided that his problem with sports had gone on for long enough. It was


to change.







































make up


find out


put up


think over




















C11 You have received a letter from your English speaking pen friend Jack who writes:

… Well, my exams start next week and I’m feeling a little stressed even though I’ve studied hard. How often do you have exams at your school? Do you like taking exams? How do you

cope with the pressure?

It’s my best friend John’s birthday this weekend …

Write a letter to Jack. In your letter answer his questions

ask 3 questions about his best friend’s birthday Write 100 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

C22 Comment on the following statement.

“Extreme sports have become more and more popular. However, some say that they are too risky.”

What is your opinion? Does the thrill of the sport outweigh the risk? Write 200 250 words.

Use the following plan:

write an introduction (state the problem/topic)

express your personal opinion and give reasons for it

give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it

draw a conclusion



Practice Test 13

1 Вы услышите высказывания шести людей о путешествиях. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A–G. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное буквой,

только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу B1.

A I appreciate travelling for my job.

B I have found a way to travel quite cheaply.

C I don’t have to travel far to find what I want. D I prefer to travel by myself.

E Thinking about my holiday helps me to cope with my busy schedule. F I think people should think about the negative effects of travelling. G I want to travel more but I have a problem that stops me.







B1 C






2Вы услышите беседу двух друзей о мобильных телефонах и Интернете. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А1–А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1– True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положи’ тельного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Вы услышите запись дважды. Обведите правильный ответ.

A17 Laura is looking at mobile phones in a shop window.

1 True

2 False

3 Not stated

A28 Dave doesn’t own a mobile phone.






Not stated


Dave believes that using technology has made people more anti-social.






Not stated

Both Laura and Dave would like to use the Internet when they are not at home.







Not stated

Dave is worried about the Internet having harmful effects on young people.







Not stated

A612 Laura’s parents monitor her use of the Internet.

1 True

2 False

3 Not stated

A713 In the end, Laura decides not to buy an Internet phone.

1 True

2 False

3 Not stated


Practice Test 13


3Вы услышите рассказ молодого человека о вегетарианстве. В заданиях А8–А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A814 While growing up, the narrator ate food that was 1 unhealthy.

2 badly cooked.

3 not very varied.

A915 The narrator says his university served food that was 1 liked only by the foreign students.

2 good value but not very healthy.

3 worse than what he was used to.

A1016 The narrator tried a vegetarian dish because

1 his vegetarian friends encouraged him to.

2 he thought the quality might be better.

3 the meat dishes had started to make him ill.

A1117 After he started eating vegetarian meals, the narrator

1 realised his attitude towards vegetarians had been wrong.

2 began to really dislike the smell of meat.

3 began to lose weight.

A1218 While deciding whether to become a vegetarian or not, the narrator

1 did some research into vegetarianism.

2 continued to eat some meat.

3 realised how healthy he felt.

A1319 The narrator finally made his decision based on

1 what he found out about the benefits of vegetarianism. 2 how much healthier he was feeling.

3 the opinions of others.

A1420 The narrator’s parents

1 are slowly accepting his decision to be a vegetarian. 2 are now thinking about becoming vegetarians too. 3 are unhappy that he is a vegetarian.



Practice Test 13

1Установите соответствие между заголовками A–Н и текстами 1–7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу B2. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A Travel with a purpose

B Make a discovery

C Getting a good view

DA difficult task

1 For hundreds of years, people have been competing in bizarre ‘gurning’ contests around England. What is gurning? Well, it is simply the act of making the ugliest face possible. Some elderly people can make some spectacular gurns. If they have false teeth, they can take them out and bring their lower lip so far up that it can cover their nose! But even younger people can make amazing gurns – just look at celebrity Jim Carrey!

2Thousands of spectators line the route of the Tour de France bike race each year, trying to see over other people’s heads. Then when the competitors pass, they flash by so quickly that it is hard to get even a glimpse of them. Therefore, it’s worth buying a tour guide with route information so that you can plan well in advance the best place to stand to see your favourite cyclists speed by.

3The goal of responsible tourism is to help people in need as well as the holidaymakers themselves. Some tour operators, for example, organise charity bike rides. Visitors cycle around places of interest following a pre-arranged route. They enjoy a valuable new experience and at the same time part of the cost of the holiday is donated to local community projects.

4The Sibit-sibit Festival is held each year to give tourists a rich and colourful picture of the history of Olongapo in the Philippines. Sibit-sibits are ancient paddle boats that

E Greatest invention

F An unusual competition

G Keeping traditions alive

H Still popular today

were used by fishing villages. During past celebrations, fishermen held races and won with their great physical strength alone. Today, the traditional Sibit-sibit Festival is a lively and enchanting event that brings together Olongapo’s rich past, successful present and promising future.

5Bicycles were first introduced in the 19th century and there are now over one billion of them worldwide. Many people still prefer this eco-friendly mode of transport. Postmen, delivery personnel and even police officers can often be seen riding bicycles.

6The Archaeological Seminars Foundation offers visitors of all ages the opportunity to ‘Dig for a Day’. This programme allows the unskilled enthusiast to get their hands dirty while getting the chance to make a fabulous discovery. Activities include digging, pottery examination and touring the latest excavation site. Thousands of people have already participated in this memorable experience!

7What is the most important mechanical invention of all time? The wheel no doubt! The earliest known use of the wheel was probably the potter’s wheel in 3500 BC in Mesopotamia. Interestingly enough, the wheel was used for manufacturing before it was used for transporting. Today, nearly every machine includes the wheel; from the smallest of pocket watches to the largest of aeroplanes.








