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Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
Hello everyone,
im currently on a touble machine from a coworker and just cant find a way to get it work for long.
The machine, Xerox WC7232 stopped all functions with error code 089 — 311 (IBT Belt Home Position error). The coworker checked and replaced the IBT Belt sensor without long lasting success. Ive been at the machine yesterday because the error appeared again, due strong cracking and squeek noise i decided to replace the IBT Belt Unit itself.
I was able to get a few hundred copies after replacement and tought it would work, but customer just called again, the error code 089-311 appeared again.
Usually a simple restart of the machine may help for a few prints, but its annoying. Ive been told there�s a Hint / Tec Info in Eureka Database for 089-311 errors with new IBT Belt units, but i dont have details about it.
anyone can help?
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
Look IBT cleaning blade assy for waste toner if is full clean and clean way to waste toner container.
Chek 2BTR.
- Rep Power
- 23
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
Found the eureka Tec Tip about the IBT Belt drive roll bearing wich is kept in place by a simple rather thin metal plate wich can be deformed sometimes. This causes squeeky noise and can cause a bad /loose contact between drive roll and drive dock at the backside in the machine. We carefully pulled the metal back to its position to reduce / remove the free space. We also decided to replace the 2nd BTR Roller since its far from beeing good and may cause problems with the new IBT Belt unit.
At the moment, machine is working.
Last edited by leoace; 02-08-2012 at 04:36 PM.
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
Originally Posted by leoace
Found the eureka Tec Tip about the IBT Belt drive roll bearing wich is kept in place by a simple rather thin metal plate wich can be deformed sometimes. This causes squeeky noise and can cause a bad /loose contact between drive roll and drive dock at the backside in the machine. We carefully pulled the metal back to its position to reduce / remove the free space. We also decided to replace the 2nd BTR Roller since its far from beeing good and may cause problems with the new IBT Belt unit.
At the moment, machine is working.
Where is this plate / bearing located got one doing the same thing
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
PL 6.2 item 8,9 & 10. Check also rear contact arm and if the drum cartridge release lever- PL 6.1 item 8- is into corect position. If everything ok then you must check the home belt sensor if is good.
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
I cannot find the eureka docs for the belt assembly. Can anyone tell me how to take out the lbt belt and clean the patches ? I do not know
where the belt is located; how to see it, etc.Lee
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
If you dont know where the belt is located you need to call a tech. This is the best solution for you.
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
You are absolutely correct on having someone look at it.
Problem is ; I am in the middle of the great state of Idaho and there is not a dealer within 50 miles.
The machine has worked perfectly for many, many years. Only error code I have ever had.
If I had a manual, I could likely perform the fix. Have to do it all , out here.
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Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
Originally Posted by leeschlender
If I had a manual, I could likely perform the fix. Have to do it all , out here.
Check your Private Messages..
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
Thank you for the manual; it is really appreciated !!
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Xerox WorkCentre 7132 выдает ошибку 089-311
solo-81 » 13:32 — 03.11.09
привет всем вот ушь ни где не могу найти причину и правильную распиновкку этого кода ошибки Xerox WorkCentre 7132 выдает ошибку 089-311, кто знает объясните своими словами что это может быть и можно ли это устранить?
на оф сайте пишут что збой програмного софта но что та я сильно сомниваюсь, и причём тут софт, кароче я задолбался сним
solo-81 - мастер
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Сервис-центр СКАН » 14:41 — 02.12.09
Из всего что нашел по это ошибке… 089-311. Это ошибка внутреннего софта аппарата. Попробуйте отключить его, подождать 10 секунд и включить его снова….
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Xerox WC 7132 with error code 089-311
Hello everyone
I have a client with a Xerox WorkCentre 7132 full color copier that displays on power up error code 089-311 I am Ricoh tech so the newer Xerox models are bit of a challenge for us. I would be grateful for any help with a discription of the code and if there is a way to clear it. I don’t know how to enter the service modes so I could use your help or if a part would need to be replaced.
Thanks everyone
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The problem is the ibt belt sensor is not reading the silver patches on the edge of the ibt belt. They are either scratched or the sensor is dirty or faulty. Replace patches and clean or replace ibt belt sensor. This normally works for me.
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Originally Posted by tech9
The problem is the ibt belt sensor is not reading the silver patches on the edge of the ibt belt. They are either scratched or the sensor is dirty or faulty. Replace patches and clean or replace ibt belt sensor. This normally works for me.
Tech9 thanks for that info it’s appreciated.
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ibt belt part number if needed 064K92332
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Cool, Thanks for that info.
Originally Posted by MrXerox
ibt belt part number if needed 064K92332
Trade like a tiger sleep like a baby
hello, do not know if you’ve solved the problem of error 089-311, mais’tem a solution without buying a new belt, is the following, you have to open the front cover of the machine takes all the accessories, such as the photoreceptor , blade cleaning, everything, and then dismantle the whole front just after the fuser strip, and remove the belt, there will appear a few sensors, and wipe them with cotton cloth or sensitive, and then assemble everything back and turn, almost sure it works,.
