Кластер ошибка 1460

При добавлении нового узла в существующий и работающий кластер появляется сообщение об ошибке и узел не добавляется:

Выполнялась команда:

cluster /addnode /node: «storage_00»

Результат выполнения:

Настройка узла storage_00

12% Проверка состояния кластера на узле storage_00.

25% Получение текущего членства узла на кластере GIPRO.

37% Добавление узла storage_00 к данным конфигурации кластера.

50% Проверка установки виртуального адаптера отказоустойчивого кластера корпорации Майкрософт на узле storage_00.

62% Проверка установки драйвера дисков кластера на узле storage_00.

75% Настройка службы кластеров на узле storage_00.

87% Запуск службы кластеров на узле storage_00.

100% Ожидание уведомления о полной функциональности узла storage_00 как члена кластера.Сбой фазы объекта кластера «storage_00» с состоянием ошибки 1460 (0x000005B4). Очистка storage_00. Произошла системная ошибка: 1460 (000005b4). Возврат из операции
произошёл из-за превышения времени ожидания.

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  • I’m trying to create a brand new two node Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise 64bit cluster.  When I try with the GUI I get the following:

    An error occurred while creating the cluster.
    An error occurred creating cluster ‘printcluster’.
    This operation returned because the timeout period expired

    When I try via command prompt using the following command:

    cluster /cluster:PrintServices /create /nodes:»node1 node2″ /ipaddr:

    I get the following:

      4% Initializing Cluster PrintServices.
      9% Validating cluster state on node <node1>.
     13% Searching the domain for computer object PrintServices
     18% Creating a new computer object for PrintServices in the domain
     22% Configuring computer object PrintServices as cluster name object
     27% Validating installation of the Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter on node <node1>.
     31% Validating installation of the Cluster Disk Driver on node <node1>.
     36% Configuring Cluster Service on node <node1>.
     40% Validating installation of the Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter on node <node2>.
     45% Validating installation of the Cluster Disk Driver on node <node2>.
     50% Configuring Cluster Service on node <node2>.
     54% Starting Cluster Service on node <node1>.
     54% Starting Cluster Service on node <node2>.
     59% Forming cluster PrintServices.This phase has failed for Cluster object ‘PrintServices’ with an error status of 1460 (0x000005B4).
    Cleaning up <node1>.
    Cleaning up <node2>.
    Cleaning up PrintServices.

    When I run a Cluster validation, I get 100% Green, no errors.

    My disks are SAN Attached.

    I have other Windows 2008 non-R2 clusters that never had this problem…  Any ideas?


    Paul S


  • Hi Paul,

    I suggest trying the following steps to troubleshoot this issue:

    1.  Open Registry Editor. 

    2.  Locate the following registry subkey:


    3.  Under this subkey, find the subkey that holds a DriverDesc string value entry whose value is «Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter.» 

    4.  Under the subkey that you found in step 3, add the following string value registry entry:

    Name: DatalinkAddress

    Value data: 02-AA-BB-CC-DD-01

    5.  Restart the computer. 

    6.  Repeat step 1 through step 5 on other computers on which you experience this problem. When you do this on other computers, replace the value data of the registry with different values in order to set a unique value for each node. For example, set the value on the second node to 02-AA-BB-CC-DD-02, and set value on the third node to 02-AA-BB-CC-DD-03. If you notice this behavior on distinct clusters, make sure that you use an address for each node that is unique across all clusters. 

    7.  On each computer that you want to make a cluster node, use the Server Manager console to remove the Failover Clustering feature. 

    8.  Restart each computer from which you have removed the Failover Clustering feature. 

    9.  Add the Failover Clustering feature on all these computers again. 

    10.  Run cluster validation against these computers. 

    11.  Try creating a cluster. 

    If the issue persists, please let me know what errors are logged in Event Logs.