B2 F








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1. My sister said: «I didn’t get a watch».
2. The teacher said to his students: «I am pleased of your work».
3. I told him: «I haven’t seen my brother for a long time».
4. I told my mother: «Henry is studying medicine at the university».
5. «You don’t want any sugar», — she told the grocer.
6. We told the teacher: «We don’t understand your questions».
7. I told the taxi-driver: «You’re driving too fast».
8. «My children are playing in the garden», — he said.
1. Jack told his father that he hoped to pass the examination.
2. Henry said to me that the teacher was listening to us.
3. Bob said to Tom that he had made no mistakes in the last dictation.
4. I told the policeman I had seen the thief in the garden.
5. He said he hadn’t read many English books.
6. Jack’s father said to him that he hadn’t cleaned his shoes.
7. Mary said she didn’t want to wear her old dress.
8. My mother said to me that she felt very tired and had a headache.
9. My friend told me that we had a plenty of time to do our work.
10. I said to my sister that I hadn’t seen my uncle for a long time.


    • Предмет:

      Английский язык

    • Автор:


    • Создано:

      3 года назад

    Знаешь ответ? Добавь его сюда!

  • Математика

    1 минута назад

    Ребяятт, сколько будет 8*13? ПОМОГИТЕЕЕЕЕЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТАААААА

  • Контрольная по геометрии

  • Помогите решить задачу по истории СРОЧНО!!!

  • Вычислить arccos (-1)

  • Русский язык

    2 минуты назад

    Семейная прогулка Воскресным днём как обычно мы всей семьёй пошли гулять в зимнем парке несмотря на погоду. Конечно каждый раз мама волнуется что мы простынем. А бабушка её переубеждает так как знает что прогулки полезны. Но едва подует ветерок мы идём домой. С братом мы любим кататься на ледяных горках а если выходят ребята с соседних дворов нам становится веселее оттого что мы вместе можем поиграть и слепить снеговика. И каждый раз мы возвращались с прогулки домой очень счастливыми хотя мама нас часто ругает за промокшую одежду. Лишь отец посмеялся и сказал чтобы мы проводили время с друзьями пока маленькие. РАССТАВИТЬ ЗАПЯТЫЕ!!!!!! помогите пожалуйста, срочно​


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present perfect

1. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Present Perfect. Предложения могут быть утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные.

Н-р:      I never … (be) to Australia. – I have never been to Australia. (Я никогда не был в Австралии.)

             He … (pass) the exam? – Has he passed the exam? (Он сдал экзамен?)

  1. We just … (meet) an American actor. (Мы только что встретили американского актера.)
  2. Your husband … (sell) the house? (Твой муж продал дом?)
  3. I … (not start) my new job yet. (Я еще не начала свою новую работу.)
  4. You … (be) to New York before? (Вы были в Нью-Йорке раньше?)
  5. Ann … (not choose) the dessert yet. (Аня еще не выбрала десерт.)
  6. They … (do) the shopping today. (Они сделали покупки сегодня.)
  7. Tom … ever (visit) Disneyland? (Том когда-либо посещал Диснейленд?)
  8. I just … (see) a horror film. (Я только что посмотрела фильм ужасов.)
  9. She … (not find) her coat. (Она не нашла свое пальто.)
  10. The cat already … (eat up) the fish. (Кошка уже доела рыбу.)

2. Посмотрите на план подготовки к свадьбе. Напишите о том, что уже сделано, а что — еще нет. Используйте глаголы в Present Perfect и наречия already (уже) и yet (еще не).

Н-р:      We haven’t talked to the priest yet. (Мы  еще не поговорили со священником.)

            We have already booked the restaurant. (Мы уже зарезервировали ресторан.)

  1. talk to the priest (-)
  2. book the restaurant (+)
  3. send the invitations (+)
  4. buy the rings (-)
  5. choose the food (+)
  6. confirm the hotel (-)
  7. book the wedding procession (+)
  8. find the photographer (-)

3. Расставьте слова по порядку. Переведите получившиеся предложения.

  1. have – Britain – several – I – to – times – been
  2. Spain – since – she – lived – in – 1994 – has
  3. five – married – have – they – years – been – for
  4. I – coffee – made – already – for – have – you
  5. never – Bob – a bike – has – had

4. Поставьте наречия из скобок в нужное место.

  1. Have you washed your hands? (already)
  2. We have phoned the doctor. (just)
  3. Has she ridden a horse? (ever)
  4. I have danced the tango. (never)
  5. The train hasn’t arrived. (yet)

5. Составьте предложения в Present Perfect, используя for (в течение) или since (с тех пор как).

Н-р:  I – not – meet – George – last month. – I haven’t met George since last month. (Я не встречала Джорджа с прошлого месяца.)

  1. We – know – him – six months.
  2. Jack – not – play – hockey – last winter.
  3. Mary – be – a real friend – our childhood.
  4. They – live – in Tokyo – a long time.
  5. My Dad – work – as a builder – three years.



  1. We have just met an American actor.
  2. Has your husband sold the house?
  3. I haven’t started my new job yet.
  4. Have you been to New York before?
  5. Ann hasn’t chosen the dessert yet.
  6. They have done the shopping today.
  7. Has Tom ever visited Disneyland?
  8. I have just seen a horror film.
  9. She hasn’t found her coat.
  10. The cat has already eaten up the fish.


  1. We have already sent the invitations. (Мы уже послали приглашения.)
  2. We haven’t bought the rings yet. (Мы еще не купили кольца.)
  3. We have already chosen the food. (Мы уже выбрали еду.)
  4. We haven’t confirmed the hotel yet. (Мы еще не подтвердили отель.)
  5. We have already booked the wedding procession. (Мы уже заказали свадебный кортеж.)
  6. We haven’t found the photographer yet. (Мы еще не нашли фотографа.)


  1. I have been to Britain several times. (Я был в Британии несколько раз.)
  2. She has lived in Spain since 1994. (Она живет в Испании с 1994 года.)
  3. They have been married for five years. (Они женаты в течение 5 лет.)
  4. I have already made coffee for you. (Я уже сделал кофе для тебя.)
  5. Bob has never had a bike. (У Боба никогда не было мотоцикла.)