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Originally Posted by eltonmaster
hello, do not know if you’ve solved the problem of error 089-311, mais’tem a solution without buying a new belt, is the following, you have to open the front cover of the machine takes all the accessories, such as the photoreceptor , blade cleaning, everything, and then dismantle the whole front just after the fuser strip, and remove the belt, there will appear a few sensors, and wipe them with cotton cloth or sensitive, and then assemble everything back and turn, almost sure it works,.
Really. I’ll try that out. Thanks very much for that info.
Trade like a tiger sleep like a baby
7132 Error code 89-311
I have the solution. Just remove the IBT belt and clean the home position sensors & the silver patch.
That’s it
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Originally Posted by dexters
I have the solution. Just remove the IBT belt and clean the home position sensors & the silver patch.
That’s itCool, thanks for that info.
Trade like a tiger sleep like a baby
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front cover,
ibt belt,
service modes,
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Xerox WorkCentre 7132 выдает ошибку 089-311
solo-81 » 13:32 — 03.11.09
привет всем вот ушь ни где не могу найти причину и правильную распиновкку этого кода ошибки Xerox WorkCentre 7132 выдает ошибку 089-311, кто знает объясните своими словами что это может быть и можно ли это устранить?
на оф сайте пишут что збой програмного софта но что та я сильно сомниваюсь, и причём тут софт, кароче я задолбался сним
solo-81 - мастер
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Сервис-центр СКАН » 14:41 — 02.12.09
Из всего что нашел по это ошибке… 089-311. Это ошибка внутреннего софта аппарата. Попробуйте отключить его, подождать 10 секунд и включить его снова….
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Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
Hello everyone,
im currently on a touble machine from a coworker and just cant find a way to get it work for long.
The machine, Xerox WC7232 stopped all functions with error code 089 — 311 (IBT Belt Home Position error). The coworker checked and replaced the IBT Belt sensor without long lasting success. Ive been at the machine yesterday because the error appeared again, due strong cracking and squeek noise i decided to replace the IBT Belt Unit itself.
I was able to get a few hundred copies after replacement and tought it would work, but customer just called again, the error code 089-311 appeared again.
Usually a simple restart of the machine may help for a few prints, but its annoying. Ive been told there�s a Hint / Tec Info in Eureka Database for 089-311 errors with new IBT Belt units, but i dont have details about it.
anyone can help?
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
Look IBT cleaning blade assy for waste toner if is full clean and clean way to waste toner container.
Chek 2BTR.
- Rep Power
- 24
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
Found the eureka Tec Tip about the IBT Belt drive roll bearing wich is kept in place by a simple rather thin metal plate wich can be deformed sometimes. This causes squeeky noise and can cause a bad /loose contact between drive roll and drive dock at the backside in the machine. We carefully pulled the metal back to its position to reduce / remove the free space. We also decided to replace the 2nd BTR Roller since its far from beeing good and may cause problems with the new IBT Belt unit.
At the moment, machine is working.
Last edited by leoace; 02-08-2012 at 03:36 PM.
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
Originally Posted by leoace
Found the eureka Tec Tip about the IBT Belt drive roll bearing wich is kept in place by a simple rather thin metal plate wich can be deformed sometimes. This causes squeeky noise and can cause a bad /loose contact between drive roll and drive dock at the backside in the machine. We carefully pulled the metal back to its position to reduce / remove the free space. We also decided to replace the 2nd BTR Roller since its far from beeing good and may cause problems with the new IBT Belt unit.
At the moment, machine is working.
Where is this plate / bearing located got one doing the same thing
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
PL 6.2 item 8,9 & 10. Check also rear contact arm and if the drum cartridge release lever- PL 6.1 item 8- is into corect position. If everything ok then you must check the home belt sensor if is good.
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
I cannot find the eureka docs for the belt assembly. Can anyone tell me how to take out the lbt belt and clean the patches ? I do not know
where the belt is located; how to see it, etc.Lee
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
If you dont know where the belt is located you need to call a tech. This is the best solution for you.
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
You are absolutely correct on having someone look at it.
Problem is ; I am in the middle of the great state of Idaho and there is not a dealer within 50 miles.
The machine has worked perfectly for many, many years. Only error code I have ever had.
If I had a manual, I could likely perform the fix. Have to do it all , out here.
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Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
Originally Posted by leeschlender
If I had a manual, I could likely perform the fix. Have to do it all , out here.
Check your Private Messages..
Re: Workcentre 7232 Error Code 089 — 311
Thank you for the manual; it is really appreciated !!
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Xerox WorkCentre 7132 выдает ошибку 089-311
solo-81 » 13:32 — 03.11.09
привет всем вот ушь ни где не могу найти причину и правильную распиновкку этого кода ошибки Xerox WorkCentre 7132 выдает ошибку 089-311, кто знает объясните своими словами что это может быть и можно ли это устранить?
на оф сайте пишут что збой програмного софта но что та я сильно сомниваюсь, и причём тут софт, кароче я задолбался сним
solo-81 - мастер
- Сообщения: 487
- Зарегистрирован: 11:25 — 03.06.08
- Баллы репутации: 0
Сервис-центр СКАН » 14:41 — 02.12.09
Из всего что нашел по это ошибке… 089-311. Это ошибка внутреннего софта аппарата. Попробуйте отключить его, подождать 10 секунд и включить его снова….
Сервис-центр СКАН - Помощник админа Консультант
- Сообщения: 966
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