    Tim Quan — MSFT

    • Marked as answer by

      Tuesday, October 13, 2009 1:58 AM

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  • I’m trying to create a brand new two node Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise 64bit cluster.  When I try with the GUI I get the following:

    An error occurred while creating the cluster.
    An error occurred creating cluster ‘printcluster’.
    This operation returned because the timeout period expired

    When I try via command prompt using the following command:

    cluster /cluster:PrintServices /create /nodes:»node1 node2″ /ipaddr:

    I get the following:

      4% Initializing Cluster PrintServices.
      9% Validating cluster state on node <node1>.
     13% Searching the domain for computer object PrintServices
     18% Creating a new computer object for PrintServices in the domain
     22% Configuring computer object PrintServices as cluster name object
     27% Validating installation of the Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter on node <node1>.
     31% Validating installation of the Cluster Disk Driver on node <node1>.
     36% Configuring Cluster Service on node <node1>.
     40% Validating installation of the Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter on node <node2>.
     45% Validating installation of the Cluster Disk Driver on node <node2>.
     50% Configuring Cluster Service on node <node2>.
     54% Starting Cluster Service on node <node1>.
     54% Starting Cluster Service on node <node2>.
     59% Forming cluster PrintServices.This phase has failed for Cluster object ‘PrintServices’ with an error status of 1460 (0x000005B4).
    Cleaning up <node1>.
    Cleaning up <node2>.
    Cleaning up PrintServices.

    When I run a Cluster validation, I get 100% Green, no errors.

    My disks are SAN Attached.

    I have other Windows 2008 non-R2 clusters that never had this problem…  Any ideas?


    Paul S


  • Hi Paul,

    I suggest trying the following steps to troubleshoot this issue:

    1.  Open Registry Editor. 

    2.  Locate the following registry subkey:


    3.  Under this subkey, find the subkey that holds a DriverDesc string value entry whose value is «Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter.» 

    4.  Under the subkey that you found in step 3, add the following string value registry entry:

    Name: DatalinkAddress

    Value data: 02-AA-BB-CC-DD-01

    5.  Restart the computer. 

    6.  Repeat step 1 through step 5 on other computers on which you experience this problem. When you do this on other computers, replace the value data of the registry with different values in order to set a unique value for each node. For example, set the value on the second node to 02-AA-BB-CC-DD-02, and set value on the third node to 02-AA-BB-CC-DD-03. If you notice this behavior on distinct clusters, make sure that you use an address for each node that is unique across all clusters. 

    7.  On each computer that you want to make a cluster node, use the Server Manager console to remove the Failover Clustering feature. 

    8.  Restart each computer from which you have removed the Failover Clustering feature. 

    9.  Add the Failover Clustering feature on all these computers again. 

    10.  Run cluster validation against these computers. 

    11.  Try creating a cluster. 

    If the issue persists, please let me know what errors are logged in Event Logs.

    Tim Quan — MSFT

    • Marked as answer by

      Tuesday, October 13, 2009 1:58 AM

Hi all,

I have a Hyper-V Failover Cluster that is connected to CSV on an HP MSA 1040 SAN over iSCSI. Over the weekend, one of that management cards on the SAN failed. When it failed over to the secondary card, the storage pool was quarantined. I worked with HP to get the pool de-quarantined and am awaiting arrival of the replacement management card. However, my Hyper-V cluster is unable to access the CSV that has my VM store on it. The quorum appears to be working fine.

Both the quorum and the CSV in question (VMStore01 from here on) show as online in Failover Cluster Manager. I am able to see the total size and free space of VMStore01. Any guest VMs I try to turn on fail due to not being able to see their VHDs. In disk management, I can see the disk associated with VMStore01. I am able to browse to the ClusterStorage folder from both nodes and see that there is a VMStore01 folder in there, but I cannot open said folder. The targets for the CSV show as connected in iSCSI initiator on both nodes and the SAN shows that it is connected to both nodes as well.

The error that I’m seeing in failover cluster manager is «Cluster Shared Volume ‘VMStore01’ (‘VMStore01’) is no longer accessible from this cluster node because of error ‘(1460)’. Please troubleshoot this node’s connectivity to the storage device and network connectivity.» 

I have verified that Client for Microsoft Networks and File and Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks is enabled on all relevant NICs. I’m not really sure where to go from here so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cannot build cluster on Windows 2008 Server. It cannot pass the «Forming cluster» phase. I tried GUI and command mode on node1, node2, DC.