  1. Have you already washed your hands? (Ты уже помыл руки?)
  2. We have just phoned the doctor. (Мы только что позвонили доктору.)
  3. Has she ever ridden a horse? (Ты когда-либо каталась верхом на лошади?)
  4. I have never danced the tango. (Я никогда не танцевала танго.)
  5. The train hasn’t arrived yet. (Поезд еще не прибыл.)


  1. We have known him for six months. (Мы знаем его в течение 6 месяцев.)
  2. Jack hasn’t played hockey since last winter. (Джек не играл в хоккей с прошлой зимы.)
  3. Mary has been a real friend since our childhood. (Мэри была настоящим другом со времени нашего детства.)
  4. They have lived in Tokyo for a long time. (Они живут в Токио долгое время.)
  5. My Dad has worked as a builder for three years. (Мой отец работает строителем в течение трех лет.)

Упражнения «Настоящее совершенное время Present Perfect» (с ответами)4.8 out of
based on
180 votes

Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
  1. Sorry we are late, we had missed/missed the bus.
  2. I did/had done my homework, cleaned/had cleaned my room and then went for a walk.
  3. The man arrived at the station but the train had already left/already left.
  4. By the time Jenny got to the party most people went/had gone home already.
  5. They travelled/had travelled to Barcelona last month.
Задание 2. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях. Правильные предложения отметьте словом «RIGHT».
  1. It was warm in the room, so I took off my coat.
  2. The pair had bought tickets for the train and then moved in the direction of the platform.
  3. Had you stayed at a hotel during your holiday last summer?
  4. By the time I had a chance to speak, he had already turned his back to me.
  5. When the doctor entered the hospital room, he saw that the patient finished his lunch.
Задание 3. Составьте отрицательные предложения с глаголами в скобках, поставив их в правильном времени – Past Simple или Past Perfect.
  1. I … my exam last Wednesday. It was very difficult. (pass)
  2. Mila was very pleased to see Tom. She … him for 5 years. (see)
  3. I was very lucky. By the time I finally arrived at the airport, the plane … yet. (take off)
  4. She … a dress yesterday. They all were sold out. (buy)
  5. When my brother was little, he … chocolate. (like)
Задание 4. Прочитайте внимательно ситуации, где одно действие предшествует другому и составьте правильные предложения с глаголами в скобках.
  1. When he … his phone out of his pocket, he … that the battery … . (take, realise, run down)
  2. When another idea … into my mind, I … already the e-mail. (come, send)
  3. By the time we … our main course, the dessert … already on the table. (finish, be)
  4. I didn’t have much luck. I … the exam which I … for perfectly well. (fail, prepare)
  5. When I … her, she … already the news. (call, know)
Задание 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Past Simple или Past Perfect.
  1. Мы видели это представление несколько недель назад.
  2. Я не хотел читать эту книгу, потому что я ее уже прочитал.
  3. Поезд остановился и люди вышли на платформу.
  4. Я дал свой ноутбук другу, так как его ноутбук сломался.
  5. Они узнали эту музыку, потому что они уже слышали ее раньше.

Ответы с пояснениями
Задание 1.
  1. missed 

    В предложении речь идет об однократном действии в прошлом. Говорящий констатирует факт.

  2. did, cleaned

    Речь идет о действиях, совершенных в определенной последовательности в прошлом и следующих одно за другим – в таком случае они все выражаются Past Simple.

  3. had already left

    Past Perfect употребляется для обозначения действия, которое произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент в прошлом выражается временем Past Simple – the man arrived at the station, а действие, предшествующее ему, выражается Past Perfect.

  4. had gone

    Past Perfect употребляется для обозначения действия, которое произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент в прошлом выражается временем Past Simple – by the time Jenny got to the party, а действие, предшествующее ему, выражается Past Perfect.

  5. travelled

    Last month (в прошлом месяце) указывает на употребление Past Simple.

Задание 2.
  1. RIGHT 

    Ошибок в данном предложении нет. В первом случае говорящий констатирует факт, а во втором – речь идет об однократном действии в прошлом. В обоих случаях употребляется Past Simple.

  2. The pair bought tickets for the train and then moved in the direction of the platform.

    В данном предложении одно действие следует за другим, оба действия выражаются Past Simple.

  3. Did you stay at a hotel during your holiday last summer?

    Last summer (прошлым летом) указывает на употребление Past Simple.

  4. RIGHT

    Ошибок в данном предложении нет. Одно действие произошло до определенного момента в прошлом, который описан другим действием в прошлом – by the time I had a chance.

  5. When the doctor entered the hospital room, he saw that the patient had finished his lunch.

    Past Perfect употребляется для обозначения действия, которое произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент в прошлом выражается временем Past Simple – the doctor entered the hospital room, а действие, предшествующее ему, выражается Past Perfect.

Задание 3.
  1. didn’t pass

    Last Wednesday (в прошлую среду) указывает на употребление Past Simple.

  2. hadn’t seen

    Past Perfect употребляется для обозначения действия, которое произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент в прошлом выражается временем Past Simple – Mila was very pleased to see Tom, а действие, предшествующее ему, выражается Past Perfect.

  3. hadn’t taken off

    Past Perfect употребляется для обозначения действия, которое произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент в прошлом выражается временем Past Simple – by the time I finally arrived at the airport, а действие, предшествующее ему, выражается Past Perfect.

  4. didn’t buy

    Yesterday (вчера) указывает на употребление Past Simple.

  5. didn’t like

    Описание простого действия в прошлом.

Задание 4.
  1. took, realised, had run down

    The battery had run down – действие произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент выражен двумя последовательными действиями – he took his phone, he realised – эти действия выражаются Past Simple.

