Joomla ошибка 1267

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Добрый день!
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Вышла ошибка 1267:

Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_general_ci,COERCIBLE) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'like'

Не могу найти лекарства.
Буду вам очень признателен, если направите, в каком направлении копать.

Сделать бэкап и попробовать выполнить sql запрос

ALTER DATABASE `dbname` CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
ALTER TABLE `tablename` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;

имеется ввиду таблица, откуда данные берутся.

I set up a restoration for one site and got the error message. I am not understanding though what is causing the issue? Looking at the error I noticed an ID at the end «WHERE = ‘235» and went into the extension manager but there is no extension showing with an ID of 235.

Here is the error message I get on the frontend after running the update from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1.

1267 Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation ‘locate’ SQL=SELECT, AS item_id,m.title,,m.type,@tmp_search := ‘»menu-meta_description»:»‘ AS tmp_search, @tmp_search_len := LENGTH(@tmp_search) AS tmp_search_len, @start := LOCATE(@tmp_search, m.params) AS tmp_start, @end := LOCATE(‘»‘, m.params, @start + @tmp_search_len) AS tmp_end, TRIM(SUBSTRING(m.params, @start + @tmp_search_len, @end — @start — @tmp_search_len)) AS metadescription,»» AS description,@tmp_search := ‘»page_title»:»‘ AS tmp_search, @tmp_search_len := LENGTH(@tmp_search) AS tmp_search_len, @start := LOCATE(@tmp_search, m.params) AS tmp_start, @end := LOCATE(‘»‘, m.params, @start + @tmp_search_len) AS tmp_end, TRIM(SUBSTRING(m.params, @start + @tmp_search_len, @end — @start — @tmp_search_len)) AS metatitle,e.element as extension FROM #__menu AS m LEFT JOIN `#__extensions` AS e ON m.component_id = e.extension_id WHERE = ‘235’

I try to update some website that run in Joomla 3.4.8. and 3.5.0. Everytime I have tried to update them to 3.5.1 or to the latest 3.6.0. an error is displayed on Homepage like this:

Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'locate' SQL=SELECT, AS item_id,m.title,,m.type,@tmp_search := '"menu-meta_description":"' AS tmp_search, @tmp_search_len := LENGTH(@tmp_search) AS tmp_search_len, @start := LOCATE(@tmp_search, m.params) AS tmp_start, @end := LOCATE('"', m.params, @start + @tmp_search_len) AS tmp_end, TRIM(SUBSTRING(m.params, @start + @tmp_search_len, @end - @start - @tmp_search_len)) AS metadescription,"" AS description,@tmp_search := '"page_title":"' AS tmp_search, @tmp_search_len := LENGTH(@tmp_search) AS tmp_search_len, @start := LOCATE(@tmp_search, m.params) AS tmp_start, @end := LOCATE('"', m.params, @start + @tmp_search_len) AS tmp_end, TRIM(SUBSTRING(m.params, @start + @tmp_search_len, @end - @start - @tmp_search_len)) AS metatitle,e.element as extension FROM #__menu AS m LEFT JOIN #__extensions AS e ON m.component_id = e.extension_id WHERE = '101'

Although in admin area seems to have the 3.6.0. version, the site crashes and the Homepage displays the error.

I have tried a lot of things the past two months like setting through phpMyAdmin all the collations to "utf8_general_ci" or "utf8mb4_unicode_ci" but none of these have fixed the problem.

I’d really appreciate if anybody could help me with this.

Thank you,



  1. Hello,

    I’ve got this error on my form page since i’ve done the joomla 3.5 update :
    Illegal mix of collations (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation ‘=’ SQL=SELECT *, AS name, AS id, e.published AS published, e.label AS label,e.plugin, e.params AS params, e.access AS access, e.ordering AS ordering FROM #__fabrik_elements AS e INNER JOIN #__extensions AS p ON p.element = e.plugin WHERE group_id IN (4) AND p.folder = «fabrik_element» AND e.published != -2 ORDER BY group_id, e.ordering

    Could you help me?

    Best regards,


  2. Same problem:
    Error: 1267 — Illegal mix of collations (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation ‘=’ SQL=SELECT *, AS name, AS id, e.published AS published, e.label AS label,e.plugin, e.params AS params, e.access AS access, e.ordering AS ordering FROM #__fabrik_elements AS e INNER JOIN #__extensions AS p ON p.element = e.plugin WHERE group_id IN (12,14,15) AND p.folder = «fabrik_element» AND e.published != -2 ORDER BY group_id, e.ordering

    Latest GitHub installed..

  3. Same problem here:
    Illegal mix of collations (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation ‘=’ SQL=SELECT *, AS name, AS id, e.published AS published, e.label AS label,e.plugin, e.params AS params, e.access AS access, e.ordering AS ordering FROM #__fabrik_elements AS e INNER JOIN #__extensions AS p ON p.element = e.plugin WHERE group_id IN (3) AND p.folder = «fabrik_element» AND e.published != -2 ORDER BY group_id, e.ordering

  4. I assume this is when trying to display the element list?
    I can’t replicate.
    What are your exact system settings?
    Exact Fabrik version?
    Can you post your «System informations»

  5. Facing the same problem (I have to admit, I didn’t have the latest github version installed). Currently have no time to dig deeper, but I have found this issue discussion for joomla:

  6. rob

    Staff Member

    Please back up your db then try to run this query in php myadmin

    ALTER TABLE  #__fabrik_elements CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

    replace ‘#_’ with your db prefix

  7. I take it it’s not safe to upgrade yet?

  8. Never without a complete backup;)

    This issue seems to be related to your existing DB colloation and/or to your MySQL version. I couldn’t replicate on my test site…

    It’s not a security update so for a live site I would do it in a sandbox first(and/or wait a bit).

