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                                   A place I can recommend to visit

There are a lot of wonderful places I can recommend to visit. As for me, the most beautiful one is Kamianets-Podilskiy, because it is interesting to see the incredible fortresses which were guarding the city. Also it is really breathtaking view. But this city is something more than only fortresses, old towns with elegant architecture and lively nightlife, unspoilt forests with teeming wildlife round the fortresses and many other interesting things in this pretty old city. I think this is a great place to spend a few days studying it and enjoying amazing views.

summer heat, entertainment centre, aqua park, mineral spring, tropical climate, indoor beach

1 act- I like it

2 dance I often do it

I love sports. Because sport always helps to be self-confident. And you will always be healthy. There are different kinds of sports. For example, football, basketball, etc. There are also difficulties in sports. the essence of sport. If you go in for sports you will always be in shape. And you have to eat right. That’s why I love sports

1) You would have done it 10 times better
2) The boy would have passed his exams ( if he hadn’t been late because of the traffic)
3) They would have saved the man ( if the ambulance car hadn’t come too late)
4) She would have won the prize ( if luck hadn’t been against her)

Что вообще сделать-то надо было?

1) I don’t often play with my little sister. 
2) We don’t like big dogs. 
3) You don’t your homework every day. 
4) Sometimes they don’t go to the cinema. 
5) Rex doesn’t lives in a doghouse. 
6) He doesn’t play the piano very well. 
7) Не isn’t drinking milk now. 
8) You aren’t wearing jeans today. 
9) I am not watching TV at the moment.
1. Liza is going to the cinema now. 
2. Bob drinks tea twice a day. 
3. I learn English every day. 
4. Peter is wearing his new jeans today. 
5. She is eating an apple at the moment. 
6. Do you often cook dinner? 
7. She doesn’t write letters very often. 
8. Look! My brother is riding his new bike. 
Always, usually, often, never, seldom, sometimes, today, now, at the moment.


    • Предмет:

      Английский язык

    • Автор:


    • Создано:

      3 года назад

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  • Математика

    1 минута назад

    Ребяятт, сколько будет 8*13? ПОМОГИТЕЕЕЕЕЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТАААААА

  • Контрольная по геометрии

  • Помогите решить задачу по истории СРОЧНО!!!

  • Вычислить arccos (-1)

  • Русский язык

    2 минуты назад

    Семейная прогулка Воскресным днём как обычно мы всей семьёй пошли гулять в зимнем парке несмотря на погоду. Конечно каждый раз мама волнуется что мы простынем. А бабушка её переубеждает так как знает что прогулки полезны. Но едва подует ветерок мы идём домой. С братом мы любим кататься на ледяных горках а если выходят ребята с соседних дворов нам становится веселее оттого что мы вместе можем поиграть и слепить снеговика. И каждый раз мы возвращались с прогулки домой очень счастливыми хотя мама нас часто ругает за промокшую одежду. Лишь отец посмеялся и сказал чтобы мы проводили время с друзьями пока маленькие. РАССТАВИТЬ ЗАПЯТЫЕ!!!!!! помогите пожалуйста, срочно​


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Решите пожалуйста вот это
P.s. Заранее спасибо
Исправьте ошибки:

1. Liza goes to the cinema now.
2. Bob drink tea twice a day.
3. I am learning English every day.
4. Peter wear his new jeans today.
5. She eats an apple at the moment.
6. Do you cook dinner often?
7. She doesn’t writes letters very often.
8. Look! My brother ride his new bike.

Переведите на английский язык слова:

Всегда……………….., обычно……………….., часто……………….., никогда………….
Редко…………………., иногда……………….., сегодня…………….., сейчас…………..,
в данный момент………………

Переделайте в отрицательное предложение:

1) I often play with my little sister.
2) We like big dogs.
3) You do your homework every day.
4) Sometimes they go to the cinema.
5) Rex lives in a doghouse.
6) He plays the piano very well.
7) Не is drinking milk now.
8) You are wearing jeans today.
9) I am watching TV at the moment.