  2. came, had sent

    I had sent – действие произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент (idea came) выражается временем Past Simple.

  3. finished, had already been

    The dessert had already been – действие произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент выражен временем Past Simple – we finished.

  4. failed, had prepared

    I had prepared – действие произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент выражен однократным действием в Past Simple – I failed.

  5. called, had already known

    She had already known – действие произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент выражен однократным действием в Past Simple – I called.

Задание 5.
  1. We saw this performance a few weeks ago.
  2. I didn’t want to read that book because I had already read it.
  3. The train stopped and people went on to the platform.
  4. I gave my laptop to my friend because his laptop had broken down.
  5. They recognised that music because they had already heard it before.



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Practice Test 12


3Вы услышите девушку, рассказывающую о своём путешествии в Южную Америку. В заданиях А8–А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

14A8 The narrator wanted to go to South America because 1 she had enjoyed working on a project about it.

2 she wanted to see the nature there. 3 her father had told her a lot about it.

15A9 The narrator’s parents were worried that she 1 would get homesick while she was away. 2 wouldn’t come back from South America. 3 wanted to travel by herself.

16A10 The narrator says that she was surprised by

1 how well she did in her exams.

2 how long her trip took to plan.

3 how relaxed her parents were about the trip.

17A11 The narrator decided to do volunteer work because 1 some friends recommended it to her.

2 she thought it would be the most enjoyable way to spend her time. 3 she thought it would impress future employers.

18A12 Regarding her time in the mountain village, the narrator suggests that 1 it passed very quickly.

2 she would have liked to stay longer.

3 it had made her want to become a teacher.

19A13 The narrator says that she is glad that, while on her trip, she 1 spent time getting to know the locals.

2 knew how to speak some Spanish.

3 visited every country in South America.

20A14 Now that she is back from her trip, the narrator 1 is keen to travel again.

2 is recovering from an illness she caught in South America. 3 is considering going to university in South America.



Practice Test 12

1Установите соответствие между заголовками A–Н и текстами 1–7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу B2. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A A better method

B Responsible shopping

C Lucky winners

DHelp from nature

1 Two families – one from London, and one from Liverpool – have won last night’s national lottery. Speaking from outside their home in London’s East End, Mr and Mrs Miller said that they will ‘not let the money change their lives’ and that they will both be at work as usual on Monday morning. The Liverpool family, who do not wish to be named, plan to move abroad.

2 For many years now, Changi Airport in Singapore has been voted the world’s best airport by airline travellers. Changi Airport does not simply provide travellers with wonderful restaurants and shops in a calm and pleasant atmosphere. You can also swim in its rooftop swimming pool, have a massage in one of its spas, sit quietly in the ‘garden’ area of its main hall, or watch TV in comfortable chairs while waiting for your flight.

3Before the invention of the compass, sailors looked to the sun in the daytime and to the stars at night to help them find their way across the oceans. For example, by locating Polaris (or ‘the North Star’) in the night sky, sailors could identify the direction of North. This is because Polaris never moves from its position in the night sky directly above the North Pole.

4Long ago, zoos obtained their animals by going out into the wild and capturing them. Today, this happens very rarely. For one thing, it is extremely stressful for the animals involved and there is a high risk of injury.

E A great shopping experience

F Working to protect animals

G Everything you need

H Waiting in comfort

Also, wild animals often carry diseases that would harm the other animals in the zoo. Today, therefore, most zoos get their animals from the captive breeding programmes of other zoos.

5Gyms these days are full of all kinds of fancy exercise equipment; treadmills, rowing machines, exercise bikes, resistance machines and much more. But the biggest gyms also have swimming pools, steam rooms and cafeterias. They offer classes in yoga, dance, aerobics and many other forms of exercise. And they have expert trainers on hand to answer all your fitness questions.

6Here is one thing that we can all do to help species that are close to extinction. When travelling overseas, be very careful not to buy any souvenirs that have been made from species nearing extinction. This means avoiding purchasing items made from ivory, coral and fur and also ‘medicinal’ products as they often contain rhino, tiger and bear parts.

7Wildlife parks and zoos are very educational places but perhaps their greatest purpose is the conservation of endangered species. Animal centres all around the world work together in order to breed rare and endangered species. For example, today there are only a few hundred giant pandas left in the wild. If breeding programmes and conservation efforts are successful, future generations may still be able to see these beautiful animals in the flesh, not just in books.








B2 C








Practice Test 12


2 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1–6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A–G. Одна из частей в списке А–G лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу B3.

In 2004, a grave containing the skeletons of a human and a cat, lying close together, was excavated in Cyprus.

The grave was around 9,500 years old, 1) …….. .

The ancient Egyptians kept cats as pets,

2) …….. .

People often placed statues of cats outside their homes, 3) …….. . When a cat died, their former owners and the other occupants of the house would go into deep mourning and would often even shave their eyebrows as a sign of grief.

Moreover, cats were frequently mummified and bowls of milk and dead rats and mice were placed in their tombs, 4) …….. .

Awhich seems very strange to modern cultures

Band showed that cats had been kept by humans for far longer than we had previously thought

Cso that they would have food for their journey into the afterlife

Das they kept rats and mice away from homes

Cats were so respected in ancient Egypt that they were even protected by law. People could be sentenced to death if they killed a cat, 5) …….. .

One record documents the execution of an unfortunate Roman soldier whose chariot had run over a cat.

There are many tomb scenes that show cats as part of everyday life in ancient Egypt. They often showed them wearing jewellery including earrings, necklaces and fancy collars. The Egyptians even took their cats on hunting expeditions, 6) …….. .

Today, it is estimated that there are over 600 million domestic cats around the world, which makes the cat the most popular of all pets. However, the cat no longer has any religious significance in any culture.