  9. At this stage I would recommend testing it with a testdev installation.

  10. shouldn’t it be

    ALTER TABLE  #__extensions CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

    as utf8_general_ci is the standard for mysql? May be the installation is on that utf8_unicode_ci collation.

  11. This fixed the problem for me. Thanks for your advise Rob.

  12. Nice to hear. Have you other tables with collation utf8_general_ci in your joomla database?

  13. The problem is that Joomla3.5 is converting all Joomla core tables (only Joomla, not other extensions) to utf8mb4_unicode_ci.
    Which may (or may not) break joins to these tables.

    I couldn’t replicate the error with Joomla tables set to utf8mb4_unicode_ci.

    The reported error says «utf8_unicode_ci», so may be some MySQL versions don’t know utf8mb4_unicode_ci and are setting utf8_unicode_ci instead (with #__extensions = utf8_unicode_ci and #__fabrik_elements = utf8_general_ci the error is replicatable.

  14. You got it troester — and what a mess.
    I feel bad for any Joomla 3rd party developer today. What were ‘the powers that be’ at Joomla thinking — allowing this update to be included as if it was just another routine mundane update? (I fell for the ‘Update Now’ click bait and have been struggling all day to make my site work again.)

    I think everyone is forgetting that the collation/charset is set at many levels: server, database, table and column.

    The error (I’m getting it too) is coming at the column level — because Joomla tables are now all modified so that both the tables and columns are using utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation, while none of the 3rd party tables are. The Fabrik github update does not address the collation/charset at the column level — nor do any of the suggestions made in this thread. There were a LOT of Joomla updates today from 3rd party developers — but I have yet to come across any which properly addressed this column-level issue — and that includes developers, besides Fabrik, who I have always found to be the most ‘on top’ of things, like NoNumber and Akeeba.

    Someone needs to dissect the code used by Joomla and write some php code that repeats that process for all Fabrik lists/tables. I have always said that Fabrik should have some sort of ‘maintenance’ script for handling problems like this — where, when needed, it is part of a github update and gets run once, verified as successful, then deleted. It seems that would be less trouble than always writing extra code that dances around changes and adds more complexity to the code, because of worries of ‘backward compatibility’.

  15. This is really setting table AND column collations (I didn’t know before, too, but you can just try).

    A GitHub update won’t do any database modification, you have to do an update via Joomla updater after the new Fabrik version is out (or do it manually, if you have own joins in you custom code).
    But as I’ve said:
    As far as I can see on my site the Joomla collation change is no problem if your DB is accepting utf8mb4_unicode_ci.

  16. For me, the Joomla update failed initially when it came across a table that had ROW_FORMAT set to COMPACT. (The same problem discussed here…

    In order for this change to utf8mb4_unicode_ci to work, there are 3 prerequisites, as explained here…

    So I had to manually set all that first — then add a few lines to my.cnf file of mySql.

    But the Joomla updater still doesn’t fix the issue that causes the error raised in this thread.
    Here is the final results shown once I finally got the Joomla ‘Fix’ to complete in the Manage — Database tab.

    • Database schema version (in #__schemas): 3.5.0-2016-03-01.
    • Update version (in #__extensions): 3.5.0.
    • Database driver: mysqli.
    • 93 database changes were checked successfully.
    • 145 database changes did not alter table structure and were skipped.

    Note the last line.

    The ‘Illegal mix of collations’ error will still exist on any tables where a query is being made on any joined tables with records that include a mix of non-compatible collation types.

    As far as I was able to determine, after researching this all day yesterday, there is no easy way to change the column-level collation in every table of a database.

    So I wrote some php code that loops through all tables and changes the collation at the column level (for all columns in all tables that have non-null settings for collation). I have no idea if that was the thing to do, or if I broke anything elsewhere, but at least now my Fabrik lists with joined data seems to work again.

    This error, and the reason for it, was discussed in this thread at last week — yet they released it anyhow…

    I’m very disappointed in the Joomla development team for not thinking this one through.

    Addendum: I’m just wondering if this is only happening for users using the InnoDB storage engine — maybe explaining why you see no problem — are you using MyISAM?

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2016

  17. Not sure what the Manage/Database is doing. This last line can be seen always.

    I didn’t read the thread in details (@wezetel mentioned it already) but I think their main argument is «don’t join to J! tables…»:(

    As I’ve said the collation change seems to be no problem IF your server is accepting utf8bm4 AND your database (+ existing tables…) has somethink like utf8_general_ci

    If J! can’t change to utf8bm4_unicode_ci they «downgrade» to utf8_unicode_ci and this is conflicting with any (old J! standard) utf8_general_ci

  18. Well, the issue is only if you join on text fields. Which isn’t a common thing to do, as obviously most joins are on integer PK’s. But we did do it in one place, where we fetch all the element plugins used in a form, where we were joining the #__extensions row with our #_fabrik_elements table, and the only way to do it was to join on the ‘element’ field.

    The good news is that I’m pretty sure we didn’t really need to join the #__extensions table anyway. So I’ve committed a fix to github that simply removes that join:

    So hopefully we don’t have to worry about the collation changes.

    If people could test that fix, I’d appreciate it, as I need to get a 3.4.3 build out ASAP. For this build, I’ve branched github just prior to the «modal merge» on March 9th which has introduced a fair number of instabilities which are going to take a little while to iron out. To that branch I’ve applied the necessary fixes for 3.5:

    So if anyone want to test that branch, that would be extra helpful.

    — hugh

  19. OK, just to close this one out, looks like rewriting the query worked, no need to worry about collation issues.

    Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

  20. is it safe to upgrade to 3.5 now? i see i’m being prompted to upgrade my fabrik install now too.

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