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1) I don`t often play with my little sister. 
2) We don`t like big dogs. 
3) You don`t your homework every day. 
4) Sometimes they don`t go to the cinema. 
5) Rex doesn`t lives in a doghouse. 
6) He doesn`t play the piano very well. 
7) Не isn`t drinking milk now. 
8) You aren`t wearing jeans today. 
9) I am not watching TV at the moment.

1. Liza is going to the cinema now. 
2. Bob drinks tea twice a day. 
3. I learn English every day. 
4. Peter is wearing his new jeans today. 
5. She is eating an apple at the moment. 
6. Do you often cook dinner? 
7. She doesn’t write letters very often. 
8. Look! My brother is riding his new bike. 
Always, usually, often, never, seldom, sometimes, today, now, at the moment.

  • Комментариев (0)

1. It sometimes snows here in April. 2. It is snowing now. 3. Every morning mother cooks breakfast for us. 4. It is 8 o’clock now. Mother  is cooking breakfast. 5. Every day father leaves the house at half past eight. 6. Now it is half past eight. Father is leaving the house. 7. We often watch TV. 8. Now we are sitting in armchairs and watch TV. 9. Sometimes Mike does his lessons in the evening. 10. Look at Mike. He is doing his lessons. 11. It often rains in September. 12. It is raining now. 13. Every day the family has tea at 5 oclock. 14. It is 5 o’clock now. The family is having tea.
И вообще, тут как я понял present simple и present continious. Заметь, где present simple всегда стоят наречия времени(когда и как часто) ofthen, always, sometimes и т. Д. Т. Е. Всегда смотрим телевизор, отец уходит каждый день.
А present continious это что ты делаешь прям сейчас. Я сейчас смотрю телевизор, я сейчас иду в школу, мы сейчас едим. Понятно более менее? 
Просто не стоит «тупо» скатывать, инглиш всем нужен

Английский язык, 03.03.2019 04:00

Перевод в оригинальном стиле. it is cold. a chill wind blows from the bosphorus. we had come on our trip in late march, expecting sunshine and mild heat, and found hail-storms. when it rains in istanbul the narrow streets below the bazaar become torrents, impossible to walk through. from the grounds of the topkapi the skyline of the city, like an array of upturned shields andspears, is unreal. the tourists murmur, pass on. turbans, fountains. images out of the arabian nights. our hotel is in the new part of istanbul, near the hilton, overlooking the bosphorus, across which there is a newly built bridge. standing on the balcony you can look from europe to asia. there are few places in the world where, poised on one continent, you can gaze over a strip of water at another. we hadwanted something more exotic. no more alpine chalets and villas in spain. we need yet another holiday, but a different holiday. we thought of the east. we imagined a landscape of minarets and domes out of the arabian nights. however, i pointed out the political uncertainties of the middle east to my wife. she is sensitive to such things. in london bombs go off in the hilton and restaurants in mayfair.»well, turkey then — istanbul,» she said — we had the brochures open on the table, with their photographs of the blue mosque — «that’s not the middle east. istanbul is in europe.»

Ответов: 4


Ответ:1. Liza is going to the cinema now. 

2. Bob drinks tea twice a day. 

3. I learn English every day. 

4. Peter is wearing his new jeans today. 

5. She is eating an apple at the moment. 

6. Do you often cook dinner? 

7. She doesn’t write letters very often. 

8. Look! My brother is riding his new bike. 


4 votes
Thanks 6

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

    1 begins

    2 are running

    3 get/switch/brush

    4 ‘m doing

    5 is taking

    6 have

    7 leave is sitting

    8 is driving

    9 ‘m taking

    2 зад

    1 a

    2 b

    3 d

    4 b

    5 b

    6 b

    7 b


    1 liza is going

    2 drinks

    3  i learn english

    4 wears

    5 she is eating

    6 do you often cook dinner

    8 write без s

    1. Ответ

      Ответ дан

    2. Ответ

      Ответ дан

    3. Ответ

      Ответ дан

    4. Ответ

      Ответ дан

      я лучшим комментом не могу сделать(


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