Eand they also worshipped the cat like one of their gods

Fbecause they believed that this would protect the inhabitants

G even by accident







B3 B








Practice Test 12

3Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания А15–А21. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

A New Life

“Are you looking for a room?” the man had asked. We’d only just got off the bus. Ian was still pulling the bags out of the luggage

prices,” the man


We’d been all around the country that summer, finding temporary work to pay for our travels. Ian had grown up in a village, so


the local farmers had been happy to hire him to help them out for a week or two. I’m a city boy myself, but because I’m pretty well-built I didn’t have a problem either. Of course, that meant that I got all the heavy work!

Once we had collected our bags, we followed the man up a nearby side-street. He didn’t stop talking the whole way. After a few twists

That first night we strolled around the town to see what opportunities there might be for work. Our last job had given us enough to live off for a few weeks so we weren’t desperate,


possible. Everyone we met was very friendly and we went back to our rooms feeling quite optimistic.

Within a couple of days, I had started work

at a fish restaurant in the town washing up the


pots and dishes. Maybe it wasn’t the best job in the world, but after weeks of manual labour in the fields it was a welcome change. I could watch the chef preparing the food and sometimes, when the restaurant was particularly busy, I would help him. He knew

these rooms would be too expensive for us. The man must have read my thoughts. “Now, normally I’d be asking twice as much for these rooms,” he began, “but you’re in luck because the tourist season is practically over.”

The rooms were perfect. The décor was slightly shabby but, as if to make up for it, the balcony had a stunning view over the town. We decided to stay for a month initially, and depending on what happened, we would come to an arrangement after that. It was a relief to be settled somewhere, if only for a few weeks. I could now pack my suitcase in record time and we’d met so many people that I’d lost count. Sometimes when I was introduced to yet another stranger I would change my name, just to make it more interesting.

tasted amazing. I’d go home at night and write down the recipes and tips that I’d learnt.

Our first month in the town came to an end and we decided to stay for another three. Ian had found some painting and decorating work and I was quite happy. Those three months turned into six, and before I knew it I had been at the restaurant for a whole year. The chef asked me if I would like to become his assistant — he said I had a natural gift for cooking. So that’s how I ended up here, ten years later, as Head Chef at Alberto’s Fish

Restaurant. Ian is still here as well, running


his own decorating business. One day I hope to achieve something similar for myself, too.


Practice Test 12


The man waiting at the bus stop was very











15A16 The farmers gave the narrator and his friend Ian work because

1 they thought they would be suitable for it.

2 they needed seasonal workers.

3 they had known Ian since he was young.

4 they found both boys cheerful and friendly.

16A17 The narrator thought the rooms could be too expensive after he realised 1 how popular they were.

2 what time of year it was.

3 how nice the exterior was.

4 where they were.

17A18 In paragraph four, the narrator suggests that he had become tired of 1 staying in hotels.

2 packing his suitcase.

3 moving from place to place.

4 meeting new people.

18A19 In paragraph five, the narrator uses the phrase ‘put out feelers’ to mean 1 meet as many people as possible.

2 speak to people to get information about work.

3 find a suitable job to earn some money.

4 get to know a new place.

19A20 The narrator enjoyed his new job because 1 all his food was cooked for him.

2 it was different from his previous jobs.

3 his boss took an interest in teaching him to cook. 4 the time passed quickly.

20A21 In the final paragraph, we learn that the narrator 1 would like to start a business with Ian.

2 regrets staying so long at Alberto’s restaurant.

3 hopes that his career as a chef will continue to advance. 4 wishes that he had achieved as much as Ian.



1Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, сло* ва, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номера* ми B4–B10, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4–B10.




was trying


will find


had passed


have been given


had left



2 Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11–B16, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответ* ствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11–В16.

The Trans Siberian Railway

Travelling on the

Trans Siberian

Express is an

extraordinary journey. It

is the



B11 8)

railway in the world — 10,000 kilometres long, or one third of the distance


the globe.

Travellers on

the Trans Siberian railway describe the


as a(n)



adventure; seven days or more of exotic travel from Moscow to Vladivostok.



with other passengers that

However, many travellers say that it is the

makes the journey special. You can spend many hours making new friends and discussing the

landscape of the Ural Mountains and Siberia.

You can either stay on



for the

whole journey



you are

feeling more







stops along the




at Irkutsk is

recommended for a few days. Here you can explore the city and visit the



Lake Baikal; the deepest lake in the world.

The journey ends on the east coast of Russia in Vladivostok, whose name means “Lord of the East”. However you decide to spend your time on the Trans Siberian Express, it will be an extremely









Practice Test 12


3Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22–А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям A22–A28, в которых представлены возмож* ные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

The Report Card

John had never been very good 14)A22…….. sports. He simply wasn’t an athletic kind of person. He knew it, his

friends knew it, and his gym teachers at school had known it, too. On his school report for the year 1992, his

Physical Education teacher had written: ‘John tries very


in class, but achieves below average results.’

The teacher had obviously thought that it would be a good idea to mention John’s effort, but he only


in emphasising his failure.

As an adult in his

thirties, John did everything he could to avoid playing any sort of sport. Whenever


his friends were trying to organise a friendly game of football, or his boss needed to find a tennis partner, John

would always 18)A26…….. an excuse. Once, he even faked an injury so that he didn’t have to take 19)A27…….. in

a basketball game. But it was only when John had to explain to his new girlfriend why he couldn’t play squash with

her that he decided that his problem with sports had gone on for long enough. It was


to change.







































make up


find out


put up


think over




















C11 You have received a letter from your English speaking pen friend Jack who writes:

… Well, my exams start next week and I’m feeling a little stressed even though I’ve studied hard. How often do you have exams at your school? Do you like taking exams? How do you

cope with the pressure?

It’s my best friend John’s birthday this weekend …

Write a letter to Jack. In your letter answer his questions

ask 3 questions about his best friend’s birthday Write 100 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

C22 Comment on the following statement.