Information and error:

Node 1 (server1): Windows Server 2008 Enterprise SP2 (64bits)
Node 2 (server2): Windows Server 2008 Enterprise SP2 (64bits)
Domain Controller: Windows Server 2008 Standard SP2 (32bits)

— Passed Cluster validation checking
— If i run «cluster.exe /forcecleanup», it will say Invalid option ‘forcecleanup.
— I  use remote desktop to access all computer during installation.
— Windows Firewall Turn on and allow all Inbound and Outbound connection. One rule created to allow «No authorization» for above Node1 and Node2. Same config on Domain controller.
— During the installation of cluster, i saw new computer object can be created on DC.
— Assigned «Domain Admin, User, Administrator» to Node1 and Node2

Strange problem:  All server cannot perform windows update now.
Event ID: 20  (Window update Error Code 80070490)
Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070490: Update for Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition (KB976098).

Event ID: 1570
Node ‘server1’ failed to establish a communication session while joining the cluster. This was due to an authentication failure. Please verify that the nodes are running compatible versions of the cluster service software.

Event ID: 4625
Resetting the IPSec security association timeout registry value failed during cluster node cleanup. This is because the IPSec security association timeout was modified after this machine was configured to be a member of a cluster. For manual cleanup, execute the ‘cluster.exe’ command on this machine with the ‘forcecleanup’ option specified. Alternatively, you may reset the IPSec security association timeout by deleting the ‘SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesIKEEXTParametersNLBSFlags’ value and the ‘SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesIKEEXTParametersFailoverClusterRestoreNLBSFlags’ value from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the Windows registry.

Добрый день! Подскажите пож-та кто нибудь сталкивался с такой проблемой при создании кластера. Конфигурация следующая: есть SAN массив Clariion cx4-120 два лезвия в блейде HP-ProLiant BL460c G6 с Windows sp1 R2. SAN подключен по Fibre Channel на нём сознано пространство LUN и презентовано обоим серверам. С серверов всё видится цепляется, отцепляется!
При проверки конфигурации кластера абсолютно все тесты проходят без ошибок. На серверах 2 сетевухи с адресами, на одном и, на втором ip адрес кластера подразумевается Но при создании кластера на 59 процентах происходит затык и создание кластера обрывается. С ошибкой 1406….
Вот как всё выглядит:
Команда: cluster /cluster:PrintServices /create /nodes:»node1 node2″ /ipaddr:

4% Initializing Cluster PrintServices.
9% Validating cluster state on node <node1>.
13% Searching the domain for computer object PrintServices
18% Creating a new computer object for PrintServices in the domain
22% Configuring computer object PrintServices as cluster name object
27% Validating installation of the Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter on node <node1>.
31% Validating installation of the Cluster Disk Driver on node <node1>.
36% Configuring Cluster Service on node <node1>.
40% Validating installation of the Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter on node <node2>.
45% Validating installation of the Cluster Disk Driver on node <node2>.
50% Configuring Cluster Service on node <node2>.
54% Starting Cluster Service on node <node1>.
54% Starting Cluster Service on node <node2>.
59% Forming cluster PrintServices.This phase has failed for Cluster object ‘PrintServices’ with an error status of 1460 (0x000005B4).
Cleaning up <node1>.
Cleaning up <node2>.
Cleaning up PrintServices.

Если кто сталкивался с проблемой подскажите пожалуйста!

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Server 2012 R2 WDS Error 1460

Hey guys,

Posting here because I can literally not find a solution to my issue anywhere.

Got 2 Deployment Servers, 1 of them is giving an error of 1460 to some clients that download the boot image.

The Following Client failed TFTP Download:

Client IP:

Filename: Bootx64ImagesLiteTouchPE_x64 4.wim

ErrorCode: 1460

File Size: 655285836

Client Port: 9005

Server Port: 56689

Variable Window: true

Both servers are on the same switch so I don’t think it’s a switch issue. Both servers also use the same boot image so I don’t think that’s the error either.

My TFTP Block Size is 16384, I’ve seen all the posts with the hotfix for Server 2008 however I don’t think that problem applies to me.

DHCP Runs on the host server (The deployment servers are VM’s)

Any ideas what could be causing it? Might just end up switching this VM off and making a new server.

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