“Extreme sports have become more and more popular. However, some say that they are too risky.”

What is your opinion? Does the thrill of the sport outweigh the risk? Write 200 250 words.

Use the following plan:

write an introduction (state the problem/topic)

express your personal opinion and give reasons for it

give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it

draw a conclusion



Practice Test 13

1 Вы услышите высказывания шести людей о путешествиях. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A–G. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное буквой,

только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу B1.

A I appreciate travelling for my job.

B I have found a way to travel quite cheaply.

C I don’t have to travel far to find what I want. D I prefer to travel by myself.

E Thinking about my holiday helps me to cope with my busy schedule. F I think people should think about the negative effects of travelling. G I want to travel more but I have a problem that stops me.







B1 C






2Вы услышите беседу двух друзей о мобильных телефонах и Интернете. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А1–А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1– True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положи’ тельного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Вы услышите запись дважды. Обведите правильный ответ.

A17 Laura is looking at mobile phones in a shop window.

1 True

2 False

3 Not stated

A28 Dave doesn’t own a mobile phone.






Not stated


Dave believes that using technology has made people more anti-social.






Not stated

Both Laura and Dave would like to use the Internet when they are not at home.







Not stated

Dave is worried about the Internet having harmful effects on young people.







Not stated

A612 Laura’s parents monitor her use of the Internet.

1 True

2 False

3 Not stated

A713 In the end, Laura decides not to buy an Internet phone.

1 True

2 False

3 Not stated


Practice Test 13


3Вы услышите рассказ молодого человека о вегетарианстве. В заданиях А8–А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A814 While growing up, the narrator ate food that was 1 unhealthy.

2 badly cooked.

3 not very varied.

A915 The narrator says his university served food that was 1 liked only by the foreign students.

2 good value but not very healthy.

3 worse than what he was used to.

A1016 The narrator tried a vegetarian dish because

1 his vegetarian friends encouraged him to.

2 he thought the quality might be better.

3 the meat dishes had started to make him ill.

A1117 After he started eating vegetarian meals, the narrator

1 realised his attitude towards vegetarians had been wrong.

2 began to really dislike the smell of meat.

3 began to lose weight.

A1218 While deciding whether to become a vegetarian or not, the narrator

1 did some research into vegetarianism.

2 continued to eat some meat.

3 realised how healthy he felt.

A1319 The narrator finally made his decision based on

1 what he found out about the benefits of vegetarianism. 2 how much healthier he was feeling.

3 the opinions of others.

A1420 The narrator’s parents

1 are slowly accepting his decision to be a vegetarian. 2 are now thinking about becoming vegetarians too. 3 are unhappy that he is a vegetarian.



Practice Test 13

1Установите соответствие между заголовками A–Н и текстами 1–7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу B2. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A Travel with a purpose

B Make a discovery

C Getting a good view

DA difficult task

1 For hundreds of years, people have been competing in bizarre ‘gurning’ contests around England. What is gurning? Well, it is simply the act of making the ugliest face possible. Some elderly people can make some spectacular gurns. If they have false teeth, they can take them out and bring their lower lip so far up that it can cover their nose! But even younger people can make amazing gurns – just look at celebrity Jim Carrey!

2Thousands of spectators line the route of the Tour de France bike race each year, trying to see over other people’s heads. Then when the competitors pass, they flash by so quickly that it is hard to get even a glimpse of them. Therefore, it’s worth buying a tour guide with route information so that you can plan well in advance the best place to stand to see your favourite cyclists speed by.

3The goal of responsible tourism is to help people in need as well as the holidaymakers themselves. Some tour operators, for example, organise charity bike rides. Visitors cycle around places of interest following a pre-arranged route. They enjoy a valuable new experience and at the same time part of the cost of the holiday is donated to local community projects.

4The Sibit-sibit Festival is held each year to give tourists a rich and colourful picture of the history of Olongapo in the Philippines. Sibit-sibits are ancient paddle boats that

E Greatest invention

F An unusual competition

G Keeping traditions alive

H Still popular today

were used by fishing villages. During past celebrations, fishermen held races and won with their great physical strength alone. Today, the traditional Sibit-sibit Festival is a lively and enchanting event that brings together Olongapo’s rich past, successful present and promising future.

5Bicycles were first introduced in the 19th century and there are now over one billion of them worldwide. Many people still prefer this eco-friendly mode of transport. Postmen, delivery personnel and even police officers can often be seen riding bicycles.

6The Archaeological Seminars Foundation offers visitors of all ages the opportunity to ‘Dig for a Day’. This programme allows the unskilled enthusiast to get their hands dirty while getting the chance to make a fabulous discovery. Activities include digging, pottery examination and touring the latest excavation site. Thousands of people have already participated in this memorable experience!

7What is the most important mechanical invention of all time? The wheel no doubt! The earliest known use of the wheel was probably the potter’s wheel in 3500 BC in Mesopotamia. Interestingly enough, the wheel was used for manufacturing before it was used for transporting. Today, nearly every machine includes the wheel; from the smallest of pocket watches to the largest of aeroplanes.








B2 F








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present perfect

1. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Present Perfect. Предложения могут быть утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные.

Н-р:      I never … (be) to Australia. – I have never been to Australia. (Я никогда не был в Австралии.)

             He … (pass) the exam? – Has he passed the exam? (Он сдал экзамен?)

  1. We just … (meet) an American actor. (Мы только что встретили американского актера.)
  2. Your husband … (sell) the house? (Твой муж продал дом?)
  3. I … (not start) my new job yet. (Я еще не начала свою новую работу.)
  4. You … (be) to New York before? (Вы были в Нью-Йорке раньше?)
  5. Ann … (not choose) the dessert yet. (Аня еще не выбрала десерт.)
  6. They … (do) the shopping today. (Они сделали покупки сегодня.)
  7. Tom … ever (visit) Disneyland? (Том когда-либо посещал Диснейленд?)
  8. I just … (see) a horror film. (Я только что посмотрела фильм ужасов.)
  9. She … (not find) her coat. (Она не нашла свое пальто.)
  10. The cat already … (eat up) the fish. (Кошка уже доела рыбу.)

2. Посмотрите на план подготовки к свадьбе. Напишите о том, что уже сделано, а что — еще нет. Используйте глаголы в Present Perfect и наречия already (уже) и yet (еще не).

Н-р:      We haven’t talked to the priest yet. (Мы  еще не поговорили со священником.)

            We have already booked the restaurant. (Мы уже зарезервировали ресторан.)

  1. talk to the priest (-)
  2. book the restaurant (+)
  3. send the invitations (+)
  4. buy the rings (-)
  5. choose the food (+)
  6. confirm the hotel (-)
  7. book the wedding procession (+)
  8. find the photographer (-)

3. Расставьте слова по порядку. Переведите получившиеся предложения.

  1. have – Britain – several – I – to – times – been
  2. Spain – since – she – lived – in – 1994 – has
  3. five – married – have – they – years – been – for
  4. I – coffee – made – already – for – have – you
  5. never – Bob – a bike – has – had

4. Поставьте наречия из скобок в нужное место.

  1. Have you washed your hands? (already)
  2. We have phoned the doctor. (just)
  3. Has she ridden a horse? (ever)
  4. I have danced the tango. (never)
  5. The train hasn’t arrived. (yet)

5. Составьте предложения в Present Perfect, используя for (в течение) или since (с тех пор как).

Н-р:  I – not – meet – George – last month. – I haven’t met George since last month. (Я не встречала Джорджа с прошлого месяца.)

  1. We – know – him – six months.
  2. Jack – not – play – hockey – last winter.
  3. Mary – be – a real friend – our childhood.
  4. They – live – in Tokyo – a long time.
  5. My Dad – work – as a builder – three years.



  1. We have just met an American actor.
  2. Has your husband sold the house?
  3. I haven’t started my new job yet.
  4. Have you been to New York before?
  5. Ann hasn’t chosen the dessert yet.
  6. They have done the shopping today.
  7. Has Tom ever visited Disneyland?
  8. I have just seen a horror film.
  9. She hasn’t found her coat.
  10. The cat has already eaten up the fish.


  1. We have already sent the invitations. (Мы уже послали приглашения.)
  2. We haven’t bought the rings yet. (Мы еще не купили кольца.)
  3. We have already chosen the food. (Мы уже выбрали еду.)
  4. We haven’t confirmed the hotel yet. (Мы еще не подтвердили отель.)
  5. We have already booked the wedding procession. (Мы уже заказали свадебный кортеж.)
  6. We haven’t found the photographer yet. (Мы еще не нашли фотографа.)


  1. I have been to Britain several times. (Я был в Британии несколько раз.)
  2. She has lived in Spain since 1994. (Она живет в Испании с 1994 года.)
  3. They have been married for five years. (Они женаты в течение 5 лет.)
  4. I have already made coffee for you. (Я уже сделал кофе для тебя.)
  5. Bob has never had a bike. (У Боба никогда не было мотоцикла.)


  1. Have you already washed your hands? (Ты уже помыл руки?)
  2. We have just phoned the doctor. (Мы только что позвонили доктору.)
  3. Has she ever ridden a horse? (Ты когда-либо каталась верхом на лошади?)
  4. I have never danced the tango. (Я никогда не танцевала танго.)
  5. The train hasn’t arrived yet. (Поезд еще не прибыл.)


  1. We have known him for six months. (Мы знаем его в течение 6 месяцев.)
  2. Jack hasn’t played hockey since last winter. (Джек не играл в хоккей с прошлой зимы.)
  3. Mary has been a real friend since our childhood. (Мэри была настоящим другом со времени нашего детства.)
  4. They have lived in Tokyo for a long time. (Они живут в Токио долгое время.)
  5. My Dad has worked as a builder for three years. (Мой отец работает строителем в течение трех лет.)

Упражнения «Настоящее совершенное время Present Perfect» (с ответами)4.8 out of
based on
180 votes

Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.
1. Jack (pass) the interview and he’s very happy. 2. I’m afraid the manager not (come) yet. 3. Thank you for everything that you (do) for us. 4. I already (study) the telexes from Paris and I (write) the answers. 5. I’m afraid he (forget) that you are waiting for him. 6. You (have) dinner yet? 7. I not (see) my boss this week. He (fall ill). 8. They just (call) and (invite) us to lunch. 9. — Where is Mr. Green? — He (go) to the bank. 10. My little cousin already (learn) to read. 11. No news (come) yet from our office in London. 12. Someone (eat) all the cakes and I not even (taste) one! 13. Remember that your children already (grow up).
14.This Hollywood star (live) a long and interesting life. 15. I not (look through) my favourite magazine yet. 16. My mother (throw away) the yogurt. It’s too old. 17. I (cut) my finger badly. It hurts. 18. She already (make) different sandwiches for lunch. They are on the plates. 19. She (be) very lonely lately. 20. We not (meet) recently. We (be) very busy lately.

Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.
1. — You (see) the latest video game? — No. I not (see) it yet. I am not a gameaholic. 2. Sorry, I think I (lose) the file. You (see) it? — No, I not (see) it. 3. My computer (crash). May I use yours? 4. You’re late. The plane already (take off). 5. Hurrah! We (win) the match! We’re the champions now. 6. Your taxi just (arrive). 7. I’m afraid Fiona isn’t here. She (leave) the office. 8. — Hi, John. I not (see) you for ages! — Hi, Ted. I’m sorry that I not (be) in touch with you recently. I really (be) very busy all this time. 9. — You (finish) the report yet? — No, I (write) only half of it. 10. — You (speak) to your parents today? — I just (call) them. 11. — They (reply) to your email? — Yes, we just (get) a fax from them. 12. You (see) my mobile? I’m sure I (leave) it here. 13. They say that this bank (collapse) and many people (lose) their savings. 14. At last I (do) what I always (want) to do. 15. Look! It (stop) raining and the sun (come out). 16. Since October the dollar (fall) by 10 percent against the other main currencies.

Переведите следующие предложения.
1.— Вы уже купили подарки к Рождеству? — Да, я купила вс¸, что нужно. 2. Летом я собираюсь прочитать все книги, которые пока ещ¸ не прочитала. 3. Моя любимая кошка только что разбила мою любимую чашку. 4. — Ты полила цве-
ты? — Нет ещ¸. 5. — Он стал другим человеком! — Да, он очень изменился! Он отрастил бороду. 6. Она прожила трудную, но интересную жизнь. 7. — Ты поменяла номер телефона? — Нет, я только что переехала на новую квартиру. 8. Сегодня мы выучили десять французских слов. 9. — Она выключила утюг? — Она опять забыла это сделать! 10. Вот моя тетрадь. Я исправил все свои ошибки. 11. Он только что закончил работу, выключил компьютер и собирается идти домой. 12. — Он уже вымыл машину? — Да, он очень любит свою машину и делает это каждый день. 13. — Возьми зонтик, ид¸т дождь. — Я уже положила его в сумку. 14. — Посмотри, снег покрыл вс¸ вокруг. — Да, наконец-тонаступила зима. 15. — Вы сдали экзамен? — Все студенты сдали, а Нина — нет. Мы вообще не видели е¸ в последнее время.

1. Jack passed the exams easily.

2. We met some friends at the airport.

3.Did you buy this jacket in England?


10 Июнь, 20



we met some friends at the airport

did you buy that jacket in England



10 Июнь, 20

Test 1. Выбери правильный ответ ( нужный тип Conditional ), переведи правильно полученное предложение, укажи тип условного придаточного предложения:

1.If I knew his address, I ___ him. A- visited B-would visit C- had visited
2.If Sue ___ anybody the news, it won’t be a secret. A- tells B- had told C- told
3. If Tom ___ the bus, he would have come to the meeting on time. A- hasn’t missed B- missed C-hadn’t missed
4.If I see Jill, I ___ her to call you. A- would remind B- will remind C- has reminded
5.If I were you, I ___ the red dress. A- had chosen B- would choose C- choose
6.If Mike joined the studio, he ___ a great dancer. A- had become B- would become C- will become
7.We will stay at this hotel provided it ___ much. A- doesn’t cost B- didn’t cost C- hadn’t cost
8.If Mark ___ for the job, he would have got it. A- applies B- will apply C- had applied
9.If Jack hadn’t passed all the exams, he ___ the university. A- wouldn’t have finished B-didn’t finish C-hadn’t finished
10.If he had phoned me, I ___ him the home task. A- would have told B- would tell C- told
11.I won’t believe you unless you ___ clear evidence. A- give B- will give C- had given
12.If I found a purse, I ___ it back to the owner. A- would give B- had given C- will give

. Jack has passed the interview and he’s very happy. 2. I’m afraid the manager has not come yet. 3. Thank you for everything that you have done for us. 4. I have already studied  the telexes from Paris and I have written  the answers. 5. I’m afraid he has forgetten that you are waiting for him. 6. have You had dinner yet? 7. I have not seen my boss this week. He has fallen ill.8. They have  just called and invited us to lunch. 9. — Where is Mr. Green? — He has gone to the bank. 10. My little cousin  has already learnt to read. 11. No news has come yet from our office in London. 12. Someone has eaten all the cakes and I have  not even tasted one! 13. Remember that your children have already grown up
14.This Hollywood star has lived  a long and interesting life. 15. I have not looked through my favourite magazine yet. 16. My mother has thrown away the yogurt. It’s too old. 17. I have cut  my finger badly. It hurts. 18. She has already made different sandwiches for lunch. They are on the plates. 19. She has been very lonely lately. 20. We have not met recently. We have been very busy lately.

Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.
1. —Have  You seen the latest video game? — No. I have not seen it yet. I am not a gameaholic. 2. Sorry, I think I have lost the file. Have You seen  it? — No, I have not seen it. 3. My computer has crashed. May I use yours? 4. You’re late. The plane has already taken off  5. Hurrah! We have won the match! We’re the champions now. 6. Your taxi has  just arrived. 7. I’m afraid Fiona isn’t here. She has left  the office. 8. — Hi, John. I  have not seen you for ages! — Hi, Ted. I’m sorry that I have not beenin touch with you recently. I have really beeen very busy all this time. 9. — Have You finished  the report yet? — No, I have written  only half of it. 10. — Have you spoken to your parents today? — I have just called them. 11. — Have They replied to your email? — Yes, we have  just got  a fax from them. 12. Have You seen my mobile? I’m sure I have left it here. 13. They say that this bank has collapsed and many people have lost  their savings. 14. At last I have done  what I have always wanted to do. 15. Look! It has stopped  raining and the sun has come out. 16. Since October the dollar has fallen by 10 percent against the other main currencies.

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: vicatocsocoriginal


Автор ответа: dilosik2307


1)What is Jack will do if he doesn’t pass his exams?
2)If the Helen will be a pilot,she will travel a lot.
3)Your boss will be surprised if you don’t wan’t do well in the interview.
4)If Mandy will study hard at university she will get a good degree
5)Jan doesn’t won’t to call the hotel reseptionist if she didn’t need anything.

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умоляю срочно решите это✊✊✊

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-19 2/3:(-1/2)=
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Помогите решить задачу!, в трех одинаковых классах всего 75 парт сколько парт в 5 таких же классах?

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